THE MOBNJNG:' OREQONIAN, WEDNESDAY.1 PJSeEMBER 1,0, 1902. 13' SHORTAGE ON SUGAR All Grades of Refined Take Ano'-her Advance. CANE AND BEET 20 CENTS UP Raw Sngrar Advancing All Over the "World Active Trade la Green find Country Pfoduce. Sugar moved up 20c per 100 yesterday, an ad-ancc of COc la the past week and 80c in the fortnight. The advance, -which- was expect ed, covers all grades. Doth cane and beet. One reason for the strength of the sugar market is raid to De the short crop of beet sugar in Europe, which in Germany alone is estimated to amount to 1,200.000 ton. This shortage has caused a material advance of raw sugar all over the world, particularly in Germany, -which seems to be the present controlling fac tor in establishing the values of sugar. The raw sugar is today higher in Hamburg and in London than it is in the United States. Amer ica Is still compelled to draw a good portion of her supply from Europe. The refiners have to pay this advance, and in order to get out even, they necessarily have to advance the price of the refined article. The prices that have been ruling up to about GO days ago for the raw article have been the lowest ever ex isting, and far below the cost of production. . CORNER IX PRUNES. Chicago Syndicate Bays Up a Bloclc of TO Carloads. NEW YORK, Dec .(Special.) Prunes closed exceedingly strong In sympathy with higher values wired here from the Coast. A block of 2000 boxes was reported sold for ex port, the lot comprising sizes 40s to 60s In -25-pound boxes. The price Is understood to have been 64 a confidential wiro late today from authorlta t"e sources in San Jose confirmed a rumor current here to the effect that the syndicate of packers Interested are A. C. Kuhn, Garten laub & Co., R. Hersey and Porter Bros. Com pany. The wire stated that a block of 70 car loads was picked up In one district alone yes terday. The representatives of the packers here stale that they have not been advised of tho movement. "Well-informed brokers here state that the recent advance In values on the Coast is a direct result ot the attempt to cor ner stocks The sale of two carloads of 40-50s in 25-pound boxes, for December shipment from the Coast, was reported at OVlc f. o. b., and one car of California 30-40s at SMc t. o. b. Spot Oregon 30-40s show firmness, with a sale reported at 7'c On 40-50s, a bid of Gc was refused. There is a decided disposition In all quarters to hold fruit pending developments on the Coast. Spot salmon Is steady, but the demand is al together Jobbing in character. Values are un changed. Beans are inactive. Thfr local hop market continues dull, but as no supplies press for tale, values remain steady. Foreign markets are unchanged. t Hop Sale at -Scott' 31111. SALEM. Or. v Dec. 9. (Special.) C. D. Hart man, of Scott's Mills-, sold his hop crop of 2SS bales to John Carmlchael today. The price paid was 25c While sllll firm, the hop mar ket has not been vera active for the last to -Seeks. Growers' express'-Zonndcnc' In the Jan uary market, though they do not expect an ad vance this month. Sales are being made here at 25c. but neither dealers nor growers seem to bo very anxious to do business. Growers who are ready to sell have no trouble in getting 25c for choice. Manager Wlnrtanley, of the Hop Association, cays that as all hops now selling are for ex port, the movements of hops is strengthening the American market. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flonr, Feed, Etc. The general advance In the wheat markets of the world apparently has not affected the local situation. Portland exporters . say that prices here have been above a parity with foreign values, and are only now equalized by the advance elsewhere. They quote club wheat for shipping purposes at 71c, and bluestcm at 70c There Is not much activity to the market. FLOUR Valley, $3 3503 50 per barrel: hard wheat straights, $3 30JJ3 C5; hard wheat pat ents, $3 G04 10; Dakota hard wheat. $4 403 0.30; graham. $3 203 CO. V. HEAT Walla Walla. 71c; bluestem. TDc; Valley. 77c export values. BARLEY Feed. $23 50 per ton; brewing, $24; rolled. $24 50. MILLSTUFFS Bran, 51S19 perton; mid dlings. $2324; shorts. $1BQ:20: chop. $18. OATS-No. i white, $1 151 174; gray, $1 12V4 1 15 per cental. HAT Timothy, ?logll: -clover. $9; wheat, $SS9 per ton. Rutter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. The poultry market Is in good shape. Chick ens are moving well at firm prices, and ducks and geese are . in better demand. Eggs are unchanged. Buttsr is weak under a full sup ply. POULTRY Chickens, mixed. 10c per pound; young. 10c; hens. 10llc; turkeys, live, 13c; dressed, 15c; ducks, ?5g6 per dozen; geese, $0 3 50. CHEESE Full cream, twins. 1516Vie; Young America, lCV17&c; factor' prices 1 lic less;; Wisconsin. 10c per pound. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 3C32V4c per pound: dairy. 2022Hc: store, 15lSc EGGS 25g35c fper dozen; Vegetable. Fruit. Etc. There was a' good demand yesterday fon- all kinds of fresh produce. The first satisfactory lot of oranges to come in this season Is on the street, and finds good sale. The" local potato market' is stronger, as the bad weather recently has checked receipts. The . shipping demand, however shows no improvement. VEGETABLES--Turnips. 75S0c per sack; carrots, 75gS0c; beets, $1 per sack; parsnips. i per sack; cauliflower, ?l 73Q-2 per crat?; cabbage. lHc per pound: celery. Los Angeles 50g75c; Denver. ?1 per desen; let tuce, head: per dozen, 25c; hothouse, $1 752 Pr box; rrecn onions, per dozen. 1216c; cu cumbers. 75cS'Sl per box; sreen peppers, 4g5c oer pound: drv f"h!li manners. 20c ner nnund: Brussels sprouts, Cc per pound; squash, $1 1 50 ier hundredweight. , GREEN FRUIT Apples, tables. 83c$l 50 PW box; cooking. 507Gc; pears, 75c$l 25 per box. trraaes. Nlacara. 50c per crate; Concord, 20Q30c per basket. 15c per half basket; Cali fornia Tokay. $1 40 .per crate; Muscat. $1 23 per crate. Cornlchon. $1 25; quinces, Oregon, 0"3S1 per box; cranberries, Jersey. $11; Wis consin. Bell & Cherry. $llll 50; persimmons. $1 25 ser box. TROF1CAL FRUIT Lemons: $3 5004 per pox; oranges, new crop navels. $33 25; seed lings, ?2 25CT2 50: grape fruit. $3 50 per box; bananas, f 2 2502 75 per bunch; pineapples, ?5 o0 per dozen; pomegranates, $1 50 per box. DRIED FRUIT Applts, evaporated, 7fcc per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, C6c; apri cots. SiglOc; peaches. 71409c: pears. 7i6Sc: Prunes, Italian. 4ecc; figs. California blacks." Be; do white. 7c; Smyrna. 20c; plums, pitted. RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4 -crown, 7c; 3 crown. 7V4o; 2-crown. 6c; unbleached seediest Muscatel raisins. 715c; unbleached seedless Sul tans, 6c; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1 85; 2-crown. $1 75. uiAiujib-Bejt Burbanks, G070c per sack; ordinary, 50C0c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweet-. $2 per cental. ONIONS-Oregon and Washington. 75c$l per cental; shippers' price In carload lots. 50c per centals. Groceries. Nats. Etc. COFFEE Mocha; 23t28c; Java, ff-Tscy, 25$ 32c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 18 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, lG18c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 1012c per pound, Columbia roast. $10 75; Arbuckle's, $11 25 list; Lion, $10 75. RICE Imperial Japan. No- 1. 5c; No. 2, 4c; Carolina head, 77c SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1 85 per dozen: 2-pound talis. $2 75; fancy 1-pound flats, $1 00; H-pound flats, $1 25; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 90c; red, 1-pound talis, $1 30; soikeye. 1-pound tails, $1 45; 1 pour.d fiats, $1 60. SUGAR Sack, basis, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube, $5 30; powdered $5.15; diy gran ulated. $5 05; extra C, $4 55; golden C. $4 45. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels. 25c: boxcv D0o per 100 pounds. .Maple. 1516c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated, $4 D5 per 100 pounds. HONEY 13s per No. 1 frame. . BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 4c: pinks, 3?ic; Bayou. 3c; Lima, 5c per pound. NUTS Peanuts, 69ic per pound for raw, 8& 8c for roasted: cocoanuts, SSffOOc per dozen; walnuts. 13314c per pound: pine nuts. 10J 12c; hickory nuts. 7c; Brazil nuts, 16c; fil berts, I510c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 149 15c; chestnuts, 16c. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta; $6 253 50 per 1C0 for soot. SALT Liverpool, 50s, $20 80 per ton; 100s, $20 40; 200s, $10 50; half ground, per ton, 50s, $10; 100s. $15 50; Worcester salt. bulk. 320s. $5 per barrel: linen sacks. -60s. 8Cc per sack. OILS Coal oil cases, 23c per gallon: bar rels, 18c; tanks, 16c; boiled Hh3eed, cases, 62c; narreis. Gic; raw linseed, cases. COc: barrels. 50c: turpentine, cases. 72c: wood barrels. CSe: iron barrels C6c; lets of 10 cases or more. 71c: gasoline, cases. 26c: barrels. 10Mc Collier and Atlantic white and. red lead, in lots of 500 pounds or more, Cc; less than 500 pounds, 6Jia Hons, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS Choice, 25ic20,ylc per pound;- prime to choice, 24Vi25c; prime. 24c; medium, 22Q 23c. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up, lSGlUlic Dcr nound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds. 12c; dry calf. No. L under 2 pounds, 10c: dry-salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. CO pounds and over, 89c; 50 to CO pound, G&c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5ff5V&c; kip, sqund, 15 to 20 pounds. -7c; veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c: calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c: green (unsalted). lc per pound less: culls, lc per- pound less: horse hides, salted, each. $1 5002: dry, each. $1 1 50; colts' hides, each, 25 50c; goat skins, common, each, 10015c; Angora, with wool on, each. 25c$l. WOOL Valley". 12H15c; Eastern Oregon. 80 14c; mohair. 26S2SO. PELTS Bear sKIns, as to Jilze, No. 1. each, $56 20; cubs. 525; badger, each, 10940c; wildcat. 25250c; houso cat. 510c; fox, com mon gray, each, 30-50c: do red, each $1 50ff2; do cross, each. $5g6; do silver and black, each, $100?200; fisher, each, $56; lynx, each, $23; mink, strictly No. 1. each. 50cS$l 50; marten, dark Northern. $6ffl2; marten, pale pine ac cording to size and color. $1 5002: muskrats, large, each, 510c,: skunk, each, 4050c; civet or polecat, each. 5910c: otter, for large prime skins, each. 3050c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each. $3 50S6: wolf, nrairie (eovotei. without head. each. 30S35c; wolverine, each. ; 3'i: Deavcr. per skin, large. $5(5,6; do me dium. $3Q'4; do small, $lg:i 50; do kits. 5075c SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 15"20c; short wool, 2535e; medium wool, 3000c; long wool. C0c$l each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 4ft Be; No. 2 and crease. 2V$3c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Gross, cows, $33 60; steers, $44 25; dressed. 6tf"Hc per p0Und. VEAL 7ug-sUc per pound. MUTTON-Gross. $3 25; dressed. 63Gc LAMBS Gross. $3 50; dressed, Oo HOGS-Gross. $0S0 2!5; dressed. Q.7c LARD Portland, tierces. 13V4c per pound: tubs, 134c; 50c. 3&c: 20s. 13c; 10s. 13v4c; 5. 14c. Compound, tierces, OKc per pound; tubs, Ohio; fine, 10s, 15Hc; seconds, 5s, Uc; 10s. 14Ja BACON Portland. 16tf10c per pour.1; East ern, fancy, 17Hc; standard, heavy,. 15&c; bacon bellies. 15Hc HAMS Portland. 14c per pound; picnic. 10Hc per pound; Eastern fancy. UVig16c DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears, 12 01314c; backs, 1213c; bellies. 1516c; plates. 10c; butts, 910c. SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 12J.4c. per pound; minced ham. 104c; Summer, choice dry, 17&c; Bologna, long. Sc; welnerwursts, 0c; liver. 7c; pork, 0c; blood, 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link. 7?c PICKLED GOODS-Portland. nles' feet. -barrels. $4 50; H-barrels, $2 50; 15-pound kit. $1. Tripe, -barrels. $5 50; -J-barrels. 2 75; 15-pound kit, $1; pigs' tongues, -barrels, $6; SAN FRANCISCO . MARKETS. Prices Current for Produce at tlie Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Defc. 9. Apples are easy. Fancy potatoes are firm. Onions are firm. Vegetables Cucumbers, 75cl 25 per .box; garlic. 22c per pound: green peas. 4(g'6c per pound: string beans. 810c per pound; toma toes. 50c$l 25; onions, 5075c; egg plant, 75c J1. Apples Choice, ?1 75; common, 30e. Bananas 75c$2 50. Limes Mexican. $44 50. California lemons Choice, $2 50; common, 75c. ' Oranges Navels. $2?3. Pineapples $1 503 50. Potatoas Early Rose. 6575c; River Bur banks, 30(?j55c; river reds. 30-4 5c; Salinas Bur banks, 75cg$l 15; sweets, $1 25; Oregon Bur banks. 75cfl 05. Poultry Turkey gobblers. 1517c; do hens, 15 Iigl7c: old roosters, $4 505; do young, $55 50; -JisTTin11 hrnllpr S3(ff3 fiO? An SUGfii fW frv. ers, $4 505; hens, $4 505 50: old ducks, $34; do young, $4 5006 50. Butter Fancy creamery, 32c; do seconds, 20c; fancy dairy, 30c; .do. seconds, 27c Eggs Fancy ranch, 40c; Eastern, 24 20c. Cheese Young America, 16V417c; Eastern. 1617c Wool Fall Humboldt and Mendocino. 13 14c; mountains, S10c Hay Wheat, $12015 50; wheat and oats, $11 5014 50; barley, $8 5010 50; alfalfa, $8 11 50; clover, $7 500 50; straw, 50G5c per bale. Hops 2320c v Mlllstuffs Bran, $10 5020 50? middlings, $23 50ff25. Receipts Flour, 7752 quarter sacks; wheat, 5340 centals; barley, 5510 centals; oats, 420 centals; beans. 1171 sacks; potatoes. .4547 sacks; bran. 675 saclts; middlings, 605 sacks; hay, 225 tons; wool, Australian, 368 bales: hides. 1453. Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec 0. There is a. strong, and active market for all grades of wool, with a decided Improvement in prices, dealers re porting an Increased business, with an ad vance In many kinds of wool of Hlc per pound. Fine wools have been especially in de mand. While in some cases the advance is perhaps more In the asking prices than in act ual sales, yet there can be no doubt that there is really a high level of values, with sales be ing made at substantially a higher range than a week ago. Territory wools continue in a very firm position, with an excellent move ment Fine staple territories, 5660c; strictly fine, 5055c; fine and fine medium, 50S53c: medium. 4547c California -wools are steady In price, with a fi? drXc? county, cleaned ba sls 52500; middle counties. 4S50c; southern. 4o4,c The market fdV Oregon wools Is steady at revised quotations; Eastern "taple 1819cr choice, 1415c; average, 1213c ' Min Ins Stocks.. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec O.-Offlclar closing Alta Andes ..... v'o,tfan. ,-'A ?0 CI Belcher I... 20:ODhir IS Best & .Belcher. .. OSiOverman J"" Caledonia 1 85jPotosi ' Challenge Con ... .20:Savage ... . " Chollar 13jScg. Belcher Confidence 76jSIerra Nevada Con. Cal. & Va... 1 30,SlIver Hill .. Crown Point .... 13 Union Con .. Gould & Curry... IS Utah Con Hale & Norcross. 28 Yellow Jacket . 1 30 41 ,20 15 7 42 53 41 4 Justice v 4 NEW YORK. Dec. 0. Mining stocks today closed as follows: Adams Con $0.15Llttle Chief Alice 20 Ontario Breece 40'Ophir Brunswick1 Con .. 3Phoenlx Comstock Tunnel. CiPotosl Con. jCal. & Va... 1 15 Savage Horn Silver 1 251 Sierra Nevada Iron Silver SO Small Hopes ".. Lcadville Con ... 3Standard BOSTON, Dec 0. Closing quotations: ..$0 09 .. 6 25 .. 1 5 6 .. 15 12 .. 29 .. 30 .. 3 25 Adventure- .... Allouez Amalgamated Bingham . . . Cal. & Hecla.. Centennial .... Copper Range Daly West ... Dominion Coal Franklin Isle Royale ... Mohawk Old Dominion $ 13 50!Osceola . 2 25 Parrott . ..$ 51 50 .. 22 00 57 25,Qulncy 20 50 Santa Fe Cop.. 440 00 Tamarack 10 25!Trlnlty 105 00 1 50 142 00 8 87 20 O0 56 75IUnltcd Copper . 37 00 129 OO S 50 United States .. 21 75 Utah, 23 87 Victoria 4 75 38 50 Winona ........ 3 75 15 as 15 351 Wolverines .... 58 00 STOCK TRADING LIGHT PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY WAS IN AMERICAN SUGAR. Movcraent Dnc to the Advance in. Price of Refined Developments In the Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec 0. Today's transactions In stocks - were smaller than those. - of. yester day. Only-a few got as much as a pointaway from last night's cloe at any time during the day. There 'was a slight advance in the morn ing In sympathy with" special' movements In one or two stocks, hut a reaction' in the after noon carried the level of prices below last night all around, and the market closed easy but very dull. Quito an active speculation in Sugar was the principal Influence In saving the day's dealings from actual stagnation. The movement was accounted for by the announcement during tho day of an advance in prices of refined sugars. After this announcement, the stock reacted. The emphatic disclaimers of recent rumors o a compromise among the warring copper fac tions and a late reaction in the London cop per market today combined to cause a reac tion in Amalgamated. The movement of these two stocks had an Important sympathetic effect upon the whole market, owing to the prepon derance of the dealings In them. In the late weakness Louisville was conspicuous for a drop of li below last night. Today's developments In the money market offered no prospect of early relief, and until that- prospect appears, no revival in specula tion Is expected. The Subtreasury took from the money market $1,418,000, bringing its total absprptlon since the last bank statement up to $2,584,000. The Subtreasury also had a .credit at thev clearing-house this morning, in dicating a continued drain from the money market. Late in the day rumors were' current without confirmation, of a further shipment of gold to be made to South America. Today's sterling exchange market here was firm, in eplte of additional offerings of loan bills, and another day's - large foreign demand, both or wheat and cotton, but the sterling rate at Paris 'reacted 1 centimes, the United States raising the gold export level of sterling. The call loan market was not quite so stiff, owing partly to the almost total lack of demand but CO and 00-day loans were made at 7 per cent, and for four month both C and 8 per cent were paid. Holders of stocks are very loth to mar ket securities, owing to the poor absorptive power of the market. On the other hand, there is little active Inclination to pay above G per cent for money to hold railroad stocks at prices which yield generally less than 5 per cent. The bond market was little more than nom inal, and the movement was Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,655,000. United States old 4s. coupon, advanced , and the registered declined U per cent on the last call. New York Stock Market. STOCKS. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton...... do pfd Chicago & Eastern 111.. Chicago Great Western, , do A pfd i.. do B pfd 5,400 700 0,100 100 2.400 8814 04 100! 300: 100 4CHri 33 1.500 26 25. Chicago Term. & Trail. do pfd C.. C, C. St. St Louis.. 100 1O0 300 200 -oiornao southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Dela.W9tt Hr TTltr4nn 2.200! 200 1,500 100, Del.. Lack. & Western! -'47 Denver & Rio Grande.. oo pia -. Erie , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd... .j Great Northern pfd Hocking. Valley do pfd Illinois Central , Iowa Central , do pfd Lake Erie & Western... do pfd Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated ... Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mexican National , 140U 214 iilnn. & St. Louis .... Missouri Pacific , M.. K. A T do pfd : 100 5,000 1.100 000 lOSVi1 504, Now Jersey Central.... .New YorK Central.... Norfolk & "Western.... do pfd ..' Ontario & Western.... Pennsylvania ... Reading dQ 1st pfd do 2d pfd St Louis & San Fran. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St Louis S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Paclflo Southern Railway .... do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St L. & W... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash , do pfd 155 70tf 2.000 20 Vi 0.100 8.600, 156 200 75 10,700 500 4.500 500 200 4.100 173 ISO I'M 62j 31 vz 41 28 41 300 2SK 12.200 800 'ooi 02tf 700 42 42 Wheollng & Lak Erie. do -2d pfd . Wisconsin Central ..... do pfd Express Companies Adams American United Slates , Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper , Amer. Car & Foundry. do pfd ' American Linseed OH.. do pfd Amer. Smelt & Refln. do pfd , Anaconda Mining Co... 400 25 ICO' 50$ 50 200 220 120 210 21.200 58 57 200 30 39 700 2,600 200 200 89 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 05 Colorado Fuel & Iron.. so Consolidated Gas Cont Tobacco pfd General Electric , Hocking Coal International Paper ... do pfd International Power .. Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Lead North American Pacific Coast , Pacific Mail Peoole'a Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd PullTian "Palace Car. . v Republic Steel do jifd Sugar Tennessee Coal & Iron 211 300 19 S00 26t .20 1.600 300 101 101 59 59 100 92 02 2,600 8 77; 40.500 122 120 400 00 Union Bag & Paper Co.' ao pia United States Leather.. do pfd , United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel do pfd Western Union American Locomotive ., do pfd Kansas City Southern., do pfd Rock Island do pfd , 1,100 12M 12' 89 200 89: 10 '35 200 C.806 500 35 83 83 100 01 01 " 206 5001 42K 1.6001 82I 82 I 82 Total sales for the day, 443,400 shares. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ref do coupon do 3s, reg. do coupon .do new 4s, 107 At 108 iC. & N.W. con. 7s. 107'D. & R. G. 4s 107-jN. Y. Cent. Ists... reg..l08:Northern Pac. 3s.. 109! do 4s ao coupon do old 4 s, do coupon do 5s, reg do coupon reg .135te Southern Pac 4s.. .135Unlon Pacific 4s... .103West Shore 4s...., .103 Wis. Central 4s.... London Stocks. LONDON. Dec 0. Closing quotations: Anaennde. 4WNorfolk & Wesl. Atchison do pfd ....... Bait & Ohio.. Can. Pacific .. r"h A- rihln. . 84 do pfd .101 Ontario & Wtstern .101 Pennsylvania .132 IReadlng 47 do 1st pfd 25i' do 2d Dfd Chi. Gr. Western Chi., ii. tu i Denver & Rio Gr do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.,... do 2d pfd Illinois Central . Louis. & Nash... M.. IC & T N. Y. Central..-; .178'Southern Ry 40 do nfd . 02 . 34 . 63 . -17 .147 .130 . 20 .158 Southern Pacific Union Pacific .. do pfd U. S.r Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd aioncy. Exchange, Etc. -NEW YORK, Dec, 0. Money on call, 46 per cent; closed offered at 4 per cent Time, money firm; CO and 00 days. 7 per cent; four mdnths, CgS per cent; six months; 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent ' starling atrhangn firm, -with actual business' lc bankers' bills at $4,-85.25 for demand, and, at $4 87150 for -00 days' "bills: posted rates,' $4 85 and $4 8S; commercial bills. $4'S2& 4 83. Bar silver, 47c. Mexican dollars, 37c. Government 'b"ond3- irregular;- 'railroad bonds Irregular. ' LONDON, Dec 0. Bar silver quiet 22d per ounce. Money, 33 per cent. -Rate of discount for short bllls,3 per. cent; for throe-months' bills, '3 per cent Coneokv for inoney, C2 5-16; for account 02 5-16. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 0. Silver bars, 47c per ounce. Mexican dollars NomlnaU Drafts Sight par; telegraph,. 2c' Sterling on London Sixty days, $4 84; sight, $4 87. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec 8. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balances -. . .$206 230 451 Gold 117,733.760 1 Bank Clearings, n,.. . Clearings. Balances. IfilL : ....$5(16.14 $ 13.023 341.810 43.770 Spokane , ...-2i39.540 3M3S Metal Mar'kets., NEW YORK, Dec 0. Tin declined" 12a Gd In the London market today, spot closing there at 112 17s Cd. and futures at, 112 15s. The New York market also was easier and a shade lower, closing at 24.SO24.0Oc, Copper-advanced 2s Gd In London, with spot closing at 51, and futures at 51 7s Cd. Here the market was weak, but unchanged and nominal. Standard was quoted at 10.75c; Lake, ll.C5c; electrolytic and casting. 11.45c Lead closed at 10 13.S Od in London, or at an advance of Is 3d, but continued dull here and unchanged at 4c. Spelter was dull and unchanged In London, at 19 17s 6f, and at 4.05c locally. Iron was unchanged at Glasgow, closing at 54s 3d, while Mlddlesbnrn.Hop'lnr- ha tn jc 5 The New York iron market continued quiet and unchanged. Warrants were nominal. No. 1 foundry Northern. $2325; No. 2 foundry -1 iounary Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft, $2223. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. John O Slemmons, NY vv S Jackson, Pendltn Sue H Elmore,. Astoria Floretta Plnwr. j H C Davidson, N Y T O Kllhrmi-n rh A Vreeland -V V J W Mlnthorn,fSan Fr P T Brumby," city a ji uyer,' san Fr George Schulmerich, Hlllsboro A C Hlltnn Ron TVnn i tviucit, city A A Courteney, city E Beyfuss, San Fran O P Mooney, Seattle S S Hanklns, Yakima G M Piper. Akron JE MacMurray. Chgo W H Boner. So Bend A C Levy, San Fran G T' Williams. San Fr J W Burley, Denver 1 A D Short. Seattle Maurice Greenbaum, x j uox. citv ?M,JPi' IMr'& Mrs J O Green- unicago baum. Spftttlp Olympla Edward Forbes, Chgo Miss Lillian Stone.clty Capt J J Reynolds, As toria 1 Mrs P C Cordiner. do V. A S), Astoria Jack H Uhlman, Jr. Cincinnati E O McCoy, Dalles Mra E O Mrvt. Mr & Mrs R S Cox, do. ii xjeaiue, n j. F A Patrick, Duluth I J Aschlelm, San Fr II C Harmon &w. city D J Norton. Jr.N Y A R Neathlng, Jr. N Y J C Updegue. Chicago Mrs Wm L Albright, I Petersburg, Fla J C Bardall. Mounds- UUU Lion, Kan City C R Baxter. Grd Rpds vllle. W Va Lieut H J Kerrlck. Ft .Cniov. Ti'n.h x-riensorc, S t J R Carrlck, San Fr (John B Stevens.Tacoma THE PERKINS. C Baker. RnVpr fltr P H JahnRnn Koaftto E P Weir, Arlington IA L -WatArtiniicB An v- a nunieyj ao JMrs H Becker, Astoria W Uetrman & fmy, Mls Becker. Astoria Albanv iJ J Hobson, Prosser, W S Burnett W W C W A JetW, Cham- poeg. Or J O Watts, Eugene Geo Fisher, Eugene E E Rhodes. Boston C A Pratt, Tacoma J R Good, Colfax. Wn L B Thomas, Dufur Mrs Hill. Chemawa W D Miller, Lincoln, Neb J G Humphrey, Win nipeg J L Anderson, Newbrg Mrs B Oswald, Mount Angel Hiss G Poria, Castle Rock Mrs I C Ei-erett. do vi asn Rov Wrwvls 'VotpKot-ct H W -Master, Camas IB J BatH. Forest Grove IS B William's. N Yakm Haley, Monmouth H I.unrfv rtnlan Lewis Savage, Salem Louis H Flptnhm- dr. IHoward Hill, Goldendl E M ReynoIds.01ymp!a Miss M WattAScappoos S A Madge. Olympla !Mrs S A Madge, do It U Uloomfleld. Tn- coma ' - ' E M JCarr. TTnnnlorr. A R Badger, Toledo. Or j f Anaerson, Tacoma y.jHaramon. walla. w N B Brooks, -Goldendal Marie" LCeaon., Camas" . . 'h vvI?as ,N B Brooks, Gol S L Wakefield & fmy.iw .t ivnrn n "U?16" e ' t P k Burton, Minn , ,v v.mj'iuii, nan x 1 Thos N Kennedy, do Geo' Self. Oamas.Wash C B WIsner. Detroit. Mich lA -J Johnson, Astoria - rt Vlnl llhon- r- airs m is weir.Arnng tnn Or jc J Palniberg. Astoria IV TV MrPrfrtU Vftnpv Mrs W W G W Smith.. Dalles John S Porter, city A W A'crnon. Salem T F Haley, Salem C V I.annlrit Ralpm .urs ji u raves, uen tralia Mrs J ,R Paradise, Ba- kerClty Mrs M E Weir & chdn; Arllnirtnn J W Morton, Hood Rlv Benl A Olffor.l. nnllec D W Bowes. San Fran F v waters. Salem JW P McMullln. Lexlng- l ton !F M Parkpr. rln D L Wilson, Santa Crz A L Miller. Vancvr M A Miller. Lebanon Mrs Frank Foster, Chinook S L Bright, Duluth Wm J.Scott, Duluth Ed Hoffman, Salerrf Eva Clarke, Rcnebufg J C Apper, Eugene Jack McDonald & wf, I Lioise M J Williams. lone John S Johnson. Wasco Mrs J M Powell. Moro J B Morrison. Moro Wm Van Vorden, Gol- dcndalc F B Walker, do A Sneider, do Mrs j c Appor, do R. Thomas,-Astoria THE IMPERIAL. Jas Miller, Ft Canby C W Fulton, Astoria Mrs FultOn, do A S Froslid. Seaside A D Bain. Astoria E A Merck, Seattle Mrs Merck, Seattle j D W Campbell, Tekoa Mrs Campbell, do R C Stellmacker, Alby Wm Baird. N Y Mrs E E Jolly & dau, Moscow I C D Johnson, Grand Rapids ra Erb, Salem II Goldstone. S F F- A Huggins, S F H C Brown, N Yamhll E E Brown, do Mrs W T Williams C W Settlemler, Wnrwlhtirn J D Burns. Pomcroy Airs a v xnompson, xne uaiies S L Jonox. S IT A Johnson. 55 V C W -Thompson & fam cascade Locks Mr & Mrs Alpine, E P Laurence. Canyoi J Li ueardorif, do Fred Yorgenson, do K M Duncan. Grn.Hs V Mrs Duncan, do G W Harrington, Alska W F McGregor, Asto H H Clotrer. Salem Mrs c is urove. Spokn irs j w Stearns, 1'ull- I man Mrs H J Welty. do A W Stowell. Salem A B Eastman. Vancvr Frank Potter, Astoria Or JL Reavls, La Grd jtsmg loung, ao THE ST. CHARLES. Geo Howlett, SpokaneT Grimm, Aurora T TT Dhlltlno V.iteo.lll' Tn. .11 P H Phillips. Kansas City J W Ross & wf, Pow- eiys Valley Gus Hedman, city C A Hoodyke, Scott's Mills J T rrlson, do W C Grimm, Hubbard J Rymon & fam. Woodlawn Lee Kennedy, Corvalls Jos Erlckson, Qulncy . L C Burton. Duluth H Brown, Yamhill A J Long, W W J H Tlmmlns, Ilwaco T H Fowler, do E J Rowland, Lewlsvl J J Wick. The Dalles R Morris, Goldendale J W rtnvla Rnlnli- C L Humphreys. Balm D Cllne. Lewlston R Glaaburn, Rlparla J Chandler, Sclo J B Yeon, 3talnler W A'Paslev & wf. Maycer John Farr & wf, Goble u m arr & wf, ao Mies Rnwnnri TlnViHn IR It Hoisted, Baker Cy urea win, Kldgofield P Morin, Cascade Lock a -unman a- rvf An IG Petcrkin. Wilsonv c Horin. city A M Carey, Rainier S Hibbs. Newberg B F Rollins, Gresham J W T,WfMlH . An J F Graham. Mnrshlnil Dave Touranger, do IQ T Harri3 & wf. Ka u s AicLAne. suvers W Russell. Fishers B. Saunders. Butte.v.Ule H Saunders, do D Smith. La Center O J Boyt. Clatskanle C Klckett do E L Huff, Underwood J Larson, do F H Moulding. Sclo T Arnold, Sclo R C Beaton, Chicago lama S J " Garrison. Claekam l, Aiicnaei. Stella Mrs W E Bender, Cath I lampt J T Smith, Ocosta Mrs M Clark, do F Penbody. Dufur Mrs R J Rlaln. r.-)m-o N H McKay. Sauvle't) i is iticparason. Ar- iingian W J Van Schwlk. do D Rogers, Welser F Horback, Kelso J W Dernbich, Stella W Fitzgerald do Hotel BrnnsTVick, Seattle. - European plan, popular rates.' Modern improvements. Business center. Near depot Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Hates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-Class restaurant in connection. Rainier Grand Hotel. Seattle. European plan. "Finest cafe on, Coast. Roomj en sulta and single. Free shower cams, rtaies. j. up. tu jr. jjunoar. trap. Almost Choked by Sulphnr Smoke. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., De6. 9. By the Ignition of a package of sulphur In a- mcn s lodging-house here early today, tho occupants of the place narro.wly escaped death from suffocation. The fumes of the burning stuff Ailed the house, over coming many of the lodgers. The police managed to grope their way through the smoke and opened windows, after which :the unconscious men were carried Into the open- Rir, where all were revived. It Is United; ' - Buys and sells GRAIN, PROVISIONS, ; STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON FOU CASH OR FUTURE DELIVERY. Deal In Government. Municipal and Miscellaneous Securities. Owning and operat ing the most extensive Private Wire System in the world, we can execute large or small orders more promptly and satisfactorily than any other concern. We guarantee to execute orders when limits are reached. We do not hold you responsible for more than the margin you place on a trade. We charge no Inter est for carrying long stocks. 31ARGIXS REQUIRED! Grain, lc per bnahelj Stocks, 2 per share. Com nitKsloa, strain. 1-Sc per hnahel; stocks. 1-4 of 1 per cent. We will send you our Book of Statistics and Dally Market free. Write for It. REFERENCES, 75 National and. State- Banks. Main Exchange, Bank of Commerce Building -Minneapolis. Minn. Exchanges in 75 of the principal towns and cities of the Northwest. Including Spokane. Colfax. Pullman. Rltzvlfle. Dayton. Walla Walla Moscow. Pendleton. Wires under con struction to Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. Everett and Vancouver. B. C. NO IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN TRADE OR ACCOUNT WITH US YOU CAN ,D, OPERATE IT IN ANY OF OUR 75 OFFICES. ALL THE NEWS BULLISH CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES WITH GAIN OF OVER A CENT. Biff Exports Principal Factor In Vv- ivard Price Narrow Spreau uc tween May and December. . n t ' n T-Viont ruled active and atrong. the bbj exports being ite Prl WJI factor, althoush outside markets were firm. cables strong, receipts smaii. uu. . . otatlstlcs were favorable to tho bulls. Com ii !,,, koUI frpelv early In the day. but the offering were eagerly taken up, and after a temporary decline tne martcei rameu and advanced steadily, and the close was at tv. tnn mi- Afnv. while December was He un der the best figures. The sentiment In the pit was extremely bumsn. ana many were compeljed to cover, thus narrowing the r.n hntnrDsn Dwomhcr and May. which at one time was under lc. May opened unchanged to Vic higher, at 75iOc. ana mere was a steady advance throughout the day, the close being at the top at 77c, with a gain of llc. The feature of the corn market was the heavy buying of May by a prominent local op erator, who also has a large long lino In wheat, nirxrinin -wArn llcrht. and as a result the mar ket has an extremely bullish aspect for that delivery. December was ratner quiet anu about steady. The close was strong. May be ing up He. at -Uc. Oats were fairly active, with prices showing a . bullish tendency, along with tho strength In other grains. The close was strong, with May c higher, at 33c. An exceedingly strong demand for provisions was manifested, and In the absence of any material offerings, prices were higher. The close was strong. January pork cfqsed with a gain of 60c, and lard and ribs were up 17Hc. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. December ....$0 73 $0 70 Vi 0 73 Va ?0 70 May 75 77 '75 77 . July 72$ 74 -73. 74V4 CORN. December . January .. May Dec (new) May January .. May . 55 55V 54 55 ,. 47--J4 48 47 47 . 43 44 43?i 44 OATS. . S1V4 32 31 32 . 32 . 33 32 33 MESS PORK. ..1C-32VS 17 00 lC32Vi 16 05 .15 30 15 70 10 30 15 70 LARD. TVr cmher 10 30 10 47Va 10 30 10 47 January 0 75 May 8 03 10 00 0 75 0 DO 0 15 8 03 0 15 SHORT RIBS., January 8 37Va 8 55 8 37 8 55 May 8 20 8 40 8 20 8 40 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm, with little doing. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 7373c: No. 3, C0 73c: No- 2 red. 7370Vic Corn No. 2, 55c: No4 2 yellow,. 55o. Oats No. 2, 32c; No. 3 white, ,3234c. Rye No. 2, 40c. Barloy-Cood feeding. 3630c; fair to choice malting, 45o5c. Flaxseed No. 1. $1 15; No. 1 Northwestern, fl 22. Timothy eeed Prime. $3 05. Mess pork-?10 87317 per bbl. Lard ?10 70010 72 per cwt. . Short ribs sides Loose. $S 62VJ(58 75. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $S 25S 50. Short clear sides Boxed, $S 750. Clover Contract grade. $10 75. RecelptF. Shipments. Flour, barrels 10.000 17.800 Srnbusnels13 j:;:"-"" loS Oats' buS 350.000 200.000 Kye3: ::::::: i4. .5oo Barley, bushels 50.400 15.&00 Grain and Prodnce at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 0. Flour Receipts. 2T.171 barrels: exports. 42.143 barrels. Market Arm and held higher on Spring patents Wheat-Receipts. 130.425 bushels; exports 120 810 bushels; Market for spot firm. No. 2 red 87c elevator.. 70c f. o. b. afloat. Options developed a strong undertone today, attended by considerable activity among shorts and some fresh Investment buying. The market c oscd 2c higher. May closed 80c; July closed 78c; December closed 83c. Hops-Firm; Pacific Coast, 1002 crop, 25 31c Hides Quiet. Wool Firm. . Butter Receipts, 5400 packages. Market firm. State dairy. 2027c; creamery, extra, 30e: do choice, 2120c. Eggs Receipts, 1100 packages. Market firm. State and Pennsylvania, averago best, 30c; Western uncandled. poor to fancy grades, 204? 20c. Changes in Available Snpply. NEW YORK, Dec. 0. Special cabla and tele graphic communications to Bradstreet's show the following changes In the available 3upply as compared with the last account: . Bushels. Wheat. "United States, and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased... n 1,061,000 Afloat for arid In Europe, Increased.... 800.000 Total supply. Increased 1,861,000 Corn. United States and Canada, cast of Rockies, Increased 1,120,000 Oats, United States and -Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 871,000 Grain nt San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 0. Wheat stronger. Barley quiet. Oats firmer. Spot quotations: ' Wheat Shipping. $1 40; milling. $1 43 1 4S-X. Barley Feed. $1 25: brewing, $1 27V&7&1 Oats Red. $1 22V401 32; white, $1 251 40; black, 51 2061 35. Call board sales: Wheat Stronger; May, ?1 30; cash, $1 40. Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1 45. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Dec. 0. Wheat Cargoes on pas sage firm, but Inactive; cargoes No. 1 standard California. 30s 4d; Walla Walla. 28s Od. English country markets steady. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 0. Wheat Firm; No, ,1 standard California, 6s 7d Wheat and flour In Paris steady. French country markets quiet and steady. Weather in England overcast. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Cnrrent at Chicago, Omaha and ICnnsnw City. CHICAGO. Dec. 0. Cattle Receipts, 13,500. Market about steady. Good to prime steers, $5 7536 25; poor to medium, ?35 05; stockers and feeders, $24 60; cows. $1 2304 50; heif ers. f24 75; canners, 51 232 40; bulls, $2 4 50, calves, $3 5007; Texas fed steers, $3 5.25. Hogs Receipts today, 40,000; tomorrow, 45, C00; .left over, 500. Market for heavy closed strong; for light, steady. Mixed and butchers, ?5 750 30; good to choice heavy, $0 306 50; rough heavy, $5 000 25; light, $5 636 10; Hiulk ot sales, ?C30 25. Sheep Receipts. 1 10.000. Market for sheep and lambs 1015c higher. Good to choice wethers. $3 S04 CO; choice mixed. $2 603 00; Western sheep, ?34 25; native Iambs. $3 50 5,7$: Western lambs, $3 755 50. KANSAS CITY. Dec. OCattle Receipts, ltf-AOO. 'lncl'ii'dlnc 2flftA -;Texnns. T.fftrltpt nionriv 1 to 10c lower. Native steers, $3 750; Texas (Commission Go. Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 and Indian steers. $3 754 50; Texas cows, ?2 303 '73; native cows apd heifers, $ 505; stockers and feeders, ?24; bulls, $2 253 50; calves, 52 106. Hogs Receipts, 15,000. Market steady to weak; bulk of sales. ?5 056 10. Heavy. ?0 05 C15; packers. ?5 0066 07; medium. $&6C 10; light; $5 850 02; Yorkers, $6G 02; pigs, ?5 50g5 SO. Sheep Receipts. 10.000. Market strong. Mut tons, ?34; lambs. ?3 505 23; range wethers, ?33 00; ewes. $333 85. OMAHA. Dec 9. Cattle Receipts. 6000. Market lower. Native steers, $3 50G 25; cows arid heifers. $Z&', Western steers, $3 504 73; Texas steers, $3 254 50; cows and heifers, range, $2 50g3 85; canners. ?1 502 00; stock ers and feeders. $2 504 40; calves, ?3. 500; bulls, stags, etc. $1 753 75. Hogs Receipts. 8000. Market 5c lower. Heavy. $6 0500 10; mixed. $6605; light, $5 0(1 ft03; pigs. ?55 25: bulk of sales. $CG03. Sheep Receipts, 12.000. Market steady. Fed muttons, yearlings, $333 85; wethers. $3 230 3 60; ewes, $2 503 40; common and stockers. $1 503 25; lambs, $45. Coffee and Sngar. ' NEW YORK, Dec. 0. Coffee-Futures closed 515 rtoints lower. Total sales, 15,000 bags. Including: January, $4 CO; March, $4 60; May, ?5; July, $5 15; spot Rio steady; mild quiet. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3c; centrif ugal, 06 test. 4c. Molasses sugar. 3VJc. Re fined Arm; confectioners A, ft 80; mold A, $4 50; cutloaf, $0 55; crushed, $5 55; pow dered, ?5 05; granulated, $4 93; cubes, ?3 20. Dairy Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. 0. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; .creameries. 18028c; dairies. 17025c. Cheese Steady. HH12c. Eggs Firm, 24c. Advance In. Refined Sngar. NEW YORK. Dec 0. All grades of refined sugar were advanced 10 points today. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 0. Cotton closed steady and net unchanged to 2 points lower. Comic pictures, or illustrate for newspapers, magazines, books, etc. Large salaries to newspapers Illus trators. Write the California School of Illustration for illustrated book telling all about It. 231 Rpst St., San Francisco, Cal. Is Interested and thoold know abont the nonderf ol MARVEL Whirling Spray The New Ladies Syringe .Best, surest. Most convenient, Xti jeor drnxelit fr It. 11 ne cannot tnppiy ue jhahvel. acceoino other, bat .tend gtnmn for 11- lnt trated book glxes full cartlmlors and rilrevlionsin- taluublc to Indlr. MA2i'ELCO.. Room 290 Times Bdsr.. New Tori For sale hy Wondard. Clarke A Co. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Dally except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE TIME CARD. STR. REGULATOR. Leaves PortlanLfTues.. Thurs., Sat., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Mon.. Wed., Frl.. 7 A. 21. STR. DALLES CITT. Laves Portland Hon.. Wed.. FrlJ 7 X. II. Leaves Dalles Tues. Thurs.. Sat.'T A. M. LANDING OAK ST. DOCKPORTLAND. t Tel. Main 914. ' M. V. HARRISON. Agent. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 1 Street. rr Uaygers, Ralaltr. ClaUkanle, Wtitport Clifton. Aiitorla. War rtnton. Flyl. Ham mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Fk.. Seuld. Aitorla and Seashora. Express Dally. AitOrla Exprtii, Dally. UAQ A. U. 11:10 A. IX. tj r. jc 8:40 P. X. Ticket oSlo. Storrlcoa L and Union Dioot. J. C. UJLYO. Cltzu P. Act.. Astoria. Or. For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle O A. 31. Steamships Cottage City or City of Seattle. Dec. 7. 13. 19. 23. 31. Jon. C. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports in Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail ing dates. AGENTS N. FOSTON. 240 Washington at., Portland; F. W. CARLETON. 907 Pacific av., Tacoma; Ticket Office. 113 James st., Seattla. GEO.W. ANDREWS, North Western Passenger Agent. San Francisco. Ticket Office. 4 Now Montgomery st. C. D. DUN ANN, Gen. Pasi Act.. San Francisco. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE Resumption of trips by the' mammoth popu lar twin-screw steamers Commonwealth -and New England, to the Mediterranean from Bos ton, direct to Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Na plesi and Alexandria, Egypt. "New England" Jan. 17. Feb. 28 "Comrronwealth" ..Jan. 3. Feb. 14. March 2S To Azores. Naples and Genoa. "Vancouver" Jan. -10. Feb. 21 "Cambromr.n' Jan. 31. March 14 Proceeds through to Alexandria on the Jan uary and February voyages. ' Also sailings Boston to Liverpool; Portland, Me., to' Liverpool. For rates, booklet, etc., apply to THOS. COOK &-SON, C21 Market St., San Francisco. Cal.. or COMPANY'S OFFICE, CO Dearborn st.. Chicago. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT Leaves Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday Leaves Astoria dally 7 P. M., except Sunday. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE. STEAMERS TAHOMA AND METLAKO Leave Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday. Leave The Dalles dally 7 A. M., except Sun day. 'Landing foot Alder st., Portland. Or. Both phones. Main 351: E. W. CRICHTON, Agent, Portland. 9 Jill WfMll:,,,. IX TRAVELERS GUIDE. ft OREGON' ' Seqj Line and union Pacific THREE TRAINS DAILY NTS EAST UNION DEPOT. j Leavev Arrtvo. CHICAGO-PORTLAND ,0:00 A. M. 4:30 P. M. SPECLVL. Daily. Dally. For the East via Hunt- lnjrton. , SPOKANE FLYER. 0:13 P. M. 7:00 A. M. For Eastern Washing- Dallr. Dallyi . ton. Walla Walla. Lew lston. . Coeur d'Alene and Gt. Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS S:S0 P. M. 8:10 A. M. For the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. In Eton. OCEAX AXD RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. S. B. Columbia From Dec 8. 18. 2S. Alnsworth rt.vT v S. S. Geo. W. Elder Dock. S,WR Dec. 13. 23. 8:00 P. M. FOR ASTORIA and!8:0O P. M. 0:00 P. way points, connectlnif1 Dally ex. Dally with steVmer for nwa-l Sunday. except co and North Beach, I Saturday, Sunday, steamer T. J. Potter. 10 P. M. Ash-street Dock. 0: A. M Abont For Salem. Corvallls' Mondays, 6-00 P 3 and way points, steam-iWednesday Tumdrv er Ruth. Ash - street Fridays. Thursdays. Dock- I Saturdays. FOR DAYTON." Oregoaf7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. It City and Yamhill River Tues.. Mon.. points, str. Elmore, Thurs Wed.. Ash-t. dock. Sat. Fri- fWater permitting.) For Lewlston. Idaho, 1 4 :05 A. M. Abont and way points, from dally B:00 P. M. Rlparla. V, ash., eteam- except dally ers Spokane or Lewis- Saturday.- ex. Friday. ton. Telephone Main 712. PORTLAiND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamere for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT DECEMBER 28. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. EAST vu SOUTH Leave Viniua Ucpot Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TKAlNd. 3:30 P. M. for Salem. Rose- 7:45 A. M. burg, Ashland. Sac ramento. O g d e n. San Francisco. Mo- Jave, Loa Angeles. Kl Fao. New Or leans' and tho East. 80 A. M. Morning tram con nects at- Woodburn (dally except Sun day) with train for Mount Angel. S1I- 7:00 P. M. verton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wendllng and Na tron. Albany passenger .. Connects at Wood burn with Mt. An gel and SUverton local. Corvallls passenger. 4 :00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. 10:10 'A." M. 3:50 P: M. If4:50 P. M. Iherldan passenger. 8:23 A. Dally. !DaIly except Sunday. POUTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SEBVICB AND f IA1IHIU. DIVISION. t ' Leave Portland dally for uawego at 7:30 A. M., 12:C0, 2:05. 3:25, 5:20. 15-25. :30. 10:10 P. M. Dally except Sunaay, 0:3u.- ,C:3t. 8:35. 10:25 A M- 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only, 0:00 AM.' Returning from Oswego. Arrive Portland daily 8:30 A. M-, 1:55. 3:03. 4:35. 0:15. 7:33. 9:55, 11:10 F M. Dally except Sunday, 6:25, 7:26, 9:30, 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:25 A. -M. Sunday only. 10:00 . M. Leave from same depot .for Dallas and inter mediate Folnts dally except Sunday 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. The Indepenience-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Airne, connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. . Flrst-clara rebate tickets on sale from -Porti land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate. $17.30: berth. $3. Second-class fare.i $15. without rebate or berth; second-class berth. ' $2:50. Tickets to Eastern oolnts and Europe. AIM Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. ' CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aac Washington streets. Phcnn Main 712. I TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Departs. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Ta coma. Seattle. .Olympla. 8outh Bend and Grays Harbor points .............7:25 am 4:lpW North Coast Limited for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. St. Paul. Minneap olis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast ......'......2:00 pra 7:00 ar Twin City Express for Ta coma. ScatUo. Spokane. Helena. St. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:43 pm 7:00 pr North Coast-Kansas Clty St. Louis Special, for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings, Denver, Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East and Southeast ..2pm 7 00aa All trains dally except on South Bend branch. r CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas eenger 'Agent. 255 Morrison St., corner Third, Portland. Or. threat Northern Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 6S0 LEAVE The Flyer dally to and No. 4 :from St. Paul. Mlnne. 6:15 P. Mv japolls. Duluth. Chicago ' and all points East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and. Buffet Smoklng-LIbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE KAGA MArU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points, will leave Seattle About December 16 Willamette River Boats Steamet POMONA, for Salem, Independence, Albany and Corvallls, leaves 0:45 A. M. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Steamer ALTONA. for Dayton. McMInnvIlle and way, leaves 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO Office and dock, foot Taylor street, O CGCEH4SHASTa1