THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1902. 9 CLASSIFIED AD. EATES. "Room." "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or 1, IS cents; 10 to 0 words, 20 cents; 21 to Sf words. 25 cents, etc No discount for ad-t 41tlonal Insertions. UNDER -ALL, OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 10 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to SO words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion. ne-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gaugo measure agate), 15 ati per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per lino Sor each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad-4rt-Baed care The Oregonlan and left at this nice, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Calvin Hellir, Manager. Wednesday and Thursday Nights, December 10 and 11, MR. THOMAS JEFFERSON as "RIP VAN WINKLE." Prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1; last 3 rows. 75c Balcony, first 0 rows. 75c? last O rows, 50c. Gallery. 35 and 25c Boxes and lose. $7 50. Seats are now selling. THE BAKER THEATER Georee L. Baker, Manager. Phcncft Ore. North 1()7C: Col. 500. Crowded to the doors at both performances yesterday. An instantaneous success. Tonight and all the week, usual matinee Wednesday, Marie Walnwrlght's successful play SHALL WE FORGIVE HER?" Presented by the i NEILL STOCK COMPANY. With new and special scenery. The Baker prlcc-Evenlng 15, 25, 35. 50c; matinees. 10. 15. 23c Nrxt week, starting with the usual Sunday matinee. Lee Arthur's powerful play. "WE'UNS OF TENNESSEE." CORDRAT'S THEATER Tonight and every night this week, matins Saturday. E. J. Carpenter's big production "A LITTLE OUTCAST" A beautiful story of woman's love and devo tion. Eight gorgeous scenes. A first-class trtar cast, including the popular Newsboys' Quartet. PRICES Evening. 25 and 50c; matinee, 25c to any part of house, children 10c NEXT WEEK The James Boys In Missouri and the Telephone Girl. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At ralesrooms, 411-113 Washington st., at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, auc tioneers. At the Ford-Wilson's salesrooms, 182 First 9t. 10 A. M. Wilson & Ford, auctioneers. At 411 Washington et-. 10 A. M. By S. la. N. Oilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. TVANHOE LODGE. No. 10. K. OF P. Reg ular convention this Monday evening. Esquire rank. Visiting Knights welcome. W. E. HARRIS. C. C. O. A. WINDFELDER. K. of R. & S. EXEMPT FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION- Regular meeting this 'Monday evening at 7:30 I c .Vint- iin 1 1 n.. C tho president. R. M. DONOVON. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Stated meeting this i evening at 7:30 o'clock. Election of officers and payment of dues. Mem bers are requested to attend. Visit ors welcome. Br order of the W. M. E. T. TAGGART. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 118. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this Monday evening at 8 o'clock. I. O. O. F. Temple. Work In the first degree Visitors welcome. W. A. CLARK, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14, O. E. S. A regular communication this Monday evening at 8 o'clock Masonic Hall. Election Of officers. By order W. M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. NOTICE Attention all soldiers of the different wars! There will be a general re union tonight at the Merrill Cyclery. ,on Sixth street. General Compson will give a short talk, which will be followed by a number of solos, recitations and a general good time. Come DIED. "NELSON In this city. December 7. 1002, Al bert Nelson, of Astoria, Or., aged 30 years. Funeral notice hereafter. tLESOURD Died in New Orleans, December 7. Frank E. Lesourd, son of J. A. Lesourd. or Portland, age 39 years. FUNERAL NOTICES. GRIFFITH In this city, December 7, 1002. at the family residence. 1G4 North Grand art, Gladys M. Griffith, aged 4 years 4 months and 16 days. The funeral services will be held from tne above residence at 2 P. M. today. Friends Invited. ' Interment Lone Fir ceme tery. J. P. FINLEY fc SOS. Progressive Funeral Director and Embalmcr. cor. 3d and Madison street. Com petent lady ass't. -Beth pbonei No. 9. EDWARD HOLMAN, Undertaker, 4th. and Ya nihil 1 sts. Rcna Sttnson,. lads assistant. Both phones No. 507. NEW TODAY. Crematorium, on Oregon City car Una, near Sellwool; mod ern, scientific, c a m n I ete. Charges: Adults. "Visitors, a to 6 f. M. 1'ortland Cremation Association. Portland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MONTAGUE & KING. 220 STARK STREET. oner lor sale eome ox tne most desirable lots In the clti-4Tf ?r ipprivd. surrounded by handsome' reinfttys,HccfcWenlent to street, cars; In all respects cnoitd for persons wish ing eligible locations for homes. We still have a few lots left In Pleasant View Addi tion, on Hawthorne avenue, at low prices. Sec us when you want anything In town lots. We have a choice suburban home, near Woodstock car line, 7-room house, well fin ished, 4 lots, covered with bearing fruit trees and shrubbery, at a very low price. Don't forget the place, 220 Stark street. Ladd'o Bank bldg. ; FOR SALE 3-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 50x100. near station at wooaiawn. u-room house, with basement, lot 50x100. Columbia Heights. 10 lots, with 5-room cottage, on East 8th, Woodlawn Heights. Inquire of owner, at M. Billings' shoo store. 220 Morrison. i FOR SALE-50 ACRES HIGHLY CULTIVAT- ea iana: 12 acres in orchard, good house, barn and water; will sell whole or part; the land Is at Stewart's Station, Mount Scott car line; terms easy. Apply Charles fE. Stewart, The Beverly, A PROSPECTOR HAS SIX GOOD MINING claims in the heart of the St. Helens district; ftne showing of gold and copper ore; needs W badly; great bargain; would be will ing to take eome stock. Address box 527, city. 100x100. CORNER EAST 10TH AND SCHUY ler sts.. Holladav's Add streets and sewer. For sale by the owners, Morgan Wall Paper Co.. 1P4-180 2d et. I 50x100. CORNER EAST 7TH AND WEIDLER For sale by tho owners, Morgan Wall Paper Co.. 1S4-186 2d st. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICE. cui3. w ah Kinas property cneap. Take Mount Scott car; fare 5 cents. O. R. Addlton. I Farms, timber lands, city property for sale;" "' prujieriy wun us, correspondence solicited. J. a. Mortenson Co., 2C5 Morrison. Homes built on easy payments, any part city; Clty Building Co.. C12 Commercial bldg. LOTS, QUARTER BLOCKS. EAST OAK. iom sis. aireeis; siaewjwica, sewers in. Harrington, owner. 69 1st. CORNER LOT. 11TH AND COLLEGE STS.. ; oarn. etc; win lease. Apply amita Bros. Market. NINE-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH FOUR LOTS; wn one oiock; $1000. 372 East Oak. Pftone Union 312. HOUSES. LOTS FOR SALE: EASY TERMS. FOR SALE-A GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. IN- quire room 4. 201 Morrison st. TO EXCHANGE. SCHOOL CERTIFICATES AND DEEDED lanas tor casn. or will trade for house and lot on car line Inquire 640 Second st. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. WILL EX- cnange lor any good property; rent I0 month; value $000. C 10. Oregonlon. ' " l i ra i ft ;n TIMBER LANDS FOX SALE. SNAP $2000 will buy now 320 acres of timber land, will cruise about 10,000,000 feot, chiefly fir and cedar. In Pacific County. Wash.; 3 miles from R. R.; 2 logging roads within 1 miles; 5 miles now In operation In the vicinity of the land. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER, 218 Ablngton bldg. CHOICE HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER cla:ms of yellow fir and Port Orford cedar, from 4.000.000 to 6.000.000 to quarter sec tion; also yellow pine. 2,500,000 to 3,000,000. 423 Ablngton bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS WE hold relinquishments to three good claims, close in and valuable. Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton building. HY.E JP CHOICE. TIMBER CLAIMS left which I can locate you oh. W. A. Hatn away. room 10 Washington bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. BEAUTIFUL FARMS. HIGHLY IMPROVED, from 10 to 900 ncrea each, near Portland; 830 up per acre. Also, timber lands and reg istered Jersey cattle. See or address T. WIthycombe. Farmlngton. Or. FOR SALE-S0-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH. Lane County; house Is furnished: price $900. Particulars. Mrs. Cooper, 2714 Pacific ave.. Tacoma. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Ets. VEHICLES. HARNESS. SADDLES. NEW and 2d-hand; large .stock; cheap. 211 Wash. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-r-35 COWS WITH OR WITHOUT milk routs; 4 horses, milk wagons, farm ing machinery and tools, lumber wagon, 1 bull, 7 head young stock; privilege to tell all milk to owner: uses 30 cans or more. Apply to owner, 207 Burnslde St., bet. 3d and 4th. DON'T YOU THINK FOR A CHRISTMAS firesent a guitar, violin, banjo or a mando ln would be nice? You can buy those for amount loaned and Interest, which la half of regular store prices, at Uncle Myers, 143 Third, near Alder. FOR SALE CHEAP-PARKER HAMMER less shotgun. 2i-lneh drop, 30-lnch Damas cus steel barrels, pistol grip, fancy stock; cost new $125. Also new Smith-Premier type writer, latest improvements. T 18, Orego nian. FRENCH POLISH. FLEMISH ON FLEMISH, and all kinds of- woodwork finishing. Frank Schonlg. 404 East Morrison st. corner Grand ave., room 6. Samples to show kind of work. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED end SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel Oak 1071. SALOON-MEN. ATTENTION THREE PLAIN Fox nlckel-in-the-slot machines, this year's style, a bargain. Address J 20. Oregohlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE GROCERY WAGON In good condition, almost new; capacity about 1 tons. Proctor & Beers. Cottrell, Or. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. SEC-ond-haud gas engine, practically new. North west Electric Eng. Co., 300 Stark st. FOR SALE A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO, nearly new; at a bargain. Apply at 409 East 11th st. near East Lincoln. FOR GOOD DRY FIR AND POLE OAK wood, 4-foot length, go to Hoover's. 313 Water st. Phon9. South C51. FOR SALE FORTY BEDS. WITH COM plete furnishings; cheap; at Swltzer lodging house. S3 N. 2d St.. city. WILKE GAS STUDIO. KILN. EXCELLENT condition; half price. Telephone Oak 1001, or address 834 Kearney. BARGE GEN'L HANCOCK FOR SALE. IN qulro of C. R. Davis Fuel Co., cast end Morrlton-street bridge. FOR SALE GOOD. BIG HORSE; WILL work double and single. Inquire 404 East Morrison. COAL. $3 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO.. 174, 5th st- DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD. 5 AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box 6. Fulton. Or. SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLY $1; GUARAN teed. Uncle Myers, 143 3d, near Alder. 20.000 NO. 1 POTATO SACKS; WILL SELL In Ikrge or small quantities. 262 1st. BARGAIN BEES FOR . SALE. GODDARD Station. St, Johns motor line. HELP WANTED MALE. 5 BUCKERS. $2.50 UP; 5 BARKERS. $2.50; Chaser, $2.75: 2 rigging rustler. $2.50; 3 Jacksprew men. $2.50; hooktender. $4 to $4.50; 15 skid men. $2.10 to $2.50; swampers, $2.25; 20 laborers, $2; band sawyer, box factory. $2.50 up; mill and yard men, $2: butcher. $14 to $18; man and team, haul wood. 50c: buttermaker. E. O.. $40; 2 chore boy, farm. $5 up; farmhands and milkers. $20 to $30; wood sawyer. 45c cord; wood chopperc. SOc to $1.25: plenty of other work. Canadian Employment Co.. 220 MorrUwn. Branches. 247 Burnslde, 123 First, North Sixth and Irving. WANTED FOR U. fr. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between age of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply tc Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak streets, Portland. Or. TOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN manufactured work department of wholesale faddlery and harness business, to work In stock: must bo good penman. Apply the Breyman Leather Company, 73 Front st. WANTED A FEW UP-TO DATE WEAV eo. Plain one-shuttle, two-loom system. Can make $50 to $00 per month, 10 hours. Apply to Bandon Woolt-n MUIa Company, Bandon, Or. MEN OUR FREE CATALOGUE EXPLAINS how we teach the barber trude In shorten time possible, and best method known. Moler System College, San Francisco. Cal. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MAN TO learn barber trade; must live at home; some monoy required; don't write unless you mean business. Q 15, Oregonlan. r (OFFICE BOY BY MERCANTILE FIRM. $25 per month paid if experienced and able to furnieh Al references. Address O 22, care Oreeonlan. SUCCESS MEANS EXPERIENCE; OBTAIN experience hustling advertising; contracts cashed Immediately; excellent proposition. COO .Worcester bldg. WANTED A PRIVATE SECRETARY AND stenographer for a corporation. Must be discreet and efficient. Address N 20, care Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED COAL MINERS to develop prospect; thoroughly experienced men only. V 14. Oregonlan. S. F. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. S. F Cal.. teaches barber trade In eight weeks. FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS WANTED; FINE proposition. Call 30-1 Mprrison. BOY WANTED AT BORQUIST & REFFLING. 231 Washington, near Second st. WANTED BICYCLE REPAIRMAN. PEN ney's, 3S3 East Burnslde. BRIGHT BOY FOR DELIVERY. THE LIT tle Art Shop. 340 Alder st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $15 WEEKLY PAID LADIES TO WORK AT home. Everything furnished. Inclose stamped envelope. D. ICO Ladies' Ind. Co., 107 wa basn ave., Chicago. BRIGHT STENOGRAPHER; EXPERIENCE not necessary; full written application pre ferred, stating sa'lary, etc, wanted. F io. Oregonlan. WOMAN DOING HOUSEWORK BY DAY can have room and partial board In exchange for services few hours dally, w 18, Ore gonlan. PEOPLE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ALL kinds of help wanted. Clay 325. Room 3. 149V5 1st St.. Portland, Or. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work In small family; good wages. Call at 504 Hoyt st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good wages. 633 East Mad- laon. cof. 19th. YOUNG LADY, 15 TO 20. HELP TAKE.CARE 215-year ' glrL Call room 615. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, at 440 East 10th North. Irving ton car. EXPERIENCED GERMAN COOK. $25. CAN adlan Parlors. 226V& Morrison street. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 1203 Mallory ave. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $20. J90 North 17tb st. HELP WANTED FEMAXB. ' WANTED FOR THE SPRING SEASON. A thoroughly competent manager for millinery department, who can combine trimming and floor management; also experienced millinery saleswoman; must have best of references; permanent place If satisfactory. Stone, Fish er & Lane. Tacoma. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER who understands fitting and cutting; good wages; stendy employment out of city. Lock box 121, Roseburg, Or. WAITRESS. COOKS. CHAMBERMAIDS, second glrlr, $25; 'cooks, country hotel; also restaurant; housework. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 22GJ Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work 440 East 10th North. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. $3.50 TO $5 DAILY TEACHING OIL PAINT ing; new method; one course qualifies you; full mall course. $1.50. to teachers. Art School, lock-box 319. Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. TIME AND WORRY CAN BE SAVED BY letting roe, do your bookkeeping for small monthly pay; largo or small concerns. Q 90, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WOULD like a set of books to work on one-half day or evenings; temporary work solicited. T 17, caro Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN; understands stenography; has had office ex perience. Address D 18, caro Oregonlan. MlscellaneoHK. ALL KINDS HELP FURNISHED; DOMES tlcs. farm hands, laborers, canners, store work. Japanese Employment Office, CO North 5th. Phone Clay 502. WANTED POSITION AS WATCHMAN OR some other light work inside, by man 50 i years age: sober; city references. P 17, care Orcsonian. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC. FARM. AND all kinds of help. Telephone Black 092. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 203 Everett st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WISHES A Posi tion to do housework in family. Address V 1. Oregonlan. BOY OF 17. GOOD HABITS. WANTS WORK of any kind.- Address T 16. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS SOME KIND. LIGHT work. Address H 0, care Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. STENOGRAPHER OF 10 YEARS' EXPE rlence in law, c6mmerclal and railroad busi ness want position; no cheap Jobs. H 19, Oregonlan. DrcMinnkers. JACKETS RELINED. SKIRTS REBOUND; all kinds of repairing done. 429 Alder st. MiscclluncocsJ EMERGENCY HELP A LADY WILL WORK a few houni; understands housekeeping, sew ing and will be generally useful. 91 Grand ave. Telephone Scott 1477. WANTED IMMEDIATELY; HOUSEKEEP ers, cooks, second girls, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses St. Louis, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. SITUATIONS WANTED HOMELIKE PLACE, middle-aged woman; housekeepers; chamber maids; waitresses; nurses. 230Ht Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED POSITION. BY YOUNG LADY IN confectionery store; first-class references; three years experience J 17, Oregonlan. CURTAINS DONE UP NEATLY AT HOME; work guaranteed. Mrs. I. Haehlen. ( Tel. Union 1844. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE SOME KIND of office work to do. F 17, care Orcronlan. WANTED BY A SWEDISH GIRL. TO DO baking or general housework. 307 N. 16th. WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT AN AGENT IN EVERY TOWN In Oregon, Washington and Idaho; rustlers only; references required; a good-paying prop osition: correspondence solicited. Breiden stein & Slnshelmer Co., 72-74 First street. WANTED TO RENT. TWO YOUNG LADIES DESIRE ROOMS AND board In refined private family; state terms. O 17, Oregonlan. WANTED A NICELY FURNISHED FLAT or house. Immediately. Address N 17, caro Oregonlan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms, central location. X 19, Ore tonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES We pay more money than others for old cloth ing, shoes, quilts, blankets, valises. Call or write at old Second-Hand Store. 73 N. 3d. Phono Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes, boots, guns, pistols, valises, etc Old reliable biand. U2 North 3d su Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND PLACER .mine prospecting drill. State particulars and price. A. J. Schults, Blackfoot. Idaho. WANTED 100 FIR PILING. FROM 30 TO 55 feet; state price. Address Standard Box Factory. Portland. Or. WANTED A LOAN OF $1200 FOR ONE year; good security. Adaress M 20, care Oregoman. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT; HIGHEST PRICK paid 229 Yamhill st. FOR RENT Roonia. THE PALMER HOUSE, S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spuldlng The most complete apartment-house in the city; &team heat, gas, electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade ttoHclted. LARGE BAY-WINDOW DOWN-STAIRS front room with board, fcr two men em ployed through the day. tree phone, bath; home comforts. 207 Jefferson St. 1- FURNXSHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOM3 In the best apartments in Lower Alblna. in quire of Mrs. Lee, 113fe Kusell at., corner MUsirsippi ave. v none rink 900. THE ELKTON UNDER NEW MANAGE xnent; entirely new and first-class: rooms by day or month: transient. U2 Nortnuia st. Mrs. M. C Dawon. manager. THE BARRIE, S. E. COR. 0TH AND STARK Newly furnished, steam heat, electric light, porcelain baths; rates $1 per day and up; special by week or month. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two young ladles; private family: central, bath, references exchanged. Y 20 Oregonlan. , ' 255 11TH NICELY FURNISHED SUITE rooms; gas, bath, phone; private family; rented paratcly if desired. NICE FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY, near medical college. 777 Johnson su, be tween 23d and 24 th. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen; heat, gas, telephone. 343 Third st. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL STREET Rooms, suites or single,- with board. Phone South 1020. LARGE FRONT BAY-WINDOW SUITE. FUR nUhed; also single rooms. 195 7th. Phone West 1CS7. TWO NICELY FURNISHED PARLORS; suitable for two; in quiet private family. 129 13th st. CALL AT 347 TAYLOR ST.. ONE BLOCK from Portland Hotel, for clean, comfortable rooms. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Gllman Hotel. 1st & Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. The Cosmos. 208U Morrison Furnished suites, housekeeping suites, single; $3 per week up. THE ABBOTT. 228 WASH. FINE FUR nlshed rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. THE BONITA Elegant, sunny suites and sin gle; rasonabl; alt conveniences. 89 7th st. ONE PLEASANT SUNNY ROOM; ALL MOD era conveniences. 324 Salmon st. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 1C9 11th st. Rooms With Board. 251 7TH ST.. COR. MADISON NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, with first-cUus board; modern conveniences: four blocks from Hotel Port land. Phone Black 1310. FOR. RENT. Rooms With Board. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 13TH AND A tr ier Under new management; newly furnish ed and renovated: steam heat, porcelain baths; elegant rooms, with board, by the day, $1.25 up; reasonable rates by month; table and service first-class; tourist trade solicited. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 15TH YEAR; rooms, with board: use of sewing-room; use cf library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address' Mrs. C. E .George. Super intendent. 510 Flanders st. HOTEL BROWN LARGE, PLEASANT rooms.- newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; good table; rooms tor transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. . THE COLONIAL. 1C5-1C7 10TH ST. FINE suite, second-floor front; also handsome room for two: with flrstrclass table. FURNISHED ROOMS. HEATED. WITH OR without board: bath. 475 East Burnslde. Phone Union 812. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD; BATH, gas, phone. Call 229 13th st.f between! Salmon and Main. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD for two: also table board; bath and phone 193 West Park. , ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, C55 Flanders, between 20th' and 21st, one block from car line. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD; suitable for two. At '191 7th st. Phone Front 1CSO. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH .board; also meals and day board. 468' Yam hill. NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS; bath and phone. 428-Stark st,, near 11th. FINESyiTE ROOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD; 0 o'clock dinner. 221 13th, cor', Salmon. 215 12TH ST. FURNISHED ROOMS AND board; home cooking; English family. FURNISHED ROOMS; STEAM HEAT, phone. ?09 14th st., cor. Jefferson-- R'OOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 350 Madison St.. corner Park. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD; HOT and cold water. 225 11th si. 471 ALDER ST. ROOMS WITH BOARD, with contorts Of home. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 153 13th st.. cor. Morrison. Honxekccplng Rooms. FOR RENT-FOUR LARGE OUTSIDE rooms, newly furnished, complete for house keeping; central location; bath, gas and phone; no children; references requlrea. Q 19. Oregonlan. THE MONNASTES, 285 FIRST , ST.. COR. Jefferson Furnished housekeeping .rooms ; also single rooms; respectable, quiet house. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms. 204 Washing ton. 206 Front, 301. Water st. 435 ALDER ST. THREE NICELY FUR nished housekeeping rooms; modern conven iences. Call Monday afternoon. THREE FINE, LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; three closets, one pantry; bath, water and phone: f9. 713 Hood st. 388 JEFFERSON ST. NICELY FURNISHED flats, for housekeeping; gas, bath and phone; no children; references. HOUSEKEEPING SMALL ROOM IN PLEAS ant homo suitable for student; bath, phone. 169 13th st. FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng or sleeping. 372 East Oak. Phone Union 012. FIRST-CLASS HOUSEKEEPING SUITES OF two and three rooms; reasonable. 108 Unlou ave. Houses. FOR RENT $20 PER MONTH, EIGHT room house at 013 Milwaukie et. Inquire H. H. Northup, rooms 40-41 Washington building. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND grounds 507 Spring st., Portland Heights. Apply at room 1 Concord bldg. FOR RENT NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEW. on 18th. between East Stark and East Oak. Apply next door. MODERN NEW LOWER FLAT, 5- ROOMS, bath; on Waverly-Wocdstock car line. 514 East 21st. TO RENT LARGE PLEASANT HOUSE. 655 Irving, for two years or longer. Inquire 211 24 th. FOR RENT NINE-ROOM COTTAGE, $10 per month. 372 East Oak. Phone Union 912. HOUSES 3 ROOMS. $4; 0 ROOMS. $3; 9 rooms, $12; water free. 234 Morrison. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. NEW 7-ROOM FLAT, VERY MODERN, $35. 15 N. 10th st.. cor. Burnrldc. Furnished Honses. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED COM plete. Inquire 337 Sacramento st., cor. Union ave.; take TS cars. FURNISHED HOUSE 'FOR RENT. DR. L. M. Davis, Commercial building, Second and Washington. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, cr would rent furnlBhed. Call CO 11th street North. Stores. FOR RENT COR. 10TH AND GLISAN; Liv ing rooms can be arranged. Smlth4 88 North 16th. Offices. OFFICE FOR RENT. APPLY ROOM 224 Allsky bldg. Miscellaneous. BARN 11TH AND COLLEGE STS.; ACCOM modatiens for 10 horses; $12 per month. Ap ply 300 Morrison. PERSONAL. 676 WOMEN WANTED Suffering from Irregular, painful or, stoppages. Leucorrnoea (whiles) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yamhill st., Portland. Or. Pri vate waiting-room for ladles. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps when writing. These medicines ent by mall to any postoflice on earth; full Instructions. THE COMPLEXION. HAIR. .SKIN AND' scalp scientifically treated; no- risks run; Portland's best citizens for reference; facial massage a specialty: massage and electroly sis taught by Mme. Ara Holmes, the reliable bpeclallst, 311 Morrison st.. opposite P.' O. A PROSPECTOR HAS SIX GOOD MINING claims In the heart of the St. Helens district; fine showing, of gold and copper ore; needs money badly; great bargain; would be will ing to take some stock. Address box 527. city. "Rosa's Confession," VStolen Sweets," "Her Honor," "Lustful Love," "'Dangerous De lights," "A Modorn Eden." "Tessle's Temp tation," "Her Hidden Charms." "A Woman of Fire," 50c each; list free. Schmale, 229 1st. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 817 Washington, opposite Cordray's. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC.. RE moved with electric needle; permanent cure; eight years' experience In Portland; lady operator; physicians' referenqes. Parlors 13 10 Lewis building. Phone Brown 657. DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE you strong and happy by Sexlne Pllhv It won t cost you a cent? Price, $1; 0 boxes, $3. Address J. A. Clemenson. Druggist. Second and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. WANTED ALL THOSE SUFFERING FROM any chronic disorder to try Dr. W. W. Chris tie, the Osteopath. He can cure you. Ex amination free. Office, 314-315 Macleay bldg.. Portland,, Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's! treat ment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happlhess by using Sexlne Pills; price $1; 0 for $5. J. A. Clemenson, Jjffugglst, cor. Second and Yamhill. Portland. c)r. GOITRE. ENLARGED TONSILS REDUCED, eczema positively cured. The new chemical ray. Investigate this. New York Institute, Falling bid., 3d and Washington sts. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE. MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st, bet. 1st and 2d. WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICE -25c and SOc Knight's Drug Store, 12C6tb t. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage jpapcr, 10c Box 060, Portland, Or. PERSONAL. ALL FORMS OF ' RHEUMATISM AND chronic nervous diseases, diseases of women. New York Institute. Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington sts.- We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards. $L Brown & Schmale, 229 First; Portland, Or. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicurist and chiropodist; skillful "and sci entific. 20 Rajelgh. Hood 1701. YOUNG LADY. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic Sold by all first-class druggists'. YOUNG if AN. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DATS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic All first-class druggists. CHRISTMAS PERFUMERY AND TOILET goods at lowest prices. Knight's Drug Store, 120 0th st. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists. L.OUIS H. BOLL. PIANO TEACHER; studio. Auditorium bldg., 3d St., near Taylor. BUSINESS CPANCES. PARTNER WANTED. FROM $5000 UP. FOR manufacturing business; I have all 'machin ery tecessary; good shipping point; money wanted to buy stock; am an Eastern man, and made my money here within three years; have largest manufacturing plant in Ore gon; chance for a couple of men with cap ital. For Information address M 12, care Oreconlan. AN EXCELLENT PROPOSITION-A 50.000 capacity sawmill for sale cheap. Splendid-paying oil business for sale. A fine 6-roora house, with three lots, at Woodlawn, ior sale chtap. Inquire of W. H. LEHMAN, 326 Wash ington st. A PROSPECTOR HAS SIX GOOD MINING claims in the heart of the St. Helens district; fine showing of gold and copper ore; needs money badly; great bargain; would be will ing to take tome stock. Address box 527, city. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 100 - ROOM hotel for 6ale. doing a good business; only first-class hotel; four new sawmills are con tracted to be put up within a year; not less than $2000 cash needed. Address V 13. Ore gonlan. FOR PHYSICIAN OR DRUGGIST. A GOOD drug store in a thriving town In the Willam ette Valley; will Invoice about $2500; good lo cation for a doctor; will sell all or one-half. Address L 16, care Oregonlan. PARTNER WITH $500 IN GOOD. LEGITI mate business that will double capital in less than two months; will bear fullest Inv.eatiga- . tlon; don't answer unless you give address and name. R 15, Oregonlan. WILL SELL A NICE. CLEAN MANUFAC turlng business, established 1890; no expe rience required; good reason for selling; will take about $0000. G 19, Oregonlan. e WILL TRADE MY BUSINESS AND. STOCK of dry goods for Improved Portland or sub urban real estate; flne .patronage; good rea sons for selling. R 19, Orcronlan. $0000 VERY CHOICE STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise, doing cash business; splendidly located and paying handsomely; at invoice. T. C. Shreve, 421 Ablngton bldg. $400 GROCERY AND FEED. WITH LIVING rooms, in Alblna, at Invoice; low rent, good location, cash business. T. C. Shreve, 421 Ablngton bldg. SWELL TEN-ROOM HOUSE AT ACTUAL cost, goods new, rooms full, close In; terms or discount for cash. Telephone Clay 796. FOR SALE OR TRADE STORE OF GEN eral merchandise: flrst-claBs business. Ad dress Monitor Trading Co., Monitor, Or. PHOTOGRAPH GALLEY. WELL EQUIPPED, living rooms attached, central; rent $10 per month; price $350. N 10, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER, $500 AND SERVICES, for half Interest legitimate business; no agents. Address X 12, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HOTEL IN THE BEST MINING town In the Northwest; very easy terms. See McLod. 227 Falling bldg. WANTED TO TRADE SEATTLE PROPER ty for Star Consolidated mining stock. Ad dress 3 15, Oregonlan. ONE OF THE LARGEST MEAT MARKETS In the city; centrally located; best trade. F 04, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GROCERY AND GONFECTION ery store, with four living rooms at back. 508 Savler st. FLOUR MILL FOR.;SALE CHEAP; ALSO fine leaidence property. Henry Miller, Amity, Or. ' WANTED FURNISHED ,'HOUSE. 15 TO 20 room's, central and modern. E 20. Oreconlan. I : A LARGE SALOON" FOR SALE, ALL FUR- nisnea, at a sacrifice, u io, oregonlan. FOR SALE REASONABLE: MEAT MAR ket: good location. A 10. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; easy payments; strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co., room 200 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett. 213 Com merlcal block. Telephone Grant 856. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 002 Commercial blk. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO "SUIT ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Hood -413. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 ON ALL kinds of ecurlty. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Sn.w &-Co., 243 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn. 532 Sherlock block. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith, 3 Ch. of Commerce. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley, 003 Cham. Commerce. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Chamber of Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT b AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposnls Invited. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for the stock of groceries and trade fixtures atNo. 321 3d St., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, the 11th Inst. Inventory and inspection of property can be had on application. Certified check for 10 per cent of bid must accompany each proposal, and right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. R. L. SABIN, Front and An keny sts.. Portland. Or. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF SEIZED GOODS No tlce Is hereby given that on the 8th day of December. 1902. at 2 o'clock P. M.. there will be sold at public auction, at the United States Custom-House, corner of Eighth and Davis streets. Portland, Oregon, to the high est bidder for gold coin of the United States. 50 cans of opium, which has been seized for violation of the United States customs- and ' revenue laws. I. L. PATTERSON. Collector of Customs. CREDITORS OF STEAMER RESOLUTE please present claims to J. A. Strowbrldge, Jr., No. 207 Commercial block. Portland, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN ONE SHEP herd dog, black and yellow, very woolly, whlto forehead, sharp nose; welcomes one by biting on wrist. Return to Davis Hardware Store, East Portland. Reward. $25 REWARD. PAYABLE FOR RECOVERY lady's gold pin, circle form, set with 50 pearls and one diamond In center; lost Nov. 15. Finder address Oregonlan ofrlce. LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON, BET. PARK School and "Macleay bldg., circular gold clasp pin, with flower ornament; return to Ore gonlan office; reward. LOST MONOGRAM INITIAL "J. P. B." ON black ribbon. Return to J. P. Buchanan, care Southern Pacific Railway, Park and Hoyt sts. Reward. LOST TUESDAY EVENING, GOLD STICK pln. containing four diamonds, with topaz In center. Return 375 Taylor. Liberal reward. LOST NEAR THIRD AND SALMON. WEEK ly tlmebook. Return to 584 4th and be re BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountaats and Aaditors. Murton & Arenbold. 320, 328 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 761. Bookkeeping, exporting. Architects. DELOS D. NEER, ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 First st. Phone Red. 2924. Assayers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASS AYE R AND AN alytleal chemist and mining engineer, 204 Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. Exports on analysis of coals, minerals, rock and mineral waters. J. T. Gove, Manager. Hariey J. Armstronr, assayer. cor. 7m and Ankeny. Prices and bags mailed on request. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought, 228 Stark, st. Attorneys-at-Eaw. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN, general practitioner. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Consultation free. Builders Material. TTMMS, EDWARDS & CO., Eastern hardwood flooring, strictly up-to-date. 206 Front. ' Butchers and Packers. FULTON MARKET, cor. 3d and Yamhill Get prices on hams, bacon, lard and-fresh meats. Curpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder. 307 Stark t.: office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVING. ufcul1' repaireo. mo -tin. uiay in. W L- Buckner.' office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. Chiropodists nnd Manicurinpr. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLB' DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This la the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. UNRIVALED EXPERT CHIROPODIST AND manicurist; work scientifically performed; physicians' Indorsement. Office 20 Raleigh. Hood 1701. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer. 656 Worcester block. Coal Dealers.. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS in all kinds of coal. Call us up for Quota tions. 154 North 5th. Main 1018. Col. 203. KING COAL COMPANY: BEST HOUSE AND steam coals. Yard Front St.. opposite Alns worth Dock. Phone Oak 1251. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers: best coals, foundry and smelter coke. Both phones. Coal and Wood. BROWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Yamhill at. Both phones. Main 715. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. COAL AND KIND ling: prompt delivery. Phone Main 342. Collection' Agencies. Lehman Collection Agency: collections, legal matters promptly attended to. 320 Wash. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and genoral commission merchant. Front st.. near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock build ing, Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO "duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. Corruprutert Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second at. Dancing:. PROF. EATON. WITH 5 ASSISTANTS. GIVE . private or class dancing lessons Monday and Thursday evenings, Arlon Hall. Tel. West 793. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OF dancing. Burkhard Hall. Mon. and Wed. ev'gs, Tu?s. afternoons. Tel. Union 1602. Dyeing nnd Cleaning1. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Fence nnd Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works A. Carlson, 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.: protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y.. 012-015 Marquam bldg. Ilnlrdressins, Toupees, Manicuring:. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 100 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, hairdresslng. manicuring. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BO WEN, PORTLAND, SAN Francisco, Seattle. Gas and Gasoline Mantels. WESTERN MANTEL CO.. PORTLAND, OR. Breldensteln & Slnshelmer Co., Sole Agents. Harness nnd Saddles'. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle' and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Paul van Frldagh, General Agent. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. Shsnk & Co. pay highest prices for old rub ber, metals, bottles. Iron, rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 991. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery.) hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 161 North Fourth st. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Manufacturers of Ladles Go6ds. Holiday goods, ladies' dressing sacques, kl monas, flannel waists: ladles' fine underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Massage. 300 WASHINGTON STREET. SOUTHWEST corner of Park, rooms 1 and 3, the Snowden bathrooms: vapor, steam and electric baths; scientific massage, sponge baths; strictly first-class in every respect. Remember the number: no signs uaea. YOUNG LADY GIVING VAPOR. LAVENDER baths, also the famous Assyrian treatment, has removed to San Francisco. Will be pleased to see old and new patrons. EXCELLENT BATHS. MASSAGE. BY Ex perienced young lady, formerly with Mis3 Bee La Rue. Room 10, 351 Morrison. Select patrons only. FRENCH LADY. WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD uate assistants, gives massage treatment; electric, perfume. 208 5th. Phono W. 1973. EXCELLENT BATHS, MAGNETIC MAS sage. by young lady from the East. 203 Stark, room 22. Swellest In city. SPANISH LADY. MASSAGE TREATMENTS: salt glow baths; select patronage solicited. 350 Washington st,, room 4. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED), FOR 25 YEARS Portland's favorite .medium. 224 Market st. Mines and Mining:. 1000 SHARES OF ST. HELENS & G ALICE Mining Co. stock will bring you In $5 a month. A. B. Cousin, Secretary, 201 McKay bldg. Musical. Lessops 50c piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin; lnstrum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st. Oregon Viavi Co. LEWJS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles, Thursday, 2:30 P. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 203 DAVIS. TEL. Clay 812. Meals. 25c; chicken tamale. 15c Palmistry. PALMISTRY. ASTROLOGY MRS. SHELLEY Washburn, the famous palmist and astrolo gist of San Francisco. Is now located at 207 Jefferson at,, Portland. Or. Mrs. Shelley Washburn was palmist and special character reader for the S. F. Examiner In 189S-09, and comes highly recommended from there. As a lecturer and newspaper specialist, she has an unrivaled reputation. While working for th Examiner she read many prints and casts of Portland people's hands. Mrs. SVashburn will now meet you personally at 207 Jefferson st. Readings, $1. MISS LINN WARDEL. CLAIRVOYANT, palmist and astrologer, has returned, and can be consulted dally on all affairs of life. During my last visit here I read tho palms of six thousand people. I would like to meet all my old patrons, as well as new. Office 21 Raleigh bldg. Larsen. the palmist, returned: scientific read ings, 50c; past and future. 210 Allsky bldg. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clair voyant card reader, 133 1st, cor. Alder. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. ATTORNEY; PATENTS A specialty. 530 Chamber of Commerce. Physicians and Surgeon. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESS fully treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 30S Sal mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellow's Temple. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS, VAULT DOOR3 and deposit work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Second-hand safes bought and sold. Goods aa represented. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. BARNES SAFS PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co., gen'l agta., 205 2d St.. A. O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrls Safo Co.. 91 1st St., 2d door north of Stark. ' Snnitarlums. 500 EAST COUCH ST.. COR. E. 10TH; MRS. Charles E. Campbell, graduate nurs"e Bellevuo Hospital. New York. In charge. Lying-in hos pltal; home comforts. Phone Union 1366. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON, Borgeson & Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington st,; largest variety; repairing. Spiritualists. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBYS. SO strange is our work that, without a word, without a question, we can tell you what you came for. Just "what you want to know. Cor rect Information about all affairs, love, court ship, marriage, divorce, sale?, wills, property, old estates, speculation, diseases, pensions, patents, Investment, etc. We positively tell you when and whom you will marry, giving name of person and date of marriage.- We recognize none as our superior, who by any means advise and foretell events arising through cause and effect. Hours. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.: Sunday, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 183 7th st., between Yamhill and Taylor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult the best. 271 Morrison st,, room A. RETURNED MADAM MORRIS; CONFIDEN tlal advice on all affairs of life, business, love, marriage, divorce; satisfaction guaran teed. 203 Morrison, room 19. MRS. THOMPSON. SPIRITUALISM, CLAIR voyant. advises on love, marriage and busi ness. Office hours from 9 to 9. 192 5th st. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader; scientific palmist; past and future, 50c. 221 Morrison. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. BUSINESS AND test, at 133 5th. cor. Alder, room 1. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morri son. Sitings dally. Phone Hood 403. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office. 88 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 596. Pianos and furniture moVed and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof-brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND .TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Bnths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible - Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st,. San Francisco. Wall Paper. FREEBORN & CO.. wall paper, paper-hanging, tinting, painting. 334 Alder, cor. 7th. Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing. I 4 Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS., cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers told on New York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points in Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Parts. Borlln. Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J FRANK WATSON President jL L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought, LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Had office, 55 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts "bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and tho purchase of merchandise In any city of tho world. Deal3 In foreign and domestic exchange Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... $12,000,000 HOMER S. KING PRESIDENT (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking, Business Transacted. Ex- . change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up $8,000,000 Reserve 2,000,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A WYLD. Manager. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest comer Third and Oak streets. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued, available In all cities of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila NO INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier F. C. MILLER Assistant Cashier..; R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A, L. MILi.3 Cashrer J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Loul3, St, Paul, Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin Frankfort-on-the-jaln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. hrls tlanla. Stockholm. St, Petersburg, Moscow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. iL - M A. V . .tjfii.- .(V W-- -i .