THE. MOKNING OBEgOyiAK, MONDAY, DECEMBEK 8, 1902, 11 THE HOLIDAY TRADE Front Street Already Feels the Effect of It. PROMISES TO. BE HEAVY Penltry ad Othei IJrbdKcc Markets la Flae Skape Little' Dolns in Hops Wfaeat QHOtctl This week xlvcs every promise of being ' a recwil-breaker in the produce - district- The JtolWay trade has already opened, and country orders are coming in freely. The fruit -and vegetable trade will bo- well supplied to meet the demand. The past week was somewhat quiet after the Thanksgiving excitement, but business Improved vonthe last days,- There "were not many chances in Saturday's prices. Sweet potatoes are scarce and firmer, owing to the' advanced season and the difficulty shippers find in securing suitable cars. Poultry houses cleaned up Saturday for the first tUe in several weeks leaving tee market Jn $ne condition for this week's trade. Eggs are steady, with Oregon scarce and quotable at S4c, and Eastern more plentiful and selling: lower. Butter Is weak, and a decllno is pr&r dictcd. There was no business in. the local hop mar let Saturday. A few growers were in town, and they seemed anxious to sell, but would not make concessions. "Wheat was dull and quoted weaker. The de anand from Australia and South Africa seems to nave given out for the present. Grocery Jobbers report the holiday trade well Under way. Reports from the primary tea markets show great strength and activity. The 10c duty will be repealed January 1. and It is probable that there will be a. general reduction of JOc a pound all round. The market for rice Ik strong for nearly all varieties with prices tendlnr unwnrd. Thn snlf sliitotlnn vmtlnno unsettled. Trade in the salmon market is slow, as Is itural at this time of tho year, but prices how consequent easiness. In red Alaska and eockeyes. of course, there Is hardly any ap parent movement, as stocks are pretty well cleaned up. Cohoes, however, are In somo de mand at firm prices. Pinks and chums aro in good supply, but a heavy Spring demand is confidently expected, and the best grades are being very firmly" held. Concerning the action of tho Government in the matter of shortening the Alaska season, report from Seattle states that the Government has served a notice that the red fish In the north arc be closed until July 1. This will cut off about half the spa son. Efforts are being now made to modify the law to permit catching about the middle of June Under this law tho Independent north cm canneries would bo practically shut out of business. The latest figures of tho British Co lumbia pack give a total of 016,772 cases, 313, 651 for Fraser River and 302,021 for the north ern cans cries. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Float-, Feed, Etc FLOUR Valley, $3 353 50 per barrel; hard wheat straights. $3 303 C5; hard wheat pat ents, $3 604 10; Dakota hard wheat, $4 400 6:30; graham, $3 203 60. WHEAT Walla Walla, 71c; bluestem, 70c; Talley. 77c export values. BARLEY Feed, $23 50 per ton; brewing. $24: rolled, 24 50. ailLLSTUFFS-Bran. $1810 per ton: mid dlings. $2324; shorts, $1020; chop, $18. OATS No. 1 white. ?1 151 17; gray. $1 12VS 1 15 per cental, HAT Timothy, $10(31 ; clover, $9; wheat. S8 per ton. Batter, Egrgs, Poultry, Etc. POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 10c per pound; young, 10c; hens, 10Ilc; turkeys, live. 13c; dressed, 15c; ducks, $56 per dozen; geese, SO Q8 60. CHEESE Full cream, twins, 1516c: Toung America, 16H174c: factory prices 1 IHc less;; Wisconsin, 10c per pound. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 3032yk per pound; dairy. 2022Vc; store, 1518c EGOS 25S4c per dozen. Vegetables, Fruit. Etc. VEGETABLES Turnips, 75S0c per sack; carrots, 75S0e; beets. $1 per sack; parsnips, fl per sack: cauliflower, Los Anseles, S5c per dozen: cabbage. lUo per pound; celery, Los Angeles 5060c; Denver, $1 per dozen; let tuce, head, per dozen, 25c; hothouse, $1 7503 per box; green onions, per dozen. 12c; cu cumbers, 75c$l per box; creen peppers, 45c per pound; dry Chile peppers, 20c per pound: Brussels sprouts, 6c per pound; squash, $1 1 60 per hundredweight. GREEN FRUIT Apples, tables. S5c$l 55 per bpx; cooklpg, 5075c; pears, 75c$l 25 per box: crapes. Niagara. 50o per crate; Concord, 20030c per basket. 15c per half basket: Cali fornia Tokay, $1 40 per crate; Muscat. $1 25 per crate; Cornichon, $1 25; quinces, Oregon, 85c$l per box; cranberries, Jersey, $11; Wis consin, Bell & Cherry, $lllgll 50; persimmons, $1 25 .per box. TROPICAL FRUIT Lemcns. $3 504 per box; orances, new crop navels, S3 253 75; grape fruit, $3 50 per box; bananas, $2 250 2 75 per bunch; pineapples, $5 50 per dozen; pomegranates, $1 50 per box, DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 74c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 536c; apri cots, 810c; peaches. 70c; pears, 78c; prunes. Italian. 4H6c; tigs, California blacks, 6c; do white, 7Jc; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted, 45c RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown. 7c: 3 crown, 7Vic; 2-crown, G&e; unbleached seedless POTATOES Best Burbanks, 6070c per sack; ordinary, 5060c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2 per cental. ONIONS Oregon and "Washington, 76c$l per cental: shippers price In carload . lots, 50o per centals. Groceries, Ruts. Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 23028c; Java, fancy, 200 52c; Java, good, 20g24c; Java, ordinary, 18 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, ICigISc: Costa Rica, ordinary. 10g12c per pound; Columbia -roast. $10 "75; Arbuckle's, $11 25 list; Lion. $10 75. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 55Jc; No. 2, 4c: Carolina head. 77c SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis, $1 65 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2 75; fancy 1-pound flats. $1 90; -pound flats, $1 25; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. 90c; red, 1-pound tails. $1 30: soskeye, 1-pound talis, $1 45; 1 pound flats, $1 60. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 100 p&ugds; Cube, $5 10; powdered, $4 05; dry gran ule. $4 85. extra C. $4 35; golden C. $4 25. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels. 23c; boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. Maple, 1516c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated. $4 75 per 100 pounds. HONEY I3c per No. 1 frame. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white. 4c; pinks. 3?Je: Bayou, 3ic: Lima, 5c per pound. NUTS Peanuts, 0&c per pound for raw, 89 SHc for roasted; cocoanuU, 8590o per dozen; walnuts. 13314c per pound; pine -nuts. 10 12Vic; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 18c; 11 berts, 15l6c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 14 15c; chestnuts, 16c GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $0 256 50 per 100 for soot. J!TTI'lverp001' 50s- $20 80 per ton; 100s, ft2 IJ00- 1950: ha" crouna. per ton. 50s. 1B; 100s, $15 50; Worcester salt, bulk, 320s, rvrCr barre!: llnen sacks. 50s, SOc per sack. PILTCoal o11- cases, 22c per gallon; bar Mis, 17c; tanks, 15c; boiled linseed, cases, 62c; barrels. 57c; raw linseed, cases, 60c; barrels. 60c; turpentine, cases, 72c; wood barrels. 6Sc: iron barrels. 66c; lots of 10 cases or more, 71c: gasoline, cases, 26c; barrels. 104c Collier and Atlantic white and red lead, in lots of 500 pounds or more, 6c; less -than 500 pounds, 64c Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS Choice, 25&c326Hc per pound: prime to choice, 2425c; prime. 24e; medium. 223 23c HIDES Drv hirtp Vn i Kt . 15ffl5CTK!r pound' drv Vln' 'n 1 K tnMll pounds. 12c; dry calf, No. 1. under 5 pounds, 10e: dry-salted bulls and stacs, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers. 6ound. 60 pounds and over, 80c; 50 to 60 pounds. 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound. 55c; kip. sound. 15 to 20 pounds. 7c; real, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; calf, sound, ander 10 pounds, 8c; green (uasaited). lc per pound leys: culls. 3c per pound less: horse hides, salted, each, $1 5032: dry. each. $1Q 1 50; colts' hides, each, 25350c; coat .skins, common, each, I015c: Angora, with wool on, each. 25c6$L WOOL Valley. 12415c; Eastern Oregon. 8 14Hc; mohair. 26S2Sc PELTS Bear skins, as to size, No. 3. each, $5g6 20; cubs. $25; badger", each, 10340c; wildcat. 25350c; house cat, 510c; fox, com mon gray, -each, 30550c; do red. each $1 502; do cross, each, $536: do silver and black, each, $1003200; fisher, each. $5S6: lynr, each, $233; mink, strictly No. 1. each, 5Oc$l50j marten, dark Northern. $6312; marten, pale pine, ac cording to size and color, $15032; muskrats, large, each, 510c; skunk, each. 4050c; civet or polecat, ach, 6 10c hotter, for large prime skins, each, 30g50c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 5035; wolf, prairie (coyole), without head, each. 30335c: wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $536; do me dium, $34; do small, $11 50; do kltn, 50375c SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 1520c; short wool. 2535c; medium wool. 3060c; long wool, 60c$l each. TALLOW Prime, per ponnd. 435c; No. 2 and grease, 2&3c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Gross, cows, $33 60; steers, $44 23; dressed. 6!47ic per pound. VEAL 784c per pound. MUTTON Gross. $3 25; dressed.. 636&C LAMBS Gross, $3 50: dressed, 6&. HOGS Gross, $636 2!5; dressed, 7TH;C LARD Portland, tierces. lSJic per pound; tubs. lZMc; 50c. 13V5c: 20s. 13&c; 10s, 1334c: 5s. 34c Compound, tierces, 9Vc per pound; tubs, 9c fine. 10s. 15Hc; seconds, 5s, 14$&c; 10s, BACON Portland. l610c per pound; East ern, fancy, 17iic; standard, heavy, 15V5c; bacon bellies. 15J4c HAMS Portland, 14c per pound; picnic, 10Hc per pound; Eastern fancy, 14V4316c DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears, 12VS 13c: backs. 1213c; bellies, 1516c; plates, 10c; butts. 0310c SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 1215c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; Bologna, long. Sc: welnerwursts, 0c; liver. 7c; pork, 9c; blood, 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link. 7&c PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs' feet. barrels, $4 50; -barrels, $2 50; 15-pound kit, $1. Tripe, -barrels, $5 50: t-tarrtls. $2 75; 15-pouad kit. $1: pigs tongues, -barrels, .$0;. U-barrcls, .$3; 45-pound kits. $1 25. EASTERN X.IVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO, Dec 6. Cattle Receipts, 300. Market nominal. Good to prime 6teers, $5 80 7 25; poor to medium. $35 70; stockers and feeders, $24 75; cows. $1 4034 60; heifers, $25; canners, $1 40 $12 40; bulls, 24 75; calves, $3 5086 75J Texas fed steers, $33 iu. Hogs Receipts today, 30,000; Monday, 45,000; left over 7000. Market 10c lower, Mixed and butchers. $5 900 35; good to choice heavy. $6 356 G2K;r rough heavy, $5 9030 25; light, $3 7536 10; bulk of sales, $6 1536 23. Sheep Receipts, 1500. Market for sheep steady; lambs steady. Good to choice wethers. $3 7534 25; fair to choice mixed, $2 5033 75; Western sheep. $2 7533 85; native lambs, $3 50 Q5 50; Western lambs, $3 7535. OMAHA Dec. 6. Cattle Receipts, 300J Mar ket steady. Native steers. $3 5006 25; cows and heifers. $334; Western steers, $3 -o34 90. Texas steers. $34 40; cows and heifers, ranges. $2 5033 83; canners. $1 502: stockers and feeders, $2 5003 25.; calves, $3 5030; bulls, stags, etc.. $1 503 75. Hogs-Receipts, 1000. Market 5310c lower. Heavy. $6 15S6 25; 'mixed. $6 156 20; light. $6 103 6 20; pigs, $530; bulk of sales. $6 150 6 Sheep-Receipts. 2000. Market steady. Fed muttons, yearlings. $3 60gV. -wethers, 333; ewes, $2 753 40; common and stockers, $1 OOy 3 30;' lambs, $44-65. KANSAS CITY. Dec 6. Cattle Receipts, 1200, Market uncharced'. Hogs-Rccelpts. 5000. Market weak to 5c lower; bulk of sales. $0 156 25; heavy, $6 15 6 30; packers. $6 103 0 25; medium, $6 15 6 27; light, $6 053015; Yorkers. $6103015; pigs, r30O. sheepRccelpt6, 1000. Market strons. Mut tons, $334; lambs. $3 50g5 15; range wethers, $333 00; ewes. $333 85. TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest. FOR PORTLAND July 23 July July Aup. Aug. June Name. Flag and rig. Aug. Aug. Nov. July Oct. Oct. Oct. 4 Oct. Oct:' Nov. Musselcrae Tasmania. Ventura Emille WIHiittnn Wall aiiierzosin uecena ...1 Formosa 2Stl Castor 20 Scottish Minstrel 12Werra ...Danlel 25lRlversdale ...IWnllacetown 28iCockermou'th vine or, JNazasre Irby Omesa Beechdale. Nauarchos Ardencralg Col. Villebois Maur, Klek Port Patrick Saxon 'OlSurcouf winusur rata. Slxtus Earl Dunraven AlmedJa Lamoriciere Martha Roux 30fNbrman Isles Polarstjernen Duns Law Langdale 29 Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. ehlp Br. ship Pr. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Fr. bark Br. ship It. ship Br. ship Fr. bark Br. snip Ger. ship Br. bark Ger. bark Br. ship Fr. hark Aus. Ptr Br. shlD Br. bnrk Ft. ship Br. bark Dan. hark jBr. hark Nor. ship Fr. hark Fr. bark Nor. str Dan. str Br. bark Br. ship Master. Johnston Rhode Rehburg Dahn Thurber Gulrln Warneke KorCC Campbell Mellin Gerdes Bacheller Porter Russo Fall Darra Law Krause Knox Arfmand Ritchie Berhault 1S71! 2CS31 1581 From. Consignees. Antwerp San Diego ntwerp i3S! Antwerp lysO' Shields 1567! Shields 2S40 Hamburg 1474Town3vllle 1953IAntwerp 1511, An twerp S57 Honolulu 1R18.P. L. Angeles 20a Hamburg 1626! Honolulu 1297 'Antwerp lsis tiooart 14S0IP. L.Angeles 20G0 1271 2796 1S00 Galloway Smith Ribault Livingston KriKsen Williams Iversen Sauvignon Garnler Pettersen Branth Nichols Hunter Sta. Rosalia Port Natal Hamburg Rotterdam 1730 Madagascar 24 6S Vancouver 159SIHamhurg 1B27; Antwerp 1741,Fusan 1692 Antwern 1707jSta. Rosalia 1310Acapulco 140MAnarossan l471iTacoma 15$ljSan Fran. 2190lAntwerp , 2199IAntwerp l53l!HuII lf$9!P. L. Angeles L37 Balfour 15S! 14SIM-! 10 105 162 135 Taylor eyer" Meyer Glrvin Stevens Meyer McNear E. Baker 40IBalfour 60) ...lBalfour 311 Meyer Meyer Taylor Girvln Balfour Balfour Balfour Total tonnage en route and listed, 66, 90S, GRAIX TONNAGE IN THE RIVER Name. Flag and rig. Master. From. Agents or Charterers. Berth. Aug. Sept. Sept, Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct, Oct, Oct, Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. lOIEuphrosyne Morven John Cooke Copley Ancenls Magdalene Pass of Brander Adolf Madagascar C'n of Denmark Holyrood Chnstel G. W. Wolff Glenesslin Matterhorn C'y of Roxburg 2SlClan Galbralth 2SiIngeborg 29 Isle of Arran 30Allerton liLodore filCanneblere SIKlverslde Cornll Bart Fulwood Waudsbek Nal Nantes 16IAster Alsterthal - Dowan Hill Bidston Hill Nesaia Marie Foyledale Jean Bart Wiscombe Park Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Dan. ship ar. bark Thomson Hughes Qualle Strlkman Salter 1799 1997 175S Ger. hark iSusewind Br. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Ger. snip Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Dan. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Ger. bark Fr. bark Ger. ship Ger. bark Br. hark Br. bark Ger. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Br. ship. Rider Schlppmant smith Mllman Findley Wurthmani Butler Pritchard Warren Leslie Barker Kaas Carse Toye Kiiiey Lefeuvre McCully Cavelan Thomas Padsen Schutte RIcordel Dummer Ellerbeck Davteb Jones Gerkens Monmoine Kerry Gossat Power Newcastde San Fran Liverpool 1696jAntwerp 1700 2732 1F93 1651 1996 19S7 1932 1777 15S9 1743 1S39 2091 Table Bay Yokohama Royal Roads ban Fran Algoa Bay bta. Kosalu Antwerp Antwerp Swansea Victoria Hamburg Antwerp l983Algoa Bay 1079 1759 1S38 125S 1759 1590 1721 19S6 2198 2627 2029 1397 1696 1978 2431 Guaymas Sta. Rosalia Barrow Acapulco San Fran Hamburg St. Nazairo Callao Sta, Rosalia Hlogo Yokohama Valparaiso Salaverry Algoa Bay Antwerp l5io;Tsintau 1709 1 San Fran. 16C6I Liverpool 1724London 2075 Newcastle Disengaged P. F. M. Co Balfour Kerr P. F. M, Co. Kerr Stevens lBalfour N. W. Co. Kerr Balfour N. W. Co. Balfour P.F. M. Co. Kerr Berg Balfour Balfour N. W. Co. Balfour Port. G. Co N. W. Co. N. W. Co. Port G. Co. Disengaged N. W. Co. Kerr P. F. M. Co. P. F. M. Co. P. F. M. Co Port G. Co. Balfour Balfour Berg Balfour P.F. M. Co Balfour. S. Pacific Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Stream Astoria Astoria Astoria Oceanic &u Johns Astoria Astoria Mtg'my 2 Col. 2 Astoria Astoria Stream Stream Stream Stream Grnw'ch Col. 1 Astoria Irving Mtg'my 2 hilevator Stream Flour mill Sand dock Mersey Astoria -Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Total tonnage In port, 6S.614 GRAIN TONNAGE EX ROUTE TO PUGET SOUND Nam. Flag and rig. Master. From. June 17Pass of Melfort Aug. S Tarpenbek June 28Elfrieda Aug. 22ienthesllea Aug. Sept. Oct," ii Sep2 Oct, ? CctG 6ctl"i7 Oct, Glenlul Wendur Glenmark Banklelgh bamorna Norma Loudon H1U Alsterberg Gael Columbia Inverlyon Rahane Cromartyshire Glenaivon Islamount Maelgwyn Vincent SIAustrallan Sept, 19BenIcia Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct, 31 Edenmore Astoria Belfast Nlohe Southesk ..JThlrlmere HAnemone .. I Amsterdam .. Mylomene 2iSlyfid 7Prince Robert Abyssinia Oweenee Comliebank Henrlette Mlltonbunr Br. bark Ger. ship Ger. ship Br. ship . Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Br. bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. ship nr. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Ger. ship Dtch. bk. Br. shlD Russ. ship iMor. nark Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Hansen Houston, Meyer Manson Scott Nicoll Johnson Evans Cormack McLaughlin Crulcksnank NefC Sloana Schutte Rims Scott Nicoll Andrews Taser Thomas 3rice Jollffo Jones Coath Thorklldsen Davies Fettjuch Gomm Radcllffe Agartz uaKker Jones Ahlwlk Hansen Hilton Burchall Walker Rasch Benson 2196j Hamburg 1799 1649 1663 Shields Hambunr Xpwrjiptlf 18471 Hamburg lain, ntwerp 1250Liverpool i4iU; Liverpool iLiverpool 1999 Honolulu 2006 Antwerp 9150. M 1516(Valparaiso niogo 1332 Cardiff 1649 Liverpool hes. Manila 10S0 1488' 1235 1776 1955 1810 1642 14P 1810 1940 10S5 1625 Esquimau Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam Table Bay Adelaide Townesyille Rotterdam Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Plsamw 1669'Acapuleo UOO'Java : will. 14DS!Honolulu lable Bay 1127! London 23S4;P. L. Angeles Lfanama Sta. Rosalia Sta. Rosalia 2S82! 2499; Consignees. Laldlaw&Cb. Total tonnage en route and listed. 71,146. GRAIN TONNAGE ON PUGET SOUND Nam. Flag and rig. Master. From. Agents or Charterers. July Aug. Oct, Oct, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 23Tola . lCIAlice a. Leigh 27Lord Elgin 25lMuskoka 12Alsterufer Ernest Jeyer M, E. Watson Pass p Leny Bretagne Bayonne Galgate Mozamblouo zo fengwern 21ICalifomla 22Invermore 19JEaton Hall Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Fr. bark ' Br. ship Br. bark Fr. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br- ship Br. shJp Br. bark Br. ship Berth. Pennlcnlek Davidson Sangster Crowe Jensen Deihhanged Griraths Ball Canevot Griffiths" Mccone Griffiths Day Fletcher Evans 1407iHorlolulu 2S17( 1497 2259 2597 2500 Shanghai LeitJi victoria T.i!cal Hobart lG70jCallao 1279 Valparaiso 1730Hobart lS07Hchart 2227 Cape Town 2205AIgoa Bay 1492 London 2061Cape Town 1522) Valparaiso 1671Callao Disengaged Dlsengaguu Berg Disengaged N.W.W.Co. Kerr Disengaged Balfour Kerr P.F.M. Co. Disengaged Pt. G. Co. Disengaged. N. W. Co. . N.W.W.Co. Balfour Tacoma PL Tnsnd Tacoma Victoria Tacoma Tacoma Victoria xaccma Tacoma Tacoma Victoria Tacoma Victoria. Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma WEAKENED BY SELLING CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES EIGHTH OF A CENT DOWN. "Total tonnage In por "30,620V Early Strength Dne to CloslnR of TTavlsBtion lor 'the WiHter on the Danube. ' CHICAGO. Dec 6. Hlsher cables Imparted, strength to wheat at tho opening, and the ad vance was well maintained the greater part of tho day, but on liquidation by a prominent long, weakness developed late in the day, and tho close was a trifle under yesterday's flnar figures. , The better tone of the market was mainly attributed "to tho closing of navigation on the Danube, which shut off tho shipments from Roumanla. The volume of business was small. May opened IsSc higher, at 75H 75c. and during the session sold down to 75Hc Tho close was lower, at 75Uc. Corn ruled Arm. the feature being manipula tion in May. May closed unchanged at 43K3 43Jic Oats wpro in -active demand by commission houses and cash houses. May closed strong and ic higher, at 324c. Provisions were weaker, general liquidation all along tho lino being responsible for the weaker feollng. January pork and lard closed J5c higher, and ribs, 1031240 lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. -Opening. Highest, Lowest. Closing. December $0 72 $0 72 $0 72 $0 72 May '75 " 75$fc . 75 75. July ., 73 73 72H 72. CORN. 64H 55 47 . 4iT( December January May Dec. (new) May ....... January May ... December January . May .... ' 54 55 47 47 43 43 31 31 . 32 32 1625 16 30 15 20 15 22 10 45 10 45 0 75 0 75 8 75 " 8 05 825 810 8 27 812 43 . 43 OATS. . 31 .31 . 32 Z2 MESS PORK. 16 30 16 32 15 25 15 30 liARp. 10 47 . 10 62 0 75 0 82 8 75 8 05 SHORT RIB3. January 8 30 8S2 May 815 817 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady: Winter patents, $3 4033 50; straights, $3 1033 SO; Spring patents,' $3.40 3 70; straights. $2 003 20; bakers, $2 2532 75. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 7475c; No. 3, 70 72c; No. 2 red, 74c Corn No. 2, 55c; No. 2 yellow, 55c. Oats No. 2, 3031c; No. 3 white, 323:35c. Rye No-2, 40350c Barley Good feeding, 36S0c; fair to choice malting, 4633Sc. Flaxseed No. 1, $114; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 20. Timothy seed Prime, $3 65. Mess pork Per barrel. $16 75.. , Lard Per 100 pounds, $10 75. Short rlbs-sldes Loose, $8 500. ' Dry-salted shoulders Boxed, $8 87S0. ) Short clear sides Boxed, $8 75Q0. Clover Contract', $10 85. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oats, bushels ....... Rye. bushels ...V., Barley, bushel3 15.000. 130.000 . . 50.000 66.000 .. 12.400 218,000 . .277.000 450,000 .. 12.000 7,000 .. 81.000 16,000 Grain and Produce nt .Kew York. NEW YORK. Dec 6. Flour Receipts, 24.000 barrels; exports, 1000 barrels. Market dull but steady. WJnter patents. $3 60 3' 00; Winter straights, $3 453 55; Minnesota patents, $3 80 04 15; Winter extras, $2 S03 10: Minnesota bakers, $3 2033 30; Winter low grades. $2 65 2 00. Wheat Receipts, 51.600 bushels; exports, 72,- 000 bushels. Market for saot steady. No. 2 red. 70c elevator,' 77c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 83c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. S4c f. o. b. afloat. Options wero quiet, but generally firm, most of the scsslon.x reflecting higher cables, reported freez ing of the Danube, soma talk of Winter wheat damage in the Southwest by cold weather and covering. Tho close was steady and unchanged to c net higher. May, 7070 0-16c, closed 70c; July, 77Q78c, closcd-77c. Butter Receipts, 3300 packages. Market firm. State dairy, 2027c; creamery, extra, 20c: do common to choice, 2020c. Eggs Receipts, 5300 packages. Market Arm. State and Pennsylvania. 28329c: Western un- candled, 2027c. Hides Steady; California, 2125 pounds, lBc. Wool Firm; domestic fleece, 2530c San Fraincisco'GraIn Markets. SAN FRANCISCO.' Dec. 6. Wheat weak. Barley steady. Oats steady. Spot cuotatlons: Wheat-Shipping, $1 40; milling, $1 43 1 47. Barley Feed. $1 23S1 25; brewing, $1 26 12S51. Oats-Red, $1 221 32; white. $1 22 I 40; black, $1 201 35. Call board sales: Wheat Weak: December. S1 n jm. $1 34; cash. $1 40. Barley No sales. Corn Largo yellow, $1 35." European Grain Markets. LONDON. Dec 0. Wheat-Cargoes on pas cage, buyers indifferent; cargoes No. 1 stand ard California, 30s 4d. Enellsh eoimtrv ,. kets cuiet and steady. Indian shipments of wheat to United King dom. 38.000 quarters; to Continent, none. LIVERPOOL, Dec 0. Wheat-Firm; No 1 standard California, 6s 7d. Wheat and flour In Paris steady. French xountry markets quiet Weather in England frosty. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Prices Current for Produce at the Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 0. Fnncy apples are steady. Fancy potatoes and onions are Arm. Vegetables Cucumbers. 75c$l 25 per box; garlic, 2fi2c per pound; green peas, 56c per pound; string beans, 710c per pound; toma toes, 50c$l 25; onions, 6075c; egg plant, 75c $1. Apples Choice. $1 75; common, SOc Bananas 75c$2 50. Limes Mexican, $4-4 50. California lemons Choice, $2 50; common 75c ' Oranges Navels. ?23 25. Pineapples $1 5003 50 .Potatoes Early Rose, C575c; River Bur banks, 3055c; river reds, S045o; Salinas Bur banks, 75c$l 15; sweets, $1 25; Oregon Bur banks, 75c3$105. Poultrj' Turkey gobblers, 1517c; do hens, 15 17c; old roosters, $4 50CKS; do "young, $5 5 50 small broilers, 33 50: do large, $44 50; fry ers, $4 5085: hens. $4 5035 50; old ducks, $3ff4 do younir. $4 5036.50. . Butter Fancy creamery, 32c; do seconds, 20c; fancy dairy, 30c; do seconds, 27c. Eggs Fancy ranch, 40c; Eastern.. 2420c Cheese Young America. 1616c; Eastern. 10017c Wool Fall Humboldt, and Meat 'no, 130 14c; mountains, 810c. Hay "Wheat, $1215; wheat and oats $11 50 014; barley, $8 5010 50: alfalfa. $811 50 clover, $7 500 50; straw, 4065c per bale. ' ' IIops-r-2326c Mlllstufts Bran, $10 6020 50; middlings $23 5025. ' Receipts Flour, 26,200 quarter sacks; do Ore-; gon, 816 quarter sacks; wheat, 7300 centals barley, 20.380 centals; oats. 150 centals; beans, 1033 sacks; potatoes. 20S0' sacks; middlings, 25 sacks; hay, 271 tons; wools, 203 bales; hides, Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Dec 6. Futures closed steady; net unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales, 10. 500 bags, including December, $4 55; January, $4 60; March, $4 80; May, $4 95; July, $5 10. Spot Rio, quiet. Sugar Raw. Arm; molasses sugar, 3 3-1 6 3c Refined. Arm; No. 6, $4 45: No. 7, $4 40; No. 8, $4 35: No. 0, $430; No. 10, $4 25; No. 11, $4 20; Np. J2, $4 15; No. 13, $4 10; No. 14, $4 05; confectioners A, $4 70; mold A, $5 10; cut loaf and crushed. $5 45; powdered, $4 05; granulated, $4 85; cubes, $5 15. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec C. The ootton, market opened easy, . with prices. 4 to 0 points lower. The early wave of selling carried March down to $8 12, May to $8 14 and August to $7 OS. Prices barely rallied 2 points. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Quiet markets wers experienced in all metals today, prices' show ing no quotable change. Tin -maintained -a steady undertone, spot closing at 24iS7 24.80c Copper was more or less nominal and very dull. Standard. 40.75c; lake, "11.05c; electrolytic and casting. 11.33c. Tho feeling in the lead market was steady and spot prices remained at 4c Spelter showed a declining tendency, closing easy and nominal at 5.10c for spot; Iron was nominal but unchanged. New York Stock Market. NEW YORIC. TW n TVannMlnn on the -stock market were as follows: (STOCKS, Atchison ...t do pfd Baltimore & Ohio . do' pfd Canadian PaclAc Canada Southern Chetapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi., Ind & Louis do pfd .. ChL & Eastern III .... Chi & Gt Western do A pfd..... do B pfd Chicago at N "W Chi Term & Trans do pfd C. C..C. & St, L .1 Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd............ Delaware & Hudson.... Delaware Lack, & West D. & R. G. do pfd , Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd. Great Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie '& -Western.. do pfd ., Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan L Metropolitan St, Ry.... Mexican Central , Mexjcan National Minneapolis & St, L.... "twun x-acinc ....... Mo.. Kan & Texas.... do pfd New Jersey Central.... New York Central Norfolk & Western .... do pfd Ontario & Western.... Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd St. Louis Southwestern do pfd St. Paul , Southern Paclflc Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Paclflc Toledo, St. L. & West.. do pfd Union Paclflc do pfd Wabash db pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie. do pfd ............... Wisconsin Central do pfd Express Companies Adams American United States Wells Fargo .-. Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper .. Am- Car & Foundry.... do pfd Am. Unseed Oil Am. Smelter & Rfng. . do pfd Anaconda Mining Co... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd Hocking Coal International Paper do pfd Laclede Goa National Biscuit National Lead North American People's Gas Pressed Steel Car Republic Steel do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coa? & Iron Union Bag & P. Co... do pfd United States Leather. do pfd . United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel.... do pfd ,. Western Union American Loco.. ....... do pfd Kansas City Sou.?.... do pfd ;....;v.'. Rock Island do pfd 6,4001 100 5,700 "3.000J 500 300 100 200 100 100 200 100 30O! 100, 4,800 1.1001 500 1.600 200 5.3i 0.3 3,300 500 0S1 VG7S 127 46" 33 24 37" 221 32" 2S 158; 245 30 33 00 04 143 30 127 us 130 100 2,700 1.000 200 400! 2.700 "'"s'ool 13.200 0.600 200 200 23,000 5,700 2,000 500 2.200 100 100 15,300 300 100 100 200 300J .100 7.800; 100 200 400 200 0,300 300 300! 700 200 100 300 "V600 100 200 100 3,700 400 500 .400j 3,000 100 3,300 U.800 41 300 81 81 08 OS. 127 33 24 37 220 28 158 Z45 39 33 08 04 143 39 126 14rft 130 108 106 20 30 154 71 20 100 Yt 08 173 31 2 41 284 47 00 91 23 KflU 126 57 34 38 00 64 l 111 116 10 72' 20 i6i 50 & 77 110 12 30 83l 81 27 55 IOS 105 66 153 70 20 155 58 20 61 171 62 31 01 41 28 47 98 01 28 42 23 25 50 120 56 34 38j Ul 54 85 111 116 1U 72" 26 100 ' 50 10 71 118 12 36 83 87 27 54 41 81 81 08 08 03 127 a 70 74 91 210 24 84 30 220 10 31 06 28 67 42 158 245 30 80 33 64 45 186 08 04 142 S2 66 50 115 120 147 130 22 15 107 105 24 56 165 153 01 20 156 58 84 74 20 81 172 62 31 01 41 fo 28 42 23 32 25 50 200 220 126 10 18 8S 14 38 00 85 l5 211 116 10 88 80 45 26 131 100 10 77 110 oa "VS 18 12 83 16 50 38 83 !? 01 31 04 V 41 81 Total eales for the day. 164.500 shares. BONDS. U. S. ref. 2s.- rog.107 Atchison adjt. 4s. 00 do coupon 108 C. & N. W. cn. 7s.l34 do 8s, reg....,.107 D". & R. G. 4s. ...101 do coupon -.107 N. Y. C. lsts 102 do now 4s, reg,.135 North Pac 3s.... 72 do coupon 135 do 4s 103 do old 4s, reg... 108 South. Pac. 4s 01 do coupon 1C0 Union Pac 4s 104 do 5s. reg 103 West Shore 4s 112 do coupon 103 Wis. Central 4s... 91 London Stocks. LONDON, Dec a Closing quotations: Anaconda Atchison do Dfd B. & O 4 . 84? .101 100 Canadian Pac ..131 C. & O...T 47 Chi. Gt, Western 25 178 10 .02 34 05 74 147 130 25 St. Paul D. & R. Q , do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd.... Illinois Central L. & N M.. K. & T. N. Y. Central 15T Nor. & Western, do pfd Pennsylvania ..! ueaaing ao 1st pM Southern Ry ' ao pra Southern Pac. ... Union Pacific ... do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd . 72 . 03 . 29 . 80 30 . 43 38 . 32 . 04 . 64 .102 . 09 ,. 36 - 85 . 29 42 Mining- Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 0. Official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Andes Belcher , Best & Belcher., Caledonia , Challenge Con. . Chollar .. ...... Confidence . . Con. Cal. &. Va. Crown Point Gould,- & Currle., Hale & Norcross Justice , $0 04 16 .84 145 16 12 73 , 120 11 15 22 3 iMexIcan $0 60 Occidental Con. .. IS Ophlr l 25 Overman Potosl , Savage , Seg. Belcher .. Sierra Nevada Silver Hill Union Con .... Utah Con. .... Yellow Jacket 27 IS . 13 5 31 53 31 5 IS NEW YORK. Dec. Adams Con $0 Alice Breece Brunswick Con .. Comfetock Tunnel Con. Cal. & Va.. 1 Horn Silver ..... 1 Iron Sliver Leadvllle Con, ... 6. Closing quotations: Little Chief $0 09 Ontario 6 25 ODhlr 1 (1.1 Phoenix 6 Potosl 14 Savage 10 Sierra Nevada ... 27 Small Hnnra An IStandard 3 25 BOSTON. Dec 0. Closing quotations: Adventure .. . Allouez Amalgamated . Daly West .... Bingham .. .. Cal. & Hecla.. Centennial .... Copper Range Dominion Coal Franklin Mohawk .$ 13 75 . 2 50! . 56 37 . 37 00 . 26 00 . 420 00 . 16 00 . 56 00 . 127 60 . 8 50 . 37 00 Old Dominion ... Osceola Parrot- Qulncy Santa Fo Copper Tamarack Trinity United States .. Utah Winona Wolverine $15 25 50 00 22 00 102 00 1 50 140 00 8 87 21 87 22 37 325 57 50 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. 0. Money on call. Arm. Prime mercantile paper. 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business In bankers bills at $4 874 87 for demand, and at $4 834 83 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4 S48:4 S3. Commercial bills, $4 82 4 83. Mexican dollars. 37c Government bonds, irregular. Bar .sliver,. 47c. Railroad bonds, lrreculcr. Only one loan today at 6 per cent. Time money, Arm; 60 and 00 days, 6 per cent, plus per cent commission; six months, 0 per cent. LONDON, Dec 6. Bar sliver,, steady, 22 ll-16d per ounce. t Money, 3 per cent. The rate, cf discount In the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; do three-months bills, 3 per cent. Consols for money. 02; for account, 02. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 0. Silver bars, 47c Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Bight, par; telegraph, 2c. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4 54; slsht, $4 87. Crnde OH Asaln Advances. COLUMBUS, O.. Dec 6. The price of crude oil was advanced 3 cents again today. -today the butter market was quiet and steady; creameries. lS20c; dairies, 1724c Cheese. auletr ll12c. Bggs, steady. 24c ' Dairy ProdHCe at Chicago. CHICAGO, "Dec 0. On" the Produce Exchange IRISH IN WASHINGTON. Congressmen Attend the Meeting and Make Speeches. WASHINGTON, , Dec 7. A largely at tended mass meeting and reception in honor of Michael; Davitt. Edward Blake and John Dillon, the Irish envoys now In this country, was held tonight in the Fayette Theater. Mr. Dillon, however, wa3 not present, having been detained by Illness. Senator Thomas M. Patterson, of Colorado, presided, " while on the platform and In the audience were seated the fol lowing-named Representatives in Con gress: Messrs. Llttlefleld of Maine, Alexander of New York, Reedor and Miller of Kansas, Sims of Tenncsse, Caldwell. Graff. Reeves, and Foss of Illinois, Gilbert of Kentucky, Dovener of West Virginia, Bowersock of Kansas, Joy of Missouri, Hedge of Iowa, Zenor of Indiana, Gooch of Kentucky, Bel lamy of North Carolina, Esch and Cooper of Wisconsin, Fowler of New Jersey, Bur kett of Nebraska, and Green of Pennsyl vania. Addresses which provokes hearty ap plause from the audience were made by Senator Patterson and Messrs. Davitt and Blake, tho meeting concluding with, a vote of thanks to the speakers, proposed by T. V. Powderly. All the speakers dwelt on Ireland's struggle for relief from English "rule, of tho willingness of her patriots to suffer in her cause, and of the prospect! for legislation which tvIII give home rule to the Emerald Isle. Senator Patterson declared that the struggle going on was a bloodless one, and that home rule for Ireland, with a landed proprietorship, mu3t come ultimately. The accomplishments of tho struggle, which was Just 21 years old, had been an English church in Ireland, a more liberal educational system and bet ter land laws, and Michael Davitt made the prediction that before the close of the present Parliament the laws advocated by theLand League wbuld he passed. Mr. Blake was optimistic as to Ireland's future. The only complete remedy, he de clared, to all of Ireland's ills was to leave the regulation of Irish affairs to the peo ple of that country. Mr. Davitt said that the Land League started 21 years ago to do its work; the fight had been fierce and constant, but victory was In sight. He declared that the large emigration to the United States from Ireland during the lafst 50 years was directly due to England's oppression. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Home for Irish Societies. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. Archbishop John M. Farley presided tonight at a mass meeting In Carnegie Hall of the Ancient Order of Hibernians for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a per manent home for Irish societies. About $10,000 was subscribed. Train Kills or Maims a Family. HAVELOCK, Ont., Dec. 7. James Rogers, of Belmont, was driving across the Canadian Paclflc tracks with his family when a train struck the alelgh. Mrs. Rogers and a 12-year-old son were killed. Mr, Rogers and his daughter, aged 9, were fatally injured, and another 14-year-old lad was badly Injured. Terrific Gale Off the Delaware. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. The Ward Line steamer Monterey, which arrived today from Mexico and Havana, was caught In a terrific gale on Friday last when off the Capea of the Delaware. While laboring in the heavy seas, the high pressure cyl inder head broke, disabling the starboard engine. The Monterey made portunder the other engine. Three Sailors Drowned at Sen. HALIFAX. N. S., Dec. 7. With her flag flying at half-mast, for the loss of three of her crew, who were drowned, at sea during the storm on Saturday, the Glouceester schooner Veda McKeown. Captain McFarland, arrived at North Sydney today. Tho men were swept overboard. TRAVELERS GUIDE. DOM I IN ION LINE Special Notice. Resumption of trips by the Mammoth Popular Twin Screw Steamers. "COMMONWEALTH" and "NEW ENGLAND" tthE MEDITERRANEAN From Boston Direct tb GIBRALTAR! GENOA, NAPLES "The New England ana Commonwealth will sail through to Alexandria on the January and February voyafes. New England. Dec. 0, Jan. 17. Feb. 28. Commonwealth, Jan. 3 Feb. 14. March 28. Vancouver, Nov. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. 21. Cambroman. Dec. 20, Jan. 31. March 14. Also sailings Boston to Liverpool. Port land, Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book let, etc.. apply to THOS. COOK & SON, 621 Market St., San Francises, Cal. Company's Office. 60 Dearborn St.. Chicago. H REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Daily except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTB TIME CARD. STR. REGULATOR. Leaves Portlane",Tues.. Thurs.. Sat, 7A.H Leaves Dalles Mon., Wed.. FrL, 7 AM. STR. DALLES CITT. Leaves Portland Mon.. Wed.. FrL, T A. M. Leaves Dalles Tues, Thurs.. Sat., 7 AM. LANDING OAK ST. DOCKpORTLANDI Tel. Main 014. M. V. HARRISON, Agent. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LKAVJS8 Uepot Klfth auii AlUUVJua 1 Strceta. . for Maygers, Rlnler. CUtskftnle, Weatport. ClHtoa. Astoria, Wv rvptoc. Flavtl, Hia 1:M A. M. mend. Fort SUvtn. u:jo A. St Oeaxhirt Pic, Saaaldc, Aatorla and Seashor... Exprest Dally. T0 T. 3L Astoria Expresx. B:40 p , Dally. . Ticket omd. 235 JJorrlion at. and Union Dtpou J. C. UATO. Ota. Faaa. Aft.. Aatorla. Or. For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle 0 A. -M. Steamships Cottage City or City of Seattle, Dec 7. 13. 10, 25. 31. Jan. 6. . Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports In Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right is reserved to change steamers or sail ing dates. AGENTS N. POSTON.- 240 Washington St.. Portland: F. W. CARLETON, 007 Paclflc av.' Tacoma; Ticket Oflice. 113 James st., Seattle. GEO.W. ANDREWS. North Western Passenger Agent. San Francisco. Ticket Office. 4 New Montgomery st. C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pasa. Agt.. San Francisco, WHITE COLLAR LINE ORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STEAMER BAILEY. GATZERT Leaves Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday Leaves Astoria dally 7 P. M., except Sunday. THE DALLE3-PORTLAND ROUTE. . STEAMERS TAHOMA AND METLAKO " Leave Portland dally 7 A. M except Sunday. Leave The DUles daily 7 A. M., except Sun day. Landing foot Alder st Portland, Or. Both phones, Main 351. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent, Portland. (KM SliOT ilNE UNION PACIFIC AND THREE TRAINS DAILY EOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:00 A. M. 4:30 P. M. SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. For the East via Hunt ington. SPOKANE FLYER. 0:1P. M. 7:00 A.M. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally. ten. Walla Walla. Lew lston, Coeur d'Alene and Gt. Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS S:50 P. M. 8:10 A. M. For the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. Incton. OCEAX AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. S. S. Columbia " From Dec 8. 18. 28. Alnsworth r.-nn-a M S. S. Geo. W. Elder- Dock. Dec. 13. 23. 8:00 P. M. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 5:00 P.M. way points, connecting' Dally ex. Dally with steamer for Ilwa- Sunday. except co and North Beach. Saturday, Sunday, steamer Harvest Queen. 10 P. M. Ash-atreet Dock. 6:45 A. M About For Salem. Corvallls Mondays. 6:00 P. M. and way points, steam- Wednesday Tuesdays, er Ruth. Ash - street Fridays. Thursdays. Po- ; Saturdays. FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 A M. 3:00 P. M. City and Yamhill River Tuea.. Mon. points, str. Elmore. Thurs.. Wed.. Ash-st. dock. Sat. Frl. (Water permitting.) For Lewlston. Idaho, 4:05 A. M. I About and way points, from dally 5:00 P. M. Rlparla, Wash., steam- except dally ers Spokane or Lewl3- Saturday, ex. Friday. ton. Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDRAVELLI SAILS DECEMBER 0. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress officials or aeents of O. R. & N. Co. EAST vi SOUTH IO COEN&SHASTAl-l 'nr-ri Leave 8:30 P. M. 8:30 A M. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. (j 111 011 jjepot OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. llose burg, Ashland. Sac ramento. O g d o n. San Francisco, Mo jave, Loa Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans and the East. Morning train con nects at Woodburn (dally except ' Sun day) with train for Mount Angel, SU verton, Browns ville. Springfield. Wendling and Na tron. Albany passenger .. Connects at Wood burn with Mt. An gel and Sllverton local. Corvallls passenger. 114:50 P. M. Sheridan passenger. 1 18:25 A. M. Arrive 7:45 A M. 7:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M. 5:50 P. M. Dally. HDally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICB AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for oswego at 7:30 A. M., 12:50. 2:05. 3:25, 5:20. C-25. 8:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally except Sunaay, 5:30, 6:30. 8:35, 10:25 A. M., 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 0:00 A M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. 1:55. 3:05. 4:35. 6:15, 7:30, 0:55, 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday, 6:25, 7:25. 0:30. 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:25 A. M. Sunday only.. 10:00 .. M. Leave from same depot tor Dallas and Inter mediate points dally except Sunday 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrce. connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco: net rate, $17.50; berth. ?5. Second-class faro, $15, without rebate or berth; second-class berth. $2.50. , Tickets to Eastern oolnts and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phono Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Departs. Arrives. Fuget Sound Limited for Ta coma, Seattle. Olympla, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points 75 am 4:13 pa North Coast Limited for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Butte, St. Paul, Minneap olis. Chicago, New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 2:00 nm 7:00 ana Twin City Express for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane, Helena, St. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra North Coast-Kansaa Clty St. Louis Special, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East and Southeast ..2:00 pm 7 00 ara All trains dally except on South Bend branch. A D CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 255 Morrison at., corner Third. Portland. Or. HSreatMorthern Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone LEAVE jThe Flyer dally to and ARRIVE No. 4 jfrom St. Paul. MInne-l No. 3 6:15 P. M. apolls. Duluth. ChlcajfO7:00 A M. land all points East. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoklng-1-.lbrary Caw. JAPAN - AiVIERICAN LINE KAGA MARO For Japan. China and all Asiatic points, wl'-l leave Seattle Abotlt December 16 Willamette River Boats Steamer POMONA. Tor Salem, Independence. Albany and Corvallls, leaves 6:45 A. M. Tues days, Thursdays' and Saturdays. Steamer ALTONA for Dayton. McMlnnvllla and way. leaves 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Frldayn. . OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and deck, foot Taylor street.