Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1902, Image 1

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    Ell ir -i? ;. "V
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VOL. XLIL 30. 13,096.
'-" ,mV -
Rubber and Oiled Clothing
R. H. Pease,
73 and 73 FIRST STREET.
A Pocket Camera for Dry Plates
Withextrarapid rectilinear lens and pneumatic shutter. MAKES OA
We have the largest assortment of Cameras and Kodaks in the city.
108 and 110 Fourth Street
JSole Distributers for Oregon and Washington.
. Jf. XJAVIE3. Prw.
St. Charles Hote
American and European- Plan.
87-89 First Street, Portland, Or.
Heavy wet-weather footwear, men's logging shoes, holi
day slippers and felt goods. A .general 'and com
plete line. ...
Fifth and Washington Streets
Flrst-Class Check Retaarmat
ConaecteA With Hotel.
Paid for Heavy
Cast Iron Scrap
Portland, Oregon.
TODAY. . Buy the best
Have stood the
Scleral Agents
v Manufacturers of
Aeolian Orchestrelles
Receipts and Expenses of Govern
ment in Month of November.
WASHINGTON, Dec. L Tho monthly
comparative statement of the Government
receipts and expenditures, shows that for
the month of November, 1902, the total
receipts were $43,001, and the disbursements
$43,W0.237, leaving a surplus for the month
of $558,744. Last year the surplus for No
vember was $5,517,860.
The November receipts are given as fol-.
Customs, J22.4S9.2S6, an Increase as com
pared with November, 1901, of $3,000,000.
Internal revenue, $18,847,5S0; decrease,
Miscellaneous, $2,262,134; decrease, $S77,
500. The statement shows an increase of
$1,800,000 in the expenditures on account
of the War Department, and an increase
of $159,000 on account of the Navy. 'Pen
sions also show a falling off of $326,000-.
For the five months of the present .fiscal
year the receipts are $32,878,930 in excess q
the expenditures.
Reporter Has a "Windfall.
BUTTE, Mont., Dec. 1. Through the
death of his mother at PlacervMe. Cal.,
Charles Delgleman, a Teport'er on the
Butte Miter, has fallen heir to a fortune
estimated at about $10,000. Mr. Delgleman
fs named ts the sole legatee in the will.
CO., Wholesale and Importing Druggists
Without a Rival
C T. BELCHER, gee. saa Trtt.
American plan tfUSB. tl.78
Europetn Pita 90s, TSc. f L
wwio ou(ii ..... rcu per -07
.TOa to W.W jer -37
Rooms Double ......... .81.00 to 82.00 pr aer
Rooms Family .....81. CO to $3.00 w fey
f AAA-
Fireproof Safe. TODAY,
test for 57 years.
205 SECOND ST., near Taylor
Aeolian Pipe Organs
S53-355 "Washington St.,
cor. Park.
Kansas City Coupt Says It Cannot
Collect Any Debts.
KANSAS CITY;- Dec. L The Kansas
City Court of Appeals today decided that
the combination of brewers that exists in
this city is a trust, and as such' It is ex
pressly forbidden by the statutes of Mis
souri and is unlawful, and that any man
who owes one of these brewers in the
combination need not pay his bill, and
the brewer cannot collect the debt, even
by going into tne courts.
This, decision was made in the suit of
the Ferdheim Brewing Company against
a saloon-keeper, who owed the Brewing
Company. In the lower court the Brewing
company won ine caoe ana got judgment.
This judgment wan reversed today by
the Court of Appeals, the three Judges-
White 3Ian Pined for Mixing With
Colored" Passengers.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 1. Julius Wels,
tjne of the wealthiest 'cotton merchants of
New Orleans, was today fined $25 or vio
latlng the Wilson, separate car law. He
sat In the section reserved for negroes
and declined, the conductor's "request to
get up because there was no empty seat
in tns wiute section.
Will. Be Made by United
States Congress.
Desks, of .Members
floral Bowers,
Brilliant Scene Marks Beginning of
Second Session of; Fifty-seventh
CongresB Xcw 3Iembera" Sworn
In Mourning for the Scad.
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. The second ses
sion of the Fifty-seventh Congress con
vened at noon today. Long before the
gavels fell in the two houses large crowds
thronged about the doors of the visitors'
galleries, .seeking admittance. A bright,
sunny day brought out many women, who
were conspicuous among the visitors. As
the hour for the opening approached the
crowds about the doors Increased, but
many were necessarily disappointed, as
the space allotted to outsiders was claimed
early. There were many out-of-town vis
itors. To be seen In the corridors and lob
bies on both sides wore many public offi
cials, who left the departments to wit
ness the opening. The correspondents
wero early on the scene, preparing for
the three months' woric ahead of them:
Ex-Spealcer Thomiis B. Rcea was a
isltor atthe Caolt6l todav. Prior to the
hour for convening he visited among the
members ot)' the Souse, where he once
served, so inany years, tnen among the.
members ax the Senate. H was greeted on
both sides ' by frjends and former asso
ciates. '
Quickly Adjourns Ont of Respect to
fate Senator Mc3111Ian.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. The Senate was
irt session 12 minutes today, the first day
of the, session, air adjournment until to
morrow being taken out of respect to the
memory of Senator 'McMillan,) who died
durlnsr the recess.
Tlarely . has the- .historic - chamber pre
sented such aa appearance as it did today.
The custom of placing flowers on the
desks of Senators on the opening day of
a session is one which long has been fol
lowed, but the display today was admit
tedly the most magnificent of any that
has yet been seen.' Many of the Senators
were early on the floor and kept busy- ex
changing greetings with old acquaintances.
The galleries were packed to suffocation
and hundreds stood outside the corridors
anxious to gain admission. Among the in
terested spectators were several members
of the diplomatic corps. Senor Quesada,
the Cuban Minister, occupied a conspicu
ous place and exhibited much interest In
the proceedings. The absence of Rev. Dr.
Milburn, the -blind chaplain, was particu
larly noticed. His place today was taken.
by Rev. J. F. Prettyman, of Washington.
No business was transacted beyond pass
ing -the customary resolutions that the
Senate was ready to proceed to business
and fixing the hour of vconvening the ses
sion at 11 o'clock. '
Cannon Congratulated In Advance on
His Coming; Honors.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. The opening of
the Fifty-seventh Congress In the House
was, as usual, a spectacular event. The
galleries of the freshly decorated hall
were packed to the doors with people
prominent in society and political circles.
and the flower show on the floor, although
not as elaborate as usual, filled the cham
ber with perfume and added grace and
beauty to the scene. The members were
good natured and jovial, and there was
no outcropping of partisan feeling. Speak
er Henderson received a cordial reception
as he assumed the gavel, but beyond this
there was no demonstration. The pro
ceedings were purely perfunctory. A
prayer, the calling of the roll, the swear
ing in of members elected to fill vacancies
created by death or resignation during the
recess, the adoption of the customary res
olutions to appoint a committee to wait
upon the President, to Inform the Senate
that the House was ready to transact busi
ness and to fix the dally hour of meeting,
summarizes what was done.
Then the -death of the lata Representa
tive Russell, of Connecticut, which oc
curred in the early Fall, was announced
by his successor. Mr. Brandegee. the usual
resolution of regret was adopted and" the
House, as a further mark of respect, ad
Journed until tomorrow, when the Presi
dent's message will be received. The ses
sion lasted less than one hour.
Republican Friends and Oppbnents
of Omnlbns Bill in Conference.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. The contest
over the omnibus statehood bill began
upon the meeting of Congress. As soon
as the Senate adjourned there was a con
ference in Senator Hale's committee
room, attended by Senators Allison, Aid-
rich, Hale, Piatt of Connecticut. Cullom,
Lodge, Hanna and Beverldge, the latter
the chairman of the commlHce on ter
ritories. These gentlemen represented the
Republicans who are opposed to the omni
bus bill admitting Oklahoma,. New Mexico
and Arizona, and It is understood favor
a bill admitting Oklahoma only.
The friends of the omnibus bill were also
active, and claim to have the names of
15 Republican Senators pledged, to sup
port the omnibus bill, which, with the
Democrats, will Insure its passage. It is
probable that a Republican caucus on the
subject will be held.
The 'principal par of the discussion was
on. the forthcoming report of the commit
tee on territories. Senator Beverldge brief
ly outlined the main features of the pros
pective report, from which it was gath
ered that the majority will be strongly
adverse to the admission of either Arl
zona or New Mexico. The Senators at the
conference expressed tho opinloa that,, if
the conditions wero .such as shown by the
testimony the features of which were
given by Senator Beverldge, then It would
be unwise to admit either New Mexico or
Arizona. The admission of Oklahoma and
Indian Territory found considerable favor.
thougn no conclusion was teached.
Later In the afternoon there was a con-
TerepcVln Senator- Bfcverldge's comhilttee- ;
rocm,.attended by the-Republican members
or ne committee supposed to be opposed
"to . the omnibus, bill. Other Senators also
.'called during the day and discussed the.
'question. Owing to the. fact that the. com
mittee Is working-under -an order to make
.areport on Wednesday, the Republicans
are trying hard to pet the report ready. .
, The Republicans who are making the
fight for the omnibus bill are under the
leadership of Senators Quay and Eiklns.
They claimed 15 Republicans pledged to
thpt.bjll, which, with the Democrats,
would give the,6mnlbu. bill a' clear major
ity, Republicans opposed to the territorial
statehood bill'thtr.k 'that certain favorable
remarks have Sen taken for pledgesand
that, --when. -the rvcta is taken, a' 'majority
cannot bo mustered to admit three new
states at'this session
Mrliy Are. Introduced, but Knox Is
Not Ready.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. A number of
bills were IntrodUcc-d In the House today
affecting cbmmersiaL combinations, but V
none is an Administration measure. Sev
eral have been shown to Attorney-General
Knox, but he neither approved nor
disapproved of any of the proposed meas
ures; It is expected that when the Ju
diciary committee takes the bills up Mr.
Knox will be Invited to state his views.
A joint resolution offered by Representa
tive H. C. Smith, of Michigan, proposes
an amendment to the Constitution con
ferring on Congress power to define, regu
late, prohibit and dissolve trusts, monopo
lies,' etc.
Representative Hepburn, of Iowa, chair
man of the committee on commerce, in
troduced a bill appropriating $500,000, to
be expended under the direction of the
Attorney-General, in the employment of
special counsel and agents of the Depart
ment of Justice to conduct proceedings,
suits and prosecutions in the enforcement
of the Sherman antitrust law.
A bill introduced by Representative
Snook, of Ohio, aims at securing evidence
in such suits, and provides that no one
shall be excused from testifying.
All measures on this subject were re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
Controller's Repnrt Shows Increase
of All Kinds of Paper.
WASHINGTON," Dec. 1. The. monthly
statement Issued by the Controller of the
Currency shows the total circulation of
National bank notes outstanding at the
close of business November 19, 1902, to
have been $3S4.S34,ul4. an Increase for the
year of $25,123,803. and an Increase for the
month of $4.437,1S0.
The circulation based on United States'
bonds was $341,100,411, an Increase for tho
month of $5,317,222. The amount of circu
lation secured by lawful money was $43,
754,103, an increase, for the year of $10,245,
578, and a decrease for the month of $939,
042. The amount of United States registered
bonds on deposit to secure circulating
notes was $343,61S,020, and to secure pub
lic deposits S152.084.570.
The report of -the coinage executed at
tVin mints nf n 'TTnlf'n1 C to too ilnrlnv "VXl
yember shows atotal of $5,246,900, as fol
lows: . Gold, "675,C0;t; silver- $2;539,000;
minor' coins; V'l0ijij , , .....
Need Xot Show Secret Telegrrnms.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. The case of
the United States against. Edward A
Mosley, secretary of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, involving the right
or tne commission to withhold from the
auditing offices of the Government copies
of telegrims sent by it, was today de
cldcd in Mr. Mosley's favor.
The opinion was handed down by Jus
tice McKenna and he held that in show
ing the telegrams lh .question were of a
confidential character, the requirements
of the Treasury Department had been
substantially complied with.
Bis Batch of Po.stmnsters.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. The President
tomorrow will submit to the Senate nom
inations for the appointment of 169 poyt
masters. Of these, 52 are in cases where
appointments already had been made dur
ing the recess of Congress, and 46 are to
fill vacancies caused by death, resignation
or removal of tho incumbents. In 61
cases the commissions of the incumbents
have expired or are about to expire, and
In 62 cases the offices" have been advanced
to third class and the appointments are
vested in the President.
Theobald Allowed to Hcslgrn.
WASHINGTON, Dec." 1. Upon the
recommendation of Collector Stranahan,
the Secretary has allowed "William H.
Theobald, a special employe in the cus
toms service, to resign. Mr. Theobald,
who was dismissed from the service, re
quested to be allowed' to resign, and thi3
request has been granted.
'New York's Claim Cut 'Down.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 Of the $20,172
claimed by the State of New York for ex
penses Incurred In aiding the United
States to raise a volunteer Army in the
war with Spain, the Controller of the
Treasury only allowed $5875.
i -
'Appropriations Asked
for the Columbia.
f Enougb Money to Work
Bar and Cascades.
allowance; is assured
Extension' of Portland Postofflce Will
Cost 9175,000 Many New Lljght-
houses for Washington and
Alaska Coast.
ington, Dec. 1. The Secretary of the
Treasury today submitted to Congress an
estimate of thfe 4War Department for an
appropriation of $550,000, for continuing the
Improvement of the mouth of the Columbia
River, and $100,000 for carrying on the work
cf opening the Columbia River between
The Dalles and Celllo. Both these works
arc now under the continuing contract
system, and appropriations therefor will
be' made in the sundry civil bill.
On these estimates as a basis, tho three
members of the delegation who are. here
today express themselves as very ready to
support such appropriations, and will urge
their Incorporation in full in the bill to be
Introduced late in the session. It is the
.consensus of opinion that the amounts
here recommended are all that will be
needed to carry the work of Improvement
during the next fiscal year. These works
do not depend upon the Tegular river and
harbor bill.
In addition to tho above Items, the Sec
retary of the Treasury has made the fol
lowing estimates:
Completion of extension of Portland
Postofilce, $175,000.
For keeper's dwelling- at light stations
Capo Blanco and Ydqulna, .Or., -$450O and
$4060, respectively. '
Jniprnvejuents Salem Indian- School,
$106,350,. of" which. $91,S50 Is. tor. support and
education of 550 pupils, $3000 for extending ,
he- water system, .$2000 for .& new. dairy
building, $250J for a barn, and balance for
Improvements and salaries.
The usual amounts are recommended for
maintaining the several Indian agencies
of-Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and for
the assay offices at Seattle and Boise
City. A lump sum of $10,000 is needed for
general Indian expenses In Oregon, $17,000
in Washington and $10,000 In Idaho.
To establish a lighthouse at Everett
Harbor, Wash., $20,000. For establishing a
lighthouse on Burrow's Island, Wash., $15,
000." - '
For keeper's dwelling, Robinson Point,
Wash.. $4C00.
New works Puget Sound navy yard,
$310,200. Maintenance of yard, $75,000.
For improving Tacoma harbor', $100,000;
Alaska lighthouses, $350,000; protection
Alaska seal fisheries, $12,950; protection
Alaska salmon $7000; supplies for natives
of Alaska, $15,000, with other routine ap
propriations. .
Mlnnesotan Says There Is No Gen
eral Demand for n Change.
ington, Dec. 1. 3enator Nelson, of Min
nesota, who was regarded as one of the"
men who would favor tariff reduction,
has blasted the hopes of the revisionists
In an Interview In which he claims there Is
no general demand for tariff changes.
This Is not in accordance with the asser
tions of Tawney and Heatwole, and of
other members of the House who favor
tho Babcock propositions. Senator Nel
son says:
"There Is really not a well-defined de
mand for tariff revision in Minnesota.
Here and there I found a number of bus.
iness men decidedly outspoken on the
subject, and they had clear Ideas of what
changes in the schedules they vanted. But
as .a rule there was little dlspusslon of
the tariff in the campaign. Years a,io,
when I was a member of the House, the
whole delegation from our state, with the
exception of Governor Washburn, voted
against a tariff bill because there was
such an unmistikabe protest from our
people against the rtes of duty on a
number of articles entering Into Use on
the farmc.
"There Is now a strong hostility to the
Iron and steel schedules of the Dlngley
tariff. Formers think the price cf wire
and nails and many things that they con
sume have cone too high. I am nat sure
that x part of the cause for high prices
lies In the fact that consumption Is ahead
of production in these things, and that the
duty has really little to do with the ad
vance of, prices. At any rate, the rou
ble has not gone so far as to produce- any
general demand for tariff revision. Our
people are all prospering and getting good
prices for their stock and grain."
Nelson voted for the Mills bill when he
was a member of the House, and fcas
generally been regarded as a man who Is
opposed to high schedules. His Interview
has created considerable surprise he'ra.
The statements of a majority of Con
gressmen who assemble Indicate that
there is little possibility of any tariff
legislation in the next session. Most of
them are claiming that the Republican
victory means that the country Is satis
fied and no changes are necessary.
Worlc Was Belayed Awaiting Sur
veys, but Will Go Ahead.
ington, Dec. 1. At the request of D. W.
Ealley. of Lewlston, Idaho, Senator
Mitchell Inquired of the Chief of Engi
neers as to the reason for delay in taking
up the improvement of Snake River from
Lewlston to Pittsburg Landing, under the
appropriation made last session.' The Sen
ator was advised that this work was not
undertaken during the past season for the
rearon that the information on file re
garding this section of the river was very
Indefinite, Without proper data any at
tempts at thorough work were liable to
cause loss of time and money and-to fail
in their object.
A sufficient survey has been now made
of the river between Imnaha Creek and
Lewlston, on the results of whichi future
work can be based. During the survey
some blasting was done, and the diffi
culties of navigation considerably les
sened at several places. The assistant la
charge of the survey work, reports that
further work this season would be im
practicable on account of weather condi
tions and liability to rising waters. Next
year a steamer will be ready for operat
ing on this stretch of the river, and with
its; aid the blasting can be done much
more expeditiously, and economically. Ad
vantage will be taken of the first low
water to push the work.
Oregon and Washington Each Had a
Senator and Representative.
ington, Doc. 1. Oregon and Washington
eacli had two jeiJrrsentatives in Congress
today Mitchell and Foster !r the Senate
nu aiuouy- ana Jones m tne .House. Tnose
who were present were' all tastefully re
membered with flbral' tributes by their
friends, and the desk or Senator Simon
bore a very large overflow of flowers from
the desk of Senator Piatt, of New York.
Senator. Turner' will not be here until the
luth. Representative Tongue arrived late
In the ' evening, his train having been
twice delayed.
Moody Lays- Orcpron's Appeal for Ap
propriation Before Congress.
ington, Dec. 1. Representative Moody to
day presented to the House the resolu
tion of the Oregon Legislature requesting
a liberal appropriation for a National ex
hibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition'
to be held in Portland. He also presented
the memorial of the State Legislature
favoring tho election of United States
Senators by popular vote ot the people.
Bill to Place Many Articles on the
Free List.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. A bill intro
duced by Representative H. C. Smith, of
Michigan, places paints, colors, varnish.
glass and glassware, metals and manufac
tures, pulps, paper, books and coal on the
free list.
Copyright Anreement With Spnin.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. It was an
nounced at the State Department today
that the international copyright agree
ment with Spain of 1S93 has been restored
to full effect by an exchange of diplomatic
Stokers strike caralyzcs traffic a Marseilles.
Pose 11.
President. Castro concedes claims of . Germany,
but warships will still go to Venesuela.
Pairc 3.
Awful barbarities by Turks In Macedonia,
Pace 11.
j Domestic.
Congress meets and cets ready for business.
Pace 1.
Congressman Moody working for Irrigation
In Oreson. Pase 2. '
Large appropriation .asked for the Columbia
-"iRlver. Page 1.
President Smith says Mormons have aban
doned polygamy. Page 1.
Colorado cattle Inspection law sustained.
Pace 5.
Colombia recalls Minister Concha and canal
negotiations will go on. Page 3.
Chaplain Milburn, of the Senate, resigns.
Face 11.
Great Livestock Exposition opened in Chicago.
Page 5.
Pacific Coast.
Washington State Fish Commissioner makes
his annual report. Pago 4.
Citizens' ticket wins Ih Salem city election.
Pase 4.
Baker County man twice convicted of at
tempted poisoning. Page 4.
Walla Walla Odd Fellows tender a banquet
to Grand Master Taylor. Page 5.
Commercial and Marine.
AH prune markets are firm. Page 13,
Chicago wheat closes at a decline. Pago 13.
Speculative campaign on in New York stock
market. Page 13,
Steamer Charles Hebard wrecked on Lake
Superior. Page 11.
Stormy trip of liner St. Louis across the
Atlantic Page 11.
Portland and Vicinity.
Council committee agrees on. licenses for sa
loons, dance halls, etc. Pago 14.
J. D. Heryford. the Lake County cattle-kins.
files answer to Birdie McCarty's $70,000
breach of promise suit. Page 14.
Portland Ministerial Association yesterday
discussed revivals. Page 10.
Sellwood people have prepared a bill for a
$30,000 ferry. Pflge 12.
W. E. Thomas makes application for new
telephone franchise. Page 8.
Colonel Dosch placed In charge of Oregon's
Osaka exhibit. Page 8.
Q. A. R. opens bazaar. Page. 10.
Present-Day Mormons
Are Not Poiygamists.
Husbands of Plural Wives
Support Them.
OHlefal Denial That Plural Marrlnses
Are Tcrraltted, cr That Reed
Smoot Is the Church's Can
didate for Senator.
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 1. In an in
terview today with the correspondent of
the Associated Press, President Joseph F.
Smith, of the Mormon church, defined the
present popitlon of the church with re
spect to polygamy, also the ecclesiastical
position of Apostle Reed Smoot. whose
candidacy for the United States Senate
has resulted in an active campaign against
him by the Ministerial Alliance.
"The chrrch does not desire to enter
Into any controversy over the. subject,"
said President Smith, "but It is anxious
that- Its own people, as well as the people
of the country generally, should under
stand Us position."
"Do?3 tho Mormon church solemnize or
permit plural marriuges?" President Smith
was askfd.
"Certainly not," he replied. "The church
does not perform or sanction or authorize
marriage In any form that is contrary to
the laws of the land. The assertion that
prominent Mormons practice polygamy is
evidently made to mislead the public.
Polygamy under the law is the marrying
of a husband or wife while the legal hus
band or wife Is living and undivorced.
There Is no such offense committed by
sanction -cf. the Mormon church- But when
the prohibition of polygamy was pro
claimed by the president of the Mormon
church there were many persons who had
contracted plural marriages, and that re
lation has. been continued In many in
stances, because the men in that position
determined not to abandon their families.
but to care for and provide for them and
educate and cherish their children. This
is erroneously construed as practicing
'polygamy,' and creates the impression
that polygamous marriages are still per
mitted in and by the church.
Fewer Polygamous Families.
'It was ascertained by a careful census
in 1STK), when President Woodruff issued
his manifesto against further polygamous
marriages, tlat there were 2452 such fami
lies belonging, to the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints In the United
States. In May, 1902, a complete and thor
ough Inquiry showed that the original
number In ISfO had been reduced 63 per
cent, leaving then only S97, the great ma
jority ot whom were of advanced age.
and many of them have since departed
this life. It 13 evident that with no ad
ditions to this total, but a rapid and con
tinual decrease, the number of polyga
mous families will spon be reduced to
President Smith was asked to define the
position of Mr. Smopt in the church, his
position as an apostle having been com
pared to that of a cardinal or archbishop
in other churches.
"Tho two positions are not parallel,"
President Smith said. "An apostle, or
seventy, or eler or bishop In the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Is
usually engaged in some secular vocation,
or laboring In some capacity for his dally
bread. He Is ordained to the office he
holds in the priesthood so that he may
act in that calling when required. Ho
gives his services gratuitously to the
church. There- are Instances, of course,
when a man's whole time is taken up with
some church !uty, that he receives re
muneration therefor, but as a rule men
holding these positions In the priesthood
are engaged In secular callings, and aro
men r.f affairs.
Position of Reed Smoot.
"Recti Smoot Is a banker, the manager
of the largest manufacturing Institution
In this state, is Interested greatly In min
ing operations and other temporal pur
suits. He is recognized as a capable and
enterprising citizen, and his position in
the church need not Interfere in any way
with his services to the state, or to tho
Nation, in any political office to which ho
may be elected. It Is not true that ho
hrts been put forward by the church as
a candidate for public office, but he hn3
the same right that any other American
citizen enjoys to accept any office to
which his fellow-cltizcns may elect him.
Mormon church officials have served In
Congress for years, and no objection has
been offered on that account. Every
Mormon official has been one holding tho
priesthood, and that has never interfered
with his official duties. The objection In
the present case is without substantial
reason or foundation."
Official Vote of Montana.
HELENA. Mont., Dec. 1. The State
Canvassing Board today completed the
official count, which shows the following
results of the recent election: For Con
gressman Dixon, Rep., 24,626; Evan3,
Dem., 15.560; Dee, Labor. GCO; Sproule,
Soc, 3131; Dixon's plurality, 5056. For
Associated Justice of Supreme Court
Holoway, Rep., 31.690; Leslie. Dem., 21,204;
Cameron, Soc, 24G6; Hollo way's majority,
Bank President Parmley Dies.
CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 1. Richard M.
Parmley, president of the American Ex
change National Bank, of this city, and
prominently identified' with electric rail
way Interests, was found dead In his
room at the Lennox Hotel today. It Is
supposed that heart disease was the causo
of death.
T. Henry French, Actor, Dead.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. T. Henry French,
famous as a theatrical manager and pro
ducer of many celebrated dramas, died to
nisht after a lingering Illness.