1 t THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902. 13 FOR SAI.I3 FAllMS. BEAUTIFUL FARMS. HIUHLY IMPROVED, from 10 to 000 acres each, near Portland; $30 up per acre. See cr address T. Withy corr.be, FjrralngtQn. Or. FOR SALE 120 ACRES. NEAR TUALATIN Station, only $S0O. Room3, 140 let st. FARMS FOR SALE OR. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR SALE A FINE DO-ACRE farm, near Oswego. Max Smith, SS North 10th. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 23 YELLOW PINE TIMBER CLAIMS, cruise 3(O00,O00: 6 fir timber, cruise 0.000,000; 4 homestead flr, cruise 10.000,000: 20 farm homesteads, choice grain, fruit and grazing lar.de, near railroad and market. Wm, Hawks, room 300 Commercial bids. FOR SALE S20 ACRES PATENTED NEHA lem timber; cut 20.000.00Q feet; near river and railroad survey. Address D 1, care Ore gonlan. FOR SALE. Homes, Vehicles. Ets. VEHICLES. HARNESS, SADDLES. NEW and 2d-hand; large stook; cheap. 211 "Wash. Miscellaneous. $2000 BUYS 70 ACRES Al LAND. 40 IN Cul tivation; good house, barn and other build ings; orchard; near river; railroad; 14 'miles from the city; living water. Other good farms and city property. Room 1 Hamil ton, bids. Js'ew TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and -SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel Oak 1071. OLD SOLID MAHOGANY WARDROBE AND bookcase, from distinguished Georgia estate, sale or exchange for modem furniture. 253 6th, cor. Madison. 100.000 FT. OF 3x12x20 FT. AND 160,000 FT. 4x12x20 ft. of fir lumber, at $5.00 per thou sand, delivered. Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Boutb 651. FOR SALE A FIR8T-CLASS 30 H.-P. SEC-ond-hand gas engine, practically new. North west Electrlo Eng. Co.. 309 .Stark St. FIND LOT OF STANDARD LAW BOOKS. Including Oregon Stato Supreme Court Re ports. 607 Commercial block. FOR GOOD DRY FIR AND POLE OAK wood, 4-foot length, go to Hoover's, 313 Water st. Phone South 651. DLD JEWELRY MADE OVER AT SMALL cost. Arthur Russell. Portland Jeweler, 283 First St., corner Jefferson. IAUNDRYMEN, ATTENTION FOR SALE. No. 0 Troy polisher, cheap; good condition. Sugarman. Oregon City. EVERYTHING IN MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, cheap for cash; must sell at once. 30 North 10th st. Call any time. FOR SALE TWO GOOD, FRESH MILCH cows. Call at stable, cor. 16th and Jefferson. COAL, $8 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO., 174 5th st. DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD. 5 AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box 0. Fulton. Or. 20.000 NO. 1 POTATO SACKS: WILL SELL In large or small quantities. 202 1st. FOR SALE TAILOR-MADE DRESS SUIT; bargain: size 38. W 92, Oregonlan. KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages of 21 and 36, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits,' who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply te Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak streets, Portland. Or. WANTED GUITARIST, TO ACCOMPANY mandollnlFt; must be white and a good faker: preference to one who sings; $2.50 per day and board, steady. Address J. W. Grubbe, general delivery, Boise, Idaho. WANTED MARRIED MAN. MANAGE small farm near city; understand fruit, ber ries, gardening, poultry; small investment re quired, shares. Address J 90. care Orego nlan YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE. COPY LET ters, home evenings, $7.00 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Filbert Dept. W 88. box 1411. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED YOUTH. OPERATING REMING ton machine, for copying and other work. Address, with references, stating salary ex pected, P. O. drawer 7, Portland. WANTED GOOD BARBER TO RUN A SHOP In Southern Oregon; splendid chance for good man. Apply G. N. W. Wilson Co. Bar ber Supply House. 80 6th st- SOLICIT ADVERTISING IMMEDIATE CASH commissions. Magnificent weekly advertis ing medium. Merchants rwilllngly adver tise. 6C9 Worcester bldg. WANTED DRIVER FOR DELIVERY WAG on; must be thoroughly acquainted with all parts of the city. Fashion Tailoring Co., 433 "Washington st. $20.00 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen for baking powder and extracts. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co.. Chicago. WANTED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN TO AS slst In lumber office and yard; small wages to commence; give references. Address P 1, Oregonlan. WANTED PRACTICAL SMELTER MAN, with experience In refining department; state age and experience. Q 99, Oregonlan. "WANTED SOLICITOR FOR LOCAL TER rltory, later given traveling position; work on, salary. E 1, care Oregonlan. "WANTED A GOOD GLAZIER FOR PLAN ing mill; state wages. Apply to Robert Fos ter. Pendleton. Or. WANTED BOY BETWEEN 17 AND 20 years to drive grocery wagon. Inquire at 394 Washington et. WANTED BOY TO DELIVER ORDERS. Saturday only. Meat market. 14th and Gll san sts. BOY WANTED TO LEARN SIGN PAINTING; age. 15 to 17. Matt T. Eddy, 211 Allsky bldg. B. F. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. S. F., Cal.. teaches barber trade In eight weeks. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EVERYWHERE, WRITING copying home evenings; steady work, no mail ing or canvassing; good pay. For particu lars send addressed envelope. Manager Dept. W 88. box 1302. Philadelphia, Pa. PLAIN SEWING , AT HOME. $9.00 PER week. Materials sent everywhere free. Steady work. Send addressed envelope for particulars. Du Pont Dept. W 88, lock-box 1382. Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES. WRITING AT HOME EVENINGS. $7.00 per week. Particulars free to all. Send addressed envelope. Filbert Dept. W S3, box 1411. Philadelphia, Pa. $15 WEEKLY PAID LADIES TO WORK AT home. Everything furnished. Inclose stamped fnveloe. D. 1C0 Ladles' Ind. Co.j 1C7 Wa basn ave.. Chicago. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: RESPECTABLE woman as housekeeper, widower's family, out town. 2301.5 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. EVENING LESSONS IN SHORTHAND, typewriting and bookkeeping: terms. $5 per njonth. Address T 85. care Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG LAD'S TO READ ONE hour daily to shorthand class for part tuition. Behnkc-Walker Business College. WANTED EDUCATED WOMAN, PLEASING address, to talk with business men in the city; good pay. N 1. care Oregonlan. CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESS. SECOND nurre, general, housekeepers, store, cooks, shop girls. 291 3d. Phone Hood 494. WANTED FIVE GIRLS. EXPERIENCED IN labeling cane today. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. A LADY TO PLAY LEAD IN DRAMATIC comrany road show. Call at once. 313 1st between 12 and 3. "WANTED STRONG GIRL. WHO UNBER stands cooking. Apply at Columbia Hotel. 1st and Clay sts. WANTED A LADY TO PLAY PIANO evenings. Apply at 144 0th St.. between 0 and 7 P. M. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOB GEN eral housework in family of two. Call at t IPS King st. WANTED STENOGRAPHER; STATE SAL ary expected. Address P. O. drawer 7. Port land. Or. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK; FIVE IN fairlly; good wages. Address K 1, care Ore gonlan. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. Apply mornings. 64S Lovejoy. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at 701 Irving st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family; no children. Call 403 Jefferson street. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST IN housework. Call 101 East 17th. cor. Wash ington. COMPETENT GIRL TO ASSIST N HOUSE work; small family. 810 Lovejoy st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS "WAITER, AT Ki use's Grill, 4th and Stark. COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. 451 Burnslde st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK; GOOD wages. 380 Montgomery st. WANTED LADY TEACHERS. APPLY AT 850 14th St., from 2-4 P. M. WOMAN TO HELP IN KITCHEN, PRIVATE boarding-house. ISO 5th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 770 Overton st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. .182 1st st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. IF YOU WANT A POSITION PAYING YOU $2.50 to $S a day. no canvassing, inclose two stamps for particulars. Correspondent Art School. L. box 310. Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. SITUATION "WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN, who has had two years' experience at the bill desk In a leading wholesale grocery house. J 09, Oregonlan. TIME AND WORRY CAN BE SAVED BY letting me do your bookkeeping for small monthly pay; large or small concerns. Q 06, care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED A SITUATION UNDER SHELTER by a man willing to work and competent to do most -.anything, leaving off stenography, soliciting and handling large sums of money; reasonably; good appearance, Asobcr and In dustrious. "Who'a got a job for me? G 1, Oregonlan. ALL KINDS HELP FURNISHED; DOMES tlca, farm hands, laborers, canners, day work. Japanefo Employment Office, 69 North Cth. Phone Clay 592. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK WISHES position in family. Address Japanese M. E. Mission, 393 Flanders. Phone Clay 745. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC. FARM AND all kinds of help. Telephone Black 992. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 203 Everett st. SITUATION WANTED WATCHMAKER and Jeweler, Beven years' experience; refer ences If required. O 1, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE "WISHES place to do housework and help, cook; has reference. Phone Clay 745. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege desires place to work for room and board. D 99, Oregonlan. SITUATION- WANTED BY MAN. TO DO general work; had experience with horses. X 99. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WISHES A Posi tion to do housework in family. Address E 99, Oregonlan. PRINTER WANTS WORK: WOULD LEAVE city. Address M 1, care Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS CARPET-LAY-er or cutter. Q 95. Oregonlan. A BAKER BOY APPRENTICE. LOOKING for work. Phone White 767. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Steiiorrrnplicrn. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENO grapher desires permanent position. East ern and city reference. Carrie F. Kenesson, 453 Hall. 4 COMPETENT LADY WISHES POSITION A3 cashier, bill clerk or assistant bookkeeper. 404 Knott st. Hoaaekeepen. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER IN WID ower's family, or charge of rooming-house, by widow: city references. Phone Front 905. Y 1, Oregonlan. COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER WANTS P0 sltlon; best references furnished and -expected. Call or address G. C, 1042 Belmont st., city. Dressmakers. JACKETS RELINED. SKIRTS REBOUND; all kinds of repairing done. 429 Alder st. Domestic, SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT Swedish girl, Vhamberwork; also girl for second, kitchen work, hotel, boarding-house. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. BY GIRL. TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK and plain cooking. Call 807 Savler st., near 24th. A SWEDISH GIRL WANTS POSITION TO do second work. Address 309 Hancock st. WANTED SITUATION. BY GERMAN GIRL, to do general housework. 635 5th st. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED DAY WORKERS, cooks, housekeepers, chambermaids, wait resses; nice Swedish girl wants housework, doesn't speak English. 230, Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED TO RENT. - WANTED TO RENT 9 OR 10-ROOM HOUSE, of modern Improvements; convenient location to school and business necessary; property on which option to purchase could be had fa vored: state rent. location and general In formation by letter. Address J 1, Orego nlan. A RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF THREE. DE slrcs a small, neatly furnished cottage, or part of house, on East Side car line, crossing Morrison-street bridge. i 09, Oregonlan. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, with baby, part of house, completely fur nished for housekeeping; reasonable; perma nent. O 4. Oresohlan. f WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES We pay more money than others for old cloth ing, shoes, quilts, blankets, valises. Call off writ e at old Second-Hand Store, 73 N. 3U. Phone Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, boots, guns, pistols, valises, etc, Call at the old reliable stand. 62 N. Third st. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD WORK HORSE; state age. weight and price. Address O 99, care Oreconlan. WANTED- GOOD HEAVY SECOND-HAND salesmen's buggy. 41 Union ave.. cor. Pine. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT: HIGHEST FRICfc paid 229 Yamhill st. FOIt REST. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the city; steam heat, gas electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient traae solicited. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS In the best apartments In Lower Alblna. In quire of Mrs. Lee, 113A5 Kussell St., corner Mississippi ave. rnonePink UOO. THE ELKTON-UNDER NEW MANAGE ment; entirely new and first-class; ruuins by day or month: transient. G2 Nortn via 11. Mrs. M. C. Dawson, manager. - NICELY FURNISHED BAY - WINDOW room, to gentlemen, with all conveniences; private family. Telephone West 2802, after 3 P. M.. or apply 410 Hall st. THE BARRIE. S. E. COR. 0TH AND STARK Newly furnished, steam heat, electric light, porcelain baths;, rates. SI per day and up; special by week or month. FURNISHED ROOMS; LARGE PARLOR; also large front alcove room; room first floor, with use of kitchen: all new and modern. 215 11th, cor. Salmon. SPLENDID NEW ROOMS. WITH BAY W1N dow. furnished, single or en suite; gas. phone. 2S ICth. near Washington. Phone Wc.n220G. FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO OEN tlemen; bath, phone; private family. 12U 10th st.. near Washington. 250 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room; all conveniences; centrally lo cated; rent reasonable. 555 MORRISON ST. WELL - FURNISHED room with tove, gas, suitable for two p-er-' sons. $10 month. - FOR RENT Rooms. THE PLEASANTON. 288 Third st, Fins fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping: transient solicited. Phone South 251. 193 14TH ST. PLEASANT MODERN ROOM, with all conveniences. In private family; beautiful location; references. A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. IN PRIVATE family; West Side gentleman preferred; ref erences. T 09. Oresonian. 304 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS; GEN tlemen; bath, phone, gas, heat; no children; two blocks .Portland Hotel. 304 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS'; GEN tlemen; bath, phone, gas, heat; no children; two blocks Portland Hotel. FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with gas, bath and water; ery modern. 294 Broadway, Upper Alblna. 253 11TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT suite; also side room; modern In every re- spect; gentleman only. WELL-FURNISHED ROOtfS. 2SS WASH ington St., south Perkins Hotel. 5oc and 75c per day. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. IN PRIVATE family of two; breakfast If desired. 129 13th street. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. GUman Hotel, let & Alder: Tremont Hotel, 7th and Everett. THE ABBOTT, 228 WASH. FINE FUR nlshed rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. The Cosmcs, 208 Morrison Furnished suites, housekeeping suites, single; $3 per week up. THE BONITA Elegant, sunny suites and sin gle; rr-asonable; all conveniences. 89 7th st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMSWITH all modern conveniences. 743 East Stark. ONE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM; modern conveniences. 324 Salmon st. ONE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM; modern conveniences. 580 3d tU " FOR RENT TO YOUNG LADY. NICE LIT tle room. 422 Jefferson st. FOR ROOMS. SEE GILLESPIE & OSCAR 420 Commercial block. 'v, FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 169 11th st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. AT 247 1ST street. Rooms With Board. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 13TH AND AL der Under new management; newly furnish ed and renovated: steam heat, porcelain baths; elegant rooms, with board, by the day, $1.-25 up; reasonable rates by month; table and service first-class; tsurlst trade solicited. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: ISTrf YEAR: rooms, with board; use of sewing-room: usa of library: Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E .George. Super intendent. CIO Flanders st. HOTEL BROWN LARGE. PLEASANT rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; good table: rooms for transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. 251 7TH ST.. COR. MADISON NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, with first-class board; modern conveniences; four blocks from Hotel Port land. Phone Black 1310. LARGE SOUTH ROOM. WITH EXCELLENT board, for two gentlemen or man end wife; $20 per month. 2S8 Jefferson. Modern con veniences. 283 JEFFERSON ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Nicely furnished rooms, with first-class table "board; modern conveniences. 402 FOURTH ST. PLEASANT. NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board. Phone Front 7S2. 4C3 YAMHILL NICE FRONT ROOM. W;ITH board, suitable for ttwo; also day .boarders solicited. GENTLEMAN APPRECIATING HOME WILL find It at $5 per week. 420 4th st. New house. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board; bath and phone. 428 Stark st. FURNISHED ROOMS; STEAM HEAT, phone. 209 14th St., cor. Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD; HOT .and cold water. 225 11th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH FIRST class board. 108 11th st. Housekeeping? Rooms:. HANDSOME DOUBLE PARLORS. FURNISH ed. for housekeeping: other desirable suites; no children. Phone West 1007, or address S 09, care" Oregonlan. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping, with .alcove, closets and gas; to parties without children. 514 East Oak et., cor. 11th. 409 MORRISON ST., N. E. COR. 11TH Neatly furnished housekeeping apartments, with comfortable accommodations; desirable location. STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE. WELL-FURNISH-ed 9-room house; 5-room fiat; also other housekeeping rooms. Inquire 115 North 18th street. ENTIRE FLOOR. 3 ROOMS, AND BATH, unfurnished or partly furnished, with private family. 220 Grant et. LARGE FRONT FURNISHED ROOM. SUIX able for light housekeeping; gas, bath, tele phone. 40G 4th st. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS: two or three furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 2CS 3d st. 301 ALDER. COR. PARK NICELY FUR nlshed suite; bath, gas range and telephone; no children. IF YOU WANT DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, seo Gillespie & Oscar, 420- Com mercial bldg. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM LOWER FLAT, furnished complete. Inquire 335 Clay street, corner 7th. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping; also a furnished room. 431 3d, cor. College. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms. At 91 West Park, cor. Stark. TWO FURNISHEDt HOUSEKEEPING rooms; ihone and bath; $2.50 per week. 223 Market st. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern; water and sink In kitchen. 485 Alder. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; bath, phone. 326 6th st.. near Clay. TWO FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED. FOR light housekeeping; gas, bath, phone. 420 Alder. 231 MARKET LIGHT. CLEAN ROOMS, furnished, for housekeeping: reasonable. FOR RENT FIVE UPSTAIR. ROOMS. UN furnished. 401 W. Park st. ' Houses. FOR RENT A MOST DESIRABLE 7-ROOM cottage, centrally located. In East Portland; beautiful grounds; reasonable to desirable tenants. Inquire 4C9 East. Oak st. 1- rOR RENT HOUSE OF S ROOMS AND grounds 507 Spring st.. Portland Heights. Apply fit room 1 Concord bldg. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. best location, $40. Grindstaff &" Blaln, 240 Stark st. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 313. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT A COMFORTAELE FURNISHED 5-room cottage, with use of piano; location 754 Grand ave. North. Apply at house. FURNISHED 4 - ROOM COTTAGE: ELEC trlc lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. C-ROOM COTTAGE; MUST BE SOLD; A bargain, $250. 5-room cottage, good furni ture, central. $250. 0-room flat, modern, well furnished, $425. Elegant flat and furniture, 0 rooms, new and. up to date; a snap. $450. 7 rooms, very central, good furniture, for $500. Beakey & McEntee. 414 Chamber of Commerce. FURNITURE 9 ROOMS FOR SALE. HOUSE for rent; centrally located; rooms all full. 322 4th. Stores. FOR RFNT STORE. COR. 16TH AND GLI san. Max' Smith, 88 North lflth. PERSONAL. JO-HE, A .NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like malc. Cures In 8 to 20 days. Sam ple can, 50c. postpaid. Testimonials " free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 East Couch at.. Portland, Or. Ffcur.o Unloa ICu:: PERSONALS. "VIAVI" ARE YOU A MARTYR TO STOM ach trouble? Can't dispose of food without a Io! of bother and distress? If so. It's time you knew of Vlavl Talettes and Cerate; ali mentary diseases often suddenly develop fatal abscesses and appendicitis. "Vlavl" If contemplating an operation, bo wise and make your -will; chloroform fre quently puts to sleep for the last time; re member Vlavl Is a successful nonsurgical treatment, In use 15 years; 36.-000 patrons In one small Western State alone 'last year. The Oregon Vlavl Co., room 23 Lewis bldg. 570. WOMEN WANTED Suffering from Irregular painful or "stoppages, Leucorrhoea (whites) and all, diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 2U Yamhill St.. Portland. Or. Pri vate wattlng-room for ladles. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps when writing. These medicines sent by mall to anypontotfico oa earth; full Instructions. THE COMPLEXION. HAIR. SKIN AND scalp scientifically treated; ' no risks run; Portland's best citizens for reference; facial massage a specialty; massage and electroly sis taught by Mmc. Aza Holmes, the reliable specialist, 311 Morrison St., opposite P. O. ELECTRIC PARLORS. 288 WASHINGTON St., treats scalp diseases and guarantees to restore gray hair to natural color without dye; removes wrinkles, blemishes from -face; also removes superfluous hair from face with out pain; enlarging busts a specialty. THE GREAT CANCER SPECIALIST; 20 years' successful treatment of tumor and cancer without use of knife; painlast; pa tients cared for In doctor's home. Write for pamphlet. Dr. C. BllllngtonJfcLa. Fayette. Or. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES SI a month keeps your clothing cleaned and . pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. ' Pronipt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opposite Cordrays. "Rosa's Confession," "Stolen Sweets," "Her Honor." "Lustful Love," "Dangerous De lights." "A Modern Eocn." "Tessie's Tempt ation," "Her Hidden Charms," "A Woman of Fire." 50c each; list free. Schmale, 223 1st. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC.. RE moved with electric needle; permanent cure; eight ycarB experience In Portland: lady operator; physicians' reference. Parlors li 10 Lewis building. Phone Browd 657. DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE you strong and happy by Sextne Pills. It won't cost you a cent? Price. $1; C boxes $5. Address J. A. Clemenson. Druggist. Second and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROU erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. .Agents. Woodard, Clark ic Co.. Fcrtland, Or. EYES TESTED FREE FIFTEEN YEARS' ' experience; best white Crystal lenses, $1; common specs 23c and 60c Arthur Rus sell. Portland optician. 283 Flr3t, corner JefCrrson. WILL UNINCUMBERED MIDDLE - AGED ladles write to a lonely, honorable vgintli; man? Particulars In first letter. Rich ones and trltlers save your paper. O 08, Orego nlan. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexinc Pills; price SI. 6 for J. A. Clemenson. Druggist, cor. Second anil Yamhill. Portland. Or. ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM AND chronic nervous diseases, diseases of women. New York Institute. Failing bidg.. 3d and Washington sts. YOU MAY NEED A NEW HOT-WATER BOT tla or syringe; If to, come and see our stock, at prices to suit all. Knight's Drug Store, 120 Cth st. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 22" Morrison st.. bet. 1st and 2d. We print your nanv on 30 calling cards, prop er size and sty5e. 25c: 250 business cards. $1. B'own Schmale. 229 Flr.t. Portland. Or. CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND scalp successfully treated by the specialists of the "New York Institute. Falling bldg. MRS. STEVENS, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND spiritual life-reader. CRYSTAL GAZING a specialty; reading, 50c 221 Morrison. Miss Almee Navarre, the peerless j-cung elec-tro-magnetist; massage, chiropody, manicur ing. S8 Cth st.. cor. Stark, room 14. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicurist and chiropodist; skillful and sci entific 20 Raleigh. Hood 1701. YOUNG LADY. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barkc Tonic. Sold by all first-class druggists. YOUNG MAN. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic Ail first-class druggists'-. - " ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS CURE RHEUMA tlsm. Vibratory Institute, 424 Washington st. Black 1910. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH' CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists. MRS. OBROCK. GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicuring. 424 Ablngton bldg. Red 2864. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR - rlage paper. 10c. Box COO. Portland. Or. Iftn poor health, have freo consultation with Mrs. Hurt, magnetic healer. 432 Alder. VIBRATORY CO.. OF 392 MORRRISON. HAS removed to 424 Washington. Black 1916. Miss Beo La Rue. masseuse, manicurist; select patrons only. 351 Morrison, room 10. BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL STORES Good stock of general merchandise, small Willamette Valley town; dwelling - house, barn, etc. Owner will sell this at a sacrifice on -account of necessary absence. About $3500. Large proposition ana favorite, business stand In rapidly growing "Valley town; sales $22,000 per year. $0000. General stock of goods In Eastern Oregon farming and stocic. country, $7000. SAWMILL AND LUMBERING This Is a lumbering proposition, 5 to 8 miles from S. P. Ry. Co.; good new ma chinery and outfit, capacity 20,000 feet; local demand for output, but can contract to ship. Sickness compels one partner to re tire. $2500. One-fourth Interest In .solid lumbering com pany, on Columbia River, $2500. FLOURING MILL Situated in Eastern Washington grain belt; mllP "first class In every respect; Dald-up lcat-e on farm, 500 acres; horse's, hogs and appurtenances. Purchaser to have entire con trol, other partner silent; half interest; easy terms. S40C0. , CITY GROCERY STORES Severn! ennri rhnnrps tft iret Intr htmlnpfig In this line. Every grocer In town Is busy,-n and people can now afford to buy good goods. Stocks range in .valuation from $2000 to $5000. FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Milling, commission and feed, wholesale. Additional capital required. $5000. Old-established stand for sale. $2500. WANTED A commission business on Front st. Have from $10,000 to $20,000 to Invest, A lumbering proposition on liver or rail road. $5000 to $10,000. We have several quarter sections of good timber land for sale, close In and very cheap. Reliable information furnished on business chances and investments. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton bldg. NOME RIVER DITCH COMPANY NOW OF fers for the first time a limited amount of its 0 per cent preferred guaranteed construc tion stock at .25 cents a share (par value $1). We know this property and Its management to be strictly first-class. We strongly ad vise immediate Investigation and Investment. It will net you 24 per cent on your invest ment at the present ground-floor price, and probably many times 24 per cent in the near future. Send for prospectus. Burbridge & Co.. Brokers, Los Angeles, Cal. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES 15 rooms, fine furniture, pays well, $950. 22 rooms, fine transient, always full, $1500. 10 rooms, elegant residence, central, $S00. 10 rooms, good residence, very central, $500. 23 rooms, fine house, 3d st., $2000. Beakey & McEntee. 414 Chamber of -Commerce. 5023 ACRES IRON LAND IN THE VERMIL llon Iron range. Lake and Cook Counties. Minn. Numerous surface indications and out drops showing high-grade magnetic Iron. Great Investment at Its present low price. W. M. Cctrander, North American bldg., Phlla.. Pa. I WANT A REPRESENTATIVE TO CON trol three Northern states; a grand oppor tunity to get In business; specialty well ad vertised; compiles with state law; must leave Thurfday; applicant must have $50. Address Manufacturer, care Oregonlan. . FOR SALE A PLANING MILL. SASH AND door factory, complete, in good running or der. In the best small town In Oregon. Also a new sawmill, complete, In same vicinity. For ' further Information address box 103. Portland. Or. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS INVESTED now will make you fifteen hundred In the next three or four month's; full Investigation Invited. Jennings & Co.. 309 Morrison st. PARTY WISHES TO TRADE s 5-ROOM COT tagc. value $1200, renting at $8 per month, for Oregon Securities Co. stock. Apply to L. Y. Keady & Co.. Falling bldg. FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY, LIVING rooms, .$700; stock for SDDO"; doing good cash trade;. must rell at once on account health. K 99, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE-POULTRY RANCH. 220 CHICK ens, with Improvements and come livestock. Csll 564 Irving t.. Mrs. G. C Cavalln. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS Op portunity or position; have i$1500 to Invest If necessary: strictly confidential. Addret B 1, Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD, HONEST MAN WITH $250 as partner to take day or night shift In a lunch counter and .restaurant. W 99, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE MILK ROUTE. WORTH $100 per month. wth cows, horses, wagon, etc. Call 1212 Ellsworth st., Richmond. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. IN GOOD LOCA tlon; good business; reasonable price; reaosn for selllnr. Ill health. 274 1st su BARGAIN 48 - ROOM HOUSEKEEPING house, In suites of two and three rooms; house full. P 99, Oregonlan. ONE OF THE LARGEST MEAT MARKETS In' the city: centrally located; best trdde. F 91. Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE; TKDINO GOOD business; prlco $600; Investigate. Y 95. Oregonlan. WE HANDLE ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS chance. Gllle?ple & Oscar, 420 Commercial block lino resilience prupcri). xiuury .uuicr. aumi, : FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK GROCERIES I and furniture. $400. 423 East Morrison. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE 14 ROOMS, all full. $350. Inquire 105 Union' ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. PropitKHln Invited. PROPOSALS FOR WOOLEN BLANKETS Depot Quartermaster's Office. 30 New Mont- ornery Street. San Francisco, Cal., N,vam er 13, 1002. Scaled proposals, in triplicate, will bo received at this ofilce until 10 o'clock A. M. Friday, November 2S. 1002. Pacific standard time, and then opened, for furnish ing 50,000 wdolen blankets. Uuantltles to be subject to an Increase of 50 per cent. If de sired by this department. Bids will be opened for the delivery of the same articles at either tho San Francisco. Boston. Chi cago and Philadelphia depots. To avoid mis understanding as to. the exact nature of the articles to ba furnished, bidders will care fully examine tho standard samples and specifications, so that proposals may be sub fmltted by them with a full knowledge of what will he required, as an absolute com pliance with the standards and specifica tions will be lntilsua upon In the Inspection of the goods. Unguaranteed bids, and bids upon samples differing from standards and specifications, will, under no circumstances, bo entertained. Proposals for less quantities than advertised for will be entertained. Blila for delivery or Inspection at othor points than those named above will not be consid ered. Early deliveries are essential. Bidders-must state In their proposals the rate and time of delivery, should contract be awarded to them. The artlclos advertised for are the same for which bids will be opened at the other depots. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions of price and quality being equal (Including in the price cf foreign production and manufacture the duty thereon), and such preference will be given to articles of American production and - manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public service there. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Informa tion and blanks for . proposals will be fur nished on application.. Envelopes containing proposals will be indorsed "Proposals No. 9304." and addressed to LIEUTENANT COLONEL C. P. MILLER. Deputy Quarter-mastor-General. U. S. Army, Depot Quar termaster OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., November 16, 1!K)2. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here un til 11 A. M.. December 15, 1902, aud then opened, for the construction at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., of one double artillery bar rack, one double infantry barrack, and one set of officers' quarters. For full Information, plans and specifications apply to this office. United States reserves rlzht to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should ba marked: "Proposals for construction of build ings at Vancouver Barracks. Wash.," and ad dressed to undersigned. F. H. Hathaway, C. Q. M. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BLDG.. Seattle. Waph.. Nov. 17. 1902. Sealed pro posals for dredging Lake Washington Canal. Washington, will be received here until 12 M., December 18. 1902. and then publicly opened. Information furnished on applica tion. John Mlllls, MaJ. Engrs. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, BURKE BLDG., Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 15. 1902. Sealed pro posals for dredging Olympla harbor. Wash., will be received here until IS"" M. December 18, 1002. and thon publicly opened. Informa tion furnished on application. JOHN MIL LIS. MaJ. Engrs. Mailers' Notice. BRITISH SHIP RIVERSIDE. CAPTAIN Mc Cully. Master, from Hamburg Neither the captain nor tho undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Glrvln & Eyre. GERMAN BARK NAL, FROM KOBE. I. Sshulte, Master Neither the master nor tho undersigned consigneo3 of the above-named vessel will be responsible for nny "debts that may be contracted by the crew. Kerr, Gir ford & Co. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP Notice Is hereby given that the firm of MacMaster & Birrell, composed of William MacMaster and Alexander H. Birrell. has been dissolved, dissolution taking effect at the close of business on Saturday, November 15. 1002. All claims against Uhe late firm should be presented to William MacMaster. at 311 Worcester block, Portland. Or... and all sums due to the late firm should bepaid to him, MACMASTER & BIRRELL. WILLIAM MACMASTER. November 15. 1002. Liquidating Partner. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP Notice Is hereby given that the firm of Paus & Brush, known as the Royal Pickling , Co.. has been dissolved, dissolution taking effect at the close of business on Saturday, Nov. 15, 1902. All claims against the late firm should be presented to Joseph Paus. who will continue the business, corner of Water and Mill sts., and all sums due the late firm should be paid to him. Paus & Brush, Joseph Paus liquidating partner. Dated Nov. 15. 1902: DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership existing between J. O. Grove and H. W. Gogcr. doing business as Grove & Goger, Is .hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Said J. O. Grove to collect all bills due and pay all debts owing by said Grove & Goger. Dated this 10th day of November. 1902. J. O. Grove. H. W. Goger. CITY BOARD OF CHARITIES THE AN nuaL meeting of members, for the election of directors and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before It, will bo held at 2l3 4th st.. near Salmon, Monday, Nov. 24. 1902, at 8 o'clock P. M. W. R. WALPOLE. Secretary. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted by my wife, Ida N. Cough lln. D. C. Coughlln. . LOST AND FQUND. LOST FROM BUGGY. BETWEEN' SUNNY slde and Morrison bridge, black bag, con taining purse, brush, gloves, etc. Leave at 883 East Taylor, and receive reward. Phone Union 106. LOST LLEWELLYN SETTER PUP. 9 months old; white, with black spots; tan on nose and cars. Liberal reward. R. L. Cate, 701 Chamber of Commerce. LOST NICKEL-FRAME EYE GLASSES, Vi cinity Chamber of Commerce building. Suit able reward for return. W. B. M., 318 Fall ing bldg. TAKEN UP NOV. 14 ONE SMALL SPOT ted jnllch cow. Owner can have same by pay ing damages and coats. 1071 East lamhlll street. LEFT ON CORNER MARSHALL AND 14TH, lady's umbrella. Finder please return'-to Ore gonlan office. Reward. LOST A YELLOW AND WHITE-SPOTTED cow, with broken horn and halter. Phone Pink 2151. THIN ENGLISH SETTER BITCH LOST, Lower Alblna. Telephone Main 163. Reward. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding termanent positions with responsible firm5, uron their own names: easy payments; strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co.. room 200 Abincwn buUdin.t. A WEALTHY PRIVATE BANKIN.G HOUSE, with strong Eastern and European connec tions, will consider any legitimate indus trial, railway, mining or land proposition with view of financing same after Investiga tion; correspondence invited. Address lock box 4C5. Chicago. 111. LOANS. WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett. 213 Com mercial block. -Telephone Grant 850. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Pcrt'kiii AlMrat-i Co.. 602 Commercial blk. FINANCIAL. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 "Washington bldg. Phone Hood 41$. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500. ON ALL kinds of reeurity, R. I. Eakerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and Improved Valley, farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark st. MONEY TO IX5AN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn. 532 Sherlock block. WANTED $1200, THREE TO FIVE YEARS. flrst-clas rnal estate security. ' Address V 09. Oregonlan. Six p-r cent money to loan on Claokamas Coun ty lanrt. E. F. Riley. C08 Cham. Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. room 0 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, d nr rent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. Monay i loan. ?mall amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawiey. 2 Chamber of Com. State funds Ioa.nd 6 per cent. . W. E Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Ch. of Com. fr.00,r,00 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ausayers naid Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND AN-' alytical chemist and mining engineer, 204 Washington Et. MONTANA ASSAY OFFJCH. 20S STARK ST. Expert3 on analysis of coals, minerals, rock and mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager. Harley J. Armstrong, arsayer. cor. 7th and Ankeny. Prices and bags mailed on request. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dut bought. 228 Sark st. .Accountants and Auditors. Murton & Arnnbold. 326. 328 Chamber of Corn. Phone Main 701. Bookkeeping, expertlng. Architects. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 First st. Phone Red 2024. AttorneyM-at-Lanr. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN. general practitioner. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Consultation free. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, CARPENTER AND builder. 307 Stark st.: office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses: grill work. Phone Main 74". GLAZING IN ANY PART OF THE CITY: E. Lucke. Telephone Black 2970 or 108 2d street. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVING, houses built and repaired. 2C8 4th. Clay 174. Chiropodists and Mnnlenrinjr. L. MITCHELL. FIRST LICENSED EXPERT chiropodist in Portland: not the self-styled only scientific. I allow the public to decide that. I may say. owing to large practice I have engaged expert lady chiropodist and manicurist from the East. Office in Knight's shoe store, opporlte Perkins Hotel. Tele phones: Office, Hood 723; residence. West 22?. WM. DEVENY fz ESTELLE DEVENY. THE onlv scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison Oregon phono Grant 10. This is the lonrc-halred gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. UNRIVALED EXPERT CHIROPODIST AND manicurist; work scientifically performed; physicians' indorsement. Office 20 Raleigh. Kocd 1701. Civil Engineers. PHILIP. O. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer, 650 Worcester block. Coal Dealer. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kind of coal. Call 'us up for quota tions. 154 North 5th st. Main 1013. KING COAL COMPANY: BEST HOUSE AND steam coals. Yard Front st.. opposite Alns worth Dock. Phone Oak 1251. Coal and Wood. BBOWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Yamhill st. Both phones. Main 715. Collection A&cnclen. Lehman Collection Arency: collection, legal matters promptly attended to. 320 Wash. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, oelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front St.. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building, Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland, Or. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer. 265 Second st. Custom Corsets. Corsets designed for all figures, made to order; first-class work. Room 50 Washington bldg. Dnncinff. PROF. EATON. WITH 5 ASSISTANTS. GIVE p(lrl-ate or class dancing lessons Monday and Thursday evenings. Arlcn Hall. Tel. West 793. Dyelnfr and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Educational. GENTLFMAN TEACHER WISHES PUPILS In arithmetic. Latin, algebra, higher Eng lish, etc. P 7, care Oregonlan. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson, 289 East Morrison st. Frnternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.: Drotccts the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y.. 012-015 Marquam bldg. Hnirdreasingr, Toupees, Manicuring-. ROSENTHAL SISTERS 100 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, halrdresslng, manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 30S WASH. ST. THE leading wigmakers and hairdressers. Gasoline Eaglneo. TATUM & BO WEN, PORTLAND. SAN Francisco. Seattle. Hair Goods and Costumes. Imperial Hair Store, 329 Morrison: hair goods; specialty, gents' top pieces, masquerade cos tumes for rent. Turkish baths, ladles only. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and Marnesa mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Paul van Frldagh. General Agent. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co.. pay highest prices for old rub ber, metals, bottles. Iron, rags.hldea. pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 091. Leather nnd Finding. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe storo supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth st. THE H. a ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 243 Grand ave.- Marhle and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, 720 t Front St.; fine work, large stock, low prices. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED). FOR 25 YEARS Portland's favorite medium. 224 Market st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mustcni. Lessons 50c. piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin: lnstrum'ts for sale. ?Irs. Martin. 104 1st. Oregon Vlnvl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30. P. M. MnKftnsre. REFINED YOUNG LA'DY gives vapor, laven der baths. Try famous Assyrian treatment: invigorating, real luxury. SS Cth. cor. Stark, room 14. One call means, another. FRENCH LADY. WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD uate assistants, gives massage treatment; tlectrlc. ptrfume. 208 5th. Phone W. 1973. Excellent baths, magnetic and massage treat ment, by young lady from the East: swelleat In city. Room 10. 351 Morrison. THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex perienced masseuse. Rooms 20 and 27 Raleigh. Palmistry. PROF. STERLING WILL RETURN NOV. 21; REMOVED: have your hands read. Thera are no two hands alike. Call and bo con vinced that your life can be told accurately by this peerless exponent of palml.-itr. Charges. 50c and up. Ottlce hours from 1'J A. M. to 9 P. M.. 2CS Morrison, room 28. Larsen. the palmist, returned: scientific read ings. 50c; past and future. 216 Allsky bldg. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clalr rovant card-reader. 133 1st. cor. Alder. Physicians and Snrjreons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCES3- fully treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 308 Sal mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and sk'n diseases. Odd Fellows' , Temple. Dr. Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and children a.spcclalty. Office 517 Tho Dekum. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOOR3 and dtposlt work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglur alarms, bteel ceilings. Second-hand safes bought and sold. Goods as represented. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co.. gen'l agts.. 205 2d st.. A. O. U. W. bid. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrla Safe Co.. 01 1st st.. 2d door north "of Stark. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington st.: largest variety; repairing. Spiritualist. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBYS. SO strange Is our work that, without a word, without a question, we can tell you what you came for, Jut what you want to know. Cor rect Information about all affairs, love, court ship, marriage, dlvorcr. hales, wills, property, old estates, speculation. dUeases. pensions, uatcnts. Investments, etc- We positively tell you when and whom you will marry giving name of vcruon and .date o marriage. We recosnlze none as out superior, who by any means advise and foretell events arising ' through cause and effect. Hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P.M.: Sunday. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 189 7th st.. between Yamhill and Taylor. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, lovo, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed Rooms 5. 6. A. O. U. W. bldg.. cor. 2d and Taylor. Take elevator, fourth floor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic: gives valuable advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mlne3. family difficulties. Always consult the best. 271 Morrison St.. room A. QUEEN STANLEY. GYPSY MEDIUM, unites separated. 2SS Washington. No sign. Room 7. Mr.". Stevens, spiritual life reader; scientific palmist; past and future. 50c. 221 Morrison. Mrs. C. Cornelius, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son. Sittings daily. Phone Hood 403. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH, BUSINESS AND test, at 133 5th. cor. Alder, room 1. Storage and Trnnsfer. C. O. PICK, office SS First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 506. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles. 0 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 310 California st., San Francisco. Wall Paper. FREEBORN & CO.. wall paper, paper-hanging, tinting, painting. 334 Alder, cor. 7th. Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. 1 jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing. 5 Whoiesnle Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts, Portland, Or. BANKS. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... $12. 000.000 HOMER S. KING PRESIDENT (San Francisco.) K. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES.- ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF ' COMMERCE With which la amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up $d.00u.000 Reserve 2.000,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwarda and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities -of ths United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. NO INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. President J. C AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier F. C. MILLER Assistant Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS .Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and the Eastern Stato. Sight exchangr and telegraphic transfers sold on Nev York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrls tlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Moscow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & 'TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transacts a General Banking Business Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at" all points on favorabls terms. Letters of credit lsu;d available in Europe and all points in the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers pold on New York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT- Assistant Cashier United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, ava Habit In al! parts of the world. Collections a- specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANE. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and . Stark streets. Head office. 55 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters ofcredlt available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of 'ha world Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manasr. 103.2