Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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Betting Men Confident He
Will Win.
New York Republicans Place Gover
nor's Plurality at 37,000 Coler,
Democratic Nominee, Believes
He Will Win ly.G5,000.
: (Continued from First Pago.)
tlcally no change in. the betting, the odds
remaining at 2 to 1 oh Odell.
Leaders ot both parties agree that there
is little likelihood of any radical change
in the complexion of the Congressional
delegation of New York County, the re
sults in many districts being foregone
Outside of the battle for the Governor
ship, the election in the metropolis" is ex
citing an unusually light" interest.
Both Sides Claim Success but Say In
dependent Vote Is a. Puzzle.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. The Republicans
claim that in tomorrow's state election
they will have 19 out of 25 members of
Congress, and more than enough mem
bers of the State' Legislature to elect the
United States Senator who is to succeed
Senator William E. Mason. The Demo
crats claim that they will have a few
more than a majprity at the joint Fallot,
while the Republicans assert there ,1s no
doubt whatever of at least 12 or 15. Of
the 25 members of Congress to Be elected
in the State, the Republicans claim that
they will have 16 for sure, and feel confi
dent of getting three more. The Demo
crats claim 12. The present delegation in
Congress is evenly divided 11 Republi
cans and 11 Democrats. It is practically
conceded by the Democrats that the Re
publicans will have the majority of the
Congressmen from this state.
The Republican campaign managers as
sert that they will carry the County of
Cook by not less than 15,000, and say they
expect the plurality to be rather over this
figure than under It; 25,000 is their
high claim. The Democrats claim their
county ticket will go in by 12.000, but the
managers of both parties admit that it
is diffip ult to make accurate predictions.
It is admitted on both sides that there
will be a very large independent- vote.
Only Fif?lit Is on Van Sunt, and He
Will Win With Other Republicans.
ST. PAUL, Nov. 3. Both Republican"
Chairman Jamison and Democratic Chair
man Buck are very sanguine, and. each Is
predicting 5,000 plurality for his party.
The fight has been principally for Gov
ernor the Democrats virtually conceding
the rest of the ticket to the Republicans
and .putting In their best efforts to elect
L. A. Rosing to the Governorship. This
fact will certainly reduce the vote for
Governor Van Sant below the rest of the
state ticket.
The Democrats will not admit that more
than six of the nine districts are Repub
lican, claiming the others are doubtful.
Governor Van Sant has sought an in
dorsement of his anti-railway merger
fight In bis speeches, but" there' has been
no attack on his record on question.
The Legislature will have a large Repub
lican majority in both branches, the Dem
ocrats not having nominated candidates
in many districts.
Nonpartisan Estimates Give State
to Republicans by 30,000.
DETROIT. Nov. 3. Except in Detroit,
Port Huron and Saginaw, where city of
ficials will be elected, the campaign has
been one of the quietest ever known in
L. T. Durand today gave out a state
ment predicting the success of the en
tire state Democratic ticket tomorrow.
This, however. Is more than State Chair
man Justin R. "Whitin and most other
Democrats anticipate.
Nonpartisan estimates give the state to
the Republicans by 30.000 to 40.000.
The Legislature, it is conceded, will be
Republican. Nine of the 12 members of
Congress that will be elected are con
ceded to the Republicans. The Dpmo-
riauj aiu tvjiuug t-i.i-ii Dutuaa 111 11 lu
First, Second and Third districts.
Fairbanks and Beveridpre Predict
BIpr Republican Victory.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 2. Senators Fair
banks and Beverldge. who have delivered
speeches in nearly every county in the
state, are out with statements tonight
claiming the state will go Republican by
from 20.000 to 0,000, and that their party
wlll have a majority in -both Houses of
the Legislature. The coming Legislature
will select a Senator to succeed Senator
Fairbanks, and if the prediction of the
Republican lenders oh the outcome of to
morrow's battle is sustained. Senator
Fairbanks will be elected to euccecd him
self. State Chairman O'Brien and other Dem
ocratic leaders are equally as confident
of success as are the Republican leaders.
Democrats Concede Their Defeat by
DES MOINES; la., Nov. 3. It is believed
bere tonight that a somewhat larger vote
will be polled in Iowa tomorrow than has
been anticipated. Chairman Spence to
day claims the election of the Republi
can state ticket 'by 63,000, and the election
of all the Republican Congressional can
didates. Chairman Jackson, of the Dem
ocratic committee, concedes the state to
the Republicans by not over 35,000, and
claims the election of "Wade and Craig in
the Second and First Districts, and the
probable election of two or three Demo
crats to Congress.
Close Fight on .Governor Republi
cans Lead for. Other Oflices.
PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Nov. 3. Much
doubt clouds the Gubernatorial fight and
only the actual count of ballots will de
cide between Governor C. D. Kimball, the
Republican nominee, and L. P. C. Garvin,
of Cumberland. The Senate will go Re
publican, and it is believed that the House
will also go Republican by a decreased
majority. The re-election of Adin 3.
Capron, of Smlthfield, Congressional nom
inee from the Second District, Is assured,
and the re-election of Melville Bull Is
probable by a narrow margin.
Republicans Offer Betting Odds !
Never Heard of Before.
COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. 3. Before' the
party managers left for their homes to
night to vote no unusual features were
reported anywhere In the state The
Democrats still insist that there may be a
surprise In the vote on the state ticket
and that they will gain two members of
Congress, and probably three. The pres
ent Ohio delegation in Congress consists
of 17 Republicans and four Democrats.
Chairman Dick, before leavls for Akron.
said he expected a Republican gain of one
by A. H. Ja'kson, defeating Republican
Congressman Jnmes A. Norton .in the
Thirteenth District. Chairmsn Dick has
not changed bis estimate of 70,000 plurality
on .the-state ticket . The Republicans offer
bets at such odds as,Tvere never heard
of in Ohio heretofore..
Republicans Count on' Nearly Com
plete Success Democrat Hopeful.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 3. Final claims
of political managers on- the result to
morrow were made tonight. Chairman
Lindsay, forrthe Republicans, said:
"We will elect six members of Con
gress, the entire state ticket and two
thirds of the Legislature."
Chairman Hall, of the Democrats, said:
"We are going to elect W'. H. Thomp
son Governor by a "plurality of 10,000. We
will not lose a single one of the Fusion
Congressional districts, and are counting
confidently on the election of Stark, Rob
inson, Shallenberger and Berry. ' We will
be disappointed If we do not control the
lower house of the Legislature."
Based on-lastyear's vote, .the Fuslonists
have a Republican plurality, of 12,000 to
Bryan Closes the Campaign.
OMAHA, Nov. 3. W. J. Bryan wound
up the Democratic campaign "in Nebraska
with three speeches tonight in South
Omaha. His remarks in each case touched
particularly on-the Congressional race in
Dr. George C. Pardee,
Copyright, 1902, P. A. Webster, Oakland,
this district which, had been most bit
terly fought. He expressed an opinion that
the Fusionlsrs , would carry the state
.ticket and ' elect" four members of Con
Legislature Genernlly. Conceded to
the Republicans.
MILWAUKEE,-. Nov. 3. While, the
chances seem greatly to favor the suc
cess of the Republican state ticket tomor
row, party differences are expected to
cut quite a, figure on both sides. Espe
cially is this -the case among the Repub
licans who have been practically divided
for two yearsC -Mayor Rose (Democrat)
appears to be confident of being elected
by anywhere from 12,000 to 17,000 plural
ity and General George F. Bryant, chair
man of the Republican State Central Com
mittee, estimates Governor La -FoUette's
plurality at 40,000 The Republican man
agers tonight claim 10 Congressmen and
one In doubt, while the Democrats are
sure of one and. claim a fighting chance
for three others. It Is generally conceded
that the Republicans will control the next
Legislature, which will elect a United
States Senator.
Quay Says Pennsylvania Will Defeat
Pattison by 100,000.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3. Senator Quay,
chairman of the Republican State Com
mittee, tonight issued a. statement In
which he gives his estimate by counties
on the vote for Governor tomorrow. The
statement shows a plurality In the state
for Pennypacker, Republican, of 163,435.
Philadelphia's plurality for Pennypacker,
he places at 105.000, and that of Alle
gheny County (Pittsburg) is placed at 25,
000. The Senator concedes but one of the
32 Congressional districts to the Demo
crats, and claims ' that tho Republicans
will have two-thirds, majority in both
branches of the Legislature.
Democratic State Chairman Creasey said
that Pattison (Democrat)? for Governor,
would have 40,000 plurality, and that tho
next Legislature -would be antl-Penrose
for United States Senator.
Contest Over the Legislature, Which
Is Claimed by Both Parties.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 3. Tho real contest
in "Missouri is apparently over the Legis
lature, tho 11th Congressional District in
the City of St Louis, and the city, itself.
Republican State Chairman Alkens says
the Legislature will be very close, but Re
publican on joint ballot . Democratic
State Chairman Rothwell claims the state
BOISE. Idaho; Nov. ,3. (To the Ore-'
Eonlan.) I predict the election of tho
entire Democratic state ticket tomor
row, by majorities ranging: from 1500
to 2500 votes. Governor Hunt will, in
my Judgment, j lead the ticket bjr a. few
hundred votes. There will act be a
difference of more than 500 votes be
tween the 'highest and the lowest can
didate. Hutchinson will be elected to
Congress. In spite of 'a bitter personal
flght that has been waged against him.
Thirty-four votes, in tho Joint Lecli
lature, are requisite to the election of
a Senator-' I predict the election by
the Democrats tot 40 members of the
Joint Legislature. '
Chairmen Democratic" State Committer
of IdafcCs-.
by 30,000 plurality and a majority of 30 In
the Legislature. He also claims 15 out of
the 16 Congressional districts.
A strong flght has been made on Butler,
Democrat, in the 12th (St Louis) District,
but the Indications tonight strongly point
to his election.
Most Spirited Campaign In Years
Legislature Will Be Republican.
TRENTON, N. J.. Nov. 3. The cam
paign In this state has been one of the
most spirited In years. There appears to
be no doubt that the Legislature jvill be
largely Renubllcan. DemocraU6 Chalr-
man Jourley expressed the belief that the
Democrats would carry fur Congressional
districts, the First, Third, Ninth apd
Tenth. The normal Republican majority
In the-First District Is claimed to be 30,
000 and the Third District gave Governor
Murphy a plurality of 3038. Tha Ninth
and Tenth Districts are embraced in Dem
ocratic Hudsoii County.
Republicans Are Confident Socialist
Vote Complicates Matters.
BOSTON, Nov. 3. The last word on the
stump in the Massachusetts political cam
paign was spoken tonight, by the leading
orators of both parties. Republicans arc
exceedingly confident and the Democrats
very hopeful. The former claim the state
by 25,XX)0, while the latter b6Heve they will
elect their candidate for Governor by SOOO
plurality. The Republicans assert that 12
of the candidates will -win, while the Dem
ocrats claim that they will elect at least
six out of 14 members of Congress. The
uncertain element In tomorrow's election
is the strength of the Socialist vote.
Both Sides Are Confident and a Hot
Contest Is Assured.
DENVER, Nov. 3. The election in Colo
rado tomorrow premises to be hotly con
tested, and party managers predict a
heavy vote. Both Democratic and Re
publican chairmen claim victory, the for
mer by 18,000 to 20,000 plurality, and the
BOISE. Idaho, Nov. 3. (To the Ore
gonlan.) Idaho is Republican this year
by 1500 to 2000. It Is believed, how
ever, that the Democratic nominee for
Governor will not receive the votes of
a .considerable element In his party,
known as Steunenbure Democrats, as
distinguished- from Dubois Democrats,
who support Hunt. This will increase
the majority of' Morrison, Republican
candidate for Governor, to at least
3000. French, the Republican nominee
for Concrcsa, It Is believed will run
ahead of his ticket. Hutchinson, his
Democratlo opponent. Is strongly op
posed in his home county, and will loso
H to French. The same causes operat
ing against him In his own county are
felt elsewhere In the state, and It can
be confidently, stated that French's ma- '
majority will not be less thai) 3500.
The Legislature, which ts to elect- a
United States Senator, will bo close,
with the odds favoring the Republicans.
The work of the Dcmo-fuslon Legisla
ture of 1000 ii reapportioning the Rep
resentatives to 'that body so as to in
sure a Democratic Legislature, Is re
acting upon them in a peculiar man
ner. In that several of the strongest
Democratic counties of two years ago
will elect Republican Legislators thi3
time. This, coupled with the serious
Democratic dissension in three counties,
two of Which would otherwise be sure
ly Democratic, aids the chances of the
Republicans for a majority in the Leg
islature. Idaho will be found hence
forth in the Republican column, by
reason of large Immigration into tho
state, and the popularity of President
Roosevelt which .has won much sup
port for the Republican ticket.
Vice-Chairman Republican State Com
mittee of Idaho. .
latter by 10,000 to 15,000 on the head of the
state ticket The other four tickets are
not expected to poll more than 30,000 votes
out of a probable total of 220.000. Three
members of Congress are to be chosen,
and both Democrats and Republicans are
claiming all these. It Is generally conced
ed that the Democrats will secure a ma
jority of the Legislature and will re-elect
United States Senator Teller.
In order to insure a fair election In this
city, an agreement has been reached to
place both Republican and Democratic
Watchers at the polls, who will assist tho
election officers and the police In prevent
ing any repeating or fraudulent voting.
County Clerk Scheie today certified to
all the names on the registration lists, in
defiance of the injunction issued by Judge
Johnson forbidding him to cerMfy about
1S0Q names which- the Republican manag
ers claim to be fictitious.
AddicUs' Hope of Controlling Legis
lature Sure to Be Blnnted.
.DQyER, Del., Nov. 3. Estimates from
various sources tonight indicate that J..
Edward Addlcks will be unable to con
trol the next Legislature. William Byrne,
the Union (Addlcks) nominee for Con
gress, predicts a combined Republican
majority In the Legislature, with a dead
lock on the Senatorshlp, but the ultimate
election of two Republican United States
Senators; The regular Republican and
Democratic leaders, however, dispute this
claim and assert that not only will Mr.
Byrne be defeated, but that the Addlcks
faction will elect not more than 16 mem
bers of the Legislature, which would pre
clude the possibility of Addicks election
to the United States Senate. One regu
lar Republican estimate gives this vote
on Joint ballot: Democrats, 25J Repub
licans, 22; doubtful, 5. Democratic lead
ers claim a majority over both Republi
can factions.
Betting Is Even in Congressional
Race Both Sides Claim State.
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 3. Both parties
are claiming the state tonight, and each
gives figures In support of Its contentions.
William Lindsay, chairman of the Re
publican State Committee, said this even
ing he was confident of the election of
Holloway for. Associate Justice, and he
believed that Dixon, Rep., would be elect
ed to Congress, although by a . consider-,
ably smaller plurality than Dixon.
H. J. Toomey, chairman of the Demo
cratic .State Committee, said according to
hl advices Evans, Dem.. for Congress,
would be elected by 5000 plurality, and
that Leslie, for Associate Justice, would
carry the state by 1500. As to the Leg
islature, Chairman Toomey said there
was 'ho question In his mind that the
Democrats would have a majority on joint
The betting is even on Dixon and Evans,
and slight odds are given on Holloway.
Tlio'outfook is for a heavy vote.
Republicans Will Elect Their State
" and Congressional Tickets.
TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 3. Kansas to
morrow will elect a full state ticket. In
cluding eight members of Congress. Both
Democratic and Republican chairmen pro
fess their confidence In complete success
at the polls. A nonpartisan view of the,
situation tonight makes it appear that the
Republicans wIlL elect their state and
Congressional tickets. The Democrats, on
the ..other hand, are almost sure to make
gains in tne legislature, xneyvnave Deen
devoting most of their efforts to these
candidates during the closing weeks of
the campaign. They have taken advan
tage of the division existing between the
Republicans in certain counties as a re
sult of the . Senatorial contest, and be-
Franklin K. Lane, Dem.
lleve the chances are good for them to
I control the lower house.
I InNTopeka the local Interest is at fever
. heat, being centered on the contest for
, county officers inaugurated by the tem-
perance diyislon against the regular Re
! publican candidates.
White House Employes Evince More
Interest Than Usual.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Notwithstand
ing the fact that this Is regarded as an off
year In politics, an unusually large num
ber of Government officials have gohe
home to vote. With the exception of Sec
retary of State Hay, there was not a sin
gle head of department In Washington to
day, and with that exception every Cabi
net" officer will vote at his home tomorrow.
Secretary Itay's legal residence Is In
Washington, and hp has no vote. All the
Cabinet officers except Secretary Hay and
Secretary Hitchcock have made speeches
during the campaign. Secretaries Moody,
Shaw and Wilson remaining on the stump
'to the very close. Many of the assistant
secretaries also have gone home to vote,
and in the case of the Interior Department,
both assistants having left the city for the
purpose, it was necessary f or the Presi
dent to designate an assistant Attorney-
General as Acting Secretary of the Interior
to sign the official mall. In the Postoffice
Department over 100 chiefs of divisions and
clerks departed for their homes to exercise
their suffrages, and a relatively large pro
portion holds good in th.e other depart
ments. IN UTAH.
Entrance of Church Into Politics
Presages Many Surprises.
SALT LAKE CITY. Nov. 3. On account
of the entrance of the church question
Into politics this year, party lines have
been so disintegrated that many surprises
are looked for In tomorrow's election.
Chief .Interest centers In the contest for
control of the Legislature, which will this
Winter elect a successor to Senator Raw
lins. In Salt Lake the Republican Gen
tile deflection unquestionably will be
heavy, but 'Republican leaders claim this
will be more than counterbalanced by the
Mormon Democratic deflection. Political
meetings were held tonight in every town
of importance in the state.
Republicans Brpect Big Pluralities
Close on Governor.
FARGO, N. D., Nov. 3. Chairman
Hanna, of tho Republican State Commit
tee, asserts that he is confident of gen
eral Republican success in the state. With
a normal vote the Republican managers
predict that they will have at least 14,000
majority for the state ticket, with White,
for Governor, not more than 1500. The
Legislature Is expected to be Republican
by about SO per cent The Democrats- aro
claiming tonight that their latest poll
shows that 23 of the largest counties out
of the 33 will give White, Republican, for
Governor, less than 5000 majority.
Legislature Will Re Democratic
Few Negroes Will Vote. v
RALEIGH, N. C. Nov. 3. A Judge of
the State Supreme Court, members of the
Legislature, and members of Congress
will be elected tomorrow. The chances
favor the re-election of Justice Walter
Clark and the Legislature will be Demo
cratic. Locke Craig is the leading can
didate for the United States Senate to
succeed Senator Prltchard. The Demo
crats claim nine of the 10 members of
Congress. Only 10,000 negroes have reg
Democrats Conceded Governor and
S Out of 10 Representatives
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 3. That
Jaraes B. Franzler, Democratic candidate
for Governor of Tennessee, will be elected
Is conceded. Of the 10 Congressmen to be
chosen eight will be Democratic and two
Republican, the latter from the First and
Second Districts.
Fip:ht Is Between Xcwlsnds
Hawley for Senator.
RSNO. Nev., Nov. 3. The principal in
tercet in tomorrow's election In Nevada Is
in the Legislature, which chooses a suc
cessor to Senator Jonts. The opposing
candldates fcr Senator ate Representative
Newlands, Democrat, and United States
District Judge Hawley, Republican. Both
parties have made a determined fight, and
profess to be equally confident of the re
sult. For Congressr the vote will be close,
with the odds favoring Farrlngton, Re
publican. On state officers the successful
party -will not' have very much of a mar
gin. The Weather Bureau predicts stormy
weather, and should the prediction be ful
filled many wlll be unable to attend the
Vote Will Be Light, bnt Democratic
Victory la Conceded.
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 3; Rain is falling
heavily tonight The downpour started
Sunday morning and has been continued
throughout most of the state. It Is prob
able that a light vote will be cast tomor
row, owing to weather conditions, but a
large Democratic majority Is conceded ex
cept in the Fifteenth Congressional Dis
trict, where the result will be close be
tween Garner, Democrat, and Scott, Re
publican, ,for Congress.
Republicans Will Get at Least Four
of Six Representatives. '
BALTIMORE, Md.. Nov. 3. Chairman
Goldsborough, of the Republican commit
tee, tonight predicts a Republican plural
ity of 10,000 to 12.000, and also a solid Re
publican delegation to- Congress. Chair
man Vandlver, of the Democratic cqm
mlttee, professes confidence in the elec
tion of lour Democratic members of Con
gress, with -good chances for a fifth. -The
safest forecast seems to be the election of
four Republicans and two Democrats. The
vote promises to be right
Republicans Will Win, Tliongh Plu
ralities May Be Cut.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Nov. 3. The Re
publican, committee .'o tonight confident of
a general victory In tomorrow's election,
although Chairman Gates believes. the plu
rality will be reduced from the 14,000 mark
of two years .go. Mr. Gates also predicts
Republican success In all Congressional
districts. The hardest fight Is being made
In the Fourth District where Repreeinta
tive Hill is opposed to William D.
Bishop, Jr.
Rain Will Cut Down Vote, and the
Result Is In Doubt.
GUTHRIE, O. T., Nov. 3. Political lead
ers of both parties are of the same opin
ion tonight that the steady rain which has
fallen since early Sunday will cut consid
erable figure Jn tomorrow's election, and
they are correspondingly disconsolate.
They state the rains will cut down the
total vote, and ltis difficult to predict
from which party the loss will come.
Both parties, however, are claiming vic
tory tomorrow by narrow margins.
Both Sides Confident Democrats
Predict No Choice by People.
CONCORD, N. H.. Nov. 3. The last
hours of the political battle In New Hamp
shire finds both sides confident. The
Republicans do not put their plurality
for the state ticket at less than 10,000,
while the Democrats claim that there will
be no choice by the people and the elec
tion will be thrown Into the House pf
Opposition to Democratic Nominees
Is Nominal.
RICHMOND, Va.. Nov. 3. Virginia to
morrow will elect 10 members of Congress.
In each district there Is opposition to the
Democratic nominees, although In prac
tically every Instance the opposition Is
nominal. This Is (ho first election under
the new constitution, and less than 15 per
cent of the negroes are registered.
Republicans Will Make Almost a
Clean Sweep.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.J Nov. 3. On the
eve of the state election the Democrats
say they will elect 12 to 15 of the 130 mem
bers of the State Legislature. Republi
cans concede them only about six. A con
servative estimate places the Socialist vote
at 3000. It Is estimated that a total of S0,
000 votes will be cast, a falling off of about
15,000 from two years ago.
North Carolina Democratic by 50,000
RALEIGH. N. C, Nov. 3. Indications
are that there will be a Democratic vic
tory tomorrow with a majority for the
state ticket of from 50.000 to 60.000. The
Republicans say they have hopes In two
Congressional districts, the Eighth and
.Democrats Will Get Mississippi.
JACKSON, Miss., Nov. . 3. The seven
Congressional districts of Mississippi will
be tomorrow swept by the Democrats.
There Is no opposition.
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Big Bonfires Blare "and Fireworks
Are Discharged Reporters Not
Allowed to Accompany Party.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Nov. 3. President
Roosevelt reached Oyster Bay this evening
at 7:25 In order to cast his vote for tomor
row. He was met with a surprise. About
the station 1000 persons were gathered,
big bonfires blazed and ftrevorks were
When the President appeared at the door
of his special car he was greeted with
cheers, arid In reply raised 'his hat Aa he
passed across the station platform on his
way to his carriage he shook hands with'
many of those who, despite the efforts of
the secret service men, presssd forward to
greet him. No demonstration of this kind
had been anticipated. The President was
accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, Dr. Lung
and Secretaries. Cortelyou and Loeb.
The Start From Washington.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. President
Roosevelt and .party left here at 11:45
o'clock this morning on a special train
over the Pennsylvania Railroad for Oyster
Bay, where the President will vote tomor
row. No newt-paper men accompanied the
President as permission to do so was re
fused. The only members of the party
were Secretary Cortelyou, Assistant Secre
tary Loeb, Dr. Lung and four secret serv
ice men.
The President's special from Brandy,
Va., arrived here at 11:20, a few minutes
behind Its schedule. The President came
out cn the platform and doffed his hat to
the crowd. He spent some time shaking
hands with old friends and expressing his
satisfaction with the brief trip into Vir
ginia. In New Jersey.
TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 3. The com
plexion of the Congressional delegations
from New Jersey will probably remain
unchanged, eight Republicans and two
Democrats. The Republicans will almost
surely win In the First. Second, Third,
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Districts,
while Allan McDermott (Dem.) will be re
elected In the Tenth District. The most
determined fights are In the Fourth, Fifth
and Ninth Districts.
Both Sides Claim West Virginia.
WHEELING. W. Va., Nov. 3. Demo
cratic managers claim the election of
John T. McGraw In the Second Congres
sional District, and say the result In the
First Is in doubt Republicans claim the
tlectlon of Dovener in the First, and Day
tpn In the Second by majorities given in
South Carolina Democratic.
CHARLESTON. S. C. Nov. 3. The Dem
ocrats will tomorrow returna solid dele
gation to Congress from South Carolina.
Duncan C. Heyward will be elected Gov
ernor without opposition. The Legislature
will sand A. Lattlmer to the United States
Senate as the successor to John L. Mc
Laurln. Kentucky Will Go Democratic.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 3. The outlook
in the Congressional race In Kentucky has
not changed. It Is generally conceded that
the Democrats will elect seven members
of Congress and the. Republicans one,
while the remaining" three districts are In
No Doubt About Florida.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Nov. 3. i Tomor
row's election in Florida occasions very
little interest. Representatives Sparkman
and Davis' will be re-elected In the new
Third District and Attorney-General
Lemar will be elected for the third mem
ber of Congress.
Arkansas Surely Democratic.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.., Nov. 3. But little
interest Is being evinced in tomorrow's
Congressional election. The Democratic
nominees In the various districts will, it
is admitted, be elected.
American School Teacher Is Mur
dered for His Money.
MANILA, Nov. 3. D. C. Montgomery,
Superintendent of Schools In Oriental Ne
gros. was murdered Friday by ladrones
three miles from Bacolod. Mr. Montgom
ery was "going to Bacolod for a consulta
tion with the retiring Superintendent and
to assume control of the division. He had
a large sum of money with him. Six na
tives, armed with bolos and spears, at
tacked the Superintendent, quickly killed
him and then mutilated and robbed him.
The constabulary have offered a reward
for Mr. Montgomery's, murderers, and It
Is believed they wll be captured. Robbery
Perfect Food" for Brain and
FOOD CO., Battle CreeH, Mich., and Toronto, Canada, jf
A Simple Course of Treatment Told
in Every-Day Language, Free
JErom Scientific Terms.
Half the people In the world have
stomach trouble in a greater or less de
gree. Usually it comes from Irregular
or hasty eating sometimes from other
causes. But there is just one way to
treat it, .and that can be- found in. a
booklet which the Dr. Williams Medl-
cine Co., Schenectady, X. Y., will send
free to any address upon request. Mrs.
Edith Benedict, of Groton, Mass., is one
of the many who took this course of
treatment and was' cured. She says:
"I had suffered from constipation ever
since about the time my little girl was
born, about twelve years ago, and it
finally became chronic 'It isn't neces
sary for me to tell you the trouble it
gave me. but I suffered all the titne.
Doctors gave me no permanent relief,
and I kept getting worse.
"At last, something more 'than a year
ago, when I was all run down and my
blood in a horrible condition, my mother
told me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Billa
for Pale People, which, she said, had ac
complished wonderful results with her.
I purchased some and took them accord
ing to directions, and in a "short time
say a decided improvement. I contin
ued their use and they cured me."
If you are suffering-from any disorder
of the stomach, write for their free
booklet, entitled "What to Eat and How
to Eat." It contains information tfcat
should be In the hands of every person
who Is suffering from a disordered di
gestion. It treats of the proper selec
tion and preparation of food, tlte rela
tive value and digestibility of various
food products; it contains a chapter on
the use of alcohol, and gives a course of
treatment by which constipation may
be overcome without the use of ca-v
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple, the medicine "which curecT Mre.
Benedict and thousands of others, are
an unfailing specific for all diseases
arising from impoverished blood or
weakened, unstrung nerves two fruit
ful causes of nearly all the ailments to
which mankind is heir. They may be
had of any druggist, or will be sent
postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a
boxlx boxes for two dollars and fifty
cents, by the Dr. WTlllam3 Medicine
Company. Schenectady; N. Y.
Is understood to have been the motive for
the crime.
This Is the first Instance of a teache:
In the Philippine Islands' being harmed
while In discharge of hte duty. Mr. Mont
gomery left a widow, who la, a teacher
In the Island of Negros.
Elgin nutter Market.
ELGIN, Nov. 3. Butter remained Arm at
24&c. No ofTerinss and rio) sales. Output
for week. 4SO.00O pounds.
No wonder they are nroud.
It's a Hand-Made Kingsbury Hat
and Indorsed by Union Labor.
If your dealer doesn't sell Kings
bury Hats, send 93.00 with your head
size and style desired to Taylor
Parrotte, Chicago, and Name will be
sent ybu at once. Express prepaid.