THE MOKNING OKE0ONIAN, WEDNESDAY, GCTOBEE 15. 1902. 13 HOPS AT NEW YORK Market Closes Firm With Much Buying of States, NUREMBERG ACT1VSAND STRONG Interest In - Salmon. Occasioned by Arrival of . Skip Roanoke More Attention Paid .to Oregon Prunes Fntnres. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. (Special.) The mar ket for hqps closed firm, with considerable buying of state at 20c apd Coast, 1B02 crop, quoted at C529c. but there are few sellers at tho inside -figure. A Nuremberg cable re ports the German market active, with a bull ish tendency with an additional advance of 6 marks. More Interest has developed In salmon, owing to the arrival of the ship Roanoke with 113, O00 cases consigned to the Pacific Selling Com pany. Tho goods are of the 1001 pack. Sales of 40.000 cases are reported for export, chiefly ..-cockeye talis and red Alaska tails. The un sold remainder Is offered at $1 1214 for tall reds. ? 1 20 for flats, 05c for 1-pound medium red tails. $1 07 or flats and. 75c for pinks. Spot Is unaffected by the arrival, except on lower grades, which show easiness. Tomatoes show a steadier tone with 85c Quoted on 3-pound standards. Baltimore wires a heavy business has been done In Southern corn with D2Vc f. o. b. pack ing points paid or Maine style pack. Peaches California pack, stronger on spot. More Interest Is noted In Oregon prunes, futures, with forward business reported today at 244c, four-size basis, on 40-60 inclusive. Large sizes are reported withdrawn. Spot California prunes are easier, owing to the lnfluenca of freer" arrivals. Coast wires report packer? are paying from c to lc premium on 40-30 Santa Claras to cover early sales. California loose raisins are steady, 66?4c Quoted on three-crown. Apricots and peaches are In Jobbing de mand, but firm in sympathy with Coast wires. California almonds are easier, with 14c rul ing on nonpareils. All other nuts are firm and active. Portland Hop Market. The conditions here, from the dealers' stand point, arc unchanged. Confirmation Is had of the sale of 200 bales at Dallas for London at 25 cents, as reported In this paper yes terday. The explanation given by local houses Is that the buyers have been taking these hops for years and are willing now to secure the output of the yard, even above the ruling price. The transaction Is said to have been under way for several days. A Portland Jealer who does a business of 2,0,000 bales liys he has Instructions to withdraw, as houses le has been buying for do not believe the rice will be maintained. The local quotation unchanged aC 21 to 23 cents, and much elnesa is said to have passed In this range. POItTLAJVD MAIIKKT5. , Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc. The wheat markets were extremely quiet resterday, as they were the day before, both here and up the country. There is a great deal of strength to wheat, and for that reason farmers are not willing to let go at the pres ent prices. Shippers are quoting Club at 64c tor export purposes and are paying 51c in the Palouse. The markets for barley and .oats are firm and not very active. "WHEAT Walla Walla, 64c; bluestexn, 67c; Valley, GS&c per bushel, export value. FLO CR Valley, ?2 853 per barrel; hard Wheat -stsalEhta, .$2 05Q.3 20; hard wheat pat ents. $3Q3 50; graham. $2 S53 20. BARLEY Feed. $20 -per ton; brewing, 21; rolled, $21 50. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 518 50 per ton;' mid dlings. $23 50; shorts. $10 50; chop. $17, OATS No. 1 white. ?11 02fc; gray. 05c$l rer Rental. HAY Timothy. $1011; clover. $7 00; cheat, tS per ton. Vegetable, Fruit. Etc. Business opened up well yesterday morning, but slashed off after noon. Apples are com ing In well, come fine Gravenstelns arriving yesterday, which Is rather late for this variety. Three cars of bananas were on hand and the finest car of Merced sweets seen this season. Dealers arc anxiously discussing the steamer etrike situation, as the tying up of the O. R, & X. boats will mean bringing California goods, grapes especially, by express. Tie result will be a curtailment of receipts and considerable advance In prices. VEGETABLES Tomatoes. Oregon. 4050n per box: turnips, $1 per sack: carrots, flQ 1 10; beets, $1 25 per sack; cauliflower, 6075c per dozen; cabbage, IVic per pound; celery, 75S80c per dozen; peas, 304c per pouna; beans. 4QCc per pound; lettuce, head, per dozen. 25c; green onions, per dozen. 12c; corn, 1520e per dozen; cucumbers, 2540c per box; green peppers, 34c per lb. GREEN FRUIT Lemons, $33 CO per box; oranges, $405 per box; bananas, $2 2302 76; pineapples, $4ff5 per dozen: apples, table, 85c 051 25 per box: cooking. R057c; peaches, 503 60c per box; pears, 75cJ??l per box; cataloupes, 75c?l per crate; cranberries, $S10 per bar rel; huckleberries, 10c per pound; grapes. Bwcetwater, 4050c per box; Niagara, 40c per crate; Concord, 3540c per basket, 22&c per half basket: California Tokay, $1 15 per crate; Rose of Peru, $1 per crate; Muscat. $1 per crate; grape fruit, $3 50 per box; California quinces, Slfifl 25 per box. DRIED RUIT Apples, evaporated. 7V4Sc per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes. 5Cc; apricots, 708c; peaches, 67c; pears, 016Vfcc' prunes, Italian, 3&5c; flgg, California blacks, 4ST5V4c: do white. 6&GiJc: plums, pitted. 4V45c. RAISINS Loose muscatel, 4-crown, 8c; 3 crown. 7c; 2-crown. 7c; unbleached seedless muscatel raisins, '7Vic; unbleached seedless Knl. tans, 8c; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxer Of 20 pounds. $1 b5; 2-crown. $1 75. POTATOES -, Best Burbanks, C370c pet sack; ordinary. 5055c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets. ?l 75$?2 per cental. ONIONS Oregon and Washington, 75c$l per cental. Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Etc. Tho continued scarcity of fancy creamery butter resulted In an advance of 2 cents yes terday. Some dealers are apprehensive that the rise will not be maintained In view of the supply of Eastern on hand and the prospect or more coming in. However, at the new quo. tatlon prices are firm with the demand srood Eggs are unchanged, fresh ranch bringing 27'c. Chickens are moving a little better, but there Is no sign of an advance: In fact. some shading Is resorted to. POULTRY-M3hlckens. mixed. $3 5004 25: per pound. 10c; hens. 5404 7u per dozen: per nound. lie; Springs, S2 5003 per dozen; fryers. $2 COa 3 25: broilers. $202 50; ducks. $4 5005 per dozen; turkeys, young, 10012c; geese, $608 50 per aozen. CHEESE Full cream, twins, 14c; Young America. 14014Hc; factory prices. 1010 less. 1 1 ancy creamery, 2ii05Oc per pouna; dairy, 18020c; store, 12&15c. EGGS 22 027 c per dozen. Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS 21023c per pound. WOOL Valley. 12015c: Eastern Oregon, ? J4Uc; mohair, 2C.02SC. .KIMV,JrsDrT hldea- Xo- 10 pounds and up. 15015c per pound; drr kip. No. 1. 6 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds. 10c; dry-salted, bulls and stass. one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and over. 800c; 50 to CO pounds. 70 8e; under 50 pounds and cows. 7c; stajes and bulla, tound. 5 5V&c; kip. sound. 15 to 24 pounds. 7c; veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c; green (un. alted). lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound Jess; horse bides, salted, each. $1 5002; dry, each. $101 50; colts' hides, each. 25050c; goat skins, common, each. 10015c; Angora, with wool on. each. 25c0$l. MVr?!coeJk,na-Jas t0 B!re- No- 1. each. 75i20: cubs. S205; badger, each. 10040c: wild cat, 25050c; house cat. 6010c; fox. common , gray, each, 30050c; do red. each. $15002; do cross, each. $50C; do silver and black, ach $1000200; fisher, each. $500; lynx. each. $203; mink, strictly No. 1. each, 5Oc0$l 50; marten, dark Northern. TC012; marten, pale pine, ac cording to size and color. t 5002: muskrats, large, each, 5010c; skunk, each, 40050c; dvef or polecat, each. 5010c; otter, for large prime Eklns, each, t$57: panther, with head . and claws perfect, each, $23; raccoon, for largs prime, each. 3050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 C05; wolf, prairie (coy ote). with head perfect, each, 40060c; wolf, prairie (coyote), without head. each. 3035c; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per ckln. large. $56; do medium, $34; do small, $11 CO; do kits, 5075c v- SHEEPSKINS Shearings, 15 0 20cV short wool. 25035c; medium wool. S03J0c; long wool, GOcffSl each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2 and grease, 2&3c Groceries. Xutc, Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 23023c; "java. fancy. 2C 32c; Java, good. 2024c; Java, ordinary, 180 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. ISSSOc: Cocto. Rica, good. lC18c; Costa Rica, ordinary. 10S12c per pound; Columbia roast, $11; Arbuckld's, $11 63 list; Lion. $11 13; Cordova, $11 63 list. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 3&c; No. 2. 4c: Carolina head. GVAc SALMON Columbia River. 1 - pound talis. $1 85 per dozen; 2-pound tall6, $2 75; fancy 1-pound flats. $1 00; -pound flats. $1 25; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 05c: red, 1-pound tails, $120; cockeye, 1-pound tails, $160; 1 paund' flats. $1 00. BEANS Small white. 4Uc; large white. 4Uc; pinks, 3c; Bayou, 4c; Lima, 5Uc per pound. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube. $4 50; powdered. $4 35; dry granulated. $4 25; extra C, $3 75: golden C, $3 65. -Advances over sack basts as follows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels. 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. Maple, 1516c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated. $4 15 per 100 pounds. HONEY 13c per No. 1 frame. NUTS Peanuts, 6Jic per pound for raw, 83Syc for roasted: cocoanuta, 8590c per dozen; walnuts, 1516c per pound; pine nuts, 1012i4c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 14c; Alberts, 15316c; fancy pecans, 14144c; al monds, 15lCc GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. $0 2506 50 per 100 for spot. SALT Liverpool. 60s, $20 80 per ton; 100s, $20 40; 200s, $10 50; rock, per ton. 50s. $10 CO; 100s. $10; half ground, per ton. 30s. $20; 100s, $10 50. Worcester salt, bulk, 320s, $5 per bar rel; linen sacks. 50s. SGc per sack. OILS Coal oil, cases, 21c per gallon; tanks, 14Kc; boiled linseed, cases, 62c; barrels. 57c; raw linseed, cases, 60c; barrels. 55c; turpentine, cases, 64c; wood barrels, 60c; Iron barrels, 68c: gasoline, cases, 26c; barrels, 10Hc Collier and Atlantic white and red lead. In lots of 500 pounds or more, Co; less than 500 pounds, SVJc. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Gross, cows, 334c per pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 67c. VEAL 740 Sc, MUTTON Gross, Sc per pound; dressed, 6c LAMBS Gross, 3io per pound; dressed, O'.Sc LARD Portland, tierces, 13c per pound: tubs, 13Uc; 50s, 13 Vic; 20s. 13Hc; 10a, 13c; 5s. I3c Compound, tierces, 0J4c per pound; tubs, 0c. HOGS Gross, 607c -per pound; dressed 70 TKc. BACON Portland, 1710c per pound; East ern, fancy, 17c; standard, heavy. 15c; light. 16c; bacon bellies, 15Hc HAMS Portland. 15c per pound: picnic, llc per pound; Eastern, fancy, 15c; shoulders, 12c DRY SALTED MEATS Portland clears, 14 15c; backs, J415c, bellies, 1516c; plates, 10c; butts, 010c. Eastern Regular clear sides, unsmoked, 13c; smoked, 14c; bellies, average 25 to .30 pounds; unsmoked, 13 c; smoked, 14?ic; plates, 13Hc SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 12c per pound; minced ham, lOVic; Summer, choice dry. l(&c; Bologna, long, So; welnerwursts, 0c; liver. 7c; pork, 0c; blood, 7c;- head cheese, 7c; bologna aausage link, 7Hc PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs' feet, barrels, $4 50; H-barrels. $2 50; 15-pound kit, $1. Tripe, -barrels, $5 50; U-barrels. $2 75; 15-pound kit, $1; pigs' tongues, V.-barrels, $6; 4-barrels, $3;. 15-pound kits, $1. SAS FRANCISCO MARKETS. Prices Current for Produce at the Bay City. SAN-FRANCISCO. Oct. 14. Vegetables-Cucumbers, C5075c per box; garlic, 22Uc per pound; green peas, 3tt04c per pound; string beans, 203lc per pound; tomatoes, 35060c; onions, 40055c; egg plant, C500c Apples Choice, 00c; common, 25. Bananas $1 2502 50. Limes Mexican, $5 5006. California lemons Choice, $3; common, 50c Oranges Navel, -fl 5004 50. Pineapples $1 5603. PotatoesRiver Burbanks. 35060c; Salinas Burbanks, 75c6$l 15t sweets, $101 20. Poultry Turkey gobbers, 16017c; do hens; 16017c; old roosters. $4 5005; do young, $4 50 05; fcmall broilers. $303 25; do large, $3 25 3 50; fryers. $3 5004; hens, $405; old ducks, $2 5004; do young, $2 5C5. Butter Fancy creamery, 30c;, do seconds, 26c; fancy dairy, 25c; do seconds,' 21c Eggs Fancy ranch, 47&c; Eastern, 22H0 2714c Chbese Young America. J2H018He: Eastern, 14015HC Wool Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 130 14c; mountains, 8010c; lamb, 8010c Hops 20025c MlllstufCs Bran, $20021; middlings, $24025. Hay Wheat, 10013 50; wheat and oats, $10 012 50; barley, $7 5000 50; alfalfa. $801150; clover $7 5000 50; straw, 37H055c per bale. Receipts Flour, ,4705 quarter sacks; wheat, 70,367 centals: barlpy, 3800 centals; beans, 12, 608 sacks; corn, 500 centals: potatoes, 5236 sacks; bran, 1710 sacks; middlings, 605 sacks; hay, 4400 tons; wool, 133 bales; hides, 8S0. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. The feature of to day's metal market was the sharp advance In the London market for tin, as a result. It Is claimed, of manipulation. Prices there gained 1 17s 6d, spot closing at 116 12s 6d and futures at 115 17s 6d. Influenced by this development the local market also advanced, though business was very quiet, there being a gain of about 30 points with spot closing at 25. 00025.75c Copper In the London market was also higher, prices there advancing 10c. or to 52 2s 6d for spot and 52 7s C1 for futures. As in the case of .tin, local values reflected in some measure the foreign strength, standard closing at 10.65011.00. electrolytic at 11.400 11.50. casting at 11.35011.45 and lake at 11.55 11.70. Lead was steady and unchanged here at 4-c and in London at 10 16s. Spelter also ruled quiet and unchanged locally at 5Vc and at London, where the clos ing price was 10 5s. Iron abroad was slightly lower, Glasgow closing at 57s 8d and Mlddlesboro at 53s. Locally, the market was steady. Warrants continue nominal. No. 1 foundry Northern is. quoted at $23025; No. 2 foundry Northern, No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft at $22023. "Wool Markets. BOSTON, Oct. 14. The wool market here Is very strong and tho trading has been active. Territory wool Is thoroughly- well held, with sales of good-sized lots at full quotations. Fine staple territory, 55060c; strictly fine, 50055c; fine and fine medium. 50053c; me dium, 45047c ST. LOUIS, Oct. 14. Wool Steady; terri tory and Western mediums, 10017c; flne, 12 16c; coarse, 12014 c Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Official closing quotations for mining stocks: Alta $0 01 1 Mexican ,$0'22 0 86 9 8 4 3 14 40 11 5 4 Belcher u.ucciaentai con lllOphlr , 08jOverman lOjPotosl , 2 1 Savage , 65 Seg. Belcher . 02iSlerra Nevada 2Sllver Hill ... 6'Unlon Con .... 17Utah Con ..... 2rellow Jacket 4! Best & Belcher... -aledonla Challenge Con ... -hollar -onfldence Ton. Cal. & Va... Srown Point .... Sould & Curry... Hale & Norcroes. lulla Justice NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Mining stocks today closed as follows: Adams Con $0 15LlttIe Chief $0 10 Alice :.. 30Ontarlo 8 25 Breece 45jOphlr 80 Brunswick Con 6 Phoenix i.. 5 Comstock Tunnel. SiPbtoel 4 Con. Cal. & Va... OOiSavage 2 Horn Silver 1 25 Sierra Nevada ... 10 Iron Silver 75Small Hopes 35 Leadvllle Con ... 33tandard 3 15 BOSTON. Oct. 14 Closing quotations: Adx-enture $ 10 75 Osceola , Allouez 2 25Parrott , Amalgamated . 65 62IQulncy Daly West .... 40 OO Santa Fe Cop. Bingham 27 COITamarack .... Cal. & Hecla... 515 00Trlmountaln .. CentennI4l .... 18 00TrInlty Copper Range . 58 75;Cnlted States . Dominion Coal. 127 50) Utah Franklin 0 SOVlctofla Isle Royale 13 25WInona Mohawk 40 SOWolverlnes ... Old Dominion . 10 501 $ 58 00 25 50 125 00 1 62 160 00 04 00 11 50 21 00 21 50 4 50 3 87 67 00 PORTLAND-CHICAGO. Seventy hours Is the time of the 'Chicago-Portland Bpe-jJal" from Portland to Chicago. Leaves. Portland every day at 9 A. li. Ticket office Third and Waoh Ington, O. K. & 2i. Co. EFFECT ON STOCK MARKET PROBABLE STRIKE . SETTLEMENT CAUSES OPTIMISTIC FEELING. Immense Volume of Business Witb Material Gains in. Many Shares of Hign-Prlccd Class. i .NEW YORK. Oct. 14. The overnight devel opments In thecoal strike situation aroused a cheerful sentiment In Wall Street today, and the opinion was expressed that the matters at Issue were In a fair way of adjustment. The monetary situation was momentarily lost sight of in the optimistic feeling that pre vailed at the opening, and stocks were eagerly bought at advances of from one to four points over yesterday's closing. Recent speculative favorites. In which the pool liquidation had been heaviest, was most In demand, especially the coalers and trans continental stocks. Individual orders for blocks of from 1000 to 4000 shares were taken at advancing prices and trading was In enor mous volume throughout. The readiness with which prices responded to the good news, com bined with the appearance of London as a heavy buyer, encouraged the bull interests to renewed efforts in driving the short Interests to cover. The Inquiry embraced all classes of stocks, but the largest advances were cen tered In the high-priced class. Borne comment was aroused over the fact that the active coalers did not advance proportionately more than other stocks, although the demand for them was heavier than at other points. Early prices showed such handsome profit to the traders who bought early yesterday In the seml-demorallzed market that they commenced to unload quickly. Commission-houses were well represented In the early demand, but the volume of rising; sajes soon exhausted their or ders and prices relapsed all around. Be'fore noon the opening substantial advances had been pretty generally reduced to a fraction and even cancelled In some Important stocks. The downward movement of prices was ac celerated by a 12 per cent call money rate, which recalled to mind the fact that the mon etary situation had to be reckoned with In an effort to create a bull market. Dealings then subsided into merely nominal proportions for a long time, but there was a steadily In creasing undercurrent of strength, which cul minated In a violent buying movement again In the closing hour, which carried the entire market to the best prices of the day. Prom Inent leaders, such as St. Paul, the Pacifies, Reading, Pennsylvania, Atchison, Sugar and Amalgamated Copper, were bought heavily, and there was a large absorption of various minor stocks. The rally in prices was stimulated by a break In money rates from 12 per cent, the highest In the forenoon, to 5 per cent. The action of the coal operators In agreeing to submit the questions at Issue with the miners to a board of arbitration to bo named by President Roosevelt was freely discussed to day, and all news bearing on the subject was absorbed with the keenest interest, London purchases of stocks were considerable, and this, combined with more liberal pfterlngs of commercial bills, caused a rather sharp de cline In sterling exchange. News of the day Included the Steptember statement of foreign trade statistics, which showed an excess of exports over imports of $27,702,777, which was a reduction of about $12,000,000 from the corresponding date of last year. In the final dealings the stock market com menced tc feel the weight of the traders' profit taking sales, but the demand was sufficiently largo to prevent much Impression on prices and the closing was generally firm. The bond market today strengthened with the course of stocks and was fairly active Total sales, par value, $3,600,000. United States 4s declined per cent on the last call. Closing Stock Quotations. STOCKS. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific ...... Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio...,. Chicago & Alton do Dfd -. Chicago. Ind. & Louis. , do pfd Chicago & Eastern HI.. Chicago Great Western, do A pfd do B pfd Chicago & X. W , Chicago, R. I. & Fac. Chicago Term. & Tran, do pfd C. C.. C. & St. Louis.. Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd da 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. i. 70,200 6,700 17,200! 17,506 5,"000 500 8S1 100U 09U 103 40 484 T2H 200 2,400 29 I 29 200 1.300 600 47 sou 40 128 104 183 1.200 21 20 2,300 u7 08 1.200 200 "i.edo 4,100 1.000 8? 31 30 45H 45 171 108 Del., Lack. & Western. 263 200 Denver & Rio Grande . do pfd Erie do 1st pfd...,. do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd 2.000! 44 00 42ft 700 26,800 2.100 1,000 300 1.800 80 3& 30 68 63 67U 100 180 81H 10.3QAI 400! 147 144 43K Lake Erie & Western.. do pfd Louisville &. Nashville. Manhattan Elevated ... Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mexican National ..... Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Pacific ....... M.. K. & T do pfd New Jersey Central..., New York Central , Norfolk & 'Western do pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis & San Fran., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis S. W , do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd i Wabish , do pfd 600 4,500 18.100 2,000 1.700 "00 53.000 2.400 1.200 " 6.000 100 108 108H 106& 00V 59 104 152 72 10,600 73 ' "o.Doo 38.000 hi 83U 162 160 71.000 4,800 3 68 85 80 500 1,800 76H 75! 71 74 700 2,100 23,800 200 75.800 10.800 1.100 11.600 000 l.SOOf OS, S00 1.500 2.500 6,500 500 100 Wheeling & Lake Erie. do 2d pro Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Express Companies Adams American United States , Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 1.000 1.100 28.700 Amer. Car & Foundry.. 2.500 ao pia American Linseed Oil. do pfd 4 Amer. Smelt, iS; Refln do pfd Anaconda Mtnlnsr Co.. 1.100 45H 100 600 800 8,500 2.100 0 101 Brooklyn Rapid Transit uoioraao ruei & iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd General Electric Hocking Coal International Paper .... do pfd International Power ... Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Lead North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.... Reoubltc Steel , do pfd Sugar Tennessee Coal &" Iron. Union Bag & Paper-Co. dn pfd United States Leather.. do pfd United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel do pfd Wc-tem Union American Locomotive .. do pfd Kansas City Southern., do pfd 216 2li 7.0001121 32.000! 300 000 500 600 700 .54 122 121 300 2,000 000 102 101 60 01 20 7t 01HI 2,100 SOO 21 77! 10.2001 122& 120 3,8001 63 62 16.100! 1.000 14 00tf 17.000! 12 300! 40 I R01 88! 2.0001 01UI fWii 2.1011 20l 20 I 100 03 03 2,0001 34! ttlVi 1.400) 56 53 Total sales for the day, 820,840 shares. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ref. reg.1001 Atchison adJ. 4s.., do coupon 109C. & N.W. con. 7s, do 3b. reg W7ID. & R. G. 4s do coupon 108IN. Y. Cent. lsts.. do new 4s, reg,.137VilNorthern Pac 3s.. do coupon 137'AJ do-4s s... do old 4s. 'reg...llOf6outbem Pac. 4i. do coupon 110'UnIon Pacific 4s... 05 135. 100V. 101 73'I lfttM do 5s. reg'..'.....lcBWest Shore 4b..... 113 oo coupon iooW!. Central 4s pi Stocks at London. LONDON, Oct, 14. Closing quotations: Anaconda ....... 5 (Ontario &. Western -34 Norfolk & Western 74 do pfd r.. 03 Pennsylvania. 82 Rands 11 40 pro 103 Bait. St Ohio 107 Can. Pacific ,....136 Chei. & Ohio 50 Reading . - 35 Chi. Gr. western. 80 Chi.. M. & St. P. 103V D. & R. G 44 do pfd 03V De Beers 22V do. 1st pfd 44i do 2d pfd. 38Vi Southern Ry w do pfd 07 Southern Pacific ., 71' Union Pacific .... 106 - Erie 30 do 1st pfd 68 dp 2d pfd 62 Illinois Central ..148 do pfd UZ U. S. Steel 40. do pfd 00 Wabaeh 83 do nfd w.. 48 Louis. & Nash... 140 M., K. & T 30 do pfd 60 N. Y. Central 157 Spanish 4s 87 I Sloney. Exchangr. Etc. ' NEW YORK. Oct, 14. Money on call, firm at 50i2 per cent; closing bid and asked. E7 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 85 for demand and at' 82 04 82 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4 83$4 86. Commercial bills, $4 81 04 82. Bar sliver, 60c. -Mexican dollars, 40c Government blonds, easy; state bonds, Inac tive; railroad bonds, firm. LONDON, Oct. 14. Bar sliver, steady. 23d per ounce. Money, 102 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 303V per cent. The rate of discount In the open market or tfhree months' bills Is 3V403 per cent, , Consols for money. 03: for account, 03. SAN FRANCISCOt Oct, 14. SilVer bars, 50c per ounce. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph, 5c. Sterling on London Sixty days, $4 83V4; eight, $4 86. London Exchange Closing:. LONDON. Oct. 14. The stock exchange will be closed at I P. M. Saturday and Monday, October 18 and 20. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. Today's statement of the Treasury shows: Available cash, balances $210,648,876 Gold 131,005,812 Bank Clearings. Clearings. Portland $784,233 Seattle 088.578 Tacoma 300,686 Balancee, $150,445 1C0.79T 26,120 LIABLE FOR MINING STOCK Sequel to Hot TFigrht Over Dominion Copper fc Smelting; Concern. BOSTON, Oct. 14.m sequel to the fight for control of the directorate of the Old Dominion Copper Mining & Smelting Com pany last April, vhen a Iqcal Arm of brokers displaced the Blgelow manage ment came today In the finding of a bUJ In equity In the Supreme Court by the company against Albert S. Blgelow to re cover the proceeds of 60,000 shares of stock, It Is alleged in the bill that the defend ant, togVther -with the late Leonard Lew lhn, of New York, took 30,000 shares of the stock In payment for four mining claims which, have never been worked, nnd which are of mere nominal value, and 20,000 shares In payment for their services and expenses as promoters of the com pany. It Is understood th'at both parties to the suit are agreed as to the facts, the question being ao to the legal rights of the directors In the matter. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. SI A Bruce & w. BJ" Wm Pollman. Bak C T W Allen. St Lrfuls V J Bali: Tacoma Dr Ray, Gold Hill W Pltcalrn, New Yk J C Schulte, & w, do T lllbourne, Chicago V Hoge Smith. Seattle R Brady, Eugene . A Richardson, Illinois J Crocker & w, Chlcag J H Doyle. Salt Lane lG F Wilder, Tacoma Mlsa I Powers, s FRCP Astburg, Astora J Brlnkey, do lb' T Oppenhelmer, do J S Davis. Rochester R McClalr, Seattle W G Chambrls. Iowa iF Upman. Chicago V Udall, Hong Kong. J Gallup & w. Denver C W Brown, MlnneapJ R Dwyer, New Yk J W Church, La Grnd H Campbell, Richmond John Schmtt & wife, L L Stratton, do The Dalles II H Albert & w, Salem H Woodward, Peoria H I Smith. New York 3 W Moody. -Bolse-e 1C Brown, do. T -S M Woods. New Yk IH Patterson, City Miss Heprod, do jJ R Jordan. St Louts Miss Wllllngtcn, do JA S Shockelly & wife, W R Insley & w. do Baker City THE PERKINS. S I Stratton, lone M L Long, HUlsboro Mrs L Long. do Mrs E J Lansing, Tac Miss Lansing. do IW Dyer, Butte J E Sibley, Dallas J B Teal, do C A Johnson. lone IC Wllklns. Pendltn J B King, San Fran W W Kent. Drain Mrs G W Hockstadler.p w Hockstadler,. Albany Albany J S Van Winkle, Alby Mrs A D Hatton, S F J C Dayar, Idaho B Harrison, New Yk J A Allen. Eureka H M Palmer, Albany I Miss Knox, Salem 1 Victor Pecotte, Seat Miss Pecotte. do T D Wheeler. Cot Grv Mro T D Wheeler, do u M Brown. Lebanon J II Buchanan, do F W Wagner. 3pokttne F E Taylor, Eugene C C Heppner, do Mrs c u Heppner, ao O E Roberts, do Miss Olmstead. Salem! HJ K Newton. San Frn Mrs E K Newton, do W Knight. Hubbard Mrs Whitney, Hubbard I L Wilson, San F Miss Wilson, do Turner Oliver. La Grd J Beatty, Bale City i V M Shlck. Athena 0 H Peru, Los Angeles Mrs V M Shlck. do IW II Wehrung. Hlllsb iV O Ash. Hood River I Mrs. AV H Mrs Ar O Ash. do IAV O Myers. do 2 O Henry, Athena (A E Shlck, Athena Y D Driver. Pendletn E E Portwood. San P J A' Sewell, Hlllsboro'E A Burnett, La Cams Mrs J AV Sewell do Mrs B A Burnett, do Miss Burnett, do R H Hovey, For Grv Mrs R H Hovey, do w S Lyons, Kelso Mrs C AV Adams, War J M Anderson, do K n Klwoort. Mdford 'E A Rtmprt AlHrdn Mrs E D Elwood. do Mrs W L Eutrop, do B F Laughlln, DallesT J Anspaken. do Mrs B F Ijauffhlln, do T R Imbrle, HUlsboro V Crawford, Heppner Mrs T R Imbrle. do Mrs. V Crawford, do I T Hunkle. Pendltn Mrs O D Weaver. Aumsvllle A. R Leabo. For Grv J H AVescott. do Li M Hoyt, HUlsboro las T Peten5,""T Dales H B Johnson. For Grv Miss Edna Imbrle, do Miss Lucy Imbrle, do A T McCully. Halsey F HufTner, Perrydale T H Thorne, HUlsboro E AV Harris, For Grv T Kane, do B Todd, do II W Hughes, Dllley THE IMPERIAL Herman AA'lse. AstoraAA' B AVllItamson, Mrs Herman AVlse. do Pomeroy AV V Kelllffer. Eag Cf O W Gelsey, Salem A Oppenhelmer, S F M A Brytle. do M Fisher, St Louis H H Behulte, 8 F H Bamberger. City J P Burk. Cathlamet Geo Nolan. Astoria W L Bradshaw. T Dal A B Cordley, Corvals B E Klncdy, do Mrs B E Klnedy, do B E Klnedy. Pendltn Mrs B E Klnedy, do D Leonhardt, S F, F G Meccllt. Rosebg D B" K Bulck. Rosbg J N AVlllIamson. Prinevllle N R H MUler. Sumpter Clara Mas6n, do Cora Isham. do Ethel Deane, do V Twohey. do Marie Twohey, do Mabclle Adams, do D B Fogle. San Fran S AV Wanstanler. Mont I N Sullivan, Nebrask C O stocksiager. do Mrs C O Stocksiager, Nebraska W H Crooke. San F Mrs AAr H Crooks, do iMrs E AA AVanstanler, Rev V A Peterson & Montana son, Colorado Spgs E W Daggett. Arllng Col Sam AVhlte. B City u m. uox. Seattle L Green & fam. Pend V H Behne. Cot Grv C H Caldwell. Shanlkojl A Douthet, T Dales u u Macitey, HarrisDgv w Kreks. Salem Mrs AV Madison. Astor Mrs J E Holland,- Ind E Z Ferguson. Astoria D I Peterson. do IT A Donnelly, do Miss A Oelsey, Union Mrs C S West. Cimaa M L Clark. Pendletn Miss H M Will. Auror C E Ireland. Indepndce u c Harris. ,For Grove raaDie smith. do Ada Smith. Glenwood H B Thlelsen, Salem Mrs H B Thlelsen. do Angus A Show. Gates Mrs Angus A Show, do jonn, Aim city Fred Heldlng. Perryel THE ST. CHARLES. tV 8 Williams & wife. Astoria. A Morris, Seattle Chas Powell, Moro Frank Brown. Moro R E Payton, Baker C R AA Pitney, June City S R Barnes & w, do F C Wilson St w. City G O Lamhnn. T.n. Pav John Goff, Chicago H Av Sawyer. Amboy r v lanaKer, ao Chas Surffee, do do do H T Bagley. HUlsboro j Aiarei T F Graham r Harrison A D M C Gault. N D westfall. do l H Talbot. Cornelius B E Quick. St Helns M AVhlte do w. City Hlllsb Q E Gleso. E R Drake. SUverton A. A hltten. ScaDnose A Llndholm, do W J Culver, Salem J C Needham. do 3 AV Needham. do T C Watts, Reuben Ea smitn. no Yamhill Phil Condlt. Seaside T 8 AVhltaker. Indiana W A Mllllnger. Daytn f. Kiuott. Jiarshli Ella AA'alker. McMlnn Mary Everest. Hlllsb H- Hobart. SUverton I D Wllkle. do j T B Bldwell. Astoria I H Foster. Clatskanle I W A Pasly. Maygers Li Haddle. do R Klncadc, Vancvr E Towery do Vteo Mlnxer. Pehdltn-I N C Olson & wife. Cascade Locks Chas Zee and wife, do M Sullivan, La Fayet Ev T Perkins, lone A. Bupoe. Pendleton Mrs J O Powell, Prlnev Mrs J W Horn, do T W Becket & wife. Heppner VA'alter Becket. do Mrs H C Johnson, Hernner I D Hooper. C Rock Sergeant Jas Wilson. Vancouver Wm H Miller. Vesper D N McDonald. Abrdn T Hidden, do Hotel Brunswick, Seattle. European plan. ropular rates. Modem Improvements, Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel. Tacnma. American plan. Bates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. Tlrgt-class restaurant in coaneotton - Atchison 80' COE Buys and sells GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON FOR CASH OR FUTURE DELIVERY. Deals in Government, Municipal and Miscellaneous Securities. Owning and operat ing the -most extensive Private Wire System In the world, we can execute large or small orders more promptly and satisfactorily than any other concern. We guarantee to execute orders when limits are reached. We do not hold you responsible fcr more- than the margin you place" on.a trade. We charge no inter est for carrying Jong stocks. MARGINS REQUIRED: Grain, lc per bushel; Stocks, $3 per share. Com mission, grain, 1-Sc per bushel; stocks, 1-4 ot 1 per cent. We will send you our Book of Statistics and Daily Market free. Write for it, REFERENCES, 75 National and State Banks. Main Exchange, Bank -of Commerce Building, Minneapolis. Minn. Exchanges in 75 of the principal towns ana cities of the Northwest, including Spokane. Colfax, Pullman, Rltzville, Dayton, Walla Walla Moscow, Pendleton. Wires under con struction to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett and Vancouver, B. C. M n IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN TRADE OPERATE IT IN ANY OF OUR MAY WHEAT IN DEMAND BUYING BY IiONG AND LIGHT OF FERINGS HELP CHICAGO MARKET. Rise' in Corn a- Strong: Bull Factoi Later, Easier Tone Carries Prices Down. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Indifferent cables, large receipts and favorable weather all combined to create an easier tone to wheat at the open ing. A Btrong demand for May developed, principally from a leading long, and -with light offerings the market soon recovered Its early weakness. The Southwest also was credited with good buying. The sharp upturn Jn corn was a Btrong bull factor. December opened a ehado to KUc lower at 70?i70c After declining to 70c there was a rebound to 71Hc, but another declined occurred, and tho close was "HVic lower at 70c. Corn was active again today, and after the opening weakness the buying became quite animated, with a local long taking op a large line. The c)03e was strong; December, c higher, at 48Hi8c. - Oats opened weak In sympathy with corn, but on covering by shorts and buying by out siders rallied. December closed steady, a ahnriA lnw.r tit nif?.T1Up. n..utM. Arm rn n mnriprntA vnltime of trading. The close was steady, January pork and lard being unchanged and ribs .Zftc lower. Th leading futures rangea as ronows: AA'HEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Cl-v. .so 70 $070 $ooo oen October ... Daceraber May October . . . December . May Oct (new) Dec. (new) May ...... 70 1VA 7$ 71 72Vi CORN". 57 00 47 48?i 42 42i OATS. 30 .".0 31 31 31 32 MESS PORK. 57 47 42 as 42 30 31 oils October 16 00 15 07 1487 January .15 K2V, 15' 15 05 14 77 May 14 82 14 00 LARD. October 10 50 10 75 May 8 37 8 40 January 8 05 0 00 SHORT RIBS October ......1150 1100,, January ...... 8 30 8 32 10 50 8 35 8 05 10 72 8 40 8 07 11 50 7 27 11 50 8 27. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. AVheat No. 2 Spring, -7172c; No 3, C8 Tie; No. 2 red, fi070c. Corn No. 2, 5Sc; No. 2 yellow, 60c. Oats No. 2, 27c; No. 3 white, 3133c. Rye No. 2. 48c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 5356c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 23; No. 1 Northwestern, El 25. Mees pork $16 0517 per bbl, k Short ribs sides Loose, $11 1011 30. Dry salted shoulders Boxed. $0 230 50. Short Clear sides Boxed. $11 0Q11 C7. Clover Contract grade, $11H IC. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 20.000 6.C00 Wheat, bushels 105,000 03.000 Corn, bushels 3"' nata hnahela 42,t00 175.000 Rye. bushels Barley, bushels 177.000 0,000 Grain and Produce at New York. NEAV YORK, Oct. 14. Flour Receipts, 31, 013 barrels.; exports, 4400 barrels. Markot continued firm and generally held above buy ers' views. Winter straights. $3 403 45; Minnesota patents. $3 8004 00. AATieat Receipts, 3S.175 bushels; exports, 13o, 031 buBhels; spot, steady; No. 2 red. 76 76c elovatbr; No. 2 red. 7570c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 81c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 8182c f. o. b. afloat. Options opened easier In response to flne weather West and a decrease In corn, but held very Arm all day on scant offerings, steady cables, a straining cash situation all over the country and bull sentiment generally. Just at the olose It dropped sharply under realising and left off unchanged. May, 75 76Hc closed 76c; December, 75 15-16376 0-16c. closed 7Cc. , Hops Steady, state common to choice, 1002 crop. 2833c. Hides Steady. Wool Dull. Butter Receipts, 7500 packages; market steady; state dairy. 1720c: creamery, extra, 24C; creamer", common to choice, 1023c. Eggs Receipts, 10,700 packages; market Irregular; state and Pennsylvania, 2224c; Western, candled, 2123c. Grain at Snn Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Wheat, steady. Barley, steady. Oats, firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1 20 1 20tf: milling, $1 221 25. Barley Feed, $1 111 13; brewing, $1 15 1 17. Oats Red, $1 051 15; white, $1 17 1 30; black, $1 J01 30. Call board sales: AVheat Steady; December, $1 22; May, $1 24; cash. $1 21. Barley Steady; December. $1 15; May, $1 18. Corn Large yellow, $1 451 47. Changes in Available Supplies. ' NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Special cable and tel egraphic communication to Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies, as compared with last account: Bushels. Wheat. United States and Canada. east of Rockies. Increase 3.744,000 Afloat for and in Europe, increase. . .5,200.090 Total supply, increase 8,044,000 Corn, United States nnd Canada, east of Rockies, decrease 1,320.000 Oats, United States an Canada, east of Rockies, Increase 405,000 Partly accounted for by monthly revision. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Oct. il4. Wheat Cargoes on passage, quiet and steady: cargoes No. 1 standard California, 30.1 3d: Walla Walla, 28s 3d; English country markets, steady. HA'ERPOOL, Oct. 14. Wheat Steady. No. 1 standard California, 6s Bd; wheat and flour In Paris, Arm. French country markets, slow. Weather In Encland. rainy. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO. Oct. 14. Cattle Receipts. 4500,. including 500 Texans and 1000 Westerns. Steady. Good to prime steers, nominal, $7 40 8 30; poor to medium, $3 757 00; stockers and feeders. $2 254 00; cows, $1 504 75; heifers, $2 2535 50; canners, $1 502 50; bulls, $2 254 75; calves, 3 "537 60: Texas fed steers, $3 004 00; Western steers, $3 756 40. Hogs Redelpts today, 13.000; tomorrow, 16, 000: left over, 2500. Opened 10c higher; closed with advance lost. Mixed and butchers', $6 80 7 40 i good to choice heavy. $6 057 50; rough heavy, $6 356 00; light. $6 407 15r bulk of sales. $0 S5S7 05. Sheep Receipts, 80,000. Sheep nnd lambs, fat, steady; good to choice wethers, $3 40 i 00; fair to choice mixed. $2 253 40; AA'esl ern eheep, $2 50 3 65; native lambs, $3 50 5 50; Western lambs, $3 755 30. KANSAS CITY, Oct. ' 14.-Cattle Receipts, 21,000, including 3000 Texans; steady, strong; Commission Co. Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 OR ACCOlfflT WITH US lOU UAZk 73 OFFICES. native steers, $3 807 85; Texn3 and Indian steers, $2 75 4 00; Texas cows, $2 002 50; natlvo cows and heifers, $1 654 00; stockers and feeders, $1 SSff i 55; bulls, $1 B03 40, calves, $2 505 00. 1 Hogs Receipts. 18.000: market, weak to lower: bulk of sales, $7 007 10; heavy, $7 05 7 17; packers. $7 077 15; medium. $7 05 7 00; light. ?C 857 10; yorkers, $7 057 10; pigs. $6 456 05. Sheep Receipts, 12.000; market, strong; muttons, $2 004 05; lambs, $3 S05 00; range wethers, $3 403 75; ewes, $2 853 65. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 14. Cattle Receipts, 6200; market active and steady. Native steers. $4 75$8 10; cows and heifers. $3 004 35; AVestcrn steers, $3 500 00; Texas steers. $3 50G?4 50; cows and heifers. $2 S04 00; cannera. $1 75732 80; stockers and feeders. $2 755 00; calves, $3 00g6 00; bulls, stags, etc., ?2 OOS'4 35. Hcgs Receipts, 2500; market 10c higher. Heavy, $7 057 30; mixed. $7 157 20; light. $7 1&5J7 25; pigs, $ 007 00; bulk of Bales, $7 157 20. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; market steady and strong. Fed muttons, $3 5033 00; wethers, $3 203 60: ewes, $2 6033 10; common and stockers. $1 753 60; Iambs. $3 BO 5 00. Coflce anil Sugar. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Coffee Futures closed quiet net unchanged. Total sales. 0707 bags. Including December, S3 25; January, $5 30; spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6c; mild quiet; Cordova, 77c. Sugar Raw, nomlnar; fair refining. 3c; cen trifugal, 06 test, 3c; molasses sugar, 2$4c. Refined steady. Dairy Produce at Clilcnffo. CHICAGO, Oct. 14. On the Produce Exchanga today the butter market was Arm; creameries, 10fj23c: dairies, 1520c. Cheese Steady, 10llc. Eggs Firm, 2021c. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Tho cotton market opened steady, with prices 4 to 0 points higher, and closed quiet with prices net 2 to 4 points lower. Santa Fe Church Celebration. . SANTA FE, N. M., Oct. 14. The prin cipal festivities of the three days' celebra tion of the coming of the Sisters of Lo rotto to Santa Fe to establish the first girls' college, in the West, 50 years ago, 'took, place today. Morgan "Withdraws Offer. LONDON, Oct. 14. It is announced that J. P. Morgan's recent offer of $250,000 for the Burns manuscript in the Athenaeum Library of Liverpool has been withdrawn. POGSON, PELOUBET & GO. Public Accountants Hennesjy Building, Butte New York Office 20 Broad Street TRAVELERS GUIDE. WHITE COLLAR LINE 8TR. BAILEY GATZERT. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Round trip dally except Sunday, TIME CARD. Leav Portland 7 A. M. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE. STRS. TAHOMA AND METLAKO. Dally trips except Sunday. BTR. TAHOMA. Lr. Portland Mon.. Wed., Frl .....7 A. M. Lv. Dalle Tues.. Thura.. Sat 7 A. M. BTR. METLAKO. Lv. Portland Tues., Thurs., Sat 7 A. M. Lv. Dalles Mon.. Wed.. Frl 7 A. M. Landing foot of Alder street, Portland, Or. Both phones. Main 851. E. AV. CRICHTON. Agent. Portland. Or. REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Dally except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTS TIME CARD. STR. REGULATOR. Leaves Portland Tues.. Thurs., Sat, 7 A. M. Leaves Dalle Mon.. Wed., Frl.. 7 A. M. STR-. DALLES CITY. Leaves Portland Mon., AVed., Frl., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Tues, Thurs., Sat., 7 A. M. LANDING OAK ST. DOCKpOBTLAND. M. V. HARRISON, Agent. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVJS8 Utjiot 'lftJi uud AKKlVlSd I Street. For Maygers, Rainier. Clatskanle, Westpdrr. Clifton. Astoria. Avar renton. Flavel, Ham-8.-00 A. M. roond. Fort Stevens. 11:10 A. it Gearhart Pk.. Seaside, Astoria and Seashore... Express Dally. T.-00 P. M. Astoria Expre, D:40 P Dally. Ticket office. 253 MorrUon st. and Union Depot. J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agu. Astoria, Or. Boston to Msdlhrranian Bctlsn io Llmpool Portland to Llrrposl If you are contemplating a trip, 5g we will send you upon application a Sa superb booklet, "The Mediterranean Illustrated," together with other de- 8 scrlptlve advertising matter. Ad- 0 dress Thos. Cook & Son. 621 Market j5 st.. San Francisco. Cal., or Com- 3 pany's Office. 60 Dearborn St.. Chgo. i Willamette Rim Route Satem and way landings str. Pomona leaves 6:45 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Str. Altona, for Dayton and way landings, 7 A. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Oregon City beat leaves Portland 10:30 A. M.. 4:30 P. M. Leaves Oregon City 7:30 A. M-. 1:30 P. M. Round trips, 25c; No Sunday trips. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO Dock foot of Taylor, st. li Viis2Sr Bctlsn la Unmool 3 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OREGON' Shorj Line THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAS J UfiluN DiSfUX. . leava. ArrlT. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:00 A. M. i :30 P. it. " SPECIAL. tNUly Dally. For the East vU Hunt Incton. SPOKANE FLYER. 8:13 P. Si. 7:00 A. X For rASUrn AVashtar- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla AValla. Lew- Iston, Coeur dAlene and Gt. Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS 3:00 P. M. 3:10 A. 37 1st on.8 EaJt Vl Hunt Dll'- Dally. .RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and S:O0 P. M. 5:00 P.M. way points, connecting Dally ex. Dally with steamer for Ilira- Sunday. except co ond North Beach. Sunday. "eamr T. J. Potter. Saturday. Ash-street Dock. 10 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Oregon T ni&f? nd. yhlll River 7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. str. Modoc. Ash- Tues., Mon., TVn?0ck- Thurs.. Wed.. (AA ater permitting.) Bat- FrU - .,, imtu ana v Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling a't Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight ,vla connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar thur and A'ladlvostok. INDRASAMHA SAILS ABOUT OCTOBER 2S. For rates anil full Information call on or ad dress officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. L.ate Liuluu Depot Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, 8:30 P. Jfc for Salem. Ros-i 7:45 A, 3 ours, Aauiuna. aac ramentu. O g d e n, ban i-'rancLsCo, Mo lave. Lea Angeles. El Paso. New Or leans und the East. S:20 A. M At AVoodburn 7:00 P. 3C lally except sua day;, inormng train connects with train tor Ml. Angel. Sit rerton. li r o w n -v 1 1 le. Sprlnstlenld, A'endllng and Na .ron. :C0 P. M. t Ibunr passenstr 10:10 A. M- uonnects at cca ourn with Mt. An sel and SUverton .ocal. ; 7:20 a. M. :Sn p. m. .orvallls passenger 2:C0 P. M. herldnn P"--ngeg. :W-2SA- M. Daily. UDatly except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot foot of Jeller.on street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A M.; 12:30. 1:53, 3:25. 4:40. U:25, SUfl) P. M. Dally except Sunday, 0:30, 0:4O A. M.; 0:05, ,11:30 P. M. Sunday only, U:0O A. M. Returning from Oswego arrive Portland daily 8:30 A. M.: 1:35, 3:10, 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10:uu P. M. Dally except Sunday. 3:33 :30. 10:50 A. M. Except Monday, A. M. Sunday only. 10:05 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter? mediate points uany except Sunday 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portland 0:0 A. if The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmoutn ana Airlle, connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence, Renate tickets on sale between Portland. Eao ramento and San Francisco. Net rates, $17.50 first class and (14.00 second class. Second clasa Includes sleeper, first class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone 'Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Xjeaves. Arrive.. Puget Sound Limited. .7:23 A. M. C:43 P. it, Kansas Clty'-St. Louis Special 11:10 A.M. 11:10 P. 3ft North Coast Limited... 3:30 P. M. 7:00 A. M, Tacoma. Seattle Night K-prs- 11:45 P.M. S:0P.sU. Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gry' Harbor points. Take Pu get Sound Limited for Olyropla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kansas City St LouU Special for points on South Bead, branch. Double dally-train service on Gray' Har bor branch. , Four trains dolly between Portland and Ta coma. and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger AgenS, 2S5 Morrison si, Portland, OS. lfiREATNORTHERN Ticket Olfics 122 Third St. Phone 683 LEAVE No. 4 6:15 P. M. The Flyer daily to and from St. Paul. Minne apolis. Duluth, Chicago and all points Eaat. AKKXVS No, a 7:Ou A. iX Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dialog and Buffet ttuioklntc-Librory Car. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE IYO MARU For Japan. China andjUl Asiatic points, will !eav Seattl About October 21 Pacific Const Steamship Go. For South-Eastern Alaska. Leave Seattle, 0 A. 31., City of Topeka or City of Seattle, Oct. 14, 20, 23; Nov. 'FOR ' SAN FRANCISCO Leave Seattle 9 A. M. every nun uay. Steamers connect -at San Francisco with company's steamers for port3 In California, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further In formation cbtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers, or call ing dates. AGENTS N. POSTON, 24.8 Washington st.r Portland; G. M. LEE, 007 Pacific ave.. Ta coma, 113 James st.. Seattle. San Francisco Ticket Office. 4 New Montgomery sc. C Du DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Agt., S. F. EAST Mb SOUTH llgp