SHB MORNING OltEGONIAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1902. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms." "Rooms and Beard." "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situation wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents; 1C to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 23 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for ad ditional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to woras, 4i cents; 21 to 23 words. 50 cents. etc nrst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. .T.LVV TODAY (gauge measure agate). 15 cenis per line, nrst Insertion; 10 cents per line icr eaca additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at -this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No-stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH County Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day. October u, iiU- the Hoard of Eauallza tioa of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the Clerk of the County Court of eaid county ana pumiciy examine the assess ment rolls for the year 1902. and correct all errors In valuations, descriptions or Qualities of lands, lots or other property. And It Is the duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time ana place appointed: and if it shall appear to such Boara of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other prop erty assessed twice or In the name of a per son or persons not the owner of the same, or csscssea unacr oroeyona lis vaiue, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board of Equalization shall make the proper corrections, c. E. McDonell, Assessor. Portland, Or.. Sept. 13. 15)02. Found Ixet by test. batin-Sktn Cream and fcatin-bKln Powder; 3 miniature boxes free. Perfumer Wood. Mnfr., Detroit. Mich. FOR SALE CORNER LOT. N6B HILT.. with three cottages. $8300; Al Investment. iiax t.mun. by Aortn lutn. BEFORE BUYING A "WATCH OR DIAMOND eisewncre get my prices, uncle Franklin, 1C5 First. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Improved city and famvproperty. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark at. 25 Saved on Your Fuel Bill Consult PACIFIC COAST COMPANY. miner and Importer coals. 219 Washing ton street. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property, at lowest current rats.' Building loans. Installment pans. MacMaster & Blrrel. 311 "Worcester bile Crematorium, on Oregon City car line, near Sellwood; mod ern, sclentltie, complete. Charges: Adults. S35: rhlldrpn IS lsitors. a to a if. M. Portland Cremation Association. Portland. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY. "We have this to -say about titles. We have handled over two million dollars worth of property In over twenty years' experience In Portland as real estate dealers, and have never had an accident In titles. We know the value of property in Portland and Its surroundings and for a small fee will give estimate. "We are in touch with the best x property-owners here. "We can 1111 most any reasonable order. Tell us what you want, city, suburban or farm property, and we think we can get It for you. E. J. Halght & Co.. 212 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Half block. 2lst-Paclfic, with two 8-room housed, $3259. Eight lots. Lincoln Park Annex. $1000. Quarter block, 25th-LoveJoy, $4100. Quarter block. lOth-Market. $10,000. Quarter block, 25tb-Savier, $2250. Hawthorne Park lots. "Willamette Heights lots. Alblna lots. THQS. SCOTT BROOKE, Concord bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT A LARGE, CONVENI cnt. modern house on "Willamette Heights; well finished, cement basement, furnace, elec tric lights, city water, sanitary plumbing, near street-car line; overlook site of 1905 fair. Call and see -photographs and learn all about, It. "Will be sold at a sacrifice. Mon- t taguefc King. 220 Stark street. FOR SALE LOT. 150x90 FEET, ON WASH ington st.. cor. 22d, with two (2) large, well built, convenient dwellings, fine location; central and sightly; will take In exchange. aui- jiori jjttj-meni quaner-DiocK, well located, not Improved. Call and see Montague & .rung, zzu BtarK street. FOR SALE 50 ACRES HIGHLY CULTIVAT ed land: 20 acres in orrhnrii- onn,i barn and water; will sell whole or part; tho land Is at Stewart's Station, Mount Scott car une; xerms easy. Apply Charles E. Stew an, inn ueveny. WE HAVE VERY CHOICE. CENTRALLY located lots In King's First. Second and Third ttuuiuuua, me oesi locations in the city. Call and see plats, and we will show you the liivyxiij. jsiuniague S iVing. iati Stark St. LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS, JUST THE placo for gardens or suburban home; running water; msv trm full n tr . .1 . ukiuiiuc, ui., ucicen . ana 4 t . JU, I HAVE FOR SALE SOME VERY tfctt . blc C-room cottages, on car lint nt i- prices and easy terms. T. C. Shreve 421 Ablngton bldg. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE: OFFICE. i.enis. ur. ah Kinas property cheap. Take muuiu. ocun car; iare o cents.- o. K. Addltoa. uun.Miii lAjr AiND s - norm nmrep with barn. In Holladay.'s Addition. $2700. fof a few dava. M4 fl'mmW t JfEW. STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE; ply to owner. 107 Sherlock bldg.- u-x.uuai wi I'AUJi, WITH FOUR LOTS cars one block; $1000. 372 East Oak.' A,.-it& UUUD TIMBER LAND. "WASH- rii i .Peracre- uanaaian Agency, .R SALE-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ON 13TH t w "'tu uju inquire 4 Market. ?:$S 2?JL9K SALE ON EASY TIMBER LAXDS FOR SALE. uassus BOUGHT AND SOLD money loaned to prove up on timber claims; Eastern buyers furnished to purchase large tracts of timber lands. B. H. Silver Co w -ujumcrciai ouilQlng. ,U,..R THREE RELIABLE CnjisP Jlv1 -n timbering district where good timbered lands are open to tile On. Call nr n-lf iT it i X Commercial building. " roora ' TIMBER LANDS, LOCATED IN EASTERN Oregon; fine yellow pine, luxuriant grass, plenty of water: best of references; Investiga tion sbliclted. E. "W. Sanderson, Condon Or. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS-WD iciiaoio jnionnttuon on twm-j good va cant clalmE. All filings guaranteed correct, Ames Mercantile Agency, Abirgton bcg. FOR SALE NEHALEM TIMBER LAND. 3000 o.cia, on mo .enaiem. write to Campbell & Prlngle. Vernonte. Or., or to Buchtel & Avcms. a4j .asi Burnslde st., Portland. VV .r "T 50 G00D TIMBER CLAIMS; - .u uc on Eamc. wm. liawKs. room 300 Commercial building. " 1 J SSI3 TOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS from 4.000.000 to G.000,000 near Coos Bay. D. C. Rogers. 20C Stark st. i7. "omteads and timber claims located. Ablngton building. Phone Grant 241. TO EXCHANGE. SAL?r ?R TRADE BUSINESS PROP- ea"-r?iiIa-.,n St': TC,nta, tor cash per Jea., also 30 acres land three-fourths mil dE? t0n-: W,U Ttradi f0r etoc o" merchant Gw-e, Or. 3 Hcn,enwa'. Cottage 2ltCIlES D0,WN THE COLUMBIA. GOOD Jill exchangV for city peVty 'Tnqufro of" Potter & Chaoman. 2iR K t n it An1ulro of JV-HANGE 100 ACRES WHEAT LAND IV aJm TakIJ?a valley for cottag- In Portland Address Owner. 201 McKay building - FOR SALE FARMS. iOO-ACRE. RICH BOTTOM FARM. 9 MILF? from OrwmB Clti- .. -MILtifa rintHt .,"' ne; ao acres tana, abundant water: Improved lands Me clnlty held at $30 to $73 per ae- price M per acre. "W. H. Fear. Falling Wdg. ?2 IMPROVED FARMS FOR a.u.B W ALL parts of Oreiron wmn:. . jaade tp suit purchasers. For full 'paJticulari ss to various properties -nn:v m xfT-i?, tl as to various properties -pniv XZ m?,:.7 n Blrrell. 311 Worcester WocS. j FOIt SALE FARMS. GOVERNMENT LAND SOME OF THE MOST fertile In Eastern Oreglon. deep, rich soil, equal to the very best; Is about to be Irri gated under state management, and can be had free by any one paying the cost of bring ing the water to the land, which, considering Its varne, will be a mere trifle, and can b8 paid in small Installments. If you wleh to obtain a profitable farm or desire an Invest ment which will pay you 500 per cent profit, call on or address Potter & Chapln, 240 "wia u, jroruano, ur. BEAUTIFUL FARMS. HIGHLY IMPROVED, from 10 to 1000 acres each, near Portland; per acre, oee or auaress i.. withy' combe, Karmlngton, Or. IF YOU "WANT TO BUY A GOOD FARM or a stock ranch, inquire room 4, 201 ilor- 1 IsOU M. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness. FOR SALE MATCHED SPAN BLACK horses, suitable for hearse or coach; ages 7 and 8; good travelers, gentle, sound; guaran- teea. iiagoon s etaDies, Oct, 7 and 8. ONE HORSE. 7 YEtUlS OLD. FOR SALE. -or. ntn ana Harrison. Miscellaneous. ON ACCOUNT OF PUTTING IN A CONCEN trator. I will sell 20,000 shares of the Alice Gold Mining Co. treasury stock at 00c per snare, fcmeiter going in near us. Kemera ber. we have 'same class of ore as Michigan and Montana copper mines. Call and see or address J. F. Nylander. 322 Chamber of Com merce. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low nriees. Sine- er. U. S., Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and Wnite; dropheads In oak and box tops. At v necier & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. bigei. agent. 335 Morrison st. HAVING PUT IN HEAVIER MACHINERY, we oner tor sale one second-hand double' surface planer, and one set of GG-lnCh head' blocks; also one light log-turner. Necani cum Spruce Lumber Company. Seaside, Or. New TYPKW RITER8, al: makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; juimtograpu worx; ruDiic typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Oak 1071. DOUBLE DRUM ENGINE, 7x10; AIR COM pressor, 17x22, 10-Inch centrifugal pump; 23 h. p., firebox boiler. 1 double drum engine wuuout Doner, u. c uo., svz Macadam st. FOR SALE 04 HEAD OF CATTLE, FOR cash or approved security; will trade for real estate or let cattle but on shares. Ap ply to 141 llth street, city. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES. nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest urove, ur. DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS All machines rented, repaired; full line supplies. Huxley, Ryan & Co., 82 4th. Phone Hood 888. FOR .SALE A FIRST-CLASS 33 H.-P. SEC- uuu-nmm gas engine, pracucauy new. riortn west Electric Eng. Co., 309 Stark st. FOR SALE FRESH COW; SECOND CALF; xauisiein ana jersey; woman can milK ner. John Gaarde. Tlgardville, Or. ASH SLABWOOD. PERFECTLY DRY; $3 per cora. aenvcred 4-foot length. Hoover. 313 "Water st. Phone South C51. FOR SALE PIANO AT A BARGAIN. STAND- uru mane; gooa as new. Address K. 53, Ore gonlan. LARGE STOCK VEHICLES, HARNESS. SAD- ui, new ana secona-nana, cheap. 211 Wash. COKE. $5 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO.. 174 Fifth st DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD, 6 AND 10- coroiots a specialty. Box G. Fulton. Or. HELP WANTED MALE. HOOK TENDER. $3.25: BUCKERS. S2.60 and $2.75; log chaser. $2.00 skid men. $2.50; detail bench hand. $3.00; shingle saw filer, $80; turner, $3; mill hands, $2; laborers, log camp, city. It. R,. $2, pass; blacksmith. $3; carpenters, $3; bridge carpenters, $3. pass; men and teams, $4 and $4.50; brick men, $1.75 to $2; oyster opener, 75c to $1.25 up; boys. 756 to $1; farm hands nnd milkers, $23 and $30; land clearers; woodchoppers, 90c to $1.13. Pnty other work. Canadian Employ ment Co.. 22G Morrison. Branches 247 Burnslde. 128 First, 155 North Sixth. THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON DESIRES io empioy ronr solicitors for Portland .and 10 field representatives. Liberal contracts offered. Order growing, and popular. Call after 2 o'clock P. M., 015 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. Parties out of city can write for particulars. "WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED uiiiuujTiea men Detween ages or 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply tc Recruiting Officer, Third and Oak streets. Portland. Or. WANTED BOYS, 14 TO 18. RESPONSIBLE, quick and willing: good pay and steady work to right boys: also, boy to Work for small wages and board evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Portland Oyster Co. for a few days, at 244 Ankeny st. AGENTS-HERE IS THE GREATEST MON-ey-maker In the world. Agents make $3 to $3 dally In all localities. You can do the same. Address Standard Co., P. O. box 5308, Boston. Mass. WAN TED-BOY ABOUT 17 YEARS OLD TO take caro of carpet stock; salary $5 per week. Apply between 8 and 0 A, M.. I. Gevurtz & Sons. 173 First. SOLICITORS WANTED IN OREGON AND Washington t sell accident and health In surance; stock company; easy seller. 203 Marquam building. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG MAN for country, with some knowledge of book and storekeeping; references. Address Y 34 care Oregorflan. WANTED GOOD CANVASSERS FOR A fast-selling household article; something new; big seller; big profits. Call at 102 Fifth st. SOLICITOR WANTED; PLEASANT OCCUPA tlon. good pay; experience not necessary. Room 012 Commercial building. A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR WANTED BY THE sieuuy wor ana gooa wages. Theo Hartman. Lewlston. -Idaho. " ISTENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITION3 Z.'JrX '- .carge. itemingxoa typewriter Co.. 240 Stark st. Main 3. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. ACQUAINTED q w w ""''"ess. eastern Outfitting Co., a.i ir,u-t,AnamESCED YOUNG MAN stenographer and typewriter; state ago and Mcticu. xx 01. uregonian. A"J.u HiUGHT BOY FOR STOT?R work: state age. Address L 53, care Ore- Mr,TE.Dn"LPGG?RS TO TAKE OFF 0,000.- , iu"". Jiumai Lumocr wo., uucoda. W ash. S. F. Barber College. 741 Howard st., S. F., Cal., teaches barber trade In eight weeks. W'ANTED TRACK FOREMAN AND TWO mwrera. tan unamDer of Commerce, W.AT,ED-20 LABORERS. CALL ON BOSS. Third st. and Everett; wages $2 per day. GOOD MAN W'ANTED TO PRESENT A FI nanelal proposition. 245 Stark et. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATM a TTtr s NIcoll. Tailor. 108 Third st 600 MEN WANTED TO GET A Co SHAVE oijs oecona st, WANTED A PLATEN PRES.WtV nn feeder. 210 Stark st. BSTw,JC2'D, AT NAU'S DRUG STORE. Portland Hotel. WANTED GOOD FARMHAND. 1004 WI1- waukie st. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOns'- work. family of three adults; must be good cook; wages $20. Apply corner East Ninth and Going sts. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- erai nouseworK. iamny or tnree adults wages $20. 10th and Carter sts. DOMESTICS AND OTHER HELP. CALL AND iiuinc jour worn; we nave it, Canadian Parlors. 22CJS Morrison. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED, POSITIONS is 01 tiiuijc. .rvciuiugiuii IfSCTnitr CO.. 249 Stark st. Main 3. LADIES TO TEACH M. E. MISSION NIGHT 1 sciiooi. Appiy ween nigius, except Saturday 111 Second, upstairs. ' TAILORESS WANTED TO HELP ON COATS. v..m hi ijl -Morrison, room u. 1111 H to 1 today. M. Gumbert. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- oia. ppiy mornings, aa3 Eleventh st. near Harrison. hlf TBNT PR J?OR GEN- tawtto HelBhti. 3M st" W HELP WASTED-FE3IALE. THE ORDER GF "WASHINGTON DESIRES to employ four solicitors for Portland and 10 field representatives. Liberal contracts offered. Order growing and popular. Call after 2 o'clock P. M., 615 Harquam bldg.. Portland. Or. Parties out of city can wrtto for particulars. WANTED GIRL BETWEEN 14 AND 18 j'ears as model for bust picture practice work; 0 to 7 A, M. every day; $3 per week. P 54. care Oregonlan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: HOUSEKEEP ers cooks, second girls, waitresses, chamber maids, nurses. St. Louis. 230& YamhllL Phone Black 28S1. WANTED IMMEDIATELY UNINCUM- bered working woman under 40; housekeeper Widower's fnmllv lrli -v.mhm rv, 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2831. W ANTED CAPABLE WOMEN TO TRAVEL; also women to represent us In Portland; sal ary paid weekly. Room 524 Hotel Portland. COMPETENT COOK WANTED APPLY MRS. R. Koehlcr, 474 Washington St., between 9 and 12 A. M. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook; three In family. 1624 12th st. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- wor; small tamiiy; gcod wages. 20: Twelfth st. H ALTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworK. . Apply 81S Lovejoy, between 24th ana zom. A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO work and take care of child. ' Everett. SECOND Apply CS9 "WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worx; small family; good waces. Apply 731 Savler. WANTED required, shall. - :URSE GIRL: REFERENCES Apply 241 North 15th, cor. Mar- W ANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- wonc in a cottage; small family. 703 Everett. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SECOND gin, small family, good wages. 344 Salmon, A UIKL WANTED TO WASH DISHES AT me oiumDia Hotel, cor. First and Clay sts COMPETENT NURSE GIRL; REFERENCES requirea. Apply 789 Pettygrove, near 24th, WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEK cral housework. Call at 37 Sixth st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- woris. Appiy .'8 North Nineteenth. WANTED-A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK and plain sewing. 381 Twelfth st. WOMAN WANTED FOR DISHWASHING IN private coarcing-nouse. 180 Fifth. WANTED A NURSE TO TAKE CARE OF invaiia iaay. Apply to 475 Main. WANTED A. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. 700 Flanders street. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED DINING. room girl. 168 Eleventh st. WO?iAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO GIRL TO CARE FOR 5-YEAR-OLD BOY; GO jiu.iic iiiguiH. ou lamniu. T WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 72? GUsan st. WANTED A NURSE GIRL. 325 E. THIRD. N. cor. Halsey. COOK WANTED. 427 WASHINGTON ST. HELP WASTED-MALE OR FEMALE WANTED j-MAN AND WIFE, MAN FOR luuu ani dairy worn, ovne tor Housework good wages; everything furnlehed; good heme for right party. Address, with reference. F. H. Beaton, Ilwaco, Wash. SITUATIONS WASTED MA LE. Bookkeepers anil Clerk. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN as shipping clerk; experienced; Al refer ences. B 60. Oregonlan. Miacellnnconn. A GENTLEMAN OF EXCEPTIONAL ABIL- iiy, stranger in city, will accept position in any legitimate enterprise, with view to in vest money In fame in six months; best' ref erences furnished; no objection to traveling Address H 55. Oregonlan office. WANTED-A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED scaucraan leacner aesires to engage his serv ices Immediately; no objection .to country A 54, caro Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. ..w.vt, -kiiatitucuuuiu?, iiuiwa, uecona gins St. Louis, 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2881. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC. FARM; AND an Kinas 01 neip. Telephone Black 992. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 208 Everett st. MAN AND "WIFE. NO CHILDREN. WANT io lujic care 01 piaco m city or suburbs- ref erence?. E 47. Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO DBIVP np. livery wagon and clerk In grocery store. Call at 185 Third st. A GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA- iiuu 10 uo cooiung or neip nousewock, Q 49. Oregonlan. ' WANTED-BY AN AGED MAN. A RTTTTaJ tlon as watchman. Address K 51. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE Domestic. LADY WITH GIRL 11 YEARS OLD WANTS pmti- 10 worn in email tamiiy near school homo more than wages. Call at St. Charles xiotei. SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD GIRL TO .if . "ouseworK. call 411 Couch st. after 10 A. M. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE LADY DESIRES POSITION AS companion or managing housekeeper. O 53 Oregonlan. W'OMAN WISHES WASHING AND IRON-l"g- by the day. 412 North 25th. "WANTED TO RENT. WANTED-A NICELY FURNISHED FLAT or house of 5 or 7 rooms, on West Side; not over 12 blocks from Courthouse. Address R 52. care Oregonlan. W'ANTED 5- OR C-ROOM COTTAGE; MUST be central and on West Side. Address K 52. care Oregonlan. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. W,ANTED-PUPILS IN SHORTHAND; THE most accurate and legible system taught In six to eight weeks by experienced stenogra pher; terms $8 per month. Address A 28. care Oregonlan. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterltc. In rolla easy to lav. Needs no painting or coating. Good over old rJr?iJ,,U? or shingles. Best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 10 Worcester big. W? BUY" MEN'S OLD CLOTHING AND OLD shoes; highest price paid. 73$ N. 3d. Phone Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. Highest prices paid for mens cast-off cloth lng. shoes. 02 N. Third. Phone Hood 517. WANTED FIR PILING, 70 TO 75 FEET Apply C57 Worcester block. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT; HIGHEST PRICE paid. 229 Yamhill st FOll IlEXT. JRoowm. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house in the city; steam heat Kas. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. 250 SEVENTH THREE BLOCKS FROM i5 1 2 Hotel Nice warm 100m, In a beau tiful home; modern conveniences; private family; gentleman preferred. FOR RENT LARGE, PLEASANT WELL furnUhed room, with fireplace, bath and tele phone accommodations: gentlemen onlyi ref erences. 793 Johnson. V PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM fist 14th and Burnslde, car one block: meals ob tainable one block; references. L 60, care Oregcnlan. rH.Eurf EABANTON. 28S Third su-Flne fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; transient solicited! Phone South 251. DESIRABLE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; """'L.V' y"it-. :x oiocks irom post office. 312 Clay, near Sixth. 11TH ST.. 25S NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; "ii tucuwun; private iam ily; modern: gentlemen only. FOR RENT - TWO NEWLY" FURNISHED ruuuiB. ior genucman; ngnt m town: private resldenccT 281 Third st FOR RENT. Rooms. THE ELKTON JUST OPENED; NEW building", new furnishings, 'all first-class; all rooms light and well ventilated; four blocks south of Union Depot; $2 to $5 a .week; transients 00c and up. G2& North Sixth st. DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE or two aentlemen. Apply 341 Third,, cor. Market. , Furnlshd rooms. $1 week up. Oilman HoUU Ht-& Alder; Tremont Hotel; 7th and livorelt. THE BONITA, 8U 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY Elegant, sunny rooms, $2.50 week and up. ALPINE FLATS, FOURTH AND MORRI eon Furnished rooms, en suite and single. LARGE. WELL - FURNISHED ROOM. Salmon St., between Sixth and "Seventh. 324 FOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOM. 372 East Oak. Phono Union 012. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; PR1 vate family. S34 Seventh. Rooms With Donril. TWO AIRY ROOMS, JUST NEWLY FUR nlshed throughout; board; parlor, phone, bath, private, house; club of four ladles preferred; $20. 200 Park St., five blocks from Portland Hotel. Phone, West 3072. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 15TH YEAR; rooms, with beard; use of sewlng-rcom; uj" Of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. Ueorge, Uuper Intendent. 310 Flanders st, HOTEL BROWN Finest rooms In tho city all newly furnished: hot and cold wats.-. baths electric llzhts, elevator; table flrst-clast: both car lines; transient. Tel. White 1401. 2SS JEFFERSON - ST., OPPOSITE CITY Hall Nicely furbished rooms, with first-class table board; .modern conveniences. LARGE, WELL-FURNISKED FRONT ROOM, with board; gas, bath', telephone; suitable for two. 501 Yamhill st. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. IN A PRIVATE family, suitable for students or others. Ap ply 071 Gllsan, near 21st. nice room'. With board; reduction If trio; reasonable. 327 West. Park. Phone uront mi. THE COLONIAL. 1C3 TENTH ST. r . A TfTWVt' desirable rooms. With first-class table and ROOMS. WITH BOARD, EN SUITE OR SIN gle; heat, gas, bath, telephone. 635 Wash Ington. 304 ALDER STREET. CORSm nv TKKTw r.Icely furnished v room, with first -claw table uunru. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; MOD ern conveniences. 330 Madison, cor. Park. .NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH ursi-ciass Doara. 10s Eleventh. R2IScAXD board in Private family. Call ISO 16th st.. near Taylor. HonackeepiiiK Rooms. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS uj pnvsie inmny. with use of bath and micnen; waiKing aistance; East Side; refer ences exchanged. V 52. care Oregonlan. NEWLY FURNISHED "HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas- or Majestic steel range, free phone and bath; brick building; reasonable oz uiay st., cor. rnira. TWO FURNISHED HOTJSEKEEPINTA TinnIK modern; prK'.ite; gas stove, bath; closets; no children. 028 4th and 48S Everett. Telephone 331 TWELFTH ST. TWO XTCRT.V ttttt?. nlshe'd housekeeping rooms; bath, telephone; !.- lutuiiun; reasonaoie; no cnuaren. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR- liisiiL-u i-oueexeeping rooms in city. 204' Washington. SOltA Aatcr. C2 NORTH 17TH. COR. FLANDERS-TWO fcrnlsmd housakeeplng rooms; private fam ily; no children. Jo THREE BEAUTIFUL. LIGHT juuujs; nil ccnveniences; cioso in; also one sinsrle room. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED .FRONT y""" iiuuaer.eeiiing al Ztiy? iSt St. FHR,SHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Call afternoons, 26G Clay St. FOU" REMT" -UNFURNISHED MODERN flat of 4 rooms. 420 ith st. FOR RENT AFTER OCTOBER 15-DESIRA- v ucr. iuu unsemem, not-water furnace. 191 shaver St., cor. Commercial. Central Alblna. Inquire Adolph A. Dekum. 1J1 First st. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. WOODLAWN nprnttTu newly papered and painted, hot and cold "-- uiiicKcn - nouse. I'none Green 035. or 71 First st. " " FOR RENT HOUSE OF H Tinnvs roo Washington St., opposite entrance to City Park. Inquire at office Gambrlnus Brewing FOR R groun HOUSE FOR RENT. 221 MORRIS ST.. BE- 11 V "i,'..V.v; anu commercial ave., two blocks Xrom Wllllams-avenue car line. BEAUTIFUL QUARTER - BLOCK AND large house. 593 Davis street, corner 10th. Grlndstaff & Blaln. 240 Stark. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 445 SEV enth street; bath, gas, etc.; rent. $20 per month. Apply on premises. : 7-ROOM COTTAGE; BATH. ATTIC. BASE ment electric light, lawn. Inquire 00 East Ninth st, cor. Davis. - . F?-R1E.TMC?DE'RX 8-ROOM HOUSE Eairt loth st; rent $25. W. J. Clemens, 273 ctark sr. A COTTAGE AND DWELLING FOR RENT Apply to Chas. Cardtncll, 453 12th st DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST rents and insurance. Phone Main 545, Farnlahed Honsen. FOR RENT FURNISHED: A 0-ROOM MOD ern residence, to responsible parries tinly rent $100 per month. 321 llth, cor. Clay' Apply 253 Morrison. Y Houses (for Rent Fnrnltnre tor Sale' FOR SALE ALMOST NEW FURNITURE OF 9-room house: location central; rent of house icuzujiuuif. u oa uregonian. HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale; will sell piano cheap to the rt"ht NINE-ROOM HOUSE OR 5-ROOM FLOOR yard, central, furniture for tale; $300. 34914 Morrison. " FURNITURE OF A 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR $400: very central. Phono Front 404. 30 Market FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE; CEN tral; cosy house; cheap rent 387 Stark st. HOUSE FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR sale. 805 Third street. Store: STORE. 305 STARK ST., OCCUPIED BY Moorohouse as a paint and papering shoD. Apply D: G. Woodward. 210 Stark. P FOR RENT-STORE OR PART OF IT COR 10th and Gllsan. Max Smith. 88 North 10th! FOR RENT ONE STOREROOM. 55 NORTH Ninth st, cor. Davis. Warehonne to Lease. WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE ON SOUTHERN Pacific track, corner East Oak and Water sts.; 50x200 feet; lately occupied by Omaha Packing Co. Page & Son. owners, 120 Front street BUSINESS CHANCES. HALF INTEREST IN BEST-PRODUCINQ. " j , omjicr muni cnango climate; proposition la a bonanza; can show books; beat lojatlon. Y 50, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS LIVERY AND feed 1st able: good -business, good location. Further Information address B. F. Vaughn , Heppnfr, Or. ' A NICE BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND lunch counter, the only one In a good town, for sale cheap; price. $700. J 51 Oregonlan. Opportunities In all mercantile and manufac turing lines bought and sold. T. C. Shreve 421 Ablngton bldg.. business-chance broker.' 30 ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED. WITH dining-room, complete; 2'A years' lease; chean rent; rooms full. 321i W:ater st . SPLENDID-ATING SEATTLE NEWSPAPER property, cheap. $750; snap; owner sick. Ad dress box 309. Portland. Or. HALF INTEREST IN A NO. 1 MANUFAC turer's agency for sale. Inquire or write D C. Rogers. 200 Stark st FOR SALE COMMERCIAL HOTEL dresu Cellers Sisters, Drain, Or. AD- BUSINESS CHANCES. THE AMES MEROATSTTTTR ni?iI(!T HA? list of manufacturing and mercantile propo sitions for sale in thla cltv. In country towns they have two general mercnanaise stores meriting special atten on: umb in VALLEY TOWN. $14,000 ANOTHER IN SOUTHERN OREGON, $S000 They furnish reports on all kinds of bus! nees enterprises. . guaranteeing Investments made through their reriresentatlons. Those looking for business locations or In vestments of money should call at their of flM X BTVrSTrtV T5TTTT TIT Vrt ALL THE ROOMING-HOUSES. HOTELS grocery stores, saloons and business chance bargains that are listed with other agents are also listed with me. at reduced prices Martin T. Hlgley, 132 Third street. Phone Aiain tfyo. PAYING GROCERY BUSINESS. WELL ES tabllshed: steady trader, stand close lnvsti gatlon; In growing district: 111 health only ""un tor selling, j. a. HenKie or A. Baker. 219 Ablngton building. CAN LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS or umoer nomestoads that will pay you s profit of $300 to $2000 In 6 to 15 months, m. nuH, room nwi commercial Duuaing. MSiSPAPER OUTFIT A BARGAIN FOR tountri- weeKiy, it taKen soon. Address 48. Oregonlan. I HAVE $500 AND SERVICE TO INVEST IN uiacKsmitn snop. What do you have? O 49, WANTED A FINE FURNISHED PRIVATE "QUEe. x 00, Oregonlan. PERSONAL. MME. AZA HOLMES tuv. rrtrpr.rvtnT hair. Scaln and skin Krxrlnll:t' xvlll ,lnrV,nn Strate tC 1flrllR fro nrnnz.r fosln1 mno. No ruinous mechanical appliances uaed, but iU.nuwu ttnse anu ecientmc worst given and taught. Hundreds of Portland's best citizens for reference. Pure cosmetics, made. No extra i-iiurge xor prescription. 311 Morrison st, opposite i'ostotilce, OUR FALL LINE IN CUR CLOAK AND uii aepartment Is complete; you are In vited to lnrtlc f.vnr ntvr ti.k- , .. waists, silk raglans. furs, jackets, under BKirts. corsets and umbrellas. Our prices aro the lowest obtainable without extra viiargc lr you nuy your goods on easy term. t Eastern Outfitting Co., 388-300 Washington st MORPHINE. OPIUM AND AT.T. ntmn ttaw Its permanently cured at home bv th intiia Scu: THE ONLY RE.MEDY THAT nWUv amu,, paiiem any suncr lng whatever. Every caae guaranteed; living .u..iUUm. v-mwuiiauon iree. uaii or write Dr. Bruce D. Klmhils. The Cosmos. 203J& Morrlion. rmmt ""..9ii Dn,n.nj LOOK AT YOUR FACE. "kiOT.RS ttt ot .tq rn'iro3, superfluous hair and other facial D.ciuwucB ja.rwiAixAji removed. Thi: orfaded lm!r corrected. Let us explain how ..VnAnuor worapiexion tablets, ono iHuuiiiis ireaimeni, 2i. y. Electro-Thera icuuc to., 4t jiarquam bldg. Black 2831 23 WOMEN AV ANTED. SUFFERING FROM !1?,U, I,.a,uJ.ul ,.or "'oPPajfM. leucorrhea (Khite) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kesslcr. 23U& Yam. J r . '"auu, x-nvnie waiiuig-roum muiM. uuMmauon tree, wall or writs. iiiciusi 10 -cnc siamps. THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON DESIRES to employ four solicitors for Portland and 10 Held representatives. Liberal contracts offered. Order growing and popular. Call atter 2 o'clock P. M., 015 Marquam bldg. Portland, Or. Parties out of city can write . iur funiculars. DRESS SUITS FOR HENI . ll Rtirct tl a month keeps your clothing" cleaned and itceaeu. UUUOD3 seweQ on ana rips sewed ud. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor Irg Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE mane you strong and happy by Sexine Pill. It won't cos you a cent? Price $1; C boxej $5. Address J. A. Clcmcnson, Druggist sec- cnu ana lamniu sis., Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB . VS u,ur''. vuo monin s treat ment. $2; 3 months, 53. Stint etrorely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co.. isooK or. xNature," "A Hot Tamale." "Her f.ii"tl a.-'sion, "iier Honor," "Agnes," uniy sKtn Deep," "Lanfer Case," "At i.ove s Ai:ar." r.uc .each. Schmale. 220 1st. PROF. LA MARE WILL TELL YOU WHO you are going to marry and when it will tano place; If .unable to do so, It will cost uu nouung. ija',s iiorrison. parlors 1 and 2. -5000 WANT TO- MARRY? MUTUAL MAG- ncis reus wno; prints lists; best matrimonial j'uyrr puuiisnear sample tree; 3 months We, iuuiuai .magnets, iiox 11 919. Chicago. III. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and bapplnees by using Sexine Pills; price " iur j. a. .iemenson. uruggiat, cor. cccuna ana xamnin. Portland. Or. YOUNO. LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE, thoroughly experienced, scientific manicurist chiropodist Office 20 Raleigh. Phone Hood llUl. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Aita Monn ir, curatcly and reasonably filled at Eyssell'a luuiiisuii bu. uci. 131 ana za. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er elze and style. 23c; 230 business cards. $1. in unit oc oumnuic, xirsi, iortianu. or. ALL DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDI- cuie; neiimer memca; consultation free. -urs. iiari, Jiagnetic ucaier, 452 Alder st LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DESIRING TO iinu auiiapie partners are invited to corre- spunu inrougn uox aos. city. DR. LAMOTTE-S FRENCH CORN PAINT. Tho best 90m cure. 2T cents. All druggUts, LOUIS H. BOLL. PIANO TEACHER; studio liuuiiurium uiug., rnira St., near Taylor. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR- nage paper, luc. box 000. Portland, Or. Miss Bee La Rue. masseuse, mnnlcurist; select " onty. joi'.i .Morrison, room 18. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAB. racKs. wasn., uctooer 0, Iu2. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 A. M., October 21, 1002. and then openea tor tne construction at Boise Bar racks, iduno. of additions to two barrack buildings. For full Information, plans and specifications apply to this office, or Quar termaster Boise Barracks, Idaho. United oiaies reserves ngnt to reject or accept any ur mi jHupusuis or any pari tnoreor. Jin veiopes containing proposals phould bo marxeu: proposals for construction of nunaii gs at xjoijkj mrracks, Idaho," and ad dre3sed to undersigned. F. H. HATHAWAY. Chief Qr. Mr. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE Portland. Or., Sept. 8, 1902. Sealed proposals wm oe recuiveu nere ior Placing cut stone, concrete and rubble masonry and dolnar npr- estary grading In connection with Improving iuiuiudiu itivr ai uascauea, ur., until 11 A. M Oct 8, 1902. and then publicly opened. Information on application. W. C. Langfltt, Captain Engineers. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE Ziit i ; . proposals will bo received here for mattress, rock and pile work In connection with extension of Jetty at mouth of Coqullle River, Or., until II A. M., Oct 8. 1002, nnd then publicly opened. Information on application. W. C Langfltt, Captain Engineers. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-ON EAST CLAY. BET. 10TH AND llth. slver watch; owner can have same by proving property and paying for this adver tisement Call Star Box Factory, foot of Lin coln st. LOST LARGE-SIZE GOLD WATCH BE tween Portsmouth and Mount Tabor. Finder will please return to Elmer M. Peck. South ern Pacific's offices, cor. Third and Washing ton sts. LOST PLAIN GOLD LOCKET, INITIAL O A. II. one side. F. A. O. on other. Return and repelve reward. Telephone Front 2542 . or 110 Third st, Hudson's Gun Store. FINANCIAL. LOANS. WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal -or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallctt 213 Com mercial block. Telephone Grant 830. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500. ON ALL kinds of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73 W. .-AiID.Ur IJ? SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL K!D.? ,c. securlty- W A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES- NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. C02 Commercial blk. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King. Toom 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL OR SALARY security; confidential; reasonable Portland Credit .Association, 331 Sherlock. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT, ON tii yivvvii-j ami improved vaney farms. W. A, Shaw & Co., 243 Stark st. $1200 TO LOAtf. 0 PER CENT, NO COM- juik-niuu, uiurwso rwurujr. inquire room 412 Commercial block, city. re room FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO feALATHFrh ' holding permanent positions with responsible units, uyuu meir own names; easy payments Birictiy Luuuueniuii. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. rew Era -Loan & Trust Co., room 200 Aoingion Duuaing. Money to loan in bums to suit on bu Kinas or gooa cecunty. w. II. Nunn. 03: !IieriUUK BIOCB. Six per cent money to loan on Claeftamaa Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley. 608 Cham. Commerce, MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL Jcrrcnn nv v curlty. Wm. Holl, room 0 Washington bldg, State funds loaned C per cent W. E. Thomas, aiaie agt. xor jauit. co., 400 Ch. of Com MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cont, farm or city yj. an. amun. o jn. or commerce, Money to loan, small amounts, short or long nine. j. m. iiawiey. 2 unamuer or com $300,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 8 PER CENT. m. u. jjecic. 3Z1 Morrison st IF YOU WANT MONEY. GO TO UNCLE i rauKiin, 103 First 4 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. 245 STARK sire 1. BUSINESS DlttECTOTiY. Accountant ami Auditors. Murton & Archbold. 326. 328 Cham, of Com. i-nonts iiam 101. Bookkeeping, expertlng. Asnaycrs nnd Annlyts.v J. H. FISIv. MINERAL ASSATRR AMn AN alytleal chemist and mining engineer, 2U4& usningiun sc. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STAHK" ST. Experts on analysis of coals, minerals, rock ana mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager, ?AUL BAUMEL ASSAYER AND ANALYST uuuijni. xxayi aiarx st. Attorneys-dt-Laiv. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACT1TION ' ,uia"cs -uDiic. ou uommerciai Diag. Cirll Englncera. PHILIP O. EASTVICK, CIVIL, MINING ana nyarnuilc engineer, 630 W orcester block Architects. DELOS D. NEER, ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 imvi irst st. pnone Red 2924. "IT0. KLEEMANN. 30 GRAND AVENUE ionn. uoiumbla phone 5181. Carpenters antl Dnlltler. J9H.V. A. MELTON, CARPENTER AND Duiiaer. 307 Stark at; office and store Mx ,u ana remodeled, altering ana re pairing houses; rltl work. Phone Main 747, AV BUCKNER, carpenter and builder, 330 ?m ue a,lered and repaired; store and iiuie, general joooing. pnone jik ui GORDON. REMOVED TO screens, counters, shelving. 208 Tel. 4TH. FLY Clay 174. J- B. HEPP. HT A TDrilTTT nlT'TJ 1 vn VAM, ". jinop cor. 18th and Vaughn Bts. t.S".0 GARDNER, CARPENTER AND uuuaer. removed to 52 North First st Chiropodist and Manicuring. DEVENY & ESTELLE- DEVENY. THE i. tit en"C cniropodlst. parlors 301 AiisKy cuiidlug. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone inia is the long-haired gentleman. " io man you are looKlng icr. CORNS. BUNIONS. CALLOUSES. INGROW ".."01. permanently romovea. ah com peiitors challenged. Instruments sterilized u aieign. Hood 1701. Coal Dealers. W.E9T,ERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS i . -..nas coai. coke, charcoal. Stalls to i. 104 worth Fifth. Both phones. uuuAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE DEAL -ra oest coals, foundry and kmelter coke. Conl nnd -Wood. B5T?r- & HICKS, COAL AND DRY WOOD iuul Aumnni at. Both phones. Main iio. Collection Agencies. Vtions made and legal matters promptly CommJnslon Slcrchauts. HfeltAlAiNN METGER. PURCHASER OF k!s' plt8' furs. wool, mohair, talrow, old rtibbsr and olU motal and general commission iiiccnani. i?ront st. near Main. Portland, lbs 11 aavances on consignments. TAILOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS mm commission merchants, Sherlock build lng. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS rviXrxt lactriv .wr own uutc merchants, iront & D sts., Portland, Or. Creameries. Sunset Creamery, fresh-churned butter, swe'ot u". mux. ice cream. 281 1st Main 52. Dancing. MISS HELEN W. COPELAND. TEACHER OF uaiicuig, uurKnara Hail. Monday evenings at o u uwn. xeicpnoce west 2313. MISSES M ATTINGLi , ACADEMY OF DANC- iiib. -on ooum mn. uiaas or private lessons. MRS. LAROWE. TEACHER OF DANCING uuu elocution; nan, and Kearney. Dyeing and Cleaning:. H W-.TURER, professional dyer and clean . inn. cor. oiumoia. Tel. Jted 131. Fence nnd "Wire "Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 289 East Morrison st. Fraternal Ixmnrance. Order of W'ashlngton. foremost fraternal so cieiy 01 i. .; protects the living, j. l. Q"P- oec y. oiz-uio Marquam bldg, Fnrnace. BOYNTON HOT-AIR FURNACES, WHOLE- ouic uuu iciau. j. v.. xiayer, zia second. Gasoline Engines, TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND, SAN Frnnclsco. Seattle. Halrdreaslng, Toupee, Manicuring. nuatftinAii oiaiiiits, 100 JTIFTH ST oiii.iicb, muycea. nairaressmg, manicuring. PARIS HAHl STORE. 308 WASH. ST. THE icauius iwsmuncra anu nairuressess. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- tuie sauuiers ana narncss manufacturers leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- aaie aauuie anu narness mrrs., saddlery hard- wuie. icumer 01 an Kinas. tn r ront st Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st Paul van Fridagh, General Agent. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st . A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash, st Marble nnd Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE" MONUMENTS 720 Prftn- at flnA vt-n.V Iawa a4aa1. i ' . " .uan, oun, 1UV JiriCCS, Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAWM7T.T. logging machinery, hydraulic Dlne rnnn,. of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth at. TILE-H. C. ALBEE CO.; SECOND-HAVn machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. ATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN Francisco. Seattle. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED) FOR 25 YEARS Pn. 1 o A a favAifa m It, m aa. ur . . . Massage. 3C01.4 W'ASHINGTON ST., SOUTHWEST COR- ncr ui x-r, rooms 1 ana a. tne anowdpn bathrooms: vp.Dor bath, with imnM9- in electric treatment Oregon phone Hood OOl. Refined young lady gives. vaDor. lavender baths; delightful. Invigorating. Try new Assyrian treatment; very select; always see the best. 88 Sixth street, room 14. FRENCH LADY WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD- miiu uKiisiams. gives massage treatment electric, perfume. 203 5th. Phone W. 1973.' YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE. AC- wiuyitsut:ii sou vuuruugniy competeent Of fice 20 Balelgh bullying. Phone Hood 1701. Excellent baths, magnetic and massage treat- '"'. young iaay irom tne -ast: swellest In city. Room 16. S51H Morrison. BUSINESS. DIRECTORY. JhbI;, Hides and Felts. XL Shank & Co, pay highest prices for old rub ber, metals, bottles, iron, rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 091. Oregon Viavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS Health talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30 P. M. Musical. Lessons 50e. piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vlo lln; Instrum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin, 104H 1st PIANO AND VIOLIN LESSONS. STUDIO, 268 14th st Special attention given beginners. W. F. WERSCHKUL. TEACHER OF VOICE production; studio 450 Sherlock building. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOTT SUCCESS fully treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatments bv mall. 308 Sal mon street, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin disease. Odd Fellows' Temple. Palmistry. FROF. STERLING HAS RETURNED. HAVE your HANDS .READ. 50c and $1. 2S9 3d st Laren. the palmist, returned; scientific read ings, 50c; past and future. 216 Allsky bldg. Mrs. Dreyfus, tho unrivaled palmist and clair voyant card reader. 133 1st. cor. Alder- Safes. BEWARE! Certain STANDARD" safes sold are trustworthy until tested by fire. Avoid thin walls. DIEBOLD safes open after fire, preserving contents. LOCKOUTS opened, general repairs, burglar alarms. Jails, safds exchanged. J. E. Davis, CO Third. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co., gen'l agts.. 205 2d st, A. O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrla Safe Co.. 01 1st, 2d door north of stark. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Machine.?. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington st; largest variety; repairing. " Splrltunllsts. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBYS. SO strange is our work that, without a word, without a question, we tell you what you came for. Just what you want to know. Cor rect Information about all affairs, love, court ship, marriage, olvorce, sales, wills, property, old estates, speculation, diseases, pensions, patents, investments, etc. We positively tell you when and who you will marry giving name of person and date of marriage. W recognize none as our superior, who by any means advise and foretell events arising through cause and effect. Hours. 10 A. Al. to 8 P. M.; Sunday. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ISO Seventh st. between Yamhill and Taylor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult tho best 271& Morrison st. room A. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader: scientific palmist; past and future; 50c. 221 Morrison. Madam Morris, The Cosmos, 2GS Morrison. w room 21; sittings daily; private development De Amandtls, medium; circles Wed.. 7:30 P. M.. ioc. i-syenic reading dally. 107 First. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Allsky bldg., 3d nnd Morri son. Sittings dally. Phone Hood 403. MRS. ADDIE R. SSIITH FOR A SHORT TIME at I33& Fifth, cor. Alder, room 1. Mrs. HENDERSON. Wash, et CLAIRVOYANT. 330 Storage. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD AT 1-red Bickers storehouse, 31 North Front Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office, SS First, bet Stark and Oak; phone 390. Pianos nnd furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. Trunk: Fnetorr. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesole and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen, 3:30 to 9. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st. San Francisco. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 249 stork st. Telephone Main 3. "Wall Paper. H. P. CHRISTENSEN. wall paper, graining paper, picture framing. 131 7th, cor. Alder. "Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewtry. silverware, 207 Morrison.. Repairing. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS'. cor. n. irront ana uavis sts.. iortiana. or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of tne unitca states. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available In EurODa and the Eastern St ates. Slsrht exchanges and telegranhlo transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St Louis. St Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and tho principal points In the Northwest Sight ana time dius arawn in sums to suit on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kon Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrls tlanla. Stockholm, St Petersburg, Moscow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections maas on ravoraoie terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transacts a General Banking Business, Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabla terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and vari ous points in uregon, wasnington. jaano, iioa tana and British Columbia. Exchange sola on London. Farts. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'B BANK- CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ...$9,500,000 DUDLEY EVANS ACT'G PRESIDENT HOMER S. KINO w. MANAGER (an .trancisco.j LEA BARNES.. 7 CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK- PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON....- President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE w. HOYT Assistant Cashier United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit issued, nvallahla in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad st, London. This bank transacts a general banklnn- Tmai. ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and tho purchase of merchandise In any cltv of th world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on term deposits. w. a. iiACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK- CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. C. AINSWORTH. . President Vice-President ..Assistant Cashier PERCY T. MORGAN. R. W. SCHMEER TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK inuiucM a uene.-ai uanKing Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States and President TYLER WOODWARD ice-President- JACOB kamap Cashier F. C. MILLER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BHTTTRH rnt.irMnn Capital paid ud umniu Reserve 2'000'floa Tr5nf2.eJ? General Banking Business, SAVINGS BANIC ntTPA-RTTrc-UrT ' Accounts opened for sums of sin nn' tCwt.. and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on aDclIeatlnn. 214, WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD, Manager. - - - -J