THB MOBNIEG OREGONIAN. MONPAY, OCTQBEB 6,- 190Z. - y - " if ANOTHER RISE 1 BEAIHS XABKET - CLOSED KXCI'r'ED AXD higher? "'' Hops Are Active and Firm Witfr Dealers Offering- Twenty-twa Cents ferCkoice: The past week saw a good volume of, trade In the Jobbing district."" Business was not'kiulte so rushing In .fruits as it had been, but In oth t er produce andln merchandise very satisfac tory trading took place. - - . ' - The .wheat "jnarket, 'after a steady .week, closed firmer Saturday, though prices were not appreciably higher. Shippers quoted club at 6So and bluestem at C5c as 4export values, though considerable grain wis bought at He above these figures. Farmers, as a rule, are holding for higher prices. Other . cereals are firm at unchanged Trices. v ' The bop market was active during thirweek, especially on the closing day. Many sales of 60 and 100-bale lots were reported Saturday. prices ranging from. 20 21c Twenty-two cents Is being pffered for very choice hops. Receipts and shipments are heavy. A telegram to a Portland dealer, dated New York, Saturday, said: "Exporters are buying largely In Germany. The London market dull, and prices are nominally unchanged, but to effect sales concessions must be made. The New Tork market is dull, but not quotably higher." There Is no general business In the Callfor nla or Washington markets yet. Of the sttua tlon In New Tork, the Journal of Commerce of September 20 said: . A Arm but quiet market was reported locally. and there were no changes reported from either the Coast or up the state. Nothing new was reported from London nor .the Continent. Ad vices received, from Washington reported that the number of barrels of beer on which- tax was .paid during the month of August amount ed to 4.5.03..0G1 barrels, against 4.733,207 bar rels for the same month last year. The total for the calendar year to September 1 Is J30.740, 191 barrels, against 23,173,924 barrels for the - ame period last year, or an Increase of 1,572, f 8C7 barwls. The Watervllle Times of September 20 say of hops: Though there does not appear to bo any great nxlety on the part of growers to sell at the .present offerings, still there are a few sales all the time at 2830c. It has developed that while there were many lice In most of the yards, there was almost an entire absence of mold. This Is not the usual result, but It was very, fortunate that It wasso, for It has made It possible for our growers to bring forward a good sample. Pacific Coast hops were quotable In New York on that date as follows: 1902, 2429c per pound; 1001, choice, 25tf20Vc; do medium to prime, 2324c: 1000. 1921c; olds, 812c The Interest In the grocery market centered In beans, three distinct advances being made In the week. Closing quotations were: Large and email white, 4c; Llmas, 5c; Bayous, 3c pinks, 3c Dried peaches advanced, as did sardines. Canned corn and tomatoes are strong at former quotations, and prunes are very firm. In the fruit and vegetable market. Fall goods are beginning to take the place of Summer varieties. Receipts of peaches, pears and mel ons are gradually decreasing. carload cape Cod cranberries was received. Grapes are plentiful, and sweet potatoes aro In better supply. The poultry market was In bad shape during the last half of the week, with big receipts and a poor demand. A large number of coops were carried over, and unless the Inquiry Improves today and tomorrow, prices will continue weak and demoralized. Ranch eggs remalh Arm at 25c. but do not go higher because of the Plant! ful supply of Eastern and storage eggs, which' are quoted At 2223c Butter Is firm on fan cy grades. Cheese was Arm and advanced lc Saturday,, and will probably go higher. PORTLAND MARKETS Grain. Flonr, Feed, Etc. . . 'f "HEAT walla Walla, C3e; bluestem, 65c Valley, 64c per bushel, export value. ' FLOUR-Valley. $2 853 per barrel; .hard wneat siraignts, $z ua3 20; hard wheat pat ents, $3Q'3 60r graham, $2 83ST3 20. . BARLEY Feed, $20 per ton; brewing, $21; jatuubnj t if a tiraa, jia 50 per ton;, mld- uungs. w; snorts, -i 50; chop, $17 OATS-No. 1 white. $13102J; rar. 85c$l per cental. HAT-Ttmothy. $10J311; clover. SZfVc, cheat. Mutter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. POULTRY-Chlckens. mixed, 3 504 25; per vuuuu, vu. Hens, -a- io per dozen; per pound lie; Springs. $2 503 per dozen; fryers. $2 50 uucjis, oiKffa per i"cj-e, young, jl4ioc; geese, S&S0 50 per dozen. n,.a .fun cream, twins. 14c; Young t7tVmT7w . iaciory prices, 11C less. I 'i n":ry. myitiHC per "u. tws- aairy. i4B20c; store. EGGS-221e25c per dozen. Vegetablea, Fruit, Etc. v& lomatoes. Oregon, 40J50o Pf box; turnips. $1 per sack; carrots. $1 1 10; beets, $1 25 per sack; cauliflower, 8500c ' caoDasc, iiic per pound; celery. lJr per dozenI Peas. 34c per pound; beans, e0c per pound; lettuce, head, per dozen. 25c green onions, per dozen. 12Hc; corn. 15320c per dozen; cucumbers, 2540c per box; green k)c per io. . GREEN FRUIT Lemons, $33 50 per box; oranges, $45 per box; bananas, $2 252 75 pineapples. $45 per dozen; apples, table. 85c v oux; cooKing. oubioc; peaches. 50 75c $1 per box; watermel ons. $1 502 .5 per dozen; cantaloupes, S1Q 1 25 per crate; casabas. SI 50S2 nor nutmeg. $1 25 per crate; cranberries. S8S10 per barrel; huckleberries, 10c per pound; Concord grapes, 42445c per basket; grape fruit. $3 50 per box; California quinces, Sli 25 per bo-. CRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 7i08c iui.u, ouu-unea, sacks or boxes, 5Gc apricots, 78c; peaches, 07ic; pears. 9lCHc' EE"!"- GWV Abs. California !tJJf' Aiimir umte' c6i4c: Plums, pitted. 4H5i4c POTATOES - Best Burbanks. G570c per ;.?lna'. C055c per cental, grower' prices; Merced sweets. Si 75S2 per cental. jenS? f,SreSn ad '""Won. 75c$l per Meats and Provisions. BEEF Gross, cows. 83c per pound; steers lc; dressed, C7c. ' VEAL 7Sc -MUTTON Gross, 3c per pound; dressed. 6c. LAMBS Gross, 34c per pound; dressed, 6c HOGS Gross, 67c per pound; dressed 1Q LARD Portland, tierces, 13Uc per pound tubs, is;; 50s, lSc; 20s. 14c; 10c. 14Hc; 5s. Compound, tierces, CJic per pound f 50s fac; 10s. 10a ' BACON Portland, 14H-I7c per pound; Eastern, fancy. 17c; standard, heavy, 15Wc; light. 10c: bacon bellies. 15c. HAMS-Portland. I5c per -pound; picnic. Uttc per pound; Eastern, fancy. l5o; shoulders, DRY SALTED MEATS-Portland clears, 11U ei2c; backn 11 tjc; bellies, 13 14c; plates. 10er butts. 910c. Eastern-Regular clear sides, unsmoked. 13c; smoked. 14c; bel Ues, average 25 to 30 pounds; unsmoked 135ic smoked. 14c; Plates, isyje. ' ' Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS-2ig22c per pound. SOIXal,ey Eastern Oregon, ? I4c; mohair, 20328c. 'BIDES Dry hides. No r in . h- 'J -Lf. I- 5 Pounds! I a -. . ana 8laK9' one-third less han dry flint; saltea hides, steers, sound. 00 CrZ.T w, ' - 1 in w pounds. 7 8c under 50 pounds and cows. 7c; stags and 4ulls, sound. 55p; kip. sound. 15 to 20 -p, cDuna, ju. to .14 pounds 7c- . E0Und' un3r 10 Pounds. 8c; green (un: it jr pouna iess; culls. . lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each. $1 dry each. Sll 50; colU' hides, each. 2550c- goat skins, common, each. 103ii5c; -Angora," with wool on. each. 26c)l. ' W . TCL-TS-Bear sklns as td siie. No 1" each 'J -W20; cubs. S235; badger. eaSTiOffttte; wild? -cat,. 2HH50; hem eat. sJ0e; fox. eemaaa gray. each. 30C50c; do red, each, $1 50-22; do cross, each, $59fi; te silver 8Rd black, each. $100200; fisher, each? S58; lynx, each, S23; mlak. strictly No. 1. each, 50c? 50; marten, dark Northern, SOf 12; marten. pal pine, ac cording to stTe and eeior. $1 C02; muskrats, large, each. 5I0c; skunk, each, 4050c; dW or polecat each, ,5 10c; otter, for large prlme skins, each, S57; panther, with hd and claws perfect, each. 23; raccoon, for latg; prime, each, 30g30c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 BOSS: wojf, prairie (coy ote); with head perfect, each. 4d60c; woir, prairie (coyote), without. head. each. addCSc: wolverine, each, S4t; beaver, per sklitr Urg. ' fiSM' An mA,,rr tti. A. tial'tn. An1 kits. -5075c. " r " v ' r- SHEEPSKINS Shearings, legate; short wool, 2535c; medium wool, 30300c;"iong wool, OOcffll each. TALLOW Prime, per pound. ,45c; No. 2 and grease, 2HS3t , . .if ' v " r-.-r- r . i Groceries. Xttta, Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 23e2Sc; Java, fancy. 20 82c; Java good, 20O2e; Java, ordinary, 180 !20c; Costa Rica, fancy, I820c: Costa Rica, good. lC18c; tJosta Rica, ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roast. $11; Arbuckle's, $11 63 list; Lion. $11 13; Cordova. $11 C3 list. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, ii4o; No. 2. 4c; Caroltaa head. 67V4c SALMON Columbia' River". 1 - pound tails. $185 per dczrn; 2-pound tails. $275; fancy 1-pound flats, $1 90; ptuni flat?. $1 25; Alaska pink, 1-pound talwe95c: red, 1-pound talis. $130; eockeye, 1-ppWna tails, $1 CO; 1 pound flats. $1 GO. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, 4c; plnke) 3c; Bayou, 3Sc; Lima, 5c per pound. HONEY 13c per No, 1 fame. SUGAR Sack basts, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube, $4 60; powdered. $4 35; dry granulated, $4 25; exire. C. $3 75; golden C,. $3 05. Advances over sack basis aa follows:' Barrels. 10c; half "barrels. 25c; boxes. 50c per 109. pounds. Maple.' S$16c -per pound. Beet augar. granulated, $4 15 per 100 pounds. NUTS Peanuts, 65ic per pound for raw, 83S5c for roasted; cocoanuts. BR&OOc per dozen; walnuts. 1516c per pound; pine nuts, . 108124c: hickory, nuts. 7c; Brazil nuts, 14c; Alberts, 1510c; fancy pecans, 1414c; al monds. J5H18c GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $6 23g0 50 per 100 for spot. SALT Liverpool. . 50s. $2084 per ton; 100. $.20 40; 200s. $19 50; rock, per ton, 60s. $19 50;' 100s, $19; half ground, per ton, 50s, $20; 100s. ,$l& 50. Worcester salt, bulk. 320s. $3 per bar rel; linen sacks, SOs? &6c per sack. " OILS Coal oil. cases. 21c per gallon; bar rels, 10c; tanks, 14c; boiled linseed, cases, U2c; barrels, B7cjjaw linseed, . cases, 60o: barrels, 55e; turpentine.! cases, 64c; wood barrels, 00c; iron barrels. 5Sc: gasoline, cases, 28c; bar rels, lOtfc Collier and Atlantic white and red lead, in lots of 500 pounds or more, tts, lees t ban,. &qo pounds, 6&c. Coffee and Sngar, NEW YORK. Oct 4. Coffee Futures closed 10 to 20 points higher. Total sales. 53,750 bags, Including: October, $3 35; November, $5 40: January. $5 505 60; March.. $5 70; .May, 5 85 5 95; June. $6. Spot Rio steady; No. 7 In voice. 5 9-lOc Mild steady; Cordova, i?;?12c. Sugar Raw ljrjn; fair refining, 3c; centrlfu gal, 90 test, 3.9-lic: molasses sugar, 2a Re fined unsettledV ljR. 6, $4 15: No. 7. $4 10; No, 8, $4 05; No. 9, $4; No. 10. $3 95; No. 11. $3 00 No. 12. $3 80; No. 13, $3 80; No. 14. $3-75 confectioners' A $4 50; mold A, $4 90; cut loaf, $5 15; crushed. $5 15; powdered. $4 75 granulated. $4 65; cubes. $4 90. - BULL FACTORS IN WHEA RAINS AI?D STRENGTH IX CORN HBLPED OPENING PRICES. Jierrv Yorlc Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. The cotton market opened steady, with prices one point higher to two points lower. Speculation was fairly act Ive. with the sentiment disposed to lean toward the bull side. The market closed unchanged. TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest. . FOR PORTLAND May 14 June 7 July July 24 Sept, 7, May 23, Name. Flag and rig. '.Master. Holyrood Matterhorn 4BIdston Hill Mueaelcrac Nal Ecuador Christel . Tasmania isle of Arran Nantes Madagascar June 16 Aug. 4!Dowan Hill July 15 Clan Galbralth June 21 Foyledale May 29 G. W. Wolff July 2 Ventura July 12EmlHe ' Aug. 24Hutton Hall July lllCornellle Bart June 12 Gr. Duchess Olga June XS Herzogln Cecelia HepL 15 Lodore July 7 Riverside July S WIscombe Park July 5 Jean Bart IMarechal do' Gonta june, tiAiienon F ormosa Castor . Aug. iOIScottlsh Minstrel werra Aster Ingeborg Daniel Bavonne Aug. liiMarie July 25iRIversdale waiitfcetown Crown of Denmark fTnrlcprmmith Sept. 12 Co. of Roxburg yiue at. Nasatre Sept. 5lXlslerthal uretagne IrKv Sept 25 Adolf' Fulwood Invermore Omega . U aiidsbek' Oct 4Pass of Brander Br. ship Br.' bark Bt..6hip Br. barH Ger. bark Ger.' bark Ger. ship Br. bark Br. ship Fr. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br, ship Br. ship Br. bark Ger. ehlp Br. shiu Fr. bark Fr. bark- Ger. ship Er. Dark Br.,shlp v Br. shlD Fr bark Fr bark st. snip Bf. bark Br. bark Br. shin Ger. bark Ger. ship Dan. bark Fr. bark Fr. ship Fr. bark Br. ship It. ship Br. ship Br. ship. r. Bhip r. bark Ger. shlD Fr.bark Br. ship Ger.shlp Br. ship Br. bark Ger. s&Jd Ger: Dark Br. bark Flndley Warren Jones Johnston SchUtte Dleckrnann Wurthmann Rhode Ccrse Ricordel Smith Davles Barker Kerry Butler Rehburff- Dahn Thurber Cavelan Gulrln . wafneke Kllley McCully Power Goesat Gulllon Toye Korft Campbell Meltln Gerdes Dummer Kaas Baeheller Monmolne Porter Rue so Milman Fall Leslie Darra Bllerbeck Canevot Law Schlppmann Thomas Fletcher Krause, . Padsen v Rider 2431 1871 2767 2193 1777 2063 i759 1029 1956 1978 i:3 16G6 159S 1581 173S 1980 2S40 126S 1590 1075 1724 1743 15)38 From. Consignees. 19921 An iweru 1839Hambur Antwerp Antwerp -Hicgo Orient Antwerp San Diego Sta. Rosalia Nagasakt Algoa Bay - Algoa Bay Algoa Bay Liverpool Swansea Antwerp Antwerp Shields 1730nst. Nazalre 1567jShields Hamburg Acapulco Hamburg Newcastle London Mauritius Birrow H74lTownsvIlle 1953jAntwerp 1511 Antwerp boViHonolulu 146 Balfour izojGirvm 133 1S97 1079 1819 lf-07 1709 20G7 1626 1987 1297 2091 1818 Lota Mazatlan P.L. Angeles Houart Cape Town iiamcurg Honoluli" Sta. Rosalia jAntwerp Antwerp CuDe Town 169fi!Callao 1730 Hobart 1480 P. L. Anpeles iBol.Sn Francisco !9S6Cnllao I 1522VaIparalso 2350 Sta. Rosalia 2is& ata. Rosaiin 1993!Royal Roads 121 Balfour fuilour Taylor 1111 62 S2 106 130 Balfour So 42 86 115 108 201 90 90 SS Meyer airy'ln" Balfour Balfour Taylor Balfoqr ta'aifour Mcear ,43: Baifour ..Taylor Total tonnage en route and listed, 92, 99i. Name. July 23DImsdole Aug. lOIEuphrosyne Aug. SOJCypromene Aug. aisemantha Sept. 151 aepu lb Sept. 15! ept, 16 ept. 24 bent. 24 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Hept. Z4 ScpL 28 La-'T'ayette Morven Port Logan ' John Cooko Chile Wega Falrport Lime Branch Nereus Dynometie uopiey Sent. 30iAdderley Oct. 2 Ancenis OcL 4Magdaie1ie Flag and rir. Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Fr. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Ger. ship Ger. shlD Br. .ship 1ST. BIT Ger. ship Br. shm Dan. ship Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Master: From. Archard Thomson Bond Crowe Boju Hughes Adam Quaile Spllle Fennekohl Armstrong Maling v Baake Snodden fitrikman Perqulst Baiter ISusewInd 1779 1799 1750 2211 1576 1997 1833 1758 2054 1945 1857 3468 1714 1S09 Newcastle Newcastle Antwerp Hamburg San Fran San Fran Algoa Bay Liverpool Hiogo on Fran'csco Nagasaki victoria 1696 An twerp 1147 1700 2732 Newcastle Table Bay Yokohama Agents or Charterers. Berth. P. F. M. Co. Disengaged Balfour P. F. M. Co N.TV. Co. P. F. M. Co P. F. M. Co. Balfour Balfour Balfour Balfour Kerr P. F. M. Co. ForiuG. Co Kerr Kerr P. F. M. Co. Oceanic S. Pacific Astoria Astoria . Irving Elevator Elevator Col. 1 Grnw'ch Stream Mtg'my 1 Mtg'my 2 Stream Stream Astoria Astoria Astoria Astoria Total tonnage In pDrt, 34,575. GRAIN TONNAGE EX ROUTE TO PUGET SOUND ' Nam. Fla and June olSolway June 10Pengwern May 20iLord Elgin June 14Muskoka June 17 Pass of Melfort Aug. 3jTarpenbek I Anemone June zsiEirrieda July 15 July 31 Juls- Aug. Sept. Lamorlciere Kenllworth lSlPenthesllea 4 Glenlul 1 Wendur June 27Eaton Hall , Aug. lLyderhorn largo Law Artemis Beeswing Glenmark Bankleish Aug, 7(M6zamblque INorma Aug. a)OctavIa Bept. 2 Loudon Hill Sept. 5iAlsterufer .. lAlnterhprc Aug. SBrabloch Aug. 22 California Sept 14ID. H. Watjen uaei Columbia Sept. 18!John Ena ...Unverlyon ...jRahane Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. ship Ger. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Am. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. shio Br. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Ger. bark Br. ship lir. Dark Br. ship Br. bark Ger. ship Am. bark Br. bark Br. ship Master. James Griffiths Sangster Crowe Hansen Houston Agartz Meyer Sauvignon Taylor Manson Scott Nlcoll Evans Weston Henderson Schmidt GrlfflthB Johnson Evans Cormack McCone McLaughlin Butz Crulckshank Jensen Neff Baxter Day wicke Slonnn Schutte Madsen Sims Scott 1599 1492 From. Antwerp London !497.Lelth 223.LIvernonl 2196jHamburg 1799Shields 16G9 1 Sydney iM3!iamburg 1471!A:itwerp Hamburg Newcastle Hamburg Antwerp uuuao Hong Kong Freemantle :i56iSt. RtMP.Ha lf4TVtlparalso j-jivcrpuui L.vprpool 2147 1063 1E41 1896! 1671 687 1587 1250 1429 2169 2205 1999 2303 Algoa Bay onoiuiu Stn. Rosalia 20G6IAntwerD 2597!Taltal 3132 Montevideo 2C00Sydney 2461 Cnoe Town 2065:P,L. Ansreles 1516 518 2706 1332 Valparaiso Hiogo Kobe Cardiff lG49lLiverpool Conslgnets. 12J 138 113) 11U C4 47 75 67 85 62 34 1001 .65 Total tonnage en route and listed, 75,tl5. GRAIN TOKNAGE OX PUGET SOUXD Name. m Flag and rig. Master July 21Carnarvon Bay July 23Yola July aiwajade Aug. 16lAllce A. Leigh Aug. 18IW. J. Plrrie Aug. 19n311eve Roe Aug. 2SlWynstay Allir. ?S Ppltfohnrr, Sejrt. 4fPowj-s Castla ttdaerside Ocenno Gen. de Sonis Nerelde Inverlc Celtic Chief Province Anna Aug. 19 fcept. SeDt Sept. 7j aept SeDt. Sept. 15! Bept. 27 Sept. 271Angerona Sept. 23 Sept 21 sept 27 Sept 21 Bept. Zl Sept. 23 Sept 10j Sept 27 Bent 2 Sept 29 sept 2S Sept 18 ArsuB Fortevoit jGertrud uienessiin Linlithgowshire P. of Ivllllecranl ting Huey Oct liP. of Balmaha Borrowdalo rlottbek Gael Alice Marie Kintuck Br. ship Br. ship Ger. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Fr. bark Ger. ship Br. str . Br. shlD Br. ship Ger. bark Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Ger. shio Br. ship Br. shin Br. bark Br. str Br. ship Rus. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Ft. bark Br. str Grlfflths Pennlcnlck Williams Davidson Jenkins George Parry Davidson Jenkins James Breckwoldt Femyol Windhorst Kennedy Jones Jones Bohlmann Williams Hunter Kldd Henke Prltchard Anderson Vint Peorille Scougell Wenstrom Zingler Agnierag-SaJntlo Long 1793 1407 1677 2817 23SS 1608 1573 2500 1349 1303 2747! 1746 Frora. Agents or Charterers. Berth. Glasgow Honolulu Yokohama Shanghai Shanghai Antwero Cardiff Newcastle Hambure Pt. Natal Hloeo CaDe Town 1707iYokohama 3113IManila 1709ILlverpool 1696lValparalso 1499j 1145! 1543 2962ShanchaT 1627 1743 1357 1600 1150 1498! 1861 1707! 1730 28S1 Yokohama Cape Town P. L. Aog'Js Honolulu Melbourne Melbourne Antwerp Hiogo PtChalmers 1197iAlroa Bav zoKonama Hobart Hobart Shanghai Kerr Disengaged P. F. M. Co. Disengaged aauour Kerr T. G. Co. T. G. Co. P. F. M Co, Balfour Balfour N. W. Co. P.S.F. Mill Kerr Disengaged uanour N. W. Co. N. W. C Balfour Balfour Balfour P. F. M. Co. Balfour Disengaged Balfour Kerr Balfour Port G. Co. G. Co. Balfour Total tonnage in port,58.0J7. Tacoma Van'cvr Tacoma Pt Tnsnd Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma " Tacoma Tacoma acoma Tacoma Seattlo Tacoma Pt. Tnsnd Pt Tnsnd Pt. Tnsnd Tacoma Tacoma Royal Rdi Tacoma Seattlo Tacoma Royal Rdi Tacoma. Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Later, oh Favorable. Weather in the Northwest and Unresponsive Cables, Market Declined, CHICAGO. Oct. 4. Heavy rains In tha South west, and strength In corn were bull factors In wheat at the opening. With favorable weather reported In the Northwest and the break corn, there was a corresponding; decline In wheat early In the session. Local traders and outsiders were active sellers. Unresponsive ca bles, small cash business and moderate receipts had a steadying Influence on the market De cember opened HOW to Hc hlgrher at 70 70c. Heavy- realizing carried the prlco down io uyjfcc -me closo was hc lower at 70c, The weather map was asraln the main factor In the opening advance In corn. The heaviest seneral rainfall of the season was reported durlns the past 24 hours, and predictions were for a continuance of the unfavorable condition. A larso volume of business was transacted, and although a decline was. experienced later in the session on heavy realizing, the market in general was firm. December closed lower at 4949Uc. Oats were fairly active and followed corn. uecemDer closed Vic lower at 32H32c, .rroisions were Irregular and weak. Jan uary pork closed 5c lower," lard a shade lower ana nos oc lower. The leading futures ranged as follows WHEAT. Opening. Highest Lowest. Close; ""Ober ?0 60V4 $0 SOU fOCSJi $0 68 May n 71 CORN. CO 60 40U 50 cot 71 October . December May .... Oct. (new) . Dec. (new) May 43 44 OATS. 31 31V4 33H S4 " PORK. ices 15S7H 14 70 43H 705 C0 43 31 33 1C 00 15 70 14 45 10 17 8 85 8 22 11 CO 8 22 33 34 MESS October 16 05 1C 05 16 00 January 15 85 15S7. 15 65 May 14 55 14 70 14 45 LARD. October 10 15 10 17 10 15 January 8 87 8 87 8 82 May 8 22 S 27 8 22 SHORT RIBS. October ,1150 . 11 CO 1125 January 8 30 8 2Q 8 20 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour V as moderately active and prices steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 7171c; No. 3. 70 7ic; No. 2 red. TOc. Corn No. 2. 01601c; No. 2 yellow, 62c. Oats No. 2, 282Sc; No. 3 white. 32 34c. Rye No. 2. C808c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 573B8c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 27; No. 1 Northwest- em, $1 27. Timothy seed Prime. $2 OCia 10. Pork Mess, per bbir, $10 0O17. Short ribs SWes (loose), (11 2011 40. Shoulders Dry-salted (boxed), $9 25S0 B0. Short clear Sides (boxed). $11 6011 67. Clover Contract grade, 10 25. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . Rye. bushels . Barley, bushels .157.000 ....133.000 ,...120.800 ....240.700 .... 15,400 .... 06,700 14.800 10.500 360.200 88,000 14.200 Grain and Produce at Kcw York. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Flour Receipts, 23, wl barrels; exports, 51,245 barrels. Market quiet again, buyers and sellers being 510c apart. neat Receipts, 205,475 bushels; exports. 103,000. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. 74c, elevator; ro. z red. 75c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 North em Duluth, 80c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 80c. f. o. b.. afloat. A Jump In tho corn market sent wheat shorts to cover today Subsequently, prices eased oft a little under realizing. The. close was steady at glc "net decline. . May, 7475c, closed -74c; Decern ber, 7475 13-lGc; closed 74c. Hides Steady; California, 21 to 25 pounds. ic; ary, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. Wool Firm; domestic .fleece, 8085c. Butter Receipts, 2100 packages; market Arm; state dairy, 1721c; creamery, extra. zzfte; creamery, common to choice, 17g22c, Eggs Receipts, 5000 packages; quiet: state and Pennsylvania, 2224c; Western candled, 21&23C Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 4. Wheat Easier. Barley Easier. Oata Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1 20t 21Vi: milling. $1 221 25. Barley Feed. ?l llVifl 12;. brewing. 11 15 1 17. Oats-Red. $1.051 25; black, $1 051 30. Call-board sales: Wheat EatCir; JOecember, $1 21 bid: May. 51 23 bid; cash, 51 21U. Barley Easier; December, 1 13V1 bid; May. Corn Large yellow, $1 45. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Oct. 4. Wheat Cargoes on uass age firm, but not active; English country mar kets steady. Indian shipments, of wheat to United Kjrgdom, 22,000 bushels; to Continent. 1000 bushels. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 4. yheat Firm; No. 1 standard California, Gs 5d. Wheat and flour in Paris, steady; French country lnarkets firm, Weather In England, cold and dry. French Wheat Crop. PARIS. Oct. 4. Official returns of the Min ister of Agriculture, M. Mougeot, place the wheat crop of Franco for the year at 353, 002,340 bushels. EASTERN LIVESTOCK, Prices Current at Chicago, Kansas City and Omaha. CHICAGO. Oct 4. Cattle Receipts, 200. all Westerns. Steady. Good to .prime steers nom inal. $7 503 40; poor to medium, $3 7500 75; stockers and feeders, $2 254 00; cows, $1 25 4 50r heifers. $2 2C5 50; canners, $1 232 40; bulls, $24 45; calves, 37; Texas-fed steers, $34 50; Western steers. $3 B0S.5 75. Hogs Receipts today. 0000: Monday. 20,000; left over, 3000. Strong to Be higher. Mixed and butchers,' $7 257 80; good to choice heavy. $7 40 85; rough heavy, choice, 0 007 40; light. $7 157 65; bulk of sales. $7 257 45. Sheep Receipts, 6000. Sheep and lambs steady- Good to choice wethers, $3 254; fair to choice mixed. $2 503 CO; Western sheep. $2 5033 80; native lambs, 3 505 75; Western lambs, $2 555 15. KANSAS CITY. Oct 4. CattleReceipts. 1000 head. Market steady. Native steers. $4 10 4 00; Texas and Indian steers, $2 2003 60; Texas cows. $1 G02.35; native cows and heif ers. $1 504 25; stockers and feeders, f2 00 4 85; bulls. $233 50: calves. $2 2505 50. Hogs Receipts. 3000. Market steady to strong. Bulk of sales, $7 227 30. Heavy, $7 207 25; medium, ?7 257 30; packers. 27 27; light, $7 2007 80; Yorkers. $7 277 30; pigs, $67 10. Sheep Receipts, 1000. Market firm. Muttons. $3 153 85; lambs, $3 70 4 25; rangs wethera, $2 00; ewes. 3334. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 4. Cattle Receipts, BOO. Market steady. Native steers, 4 75fl8 25; cows and heifers, $34 50; Western steers, ?3 75Jf 5 75; Texas steers, 3.504 50; cows and heifers, $2 503 75; canners. $1 B02 50; stockers and feeders, $2 B05; calves, 3 50S0; bulls, stags, etc., ?1 754. Hogs Receipts, 3500. Market stronger. Heavy, $7 207 80; mixed, 7 257 40; light, $7 257 35; pigs, tS7; bulk of sales. $7 250 7 85. Sheep Receipts, none; market steady. the SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. Prices Current for Produce at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 4. Vegetables Cu cumbers. 5065c per box; garlic, 22Kc per pound; green peas. Be per pound; string beans. 34c per pound; tomatoes. 8550c; onions, 40 50c; egg plant, 40 60c Apples Choice, 90c; common, 25c Bananas $1 252 60. Limes Mexican, 15. California lemons Choice, $3; common, BOc Oranges Navel. $1 505? 4 60. Pineapples $1 604. Potatoes Early1 Rose, nominal; River Bur- baaks, 906c; Salinas Burbanks. 8c9$110r sweets. ?1 18fl 25. - Poultry Turkey gobblers. 1518c; do hens, 1516c; old roosters. $4 BOf 5; do young. $4 58 5; small broilers. $2 753; do large. 39 3 B0; fryers. $3 504; hens. $45; old 'ducks, 2 503; do young, f2 505. Butter-tFancy creamery, 31c; do seconds, 27c; fancy dairy, 20e; do seconds, 23c Eggs Store. 2733c; fancy ranch. 46c; East ern. 2227c. Cheese Young America, ll12c; Eastern. 1415c Wool Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 13 14c; mountain, 810c; lamb, 810c". Hops 2022c. Mlllstuffs-Bran. $2021; middlings. $2425. Hay Wheat $IOB013; wheat and oats, $10 12 50; barley, $7 508 50; alfalfa. 811; clo ver. $7 6009 50; straw, 37(f55c per bale. .RfCe,ptsFlour' Qu sks' 13,370; Washington. 4CD0; wheat, ctls, 11,753; barley, ctls. 4467; oats, ctls. 2829; Oregon. -460; Washington. 5645; beans, sks. 6220; potatoes, sks, 1802; bran, sks, 1140; middlings, sks. 1045; hay. tons, 415; wool, bales, 300; hides, 559. Closing- Stock Quotations. NEW YORK. Oct. 4.-Clo3tng. prices on the stock market were as follows: STOCKS. ""J I 25.E pfd I37( Imore & Ohio....'.. 4,1 Atchison do Baltl do Dfd Canadian Pacific ... Canada Southern ... Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton...., do pfd v-mcago. ind. & Louis uo pia ; Chicago & Eastern Ili. w..,lHSO ureat western do A pfd do n nfA '" Chicago & Northwestern vwucago xer. & Trans do pfd .. C. C. C. & St. LkjuIs. moraao southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. JJei.. Lack. & western -Lenver & kio Grande. do pfd Erie ......... li do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central ". Ibwa Central do pfd' Lake Erie & Western.' do pfd , Loulevilfe & Nashville. Mannattan L Metropolitan St. Ry.... Mexican Central Mexican National Minneapolis & St It. . Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. & T.... do pfd ..; New Jersey Central..! New York Central Norfolk & Western.... do pfd Ontario & Western.... Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd i St Louis & San P.. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd at. Louig g, w... do pfd ' St. Paul do pfd Southern 'Pacific ...! Southern Railway .... do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W.. do pfd Union Pacific '. do pfd Wabash do pfj Wheeling & L. Erie.. do 2d pfd Wisconsin- Central . . . do pM ... Express Companies" Adams Amorlcan " United1 Statpa VeIls-Fargo .Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper . Amer. Car & Foundry do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.... do pfd Anw. Smelt. & Refln. uu pm Anaconda Mining nn Brooklyn Rapid Trans'lt voiaraao fuel & Iron. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tot-wco pfd... '. General EI-ctflc Hocking Coal International Paper ... do pfd International Pnwnr ' ' Laclede Gas " National Biscuit ..." National Lead " Aorta American ...... Pacific Coast PeoDle's Gatt Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Pain Republic Steel " do pfd ....... Sujrar " " Tenn. Coal a t.. " Union Bag & paper" Co UJ pifl United States Leather! United States "Rubber!! do pfd United States Steel...! do nfd Western Union ...-.!!!! American Locomotive. Kansas city "So! ". ". "..!!. uo pia 3.400 2.50O 300 100 1.400, 000 1,100 300 100 100 300 . 80O .J.. 2001 200 17.000 1.100 200 100 2.40O 200 200 4,700 10.700 800 700 6001 89T4, 101 107 137 61 74 30?- 157.700 600; 30ft ' i!666 7,800 4.S00 20.000 31,800 700 800 400 100 500, 21.600 200 3.200; 1001 2.700 300 53.800 100 600 ' 700 600 300 200 300 4.000 2.300 100 200 100 700 4,300 200 - 100 100 1.200 100 100 300 700 4,800! 300 "i!666 400 5.800 2,300 . 100 1,800 ! 100 10,100 3.7O0 100 800, ""'266' 200! 21 anv 1021 45 174 45 01 30 tsa 66 162 45M 01 .v 140(4 2U 10 O 885SI 83 100 135i 5o-; 3U 74 30 115 01 156 74 34 163 70 774 78 34 C0H 104 108 74 38 UU 47 28 104 90 34U m aa 27-X 5214 05 HI 22 '40 103 04 80: 218 1224 ma 23 00 124 77 104 21 7BV4 125 7 14 14 80 113 01 150 73 31 162'A p8 34 CO U)2 107' 72 as 06 45U 27 103M 00 34 40 88 a; 10014 03 13d 50 37 73 70 8'J 214 30 07 47 232 21 30 lot 31 72 171 200 44 01 38 67 Vii 01 149 43 81 00 120 13 135 130 20 19 113 29 61 170 156 7? Ul 34 1(12 77 78 82 73 33 69 102 197 73 3S 45 27 41 103 33 4UVi 2V 37 2f, 51, 210 245 140 35 CO 124 77 104 00 03& li 70 123123H 00 '4 14 80 Total eales for tho day. 30S.40O shares BONDS. U. S. ref. 2s. reloou do coupon ...... 100 do 3s, reg 107 do couDon inn do new 4s, reg. 136 do coupon 130 do old 4s, reg... 110 uu tuupon 110 do 5s, reg 105 do coupon 105 Atchison adj. 4s.. 03 X- W. con. 7sl35 D. & R, G. 4s lni . X. J 18t8... Nor. Pacific 3s, QO 48 . 101J 74 "'"u rac. -ss.. Bid. 05! union ac. 4a.... 104V West Rhnn a Wisconsin Cenja! 02 Mlnlna- Stocks. aji.i r n.AiJltsUV. Oct. 4 Tho nmi.i ... Muoiauons xor mining stocks today were Alta $o 01 Belcher 11 Best & Belcher.. 13 Caledonia 01 Challenge Con .. 10 -jnouar 4. 02 confidence 65 con. cai. & v.. 1 os Crown Point .... 02 Gould & Currie.. 07 Hale A. Norcross 20I Con. Justice .. Mexican . Occidental Onhlr ... Savage Sag Belcher Silver Hill Union Con Utah Con Yellow Jacket.... 05 20 03 1 00 04 02 61 14 05 04 and Western mediums; 1617c; fine. 1216c; coarse, 12914c. Hops atTLendoa. LONDON, Oct. 4sjB"opST-Pu$lflo Coast new and old crops firm. i& 10s27. NEW were: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con. Comstook Tunnel Con. Cal. & Va. Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con .. TORK. Oct. 4.-Closing quotations ..$0 15Llttle Chief 60 11 Ontario 8 25 Onhlr oa 08Phoenlx !!! os 05 Potosl 1 iavage 04 1 258ierra Nevada 03 75 Small Hopes .... 25 03Standard 3 40 BOSTON, Oct. 4.-CIoslng quotations were; Adventure Allouer , Amalgamated . Bingham Cal. & Hecla.. Centennial Copper Range.. Dominion Coal. Franklin Isle Royale Mohawk Old Dominion.. .SO 00 02: ! . 5 so . 16 . 57 . 1 33 Osceola 57 Parrot 25 Oulncy 1 27 8anta Fe Copper. 1 58 Tamarack Trlmountaln . Trinity United States. 09iUtah 14 IVlctoria 48 Winona 10 Wolverine .... 65 03 10 2ltf 05 U4 58 Monej, Exchange, Etc. LONDON, Oct. 4. Money. 2S2H Der renf- bar stiver quiet. 23d per ounce. Holiday on Stock Exchanse. 8AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4.-Drafts. nlpht 2c: telegraphic, 6c; silver bars. 60c; Mexican dollars, nominal; sterling on London. 60 dnv. $4 83; sight, 4 86. , Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Trade In all metals was quiet today, and changes from yester day's, quotations were slight. For tin thera was a quiet demand, which was more than met UDerai oneritigs, and the market closed easy in tone, with spot quoted at $24 95025 10. Offerings of copper were also depresslngly heavy, and resulted In a weak undertone to the. market. Standard closed at Slo BRian. lake, $11 55011 70; others unchanged. Small demand for lead on the basil of 4c Spelter and Iron unchanged. palry Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. On the Produce Exchanea today the butter market was Arm: creameries 16?22c; dairies, 16620c; cfieese steady. 10 llc; eggs steady. 20c " Wool at St! Loals. 8T. LOUIS. Oct- 4.-Vool-Steady; territory jADE OF THE ANCIENTS. Specimens of the Prehistoric Mineral From the Orient. New York Mall and Express. Should Heber 9. Bishop, of this city, J uut ms reporxeo intention 01 giving hlg collection of prehistoric Oriental and New Zealand Jades to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, that Institution 4 would acquire a unique assortment of tre'asures. . Mr. Bishop's collection not only Is the best and' most cpmprejienslve of its kind, but Is likely to remain ao. since the golden time of the gatherer of Chinese Jades Is past. The treasures of the Summer pal ace were brought to the West by the French and English In the sixties; the march on Pekin two .years ago brought forth little In the way of new art works in the curious old mineral, which some 30 years ago gave rise to one of the most Interesting prehistoric discussions the world "of science has ever carried on Jade Is a mineral a stone, the material used by the neolithic man. for his Imple ments, as distinct from the Hint of the still earlier paleolithic .map. Flint was chipped Into shape; Jade was cut and pol ished with sand and watr. Often the water of streams, rolling the, pebbles of the mineral along sandy, rubbly" river beds, performed part of the laborious task for our early ancestors. The shape of the find determined its use; but as often the block had to be ground into hatchets and scrapers, awls and needles, into ornamental 1eads, hammers and battle-axes. This mineral has the useful quality of being exceedingly hard without being brittle. Mineralogists know '.three kinds, to- which fchey have given the.' names" of nephrite, Jadeite and chloromeliihite, the last of the three being the most interest ing, (as it has never been found in the crude state as part of the rock forma tion of any of tho continents." Where it came from none knows to thi3 day. We have it only in the form of Implements or of rough pieces of varying size. The Kuen-lun Mountains of China con tain the chief .mines of Jade today. Si beria,' too. yields.-au excellent quality of the mineral, "Which' -has at present some vogue in the form of fob seals and seal ring stones. A peculiar kind Is found In Polynesia, and a few years ago a European scientist succeeded" at last in discovering it In the rock in Europe "in situ," as the .mineralogists say, thus settling forever the great "nephrite ques tion." f "It was late In the "70s, when the dis covery of thousands of small and. large Jade Implements 'in tho remains of the prehistoric lake dwellings of Switzerland had drawn attention to this mineral, that Professor Fischer, of Freiburg, published his famous book on the "Nephrite Ques tion." In this he reasoned as follows: The builders of the lake dwellings, tho men of the later stone age, used by preference Jade In the malting of their Implements. Now, jade is a mjneral thnt Is not found In Europe In Its natural state, whence It follows that there must have been in these prehistoric 'days an intercontinental trade between Central Europe and China, which points to a higher state of civilization than we have been willing to ascribe to the men of that era. Up rose another Teutonic pundit. In tho person of Dr. Meyer, the curator of museum in Dresden, who asserted that Professor Fischer's major premise had not been proven. The Iberian peninsula ana the mountains of Norway, he said had not yet been, thoroughly explored. Katner than accept this theory of an in tercontinental prehistoric trade route, let us wait until the mineralogists chance upon the local mines whence the paleo lithic inhabitants of Europe drew their row material. British Baron Dead. LONDON, Oct. 5. Castel Sherard, -tenth .oaron anerard, is dead, aged 53 years. coal is widely distributed in India, but manv of the coal fields have not been fully explored. POGSON, PEliGiUBET & CO. Public Accountants Hennessy Building, tfutte " New York Office 20 Broad Street TRAVELERS' GUIDE:. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. BAILEY GATZERT. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Round trip dally exoapt Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Fort 1 ana ; 7 a. M. Aaions .,..7 F. AX. THE DALIiEH-KJKTLAKD ROUTE. BTR3. TAHOMA AND METLAKO. Sally trips except Sunday. BTR. TAHOMA. Lv. Portland ason., wea.. Fri 7.7 a. m. iV. JJ&liea Aurs.. xuurs,, Dili .t.T A. il. BTR. METLAKO. Lv. Portland Tues.. Thurs.. Sat 7 a. M. Lv. Dalles Mon.. Wed.. Krl ,...7 Landing foot of Alder street, Portland, Or. Both phones. Main Sol. E. w. CRICHTON. Agent. Portland, Or REGULATOR. LINE STEAMERS Dally except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROTJTB TIME CARD. STR. REGULATOR. Leaves Portland Tues., Thurs.. Sat., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 A. M. STR. DALLES CITY. " Leaves Portland Mon., Wed., Frl. 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Tues, Thurs;? Sat., 7AM CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN DAILY LANDING OAK ST. DOCKORTLANp. M. V. HARRISON. Acent. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES Depot Klfth ana I Street. ARRIVES I.-00 A. M. 7.-O0 F. a. For Maygers, Kalnter, ClaUkanle. Westport, Clifton. Astoria, War renton, navel. Ham Bond, Fort Stevens, Qearnart? Flc, Seasldt, Astoria and Seashore... Express Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. U:10 A. M. 8:0 p. il Ticket office. 233 McrrUon st- and Union Depot. . jmaw, vito. rmm Agr.. Astoria, Or. Willamette River Route Salem and way jandlngs Str. Pomona leave 0:45 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Str. Altona, for Dayton and way landings 7 A. M., Monday. Wednesday and Friday ' Oreson City boat leaves Portland -n.-m 1 M.. 4:BO P. M. Leaves Oregon City 7:30 A. M 1:80 P. M. Round trips? 25c. No Sunday trlns OHfUUH TRANSPORTATION CO , JXwJtr foot of Taylor au TRAVELERS GUIDE. OREGON Shorj Line AND THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST C&loil DEPOT. i-rave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:00 A. IT" 4:3U P. M, ' SPECIAL. ually Daily, For the East vl Hunt lngton. SPOKANE FLYER. J:1S p. M. 7:00 A. M, . r -.''r-'";-"? Wash's- Daily. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew lton. Coeur d'Alen--and Ut. Northern point ATLANTIC EXPRESS -,:zo P. M. :10 A. ilT E" via Hun:- Daily. iailyT OCEAIY AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN- I From CISCO. Alnxwortn E5. Oco. W. Elder- Dock. Oct. 0. 10, 20. ' 3:00 P. H. SS. '"oluixht-t-r S-00 P. M. Oct. 4. 14, 24. FOR ASTORIA and! 3:00 P. M. 3:00 P. M. way points, connecting Daiiv ex. Dally with steamer for Ilwa- Sundsy except .co and North Beach. Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday, street Dock. 10 P.M. ri?? DATON. Orem noin n Mmh"l Illver 7:0A. M. 3:00 P. M. ffif' Ttr,Modo'. Ash- Tuea. Mon. m-n.?.ock . Thurs.. Wed.. (Water permitting.! Sat. Frl. TICE. Third and WasUlnctou. Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokoliam and Hone Konjr. calllns at Kobe. Naj;aakl and ShanhaU taking frelzat Tla connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladlvostock. INDRAVELLI BAILS ABOUT AUGUST 23. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress official or acents of O. R. & N. Co. EAS SOUTH ( stmsrr -t l RgLfTES ?Q Lcne v. 8:30 P. 31. 8:30 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 7-30 A. M. Il4:"irt P. M. Union Depot OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS. for Salem, Roso- burg, Abhland. Sao rammto. Utiles, San Francisco, Mo lave, Loa Angelee, El Paso. New Or .cans and ill a East. At W u o d b u r n laity except Sun lay), niornlns train connects, wltn train for Mt. Angel, dll- vrton. Drowns-.-1 1 le. Sprlngnellld, tVendllng and Na- von. uany pasaenjfer .. Connects at Wood urn with Mt. An .ol and Silverton jcal. vrvallls p&ssenscr MiTldan pasufnger Dally. Arrive 7:43 A. M, 7:00 P. lr :0:10'A. Hm 3:30 P. M. a-2."i A. M. IIDatly except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot foot of JeCerson street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A. M.; 12:30,. 1:35. 3:-J5. 4:40. 0:25. 8:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday, 5:30. 0:40 A. M.: 5:03. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 0:00 A. M. Returning from Oswego arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.: 1:35. 3:10. -1:30. 0:13. 7:40. 10:00 P. M. Daily except Sunday. 3:35 u:30, 10:50 A. M. Except Monday, 12:4U A. M. Sunday only. 10:05 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate, points dany except Sunday 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portland 0:30 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Airlie, connecting with" S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. 4 Rtnate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates. $17.50 first class and $14.00 seconc class. Second class Includes sleeper, first class "does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Leaves. - Puget Sound Limited.. 7-23 A. M. Kansas City-Si. Louis Special 11:10 A. M. North Coast Limited... 3:30 P.M. Tacoma, Seattle Night Express ,.. 11:45 P. M. Arrive. fl:45 P. M. 11:10 P. M 7:00' A3 M, 8:05 P. M. Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited tor Gray'a Harbor points. Take Pu get Sound Limited for Olympla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kansas City Bt. Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Har bor branch. Four trains datly between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passengor Agent. 255 Morrison at.. Portland. Or. Jsreat Northern) Ticket Offict 122 Third St Phone 63) LEAVE No. 4 0:15 P. M. Tho Flyer dall7 to and from Su Paul. Minne apolis. Dulutb. Chicago and all points East. ARRIVB No. 3 7:0u A. M Tbrovgh Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dicing and Burt at Smoklnx-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE IYO MARU For Japan, China and atl Asiatlo points, will leava SeattU About October Zl Pacific Coast Steamship So. For South-Eastern Alaska. Leave Seattle Steamships Spokane, City of Seattle or City of. Topeka, Sept. 23; October 2. 8, 14. 20. 20; Nov. 1. FOR SAN FRANCISCO Steamships leava Seattle at 0 A. M. every fifth day. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports in Southern Cal ifornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For fur ther information obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail. lng dates. AGENTS N. POSTON. 24G Washlnrtn. Portland; F. W. CARLETON. N. P. dock Tl coma: Ticket Office. 113 James at., Seattle M. TALBOT. Commercial Ant y.,,: S. F. Ticket Office. 4 New Montomrv t I C. D. DUN ANN, Gen. Pass. Agt., S. F.