THE HOENINa OftEGOfclAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEJklBER 25, 1902. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. 'llRraeii. SIX TEAMS AND "WAGONS, SCRAPERS, carts, plows, etc. W. C White, Columbia Hotel, "Vancouver, "Wash. MiscellnneoHS. ON ACCOUNT OF PUTTING IN A CONCEN trator, I will sell 20.000 shares of the Alice Gold Mining Co. treasury stock at 15c per Ehare Smelter going In near us. Remem ber, we have same class of ore as Michigan and Montana copper mines. Call and see or address J. F. Nylander, 322 Chamber of Com- t SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY aamagea macmnes at very iow pntca. -'"t-er, U. 8., Domestic. "Wheeler & "Wilson and "Unite; dropheads In oak and box tops. At "Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Slgel, agent, 335 Morrison st PORTLAND GUN STORE, REMOVED TO 233 Yamhill St.. near 2d. will continue sale on bicycles; new 1001 bicycles. $12: new 1902 models, $10 up; second-hand bicycles at any old price; guns and bicycles for rent. New TrPEWRITEBS. all makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; Mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Ccast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Oak 1071. FOR SALE? CHEAP; COMPLETE LOGGING outfit two donkeys: open logging, show 11. 000,000 fir on tidewater. Address box 504, Aberdeen. "Wash. GOOD BED LOUNGE. TWO-BURNER OIL Etovc, fur rue; very cheap, before 10 A. M. today. Phone Front 1575. 300 Seventh St. LARGE ICE BOX. 0 FEET BT 0x3, SUITr able for butcher shop or saloon; price $25. At A. C. Coffee-House, 2,07 Burnslde. DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS All machines rented, repaired; full line supplies. Huxley, Ryan & Co.. 82 4th. Phone Hood SS8. FOR SALE CHEAP; SAWMILL IN GOOD order. Apply to C. Mlnslnger. care Star Sand Co.. foot 15th st.. city. THE BEST SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN Snohomlfh County. Anderson Gua.iAS.tee Ab stract Co., Everett. Wash. A FIRST-CLASS 25-FOOT LAUNCH. WITH C horse-power engine, for sale. Inquire 30!) Stark st. Wagons, buggies, fumlturo wagons, trucks, harness and saddles, cheap. 211 "Washington. Wolfsteln buys and sella all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. 11 COWS. HORSE AND "WAGON AND MILK route of $170 per month. S 30. Oregonian. COKE. $5 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO.. 174 Fifth st. SAFES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND. CHEAP. Exchange your old one for a new. 205 2d. DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD. 5 AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box 0. Fulton, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. NOWS THE TIME! Outdoor work, away from rain. "WANTED For Lyle, "Wash., east of the Cascades, dry wprk, 200 teamsters, laborers, drillers, ax men. Free fare. NEVADA A dry climate. Wanted 500 laborers, teamsters, rock and tunnel men, $2 to $3 a day. 50 concrete men, $2.50. Bridge carpenters, Utah. $3.50 a day. Free fare. Write to us. Eastern Oregon Laborers, free fare. C, R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N. Second St.. I - 20 MEN AND TEAMS. $4; 20 LABORERS. $40. J board; 75 laborers. $2; loggers, $2.25 up; sash and door man, $3.20: bench band, $ turn er. $3; mlllhands. $2: bridge carpenter help ers. $2.50 to $2.75; blacksmith. $3; man and wife, hotl. $73 to $S5; one camp. $50: one farm, $40; cooks; waiters; flunkeys; farm bands and milkers, $30; land clearers: wood choppers: other work. Canadian Employment Co.. 22G Morrison: branches, 247 Burnslde, 155 N. 6th; 128 1st. MEN "WANTED WHO "WEAR TRUSSES; A great chance; truss free; no time lost from present work. Alex Spelrs, box C5S, "West brook, Maine. MALE DEMONSTRATOR, OF GOOD AD dress, to demonstrate a cereal food; refer ences required. Call at 233 Fifth, between 8 and 9.1. M. TRAVELING COMPANION "WANTED TO drive. Eastern Oregon; am equipped -with good team and rig. D 40. caro Oregonian. "WANTED INTELLIGENT.' ENERGETld man of fajr .education for -cattle ranch; must, be a good, rider. M 3S, care Oregonian. THE COLUMBUS. CALIFORNIA "WINE. DE pot, headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders, 148 Fourth at, P. Loratl, prop. "WANTED WOOD TURNERS; TWO GOOD turners; rteady employment, 'good wages. Washington Mill Co., Spokane. Wash. PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY BY RAILROAD operator: terms reasonable; prepare for prac tical work. P 9. Oregonian. WANTED DRUG CLERK. FOR CITY; MUST speak, read and write German. Address, with references, drawer 3. city. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITIONS without charge. Remington Typewriter Co.. 249 Stark st. Main 3. WANTED STRONG MAN TO POLISH stoves: wages $1.25 per day. Apply 1. Gevurtz & Sons. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SMELTER man to work in reflnlng . department. O 38, care Oregonian. WANTED FOUR GOOD SALESMEN TO So licit orders. 188 Madifon. Call between 9 and 22 A. M. EXPERIENCED CANDYMAKER WANTED. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. Sixth and Burnslde. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED QUARTZ miner to develop prospect. W 38, care Ore gonian. PRINTER WANTED; STATE EXPERIENCE and wages expected. The Journal, Prinevllle, Or. YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN STORE: REF erenccs. 307 Washington St., before 10 A. M- EXPERIENCED PORTER FOR BARBER h"r: none other need apply. 107 Fourth st. WANTED A HELPER IN BUTCHER SHOP. Call at 22 East Grand nve.. city. J. Badura. WANTED MAN TO LEARN BARBER trade. Call at .113 First. Portland, Or. WANTED-TAILOR FOR REPAIR WORK. 150 Sixth St., near Morrison. v COO MEN WANTED TO GET A 5c SHAVE at 31 North Second st. WANTED A PLATEN PRESSMAN OR feeder. 210 Stark st. SHOEMAKERS WANTED. 207 WASHING ton st. HELP WASTED MALE. JEWELER MUST BE A FIRST - CLASS workman Albert Hansen, 70C First ave., Seattle, Wash. S. F. Barber College, 741 Howard St.. S. F.. Cal.. tenches barber trade in eight weeks. HELP "WANTED FEMALE! WANTED A GOOD. MIDDLE-AGED WOM an to do plain cooking and general house work in a larger family; references reaulred. Call at Hancock's. 12th and Main sts., Van couver, wasn. WANTED ENERGETIC WOMAN. PLEAS- lng personality, for special work among oub.Hesa men; must re aDie to travel; good pay to right party. Address T 40, care Ore gonian. YOUNG LADY AS CLERK IN ONE OF THE leading confectionery stores; must be experi enced; state experience and references. Ad dress D 41, care Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: HOUSEKEEP ers, cooks, econd girls, waitresses, cham- Dcrmaias, nurses, st. .Louis, 30". Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. Waitress, easy, $5; dishwasher. $20; chamb'd. $15; waitress. ?20 (fare adv.); lone. $5; As toria, $20; house help, cooks, etc. Drake. 205i Wash. A LADY OF REFINEMENT AND INTELLI gence to take an agency for articles In great tiemand; cood seller and fine profit R 32, Oregonian. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL. COOKING AND general housework;, only three in family; good wages. Apply 95 20th St., cor. Flanders. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER. CAPABLE of managing a large household. Address, with reierences, H 40, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL TO. ASSIST IN GENER- al housework. 542 Third St., near Lincoln. STENOGRAPHER HALF DAYS. $17; STATE age ana experience.. O 40, care Oregonian. CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL WORK, at 451 Burnsldo st.; good wages. HELP WANTED FEXALE. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. REQUIRE THE services of experienced reivers for their alteration-room. Apply at once. GOOD LADY SOLICITOR WANTED FOR city.- Compressed Air House-Cleaning Co., room 502 Marquam building. , WANTED-GIRL T.O ASSIST WITH HOUSE work; large washing out- 433 East 10th north. Take Irvlngton car. WANTED A LIVE WOMAN; GOOD EDUCA ton; cheerful disposition; to engage perma nently. W. 35. Oregonian. BRIGHT WOMAN BOOKKEEPER OF Ex perience; salary $50. Address, In handwriting,- Q 40, careOregonlan. , DOMESTICS AND OTHER HELP. CALL AND name your work; we have It. Canadian Parlors. 220 Morrison. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITIONS free of charge. Remington Typewriter Co.. 249 Stark it. Main 3. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; FIRST-CLASS wages to first-class waitress: Thompson's Restaurant. Fifth at WANTED A COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER for family of four. Call after 10 at 521 East Pine st Salary $20. WANTED GIRL . FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; wages $20 to right party. Apply 750 East Burnslde st WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN THE TRADE; steady work. .Portland Glove Works, 210 Stark rt. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. 329 Caruthers st. between Ota and 7th. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework. Apply 181 lCth, corner Yamhill. WANTED LADY COMPOSITOR. APPLY AT 221 Falling -building. Third and Washington streets. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; good wages. Apply 332 10th St., cor. Mar ket Frater Co. Employment; help free to employ ers. 107 First Phone Grant 700; Col. 2S7. WANTED A SECOND GIRL. APPLY "BE fore 12 o'clock, C54 Everett st, cor. Ella st WANTED AT WATSON'S RESTAURANT, experienced waitresses: wages $S a week. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with light housework. 348 Seventh st WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN BOOK-bindery- Howe, Davis & Kilham Co. LADY BARBER. $10 TO $15 AND ROOM. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. WANTED LADY CLOTHES IRONERS. AT Union Laundry. 53 Randolph st WANTED LADY TEACHERS. APPLY TO day. 11 to 2 o'clock. 350 14th. WANTED FIRST - CLASS VESTMAKERS. Nlcoll the Tailor. 108 Third st WANTED GIRL TO MAKE PAPER BOXES. 353 East Washington at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. Apply 089 Everett st WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; NO washing. 174 Glbbs st WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK. Apply C74 Everett st. TAILORESS FOR REPAIR WORK. 150 0TH st. near Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 128 North 18th st 382 FIRST ST. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. WANTED GOOD DRESSMAKER. 125 12TH. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TAILOR AND TAILORESS WANTED. 353 Morrison st SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED PLACE FOR A MECHANIC IN some country home, to do chores and re pairs; widow with family preferred; salary no object Address P. O. Box 5, -Cascade Locks, Or. POSITION WANTED BY A- COMPETENT colored man-, 'as a -first-class cook for.hoteL, or boarding apartment; all sorts of fine cook ing; 'neat and sober. H. B., phone Front 20C5. GENTLEMAN HAVING TWO OR THREE days each week would like to collect .for business house; references and bond given. Address V 40. care Oregonian. WANTED PLACE IN GROCERY STORE; have had long experience: the best of refer ence: good rustler for trade. Address Grocer, 124 Sellwood st WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN. SOME TRAV ellng position; references given; good hustling for cood money; satisfaction or ho pay. Y 38. Oregonian. THE ACME REAL ESTATE AND EMPLOY ment office furnishes all kinds of labor free to employers. 1S3 Morrison st James F. Elliott Sec GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION In family or boarding-house, help cook or housework. Address 29 North Third st, city. OFFICE MAN WANTS POSITION IN CITY; understands books; good penman; references. Address Commercial, care Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced men's furnishing salesman. X 40, care Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WISH SITUATIONS OF some kind, for the Winter. K 40, Orego nian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO WORK IN family before and after school. 311 Everett YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION In a family. K. M.. 393 Flanders, city. SITUATIOJVS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE; PRO fesslon learned in Europe; highest; treats ladles only at their homes, also office Multnomah block, room 18. Phone Oregon Red 510. Columbia 313. SITUATIONS AVANTED BY MOTHER AND daughter, cooking and second work, plain hotel or boarding-house, city, suburbs. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, second girls. St Louis. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2831. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES position as cashier In restaurant Address M. S.. 131 Sixth st WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED SMALL INDISPENSA ble household article. Agents now make money. Dommersnas & Isham, 112 So. Clark st, Chicago. WANTED TO ItEXy. WANTED BY FAMLLY OF THREE adults, furnished house of 5 to 7 rooms. W 39. care Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-PUPILS IN SHORTHAND; THE most accurate and legible system taught In six to eight weeks by experienced stenogra pher; terras $5 per month. Address A 28. care Oregonian. SOME ONE TO BUILD 30-ROOM MODERN house, between Washington. Salmon. 7th and 12th; party ready to take lease, $100 month. Address F 40, Oregonian. WE BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING AND OLD shoes; highest price paid. 73 N. 3d. Phono Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED A BODY OF HEMLOCK TIMBER close to the Columbia River. Address box 124, Portland, Or. EVENING CLASSES IN STENOGRAPHY: terms $5 per month. Address D 37, Oregonian, WANT TO BUY SECOND-HAND DESK. Call or address 319 Chamber of Commerce. Highest prices paid for men's cast-off cloth ing, shoes. C2 N. Third. Phone Hood 517. WANTED PIANO FOR STORAGE: EXCEL lent care. Address G 40, care Oregonian. ECHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT: HIGHEST PRICE paid. 229 Yamhill at. FOR RENT. Rooms. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Inquire 105 13th, cor. Taylor. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED rent reasonable. 207 Fourth art FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts.. formerly Tho Spalding The most complete apartment-hcusc In the city; steam, heat gas, electric light porcelain baths, every ' modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. THE ELKTON JUST OPENED; NEW building, new furnishings, all first-class; all rooms light and well ventilated; four blocks south of Union Depot: $2 to $3 a week; transients. 50c and up. G2 North Sixth st TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for two ladles or gentlemen: will rent very reasonable. Call in forenoon, or after 6 P. M.. at 474 E. Washington st FOR RENT LARGE. PLEASANT WELL fumlshed room, with fireplace, bath and tele phone accommodations; gentlemen only; ref erences. 793 Johnson. THE PLEASANTON. 2SS& Third at Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; transient solicited. lhone South tf.L 195 SIXTH. HALF BLOCK FROM P. O. Large, finely furnished alcove suite; all mod ern conveniences; also single rooms. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE; ALSO smaller room; very reasonable; private fam ily; phone, bath, etc 528 Taylor st 250 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room; private family; all conven iences; rent reasonable; gentlemen. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT; NEWLY furnished rooms, single, en suite; bath. 181 First st, southwest corner Yamhill. NICELY FURNISHED, LARGE FRONT room for one or two gentlemen; modern con veniences. 320 E. First N. 388 SALMON ST. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE room, flno location, all modern improvements, private family. NICELY FURNISHED "ROOM; SUITABLE for two gentlemen; heat bath and phone. 188 12th st 258 11TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, modern In every respect; private family; gen tleman. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH GAS. phone and bath. 109 Park st; near Mor rison. Furnished rooms, $1 week up. GUraan Hotel, 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and L'vcrctt THE BONITA. 89 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY Elegant sunny rooms, $2.50 week and up. The Ross Nicely furnished rooms; transient solicited; Drlck building. 211 First st MODERN FURNISHED ROOM. FOR ONE or two gentlemen. 90 11th, near Stark. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 15TH YEAR; rooms, tilth board; use of sewing-room; us of library: Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. George, Super intendent 510 Flanders at HOTEL BROWN Finest rooms In the city; all newly furnished: hot and cold watsr, baths, electric lights, elevator; table first-clats; both car lines; transient Tel. White 1461. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL STREET Rooms, en suite or single, with board; Sun day dinners especial. Phone South 1020. PLEASANT. HOME -LIKE ROOMS. WITH board, and every convenience; new carpets, etc Tho Sterling, 533 Couch. 1C8 10TH STREET NEATLY FURNISHED room, with board; suitable for two young men; stationary bowl. LARGE ROOM, WITH BOARD, IN A PRI vate family; suitable for "two. Apply 671 Gllsan, near 21st. ROOM. SUITABLE FOR FOUR; ALSO small room; board If desired; gas. phone. 103 West Park. . 894 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH FURNISHED room, with first-class table board; reason able. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board. 141 W. Park st. cor. Alder. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board. 215 12th ot, cor. Salmon. ROOM. WITH BOARD; PRIYATE FAMILY. 554 Couch st Eonsekceplng Rooms. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern; private; gas stove, bath, closets: no" children.- 028 Fourth and 488 Everett Telephone West 1800. . TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. In private family; bath, phone. 323 East Ninth. Phono Union 2295. $10 PER MONTH; THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, pantry and woodshed, furnished, free water and telephone. Inquire at 007 Hood. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite. $16, Including gas for cooking. 314 Sixth, between Columbia and Clay. 270 MONTGOMERY. STREET FURNISHED rooms, for light housekeeping or sleeping rooms; private family; reasonable. NICE LARGE PARLORS. FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; gas range, bath, phone: no children. 30S 13th st THREE LIGHT. CHEERFUL ROOMS. NEW ly furnished; modern; references exchanged. 402 Fourth st Phone Front 422. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; HEAT. EL evator. gas; furniture for sale. Room S A. O. U. W. building, 2 to 5 P. M. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UP stulrs; phone, bath, yard; no children. 81 North Ninth, cor. Everett. FOR RENT THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also one slnzle housekeeping room. 335 Clay. No children. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED, FOR housekeeping; ground floor; no children. 321 Seventh st. cor. Clay. 92 NORTH 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; private fam ily; no children. ONE SMALL FURNISHED ROOM. WITH A few kitchen privileges. Phone Green 553. 322 14th st FOR RENT NICE 5-ROOM FLAT. CEN tral: rent reasonable to respectable parties. 32S Park st 435 ALDER THREE VERY DESIRABLE furnished rooms; all conveniences; near busi ness center. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, for housekeeping; electric lights, gas stove. 83 Second. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng: no children. 408 Main st. Phone Front 155. 231 MARKET VERY NICE. CLEAN FRONT suite of rooms; reasonable; respectable peo ple only. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT housekeeping or sleeping. 208 11th st, near Taylor. THE ABBOTT. 228 WASH. Fine furnished rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping. 205 Jefferson st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2C8 Clay st Houses. FOR RENT TO PERMANENT TENANT. A strictly modern new 8-room house; corner, fine location, on the East Side. Dammelcr Co., 503 Marquam building. J FOR RENT OR LEASE 7-ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished, on East Side, close In: 500 East Oak, or Cambridge building, 105 Third st, room A. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. WITH LARGE grounds, at Mount Tabor; very sightly nnd ju-ar car. Hart Land Co. 107 Sherlock bide FOR RENT HOUSE. 220 GRANT. 0 ROOMS, good condition. Inquire R. L. Gllsan, 420 Chamber of Commerce. THE DEKUM RESIDENCE. OCCUPYING quarter block, cor. 19th and Davis. Inquire 272 Fourth. A 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 405 MONT gomery st David S. Stearns, 219 Washing ton st FOR RENT OCT. 1. MODERN 8-ROOM COT tage; adults only; rent $30. Inquire 251 First street DONALD O. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main '343. Furnished Rouses. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT OF FOUR NICE ly furnished rooms, with yard. Inquire 193 13th, cor. Taylor. , IX)WER FLAT. PARTLY FURNISHED; piano, phone, water; no children; references. 263 Seventh st. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5 rooms; modern; close In. Inaulre 21 Mul kcy building. HELP WANTED MALE. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; LARGE grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st 193 SIXTH NICELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM fiat, half block from P. O.; private bath, gas, phone. 5-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT. Inquire 420 Washington st. Houses tor Rent Furniture for- Snle HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale; new Brussels carpets, never used, new furniture; three minutes' walk from' post office. Bargain. Inquire 425 Taylor. FLAT FOR RENT AT 2CC ALDER ST.. furniture of six rooms' for sale;. gas. electric light bath, hot and cold' water, phone. Call: between 1 and S o'clock. NEW FURNITURE. SIX ROOMS: CHEAP and easy terms, if sold quick; house low rent C 41. care Oregonian. THE FURNITURE OF, A 0-ROOM HOUSE, cloe In; rooms all rented, good prices. Ad dress N 40, Oregonian. NEW FURNITURE. CLEAN, 0-ROOM FLAT for sale: cheap rent; bath. 430 Washington, near 12th. upstairs. ' NEW FURNITURE IN FLAT FOR SALE; cheap rent; bath; sell separately If desired. 242 Montgomery. HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale; will sell' piano cheap to the right party. 502 Market st HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sals; piano,, organ, mandolin, guitar.- L 40, Oregonian. 0-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale; upper floor pays rent Phone Green 1008. Stores. FOR RENT A SMALL STORE, 153 17TH and Irving -sts.; suitable for dressmaking parlor; with two living rooms; reasonable rent. Key at grocery store: LARGE STORE ON THIRD STREET. WITH fine basement; good for wholesale- or retail. Inquire 210 Third at. Offices. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE ADJOINING Chamber of Commerce. Apply to E. A. Baldwin, SO Fourth st OFFICE OR DESKROOM FOR ENT. IN qulre at 206 Stark st. Warehouse to Lease. WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE ON SOUTHERN Paclflc track, corner East Oak and Water sts.; 50x200 feet: lately occupied by Omaha Packing Co. Pago & Son. owners, 120 Front street SPECIAL NOTICES. Masters Notice. BRITISH SS. LIME BRANCH. FROM SAN Francisco. Captain Mallng. Master Neither master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. Kerr, Glf ford & Co. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF THE C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER Barracks, Wash.. September 13. 19(2. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at Depot Quartermaster's Office. Portland. Ore gon, until 12 noon. September 27. 1902, for delivery at Portland, Oregon, of 3000 tons of oats and 2000 tons of hay. with privilege of Increase of 23 per cent if desired. Oats to be double-sacked and buy to be compressed to the closest density. Information fur nished here or by Depot Quartermaster, Port land, Oregon. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or . any part; thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked: "Proposals for Forage at Portland. Oregon," addressed F. H. Hathaway, C. Q. M. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by tho County Clerk of Multnomah County until noon 27th September, 1902, for furnish ing paint for the painting of tho Madison street bridge, as follows: 7 barrels (more or less) pure raw linseed oil. 1200 pounds (more or less) Prince metallic paint Said supplies to be delivered at the Madleon bridge In such quantities and at such times as may be required for carrying on the work. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. 7 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County Clerk of Multnomah County until noon 27th September. 1902. for furnish ing paint for the painting of the Morrison street bridge, as follows: , 7 barrels (more or less) pure raw linseed oil. 1200 pounds (more .or less) Prince metallic paint Said supplies to be delivered at the Morri son bridge In such quantities and at such times as may bo required for carrying on the work. The County Court reserves the right to reject any find all bids. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County Clerk of Multnomah County until noon 27th September, 1002, for painting the Madison-street bridge, two coats of paint. Bids are to cover only the labor required, and bidders will have to furnish all staging and necessary paraphernalia. The county will furnish the paint and oil, and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. See foreman of the brlge. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County Cleric ot Multnomah County until noon 27th September, 1902, for painting the Morrison bridge, two coats of paint. Bids are to cover only the labor reaulred. and bidders will have to furnish all statins and necessary paraphernalia. The county will furnish tho paint and oil. and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. See fore man of the bridge. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 518 BRADBURY Building, L03 Angeles, Cal., Sept. 25, 1902 Sealed proposals for dredging In Wilming ton and San Diego Harbors. Cal., will be received here until 11 A. M., October 25, 1902, and then publicly opened. Information will be furnished on application. EDGAR JADWIN, Capt. Engs., U. S. A. PERSONALS. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. The most wonderful discovery of the age; puzzles the medical world. Rheumatism, paralysis, spinal eftections, erysipelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sore3 yield to this, oil like magic. Cures in 8 to 20 oays. Sample can. 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 East Couch st. Portland. Or. Phone Union 1002. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION. HAIR, scalp and skin specialist, will advise and demonstrate dally, free; scientific work given and taught; no miracles performed, but each case taken guaranteed; hundreds of Portland's best citizens for reference. 311 Morrison st. opp. Fostofilce. K WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases ot women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yam hill st. Portland, Cr. Private waiting-room - tor ladles. Consultation free. Call or wrist. InclosA 10 2-cent stamps. DRESS SUITS FOR RENL all SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. DO YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE make you strong and happy by Sexlne Pills, it won't cos you a cent? Price $1; 0 boxes $5. Address J. A. Clemenson, Druggist, Sec ond and lamnm sis., I'oruana. or. f- Be your own beauty doctor: our depilatory re moves superfluous hair without tho slightest Injury to the skin; the perspiration deodor izer instantly removes all objectionable odor. D'Orlan Cle, rooms 5-0, Lewis bldg. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erta Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2: 3. months. $3. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarko & Co., Portland, Or. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITT. DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Bern!. 2d and Washington. Agent. Portland. Or. BOOK OF NATURE." "A HOT TAMALE." "The Beauty Spot." "A Modern Lover." "De cameron." "Agnes," "A Mcdern Eden." "Ull Blaa." 50c each. Schmale. 220 1st. HYGIENE IS THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF beauty. Hygiene Is the first principle of the Wade corset Call and examine them. 420 Ablngton building. rOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AKR MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell' Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st. bet. 1st and 2d. ALL DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDI clne; Weltmer method; consultation "free. Mrs. Hart, Magnetic Healer. 4:52 Alder st We print your name on Zh calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business carda. $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 First, Portland. Or. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS. .Diamonds bought W. H. Lesh. 513 Dekum. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. Tho best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggist.. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexlne Pltls;-' price 11, 6 for $5. J. A. Clemenson. DruggUt. cor. Second and Yamhill. Portland. Or. - PERSONA GRIFFITH HEIRS WILLLVM J. GRIFFITH was born In 1825, and went-from Jackson County, Missouri, to Oregon or California about 1845. or 1850. He was a single man at that time; of dark complexion, medium height and slender build. Information con cerning him or his descendants will be thank fully received by the undersigned, attorney for James W. Noel, administrator of the es tate of a deceased brother of said William J. Griffith. Address Geo. N. Longfellow, Lee's Summit. Mo. MORPHINE, OPIUM AND ALL DRUG HAB lts permanently cured at homo by the India opium cure; THE ONLY REMEDY THAT CURES without causing patient any suffer ing whatever. Every case guaranteed; living testimonials. Consultation free. Call or write Dc; Bruce D. Klmmls. The Cosmos, 268 Morrison, room 23-26, Portland, Or. LOOK AT YOUR FACE. MOLES. PIMPLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair anil other facial blemishes PERMANENTLY removed. Thin or faded hair corrected. Let us explain how. NO CHARGE. Complexion tablets. one month's treatment $1. N. Y. Electro-Therapeutic Co., 702 Marquam bldg. Black 2S31. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE, thoroughly experienced, scientific manicurist, chiropodist Office 20 Raleigh. Phone Hood 1701. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage paper. 10c Box COO. Portland. Or. LOUIS H. BOLL. PIANO TEACHER; studio Auditorium bldg.. Third st, near Taylor. Mts3 Bee La Rue, masseuse, mancurUt; select patrons only. 331 Morrison, room ltl. SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE AT' 515 East Couch st. BUSINESS CHANCES. AN EXPERIENCED GROCER CAN PUR chase half Interest (or whole If desired) In old-established and well-paying grocery busi ness, on main thoroughfare; capital invest ed, $3500; large outside Interest reason for selling; close Investigation Invited; cash proposition from principals only considered. Address T 7, care Oregonian. PLACER MINE SMALL SYNDICATE FORM lng to operate producing placer mine In Ore gon. Dividends during first 18 months will more than pay back amount of capital In vested, with large yearly revenue thereafter. Will stand investigation. R. C. Pentland, 227 Falling building, Portland, Or. WANTED BY A CALIFORNIA COMPANY, a man of good address, appearance and re sponsible, who has. had experience In selling goods, to handle sanitary appliances and dis infectants m the State of Oregon. Address E 41, care Oregonian. - FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, 14 ROOMS. $850; 18 rooms, $S50; cigar stand, living rooms, $325. Several other good buys. Ore gon phone Hood 705. 235 Fourth st FOR SALE QUICK; MUST LEAVE CITY; half Interest In an established business, pay ing $20 to $25 per day net profit; sickness. Address B 40, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY FOR AN ENERGETIC MAN with a few hundred dollars, manufacturing; large contract can be had. Address R 40, care OregonlanN WANTED A SMALL CIGAR AND CONFHC tlonery business. Valley town. Ames Mer cantile Agency, Ablngton building. SNAP IN VERY FINE ROOMING-HOUSE. 15 rooms; choice, central location; $1100. In quire 23 1 Morrison st, room 2. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY store; good location; living rooms; AVest Side. N 38, care Oregonian. HALF INTEREST IN A NO. 1 MANUFAC turer's agency for sale. Inquire or write D. C. Rogvrs, 200 Stark st SNAP NICE CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY; living rooms, low rent; $350. Call quick. Brachvogel, 145 Third. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE. SPLENDID location; will sell rooming-house In connec tion. 255 Fourth st. A SNAP VALUABLE NEWSPAPER ENTER prlse for salo cheap, $750; owner sick. Box 300. Portland. Or. FOR SALE ROOMING - HOUSE, BRICK; very central; low rent; 29 rooms. Inquire -233 Fourth st. DO YOU AVANT $100 SAFELY INVESTED and money doubled? Seo Meridian Inv. Co., 604 Dekum. FOR SALE 11-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; good location; price. $275. Call 4 3d st, N. FOR .SALE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, dress Cellers Sisters. Drain. Or. AD- I'lNANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; easy payments; ttrlctly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel' mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co., room 203 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL vr chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett 213 Com mercial block. Telephone Grant 856. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $300. ON ALL kinds of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds ot security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 602 Commercial blk. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn. 352 Sherlock block. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley. COS Cham. Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curtty. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Cham, of Com. LOANS on chattels, salaries: low rates. Sea us first Mann & Co.. C04 Dekum building. MONEY TO LOAN. 8 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. Money to lean, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hrtwley. 2 Chamber of Com. Mortgage loans, small amounts, short or long time. W. S. Ward. 323 Allsky building. $300,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wra. G. Beck. 221 Morrison st IF YOU WANT MONEY. OO TO UNCLE Franklin. 163 First LOST AND FOUND. LOST PAIR OF GOLD-RIMMED SPECTA cles, between Meier & Frarik's and Wright's Jewelry store. Return to Mrs. Sharp, Uni versity Park. Reward. LOST PIN. DEVIL'S HEAD. ' YELLOW eyes, set with pearls, with pendant. Return to 515 Chamber of Commerce, and receive reward. LOST SUNDAY EVENING. ON EITHER "U" car or Oregon City car. diamond and pearl ecartpln. Liberal reward. Phone Scott 592. LOST PACKAGE CONTAINING HAIR SIZE F shces. Return to Oregonian office, and re ceive reward. LOST GOLD-RIMMED SPECTACLES. IN Molc'r & Frank's. Return Chas. Stern Co.. 134 First st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaitlnc MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knlfa plaiting and pinking. Assnyern and Analysts. J. II. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND AN nlvtlcal chemist and mining engineer. 201 Washington st MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK ST. Exnert on analysis of coals, minerals, rocks and mineral waters. J. T. Cove. Manager. PAUL RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST: pold dust bousht. 22S Stark st. Attorneys-nt-LaTT. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public 502 Commorclal bldg. Accountant nnd Auditor. Geo. T. Murton. 320. 32S Cham, of Com. Phone Brawn 430. Bookkeeping, expertlng, teaching. ArcMzccts. DET.QP P. NEKR. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 Flwt st. Phone Red 2921. OTTO KLEEMANN. 30 GRAND AVENUE North. Columbia phono 5181. Bnolf Stores., NEW AND SECOND-HAND SCHOOL BOOKS. 225 Morrison, between First and Second. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpenters and Builders. J6HN A. MELTON, CARPENTER ANC builder, 307 Siurk t.; office and atom fix ture built and leniuueleu. altering and re tiring houses; grill work. Phone Mala 747. W. L. BUCKNER. carpenter and builder. 330 Stark. Housed altered and repaired; store anu office fixtures, general jobDing. Phone Blk UI4. H. G. Laughry; houses built and repaired; store fitting. 11S Grand ave. Ore. Blue ".Jo. GORDON. REMOVED TO 208 4TH. FLif screens, countisrs. ahelvlng. Tel. Clay 174. GEORGE GARDNER. CARPENTER AND builaer. removed to 52 North t irst st Chiropodists and Mnnieurlni;. L. MITCHELL, FIRST LICENSED EXPERT chiropodist in uregon; maorseu by leaning pnysiciuns; an instrument atenuzeu; pa tients treated at office, 'lei. HOoU VS, or residence, est Office lu ivmgnt a onoe Store, 5tii and Uasii., opyusue r-ctAiOs Hotel. WM. DEVENY A; ESTELLE DKVEN1'. THE ouiy tcieniinc cultuvouisis, pariura Ml Aluky bunding, Unird anu Morrison. Oregon plioua Urafit iO. TtiLi u the long-titlrt.d tcutUuiau. He i the man you are looking for. CORNS. BUNIONS. CALLOUSES, 1NGROW Ing nails, permanently reruovea. All com petitors cnaiienged. 2u Raleigh. Phons HoJd 1701. Civil Engineers. PHDL.IP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer. 036 Worcester block. Clairvoyants. Madame Johnston, clairvoyant, tells past, present, future; readings 50c. 251 5th at. hatlsfactlon guaranteed. MRS. HENDERSON, CLAIRVOYANT. 350 Wash. st. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds coal, coae, charcoal. Stalls to let 154 North Fifth. Both phones. VULCAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE DEXL ers bent coals, foundry and smelter coke. Coal and Wood. BROWN & HICKS, COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Yamhill at. Both phones. Main ,715. Commission Merchants. 1 HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, iura, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front st. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG Jk CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock build ing. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO ducu merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. Creameries. Sunset Creamery, fresh-churned butter, sweet cream, milk. Ice cream. 281 1st Main 32. Custom Corsets. Corsets designed for all figures, made to order; first-class work. 50 Washington building. Dancing. LADY TEACHER Ol- SOCIETY DANCING will organize exclusive beginners and ad vanced classes in or out of the CIT1C. For terms address Q 29. care Oregonian. MISS HELEN W. COPELaND, TEACHER OF dancing, Burkhard Hall, Monday evenings at 8 o'clock. Telephone West 2513. MISSES MATTINGLY, ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 209 South 14th. Class of private Iesnuus. MRS. LAROWE, TEACHER OF DANCING and elocution; hall, Jd and Kearney. Dyeing; and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Fence und Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 2S0 East Morrison st Fraternal Insurance. Order of "Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects he living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y. U12-U15 Marquam bldg. Furnaces. BOYNTON HOT-AIR FURNACES, WHOLE sale and retail. J. C. Bayer. 205 Second. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN FRAN clsco, Seattle. Hairdresslns, Toupees, Manicuring. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 1C0 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, hairdresslng. manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 303 WASH. ST. THE leading wlgmaker and hairdressers. Harness nnd Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE aale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front at Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st Paul van Frldagh. General Agent Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findlnas. shoe stars supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st J. A. REID. mfr. boot and aho uppers; ull atock shoemakers supplies. 207 Wash, at Japanese Goods. Japanese and Chinese goods all kinds, mattings, carpets, etc. Sun Soon Hule. 247 Yamhill. Junic. Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co. pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottles, iron. rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front Tel. South 991. aiacnlncry. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castlngi of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth at. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.; SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 24S Grand ave. TATUM & BOWEN. Francisco. Seattle. PORTLAND. SAN Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. 720 Front at. Fine work, low prices. Massage. Bemhart's Complexion Cream destroys and prevents wrinkles, pimples, blackheads; gives healthy, rosy complexion. Painless superflu ous hair removed: gray hair restored. Free demonstration. Rooms 50-59 Washington big. 360 WASHINGTON ST., SOUTHWEST COR ner of Park, rooms 1 and 3; the Snowden bathrooms; vapor baths, with massage; also electric treatment. Oregon phone Hood 004. Refined young lady gives vapor, lavender baths; delightful. Invigorating. Try new Assyrian treatment; very select; always see the best. 88 Sixth street, room 14. FRENCH LADY WITH TWO YOUNG GRAD uate assistants, elves massage treatments; electric, perfume. 20S 5th. Phone W. 1973. Excellent baths, magnetic and massage treat ment, by young lady from the East; swellest In city. Room 10, 331 Morrison. THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex perenced masseuse. Rooms 20 and 27 Raleigh. Mrs. Obrock, graduate masseuse, references given. 424 Ablngton bldg. Tel. Red 2SG4. Medical. LADIES I CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN nyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no" other. Send 4c, stamps, for par ticulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Phllada.. Pa. Musical. GUITAR. BANJO. VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN Instructor. Professor E. A. Smith. 254 12th. Phone Brown C03. Lessons 50c, piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin; lnstrum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. W. F. WERSCHKUL. TEACHER OF VOICB production; studio 450 Sherlock building. PIANO AND VIOLIN LESSONS. STUDIO. 209 14th st Special attention given beginners. W. F. WERSCHKUL VOCAL STUDIO WILL open Sept 15. 430 Sherlock building. Oregon Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG. PARK AND MORRISON STS Health talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30 I'. M. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, rtffice 83 First bet. Stark an-1 Oak: phono 5B6. Pianos and furniture movd and packed for shipping: commodious lira proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Showcases' uud Store Fixtures, -t R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hbyt sts. Slot MacliZnes. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington st; largest variety; repairing. Manufacturers of Ladies' Goods. Clearance sale silk waists. sKlrts. klmonaj. ladles' muslin underwear, etc; ladies under weai to order. Sing Cnong Co., 333 Morrison. Palmistry. WHICH WAY DOES YOUR FUTURE POINT and what your tuture contains will be told you by Proi. La Mare, 208 Morrison, parlors 1 ana 2. The science enuuiea you to learn the way you should do to make a real suc cess ot your lite, and to win fame, weaith ana popularity, you can learri what raiator tunea are in your path, so mat you can avoid tnem and have success instead; you will be told what to expect in love, in marriage, in business, in pontics, in social life; what you enall do to secure Rood fortune and weaitn; you can easily overcome the hard things in life and to be far more successful and prca Veraxia than you have ever betore creamed of being. Come, and do not delay any lontfei ; let a good fortune, crown your Hie; it only costs jou 5oc or $1 to find out all abouc yourself ana your friends, ro proof, no pay. PROF. STERLING HAS RETURNED. HAVE your HANDS READ. 5oo and $1. 2SU d at Larsen'1. " Palmist, returned, scientific read lngs. SOc; past and future. "ilU Alisky bldg. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clalr voyant carureader. 133 1st. cor. Alder. Prijuicluua auu Surgeons. Dlt MRS. CAREY TALBOTT SUCCESSFUL ly treats and cures air diseases of women. Successful home treatments by malt 3Ui fca.iiioli sr,. between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skirt diseases, odd Fellows Temple. 1,r. ,770ra A- Brown, diseases of women and children a specialty, utnee 517 The tKmn. Saddle Horses. SADDLE HORSES. AT PORTLAND RIDING Club. 394 11th. cor. Harrison. Tel. Main 820. isafes. "BEWARE. Certain "STANDARD" safes mol-J are trustworthy until tested by fire. Avoid thin walls. DjEUULD sates uen ailev we. preserving contents. LOCKOUTS opened, general repairs, burglar alarms, jails, safe exchanged. J. E. Davis. BO Third. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK to., gen 1 agts., SoS .d at.. A. o. U. W. Dldg. HALL'S SAJ&ES, standard of the world. Nurrts Sate Co.. a-. 1st st.. 2d door north of Stark. Spirltuullsts. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBTS. SO strange is our work mat wimout a wora, witnout a uuestion, w tell you wuat you came tor, Just wnat you want to know. Cor rect miormatton aoout all anairs, love, court snip, marriage, divorce, sates, wills, proper ty, olu estates, speculation, diseases, pen sions, patents. Investments, etc. Wo posi tively tell you wnen'and wno you will marry, giving name of person anu.uate of marriage. Wo lecognize none as our superior, wuo oy any means advlsu and loretelt events arising tmougn cause and eiiect. Hours, 10 A. At to 6 x". Si., Sunuay, 10 A. al. to 5 1. At 189 7m st, Detween l'amhm and Taylor.. ALL IN TROUBLE v.ALu AND SEE MRS. Wallace, tne ruinous paychlo; gives valuable advice on all auairs or life, iruces absen. iriends. mines, family duncullies. Always consult the nest 271 Morrison st. rcorn A. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader; scientific palmist; past arid tuture, 50c Morrison. Madam Morris, The Cosmos, 20S Morrison, room 21; sittings dally; private aeveiopment. De Arnandus. medium; clrctes Wid.. 8 P. M. sharp. Psychic readings dally. I0f First. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH FOR A SHORT time at 133 Fifth, cor. Alder, room 1. Mrs. C. Cornelius, Allsky hldg., 3d and Morri son. Sittings dally. Phono Hood 403. EDWARD EARLE. INDEPENDENT SLATS writer, 32S Ellis St., San Franclscd. Storage. STORAGE AT LOW RA1ES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front Trunlc Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. SO ' THIRD ST. J wholesale and retail., Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths; hours ladies. 0 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. Ty p ewrl ters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter: gat catalogue. 319 California st. San Francisco. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 249 Stark st. Telephone Main 3. Wall Paper. H. P. CHRISTENSEN. wall paper, graining paper, picture framing. 131 7th. cor. Alder. Watclimukcrs and Jewelers. JOHN A- BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing. Wholesale 'Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. LADD &. TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1839. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mado at all points on favorabl terms. Letters o credit Issued available. In Europo and all points In the United Slates. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco, and various points In Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. WELLS, FARGO & CO.S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.. $9,500,000 DUDLEY EVANS ACT'G PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER 'San. Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES .-. CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking -rusiness transacted. Ex change Sold and Letters of Credit .Issued, avallabia In -all parts ot tna world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM -Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashlir United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued avallabia In all parts of the world. Collections a ssecialty." Gold dust bought . , LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad st. London, ThU bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of tha world. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Interest paid on term deposits. W.'A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. J. C AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A. GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued avallaable in ali c:tiea of the United States anu Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier F. q MILLER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up...." $3,000,000 Reserve 2.000.00C Transact. a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPART3IENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upward! and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. 214 WASHINGTON ST. E.'A. WTLD. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK " OF PORTLAND. OR. De&lgnated Depository and Financial Agent of tha United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President a. L. MILLS Cashier J. w. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier- w. c. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letter of credit issued, available la Euroo and the Eastern States. Sight exchanges and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St, Louis St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the princlnal points In the Northwest "ki Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit oi London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Honn Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chris! tlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mmcow Zurich. Honolulu. ' Mac.ow Collections mada on favorablo terras.