10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15. 1902. MEN LEAVE SHIP Steamer Elba Loses Nearly All Her Sailors. i'BOARDING-HOUSES ARE BLAMED Bnt They Deny They Used Improper Inflacnces-Tbrce Deserters in Jail German Cdnaul Jerslstrs in His Duty. The old subject of sailors deserting their ehlps at the Instigation of boardlnfy-house-keepers was cruising about yesterday and gossip kept all sails well filled. Nearly the entire crew of sailors of the Ger man steamship Elba deserted "Wednesday night. If this ended the story, perhaps the sequel would- not be so far off. but the Action seems to be only In the first chap ter. On "Wednesday three sailors left the ship. The story goes that O. Lohan, Ger man Consul, at once domanded that they be returned to the vessel, and compelled the master, H. Bruhn, to swear out war rants for their arrest In the United States Court. The report fa that this aroused I. TM. Sullivan, of the boarding-house-keepers, to demand that the "kibosh" be put on the affair, and to threaten if this were not done to take all the sailors off the ship. Consul Lohsn is a new man In this port, and whether green In experience or not, he did not see where the boarding house men came In, and flatly said as much. He Is said to have remarked that he didn't care a German continental about the boarding-house-keepers; that the question was none of their business, and that he would do his duty even in spite of the lower world and high water. It Is not known whether Sullivan's threat had anything to do with the whole sale desertion that night or not. All that Is positively known Is that the deliver' took place, that the ship was cleaned out of sailors almost as slick as a whistle, and that Sullivan was on hand with a boat to take them away. He denies, how ever, thatshe is responsible for their deser tion, and declares they went ashore of their own free will. He asserts that neither he nor any of his associates set a foot on the vessel or In any way vio lated the law. Yesterday he and Peter Grant, one of his partners, talked freely, and did not deny their connection with tho desertion as outlined above. The other side of the controversy, however, was as mum as an oyster. "Those men deserted of their own ac cord," said Sullivan. "I was on the dock when they came off, but I used no im proper or illegal influences. The boatswain led the way. He threw out the gangplank. JHe let because he was not. satisfied with the treatment he received on board. He Is an American citizen. Thcro he is in the next room." Peter Grant talked along the same strain. "We respect the property rights of ships," said he. "Wo did not go on the ship, and did not instigate the deser tion at all. Can we be blamed for the de sire of tho men to come ashore? "Yes, we expect to get the censure and condemnation of the public in this case. But If the public only knew the actual conditions of this business, it would not be so ready to raise its voice against lis. Tho public labors under misinformation. If It would stop to consider, it would not blamo sailors for deserting the hard life on a ship, nor would it censure us in our business." Evidently the ship men had secrets to hide, for they feared to open their heads. "I can't tell you anything," said Cap tain Bruhn. "How many men did I have on board? Come around later and I'll tell you. How many have I Left? I don't know, for I haven't been on the ship for three days." E. C. Hochapfel, secretary of tho firm of T. M. Ste'ens & Co., charterers of the vessel, didn't want anything about the matter to get into the newspapers. "We labor under enough difficulties now," said he, "and we don't wish to advertise them any more than we can help. It is neither The Oregonlan's nor the public's busi ness, anyhow. Wo are the only shipping firm that Is working for Portland's In terest. We find It hard enough to do busi ness already. Airing this trouble before the public will only make things more difficult for us in our dealings with ship owners." Mr. Hochapfel flatly refused to give any information. The reporter approached him on every sdde. but found him fortified oil around. It is understood that Captain Bruhn, when reporting the first three deserters, was not in favor of .having them arrest ed. He has had his fingers singed before in troubles with boarding-house people in different parts of the world, and was chary of any more imbroglios with them. Sulli van said yesterday that this was the dis position of the captain, and that Consul Lohan was the man who had stirred things up. Sullivan does not think much of Mr. Lohan, and intimated strongly that the gentleman would some day have his eye teeth cut In Interviews with various people around town he is reported to have expressed even stronger sentlmenta The three deserters were arrested yes terday by the United States Marshal. They are: Felix Wensll, Karl Schlecht and Janos Lachman. They all shipped at Antwerp. They had an examination be fore United States Commissioner Sladen yesterday. Proof of desertion was com plete. They were committed to tho County Jail to bo kept there until a writ ten order for their removal is received by the German Consul, but not for a longer period than two months. Endeavor will probably be made to bring in the other deserters. Owing to the per sistency of Consul Lohan, a merry time seems to be in store. The closeness of the steamer's people In guarding the number of deserters from the public rendered It Impossible yesterday to ascertain posi tively how many sailors left the ship, but by common report there were over 20. Sullivan asserts there were only 11 by actual count. QUIET OX WATER FRONT. Trvo Grain Ships Have Complete Cargoes Schooner Alcalde Sails. The harbor is unusually quiet these days. Activity is confined wholly to 'loading the several lumber schooners in port. The Eskasonl yesterday finished loadln wheat at the flouring mills. The Sierra Estrella, with complete cargo, moved Into the stream yesterday and shipped a crew. The Dlmsdale Is at Oceanic dock discharging coal and will have all her cargo out this week. The Rountcnburn, at Montgomery dock No. 2, has finished unloading ballast and will be ready for cargo today. The steamship Elba Is at Albion getting ready to take on cargo for South Africa. The Forest Home and John A. are at North Pacific Mills loading lumber. The Forest Home is receiving a deck cargo, The Alcalde Galled yesterday morning for San Francisco with nearly 400,000 feet of lumber. The trim barkentlne Amaranth has begun to take on a cargo of piles at wcldler's for China. CROSS OCEAN IN LAUNCH. Captain Nevrman and Son Reach Fal mouth After Terrible Voyage. FALMOUTH. England, Aug. 14. Cap tain Newman and his son, Edward, ar rived here .tonight in the 28-foot launch Ablcl Abbott Low, in which they sailed from New York July 9. In an interview with a representative of tho Associated PreEs, Captain Newman said: 'Tho'vl2uiich.' has proved herself noble boat, but we have experienced awful times since we left New York. Several times". In terrible gales, we nearly lost our drag anchor, owing to the gear chafing away. We voyaged 31(6 miles. We had great troublo -with tho kerosene, as the tanks which held it broke, and the oil flooded the cabin. My boy became ill and home sick. I suffered greatly fjom exposure and long sitting in one position. We spoke the American line steamer Kroonland Au gust 1 In the mld-Atlantlc After this we encountered a series of most severe gales, and the hardships were so great that we feared that we would not survive. We did not speak another vessel until Au gust 13, when we met a fisherman 90 miles off the Scllly Islands. These last 90 miles were the longest I ever ran in my life. I would not hesitate, however, to try the voyage again." Canadian Subsidized Steamer. OTTAWA, One. Aug. 14. A meeting of the Cabinet was held today and an order was passed approving of the arrangement through the Canadian Ministers in London for steamship service between Canada and South Africa. Service will begin in Octo ber, and steamers will sail from Montreal and Quebec In Summer and-Hallfax and St. Johns In, Winter. In South Africa, steamers will call at Cape Town and prob ably Durban and another port. LONDON. Aug. 15. In its issue of this morning the Daily Express asserts that Canada will subsidize, to the extent of $150,000, and Great Britain to the extent of 175,000 a year, the new line of steamships to be established between Canada and South Africa, which Is the first portion of the great plan elaborated by Colonial Sec retary Chamberlain to make the British Empire independent of American and for eign supplies of food, etc. Lord Strath cona and Mount Boyal and Sir Wilfrid Laurier assisted, according to the Dally Express, in arranging Mr. Chamberlain's plan, which has the sympathy of King Edward and the Prince of Wales. The Canadian Pacific Railway has thrown In its lot with the shipping lines concerned In the amalgamation, and the same com bination Is arranging for a fast steamship service between Canada and Great Brit ain. Notice to Mariner. Office United States Lighthouse Inspec tor, Twelfth District, San Francisco, Cal., -tug. 12, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the repairs to the fog-bell machinery at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, have been completed, and on and after this date the bell will be sounded as usual during thick or foggy -weather. This notice affects the list of lights and fog signals. Pacific Coast, 1902, page 16, No. 32, and the list of beacons and buoys. Pacific Coast, 1902, page 21. By order of the Lighthouse Board. J. B. MILTON, Commander United States Navy. Inspec tor Twelfth Lighthouse District. To Relieve Captain Peary. NEW YORK, Aug. 14. A letter received today by the secretary of the Pears' Arc tic Club from Captain Samuel W. Bart lett, of the club'e .steamer Windward, dated Domino Run, Labrador, July 26, four days after -leaving Sydney, says:' ' "Everything works smoothly, and am In hopes of reaching Etah August 5, and then we shall have no difficulty In crossing Smith's Sound and finding Peary. Hope to see you In New York September 30 with the best of news." The four days' run of the Windward from Sydney to Domino indicates satis factory work of her new engines, and that he has the increased speed expected. Mncli Dredgine I Needed. The British ship Euphrosyne grounded at the mouth of the "Willamette' yester day. She was in tow of the Harvest Queen and in charge of Pilot W. H. Pope. The vessel Is in 22 feet of water. A large amount of dredging is necessary at the mouth of the Willamette. The river la between seven and eight feet above mean low water, and the falling of the river makes immediate dredging imperative. Complaints are heard that the city dredge was not sent down sooner. The dredge has been at work at the mouth of the river for about two weeks. Shipbuilding Trust Mortgage. ELIZABETH, N. J.. Aug. 14. A mort gage for $1C,000,000 was placed on record here today In the Union County Clerk's office. It Is given by the United States Shipbuilding Company, recently formed by Lewis Nixon, to the Mercantile Trust Company, of New York. The mortgage covers all tne plants acquired oy tne United States Shipbuilding Company, whose capital is placed at 445,000,000, and It will be -recorded in the various states and counties where branches of the com pany are located. The mortgage Is to run for 30 years. Steamer Ashore. ST. JOHN, N. B., Aug. 14. The Erltlsh eteamer Delano, Captain Gray, from Rot terdam for Baltimore with a cargo of iron and general freight, went ashore today in a dense fog at Sea Cove, near Cape Race, The crew escaped with great - difficulty. The report is that the ship is likely to be a total wreck. Preparing for Cargo Shipments. ASTORIA, Aug. 14. (Special.) The As toria Box Company Is extending its wharf a distance of 1200 to the harbor line, and will commence making cargo ship ments this Fall. The Clatsop mill will also extend Its wharf and when the Hume mill Is completed cargo shipments will be made from all three of these mills. Marine Notes. The 'Sierra, Estrella cleared at the Cus- tom-Houso yesterday for South Africa, Inspectbrs Edwards and Fuller returned yesterday from Lewiston. where they Inspected the steamer J. M. Hannaford, Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Aug:. 14. Sailed at U:30 A. M. Steamer Harrison, for Tillamook. Condition of tho bar at 4 P. M., smooth: wind north; weather clear. San Francisco, Aug. 14. Sailed Schooner Glen Apia, for Portland; steamer Queen, for Victoria; eteamer St Paul, for St Michael. Sailed at 3:30 P. M. Steamer Aberdeen, for Portland. Seattle. Auff. 14. Arrived Steamer Indiana, from Nome. Tacoma, Aug". 14. Arrived Steamer Oscar, from Ladysmlth. Sailed Schooner Sehome for Oakland; ship S. D. Carleton. for Honolulu; British steamship lGcnogle, for Hong: Kong:; Norwegian ship Queen of Scots, for South Africa. New York. Aug:. 14. Sailed Augusta Victo ria, lor Hamburg etc; La Touralne, for Havre; Grosser Kurxurst, for Bremen, etc Queenstown, Aug. 14. Sailed Oceanic, for New Tork; Rhynland, for Philadelphia. Glasgow, Aug. 14. Arrived Astoria, from New Tork. Liverpool, Aug. 14. Sailed New England, for Boston, via Queenstown. Rotterdam, Aug. 14. Sailed Noordam, for New Tork. Lizard, Aug. 15. Passed Graf "Waldersee, from New Tork for Plymouth, Cherburg and Hamburg: Southwark. from New Tork for Southampton and Antwerp. HoQulam, Aug. 14. Arrived August 13 Schooner Dauntless, from San Pedro for Ho qulam; schooner R. C Slade. from Guaymaa for Aberdeen. Sailed Steamer Newburg, from Aberdeen for San Francisco. SHIELDS' AMATEURS' NIGHT Six New Acts Will Appear After the Regular Performance. Tho liveliest amateur night of tho sea son is promised this evening at Shields' Park. Every conceivable act, from a Chi nese quartet to a blood-and-thunder melo drama, is promised. This amateur enter tainment will in .no wise Interfere with the regular performance, which is a most excellent one. A great bill is promised for next week. Leonard and Leonard, a comedy musical team, and Helen Lamar will head the bill. NO MORE STREET PAIRS ELKS! GRAXD LODGE PROHIBITS TIIE3I AFTER THIS YEAR. Important Action Taken by Interna tional. Typographical Onion Philippine Reunion. SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 14. Street fairs, or carnivals, held under the aus pices of Elks' lodges, were absolutely pro hibited by the Grand Lodge of that order today. For some time opposition to this method of raising funds has been growing. It being considered that they were not in accordance with the fundamental princi ples of the order, and the report of the committee on laws and rules recommend ing that they be prohibited was adopted overwhelmingly. The new law VH1 not go into effect until January 1, as many lodges in different parts of the country have al ready made plans for the holding of such fairs prior to that date. The Grand Lodge of Elks finally ad journed today, after fixing tho date of the 1903 reunion at Baltimore for Thursday, July 2L. The newly elected Grand Lodge officers were installed with all the sol emn ceremony of the order, and much other Important work accomplished, In cluding the adoption of the report of the Elks National Home committee, locating the home for aged and Indigent Elks at Bedford City, Va. The property secured for this purpose was formerly the Hotel Bedford, and was purchased by the com mittee for $12,050. The building was con structed at a cost of $90,000. The report recommends the expenditure of from $10,- 000 to $15,000 in repairs before it is opened, and also recommends that the Grand Lodge make a change In the organic law of the order, making it compulsory that applicants for membership be required to procure a physician's certificate of free dom from disease beforo being admitted. The prize drill of marching clubs, sched uled for today, was a disappointment, as but one competitor appeared, the Denver lodge. It was given a prize of $250 for Its drilling. East and west trains were laden with homeward-bound Elks tonlcht. thouch thousands will stay over tomorrow and go on the excursions to the big mining towns and other state points of Interest. Manj will also stay over until Monday to witness the Jack Root-George Gardner glove contest. The Butte band did not appear at Salt- air this afternoon In order to play off the tie with the Denver band, and the Judges gave firat prize to Denver. Butte is awarded second prize, and the Tnira Artillery band of San Frantlsco third prize. The grand trustees met at the Knuts- f ord- Hotel tonight and reorganized for the ensuing year. Joseph T. Fanning was elected chairman, and D. O'Shea secre tary. MEET NEXT AT WASHINGTON. Important Action Taken by the Typographical Union Convention. CINCINNATI. Aug. 14. The Interna tional Typographical Union, in Its annual convention today, took important action regarding the interchange of type. matrices and engravings between offices; also regarding the jurisdiction of the union In connection with the American Federa tion of Labor and on the regulation of "regulars" and substitutes and other practices in composing rooms. There was a close contest between Washington and Newark for the next convention. Tho former city won because it was thought that more could be done for favorable legislation by meeting at the National capital than at any other place. Presi dent Lynch announced that night ses sions would be held hereafter in order to complete tho business of tho conven tion this week. The fight between the American Fed eration of Labor and the American Labor Union was brought before the convention by a letter to President Lynch from H. L. Sholdlce. of the Laundryworkers' Union at Denver. Sholdlce wanted the printers to restrict their members strictly to print ers, and not Include printers who are also members of the Machinists' Union or other unlona The proposition was voted down, as was also a proposition to ex clude married women from membership in typographical unlona Among the letters of greeting today was one from President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor. When It came to voting for the next place of meeting, Salt Lake was with drawn and the ballot resulted in the se lection of Washington. A proposition was discussed at -length that the practice by foremen of selecting their forces from day to day, or not having any regular situation, bo prohib ited. It was regarded as doing away with the phalanx system, and was Anally recommitted for reconstruction, after nu merous amendments. A proposition that was made a law provides that a strike or lockout may be declared off by a majority vote of tho union -involved, while a three-fourths' vote Is necessary to declare a strike or lockout After a long discussion no change was made In the law for foremen to observe priority in giving out positions. The mat ter was left to local unions for enforce ment At the afternoon session tho committee on laws reported back the proposition that the practice of foremen of selecting their forces from day to day be prohibited. It was adopted with an amendment that the local unions should have the minimum number of regular situations fixed in dif ferent offices. The committee on laws also reported back the following which was adopted: "Tho practice of interchanging and buy ing matrices previously Issued, either In type, matrices or photo engravings be tween newspaper or Job offices not owned by the same firm and published In the same establishment is unlawful and should not be allowed." A long discussion followed the propo sition of the Chicago delegates for rein statement of the Chicago Typographical Union, No. 10, In the Chicago Federation of Labor. The discussion extended Into the matter of jurisdiction and It was held that the Chicago Typographical Union was expelled for not participating in a sympathetic strike of the pressmen when the International Typographical officers ordered them to maintain their contracts with the publishers. The dis cussion involved the convention In much talk about withdrawing from the Ameri can .Federation of Labor unless it enforced discipline at Chicago. A compromise resolution that was offered as a substi tute was defeated, and the original reso lution presented through Delegate Mad dlgan. for the Chicago Union, was adopted almost unanimously as follows: "Resolved by the International Typo graphical Union, that Its officers are in structed to withhold turther payments of per capita tax to the American Federa tion of Labor until the question has been conclusively determined whether the American Federation of Labor has the authority and disposition to compel obed ience to Its laws and mandates on the part of Its local chartered bodies and to compel justice and fair treatment of tho locM representatives of an international body, a component part of the American Federation of Labor, from acknowledged Injustice and Illegal acts on the part of the chartered local bodies of the Amer ican Federation of Labor." A supplemental report of the treasurer from June 1 to date showed a balance on hand of S40.S23. i The convention refused to admit Charles Love, of Lincoln, Neb., to the Union Printers' Home at Colorado Springs. Love had formerly been an Inmate of the Home and was refused re-admlsslon by the trustees. Just previous to adjournment, the mem bers of the International Convention of Stereotypers and Electrotypers entered J tho hall in a body and addresses of greet- Ing were made by Presidents Lynch and Freelln. The annual convention of the atereotypers and electrotypers today de cided to meet next August at Washington. The matter of a union trade mark and label was referred to the execiltlve committee, other matters were referred to tho executive board nd a strong effort was made to have everything possible left to the local unions so as to avoid the confllctlon of general laws. PHILIPPINE VETERANS. Military Parade the Feature of the Day at Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFF3, la., Aug. 14. The feature of the second day of the reunion of the Society of the Army of the Philip pines was the military parade which oc curred during the forenoon. The parade was headed by Governors Cummins and Savago and their staffs, and was partici pated In by regular Army troops from Fort Crook, the Nebraska and Iowa Na tional Guard, high school cadets from this city and Omaha, and the Veterans of the Philippine War. The marchers were re viewed by the two Governors and Gen erals Hale and King. It is estimated that 20,000 people wit nessed the parade, which was an imposing military affair. Two regimental and two state bands headed the different divisions. St Paul and St Louis are making a contest for the next reunion,. General Jacob H. Smith, Colonel Cosgrove, of South Dakota, and General Charles King are mentioned as possibilities for the pres idency, of the society. An Important step was taken at the bus iness session in the entire revision of the constitution and by-laws. The member ship was extended to Include those who served In the Philippines before July 4, 1902, the date of President Roosevelt's proclamation. Instead of July 4, 1901, as previously limited. Provisions are added for the organization of state societies and local camps; fixing the annual dues of each member at $1, of which 50 cents Is to be paid by the local camp to the state society and 23 cents per capita by the state society to the National organiza tion. A provision was f added by which sons of active members may be admitted to actfve membership, thus perpetuating the organization. Tonight a sham battle and various mil itary maneuvers were carried out In the presence of 25,000 spectators, who. Just at the close of the programme, were stam peded by a thunder storm. THE BIBLE IN GAELIC. About to Be Issued for Benefit of Highlanders. Scotsman. Gaelic-speaking Highlanders take a very considerable Interest In the efforts made by the General Assembly of the Estab lished church to supply them with a new Gaelic hymnary.'but they are much moro interested in the revised edition of tho Gaelic Bible, just about to be Issued, and which Is the work of a commission ap pointed by the erstwhile Society for Prop agating Christian Knowledge, now known as the "Trust for Education in the High lands and Islands." so long ago as lSSL A complete Bible in idiomatic Scottish Gaelic Is really a comparatively modern thing. Even after the authorized version was Issued In 1611 no one seems to have set about getting It translated Into Gaelic a language then much more "widely spoken than at present, though there wa3 at that date one and only one Gaelic book printed. This was Bishop Carse well'8 Praver Book. Finally, by Install ments, complete Gaelic versions of the Old and New Testaments were ready In 1E01, and after careful revision were pub lished In quarto form In 1S2G. That edition has been the- recognized standard Gaelic classic form that day to this, and has always been acknowledged to adhere more closely to the original than the author ized version. The 1S26 edition went out of print in 1SS0, and in 1SS1 the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge appointed a commis sion to prepare a revised and corrected translation. When In 1SS2 the revision of the New Testament was all but com pleted, the work was Interrupted by the education endowment (Scotland) act, re stricting the operations of the society and setting up In Its place "The Trust for Ed' ucatlon." "The trust" was, however, em powered to bear one-half the cost of com pleting the revision. The commission re sumed Its labors In 1896, and, as has been said, the result will be In the hands of the public In a few days. Some of the changes made on the old version will sound strange to Bible-reading Highlanders; for. exam pie, Jehovah Is now uniformly Inserted In place of God or Lord, and the Hebrew "Shoel, which signifies the body of de parted spirits, -is retained in the text In the poetical parts the arrangement In lines has been 'followed so as to accept the par allelism characteristic of Hebrew poetry The division of the text Into paragraphs has also been adopted, as in the English revised version. There can be no doubt that the whole has been a work of im mense labor for the revisers, notably tho late Drs. Maclaughlan (Edinburgh) and Clark (Kilmalll), who at first acted as Joint editors. In the Old Testament re vision. Dr. Maclean, of Glasgow, and Dr. Norman Macleod did much valuable work, in connection with Professor Macklnnon, who acted as secretary. If this edition serves for 76 years, as tho last has done, and Gaelic speaking continues to decline. It is likely that Dr. Macleod's prophecy that another revision will never be wanted will in all likelihood come true. The great pity is that no arrangements have been made to Issue the work, except as a large quarto volume, at a price 1 guinea which will place It outside tho reach of all but tho very rich Gaelic-speaking High landers. Books Named -From Bible. Philadelphia Post A close acquaintance on the ' part of authors with the terse and expressive phrases In the Bible Is plainly shown In the tiles of a host of books. Among the titles taken directly from the Bible aro the following: "If Sinners Entice Theee," "The Day of Temptation," "The Favor of Princes." "Wayfaring Men." "Weighed and Want ing." "The Wages of Sin." "Black but Comely." "Dross." "In Cedar's Tents," "The Valley of Decision." "Tho Unjust Steward," "Sons of the Morning," "Visit ing the Sin." "The Quick or the Dead.' "The Prodigal." "Tho Bondwoman; Tinkllng Cymbals," "The Crown of Life," "Unleavened Bread," "A Lao dicean," "The Birthright" "The Garden of Eden," "The Story of the Innumerable Company," "The Wings of the 'Morning,' "Until the Day Break," "The Mantle of Elijah," "They That Walked In Dark ness," "I Go a-Fishlng." "The Tents of Shem." "The Snare of the Flower," "Give Me Thine Heart" "Mine Own People,' "The Measure of a Man." "Resurrection, "The Market Place," "From My Youth Up." "His Brother's "Keeper." "The Hosts of the Lord," and "On the Face of the Waters." Can't Find; Ills. Home. An elderly man of respectable appear ance, who said that his name is J. A. Chapman and Is unable to give his ad dress, was. found wandering about Third street last night by Detective Ford and was taken to the police station In the hope that his friends may call for him this morning. There Is no J. A. Chapman given In the city director. THROUGH THE -COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE. A delightful trio of a few hours will take you through the famous "Columbia River Gorge." the greatest combination of river and mountain scenery on earth, o, n. & N. train leaves Portland dallv at A. M. Return can be made by steamer from Cascade Locks. Special low rates for this trip: Get particulars at u. K. & N ticket offlce. xmrd and wasmngton. Consul-General McNallr. at Guatemala, re ports that hte silver peso Is no longer current mere. SINKING IN THE SAND SCHOONER MERCHANT STRANDED ON NEHALEM BAR. ' Vessel Tried to Put Back, hut Chan nel "Was Too Narrow and She Went Ashore. TILLAMOOK. Or.. Aug. 14. (Special.) When the tug George R. Vosburg arrived here last night she brought additional par ticulars of the stranding of the lumDer schooner C. H. Merchant She was tow ing the schooner to sea late Monday after noon from the Nehalem Lumber Com pany's sawmills. When Captain Loll, of the tug George R. Vqsburg, had reached the bay with the schooner he found the bar too rough and the weather too foggy to cross out, so it was decided to put back. The vessel were In a narrow chan nel at the time. Inside of Nehalem Bay, where there Is not much room to turn. In doing so a strong southwest wind struck the schooner and she went aground stern on, on the south spit of the bar. Fortunately, the bow of the schooner was pointing out to sea, and when the breakers struck her, the position of the vessel broke their force, for had she gone broadside on she would have lost her deck load and would have bumped to pieces In a very short time, as she Is an old ves sel. The tug tried hard to get her off. but she would not move. As soon as the Merchant struck, the second mate jumped overboard with a line. Every tlmo he came up In the breakers he called to those on board to play out until all the rope was out and he was free and at the mercy of the breakers. Fortunately for him, the tide was right. and he battled through the breakers and succeeded in reaching the chore. The re mainder of the crew remained on deck, being drenched with every sea that broke over tho vessel. It was 12 o'clock at night before the'erew managed to get off. One of the crew had several fingers broken. The tug managed to keep the schooner's head to the sea. The Merchant had 260,000 feet of lumber on board, and it remained Intact, and an effort Is being made today to save it. Her keel has come ashore, and the vessel is gradually sinking In the sand, where, no doubt, ehe will become a total wreck. Part of tho lumber will be saved. PERSONAL MENTION. R. L. Gllsan is spending the week at Ecola, Judge J. C. Fullerton, of Roseburg, Is In the city. State Senator R. A. Booth, of Eugene, is at the Imperial. L. F. Conn, a prominent attorney of Lakevlew, Is In Portland for a few days. Miss Julia Fried, of San Francisco, la visiting Mrs. N. Wagner, of this city, for a few days. Dr. J. W. Hill is traveling through British Columbia in the Interests of the Hill Military Academy. E. S. Ferguson, ex-superintendent of the street-cleaning department, has returned from the coast, fully restored to health. Congressman-elect J. N. Williamson, ac companied by his family, will leave for Seaside this morning, to remain some time. George L. Black, Chief Inspector of Cus toms at this port, left yesterday for El Paso; Tex., where he has been appointed a Special Inspector of Customs. H. V. Dolph and R. A. Fenton, Port land students of the State University, reached Portland Monday night afoot from Seaside. They made the 120 miles In four days, covering 36 the last day. They report very hot weather and pretty hard walking. They are now 412 miles out from Eugeno via the coast They Intend to go out and climb Mount Hood and return to Eugene via the Molalla and Wllholt country before the end of their trip. Senator John H. Mitchell visited the newCustom-House yesterday and Inspect ed tho quarters of the officers who are now stationed there. Mr. Mitchell called upon each of the officers, and he told them that tho building compared favor ably with any Government building la the United States. Senator MItcnell win leave for Seaside tomorrow, and will spend a day or two visiting friends. Re turning, he will remain until August 23. when he will leave for Honolulu by way of San Francisco. N-PIW TORK. Autr. 14. (Sreclal.) Northwestern people registered at New York hotels today as folows: From Portland L. L. D. Cole, at the Netherlands From Seattle A. Neuman, at the Bel- vldere. No White Savage in Philippines. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 14. A story disputing the existence of a race of white men on Mindanao Island was told today by C. G. Stone, who recently was a member of the Army Engineering Corps in the Orient, and who returned yester day. Stone was commissioned by Cap tain Baldwin to make a tour of tne island with the purpose. In part, of ascertaining the truth of the reports that a race or people distinct from the typical Moros In- Force -H habited the interior portions of Min danao. Stone says his investigation consumed considerable time. He acquired the dia lects of several tribes and was afforded unusual opportunities for Investigation. Stone declares that the statements made as to existence of native white men on the Island are not founded on fact. He met many persons Whose facial characteristics dpnntpr! fTaneaalan ancestrv. Dartlcular- ly In the matter of complexion, when con- t trasted with the Moro skip. Dut nis in quiries led' to the development that these! lighter-hued people were descended from Cnstninrm -whn had lonir ajro settled on . Mindanao and who had married native women. No colonies of these peoples were found at any point, and Stone noted them at scattered places. All of them had for gotten the faith of their forefathers, and were devout followers of Mohammed. Pierre Lorillard's Estate. TRENTON. N. J.. Aug. 14. The execu- Ae.t ryf viarra T.nrlllnrrl have filed with the Secretary of State, as clerk of the Prerogative Court, a prenmmarj report of the Income and disbursements of Mr. Lorillard's estate. The inventory shows the estate at the time of Mr. Loril lard's death to have been worth $1,797,925. This has been increased by dividends, etc.. to $1,866,764. There has been paid out for legacies and debts. $259,4S3. leaving In the executor's hands, $1,5S2,725, made up prin cipally of securities. Kansas Will Sue for Water Rights'. TOPEKA. Kan.. Aug. 14. Kansas of ficials announce that the suit against Colo- I rado for water rlehts In the Arkansas River will be pressed. Assistant Attorney-General Clayton had his attention called to a dispatch from Colorado to the effect that the sentiment out there was that Kansas would not insist on the case coming to trial In the Supreme Court He said that as soon as Attorney-General Goddard returned to Kansas from Oregon the matter would be taken up and some- I thing done with it Holdn Game Law Wrong. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 14-(To the Editor.) The law which allows Mr. Bur rellfto shoot chickens In one county of your state and makes it a misdemeanor to have them in possession In another Is surely wrong. It was probably Intended to stop the market hunter from shipping his game to market, and In the case of Mr. Burrell no object Is gained by prose cuting one who shoots solely for his own use. L. D. SEAL. Suicide of a Preacher. PITTSBURG, Aug. 14. Rev. Dr. M. M. Sweeney, pastor of the Bellevue Methodist Episcopal Church. Bellevue, Pa,, com mitted suicide last night at his residence by cutting his wrists. Dr. Sweeney suf fered a stroke of apoplexy two weeks ago, and It is thought he was temporarily de ranged. Victim of .Cholera. WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. General Chaffee, In a cablegram to the War De partment, announces the death from cholera of Captain J. B. Batchelor, Jr., retired, at Natlvldad. P. I., on August 7. Suicide of a Magazine Writer. NEW YORK, Aug.' 14. Napoleon F. Washington, a magazine writer, has corn- credit can be adapted to the needs of differ ent children. Send for a free sample of Meltttfj Food and oar book, Mefin's Food Babies." Kellin's Food Company, Boston, Mass. "ALLWR!GHT-FQR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY" A. Sure Cure for Gonorrhasa. 41.00 AUOTTI.E. AI.1.DRCOGISTS. ftHIQUT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO., New York. Jim Dumps would walk the floor for hours With baby, who yelled with all Its powers. If tacks attacked his feet so bare, In double blanks Jim Dumps would swear. Such trifles now don't bother him, For "Force" has made him "Sunny Jim I " The Ecdj.to-Serro Cereal a nigMcap insuring sweet slumber ' Sweet, crisp flakes of A Good Night's Sloop. "Tho verdict seems to be that 'Force' Is the most nutritions and tho easiest digested of all tho wheat products. One friend tells me that & small quantitj eaten just before retiring seems always to Insure him a good night's sleep. " fftuae f crnlehed on application mltted suicide by hanging himself by a cord to a hook on the transom of the" door of his room. He had been 111 with nervous prostration for some time. He was 44 years of age. Coroner Goldenkranx said he believed the man. was despondent because many manuscripts had been re turned to him. SOffMAN "King of aH Bottled Beers." Brewed from Bohemian Hops. Order from Fleckenstein-Mayer Co. Palpi tation, fluttering or irrcpular pulsa tions are an indication of weak ness of the nerves or muscles of the heart. A weakness long continued produces deformity and organic disease. If your heart action is weak, make it strong. Build up the muscles and strengthen the nerves with the greatest of all heart reme dies. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "My heart palpitated, beats were irregular and sometimes it would pound and throb against my chest and seem to shake the whole "bed. The first bottle of Br. Miles' Heart Cure started the cure that followed in a few months." Henuy Somebs, Seneca Falls, N". Y . Dr . Miles' Heart Cttse quie.ts the nervous heart, regu lates its pulsations and builds up its strength as nothing else can. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind. Woman la Infertile d and should knotr about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray TheNe-wLiadles Syringe Best, Sufest. Mast convenient. lit mr druxlit for It. If he cannot supply tho MARVEL. acreDtno other, bnt lend atainn for 11 lustrated book irt.lt glTes fall particular and directions ln- Taluabl a to lAdlc M K RVETC CO.. Room 290 Times Bdr.. New York. For sale bs Woodard. Clarice & Co. MftL-MlDYX These tiny Capsules are superloi to Balsam of Copaiba, S CubebsorlnjectionsundMIDf ) CURE IN 48 HOUBSAwX the same diseases without Inconvenience. Sold by all dntggitis. wheat aad malt eatea cold. Illk Every v. -'rn I t