THE MOitSliNG OKEGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1GG2. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES'! "Rooms," "Room and Board." "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 13 'words or 1ki. 13 cnts; 10 to 2u word. 20 cents; -ly to 23 words. 25 cents, etc No discount .forjsd-j ditlonal Insertions. .- ' . UNDER ALJ. OTHER HEADS except 'Nw Today " CO rents for 15 words or lcs: 10 ta SO -words. 40 cents; 21 to 23 -words. 30.. cent, etc first Insertion. Kach additional Insertion, cse-hait; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). U cents tier line, first Insertion; 10 cenu per lln for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. - ad dressed care The Oreconlan and "left at. this ctllce. should always be lnelosed 'in saleJ en velopes. No stamp la required on .such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. AMUSEMENTS. SHIELDS' PARK-EDWARD SHIELDS. Prop. 13th and Washington streets. Every Night. No liquors Bold. Demontrello. onderfuP- Trick and Barrel Jumper,- The Larr.onts. Premier 'Acrobats. Helen. Lamar. "Jane CewiuesU" '- Dorotny Dene. "The Pride of Newt-.apvr Row." Ine Lawrenots. Comedy Sketcit Artists. Dully CM.dren, In a New Sktoh. The Hit of Lat "l cek b Bill, Bort m and Draper. Comedy Horl eor.tal Bare. Polyscope. Showing a Baker Tneti ttr Sunday Afternoon Crowd. Joseph Thomp son. New Illustrated .SongF. Come early. G'eneril aamlselon, 10 cents. SEW TODAY. WOOD ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLlC ltcd ar.d carefully filled by the Pioneer Mor-rihon-btrett Fuel Company. Roth phonos 13'J. A-S IT LESSENS DEFECTS. INTENSIFIES attractiveness. Satin-Sivilt Powder i.ieawss ail Uiers. Flesh white or btuneu M?ler & Frank. MOUTGAGfi LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark sU MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts mrnlshed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR, SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR A COLONY OF HOMKSBEK-EltS lSt'O acres, good srawberry and apple land, east side Little White Salmon River. Ska mania County. Washington; 0 miles from Hood River; 1000 acres in one body of near ly level A No. 1 agricultural land; 3W acres timber; 3 to 10 acres In cultivation; 7 nflles flume; 20 acres and stole building on Colum bia River, at Drain Lndins; Stw inches water perpetual right already acquired. 10 cubic feet water per second filed on addtuiou al. good timothy and clover land; line range; title perfect; patented land. Price, including water rights and Hume, f 12 ier acre cash. If sold together, or will be sold In any sized lots to tuiu Inquire of John Lelaad Hender son and J. H. Short. Hood River. Or., or J. D. Casey. Hilgard. Or., sole owners. $8000 IMPROVED Ql'ARTER BLOCK, DE slrabie lo-ation. Wn lld?. i25o l nimproved quarter block. West Side, convenient to car line and school. 2, 4, 3. C and 10-acre tracts, all convenient to car line. Sev6ral well-Improved farms at moderate prices. See us before buying. DAVIDSOX. WARD & CO.. 408 Chamber of Commerce. SHERIFF SALE-MUST BE SOLD BV Au gust 11. 1!ki2; improved property on ltulmont St., between East 13th and East 14th sts.; line location. For particulars call on Walde niar Seton or Claude Strahan, attorneys-at-law, 301 and 3U2 Commercial building. Sec ond and Washington U.. Portland, Or. BNArS. AT 012 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. 0 rooms, new, 2 full lota. $1330 8 reins, 3 lot, fruit, installments.... 2900 3 rooms, a bargain at i75 7 rooms, good House, easy terms 1310 FOR SALE-2 LOTS ON MILWAUKIE ST.. near Brooklyn School, on improved tr-ot and Oregon City car line. Price $150 and $475 rr lot. Inquire of George li. Cark, 711 Mllwaukie st. Oregon phone Whit 832. HIGH INTEREST OVER 0 PER CENT NET is obainable montlily and secured with rents by investing $2S.O00 (part cash) In a new, nrst-clas building. F. V. Andrews t Co., Hamilton building. J. W. OG1LBEE. ROOM 11. 143fc FIRST ST. LOT 50x100 FEET, with good 4-roomed cot tage and- f-tabb. cloee to cur line uiivUifln.4 avenue". In AreTna Homestead, very cheap; J LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS. JUST THE place for gardens or suburban home; running water; easy terms. Call on O. II. Mathews, Mllwaukie. Or., between 2 and 4 P. M. FULLY 8.8 PER CENT NET INTEREST can be obtained monthly from rents by In vesting $70,000 in property. Security Al. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton building. NOB HILL. REDUCTION. GOOD RESI dence and choice .corner lot. i) room, all ntod--ern conveniences, now only $7w. F. V. An drews & Co.. Hamilton buildir.z. $1000--NEAT COTTAGE AND LOT 30x100 feet, at Woodlawn; part custi, balance In in ctallments. Inquire at M. RHllnga Shoa Stor-. 220 M-rrlson. KING'S SECOND ADDITION TWO GOOD lots, with eastern facing:, tor sale cheap, if sold at once-. Ask F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton building. IF LOOKING FOR INVESTMENTS IN AS toria or Seaside property or timber lands, write for information to Jas. FlnlavstMi, As toria, Or. AVE DUX, SELL OR TRADE ALL KINDS reai estat; locations m!e on Government lands. Ii.-oo.sch & Huribert. 110 N. Third. FLATS -A VERY CHOICE SITE FOR SALE iheap; only rfx blocks from the? Postoittcc F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton building. VILL BUILD HOUSES ON INSTALLMENTS. Lots. 21st and Clinton. $330 each. $3 per month. W. Reldt. 13 Washington block. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE; OFFICE. Lents. Or. All kinds projerty cheap. Take Moui.t Scctt car; fare 3 ceuts. O. R. Add Hon. TWO LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE. $33 each. Brown. r.S3 Stark si. I'OIt SALE EAlt.MS. .iii'Ruv ed farms fok sal.e in all parts of Oregon utid WuhinKtuu; payments uvade to nu!t purchaers. For full particulars es to various properties apply to MacMaster k BlrreJl. 311 Worcester block. 10-ACRE FARM. ALL IMPROVED; HOUSE, hal-n, 2 acres in choice fruit, sood well; 0 miles from town. Went Side; only $1000. In quire 045 Fourth. FOR RENT FARMS. i5 Ai'RES. ALL CULTIVATED. 12 MILES au of Portland; beM. of soli; good .buildings; 2 aqres orchard, good romts; lung lent; it desired; an exceptional opKrtunuy. Cana dian Agency, 22tvfe Morrison st. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. WHY NOT USE YOUR HOMESTEAD AND stone and timber rigbU? I have a limited number of the choicest yellow pine and II r locations in Southern Washington. For par ticulars address G. L. Chandler, general de livery, city. FOR SALE-100 ACRES. SECTION 10. TOWN ahlp 12,- rauge 3 east, quarter of mile trom Cowlitz River, near Mosty Rock; estimated o.OOu.000 feet; price $20vo. Allied Tnorap son, Olympia. Wash. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS-WE have reliable, information ou come good va cant claims. All tilings' guaran;t-ed correct. Ames Mercantile Agency.' Ablngiun building. TIMBER CLAIMS CRUISING 3.000.000 TO 7,000.000 feet of good ntrchantabie timber; reliable Intormation iwts. Call and us. 421 Abington bunding. HAVE EIGHT FINE TIMBER CLAIMS. cruiRiafe lrom 5 to 7 million; will . only be available a short time. D Si. care Ore Eoniar.. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR TIMBER lands, you should tec Arthur G. Newton, who Is buying tor himself and others. Imperial Hotel. DO YOU WANT A GOOD TIMBER CLAIM? If so, see McLeod & Co.. 220 Failing build ing. 820 ACRES OF TIMBER. ABOUT 26,000.000 feet, on river; $3T.oo. 4 UoWfiinltlu Choice homesteads ana timber claims located. 423 Abington bids. Phone Grant 211. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A FIRST-CLASS 25-FOOT LAUNCH. WITH 0 horse-power engine, for sale. Inquire. Sua Stark st. $1.00 ONLY SOLID GOLD RLN'CS", GUARAN teed. Uncle Myers. 143 Third, necr .Aider. COKE, $3 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO., 174 Fifth st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup piles: Mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 2SI Starlc Tel. Oak 107L WATER COLORS. OIL PAlNTINOS. BY Cleveland Rockwell. Studio, room 70, Worcester block. VIM torn received from 10 to 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. PURE BRED SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES King- Hill kennels, corner King arid -Washington. Phone West 2332. TWO YOUNG. GENTLE MARES. CHEAP: or exchange for large horse or wood. 'Fergu son, lvcnboe. j SEE "NYLANDER ABOUT THE ALICE GOLD Mining Co. stock. Room 322 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUY HORSES. BUGGIES, HARNESS, wagons; boarders wanted; stalls for rent. 38 Third st. NICE GENTLE PONY. 7 YEARS OLD weighs 800. Middle and bridle. $20. 34,S Third ftreeL ' Wolfstein buys and fell all kinds jragona. buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. SAFES. .NEW AND SECOND-HAND. CHEAP. Exchange your old one for a new. 20j -d. Vehicles, all kinds, 2d-hand; harness, hows; cheap. Tomllneon & Hall, 211 Washington. Several new and second-nand wagons and bug gies, light and heavy. SI 4th. near Pine. - FOR SALE-TWO BLACK COCKER SPANIEL pups; sire Black Victor. 463 Rodney'ave. FOR SALE CASH REGISTER. INQUIRE ..Slg SlehQl & Co.. 02 Third st. HELP WANTED MALE. 2 HEAD FALLERS. $4; 2 SECOND. $3: 4 hook tenders. $3.30; 2 at $3; 3 buckers. $3; Mlers. $3; 2 chasers, $3; 2 doggers. $3; 2 swampers, $8; 2 rigging rustlers, $2.73 to $3; X Darker. $2.73: 13 skldroad men. $2.60; 3 peavey men. $2.25; 25 laborers. $2 to $3.23: millwright. $.1; planer, man. $3; gang edger mtMt i5; .ratchet setter. $2.50; carriage man. $2; phingle packer. 10c; blacksmith. $J; carpenters. $3 and 37-c; machinists. $8.25 to $.50; laborers, city, $2; man and wife, farm; 2 milker. $35: farm hand and. milk ers. $25 to $30; woodchoppers, pojtcutters. tie hewers. Canadian Employment Co., 220 H Morrison. Branches 247 Bumslde, 135 North Sixth. 12S First. WANTED SUPERINTENDENT QUARRY breakwater work to go to Manila; permanent position; salary. $200 and expenses; estate age. experience and recommendations. Ad dresH Atlantic. Gulf & Pacific Company. 220 Market hl. San FranciEctf, Cal. WANTED;- BUCKERS. $2.50 PER DAY: 3 rustlers, $2.30 per day; 2 chasers. $2.50' per day; 10 ax men. $2.25; 10 laborers-. $2; 4 track men, $2; 1 track foreman, $2.50. Call 216 Chamber of Commerce,-1) to 12 A. M. CYLINDER PRESS FEEDER PERMANENT situation for reliable and competent press feeder, at good wages. Addreaa -vy. .B. .Mil .lar. foreman Shaw & Borden Co.," Sjiokane, Wash. WANTED MAN TO SAND MOULDS 'FOR brick machine, at Ranfe & Klnsey'a yard, Sth and Sandy road, by Tuesday; .wages $2.23 per day; steady -work. "WANTED YOUNG MAN. WITH SOME OF flce experience, who thoroughly understands stenography. Apply in writing Doernbecher Mfg. Co.. city. WANTED-TEAMS FOR 11GHT R. R. WORK near the city; $4.50 per day. Apply to C. R. Hanfen & Co.. 2U N. Second St.. for further Information. r- WANTED MEN FOR QUARRY WORK; ariners. S2.25: picic una shovel men, - per day. Apply D. E. Budd. 110 First at. No cilice fee. MUCKERS WANTED AT IRON MOUNTAIN, Cal.; wages $2.50 per day: take train to Keswick. CaL, and apply to Mountain Copper Co. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO WORK FOR candy factory; one with seme experience 'prtferrod. Bishop & Go., 30 Front su "WANTED A GOOD. STEADY. INDUSTRI OUS boy to drive express wagon; must give good references. Inquire 45 First st. AMBITIOUS MAN AS PARTNER IN PAY lng. established business; pleasant work; .mall capital. 203 Salmon st. WANTED - STUDENTS IN TELEGRAPHY, by experienced operator; prepared for prac tical work. C CI. Orcgonlan. WANTED TWO LIVE SOLICITORS; FIRST class inducements, to right men. .Call 0 to . -12, .room 126-PerfcHaTHotel. 4" " 1 "WANTED A YOUNG MAN AS HELPER IN meat market; must have come experience. Call 22 .North Grand ave. TWO GOOD CARPENTERS WANTED. AP ply Gordon Manufacturing Co., foot of Mor rison tt., river front. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITIONS without charge. Rcmlngtuu Typewriter Co., 240 Stark fit. Main 3. WANTEDJBILL CLERK IN "WHOLESALE grocery houfce; state age and reference. O 87, care Oreconlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN FOR fruit, cigar and confectionery eland. Apply 154 Sixth st. North. WANTED A REGISTERED DRUGGIST; state wages wanted and experience. M 87, care Orcgonlan.. WANTED CARPENTER. TCION MAN; none but good man need apply at 31st and Eart Everett. WANTED A .SECOND COOK; ALSO A DISH waFher; steady Jobs. Metropolis Hotel, 1st and Main. , I WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN FROM 18 TO 23 years. Apply 27 First St., Ames & Har ris. WANTED A STRONG BOY TO HELP blacksmith. Portland Wire & Iron Works. WANT A MAN AT THE FARMERS' STA ble at once, to work In barn. 310 Front st. WANTED - BY EXPERIENCED .GROCER, partner witn about jfowo. li an. uregonian. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO GET 100 haircut or 5c .chave. at 201 Burnslde su Walter, $10; cooks, kitchen help, laborers, boys, (law adv. bge). Drake, 2o5vs Waslu tALESMAN CITY. COUNTRY. STAR MAN utacturln-: Co.. 242 Washington m. CARPENTERS WANTED. CALL 203 4TH st.. or 31 North 3d. BENCH "HANDS-GEORGE AINSLIE & CO.j lBth and Pettygrove. WANTED-BOY WITH WHEEL. 347 WASH irrgton st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. COUNTRY. COAST, city; pantry girl; hall girl; chambermaids: nurse girls; second girls; 25 housework. $15 to $23; man and wife, farm; laundress, coiuu. Canadian Parlors, 22Vi Morrison. WANTED SALESLADIES FOR CLOAKS; 2 for suits; 1 In ready-made wear; 1 for no tions; 1 for dolls; line places for experienced girls; confidential. Clerks' Registration Bu reau. 227 Va Washinston sL . 1 WANTED TWO WOMEN. COOK AND SEC ond girl. farm, wages $35. Also cook, res taurant, beach, wage $40. 2J0fc. lamhlll. Phone Black 2881. GOOD-LOOKING YOUNG WOMEN FOR dance-hall In Idaho; transportation fur nished; good wages. Address X 87, Orego nlan. 1 . 1 WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL, with references; first - class family, good waa-e. 2JW4 Yamhill. Phono Black 2SS1. WANTED BRIGHT WOMAN. LOOKING FOR lHiflncss opening; must use good lauguage and dress neatly. A 85, care Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and plain cooking: good home. Call at 7B2 E. Burnslde, noar E. 22d st. WANTED COMPETENT COLORED WOMAN for housework In family of three; wages $20. Address H M M, care Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FUR CUTTERS, nailers and operators. Apply at once to H. Llebes & Co.. 288 Morrison st. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITIONS free of charge. Remington Typewriter Co.. 240 Stark st. Main 3. WANTED BILL CLERK IN WHOLESALE grocery house. Apply, giving reference Y 87, care Oregonlan. WANTED - EXPERIENCED 1R0NERS" rteady work; union wages. Oregon Laundry Co., 304 E. Oak. 1 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. THOMP soa's Restaurant, 5th st between Washing ton and Alder. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL . JaKJPework; small family; good wages. Call 482 E 7th. CIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MUST furnish references. 055 Hancock L, Irvington. 'KELP WANTED FE3IALE. Waitresses, boats, city and out; laundry help, city, coast; kitchen help.. Drake. 205 Wash. EXPERIENCED TAILORESS WANTED. Room S The Cosmos bid;.. 270& Morrlsen. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. 10S0 Thurman sts. "WANTED-JTRST-CLASS WAITRESS. ST. Charles Restaurant. 200 Morrison st. . WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK; BEST wages; no washing. 230 King ft. WANTED LADY CLOTHES IRONERS. AT Union Laundry. 53 Randolph st. "WANTED NURSE AND GENERAL HOUSE work rlrl. 300 N. 24 th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; FAM lly of two. 751 Hoyt st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 187 ICth St.. near Taylor. WA'NTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 787 Gllsan st. HELP "WASTED MALE OP FEMALE WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKER AND distributor, at Union Laundry. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Doolckeepera and Clcrlca. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND BOOKKEEP er, with yearn of experience, lately arrived from the East, wishes to engage with some reliable firm; references. G 88. Orcgonlan. COMPETENT MALE STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper wanta position. Q.S4. Oregonlan. Mtacellnueuaa. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, 24 YEARS old. position In wholesale and retail grocery; have had some experience In that line; have a fair education; write fair hand; Al ref erences; living wages. R 87. care Orcgonlan. A FIRST-CLASS TOOL SHARPENER "WANTS joo. or will take light machine blacksmith Ing. M. S.. Io0i Third st. SITUATIONS WANTED KE3IALE. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, second girls. SL Louis, 230.i Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. BOOKKEEPER OF EXPERIENCE IN RE sponslble position wishes employment, tem porary or nermanent. rC 82, Oregonlan. WANTED A CHILD TO TAKE CARE OF and board. Inquire 5SS Pettygrove St., be tween 18th and 10th, uprtalra. EXPERIENCED MILLINER WISHES POSI tlon In city. V 87, Oregonlan. TWO GIRLS WANT HOUSEWORK. 205 N. 18th st-, corner Pettygrove. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN: CAN vasslng proposition; good pay. Call 4 to 6 P. M.. Schepps, Mgr., 187 Gth st. AGENTS WANTED; BEST THING OUT. Call or address Imperial Supply Co., 224 Vi First, Portland, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY TWO GENTLEMEN, BOARD and room In private, family, close In; state terms. C 85, Oregonlan. WANTED Ml S CELL AN EO C S. WANTED ANCIENT INDIAN PIPES. BAN aer stones, bird stones, very long spears, and about 5000 extra fine Oregon arrows. John A. Beck. 3340 Fifth ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS, nearly new piano for good, reliable and thor oughly sound team of medium-weight draft horses. Address K 40. Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICES 1-AlD FOR MEN'S CAST oft clothing and shoes. Ci North 3d. Fnoa Hood 517. Orders promtply attended to. SCHOOL BOOK3 BOUGHT; HIGHEST PRICE paid. 229 Yamhill at. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDI1R and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartmenthouse in the city; steam heat, gas, electric light, poroelaln baths, every modern convenience. Rates 75c per day, $2 per week, and upward. Fur nished housekeeping suites a specialty. ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN FINE NEWLY furnished, large, airy rooms; one elegantly turnlsheo rooms, suitable for two; use of bath and gas; prices reasonable; references. 8 E. Uth su North, between Burnslde and Ankeny. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED SUITE (ALCOVE bedroom), I or one or two gentlemen; all mod ern conveniences; in prlvato family of Ave; use of piano; terms moderate. 500 Mont gomery. THE PLEAS ANTON. 2S3ft Third st. Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or houe ' keeping; transient solicited. Pnanc outn 23 L THE CALUMET. 7th and Alder Rooms, with running water. - prlvato bain suites; hotel service. $1 per day up; reasonable per mo. THE COSMOS. S. E. corner Morrison end 4th Fine rooms; central; clean; quiet and reason able: housekeeping suites of two or more. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sta. Rooms, furnlsned or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. THREE LARGE NEWLY FURNISHED front bay-window rooms. C02',i Washington st. Phone AVest 1DC1. Rent reasonable. The La Porte. 170H Thlro, cor. Yamhill Flrst- class, clean, neat rooms, $L23 per week up; transient. 25c day up; transient solicited. PLEASANT ROOM. FOR GENTLEMEN; two blocks from Portland Hotel; no chil dren. 364 Taylor. Phone, bath. 1 NICE FRONT ROOM. CENTRALLY LOCA- cated. In private family: every convenience for single person. 105 Park. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. NEWLY papered and painted, large and airy; modern improvements, 303 Second st. ONE OR TWO "WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, central; electric lights, phone, bath, refer ence. 355 Salmon st. WANTED ONE OR TWO GOOD MEN DE slrous of pleasant home In a private fam ily. C 87. Oregonlan. NICE. AIRY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT ablc for gentlemen. 502& Washington su Phone West HMU. x 537 2D ST. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT room, for gentleman; modern conveniences; reasonable. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; PHONE AND bath; fine location In Irvington. 341 E. 13th North. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS AND bath. 200 Benton st., thiee blocks from steel bridge. Furnished rooms. $1 week u. Gllman Hotel. 1st & Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Evr:t. THE LARK HOTEL. 15TH AND SAVIER Newly furnished rooms. Phone Clay tWi. NICE FRONT ROOM. FOR SINGLE .GEN tleman. Ill 14th st. FOR RENT A FEW VACANCIES AT MRS. ' Hill's. 1GI 23d btreet. Hoomx With Hoard. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 15TH YEAR; rooms, alth board; use of 6ewtng-i oora; ue of library; Woman's Exchange; Induetrtal School. Address Mrs. C. E. Ueorge, super intendent. 510 Flanders st. HOTEL BROWN FINEST ROOMS IN THE city; all newiy furnished; hot and cold water; baths, electric lights, elevator; ta"ble ttrot class; car wrvlce; transient. Tel. Wprtc 141. THE HESPERIAN, 533 MORRISON ST. SE lcct family hotel, under new management; transients, by the day, week or month. 533 EAST ANKENY PLEASANT ROOMS, with board: gas, bath, telephone; location fine. Telephone Blue 84C SOI ALDER, COR. 10TH ONE OR TWO well-furnished rooms, with first-class table board; reasonable. ' Fine alcove front room, with two large closets, from Aug. 15. 141 West Park. cor. Aloer. FURNlSHEp ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board; gas, bath.' telephone. 410 Third su FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. WITH hot and cold water. 223 Uth su llouaeUceiiliiif Rooms. LARGE. AIRY FRONT ROOMS IN PRIVATE residence, newly and elegantly furnished Tor housekeeping: stationary washstand; gas stove; -washroom, attic, large yard; no chil dren ""wanted. Carl after 2 P. M.. '340 0th su, near Lincoln. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEP lne. water. $12; first floor; and two for $7. DSS Pettygrove su, between 16th and 10th ats. FOR RENT. HnuscUecplnp: Room. A FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS FURNISHED completely for housekeeping; modern Im provements; no children; references. Call mornings. 42GVi E. Market. A NICE SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING rooms; al.o three connecting rooms, fur nished; reasonable rent. 381 Third su $1 PER WEEK AND UP: LARGE. CLEAN furnished botsekeeplnc rooms; use. of laun dry, hath and telephone. 1S4 Sherman. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, IN BRICK BUILD Ing, occupied by respectable housekeepers only. 211 Second, cor. Salmon. 888 JEFFERSON ST. FLATS FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; gas. bath and phone; no children; relerences. 308 13TH NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng suits. Including .parlors; gas range, phone, bath; no children. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, with use of bath and phone. 575 Fourth su 202 14TH FURNISHED FLAT; NEW houfe; modern conveniences; will be ready Aug. 5; fine location. 105 SIXTH-SUITE OF "WELL-FURNISHED rooms; bath, gas range, desirable; also single rooms for gentleman. 343 MARKET. BETWEEN 7TH AND PARK Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for house keeping; water, bath.. VERY DESIRABLE NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, first floor; gas, bath, phone. 514 Mill St., cor. Gth. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT and furniture for -sale. Inquire. room 40, Labbe bldg. TWO SUITES OF FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; private, bath, central. 1)0 7th su Unfurnished rooms; modern conveniences. 2 CO 14th and Jefferwin. References. No children. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, closets and bath; no children. 4SS Everett. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FURNISHED FOP. housekeeping; good convenience. 220 5th st. The Graham. 5I5H Wasn. su Newly furnished modern and desirable housekeeping suites. 372 1ST THREE UNFURNISIJED llOUSE keeplng rooms; respectable people only. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; no children. 420 Main su THE ABBOTT. 22SH WASH. Fine furnished rooms, en suite, elngl? or housekeeping. Furnished rooms, single oV ea suite, or tran sient; brick block. 230 Russell su TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP. FOR light housekeeping. 555 Morrison. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 320 Fourth su I xionscft. FOR RENT 10TH AND HARRISON STS.; throe new houses. 8 rooms, with all modern conveniences. Portland Trust Company, 109 Third su 1000 EAST WASHINGTON: S-ROOM MOD ern bouse; rent $10. Inquire 134 East 34th su Phone Union 1032. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH GAS and electric Heats: 372 14th su Inquire 472 Park su NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH GAS and electric lights. 370 14th su Inquire 472 Park su HOUSE. 082 JOHNSON ST.: GOOD LOCA tlon. Apply at Albright's, cor. 21st. or 05C Gllsan st. S-ROOM RESIDENCE. 312 CHERRY ST.. East Side; fruit trees and flowers. Inquire at premises. 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $15 PER MO. Inquire 317 Eugene st., near Rodney1 ave. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and insurance. Phone Main 343. MODERN COTTAGE. CHOICE NEIGHBOR hood. Apply 522 Marquam bldg. FrVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. 1B9 11th. Inquire 142 1st. FOR RENT S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NO. 30 East 15th su $25. SEVEN-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. 308 AL der sU Furnlalictl Houses. $15 PER MONTH. WITH WATER 8-ROOM hruse. furnished for two families. Inquire of J. Landlgan. 184 Sherman. TWO FURNISHED FLATS OF FOUR ROOMS each, with basement. $10. Apply C18 Sev enth, .head of Caruthers. A SMALL COTTAGE. NICELY FURNISHED; very convenient; rent reasonable. 513 20th. Portland Heights. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR ONE MONTH, beginning August 7; lawn, piano; cheap. 408 E. 8th su FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 ROOMS. Apply 505 Irving st. MODERN. NICELY" FURNISHED HOUSE for rent; cheap to responsible parties. 4SG Rodney ave. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 173 E. Cth. corner Yamhill. v Summer Rexorts. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. "WITH board, for Summer. $ per week. For fur ther particulars address Mrs. L. B. Aber crombe. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED COT tsge. Tioga. Ocean front. Room 710 Mar quam bldg.. forenoon, b to 12. STEVENS COTTAGE AT SEAVIEW FOR rent. See R. M. llbur, Portland, or M. E. Thompson. Seavlew. Stores. FINE STORE FOR RENT-430 AVASHINGTON St., between 11th and 12th. Inquire Parrtsh & Watklns. 230 Alder st. Hotels. NEW YORK HOTEL. GEO. W. LAMPING, proprietor: centrally located. Hoqulam. Wash ington; three ttee cample rooms; 1U blocks from N. P. Depot; rates $2 a day. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT TO UNIONS. CLUBS. Associ ations, -tc. rooms 214-215 Chamber of Com merce, Monday. Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings; accommodates co peo ple; terms, $G per month lur one night per week. Inquire of Chas. L. Brown, 12a Sixth su Phone South 741. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent poemon witn rponiuie llrms, upon their own names; easy payments; ttrlctly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co., roam 200 Abington building. NOTICE PARTIES WISHING TO DISPOSE of Helena Consolidated, Muslelc Mining Si Milling or Star Consolidated mining etocks, will find It to their interest- to consult the undersigned before disposing of the same. I. H. Bingham, 110 bherlock building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL - or chattel mortgage, personal or salary se curity, at low rate. C. W. Pallett. 213 Com mercial block. Telephone Grant 85i. LOANS IN SLMS FROM $5 TO $5U. ON ALL kinds of security. It. I. Eckcraon ic Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone' Clay 73. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of scurity. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 0V2 Commercial bis. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and improved Valley farms. W. A Shaw & Co.. 24J Stark su MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all klnda of good security. W. II. Nunn 532 Sherlock block. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley. 008 Cham. Commerce. State funds loaned 0 per cenu W. E. Thomas stale agt. for MulU Co.. 400 Cham, of Com! MONEY TO LOAN. C ?r cent, farm or city property. O. "M. Smltii. 3 Ch. of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holt, room I) Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries; low rates. See us flrsu Mann & Co.. 004 Dekum building. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Chamber of Com. $300,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wa G. Beck. 321 Morrison su SPECIAL NOTICES. PropuanlK Invited. OFFICE OF C. Q". M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash.. July 31. 1002. Sealed propo sals. In triplicate, will be received nere until 11 o'clock A. M. August 20. 1902. for fur nishing forage- and bedding at posts in this department, for year ending June 30. 1003. Information furnished here or by Quarter masters at posts. U. S. reserves right to re ject or accept any or all. proposals or any pcrt thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "iToposals for forage and bedding at ." and addressed to under signed. J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.; VANCOUVER BAR racks. WasV. July 2S. 1002. Sealed propo sals. :n triplicate, will be received hero until 11 A. M. August 15, .1002, for furnishing 715 cords of fir wood at Fort Worden. Wash. In formation furnished here-or by Quartermas ter, Fort Worden, Wash. U- S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked Proposals for hr wood at Fort Worden. Wash.," addressed J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be. held at the odica of the company, at Portland. Or., at noon on Thursday, the 4th day of September, 1002. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and the trans action of such other business as may come before the meeting. W. W. COTTON,1 Secretary- Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' -MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of .the Sullivan Extension Mining Company, for the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come be fore them, will be held at tne office of the company, rooms 501 to 504 Chamber of Com merce building. Portland. Or., on August 13, 1002. at 3 o'clock P. M. GEORGE F. HOLM AN, Secretary Sullivan Extension Mining Com pany". Portland, Oregon. August !. 1002. ALL DEMANDS AGAINST THE UNITED States collected. Including pepslons for sol dlern and widows la all Indian "Wars, com- . prising those in Oregon and "Washington from 1S5I to 185C. In collecting the Oregon and Washington Indian War debts, many aent discharges, which can be used as proofs. Write for blanks. Send postage to send them with reply. C. M. Carter, attorney-at-law, 05 Corcoran building. Washington. D. C. BUSINESS CHANCES. E. J. ARNOLD & CO.. OF ST. LOUIS. MO., racehorse owners and bookmakers. Invite the speculative public to an Investigation of their method. This Is an old and long-established concerrir amply responsible, ana relia ble in all Its dealings. A rigid Inquiry into their business will, develop a condition un attalned by any other investment proposi tion ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of- $20 and upward, subject to with drawal in full on demand. Dividends paid In cath 52 times every year. The best-paying tafe Investment In the country. Referenced: Banks, trust companies, cummerclal agen cies, St, Louis business men and prominent men everywhere. For full particulars ad dress E. J. Arnold & Co., Oth and Pine ota. bt. Louis, Mo. r- OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE IN MER cantllo or. Tnanufacturlnz business In city or country, only legitimate, paying propositions handled. Information furnished parties look ing for timber or homestead claims. Ames Mercantllo Agency. Abington building. BUY TWO -ACRE SHARES IN THE HEX lean Rubber Culture Co.; $5 monthly will give annual income of $300 for life. J. C. Roberson. Assistant General Manager, 32S and 328 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port land, Or.. Agents wanted. HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR sale; desirable 8-room house. West Park, for rent, $15, to party buying stovea and few fixtures. Ford, Russel bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. FOR SALE CANDY KITCHEN, ONLY ONE In city of 4000 population; excellent .oppor tunity for candymaker. Further information write Fred Isense. L. B. 109, Hoquiam, Wash. FOR SALE FOR CASH; A VERY GOOD paylnr dry zoods business: no dead stock; splendid patronage; selling on account of Ill health. G 02. Orcgonlan. HAVE EIGHT FINE TIMBER CLAIMS, cruising from 5 to 7 million; will only be avails ble a short time. D S4. care Ore gonlan. DAILY NEWSPAPER: BEST PAYING IN Eastern Oregon; nig oargain. run imorrou tlon, addrOM Dally Reporter. Sumpter. Or. FOR SALE VELL-EQUIPPED HOTEL, newly furnished. Inquire of O. P. Mc Laughlin.. Sheridan. Or. GOOD SNAPS IN GROCERY. AND CIGAR and confectionery stores; living roomsf low rent. 1135- 3d. THE FURNITURE OF.21-ROOM ROOMING and boarding-house; rent $io; very cneap. rjll ftnMitmlth- ' FOR SALE OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY business; selling on account of sickness. 301 North 21st st. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED GROCER, partner with about $500. H 8S, Orcgonlan. SOME GOOD ROOMING-HOUSES IN CHOICE locations. 2tl3Vj Morrison su, room 317. SNAP GOOD-PAYING HOTEL FOR SALE. Call today at 224 1st. room IS. SALOON FOR SALE. FOR PARTICULARS call at 30S Alder su LOST AND FOUND. LOST 14-KARAT HUNTING CASE GOLD watch, Waltham movement, platinum and gold chain, and Elk charm containing four diamonds. Very liberal reward will be paid and absolutely no questions asked. Address 010 Chamber of Commerce building. LOST - LADY'S PURSE AT SHAVER'S dock, contalnins $5 in sliver. Finder please leave dock ofllee. Reward. TOST-PAIR OF BLUB STRIPED CUFFS. with buttons. Return Hobart-Curtls, 205 14 th st. Reward. T.OST nETWEEN HOYT AND GLISAN. ON 10th. -a pair of spectacles. Return to 3S0 Alder. Reward. LOST RUSSIAN LEATHER POCKET WAL- leu Liberal reward to finder If "returned to 555 Irvtnr st. LOST SUNDAY EYEGLASSES FROM MT. Scott car to Hall. Return 420 2d st.. flat D. PERSONALS. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION, HAIR, scalp and skin specialist, will give free dem onstrations In expert facial and scalp mas sage this week, at her Oriental Parlors. 311 Morrison st.. opposite P. O. Tel. Black 1823. THE GREAT ACTRESS HAS NO WRIN kles. Bernharfa Cream prevents wrinkles. Oriental superfluous painless hair remover. Perfume vapor baths. Ladles only. Treat ment free. Koom oO Washington building. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex: 23c box by mall. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington. Agent. Portland. Or. HER HIDDEN CHARMS. ROSA'S CONFES slon, Sweet Silence. Bel-Anil. The Parson's Sin. Prince and musician, ouvia, sappno, 50c each. Schmale, 220 First. HAPPINESS RESTORED BY SEXINE PILLS, the great cure for weak kidneys and nervous weakness; $1 a box. ti for $3. Sold only by J. A. Clemenson. Druggist, Second and Yam hill sts., Portland, Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months. &. Sent iecurely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard, Clarke St Co., Portland. Or. . We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c; 250 business cards, $1. Brown &. Schmale. 229 First. Portland. Or. MRS. STEVENS. PALMIST AND CLA1R voyant. has no equal In revealing past, pres ent and futuie; readings. 50c. 22l Morrison. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison su, beU 1st and 2d. A YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE thoroughly experienced and scientific mani curist ami chlropodlsu Olflce 29 Raleigh. PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE CLUB. BOX S3. SU Louis. Mo. Marriageable men and -women send stamp for particulars. ROBINSON STAMMEttING INSTITUTE: cureo guaranteed; best references. 000 Ellis ft.. San Francisco. CaL LILLIAN B. DIXON'S ADDRESS WANTED; matter of mutual interest. J. R. Oatman, Sherlock bldg. CARDS-100 FOR 20c; 50 FOR 10c; COIN, business or calling. Griffith. Copenhagen. N. Y. DR. LAMOTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best com cure. 25 cents. All druzriils. PERSONALS. i 23 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea, (whites) and all diseases of women, old or Toung. cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waltlns-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, all SIZES $1 a month, keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips jewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. BE HAPPY Moles, rlmples. wrinkles, super fluous hair. etc.. CAN BE permanently re moved. Gray or faded hair corrected. Let us explain how; no charge. N. Y. Electro Therapeutic Co.. 702 Marquam. Black 2S51. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexine Pills; price $1, i for $5. J. A. Clemensoa. Druggist, cor. Second and Yamhill, Portland. Or. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS. Diamonds bought. W. H. Lesh. 513 Dekum. MRS. DR. McCOY and assistant; electric treat ments. Ross House 211 First, cor. Salmon. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE Instantly. 10 and 23 cents. All druggists. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR- rlage paper, 10c. Box 000. Portland. Or. Miss Bee La Rue. masseuse, manicurist; select patrons only. 331 Morrison, room 16. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant and Auditor. Georce T. Murton. 3IS Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 438. Bookkeeping, expertlns. teaching. Assuyers nxxd Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND AN alytlcal chemist and mining' engineer. 204ft Washington su MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK ST. Experts on analysis of coals, minerals, rocks and mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST: gold dust bougnt. 228Vi Stark sU Attorncy.s-ut-Lnw. NIXON & 'DOLPH. GENERAL PRACT1TION ers. Notaries Publlg. 502 Commercial bldg. ;N. MOSESSOHN. Attorney and Notary Pub lic. 722 Chamber of Com. Consultation free. EMMONS & EMMONS. ATTORNEYS. FIFTH floor, Worcester block.' Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder. 307 Stark su; office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. AV. L. BUCKNER, carpenter and builder. 330 Stark. Houses altered and repaired; store and ofilce fixtures, general Jobbing: Phone Blk 014. GORDON.. REMOVED TO 208 4TH. FLY screens, counters, shelving. Tel. day 174. Chiropodists and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking' for. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer. 036 Worcester block. Clairvoyants. MADAME JOHNSTON WILL READ FOR LA dles or sentlemen clalrvoyantly: short time. 50c; satisfaction euaranteed. 231 Fifth st. Coal Denier. VULCAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE DEAL ers best coals, foundry and smelter coke. Coal and Wood. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds coal, coke, charcoal, slabwood. Stalls to let. 154 N. Fifth. Both phones. BROWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD, foot Yamhill st. Both phones. Main 715. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER Off hides, pelts. lurs; wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front su. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock build ing. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. Dancing. MISSES MATTING LY, ACADEMY OF DANC lns. 2C9 South 14th. Class of private lessons. Dyeing and Cleaning. Portland Steam Dye Works; gents' clothing only dyed and cleaned. 211 4th. Tel. Clay 704. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Educational. PRIVATE TEACHER WILL GIVE INSTRUC tlon during whole or any part of the year. Pupils prepared for any university, business college, or for special examinations. Special attention given to backward pupils In gram mar grades of public schools. Call at Port land Business College between 9 and 12. Hen rietta M. Holmes. Electro-Plating. GOLD. SILVER. COPPER. NICKEL. ETC. Mining and battery plates. Peninsular Plat ing Works. 333 Stark st. Fence and Wfre Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 2S0 East Morrison st. Iinlrdrcsslug, Toupees, Manicuring. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 1C0 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, halrdresslng. manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 30S WASH. ST. The leading wlgmaker and hairdressers. Furnaces. HOT-AIR FURNACES. J. C. BAYER. 205 Second st. Frnternnl Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Supj Sec'.y. 012-615 Marquam bldg. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN FRAN clsco. Seattle. . Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WH OLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front su THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Paul van Frldagh. General AgenU Junk. Hides nnd Pelts. L. Shank & Co. pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottles. Iron. rags, hides. pelUs and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 891. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Machinery. TRENKMAN 1 CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, lodging- machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth su Manufacturers of Ladles' Goods. Midsummer sale Waists. 25c up; skirts, 25c up; full line ladles underwear; less than cost. Sing CHonR Co.. 333 Morrison st. Mnrlilc and Granite. BUY MONUM-SNTS OF WEEKS, 720 FRONT. Fine work. low prices. Oregon "Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30 P. M. 3Inssnge. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. WITH MAS sage. slven at 3lM(i Washington St.. the Snowden bathrooms; also plectrle. steam baths and electric treatments. Rooms 1 and 3. A YOUNG. COMPETENT AND EXPE rlenced graduate chiropodist, masseuse and manicurist; terms reasonable. Office 20. Ral eigh. FRENCH LADY WITH TWO YOUNG ORAD uate assistants, elves massage treatments: electric, perfume. 208 5th. Phono W. 1973. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE GIVEN BY YOUNG lady from the EasUalrlitbr .firsLiass. Room IB. 35l Morrison. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Machinery. THE H. C ALBEE CO.: SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, eta 248 Grand ave. TATUM & BO WEN. PORTLAND. SAN Francisco, Seattle. Meulcnl. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- nyroyai puis are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for par ticulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Ask your drugglsu Chichester Chemical Co.. Phllada.. Pa. Musical. GUITAR. BANJO. VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN instructor. roiessor js. A. smith, i 1-in. Phone Brown 603. Palmistry. HAVE YOUR HANDS READ BY PROF. Sterling: he has returned. Your hands re veal all questions of life, pertaining to mar riage, sickness, death, changes, travels, di vorces, separations, lawsuits, business trans actions, wills, deals, mortgages, lost or ab sent friends, mining ventures, etc O'fic hours are 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. dally. Charges 50c ami $1. 280 3d sU Phone North 4241. SPECIAL FOR SEVEN DAYS-FULL LIFH readings. 25c. Prof. Wallace, the palmlsu losmoa. 4th and Morrison, parlors 1 and 2. Larsen. the palmist, returned; scientific read lngs. 50c; past and future. 216 Allsky bids. Physicians nnd Snrgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY talbott SUCCESSFUL, iy treats and cures all diseases of women, buccessful home treatments by mall. 301 Salmon su. between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. I.lora A- Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 317 Th Dekum. Plumbers. FOX & CO.. SANITARY PLUMBERS: AH wori guaranteed. 2o3 2d. Phone Clay 567. Safes. BEWARE. Certnln "STANDARD" safes soU are trustworthy until tested by fire. Avoll thin walls. DlEBOLD safes o;.en after fire, . preserving contents. LOCKOUTS opened, gtneral repairs, bunrlar alarms. Jails, safe exehansed. J. E. Davis. 66 Third. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCH Co.. gen'l agts., 203 2d sU. A. O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrli Safe Co.. 91 1st su. 2d door north of Stark. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON, Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. 1 Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 341 Washington sL; pioneer slot machine housei established 1803; largest .and most completi establishment of the kind In the U. S. Ret pairing a specialty. Oregon phono Oak 1301, Columbia phone 570. .Spiritualists. PROFESSOR STERLING WILL GIVE FREI. tests, free tests, in the A. O. U. W. Hall, on Second St., between Taylor and Salmo: ffts. You will receive messages from youi departed spirit friends. Free to all! Free tc all! Sunday evening. August 10. Doors opet at 7:30 P. M. Leave your pocket-books aj home. No collections will be taken up what, ever. Don't forget the date Is Sunday eveni Ing, August 10. Everybody Is Invited to at. tend, and you will receive free tests. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuabli advice on all affairs of life, traces absen friends, mines, family difficulties. Alwayi consult the best. 332& Wash. su. room 1. GERTRUDE MYREN. CLAIRVOYANT. 301 Goodnough buildg. 5th and Yamhill, readi your life accurately. Satisfaction guaranteed, No sign; keep this address. Prof. De Amandus. medium ana mental scien tist of 38 years' experience, may be consult, ed dally 02 all affairs. 16714 First su Mrs Stevens, spiritual life reader: sclenting palmist; past and future. 00c. 221 Morrison, MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH FOR A SHORT time at "133ft Fifth, cor. Alder, room 1. Storage. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAT at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front . Storage and Transfer. 1 C O. PICK, qfflce S3 First. beU Stark an Oak; phone 506. Pianos and furniture move and packed for shipping; commodious fire, proof brick warehouse: Front and Clay sts. Trunk: Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.I wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths; hours ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 0. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; gel catalogue. 319 California st. San Francisco, Wall Paper. H. P. CHRISTENSEN. wall paper. gralnln paper, picture framing. 131 7th, cor. Alder. Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS, jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing; Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY cor. N. Front and. Davis sts.. Portland. On. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S39. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabli terms. Letters at credit issued available It Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer! sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis, Denver, Omaha. San Francisco, an various points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin, Frankfort, Hone Kong. Yokohama. Manila anj Honolulu. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.. $0,500,001 DUDLEY EVANS ACT'G PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGES (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES - CASHIEB JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHlEiJ (Portland.) General Banklnc Business transacted. Ex. change Sold and Letters of Credit Issue4 available In all parts of the world. Merchants national bank portland, oregon. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM. Vice-Presided R. W. HOYT Cashlei GEORGE W. nOYT Assistant Caahtej United States Dfposltory TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters oi credit Issued available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head office. 55 Old Broad sU. London. This bank transacts a general banklnc bust, ness. makes loans, discounts bills and Issuei letters of credit available for travelers an the purchase of merchandise In any city of thi world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK- Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued avallaable In all cities of thi United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLEB THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up $8,000,001 Reserve 2.000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upward! and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal. ances. Rates on application. 244 AVASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent ol the United States. ' President H. TV. CORBETZ Vice-President a. L. MILL3 Cashier........ J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVEV Letter of credit issued, available In Eurjd and the Eastern States. Sight exchanges and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. Su Louis St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco 'and the Drinclnal points In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlal tlanla. Stockholm, Su Petersburg. Moscow Zurich. Honolulu. CoUecUons. raada on favorablo term