Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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' . 11
fTf MCWr im rri r-r- ,.- , m 1 ' i " ; -
vi i i iNLW O IN Dim Lf V"?" Jran restaur me go free.- ni a mm en ta ncrcnT ninr
The Oregonlnn'n Telephone.
Counting Room Mala 6C7
"anaglns Editor Main C30
City Editor Main 100
Composing Room Main C83
East Side Office East 61
Superintendent Building Tied 2S23
Counting Room 657
Editorial Rooms 160
ComnrMlnir T ntt
Engine Room .... .V.V.V.V.V.V.V..V.V..V..""200
SHIELDS' PARK (13th and Washington sts.)
pmontrelIo. Borton and Draper. Vaude
ville and music
Historical, Societt Booms Popular
.Between 60 and "0 people a day visit the
rooms of the Oregon Historical Society
in the City Hall. The quarters of the so
ciety -will feoon be enlarged by the addl-
xion or lour or live rooms, which the city
has granted free of r.hanre. It hns hppn
suggested that a great convenience to the
puoiic woum Be the location of the so
ciety rooms and the city museum on the
same floor. A still greater convenience
would be the ODeration of the elevator.
A proposal to do so has been before the
council lately, but it seems to have been
lost in one of the committees. The so
ciety has received
graph of Dr. McLoughlin, taken from a
print in tne possession of his grand
daughter. Mrs. M. I Myrick, of this city.
The society has Just Issued another edi
tion or tne Quarterly. It contains arti
cles by M. C. George, on- "Political His
tory of Oregon. From 1R7A to irk Tncin,
sive;" by Mrs. Frances Fuller Victor, on
"The First Oregon Cavalry," and by H.
S. Lyman, on "Recollections of Horace
Invited to Tbans-Mississippi Con
gress. Copy of, the call to the Trans-
ju-ississippi commercial Congress has been
received by the Board of Trade. The
meeting -will be at St Paul, August 19-22.
Subjects Of riffiMlRSlnn H-Ill nnHali. tn
reclamation of arid lands, waterways and
.harbors, department of mines. Pacific ca-
oie, xstnmiin canal, merchant marine,
trade with the Orient, nonsulnr trvlot
preservation of forests, and a number of
umer suDjects. Tne prospectus says: "In
lormer years the discussions crystallized
Into resolutions, thence Into bills and
laws, have had a dlrep.t hfnHni nn IpcHr-
latlon at "Washington, and year by year
we nave seen mo oeneHclal results which
have accrued." Delegates are appointed
dj governors, .Mayors, county officials
ma Dusmess organizations.
Engineers to Examine Guild Lake.
in the absence of President Corbett, who
Is ex-offlclo chairman of the executive
committee of the Lewis and Clark Cor
poration, the committee has elected
Charles E. Ladd chairman and directed
him to confer with Engineers Oscar E.
Huber, W. H. Maxwell and W. B. Chase
with reference to the engineering prob
lems involved in selection of the Willam
ette Heights tract for" a site for the Lewis
and Clark fair. It is understood that
those engineers will make an examina
tion of the lake and of the practicability
of maintaining it fresh during the fair,
and make a report that will guide the
committee in declaring for or against the
adoption of that site.
Soon Time to Plant Roses. F. V. Hol
roan says that the season is approaching
for setting out hardy varieties of dor
mant roses. A good time for planting
them is In October. They stay dormant
during the Winter and in the Spring they
get a much better start than if planted
along with the delicate varieties. Some
times such plants yield as fine roses the
first year as at any time of their life.
There are many varieties of roses adapt
ed to Fall planting, a list of which is
contained in the recent publication of
the Rose Society.
White-Colar Line.
Sltndat Excursions. t .
Vancouver and Return.
Only 25 Cents. j
Alder-Street Dock, Portland.
Railroad Dock, Vancouver.
Leave Portland 9:30. 10:30 A. M., 1, 2:30,
4:30 P. M. Leave Vancouver 11 A. M..
12:30. 2:30. 4:30. 6:30 P. M. Concert in
Parade ground, Vancouver Barracks, by
Seventeenth Regiment United States In-
iantry hand from 2 to 5 P. M. Baseball
in .romana Sunday afternoon.
Citt Park Hillside Stationary. The
iinisiae above the reservoirs at the City
Park, whoso downward mnvpmont Vino
caused so much trouble, has not budged
j-ur a year, inis is due to the fact that
the subterranean water, which made the
elide, has been drained off. The flow of
water is now about one-fifth of what it
was last winter. There seems no reason
for doubting that the movement of the
hillside has entirely ceased and that the
reservoirs can De permanently repaired.
Races Today 1 Races Today!
Racrs Tnnivl tisvf.o .
T1 I ...... . "-".J 1UUA1I
Dont Forget the Matinee Races
Don't Forget the "matinee Races
Admission 50 Cents.
1 Ladies Free.
Irvington Race-Track Today, 2:30.
Iryington Race-Track Today, 2:30.
Races Today! Races Today!
, Races Today! Races Today!
Dalles Daily Excursions by boats of
vhlte Collar Line from foot Alder street
aany, 7 a. m. Grand scenic route of the
-Rona. jvionctts Springs, famous resort;
St. Martin's Hot Springs, health sanitari
um; Jewett's. at White Salmon, noted
Summer hotel for scenery and rest;
Hood River, where staee starts fm. m,.JZ
- w- - -v.iruu
Cap Inn, a mansion in the skies. Ask for
ucKets to all these places. "Dalles"
eiecinc sign. Both phones. Main 251.
Salvaition Army Man
C. Davis, alias John Daniels, a member of
ine local salvation Army, was arrested
last evenlns: bv DptpntK'Ps TWr
Weiner, charged with emheiomont n
JSO0. The complaint, which is of long
oiunuing, comes irom Decatur County,
"Kan. Sheriff J. B. Leeman, of that coun
ty, is already here, and has obtained
.requisition papers for his man. He ex
pects to leave for Kansas tnrtnv
Capitalists and Business Men Do you
Tvant to invest a foir- y,tiaa
that will earn you 1G per cent a year
security second only to Govern
ment bonds? Interest
- V4AU,A !
If you want to be well paid for time
ojjim. in reaamg tnis paper investigate
uus proposition today. Investment
"""iea to sw. ia. x. Keady & Co., 327
i'""K jaiag.
Remember the t-t j r.
side Express of the A. & C. R. R. leaves
c,mun ijepot every Saturday at 2:30 P.
, urnving at Astoria 5:50 P. xt
Ms excellent service enables' pas'sen-
iu reacn seaside two hours before
, remain at the beach until k t r and reach Portland returning at
For Dalles.
1 Lyle,
Hood River.
Hot Sptjthtio
' Cascade Locks,
take Regulator Line,
7 A. M. ,
Astoria Daily Ryrnnomo i htl.
Collar Line. Boat foot Alder street dally,
. 3 ' xcePt Sunday, for Astoria, the
city by the sea. Chinook salmon can
neries now doing their best work; tons of
rlsh. Come and take a ride. No t6urlst
should visit Oregon and miss this trip
Very fine. A nice large crab for 10
cents. Vlnce & Boody. Corner Third
and Clay- 'Phone Main lk .
Akter August 1, we will be in a posi
tion to handle a limited number of local
orders. Eastern Lumber Co., North Front
street, ,
Elks's Carnival Concessions. See ad
vertisement for proposals in another
column of this paper.
Watch for the Young People's moon-
mkui. excursion. ,
-Sawed shingles for sale. 305 Water.
Fined for Throwing STosns-Tnmi.
nation or tne six Albina boys. David Mc
Cauley. Robert McCaulev. Charles TtaK
cock, Frederick Glle. Cecil Lily and
Thomas Hughes, charged with breaking
giass in a door at H. H. BurUngame's
notci, was resumed before Municipal
Judge Hogue vesterdav. A little hov
named Raymond enny was sure that
he saw Babcock and Lilly throw rocks
and that one rock crashed through the
glass. "When the glass was broken we
an ran up tne street why, I can't tell,"
admitted Edward McCauley. "Most of
the boys in the crowd had rocks and
they threw them, liut none of the rocks
went through the glass so far as I saw.
I had three rocks myself, but I did not
break the window and I do not know
who did." "I threw away all my rocks
before I got to the hotel, and I never
tnrew any more alter tnat," testified an
other boy, Robert McCauley. "When I
heard the elasq hreak T ran hpraiiRf th
people might have said I did something
wrong. otner noys examined asserted
that they threw rocks at lumber piles.
"I threw one rock and it went throtieh
the hotel door," confessed Charles Bab
cock. "Why did I do it? Oh, tempta
tion. I suppose. "Cecil Lily did not throw
rocks. i threw llrst and Giles threw
next." Dpnutv rMtv Attornpv 'F'ltrfrpralrt
remarked that it was easy to see that
some of the boys were lying, and thought
they ought to be punished. "Charles
Babcock is to be commended for telling
the truth, but he is clearly one of the
culprits," said the Judge, "BaococK is
fined" $40, and Giles $75. Sentence is sus
pended in the meantime until I see if
tnese ooys iatners can pay tne nnes.
Babcock and Giles are committed to the
custody of the Boys and Girls Aid fao-
Hptv. ThA nthpr nova am dlspharced.
with a warning to be more careful of
tneir oenaviour in tne iuture."
To Soak the Soaks Habitual drunks
5j t-o in ho mnrfl anvDroU Tin n ! eTl In thp
future by Municipal Judge Hogue. Cer
tain onenoers nave tanen advantage oi
the leniency shown them, and no sooner
nave they been discharged than they again
get drunk and onother arrest follows.
"Such people are a needless expense .to
the ratepayers," said the Judge at yes-
tfrdnv' pKfrfnn nf rnnrt. At nrpmnt thi
misfoniarv fln for an offender who nleads
guilty for the first time to a charge of
urunKenness is or a day ana a naic on
the rock nlle. Offenders Kervlnsr second
and third terms are usually fined from $5
to Slo. or about 10 navs on the rock nlle.
There are several worthless characters
around town "who are hardly ever sober,
and "who snenr! most of thnlr tlmA in, 1ail
eating two square meals per day at the
expense or tne suffering ratepayers
That China Shop Disaster No action
"was taken In the case to find the respon
sible parties in the china-breaking case
yesterday. Mr. Kan, whoso dishes were
broken bv the lnroarlinir sheen, has not
yet hod time to have the wreckage in
voiced, and until this can be done matters
Tviu nave to rest, 'mere were many pieces
or nne Cantonware, and other rare makes,
all of -which were valuable, smashed to
Dits, and the persons whoso fault
caused the disaster seem to have been
the careless steamboat people, who let the
sheen get loose. The case is in the hands
of a lawyer, and an investigation will be
made today or tomorrow. The whole oc
currence was most unfortunate, and tho
fact that Mr. Kan Is a heaw taxnaver.
a progressive merchant and a member of
tne (Jhristam lalth only tend to Intensify
the disaster.
Ninety Days for BnnnLAiiT a mm.
nromise was effected vestprdav in th "Mu
nicipal Court in the case of Daniel O'Learr.
cnarged with burglary with R. E. Clark, in
DreaKing into c Hansen's house. 749
Qulmbv street, and stealine- elothlnir val
ued at $3. Hansen cot his nroDertv back.
and he expressed himself as beine satis.
fled, and as Clark was onlv arrested be
cause he had been in O'Leary's company
when the latter sold the goods. Clark
was discharged, as there could not be d
case made out ctrainst him. O'Tpnrv then
offered to plead guilty to a charge of lar
ceny, it tne charge ox burglary was with
drawn. This was agreed to by Deputy
District Attorney GatenB, and Municipal
Judge Hogue sentenced O'Leary to SO
days' imprisonment in the county Jail.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today. 3:30.
Baseball Today. 3:30.
PosTPOtNDD Game Played Today.
Postponed Game Played Today,
Portland The Champions,
Helena The Senators-
Postponed Game Played Today.
Postponed Game Played Today.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
Baseball Today, 3:30.
To Flavel, GEARiaovr. Seaside Iand
Return ixjr S2 50. Lartro crowds urn
taking advantage of tho cheap round-
trip excursion rate or tho A. & C R. R.
between Portland and Clatsop Beach
Points. Tickets on sale every Saturday
at rate of $2.50 for round trip, good to
return on Sunday. Portland-Seaside
Express leaves Union Depot every Sat
urday and runs throusrh direct -without
change of cars, arriving at Astoria 5:50
v. Jki., uearnart, 6:40 P. M., and Seaside
6:50 P. M., making direct connection at
warrenton ior Jbiavei.
Vessels for Nome Trade It looks as
if tho Nome miners "who desire to return
home by Portland "will be enabled to do
so. The Board of Trade has been nego
tiating for a steamship on the terms of-
lereu Dy Air. itudd. Xestcrdny Secretary
Aioore announced that a vessel was avail
able at Pugct Sound, but he refused to
give her name, because ho said the
northern transportation companies might
steal ner away. Mr. Rudd naturally feels
very mucn encouraged.
Inteiiest in Oregon Resources. The
Board of Trade Is receiving many- in
quiries from the East about Oregon re
sources and industries. Notices which the
advertising committee caused to be put
in eastern journals nave brought about
3000 letters. One man writes from Vnrt
Dodge, la., asking if there is any timber
here suitable for making churns. Another
wants to know to what extent dairying
is earned on in the state, and whether
tnere are any creameries.
Cascade Locks Sunday Excursion.
steamer Tahoma of Whlte-Collar Line
will leave Alder-street dock Sunday
morning at 9 A. M. for Cascade Locks
and return. Fare $1 50. Meals 25r r?nn.
nectlng at the Locks with Steamer Met-
iaice mat maKes a Sunday excursion from
xne uanes to cascade Locks and return,
thus making through connection Sunrfav
with all points between Portland and
une uaiies. see Dalles electric sign
both 'phones Main 351.
John R. Edwards a Desertpp-Movii.
wiiuams was yesterday notified by the
isavy uepartment at Washington, D. C,
that John R. Edwards, formerlv of thin
city, had been pronounced a desprtpr Tho
police have been notified of the desertion,
ana snuia .c.awarcs appear in this city
he win oe arrestee.
White-Collar Line Arwut .wMia
the steamer Bailey Gatzert is being re
paired, tne 3teamer sarah Dixon will run
in her place on the Astoria route from
foot Alder straeL Same offl
quick dispatcn of freight and passengers.
Work on New Btnr.nrvn tti
of the site of the I?cnntt tj,, iiii
"West Park and Morrison streets proceeds
sieaany. xoe structure will be of brick,
three stories high. It will have a good
start before the Autumn rains begin.
THE HAMMAM. 300 Orprnnhn T).,nt
is an ideal place for ladles. Everythine
Mf,fc. auu oLiitJLiv jirsr r roc to
A. M. to 7 P. M.
Lemon Soles and strinprt .
u .1.1. ':r
corner Third and oiav. p,.. nr".
i.ivstt uiis luurninir. vinoa a. -d
" -"wmc Main
VT. C. Bristol Taw
Japanese Restaurant Men Go Free.
The cases against Henry Wcsterman.
charged with having adulterated drink in
his possession for sale, and th thrp
Japs. T. Tamada, K. Tsretoi, and K.
ivnate. cnarged with having adulterated
mHk in their nossesslon. ramp, hpforo
Municipal Judge Hogue yesterday and
aner several witnesses were examined
Deputy District Attorney Gatens moved
that the cases against the Japs be with
drawn for want of evidence and Judtrn
Hogue agreed. Deputy Food and Dairy
commissioner cutllpp testified that the
milk in question was sold by Wcsterman
to the three Jans who -were nrnnrlptors
of restaurants and the the fluid contained
more than ES per cent water, and less
than 9 per cent solids, as required by
law. The witness also testified that on
the cans in Wcsterman'a wagon were
tags labeled: "This Is not pure milk."
but that there were no tags found on the
cans in the restaurants. Wcsterman's
case was continued until today.
Multnomah County W. C. T. U. The
executive onmmlttpp. of Multnomah
Countv Woman's Christian Temnpmnro
Union met at county headquarters, 107J
Third street, yesterday. Miss F. E. Got
shall, president, in the chair. The out
look of the countv work was discussed
at some length and plans laid for con
tinued activity. The' committee on
Headquarters and Noon Rest work re
ported that at a recent meeting it was
decided to close the Rest for the Rummer
months. Inasmuch as Mrs. Peake, the
matron, was completely worn out and a
rest was Imperative, and the rooms need
reDalrs badlv. On hearlntr the decision
the young ladles frequenting the rooms
made an earnest protest against closing
at all. It was therefore a cause of re
Jolclntr when thev found a motherlv
woman ready to go on with the work
ana tne enure worK or the Ttoon nest
was turriMl ovpr tn Mrs. Ollpnntp. ixhn i
will purchase furnishings and thus have
complete control.
Confessed They Wttrps Rrothprs.
When Harry Jones and John Hall, ar
rested ehanred with nasslntr boens
checks, awoke In the city Jail yesterday
morning they confessed to Chief of
Police McLauchlan that they were broth
ers, and In the course of a. lonir exami
nation tney runner admitted tnat tney
were the pair who held up a man named
HUIIard on Union avenue last Tuesday
night. "We came West to seek our for-
tnnps anil otp have n cooil hn'mp In th
East, but we decline to tell our real
names, said Harry Jones, who spoke
for himself as well as his brother, "but
after spplnir thp sights In this town wo
ran short of cash and thought we would
stick some fellows. It seemed easy, i
held the gun at the man on the East
Rlrin TupsHnv nlo-ht anil mv hrother Trent
through his pockets but the man did not
have any money and we allowed mm to
go." The Chief stated that he hopes
to connect tho two youths -with more
offenses today.
T i pna TVwv Ptt.t PnaTrn P-lllnnstprs
Triro hiiclK. nnimcnl nffWInc pnildV look
ing circus bills to the front of the Occi
dental Hotel, First and Morrison streets,
yesterday morning when tho landlady of
the hotel suddenly observed them. Filled
with wrath, for she had not been con
sulted, she seized a broom, leaned out of
o TrHnrtTir nn1 mxrpnt nff rvprv hill she
could reach. The billposters were panic
stricken and reported tho occurrence to
one of tho advance agents. He came
running up and said: "Madam, are you
aware that these posters cost us $25? If
von rllfl not -rrlsh them nlaeed on vour
hotel you ought to have told us." "I
won't have those bills on my place," said
tho landlady, firmly, "loung man, as
fast as you put any more bills here, why
T Kfilnnlnfa T'll rmll om rlOTrn." The blll-
StlckCrS sneaked off leaving tho irate
landlady la peaceful possession or tne
Vrvt( "Vr -Trf-TlT nnvrvn f7pTTrrTR A
night-booming cereus, belonging to Mrs.
P. W. Gillette, which blossomed last even
ing at her residence, 194 Ahernetny street,
-..-n f n rtnA VtnatlHflll etcrVit Tho TllnTlt
T?ilf, 4a n imiwlM nf fnrtiit fnltn1 In the
tropical regions oi America, is aooui. au
itet nign, ana contained no less man w
hlneienms Tho hlnRnmn arA larare white
and funnel-form in shape, growmg from
the Riiip of the Ipaf npar tho end. and
pxhalo hn 0(lor most fras-rant. The nlant
hlnoma hnr nniA n var and thpn onlv
at night, the flowers lasting but a few
hours, and then withering. One of the
strange things In connection with the
nrpspnt hlnomlntr In thp.t nnvpr hpforo has
tne piant nad moro man eignt or la oios
soma at one time.
MoviNO GruKlsrmf A nnmVr of
housemovers are at work on thp Portland
Academy cvmnaslum. which is to be
moved irom Tenth and Yamhill streets to
a lot across the street from the academy,
on Fourteenth street, near Montgomery.
All the Interior flttlnirs have heen torn
out. and everything movable taken from
tne Duiiding. iarge beams have been set
under the parts to be moved, so that tho
structure will not be weakened durlntr the
operation, for tho city streets are not
large enougn to permit tne whole .gym to
be moved In ono" piece, and it will have to
be CUt Into sections. The Multnomah
handball court will be moved along also.
ana it is estimated that it will bo Septem-
oer i Deiore tne job is completed
Another Train or Soldiers. Th last
of the detachment of tho Third Cavalry
which arlved In Portland Wednesday
mgnt on tno way to posts in Montana,
left town yesterday moraine- on thn
Northern Pacific Last night at 12
o ciock anotner special train arrived
from San Francisco with 150 men and
officers of the Seventeenth Tnfn ntrv
part of which will go to Vancouver Bar
racks and part to Fort Lawton, on Puget
Popular Firemen Resign. o
Stinson. driver of hose wagon No. 1, and
oscar Kusseil, driver of engine No. 1, re
signed yesterday, as they wish to leave
the fire denartment and aropnt nthnr
positions. They are popular firemen and
tneir many irienos will seo them leave
the department with a good deal of re
gret Notice The Portland Gas Comnanv
desire to call special attention ,to their
advertisement on the 11th natre of this
Issue announcing the reduction of the
price of gas, also to their gas-fixture
Tennis Tournament.
Multnomah Field.
Today. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Admission 25c; Season Tickets, $L
Pillow Raffle at Baron's Saturday.
Queen Lil Must Pay Income Tax.
HONOLULU. July 24. via San Francisco.
July SLA. ruling has Just been made by
the Attorney-General to the effect that
ex-Queen Llliuokalanl must pay the in
come tax on ner annual allowance of $7500
from the territory. The provision for this
allowance was made by the -last Legisla
ture, xne tax amounts to $150.
If it were epnprallv Irnnsn
can be used economically In the furnace,
the grate, and many styles of heating
stoves: that it makes a clean fire, easily
controlled, it would surely come Into more
general use. The coke here referred to Is
uj-Jtuuu,k ui uic uus company.
Mount Hood Government Cnmn.
IiOOiI hotel.
guide for mountain - climbing. Address
A. M. Tocum, manager, Salmon, Or.
Write liny & Sons. Salt Lni nt.
Utah, for all kinds of produce; grain, al-
LtxiLu. mcu, tmutiun, cauoBge, etc. In
quiries promptly answered
Klnninth Hot Sprlntr.
MAftt Tint A R(imm,r wmrf . v . i ..
fornlo. Near South. Pac Convnfr.t ror Orcroa
pfopia. Andreas Edaoa Bros.. Beswlclc. Cat
HIcb-Grade Plnnoi fop it,.
Sold on rur lr;tttlmant th.J.. . .
and repaired. H. Slnanelmer. 72 Third
Beetles In the Ei and AV-t ti.
, ,. . , . .. . MO WJ
urmjoui in coionng mat they are beautiful u
To Shield Shame of Sister They
Brought the Xevrly-Born Child
to Portland.
A sensation was sprung In police circles
last evening when Officer Scott arrested
two Vancouver lads, Louis and Wilbur
Caskey, who had In their possession a bas-.
ket containing a 24-hour-old baby, which
they brought to this city to deposit on
the steps of the Baby Home.
The child was born in Vancouver on
Wednesday evening.' its mother being Rose
Caskey. an unmarried girl of 16 Summers,
and Its putative father one L. B. Hunt,
formerly a member of the Eighth Bat
ters. U. S. A., stationed at Vancouver
Barracks. Louis Caskey. who Is an elder
brother of the unfortunate f-lrl. Is IS years
old, and appears to be an honest, hard
working lad. At the police headquarters,
last evening, he told the following story:
"My slJrter gave birth to a girl baby
Wednesday night, and. not knowing what
to do with It, we decided to bring it to
the Baby Home. L. B. Hunt, who served
In the Eighth Battery until two months
arro. ! the father of the rhlld Wp and
my sister were to have been married, but
Hunt skipped out and deserted her. He
is 28 years old and good-looking. We live
on the corner of Fifteenth and- E streets,
at Vancouver. I work in a hotel. In order
to support my mother and the rest of the
Police Captain Moore sent the unfortu
nate little waif to the Good Samaritan
HospKal for the night, while the Caskey
boys were locked In the upper apartments
of the station.
That this is the last week of our big
July clearance sale of men's, women's and
children's high-grade shoes. We have re
duced prices during this sale as follows:
Our regular $5 00 values now $4 15.
Our regular $4 00 values now $3 33.
Our regular $3 0 values now $2 S5.
Our regular $2 CO values now $1 95.
This sale will positively close August
2. 1902, as advertised. M. Billings, ')
Morrison street.
, x
One application of Avernarius Carbo.
llneum. tho wood-preserver, will rid your
house of bedbugs and ants. Fisher, Thor
sen & Co., Front and Morrison.
Crown Linoleum Coating will make your
iinoieum iast. .turner, Thorsen & Co.,
r ront ana .Morrison streets.
Are you a patron of tho Portland Res
taurant, 205 Washington? It3 the best.
Removal Xotice.
if. W. Tlnvf.i
Fhona Red 2SSS. DrntUf- riu. -rr.r4nn
Better work and lower price. Call and
The Marquarn
Established 1539.
Dr. Walter A. Roaers
Graduate of the A. T. Still School of Os
teopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo.
Office S32-533-534 Marqnara Bid?.
Phone Main 27.
i "r..iT .Vt. w ?w w
wiMuuu. MiiauiuiuvB ires at Oulcah
409 Oregonian Bldg.
Lady Assistant.
Phone Oak 421.
Osteopathy at Seaside
of Portland
Graduate of Still College, is located
one diock east or jfostoffice, Sea
side, Or. Consultation free; office
hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 5.
ur, uertruae l. Gates
Only Lady Osteopath In Portland.
The 3Inclen- Balldlnp,
Fourth and "Washington.
Phono South 123rt nffl Vm..r- n n -
Formerly with Dr. W. A. Rogera. Theifarquani
For Sale by All Druggists
The busy store offers its wonderful flock and extends a special in
vitation to all others who are not in the habit of coming this way
to attend its wonderful trade-winning sales. Watch for them
ana you 11 never be disappointed. New store on Third street.
If the Lots Last That Long.
2c a yard
11500 yards of fine Lawns and Dimi
ties, good desirable patterns, and
worth from 5c to 8c a yard. But you'll
have to hurry,
18c apiece
2S0 good, durable Corsets, all latest
etyles and -well made. Sold any place
at 60c. All sires when the selling
starts, but we can't insure many for
Saturday buyers at this price.
And the great Summer
We have added a fine line
of the reliable
Also the
It will pay you to inspect these pianos
before buying, as we buy for spot cash
and sell on easy payments. It we get 8
per cent interest for profit we are satis
fied. We have no expensive hypnotizing
agents to pay large salaries and commis
sions to.
Graves & Co.
Importers and Jobbers.
.122-124-126 Sixth Street "
Just What You Need
Some of our new photo
mounts to give the fin
ishing touch to your
Fresh Films' and Sup
plies always in stock
D. M. Ayerill & Co.
The Curio Store, 331 Morrison St.
309 Washington Street
5 Cents
2-Pound Package II. O. Injun Bread Flour.
25 Cents
2 Packages Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour
25 Cents
2 Packages Malt Breakfast Food.
25 Cents
2 Packages Grape Nuts.
20 Cents
Package Postum or FIgprune Cereal.
25 Cents
6 Cans American Sardines.
25 Cents
2 BotUes Hires' Rootbeer.
100-Pound Sack Best Dry Granulated
15 Cents
Pound Best Fresh Roast Costa Rica Coffee
30 Cents
Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha
The fourteenth year will open Monday,
oepiemDer lo.
The academy proper fits boys and girls
for college.
A primary and grammar school receives
boys and girls as early aa the age of 6 and
fits them for the academy.
A gymnasium will be opened at the be
ginning or tne school year on tho academy
grounds. It -will be in charge of a skilled
director. Physical training will be a part
of the work required of all students.
The academy -will open in September a
boarding hall for girls. The hall will be
at 191 Eleventh street, and will be under
tne immediate supervision of Miss rrniinn
Campbell. Its supervision, appointment
ana conduct will assure the comforts end
opportunities of a refined home.
For catalogue, or other informntinn n.
dress .roruand Academy, Portland, Or.
A Select Boarding; School for Boys.
nhrnflp Tliillillnjr CThiff Aim Q.u..
Boy of Good Character. Prepares them for
uouege or uusineas i,ire.
Xaynl DlNcipIlne. Cadctn nre in-
Htructed in the Manmremcnt of
Boats and Coached in Crews, singles
and doubles.
Building well equipped. Located on the eat
tin. f T nlr. Ct.ll.iwim T..- TT r. 1
l)rftinarf u nn mmn h YVifl And oittHvi.. Tr a
else contribute to the health of dudIIs. In-
fttrtirtlnn fhnrntiffh nnil nprnnnl n.iMih
year begin September 11. io02. For Booklet
unu iniorinaiion aauresa
WASH.. R. F. D.
Dr. Fred Frehn. Dekum bid?
Full et teeth
if $5
Gold crowQi.
lirldx work :
PMUdelshlB. rradnata.
All thm l&trat innll.
caces tor dolnr perfect
VtorJC trtea I'relrn. Th
TJakum. cor. 3d nd WuMnrion Trtinrf n.
35c a suit
Men's Fine Striped Balbriggan Sum
mer Underwear less than half their
real worth. Xever mind how or why,
but come and see a real sale.
89c each
000 Fine Duck Skirts, all full size
and well made and manv rtlffpront
colors, trimmed with folds and bands
of white duck cheaD at J2.S0 tn J3.oo.
Don't delay.
Sale is under full swing.
Electric Lamps Reduced
Portland General Electric Co.
iB Suits
gk $7-5
Fall Styles
i Shoes
Arriving Daily
High Class Goods
Reasonable Prices
During our cleanup sale odds
and ends accumulate which
will be sold at bargain prices.
bee window.
Shoe Comp'y
Might as well have their children'3
eyes examined during vacation at
the oldest established and only ab
solutely reliable Optical house in
the Pacific Northwest. It won't
cost anything, whether glasses are
ordered or no, and may save them
from torture in the present, and
blasted careers in the future.
The Optician
133 Sixth St., Oregonian BIdg.
CHAS. T. PREHN, Dentist
5 )
9 , )
19 Hamilton. 131 Third Street,
Vitalize nfr fnr n.tlnlx. T..,
Of current from our mains,
we have reduced the price
of lamps below cost, viz.
15c each or
$1.75 'dozen
These are standard, first-grade
Edison lamps that we formerly
sold at 25c each, and are made
especially for our circuits. Buy
our lamps and get good service.
Delivered In Dozen Lots
Free of Charge.
$10 AND $12.50 VALUES,
No charge for painless extraction when
teeth are ordered. All work done by
graduate dentists of 12 to 20 years experi
ence; a specialist in each department. TV'o
will tell you In advance exactly what your
work will cost by a free examination.
Give us a call, and you wiU find we do
exactly as we advertise.
Set of Teeth JW.OO
Gold Filling 91.00
Gold Crown ................. .$5.0O
Silver Filling CO
(New York Denta! Parlors
Fourth & Morrison St., Fortlnnd.
Hours. S to 8; Sundays. 10 to 4.
Branch offices 723 Market st., San Fran
cisco. Cal.; 6H First ave.. Seattle. Wash.
etYepr&$s Ilus-
Prices k
consistent wtl
Good Work
Eru?ravlrg' DeDartment
Oregonlaj Pub.Co.
That this is the day
give away a beauti
ful present with
every pair of chil
dren's shoes?
Crewn phone Clay
Dr. L C. BROWN and bar diseases.