THE MORXIXG OREGON1AN, SATURDAY,. J0LY 19, 1902. BRIDGE OPEN TO TRAVEL PEDESTIUAXS CROSS TJXFIXISHED 3IADISOX-STREET STRUCTURE. Cars "Will Run on Schedule Time To. day Teams Cannot Yet Use East Side Approach. Pedestrians commenced using Madlson Etreet bridge yesterday, although the east end Is still In an unflnlfihed condition. Cars will be put In operation today. The linemen were engaged yesterday In rewir ing at the east end. Tracks have all been laid, and it Is considered almost certain that the cars of the Oregon Water Power & Railway will run over the bridge on schedule time. The bridge la not open for teams and will not be until the elevated roadway on Hawthorne avenue has been repaired. City Engineer Elliott is preparing esti mates for rebuilding the roadway. There Is urgent need for the early restoration cl this roadway, not only for the accom modation of the public, but for the relief of the Morrison-street bridge, which Is carrying double traffic The public should bear in mind that the bridge Is still In a very incomplete condition, and all pedestrians should be careful In crossing. Sidewalks are not finished, and there are no barricades. The roadway built by the Oregon Water Pow er & Railway Company's double tracks 4s barely 18 feet wide, and with cars pass ing and repassing there is sure to be con siderable danger. By exercise of caution Occidents -will be avoided. ' 2ffBW -CYCLE PATH WAXTED. petition to Build on Vancouver Ave. nue From McMlllen. to RnsnelL. 1 A petition will bo circulated asking the .County Court to build a bicycle path on !Vancouver avenue to connect McMlllen lend Russell streets. Vancouver avenue jls to be Improved in a short time, and It tts desired that this path should be built 'at tho time the street is graded. Author ity for this path was given In the gen feral bicycle ordinance which was passed by the City Council a year ago, when a 'number of routes were selected on the East and West Sides. Authority is given to build a path on Wheeler street and Vancouver avenue, connecting with McMlllen street and ex tending to the city limits. Vancouver I avenue is to be improved at once to Rus sell street, and as soon as it has been made uniformly CO feet wide, north from .Morris street, the Improvement will be continued through to Alberta street. The object Is to have a bicycle path built straight along the avenue to the north west corner of the Piedmont tract. The Multnomah County Bicycle Association -adopted this route through Alblna, after careful consideration. It was decided that a path should be built connecting with the steel bridge and extending along Vancouver avenue to connect with the path already built. This route does away with the steep hill on McMlllen street and passes directly through the thickly settled portion of Alblna and cuts through the main streets. The petition asks for construction of the path to Russell street only for tho present. PEARL OSBORX INJURED. Wound Up in a Set-Scrovr in Stand ard Box Factory Leg Gashed. Pearl Osborn, tho 11-year-old son of C. C. Osborn, who lives In Tabasco Addition, met with a painful accident yesterday morning while wdrklng in the Standard Box Factory on East Water 6treet. The boy was acting as off-bearer to one of the machines in the factory. In some way his trousers leg was caught by the set-screw, which drew his leg into the machine, and would probably have crushed his leg off but for the prompt efforts of the little fellow in pulling him self away from the machine. A gash an inch deep and seven Inches long was made in the calf of his leg. Into this the cloth of the trousers and sock had been ground. His father, who also works In the factory, with Mr. Woodcock, carried the injured boy to the office of Dr. Chambers, in the Logus building. It was found that the wound had nearly penetrated to the bone. The boy said that after his leg caught he braced his foot against a board and wrenched hlm self,loose from tho whirling set-screw; He was then put under tho influence of an anesthetic while the wound was dressed. The operation took an hour. Twenty-five stitches were necessary. Af Jterwards he was taken to his home. Dr. Chambers said ho never 6aw a pluckier boy. Must Remove Street Obstructions. Managers of Studebaker Bros., Buffalo Pitts and tho Russell Company yesterday wero requested to clear the elevated road- Vways on Belmont and East Yamhill streets, by Chief McLauchlan, and they Jagreed to take steps to have this done (at once. These two streets are occupied with long lines of threshing machines, traction engines and other agricultural idmplements. Chief Campbell on investi .gatIon found that in case of firo in this -vicinity it would be almost impossible to Uget the apparatus where it could be used. 'An engine or truck might be gotten through the narrow space left, but there would be danger of accidents. Death of an Old Contractor. Ezra St. John, aged 78 years, died Ttiura "iaay evening in the Odd Fellows' Home, near Kenllworth, where he had been since "the dedication of the home. He had been a well-known contractor, and was super intendent of construction when the Port Sand postofflce was built. He also built .many important buildings. He was a member of Samaritan Lodge, No. 2, and Ellison Encampment, No. 1, I. O. O. F. The funeral will be held Sunday under tthe auspices of the L O. O. F., and in terment will be in the Odd Fellows' cem etery. Injured by Chemical Explosion. ( Henry Knight, employed In the St. Johns Match Factory, was badly Injured by the explosion of chemicals yesterday. He was burned about the face, and it Is thought that the sight of one of his eyes may have been destroyed. Last evening It was reported from the Good Samaritan 'Hospital, where he was taken, that he was getting along as well as could be ex pected, but the extent of the injury to his eyes could not be determined. "WI1? Camp at Trout Lnlce. The Sunnyslde Boys- Brigade will start this morning for Its annual encampment at Trout Lake. The brigade goes to Hood River today, where the boys will camp over Sunday. Monday they will proceed to Trout Lake. W. O. Nlsley will be in charge. Grange Meeting Today. Evening Star Grange. ICo. 27, Patrons of Husbandry, will hold an Important meet ing today In Multnomah Hall. There will be several candidates and a programme In the afternoon. In the evening an Ice cream social will be held. Body Will Be Sent to Detroit. The relatives of Fred F. Groshans, who committed suicide by shooting himself nearly two weeks ago, have instructed F. S. Dunning, undertaker, to ship the body to Detroit, Mich., which will be done this evening. Half Block Sold for $5250. The purchase price of the half block on East Third street, between East Clay street and Hawthorne avenue, paid by the Phoenix Iron Works Company, was $5250. The owners were E. J. Troup and others, of Vancouver. Fire in St. Johns Match Factory. The packing and dripping building of the Match Factory at St. Johns ..was burned Wednesday night. Tho fire spread so rapidly that nothing could be done. It Is supposed .that the fire started In the chemicals. The main building; about S3 feet away, was saved. The loss Is about 5500, with no insurance. The company will rebuild at once. East Side Notes. Councilman Sharkey, of the Ninth Ward, and family, have gone to Ocean Park. W. W. Shambrook and family. 261 Hal sey street, will 'spend the next two months at Rainier. O. H. Walberg1, of Sellwood. spent n week with his family at SodavIHc, where they are spending the Summer. E. L. Corner, a well-known resident of Sellwood, has returned from a three months' trip In the East. He visited Ohio and other states. FUNERAL OF G. C. SEARS. Delegations From Many FrnternnI Orders Attend. The remains of George C Sears were laid to rest yesterday afternoon In River view cemetery. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock from Calvary Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of Portland Lodge, Benevolent Protective Order -of Elks. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. H. J. Talbott. who paid a fitting tribute to the memory of the de- 1 Wnltlng-Rooms. ceased. The church was crowded, and a long line of carriages followed the hearse to the cemetery. The funeral was attend ed by delegations from Samaritan Lodge, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Masons, Foresters, A. O. U. W.. Woodmen, Women of Woodcraft, and other societies which Mr. Sears had been a member of. The honorary pallbearers were selected from Past Grand Exalted Rulers of the Elks j as follows: C. H. Clute, Alex Sweek. R. W. Mitchell, H. D. Griffin. Louis Dam masch and Dr. H. R. Llttlefleld. The active pallbearers were: Phil Harris, Harry Meyer, John F. Olson. H..P. Chrls tensen. and George D. Smith. At the grave of George C. Sears, al though called upon on the spur of the moment. Colonel R. W. Mitchell delivered a short but fitting eulogy. In part he said: "Brothers and Friends: We have re turned to Mother Earth an honest man. He who lies there needs tm eulogy from us. His life and career speak more elo quently than anything we could say. Had I the" tongue of Demosthenes, garnished by the eloquence of Ingersoll, little could I add to what In ict and deed he did himself. The principles of our order he revered. He was alert in charity, mixed with a judgment that neither encouraged the slothful nor turned away the unfortu nate. He was a royal Elk, charged with high resolves, and mingling in unison, charity. Justice,, and brotherly love. Where be will go, unless all elgns fall, every one who knew him as I did will need no surety. "Sleep, brother, sleep. The vigil we keep. And rest. The Great Exalted Ruler decides It Is best. To "his will we lowly bow. Great heart be still. It Is his will. We will come one by one. Until then, sleep on and rest. 'Tls best!" LICENSE FOR DOCTORS. Twenty-ono Pass Before State Medl- cal Board. Dr. Byron E. Miller, secretary of the State Medical Board, yesterday gave out a copy of the official list of those who re cently parsed successful examinations be fore the board. The examinations were held in this city on July S-9, and 21 candi dates out of 24 were successful. These 21 are now entitled to practice medicine and surgery anywhere within the limits of the State of Oregon. They are: Daniel R. Corgell, M. D graduate of Ohio Medical College, 1SS3. John Frey, M. D., graduate of Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati, O., 1S70. A. N. Hallabough, M. D., graduate of Vanderbllt University. 1902. W. W. Hicks, M. D.. graduate of Univer sity of Southern California, 1902. M. E. Jarnagln, M. D., graduate of Ten nessee Medical College, 1S97. George V. Ketchum, M. D.t graduate Cleveland Medical College. SS0. W. C McKcchuie, M. D., graduate of McGlll Medical College, 1899. A. L. McNeill, M. D., graduate of ChlT cago Homeopathic Medical College, 1S95. E. R. Rentz, M. D., graduate of Univer sity of Pennsylvania, 1S70. Boyd M. Richardson, M. D., graduate of Willamette University, 1900. Faulkner Short, M. D., graduate of Uni versity of Toronto. 1902. J. D. Wetmore, M. D., graduate of Hah neman Medical College, 1SS2. G. T. Trommald. M. D., graduate of Rush Medical College, 1901. C. G. Patterson, M. D., graduate of Ec lectic Medical Institute. 1902. P. Overton, M. D., graduate of Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1902. G. H. Merryman, M. D.. graduate of Chicago College of Physicians and Sur geons, 1902. J. M. Gunning. M. D., graduate of Chi cago College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1902. James H. Corrlco, M. D., graduate of Chicago College of Physicians and Sur geons, 1902. W. B. Wells, M. D graduate of Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1901. C M. Frazer. M. D., graduate of Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. 1901. R. L, Smith, M. D.. graduate of Beau mont Medical College, 1896. COMMUTATIOX TICKETS TO THE COAST. The O. R. & N. Co. has made a 515 rate for individual flve-rlde. round-trip com mutation tickets, Portland to North Beach and Clatsop Beach points. These tickets will be good any time from date of sale up to October 15. 1902. and will be honored in either direction between Port land and Astoria on the boats of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company, the White Collar Line, the Vancouver Trans portation Company and on trains of the A. & ('. R. R. Tickets now on sale at O. R. & N. office. Third and Washington. i Derangement of the liver, with consti pation, injures the complexion. Induces pimples, sallow skin. Carters Little Liver I'llls remove the cause. JAPANESE TO PAY A VISIT TEX STUDEXTS WIX.Ii ARRIVE "iX PORTLAND JULY 24. They Come From Private School at OUayama, for the Purpose of Studying American Customs. A party of 10 Japanese students. ac companied by the principal of their school and an adviser, will arrive In Portland about July 24. The expenses of this party are paid by the school to which it be longs, belnj, an experiment In higher edu cation begun by this establishment last May, when 15 students were sent on a similar visit to Korea and China. This school is located in Okiyama, a city whose population on December 31, 1S8S, numbered 58,025. The school Is a private crterpp.v?, receiving a subsidy of only $1250 per annum from the prcfectual gov ernment In which It Is located. Its rank, so far as study Is concerned. Is that of an American high school. There Is also In this City of Okiyama a public high school, one of the best in Japan: besides the grammar and primary schools. The pub lic school system in Japan differs from that' of the United States in that parents who are able to do so pay for the educa- PRIVATE SCHOOL AT OKAYAMA WHICH IS 2 Office. 3 Teachers' Rooms. 4 tlon of tholr children In proportion to their wealth, the charges ranging from 15 cents to 0 cents per month, American money, being somewhat less In the pri mary grade and more in the high school. But where the parents are very poor no charge Is made, and books are supplied free to those unable to purchase them. Moreover, when pupils munlfest marked intelligence In the grammar grades and are too poor to pursue their studies at their own expense, they are sent to the high school not only free of charge but are alf-o supplied with board and lodging and clothing, and even a small money allowance during their stay there; the idea belngthat the country needs "the best services of Its most Intelligent citi zens and can well afford to do everything posflblo to promote their highest devel opment. Tho step that this Okayama school Is taking In sending some of its best stu dents abroad during tho Summer vaca tion, in order that they may acquire a practical knowledge of the manners, cus toms and Industries of foreign nations. Is typical of the great efforts Japan Is mak ing to secure the education of the rising generation. In this private Okayama high school there are 750 pupils, with 25 teachers. And it is to be presumed that the public high school will have as many more students. For a city of less than C0.000 this Is a good record, especially when It is considered that this private high school Is exclusively for boys. When It Is remembered that modern Japan dates only from 1S6S. the strides the nation Is making In education, as well as In other directions. Is truly remarkable. With a total population of less than 47, 009.000 on January 1. 1S99, Japan had on December 31, 1900, 21.S6S students receiving the hlghor (or college) education; 6334 of whom were being educated at the public expense, while 13,913 wero paying their own way. v In regard to education, below the col lege course, the following tables, taken from the report of the Government Bu reau of Statistics for 1902, speak for them selves: Number of high-grade schools December 31. 1S99 Intermediate '. , 190 Normal 49 Technical 275 Superior for girls . 36 High 2,668 Total 3.21S Medicine, political administration, literature, science and arts 42 Agriculture, arts, manual training, commerce and merchant marine 227 Totals 260 Primary and grammar 26,997 Teachers employed December 31, 1S99 Intermediate schools 3.0S3 Normal schools :... S39 Technical and special schools 1,970 Superior schools for girls 430 High schools ....'. 5,733 Total 12,055 Schools of medicine, political ad- ministration, literature, science and arts 752 Schools of agriculture, arts, mnnual training, commerce and merchant marine : LZ45 Total 2.027 Primary and grammar schools ... .88,660 Pupils in public and private schools De cember . 1S99 Intermediate schools 6S.SS5 Normal schools 12.S29 Technical and special rchools 31,900 Superior 5chools for girls S.474 High schools , 109,299 Total 234.45S Schools of medicine, political ad ministration, literature, science and arts 11,627 Schools of agriculture, arts, manual training, commerce and merchant marine .-... 23,006 Total 34.723 Primary and grammar schools.... 4,302.623 The education of girls Is as yet in Its Infancy, the number of boys In respect to girls being about six to one In the higher grades, and somewhat less than two to one In the primary and grammar grades. The higher education of girls, however. Is making rapid strides. ' MERCURY AT 93. Hottest Day of Season Comes on Schedule Time. The "hot enough for you?" man was out In full force yesterday. Inflicting his soul slckenlng intorrogatlves upon the swelter ing public The weather man evidently desired to even things up for the cold spell he ordered for the great and glor ious Fourth of July. This he succeeded in doing. The day was by far the hottest of the season, and dealers of of hokey pokey Ice cream and Summer beverages reaped handsome- returns. At 3 A. M. the thermometer stood at 61 degrees above the zero mark, and an hour later It had jumped up four notches. At S o'clock there was a registration of 69 decrees, and at 11 people began to perspire freely and swear by jerks, for the mercury had crawled up to the 0 mark. At high noon three more degrees were added to the al ready large supply of heat, and the weather market was firm, with upward tendencies. At 2 P. M. It was "awful hot" at SI degrees, and an hour later the silver-colored liquid In the weather man's office was .still another notch to the good. The highest point reached was 93 de grees. This jevent occurred at 4 o'clock, after which time there was a reaction, and things began to get cooler. At G o'clock, 92 degrees was announced, and by 9 the temperature had cooled down to SO. After the shades of night had fallen, people went to bed with open windows, although matters had cooled down to the 72 mark by 10 o'clock. Cooler weather Is predicted for today. . MR. LUNSFORD AGAIN. Frances WUIard Ranked Alongside of. Mill and Spencer. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 15. (To the Editor.) Referring to comments on my communication in today's Oregonlan, I desire to say that It was not Intended to accuec The Oregonlan of clcelng Its col umns to prohibition argument, for. In times past, it has been generous and lib eral In that as It Is on all matters of public Interest. At the same time The Oregonlan Is "Inflexibly hostile" to the prohibitory law; see editorial In Issue of June 27, "Error Dies Among Its Wor .shlpero," and but little If anything has SENDING TEN STUDENTS TO Exercise - Room tor Bad Weather. B Recltatlon-Rooms. appeared In Its columns for the last year or so in answer to Its frequent attacks on the Intelligence and standing of the advocates of prohibition. Such appella tions as cranks, fools. Idiots and para noics, have been freely applied to pro hibitionists in general, while the designa tion of articles written In a spirit of Honesty and fairness, as Incumbrances, betrays vlndlctlveness and prejudice to a high degree. In the editorial last mentioned, the standing of Frances A. Wlllard and Lady Somerset In the world of thought Is com pared to Bryan, who Is designated as a "transient political nuisance In distinction to a statesman who by thought or deed has made a deep mark." Permit me to say that, measured by the influence for good of humanity, the life work of these noble women will probably be as great as the profound reasoning of a Mill or a Spencer. The Oregonlan says gambling Is crime, the use and eale of liquor Is not. Where in lies the difference? Both are corrupt ing the moral life of the nation, and therein lies the crime and the Justification of prohibition. Merely this and nothing more. All the ranting nonsense about the liberty of the Individual and the enact ment of bumptuary laws, etc., is but tho raucous cackle of tho Judas spirit that would sell Its Lord for 30 pieces of silver, and of the self-sufficient Individual who, strong-willed and mighty In his own mind, has no pity for his weaker brother, and selfishly takes no thought for any thing beyond his own material comfort. Yes, gambling In all its gradations, from the millionaire stock gambler down to the Ignorant negro qrap-shooter, is a crime, made so by Its degrading Influence as a whole on the moral life of society, and not by any one particular form or set. But Infinitely more. It seems to me, Is It a crime for the state to license and reap a profit from a thing that Is the source of more human misery and unhap plness than all else combined. Is the sale and use of liquor a crime? Unless one can conscientiously declare that Its effects on the welfare of the people as a whole are more beneficial than harmful, they must admit that it Is; and If a crime, then the principle of prohibition Is right, regardletM of whether or not It Is practical under present conditions, which Is another question. The position of The Oregonlan that It Is a gain for decency to force vice out of sight. In that it does away with the power of suggestion carried to the minds of the young. Is correct, and the same principle has resulted, according to Gov ernor Stanley, of Kansas, In thousands of young men growing to manhood In that state without ever having known the taste of liquor or seeing a saloon. If the decrease of crime and the Increase of savings reported from the states where the prohibition law has been tried though Imperfectly enforced Is any Indication of what good results would come from a perfect enforcement of the law. It would Indeed be a blessing for humanity If It were made universal. DAVID E. LUNSFORD. TIMBER FOR CAVITE. Oregon Lumbermen Can Bid on Government Orders. Oregon lumbermen have an opportunity to supply the Government with a large amount o' timber for the naval station at Cavlte. Specifications for bids have been received by the Chamber of Com merce and copies may be obtained by Interestee persons. Proposals are to be opened August 9 at Washington. Impor tant Items In the specifications are: Four hundred and twenty thousand feet Oregon pine, 100,000 feet sugar pine. 65.000 feet white ash, 4000 feet hickory. 4000 feet mahogany, 3S.0C0 feet white oak, 10.000 feet spruce, 55,000 .feet Port Orford cedar, 200 spruce spars, 1000 white oak staves. EXCURSION RATES TO SALT LAKE CITY. For the Elks' convention at Salt Lake August 12-14. the O. R. & N. will sell 30 day round-trip tickets at rate of ?29 60; for return through San Francisco via rail or steamer, 544 Tickets on sale August 9 and 10. Call at O. R. & N. office. Third and Washington, for further Information. THROUGH THE COLUMBIA GORGE. RIVER A delightful trip of a few hours will take you 'through the famous "Columbia River Gorge." the greatest combination of river and mountain scenery on earth. O R. & X. train leaves Portland dally a: 9 A. M. Return, can be made by steamer from Cascade Locks. Special low rates for this trip. Get particulars at O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and Washington. E. W. Grove. This name must appear oa every box of th zenulne Laxative Broroo-Qulnlne Tablets, the remedy that surca a cold la ono day. 25 cenu. TO COLLECT BICYCLE TAX SHERIFF ORDERED XOT TO RE LEASE CONFISCATED "WHEELS". County Court Decides That Law Shall Be Enforced and That "Warrants Are Xot Xceded. The County Court yesterday notified Sheriff Storey not to release any bicycle seized for nonpayment of the bicycle tax until the tax of U and the penalty of 51 (50 has been paid In full. The Sheriff was in doubt as to whether, having seized the wheels without a warrant, having first been Issued, he could hold them. Judge Webster stated that the persons violated the law In riding up the paths when they had no license, and the Sheriff could merely seize the wheels again, as be Is now duly authorized to do. In ex planation the court said further: "These people were guilty of riding on these paths without license tags, and they should be made to pay the penalty. We have built these paths for their special benefit, and If they desire to use them they ought to be willing to pay the 51 per year license that Is Imposed. It costs money to build these paths and keep PORTLAND them In condition, and the law must be enforced. "Tne deputy who stopped a man on the path and was fined for acting In accord ance with Instructions, will not be obliged to pay the fine himself. There seems to be little doubt that the former court Is sued the warrant to the Sheriff, but through some slip It was not placed on record. This has been fully remedied and the work of watching the paths will be continued.' The man who caused the arrest of this deputy, It is reported, has threatened to sue the county for 510,000 damages. There arc at present over 20 bicycles on hand. If not rcdeemedf within a certain length of time, the law provides that they may be sold. Will of Cornelius Murphy. Tho will of Cornelius Murphy, deceased, was admitted to probate yesterday. The estate comprises 160 acres of land near South Bend, two lots In South Park Addi tion to Seattle, a lot In Los Angeles, and a stock of cigars and tobacco. The de visees are Johanna Murphy, the widow, and the children John Michael, Timothy, William and Annie Murphy, who reside at West Farms, New York City. Arch bishop Alexander Christie and John Har ris are named as executors. County Court to Pans on Bills. The -County Court will pass on bills to day, Including May and June road bills and election bills, and Auditor Brandes states that road time checks have been audited and approved by the court and warrants are ready. The warrants to be Issued In payment of th.e other claims will number about 2000, and It will take about a week for the County Clerk to get them out. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of Incorporation of the Larson Quick Transit Company were filed In the County Clerk's office yesterday by L. H. French, John Larson and Charles J. Maher. The capital stock Is 54000. The objects announced are to own, lease, con trol and operate boats to be used In the transportation of freight and passengers on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Court Xotcs. I. Lowengart has filed an attachment pult against E. W. Dunbar In the State Circuit Court to recover ?527. Eva Wallace has sued Elmer J. Wal lace for a divorce on the ground of deser tion, commencing in October, 19C0. They were married at Vancouver, Wash., in 1E91. Charles Wefer has sued Levi Sparks, Van B. DcLashmutt, John R. Oatman and others to quiet title to lot 30 In sub division No. 2, DeLashmutt & Oatman's Little Homes. Sophie Danner yesterday filed suit in the State Circuit Court against John Wat rln and Helene B Watrln, to foreclose a mortgage for 5400 on lot 11 and the east half of lot 12. block 2, Sunnyslde, ex ecuted to H. M. Ackley, and now held by Mrs. Danner. Ella Hatfield, administratrix of the es tato of Job Hatfield, deceased, filed her final account In the County Court yes terdiy. The receipts were 5974S and the dlsburselents ?331S. Hatfield owned 57500 In stock In Inman, Poulsen & Co.'s Mill, and property In Stephens' Addition and elsewhere. FIRES SERIOUS IN RUSSIA No Electric Alarms Fireman "Watch es in a Tower to See Blaze. New York Sun. When a fire occurs in St. Petersburg the nearest citizen doesn't step to a red box and ring In an alarm for the engines by electricity. They haven't advanced so far yet. The Russian system of spreading news of a fire la the most primitive In Europe. They don't send out any fire alarm at all In St. Petersburg until the fire has blazed out fierce and strong. In fact, the fire department doesn't know It. One fire man comprises In himself the St. Peters burg alarm system. At all times a fireman Is on duty In the tower of the City Hall. He watches the city, and when a fire burns up he notices it, or is expected to do so. If It Is In the -daytime he runs up a number of black balls- on the outside of the tower. If It Is In the night he uses red lanterns Instead of balls. The num ber of the balls or lanterns Indicates the district In which is the fire. On seeing the signal the firemen turn out. Naturally this method Is not productive of great speed In reaching the fire. From 20 minutes to half an hour Is good time, unless the fire occurs quite near an en gine company's quarters. The result is that the citizens of St. Pe tersburg try to do most of the fire extln- ! gulshlng themselves, and as there la no a Brewed in s plant as clean as the cleanest home kitchen always open to M your inspection 58,97 visitors last yesr. ff CHAS. KOHX & CO.. The Agents for 100-106 order and no discipline the -wildest confu sion usually prevails. At every hint of a fire, nt matter how slight, the neighbors begin at once to strip their homes of ev erything of value. The police make no attempt to establish fire lines, so the mob hampers the firemen rather than helps them. But all this Is nothing beside the excite ment of the progress of the engine or en ginesthere are 74 pieces of apparatus and 1027 firemen In the city to the fire, in snowtlme the engines travel on runners Instead of wheels. Beside the driver sits a man ringing a big bell to warn other vehicles to keep out of the way. After the engine, five tenders follow, one after the other. One carries the hose, another a water tank. Then come three more, all filled with firemen. In the last century Russia has lost prop erty to the amount of $15,000,000,COO by fire. The loss averages $150,000,000 a year. Bird Notes. Chicago News. Cuckoos are birds whose nations are a standing puzzle to naturalists. As Is well known, the cuckoo lays Its eggs in the nests of other birds. When they hatch the young cuckoos throw out the young of other species and get all the attention of the old birds for themselves. Recent experiments show that the instinctive de sire of the young bird to eject Its foster brothers from the nest Is much stronger than has been believed. Two cuckoo eggs were placed In the same nest, and the fight thai, ensued after the chlck3 were hatched reads like an occount of cham pions wrestling. The Instinct is a most singular one and was manifested before the birds were 20 hours old. Proverbial early rising by the lark, expressed In the phrase, "up with the lark," Js denied by an eminent ornithologist, who claims that whereas the greenfinch Is up at 2 o'clock In the morning In Summer, the blackbird at 4 and the hedgerow sparow half an hour later, the lark does not appear until after 5. XJAIl.Y METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 18.-8 P. M.-Maxlraum temperature, 33; minimum temperature, 61; river reading at 11 A. M.. 14.0 feet: change In the past 24 hours. 0.3 foot; total precipita tion. 5 P. II. to 5 P. M.. 0.0O; total precipita tion since Sept. 1. 1001. 40.85 Inches; normal precipitation since Sept. 1. 1001. 4C.15 Inches; deficiency. 5.30 inches; total sunshine July 17. 15:18; possible sunshine July 17. 15:1S. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. i "UMnd I? -. 1 S S 9 I :r a 5 " S;3 3 "II STATIONS. Astoria Baker City .... Boise Eureka Kamlocps, B. C Neah Bay ..... Pocatcllo Portland Red Bluff Roeeburg Sacramento ... Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Walla "Walla .. Light. Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cldy iClcar Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cldy Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain has fallen west of the Rocky Moun tains durlnc the last 24 hours. It is much warmer In the North Pacific States, and. the temperatures" In the Willamette Valley and Sound country are now from 8 to 17 degree above the normal. It Is not so warm east of the Cascade Mountains, and the temperatures in the wheat districts range between 84 and 00 degrees. The Indications are for Increasing DAVID AND GOLIATH, A Little' Shot rat Old Kins Out of Business. Coffee "U'hen medicine falls they sometimes send sick people away to another climate for their health. Sometimes the climate does It, but more often they stumble on the proper food to take, and then get well. A lady In San Diego tells of a friend who left her home each December, for the past two "Winters, to go to California for her health. She says: "Almost all of her time was spent in visiting the doc tor and sitting In a big chair and watch ing the clock to note the time lor her next dose of medicine. Nervousness was her principal trouble, and wlth others of kindred nature, made life for her a bur den. "On the occasion of her last visit I begged her to give up the use of coffee, and use Postum Coffee. She replied that t-he could not stop coffee. I said no more at the time, but the next morning, at breakfast, I passed her a fragrant, steam ing cup of Postum, making It as It should be made. After that. I had no more trouble, and my friend drank no more coffee. But the most surprising part of the experience was the change that soon came over her. "We began to notice It within less than a week. In less than a month her ner vousness had left her, and In three months she was a new woman In face, figure and health I had not dared to hope for so much benefit, although I had been greatly benefited myself by Postum, but coffee to her system was simply poison ous, and I believe this Is the case with many others. She returned to her home In December, and was marrtcd within less than two months after. She never falls to give credit to Postum for her health or thanks to me for teaching her to make It properly, and well she may, for Postum has done for her what travel, doctors and medicine failed to do." Name given by Pgstum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. 60 0.001 101 NB I SO 0.00 61 N 84 0 00 OiW CO 0.00 14SW 80 O.tiO UOiClm 06 0.00 0E 74 0 00 SN 03 0 00 tfiNW 100 0.00 SE 06 0.00 0NB SC0.O0 101S , 78 0.00 'iW 62 0.00 1SIW 82 0.00 NB 82 O.C0 12N 90 0.00 'IN Distributers. Po rtland. Royal fruit Jar BY EVERY TEST THE BEST MADE IN FINE FLINT GLASS WIT.H GLASS COVER FULL MEASURE PINT, 1-PIXT, QUART, 2-QUART ASK TOUR DEALER FOR THEM OR BEND YOUR ORDER TO PRAEL, HEGELE & CO. Incorporated Oregon, Washington and Idaho FIFTH STREET, COR. STARK cloudiness and cooler weather Saturday In tho Willamette Valley. Southern Oregon and the Sound country. East of the Cascade Moun tains It will be slightly warmer. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight Saturday, July 19. Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudiness; cooler; northerly winds, becoming variable. Western Oregon Increasing cloudiness; cool er; northerly winds, becoming variable. Western Washington Increasing cloudiness; cooler, except near Immediate coast; northerly winds, becoming variable. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair; slightly warmer. EDWARD A BEALS. Forecast Officials CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Boom?." "Rooms and Board." "Housekeea- " Ing Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents; Itf to 20 words. 20 cents: 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount tor ad ditional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." SO centa for 15 words or less: 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents. tc first lnstrtlon. Each additional Insertion, cne-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per 11ns for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tho Oregonlan and left at this oJIlce. should always be Inclosed In saled en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through tba telephone. MEETIXG NOTICES. MINERVA LODGE. NO. 10. I. O. O. F. .Members are requested to meet Sunday, July 20. at 1 P. M.t at O. F. Temple, to attend tha funeral of our late brother, Ezra St. John. B. KLOTZ, Sec. ALBINA LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. & A. M.-Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. All M. M. cordially Invited. Work In M. M. degree. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Sec WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. & A. M Special meeting this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. In 3Iai-onic Hall, Burkhard build ing. Work In E. A. degree. All E. A. Masons welcome. By order W. 31. J. A. NEWELL. Sec. SA3IARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. The funeral committee Is hereby notified to meet at Odd Fellows Hall, corner of First and Alder sts.. tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at I o" clock, to attend the funeral of our lata brother. E. St. John. Other members of the lodge and order aro fraternally Invited to at tend. 31. OSVOLD. Sec. DIED. WISE In this city, at the family residence, 3S3 East Ninth st.. July 18. 1002. Carl F. Wise, aged 0 jears. 1 month and 12 days. , son of Carolina and Samuel Wise. Notice of ' funeral hereafter. SKINNER July IS. 1002. at 8 P. 3f.. at resi dence of his daughter. 3Irs. L. S. Kaiser. 20C Chapman st.. Edward Hajes Skinner, aged 73 years. 2 months and 18 days. Funeral notice later. FUXERAL NOTICES. WILHEL3I July 17. 1002, at St. Vincent's Hospital. Jacob Wllhelm. . aged 61 j ears. Funeral Saturday. July 20. 4 P. M., from Edward Holman's funeral parlors. Inter ment in Lone Tlr cemetery. Friends Invited. O'HALLORAN July IS. 1902. Infant daughter of 3tr. and 3Irs. Patrick O'Halloran, aged 5 months and G days. Funeral Sunday. July 20. at 2 P. M . from residence. 340 Ros? st Interment at 3It. Calvary cemetery- Friends Invited. HA3IILTON Entered Into rest July IS. 1002. Caroline A. Hamilton, beloved wife of J. C. Hamilton, aged 61 years. S months. 4 days. Funeral services will take place Sundaj. July 20. at 10 A. M.. from her late residence, 35H Larrabee st. Services at the grave private. Schenectady, N. Y , papers plea3e copy. J. r. FIXLEY & SOX. ProicreiHtve Fnnernl Directors and Embalmern, Cor. Third nnil JelTerson St. Com petent lady ain't. Hoth phones Xo. I). EDWARD IIOL.MAX. UndertnUer. 4th and Yamhill t. Itt-na Stlnxon. lady nmiitnnt. Both pbonca Xo. HOT. XEW TODAY". CHICKENS OUR US CAL BIG DISPLAY for Saturday, fresh killed and drawn If eo desired; not a poor chicken In the 100 or more that will be offered today (Saturday). Butter, very best creamep. 50c per 2-pound square. Our eggs are all strictly fresh ranch eggs and guaranteed. A 10-pound box fresh macaroni. 35c. A 35c pound Java Aid Mocha cofTee. 25c. etc., etc. Ev-erj thing cut. Cali fornia Market. 1S5 Third st. Phone 31aln 053. Columbia 041. AS IT LESSENS DEFECTS. INTENSIFIES attractiveness. Satln-Skln Powder pleases all users. Flesh white or brunet. 31eler & Frank. HELLO. CENTRAL! PHONE 180. PLEASE! I want to order my wood at the Pioneer 3Iorrlson-Street Fuel Company. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 22 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property, at lowest current rate. Building loans. Installment luans. MacMastr .t BIrrell. tit Worcester blfc. 8 & CHICKENS FOR SUNDAY AT I0UB OWN TRICE Spring: chick .25c up Mt. Hood Creamery 50c Sknmokawa Creamery 50c Brownsville Creamery rjOc Good creamery butter -45o Good dairy .H5c, 40c Frc"h ranch epTB. 2 dozen 45c Picnic linmi 12c Lnrd, 5-pound iall, compound. ..50c f()c tea .:i5c Sngar-cured hamslb 15a LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO. 204 Yamhill Street.