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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1902)
12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1902; SALEM AS IT WAS IN 1852 - HOW THE CAPITAL CITY OF OREGON WAS CARVED OUT OF THE WILDERNESS r WITH PIONEER REM INISCENCES BY JUDGE R. P. BOISE. SALEM. July IS. Following: Is the ad dross on "Salem In 1S52." delivered by Judge R. P. Boise at the jubilee services of the First Congregational Church last weak: It was In March, 1S32. hat I first saw the site of this city. I came here Jn com pany with the late Matthew P. Deady to attend one of the flret courts held In Sa lem. We came on horseback, then the usual way of traveling, from Portland, by the way of Hlllsboro, and La Fayette, crossing the Willamette River at what Is row the Port of Lincoln, then Dock's Ferry. Wn were three days in making the Journey from Portland here. Most of .tho way was over the open prairie, or along dim paths between the scattered settlements. I remember that we spent the night before our arrival in Salem at the cabin of Mrs. Elizabeth Thurston, the then widow of the late Samuel R. Thurs ton, first Delegate to Congress from Ore gon, i had known Mr. Thurston In Mas sachusetts, and was also acquainted -with 2drs. Thurston. She was an accomplished scholar, a lady of refinement and "was a teacher in the Willamette University for many years, and afte'rward became the wife of Hon. W. H. Odcll, who is now president of the board of trustees of the university. Supreme Judges Did Circuit Dutr Judge O. C. Pratt was the presiding Judge of the court. There were then threo Judges of the Supreme Court of Oregon who performed circuit duty. The Terri torial Legislature, at its annual session In December, 1821, had so altered the boun daries of the judicial district as to give Judge Pratt jurisdiction to hold the courts In all the counties south of the Columbia River except Clackamas. Marlon County had formerly belonged to the district over which Judge Nelson presided, and the contention was raised that Judge Pratt liad no Jurisdiction to hold the court In thte county, for the reason that the Legis lature which passed the law changing tl district had assembled at Salem instead of Oregon City, which latter place had been decided by a majority of the Supreme Court of the territory to be the capital. Judges Strong and Nelson had held, tand so declared, in a formal written opinion, that the act of the Territorial Legislature convened at Oregon City in December, 1S50, removing the capital from that place to Salem, to be In conflict with the act of Congress organizing the territory, and therefore void. Judge Pratt dissented from that opinion, and in accordance with his opinion, the Legislature, meeting In December, 1SS1, organized and held its suasion at Salem. Members of the Bar. The question of the validity of the acts of the Legislature of December, 1851, was then of great interest to the people of the territory, and especially to Salem, and was mueh discubsed. especially by mem bersj of the bar. At that time the mem bers of the bar residing here were: B. F. Haidhig, E. M. Barnum, Elijah Williams, L. F. Graver, Judge Cyrus Olney and Jos eph G. WIteon. The court was hold in a hall on what was then called Boon's Isl and, in North Salem. The Courthouse was not furnished with a bench for the Judge, or the usual fixtures to accommodate the lawyers, still these rude surroundings did not embarrass Judge Pratt in assorting the full dignity of the court. Salem, however, has a history reaching far back of the year 1S52. In 1840 the Methodist Misblon, under the superintend ence of Jason Lee, being dissatisfied with their location In the Mission bottom, some 10 mlks north of here, selected this place for Its permanent location, and built mills and houses, and continued to improve the mission property until the time when the property was sold, or divided principally among tho members of the mission. After the land was divided. Dr. W. H. Wilson took this, the center part; David Lesslle located on the south; Alvln Woller on the east and L H. Judson and J. L. Par rlsh on the north. City of Salem Plnttcd. Before 1S59, Dr. Wilson had platted this city, and L. H. Judson, or J. B. McClane, Md platted North Salem, and the building of this city began. In the division of the property. It was stipulated by the mis sionaries that a part of the land claimed by Dr. Wilson should be held In trust tor the Oregon Institute, now Willamette University, and it was so held, and has iHsen so appuea. Dr. Wilson was a man of liberal"- views and generous impulses, and believing in the future growth of the country, and the development of Salem, le made most ample provision for the building of a convenient and beautiful city. He made the streets S3 feet broad, and reserved from sale Wilson avenue) Marion Square, and sites for a Courthouse and various churches. This wise fore thought of his is now becoming more and more manifest as the city grows, and the convenience, and even necessity, of thcr public grounds Is seen and felt by our cit izens. Feiv Improvements at Salem. In 1S52, when the church was estab lished, Salem had but few improvements, and these were generally temporary and rude. They wer the mission mill. In North Salem, and the Mission House, then owned by J. B. McClane: a dwelling-house, owned by J. D. Boon, and a store kopt by Mr. Boon, and a few other small houses. There was a bridge across Mill Creek at the present site of North Liberty street. A dwelling occupied by Dr. Wilson was then standing where the house of Mrs. Weller now stands. Cook's Hotel, afterward the Mansion House, was kept in comfortable style by the late E. N. Cook. There were some houses and other buildings near where the Salem Flouring Mill now stands. In one of these, belonging to J. W. Nesmlth, the Legislature held Its session in 1855, and It was the Capital Building for the time. Dr. Belt then had a dwelling on Cottage street, and there were some houses scat tered here and there between Cottage street and Commercial street. The Ben nett House, on High street, was then built, and the Supreme Court hold its session In It In December, 1852. Some of First Buildings. At that time, little had been done to redeem the present townslte of Salem from the wilderness. All west of Com mercial street to the river, from North Mill Creek, including Marion Square, was a dense thicket of trees and brush, and the thick brush extended In patches as far south as State street. There was a schoolhouse on the lot now owned by Charles Claggett, just south of -Marlon Square. The stately firs that now adorn Marion Square were then small saplings, not 20 feet high. When the late Rev. O. Dickinson built his residence west of Front street, he had to cut a road to It through dense brush, and it was many years before he could see out to observe the growing city from his residence. There was a chair factory on Mill Cre'ek, at the site of the old tannery in East Salem, which was burned some years ago. The Willamette River flowed clear ana Deautuuj as now, between banks cov ered with cottonwood, alder, maple, ash, and the towering fir, undisturbed by crafts of commerce, except the bateau end the Indian canoe. Indians then camped In numbers along the banks of both North and South Mill Creeks. The Indian women could be seen dally in the unfenced prairies digging camas or picking borries in their season; while the men sometimes sought work fr'om tho white settlers or fished and hunt ed, or loafed at their camps. They had bands of worthless horses, and packs of more ivorthless dogs which would greet you with fierce barking whenever you ap proached their huts; and were said to have been kept by the Indiana in former times to give warning of the approach or pres ence of enemies. The Old .Methodist Parsonage. I rrc'oct t!he old Methodist parsonage, which occupied the present site of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mills. It was situ ated on a roost beautiful spot, shaded by magnificent oaks. Adjoining the parson age was the ample and beautiful campus of the Oregon Institute, now the Willam ette University, showing the wise fore thought of these early pioneers of Chris tian civilization in thus early providing for the permanent establishment of an Institution of learning, to be amply equipped for bestowing on the future peo ple of the territory the advantage of high literary and Christian education. Then what is now called East Salem, east of Winter street, was a wheat field, which by its abundant yield showed the bounteous provisions of Providence In providing this fertile soil and genial climate. Between this field and the, more thickly settled parts of the town to the West were here and there patches of grass where I have staked my horse, held to a stake or bush by the lasso -which we then generally carried attached to our saddles, as our horses had then to depend on grass for feed, as the time for raising oats had not then arrived In Oregon. The feed was am ple, however, for those Indian and Spanish ponies could travel a long day's Journey, fed only on the native grasses, then every where abundant. Prices Were High. In those days prices were high. For a set of common rough chairs Mr. Watt, the chalrmaker, charged $12. A common bedstead was worth $20; a two-horse wagon, $200; an ordinary work horse, $200; I remember that Hon. Fred Waymlrc sold his oxen that had hauled him to Oregon across the plains for 5100 each. The people were generally thrifty, kind and generouB. I remember of John D. Boon, who was o local preacher and elder In the M. E. Church, and also a merchant in North Sajem, and very busy In the conduct of hla trade, telling me that the newly appoint ed pastor of the Salem Church came to his store and admonished him that he was negligent in attending class meeting. Mr. Boon said he apologized, and in giving as a reason for his neglect of duty his press ing business, sugested to the good minis ter that he (the minister) must have been at considerable expense coming here and getting settled with his family, as house hold equipments were scarce and high priced, and he gave the new minister e $50 gold .slug, for which he received the most gracious thanks, and was not again admonished for neglect of religious duty. Reminiscences of John D. Boon. I knew John D. Boon well. He was a prominent man In this community In the early days, and was In many way3 Identi fied with the early history and enterprises of Salem and Marlon County. He was for years a Justice of the Peace: Probate Judge, and also Territorial and State Treasurer. As a magistrate he was dis creet and Just. He administered Justice promptly, without technical observances or ceremony. As an Instance of his promptness, I once attended his court at the request of the late Joseph G. Wilson, to appear for him to defend one Miller, who had been cited to appear before Judge Boon to show cause why he should not be removed as guardian for a minor. The court was held In a hall over Boon's store, and Just before the matter came on for hearing Judge Boon was called to the store on some matter of business, and as I had occasion to use some paper, I took up a sheet lying on the table in the courtroom, and as I turned It over I found on the lower side an order written by Judge Boon removing my client from the guardian ship. When the case came on for hearing there seemed to be nothing in the evidence which would warrant his removal, and I moved to dismiss the case for the want of any proof of misconduct, but the court promptly overruled my motion, alleging as a reason that my client had appealed from some former orders of the court relative to this ward's estate, and said that any guardian who would appeal from his decision would waste the estate of his ward and must be removed; and so the order made before the hearing began stood when the hearing was ended. Boon as State Treasurer. When Judge Boon became Treasurer of the territory and state it Is said he kept his accounts in the most simple and exact manner, that is, he had two strong: buck skin sacks. In one of which he put the money of the state, and in the other he put his own money, and when state war rants were presented he paid them out of the state sack, and his own bills pay able he paid out of his own sack; so there was no chance of error in his accounts, or danger of loss of the public funds, and none occurred. Luclan Heath, who was the first Secre tary of State for Oregon, undertook to ex amine Boon's record as State Treasurers He did not find much bookkeeping, but the money was all there in the sack, and no one ever doubted the Treasurer's In tegrity or the correctness of the account. If Judge Boon's example had been stead ily followed by later officials both in the state and counties, the people would have been better served, and large losses of public funds avoided; for our large defal cations in public money have not arisen from the fault of bookkeeping, but from the mistakes of some officials In putting the public money In the wrong sack. The days of compulsory sidewalks had not then dawned, and the profession of boot and shocshlners was unknown. There was one barber, but even that Important department of skilled labor was not then as now, performed by learned professors, having diplomas. Of physicians, there were several, but no drug stores, and the doctors who had to travel on horseback, carried their medicines and surgical in struments in their saddlebags, and as a ruie were skiuiui and acceptable prac titioners. Pioneer Merchants. There were several merchants in the town. Joseph Holman. J. H. Mors, John D. Boon, William Grlswold and George H. Jones, and a considerable business was transacted. Money was plenty, consisting of gold dust from the mlnps of California and Southern Oregon. There were Mexi can silver dollars, and doubloons, and soon afterward gold $50 pieces, called slugs. Source of Income. The sources of income to the people were principally from the sale of cattle, horses and other livestock, wheat and flour. I knew wheat to sell at $5 per bushel In 1853, and flour at $16 per hundred. This flour was loaded on pack-horses at Ne smlth's Mill, In Polk County, and des tined to Jacksonville in Southern Oregon. There were in thcee days in Oregon sev eral denominations of Christians, and they were generally orthodox; that Is, each had an undoubting conviction of the right of his creed. Although In crossing the plains they had generally lost most of their worldly goods, they had brought their re ligious notions safely through with them, and their churches were served by zealous ana earnest preachers, who rendered very acceptable service. Few Church. Edifices. There were few church edifices, and those were small, unfurnished, and rude; but when the rainy season was over and our delightful Summers came with clear skies, the ministers resorted to the shady groves and held religious meetings. At those meetings the sturdy and generous members of the various churches furnlsn cd abundant provisions. Once at a camp mcetlng held on the Lucklamute, in Polk County, I saw the meat of a whole ox that had been roasted under the super vision of Uncle Sol Tetherow, parceled out with other abundant provisions to feed the congregation. The people cared little for style or ceremony. They had come to Oregon 'and founded a state, and like their Revolutionary fathers, they had formed a church without a bishop, and could not worship God In the house made with hands. What to them were rllded dome or towering spire? 'Neath their sturdy oaks and pines arose their anthems winged with Are. The people who lived in Oregon prior to 1S52 had nearly all crossed the plains, en dured the hardships, and taken the risks of their perilous Journey. They had left their homes which were mostly in the Mississippi Valley, some to escape the malaria of that region; some stimulated by the love of adventure, and by the hope of gain, for there had gone back from this Coast fabulous accounts of Its fertile soil. Its stately forests and mild climate, that here nestled among magnificent moun tains, was this Willamette Valley, a land as fair as where Arcadian plains extend, or the famed Hydaspes flows. And I be lieve It can be truly said of those people j tnnr, wnen tney naa acnievea tneir aanns and dangerous journey, and passed the Cascade Mountains the last rampart that barred their way to the promised land ! and rode out on their weary horses, into j the luxuriant meadows surrounding them, j where the native grasses covered them J above their saddle skirts, and saw their ! worn-out oxen feeding and lying down contented on the natural pastures that I stayed green and abundant all the year round, they were glad of their venture, and satisfied to stay and possess the land. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE KbssHBF &. MsssBssssKk ' iSlBSBsW " '' WsSSSSSSSSSJi ifitlUBssssf yZSfc?fc'BsHl 4-W---' ragVsFgffssssgy f . htsssssssKZ. UsssssssV i?,?V raws- i 4 - SliHHvr'k Vir'3 tjemBi?' ' Bm&fflSBB&tir & mwmmr 1 l ' - ssaMsssssPiMftjyWJF )f JJ&8&3nK&tiBKM& I, ".ff ssHK9TCKlj&3to. .'JWggggCfSaffi5tlltssBsssssk:' 'SBBSBBBBHsEBEreftVSylr llftffgffWWBBifMHsssEsssssBssassssssssW 'jEbM iPJSHHsslsssHssssssssssf V JBBSBSBBBBSsEir ''"TnVWBMsWsMSSSSSSSSSSSSSf "WHO HAS ASSUMED GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP IS THE HOUSE OF LORDS. When I came here I found a happy peo ple who loved the country, and were con tent to live In it to the end of Ufe and be burled beneath Its green sod where the spreading oak casts its grateful shade, and the snow-capped mountains look down In wild and solemn grandeur. WORLD'S SHIPBUILDING. Steam Vessels Larger Than 100 Tons In 1001 AKgrrejynte U,300,000 Tons. In the last two years British shipbuild ing and the shipbuilding of the world at large exceeded all precedents, and the recent dullness in the shipping trade has seemed to be a natural result of over supply. Lloyd's table of construction of steam vessels larger than 100 tons for the last four years Is as follows: All United Nations. Kingdom. 1SJ8 1.C71.470 1.301.325 1600 1.840 747 1.357.112 1000 2.O46.330 1.452.802 1001 2.301.027 1,501.078 In spite of this Immense construction, increasing more than one-third In three years, and in spite of the widespread com plaints of low freights and unsatisfactory business upon the sea, and 4he fact that steamers have gone a-begging in British ports at prices much less than their cosf only two or threo years ago. the Scotch yards are busier than ever before. In the last six months Scotch yards have turned out more shipping than In the first half of any previous year. The tonnage of the first half of the past four years, which In cludes sail as well as steam, has been: 1S09 25C.310 1000 232 Ml 101 240,752 1002 250.801 The times have not yet been bad enough or been bad long enough to drive capital from the sea, but the Scotch builders did not expect such a continued demand for vessels. Vlnd or Xo VInd. Lewlston Journal. A -wealthy German brewer built himself a Summer home. The other day, when the German, who Is a man of comfortable girth, was sitting on bis piazza, taking It easy, he happened to think of something he wanted done. His man Friday was down by the shore, and there was a 40 knot gale blowing. You couldn't have heard a foghorn 20 feet away. "Vllliam, Vllliam, come here!" sung out the German. Man Friday never wiggled an ear. "Come here, Vllliam. I say, come here!" repeated the German, raising his voice. The man down by the shore went along with his work. He hadn't heard a whis per of the conversation. "Villlam, Vllliam. come here to the piazza up!" yelled the brewer, losing his temper and his command of English at the same time. But Vllliam paid no heed, and the Ger man laid down his meerschaum and start ed for the shore. Ho came up behind William and tweaked him by the ear. "Vy don't you come to me mlt de piazza up ven I call you?" he demanded. . "Wind's blow in' so I didn't hear ye," explained William, edging off. The German wagged his big finger warnlngly. "Vllliam." he said, "ven I call I vant you to come, vind or no vlnd. You un derstand mlt mevind or no vlnd." EXCURSION RATES TO CRIPFLE CREEK, COLO. Account Woodmen, of the World conven tion at Cripple Creek, August 2, the O. R. & N. Co., on July 2S and 29. will sell round trip tickets from Portland at rate of $57 25. Return limit, SO days from date of sale. Ticket office Third and Wash ington. FORTLAND-CII1CAGO. Seventy hours and thirty minutes (70J4) Is the time of the "Chicago-Portland Spe cial" from Portland to Chicago. Leaves Portland every day at 9 A. M. Ticket office Third and Washington, O. R. & N. Cc. FRENCH SHIPS CHARTERED! BAYOXXE AND ALICE MARIE COM ING FROM ANTIPODES FORfLOAD. June Freshet .Had No ESect on Chan nel at Month of River German Ships Moving at Low Rates. The French bark Alice Marie and the French ship Bayonne, a couple of new bounty-earners now roaming around the world, and getting In as much mileage as possible for the French taxpayers to set tle, were yesterday chartered to loaa wheat at Portland for the United King dom. Both of the ships will take a round about course to reach here. The Bayonne Is now on the way from Diego Suaroz for Hobart. and at the latter port will re ceive her orders to proceed to Portland. The Alice Marie went out from France to South Africa on her maiden trip, and thence to Hobart, where she received or ders June 12th, Instructing her to pro ceed to Portland. She Is due here early In .August, but was chartered for later loading. The exact sailing date of the Bayonne Is not known, but she was in port at Diego Suarcz, which Is on the Is land of Madagascar, on May 1, and Is probably well on her way to Hobart by this time. The Bayonne was taken for "December loading, and will receive 2Ss 9d, or 9d more than the Alice Marie, which was taken for earlier loading. There Is now an even dozen of the French bounty-earners head ed for Portland, and the French yards are still turning them out at a rapid rate. They are not only putting more tonnage into the water than ever before, but the ships now being completed are many of them of much larger capacity than those now listed from French ports. Among the latest additions to the French sailing fleet are the Ducherse de Berry. 1SH1 tons; Adolphe, 2642 tons; Champlgney, 2420 tons; Rene Kervller. 1900 tons; Duguay Trouln, 1932 tons, and David d'Angers. These ves sels are completed, but have not yet made a voyage, and with the French liking for long voyages, some of them will be com ing In this direction in quest of business. CHANNEL NOT IMPROVED. Jnnc Freshet Did Not Scour Oat the Month of the Columbia River. Captain A. E. Cann. a well-known bar pilot at the mouth of the river, was In the city yesterday. He Is taking a brief vacation while business Is slack at the mouth of the river. Captain Cann. like everyone else Interested In the shipping of the port, regrets very much that nothing has been done toward bettering the chan nel at the mouth of the river before the grain fleet began coming. The v Speke, drawing 21 feet of water, went out of the south channel, which Is the best channel at the top of high water, a few days ago, and had but 18 inches of water under her in the shoalest place. Captain Cann Is a strong advocate of an ocean dredge for the mouth of the river, and states that there will be no Improvement In the serv ice at the mouth of the river until there is more water on the bar. Regarding the intention of the Washing ton Pilot Commission to place a schooner on the bar. Captain Cann had but little to say, except that what the mouth or the river needed was more water Instead of more pilots. He regarded the proposed service as a speculation on the part of the owner of the schooner, and stated that the only pilots qualified to act under the Washington law were two or three men formerly In the Oregon service. SHIPS STILL MOVING. Low FrclRht Rates "Will Not Cause German and French Ships to Quit. The German bark Alice, which has load ed wheat at Portland and Puget Sound a number of times and Is at present en route for Europe from Tacoma, has been chartered to load oil In Philadelphia ih October-November at 16 cents per case. It Is apparent from the low rates that are being accepted by German and French vessels that the cost of operating the "wlnd-fammers" has decreased since for mer eras of low freights. In tho old days when freights dropped below 27s 6d, own ers frequently withdrew their ships from business, but now. In spite of the gloomy outlook, they keep them moving The Alice Is now outward-bound with cargo from Puget Sound for Europe at 25s 3d, .and If there was no money In the rate, her owners would not charter her for an oil cargo at a rate which will bring In gross earnings much smaller proportionately than the 26a 3d for wheat. Business In the Orient Is very slack, and about the only thing In sight for the Alice Is an other cargo of wheat from he Pacific Coast, so It is not at all Improbable that she may show up In the .North pacific again as a tallender for the current sea son's fleet. The Germans are not only keeping their old fleet moving, but are building new and larger ships. Laiez & Co., of Ham burg, are at work on the largest sailing ship In the world, the Herzogln Cecelia, a very late product of the German yards. Is now en route for Portland on her maiden trip, and the Alsterllne has Just had com- pleted at a Scot'-h yard a mammoth sailer -with a net register of 3132 tons. She bears the name of Alsterberg, and 1b the largest vessel of the big fleet of Alsters, well known in Portland. "Wrecked Schooner's Rctarn. PORT TOWNSEND, July 18. The three masted schooner Sequoia, which was wrecked at Nome in October, 1900, and sold for $2SS0, sailed into port this morn ing, apparently little damaged. The Se quoia was launched this Spring after two months' continuous work by a wrecking crew in charge of Captain M. White. She was moved a distance of 1450 feet. . Tho schooner floated off with the Ice June 1. and did not return to Nome until June 15. She sailed for Port Townsend June 21. She will be drydocked for repairs and go into the lumber trade. When wrecked the Sequoia was owned by Port Town send people and valued at $20,000. It cost $7000 to launch the Sequoia from Nome beach. Sunken "Wreck Discovered. SAN FRANCISCO. July IS. What is thought to be an unknown wreck has been located off the Marin County shore by J. B. Haffell and C. C. Horton, 'two young men of this city. Opinion is divided as to whether it is the wreck of the City ot Chester or that of the City of Rio de Ja neiro. Ovcrdne Bark Spoken. SAN FRANCISCO. July IS. The French bark Brcnn, out 197 days from Nowcastlc, England, quoted on the reinsurance list at 33 per cent, and supposed to have gone down In a gale In the Atlantic Ocean, has been spoken off port. Mnrlne Notes. The British ship Sierra Estrella and the echooner Abble, In tow of the steamer Harvest Queen, left up the river yester day morning. On arrival at Portland the Queen will go down the river with the schooner Eldorado, which Is about ready for sea. The steamer Albany, which has been In the Willamette River trade most of the time since chc was built. Is reported sold to the Columbia River Paper Company. She will be used by her new owners as a general freighter and towboat. The lumber schooner Lizzie Vance ar rived in at Astoria last evening, after a good passage of eight days from San Francisco. There would be nothing fast about this trip at certain seasors of the year, but at present 'northerly winds prevail, and vessels coming up the coa6t make slow progress. Domestic and Foreljrn Tortu. ASTORIA. July 18. Arrived at 10 A. M. Steamer Vosburr. from Tillamook: schooner Anita, from San Pedro; schooner Lizzie Vance, from San Francisco. Left up at 2 P. M. British ship SltVra Estrella; schooner Abble. Condition of the bar at 4 P. M.. smooth; wind northwest: weather clear. San Francisco, July IS. Arrived Steamer Arago, from Willapa Harbor; steamer South Coast, from Tillamook; schooner Bender Broth ers, from SlUflaw River. Sailed Schooner Marios, for Tacoma: steamer Slcnal, for Coos Bay. Seattle. July 18. Sailed Steamer City of Puebla. for San Francisco: steamer Indiana, for Nome; steamer City of Topeka, for Skag way; steamer Dolphin, for Skagwar. Arrived Steamer Queen, from San Francisco: German ship Alsterschwan, from Honolulu; steamer Spartan, from San Francisco. Tacoma, July IS. Sailed Schooner J. M. Coleman, for San Pedro; schooner Joseph Pu litzer, for Astoria. Southampton, July 18. Sailed Columbia, for New York. Hamburg. July 18. Sailed Luxor, for San Francisco. Auckland, July 18. Sailed Sierra, for San Francisco. Hong- Kong". July 18. Sailed Empress of Japan, for Vancouver. ScIIly, July 18. Pased Grosser Kurfurst. from New Tork for Cherbourg" and Bremen. Liverpool, July 18. Sailed Cevlc, for New York. Slavery Statistics. Charleston News and Courier. The total white population of the South in 1S60. according to the census, It Is not ed, was 8,099,760. of which 3S4.S64 owned the 3,953.696 slivcs In the country, exclud ing two owned In Kansas, 15 In Nebraska, 29 In Utah and 18 In New Jersey. Ono man alone owned more than 1000 slaves, and he was a South Carolinian. Eighty eight owners, In nine states, had more than 300 each, and 30 of the 80 were South Carolinians. One-fifth of all the slave holdersor 77,322 owned but one slave each, and the greatest number of these small holders in one state was in Vir ginia, which .had also the largest propor tion of slaves, 490,865. The Beverage of Health No temperance drink, has won such universal popularity as a thirst quencher and blood purifier as ROSE'S Lime Juice The product of the choicest West Indian Lime Fruit. It is always Delicious Wholesome Refreshing Ask your grocer or druggist for it and insist on having ROSPS. PARKER'S Hair Balsam Promotes the growth of the hair and gives lttho lustre and silklness of youth. "When tho hair Is gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff end hair falling and keeps tho scalp clean and healthy. VUVWOVvtVVW Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A P0SB71VE CURE 7or Inflammation or CaUrrh ot tae Bladder and piieased Kidneys. No care no pay. Cures qsictty and Perma nently tha trorst cases of Gonorrhoea and Gleet, no matter of hoirloc; stand ing. Absolntelr hannle-s. Sold by tlrnrt:Ist5., Prleo $1.00, or by moll, postpaid. (1.00,3 boxes, (2.73. THE 3AWTAI-PEFSIH Cu., BELLEFONTAINE, OHIO. LACE-DAVIS DRUG CO- Portland. Or. Blood Poison Is the worst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure "WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, aores, in the mouth, ulcers, falling: hair, bone pains, ca tarrh, don't know It U BLOOD POISON. Send to DR. BROWN. 835 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa., for BROWN'S BLOOD CURE. $2.00 per bottle, lasts one month. For sale only by Frank Nau. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. XQ!E&&F Trade Mark ItrertitereS. People have been o Imposed upon that we do not expect you to tale our word for tho following stoteraents. If you will send ns 25 cents in st amps to pay tho ex press wc will wnd you absolutely free one fuil-Mzed 100 bottlo. Those who have never used the restorer wrltr to day and be sure to mention the original color of hair. MaiyT. Scfdman's GrayHalr Restorer will rcstoro irray and faded hair to Its criminal color in from 7 to 14 days. It Is not a dye and arteets the nray hairs only, and. therefore, docs not change the ori ginal color. Pure as wajer, has no sedl rdent or coloring matter, is not sticky or ereasy. and does not stain skin or scalp: curlinjr. washins or anything elso will not affect it. Address KARY T. GGLDrMH, ST. PAUjL.JVUNN. The bottle we send jou free Is the full-siaecT SI 00 bottle, for sale and recommended by WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., USO VTr.iih. St., Fortlnad, Or. When You Drink You will be Pleased With the Results H.FLECKENSTEIN&C0., DISTRIBUTERS. $50 FOR $1 Is a low estimate of the amount, ERU-SA Pays anyone suffering with piles. E-RU-SA cures or 530 forfeited. Only up-to-date and reliable druggists. fin: Your E-ilU-SA Pile Cure" has our UNQUALIFIED Indorsement. J. A. CLEMENSOX. 2d and Yamhill. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. 4th and Wash. ALBERT BEKM, 'M and Washington. EYSSELL'S PHARMACY. 22 Morrison. O. P. S. PLUMMER. 3d ana Madison. S. G. BKIDMORE & CO.. 151 3d. V. S. LOVE. Grand ae. and Burnslde. MODEL DRUG STORE, 5 Grand ave. R. A. WILSON, 13.5 Grand ave. H. A. VJETS, 431 Washington. ROWE & MARTIN. Cth and Washington. LAUE-DAV1S DRUG CO.. 3d and YamhtU. GRADON & KOEHLUR. lt and Main. A. W. ALLEN. lBth and Savler. B. F. JONES & CO.. feOl Front. COTTEL DRUG CO.. 1st and Grant. BOLTON & ROTH. 2SO Russell. HAWTHORNE PHARMACY. 280 Grand ave. BROOKLYN PHARMACY. 570 Mlhvaukte. J. M. RICEN. First and Clay sts. Mi Ladies liko soft thick. H glossy hoSp, Bnno's Herti- I oide prouuecs, roaUxo that itih- nytTLnfr their nppnTiin r. i; v Vin-Tr fnTlv 100 porcent. Alllndies ttrhn wrtKh to C1VQ NrnYBno'a HErcrr cide a trial Trill soon become convinced o thid fact.becau60,b7 r!nfrrnT'i tbo dead- 'r wrm rt work UT- r,-n Ihn hnlr root, it makes dandruff, falling hair ana urn, cntuo . lmposainiuuca. I find it conallT na vduahlo, for S it worka liko a charm, even up on bald heads. ; for Sale at ell First-Oass Drag Stores. Big Qua non-Doiitoiitiit remedy for Gonorrhorn, Gleet. Sperm a torr hr -V I Whites, unnatural di cliarco. or any inaaxnma Jfrruou eesuclaa. tlon of mucous men IHtEYWSCHEMlCJaCn, branw. Non-Mtrlngcnt Sold hy Drnrrclsts. or sent In plain wrarper, by expre, prepaid, fot 11 ro. or 3 bottles, ?2.75. CircuUr son on request B jALAD mf llJllllllJpJNSW ENGLAND 2M&AIAD jjjl Xfssny ftltttrat a;itli. Gsat. Stsi or K Bi TcttaMct,tnpirtlaja,nnarUnr'Bt jj S M 3 eaee ippstlilnj sail btiltbfal. It frottn, t n Send for free booHtt. ii II E.J.BLODETTCO.Ino.,Coton,Has3. j B UGCX3Brwmom.n irniinrm-rjjjrnii i.i n . 1 J-; g!NE OLD iyj JM Jjf s $ W'k l In it . i I Ifl A -' K 'B ;ixSfi - ft B I '..'VV I (M'Vd 1A i ft -st VI K vvi rnt r m ivuvt SAXN g Vv . A V?3r A. ft 5 1 I eB2$II8822Sa H t ..- 2 ty ouaEa la Itai iiju I L Qmntd J I L3lf I i2sV V- VQ!HC':ATl,0.r3 . THE PALATIAL Hi HI i Mil 1 1B Sot a dark olllcc In the building? absolutely fireproof; electric lights nml artesian water; perfect sanita tion aud thorough ventilation. Ele vators run day nnd night. ROOTS. AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician 413-414 ANDERSON. GUTAV. Attorney-at-Law..612 ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. L. Powell. Mgr..S0O AUSTEN. F. C, Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers Life Association ot Des Moines. la 502-003 BAKER. G. EVERT. Actorney-at-Law 007 BANKERS' LI"E ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOINES. IA.: F. C. Austen. Mgr. 302-503 BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 314 BERNARD. G.. Cashier Pacific Mercantile Co 211 BINSWANGER. OTTO S.. Physician ahd Surgeon 40T-40S BOHN. W. G.. Timber Lands 515 BROCK, WILBUR F.. Circulator Orego- ntan SOI BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314 BRUERE. DR. G. E.. Physician... 412-H3-414 CAMPBELL. WM. M.. Medical Referee Equitable Life 7QO CANNING, M. J. C02-G03 CARDWELL, DR. J. R.. Dentist 503 CAUKIN. G. E., District Agent Traelers Insurance Company 718 CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 71C-717 COFFEY. DR. R. C. Surgeon 403-403 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 6O4-C03-G0C-607-013-014-615 CORNELIUS. C. "VV.. Phys. and Surgeon... 200 COLLIER. P. F., Publisher; S. P. McGulre. Manager ...413 COUNTY PHYSICIAN 403 COX, RALSTON, Manager American Guar anty Co., of Chicago 502 CROW, C. P., Timber and Mines 013 DAY. J. G. & I. N 318 DICKSON, DR. J. F.. Phjslclan 713-714 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder Street EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY: L. Samuel. Manager; G. S. Smith, Cashier - 303 FENTON, J. D., Physician and Surgeon..300-10 FENTON, DR. HICKS C. Eye and Ear 311 FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 509 GALVANI. W. H., Engineer and Draughts man 600 GEARY. DR. E. P.. Phys. and Surgeon.... 403 GIESY. A. J., Phjslclan and Surgeon.. 700-710 GILBERT. DR. J. ALLEN. Physician.. 401-402 GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat tan Life Ins. Co.. of New York 200-210 GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 617 GRISWOLD & PHEGLEY. Tailors 131 Sixth Street HAMMAM BATHS, Turkish and Russian.. 300-301-302 HAMMOND. A. B 310 IIOLLISTER, DR. O. C. Phjslclan and Surgeon, 504-303 IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attornej--at-Law. .413-17-13 JOHNSON, W. C. 313-310-317 KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor' of Agents. Mutual Reserve Life In. Co 005 LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phjs. and Sur. 203 MACKAY, DR. A. E.. Phjs. and Sur... 711-712 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK; YV. Goldman. Mgr 209-210 MARSH. DR. R. J.. Phys. and Sur. 404-408 MARTIN. J. L. & CO.. Timber Lands 001 McCOY. NEWTON. Attornej -at-Law 715 Mcelroy, dr. j. g., Phjs. & sur.701-702-703 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer... .213 McGINN. HENRY E.. Attornej -at-Law.311-12 McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier. Publisher 415 McKENZIE. DR. P. L.. Phys. and Sur. .512-l.J METT. HENRY 21S MILLER. DR. HERBERT C, Dentist and Oral Surgeon 608-009 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 513-314 MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INS. CO.: Mark T. Kady, SuperUsor of Agants..G04-603 NICHOLAS HORACE B.. Attornej -at-Law. 710 NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In surance Companj- of New York 209 NUMBERS. JAMES R.. Phjslclan and Sur geon 403 OLSEN. J. F., General Manager Pacific Mercantile Co 211-212 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-218-217 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY , 409-410 OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP, Marsch & George, Proprietors 129 Sixth OREGONIAN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU; J. F Strauhal, Manager 200 PACIFIC MERCANTILE CO.; J. F. Olsen. General Manager 211-212 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY Ground Floor. 133 Sixth Street QUIMBY, L. P. W.. Game and Forestry Warden -.- "13 REAVIS. DR. J. L.. Dentist 60S-609 REED. WALTER. Optician... 133 Sixth Street RICKENBACH. DR. J. F.. Eje, Ear. Nose and Throat 701-702 ROSENPALE, O. M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 510 RYAN. J. B.. Attornej--at-Law 515 SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life 303 SHERWOOD. J. "W.. Deputy Supreme Com mander K. O. T. M 517 SMITH, DR. L. B.. Osteopath 409-410 SMITH, GEORGE S., Cashier Equitable Life 300 STUART, DELL. Attorney-at-Law 617-618 STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E-. Dentist 704-705 STOW, F. H-. General Manager Columbia Telephone Co C06 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 706 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 THE NORTH PACIFIC PUBLISHING SO CIETY 403 THRALL, S. A.. President Oregon Camera Cluh 214 "THREE IN ONE" QUICK ACCOUNT SYSTEM COMPANY. OF OREGON 518 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-311 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH DIST., Captain W. C. Langfitt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A 808 U S ENGINEER OFFICE RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS; Captain V. C Langfitt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A..S10 "WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C, Phjs. & Sur.70S-9 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Physician and Surgeon 304-305 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phjs. & Sur., 700-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phj-s. & Surg 507-30S WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELE. CO G13 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Phjslclan 412-413-414 Offices may be had by applying to the superintendent of the building, room 201, second floor. HO CURE HO PAY J2?c THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A poslUve way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures jou without medicine ot all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans. uch as lost manhood, exhauctlve drains, varicocele, lrapotency. etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect halth and strength. Writ for circular. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-43 Safe Deposit building. Seattle, Waah. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Orlrlnsi ind OkIt (leonine. vSAFE. a:t. rttlibU LoUIe. " Dnwritt tor CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH i la ItEI) aa4 Geld meUllia boio. mb vttb bla ribbon. Tnko no other. Kcfnto I Dangerous 8nbtltUoa and Imita tion. Bnj of josr Drojtttt. er kb-I 4c. la nmp far Pnrtloiilnr. Tcatlmonlals ad 'Rolief far Ladle,'n bj- r. tnm M mil. lO.OOOTtatinioaUU. SollkT all DruxrlJU. Chichester ChanlexlCa afesnea UiU eDr. UadlMB. Saun. PHILA PA. wmn Mi s T f