THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. 15 JULY CORN IS DOWN Gates1 Crowd Will Probably Lose on Corner, RECEIPTS CONTINUE LARGE "Wheat Riiles Firm Under Llslit Of fering: and Good Baying: From the N'orlhwct, Where Weath er Dnmoffe Is Feared. CHICAGO, July 17. The trad In the corn pit was all at sea at the opening of business because of tne attitude of the Gates party. Olds were made by the bulls openly at OTV&c. and as a result the shorts began to gossip over the possibility that the tale of the broken cor ner was only a ruse, and that another squeeze ivas In Btoro for them. At once a demand rose In both July and September, and prices Jumped accordingly. July, from an opening 9ielJie higher, at G03C7ifcc soared to G3c About this time the crowd camo to the conclu sion that Gates was simply bidding up the price In order to get rid of the large quantity of expensive corn that he bad been forced to take on deliveries. The demand fell off, and forthwith the priae of July fell back with a thump to a weak close, c lower than yester day, at C5Uc Trade was not large. Probably 100,000 bushels became a conservative estimate of the amount unloaded In July. July seemed on tap at all times on the hard spots, but Sep tember was offered sparingly, partly because of firm cables. Despite the fact that the bull party In July had a tremendous quantity of cash stuff to get rid of, the story goes that Its heavy short line in September may yet bring the earner clique to grief. Much of the demand In September today was attributed to covering by this crowd, .Receipts in corn continued very heavy today, a total of over 400,000 bushels of contract stuff being on hand today. September was strong all day, closing firm, l&c up, at In the face of a good array of bearish news, wheat ruled very firm. The weather was al most perfect, save In the Northwest, where hot weather In the wheat belt, which is approach ing the milky" state, threatened the Spring wheat. Arrlxals were much larger than ex pected, cables were lower, and statistical Jour nals issued bearish reports. Offerings were scanty, however. There was a good demand from tho Northwest, where some damage had been done by the cyclones. The corn strength stimulated buying in wheat to come extent, and Soptemlxr, which opened a shade higher to a shade lower, at 711.471c, at once advanced to 72c. Liberal selling by commission houses and estimates of 210 cars for tomorrow put the price back again temporarily, but when 01 cars were reported taken for export at tho sea board the buying started on a. fair scale again, and September closer firm, 5Jc up, at 7272c. Cats ruled strong on scarcity of offerings and the very light movement to this market. Sep tember closed ?ic up, at 32 Via Tho leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. lowest. Closing. July ?0 7H $0 74 ?0 73 ?0 74 September ... 713$ Tl 71 72H December 71 72& 71 72 CORN. 00 CO 50 cm 40 4flvfc 43M 45? OATS. 45 45 00 52 29V5 3016 31fc 32 31 S2 MESS PORK. July Slt amber . December . . Hay C54 C3U GD?s Gil! 46 - 40, 43V4 4 41 July (eld) July (new) Spt. (eM) Sept. (Hew) Dee. (new) 43'4 43 00 61 29 30 31 82 31 32 July IS 43 18 45 18 42 18 42 September ...18 02 18 67 18 52 18 55 October 18 20 IS 22 18 10 18 22 LARD. July .. ::.,".. .11 12 1115 1005 ll'OO September ...1112 1117 11-07 1107 October 10 S5 10 85 1072 10 80 " SHORT RIBS. July 10 72 10 72 10 67 10 70 September ...10 85 10 85 10 72 10 72 Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour Dull and easy. ' Wheat No. 3 Spring, C973c; No. 2 red, 75c Corn No. 2, G5$G5Hc; No. 2 yellow, C5 050. - , Oats No. 2, 5050c: No. 2 white, 04 04$ic; No. 3 white. 53554c Rye No. 2, OO01c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 7073c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 30; No. 1 Northwestern, ?1 43. V Timothy seed Prime, $5 75. Mess pork $18 42318 47 per bbL Lard $11 15 per cwt. Short ribs sides Loose, $10 0510 75. Dry salted shoulders Boxed. -$0 379 50. Short clear sides Boxed. $11 379'il GO. Clever Contract grade, $S 25. Butter Easy; creameries, 17S20c; dairies, 17tfl0a Cheese Steady, 1010c Eggs Easy; fresh, 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 12.000 15,000 "Wheat, bushels 84.000 02.000 Corn, bushels 455.000 424.000, ousneia ............... 4a,0U0 130,000 Rye. bushels 3.000 Barley, bU6hels 8.000 2,000 Xcw York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, July 17. Flour Receipts. 14.- 033 oarreis: exports, 14,563 barrels. Market1 fairly active. Wheat Receipts. 84.000 bushels. Market fnr spot steady. No. 2 red, 7S?ic elevator; No. 2 red. ,S0c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, Slc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Mani toba, S5c f. o. b. afloat. Options had a strong opening, and there was tn advance on light offerings, a demand from shorts and export rumors. Later they yielded to realizing, but finally improved on covering and closed firm, 9ic net advance. July closed SOc; September. 7077c closed 77c; De cember, 7iin9sc, closed 77c Hides Steady. H6ps Quiet. Wool Quiet. Coffee Spot Rio quiet; No. T Invoice, BVic; mild quiet; Cordova. SlV.ic Sugar Raw steady: fair refining, 2 13-10c; centrifugal, f0 test, 3S-16a Molasses sugar, 2&c; refined stcadr. San Frnnclsco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. Wheat Inactive. Barley strong. Oats firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1 1351Q1 15; milling. $1 171 20. Barley Feed. 91UV3He: brewing. 95fi07c Oats Red. new, $1Q1 12c; do old, $1 05 Call .board sales: Wheat Inactive; December, $1 14 bid; cash, $115. Barley Strong; December, 84c Corn Large yellow, $1 45J?1 50. PORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Etc. There Is not enough life in the flour trade at present to bring millers Into the market for wheat, and accordingly the exporters are the omj- ones to maxe mo price, wncn any is offering. A few small lots have changed hands Within the nast two dnvs at nrlf nn.ln from G4C5c. the latter figure being paid for a Eraati ioi oi nana- nana yesteraay. Blue stem is nominally lc higher, but will command more far milling purposes when it is wanted. Freights are unchanged, with plenty of early tonnage, offering at 27s Cd, with 28s 9d asked for later loading. Wheat Nominal; Walla Walla, 04G5c; Valley. 60c; bluestem, CCc Barley Feed, $17 50 per ton for old; $10 50 per ton for new crop. Flour Bert grades, $3 C33 CO per barrel; graham. $2 9533 20. Milistuffs-Brau. $15S10 per ton; middlings. $21 CO; shorts. $18; chop, $16. Oats No.' 1 white, $1 15Q1 20; gray, $105 1 10 per cental. Hay Timothy, $1213; clover. $7 C0O10 per ton. Butter, Estrs, Poultry, Etc. Butter and eggs show no change, but liberal receiptc of chickens have caused a pause In buying, although they can hardly be termed weak, as a good demand for the Saturday trade will clean tho market up again. Ducks and geese- not wanted,, and stocks clean up with great difficulty. Poultry Chickens, mlxpd.- $3 Z034 50; hens, ?4g5 60 per dor.; llllc per pound; Springs, $2 5034 50 per doz.: ducks, $2 5003 per doz.; turkeys, nominal; grese. $4Q-3 per dozen. Butter-Fancy creamery. 20$21c; extras, 22c; dairy. ICSISc; store. 15310c. Eggs 20S22c Cheese Full cream, twins, 12013c; Young America, 13814c; factory prices, lltc less. Potatoes and Onions. Potatoes Best Burbanks, 75S3c per cental; ordinary, 50c per cental, growers prices; sweets, $2 252 50 per cental; new potatoes. lc per pound. . Onions $11 40 per cental. Vegetables. Fruit, Etc. Recejpts of California peaches were so heavy for the past two days that the market is very much depressed, and stock Is 'selling at low figures. Oregon peaches fe also coming' in quite plentifully, and the price Is affected by the large surplus of California stock. Apricots are In fair demand, and berries ore becoming scarce. Vegetables Tomatoes, $1 251 75 per crate; turnips, 05375c; carrots, C575c; beets, EOg'lOc per sack; cauliflower. 73035c per dozen: cab bage, $1 25-311 50 per cental, celery. 753790c per dozen; peas, Sg4c per pound; asparagus, Cc per pound; beans, 40Gc per pound; artichokes, 650 70c per dozen; lettuce, head, per dozen, 23c; let tuce, hothouse, per box, $1 75?2; green onions, per dozen. 15g20c; radlshes."15320c per dozen bunches; corn, 25o dozen; cucumbers, $130 per box. Green fruit Lemons, $45; oranges, $404 50 per box; bananas, $1 5062 50; pineapples, $3 8 50 per dozen; apples, $11 50 per box; straw berries, 57c per pound for Oregon; raspber ries, 5S0C per pound; Oregon cherries, 57c per pound; California peaches, 50Cf63c per box; Oregon, C3c; California apricots, 75tfS5c per box; pears, $1 75 per box. Dried fruit Apples. evaporated. VtiGUa per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, C7c; apri cots, ll313c; peaches. 8311c; pears. Q 10c; prunes, Italian, 8e0c; figs, Califor nia, blacks. 4&5c; do -white, 5QSo; plums, pitted, 4&3c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc "Hops Nominal, lC17c; new crop, 1718c' Sheepskins Shearlings, 15920c; short wool, 25335c; medium wool, SOgGOo; long wool, 00a Oil each. Tallow Prime, per pound, 435c; No. 2 and grease, 23c Wool Valley, 12015c; Eastern Oregon. SQ 14c; mohair, 25ff20c per pound. Hides Dry bides. No.l. 16 pounds and up. 15?15c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds. 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under C pounds, 10c; dry-salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; tsated hides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and orer, SCJOc; 50 to 00 pounds. 7Q 8c; under 50 pounds and cows. Tc; stags and bulls, sound, 55c; kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c( calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green (un salted). lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each, $1 50Q2; dry, each, $18150; colts' hides, each, 2530o; goat eklns, common, each. 10Q15c; Angora, with wool on, each, 25cQ$L Pelts Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each. $3 20; cubs. $285; badger, each, 10010c; wild cat. 2B50c; house cat, SQlOc; fox, common gray, each, 3050c; do led, each. $1 P0g2; do cross, each, $S15; do silver and tack, each, $100200; fisher, each. $506; lynx. ach, $285; mink, strictly No. i. each, SOcSS 1 50; roar ten, dark Northern, $0212; marten, pale pine, according to slzo and color, $1 6082: muskrats. Urge, each, 5$7lOc; skunk, each. 4050o; civet or polecat, each, 6010c; otter, for large prime skins, each. $337; panthe with head and claws perfect, each, ?2Q3; raccoon, for large prime, each, 3050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 5095; wolf, prairie (coyote). With head perfect, each, 40J60c; wolf, prairie (coyote), without head, each,1 30335c; wolver ine, each, $4(3": beaver, per akin, large, $308; do medium, $364; do small, $11 50; do klu, 500 76c. Groceries, Tints, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 23028c; Java, fancy, 26332c; Java, good, 20024c; Java, ordinary, 18020c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18020c: Costa Rica, good, lC01Sc; Costa Rica ordinary, JO012o per pound; Columbia roast. $11; Arbuckle's, $11 13 list; Lion. $11 13; Cordova, $11 13 list. Salmon Columbia KK'er, one-pound tails, $1 7501 00 pur dozen: two-pound tails. $3; fan cy one-pound fiat. $1 90; -pound fancy flats, $1 23; Alaska tails. 05c: two-pound talis, $2. Rice Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5; No. 2, $4 CO; Carolina head. C!47c Beans Small white, 3J4c: large white. 3Uc; pinks, 2ic; Bayos, 3c; Lima, 4c per pound. Sug-r Sack basis, net caeh, per 100 poundsr Cube, $4 50; powdered, $,4 35: dry granulated. $4 25; extra C, $3 73; golden C. $3 63. Ad vances over sack basis as follows: Iarrels, 10c; half barrels. 25c; boxes. Wo per 100 pound. Maple, 15810c per pound. Honey, 12015o per No. 1 frame. Grain bags Calcutta. $7 per 100 for July August. Nuts Peanuts, 60CHc per pound for raw; 0Se for roasted; cocoanuts, 83000c per doz en; walnuts. 11012c per pound: pine nuts, lO012c: hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuta. He; Alberts. 15010c; fancy pecans, 14014c; almonds, 1501Oc Coal oil Cases, 20c per gallon: barrels. 10c; tanks, lie. Stock salt-50s, $20 63; 100s. $20 IB; granu lated. 60s. $21 00; Liverpool. 50s. $22 60; 100s. $22 40; 200s, $22. . Meats and Provisions. Lard Portland, tierces. 13Vc per pound; tubs, 13c; 50s, 13c; 20s, 13?ic; 10s, 13c; 5s, 14c Veal 708c per pound. Mutton Gross, 3c per pound; dressed, 6c Lamb Gross, 3c per pound; dressed, 7c Hogs Grosi 6c per pound; dressed, 77c Beef Gross, cows, 30-3c per pound; steers, 4c; dressed, Tiic Lard Compound, tieroes, 9Uc per pound; 50s, 0c; 10s, 10c Hams Eastern, fancy, 15c; standard, 12c; shoulders. 10c Hams Portland, 15o per pound; picnic, llic per pound. Bacon Portland, 14017c per pound: East ern, fancy, 17c: standard, heavy, 14o; light. 15c; bacon bellies. 14c. Dry-salted meats Portland clears, 110 12c; backs. 11012c; bellies. 13014c; plates. 10c; butts. 10. Eastern Regular clear sides,' unsmoked, 12c; unsmoked, 13c; bellies, aver age, 25 to 30 pounds; unsmoked. 123c; smoked. 13c; plates. ll012c DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. George D. Baker, 2tt; Carrie Nold, 23. Henry R. Morgan. 25; Fermenla Tores, 23. Deaths. July 15. Benjamin Porter. S3 years, of .Clack amas County. At St. Vincent's Hospital; chronic bronchitis. July 13. Margaret Frances Bishop. 50 years; uraemia. Contagious Diseases. July 15. Edward Sutton, 14 years, C28 Front; scarlatina. July 10, Ruth Striker, 7 years, 609 Laurel street; tyahoid fever. July 10, Mary Tempest, IS years. Arbor Lodge; scarlet fever. , Building Permits. A. Flelschman, northeast corner. Twentieth and Thurman. repairs; $300. J. G. 'Day, Seymour avenue saw and planing mill; $3000. Real Estate Transfers. Carrie F. Graham to Niels Hansen. E. of W. . lots 17, 18. Albina $ 990 D H. Deardorff to R. Buetlkofer, lot 5, block H, Paradise Spring Tract 750 A. and M. J. Murray to V. O. Groom, lot 2S. block 9, Monticello Addition to East Portland 1 E. E. abd A. Henderson to V.' O. Groom, lot 27, block 9. Monticello Addition to East Portland 1 Mr. Hartman et al. to John Horton, lot S, St. Johns Heights 650 N. A. King and wife to C. D. Holman, 100x50.02 feet, east side of King street, 159.92 feet south of Washington 5,000 B. and L. Buetlkofer to Peter Boi, lot 5. block 0, Paradise Spring Tract...... 1,000 A. Sommer and wife to D. S. Stearns, IPC 3 and E. of SW. H. section 26V T. 1 N-. R. 4 E 2,160 Rebecca J. Cole et al. ,to Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 20 acres,- section 1. T 1 S.. R. 1 E ; 11,000 H. W. Vlets to Lizzie 'Morrison, lot 5, block -21. Southern Portland 270 F. B. and L. Eaton to W. J Hill, part of Frush Tract.. In Gideon Tlbbetts' D. U C 2,230 Savings & Loon Society to R. Wilson, block ICC, Couch's Addition C5.000 S. E. Balcomb to A. M. Shlvely, lots 3 . and 4, block 5, Raffetty's' Addition to East Portland i Portland Trust Company to Oregon Rail way & Navigation Company, triangular piece, 20x168 feet, la SE. corner block 5. James JohnAs-Additlon to St. Johns 52 Abstracts ard title Insurance, by the Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Co., SM-5-8-7 Falling: buildirie. STOCKS ARE MORE ACTIVE DESIRE TO TAKE PROFITS A BAR RIER TO ANY GREAT PROGRESS. Western Contingent in Corn Returns and Makes Its Presence Known Call Money Easier. -NEV7 YORK, July 17. The aggregate sale of stocks' today shows a further Increase In the volume of dealings, which fairly crossed the 1.000,000-share mark. Substantial upward progress was made, and the market was broad In the sense that a large number of different securities were dealt In, and the trading was also better distributed among the few stocks In which the principal activity was centered. The same preference was shown for the low-priced Stocks today, with the exception of a specu lative Incursion into the trunk lines and Van derbllts. One attempt was made to bring the speculation back Into the high-priced WestemL railroad, hilt It Trill Ha ntinnrvMl thnt thn rin.1 sire to take profit on the considerable ad vance whlah those stocks have had was still too eager to allow much upward progress. The United States Steel stopk renewedJhe struggle to advance, but again met heavy'ales at every stage. Some of yesterday's conspicuous low priced stocks were actually affected by profit-taking. This was notably true of the Chicago & Alton stocks. The evidence of profit taking In those, and the sudden relapse of over 2 points In Colorado Fuel, after a 4-polnt ad vance, had a decidedly chilling effect and put a sudden stop to the activity of the market, leaving It at a level which fairly averaged be low last night. The opening advance In Colo rado & Southern and Kansas City Southern was attributed to tho same forces as was the Chicago & Alton movement yesterday. These movements are supposed to signalize the return of tho Western contingent from the corn market to the stock market. The tono of doubt and hesitation shown In the market for the July corn option at Chicago was taken as a warning for possible speculative surprises. The check thus brought nbout to the animation of the market was changed again by the heavy demand developed for the 'Reading stocks and the coalers. This demand was based tt)on the assumption "that -the coal miners conven tion will decide acalnst a general strike. .Late In the day Chesapeake & Ohio renewed, its strong advance to the extent of 2 without checking the selling to realize at other points, and making the closing irresular. Although there, was supposed to Tmve been an extensive speculation upon the unknown chances of the Amalgamated dividend, the declaration of the unchanged rata, failed to arouse that stock from the temper- In Which it rested all day. The' day's activity evidently represented the prosecution of a regular cam-, palgn for a rise, which was based today upon the absenco of any unfavorable factors, rather than- upon any new developments, favoring higher prices.' Call money worked easier today, and there was a diminution of pressure from the Interior for currency. ' Sterljng exchange maintained its firm tone, and time loans strongly held. Bondswere actlvo and firm. Total sales, $4,031,000. United State refunding 2s and the old 4s declined per cent on the last call. Closing Stqclc Quotations. I S STOCKS. Atchison I. do pfd Baltimore & Ohio...... do pfd .,..,,. Canadian Pacific Canada Southern ...... Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago. Ind. & Louis.. do pfd ,..,.... Chicago & Eastern 111.. 80j 88 101il00j; 9fl 95fc 133 1 135 911 91 56! 53 50 79 1 77U 7C 70 Chicago Great Weetern. do A pfd do B pfd Chicago & N. W Chicago. R, L & Pac. Chicago Term. & Tran. do pfd C, C, C. & St. Louis.. Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson... 48 250 101! 100 22V, 22 40 I 30 .uiVKiiviTB iHrU. 34 "Den, Lack. 7k. Western. Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd , Great Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley . do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie & Western.. do pfd Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated ... Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mexican National Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Faclflc Ma, Kansas & Texas.. do pfd New Jersey Central.... New York Central Norfolk & Western do pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. Louis & San Fran.. do 1st pfd: do 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd ,..,..., St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway do pfd ..,.: Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W...t do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash .... do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie. do 2d pfd Wisconsin Central do pfd Express Companies Adams , American United Slates Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper . 1.700 1,500 300 100 4SHi 804 ao 13t 150 29 19& 113 113 30 em 900 140 133 140 20 ict' 100 189 38,600 30.100 WITH. eovi 94 100 22,000 34.500 07.300 34 155H OS' 87 73 71 85 75 36 70 1S24 4.300 14.000 4.700 100 2.800 8.100 1.900 14.100 '46300 23.900 CT 1.300 VI 50.800 500 22 30 1.400 32.100 1.300 107 91 5.800 20.300 our, 45 4.000 fiOOl 8.400 2,800 io 200K15 212 Amer. Car. & Foundry. - 90 pfd American Linseed Olt. do pfd Amer. Smelt. & Refln. do pfd Anaconda Mining Co.. 1.000 47 40 102 I1H 100 Brooklyn Rapid Transit OHi jjoiorado jruel & Iron uv t ASK I Consolidated Gas . . . . 224 saw Jont. Tonacco pfd... General Electric .... Hocking Coal , International Paper . do pfd Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Lead . North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mail People's TJB5 100 1.000 500 liZi 190 17 100! ' 200 20 74 500 500 127, 70 401 40 102 108 47 1.000 41. 2.5001103 Pressed S&rtl Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car... Republic Steel - do pfd Sugar Tennessee Coal & Iron 300 l.OOOl 87 80 80 248 248.247 2.7001 ISM 18 74 1.5001 74 Z.IOO 5,400 120 2 80 12 8 53 40 Union Bag & Paper Co. 00 pia United States Leather. do pfd United States' Rubber. do pfd United States Steel.... do pfd , Western Union American Locomotive . do pfd obo 3.200 80- 12fc 1.000 14 14 33.800; 405i ! 92! 21.700 1 I 01 2001 cool 500 88j EflVi 32 32 Vt 03 93V, 35U 34fc 01 01 80 32 93 35 00 Kansas City Southern.. 10.400 do pro 1.700! Total sales for the day, 1.124.000 shares. BONDS. U. S. 2s, ref. reg. 1071 Atchison adj. 4s... 04 do coupon 107 C. & N.W. eon. 78.130 do 3a reg.t 1054iD. & R. G. 4s 102 uv wmi ivmw.v i. (.ujh iSIS,.. lUl-ji do new 4s. reg..l32il Northern Pac 3s.. 75 do coupon .133) do 4s 1 do old 4s, reg...l0Sj do coupon J0S?i southern Pac 4s.. 93 Union Pacific 4s.. 101 West Shore 4s...J13 Wis. Central 4s.... 92 UU U3, ITJfe. ...... JUO74 do coupon ......105 Stocks at London. LONDON, July 17. Closing quotations 5Norfolk & Western CI Atchlsen Wi do pfd ltjii do pfd ... 1031 Ontario & Western 341 Bait. & Ohio 112 (Pennsylvania .... 79 Ches. & Ohio 55Ui do 1st nfd...." 44? Chi. Gr. Western. 31 do 2d pfd 37 CbL. M. & St. P.,187 Southern Ry ...... 39 D. & R. G 45l do pfd 99 do pfd 94Soutcern Pacific .. 09 Erie 39jUnlun Pacific 110 do 1st pfd 72 do pfd 98 do 2d pfd 55WU. S. Steal 41U. Illinois Central ..lC9)il do pfd 93 Louis. fc Nash... 14 4 Wabash 31 Mo.. Kan. & Tex, 30 I do pfd 47 do pfd CO jSpaplsh 4s , 81 N. Y. Central 184i Money. Exchange, Etc SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. Sterling on Lon donSixty days. $4 SOU; sight, $4 63. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight. 12c; telegraph, 15c NEW YORK, July 17. Money on call dull. 203 per cent: closed offered at 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 405 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 87 for demand, and $4 S5X for 60 4ay; posted rates. $4 8S04 81 and $4 8S04 59; commercial bills. $4 S4H 4 83S. Mexican dollars 41c Government bonds weak; stats bonds Inact ive; railroad bonds firm. LONDON, July 17. Consols for money, 95 15-10; for account, 95 15-18. Money, 202 per cent; rata of discount for short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. Foreign Financial News. NEW YORK. July 17. The Commercial Ad- 'vertlser's London financial .cablegram says: Stock today were dull and neglected, except Americans, where professional trading was active, though the public still holds aloof. The general list of this department opened here a point aboro parity on local and Continental support. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 17. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balances $108,163,459 Gold 102.03S.CC3 Asphalt Reorganization. NEW YORK, July 17. The announce ment Is made, says the Journal of Com merce, that tho reorganization plan of the National Asphalt Company, prepared by the protective committees, has been signed by members of both committees, and the details will be made public on Friday or Saturday of this week. It Is understood that the total capitalization of tho new company under the organ ization plan will be $31,000,000. consisting of $17,000,000 In common, stock and' $H. 000,000 In preferred. Japanese on Marcus Island, NEW YORK, July 17. Marcus Island, which It was recently reported had been granted by tho United States to Cnptaln Rosehill, forms part of the Bonln Ielands, In which It was officially Included four years ago under tho names of Shlntori Shlma, cables the Toklo, Japan, corre "spbndent of the Times. There are no troops on the Island, and only 50 Japanese of both sexes. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. D A-Mead,. Eeattle Luther Newhall, Berk eley R S Day, -Berkoley E Pendleton & fmy, Sacramento Robt Spencer, Phlla W H Metson. Ban Fr Geo F King, N Y F U Ames & wf. S F C S Stebblns le. wife. Omaha Miss Lillian Whitelav, San Francisco Miss M E Kennedy, do Mrs Mildred Whlteiaw, San Francisco ABC Dennlston, Seattle B S Grosseup, Tacoma W E Travis C H Hasan. Seattle R H Smith, Zanea- vllle. O r E J Hudson. Victoria Mrs W C Henry.Seattl Miss Henry, Buffalo J F Pacock & wife, Masslllon. O T E Grubb, Chicago John J Demry,Mlch E Everman. Chicago J Davis, San Fran W B Lawler, Nevada Dr W Hughes. Gates T F Medina. Wheelock, London J H Douch. Wash, DC Dr Warmburg, Seattle W F Ferrler, Ross land. B C J P Prutxroan. S F Geo E Black. San Fr E M Valentine, Chgo E J Emlttt) Chicago F L Cahn. N Y S G Murray, Salt Lk H M.03S, Lancaster,4?a G J Kinney, Seattle E A Kline. N Y W H Robeson, Wash ington. D C E Newman, San Fran Edw Hart. Easton, Pa J Ahern. Wash. D C J 8 Klocber & wf, Hpt springs, wasn J T McDonnell, city Max O Burns R R Robinson. Man chester, la E O McCoy, Dalles Mrs E O McCoy, do B G VVet, Chicago Mr & Mrs M H Guer rln. Chicago John Oden, Anaconda Leonard R Funk, do E L Kunkel. do Julius Merabach. S F J M Dart & wf.SaltLk A J Homer & wf. do F E Walker & w.MInn R Bishop, Los. Angeles E E Simmons, San Fr A H Pratt, .N x THE PERKINS. L W Robertson, city I Mrs Cblttlcb. Ontario D W Ralston. Mayvll Mrs Scott. MeMlnnvl J T Heffermar, Seattle F Lee Chanom, St Mrs h worjes. Lewlston Mrs E L Healy, Red Lake Falls Ralph Healy. do Mrs F M Master Healy, do C B Leatherman, Day ton, Wash L E Caldwell. Tacoma Ida Rudolf. Spokane Mrs Rudolf. Spokane O W Hurd. Florence Paul. Minn V M Lapham, do Mrs Lapham. do T H Adams. Forest Gr L W Bail. Qulnn Mrs Ball. Qulnn J P TamlesIe.Hillsboro M Levy. Seattle Mrs-T N Smith, Tacma Mrs Angus McDougall, iacoma Mrs A C Wm N Evans. Tacoma J E Pamplln. Chicago Mrs Evans, Tacoma W F Clare, N Y H G Clark. San Fran Ida Lewis, J'arls, Mo Mrs Lewis." dp Mrs C H Koch. Hills boro. Or Mrs M Sargent. Belle C J Brown. Chicago R Reverson. Lyle.MInn Dr J a Bishop, Forest Grove Mrs Bishop & 2 ch, do W CSterrltt. Tacoma Mrs Merrltt. Tacoma vue. Or E E Hewitt, La Grnd W W Whipple. Bu- coda. Wash D S demons & my. Astoria -J H Dale, city F E Hostetter. StPaul. Minn J H Dopklns, Han ford Cal Mrs Dopkins, do Miss Dopkins, do W L Newton. St Paul, Minn A J Shurter. Greens burg. Pa W H Moore, Moro C H Denver, McVal ley. la J E Wnnamaker.Denvr Mrs Wanamaker, do Miss Wanamaker, do G P Hadley. Los Angls C E Moulton, Cacoma. Mrs Hurnpe, Lincoln, Neb Miss Hurnpe, do Miss M J Taylor, Ore gon City John H Brown, Spokn D R Ford. Seattle I Wand. Seattle Mrs Wand, Seattle C E Harbaugh. McMln J A Henderson. Wis L M Kellogg. LosAngl Mrs Henderson, do Thos H Gllham & Xy. La Grande P Ehrmanstranf. Ev erett Eugene H Latimer. New York O P overton. Brownsvl Wm Scott, MeMlnnvl J Martin. San Fran Miss H L arettum, Seattle J A. Sinclair. Kan City J B Gabriel, Kan City F L Charboneau, Ta coma THE IMPERIAL. L W Robblns. Molalia E B Labby, city A M Rider. St Paul C H Buell. Pullman Miss Buell. do E C Cleaner, Grant's P Mrs R J Moylan. Wnr- rendale H G Van Dusen, Asto Miss Sarah Ralph. Salra G M Robertson. S F V Marson. Olympla ,E H Whit TJ White. hltney. Neb Seattle H T Clarke. Chicago H M Gilbert. N Yaklm Mrs Gilbert. do Andrew Johnson. Win lock C P Bishop. Salem Mrs THshon. Salem J Brown, Astoria W D McDonald. McMiJ F Gregory. Ashland Mrs McDonald. do J F Van Douser. Ashld Miss Kate St Martin. Carson. ' Wash W G Belrdmann, Baker Mrs A R Thompson, The Dalles Miss Edna Thompson, The Dalles I 8 Lathron. S F J Penton. S F Mrs Penton, S F Mrs Street. Clackamas J D Olwell. Central Pt V F Petts. S F Henry Meldrum, Ore Ron City Chas Barhem, Vancou Mrs Barhem, do B T Strauhl. city MUs Loulse.Thompson. city Alfred Thompson, city C E Ireland. do Mrs Ireland. do E F" Snyder. do Mrs Snyder. do Miss Mealy. Seattle Miss Lillian Mealy, do! J F Kelly. 8 F O O Benson. Portsmth B Ricnanison. city F A Ballard. Cherokee W R Case. Seattle B F Hlcholaw. Colfax Mrs C S Brown. Astoria Mrs Ida Mitchell, do ,T WIgman. city MUs Lessynsky. 8 F Mrs Lessynsky, do Miss Hattle L Lessyn sky. S F Frank Selour. S F J H Albert. Salem Mrs McNulty and md. sirs J H Palmer. Asto Frank Teropleton, Ba iter city H M Smith. Mrs Smith, Astoria do city I THE ST. CHARLES, W J Alderman. Salem! T J Marks. Halsey Mrs M C Mues. N D L E Stelman, Rainier C F Hawkins, Eugene H G Michael. Seattle IJ Miller, city W H Dale and wife. Helix Mrs L A Bozarth, Van couver D L Cady and wife. Buckle, Wash J M Smith and wife, do D L Marble. Mt Pleaent Jil S Pumeroy. Seattle W Stewart, cit J C Johmon. Kelso Mrs J B Gerow, Chink Mrs J B Walt. do Paul Smith. do C Norrls. city H Wagner, city J E Ryart. Dallas C E Johnson, city Fred Mills, clty H Orchard. Seattle F M Underwood. Coos Bay Ora E Read. Eugene Geo Howlett. Eugene lohn Marchel. Sllets . Joe Marchel, do J W Dernbach, do L Smith. do H A Darwall, Ccsmop oils H K Task. do H Heglar and wife. Mt Pleasant L O James. Canton. O toeo Slcor. do o v Dunn. Dallas A W Dunn. do Andrew Cane. Phllmth T A Dunn, Dallas A Routln. do r F Hawkins. Euirene to A Shields. do m (Jaildeon, Roseburg D M SImonson. Redding Mrs B Ber-er. Tlllamk Fred Kees. Pendleton IV H Brown. Vancouver los Bcaudoln. FendletnGeo Clensllng. do Hotel Branavriclc. Seattle. European plan. Popular rates. Modern Improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel. Tncoms. American plan. Rates. 33 and up. S Hotel Donnelly Tacoma, Flrst-claBs restaurant in connection. ' Downing, Hopkins & Co . Established 13 D 3. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor PIG IRON SALES URGE! CHICAGO DISTRICT MAKES DIG CONTRACT FOR 1003 DELIVERY. Production of Iron Keeps Up at n Surprising Rate Review of Market Conditions, CLEVELAND. July 17. The Iron Trade Re view, In Its current issue, has thl3 to say of market conditions: Them has been heavy buying of pig Iron In the Chicago district in the oast week, a total of 100.000 tons being reported. Including two transactions for 1003 delivery, one for malle able and the other for foundry iron, which to gether amounted to over 50.000 tons. The Alabama coalmlners strike has been set tled, the men voting to return to work Momlay ontbe basis of the- .old scale, which provided for a 53c maximum. The day wages of skilled workmen, however, are increased. Of the 0 Alabama furnaces on tho active list, 13 were banked because of tho strike, and some of these will not resume until toward tho end of tho month. Many of the miners have not yet re turned to work, and It will be next week before the mines are running as before. The pig Iron production of July In Alabama. It is estimated, will .fall off about 3S per cent, or S000 tons, from that of June. Sales of Southern iron for 1003 delivery con tinue to be made, but some producers in that section are not yet ready to do business for next year. Cincinnati reports -10.000 tons closed furnace prices, ranging from $16 50 to ?17 for No 2 foundry. At Pittsburg sales of 20,000 tons of foundry Iron have been made in the wcekfor next year. The troubles of the Northern furnaces banked because of coal strikes continue, and in the Central West some stocks that have been operated steadily of late aro now In doubt from day to day how long they can keen going. With all tho hindrances, the production of Iron keeps up at a surprising rate, the active furnaces. July 1. having a reported capacity of 352,500 tons, which Is the high record. The uncertainty of suppllos of raw material makes the Immediate future a problem both, for fur naces and foundries. The latter are having Increasing- difficulty in .getting Iron under con tract, and It is certain that not a little Iron bought for this year will not be delivered until after January '15. . EASTERX LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. July 17. Cattle Receipts, 5300. Including 1500 Texans. Market for choice steady; others dull. Good to prime steers, 7 76S 73; poor to medium. $4 507 50; stock ers and feeders. ?2 703 23: cows, $1 5035 73; heifers, 3 30S0 50; canners. $1 5082 50; bulls. $2 5ftg5 60; calves, 2 50gG 75; Texas fed steers, $4C 50. Hogs Receipts today, 17,000; tomorrow, 15, 0CO; left. over. -1300. Market opened strong and 5c higher; closed easy. Mixed and butchers. ?7 30es 05; good to choice heavy. ?7 75: S 17H; rough heavy. 57 307 03; light. $7 7 75; bulk of sales, S7 G0f?3- Sheep Receipts. 7000. Market for sheep 10? 15c higher; lambs, 15S23c higher. Good to choice wethers. $3 73g4 75; Mir to choice mixed, $3 50g3 CO; Western sheep, 2 504 25; native lambs ?2 50fJ6 75. KANSAS CITY. July 17. Cattle Receipts, 0000, Including 1200 Texans. Market steady. Native steers. 4 853 10; Texas and Indian steers, 3 103 25; Texas cows, $2 233; native cows and heifers. ?1 730 05: stockers and feeders, 3S3 23; bulls, ?2 30-S4 50; calves. 2 505. Hogs Receipts, 5000. Market steady to a shade lower; bulk of sales, ?7 70ff7 00.- Heavy. $7 S5SS; packers, 37 7307 07H: medium. 57 70 7 07; light. $7 507 83; Yorkers, 37 75 7 85; pigs. ?77 CO. Sheep Receipts, SOOO. Market strong. Mut tonn. S3 30$4 25; lambs, $4 5O&0 33; range wethers, 33 25Q4 45; ewes. 33 254 33. . OMAHA, July 17. Cattle Receipts, 200. Mar ket steady, 510c lower. Native steers, 34 75 03 25; cows and heifers, 333: Western steers, 31 50S3 75; Texas steers, ?4 23f5 40; canners, 3150g3 73; stockers and feeder. 31 75tr3; calves, 325; bulls, stags, etc.. 32 2584 50. Hogs Receipts, CSO0. Market shade lower. Heavy, 37 8087 024: mixed. 37 70T SO; light, 37 007 80; pigs, 30 50U7 25; bulk of sales. ?7 007 75. Sheep Receipts. 2500. Market 10c higher. Fed muttons, 33 55fJ4 13; wethers, 33 253 75; ewes, 32 2593 40; common and stockers, 31 75 3 20; lambs, 33 50S6 25. SA3V FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, July lfl. Hay Wheat. $0 p&12; wheat and oats, 30ftll 50; best barley. 3008 50; alfalfa. 37 60fl0 50; clover, 37 509 50 per ton: straw, 4050c per bale. Wool Nevada, 121715c: Valley, Oregon, 14 lCc. Spring Humboldt and Mendocino. 18fj20c: Eastern Oregon. 1461Cc. Millstuffs Middlings, 323325; bran. 519 30 20 50 oer ton. Vegetables Green peas. 2Uff4e per pound; string beans, lhff3c; asparagus. 75c2 50: to matoes, 35c$l 75; cucumbers, 23340c per box; garlic, 2g2c per pound; egg plant. 34c Potatoes Early Rose, H?77e; River Bur banks, OScStl; Salinas J3urbanks, Slftl 20; Ore gon Burbanks. 5101 25; sweets, 52 50. Onions 100Qc. Hops New crop, 1718c. Bananas 75c2. Pineapples 31g2. Lemons Choice. 33 50; common, $1. Oranges Navel, 314 23. Mexican Umes-J4 505. Apples Choice, 3 25: common, 35c per box. Poultry Turkey gobblers, 54 50fl5; do hens, 12fctfrl3c: old roosters. 54 50S5; do young. 330 6 50; broilers, small, 52 252 50; do large, 535 3 50; fryers. 33 50ff4 30; hens, 34 50$5 50; old ducks. 52 503; young ducks. 5at?4. Eggs-Fancy ranch, 21c J ctore. lC17c. Butter Fancy creamery. 22c; dp seconds. 10c; fancy dairy. 20c per pound; do seconds, 18c Cheeee Young America, loytllc; Eastern, 13315c. Receipts Flour. ll.SSS quarter sacks; do Washington. 6372 quarter sacks; wheat. 1030 centals; barley, 3145 centals;; oats. 1032 centals; do Washington, 300 centals; beans, 28 sacks; corn, 442 centals: potatoes, 5000 sacks; bran, 355 sacks; do Washington, 4072 sacks; mid dlings. 220 sacks; hay, 249 tons;wool, 119 bales; hides, 28.200. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 17. The metal markets were more active, and presented more features today. The local market for copper reflected weakness, owing to pressure from speculative sources. Electrolytic suffered most In the de cline, closing at 11.87J4ll.Oc. During the session. 00.000 pounds for July deliver were sold at 11.95c. and 00.000 pounds at 11.02Kc. while at the close more was offered at 11.90c. Standard spot to August closed 11.3311.65c; Lake. ll.039i2.OGc. and casting. 11.7511.85c. London also showed signs of weakness, spot and futures closed 2s Cd lower, at 53 Is 3d for the former, and 33 3s for futures. In tin. the local market ruled barely steady, with holders showing more disposition to sell. Sales of spot at 28.93c were reported. Spot closed at 2S.054?29c. London tin again ad vanced under, "It Is said, bull manipulation." gaining 7s Cd today, and closing at 129 for spot and 127 10s for futures. There was moderate interest shown In lead, and prices were "steadily maintained at the old figure, at 4J4c London was unchangetl'at 11 5s. Spelter Improved &c today, and ruled firm, with demand more active. The closing price was 5Vc London declined 2s Cd, closing at 19 2s Cd. The Iron market locally was more or less nominal" at yesterday's advance. No. 1 foun dry Northern was quoted at 32323; No. 2 foundry Northern, 3229 23; No. 1 foundry South ern, 5221J23; 'No. 1 foundry Southern soft, 322 923. The English markets were a shade bet ter. Glasgow closing at 5Cs 6d, and Mlddlesboro at 31s 3d. Bar sliver, 5235c. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. Bar silver, 52?c. LONDON. July 17. Bar silver. 24 7-lCd per ounce. London Wool Auction Snips. LONDON, July 17. There were 14,19s bales 1 Chamber of Commerce sold nt the wool auction sales today, which was comprised of a Ijood selection of greasy me rinos. Chlcnpro Provisions. CHICAGO. July 17. Provision were rather neglceted and weak. September pork closed 10c down, lard 12Uc lower, andv ribs "iic lower. PRESSURE OF THE AIR. Raises the "Water on the Shores of Lnkc 3IIchlgan. CHICAGO, July 17. A phenomenon known to Geneva and other Swiss lakes as a "seiche" haa made its appearance at Lake Michigan. In a queer convulsion, the lake sent a big wave landward, and residents along the shore suddenly found the water lapping at their doorsteps. AU along the lake front tho waves swept up over the breakwaters or over the beach. Steamers were tossed about at their docks, smaller craft wero thrown on the shore, boats were broken, and In several Instances loss of life was narrowly avort ed. Two boys bathing north of Lincoln Park were saved after they had been car ried out by the receding wave. A fisher man was rescued by tho Evanston llfe eavlng crew, and another bather, an Evanston boy, was pulled out of the water as he was in danger of being drowned. At the Weather Bureau the barometer Indicated a sudden high pressure, followed by an equally sudden drop. A wave of heavy atmospheric pressure pamed over the city, and as it struck the lake, mov ing from west to east, the water was pushed back and dashed up over the land and then receded to the normal water line. Sntldlcry 3Icn's Convention. CLEVELAND. July 17. At yesterday's meeting of the Saddlery Men's convention, the list of those wh'o can buy goods from the manufacturers was made out. Tho list will not be made public for some time. It Includes about 175 names. Later the jobbers discussed the questions of admit ting manufacturers of patent leather goods to the association, freight rates and the making ofwooden hames for harness. ' 7 To Aid Cuban Industries. HAVANA. July 17. The Senate ha3 ap pointed a committee to decide whether the agricultural and cattle Industries In Cuba need assistance, and if so to recommend means to aid them. A loan o( 34.000.000 to assist the canegrower3 is proposed, and it Is also suggested that a bounty of 55 be paid for each cow imported into the Island. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Faster Time East The St. Louis Special, the thro' train of the Northern Pacific and Burlington to the Southeast, now leaves Portland 11:10 A. M., ar riving at Denver at 8:00 A. Al.; Omaha, 3:10 P. Al.; Kansas City, 8:40 P. Al. third day; St. Louis and Chicago the next morning. R. W. FOSTER - Ticket Agent Burlington Route 100 Third Street, cor. Stark, Portland, or. Pacific Coast Steamship So. For Soulh-Eastern Alaska. Leave Seattle i COTTAGE CITY. CITT OF SEATTLE or CITT OF TO- I'EKA. 0 P. M.. July 2. 0. 10. 14. IS. 22. 2U. 30: Aug. 3. 7. 11. 15, 19, 2S. 20, 31. SPO KANE. S A. JU.. July IS. -U. For San Francisco ' L&ve SEATTLE at 0 A- II. every fifth day. Steamers connect at San Francisco with com pany's steamers for porta In Southern Califor nia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Information, obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sailing dates. AGENTS-N. POSTON'. 240 "Washington at.. Portland; F. V. CAItLETON. S. P. Dock, Tacoma; Ticket Offlce. lia James st.. Seattle, M. TALBOT, Comm'l Act.; GOODALL. PER KINS & CO.. Gen. Agents; C. D. DUNANX, Gen. Pass. Agt.. San Francisco. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES Depot Fifth and I Street. I ARRIVES For Maygers, Rainier, Clatskanle, "Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore... Express Dally. Astoria Express, Dally except Saturday. Portland-Seaside Ex press, Saturday only. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A.M. 7:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 0:40 P. M. Ticket office. 253 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. dtliialM FOUR SEPARATE AHD DISTINCT SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers sail ing regularly from Boston, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool also Boston to Mediterranean ports, bend for booklet. "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, etc., apply to Thos. Cook & Son, General Aents for the Pacific Coast, 621 Market St, Sarr Francisco, Cal. metie River Route Salem and way landings Leave Taylor-street Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 6.-13 A. M. Dayton and McMInnvlUe Monday. Wednes day and Friday. 7 A. M. Oregon City (daily) 8 30, 11:30 A. M.; 3 and 6:15 P. M. Leave Oregon City 7, 10 A. M.: 1:30. 4:30 P. M. Round trip. 25c OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO.. Dock foot of Taylor st. fliiik a f - Ha);rA IB IHiE' la TRAVELERS' GUIDE. F Mils' diia EGOM HOigr Hue and Mmn Pacific , THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND ,9.00 A. 4.30 P.M. SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. For the East via Hunt ington. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla, Lew lston. Coeur d' Alone and Gt. Northern points 0:15 P. M. Dally. 7:00 A, M. Daily. ATLANTIC EXPRESS For the East via Hunt ington. S:30 P. M. Dally. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN cisnn iFrom Alnsworth Dock. SS. Geo. W. Elder July 1, 11, 21, SI. SS. Columbia l5:00P. M, 8:00 P. M. July B. 10. 2G. FOR ASTORIA and way points, connecting with str. for Ilwaco ana North Beach, str. Haa salo. Ash-street Dock. iS:0O P. M. 5:C0 P. M, Dally. ex. Sun. Daily ex. Sunday. Sat.. 10 P. M. For INDEPENDENCE 0:43 A.M. Mon., 6:00 P. M, Tues.. Thurs., ana way points, air. RUTH. Ash-st. Dock. iWater permitting.) Wed.. Frl. Sat.. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City and Yamhill River T:0O A. M. points, str. Modoc, Ash- Tues. street Dock. Thurs (Water permitting.) Sat. " 3:00 P. M, Mon.. Wed.. Frl. STEAMER T. J. POTTER. FoT ,Astor,a and Ilwaco. daily except Sunday and Monday. Leaves Ash-Street Dock this weele aa follows: Tuesday. 10:30 A. M.: Wednesday. J XT,A,M-: Thursday, 12:30 P. M.; Friday. 1:20 P. M.; Saturday. 2.00 P. M. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington . Telephone. Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostock. INDRASAMHA SAILS ABOUT JULY 23. For rates and full information call on or ad- dross officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. AST SOUTH lluyt 3tn. Leave Depot, UtU nud Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland. Sac ramento, O e d e n. San 'ranciseo. Mo Javc, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Or louns and the East. At Wooilbura dally except Sun day, morning train connects wltn train for MV Angel, ali verton. Browns ville. Springfield, and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and Sil verton. Albany passenger .. Carvallls passenger. S:30 P. M. 7:45 A. M. S:30 A. M. T:C0 P. M, 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. 10:10 A. M, 5:30 P. M. I 4:50 p. M. ISherldan passenger. 118:25 A. M. , Daily. 'HDally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave Portland daily for Oswego at 7:20 A. M., 12:30, 1:55. 3:23. 4.40, 0:25, S:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:30, 0:40 A. M., 5:03. 11.30 P. M. Sunday only, 0 A. M. Arrive at Portland daily at 8:30 A. M.. 1:35. 3:10. 4:30, 0:15. 7.40. 10 P. M. Daily except Sunday. 0:33, 10.50. A. M.; except Monday, 12:40 A. M.; Sunday only, 10:05 A. M. Leave for Dallas daily except Sunday, 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portland 0:SO A. M. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Franctecp. Net rates, $17.50 first class and $14 second class. Second class Includes sleeper: first class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe, Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUS TRALIA. . CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Leaves. r:25 A. M. Arrives. 0:45 P. M Puget Sound Limited.. Kansas CIty-St. Louis Special 11:10 A.M. North Coast Limited... 3:30 P.M. 11:10 P. M 7:00 A. M; Tacoma. Seattle Night Express 11:45 P. M 3:05 P. M, Take No. 8 Puget Sound Limited, or tha North Coast Limited for 'South Bend and Gray's Harbor points and Olympla. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 233 Morrison st.. Portland, Or. iSHaREATNORTHERN) Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 680 LEAVE No. 4 0U5 P. M- Tho Flier dally to and ARRIVE from St. Paul. Minne- No-3 spoils. Duluth, Chicago 7:00 A. il and all points East. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Ltbrarj' Cars: JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE IYO MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic points, will leave Seattle About July 29. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. BAILEY GATZERT. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Round trip dally except Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland 7 A. M. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTEL STRS. TAHOMA AND METLAKO. Dally trips except Sunday. STR. TAHOMA. Lv. Portland Mon.. Wed., Fri a. M". Lv. Dalles Tues., Thurs.. Sav 7 a. M. STR. METLAKO. Lv. Portland Tues., Thurs., sat 7 A. M. Lv. Dalles Mon.. Wed., Frl 7 A. M. Landing foot of Alder street, Portland. Or. Both phones. Main 331. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. Portland. Or. ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMERS Sailing regularly between NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLAS- NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior Accommodations, Excellent Cuisine. Every regard for the comfort of passengers studiously considered and practiced. Single cr Round Trip tickets Issued between New York and Scotch, English. Irish and all Principal Continental points at attractive rates. For tlck-ts or general Information ap ply to HENDERSON BROS.. Chicago, or any LOCAL. AGENT. SIC vfisTflFiJ' (1