Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1902, Image 1

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VOL. XLIL 20. 12,980.
Portland, Oregon; friday, jtjly is, 1902.
JlvTil1Tfl JlEHk
r-' A qgggggSFgggTgSg
Has a place on every well-appointed sideboard.
We have a few CAMERAS we have taken In exchange for other instruments;
all In good condition, we offer them at tile following prices:
Regular price. "We offer for
4x5 Cyclone Magazine $ S.00 $ 3.50
34x4 Adlake Magazine and 12 holders 9.00 3.50
4x5 "Wizard. R. R Lens and Unlcum shutter 15.00 6.00
5x7 Long-Focus Premo 45.00 20.00
And several other desirable instruments, including some Eastmans, at like prices.
ilumauer-Frank Drug Co.
"Wholesale and Importing: Druggists.
In Its latest policy furnishes the Ideal life insurance con
tract, backed by the strongest company In the world.
Assets, $331,039,720.34; surplus, $71,129,042.06.
It will be greatly to your advantage to investigate this
policy before signing an application for life Insurance in any J
L. Samuel, Manager, 306 Oregonian Bidg., Portland, Or.
European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
EAT and
"There's Life and Strength In Every Drop
For Sale by All Drucglsts.
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distributers, Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
Isn't that e!d range pretty near
worn out? Surprise your wife with a fine
new range when she returns from her vacation. The very
best range that money can buy is the renowned "Perfect."
w. g. Mcpherson
Sole Agents for Pacific Coast.
Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 FIRST ST., bet. Ash and ,Pine
Established 1807.
"v I combixatiox ras
a m " I
Bigrscst Stock This Side of
San Francisco.
JtSmJKLJUIv rKiUbo a pd e1 beea P8ylBB
GfranbM&fa&btttanb Bit.
Latest Designs Most Reasonable Prices
i American Tank & Fixture Co.
175 Fourth Street. Y. M. C. A. Bidg.
ocoeaeooeeooeooooa oeaocoooo9oo9aoeeoa
M. B. Wells, Sole Nortbircst AkU
O. W. KKOWLES, afjrjpw
Established lBQTv
axt KT.rifTrnTn
In coloring and designs frill be
foand in oar new and beautlfal
display of Floor. Coverings
J. 0. Mack & Co.
86 and 88 Third St.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce.
Manufactured and for sale only by
353-355 "Washington t. cor. Parle
But Fair Directors May
Act Tonight.
Executive Committee Report
Deferred for Present.
Directors Hear Elaborate Argrament
From Various Chanipiona Xew
Oiler for Location Xenr "Wil
lamette Heights.
11 Tho cuestlon of a fair site Is yet 9
open. Tho City Park may or may not f
, be chosen. The board of directors for
, the fair has riven no slim of Its attl- i
" tude towards this or any other place,
" Advocates of larious sites yesterday
,,, presented reasons why their several lo- I
n entitles should be favored. They ap
peared to think that the report of the
executive committee by no means lndl- t
,, catea mat tne nnai decision wouia oe
for the west side of the river.
The Lewis and Clark directors yester
day afternoon listened three hours to
statements and arguments for the various
sites offered for the 1905 Exposition, and
then adjourned until this evening. No site
was selected, no vote was taken that In
dicated the preference of tho board. Al
most at the moment of adjournment a
locality that had not been offered for the
purpose at all was suggested as being In
many respects more desirable than any
that had been talked of, and Instructions
were given for an official examination of
it. That is the considerable vacant tract
at the foot of Willamette Heights. The
report of tho executive committee recom
mending the City Park site for the fair
"waSnSld on fheabto until further in
formation should be available as to the
practicability of getting adequate trans
portation facilities at that park. The sub
committee, which had been led to believe
that a solution of that problem was com
paratively easy, had come to entertain
doubts on that point since the report was
made. It is hoped that information will be
available today that will enable the board
to come to a definite conclusion tonight
regarding tho City Park site.
All the directors were present yesterday
except H. W. Scott, who was detained by
Illness. President Corbett had come up
from Long Beach to attend this meeting,
because It had been understood that It
would settlo tho site question. The board
proceeded to the work In hand by Inviting
statements in behalf of the various locali
ties offered for the fair. An attempt was
made to limit the time for each state
ment to 10 minutes, but most of the speak
ers used much more, and one consumed 40
Advocates Ilavrthorno Parle
Hawthorne Park was called, and W. L.
Boise presented the advantages of that
locality for the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. He discussed the matter with two
main considerations in mind that the fair
should Be where the gate receipts would
be largest, and whore the cost would bo
least. He said Haw thorne Park was more
nearly the center of population of the city
than any other site under consideration,
and would be still more central In 1905,
and that It was easiest of access. He sub
mitted the formal offer of the Oregon
Water Power & Railway Company to
switch free of charge cars from the steam
railroads to the Exposition, so there would
be no extra charge to get freight from
the transcontinental railroads to the Expo
sition grounds. The grounds, he said,
were level, and there would be Ao trouble
to transport building material dlrectty to
the sites for the various structures. The
entire fair there would be easily reached
by tho public It was the only place that
would be patronized by any considerable
number of visitors w ho would walk to the
fair. All the street-car lines could gain
easy access to the grounds. The entire
water service of Portland Is available at
Hawthorne Park, for the Bull Run main
passes near, and springs flowing 1,500,000
gallons a day are In the park. Sewerage
facilities arc correspondingly ample.
Means for fire protection could hardly be
surpassed, for a Are engine could stand by
the side of the lagoon and throw water to
every part of the ground, and two engine-houses
are but three or four minutes
away. The present lagoon Is 300 feet long,
and another 200x700 feet and 10 feet deep
easily be provided. There would be no ex
pense for waetr at Hawthorne Park.
Ground could be had there for a perma
nent public building, and the citizens of
the East Side would present the city a
block of land there for that purpose. But
purchase is not required in order that the
Exposition may have the use of that tract.
Tho ground Is ready for buildings and
the soil Is as rich as any garden. Lest It
should be objected that the 32.S0 acres of
the Hawthorne tract would not be enough
for the fdlr. an offer from Charles E. Ladd.
executor, for the use of 12 to 20 acres of
the Ladd tract nearest the Hawthorne
Park was presented, on the same terms
offered by the Hawthorne people payment
of taxes and Mr. Ladd. who was present,
said more than that might be used If
found necessary for the purpose of the
Exposition. Mr. Boise called attention to
the desirability of keeping the cost of the
fair down to reasonable figures, and he ar
gued that the community would not be
any the less burdened If part of the ex
penditures should be in the name of the
Water Commission and part In the name. I
ot- tho Park Commission. He gave assur
ance of hearty support for the fair, wher
ever It should be located.
J. M. Long followed Mr. Boise, and he
estimated that Hawthorne Park would
command 2000 admissions a day more than
any other location suggested for the Lewis
tyad Clark Fair. This would mean a gain
of about $150,000 in receipts for the season.
At Hawthorne Park there would also be
a saving of $5000 in the expense of provid
ing necessity fire protection, and extra
transportation facilities there would cost
$50,000 less than at the City Park. Mr.
Long figured that the money advantage
of Hawthorne Park over the City Park
Jcr the fair would be. $235,000. In a comtar-
Ison with the Abrams & Knox tract, he J
found many advantages for Hawthorne.
The Abrams & Knox tract, he said, was
as far from th.o river, and it could not
reach, the river except at a point below
the old drydock basin, because It would
be out of the question to break through
grain trains In the O. R. & N. yards di
rectly in front of the property, and it
would be necessary to build a bridge for
half the 1S00 feet between the Abrams &
Knox tract and the river.
For City View Parle.
Frank B. Gibson spoke for the City View
Park, which offers 177 acres free of charge,
with a donation of Ave acres for per
manent buildings, or as a nucleus for
a city park on tho water front. Tho offer
of the Oregon Water Power & Railway
Company for free swltchage to Hawthorne
Park was made to apply also to the City
View tract, and Mr. Gibson said tho
transcontinental trains with excursions
could be run direct Into the Exposition
grounds there on the tracks of the trolley
line, that being tho only trolley line of
standard gauge In the city. Of the tract
offered. 75U acres are flat upland, 15
acres sidehlll. and 86 acres bottom lShu,
and Miv Gibson told how tho grounds
could be Improved so as to bring out ex
ceptional beauty and utility for exposi
tion purposes Street-cars could reach it.
there would be river transportation, elec
tric power from tho Upper Clackamas and
from Oregon City would pass on main
lines through the grounds. The car time
from First and Alder, he said, was 16 min
utes. He thought it against the Haw
thorne site that a great many inferior
buildings would be likely to spring up
about the fair If located there, which there
would be no power to remove after the
fair should be over, and which would re
main a menace and an eyesore to the
community. At City View Park everything
would be under the control of the Expo
sition authorities, and if temporary struc
tures should be permitted there would
be a way to get rid of them after tho
Major T. C. Bell also spoke for the City
View site, expressing the conviction that
the 32 acres on one side of the street and
20 acres on the other side of the street,
as were contemplated In tho offer of the
Hawthorne people, would be altogether
Inadequate for exposition grounds for the
Lewis and Clark celebration. He deemed
that a fatal objection to Hawthorne Park.
At City View there waa plenty of ground
fOreverj'thlng, even for the Oregon camp
ers." For AbrnxuH & Knox Tract.
In speaking for the Abrams & Knox
tract. A. F. Flegel said It was 160 to 170
feet above the base of grades In the city,
about 40 blocks from Washington and
Third, and 12 minutes by trolley-car, and
that It consisted of 102 acres of level land,
12 to 1 acres of which was covered with
primeval forest. Two acres would be do
nated to the city by the owners, and the
Alblna Sub-Board of Trade would pay for
seven acres more to be donated to the city
If the fair should go there. Mr. Flegel
spoke of the wealth of mountain scenery
visible from that tract, covering the Cas
cade range from Jefferson to Rainier.
Then there was the educating view of the
harbor and shipping In front of tho tract.
A six-Inch water main, he thought, would
supply adequate water service, and the
sewerage would be taken care of by the
new Beech-street sewer. Moreover, on that
sewer waa an easy incline for a road up
from the river. He deemed it probable
that the O. R. & N. would build a railroad
on a survey already made to that tract,
and that trains would run out there from
the Union passenger station.
Mr. Griswold, who owns a small part
of the land included In the Abrams &
Knox offer, thought tho Portland Idea
would be unpleasantly prominent if the
Exposition were to be located In the City
Park, and thit tho result would be more
or less coolness on the part of the outside
communities and states expected to sup
port the Lewis and Clark celebration. He
was aso of the opinion that the fair
should be so situated that the fine harbor
facilities of the port, to which Portland
owes so much, should be made most con
spicuous. And he regarded the Abrams &
Knox tract as the best for showing oft
those features.
For University Pnrlc.
Francis I. McKenna said he came not
as a real estate man or a representative
of the University, but at the request of
the Peninsula Board of Trade, to present
something new about the University Park
site. He had understood that only new
mitter was wanted at this meeting, but
had been listening to the same old argu
ments that had been before the people
for months. In order to be concise and
clear, he had his statement in writing.
Tho point was made that the State of
Concluded on Pase 6.)
Catholics in Philippines, Not
the Government, Objects.
Preparation for Continuing th.e Ne
gotiations at Manila Rounding
Up tadroncn In Cnvitc
WASHINGTON. July 17. The War De
partment today made public thejast note
of Secretary Root to Governor Taft rela
tive to tho negotiations for the friars
lands. It formed the basis of. the note
which Governor Taft yesterday commu
nicated . to. ihfit Vatican,x th,g , essential
points of which, ware cabledf from Rome"
by the .Associated Prej?s last evening. .The
Secretary's note follows:
"July -14, 1S02. Taft, Hotel Qulrinal,
Rome: I am' gratified by the expression
of intention on the part of the holy see
to take the measures which are indicated
by Cardinal Rampolla's memoranda of the
22d of June and of the 10th of July, to
recall the religious orders In the Philip
pine Islands tothe life proper of their
institutes, and to an exclusive devotion
to spiritual ministry, abstaining from any
kind of interference with the negotia
tions of the civil authority, and to In
troduce as much as possible the religious
orders of nationalities other than Span
ish, and particularly the religious orders
of American nationality, and to concede
to them the parochial ministry a3 soon as
they shall be sufficiently Instructed in the
language of the country.
"Those measures, so plainly indicated as
wise by the recognized facts In the 'Phil
ippine Archipelago, arc quite Independent
.of any business or monetary considera
tion, and I feel such contribution as you
have been able to make to a full under
standing of the facts and the develop,
mem ot tne purposes described is sum
clent compensation for your visit to
Rome. IMs believed that there will result
a sure basis of mutual consideration and
just treatment In the future relations be
tween the church and state In the Philip
pines in regard to all specific questions
which will have to be settled.
WithdrnTral of Friars.
"Regarding the withdrawal of the mem
bers of the religious orders from the Phil
ippines, It should not be understood that
the Philippine Government Is asking to
modify or In any manner affect the con
duct of the religious matters on the part
of the holy see, or on the part of the
heads of the orders, or for a compulsory
exclusion or proceeding whatever. It is
rather that the Philippine Government de
sires social results which It deems of
great Importance to the welfare of the
Philippine people, and which can be ac
complished ' only bys the withdrawal of
this tlass of persons who have fortui
tously been thrown into special an antag
onlstlcal political relations with the peo
ple. That government has proposed an
arrangement which la supposed to be very
advantageous to the church, and worth
Its own while to carry out. If the eccle
siastical authorities having the direction
of the religious orders should see fit vol
untarily to withdraw them from the Isl
ands. Such a voluntary withdrawal
could not be considered a violation of any
rights under the treaty of Paris, or other
wise, or any reflection, either upon the
denomination or upon the orders to which
the persons withdrawing happen to be
long. The relations making the withdraw
al desirable are not religious or racial,
but arise from the political and social
relations which existed under the former
government, and which have created per
sonal antipathy menacing to the peace
and order of the community. Such a
voluntary withdrawal would not Involve
any confirmation of any accusations
against the persons withdrawing or the
orders to which they belong, and it Is to
be observed that we have made no such
accusations. It would simply recognize
the existence of the conditions which for
several years past have been and now are
preventing these particular agents from
serving the church In the stations to which
they were assigned, and which would
make their re-employment injurious to
the community. In this matter the Unit
ed States' representatives In the Philip
pines are merely endeavoring to meet the
wishes, as well as the needs, of the Phil
ippine people. .
"It is not the United States Government
which objects to the presence of the fri
ars. It Is the Catholic population In the
Philippine Islands. The lay Catholic pop
ulation and the parish priests of native
and non-Spanish blood are practically a
unit In desiring both to expel the frlara
and to confiscate their lands out of hand.
This proposed confiscation without com
pensation of the church land was one of
the fundamental policies of the Insurgent
government under Agulnaldo. Recognis
ing the Intensity and practical unanimity
of this feeling among the Filipinos, and
at the 6ame time desiring to avoid caus
ing loss to the church, the United States
Government proposed to pay for the lands
from, the public funds if the friars would
retire from the Islands and give place to
other religious orders of their own faith
who might be able to accomplish for the
religion what they themselves had so sig
nally failed to accomplish. In making
this proposal, the United States represen
tatives were well aware that, financially.
It was only one of benefit to the church,
for the lands are known as productive and
held In adverse possession by the na
tives, who refuse to pay rent, while the
former congregations of the objectionable
friars now refuse to accept them, and
they could only be restored to their par
ishes by such affirmative governmntal ac
tion a?, under our Constitution, cannot be
Pnrchnc of Church Lands.
"It Is the desire to accomplish the re
moval of this cause of disturbance and
discord that has led me to approve tnit
clause of your proposal which would in
volve the government of the Philippines
in a large and undefined obligation for the
purchase of lands In advance of a specific
ascertainment of their values and of the
estimated prices which we can reasona.
,bly expect to receive from them when
"we, sfn turn, offer them for 3ale, and to
the 'clauses' which would anticipate the
authority of Congress In regard to the
ascertainment of rentals and damages In
the course of occupation and the convey
ance of church lands provided for In your
proposal. If this object is not to be as
sured, then the arrangement sought
should be quite different In form and
should more closely follow the- sugges
tions of Cardinal Rampolla In his memo
randum of June 22, wherein he says that
an estimate of the value of the lands, con
formable with the principles of justice and
equity. Is a complicated question, requir
ing careful study of the facts of the case.
and cannot be solved with precipitation,
and declares the disposition of the holy
see to furnish the new apostolic delegate
who is to be sent to the Philippines with
necessary and opportune instructions, in
order to treat amicably this affair In un
derstanding with the American Govern
ment and the parties Interested, and so
to arrive at fixing a satisfactory accord,
whether on the value of the lands or the
conditions of the sale, and wherein he
further says that the apostolic delegate
will bo Instructed upon all the matters
touched upon In the memorandum to come
to an understanding with the American
authorities and to secure a just settle
ment." , "Following the course thus proposed by
his eminence, and having secured a full
and definite enumeration of the various
parcels of property In which the religious
orders are Interested, and which they are
willing to sell, it will be the duty of the
Philippine government to determine for
Itself what price It is willing to pay.
That price will, of course, be largely af
fected by the practical benefits to be de
rived from the purchase In view of the
facts then existing. This course also
makes It possible to take Into due con
sideration that fact which now appears,
that contrary to our former supposition,
the real and substantial title to the lands
In a great measure has passed out of the
religious orders and Is vested In corpora
tions, which they cannot entirely control,
and which hold the lands for the pur
pose of lawful gain, and are alone com
petent to sell them. It may well be that
the prices which you will feel justified In
offering for the lands will be acceptable.
The whole matter may thus be disposed
of by friendly agreement In conformity
to the ordinary methods pursued In busi
ness affairs. I believe that the good un
derstanding which has been reached be
tween you and the ecclesiastical author
ities In Rome cannot fall to do away with
the probability of friction or difference.
In the same manner I will direct the
General commanding In the Philippines to
ascertain by the customary methods what
buildings belonging to the church have
been occupied by American troops, and
for what periods; what damage has been
done, and. In every case, w hat reasons. If
any. exist for denying an obligation to
pay rentals and damages: and I shall
hope that the conclusion thus reached
will be satisfactory to the church. A sim
ilar treatment of all these subjects men
tioned In your proposition may with equal
readiness be followed.
Friars in Mnnlln.
"While it is to be regretted that the
authorities having control of the relig
ious orders do not see their way to make
definite agreement for the withdrawal
from Manila of the friars formerly In the
parishes, yet It Is hoped that pending the
settlement of these various matters they
will reach the conclusion that It Is wise
to do the same thing of their own motion
and Irrespective of any agreement to that
effect. However that may be. you should
assure the authorities of the church that
we shall at all times do all In our power
to continue the good understanding al
ready reached, and to agree upon such
action as shall be for the benefit of all;
and. further, assure them of our high
appreciation of the courtesy and consld
eratlon'wlth which the expression of your
views and wishes has been received.
"As preliminary to the treatment now
(.Concluded on Second Page.)
He Is Not Likely to Accept
Wisconsin Platform.
Antagonism to Senator Due to
Trouble Over Dealing' Out Patron
age Administration Men Hope
He May Vet Win Out.
WASHINGTON, July 17. The action of
the Wisconsin Republicans In only par
tially indorsing Senator Spooner may
have the result of retiring that valuable
statesman from the Senate. Spooner is
decidedly Independent, and It is doubtful
whether he will give an expression to
any opinion looking to the acceptance of
the platform, some feature of w filch he
opposes. Spooner and Lafollctte are an
tagonistic, but Lafollette seems to have
captured the party. Spooner's retirement
will not only be Wisconsin's loss, but
that of the whole country, as he Is rec
ognized as one of the most valuable men
in the Senate.
A great deal of the antagonism to
Spooner had its foundation In the han
dling of patronage. Members of the
House failed to get their share, and
blamed Spooner for it, during tho Mc
Klnley Administration. The antagonism
grew out of what was termed Spooner's
brusque manner in dealing with mem
bers of the House. The fact Is that, out
side of a few members of the Wisconsin
delegation, the members are of decidedly
small caliber, and Spooner has refused to
waete his time with them. Republicans
here, and especially Administration men,
hope that Spooner will do nothing which
will take him entirely out of the race, as
they believe that members of the Legis
lature will recognize the importance of re
turning him to the Senate.
The beet-sugar fight originated and was
organized In the State of Michigan. Tho
members of the House from that state
put themselves In the front of buttle, and
claimed that they were making the fight
for the people and for a home Industry.
Already the Republican constituents of
four of the 12 members from Michigan
have refused them a renomlnation, al
though they were active candidates. It la
; evident that the people take very little
stock ln tho claim -of the beet-sugar men,
and the probabilities are that they were
deceived by the beet-sugar manufactur
ers rather than by the farmers thnt they
seemed so anxious to protect. It is known
that the President has made no personal
effort to secure the defeat of these men,
but their defeat 13 regarded as an In
dorsement of his poeltlon.
Gift for Mrs. Stejn.
CAPE TOWN. July 17. Tho women Of
Cape Town yesterday presented" Mrs.
Stein, wife of the ex-President of the
former Orange River Colony, with a
purse of $1000 before she sailed for Eu
rope with her husband. Mr. Steyn was
in a pitiable condition from enteric fever.
His arms and lgs were partially par
alyzed, and he was unable to open his
The censorship over telegrams has-been
abolished, except In the case of press dis
patches. -.
Root's Instructions to Taft regarding- tha friar
question. Page 1
An extensile Indrone drio Is under way in
Calte Froilnce. Page 2.
Arthur Ven file's murderers have been cap
tured. Page 2.
Earl Cadosan. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, re
signed. Page 2.
The Buller controersy was reopened In the
r House of Commons. Page 2.
King Edward will return to Cowes after the.
coronation. Page 2.
Sensational scene In a Paris court. Page 2.
The sentiment of the Indianapolis miners con
entIon Is against a ejmpathetlc strike.
Page 2.
Governor Lafollette was renominated by "Wis
consin Republican.'. Page ?..
Fourteen persons were dro-aned by the capsiz
ing of a whaleboat at Portsmouth, X. H.
Page 3
Etldence In the Lattlmer murder case at
Brooklyn. Page 2.
' Sport.
E. M. Bers defeated AValter Travis In ama
teur golf championship on the Glemlew
course. Chicago. Page 5.
Spokane defeated Portland; score, G to 3.
Page o
Helena shut out Seattle, score, 2 to 0. Page 3.
Butte beat Tacoma. score. 9 to 1 Page o.
Pendleton and Baker City iln In the Inland
Empire League. Page 5.
Results In the Multnomah Club handicap ten
nis tournament Page 5
Pacific Coast.
Oregon Nations! Guard goes Into camp at Al
bany. Page 4.
ConIct Tracy again surrounded, but escapes.
Page 4.
Spokane Republican Conentlon today will be
test on railroad question. Page 4.
Big Irrigation scheme for Kittitas Valley.
Washington. Page 4.
Mrs. Mary Waggoner Is offered $300 for re
turning Merrill's bod, refuses it and flies
claim for JJ1500 Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
March ships from Portland making fast trips to
Eurore. Page 11.
Another fleet of big lumber schooners headed
for Portland. Page 11.
Ships coming to North Pacific ports in ballast
from Newcastle. Page 11
Schooner Thomas F. Baard commissioned as
Washington pilot-boat on Columbia bar.
Page 1.
July corn goes down, and Gates crowd may yet
loso on corner. Pase 13.
Stock market picks up on return of men specu
lating In July corn. Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Former wife sues D. W. Tilford for $20,000
damages. Page 14.
Board of directors considers question of fair
site. Page I.
William H. Mead makes bequests to many
frlsnds. Page 14.
State's wool clip estimated at 19,500,000
pounds. Page 10.
Portland public bodies asked to co-operate with
Harrtaon llnea in scurins" settlers. Pago 8.