Jfx ptttmt, VOL. XLIL NO. 12,941. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Mrmr ........ 3rv r sM 25m jfuromMT jm is "IVHEX PURCHASING Garden Hose Be Sure Yon Secure One of Oar Brands. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, Prealdent. 73 AND 75 FIRST ST PORTLAND, OR. , FOR THIRTY DAYS OUR IMMENSE STOCKT Or; PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS with the exception of contract goods, will be sold at 1 C kESS than any advertised prices lUo on the Pacific Coast.. BLUMAUER-FRANK, DRUG CO. Wholesale and Importing Druggists? OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB O. P. S. WHISKEY Favorite American Whiskey . BLUMAUER & HOCH, ' sole distributers Wholesale Uqoor 2nd Cigar Dealers, 108-110 Foortti St. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Ktrat-ClaBK Check Reitanrant Connected With Hotel. Rooms Slnglo 75c to H.BO per day Rooms Double $1.00 to J 00 per day Rooms Family . tl 60 to S3 00 oer day T OREGOI Republicans Win a Big Victory. GOVERNOR. IS IN DOUBT Fairly Large Vote and Count Is Slow. SURPRISE" IN MARION COUNTY J. V. DAVIES. Pre. C ?. BELCHER. Sec and Trwaar St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. American Plan European Plan .fl.23. fl.SO. $1.T5 ..60c, 79c, $1.00 eei WHOLESALE ONLY MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FINE SHOES for city, or heavy, good for country wear; also Boys' and Girls' Schools Shoes. ' 'Complete Lines Canvas for outiflgV.-- - Dealers incited to call and, see our stock wh'en in the city. I rnyVSZSAAA y W e "" v- - 6 S7.89 Fir if- SK 4ty?l& Portland, Or. ietteiteeetotittis(tteti(iti(ii . i WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP . . POWER - TRANSMISSION ' MACHINERY Correspondence Solicited Sntinfnctlon Gnnrnntee. WILLAMETTE IRON & STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON WIRE AND IRON FENCING Of all kinds. Poultry Netting BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS ;kd all kixps of useful ahd orkamesul ork . Portland Wire & Iron Works MANUFACTURERS. 147 FRONT STREET Both. Republican Cnagrcixnien Are Elec'ted by Good 3InJorItlea Dem ocrat Vote for Gcer for Senator. The Republican state ticket, with the apparent exception of Governor, -won a sweeping victory at the polls yesterday. The vote on Governor is very close, and It-will require another day to make cer tain of the result. Tongue, for Congress, In the First district, is elected by an In creased majority over two years ago. Williamson. In tile Second district, wins by a good majority. Inclement weather prevailed over West ern Oregon, which kept dow n the vote to some extent. In Eastern Oregon a full vote was polled. MARION COU.NTV. RICES TALK Get our prices on UNCLAIMED TAILOR MADE GARMENTS before you purchase your Spring suit. You get the benefit of the other fellow's deposit. " jr FARNSWORTH-HERALD TAILORING CO. 24S "lVASHIGTO STREET, Nenr Third. Both Side Clnini It for Governor Rctmlt Will Be Close. SALEM, Or.. Juno 2. The result in Marlon County on Governor will be close. Both sides claim, the county. The count ing of votes is progressing slowly, and will not be completed until tomorrow, tile full vote for none of the precincts having been completed at midnight tonight. At that tkne, W. J. Culver, chairman of the Republican County Central Com mittee, gave out the following: "Furnish will carry the county Ty 200 majority. The remainder of our stale ticket will be elected by majorities of 503 to 600 Tongue will receive an increased vote over that of two years ago. The entire Republican county and legislative ticket -win be elected." Cjhalrman W. H. Downing', of the Demo cratic County Central Committee, said: "Ghamberlaln -wllL carry the county, by 000 'majority. Godfrey, for State1 Printer, Is running along with Chamberlain, ana will also receive a good majority. Colbath will be elected Sheriff". The election of Jeffreys, as Joint Senator, Is assured. Slater and Rock will be elected on the Representative ticket, and we may possi bly elect another Representative I be lieve Mahon's chances are good." The election passed off quietly. The full vote was polled, but there was no chal lenging at the polls, nor any arrests for Illegal voting. The friends of Geer may be held accountable for the result in this county. They are known to have knifed Furnteh and supported the Governor for, United Staes "Senator. Many straight Re publican tickets upon which Furnish was scratched carried a vote for Ge.er for Senator. A great majority of the Dctno orats voted for Geer, which Is an appar ent substantiation of the charge of a com bination between the Geer people and Chamberlain, by which the Democratic nominee should be made Governor, and in return bhould support Geer for United States Senator. The Legislative nominees probably elected are: Republican State Senators, Squire, Farrar and E. M. Crol san; Representatives, Frank Davey, A. M. taFollett. T. B. Kay, J. D. Simmons and E. T. Judd; Democrat, J. A. Jeffrey, Joint Senator Marlon and Linn Counties: county o Ulcers Republican, William Mlley, Coun ty Commissioner; J. W. Roland, Clerk: J. J. Slegmund, Recorder; W. T. Richardson, Treasurer: Charles Lembecke, Assessor (re-elected); Surveyor, B. B. Herrlck; Coroner, A. Jf. Clough; Democrat, B. B. Colbath. Sheriff. At Macleay, Governor Geer's home pre cinct. Chamberlain received 59 votes to 26 for Furnish, as against 61 for Geer and 19 for King In 1ESS. The vote on United States Senator In Macleay precinct was: Geer, 63; Woods 13. The vote on Con gressman was: Tongue. 49; Weatherford, 33. Colbath, Dem., for Sheriff, carried the precinct by a vote of 50 to 32 for Steiwer. On State Senator, the vote was: Repub lican, Farrar. 40: Crolsan, ,2S; Democrat, McMahon, 50; Dlmlck, 42. The remainder .of the Legislative ticket was carried, by 'the Republicans. plurality will be large, and State Sen ator Brownell, who Is running for a third term, and on whom the Fusionlsts made their main fight, will have a larger plural ity than ever before. Linn County. ALBANY. Or., June 3. Linn County will give Chamberlain probably 300 to 400 plurality. Less than half of the votes are counted, and the returns are incomplete. Kelly, Republican, will be elected Senator, as will the three Democratic nominees for Representatives. Three hundred and eighty-five votes counted In the four Albany precincts give Tongue 150. Weatherford 164. Furnish 170. Chamberlain 165, Beany ISO, Bonham 137, Dunbar 12 Searo 134, Moore 175. Black man 142. Ackerman 16. Wann 132. Craw ford 177, Raley 142, Whitney 22S, God frey 100. Senator, Kelly, Rep., 2CS; Miller, Dem., 113. Joint Senator, Hobson, Rep., 175; Jeffrcye. Dem., 135. Representatives. Bll yeu, Dem., 133; Claypool. Dem., 133; Mack ey, Dom.. 112; Burggraf, Rep.. 170; Cor nett. Rep., 154; Glass, Rep.. 149. Meet of the Republican county ticket will be elected. TALLMAN, Or., June2. Tallman pre cinct gives Chamberlain 50, Furnish 34, Bean 4X Bonham 48, Dunbar 41, Scars 47, Blackman 43. Moore. 40, Ackerman 39, Wann 44. Crawford 29, Raley 46, Godfrey 44, Whitney 39. BROWNSVILLE. Or., June 3. South Brownsville precinct cast 1SS votes; votes counted. 131, of which Geer receives 51. Wood 52. Tongue 4S. Weatherford 52. Chamberlain 60. Furnish 46, Bean 50. Bon ham 50, Dunbar 51, Scars 51, Blackman 50, Moore 51, Ackerman 52, Wann 51, Crawford 54; Raley 51. Godfrey 52, Whit ney 50. Ynmhill County. MMINNVILLE. June 2. Out of a total of 21 precincts, Incomplete returns from five and. complete returns from one that gave Geer 377, King 365, give Furnish 1S2, Chamberlain 207. Congressman, Tongue, "Hep., Is receiving his party vote and will carry the county by 150. The Legislative nominees probably elected are B. C. Miles, B. L. Eddy. W. A. Howe, Republicans; Charles V. Galloway, Democrat. For county officers the Republicans elect J. L. Hopkins, Recorder; H. Z. Foster, Treas urer; C E. Branson. Surveyor. The Dem ocrats elect R. L. Booth. Commissioner. The vote on Judge, Sheriff and Clerk Is very close. The Democrats appear to be In tho lead In precincts hpard from, but, no returns have been received from the last end of the county, which Is the Re publican stronghold. Indications now are that Chamberlain will carry Yamhill County by at least 100 majority. But few straight tickets were cast, the Gcer element supporting Chamberlain. The election was the most hotly contested in the history of the county. , CHARLESTON FAIR Wnshinprton County. HILLSBORO, June 2. Out of a total of 21 precincts. Incomplete returns from three that gave Geer 291, King 296. give Furnish 120. Chamberlain 169; Congress man, Rep. 161, Dem. 115. The Legislative nominees are running close with the prob ability of the election of tho Democratic nominees. For County Judge, County Clerk. Sheriff and possibby the Recorder the Democratic 'nominees will be elected. In. -Nffrth Hllsnofd;aut of ft counted Furniwh ftccvej. 24, Ohtfmberlain 44; Tongue 52, Weatherford s. In South Hlllsboro, Furnish receives 34, Chamber lain 53; Tongue 44, Weatherford 26. In Dairy Precinct, Furnish receives 40, Cham berlain 40. "Wniico County. THE DALLES. June 2.-Out of a total of 26 precincts, Incomplete returns from seven and complete returns from three that gave Gcer 126, King 73, give Fur nish 103, Chamberlain SI; Williamson 93, Butcher 29. The Legislative nominees probably elected are: J. N. Burgess, R. A. Emmett, N. Whealdon, C. A. Denne man, R. J. Glnn, C. P. Johnson, all Re publicans. The county officers probably elected are: Republicans, F. C Sexton, Sheriff; A. E. Lake, Clerk; H. J. Hib bard. Commissioner; F. S. Gordon, Sur veyor; C. L. Schmidt, Assessor; C. N. Burgett, Coroner. The Democrats prob ably elect J. F. Hampshire Treasurer. The Pianola Means, To the Average Player: Opportunity to immeasurably increase the power of expression, and to extend indefinitely the simplest repertoire. Send for " P. P. P." and see what our "home people" say of it. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY, M. B. Wclla. Sole Xorthwcat Agt. 333-3C5 Washington it.,.cor. Park. Government Reply In Merger Case. ST. PAUL, June 2. The replications of the United States In the railroad merger suite were today filed with the clerkvof the United States Court by the United Statfs Attorney for the District of Min nesota. The Government reserves all ad vantages of exceptions which may "be taken to "manifold errors of the defend ants " A general denial of the points in the answers is made and it Is alleged that the answer of each defendant Is very uncertain, evasive and insufficient in law to be replied to. The plaintiff avers that it will prove the bill to be true. Anti-Child Labor Crusade. NEW YORK. June 2. In order to Im press upon the public the Iniquity of child labor, the organized labor, bodies of New Jersey wiJl, according to the World's special from Trenton. N. J., exhibit throughout the state 12 ohlldren whose ages range from S to 10 years, taken from the glass factories at Mlnatola. Rioting: In Gnllcln. LEMBURG. Gallcla, June 2. A serious affray between soldiers and strikers oc curred today on the Schnelzen Platz. While a COmnanv of InfAnfrv vent roTitm. lng from a drill, strikers began stoning jured. and -all the windows in the vicinity were smashed. The Infantry then charged and 40 workmen were -wounded with sa bers or were shot. A further collision between the strikers and the military oc curred here this afternoon, in which the soldiers fired on the rtrlkers Three civil ians, who were wounded, were removed to a hospital, where they subsequently died. Stlclcncy ix Noncommittal. ST. PAUL. June '2. President Stlckney of the Chicago Great Western Railway, declined ' today either to affirm or deny the report that J. PIerpont Morgan and John W. Gates had secured control of that property. . i Concern Marion to Ghnmberlaln. SALEMr Or., June 2. R. J. Hendricks, editor of the Statesman, .concedes the election of Chamberlain In this county, but claims the election of the Republican county and Legislative ticket, with the exception of Sheriff, which Is considered in ritubt At Woodburn. WOODBURN, Or.. June 2. This city cast a light vote of 317. Furnish, it is .believed, will run considerably behind the other state and county candidates. The antl-Geer sentiment was very strong. ClacUnmns County. OREGON, CITY, June 2. Incomplete re turns from'only four precincts that gave Geer 522 and King 2S3 give Furnish 16S and Chamberlain 110. It is. probable that Furnish will carry the county by 200 to 300. Tongue will have an overwhelming majority. State Senator Brownell Is elect ed by about 400 plurality, and will carry Oregon City by over 200. The Republicans will probably elect all three members of the Legislature. G. L. Hedges, Fusion nominee for Representative, is running ahead of his ticket. Frccn present Indica tions. C. G. Huntley. Hans Paulsen and Herman A. Webster, Republican nominees vfor Representatives, will be elected. The Republicans will elect a full coun ts' ticket, with the possible exception of E. H. Cooper. Fusion nominee for Clerk. The officials are: Judge. Tbctnas F. Ryan; Commlsloner, William Brobst; Sheriff, John B. Shaver; Recorder, Henry E. Ste vens; Assessor, James F. Nelson; Sur veyor, John W. Mcldrum; Coroner, R. L. Holman: Treasurer. Enos Cahlll. Herbert Holman, for Joint. Senator, and Nottingham, for Joint Representative, will carry the county. Henry E. Stevens, or Recorder, will have the largest majority of any man on the ticket. Judge Ryan's Morrorr County. HEPPNERJ Or., June 2. Out of a total of nine precincts. Incomplete "returns from one and complete returns from eight, that gave Geer 100 majority over King, give Furnish 344, Chamberlain 373. The Legis lative nominees probably elected are Scrl ber and Phelps. Republicans. For Con gressman the county goes for Williamson. The county officials probably elected are: Shutt, for Sheriff, by a majority of at least 150; Crawford for County Clerk, Litchenthal for County Treasurer, Sailing for Assessor all Republicans. The entire Republican county ticket Is probably elected. ClntMop County. ASTORIA, Or., June 2. Out of a total of 25 "precincts, incomplete returns from seve.n precincts and complete returns from eight precincts that gave Geer 13S5 and King 5S0 give Furnish 725 and Cbamber- (Concluded on Second Page.) Nominally a Failure but Prac tically a Success. WHY IT WAS PROJECTED Its Financial Basis "Was Less Than a Quarter of a Million Dollars Bonds Issued on Prospect- ive Gate Receipt. (By a staff writer Letter No. 1.) It is no part of my plan in this letter and In those which are to follow It to de scribe the Charleston Exposition in its de-' CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER. Congreu. The House thanked Secretary Kay for his Mc- Ilnley memorial address. Page 12. Opposition amonr Republicans to the Cuban bill. Page 12. The. Senate will vote today on the Philippine bill. Pace 3. General. , Anglo-Boer peace tetms. Page 3. How London celebrated the news. Page 3. The Chicago teamsters' strike led to a bloody riot. Page 11. The strike order was generally obeyed In the anthracite field. Page 11. Marine and Commercial. All but one of the 1901 Portland grain ships have arrUed out. Page 12. British ship Sierra Estrella due from Liver pool. Page 12. Particulars of San Francisco mariners' demand for nine-hour day. Page 12. Peace In Scifth Africa, causes no boom In stocks at London. Page 13. The New York stock market continues dull. Page 13. Drop In Eastern grain market. Page 13. Pnclflc Coast. Republican state ticket elected, with possible exception of Governor. Page 1. Volcanic eruption of Mount Blackburn, Alaska, which was believed to t Inactive. Pae 4. Government introduces rnuch-deslred testimony in Balllet ca. Page 4. . Great gold discovery made In Tyson Camp, in Northern Idaho. Page 5. Trial of St. John DIx, the "Washington bank wrecker, is begun at "Whatcom. Page 4. Portland and Vicinity. Delegates to the T. P. A. National Convention arrive. Page 10. G. M McK?Irmey, immigration agent of the Hantaan .railroads, tells of the colonization plans for the Pacific Northwest. Page 8. How Portland voters spent the day at the polls. Page 14. r ' ' "Building operations resumed on tho East Side. . Page 10. r tlon of Charleston and South Carolina and this ourely is worth something to a man already a millionaire, with no chick or child to suffer through any possible excess of generosity on his part. Whatever the reft of the world may think about it, 'Charleston looks upon the exposition as a success. It has not, in deed, "paid out," but there have been no scandals connected with It; there will be no unpaid bills; whatever th& losses have been they will cause no man to suffer. The local motive back of this exposi tion was almost precisely similar to that which prompted, the fair at Omaha, ot which I wrote some "10 days ago. The city was dead, in a business sense, and almost desnerate. Its old commerce, based on conditions long gone from the commer cial world, had dwindled to nothing. With a harbor second not even to that of New York, and with a geographical situation which would seem, to mark It as the pre eminent port of the South, the old docks of Charleston are falling Into ruin. Mo bile on the Gulf, Savannah at the south and Norfolk at the north have somehow taken away the shipping from which GEORGE H. WILLIAMS. THO IS PltOBABLY ELECTED MAYOR OF POUTLAXD. tails. That has been sufficiently done al ready from the news standpoint; and be sides. It does not falliin with my pur pose, which Is to develop such lessons from experience here and elsewhere as. may help to discreet policies In the greatl work bejore us at Portland. Everywhere outside of Charleston one hears t"hat the exposition Is n failure; In deed, it Is a failure In the 'sense that it tas not paid for Itself, and ft Is as a fail ure that it will be historically classiffed. But failure is a term of -various and di verse Interpretations. That which from one point of view may be a failure" may from another be a shining success. A'nd this fair, which must be called a .failure because It has cost more 'money than it has taken In, Is from the broad stand point of general local Interest the most fortunate event In the material history of Charleston since the Civil War.' Flnat, it hasfbrought Into working co-operation the several social and business elements of Charleston which for long years had worked at cross-purpose, and whose mu tual and. ajtpgether stupid antagonisms had well-nigh choked the business life .out of the old town. Second, it has made manifest to the country and to the world at large best of all to Charleston herself that Charleston has the resource and the spirit to carry through a great enter prise upon which her mind and ambition are set. ven under adverse conditions. Third, it has brought the old and half- rforgotterr geographical advantages of Charleston freshly to the attention or tne world. Fourth, It has attracted some new population and some 'hew capital. Fifth, It lias given the old stay-at-home elementof Charleston some sense of their responsibilities and duties. And sixth-. It has brought something more than three millions of dollars Into the general trade of the city and so hasgiven it two of the mosi prosperous business years in its history. On the other hand, there will be t ppetty heavy financial" loss. The subscrib ers to the original fund will get nothing back, but that wis expected and there will be no murmuring. Among them all Charleston's fortunes were originally made. Atlanta, far tothe west, has be come the center of the jobbing trade' o the South a business which In the older times centered at Charleston. Even tha cotton export business has gone, for the development of home manufacture during recent years has made a home mdrket and, all but destroyed the export, trade. ,The local factories, which nre established not at or near Charleston, but far in the interior, work up the raw cotton Into a .half-manufactured product, which goes North to be finished and Is exported from the ports of New York or of "New Eng land. Charleston still has a relatively small jobbing trade, and she Is still a financial ceijter, for there Is much accu mulated wealth In her coffins, but stag nation and reaction have In recent "years madevthe tone and trie spirit of her busi ness life. Charleston is fit for better things and she knows Jtt. AVIth her fine harbor, her geographical situation, her capital, her Inspiring commercial, history andljier am bitions, the future ought to hold for her something better than the dry rot of her present condition.-' These considerations have long 4)een discussed. The problem was how to wake up the town, how'to get the attention of the commercial world to the conditions favorable to trade and commerce, how to inspire her own people with the modern spirit and make them take hold of opportunities which lie all about them. The pr6spect seemed al most hopeless, for Charleston, of all places In the United States, is the very home and, headquarters of rock-ribbed conservatism. Her pride Is Involved In the records of time past, rather than in plans and hopes for the future. Her finan cial fortunes are Just enough to make her cautious and timid; not enough to inspire boldness. She has. Indeed, a class of up-to-date men. but they are mostly or an alien race and they do not command the general social leadership essential to the,success of large general movements. And, on top of all. there Is the negro, an amiable and even likeable element j In the community, but contributing noth- II SMALL VOTE Chamberlain Probably Carries County, there is no man who has not gained more f lng to Its real resource, utterly destitute through the fair than it has cost him, and I have not heard of one who would re call his subscription XI he could. The one large loser will be the generous citi zen who, jn a crisis in -the affairs of the exposition association, took its finan cial burdens upon himself. Mr. Wagener will be directly put 6f pocket something like $200,000 in cash on exjosltlon account; but he took the risk, knowing It to be a great risk, and If he has any regrets no body has heard them spoken and there Is nothing in his attitude suggestive of disappointment or displeasure. And there are those who assure me that, great as Mr. Wageners direct loss Is. It has been nearly counterbalanced by the business advantages which, have come- to him in recognition of his splendid public spirit and'Hbefallty!" His wholesale business it is declared, through its excessive and un usual prosperity this year, has earned for him a. sum which may wipe out his losses" on the fair, making him almost 'whole. And this much Is certain, namely, that by his part In this great public en terprise, he has made himself tile fore most man in tne public respect and affec- HIS MAJORITY MAY BE 500 Legislative Ticket Is Doubt less Republican. WILLIAMS WILL BE NEXT MAYOR Defeats Innian by 1000 or Leas Nearly All Republican County Xomlnecx Are Safe Council Is Republican. of Initiative, of responsibility, of he wish or capacity for progress, of independent social value In short, a social and econo mic dead weight. m It was while these discussions were In, tne air that tho prpject of an exposition was suggested. Colonel Averlll, a local railroad man, who combines Northern energy with the spirit of a lifelong resi dence In the South, was the first to pro pose It and the most active man In Its development- His -argument was that It would break down the narrow spirit which was slowly but surely strangling the busi- ness community, that it would give the city and state contact with the more active outside world; that It would awak en the spirit of co-operation,' advertise the resources of South Carpllna, bring in money for Investment and make an active business season or two while the fair was In preparation and In operation. Under all the circumstances It was a very bold project. Charleston is. in a ense, a wealthy city, but ner wealth is Jn few. and, for the greater part, In (Concluded on Page 10.) , r- -f The total 'vote cast In Multnomah County Is 17,515. a shortage of 2S75 un der the registration, which was 20,300. The total ote cast two years ago was 15,740. The total vote cast in the city esterday was 14,040, against 13,502 In 1000. The count is ery alow, and It will not be entirely finished before to morrow. Up to midnight only about 2000 otes had been counted, or one seventh of the total tote. Partial returns from every precinct in the City of Portland and from all the outlying country precincts In Multnomah County about one-seventh of the entire 1 ote indicate that Chamberlain, Dem., has carried the county by a small major ity, perhaps by M0. The early returns appear to Indicate that George H. Will lams, Rep., Is elected Major over R. D. Inman, Dem., by a majority that is prob ably in the neighborhood of 1000. The en tire Republican Legislative tlcket'Is In the lead, the greater part of it is certainly elected and complete returns may show that the opposition has not .won a single Legislative candidate. The race between Henry E. McGinn, Rep., and Harry Lane, Dem., for State Senator, 13 exceedingly close. Out of something over 2000 votes counted for this office at 1 o'clock this morning Lane had the lead over SIcGtnn by 65 votes. George T. Myers, Rep for Senator; Herbert Holman for Joint Sena tor with Clackamas and C. W. Notting ham. Rep., for Joint Representative with Clackamas, are unquestionably elected. The highest man in the Incomplete count on the Republican Representative ticket Is John GUI, with 1271 otes, leading the hghest man on the Citizens ticket, J. C. Bayer, by 2S0 otes, and the lowest man on the Citizens' ticket, Sydney Smith, wlh 810. by 460. The lowest man on the Republican Legislative ticket Is W. R. Hudson, with 1050, leading the highest man on the Citizens ticket by 7S vote. The Indorsement of certain Legislative candidates- by the Non-Partisan Advisory Association has evidently been of beneht to these particular nominees. They are In almost every Instance ahead of the average vote on the respective Legisla tive tickets. Williamson, for Congress, and all the other state nominees will ha'e full Re publican majorities In the county, ap proximating 5000 Godfrey, however. Dem ocratic nominee for State Printer, is run ning ahead of his ticket and will consid erably reduce the majority of Whitnej, hfe Republican opponent. On .the county ticket the Republican candidates have been generally success ful. Svebster for County Judge, Barnes for Commissioner, Lewis for Treasurer, Brandes for Auditor, Hurlburt for Sur veyor, Finley for Coroner, all Republi cans, have been elected. Fields, Rep., for Clerk, has a comfortable lead over Ken nedy, Clt., and McDonell, CiL, for As sessor, Is 66 votes ahead of Watklns. Storey, Rep.. Driscoll, Clt.. and Bird, Ind., for Sheriff, are running a neck-and-neck race. On the city ticket, besides Williams, for Major, the Republicans all appear to be generally successful. Jameson, Rep., and Werltln, Cit., are having a close content for Treasurer, and McNarj-, Rep., has an advantage of 61 votes over Bronaugh, Clt. William Reld Is probably elected Justice of the Peace for Portland district, and W. E. Jackson, Rep , Constable. On the East Side the Republican candidates for Justice and Constable are in the lead. The City Council will stand nine Repub licans and two Citizens. This counts Mer rill, who Is on both, tickets, as a Repub lican. The cltj charter has been adopted bj- a large vote, and the vote for the Initiative. and referendum amendment Is overwhelming. State Ticket. For United States Senator T. T. Geer. Rep 1304 C. E. S. ood, Dem 753 For Governor William J. Furnish Rep 1190 George E. Chamberlain. Dem 1314 R. R. Rjan, Soc il For Supreme Judge Robert S. Bean, Rep 1491 B. F. Bonnam, Dem tTTJ For Secretarj' of State ' Frank I. Dunbar, Rep 1301 D. W. Scars. Dem 610 For State Treasurer Charles E Moore, Rep 1413 Henry Blackman. Dem 431 For Superintendent Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman. Rep 1S64 W. A. Wann, Dem 650 For Attornej'-General A. M. Crawford, Rep 13S7 J. H. Rale Dem 723 For State Priater J. R. Whitney. Rep 1333 James Gocfrej. Dem S00 Second Congressional District. For Representative In Congress J N Williamson. Rep. 1417 W. F. Butcher. Dem:... 717 Seventeenth Senatorial District. , For Joint State Senator Herbart Holman. Rep 1392 Richard Scott. Clt , 93 iConcluded on Second Page.) DB 1 03.2'