Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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This Is the Time for City to
Renew Streets.
Flan ' lor Improvement Should Be
Followed for Three or Four Years,
"When" Portland "Would Be &
Well-Paved City.
Now is the time for Portland to fix up
Its pavements. Unless It repairs them
In the next three or four months they
will so without -Improvement for an
other year- Everybody knows what It
means for the pavements to endure an
other ""Winter In the present deplorable
condition. It means that they shall go
from bad to worse and even beyond the
range of the latter adjective.
It has been generally understood that
Btreet repairs made this Sum
mer. Summer Is already hero and not
even a plan for repairs has been made.
Soon Summer -will be over and then Im
provements -will be Impossible. The city
Is indeed confronted by a serious ques
tion. The city has expended over $2000 this
season on Sixth street. Property owners
"have had a lingering: hope that they
would fall heir to the same fortune. "But
they will not do so. There are not
enough funds at the disposal of the city
authorities to put streets In a condition
that the pride and reputation of the mu
nicipality require. It Is, therefore, up
to the owners of property adjoining paved
streets to make improvements. Unless
they do, the pavements by next Spring
will be an even greater disgrace to the
city. Besides, the cost of making re
pairs then will be far more than it wbuld
bo now. Property owners who think they
can save money by procrastination, are,
therefore, only wasting money.
Street Repair Fnnd Low.
The city authorities are repairing Sixth
street because of the expense to which
property owners on the thoroughfare have
been subjected In maintaining the pave
ment heretofore. It seemed to the city
authorities that Justice required this, in
asmuch as Sixth bears the heaviest traf
fic of any street and is the only paved
thoroughfare in that part of town. But
the city government will not take upon
itself further burdens in that line. The
part of the street repair fund for pave
ments Is running low and repairs to other
streets must necessarily be very limited.
They will amount to no more than a
patch here and there, and will be wofully
short of what is required.
Macadamized and graveled streets also
need repairs, and need them badly. On
many of them there has been no Improve
ment work for six or eight years. Their"
surfaces are worn down from the grade,
they are rough and unsightly, and, more
over, they detract from the reputation of
the city. If treated with a surface of
gravel they would be thoroughfares un
surpassed for excellence anywhere in the
United States.
Cause of Bad Streets.
The cause of the deplorable condition
of the streets lies In the universal desire
of property owners to make the other
fellow pay the money. The fundamental
law of the city Is a strong abettor of
this spirit. According to the present
charter abutting property Is to keep
streets In repair. The street Tepair fund
is limited to a levy of one-quarter of a
mill on the assessed valuation of the
city, but the council may transfer money
to the repair fund from the general fund.
These provisions of the charter have not
provided money enough for the purpose
intended, while property owners, hoping
that the repair fund would aid them,
have permitted streets to deteriorate.
Under the new charter wholesome reme
dies are provided. In the city ordinance
for improvement of a street, the Coun
cil will specify a definite period in which
the city will keep the thoroughfare in
good order. The repair fund will be
maintained by a tax levy of three-quarters
of a mill, by revenue from vehicle li
censes, and by transfers of money from
the general fund.
There are now three alternatives in re
gard to street repairs either property
owners shall pay for them, or their cost
shall be borne by the general fund, or
they shall be neglected altogether and
streets shall go from bad to worse.
The general disposition Is to wait for
the new charter. But It will be probably
a year before the new charter goes Into
effect. By that time some pavements
will be, perhaps, beyond redemption. Be
sides, the city government would not
attempt to make the repairs and property
owners would only waste their money.
Lack of system has been a great fault
oftreet. Improvements. Costly pave
ments have been laid without regard to
a comprehensive plan. The result Is that
the present system of pavements does not
distribute the burden of cost or mainte
nance equitably. Neither are the pave
ments In parts of the city where they
are the most needed. v
The City Council granted $20,000 for
street repairs this year. The Board of
Public "Works asked for $44,500. Of the
sum granted, $1600 was for asphalt pave
ments. But that amount was entirely
Inadequate, and the city authorities have
had to draw upon parts of the appro
priation intended for other street repairs.
All Streets Need Repairs.
There Is hardly a stretch of street pave
ment that does not need patching or more
extensive repairs. Of the 43 miles of
macadamized streets, about half require
redressing. The mileage of improved
streets in the city is as follows:
Macadam ........ 43
Gravel 47
Plank ... 17
Etone block 4.2
Asphalt ........ 3.2
Wood block 1.5
Brick 1
Bridges , 8
Sidewalks, wooden soq
Sidewalks, cement, stone and brick 20
Crosswalks, wooden 41
Crooswalks, stone 1.17
City Engineer Chase, who has made
streets hte especial study while ne. has
been In office for the past six years, gives
It as his opinion that the best kind of
Improvement .materials are stone block,
brick, asphalt and macadam. If $25,000
were expended annually on repairing ma
cadam and gravel streets for the next
three years, he says the avenues of Port
land would be unexcelled by those of
any other city.
"More than half the macadamized and
graveled streets should be redressed,"
said Mr. Chase, yesterday. "Between 25
aria SO miles of the macadamized streets
were built many years ago, and not a
single dollar has been spent on thorn
since. All the macadamized streets west
of Fifth and south of 'Gllsan. are worn
down from three to six Inches. The foun
dations of these streets are hard and
in good condition and need only a dress
of gravel to bring them up to grade.
Nearly all the streets in that district are
for light travel, so that repairs to them
would endure many years.
"The avenues connecting with the main
county Yoads should be thoroughly im
proved with stone blocks, or bricks, or
some other good pavement. The streets
between theso main arteries of travel
might be treated with gravel or maca
dam. On Intermediate residence streets
the middle part, say IS feet wide, might
be Improved with a good pavement, and
the rest with macadam. This system
would give many beautiful driveways and
would be economical and durable. Only
about 16 or 18 feet. In the center of a
residence street, is used by drivers. The
sides-might be given to trees and grass
on some avenues.
"The main streets that were paved,
might be Front, several leading to the
St HelenB road, "Washington, Jefferson
and others leading to county roads in
South Portland. The same plan might
bo pursued on the East Side. It could
be followed out for comparatively little
money and the expense could be easily
borne, because It would be widely dis
tributed. "Macadam makes the greatest driveway
in the world. Tho city streets could
be repaired in macadam for $10 to $20 for
each 50 feet front. "When built with
steam machinery and well sprinkled in
Summer, it lasts a long time. The cost
of sprinkling is more than offset by the
longer life of the street.
"Tho city is repairing more streets
than for many yeara If this policy could
bo continued for two or three years, tho
streets would bo put into fine condition.
But when as much redressing as three
or four inches is needed, it Is better
for adjoining property-owners to stand
the expense. After repairs aro made,
the city should keep them up.
"If the few paved streets were kept
in good condition. Portland would appear
to much greater advantage. These streets
give visitors impressions of our other
thoroughfares. There are only three or
four paved streets that aro in great need
of repair.
"The climate here is very wearing on
streets. There is either too much rain
or too little. Bain works its solvent pow
er seven or eight months in the year,
and in other months the sun absorbs
needed moisture from the streets."
The County Court has established tho
following polling-places for the general
election, to be held on Monday, June 2:
First "Ward.
Precinct No. 1 77C Savier.
'Precinct No. 2571 North Front, near
electric station.
Precinct No; 3 3234 North Twentieth,
sear Qulmby.
Second "Ward.
Precinct No. 4354 Gllsan. near Eighth.
Precinct No. 5 513 Gllsan, near Fif
teenth. PrecinctjNo. 0 Tent, comer Sixteenth
and Marshall.
Precinct No. 7173 North Twenty-first,
near Johnson.
Precinct No. 8 285 North Nineteenth,
near Overton.
Third "Ward.
Precinct No. 0-43 North Sixteenth,
Precinct No. 10202 Burnslde.
Precinct No. 11351 Stark.
Precinct No. 12 4C8 Burnslde.
Precinct No. 13633 "Washington.
Fourth "Ward.
Precinct No. 14-209 Alder.
Precinct No. 15 Tabernacle, at Twelfth
and Morrison.
Precinct No. 10210 Yamhill.
Precinct No. 17 Tent, corner "West
Park and Yamhill.
Precinct No. 16 Tent, in plaza, Sal
mon, between Third and Fourth.
Precinct No. 19290 Sixteenth, near
Precinct No. 20 East end of Exposi
tion building.
Fifth "Ward.
Precinct No. 21 Tent, on plaza. Third,
near Madison.
Precinct No. 22310 First, between Co
lumbia and Clay.
Precinct No. 23355 Second, cor. Mill.
Precinct No. 24 Tent, In park block, at
Park and Jefferson.
Precinct No. 25 Tent, on Jefferson, be
tween Tweirth and Thirteenth. q
Precinct No. 20 Tent, on Sixteenth, be-
tween Jefferson and Columbia.
Sixth "Ward.
Precinct No. 27 Harrison, near Third.
Precinct No. 2S Tent, corner West
Park and College.
Precinct No. 29 Hose house, Portland
Precinct No. 30 "Wager's Hall, First
and Sherman.
Precinct No 31 Terwllllger's Hall, 047
Precinct No. 32 Jolly's store. First and
Seventh "Ward.
Precinct No. 33815 Front, cor. Whlt-
taker. t
Precinct No. 341002 Corbett, cor. Ban
croft. Precinct No. 351461 Macadam, cor.
Nebraska. v
Eljrhth "Ward.
Precinct No. 30 Freeman'sTJall, Sell
wood. Precinct No. 37549 Mllwaukle.
Precinct No. 38423 East Clay, between
Sixth and Seventh.
Precinct No. 39 C73 East Eleventh,
near Harrison.
Precinct No. 40 W. C. T. TJ. Hall, cor.
Twenty-sixth and Powell.
XI nth "Ward.
Precinct No. 41110 Union, cor. Alder.
Precinct No. 42 S. E. cor. East Twen
tieth and Morrison.
Precinct No. 43 Dllz store, cor. East
Thirty-fourth and Alder.
Precinct No. 4471 Union, between Oak
and Stark.
Precinct No. 4525 Grand avenue, in
Burkhard building.
Precinct No. 40 Magness barn. East
Ash, between Twenty - second and ,
Precinct No. 47315 Holladay.
Tenth "Ward.
Precinct No. 48342 Williams irrenue.
Precinct No. 4983 Russell.
Precinct No. 60 1C4 Russell.
Precinct No. 51203 Russell.
Precinct No. 52418 Union.
Eleventh "Ward.
Precinct No. 53859 Mississippi avenue,
hose house.
Precinct No. 54 N. W. cor. Williams
avenue and Shaver.
Precinct No. 55 Huss bakery. Wood
lawn. .
Precinct No. 50 Peninsular Hall, Pe
ninsular Addition.
Precinct No. 57 Corner store, Ports
mouth block, Portsmouth,
Precinct No. 5S Postoffloe building, St.
Precinct No. 59 Splllman building.
Mount Tabor, on Base Line road.
Precinct No. 60 Schoolhouse, South
Mount Tabor.
Precinct No, 61 Butler Hall, Monta-
Precinct No. 62 W. T. Scott's building,
Precinct No. 63 Metzgers Hall, Gresh-
Precinct No. 64 Norbach's building,
Powoll's Valley and Lusted road.
Precinct No. C5 Hurlburt's Hall, Hurl-
Precinct No. 66 Schoolhouse, Bridal
Precinct No. 67 Schoolhouse, Holbrook.
Precinct No. OS Burelbach's building,
St. Helens road.
Precinct No. 69 D. W. Prince's store.
Precinct No. 70 Schoolhouse. Hillsdale.
Road "Will Probably Pass ThroHfth"
Sellwood and Reach "Wlllsbursr
"Will Develop Rich Territory.
Active work is still going ahead in the
matter of securing rights of way for the
proposed trolley lino for the Portland City
& Oregon Railway Company from the re
cently acquired tract at tho foot of East
Market and parallel streets, south to -wood,
through to Sellwood. and east along
(Maryland avenue, through Wlllsburg.
With few exceptions there is now clear
sailing over this route along the "Willam
ette and eastward to the "Wills place.
Leaving the river, the route follows Mary
land avenue and goes across the low land
Just south of the Portland woolen mill
plant. It will pass over the Southern Pa
cific track on a high trestle. If Oils route
Is finally selected, as some seem to think'
is very probable. Tho track will be car
ried above tho low ground on which the
Portland woolen mill plant stands, either
on a All or trestle, eo that when it strikes
the bluff to the eastward there will be no
grade to speak of. There Is a gap or
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John E. McBride. who laid the foundation of a fortune while con
ducting a news stand on "Wall street, and who was well known to
the money kings of the days of Jay Gould and Jim Flsk, was in
Portland last week, the guest o f Ralph Stuart, of the Stuart Company.
Mr. McBride grew up on the streets of New York, and by natural
shrewdness and industry managed to get enough money together to es
tablish a news-etand von "Wall s treet. His patrons from the Stock Ex
change gave him occasional tips on good things, and by judicious use
of them he gradually accumulated a fortune. He is now the owner of
the American Hotel and other valuable property In New York. He was
on his way home when he passed through Portland, having been on a
tour of inspection of a group 'of mines he has acquired in the Hum
bug District, Siskiyou Counts, California. Over 700 feet of the mines
have been prospected, and all o f them show free gold, the rock running
about $22 to the ton.'
pass east of "Wlllsburg, through which
there Is an easy grade to Lents, at Mount
Scott. Along tho river, negotiations for
more land are in progress. The latest
acquisitions are thvse of the Strowbridge
and the "Woodward tracts. Negotiations
are in progress for the Ryan land. It is
stated that the right of way has been
secured through City View-Park. There
is a hitch In getting through a portion of
"Wlllsburg. A property-owner wants $10,000
because the route runs between his house
and barn. J. W. Nickum, a well-known
resident of Portland, who lives within a
short distance of the route through Wllls
burg, said yesterday that eome difficulty
was being experienced in getting through
cast of the woolen mill plant, but he
thought the railroad would get through,
as this route seemed the best. Mr. Nickum
said that several routes had been sur
veyed eastward In the vicinity of "Wills
burg and Mllwaukle. One route passed
through near the East Side Southern Pa
cific car shops, and another from Mllwau
kle. These routes are in the direction of
Mount Scott, and harmonize with the
lines the crew of surveyors are running
from Lents through Damascus toward the
proposed power plant on the Clackamas
River. The object Is to tap the great tim
ber belt, of which there are thousands of
acres untouched by an ax. J. M. Nickum
sized up the situation when he said yes
terday morning to an Oregonian reporter:
"It Is my Judgment that we aro going to
have an enterprise of great magnitude,
which will benefit this portion of the city
more than the 1905 fair, although we have
made provision for paying the rental of
City View Park at the rate of $2500 per
annum for as long as the fair directors
want to use It. If they select Itas a slte.
The money Is all subscribed for that pur
pose. But this railroad, the proposed saw
mill and extensive carshops and terminal
facilities for the now railroad, and for
the Oregon City and Mount Scott brancnes
are a big thing for us, and I am interested
in the outcome. I understand that the
sawmill to be erected on the ground se
cured north of Inmnn, Poulscn & Co.,
which the railroad company now controls
to Hawthorne avenue, will have a capacity
of 1.000,000 feet per day. It is my Judg
ment that the O. R. & N. Co. Is Interested
in this proposed sawmill, for the reason
that it will cut railway tics, of which tho
company ships away many thousands
every year. There has been a combination
to raise the price of ties among tho saw
mills. Now, off toward the eastward, -on
the Clackamas, there is a vast body of
untouched timber, and the O. R & N.
owns much of It. This proposed railroad
will haul out the logs to this big mill,
where they will be cut up into railway
ties. Almost all the river front has been
secured southward from Inman, Poulsen
& Co.'s. sawmill, and there can be no op
position sawmill started. This big saw
mill, with the men employed In cutting
timber and shipping it over the proposed
railway to the eastward, together with
the proposed carshops and terminal
grounds, will employ a large number of
men. On the whole It will be one of the
largest enterprises started in Portland for
a long time. Of course, railroad managers
are pretty close-mouthed over the pro
jects, and we have to do a good deal of
guessing as to their real intentions."
It was stated yesterday that preliminary
work on the Rosa Wallace tract, on which
fire brick and Babcock tubular boilers
have been deposited, for some portion of
the plant, will begin within the next 10
East T-n-enty-slxth May Be Extended
to Hawthorne Avenue'.
The City Council will consider tho mat-
-ter of opening and making a. full-width
street of East Twenty-sixth street from
the north line of the PowpII road to the
south line of Hawthorne avenue. The re
port of the viewers assessing benefits and
damages for the laying out of this street
has been filed. East Twenty-sixth fitreet
is opened already as a county road be
tween the Powell and Section roads, and
one block north of the Section road. The
difficulty comes in getting it opened to
Hawthorne avenue.
It is very Important to get It opened as
proposed, owing to tho condition of the
other Btrects extending through Stephens"
addition. If it were open it would result
in throwing much traffic from the Powell
and Section roads over to Hawthorne ave
nue, which Is a direct street leading to
the Madison-street bridge. There is a
disposition now to open more streets in
the outskirts, and thus give freer access
to the city.
It Is Belnj? Ballt on Modern Lines
Cost "Will Be About $3300.
"Work on the handoome new schoolhouse
for the Wlllsburg district Is progressing
satisfactorily, and there will be no delay
in completing it in time for the opening
of school in the Fall. Two rooms of a
four-room building are being built, pro
vided with modern conveniences. Heating
will be by hot air on the Indirect plan, the
same as is used and found so acceptable
in the Central and Thompson buildings of
tho city district. A full basement has
been built, which was not contemplated
when the plans were drawn, but It was
decided that It was better to have a large
basement than half a one, as first pro
vided for.
The cost of the schoolhouse will be
about $3500 when It is finished and fur
nished. The building stands on elevated
ground above the Portland woolen mill
plant, and commands a fine view from
all directions. There is not a more suit
able location for a schoolhouse In the
county. The district owns about three
acres of sloping ground, and the building
stands on the brow of the hill overlooking
Sellwood. Drainage Is perfect. Many of
the fir trees are still on the ground. The
old building has been moved back and
faces the road on the north. It will be
leased for a nominal figure by the "Wllls
burg Literary Society as a club hall for
public entertainments. The society will
repair the building and put a stage In one
Wound Up Its Affairs and Passed Ont
of Existence Yesterday.
The annual conference and campmeetlng
of the Seventh-Day Adventlsts of the Pa
cific Northwest Conference, which had
been in session on the Catlin tract, on
Williams avenue. Upper Alblna, came to
a close last evening, when the final sermon
was delivered by Elder E. L. Stewart.
Yesterday afternoon, after a short busi
ness session of the North Pacific Confer
ence, President H. W. Decker, presiding,
the conference dissolved and went out of
existenc for all time, after about a quar
ter of a century of active existence. Its
place Is now taken by three conferences
Western Oregon, Western Washington
and British Columbia Conferences. Short
sessions of these three conferences were
All voters within the City of Portland
must pass today on the question as to
whether we shall have a new city char
ter. A commission appointed under
authority of law worked many Weeks
framing & document that would Insure
the city economical and efficient admin
istration, and that result has been at
tained so far a It can be Insured by
wise law. The provisions of the charter
are already well known to the public
All parties are commltttu to the new
charter, and If It la Indorsed by the
people of Portland It will bo enacted In
Its. present form by the next Legisla
ture. So do not fall to vote "Yes,"
In approval of the charter.
held yesterday, with. President F. M. Burg,
President Nellls and President J, L. Wil
son presiding over the conferences of
which they will have charge for the com
ing year.
Yesterday an inventory of the property
of the North Pacific Conference was
taken, together with all liabilities, which
will be apportioned among the three or
ganizations which take Its place.
Elder-H. W. Decker, the retiring presi
dent, preached yesterday morning in the
big pavilion tent, and also in the German
tent, his farewell sermons. Today the
work of clearing up the ground will be
commenced. The big tents will be taken
down and folded up for another year.
Families who have been camping on the
ground will start for their homes in dif
ferent portions of the state.
One of the important results of this
gathering was" the raising of a "conslder-
. able' sum for th "Walla "Walla college. It
was also reporlfd that since the session
of the Union Pacific Conference, held In
Portland a few months ago, between $7000
and $5000 had been raised to relieve the
"Walla "Wal'a college from debt. This
work will be continued until $30,000 Is
raised for thls-purcose.
A Fern Resolnte Farmers Proceeded
"With Permanent Organization.
A meeting of the Fruitgrowers' Market
Association was held at Odd Fellows' Hall,
Grand avenue and East Pine street. Satur
day night. The attendance was slim, ow
ing to the fact that fruitgrowers are very
busy at this time. .Reports were received
from the membership committee, showing
that 30 growers had taken one share eaci
in the proposed Incorporation. O. T. Hust
said that It would not be possible to or
ganize as -a -corporation until over ft)
shares, or more than one-half of the capt
ltal stock, had been subscribed. Further
work, therefore, will have to be dore In
securing new members before the board
of directors and officers can be elected.
It is conceded hat all that is being done
at present Is laying the foundation of a
fruitgrowers' organization, and that It is
too late to dq very much this season
The meeting then proceeded to adopt a
constitution and by-laws, using ; mainly
those of the Hood River Association, but
making such changes as were necessary to
meet the conditions here, and to corre
spond with tho articles of Incorpsratlon.
Some of the growers, expressed their sur
prise and disappointment that w little
Interest was being shown in the effort to
form, an association among the fanners.
They reem to think that it is some" sqheme
or other to Job them, and the -majority
aro holding out, "but the few who sxi hold
ing these meetings every week, e con
siderable expense of time, are determined
to make the organization they have start
ed a cucccss, in spite of the discourage
ments they have encountered, "fhey feel
that the fruitgrowers adjacent toPortland"
must organize, if they are to set the full
results of their work.
Grovrs Frealc Potat
M. J. Magoon. a farmer of firavel Hill.
relates a strange experience with potatoes
this year. He said that he planted his po
tatoes early, and all but about 30 hills
camo up. The vines look .ihrlf tj. Mr.
Magoon then dug down -mto the Bills,
where nothing had appeared to ascertain
what was the trouble. He was surprised
to find attached closely,o the old po
tatoes new ones as largo as hen's eggs,
but there was no Indication of a sprout
A proposed amendment to the stato
constitution Is to bevoted on today.
It is the initiative, and referendum,
about which there his been much agi
tation in Oregon for't" number of years.
All parties have litlorsed It. It ap
pears the very last thing on the official
ballot. Do not overlook, it. It you
favor It and, no cpubt, a majority of
electors do markan X opposito tho
from the old stock. On examination of
several other hllfe he found the same
thing. He cannot understand how It Is
that, while all the other potatoes planted
grew, these few shirked their duty and
remained underground, and yet new po
tatoes had groyn around them. He will
be glad If somebody will enlighten him,
as he has been iylng awake nights trying
to think out absolution to the problem.
Repairs to the Chester.
I Repairs to tije steamer Chester, Captain
xveuogK, owner ana master, m ouppie s
yard, are progressing rapidly. She was
built six yefirs ago as a light-draft
steamer In this yard. She draws V&
Inches of wa'ter. Although the Chester
has seen hard service, she Is In fair con
' dltlon. Her "jsull ribs have been renewed
and she Is receiving new planks. She will
then be goo for another six years when
she Is put back into the water. The Ches
ter Is considered the lightest draft boat
ever built When first built It was pre
dicted thatjshe would be a failure.
Fnneral -of Dr. Stephen A. Young".
t The funeral of Dr. Stephen A. Young
was held yesterday afternoon at the Port
land Crematorium. He was a pioneer of
1S52, and formerly lived at McMInnville.
, A wife and one daughter, of Portland,
survive hin.
) penth of a. Stndcnt.
Louawelen Briggs, a student, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Briggs. living at 72
East Tenth street North, died yesterday
at the home of his parents. He was an
estimable young man, and was IS years
and 5 months old.
Not cheap, but economical. You can
make more bread and better, bread from
a sack of Diamond "W" flour than from
one of any other brand. $1 10 per sack
at your grocer's.
Beginning on June 15 next will inaugurate
a new limited train service between Chi
cago, New York and Boston, leaving Chi
cago at 19:30 every morning, and arriving
In New York at 3:30 the next afternoon,
with a Boston sleeper reaching there tho
second eTenlng. Travelers going East
will find In this train everything that com
fort and luxury can suggest or demand
Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars of
the latest type; unequaled dining-car
service, with meals at popular prices;
fast time over a track made perfect with
rock ballast, and made safe by the opera
tion of the block signal Interlocking sys
tem. ' , .
If you have not sen the beautiful val
leys of the Susquehanna and Delaware
Rivers traversed by the Erie, you have
missed onelof the meet delightful sections
of the Easti
Be sure that your tickets read via the
Erie Railroad.
By special) arrangements election returns
read at the Baker Theater tonight.
Vote for L. A. McNary, regular Repub
lican nominee for City Attorney.
Then Postnm Saved Him.
It make rather solid friends of people
when they discover a liquid food that will
save life In extreme cases of need.
Speaking of ostum Food Coffee, a lady
In Toledo, O., says: "For over five years
now I have used Po3tum Coffee entirely
In place of the prdlnary coffee or tea.
"I used to have stomach trouble, and
every time I dra'nk a cup of ordinary cof
fee suffered the. greatest distress. My
troubles left when I left oft coffee and be
gan using Postum.
"The most severe test I know of was
when my husband was down with gastric
typhoid fever. His stomach would retain
nothing; we tried milk and various other
drinks. Everything we put into his stom
ach would come upMn less than three min
utes. After the third day of this kind of
work, I concluded to give him some Pos
tum Coffee. He drank it and relished It,
and retained it, ana for four weeks he
lived on Postum and nothing else to speak
of. You can depend upon it that Postum
gained some good friends, for husband
woyild have diJd if It 'had not -been for the
nourishment afforded by Postum Coffee."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,-Mich.
Frlsnds and Associates Pay Last
Tribute to the 3Iemory of Ore
gon's Distinguished Citizen.
' The funeral services over the remains
of the late ex-Governor Sylvester Pen
never were held yesterday afternoon, and
were attended by an unusually large gath
ering of friends and acquaintances of the
esteemed pioneer who has passed away.
The remains lay at the family residence
during the forenoon and men from every
walk and station of life called to look
for the last time upon the features of
the man who had played no small part
In the hl3tory of the commonwealth. Llt
tlo knots of men stood about the street
corners adjacent to the Pennoyer resi
dence, and In tones of respect and deep
regret discussed the life and death of the
man whom they regarded as a trustwor
thy and efficient public servant.-
At 1:45 P. M. the funeral cortege ar
rived, and the body was conveyed to
St. Stephen's Episcopal Chapel, Thirteenth
and Clay streets, where a throng of cit
izens had gathered. The chapel was filled
to overflowing, and many who were un
able to obtain standing-room within, re
mained 'outside until the services were
over. The St Stephen's choir, vested in
robes of black, preceded the funeral par
ty, which was led by Rev. T. N. Wilson,
the rector. As the casket was borne up
the aisle, the choir rendered an appro
priate anthem, and the rector began the
Impressive funeral service of the Episco
pal Church, concluding with a scrip
ture reading from I. .Cor. xv. 20, after
which tho choir sang "Lead, Kindly
Light," After a short prayer service,
the choir sang "Nearer, My God, to Thee,"
which was followed by the recessional.
Mrs.' Pennoyer, her son-in-law and
daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Russell
and a few relatives and Intimate friends
followed tho casket, which was borne by
George E. Chamberlain, W. A. Munley,
C. H. Page. Alfred Holman, F. V.
Holman and T. Scott Brooke. The
honorary pall bearers were Gover
nor T. T. Geer, ex-Governor Z. F.
Moody, Judgo George H. Williams, Col
onel John McCraken. W. K. Smith. A. T.
Smith, George T. Myers and Phil Met
schan. After tho church services-, the remains
were taken to Lone Fir Cemetery and
burled in the family lot. Hundreds of
telegrams and messages of sympathy were
received from all parts of the country
by the stricken family, and the many
floral tributes spoke eloquently of the
deep regret felt by the friends and asso
ciates of the distinguished citizen.
Vote for L. A. McNary, regular Repub
lican nominee for City Attorney.
Vote for L. R. Webster, Republican
candidate for County Judge.
Harris Trunk Co. for trunks and bags.
PORTLAND, June 1. 8 P. M. Maximum
temperature, 50; minimum temperature, 46;
river reading at 11 A. M., 20.2 feet; change in
the past 24 hours, 0.5 foot; total precipitation,
5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0,01 Inch; total precipita
tion since Sept. 1, 1001, 37.S4 Inches; normal
precipitation since Sept. 1, 1002, 43.01 Inches;
deficiency. 0.03 Inches; total sunshine May 31,
0:00; possible sunshine May 31, 15:30.
"1-3 "VV,nd- 5
5 2 2 ' P
s ? :
. a J
Baker City .....
Bismarck .-.
Eureka ,
Kamloops, B. C
Neah Bay
Red Bluff
Roseburg .......
Sacramento ....
San Francisco .
"Walla Walla ...
Ft. cldy
Ft. cldy
Ft. cldy
Moderately heavy rains have fallen during
the last 24 hours In Eastern Oregon, Eastern
Washington and Idaho, and the weather Is
cloudy and threatening over the entire Pacific
Northwest. -
There has been a slight rise In temperature
in Northern California and In Southern Oregon,
but It Is much cooler In Southeastern Idaho,
and the temperatures generally are below the
normal In the states west of tho Rocky Moun
tains. The Indications are for cloudy weather In
this district Monday, with occasional showers.
Forecasts made at Portland for the 23 hours
ending at midnight Monday, June 2:
Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with occa
sional showers; westerly winds.
Western Oregon and Western Washington
Showers.: westerly winds.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and
Northern Idaho Partly cloudy, with tempera
tures near tho frost mark In tli early morn
ing; westerly winds.
Southern Idaho Partly cloudy In the west,
showers In the east portion; temperatures near
the frost mark In the early morning; warmer
during the afternoon.
EDWARD A. BEALS, Forecast Ofilclal.
house. 704 Flanders St., between
21st and 22d; choicest location In
city. 'A great bargain.
Harrison. Fine location for fiats.
Oak sts.
; flno hotel site.
GR1NDSTAFF- & BLAIN. 246 Stark.
Own your home and when a
strike is ordered yon will not
be In danger of being tnrned
out by the landlord. Select
50x100 feet of ground at Uni
versity Park and pay down $5
and pay $5 monthly and it will
not be rery long till you will be
under your o,wn roof in a $1000
home. TVe will allow you in
terest on your monthly deposits
until you get your home. This
is safer than a sayings bank
and pays better interest; besides
you get .'the increase of the
value of the lot from the day
you pay the first fire dollars.
Only a, few more contracts of
this kind will be sold. Come
befarqx it is too late. Many
houses now under construction.
Portland Homebuilding Co.,
"-'' 151 Sixth Street.
5G 0.16 121 SW
50 0.01 N
74 0.B4 24 SB
54 0.40 N
59 0.14 14 SW
54 0.10 18 W
70 0.00 SE
54 0.22 8 SE
48 0.30 14 SW
50 T 12 S
06 0.00 SE
02 0.00 8 S
GS 0.00 12 S
55 0.00 22 AV
02 T 10 SW
62 0.00 10 SW
64 T 12 SW
"Rooms, "Rooms and Board." "Housekeep
ing Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 15 words or
lss. 15 cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents, 21 to
25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for ad
ditional Insertions.
Today." 30 cents for 13 words or less; 10 to
20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 50 cents,
etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion,
one-half; no further discount under one month.
"NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15
cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per 11ns
for each additional Insertion.
dressed care The Oregonian and left at this
office, should always be inclosed In sated en
velopes. No stamp is required on such letters.
Marquam Grand Theater Calvin Heillg. Mgr.
Two appearances onlj. Wednesday and Thurs
day, June 4-5.
Wednesday evening. "BKAUCAIRE."
Thursday evening. "THE FIRST VIOLIN"
Prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $3;
last 3 rows, $2.50. Balcony, first 3 rows, $2;50;
second S rows. $2; first 3 rows of last 6 in bal
cony, $1.50; last 3 rows In balcony. $1. Gal
lery, reserved, 73c; balance. 5fc Boxes and
loges, $17.50. Seats now selling. Carriages at
10:50 o'clock.
Phones Oregon North 1076. Columbia 506.
2oc. 35c. 50c; afternoon, 10c 15c, 23c.
Sunday. June 8, and Monday. June 0, last
f V.Ie..performanca of the Stuart Co. In "Fern
NoeIty Dancers.
A "3 North 16th st.. cor. Everett, at 10
A. il. S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer.
At 182 First st. at 10 A. M. Ford & Laws,
F. & A. M. Stated communication
this (Monday) evening at 7.30
o clock. Work in E. A. degree. All
M. M. are cordially invited to at
tend. THOMAS GRAY, Sec.
A. F. & A. M. Stated communica
tion this (Monday) evening at 8
o'clock sharp. M. M. degree. All M.
M. cordially Invited to nttpm! K
order W. M. F. GLAFKE, JR.. Seo.
O. U. W. Members, take notice that at to
night's (Monday) meeting election of officers
will take place. Every member should attend
and express his preference for officers for tho
ensuing term.
G. H. CARR. Master Workman.
Attest: JOHN W. PADDOCK. Recorder.
Regular meeting this (Monday) evening at 8
o'clock, I. O. O. F. Temple. First and Alder
streets. Work in the first degree. Visitors al
ways welcome. W. A. CLARK. Sec
McCANX In this city, June 1, 1002, at her
late residence. 5S1& Hood st., Mary Buf
fington McCann, aged 51 years, 10 months
and 4 days. Funeral notice hereafter.
BEUTGEN May 31, 1002. at her late rest
dence, 410 13th st., Mary M. Beutgen, aged
70 years, 2 months. 27 days. Funeral Tues-
. day morning at 8:30 from St. Laurence's
J. P. FINLEY !fc SON, Progressive
Fnneral Directors and Embalmers,
Cor. Third and Jefferson Sis. Com
petent lady nns't. Both, pbones No. O.
EDWARD HOLMAN, Undertaker, 4th.
and Yamhill sts. Rcna Stlnson,. lady
assistant. Both phones No. COT.
shade of fascinating beauty, given by Satin
Skin. Powder. Flesh, white, brunette tints.
25c. Meier & Frank.
tracts with California, Oregon and Washing
ton Homebullders' Association. H. J. Clark,
Phone Main 03.
On Improved city and farm property, at lowest
current rates. Building loans. Installment
loans. MacMaster & Bin-ell, 311 Worcester blk.
"Tibbetts' Homestead"
Lots for sale In this fine tract of land, so
conveniently situated on the east side of ths
river, closely connected between threo car
lines the Woodstock-Waverly and Richmond
car line on Clinton St.. the Oregon City and
Sellwood car line on Mllwaukle st.. the Brook
lyn and Car Shops line on Powell st. All ad
Joining the property. All large lots, la pries
from J400 to $C50, on moderate terms. Their
convenience and being so closely in. mass
them very desirable building lots.
Room 11. 14514 First st.
J COO and up Lots in Doscher's Second Ad-1
dltion. running from 22d to 24th. and X to
Xcea Sts.
$1700 Full lot. south front, Marshall St., I
near 24th.
$1050 Full lot on Marshall st, near 24th,
lacing north.
?20t'O 50x100, Irving between 23d and 24tb.
S230O 8-room modern house. Qulmby st.
ilGOO 50x100 and two houses, Carutheral
St.. near Front.
$110073x100 and 5-room house. Front St.. I
near Arthur.
$11,500 Large house and one of the finest
quarter blocks In Nob Hill: fine shrubbery J
beautiful location. A good bargain.
$265050x100 and modern 8-room house,
10th st. 50 ft. north of Gllsan st
$5300100x100 and fine modern 10-roor
house. Holladav's Addition.
$.2300 Two sightly lots and desirable cow
iage. I'age st ana uantcnDem ave.
$2700100x120, Rodney ave. and Hancocli
$iOo(j 50x100 and new C-room house
North Alblna Station.
$120025x100 and new modern cottage,
Williams ave.
$1600 Six fine- lots In Central Alblna.
Corner lots and good 7-roonr house, Easti
rtintn and Lincoln sts.
$3200 Two lots, modern 8-room housa and
Darn. k East Seventh.
$3000100x100 on East Ash, between SIxt
and Seventh. Good buy.
$4000 One of the most desirable 4 hloc
In Holladay's Addition.
$800 Nice lot. Hoiladay's, close to carJ
sewer and street Improvements.
$700 Fine lot. Irvlnitton. close to cur.
$630 Flno quarter block. Fargo and Kert
$S50 60x125 on Russoll st: snaD.
$750 Corner lot and 8-room house thL
side of Woodstock.
$1100 Corner lot and good 7-room hous
and barn. West ave, near North Mount Ta
Dor car.
$1400 118x11214 and fine house. Monta
$2000 Corner. 50x100. East First and Wash!
ingcon sts.: choice warehouse nroDertr.
f!C0O Beautiful block In Vaerly, 200x230
$300 lOOxlCO. Tibbetts" Addition. Bargain
$850100x100 In Raffetv's Add.
$400 Fine' lot on Alblna ave.. near Morrll
.; Deauuiui view.
$130 Good lot. Lincoln Park. Annex.
$1200-Full block. Patton's Addition.
$40007 acres and large modern house.
Mount Scott car line.
$27003 arcs on Mllwaukle st; old housl
ana Darn: a line duv.
$G250 will buy the finest 5-acre tract, suit
able for platting, on Base Line road, thll
siae 01 iuount iaDor. If taken quick.
40 acres of flno land, on Base Line road
8 miles from center of city. $2200.
Favorable terms on any of the above.
GRINDSTAFF & 3LAIN. 240 Stark, i
select lots at Seaside. The undersigned has
number of very desirable and well-located lot!
for sale at low price. Anybody wanting Sa
side lots, call and Insnect mans Easy term!
If wanted. Apply to Charles K. Henry, 271
Stark st
garden spot of the Willamette Valley He
near Portland. Write T. Wlthycorabe Fa
lngton. Or. Prices ery low, quality ar
location considered.
feet South -Kenilworth; fenced; 100 fru
trees, viu jzm Falling Building.