THE MOByiffG OHEGOyiAK, , THURSDAY, MAT 22, 1902. II FOR. SALE FARMS. FARMS WE HAVE FARMS AND COLONY tracts 4b all parts of "Western and Southern Oregon. Call and ace us before locating. Can give ou valuable Information concern Ins Willamette. and Rogue River Valleys. SahUtrdia 4: Patterson, 000 Com tnerlcal block. 220 -ACHE DAIRY FARM FOR SALE; 100 cattle. Implements and all other stock with the farm. If desired; a county road comes to the lodge at this place; 2 miles from Wood land cheese factory. W. P. -Whalen. Wood land, Wash. t ' IMPROVED FARMS FOK SALE IN AI.Ii parts of Oregon and Washington; payment made to .suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to MocMaster & BlrrelL 311 Worcester lock- FOR SALE HOME, 5100c; TEN ACRES IN closed; rich soil; new 0-room bouaei living water; Xrult; 11 miles from city; 1 miles from depot. 607 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 163 ACRES. 114 MILES FROM MONROE. Or,; 100 ceres plow, balance orchard and pasture; small bouse, barn, running water; J2S00. half cash. E. Maude. Mayne Island, U. C. 100 ACRES, OPPOSITE HOOD RIVER, near Lyle. Wash.; half brush land, balance fine flr Umber; good house and barn; prlpe $1200. Address E. J. Hlflord. station C, qlty. 10 ACRES. CLOSE IN, ALL IMPROVED, West Side; good buildings, 300 fruit trees, 7 head of cattle. 2 good wagons andimplc rsents. Call at 240 Second, cor. Main. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! IN WESTERN Oregon and Washington; all kinds and price. Also choice acreage tracts. Tavorabla terms. W. O. Waddel. 203 Morrison ex. FOR SALE FOR FARMS OR ACREAGE property between Oregon City and Portland or anywhere In Clackamas County, eee Com mercial Bank, Oregon City. 12-ACRE FARM; 10 IN CULTIVATION; 14 miles northeast from Woodlawn. Call SSo Water. i FOR REST-FARMS. FOR RENT FARM. 16 MILES FROM PORT land; 12 acres In cultivation, nice orchard, about 100 trees, 7-room house, barn and other buildings, in first-class condition. Ap ply Wakefield. FrieE & Co., 220 Stark. TO EXCHAXGE. TO EXCHANGE IMPROVED CHICAGO property for business or residence property In Portland or Pacific Northwest. K 15, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO TRADE FOR HORSE. OR sell, Jersey cow, with calf. E. C Hurlbert, St. Johns, on the Mary Goodail place. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS IN design and finished; used very little; guar anteed In perfect condition; owner going to Europe, sell cheap for cash. Address J 15, care Oregonlan. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD Expert repairing. Oliice sup plies; Mimeograpn work. Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark. Phone Main 36. FOR SALE LIVERY STABLE AND OUTFIT, including 15 head of horses and 15 rigs, building 50x100; must be sold on account of 111 health. Address M U7, care Oregonlan. 42-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH. 20 H. P. Engine; standing roof, new; finished in oak. Address Launch, care Letter-Carrier, No. 2, Tacoma, Wash. 200 WAGONS,, 250 SETS HARNESS. 100 SAD ales. A V ago as and horses to hire by day or month, 'lomllnsou & Hall. 211 Washington. FOR EALE FURNITURE OF AN ELEGANT Xurnlsucd 4 -room flat, complete ior house keeping. 48 Union block. FOR SALE OR RENT GOOD UPRIGHT piano, terms very reasonable. 247 btxth. Phone W-est 214. OFFICE LEASE; SPLENDID LOCATION; desks and fixtures for bale, cheap. 2t4 Mor rison, room A FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN; FINE SODA fountain, good condition. G 17, care Orego nlan. AWNINGS Get prices from A. C. Pike Tent Sc Awning Co.. 107 N. Third. Tel. South 888. SECOND.HAND SAFE. EASY PAYMENTS. Norrts Faie & Lock Co.. cor. id and Stark u. j Several new and secona-nand wagons and bug Uhe and heavy. 51 4th. Hear Pine. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 22 Yamhill. riANO. IN USE ONE YEAR. COST 275; A bargain. $165 cash. COS Alder. HELP WANTED HALE. s IK) MULL HANDS, $1.75 TO ?2.25. PASS; grader and -foreman, $75 up; 4 mill tally men, (2.5i; ratchet setter, $2.5u; S carriage men, (1.85 to $2; 15 mill bands, $2, 20 yard men, tl 75; Head bkldder, ;fU0 board; second letter, (2 70 up; 2 buckers, 5JJZ.50 up; 5 barK trs, $2.25 to $2.50, skid-road men, $2,10; stampers, (2, J Burley drill miners, $4.76; i bridge carpenters, $2.50 to $3, bUckbmlth and uaoer. $2.50 up, machinists, $j.23 to $3.50, brick setter. $2.50, clay temperer. $2.50, taction men, $1.75, men and teams. $4 to $7, shingle boltcuttcrs, $1; woodchoppers, fcOc to $1.10; farm hands and milkers, $25 to $30, Canadian Employment Co., 22t Morrison; branches, 247 Burnslde, 61 Nortn Third and 153 North Sixth. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. WANTED 50 teamsters, 50 laborers, 20 rock men, $2 day and up. New it. R. construction work In Nevada, 20 track laborers, northeast, free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N. Second st, WANTED INTELLIGENT MAN OF NEAT appearance and good address; good money and rapid promotion to right party. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M., room ,29 Marouam building. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CIGAR talesman to travel for large wnolesale houe; references required; only first - class ' man wanted, salary in accordance. H' Iti, Orego nian. Men wanted to learn baroer trade; constant practice and expert Instruction until compe tent. No limit to term. Catalogue free. Molcr Barber College, San Francisco. CaL ' YOUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS THE hardware and stove business; must be a good writer. Address, stating reference, age and experience, T 10. care Oregonlan. WANTED MEN FOR QUARRY WORK, drillers, $2.25; pick and snovel men, $2 per day. Apply D. E. Budd, 110 First st. No othce fee. SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST CO. WANTS solicitors to loan out home pavings banks. Call at 2CG Morrison st. John Norton. Man ager. WANTED - STUDENTS IN SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, penmanship, by experienced man, terms reasonable. K 15, Oregonlan. RELIABLE MAN; EXPERIENCE UNNECES cary; salary and commission. E. McGauley. SIC Ablngton building. 3:30 A. M. WANTED EDUCATED CHRISTIAN GEN tiemaa for work along educational lines. Y 17, Oregonlan. t CANVASSER WANTED ADDRESS BY mall. C3 First st.. room ft. v. W Tn ....... V- AGENTS Both sexes; high salary, city, coun try. Star Mfg. Co.. 242 Washington st. WANTED GOOD, STRONG BOY. JAMES Printing Co., 22 Front st. HELP WA5TED-FJ3ULE. WAITRESSES, E. O., SO. OR., GRAY'S HAR bor, girl lor coast, meet employer, fares; cooks, camp, hotel And B.-H.; waitresses; second girls; chambermaids; housekeepers; housework, all prices, city and country. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison, WANTED SMALL GIRL TO PLAY "EVA." Also lady and gentlemen performers and musicians. Call or write Leondor Bros.. U. T. C. Co., 825 East Stark. Portland, Or. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT BT PRACTICAL raiiroau operator evenings, at tfennKc's Com mercial College, C14 Commercial block. WANTED RELIABLE YOUNG J3DSL TO As sist witn nouscworx, ramuy or two. Apply at 140 10th st. north, before 10 A. M. PERMANENT, PROFITABLE EMPLOY ment In city for reliable middle-aged lady of good address. Y 13, Oregonlan. LADIES DESIRING HELP. AND GIRLS sceKing situations, can st. i,ouis Agency. SSOli Yamhill. Phone Black 288L WANTED A GOOD COOK; NO WASHING or cleaning; gooa -wpges, nsaii lamlly. Call Monday, 830 Marshall, cor. 25th. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAIDS AND dlnlng-roQtn girls, lor the beach; references. Mrs Percy, 487 Montgomery et. GUIL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD wages. Arpiy n. vv. Aiajjory ana Ainswoxth are.. Piedmont. HELP WAKTED-FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED KTJRSE. FdR Mao. bcoq wages; city r-ueronccs required. 233 North 24th. ' AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer; permanent position. M 16, Oregonlan. WANTED BRIGHT 'OFFICE GIRB., NEAT" ij-ciuiin. oem io Ainswortn nunaing, xniro and Oak. - WANTED-'-GIRL FOR COOKING AND qEN eral housework. Arplr215 North 20th, cor. Lovejoj - J ' ACME EMP. BUREAU. ISA MORRISON. Help free to employers. Phone Ncrth 23SL Col 2H. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 787 Gllaan est., between 23d and'24tb. WANTED A COOK AND DISHWASHER, IN private boarding-house. 186 Fifth st. - WANTED 'GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call 410 Seventh st, WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK; GOOD wages. Call 107 16th st. WANTED A feOMPET ENT WOMAN COOK, Apply 343 North ,20th. WANTED COMPETENT NURSE GIRU AP ply 4SM Taylor st. COOK WANTED'; GOOD AVAGES.- APPLY 541 Trtfh Rt. 145 13th st. GIRE- FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. P3 10th st - FIRST-CLASS-WAIST HAND. AT 170 10TH fitrcet. v SITUAaiOXS W ANTED HALE. Uocikkccperii and ClerOc. EXPERIENCED URUGGIST. YOUNG 3IAN 120). married, "wants position In drug store, in progressive, growing city. Address, with particulars, H. A. Schumakcr, Monroe, Wis. SITUATION WANTEDr-BY BRIGHT YOUNG boy of 15, In onice or store. Address B 12. care Oregonlan. ' Miscellaneous. BY COMPETENT COLORED MAN. AS first-class cook, hotel or restaurant; sober, neat; the entire line of cooking, both meat and pastry; reliable. R 1G, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH FARM AND DOMESTIC hands; also other help. Japanese Labor Ass'n. 2CS Everett st. Telephone Black -092. GASOLINE ENGINEER. CAPABLE OF handllns any kind of marine or stationary gasoline engines. L 1C, care Oregonlan. GUN AND LOCKSMITH, AN ALL - ROUND, experienced workman, -wants position; Ad dress W. H. Soper, Cosmopolls. Wash. JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING COMPANY; best help, short notice; day, vreek, contract. 311 Everett. Telephone Red 034. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY-BEST help of all kinds furnished. 311 Everett' st. Tolepnone Red U94. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS A POSITION TO do cooking In private family. H 17, Orego nlan. SITUATIONS "WANTED FE3IALE. llooUiceeper and Menograpbcri. YOUNG LADY FROM THE EAST WISHES position as bookkeeper or saleslady; good l-ti-trenceJ- O 15, Oregonlan. LADY STENOGRAPHER WISHES Posi tion; will work for experience. N 16, Ore gonlan. Housekeepers. SITUATIONS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. CHAM bermalds. waltretues, camp cooks and factory girls. 2o04 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S8L WANTED BY NEAT. COMPETENT WOM an, situation to do housework; no washing. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1, Domestic. BY EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK, HOTEL, camp or boarding-house, or housekeeper. 2us Columbia. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED PER son, some one t'o build a family hotel of 35 or 40 rooms, in good location. Address E 10, care Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and tihoes. C2 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED GOOD SECOND - HAND STOP watch or chronograph, silver or gold, to time horses. Y 15, Oregonlan. WANTED-A 12 TO 18-INCH WATER MO tor; Pelton motor preferred. Address -Comment, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED A TRANSIT AND Y LEVEL; state price of each, with location. X 15, Or egonlan. WANTED LAND WARRANTS SCRIP. SO OR 160 acres r cash. J. W. Turner, Sunnyaie, Wash. WANTED AGKNTS. MARTINIQUE AND ST. VINCENT HOR rors and the World's Great Disasters. Inter est intense. Sales will be immense; act quick; he first In the field; best book, price $1.50, best terms; credit given; freight paid; outfit free. Hamilton Pub. Co., 521 The Ar cade. Cleveland. O. AGENTS WANTED MARTINIQUE FLOOD of fire and burning Tain. The greatect horror of modern times. Immense sales; harvest for agents; best terms; credit given; frelgnt paid; outfit free. P. W. Zlegler & Co., i24 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. WANCkD-TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOM WANTED IN STRICTLY private family, close in, by quiet, -mldale-aged man. Address, with terms and partic ulars, C 17, Oregonlan. COUNTRY HOUSE, FOR SUMMER MONTHS, accessible by steam or trolley. Address Jer sey, care Otegonlan. WANTED SMALL. NEATLY FURNISHED house or fiat, by responsible couple b. xb, Oregonlan. PARTIES HAVING HOUSES FOR RENT and for sale will find customers at 49 First -st. FOR RENT. Rooms. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; use of library, Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. Ueorge. buper Intcndent. 510 Flanders st. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park cts., formerly The Spalding Thw most complete apartment-house la the city; steam heat, gas. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Ratea 75c per da, $2 per week, and upward. Fur nished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison su. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all moderq conveniences; references. THE COSMOS, S. E. -cor. Morrison- and 4 th Fine rooms, central; clean, quiet, and rea sonable; housekeeping suites of tws or mora. THE FLEASANTON, 28S5t Third St. Fine fur nished sunny roorna. en suite, single or house keeping; transient solicited. Phone South 25L THE CALUMET. 7th and Alder New, mod ern, steam-heated rooms. $1 per day and up; reasonable rates per week or mo. 'Free bath. Th Calumet, 7th and Alder Rooms, with running water,, private bath suites; hotel service. $1 per -day up; reascrmtrte per' mo, FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH AL cove, east front; bath; housekeeping priv ileges if desired, S27 First-st. S0S FHtST STREET ROOMS. GOOD AND cheap. If you take them quick; families, gentlemen, transients. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 3S0 Morrison su Bath, phono, gas; rates $1.50 up. 207 PARK NICELY FURNISHED 1GHT airy front .suite; also ether front iTOpmsrno children. FOR RENT TWO LARGE, NICELY FUR nlshed rooms. Call 483 Burnslde, near Wash ington. Furnished rooms, $x wees. -up. Oilman Hotel 1st & Alder, Tremont Motel. 7th and Everett, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY 3SA.Y week or month. S2 2d st. top floor, Toom 13! MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUD3D. Ing. steam heat, .new furniture. 311 Stark. THE BONITA. S3 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY- Elegant, sunny rooms, $2.50 week And up. E,4f?nU? J?'1"0 transients solfcUedr Brick building. The Roes, 211 First st. THE NEWLAND, 300 FH1ST"-t NEWLY fumi&bM rooms electric llcht and bath. FOR RENT. Rooms, 1 t CORNER, 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 234 iota, j-roora mooern nouse, s;z itn st. Inaulre 472 Park U 312 THIRD, CORNER CLAY-NELY FUR nliihedl rooms; suitable for two; cheap. PLEASXNTLT furnished rooms to let; all "Conveniences. 554 Gllaan. ONE LARGE FRONT PARLOR AND FOUR nice rooms upstairs: 20 11th. BRIGHT, SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; bath, phone. 240 Jefferson st. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SDCGLE AND en suites. 3R5. Yamhill. TWO UNFURNISHED PARLORB FOR RENT. 42S Thljd st. ' RooxnM With Board. SINGLE ROOM; ALSO PLEASANT ACCOM modatlons for several gentlemen; first-class table, reasonable. 475 Washington, cor. 14th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BOARD. In private family; suitable for two gentle men. A$. 302. Fourth st. Phone Front 423. 533 EAST ANKENY PLEASANT FRONT rooms, with board; good location; gas, bath, telephone Blue 840. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without boaid. 141 W. Park, corner Alder. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BOARD. WITH hot and cold water. 225 11th st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with boarU. 153 13th st. HonBclceexuair Ilimm. $1 PER WEEK AND UP. LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, with use of foundry, bath and telephone; furniture stored, money advanced on same. 164 Sherman. UNFURNISHED THREE OR FOUR LARGE rooms, modern; water furnished. Baker, Central ave.,''Mount Tabor. Scott 2C05. HOUSEKEEPER ROOMS. TWO LARGE, connected rooms; gas, bath, phone; also sin gle room; near P. O. 105 Seventh. r FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSE koeplng; also single room, for gentleman or lady. Inquire 420 Washington eu SUITE OF ROOMS, FURNISHED. FOR housekeeping; gas range, phonn and bath; no children. CS Seventh, near Oak. ROOMS, PARTLY FURNISHED; FINE neighborhood; gas and phone; good car service. 24a Grand ave. north. 410 SALMON ST. TWO NICELY FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms; gas range, private famll, central, reasonable. TWO NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKCEP1NG room, upstairs; use phone and bath; no children. 81 North Nintn. FRCJNf ROOM AND SMALL KITCHEN, furnh-hed. for light housekeeping; references; no children. 40$ Main st. 205 WASHINGTON FURNISHED AND UN furnlshed housekeeping suites; single rooms. $1.25 and up per week. 427 SALMON ST. FURNISHED FLAT OF 3 rooms; alcove, bath, eery thing modern. Inquire 423 Salmon et. UNFURNISHED, HOUSEKEEPING ilOQMg; front parlor, alcove, kitchen adjoining; bain, phone. 381 Sixth St. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, with private family; gas and bath. 400 lay lor eU References. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng. 1C4 West Park fet., between Yam hill and Morrison. 3401 EAST OAK ST. TWO OR FOUR UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; suite of fur nished rooms. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE kceplng; also other rooms, en suite. 333 Da vis, cor. Park. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent; cor. Seventh and Stark sts. Inquire 375' Stark st- FOUR PLEASANT, NEWLY RAPERED rooms, on first floor, unfurnished. - J24 14th, near Clay. FURNISHED 4 - ROOM FLAT; ELECTRIC lights, bath; close in. Inquire 273 Seventh. The Graham. 545 Wasn. st. Newly furnished housekeeping suites; modern And desirable. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; private: house. 00 Park st- No children. THE ABBOTT. 228 Wash. Fine furnished rooms, en suite, single cr housekeeping. FURNISHED BASEMENT. COMPLETE, FOR housekeeping 104 Park at. THREE ROOMS. FURNISHED, FOR HOUSE keeplng. 88 North 11th. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPDXG ROOMS. 104 North 10th st. Houses. FOR RENT OR SALE-AT MOUNT TABOR; house, with large grounds, fruit, etc; vary sightly location, near cars. Hart Land Co.. lur Sherlock building. FOR RENT NEW MODERN SIX - ROOM house. East Sixth and Broadway sta.. Holla day's Addition. Apply J. N. James, 224 Washington eu NEW HOUSE. WITH ALL MODERN COX venlencts, ou Overton and 21st sts.; rent $35. Apply Geo, Good. Concord bulldlngr FLATS IN THE SEVILLA; UNFURNISHED. On Market. No 225. Inquire janitor. Hat A. Phono Front 808. FINE, MODERN 14-ROOM DWELLLNG. LN best residence portion of city. Pnone E. 8. Larsen, Exchange 10. TWO MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS, ON COR ner. Inquire Rountree & Diamond, Second and Stark. FOR RENT 7-ROOM TWO-STORY MODERN house; new chandeliers. 508 Clay. Inquire 510 Clay. TWO-STORY 0-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN; nice, large yard. 123 East 20th st., cor. Mor rison. ABOUT JUNE 1. NEARLY NEW fc-ROOM house. Inqutre No. H East 14th St., North. NICE-LOOKING MODERN NEW 8-ROOM corner house, East Side. Phone Union 031. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST., rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. HOUSE FOR RENT INQUIRE OF MARTIN Winch. 323 Ablngton building. Fnrnlabed Houses. FOR RENT FURNISHED; UNTIL 1ST Oc tober; modern house. 10 rooms; close to car line. In a very desirable part of the city; moderate rent. Apply MacMaster & Birrell. 311 Worcester block, city. FURNISHED COTTAGE, WITH PIANO. 553 Sixth. Inquire at 307 10th. FURNISHED HOUSE. 173 EAST SLXTH ST., cor. Yamhill. Iloabei fr,r .Rent Furniture lor Sale. FOR SALE-Furniture, 6 rooms; all or any. Part parlor set, couch, carpets, child's Bed. sideboard, ex. table, bedroom set. Rockers. 828 Park st. Phone Grant 021. Stores. STORE, 2S7 HAWTHORNE AVE. (NEAR bridge); good location for barber. Apply on premises. Barns. GOOD TWO -STALL BARN; EAST SIDE; cheap. Address J 16, care Oregonlan. PERSONALS. MORPHINE. OPIUM HABITS CURED AT HOME From the Jtiroo of taking first dose of my remedy all desire for drugs disappears. The only remedy that cures' WITHOUT caus ing patient ANY SUFFERING WHATEVER. No- payment until, .cured. Call or write in strictest -confidence. DR. BRUCE KJMMIS, 2GS Morrison, rooms, 25-2G-27. Portland, Or. SEXINE PILLS ABSOLUTELY GUARAN teed. Every box has -a coupon worth the price. If they 4o, not make the weak mid nervous strong and happy. Sexlne Pills are the. greatest cure for weak kidneys; $1 a box; 6 boxes $5. Address J. A Clemenson, druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Is what all women want. Disfiguring growths of superfluous h&ir, wrinkles, and other facial, blemishes suc cessfully removed. Thin or faded (balr cor rected. Manicuring. N- Y. Electro Thera peutic Co.. 702 Marquam. Tel Black 2851. MMS. AA HOLMES. COMPLEXION. HAIR, scalp and skin' specialist, may be consulted dally free; scientific treatments given and all facial blemishes removed; hair dyed or bleached; forms developed; expert chiropody and manicuring. 311 Mor. at., opp. P. O. SCHOOL FOR THE JOl TAILOR" SYSTEM, drees -cutting easily. Earned i suits cut. stitched. readyto flnlab, $1.50 up; old dresses remodeled; accordion plaiting, sharp or round Agents "wanted, time. Wonder, 383 Morrison. PERSONALS. 23 -WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or .stoppages. leucorrhoea (whltca) and nil diseases of women, old oc young, cured by 61 d Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam hill st., Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-ccnt stamps. DRES3 SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewedron and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cord ray's. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB crts' Nerve Globules; ' One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Port land, Or. "BOOK OF NATURE "WOMAN OF FIRE." "Bel-Ami . "Lanier Case," "Forbidden Fruit," spicklng's Passionate Poems." "The Beauty .Spot," 50c each. Schmale. 223 First. WEAK. DEBILITATED WOMEN MADE well and strong without surgical operation. Nature assisted to aid herself by Dr. Mrs. Carey Talbott, SOS Salmon, bet. 5lh and 0th. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle'c Kola Tab'.ets, nature's great tonic tcr either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni, 2d and Washington. Agent, Portland, Or, MAKES OLD MEN YOUNG. DR. THOMP son's Famous Kola Tablet. Best xcbullder on earth, 25c box 5 for $1.00. Write Cios- eon & Kelly, Seattle, Wash. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrljon St.. bet- 1st and 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c; 25i business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale, 22U. First, Portland. Or. Merchandise goods hough; for cash. "What you can't use. we can. Strictly confidential. The Buyers' Ass'n. 423 Ablngton building. SECOND-HAND CAMERAS BOUGHT OR traded. Kodaks rented or loaded. D. M. Averlll Co., 331 Morrison. IF YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TIMBBR right, now Is the time- to use It. Call 317 Ailsky bidg. MRS. DR. McCOY and assistant; electric treat ments. House, 2il First, cor. balmou. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS. Diamonds bought. W. H, Lesh, 513 Dekura. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure, 2 cents. All druggists. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE . instantly. 10 and 25 cents. All druggists'. TUMORS- iVND POWDER MARKS REMOVED without pain, while you wait. 01 First. MRS. F. J. LYNCH. SCALP SPECIALIST; electric and vapor baths. 208 Ailsky bidg. MME. SAVAGE, JIODISTE. LATE OF SAN Francisco; moderate- prices. 700 Dekum. BUSINESS CHANCES. Would accept as part payment on building furniture and fixtures, or either, tu ated, unincumbered residence in Portland. Or.; balance may be had on meat any rea sonable terms, to run purchaser; to a good, , honorable man, with limited means, whether experience In the business or not, this Is probably the opportunity of a lifetime; this is a straight business proposition, and will bear dose Investigation. Call or address J. W. Morrdw, Heppner, Or. FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE 1 0 acre of land, together with six green houees; the largest and best establishment growing earjy vegetables under glass for the Pcrtland market. It la offered with the val uable crop now maturing of early tomatoes and cucumbers. Inquire Page & Bon, 120 Frcnt street. City, or C M. Harrington, Camas. Wash, CANDY MEN, TAKE NOTICE THE GRAY'S Harbor candy factory for sale; only factory In town; good business, clearing $100 per month, long lease, living rooms attached; ' will instruct buyer In candyrnaklng If de sired; price $1800. Address C. H. Lllllbrldse, ou u st.. Aberdeen. AVash. 1 OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE IN MEK-. cantUe or manufactufog business In city or country; only "legitimate, paying propositions handled. Information furnished parties look ing for timber or homestead claims. Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton building. WANTED MANAGER FOR A SALOON IN city; good salary to right party, would pre fer competent business man wltn some mans to purchase half Interest. If-desired, present owner has pthcr business on hand. Addre&s O 1C Oregonlan. $5000 REWARD THAT WE ARE PAYING larger weekly dividend than, any other legit imate buslners now before the public. High est bank and business reference. ' Write ior particulars. Equina Recoid. Co.. 255 Broad way, New York. SMALL PLANING MU.L-AND TANK FACt tory; first-class- location and a good-paying business-; reason for relilng. a change of cli mate .absolutely necessary. For particulars address- box 340, RlUvllle. Wash. FOR SALE WHOLE OR HALF INTEREST In saloon, city, doing a. fair business; good location, lon& lease; no agents or breweries need reply. Address K 10. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTY TO INVEST FROM $500 to $100 In a. good, paying business; will bear investigation. Address D 16, care Ore gonlan. FOUR -CHAIR BARBER SHOP, NICELY furnished; also baths, for sale; good traae; going into other business. 203 Morrison st. FOR SALE CIGAR STAND; INVOICE price: Morrison street; location best in city. Inquire 255 Fourth. FOR SALEBARBER SHOP; DOING GOOD business. Address B, Oregonlan Bureau. Ba ker City, Or. $50 TO $100 INVESTED OFTEN RETURNS $1000. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR WOODEN DRYDOCK Port of Portland, 60S Worcester Block, Port land, Or. Sealod proposals will be "received and opened on June -6, 1D02, ax 4 "P. M.. at the- above office, for a floating wcoden dry dock of five Sections, accprdlxur to plans and specifications prepared by- James E, Black well, consulting engineer. Dexter Hot ton building, Seattle. "Wash., and now on file In the office of the Port of Portland. A certi fied check of $100.00. drawn to Iha order of the Port of Portland, must accompany the application for plans, which check w;ll be returned. t6 the drawer upon, the return of the plans and specifications to tha under elgneft A certified check for 10 per cen of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the b!ddr will enter Into & contract- satisfactory to the Port of Portland, and give bond for the faithful per formance should the contract be awarded, hlnu. The right to reject any or all bids or to walvo tlefects is reserved. Plans, specifi cations and full Information can be obtained by applying to E. T. C Stevens, Clerk of the Board. PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL.30 NEW Montgomery st,, San Francisco. Cal., May 16, 1UC2. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M., Juna 16, 1002, and then opened for furnishing and storing here 150.000 gallons mineral oil, 135 degrees flash test, in cases of two five-gallon cans each. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production and 'manufacture, con ditions of price and quality being equal (In cluding In the price of foreign productions the duty thereon;, and such preference given to articles of American production and manufacture produced on the Pacific Cooat to the extent of the consumption, required by the public service there. The United StatC3 reseive3 the right to acceDt or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information and blank proposals furnished" on application. Envelopes will be Indorsed "Proposals fcr Mineral Oil." and addressed Major C. P. Miller. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED PRO posaU will be received by the State. Capitol Commission, at the office or Its secretary, in Olympla, Wash., until 2 o'clock P. M. on Friday, June 20, 1002, for the furnishing of the Senate chamber and hall of the House of Representatives, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by W. A. Ritchie,, architect, copies of which will be furnished intending bidders upon application to said secretary! Tb commission reservea the right to reject any and alt bids or any part of a bid. Bids must be sealed and marked "Bid for furnishing Capitol," and must be filed with the secretary on or "before the lime In dicated. Done by order of said commission the 10th day of May. 1S02. D. B. GARRI SON, Secretary State pap. Ccm. PROPOSALS FOR COAL-OFFICE OF QSN eral Superintendent. Army. Transport-. Serv ice, San Francisco, ''Cal:. May -10. 102: Sealed propoals;tin triplicate, for furnishing and delivering at Honolulu, IL, X-, ten1 thousand, ton?, average steam coal, or such, portion thereof as tnay he required, wljlf be, received .at-.thja. office until Hi. M. Juhbv.20, 1002, and then-opened Jnformatlon furnished on application. Envelopes containing' .propo sals should be indorsed 'rdposals for coal for Honolulu." and. addressed to CL A DEVOL. General Superintendent. POPULAR LOANi-THE-PbRT OF PORT land lf -prepaid Ao "accept tenders of mpnex In turns of -J5P0O andjfcpwardj for aHerm.jtx-i tending W Ailrl8CB;vDrwl'':lf4he. "sSid Port of Porthmov will tfayWntereet .at a rate not exceeding 0 per cent per annum. 'Ten ders "will state amounts offered, rates of In terest, and when money will be available. Address the Port of Portland. CCS Worcester blk. endorsed bids on popular loan. .SPECIAL NOTICES. ,. Proposals lmritet. PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND ' EQUI page Depot Quartermaster's Office, 36 New Montgomery Street, San Franclico. Ca., May 20. 1j02. healed proposal. In triplicate, will be received at this office until lu o cidck A M., Friday. June 8, 1002. Pacific ctandard time, and then opeued, for furnishing ;.au drawers, llgnt-weigbt wool stocking, woolen drawers, campaign hats, regulation muslin shirts, Chambrny shirts, heavy wdol stock ings, cotton undershirts, wool undershirts, lignt-weight collarettes and wool undershirts, heavy-weight collarettes, russet shoea, black calfskin, shoes, waist belts, linen collars and ponchos. Quantities to be subject to an in crease of 2i) per cent, if desired by this ae partmenu Bids will be opened for the de livery of the same articles at either the San Francisco. Boston. Chicago and PhllaHelpcia depots. To avoid mlsundei standing as to til exact nature of the articles to be furnished, bidders will carefully examine tne stanaard samples and specifications, so that proposal may be submitted by them with a full knowl edge of what will De required, ns an abso lute compliance with the standards and speci fications will be insisted upon in the inspec tion of the goods. Unguaranteed bids, and bids upon Bainpie differing trom standaru and specifications, will under no circum stances be entertained. Proposals for less quantities than advertised for will he enter tained. Bids for delivery or inspection at other points than those named above will not bo considered. Early deliveries are essential. Bidders roust state in their propo! tne rate and time of delivery, should contract oe awarded to them. The articles advertised for are tne same for which bio will be opened at the other depots. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions ot price ana quality being equal (including in the price ot for eign production and manufacture the duty thereon), and such preference will be given to articles ot American production ana amnu xacture producca on the Pacific Coast to tne extent of the consumption iequiio by u.e public service there. Tne Unttea States re serves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereoi. Infoima tion and blanks for proposals will be fur nished on application. Envelope containing proposal win be lndoraad "rToposal iio. 4W4," and addressed to MAJOR U. P. M1L LEn, -Quartermabter, U. 3. Army, Depot Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR ENVELOPES FOR GEN eral Election County Court, .siultnomaa County, Oregon scaled bios for envelopes re quireu for the general election to oe fur nished to the Clerk of he County Court, as per specifications on file at the office of the Clerk of the County Court, at tne Court house, Portland, Or., will be received at tnis office of said Clerk until 2 o'clock P. M., May 22. 1U02. 'ine successful bidder- will be required to promptly execute a iormal contract, to bo approved by the District Attorney of thla county, ana aj?o to -execute and deliver to the Clerk of tne County Court a good and sufficient bond in double the amount of the contract price, for tne faithful performance of sold contract. All bids muit be accompanied by a certi fied check In the amount of 10 per cent of tne amount bid. ' Price, fitness and quality being equal, home products preferred. Tne. County Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. by order of the County Court. L. Q. S WETLAND, Clerk of tne County Court, May 20, 1002. PROPOSALS FOR BALLOTS FOR OENER al Election County Court, Multnomah Coun ty, Oregon Sealed bids for the onicfal and e-ample ballots requireu for the general elec tion to b fumlbhed the lUrk oc tee County Court, as per specifications on file at the office of the Clerk of he County Court, at the Courthouse, Portland. Or., will be re ceived at the office of said Clerk until 2 o'clock P. M., May 22, 1002. Ihe successful bidder will be required to promptly execute a formal contract, to be approved by the District Attorney of thia county, and also to execute and deliver to the Cierk at the County Court a good and sufficient bond in double tne amount of the contract price, for the faithful performance of said cotftract. All bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check In the amount of 10 per cent of the amount bid. Price, fitness and quality being equal, home products preferred. The County Court reserves the right to re ject any or all b:dx By order -of the County Court. L. Q. S WETLAND, Clerk of tne County Court, May 20, 1002. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PRO posals will be received until May 20, 10u2, at the office of the Columbia River & North ern Railway Company, 2tj xomhlil street. Portland, Or., for tne grading and bridging necessary In constructing mat portion of lu railroad from Lyle, Waah., to the head of Swale Can on, a distance of about 27 miles. Plana and profiles ore nor on file at tue com pany's office at the above address, wueie ap proximate estimate of quantities, fcpecifica tions, form of contract and blanks for propo sals can be obtained. Proposals will be re ceived for either or both the grading and bridging and for sections of one' or morn miles, Bidders will state the time they will complete the work. The rlht bs reserved to reject any or all bids. Emery Oliver, Cnlef Engineer C. R. & N. Ry. Co. Portland, or.. May 20, 1002. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER BAR racks, Wash., May 21. 1U02. Sealed propo sals. In triplicate, will be received here until 10. o'clock A M., May 31, 1, and then opened, for furnUhlng and delivery at Van couver Barracks, Wash., of 34 draft mule 18 wneel and Id lead. Thla number to be subject to on Increase or decrease of 2u per cent. Preference given to animals of domes tic production, conditions of quality and price being equal. L. S. reserves ine right to reject or accept any or all propoxate or any part thereof, .information furnished on appli cation here. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for draft mules," and .addressed to the undersigned, J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR COAL. OFFICE OF GEN erai jaupenntenoent Army Transport Service, ban -CTancisco, Cal., May 17, lln2. Sealed proposal!, m triplicate xor xurnlsnlsg and delivering on oourc Army transports at atu fcrancUco, California, -tu.Ouu totu, average steam coJ, or such portion tneieof as tny be required, will be received at this oulce until 12 M., June 2, 1002, and then opened. Information furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals should be tu- dorsed- "Proposals for- Coal," and -addressed to C A Devol, General (-Superintendent. NUxiCtT'Iu CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS will be received until May 7, 10u2, at tne odice of tne undersigned, at dossil, Or., fcr the construction bf a six-room brick kcnool . house. Plans and specincations may be seen at said office. CertUied cneck, payaole to the undersigned, for $2&, must accompany the bid. 'ine right Is reserved to reject any or a.l bids. A B. Lamb, District Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FROM and after May 2i( 102. contracts will be let tpr the painting of the scoooi house Jn Dis trict No. 2, Multnomah County. Oregon. Ail bids must be filed with the undersigned, Clerk, at St. JoBns. Or., on or before tne above date. Robert Catlin, Cnairmoa .tioaid; P. Elll, Clerk. BIDS FOR FIRE HYDRANTS BIDS FOR from 20 to 30 hydrants, "Waterous pattern," will be received at the Fire Commissioners office. City Hall, hot later than May 31. Specifications for sami can be bad by appli cation at the office. By oider Board of lire Commissioners. MisceliaBeoH. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE United States of America. District of Ore gon, ss. By virtue of a writ of -venditioni exponas, Issued out of the District Court of the United States, for tne District of Ore gon, 4ited May , HK8. at the wilt of the United States, to me- directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the fpUywing proper ty, towlt: 1200; five-tael cans prepared opium, which said opium was by the definite Judg ment and decree of said District Court in this cause made and pronounced on Saturday, April 12, 1902, condemned as" forfeited to the United States, and was ordered to be sold as aforesaid, after giving due notice ac cording to law and the rutea of said court I hereby give notice that on Monday, the 26th day of May. 1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon df said day, at the front door of the United States Cuitoma of fice. In the Ainaworth buildlnr. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets, in the City of Portland. Or., in said district, I will ex pose fox; sale at public auction, and will sell to the highest bidder therefor, for cash In band, the sold property Above described. All bidders will be required to de posit 10 per cent of his bid when offering the same. Tne right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. ZOETH HOUSER, U. S. Marshal District of Oregon. Dated Portland, Or., May 0. 1002. LOST AND FOUND. LOST BROWN AND WHITE OSTRICH feather boo, between 12th and Taylor and 12th and Jefferson. Return to 534 Clinton U, Portland Heights. Reward. LOST BROWN IRISH WATER SPANIEL, named "Bob"; small white spot on breast. Reward for return to Welle, Fargo A Co. LOST WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. GOLD eye glasses, gold chain attached. Return 10 Union ave. Reward. LOST SMALL ELK TOOTH, FROM CUFF button. Reward by returning to Oregonlan office. JLSINE5S DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 801 MARQUAM BLDG!; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountant aac lbAUbv. George T. Murton. 818 Chara. of Com. Phone Brown 456. Bookkeeolns. exaertlsx. tchlar. BUSINESS DIRECTORY- Asxi-tyers anil Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND AN alytlcal , chemist and mining engineer, 204 Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK ST. Experts, on analysis of coals, minerals, rocks and mineral water. J. T. Gove, Manager. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST, gold dust 228 Stark st. Attoriie . -iU-L,avr. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public, 502 Commercial bid,r. Carpet Cleaners. J. HUNTER. STEAM CARPET AND MAT tretis cleaner. 550 Jefierson, Phone Main 214. A F. JONES CO.. steam carpet and mattress cleaners, S, 1st and. Glbbs. Both; phones 308, CStjiCLU .ft It. 1 JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder. 307 btark St.: office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses: grill work. Phone Main 747. W. L. BUCKNEP. carpenter and builder. 330 Stark. Houses altered and repaired, more and office fixtures, general Jobbing. Phone Blk 014. Content SidcTvulkM. Carter St Rest, cement sidewalk layers; all work guaranteed. 271 Potter. Front 'JS1. Clilrtinodixtx and 31nnlcuriujf. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVEN"f. THE only scientific cniropodUts, parlors 301 Ailsky building. Tnird and Morrison. Oregon phono Grant 1-i. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He U the man you are looking for. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTW1CK. CIVIL. MINiNO and hydraulic engineer. 633 Worcester block. Coal Qcuiers. WESTERN FEED &. FUEL CO.. DEALERS In ail kinds coal, coke, charcoal. Try me Rack Springs. 151 North Fifth. Both phones. BROWN &. HICKS, COAL AND DRY AVOOD, foot Yamhill st. Both phones. Mala 715. VULCAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE DEAL ers best coals, foundry and smelter coke. Coinmiftsion. Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wooi. mohair, taiiuw, old rubber and old metal and general commission mercnant. Front st.. near Main. Poruauc. or. Cos a advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission nitrctumts, Sherlock bUg., Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants, ! rone & D sts.. Portland. Or. Creameries. SUNSET CREAMERY, 281 First: both phunes; butter, checs, milk, cream and Ice cream. Dancing1. MISSES MATTINGLY. ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 2C0 South 14th. Class or private lemons. Dycinc and Cienninsr. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er, tOP 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Kdacatloual. VanderNalllen Engineering School. 113 Pulton st,, San (ran. Auk tor catalogue. Estab. 18ui. Fence and W-c "Worlc. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE works. A Carlion. 203 East Morrison u Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. V.. protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. secy. 61-615, Marquain bid. Furnaces. HOT-AIR FURNACES. J. C. BAYER, 2t Second at. Hairdresalns. Tuapecx, iianieurniji. ROSENTHAL bl&TERS. 160 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, nairdrebsing. tnanicurui. Harness aim SaUuiea. THE UEORUE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE salo raddters and harnes maanutaoturer. leather and saaaiery hardware. 72 Front st. JOHNSON & LUTHER; SINGLE AND double harness; high-class umsn and work manship, up-to-date ntyles. Cor. 6th and Pine. THE .BKEYMAN LEATHER CO.. - WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hja ware, leather of ail kinds. Is rqnt at. insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE LVS. CO... 102 First sr, Paul van Fridagh, General Jvgent. Japan ec Goods. K, N. Kir iy a ma Co.. Japanese goods, bamboo furniture, 2t7 "Washst, Phone South 2441. Janki Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co. pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottles, lroa, rags, hide, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South liBl. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS, boot and shoe uppers, findings, -shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A REID, ratr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash st. Machinery. PHOENIX IRON WORKS, MANUFACTUR ers of Improved steam logging engines, saw mill and mining machinery, hoisting and rnarlno engines, all repairs, cast iron, semi steel and brass castings; have all stock pat terns formerly Wolf & Zwlcker Iron Works, East Wnter and Hawthorne ave. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAW-MILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth sr. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.; SECOND-HAND machinery, saw mills, etc 28 Grand ave. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN FrancUco. Seattle. Aiannfni iur in Full line nicely made Summer shirtwaists, etc., ladles' underwear made to order; moderate prices. Sing Chong Co., 533 Morrison. Massage. 360 WASHINGTON ST., SOUTHWEST COR ner of Park, rooms 1 and 3, the Snowden bathrooms, vapor baths, with massage; also electrlo treatment, Oregon phone Hood 904. French lady, graduate of best Parisian school. gives massage treatment; very select, 208 5th. Thermal baths and scientific massage, ladles and gents. Rooms 26 and 27, 323 Wash, st. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. BY NEW YORK graduate. No fake. 351 Morrison, room 16. Medical. LADD2S1 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN nyrayal Pills ore the best- Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for par ticulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist, Chichester Chemical Co.. Phtlada,, Pa, Oregon Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladles. Thursdays. 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist, returned: scientific read isgr. 60c: past and future. 216 Ailsky bidg. Pasture. FIRST-CLASS PASTURE. 50c PER MONTH; Thomas Carmlchnel, Agent, Gaston, Or. MR. LADD'S CANYON FARM IS NOW open for pasture. F. A Miller, Supt, llj i rjceons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOTT SUCCESSFUL ly treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatment by mall. 308 Sal mon st.. between Fifth and 81xth. DR. JAMES DICKSON, SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Tempi. Dri Flora A Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The pekum. Itoof-Palnting nnd Repairing. EEYBOLD BROS.. PAINTERS OF JIETAL 11c and felt roofs: old roofs made rood as new. Address P. O. box 655. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT, 260 DAVIS. ORE- gon phone Clay 312. Genuine chicken tamales. Storage and Transfer. a O. PICK. Office 88 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 606. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse: Front and Clay sts. w HCSIXESS DIRECTORY. Safes. BEWARE, certain "STANDARD" safes sold are trustworthy until tested by Are. Avoid thin walls. DIEBOLD safes open after fire. preserving contents. LOCKOUTS opened, general repairs, burglar alarms. Jails, safej exchanged. J. E. Davis. 6a Third, HALL'S SAFES, STANDARD OF THE world. Norrls Safe & Look Co., 2d and Stark. Slot Machines. ROYAL NOVELTY CO.. 310 STARK ST . largest variety. Supplies and repairing a specialty. Phone North 1411. LATEST STYLES: REPAIRING A SEECIAL ty. Transcontinental Machine Co.. 343 Wash. Stornsc, OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth snd Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low: storage rates reasonable. Careful ,sttentlon given to country conslgn rnents. Tel Or. Main 777. Columbia 670. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 Nortn Front SplritnaiKts. FREE. FREE. FOR ONE AND ALL. SEEING Is believing. De Amandus. the silent friend. is now permanently located at 167 First uc, room , where he wilt be greatlly pleased to receive his many dear friends, and those da siring a spiritual consultation and reading on all affairs, business or domestic. GERTRUDE MYREN. CLAIRVOYANT. 507 Goodnough building. Hfth and Yamhill, reads your lire accurately. Satisfaction guar anteed. No sign; keep this address. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader, scientlnc palmist; past and future. 50c. 221 Mocri-iuo. . LELEN ASTER, LOCATED AT 341 TAYLOiS. " .; reouuigs ior snort time only. ShoweaKcJi and store Fixture. R. LUTKE ii CO.. bUCCE-aottS To DIXON, Borgfcbon it Co., ixta una Hcyt eu. 'A runic Kuctnp, PORTLAND TRUNK CO., .50 THIRD ST.: wholesale and retail.' Send for catalogue. Muri.Jli UatliM. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish bathj; nuurs laaies. u to 3. gentlemen, oiO to j. 'iJiievrriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. Jla California st,. oan ranct.o. Vniclnuiikcr and Jewelers. JOHN A BECK. WATCHED. DIAM6ndJ. jewelry, silver wart. M7 Morrison, .rvepairai'. Watches, clocks. Jewelry; fine repairing a spe cialty, 'Ulseonsin Jewelers lu .t'lrsi. Wuoic.saic ijrueeTK. ALLEN ic LEWid, WHoLca.Vl-E OKOCEitd, cor. N. Front and Davis ts., Portland, or. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED' PEOPLE homing permauent yoiuiOL with rep.aaii.u firms, upon tteir oiwi iiamc, cu ioj; til icily confidential. MONE lu iOuu en chattel, mortgages. New Era Loan 6c Trust Co.. rovin 206 AbllllOU UUllUlllg. NOTlci. iVxttTiES WI&HING TO DISPOSE of Helena Cunoildaieu, Aluslcit Mining k billing. r star vuusOiidateu mining tiuckn, wnl nnd it to their inieieu to consult tue uiidetaigned befuie dupuaing of tne tan.c 1. ii. -oiagaain, lxf biicnocc building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or cnattel lnoiiguge. pergonal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. V. i-utlett, .a.; Colu ii.eic.iu t,iu.K. 'iei. unUu fc.i. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS ANU other securities; lunest lates. b. V. King, room 45 Waxnuigion ud. Phone Rood ii. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOV5T RATES; NO commission, and aostract of title furnished, iroitiand Abstract co.. uu Commercial bik. REAL ESTATE LOANS. ANY AMOUNT, low interest; no brokerage. Western invest ment & Lean Co., room 10, -l&Vs Morrison. LOANS IN SUMS FROM 5 TO $500. ON ALL classes of security. R. 1. Eckerson & Co., room 3 Washington bidg. Phone clay 7J. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO aUiT ON ALL kinds ot security. V. A. Hatnaway. rouu lu W&B-aington building. Pnone ooa 4U. MONEY TO LOAN 0 AND t PER CENT. ON city property and improved Valley lorm. W. A. bbaw & Co.. 2J Stark sr, MONEY TO LOAN L aUolS To SUIT. ON all kinds of good security. V. ix. .Nana, uj bneriock block. State funds loaned 6 per cent, W. E. Thomas, state agt, for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Coat. LOANS ON chattels, salaries: low rates. See us nrst. Mann & Co., uo-i Dekum building. MONEY TO LOAN, C per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Oh. ot Commerce, MONEY' TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Roll, room ti '.Voomngtuu biog. MONEY LOANED "TO PROVE UP" OR ON Umber land. 213 Commercial block. Loans. 6-G-7 per cent; persons having money to loan write to S 102. care Oregonlan. $30d.0UO TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. Gv Beck. 321 Morrison. at. BANKS. MERCHAVIb NATIONAL J3ANK POR'l-UANJO, OREGON. J. FRANK WATaON President r. ju DURHAM Vice-President 1U Vi. xiOXX' Cusnier OEO. W. HOYT Assistant Caanier United btates Depository. TRANSACTS a. uENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters 01 creuit issued available In ail parts of the world. Collections a nimciaity. Gold dust bought. London and san francisco bank, LIMITED, Chamber of Commerce ouildlng. Third and Sianc streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad street, London, Tills bank transacts it general banking business-, makers loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for traveler- and tne purcuaao of merunanuise in any city or the wurid. Deals in loreign and domcstiu e cnange. interest paid ou term deposit. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AlNaWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD A.NU OAK STS. J. C. ALNSVOrtTH President fERCY T. MORGAN VIce-Presldeac r. W. SCHMEER Assistant Caanier UKANSAC13 a GENERAL BANKING BUsil- NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. bAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Draft ubued avaliasle in a,, cities of the United States and riurope. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KaMM Cashier. P. C. MlLLEit THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE un wnicn is anuUguinuted THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital paid up. o.vw,000 Reserve a.ovO.ovw Transacts a oaneral Banxlng Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened tor sums of $10 and upwards and interest allowed on minimum, monthly bal- buct. Rates on application. 244 WAaHINuTON ST. E. A WYLD. Manager. FDXST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and financial Agent ot the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President ..A. L. MILLS Cashier -1 J. W, NEWKIRIC Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD feecond Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS letters of credit issued, available in Europs and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers soil on New York, Boston, Cnicago, St, Louis. St, Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris, Benin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Christiania, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurico, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD &. TU.TON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1829. Transact a oeneral Banking Business. Interest allowd ua time deposits. Collections ma-i at ail points on favorable terms. Leitei credit issued available la Europe and 1. -atetn States. Sight Excbo. and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New ion. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and va rious pomu in Oregon, Wasnlnrtcn, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange so d on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO Si CO.' S BANK CASH CAP11AL AND SURPLUS.. ..SO.500.000 DUDLEY E NS ACTTG PRESIDENT HOMER S. 1U.NG.. MANAGER (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES... CASHIER JOHN E. MIU3 ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold and Letters of Credit Issued. available la all dart ot the world. j 'tdV