Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 24, 1902, Image 1

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    '. "f , i
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VOL. XLIL NO. 12,907.
Be sure the heels
are stamped.
Beware of imitations.
Be eure that the heels and knees
are stamped as per cut, and that
each boot has our "Gold Seal"
stamp on the leer.
Manufactured only by
R. H. PEASE. President.
72 & 73 First St.
Portland, Or.
...Premo and Poco Cameras...
v Dealers can obtain them from us at FACTORY
PRICES. Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
BIumauer-Frank Drug Company
"Wholesale and Importing: Druggists.
Favorite American Whiskey
BLUMAUER & HOCH, sole distributers
Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers, 108-110 Fourth St
Fifth and Washington Streets
First-Class Cneclc Restaurant
Connected fVltk Hotel.
Booms Single ...,
Rooms Double .....
Boom Family
TBo to $1.80 per day
.... .11.00 to $2.00 per cay
K.B0 to iS.00 er 47
J. T. DAVIES, Vrt.
-b. T. BELCHER, Sec and Tret.
St. Charles Hotel
American and European Plan. & """'"ll'lS Sff 8S
Strictly Wholesale Shoe House
The Packard and Puritan Shoes for men,
the K. & P. School Shoes for children.
Complete in each detail.
zn&tztme 9 'Sfim
87-89 First St.
fyLfflffyC& Portland, Or.
.....o....eo... . .. .
Portland Seed Co.
for your Linen
Superior to cornstarch, equal to Bermuda
arrowroot. Made out of best OREGON
WHEAT In your city,
Factory, No. 121 Sixteenth Street,
Corner Gllsan. Telephone North 2421.
Of all kinds.
Poultrv NetHnn
tnHrtn9nMpwBavw- -- -----jj
Portland Wire & Iron Works
Old-established and reliable dentists, where all work
is guaranteed absolutely painless.
go plates
rvwuuife mi
Full Set Teeth $5.00
Gold Crowns 5.00
Gold Fill 1.00
Silver Fill 50
Our offices are not managed by ethical dentists, but
by Eastern graduate specialists.
A Pianolist's Repertory
Comprises over 8000 compositions. Av great artist can play but
half a hundred in concert form.
It is within reach of all by our easy payment plan, which will
be fully explained by addressing
ST. B. "WELLS, Sole Northwest Asrt.
353-355 Washington at., cor. Park.
Great Speech of Senator
Republicans Open Campaign
in Indiana.
Impulse Given to Our Manufactures
and Our Trade With the "World
Greatest Market on the Globe
at Our Disposal.
Tbe need of Industrial civilization Is
markets, and British expansion has
Siren England sales of $300,000,000 an
nually to her dependencies
The Democratic policy toward the
Philippines is a policy of decrepitude.
We shall not turn tbe Philippines
hack to barbarism or abandon them to
rival powers, or haul down the flag.
We shall do our work like Americans
and men till all the Cast shall bless
the name of tho great Republic and all
mankind shall cheer American benefi
cence. Taking no thought of the morrow is
the counsel of Insolvency.
Since the war with Spain our farms
have Increased $1,220,000,000 in value,
our productive Investments over $500,
000,000, our factory payrolls have In
creased $500,000,000 a year. Interest on
the public debt is $7,000,000 a year
less, and the balance of trade in the
Ave years since McKInley was first in
augurated is $2,700,000,000 in our favor.
Who, then, la injured by expansion?
Upon the crave of every American
soldier, wherever he yielded up his life,
let tho grateful tears of the Nation
fall. And in the cause for which Amer
ican soldiers have given up their blood
let the whole world know that the
American 'people are united.
' INDIANAPOLIS. April 23,-Senator Al
bert J. Beveridge today made the declara
tion of the principles upon which the Re
publican party in this state, and probably
throughout the Nation will stand before
the country at the National' convention
of 1904. The Senator himself would not
say that his utterances were those of
President Roosevelt, neither would he de
ny IL His friends, however, make the as
sertion, without qualification, that he
spoke for the Administration. Senator
Beveridge spoke as follows:
The greatest unexploited market on the
globe Is the market of China and the
Orient. To that market we are carried
by the development of another principle
as natural as that of industrial combina
tion the principle of expansion. It is a
principle universal, and manifests itself In
the life of every individual, the progress
of every business firm and sweeps onward
through the whole range of human activ
ity to the policies of nations. The boy
can scarcely care for himself; the man
cares for himself, and others, too. A busi
ness firm begins with local markets; and
finally branch establishments In New
York. New England. California, London
and, at last. In the very heart of Europe
itself. And Just so nations, when they
have reached a certain point of power,
look to the world beyond them Just as a
firm under like conditions looks beyond
Its own locality.
So, for example, England decades ago
seized on the world's trade, and, with her
commercial expansion, came control of
countries inhabited by infant or decadent
peoples. And such was their benefit to
England that everywhere she extended
her dependencies; and the noblest chapter
of English history is her record of the ad
ministration of order, law and Justice to
these peoples her development of the re
sources of these lands. And this admin
istration has brought its material reward
as well as its glory. For English facto
ries sell to India every year $140,000,000
worth of manufactured stuffs; to Ceylon
more than $25,000,000 worth; to the Malay
States, $30,000,000 worth; and through her
trade centers she reshlps through China
$120,000,000 worth. All told, her sales di
rectly to her dependencies and through
them to the Orient reach beyond $300,000.
000. Deprive England of these markets for
her surplus and English worklngmen
would starve. Germany understands this,
and searches today on every coast for
territory where the German flag may be
planted as well as German goods sold.
Even France, now past the meridian of
her power, still seeks to obey this univer
sal law. And JX France had not wasted
her energies on European battle fields, but
Instead had poured her vigor along the
lines of French expansion a century ago,
France would be still advancing. Had she
chosen Canada rather than campaigns in
Italy, Instead of planting her standards
amid the snows of Russia, she would
have reaped world-wide power Instead of
Decadent peoples, like men, lose their
power. Spain failed In her duty of ad
ministration of order, law and Justice in
her possessions failed to connect them
with the world of commerce and culture.
And when the voice of the Lord called
the armies of the Republic to her chas
tisement, the time had also come when
the people of the Republic were prepared
for that world expansion natural to grow
ing , nations. For us, duty, opportunity,
power; for Spain, recreancy, , weakness,
punishment all spoke In the same great
hour of fate. Porto Rico became our
charge; Cuba our ward; the Philippines
our Oriental outpost. The Democracy re
sisted all. As the old Federal party re
sisted American acquisition of Louisiana
territory and went to its death; as the
old Whig party resisted American absorp
tion of California and went to Its death;
so the late Democratic party resisted Am
erican expansion over sea and went to its
death. And now that expansion accomp
lished, the wreck of the Democratic party
demands that America shall retreat from
the Philippines. Shall Americans heed
that demand? We have expended tens of
millions of American sold to plant the
beginnings of civilization in the Philip
pines. We have poured, out American
blood to establish modern system, mod
ern methods, modern progress there. They
command the commerce of the East. Why
should we, then. In the very hour when
commercial expansion Is swiftly becoming
our mortal need, abandon this possession;
throw away the multiplied millions of dol
lars they have Invested; denounce our sol
diers as pirates; give up the mastery of
the Pacific and the control of the Orient?
It is a policy of decrepitude, a proposition
of disgrace.
Self-Governxneat of Filipinos.
What reasons do the opposition give?
First, that the Malays of the Philippines
can govern themselves. Where is the
proof? When, unaided, did Malays ever
govern themselves? If it took our own
race a thousand years to develop our
present capacity for self-government; If
it required one hundred and fifty years
for the American colonists to grow from
crown charter to constitution, how can
Malays In two years accomplish the same
results? Only in the last two years have
the Filipinos ever seen even the working
of honest government. Malays though
they are. they are not a single people.
In different islands different branches of
the same stock as German arid English
are different divisions of the same race;
these different divisions subdivided by dif
ferent speech; three centuries of Spanish
misrule are these elements Is this the
school of self-government? If they are
these elements Is this the school of
selfr-government? If they can be
Hope for Rivers Lies With
Senate Conferees. -
House Members Will Make Effort to
Have Their Provision Adopted
Elkins and McMillan for
the Xorthwest.
WASHINGTON, April 23. The hope for
Oregon in the river and harbor bill rests
with Senators McMillan and Elkins,
the Repulican conferees. Berry of Ar
kansas has so much to do for his
own section, besides being naturally so
licitous for the South, and not very
anxious to favor the Northwest, he would.
. ,,
HHRHflHlflB " 3iL- - afffflyHrBililWilHllHIMHBI
Ao ...., A
taught self-government, American ad
ministration will teach them. But not In
a day can even American administration
teach tHem what it took Americans them
selves hundreds of years to learn. We re
quire our own children to wait 21 years
before we allow them to participate In
our own government; are Filipinos supe
rior to educated American youth, inher
iting the very blood of self-government?
If the Filipinos should be found capable
of self-government, the Republican party
will give it to them. But the Republican
party proceeds on facts, not on imagina
tion. And, therefore, the Senate proposes
a census of the Philippine Islands for the
purpose of Informing Congress to what
extent and in what places Filipinos can
govern themselves. Is this not the method
of reason? First find the facts and then
fit our action to those facts. And while
these facts are being gathered, American
administration In the Philippines Is ex
tending self-government In town and vil
lage as rapidly as the Filipinos themselves
can manage it. We are teaching them by
practice; we are training them by educa
tion. If we can make them self-governing,
none will hall that consummation with
such delight as we who are instructing
,them. But we will not turn them back
to barbarism. We will not abandon them
to rival powers. We will not haul down
the flag. We will do our-work like Amer- (
leans and men until all the East shall
bless the name of the great Republic and !
all mankind cheer American beneficence.
Philippine Expenses.
Do they tell us of expense? Every dol
lar of expense of Philippine civil admin
istration Is paid out of the revenues of
the archipelago. And the opposition ad
mits the necessity of our military expense
because It proposes" to keep our Arm
there till stable government Is estab
lished. Expense of an enterprise Is not
measured by the first outlay. What would
be said of a man who bought a farm, ,
stocked It, built barns, erected houses
and then abandoned it because thus far
all had been outlay without Income? When
highways in Luzon Join every plantation ,
now separated by wilderness; when wilder
ness itself shall be plantation, when rail
roads carry the archipelago's timber, ag
ricultural products and mineral wealth
to Its ocean ports; when every Filipino
is educated to modern methods, and thus
his consuming capacity is lifted from the
littleness of barbarism to the fullness of
civilized demands; when the trade of. the
Orient's hundreds of millions consumers i
is won to American factories and farms,
what mind cannot see the resulting profit?
America sells China $25,000,000 worth of i
American flour, cottons, machinery. The
whole world sells China $250,000,000 worth. I
Two-thirds of this trade naturally be
longs to the United States; and this, with
the Philippines, we will control. If the
opposition asks how the Philippines will
help us control Oriental trade, ask them
how Chicago controls the trade of the
Central West; or Kansas City that of
the srreat Southwest: or San Francisco
that of the Pacific Slope. It is the simple
philosophy of location, demonstrated
when applied to commerce with alien
races through dependencies, by the whole
history of trade.
And thus to America the archipelago
will give markets within itself and mar
kets beyond itself. .What will be the ef
fect on the prosperity of the American
manufacturer and farmer when we sell
two-thirds of the $250,000,000 which other
nations now sell to China? And this vast i
amount is sold today to less than 75,000,000
no doubt, be willing to trade for his sec
tion. The substitution of Elkins In place
of Frye is because Frye expects to be
away during the conference, or will be
presiding In the Senate, and could not
give the time to It. Both Elkins and Mc
Millan will make a strong fight for the
Oregon Improvements. Elkins has some
matters of his own to look after In the
bill, and he will naturally take care of
them first, but ho is likely to work very
hard for Senator Mitchell, and possibly
tho proposition for The Dalles may be
retained. It Is well understood that the
House conferees will make an effort to
have their provision adopted, and noth
ing but the hardest kind of work will
result In keeping the Oregon and Wash
ington amendments in the bill as it
passed the Senate.
(Concluded on Page 12.)
Mitchell and Tongue Both Want Ca
nal Bill Pat ThronRh First.
WASHINGTON, April 23. The Impres
sion still prevails that Congress will get
away from Washington about the middle
of June, and in many quarters there is a
desire to cut short all legislation that Is
not absolutely necessary In order to per
mit members to go Into the campaign.
Both Senator Mitchell and Representa
tive Tongue, In discussing this subject to
day, expressed a desire to finish up the
business before (Congress, but both very
emphatically stated that they did not de
sire an adjournment until the Nicaragua
Canal bill has been passed. In fact, they
caid they would prefer Congress to re
main here throughout the Summer, If by
so doing it would insure the passage of
the bill. Their sentiment Is that there
has already been enough delay with the
canal proposition, and action should be
had at the present session. They prefer
the Nicaragua bill, but if it is found In
the end that only a bill for another route
can pass, thus Insuring the construction
of a waterway between the oceans, they
will support that measure as a last re
sort. To Promote Colonels.
Senator Mitchell today Introduced a bill
authorizing the President to promote to
the rank of Brigadier-General on the re
tired list, any Colonel now on that list
who has an honorable record of 40 years'
service in the regular Army, who com
manded an Army in the field, received
the thanks of the'War Department from
Secretary Stanton, and was awarded a
Congressional medal for distinguished gal
lantry and good conduct.
Washington Land Bill.
Representative Jones' bill extending for
one year the time In which settlers on
certain desert lands In .Yakima County
may perfect their entries was today fa
vorably reported by the public lands com
mittee. These settlers have been hindered
in making Improvements because of the
failure of th'e original Irrigation companies
to complete their ditches in contract
Thunder Mountain Mull Contract.
A contract was today awarded to H. B.
Eastman, of Boise, for carrying . the
malls from Idaho City to Roosevelt and
Thunder Mountain, Idaho, commencing
July 1. The route will be covered three
times a week at a contract price of $S300
per annum. There are now no offices at
Roosevelt or Thunder Mountain, but
their establishment is contemplated be
fore July 1.
Pleased Over Funston's Call-Dovrn.
Nothing from the White House has
pleased Congress more than the repri
mand upon General Funston. The Impres
sion in Congress Is that Funston was
given much more consideration than he
Was entitled to when he was made a
Brigadier-General for the capture of Ag
u!mIdo, which many officers believe was
simply a good piece of scout work. At the
same time there was no other award open
for the Kansas soldier.
John G. Campbell Sends In Affidavit
in Collectorshlp Case.
WASHINGTON, April 23. Senator Fos
ter, when today shown a newspaper clip
ping stating" that there is an affidavit on
file with the President, signed by R. A.
Hutchinson, of Spokane, charging Clar
ence W. Ide with having offered him a
bribe If he would vote for John L. Wilson,
in the election of 1SS5, admitted that auch
an affidavit was now in the hands of
President Roosevelt. He said the affidavit
had been forwarded direct to the Presi
dent by Hutchinson, and he himself had
not yet had opportunity to examine care
fully Its contents. He added that the
affidavit was what caused the Presi
dent to have Ide's nomination held up last
Thursday, and Intimated that a further
delay might be had tomorrow. So far as
he was aware. Senator Foster said he
knew of no other charges being filed with
the President or Attorney-General against
Ide, although he had not been to the
White House for several days. The de
tails of this affidavit have heretofore ap
peared in The Oregonian. An affidavit
from John G. Campbell, referred to in
tho Hutchinson affidavit, was. received
here today, In which the signer de
nies having been offered a bribe by
Ide, or any one else, to. vote for Wilson,
adding that he so voted only when forced
to do so by caucus action.
Candidate for Attorney in Capital
Charles Bedford, of Tacoma, an appli
cant for appointment as United States At
torney for Washington, arrived in the
cltS today and had a conference with
Senator Foster. He says he is here on
private business.
Delay Is AH Senate Republican
Lenders Have to Offer.
WASHINGTON. April 23. The Repub
lican managers In the Senate have noth
ing but delay to offer at present on the
Cuban question, whteh has so radically
divided the party. They do not know
which way to turn, nor do they see any
way outrof the tanglejat present. Threats
of reducing QTe tarlffon certain articles
which affect the states of Senators who
are against Republican reciprocity is met
by counter-threats. For example, the at
tempt to reduce the tariff on hides, lum
ber, coal and glass, which It was expected
would hit the Western Republicans and
the Senators from West Virginia and
Michigan, Is met by counter-threats on the
part of these Senators, with a determina
tion to reduce the metal schedules, In
cluding all the small articles manufac
tured in New England, where the prin
cipal pressure comes from now for Cuban
reciprocity. It Is possible that the whole
matter may be delayed long enough so
that nothing will be done, as Senators
who are torn by conflicting Interests hope
that the House bill will be smothered in
committee. There are some Senators who
will show a disposition to blame the Pres
dent for pressing the Cuban reciprocity
matter upon Congress after so much op
position developed, while others say he
is simply carrying out the pledges of Mc
KInley to the Cubans.
Too Early to Predict Fate of BUI
Odds in Favor of It.
WASHINGTON, April 23. While some
are. of the opinion that passage of thu
river and harbor bill without an Irriga
tion amendment means the defeat of the
irrigation bill. It is too early to predict
the fate of the measure. While its ad
vocates would not be surprised if it Is lost,
the odds seem to be in their favor.
Senator Rawllna. continued his speech against
the Philippine bill. Page 2.
The House considered the Senate amendments
to the oleomargarine bill. Page 2.
The Senate may recast the Cuban relief bill.
Page 2.
Colombia rebels surrendered Bocas del Tero.
Page 5.
The Landsthlng- otes In favor of the sale of
the Dantih Islands. Page 5.
Queen Wllhelmlna continues to improve.
Page 5.
Striking dyers at Paterson, X. J., engaged in
a riot- Pare 1.
The Indiana Republican state convention
opened at Indianapolis. Page 2.
Speoch by Senator Beveridge. Page 1.
General Funston was forbidden to discuss the
Philippine question in public. Page 2.
Pacific Const.
"Whitman County farmers will aid Governor
McBrlde In flght on railroad lobbyists.
Page 4.
Joseph N. Dolph, of Portland, is Insane in
California. Page 4.
Move for adjustment of San Francisco street
railway strike. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Exciting day In wheat at Chicago. Page 13.
Chicago wheat excitement causes depression in
New York stock market. Page 13.
River steamers Mctlako and G. W. Shaver
race for 100 miles. Page 11.
Many ships coming from South Africa for
wheat. Page 11.
Portland grain ships arriving out in Europe.
Page 11.
Portland and Vicinity.
Robert D. Inman will resign as State Senator
for Multnomah. Page 14.
Portland Jobbers will help build new road to
Thunder Mountain. PaEe 12.
Project of newly organized Oregon & South
eastern Railroad. Page 10.
Planlng-mill employes set May 1 as date for
striking. Page 7.
Report discredited that T. M. Schumacher will
be O. R. Si N. traffic manager. Page 10.
Odd Fellowo announce programme of Satur
day's celebration. Page 8.
Dyers, of Paterson, N. J.,
Indulge in Rioting.
Compel a Complete Suspension o
Business in Their Line Many.
Persons Injured During
the Fighting. .. -
Striking dyers of Paterson, N. J.,
brought business in their line to aa
end yesterday, and in the meantime
encountered the police. In the rioting
that occurred several persona were shot
and many on both sides suffered broken
hcad3. It was thought state troops
would have to be called out, but the
police finally restored order. If the
strike continues the great silk Industry
will be seriously affected.
PATERSON, N. J., April 23. Striking
dyers' helpers today stormed the estab
lishments that were still running, and
by force compelled a complete suspension
of business in their trade. They engaged
in a series of running fights "with the
police and plant managers, and in one oC
the severest clashes exchanged a volley
of pistol shots with them. Many persons
on either side were severely injured dur
ing the rioting. It was believed for a
time that it would be necessary to ask
the state for troops to restore order, but
the police expressed confidence in their
ability to handle the situation, and no re
quest for outside aid was made. Judge
Dixon called the grand Jury and charged
them to indict the persons guilty of riot
ing. The conservative element among the
strikers had, in the meantime, disavowed
the violence of their fellows, and 'urged
a return to peaceful means to gain the
end that is sought. Large numbers of
the strikers were in sullen spirits, and
it was predicted tonight that any at
tempt on the part of the employers to
resume business without dealing with
them would be desperately resisted. When
the strikers completed their campaign
against the plants In operation, the num
ber of men out was found to be nearly
The disorder began early in the day and
was unexpected. A meeting of strikers
was held at 8 o'clock at Rueger's River
side Hall, and 2000 men gathered at the
place. The hall would not accommodate
them all, and the proceedings were slow
.becauc c the mary nationalities repre
sented. To simplify matters, it was final
ly decided to have the men of each shop
on strike appoint a committee of live to
represent them. The meeting was orderly
and declared for peace, and the men were
urged to keep away from the shops.
The meeting of committees formulated
the demands of the strikers for the fol
lowing scale of wages: Helpers, 20 cents
per hour; machine men, 22 cents; finish
ers, 22 cents; apprentices, not less than
20 cents, and also that 53 hours shall
constitute a week's work, that time and
a half be allowed for overtime; that five
minutes be allowed for washing up be
fore quitting time, and that the scale be
accepted for five years.
The old prices per hour were: Helpers,
I6V2 cents; machine men. ISM. cents; fin
ishers, 22 cents; learners, 14A cents.
Strikers Grievances.
While the meeting was in progress, hun
dreds of strikers stood outside the hall
angrily discussing their grievances. The
radicals urged a raid upon the works still
In operation, and when their suggestion
was approved headed a rush for the plant
of Johnson, Cowdin & Co. The men at
work there were called out. and the strik
ers moved on to the establishment of
James Simpson & Co. That firm, fearing
trouble, dismissed the men and closed
its doors. Robert Gaed's works were vis
ited next, and after that the Bamford
mill, where the, first serious disorder oc
curred. The property is walled in, but
the strikers gained the yarJ before tho
gates were shut. Windows were smashed,
chemicals spilled,' and much damage done.
The men at work in the plant quickly
quitted their places.
While one mob was closing the Bam
ford mill, another was surging into the
plant of the American Silk Dyeing & Fin
ishing Company. Armed with dye sticks
and stones, they charged through the
plant, driving the men from their places.
George Arnold, one of the members of
the firm, was dropped Insensible with a
blow on the head from a dye stick.
Clash With Police.
Almost simultaneously, an attack was
begun on the works of Emil Geering, and
It was in the fight for possession of it
that the shooting occurred. Two police
men were guarding the property, and
when the mob came rushing down on
them they warned those in the van to
keep away. Some one In the crowd dis
charged a revolver, and the police quick
ly returned the fire. Half a dozen shot3
were fired, and one striker, who escaped
unidentified, was shot in the leg. Tho
mob stoned the two policemen, and when
one of the latter arrested one of the lead
ers, closed In around him. The officer
swung his club and beat his way out oC
the crowd. One of the patrolmen finally
secured a rifle, and when he came out
and faced the crowd with it, there was a
general scattering.
From Geerlng"s. the crowd went to the
property of Knipsher &. Maas. but that
raid was checked by a squad of police
which forced the crowd back. Gerald
MIstell, a young striker, hurled a rock
at the police, and was placed under ar
rest. The crowd tried to rescue him and
to the number of several hundred followed
the arresting officers to prison, hooting at
them as they trailed along. An attempt
was made to organize a second movement
against Geering's works, but only a few
volunteered to take part In it. At noon
the men at work for Geering went out,
and the place was closed down.
At some of the plants raided, the strik
ers familiar with the machinery turned
the steam on at full force, and It was an
effective weapon In driving the workmen
The strikers met at Riverside again at 4
o'clock In the afternoon to receive the
reports of the several shop committees.
Nearly every one of the latter reported
that their particular shop would agree to
the wage concessions demanded if all
the shops would. The conservative lead
ers strongly advised the strikers to avoid
violence and disavowed the attacks made
on the mills during the morning.
If the dyers' strike is prolonged, other
branches of the great silk industry, which,
centers In and around Paterson, will ba