Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 23, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Lumber Hates Cut from Coos Bay
More Grain Ships Depart Boarding-House
Men Steal Sailors.
The blgr dividends -which have been go
ing Into the coffers of owners of coast
ing schooners and sailing vessels for the
past four years are in a fair way to be
materially reduced. Business Is declining
in sympathy with the decline In deep
water shipping, and rates are beginning to
tumble. The steamer South Portland,
which has been carrying lumber between
Portland and San Francisco, has been
sent to Oakland Creek to lay up until
business improves, and the colliers Wash
tenaw and Asuncion have accompanied
her. "While there has been no open cut in
lumber rates from the Columbia River to
California ports, there has been a decline
of 75 cents per thousand on lumber from
Coos Bay to San Francisco, the rate now
standing at $3 DO per thousand, with plenty
of tonnage available. The retirement of
the three coasters mentioned is partly due
to the Introduction of oil as a fuel, for
both the Washtenaw and the Asuncion
were In the coal4rade" almost exclusively,
while the South Portland made occasion
al trips as a collier when she was not en
gaged in the lumber trade.
With the deep-water ships, distant ton
nage is about 2s Cd higher than it was
about two months ago. but there has been
little or no improvement in the spot situa
tion. The steamship Kirkdale has been
lying Idle in San Francisco for over three
months, and the Dutch steamer Folmlna,
which made a few trips In the coal trade,
has been out of employment for the past
two weeks, and is offering for wheat, lum
ber or any old thing. In this port, the
steamship Quito, which has been undergo
ing repairs, has been ready for business
for the past ten days, but thus far has
been unable to secure anything. These
vessels hanging over the market, together
with a number of others comparatively
close at hand, will tend to minimize the
profits of shipowners for an Indefinite pe
Coos Bay Steamer Which Is
Equipped With. Great Inventions.
The marine reporter of the Marshfield
Coast Mail has written a very glowing
description of the remodeled steamer Al
ert, which was launched recently. If all
that is said about her is true, which, of
course. Is the case, the Alert le a won
der. The Mail's story is as follows:
"The steamer Alert is now a fine speci
men of marine architecture, and Captain
Edwards may well feel proud of his boat,
in remodeling which he has Introduced
nil the modern Improvements.
"As her run Is up the North fork of
Coos River, and It Is a long way to Alle
ghany, she has been lengthened out so
that she can reach that point .without
traveling so far.- Captain Edwards fig
ures that the distance thus saved on each
trip will effect a great economy In fuel
in the course of the year.
"As the water is somewhat ehoal at
the head of the river, the bottom of the
boat is provided with ring staples on the
top side. Into which pulleys are hooked
and the bottom can thus be raised up to
avoid sandbars. In fact, the decks and
sides of the steamer are all made collaps
ible, so that she may be adapted In size to
the stream in which she runs. Her keel
and skag are on detachable hinges, so
that they may be folded up or taken off
altogether. Captain Edwards says that
thesteamer will now draw a great deal
of water when a full head of steam Is on,
and all the pumps are working, the old
method of drawing water by the use of
buckets having been discarded. -
"Another Improvement in her machinery
Is the Introduction of condensers, which
condense milk as wfll as water, and this
will be found very convenient on the Coos
river run. Her new engines ar also con
structed to boil water at a very low tem
perature. Extra strong hog-posts and
hog-chains have been placed on board, as
the Coos River hogs, which she some
times carries, are very large and fierce.
"She will sail by compass altogether,
and thus save following all the tortuous
bends of the river to find her way to
"Many other Improvements have been
Introduced by Captain Edwards, but lack
of space forbids their enumeration."
After Many Weeks of Idleness, the
VeHsel Will Load for South Africa.
The British bark Pax was chartered
yesterday by Kerr. Gifford & Co., of this
city, to load wheat at Tacoma for South
Africa. She receives 27s 9d, which Is
about $3 per ton less than the rate for
which she was chartered when she arrived
at Portland, over four months ago. She
came in under charter to the Portland
Flouring Mills Company to load flour,
but a quantity of coal tar, which was part
of her cargo, had escaped from the bar
rels which held It, and distributed such
an odor through the ship, that she was
unfit for flour loading. This was very
disappointing to the charterers, and the
owners were obliged to pay a small sum
in the way of damages for failure to ful
fill their contract. The Pax was aground
shortly after leaving Liverpool on her trip
out to Portland, and, as he changed own
ers while en route, she was sent to Quar
termaster Harbor to enter the dock for
an examination. This accounts for her
loading on Puget Sound Instead of at
Dovenby Hnll and Barmbek Cross
Out of the Columbia Yesterday.
The German bark Barmbek and the
British ship Dovenby Hall sailed at noon
.yesterday for Queenstown or Falmouth
' for orders, leaving the lower harbor bare
of loaded ships. The Agnes Oswald, how
ever, is on her way down the river, and
will reach Astoria today. The departure
..of these vessels cuts the in-port fleet
down to pretty small proportions. The
Vendee, after some delay on account of
repairs, Is at last ready for business, and
commenced taking in cargo Monday. She
is the only vessel now In port working
wheat. The Brunei, under charter for
wheat loading, has not yet finished dis
charging her Inward cargo of coal, and
will not be ready for wheat in time to fin
ish loading this month. The big four
masters Speke and Lord Shaftesbury are
still on the disengaged list. They might
'be fixed if owners were willing to accept
a rate justified by the condition of the
local market, but both are such large car
riers that it Is not an easy matter to
rpick up a cargo for them so late in the
Government Forecast of What May
j Be Expected In North Pacific.
f7' The North Pacific Pilot Chart, with its
forecast for wind and weather for the
month of May, has just been received at
the branch hydrographlc office in this
city. It contains the following under the
head of "Winds Along the American
"To the northward of 45 deg. and be
tween the coast and 135 deg. W. the wind
will veer from SE. (with falling barom
- eter) through W. to NW. (with rising
barometer). Immediately under the coast
, the wind holds longest In the SK. quad
C'rant; between 123-130 deg., in the NW.
Throughout the belt 40-45 deg. N., and un
der similar barometric conditions, the
wind will veer from S. to N., holding long
est at NW. South, of 40 deg. the prevail
ing direction will be NW., easterly winds
.(NNE.-SSE.) being practically excluded.
Gales infrequent.
"Continuing southward, northwesterly
winds may be expected between the coast
and a line drawn from 35 deg. X., 130
deg. W., to 15 deg. N.. 115 deg. W. Be
tween 15 deg. N. and 5 deg. N. light baf
fling winds will prevail, and south of 5
deg. N. light southwesterly winds becom
ing southeasterly beyond the 100th merid
ian. "An elongated trough of low barometer
(29:75 Inches) extends east and west to the
northward of the Aleutian Islands.
Around this trough the circulation of the
winds is cyclonic, or contrary to tne mo
tion of the hands of a watch, thus impart
ing to the wlnda in the higher latitudes a
westerly direction.
"After crossing the 180th meridian, east
ward bound sailing vessels will thus find.
the maximum percentage of westerly
winds between 40-45 deg. N."
The prospects for fog, mist and haze
are figured as follows:
"Coast of China from Hong Kong to
Shanghai, 12 per cent (I. e., 12 hours in
each 100); Eastern Sea and Gulf of Pechill,
21 per cent; south and east of Japan, 14
per cent; Gulf of Alaska, north of 55 deg.,
14 per cent; youth of oo deg., 16 per cent;
American coast, Puget Sound to San
Francisco, 16 per cent; San Francisco to
Cape San Lucas, 19 per cent."
San Francisco Sailor Runners Take
Entire Crerr From a Ship.
San Francisco boarding-house men seem
to be engaging In some high-handed pro
ceedings this season. The French ships
going to that port are exceptionally un
fortunate. Saturday's San Frangisco Bul
letin has the following regarding the
treatment accorded one ship:
"Fifteen sailors -were stolen by boarding-house
runners last night from the
French bark Saint Rogatlen, lying at
Beale-strect wharf, and a merry fight pre
ceded their leaving the vessel. Evidently
there was a prearrangement between the
men and the runners, for when the latter
went aboard shortly after 8 o'clock the
seamen were all in the forecastle with
their dunnage packed up ready to be
over the bows onto the wharf. Some
how Captain Arneau and the mate got
wind of what was going on forward, and
they headed into the forecastle to find it
In darkness and all hands In their bunks.
Not a strange face was to be seen, and
this was explained today when it was
learned that the runners had hidden
themselves In the bunks behind the eail
ors. The skipper and mate walked aft again
and as soon as their backs were turned
a light was struck by the sailors. The
captain ran forward along one side of
the house, and the mate on the other, and
a battle followed. Watchmen from the
wharves were called by the officers, and
fists went flying wherever a head showed.
Finally the men gave way and Captain
Arneau claims a victory because he has
all their belongings."
Ex-Skipper of the State of California
en Route North on Business.
Captain Harry Goodall, formerly mas
ter of the steamship State ot California
and most recently engaged in the steve
doring and Government contracting busi
ness in San Francisco, Cal., passed
through the city yesterday. Captain Good
all states that he Is not in possession of
the many millions which a San Francisco
paper credited him with making out of
the Government He says he has careful
ly searched his pockets and figured up
his books, and Is unable to find
the money: consequently does not be
lieve that he ever received it. He Is In
terested with other San Francisco men in
a number of British vessels which the
American Government does not permit to
sail under the Stars and Stripes, and Is
on his way north to look after private
business. Victoria, B. C, is the nearest to
an American port where these vessels can
be registered, and the owners are obliged
to make periodical trips to the north to
look after their interstate.
Vancouver Island Wreckage.
The harvest of the sea on the West
coast of Vancouver Island is certainly a
unique one, and those sea farmers who
search the barren rocks and skirt the
shingle In their canoep have found many
things. Last week the Indians In the
neighborhood of Uclulet found a punch
eon of rum; some time before the In
dians of Neah Bay found a cask of wine,
and now, according to a telegram from
Carmanah Point, the Indians in that vi
cinity have found a punching bag. The
operator wires "Indians have picked up
a punching bag near here. Wonder If
It's off the Condor." The next find made
by the Indians will probably be a ping
pong set. Punching bags are carried by
the officers of many of the liners run
ning to this port, and the find hardly
denotes wreck, rather a harder punch
than usual, which drove the leather bag
from its hanging and wafted it into the
sea, to drift until the medicine man of
some West Coast tribe found It and put
It up in his illahee to make his muscles
Voshurc's Fine Reduced.
ASTORIA, April 22. Word was received
from the Treasury Department today that
thp finp of $500 Imposed some time ago by
Collector' of Customs Fox on the tug
George R. Vosburg, for carrying more pas
sengers than her certification allowed, had
been reduced to $5. In his appeal to the
department. Captain Loll stated that be
sides the members of the crew and the
12 passengers allowed the only persons on
Vinnrri were a number of children for
whom no fare was collected.
Capital $170,000,000.
NEW YORK. April 22. A special dis
patch to the Evening Post from London,
referring to the Morgan combination of
steamship lines, says:
As at present planned, the capital of the
new shipping combination will be $60,000,
000 in G per cent preferred stock, $60,000,
000 common shares and $50,000,000 of mort
gage bonds.
Independent Lines Pleased.
GLASGOW, April 22. Representatives
of the Anchor and Allan Steamship Lines
say that, although their companies are
outside the new shipping corporation, they
are not unfriendly thereto, nor pessimis
tic as to effects, adding that If It results
in uniform rates, the combine will be re
garded as an advantage to the other
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. April 22. Sailed at 1 P. M.
German bark Barmbek and British ship Dov
enby Hall, for Queenstown or Falmouth, for
orders. Condition of the bar at 4 P. M.,
smooth: wind northwest; weather clear.
Falmouth. April 20. Arrived British bark
Crown of India, from Portland.
San Francisco. April 22. Arrived at 10:30
A. M. Steamer Lakme, from Portland.
Tacoma. April 22. Arrived Steamer John S.
Kimball, from San Francisco; revenue cutter
U. S. Grant, cruise; schooner William F. "Wltz
eman, from San Pedro.
San Francisco, April 22. Sailed Schooner
Western Home, for Coos Bay; steamer Charles
Nelson, for Seattle; steamer Empire, for Coos
Bay; achooner Free Trade, for Coos Bay. Ar
rivedSteamer Tellus, from Com ox; steamer
Edith, from Seattle: steamer Santa Ana, from
Seattle; brig W. G. Irwlng. from Roche Har
bor. New Tork, April 22. Sailed Tauric, for
Liverpool: Kaiser WUhelm der Grosse, for
Naples, April 17. Arrived Denbighshire,
from Tacoma.
Shanghai, April .19. Arrived Ching Wo.
from Tacoma. Sailed April 18 Hyson, for
Manila, April 18. Sailed Klntuclc, (from
Seattle), for Liverpool.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Take it when your complexion is sallow,
and you are troubled with constipation,
malaria and sick headache. It stimulates
healthy liver activity, increases flow of
bile, and improves the general health.
Will Travel Abroad With His Wife
Whose Health Does Not Permit
Residence in Portland.
When C. J. Eddy, North Pacific Coast
agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway, opened his mail yesterday
morning he found .in it a letter from
Traffic Manager Hlland accepting his
resignation, which had been tendered
nearly four weeks before. This released
the news of his resignation, which was
a matter of much interest to Mr. Eddy's
numerous personal business friends, and
there was general regret that he had
resolved to leave this field. The resig
nation will take effect May 1.
Mr Eddy's letter to the traffic manager
under date of March 26, gave his rea
son for -desiring to be relieved, as fol
lows: The desire to return to my home to live has
grown upon me to such an extent that I do
not feel satisfied to remain here; furthermore,
I desire to visit Europe as soon as I can ar
range my affairs satisfactorily. For these rea
sons I kindly ask you to accept my resignation
5it your earliest convenience. I would like to
C. J.
nHi&jHVK2KKtrVH HiUUTfc.A.AiKt.-f'u 4. Uw"T5?. 1HL.V
sap -fi
HbIoBIs9Hb9K7' ' 'mP J. jIsB
IsMBBMlfflfgTT onTi iiWttiii flk. . M&IB
fiHBylslsBlte &sllslsH
return Bast about May 1, if agreeable to you,
although I am In no particular hurry.
I am pleased to say that our business In this
district is larger this year so far than for any
similar period In the past, and the future out-
look Is very favorable. If it should be that
tariff rates will prevail with all the Chicago
lines, this company should keep to the front,
as It Is recognized as among the first.
For a quarter of a century I have served the
Milwaukee to the best of my ability, and this
long service has been of the most pleasant
nature. I, therefore, leave It and its pleasant
associations with deep regret. For yourself
and all the officers of tho company I entertain
the highest esteem, and wish for you all the
greatest prosperity.
Traffic Manager Hlland in accepting
the resignation said:
I regret very muchthat you find it necessary
to take this step, but trust it Is for your best
interest in every way. I beg to assure you of
the thorough appreciation of your services and
your loyalty and fidelity to the company dur
ing the many years that you have been con
nected with It. If there is anything I can do
for you In tho future, either personally or offi
cially, please command me.
General Freight Agent E. S. Kelley
volunteered a personal letter to Mr. Eddy
in which he said:
I learn through Mr. Hlland of your determi
nation to retire from the company's service on j
April SO. I cannot quite clothe my thoughts In '
words that would be expressive enough on this
occasion, and can only say that your leading '
us will be" the cause of the most sincere regret
on my part. Such feelings, however, are slm-
ply natural -a hen It comes to parting with one
who has been so ever faithful and loyaj to the ,
Interests of the company, as you hare been for
the years you have been connected with the
C, M. & St. P.
It would afford me great pleasure in the ,
future If I could In any way bo of service to
you. I assume it Is your Intention to come
back East, and If so would like to have a talk
with you. i
For 35 years Mr. Eddy has been in
the railroad business. A quarter of a '
century of this period has been spent in
the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul, and half that time he has
been in Portland as the North Pacific
Coast agent of the company, having been
appointed here 12 years ago last July.
He la now well along m years, and is
understood to be In comfortable financial
circumstances and it is not surprising
that he should want to take a rest.
L Mr. Eddy was born in Rochester, N. Y
and his first railroad work was as clerk
and telegrapher for the Chicago, St Paul
& Fond du Lac Railroad In Chicago.
Then he went to the Illinois Central as
clerk and cashier at Dunlelth, 111.; after
continuing there about three 5'earp he
received the appointment a3 assistant
secretary of the Northwest Packet Com
pany at.Dubuque, la., from which, posi
tion he resigned to accept the appoint
ment as chief clerk in the general freight
office of the Chicago & Northwestern, at
Chicago. His next position was as as
sistant superintendent of the Atlantic &
Pacific Telegraph Company at New York;
then he began his services with the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul road, and
served in the capacities of contracting
agent assistant commercial, and later
commercial agent of the rorC at Chicago.
He served as arbitrator of the Iowa
.Trunk Line Association at Omaha, and
general freight and passenger agent of
the Fargo & Southern Road. Twelve
years ago he was appointed gen-
era! agent of the North Pacific for i
the C. M. & St
tlon he Is now
ST., wmen post-
, i
ieu-vintf. curing
all this long period of service he has
met with the greatest success and has
the esteem of all with whom he has been
The climate of Portland did not agree
with Mrs. Eddy, so she was obliged to
live elsewhere. For this reaspn the fam
ily home"ln Chicago has been retained
all these years. While still retaining
their Chicago home Mr. and Mrs. Eddy
expect to travel abroad for a time. Mr.
Eddy is delighted with the climate and
all the conditions at Portland, but he Is
a man of family and wishes to be at
liberty to enjoy his own home and take
it easy for a while. He is entitled to
It by reason of his long, active and
thoroughly honorable business career.
There is as yet no intimation as to who
will be Mr. Eddy's successor in the North
western field. It has been intimated that
the extension of the community policy
might Tender It unnecessary to continue
St Paul representatives here, but railroad
men do not believe this and look to
see the vacancy caused by Mr. Eddy's
resigns tlorj filled by the appointment of
a new man soon.
Reduced Rates to the East.
The O. B. & N. Co. has issued a clr-
cular quoting excursion rates for the an
nual meeting of the National Education.:
Association at Minneapolis. July 7-11.
From Portland and other North Pacific
Coast common points to Minneapolis and
return the fare will be $52. Tickets will
bs on sale June 28 and July 1 and 3, good
till September 1 for return. Stop-overs
will be allowed both going and returning,
but going trip must be commenced on
date of sale and Minneapolis reached by
July 10.
On the same dates, tickets will also be
sold to" Missouri River terminals, Kansas
City to Sioux City Inclusive, at the same
rate and with the same conditions. Tick
ets to either Minneapolis, St. Paul or Mis
souri River points will be good to return
via a different route. Tickets will also be
sold to Chicago on the same dates, same
conditions governing, at the rate of 572
for the round trip.
From Pendleton, Lewlston, Spokane and
Intermediate and common points the fare
for the round trip will be $47. To Minne
apolis and return via Spokane and the
Great Northern Railway, in both direc
tions, the fare from Pullman and all sta
tions north .will be $4 50, from Moscow
$42 80, and from Lewlston $44 35.
.Pamphlet by Columbia Southern on
"Ten Thousand Free Farms."
The Columbia Southern Railway has
Just Issued a neat pamphlet of 22 pages
entitled "10.000 Free Farms," and devoted
to a description of the country served by
the railroad and Information as to getting
the free farms. In the statement of mar
velous development of Sherman County
It is shown that 20 vears mrn its total
a product would hardly have loaded a
?tnr. 9ni in iwk iw , 9?
capacity each were required to move Its
grain. Besides this, the county yielded
In 1900 25,000 bushels of potatoes, 13,000
bushels of fruit, 12,000 pounds of butter
and cheese, 37,000 head of livestock and
2S2.000 tons of hay. And the population
was but 3500.
A large region essentially similar to
Sherman County stretches away to the
southward In the geographical center of
the state this pamphlet says there are
7000 square miles of It Of this ' area,
2,000,000 to 2,500,000 acres of good farm
land still belongs to the Government.
After a brief but comprehensive state
ment of the agricultural, timber and min
eral resourced of the country! the fol
lowing valuable directions for getting
public lands are given!
"Each ICth and 36th section Is state
school land, the remainder being Govern
ment land. Schodl lands are sold by the
state at $1 25 per acre, one-third of the
J purchase price being required to be paid
down and the remainder to run at 6 per
j cent, or tho whole may be paid down and
a patent obtained at once. Sales are re-
, stricted to 320 acres to one purchaser, but
the amount of school lands purchased does
not In any way Interfere -with a person's
right to enter Government land.
"Government land may be acquired in
several ways, the direct method being un
der the homestead, the timber and stone
and the desert land acts. There Is one
restriction which applies to air these acts,
viz.: That the amount of land which any
person can obtain title to under any or all
of these acts combined Is limited to 320
acres filed upon or entered since August
30, 1S90. It follows, of course, that lands
entered or filed upon prior to that date
are not included in the 320 acres that the
person may take. For Instance, a person
prior to August 30, 1SS0, having had the
benefit of the homestead act, Is still enti
tled to 320 acres under the desert act, or
1C0 acres under the timber and stone act
and 1G0 acres under the desert act. No
person la allowed the benefit of the home
stead law but once, but If for" any reason
he lost or forfeited his right, or if he
commuted a homestead entry prior to
June 30, 1D00. he is entitled to a second
homestead entry of ICO acres, requiring
five years' residence upon and cultivation
of, and a total cost of about $40 fees and
commissions to perfect title, or a residence
of 14 months and a cash payment of $1 25
per acre.
"Desert entries may be taken In tracts
from 40 to 320 acres by any citizen of the
state, either male or female, over the age
of 21 years. Twenty-five cents per acre
must be paid down, and $1 per acre at
time of final proof, which may be made
at any time within four years after the
land has been reclaimed by conducting
water thereon, and an expenditure In
money or labor of $3 for each acre of the
tract. Residence Is not required on desert
land, but one-eighth of the land must
have been cultivated at least one year.
"Under the timber and stone act a per
son may purchase 160 acres, valuable
chiefly for stone or timber,, at $2 50 per
acre, to be paid down after publishing
notice of Intention to purchase.
"In addition to the above methods, lands
.. TmrnVinsprt In mmnilHeK limited
i - - --- -
, nn1v. hv ..., hlllrv in nav. hv thfi loca
tion of school land Indemnity, forest re
serve or railroad scrip, which is worth
$3 50 to $5 per acie, and may be located
on any unoccupied Government land."
To Control 3500 Acres in the Kern
River Field.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. April 22. Accord
ing to n special to the Express from Santa
Barbara, where President E. P. Ripley
is staling, the Santa Fe Railroad is about
to take over the holdlncs ot the Petroleum T
Development Company, a corporation con
trolling nearly 5000 acres of oil land, situ
ated in the Kern River field, about eight
miles north of Bakersfleld. It is under
stood the cash price for the property will
be $1,270,000, or on a basis of about $11 a
share. Revenues allowed to the sellers
to the last moment of actual transfer will
swell the purchase figure to $1,415,000.
The Petroleum Development Company has
for two years furnished Its entire output
of oil to the Santa F system on a five
year contract. The output has averaged
30,000 Darrels a month.
Canada's Yukon Charter Policy.
VANCOUVER, B. C, April 22. A special
from Ottawa says:
In the railway committee today, the
Minister of Railways, Hon. A. G. Blair,
announced that the government would still
. adhere to Its policy" not to grant any more
charters from American territory into the
Yukon. This announcement was made
when the Yukon Pacific asked for an In
corporation to build a line from Pyramid
Harbor to White Horse. The company's
charter was amended so as to give it
power to build from White Horee in a
southwesterly direction to the boundary
line between the Province of British Co
lumbia and the territories, or about 20
miles from the international boundary
Rock Island's Western Extension.
LOS ANGELES, CaL, April 22. The first
official confirmation of the plans for the
Western extension of the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific Railroad was given to
day by R. R. Cable, chairman of the
board of directors of the company, who
passed through Los, Angeles returning to
his home, after spending the Winter at
Santa Barbara. Mr. Cable said that a
f westward extension from Denver would
be the first undertaking of his company.
A line through to the Coast, he. said,
would not be undertaken, because present
joint traffic agreements with the Southern
Pacific are so satisfactory that there i3
no need of another road.
New Colorado Railroad.
DENVER, April 22. The Rio Grande,
Pueblo & Sputhern Railroad has filed ar
ticles of Incorporation. The company will
build a track between 60 and 70 miles long
from Pueblo to Walsenburg. The incor
porators are Charles W. Waterman, "Will
iam W. Field, Herman F. Dunham,
Thomas Tipton and William H. Paul, all
of Denver. They deny that they are con
nected with either the Denver & Rio
Grande or the Colorado Fuel & Iron Com
pany. Tomb of a Bishop Opened.
PHILADELPHIA. April 22-The tomb
in which the bodyof Bishop John J. New
roann was placed 42 years ago w,as opened
today by a special ecclesiastical court,
the proceedings being one of the final acts
preliminary to the beatification of the pre
late. This disinterment was made In se
cret and was for the purpose of Identifying
the remains of Bishop Newmann and to
ascertain their state of preservation. Two
witnesses swore that they witnessed the
burial of the bishop and two physicians
wrote a minute description of the remains.
They were then placed in a new coffin and
restored to the vault, whfch was sealed
by Archbishop Ryan.
The evidence collected by the ecclesi
astical court during Its Inquiry, which
has been In progress for several years, will
row be forwarded to Rome.
Bishop Newmann was born In Bohemia,
in 1811, and came to America at the age
of 23 years. He was made bishop of this
diocese in 1S52. He died suddenly in 1S60.
Thought They Were Kidnaped.
NEW YORK, April 22. Of the 5000 Im
migrants who have Just arrived in the
steerages of the linerB Patrla, Cymric,
Zealand and Gascogne, there were 400 In
the latter vessel who were not sure of
their final destination until they saw the
American flag over the forts at the Nar
rows. These Immigrants were from
Greece, and a rumor having spread among
them that they were about to be kidnaped
and shipped to South Africa to help Eng
land in the Boer War they had flatly re
fused to go on board the steamship after
their arrival at the quay In Havre from
Marseilles on April 9. In vain the offi
cials pleaded, but not until two attaches
of the Greek Consulate at Havre arrived
could quiet be restored. There were
more than 50 who refused to believe, and
the company's agents refunded their pas
sage money.
New Jersey Man a Mandarin.
NEW YORK, April 22. According to
private advices received at Newark, N.
J., Frank W. Redding, of that city, has
been made a mandarin by the Sultan of
Mindanao. Redding formerly was a mem
ber of the Astor Batterv.
School girls are proverbially
pretty. Fact is, it's a pretty
age that time in a girl's life
when she has all the beauties
of womanhood without the
later lines of care and worry.
But here and there even
among school girls appear
pale drawn faces a dullness
and lack of freshness which
tells a plain story of thin blood.
Now this is not right. But
Scott's Emulsion can make
it right Scott's Emulsion is
what these pale girls need.
Scott's Emulsion -brings back
the beauty to their faces be
cause it is blood food.
Send for Free Sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St N. Y.
Foucvts all the Mdatire and Aodyne qualities of
Optnr- bat produces no sickness of the stomach. In
acst : rrous disorders it Is an Inraloable Itemed?.
Bcommendel by best Physicians eTery where.
Who Defirved
Soa.p-powder" in the Sta.ndoLrci Diction
eury? Sounds as If some old-fashioned soa.p
m&ker hod written it. Used in dish-water!
Yes, OLnd when it is PEARLINE, used in
everything where soap can be used. PE ARL
INE is modern, up-to-date soapt & better
soap it has revolutionized the soap trade. 666
Ask Yoxr Friend
OOK yourself squarely in the face and see
if you are not half ashamed to be without
Ivory Soap in your
your wife is without it. It is bad enough
for a man, though a man often doesn't care how
his comfort is mis-spelled. But a woman misses all
these little helps to housekeeping. And Ivory Soap
is one; its great potency makes it actually cheaper
than yellow soap for general work. It floats.
COmtMMT tilt tT TMf PftOCTtR A SU1ILS CO. cimcinnati
Cranks make Scotch Oats what it
Is the best and most natural food.
It is not a crank food, except that
the oats are chosen and bought by
men who are cranks on the point of
getting the best grain that is grown
in America, no matter what corner
of the continent it comes from. It is
milled by men who are cranks on the
point of bringing out the fullest nu
triment of the grain, and cranks on
preserving its character as an abso
lutely natural food. Its mill super
intendents are cranks on the point of
cleanliness and thoroughness such
cranks that they let no hand touch
the grain throughout the whole pro
cess, and let no speck of dust or
hull remain. And it is sold by men
i30 Days' Tbeawnt
In the Sprint: the blood should be freed of
uric acid and other poisonous substances by
taking Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound. It
cures Rheumatism, Constipation. Catarrh. Ma
laria. Pains In the Side and Back. Dizziness.
Sour and Bloated Stomach. Coated Tongue,
Night Sweat. 10 days' trial free. All drug
gists. DR.W. S. BUKKHAUT, Cincinnati, O.
No More Dread
Dental Chair
LUTELY -WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scien
tific method applied to the gums. No sleep
producing" agents or cocaine.
These are the only dental parlors In Port
Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable
from natural teeth, and warranted tor 10
set of teeth $5, a perfect fit guaranteed or no
pay. Gold orowns. $3. Gold fillings. $1. Sliver
fillings, 50c. All work done by GRADUATE
DENTISTS cf from 12 to 20 years' experience,
and each department In charge of a specialist.
SET TEETH f 5.00
"We are making a specialty of gold crown and
bridge work; the most beautiful, painless and
durable of all dental work known to the pro
fession. Our name alone will be a guarantee
that your work will be of the best. We have a
specialist ,ln each department. Best operators,
best gold workmen and extractors of teeth; In
fact, all the staff are Inventors of modern
dentistry. We will tell you In advance exactly
what your "work will cost by free examination.
Give us a- call and you will find we do exactly
as we advertise.
Our aim Is to give the best work possible
and guarantee all work for 10 years with a
protective guarantee. All of our prices are
the lowest consistent with flrst-clasa work. W
do not compete with cheap dental work, but
our charges are less than one-half that charged
by others.
New York Dental Parlors
Main office.
Foarth and Morrison Sta., Portland.
Branch offices 614 First ave.. Seattle. Wash.
la interested ami should know
about the wonderf n;
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The New Ladles Syringe
nest, Surest, loat
Itk tor 4rnUt r.r SL
11 m cannoi snppiy me
other, but send ttnmtt for 11
luntmtcd book ld.U erres
full DArtlitilarsanil direction In.
-inMMo ilr '"'ItVELCO.,
Boom 290 Times Bdff.. New York.
For sale by Woodard, Clarke fc Co.
k?i. r nw:LLTJzrs.;rsibf
k Em?
iN .t.:4 J-9-TJH
w Ml,. .,"
house. Worse than this,
GOOD As it can be
who are cranks on the point of hav
ing it in every grocerv store where
it can possibly be asked for which
means every grocery store. And it is
advertised by men who are cranks on
the point of always reminding people
that, as long as Scotch Oats is the
best grain, from the best process, and
while so many imitations are being
brought out, they must be cranks
enough on the subject of food to in
sist on getting the food that they ask
for. The advertisement cranks re
quest the food cranks to remember
that unless the picture of the Kilted
Piper appears on the package, it isn't
real Scotch Oats. So you see all
these 'cranks are simply cranks on the
subject of common sense and hon
esty. Nerve-racked, weary and
heavy-eyed, the head that
seeks repose finds only
ceasless tossing and fever
ish unrest. Strange fancies
vague forbodings fill
the mind with harrowing
thoughts until morning
brings its rasping headache,
irritable temper, and loss of
appetite. Rest the nerves
build them up and
gentle, restful, refreshing
sleep will fee yours.
"My crcatest trouble was slccples- 1
ness. lwas nervous and restless, and
would, toss ana rou tor noais. iiaa
no ambition and had to abandon
business. One bottle of Dr. Miles'
Nervine put me on my feet again."
blMON A. uibson, Georgetown, ius.
gives that sweet sleep so
grateful to body and mind.
Sold or druprists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Ely's Cream Balm
Gives Relief at once.
It cleanses, soothes and
heals the diseased mem-
urane. 11 cores Vautrru minn oaiitiM
and drives away a Cold M JS V ft. ft Hf K
In the Head quickly. It Bi 9 8 l V bit
is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Fall size
J0a: Trial 8lze 10c.; at Druggists or by mall.
ELY BROTHERS, 53 Warren Street, New York.
Dt. Maes'
Bar Mississippi !