THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. 5 LEOPOLD IS MOBBED Socialists Attack the King of the Belgians. THEY MEET. BY ACCIDENT lied Flags Wave i in the Monarch' Face Antl-CathoIIc Agitation. Results In a. Riot at Brussels. BRUSSELS. April 9. King Leopold -was mobbed by Socialists here this afternon, on his arrival from Biarritz. The meet ing between the Socialists and the King was quite accidental, but It was none the less unpleasant for His Majesty, -whose automobile was surrounded by excited So cialists, who shouted: "Long live the re public!" "Long live universal suffrage!" nnd waved rpd flazs in the Klne's face. The Socialists had collected at the rail way station to bid farewell to the mem bers of a delegation of Spanish Republi can Deputies who had attended the So cialist gatherings here, and who had par ticipated in last nlghf demonstration. The police this morning Informed the Spaniards that they must leave Brussels forthwith, and the delegates were escort ed to the station by a large gathering of Socialists bearing red flags. The King happened to arrive at the same time, and had difficulty in getting his automobile out of the crowd, but he finally found an opening and passed his pursuers. In the Chamber of Deputies today, M. Furnemont, Socialist, gave notice of his intention to interpellate the government on what he termed a "gross breach of In ternational hospitality" in expelling the Spanish Deputies. The Socialist Incident has aroused in tense excitement, and there are fears of further disturbances and complications. The Minister of War has ordered the militia reserves of 18 regiments to be in readiness to rejoin the colors, and gen darmes of all the divisions are held In In stant readiness to march wherever re quired. The anti-Catholic agitation culminated in a riot here tonight. A thousand So cialists attended a meeting at the Maison du Peuple, and afterward marched to Seneln street, where they stoned the house of a Catholic Deputy. The police charged the rioters with drawn swords. Several of the latter were severely Injured, and 20 were arrested. Midnight. The smashing of windows, re volver firing and other disorders continued here throughout the evening. A crowd of rioters marching toward the suburb of Schaerbeek drove three policemen Into a cafe. The rioters looted this cafe and wounded all three of the policemen ty revolver shots. Reinforcements of gen darmes have been sent to Schaerbeek. At "Liege the rioters smashed the windows of , Jesuit church and seminary. A Deputy , Tied Troclet was among the persons M?dtfded there. The Exiles at Liesre. LIEGE, Belgium, 'April 9. A procession of 1500 persons met the delegation of Span ish Republican Deputies who were ex pelled from Brussels, when they arrived at the railroad station here. The Span lards were given a riotous welcome, but the gathering was dispersed, by the po lice. Four persons were Injured. During an anti-Catholic riot at Ghent several per mits wert; mjurea; 3md a number' arrested. Troops were called out to quell Ihe trou bles. RUSSIAN STUDENT DISORDERS. Revolutionary Tactics at Dorpat and Other Places. ST. PETERSBURG, April 8. It will be wearisome to detail all the student dis orders and revolutionary demonstrations throughout the country, of which reports are being continuously received hy the local Radicals. The situation In Dorpat, a town In the Government of Livonia, Is perhaps typical of the state of affairs in the majority of the provincial university towns. A letter of recent date, 'received here from the place mentioned, says the uni versity is temporarily closed, as a result of strike tactics, which occasioned nu merous arrests and domiciliary visitations. The veterinary Institute has lost 92 stu dents, of whom 50 can never return, while the remaining 42 have been relegated to retirement until the Autumn, as the result of a celebration at the institute of the anniversary of the birth of Gogol, the Russian reformer and novelist. At the close of the speeches, as reported In the correspondence from Dorpat, both the stu dents and the Invited guests gave vent to their feelings In loud cries of "Hall to free literature!" "Hall university autonomy!" and "Down with the temporary regula tions!" Printed sheets were distributed and the "Marseillaise" was sung as the audience left the hall. Students and their friends then collected before the univer sity and sang revolutionary songs and shouted "Down with autocracy!" and "Hail to the constitution!" The audience, it appears, dispersed before the arrival of a detachment of soldiers which had been sent to the scene. At Riga, revolutionary pamphlets were thrown among the audience during a re cent theatrical 'performance. The police searched the pockets of suspected persons, but without result- " ENGLISH BUDGET PRdPOSALS. Smaller Estimate of Expenditures Than Last Year. LONDON. April 9. A special order has been issued today to the customs staffs of all the ports of the United Kingdom forbidding them to Issue the usual order for entry to all vessels carrying free goods. This applies not only to timber, but to all cargoes at present free of duty. The customs authorities In London are very reticent on the subject of this com prehensive regulation, but the general character of the order is believed to be intended to Insure secrecy regarding the Intentions of the Chancellor of the Ex chequer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. All kinds of rumors are afloat, but according to the best opinions, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, will not depart from his traditional free trade policy. The war expenditure Is estimated at 40.000,000. as against 60.000.000 last year, while the grant to the South African colonies Is only 51,800.000, as against 56. 500,000 last year. Altogether Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has to meet an estimated expenditure of 171.000.000, as against 197, '000.000 last year. It is said that the Chan cellor will endeavor to remit 58,000.000 of additional taxation, bringing the revenue, roughly speaking, up to 150,000,000, and that he will provide the remainder by a loan, for the interest on which he may possibly tap the resources of the Trans vaal. A persistent rumor Is current here that Iron ore will also be taxed. The budget .statement, which was to have "been presented tomorrow, has been postponed until Monday, In consequence of the Indisposition of the Chancellor of ihe Exchequer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. THE PACIFIC CABLE. British Line From Australia Has Reached Fiji. MELBOURNE. April 9. The Pacific ca ble has reached the FIJI Islands. (The laying of the Pacific cable was de cided upon at the colonial conference held in London In 1SS7, but the survey was not completed until 1899. After the report was published In 1899. an agreement was entered Into by the Imperial government wl(h Canada and the Australasian colo nies for the construction, laying and main tenance of an all-Brltlah Pacific cable. A landing site for the cable has been pur chased at Kelp Bay, Barclay Sound, Van couver Island.) "" Count von BuIott in Austria. INNSBRUCK. Austrian Tyrol, April 9. The German Imperial Chancellor, Count von Bulow, arrived here today. Instead of going direct to Berlin by way of Munich, he will proceed to Vienna, where he will have a conference with Count Goluchowskl-"Wehner. the Austro-Hungar-lan Minister of Foreign Affairs. VIENNA, April 9. Count von Bulow, the German Imperial Chancellor, arrived here this evening. Besides his Immedi ate purpose concerning the triple alliance. Count von Bulow's visit to Vienna has the further object of allaying the Irrita tion which resulted from his failure to visit Vienna when he was appointed Im perial Chancellor. It la satt that Count von Bulow will seek the consent of Aus tria to give Italy economical advantages, without which she would be reluctant to renew the triple alliance. France Foiled the Kins; of Slam. PARIS. April 10. The Eclalre this morn ing says It has heard that about a month ago the King of Slam, under the pretext of a. pleasure cruise, tried to levy a tax on the .Inhabitants of the Cambodian Islands, where his agents have been guilty of other incorrect acts. The French Min ister at Bangkok, the capital of Slam, having heard of the King's order, sent the French gunboat Comete after the royal flotilla. This put an end to the King's enterprise. It appears, continues the Eclalre, that the Siamese Government has also prevented the sale of an estate at Bangkok which the French Minister wished to purchase for a legation. The King of Slam Is believed to be acting under British influence. Cambodia Is a French protectorate, and borders Slam on the east. Meat Shortage at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, April 9. The rise In the price of meat here Is attributed more to the prohibition of Canadian and Argen tine cattle than to the operations of the American beef combination. During the first quarter of this year more than 8000 fewer cattle were Imported through Liv erpool than in the corresponding period of 1S0L and the South American dead meat trade has failed to compensate for this shortage. The Butchers Association and the Association of Foreign Cattle Traders aver that the scarcity In meat will In crease until the government permits the entry of South American and Canadian live cattle, which might safely be done, as disease among the stock has disap peared. German Tariff Duties. BERLIN, April 9.--The tariff committee of the Reichstag today fixed the duty on dried apples and pears at 10 marks; on dried plums of all sorts at 10 marks, if loose, and at 15 marks, if packed. All other dried fruits were taxed S marks per double hundredweight. Fresh bananas will be free of duty; oranges, lemons, pomegranates, dates, figs and almonds will pay a duty of 12 marks; dried figs, currants, dates and raisins are taxed 24 marks; dried almonds, oranges and pome granates will pay 30 marks; pineapples, 4 marks; raw coffee. 40 marks, and roast ed or ground coffee, GO marks. Japanese Capitalist's Investment. LONDON, April 10. Cabling from To klo, the correspondent of the Times says a Japanese capitalist named Yaduza Sen Jlro Is going to "Woo Chang, China, to take over four cotton spinning mills be longing to the Viceroy, Chang Chi Tung, which cost 5,000,000 taels. Senjlro agrees to provide 100,000 yen, half for working capital and half to liquidate the debt of the spinning mills to a German capital let. He will nana the proflta of the busi ness to Chang Chi Tung after deducting Interest for the capital which he provides. Mobilization of Black Sea Fleet. LONDON, April 10. The mobilization of the Black Sea fleet of Russia, cables the Times' correspondent at Odessa, hasvoeen fixed for the end of July, and the depots -at "Sebastopol are receiving unusually large consignments of naval stores. The simultaneous mobilization this Summer of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, continues the correspondent, and the unprecedented military concentration north of Odessa are considered very significant. Norway to Buy Submarine Boats. LONDON. 'April 9. A dispatch to the Globe from Chrlstlanla, Norway, saye the government commission appointed to re port on submarine boatB has decided In favor of the Holland type. The minor ity expressed the opinion that submarine boats were not sufficiently developed to justify their Introduction Into the Norwe gian Navy. Lord Strathcona Honored. LONDON, April 9. Lord Strathcona, High Commissioner of Canada, was pre sented with the freedom of Aberdeen at the Town Hall there today, in recogni tion of his position as lord rector of the university and of his services to Canada. MIx-Up of Destroyers. PORTSMOUTH, April 9. There was an exciting mlx-up of torpedo-boat destroy ers here today. The Crane, Fawn and Teaser were In collision, in which the Teaser was considerably damaged. Australian Tariffs. MELBOURNE, Victoria, April 5. The tariff committee of the Federal House of Representative has fixed the duty on cotton and linen piece goods at 5 per cent advance. Emigration From Germany. BERLIN, April 9. The number of emi grants to leave Hamburg and Bremen during the first quarter of this year was 67,466, an Increase of 20,055. County Commissioners Meet. VANCOUVER, Wash.. April 9. The financial report of County Treasurer A. H. Parcel, for the quarter ending April L was presented today for approval of the County Commissioners. The cash re ceipts for the quarter were 538,566 38; dis bursements, $29,717 74; cash on hand, $36, 585 09. Of the receipts, the sum of $2271 04 was for taxes collected in Vancouver and that amount was transferred to the City Treasury. The Commissioners appointed A. J. Berg road supervisor of district No. 5, to fill the vacancy created by the res ignation of M. J. Fleming. Horse Race for Bis Stakes. NEW YORK, April 9. A. J. Welch, of the Charter Oak track, has arrived here with articles of agreement for the match race between E. E. Smatber's Lord Derby and Thomas Lawson's Boralma, for a side sake of $20,000. The articles call .for the race to take place on September 2, which Is the second day of the Charter Oak meeting, the racers to receive 60 ner cent of the gross receipts. Both owners have accepted the Charter Oak offer, and I already have posted their forfeits to bind the match. The articles will be signed im mediately. Felt Pleaded Not Guilty. SALT LAKE CITY, April 9. A plea of not guilty to the charge of murder in the . second degree was made In the County Court today by Clydo Felt, the 15-year-old boy who admitted to the police that he cut the throat of Samuel Collins, at the latter's solicitation. Pre liminary examination was waived and Felt was remanded to the custody of the -Sheriff. Ball was not asked. It is stated that the defense will probably be temporary Insanity. PEACE WITHIN TWO DAYS OPTIMISTIC RUMORS IN CIRCULA TION IN AMSTERDAM. Leading: Tranvaalers Are Anxious to Surrender, but Free Staters v Are Obstinate. .LONDON, April 9. Telegrams received from Amsterdam furnish evidence of the excitement caused here by. the receipt of private dispatches, from London report ingthat peace In South Africa may be pro claimed within two days. All kinds of rumors were current on the stock ex change, but nothing had reached official quarters In London to justify such an optimistic view of the situation Gerald Balfour, president of the Board of Trade, In a speech at Leeds tonight, said that If the Boers still Insisted upon Independence the present so-called peace negotiations In South Africa might as well be broken off immediately. The Associated Press understands thit peace negotiations are progressing sat isfactorily, so far as the Transvaalers are concerned, but the latest advices In dicate that there Is small probability of the Free Staters surrendering in a ,body. The negotlatlpns thus far have been mainly exchanges of British Intentions. It has been plain to the lead ers that their surrender will not entail banishment, and this has been a potent influence. The leading Transvaalers urge thelF allies to arrange peace terms. The Inner circles of the War Office be lieve that If the "present Indications are fulfilled and the Transvaalers agree to surrender, the backbone of Boer resist ance will be broken and the Free Staters' opposition will soon be overcome. The charges made against the conduct of British troops in South Africa attrib uted to General Delarey have not been brought to the notice of the War Office, and will be Ignored unless a question on the subject Is asked In the House of Com mons. Even In this event it Is not prob able that any action will be taken unless a responsible authority formulates charges In a more- definite and direct form. It Is pointed out that If General Delarey had wished to make such allegations he had ample opportunity to communicate them with Lord Kitchener, who, it Is believed at the War Offlse, would have notified the home government of the fact, which ho has not done. The War Office officials ridicule the Idea that the charges contain an lota of truth, and are Inclined to assign their origin to purely -Continental sources. The allega tions have certainly not created a ripple of Interest In War Office circles, and even the pro-Boer press, members of the House of Commons and others appear to attach small Importance to the matter. General Delarey's courteous treatment of General Miithuen. It Is asserted, " makes It diffi cult to believe that the Boer commandant was personally responsible for the charges, which Include persecution of Delarey's own family. , The Dornbalt Farm Fight. LONDON, April 9. The correspondent of the Standard at Klerksdorp, Trans' vaal, has cabled a graphic account of the battle at Dornbalt farm, March 31, In which the British had three officers and 24 men killed and 16 officers and 121 men wounded, while the Boers had 137 men "killed or wounded. A small force of ' Canadians and mounted Infantry, sayg the correspond ent, was opposed by seven fold Its num ber. Six hundred Boers charged confi dently, calling upon the Canadians to surrender. Lieutenant Caruthers, one of the Canadians, sprang to his feet and ex claiming that he would not surrender, shot the foremost Boer with his revol ver at a distance of 15 paces. Lying upon the ground the Canadians fired steadily and forced the Boers to seek the shelter of trees. Many of the Boers climbed these trees and fired down on the Canadians. The latter kept the en emy at bay for two hours. When all but 15 of the Canadians were killed or wounded, the Boers ventured another rush and captured the handful of sur vivors. . Lieutenant Caruthers was the only British officer who was not seriously wounded. Some of the Boers wanted to shoot him when he was taken prisoner, but they ultimately thought better of this, saying: "He Is too brave a man to die that way." KrltsxInRrer. Is Acquitted. GRAF REINET, Cape Colony, April 9. The trial of Commandant Krltszlnger last ed three days. No evidence was obtained to connect the prisoner with the shooting of natives, and one scout who had been captured by him testified that he had been well treated and that a pass had been granted him. The charge of train-wrecking against the Boer Commandant was withdrawn, and he was acquitted without cross-examination by counsel for the de fense. Preparing a Scries of "Drives." PRETORIA, April 9. The British are making preparations for a great series of "drives" on the arrival of the rein forcements. The general outlook for the Boers Is said to be most disheartening. It is thought here that the bulk of the rebels are only waiting a promise that they will not be banished to come In and surrender. Steyn Threatened With Blindness. PRETORIA, April 9. Mr. Steyn. the. ex-President of the Orange Free State, who is taking part In the peace nego tiations in South Africa, Is suffering from severe opthalmla and Is" threatened- with total blindness. Rosebery May Go to South Africa. LONDON, April 10. The Dally Chronicle this morning publishes a rumor that Lord Rosebery is going to South Africa to study the situation there, with a view of submit ting his impressions and advice to King Edward. CHINESE REBELS DEFEATED. Imperial Troops Rout Them In San guinary Right HONG KONG. April 9. Advlcps re ceived here from Liu Chow say that the Imperial General Ma and Marshal Su, have defeated the Kuang SI rebels In a san guinary battle at Kong Chuen. The Im perial army was first driven back, when General Wong, with three quick-firing guns and two Maxims, arrived on the scene and turned the tide. The rebels retreated to the mountain strongholds whence they have been making occasion al raids. Marshal Su Is blocking the roads to the seaports from which the rebels have been deriving their supplies. The rebellion Inland Is spreading. WASHINGTON, April 9. A cablegram received at the State Department today from United States Consul McWade, at Canton, Is to the effect that the Governor, Peng, has reported to the Consul that the rebels In Kwang SI hive been defeated and are being pursued by the Imperial troops. The missionaries are reported safe. Mr. Rockhlll considers this dispatch to mean that the rebellion in that section, like most others, will be, from this time on, gradually suppressed. Foreign Official Murdered. VICTORIA, B. C. April 9. The steamer Victoria, which arrived today from the Orient, brought news of the murder of a foreign official by rebels in Kwang SI. The following edict was Issued In this con nection by the Empress Dowager at Pekln, March 12: "We have received Governor Ting Sheng Tao's telegram that at Talongerhwa a foreign official went Into the district where the rebels and retired soldiers are jointly plundering the people and was murdered with cruelty. The local officials concerned could not have afforded the for eign official proper protection or he would not have been murdered and wc should have been spared this sorrow. Therefore, we hereby Instruct Governor Ting Sheng Tao to Investigate Into the conduct of the local officials who are responsible for this affair and summarily dismiss them." The edict goes on to order the various officials to suppress the rebels and to pro tect with the utmost care all foreigners and missionaries. Russlanse Defeat Chinese. ST. PETERSBURG. April 9. The Rus sian military commander In the Kwang Tung territory of Manchuria, reports that 600 Chunchuses. not Tunguses, as previous ly reported, attacked the Russian post on the Llau River last month. The Chinese were repulsed with a loss of 20 men killed. Two Russians were killed and five found ed. MURDER AT DETROIT. Young Girl Stabbed to Death on a Lonely Street. DETROIT, April 10. Just before mid night, the most brutal murder of recent yearsJn this city was ccfmmltted on Thir teenth street, between Antoinette and Mc-Graw-streets. A young girl, who has not yet been Identified, was stabbed and pounded to death. Her throat was cut from ear to ear, a knife was thrust Into her brain behind the ear, and a dent In her forehead showed that she had been clubbed. A resident of the neighborhood, Harry Jewell, heard cries and screams, and look ing out saw a man striking a girl down. After telling her and ruiining away a short distance, Jewell says the assailant turned again and renewed his attack on her prostrate body. Jewell notified the po lice, who found the girl dead. She was apparently a working girl. Several peo ple residing in the vicinity of the murder were taken to the morgue by the police, but none of them could Identify the girl. Coroner Hoffman says that the girl was In a delicate condition, and he believes this Is the reason she was killed. There was absolutely nothing on her person by which she could be Identified. She was apparent ly about 20 years of age. Thirteenth street. In the vicinity of the crime. Is very sparsely settled. Harry Jewell was walking along McGraw ave nue toward his home when he heard screams coming from Thirteenth street. Looking across the vacant lot he saw the girl struck down. Jewell'ran to the house of his brother-in-law, near-by, for assist ance, and the two men ran across the lots. Lying on the sidewalk they found the horribly mutilated body They then noti fied the police. An examination of the neighborhood revealed a great pool of blood on Antoinette street, 2 blocks from where the body was found. How It came there Is a mystery. Up to 2:30 the police had not captured the murderer, hor had any clew to his identity been discovered. HOWJi'AULIPFE WAS KILLED. Rough Treatment at the Hands of New York Police. NEW YORK, April 9. Continued ef fqrts to solve the mystery of the death of James McAullffe, chief witness against Warden McGIennan, who was convicted and sent to Sing Sing for failure to sup press disorderly houses several montns ago, resulted In a sensation last midnight at the West Forty-seventh-street police station. McAullffe was found dead on a sidewalk near his home several weeks ago. He had gone to visit relatives the previous evening, and owing to the bruised condition of the body his friends declared he had met with foul play. It transpired he had spent the night In the West Forty-seventh-street station on a charge of drunkenness, and had been discharged In court the next morning. Efforts to trace his movements from the courtroom have been continued by various persons, and finally Police Commissioner Partridge took up the matter. Two persons were found who declare they saw a man answering the description of McAullffe put Into a cab at the sta tion. Others are said to declare they saw the same man thrown from a vehicle near where McAullffe was found dead. The officers attached to the West Forty-seventh-street station were paraded before two of these men Aaron Cohn and John Lennon at midnight. Both declared that Detective Sergeant James Klernan was one of the two men they saw carrying a man from the door of the station-house toward a cab standing at the curb. After the examination, Assistant District At torney Lord said no arrests would be made during the night. Mr. Lord represented District Attorney Jerome. Commissioner Partridge was not represented at the station. DOUBLE MURDER SUSPECTED. Butte Woman Believed to Have Pois oned Her Husband and Son. BUTTE, Mont. April 9. The Chief of Police of this city has made a request that the bodies of the husband and son of Mrs. Minnie Grady be exhumed and ex amined for traces of poison. Last night Mrs. Grady confessed to the authorities that she had drugged and robbed Mrs. Proul of $500 worth of diamonds. This request was made beca'use of the belief of the police that Mrs. Grady poisoned her husband and her son. The motive for the double murder, If such were committed, it is said by the police, to be greed for the insurance carried by the victims. Both Grady and his son died very suddenly. Killed In a Texas Fend. EL .PASO, Tex., April 9. The history of one of the worst feuds In Western Texas was recalled last night when news was received here of the killing, at Fort Stock, ton, of Barney RIggs. a prominent cattle man, frontiersman, feudist and lighter. Rlggs was shot Ave times and Instantly killed by "Buck" Chadbom, also a cattle man, son of ex-Sheriff Chadbom, of Jeff Davis County, and eon-in-law of RIggs. The killing Is said to have been the out come of a family quarrel. Rlggsy was a brother-in-law of Bud Frazer, one of the principals In one of the fiercest feudal wars of "West Texas. Teller Confesses to Embezzlement. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 9. Lee Galla gher, paying teller of the First National Bapk of this city, was arrested tonight en a charge of embezzling funds of the bank. President Jacob Ford swore to the complaint. The specific sum Is alleged to be $2&0. The money Is said to have been stolen in small amounts. Gallagher Is 39 years old, married, and well connected. He refused to make a statement concern ing the charges, but confessed that he is an embezzler. Green Goods In His Possession. NEW YORK. April J). With a large number of green goods circulars In his possession, a man, whose name, accord ing to the police Is Bryan, has been ar .rcsted. The capture was made' after a sensational chase on the Brooklyn ele vated railroad. The prisoner succeeded In throwing several packages of circu lars Into the street, bu,t they were re covered. At the police station the man said his name was Jason Brownlow. It Was Not Murder. PITTSBURG. April 9. Investigation to day developed that Mrs. Ada Meyers, the young woman found dead at her home In Montour last evening, and who, It was 'believed, was a victim of foul play, died a natural death. Mrs. Meyers was sub ject to cramps, and her death was due to one of these attacks. Bursting of Steam Pipe. BUTTE, Mont., April 9. The bursting of a steam pipe In the Farrell No. 2 shaft of the Farrell Copper MJnlng Company, this evening, killed William Williams and bad ly scalded Nell Gillies and Richard Try hall. All are miners. Williams died In excruciating agony. It Is believed the In jured will recover. CAUSE OF RECENT STRIKES WORKERS WANT A LARGER SHARE OF THE PRESENT PROSPERITY. Compared With Great Strikes of the Past, This Is 'an Epoch of Industrial Peace. NEW, YORK, April 9. Ralph M. Eas ley. Secretary of the National Civic Fed eration, tonight Issued a statement deal ing with the fear expressed in some quarters that. the organization of the conciliation department of the federa tion might be responsible for the strikes that have arisen lately. He says the federation Is not responsible and adds that the true cause of these strikes should be looked for In the general con ditions of industry and labor. He adds that he asked the editor of Bradstreefs for an opinion on recent strikes and re ceived the following answer: "In reply to your inquiry I would say that I consider the present appearance of unrest In several Industrial lines as due primarily to the natural desire of the workers to obtain a larger share of the prosperity which has ruled In general business for some years past. ,It has been noted that Industrial dis turbances have been one of the phe nomena connected with great upward or downward movements In general busi ness and accordingly as advances in wages were sought or reductions In wages opposed. "To one who remembers the great strike wave of 1856, and the immediate succeeding years, with the hundreds of thousands of employes who were ren dered Idle and the immense losses, run ning up in the tens of millions, to both employers and employes, the present" and the past years may well be termed an epoch of Industrial peace. When one compares the record as to strikes mado In a year like 1SS6, when 500,000 men struck or were locked out, or the record of 18S7, when nearly 400,000 struck, with a wage loss of $13,000,000 (Bradstreefs figures) this, too, In a time of Improv ing and comparatively good trade, the lack of friction at the present time, when no great bodies of men are Idle through strikes, can be better appre ciated. "At this period of the year strikes are usually numerous, but one looks In vain for such a strike as that of May, 1S96, when more than 200.000 men struck for a shorter day. It should not be forgotten that there are probably 1,500,000 more In dustrial workers (in manufactures alone) In the country now than 13 years ago, and that a certiln amount of friction Is In separable from Industrial operations In employing over 5,000.000 people In manu facturing Industries." In reference to the reported disinclina tion of the strikers of the American Woolen Company to accept the good of fices of the Civic Federation, "Mr. Easley said that no such offer had been made, nor had there been any communication whatever between the Civic Federation committee and either side in the contro versy. Carpenters Want More Pay. PHILADELPHIA. April 9. The execu tive board of the Brotherhood of Carpen ters and Joiners of America is In ses sion here, and Is said to be arranging for a concerted movement looking to an In crease In wages and a shorter work day. It Is the general rule to make such de mands operative May 1. The executive session will occupy about two weeks and not until that period has elapsed will plans be likely to be made public The union has a membership of 102.000 and the move now under way will affect nearly every state In the country- Lock-Out at Antrnsta. AUGUSTA, Ga., April 9. The lock-out of all mill operatives In the Augusta dis trict, which was threatened by the Man ufacturers' Association in retaliation for the strike Monday of the operatives of the King Mills, went Into effect today. Every mill In Augusta and In the, House Creek district Is closed. Ten thousand men are affected. Demnnd of Bnildlngr Trades. CINCINNATI. April 9. The building trades of Cincinnati, Covington and New port have demanded shorter hours and more pay after April 15. They want eight instead of nine hours ner day and an average of 25 to 50 per cent Increase In wages. The builders say their con tracts have been made on the old scale and none of them have conceded to the demand. The leaders of the unions say 2000 men will strike May 1. BIG HARDWARE COMBINE i Fifty Leading Companies Will Con solidate. NEW YORK, April 9: Authoritative an nouncement of a consolidation of the great hardware jobbing Interests of the country. capitalized at 5120.000,000, will be made by the Iron Age In Its current Issue tomor row. The consolidation embraces the Simmons Hardware Company, of St. Louis; Bldney Hardware Company, of Pittsburg; William Bingham Company, of Cleveland: Supple Hardware Company, of Philadelphia; Pacific Hardware & Steel Company, of San Francisco; Marshal Hardware Company, o.C Duluth; Bigelow & Downes, of Boston; Van Camp Hard ware & Iron Company, of Indianapolis; George T. Rich Hardware Company, of Denver; Janney. Hill & Co., of Minneapo lis', and 40 other houses, representing near ly every Important trade center of the country. Negotiations are still pending with other houses, and It Is expected that there will be further accessions to the number already enrolled In the combina tion. The company's name Is yet to be chosen. The Iron Age will say: "It Is Intended to Incorporate under the laws of New Jersey, with a capital of $120,000,000. 540,000.000 preferred and JSO.000, 000 common. The preferred will be a 6 per cent cumulative stock, preferred both for liquidation and dividends. The gen eral headquarters for buying and selling and transportation of goods will be In St. Louis. The Eastern headquarters will be in New York. The principle of home rule will be recognized In connection with lo cal houses, who will make their own sell ing prices, except so far as this may in terfere with the buying department or the expresed wish of manufacturers, which It will be the policy of the romnany to re spect. Each house will be held responsible for the x results of Its business, and lr these are not satisfactory, the house will be closed up. Apart from the fact that the company naturally expects to pur chase goods on the most favorable terms. In view of the large volume they will handle, large economies will be secured as a direct result of the combination." Prodnction of Open Hearth Steel. PHILADELPHIA. April 9. The Ameri can Iron & Steel Association reports that the total production of open hearth steel In the United States In 1901. Includ ing direct steel castings, was 4,856.309 gross tons against 3.39S.145 tons In 1900, an Increase of 1.258.154 tons. The pro duction of open hearth steel has more than doubled In the last four years, hav ing Increased from 2,230,292 tons In 1S98 to the figures above given for 1901. The open hearth steel made In 1901 was produced by 90 works In 14 states: - Mas sachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Penn "sylvania. Tennessee, Alabama, Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri. Neither Maryland, Kentucky, Michigan nor Minnesota produced open hearth steel In 1901, although all of the four states were producers In 1900. Rhode Island made open hearth steel for the first time In 19QL In 1900 the produc tion of open hearth steel by the basic process amounted to 2,545,091 tons and by the acid process to 853,014 tons. In 1901, 3,613.993 tons were made by the basic process and 1,032,316 tpns were mado by the acid process. Hudson River Terminal Project. ALBANY, N. Y., April 9. The New York & Jersey City Terminal Under ground Railrqad Cornpany has been In corporated, with a capital of $100,000, to operate an underground tunnel railroad between the two cities named. According to the articles of Incorporation the tunnel j is to be constructed under the Hudson River from Jersey City to -the Battery, the extreme southern end of New York City, thence to the Intersection of Park avenue and Fifty-seventh street, where It Is to connect with the Vanderbllt system of railroads. A branch Is also to be con structed from the main line at Thirty fourth street, to the East River. AT THE HOTELS. ' THE PORTLAND. Chester Deerlng, S F IJohn E Lathrop, Pen A D Willis. San Fr dleton TV P Barrett, Chicago iJoa Wophtaly & w. SF C TV Steraes, Chicago iGeo G Emery, X Y F S Murphy, Salem J B Hewey, Phlla TV H Seavert. San Fr R B Rothschild. S F ' TV G Eells, Phila E B Lyon, Minneapolis TV R Southard,Roches-John Barrett. Loulsl- ter I ana Purchase Ex R C Sergeson. Phlla I Theodore Hardee, do A J Frank, Boston J A Tefft, Chicago S R Stern & w, Spokni C F Rellly. Los Angls H I Lord. Chicago J J Schenck & wf, Tho R C Hammond.Tampai Dalles M M Koreff. city H B Cornwell. S F H F Clough, Seattle (F F Freeman & w. city Isaac Rubel. Chicago j Oscar Hayter, Dallas Rud Noel. N Y jChaa F Belt. Dallas.Or G Dutton. San Fran A B TVInper, Baker Cy C H Gray, San Fran S P Meslck Mrs A Casey. St Paul JR Brauntlzan. Chgo Florence Painter, do C F Osborn, Erie Dt J F Rellly. N Y j patch G E Kerllngcr, X Y J L. Houston, St Joe Mrs Andrew Kelly, Mlsa McDonald, Taenia Pittsburg iH J Moore, San Fran Mies C E Kelly, do H L Johnston, San Fr iir & Mrs a E Wright; Mr & Mrs J H Bald- Vermont I win. St Joseph Nat Cooper. Baker Cy Mrs Cole, city Mose Fuchs, Baker Cy D M Kelly, Baker Cy TV M Ostrander & wf, Philadelphia Mrs Stuart, clty A J wney, Boise J Stafford. Boise l-Herman Wise. Astoria TV W Garwood.Denver Andrew Young. Astoria G TV Dorjnan. St Paull THE PERKINS. T TV Osborne, EugeneTV S Reese, San Fr A J Smith. Salem S B Lelghton. Mlnnpls Derter Rice. RoseburgjR Zlssener, Minn Mrs D Rice, do E D Gllson. Rltzvlllo Sam TV Garland. Leb-Mrs E D Gllson. do. anon .u u unit, uneian L Foley. Lebanon Mrs D C Brltt, do A P Blthersvorth, Jr.jJ P Anderson, Tacoma Harrlsburg. Or H L Swagget, Pendltn W TV Oglesby, June C.F A Megrath. St Paul D F TVooley, Cottage A S Foster, Knappa Grove J B Egerer. Aberdeen E TV Guthrie. Toledo T H Hebert. Chicago H H Veatch, Cottg GrjJ E Moorman. Tacoma Allen Parker, Toledo (Mrs M B Hamerlck. A R Downs, Roseburgj Chicago TV A Bell, Prlnevllle I Miss Hamerlck, do Thos Prince, Dundee, I J R Numbers. Welser Or Geo Addy. Chicago Mrs Thco Prince, do S Simpson. Mlnnpls MIsb Prince, do JW C Weeks. Mlnnpls J McPreston, San Jos L R Stawasheck, Cher Mrs J McPreston, do j okee, la TVm H Schmidt, Rose- Geo A Green, do burg. Or iH A Lee. Spokane Mrs TV H Schmidt, do L E Morse. Hood River T C Davidson. Salem S S SuroervHle,. Napa Mrs TV Stetsell, do vine. Wash Ml3 Bassej-j Salem Orno Strong. Tacoma B F Owsley. La Grnd Mrs O Strong. Tacoma iZ P Weir. Arlington iMlss Strong. Tacoma Henry Wllklns. do Geo T Baldwin, Klam J H Townsend. Dallasi ath Falls J M Simpson, Dallas IE Gonghelmer, Llv N F Gregg, Ballston lngston. Mont Ed Wlckersham, Scap-B B Hendrlck. N Y poose. Or C A Pogue. San Fr Mrs E'.G S Culley. Phlla S K Scott. Dubuque.IaMr G S Culley. Phlla Chas D Miller, Foreat John Gray. Salem Grove John A Jeirery. tiaiem AS U .fXIllllC VIO, DdU Ht W F Matlock. Pendltn J A Burleigh, Enter prise. Or J S Smith. Wallowa John Fulton. Wasco G E Thompson, Rut ledge. Or J H Coulter, Amlty IJas A MatEon. Elgin ir u uouiey. ?. Yamnii-TanK a amun, ao J D Edwards, Tlllamk J Byrne. Astoria S H Baldwin. MonmthlW V Power. Astoria Mrs S H Baldwin, do JE Ingles. Ogden TV E Stono, VancouverW Ellis. Ogden L C Thompson,CarltonWm J Power. St Louis Mrs Danforth. Olymp TVlllard Ireland. Indp Mrs Harrison, do IRupert Dickinson, do W G Penny. Peorla.IllP L Hedges. Indp E R Sklpworth.EugenejS E Irvine. Indp W A Mlssner. Ia tiraiA O Patterson, cuy H B Vahklns. do Nelson St Onga. Seattle J A St Onga. Seattle Chas E Johnson, Mlnpl John Smith, MlnnpU P Smith. Minneapolis J McDonald, Mlnnpls J D Slater, La Grande! D TV Shehan, Enter prise, Or G S Rcavls, do Geo Blddle. San Fr F L Merrill, San Fr THE IMPERIAL. C. TV. Knowles, Manager. J D Matlock. Eugene IJas Nelson & son, Ed Matlock. Eugene Pendleton T Howard. Eugene A C Chapman, do TV J Cook. Astoria J TV Scott, Athena TV H Downing. SalemlD B Watson. Pendletn TV P McGregor.AstorIaG P Skelton, Pendleton N P Sonner. Astoria j waiter aa .fierce, ao H A Cameron. Astoria A Hackbernan. Albany Geo Balrd. Union G TV Benson, Union F D Kuettner, Astoria Mrs Kuettner. Astoria E J Seely. Albany John Adair, Astoria J Walker. Astoria Nellie B Sherman, do Mrs Albert Dunbar, do Senator C W F J Palnster. city IM A McCorkle. Salem L, R Flint, city 'Mrs McCorkle. Salem A L Upsbn IJ B Cros3en. Dalles Miss Rose Balsder, St Mrs Crossen. Dalles Pnnl IC D Gllson. Rltzvllle E M Brattaln.Lakevw Mrs Gllaon. Rltzvllle A C Godfrey, city JR B Montague. Albany Mrs Godfrey, city io v Dunn, san tran A A Aya. city J TV Morrow. Heppner Mrs W Powell i'.V J Furnish. PendUton Miss A Powell F A Seurert. Dalles Miss Raines. San Fr JA J Malrer. Dalles J W Virtue, Leland JA H Richardson. Har J O Booth, Grnt'sPa'sl ney. Or Horace Mann, aieatra ixnornton. win jams, ao TV B Stewart, city Mrs Callahan, Corvallls A T Sportswood, Mos-jB T Irvine. Corvallls cow Mrs Sportswood. do J E Davis. Buttevllle J H Lafferty. San Fr F TV Durbln. Salem Mlra Lena La Pore, Mrs Irvine, Corvallls M TTllhelm. Monroe Justus Wade, Summerv E L Eckley. La Grand J S Cooper. Indp jRobt Johnson. Corvallls Albany Thos Jones. Boise J M Budelman. Burns J M Berry. La Grand G A Hartman, Pendltn D J Fry. Salem J TV Borg, Salem Senator G W McBrldo. St Helens Edmond Gilt ner, Salem M Fitzgerald. N Y Samuel Mothersnead, Burns jM Fitzgerald, Burns J H Sanborn. Salt Lk u r ucanaw, itoseDurg F G Nlcelll. Roseburg A B TVeatherford, Al bany R L Weatherford, do TV S McFadden. Cor vnllla Wm Morfltt. Ontario Wm Smith. Baker Cy A B Wlnflce. do B F Wilson. La Grnd Henry Chambers. Cove v. r Bovd. penaieton D A McAllster, LaGrd M M Taylor. Jacksonvl fieo C Catlett. S F iL C Skeels. Eugene M Howard, San Fran IGeo S Downing, Salem M?2r fi ' cream Good health depends mostlv upon the -food we eat. We can't be healthy if we take alum or other poison daily in our foo Dr. Price's Baking Powder is abso lutely free from alum. It is made from pure , cream of tartar and adds -to the healthfulness of the fopd Price Baking Powder Co. Chicago. TVhat! Does the Grim Specter Follow You Into the Joyous Springtime ? ' ' ' P A T NT p'Q fl- T PRY A nil ' - OJ-.JwL.lVl COMPOUND Defeats the Work of Death By Removing Your Terrible Burden of Disease. Are you still in suffering, misery and de spondency? Does the grim specter Death follow you closely as the Joyoua Spring time brings happiness and blessings to others around you? Are you still cling ing tenaciously to false theories of physi cians or friends who persist In assuring you that time, care and the use of your present medicine will give you new health? Be assured your present condition la a' perilous one. The continuance of the med icine you are now using Is a folly; you are simply trifling with life and wasting precious time. You should remember that while nature clothes the fields with fresh grass and flowers, and while the tree with a strong life are showing bursting buds and new foliage, that human beings old and young drop off In thousands In Springtime. Now Is the time for prompt, decided and practical action If life Is to be saved. Prejudice and the "erroneous theories of even medical men should be cast aside when the hand of death is upon you. It matters not what your social position be; the medicine that saves the humblest man or woman is surely the one adapted for the needs of the rich and those In high social positions. Palne's Celery Compound has a record of life-saving that no other medicine can ever equal. It has rescued rich and poor from the grasp of death when physicians and their most carefully prepared pre scriptions failed in the work. If the suf fering men and women of today could but see the happy faces and hear tho kind words spoken by the tens of thou sands who have been made well and strong by Palne's Celery Compound, It would soon dispel their existing doubts and" fears. Palne's Celery Compound Is the only medicine that reaches the root of lUsease; It Is the only agency that can remove your terrible load of disease. Unsolicited testimonials of cures pour in even JaY Young and old constantly bear witness that rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney dis ease, liver complaint, dyspepsia,, and blood diseases are banished permanently when Palne's Celery Compound is faithfully used for a time. Begin Its use tocay, poor sufferer; delays are dangerous. Always Ask for Diamond Dyes TKKE NO OTHBf?. Mrs Howard. San Fr I Col- Robt A Miller, Or L N Grlffln. Falrhavn I egon City H Rothchlld. N Powdr THE ST. CHARLES. E R Nlnvllle. StevensnIThomas Day, city M G Morris, N Yamhll S D Springer. Dalles J C Thomas. Laurel, Paul Jacke, Marsblnd Neb M Clark, city MI58 M Capps. city H B Via. Forest urv Thos Murphy. PtAngIs G W Dnny. do O E Elliott, Marshlnd Geo Eleo. Astoria C Reltzel, city M E Reltzel, city G Gould, city H Toby, clty F H Wells & fmy. Worthlngton W E Her. Buttevllle W Tomholz, Ashland, Wis S L Holladay, Deer Is N P Slate. Tangent J P Arnold, city C E Finch, city H P Beit. Gaston. Or iW DunLap. Gaston. Or R Sandi-rs. city TV F Fi-llers. city J Harris. Mayger G TV Taylor. Castle Ric TV W Benson, do J M Caper, KeUo Ed Carlson. Kelso S Auston, Kelso Frank' Erdman, city S J Cooley, Spokane James Brown, do D Pape, city C R Hevler, San Fran J L Udell. Dallas E Barnes. Seattle Mrs C S Long. Camas J TV Strong, city John Hoffman, city jMlss Ethel McDowell. Thos TV McCartnv. Pt, Camas Angeles jMrs A J Walker, do E Barnes, city .Miss Nina Walker. do Francis Feller, ButtevuWman Woltz. St Paul T F Shelter, do C A Wilson. Seattle C E Barr. Buttevllle M S Wenban. Goldendl E B Brown, Grnt Pass Mrs Qulnn. Qulnn'sLdff V W Harshburger. do H M Paulsen, do S Warren. do J A Jacobson. Tacoma u W Sutton. do ,J "i wi. neisu J TV Hyde. do TV Hodge. Corvalll3 F Craner. Kelso N McKenzle, Kelso J A Simmons, N Yamh J TVragc. Corvallls J B Yeon. Rainier TV H Powell. St Helna E E Quick. St Helens I Grace Hodge, do ! 1..H Paulsen, city ! I g Wlckstrom. Ka- lama P DuBols, Hollndel N J jE J Roland. St Helens M E Harrell. San Fr v uuniup, vjuinc), ur .T P Whitmore. Eu- L M Preston & wf. do Kene L Glttmore, San Fran L Winans. Hood Rlvr IC C Jackson. Haisey A Tenney, Hood River, Chas Mahnston & TVm Mclrwln, Vancvr S R Archibald. Rldge- C H Burkholder. uot- tace Grove M H .TnhnBtnn. Seattle 1 tleld J C Morris. New Derg ti & warns. ADerueen B E Blont. Seattle iChas Anderson, Ho J T Lemon. Kelso. Or I quiam. Wash T E Kynlston. do J A Moser, Hoqulam D N McDonald, Aber-W C Hagerty, McMlnn deen I TV P Heacock. Newbrg J S Young & w, Hllls-iW H Black. San Fran boro ILllllan Ramsby, Wash Charles Young, do I Hotel BrnnsTVlclv. Seattle. European plan. Popular rates. Modern Improvements, depot. Business center. Near Tacoma Hotel. Tncoinn. American plan. Rates. $3 and up. Donnelly Hotel. Tocomn. European plan. Rates 60c and up. ote. Alum baking powders induce' dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney trouble. Alum may not kill, but under mines the health, and ill h-olth makes life miserable.