Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Turns Weapon Upon Herself "With
Deadly Effect Family Was
" Highly Respected.
EVERETT, "Wash., April 9. The most
shocking tragedy In the history of Ever
ett occurred soon -al wx 1 o'clock this
evening. Mrs. Shepard R. Bucey, wife of
the assistant cashier of the American Na
tional Bank, killed her husband, their
4-year-old son and herself.
In the parlor, with her head toward the
bay window, lay ihe form of Mrs. Bucey,
shot through the heart. By her side, only
a few feet away, was the 4-year-old boy,
Eugene, with a bullet hole through his
head. In the dining-room, adjoining the
parlor, was S. R. Bucey's body, with two
bullet holes behind his left ear. The
clenched hand of Mrs. Bucey still re
tained the smoking revolver when the
bodies were found.
The most reliable account of the trag
edy Is told by the house servant, Eliza
beth McNulty. She said:
"I was in the kitchen when Mrs, Bucey
3red the first shot. I started la, but, see
ing her coming with the revolver, I re
turned to the kitchen, where Mr. Bucey's
mother was with the 18-months-old baby.
At the second shot the old lady started
Into th room. Mrs. Bucey ran up to her
husband and fired to shots through his
head, behind the left ear. His mother
cried out: "Oh, sho has killed my boy
"Mr. Bucey came home from the bank
about 6:30 o'clock. Everything in the
house until the time of the shooting was
as pleasant as usual. Bucoy took his
wife to visit his uncle, Henry Bucey, in
Tacoma, last week, as Mrs. Bucey was
complaining of not feeling well. There is
no other cause which I an imagine but
Shepard R. Bucey was assistant cashier
of the American National Bank. He was
one of the meat respected young men of
the city. He had been a resident here for
a. "number of years. He was a nephew of
Henry Bucey, of Tacotaa,
Arrested on Charge of Lnrceny.
CHICAGO. April 9. Word has been re
ceived In Chicago of the arrest In San
Francisco of H. W. Covert, who lived at
'Thirty-fifth street and Wentworth ave
nue, this city. Covert Is charged with
larceny, and S. R. Howe, E2S8 Forest ave
nue, Chicago, Is the complainant. Howe
v. HI leave for San Francisco today. It Is
eaid that Covert obtained possession of
valuable furs, silks and Jewelry claimed
by Mrs. Howe, who is an Invalid. The
value of the property is" said to reach quite
a sum.
Fined for Smufccllns.
SPOKANE, April 9. In the Federal
Court this morning. Captain J. Devrics.
of the trampship Wilhelmlna, entered a
plea of nolle contendere to the charge of
having smuggled three Chinamen Into this
country at Port Townsend. Judge Han
ford gave him the highest fine allowed by
law, J500 for each of three Chinamen, but
did not add a prison sentence, as the law
allows. It Is understood no attempt will
be made to confiscate the ship, and the
case is now ended.
Suicide Witli n Revolver.
HEPPNER, April 9. D. C. Hamilton, a
well-known resident of this place, com
mitted suicide yesterday morning by
shooting himself In the head with a re
volver. He had been drinking heavily
for several days and it Is thought was
temporarily deranged. He occupied a room
in the Palace Hotel, and his body was not
discovered for several hours after the
deed. He left a widow and four chil
dren. Suicide Frustrated.
NEW WHATCOM, Wash., April 9. A.
P. Ross, traveling salesman, tried to
commit suicide at Blaine last night, 6oon
after being placed in jail for forging a
check for $43. Before taking seven grains
of morphine he wrote two notes, one to
Lucille King, of Falrhavcn, telling her
good-bye, and another asking to have F.
M. Ross, 1314 North Twenty-ninth street,
Tacoma, notified of his death. Physicians
succeeded in saving the would-be suicide's
Grand Jury Called.
SPOKANE, April 9. At the request of
-members of the bar of Stvens County
Judge Richardson has called a grand Jury
to meet at Colvllle, April 21, to investigate
charges of gross immorality that arc made
against J. E M. B&ilcy, prosecuting at
torney of the country. It is stated Bailey
was advised to leave the country, but re
fused. He promises to fight the charges
to a finish.
Thurston County Official! Will Soon
Mote Into It.
OLYMPLA, April 9. At the present
session of the County Commissioners.
Thurston County's new Courthouse, at
Fourth and Washington streets, will be
accepted from Contractor Patnude. and
within two weeks, the county officials
will move Into it. For six months past,
the county, has occupied the McKlnley
building on a lease.
The new Courthouse is of stone, two
and a half stories in height and con
tains ample room for a county half a
dozen times aS large as Thurston. Its
cost has been about $20 000, which Is
about one-tenth what the former Court
house, now the State Capitol, cost, and
what is more to the point the new
building will be free from debt. The
Commissioners are also arranging to
build a new JalL which will be In the
rear of the Courthouse- The old Jail
has become to a menace to health of
prisoners. .The new Jail will cost ?4000.
Strect-RnilTrajr Franchise.
The Olympla Development Company, a
recently organized association of East
ern capitalists, has applied for a fran
chise for a street railway. It is pro
posed to1 construct the line on the West
Side, to reach residence property owned
by the company, and to extend the
tracks through the center of the city
and the East Side. The franchise will
probably, be granted.
Lumber Mill to Start Up.
The Mutual Lumber Company, which
has succeeded the Bucoda Mill Company
as proprietors of the big mill plant at
Bucoda, is about to renew operations of
the plant. For some time It was feared
the plant would bo removed, as Astoria
capitalists who purchased the property
threatened to take It elsewhere. The mill
will soon be employing between 75 and
100 men.
Labor Unions Will Unite.
A Central Labor Union is about to be
organized In this city. A preliminary
meeting has been held, at which nine local
unions were represented, and permanent
organization will be effected soon. T. P.
Holcraft. of the Typographical Union, Is
chairman, and A. W. Jones, of the car
penters, is secretary. There are 11 unions
In this city.
Kew Shingle Mill.
The J. B. Flynn Shingle Company, re
cently organized by local capital, 1b about
to begin construction of a shingle mill
on the West Side, in this city. The plant
will turn out between 100.000 and 150,000
shingles a day. The people behind the
new company were formerly In the came
business at Little Hock. About 25 men
will be employed.
Kevr Land. Office Quarters.
May 1 the United States Land Office In
this city will be moved from the quarters
It has occupied In the Reed block for
several years past to the McKenny build
ing, formerly ifie Capitol. The Land Offic?
will occupy the rooms now used by the
Superior Court, on the fourth floor.
Furniture for Capitol Annex.
Secretary Garrison, of the Capitol Com-
mlssIon, Is In correspondence with furnL
turc and supply firms relative to furnish
ing the Capitol annex. As there will be no
funds available until the next Legislature
meets, the secretary of the commission
says contractors will have to wait for
the Legislature to pay for the supplies.
Secretary Garrison figures that It will cost
120,000 properly to furnish the annex.
Charles H. Goehring, for two years as
sistant engineer In the State Land Office,
has resigned on account of 111 health.
Charles Trumbull, of Spokane, until re
cently locating engineer for the Great
Northern Railway Company, succeeds
Mr. Goehring.
Persons Who Go to Thunder Moun
tain Should Have Full Supply.
BAKER CITY, Or., April 9. Charles
Stoltz, a well-known Baker City mer
chant, returned today from Salmon Mead
ows, 33 miles out from Council, the ter
minus of the Pacific &. Idaho Northern
Railroad. Mr. Stoltz said:
"I found at Salmon McaQows 150 men
preparing to go Into Thunder Mountain.
Some were preparing to make the trip
with donkeys, but most of them had to
go on foot. Owing to the melting of the
snow, the trail will be Impassable for at
least a month for teams, and It is about
all a mule can do to get over. I was told
by those who had just come out of Thun
der Mountain that It Is the height of
folly for any one to attempt to go In
with less than three or four months' sup
ply of provisions. Money cannot buy
grub at Thunder Mountain. There Is
nothing there for sale, and those who
have supplies are guarding them with
rifles. It will be CO days before any gen
eral supply of provisions can be put into
that country.
"I had a pleasant visit with 10 meh
who had just come out of Thunder Moun
tain. Among them was the general man
ager of the celebrated Dewey properties.
He told me they came out light, and
when they arrived at Salmon Meadows
they had only a box of sardines and a
few crackers. It took them seven days
to make the trip, and four days of that
time they had to sleep on the trail, as
they could not make a camp. He said
that Thunder Mountain was the greatest
mining camp ever discovered, but that he
and his party were compelled to come
out in order to get something to eat.
They will go bick as soon as they get
their supplies together. They strongly
recommend that any one going In should
bn provided with at least four months'
supply of provisions."
Chicken-Raiser Feeds His Fowls by
Aid of Electricity.
OLYMPIA, April 9. Walter Bernard, for
merly of this city, some months ago
secured a fmall tract of land on Cham
ber's Prairie, a few miles east of Olym
pla, and stocked the place with a few
dozen chickens. He has erected the us
ual fences and has divided the place
oft Into several different yards. As he
Is compelled to be away from home
during the day, he studied out a scheme
for caring for his chickens during his
Electricity was resorted to to conduct
the feeding of the chickens during his
absence, and it has proved eminently
successful. In each yard he has erected
troughs to hold food for the hens, and
these troughs are connected by wire
with his house. Within the house Mr.
Bernard has connected the wire with
an alarm clock, with the usual battery
attachment. When he leaves home In
the morning he sets the alarm clock
at the hour for feeding the chickens,
and by an ingenious arrangement when
the proper time arrives the alarm goes
off, the connecting wire releases- the
troughs and the chickens make a rush
for their feed, which Is spread before
them as If Mr. Bernard did the job In
person. Chicken-raising by electricity is
n. novelty, but Mr. Bernard says It
would not be profitable If he had to re
main with hla fowls all day.
Oregon Mining: Stock Exchange.
PORTLAND, April 9.
Terterday's quotations were:
Alaska M. & M
nronre Monarch
Caribou ...i 2
... 2ft
Crystal Consolidated
CascaC Calumt 2
Gold Hill &. Bohemia 10
Huronlan &
Lort Heme 3H
Sumpter Consolidated 2
Sweden Copper (Gtd.) 87
Winnipeg (Ltd) D
100') Bronre Monarch
2000 Cascade Calumet
1500 Winnipeg 10
SPOKANE, April D The closing quotations
for mining stocks today were:
Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask
Amor. Boy .. Cfc C Morn. Glory .. 3 3
BlacKtall ....12 13 .Prin. Maud .. 3tf .tta
BUtte & UOS.. ii 4 lyUUP 34 30
Ben Ilur .....13
10 lltamb. Car ...S7 01
2T4 Republic 10 10'a
7Vi 1 Reservation .. A lfo
2 Sulllan 8 01
Deer Trail .. 2
FlOi'maJden.. 8?
Gold Ledge .. 2H,
Jim Blaine ... 5
ITom Thumb ..22 23
L- P. Surp... tt
7 San Poll
27 20
Mtn. Lion ..27s 29iTrade Dollar..ll lib
SAX FRANCISCO, April 0. Official closing
quotations for mining stocks:
Belcher $0 10", Occidental Con ...$0 OS
Bet & elcher.
24 Ophlr 1)1
Challenge Con ...
Con. Cal. & A'a...
Crown Point ....
Gould & Curry-
Hale & Norcross.
4b,0crman 20
MiPotOSl , 15
11 Saagc 2
C3,Seg. Belcher 1
30, Sierra, Nevada. ... 23
8. Silver Hill 50
8'Union Con 23
22iUtah Con . 4
"91 Yellow Jacket 12
Mexican 43 j
NEW TORK. April 0. Mining stocks today
closed ae follows:
Adams Con ?0 251 Little Chief $0 11
Brunswick Con ..
Comstock Tunnel.
Con. Cal. & Va...
Dadwood Terra..
Horn Silver
Iron SIHer
Leadvllle Con ...
5S Ontario S 75
OOiOphlr 00
10 Phoenix G
SlPotosl 12
1 20iSaage 1
6081erra Nevada ... 20
1 401 Small Hopes 45
75i Standard 3 35
BOSTON, April 0. Closing quotations:
Adventur ? 22 C0 Old Dominion .$ 21 50
Alloucz 3 50j Osceola C2 O0
Amalgamated .. C5 OOiParrott .. 28 00
Baltic 58 75 Qulncy 125 00
Bingham 28 501 Santa Pe Cop... 3 00
Cal. &. Hecla... G03 00 Trlrr.ountaln ... 08 00
Centennial 20 00Trlnlty IS 50
Cop. R. Con.... 60 00 United States .. 20 00
Dominion Coal. 135 O0I Utah , 22 50
Franklin 11 76 Victoria. 5 50
.Isle Rorale .... 15 C2, Winona l 50
Mohawk 30 OOnVolverlnes .... 55 00-
Grand Lodge, A. O. U. "W.
EVERETT, "Wash., April 9. The Grand
Lodge, A. O. U. W., convened this morn
ing in Its 10th annual eosslon, with 175
members and delegates present. Including
members of the Degree of Honor, also in
session, 400 are In attendance. The work
today consisted of electing grand lodge
officers as follows:
Grand master workman. H. R. Cox. of
Tacoma; grand foreman, J. M. Hltt. Port
Towneend; grand qverseer, O. T. Purcell;
grand recorder, J. H. Henry: grand re
ceiver, F. M. Mead; grand outside watch
man, J. M. Harris; supervising represent
atives, F. M. Spain, North Yakima; M. A.
Satwart, Colfax; G. M. Race, Tacoma.
Coast Canneries to Be Absorbed.
NEW YORK, April 9. It was announced
today that Edward Norton, president of
the American Can Company, had re
signed. He ie at present in Europe, where
he had gone to undergo an operation to
prevent blindness. The officials of the
company today eaid that an important
lease had been signed with the Pacific
Coast Canners Association, whereby the
plants of tha company will pass Into the
hands of the American Can Company.
Adjudged Insane.
CENTRALIA, Wash., April 9. Herman
Toepelt, of "Dryad, has been sent to
1 SteUacoom for insanity.
There "Were 111 Companies Doing
Business in Oregon on April 1
Tax and License Receipts.
SALEM, Or., April 9. The annual re
port of Secretary of State Dunbar, as
ex-officlo Insurance Commissioner, has
been Issued. The date of the report is
April 1, and on that date there were en
gaged In business within this state 59 fire
and marine, 33 life and accident, six plate
glass and two steam boiler Insurance com
panies, and nine surety companies, show
ing an Increase in the aggregate of nine
Under the law requiring the payment
of a 2 per cent tax on net premiums, $33,
9SS 40 was collected. Licenses amounted
JnUMraW JlTHbBssssssssssLssssssiLssBHniBHHssfefc nEffirailBHkilklvH
J. "W. Scrlber, who has been nominated by the Republicans of Umatilla,
Union and Morrow Counties as their candidate for Joint Senator, was born In
Salem In 1850. He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Scrlber, pioneer residents of
Marlon County. He was educated In the Salem public schools, after which he
went out Into the world of actle business to make hla living, He followed sev
eral occupations with success 'until. In 1SS0, he had earned for himself a position
as bookkeeper In the Capital National Bank, of Salem. He continued In thl3 posi
tion until 1800, when the Farmers & Traders' National Bank was organized at
La Grande. Union County. He was selected as Its cashier, and has since be.en Its
manager. He is recognized as one of the solid business men,. whoso Industry and
nterprle are aiding In the upbuilding of the Grand Ronde Valley. He Is popular
lb social and political circles, and has tho confidence of all business men with
whom he Is associated.
In politics he has always boen a Republican, and slnmc he has resided In Union
County has been one of the most ardent workers In Republican campaigns. His
nomination for tho Joint Senatorshlp by the unanimous vote of the 30 delegates
from Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties was a iUtlns expression of the es
teem In which he Is held by the R Republican, and since he has resided In Union
The 'counties named are quite evenly dlilded on part) lines. At the coming
election the Republican ticket in those counties will bear the names of many
strong men. Besides good county tickets In all counties, Umatilla, has W. J. Fur
nlh for Governor; "Wallowa and Union have F. D. McCully- for Joint Representa
tive: Umntllla and Morrow have G. W. Phelp3 for Joint Representative; Union
has F. "V. Vincent for Senator, and Umatilla, Union and Morrow have J. W.
Scrlber for Joint Senator. It Is balleved that, with this strength on the Repub
lican ticket, the party can win by such a larre majority as to keep that sec
tion of the state In the Republican ranks for many 3 ears to come.
to $5927 36. In 1900 the amount collected j
In insurance taxc. was 531,243 M, ana in , nas piannea a vigorous "good roads cam
licenses $3S9 C9. Since 1SS7 the amounts j paign" for this Summer. Judge Scott to-
paid to the State Treasury by insurance
comparies is as follows:
Prom From.
Year licenses. taxes. Total
18S7 $2,921 72 Z.9Z1
1SSS ...1 -.. 2.345 10 2.345 10
1SS9 2,503 73 3.500 44 6.00119
1S90 2,eCC S3 4 S16 78 C.9S3 61
1F91 2,975 10 2.72S 32 5.703 42
1892 3 5T4 3S 2 390 25 5,924 63
1S03 3552 27 3.422-4G 6.974 73
1844 3.3?6 5 1.S20 54 5.1P5 79
isqi 2.312 14 16.143 72 13.455 W
1K5G 3,20111 14.S47 93 1S.04S07J
ISJI - o.w W lo,.o i j;j,iu avi
1SS8 3.593 94 21.464 55 25.0GS 49
1E99 3.JA0S3 23,3714! T0.231 81
1K)0 3SI9 69 S124SS4 S5 03S53
1901 5,927 35 33.9SS 40 S3 915 76
, The 59 fire lnsursnce companies doing
business In the state wrote risks during
the year amounting to $74,079,541 13, and
paid losses aggregating $464,699 S6. The
net premiums were $SC5,S12 S6. upon which
a 2 per cent tax or $17,316 14 was paid into
the State Treasury. Fire and marine com
panies wrote rteks amounting to $6,196,C58,
paid losses to the amount of $30,632 03, and
paid a state tax of $735 51.
The number of life insurance policies
a rltten during 1901 was 11,500, representing
in the aggregate insurance to the amount
of $9,482,511 43. At the beginning of the
;ear there were in force 12,399 policies,
amounting to $30,166,278 2L During the
year 3109 policies were discontinued,
amounting in the uggregale to $4,735,299 30,
and leaving In fotce at the close of the
year 20,790 policies, representing $34,913,
490 34. The total gross premiums re
ceived were $1.110,341 2L Losses paid
amounted to $363,813 52. Premiums to the
amount of $40,956 59 w ere returned, while
the net premiums amounted in the aggre
gate to $714,035 37. The total amount of
tax accruli.g to the state on account of
life Insurance companies for the year was
$14,280 CS.
Accident Insurance business had a good
growth during the year. The number of
policies increased from 1714 to 2330, and In
amounts from $13,160,957 43 to $13,687,336 47.
Lasses were paid amounting to $43,304 91,
and the amount of tax paid Into the State
Treasury was $1064 25.
Insurance money was paid into the State
Treasury by other insurance organizations
as follows: Plate-glass companies, $28 98;
steam boilers, $S2 55; surety, $479 9; mutual
fire, $ilS 46.
Prior to 1901 the receipts from Insurance
companies went into the common school
fund. The Legislature of 1901 could see
no reason wh this money should go Into
the school fund any more than every other
miscellaneous receipt should. An act
was therefore passed directing that this
-money be turned Into the general fund.
"Was a Member of Crotv-Blackfoot-Ynkima
NORTH TAKIMA. April 9. James F.
McNeely Is dead at his home In Evans
vllle, Ind. Mr. McNeely was a member
of the Crow-Blackfoot-Yaklma Indian
Commission, which has had charge of
certain negotiations with those tribes for
the last four or five years. He was well
known to Yakima people. He spent con
siderable time on. Puget Sound last year
and was well known there, especially at
Tacoma, He was past 70 years of age,
and for a long time had been a noted
figure In Indiana Republican politics. He
was the principal owner and the editor
of the Evansvllle, Ind., News and Jour
nal. He was a delegate to the National
Republican Convention which nominated
Abraham Lincoln for President, and had
attended all but two conventions held
since. He was several times offered good
positions by Republican Presidents, but
never would accept an office until ten
dered the place he held at his death.
Road District Js Working for Better
High-ways County "Will Aid.
SALEM, Or., April 9. Dr. S. C. White,
William Brown and "VJan Dale, supervise
ors of the Gervals road district, were In
Salem today and had a conference with
County Judge Scott In relation to the
proposed Improvement of highways In
that district. The enterprising property
owners of Gervals and its vicinity havo
raised ?C00 by popular subscription, to be
expended In the improvement of road.
The committee was assured of support
from the county.
Marlon County recently purchased a
rocl: crusher and four road graders, and
day said that nothing conduced more to
reduce taxes than the construction and
maintenance of good roads, and he hoped
to see the example of the Gervals people
emulated In all parts of the county. The
county Is not financially able this year
to make the extensive road Improvements
It would like, and Judge Scott intimated
that localities showing such a commend
able degree of enterprise as had Gervals
would be the first to recelye assistance
from the County Court.
School Money Apportioned.
The semi-annual apportionment of
j school funds to the 123 districts of the
county nas Deep, made by County School
Superintendent E. T. Morris. The amount
distributed was $14,C23 50, and the per
oipita allowance was $1 50. Of the amount
distributed, the Salem schools received
$4170. The apportionment has heretoforo
been made quarterly, but the new school
law provides for a -semi-annual distribu
tion of school funds, on the first day of
April and November, annually.
Pamphlets for Homescelcers.
The Greater Salem Commercial Club to
day ordered printed 5000 pamphlets, de
scriptive of Salem and Marlon County,
for Immigration purposes.
Another meeting will be held next
Wednesday evening, when arrangements
will be completed for a grand club rally,
to be held May day. The subject of hold
ing a local Independence day celebration
will also be discussed and acted upon at
the adjourned meeting. Renewed can
vass for Increased membership is being
made. The club ha 226 members en
rolled and an effort will be made to in
crease the number to 500 before May L
Brief Note.
Tillamook County today paid Into the
State Treasury the balance of Its scalp
bounty tax for the year 1900. The amount
received was $1100 S3, with $61 72 interest.
Eltweed Pomeroy, of Newark, N. J.,
president of the National Direct Legisla
tion League, will deliver a lecture on
"Direct Legislation'' at the Grand Opera
House In this city Saturday evening.
Railway Franchise ns Amended by
City Connell.
OREGON CITY, April 9. A special
meeting of the City Council was held last
night to discuss tne franchise asked for
by the Portland City & Oregon Railway
Company. At the last meeting the fran
chise was referred to a committee, which
reported It bacjc with several alterations.
The report favored reducing the limit of
the franchise from 25 to 20 years. It also
recommended that no freight cars be per
mitted to run through the city between
the hours of 11 P. M. and 6 A. M. This
change wlll not be accepted by the com
pany. The whole mater was laid over un
til the next regular meeting, May 7.
Dispute Over Clerk Hire.
County Recorder Tom P. Randall, If his
bill for deputy hire Is not allowed, will
commence suit against the county. Mr.
Randall saja that deputies were engaged
with the advice, knowledge and consent of
the Commissioners. For some time he
and his deputy ha"e been working over-
time to Xeep up with the office work, and
have not been charging the county for the
extra service.
Connty Plats Finished.
Plats of land In Clackamas County have
just been completed by Draughtsmen F.
W. Greenman and V. R. Hyde, after a
year's constant work. The plats are being
bound by a Portland firm into seven large
volumes, and when completed will have
cost the county about $2100. They will
greatly facilitate the work of the County
Militia Captain Resigns.
Captain George W. Martin, of Company
A, Third Regiment, Oregon National
Guard, has resigned, and will soon leave
the city for Washington. The company Is
now In charge of First Lieutenant H.
Leighton Kelly, who will probably succeed
Captain Martin.
Investors Hold Back From Entering:
the Business.
ASTORIA, Or.. April 9. Hon. Samuel El
more, vice-president of the Columbia Riv
er Packers' Association, has returned
from an extended business trip to the
East. In an Interview this afternoon he
said: "My trip was entirely in the In
terest of the association, and while 1
found that money was plentiful for legiti
mate Investment, the salmon business has
not at present n. favorable outlook, as
nearly all the wholesalers and Jobbers are
overstocked. My trip had no connection
whatever with the appointment for the
Collectorshlp of this port. I was In "Wash
ington only a few hours, and I met but
ene public official. Congressman Moody,
and the meeting was by accident In the
corridor of a hotel. I have made no ap
plication for the Collectorshlp, and do not
expect to get the appointment."
Loerger Injured.
Ellas Cole, who has been working in a
logging camp near Svensen, was Injured
last evening by a logging car striking him.
He was brought to this city for medical
attention, believing that he was seriously
Injured. It was found, however, that he
had received only a sprained back.
Recommitted to Asylum. '
Israel Nelson, of this city, was ordered
committed to the Insane asylum today,
and was taken to Salem ton'ght. Nelson
was adjudged Insane in January last, but
was discharged from the asylum last Fri
day as cured, but now he is as bad as
The Vosbnrg Remeasnred.
Since the addition of a "Texas," the
tug George R. Vosburg has been remeas
ured by the customs authorities, and her
tonnage Increased from 99 to 206 tons.
Her master Captain Loll's present li
cense permits him to command vessels
of not over 100 tons, so he had applied for
a license for Increased tonnage.
Many Citizens Pay Tribute to Mem
ory of Distinguished Pioneer. '
THE DALLES, Or., April 9. Funeral
services of the late Robert May's were"
held here this afternoon from the family
residence. The Rev. D. V. Poling offi
ciated. The funeral was one of the largest
ever seen in Tho Dalles. The house and
grounds were filled with relatives and
friends, many of whom had been neigh
bors of the deceased since pioneer days. A
male quartet sang at intervals during the
services at the house, and during the in
terment m Sunset cemetery.
The honorary pallbearers were: J. "W.
French, S. L. Brooks R. B. Hood, Benja
min Snipes, R. F. Gibbons and George H.
Williams, of Portland. The casket w'as
borne by G. J. Farley, S. Bolton, J. C.
Hostetler, J. N. Williamson, A. M. Kelsey
and C. L. Gilbert. Business houses'
throughout town we're closed during the
Prohibitionists Xante Ticket.
HILLSBORO, Or., April 9. The Wash
ington County Prohibitionists met in this
city in mass convention today and nomi
nated a Legislative and county ticket as
Representatives Louis Ennes, of Laurel;
H. S. Sturdevant, of Cornelius 1 J. E. Mor
back. Sherwood.
Commissioner W. H. Connell, Hlllsboro.
Clerk L. L. Hollinger, of Forest Grove.
County Judge N. P. Oakerman, of
Sheriff-JTohn Hawkins, of Hlllsboro.
Treasurer J. M. Grear, of Hlllsboro.
Recorder H. R.' FIndley, of Cedar Mill.
Assessor C. C. Emmcl, of West Butte.
Coroner S. T. Bowser, of Hlllsboro.
Surveyor Victor Emmel, of Paciflo Uni
versity, Forest Grove.
There was. some street talk this morn
ing of the convention's Indorsing D. M.
C. Gault, Republican candidate for the
Legislature, but the question was not
brought before the convention.
Socialists Hold 3Iass Meeting
ASTORIA, April 9. The Socialist -party of
Clatsop County held a mass meeting last
evening to name a county ticket, but, as
the attendance was small, no nominations
were made. The following ticket was rec
ommended, and will probably be Indorsed
at another meeting to be held on April 17:
Treasurer Thomas Bush.
Clerk B. I. Sloop.
Sherlff-J. F. Welch.
Constable W. Kelly.
Tax Collections in Polk Connfy.
DALLAS, Or.. April 9. Sheriff Van Ors
dale has turned over county funds to
Treasurer Dalton, of Polk County. About
$90,000 in taxes was collected for 1901. This
sum will be sufficient, says Mr. Dalton, to
redeem all warrants issued prior to Feb
ruary 10, 1900. and to pay 50 per cent on
The man who can hardly crawl, and
has just strength to get through a day's
work, has no strength left for family
life. He wants to be quiet ; to be alone,
out of sight and sound of everybody.
What a difference between such a
man and the healthy, hearty man, who
romrjs with his children and rides his
laughing baby to "Banbury Cross."
What makes the difference? Usually
disease of the stomach, involving the
entire digestive and nutritive system.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
these diseases are cured the hindrance to
the proper nourishment of the body is
removed: and strength comes back again.
"I am happy to say I am getting to fed fine.'
writes Mr. A. J. Vanderwater, of 873 West
Division Street, Chicago, HL "In all I have
taken sir bottles of ' Golden Mc&eal Dbcovery '
and four or five vialt of tiv little ' Pellets.' They
have done me worlds of good. These medi
cines have brought the great change in me
from a slow mope of a man that could hardly
crawl, tired and sick all the time, and could do
no work. Now I can work, sleep, cat, and feel
fine, and that tired feeling Is all going away. I
am very thankful that I wrote to Dr. Pierce.
His 'Golden Medical Discovery' and his little
Hver ' Pellets have almost made a new man of
me. I feel young as I did at thirty years. No
other doctor for me, only Dr. Pierce.'"
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to riy
expense of mailing only. Address c. Pierce, Buffalo, NY
b:-.' e
?:tr --j
take on renewed strength, until soon they become
stout and robust. All puny and languid children,
need this great builder of pure and rich blood.
Feel perfectly free to consult your family
physician on all these subjects. He knows the
formula for our Sarsaparilla.
" All through the raising of my family I found that Ayer's Sarsaparilla was the
best medicine we could keep in the house. I am now past 74 years of age, and I
know from experience that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine in the
world." T. S. Armstrong, Kokomo, Ind.
JI.M. AH dronbts.
state taxes, and also for another call for
$25,000 within 30 days. These two calls will
entirely clear away the warrants issued
for the construction of the new Court
house. Mr. Dalton saya that, "taking
the present available assets of the county,
and one more year like the present will
bring the county out of debt, or practical
ly so."
Northwest Pensions.
WASHINGTON", April 9. Northwest
pensions have been granted as follows:
Oregon Original John "W. Hemsworth,
Portland, 56; Ollver-P. McLaughlin, Sheri
dan, $6; Joseph T. Ross, Portland, ?6; Val
entine Adams, Gresbam, 56; William C.
Cuslck, Union, 58; Washington Jones,
MountalUdalc, 56." Increase, restoration
and reissue Stephen J. Earhart, Middle
ton, $8; Jacob Gerber, Sellwood, 512;
George W. Cochran, Eugene, 510; John
Thlesen, Cascade Locks, 510; Alphonzo
Barton, Athena, 312.
Washlngtonr-Origlnal widows, special
act Ablgail-C, Bel Reardon, 58; Mexican
War, special; act, Remlgia J. Meacham,
Spokane 5S. Original-rWar with Spain,
Fred Waxmuth, Auburn, 510; David C.
Blenm, Port Orchard, 58; special act, John
M, Core, Harmony, 112. Increase, restor
ation and reissue John C. Spencer, South
Park, 512; Samuel L. Myers, Northport,
510; Henry Well, Spokane, 512; Lewis C.
Killam.. Tacomar 524; Mexican War, Thom
as L. Gannon, dead, Spfikane. 512.
Idaho Original John D. Stull, Home
dale, 5t5. Increase, restoration and reis
sueRichard E. Ballou. Halley, 512; Enoch
A. White, Halley, .
A Drunkard's Fnte.
WESTON STATION, Or., April 9. Ed
win Alban, aged 50 years, was found dead
this morning In the Weston Jail. He had
been picked up on the streets the night
before in a semi-conscious condition
from drink and given lodging in the jail.
He had registered at the hotel as E. P.
Jackson, of Pendleton, but proved to be a
son df Dr. W. G. Alban, for many years
Health Officer at Walla Walla. Deceased
was a graduate of the University of Cali
fornia, but for 25 years had been a, tramp
and chronic drunkard. The Coroner's Jury
brought In a verdict df death from cramp
colic due to alcoholism.
Militia. Company Inspected.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. April 9.-Colonel
George B. Lamping Inspected Company P,
of the National Guard, at Chehalis last
night. The company mustered 48 men,
and was found to bo In a very satisfac
tory condition. Adjutant-General Drain
accompanied Colonel Lamping. General
Drain explained to the company in a
brief speech the Status of the new 30-call-ber
rifles, and assured the men that they
would be furnished before the encamp
ment. , Petition for Franchise.
CHEHALI3,Wash.v. April 9. The Sno
quaimle Power Company has submitted
Men, Young and
This Is the oldest Private Medical
Dispensary In the City of Portland,
the -first Medical Dispensary ever
started In the city. Dr. Kessler, the
old reliable specialist, has been man
ager of this institution for 20 years,
during which time thousands of cases
have been cured, and no person was
ever refused treatment. The St.
Louis Dispensary has thousands of
dollars In money and property, and
able financially to make its word
Plnco Dr. Kessler started the St.
Louis Dispensary, over 20 years ago,
hundreds' of t.-aveling doctors have
come to Portland, advertised their
sure-euro ability in the papers, got
what money they could from connd
Ing patients, then left town. Dr.
Kessler Is the only advertising spe
cialist who can give references to all
classes. You may ask bankers, mer
chants, and all kinds of business
men. They will tell you that Dr.
Kessler Is O. K. Lots of neonl pom.
ing from the country deposit their
iae v-uaai con give sucn reierence as this old doctor.
Many doctors in country towns send patients to Dr. Kes3ler, because
they know he is prepared to treat all kinds of private and chronic diseases.
pDVATFDseafles' TnIs doctor guarantees to cure any case of Syphlllls,
riainiu Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture cured, no difference how long stand
ing. Spermatorrhea. Loss of Manhood or Night Emissions, cured perma
nently. The habit of Self-Abuse effectually cured In a short time.
VnilNR MEN Your errors and follies of youth can be remedied, and this
1 uuiiu mun qj aoclor w1ji giVe you -wholesome advice and cure you
make you perfectly strong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success
in curing -Spermatorrhea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Emissions, and other ef
Painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural dis
charges, carefully treated and permanently cured. Piles, Rheumatism and
Neuralgia treated by our new remedies, and cures guaranteed.
Patients treated In -any part of the country by his home system. Write
full particulars, enclose ten 2c stamps, and -ne v. Ill answer you promptly.
Hundreds treated at home who are unable to come to the city.
RFAfl THI Take a clear bottle at bedtime, and urinate in the bottle, set
nLttU n, aside and look at It In the morning-. If it is cloudy or has a
cloudy settling in It, you have some kidney or bladder disease, and should
be attended to before you get an Incurable disease, as hundreds dio every
year from Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Address J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D., Portland, Oregon.
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary.
Enclose ten 2c stamps or no answer. 230 Yamhill Street.
Tm ffre&t Ventabte Vltallzer. tha nreserintion of a famous Frenoh rhrleisn. lrilloaicUr
t enr jon of alinerrons diseases and
7 -71m
Mia, raiHS IB ibb iu, ireniDiuin, .icnoan ucuiuij, a-irapieft,
nafltnru ta llBPfV. 'Arlcoel. and (OBitlnatlOB. Gives tha bounce, tha
linm. nt mil lif. CETPtDKHE
allimpariUns. CUPHENEitrenetheniand restores allorens. The mason snffarora arn not
nl hr Wtnr iii h-ns ninety ner cent, arr troubled with IrOMtatltIa. CCPIDF.liK
Is the onlr known romedr to core without an operation. 8000 testimonials. A written guarante given and
soner returned if six boxes do not effect a permanent cure. $1.00 a box ; six for $100, bv miL Send for
tre circular and testimonials,
Addiess JBAVOI. XEmCXXE CO., 1. O.Sox 276. San Translate, CjO.
For aale by S. G. 5KIDMORE, fc CO., Portland, Or.
Good building material
Stone and mortar. Day by day
the building grows, becoming
higher, broader, more solid.
The best building material
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Day by
day it makes thin and pale children
an ordinance to the City Council of Che
halls, granting the company the privilege
of doing business In the city. The ordi
nance was referred to the City Attorney
and tho finance committee, and will be
given a careful examination.
Dispute In City Government.
NORTH" YAKIMA, Wash., April 9. The
City Council last night Increased the sal
ary of the Police Justice to $50 a month,
and thereby precipitated what promises
to be a lively row. The City Attorney
and the Mayor hold that the increase i3(
Illegal. Ralph K. Nichols, one time sec
retary of the Republican stater committee,
holds the office.
Another matter which promises to makei
trouble is the settlement with Contractor',
McKivor for grading Moxee avenue, at a
cost of nearly 53000. Property-owners were
at the Council meeting to protest against
paying McKlvors bill, on the ground'
that the -work had not been done ac
cording to specifications. The Council
committee on streets, however, reported
that the work was satisfactory, and the
city fathers ordered the bill paid. The
property-owners will take the matter Into
the courts.
Geological Board Meets.
OLYMPIA, Wash., April 9. Tho State
Board of Geological Survey met In this
city today. Outside o routine matters
considered, the board appointed Professo
Charles Ruddy, of Seattle, assistant ff
ogist, ana agreeu 10 suirt uie uem i
out earlier this year than usual.
City "Warrant to lie Refunded.
FOREST GROVE, Or., April 9. The City
Council last night called In all warrants
Issued prior to August 2, 1900. These war
rants are drawing 6 per cent interest, and
5 per cent warrants were ordered issued
In their stead.
Colds, Coughs,
Influenza, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
ol the Throat
and Lungs.
rintirU f Medicated Vaoor are inhaled tnronjrh
the mouth and emitted from, the nostril, cleans
ing and vaporizing all the inflamed and diseased
parts which cannot be reached by medicine taken
Into the stomach,
II reaches thesore spois-heah the raw places
aoes to the sratof disease acts asabalm and
ionic to thr whole ayricTn-fl.OO otdrucqxsts or
01matZ. Munvon. cfexoYoriiandl'hiladelsihia
Old, Read This
money with him. No other specialist on
nervous wenknes9s.ach ss X.ost Jlnnhood. Ibsobi
cltiniu the liver, thrkldners anil tha ennxr? ornns of