Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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bozxjx jjf THREE months.
"Wlient and Flour Shipment Yexter
dnyWere (Over -lOO.ODO Bunhcls
Marine , Notes.
The British steamship Queen Mary, un
der charter to the Pacitic Exi;ort Lumber
Company, of this city, arrived at Van
couver yesterday afternoon, after an un
usually long passage from Java. The
steamer brings a full cargo .of sugar for
the Vancouver retmery, and after dis
charging It will come around to Portland
to load lumber for the far East. This Is
the third of the Pacific Export Lumber
Company's fleet to make long passages
across the Pacific this .year, two of the
others, the "Wllhelmlna and Folmlna, be
ing so long on the way that they missed
their charters The number of foreign
steamships loading at Portland last year
broke all previous records, and from the
start that has been made this year an
even greater number of the ocean tramps
will come to Portland In 1902. Includ
ing the regular liners, 12 big steamships
have left this port since January 1. There
are three In the river and two others near
ly due, so that the montji of April will
more than keep up the average of a
steamer a week. The Maria, which fin
ished loading yesterday, will leave down
today, and the next steamer to follow will
be the Theodore Wllle, which will finish
loading next week. The repairs to the
Quito will probably be finished next weeK
and she will undoubtedly be taken up for
some kind of business. The Strathgyle,
of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Com
pany, will reach port next week, and be
fore she leaves the river the Queen Mary
will be around. The falling off in the
Oriental flour trade will make business
bad for some of the tramp steamers, but
the lumber business Is growing so rapidly
that many of them will be taken for that
trade. The steamers departing since Jan
uary 1 and their net registered tonnage
were as follows: Knight Companion, 2620;
Strathgyle, 32S4; Argyll, 22S9; Palatlnia,
233S; Margretha. 2164; Hatlsu, 21C0; Pem
brokeshire, 2767; Thyra, 2419; Indravelll,
3152; Oceano, 3050; Adato, 2145; Indrapura,
3152; Maria, 1989.
White Collar Line Rechrintens the
Bonita "With Legendary Title.
The White Collar Line has Just obtained
permission from the Bureau of Navigation
to change the name of its new steamer
Bcnita, recently purchased to alternate
with the Tahoma on The Dalles-Portland
line, and the new name selected is Met-la-lco,
with the accent on the ko. Notice of
the authorized change Is now being pub
lished, and by next Sunday it is expected
all the legal formalities will have been
complied with, and the steamer will sail
under her new name. Thus the scenic
route between Portland and The Dalles
will be served by sister steamers of this
line the Tahoma and the Metlako bear
ing names well known in Indian legends of
the region.
The significance of the two names is
given In the following "Legend of Tahoma
(Mount Rainier) and Metlako," as told by
an old Puyallup Indian:
Beginning, he said that the mountain had
not always occupied Its present proud and Iso
lated position. That In the "hyas ancutty,"
or long, long ago, when the Great Spirit cre
ated beings In his own Image, and possessed
of the powers of speech and action, that he en
dowed them with much greater knowledgo and
powers than the present race of Indians were
blessed with.
Among them was a Chief Io-ce-wallop5,
whose word was law over all the Puget Sound
country, which at that time was a beautiful
valley, abounding In all kinds of pleasant
places, flsh and game. He was descended from
Ne-lca-na and La-wis-wle. whom tradition links
with Puyallup Valley, which Is said to be the
Eden of the Indian; and also with the story of
how the wild rose bush first grew thorns. For
reasons of state. It was urged upon him to
take as his spouse a Columbia River Princess,
a goddess who held sway over the salmon
known to those water. For many moons he
hesitated; his affections had been given to Ta-Tio-ma,
a beautiful maiden of his own people,
one whose time was spent in causing laughing
streamlets to burst forth here and there from
hillside and plain, giving drink to the earth's
mantle of green. Its bush, animal and the
As a compromise, it was proposed that he
take both of the charmers to wlf6, which he
did. but It was not long before Jealousy arose
between them and his wigwam ceased to be at
peace. Met-la-ko, the Columbia River bride,
had borne her lord a son. Ta-ho-ma was
barren of Issue. Anger over her lot bred dis
like for the new addition to the family circle,
and she resolved upon his death. Fearing that
danger threatened her babe, Met-la-ko went
.forth, as Kager of old, wandering In the wilds,
refusing to return.
The conduct of his wives so unsettled the
mind of Do-ce-wallops that he began to perse
cute his people, and often killed them. At last
he contemplated their extermination, and was
making preparation to that end when the Great
Spirit stepped In and became the arbiter of
the family destiny.
To each he decreed their fate, Ta-ho-ma be
ing the first to feel tils power. In disposing of
her he purposed to place before others that
were wives a warning one that would always
be in view, a simile of what Jealousy would
bring to them.
By will and wave of hand the spot where a
woman stood no longer knew her form, for
high towards the dome of blue, as If its peak
were lifted to kiss the stars, Ta-ho-ma, once
a maid so beautiful, became a mountain grand.
Around her form he wrapped a mantle white
and cold, ever keeping the fire of Jealousy
within from bursting forth to harm as she had
none before. As the transformation took place,
the brooklets she had caused to lend song to
the meadows through which they ran ceased
to flow, and lamentation was great upon the
earth, to appease which, the Great Spirit
touched Ta-ho-ma's higher elevation, when, as
if a fair one with water Jars in arm. lakes
were formed from which come down the moun
tain side the many streams that feed the verd
ure in the valleys below. From this the
Meaning of Ta-ho-ma hag been slnco known
is "nourishing breast."
The valley that had ceased to be a paradise
was made to sink below the adjacent lands,
nd In Its fall Its sides were left abrupt, in
dented and at times pierced with fissures ex
tending far away. Over this once smiling ope
3f country rushed the ceaseless ebb and flood
it ocean's tide to ever hide Its face. As the
Great Spirit wrought these changes, Do-ce-wallops,
together with Met-la-ko and her son, fled
to the north. As Met-la-ko grew tired through
ihe weight of the salmon she could not leave
behind. Bhe threw them Into the streams and
ranals putting Into the newly-made sound, and
there today can be caught each species, and
that only from the waters where she depos
ited them. At last her fate overtook her, her
snow-capped monument being now Renown as
Mount Solomon. Hard by, as mute as the
granite Into which he became changed, stands
her son, and although crested with white. Is
not much of an eminence. Do-co-wallops Is of
itill less height, and so because ho was so In
ilgnlficant when a man was needed to quell
the rising of a storm caused by a couple of
vomen given to Quarreling.
VorrlNdnle, ISrnent Le Gotrve and
Marin Are Ready for Sea.
The clearances of wheat, flour included,
.rom Portland yesterday were over 400,
XX bushels, which is a pretty good figure
For one day with the season's business
10 nearly over. The French bark Ernest Le
Gouve was cleared by the Northwestern
Warehouse Company with 110,825 bushels
3f wheat, valued at $72,150. The British
Dark Torilsdale was cleared by the Port
land Flouring Mills Company with 132,
172 bushels of wheat, valued at $S6,107.
Both of these vessels go to Queenstown
or Falmouth for orders. The Austrian
iteamshlp Maria was cleared 'by the Pa
;Uiq Export Lumber Company for Vladl
rostock, with 38,000 barrels of flour, valued
it 9S.750, and about 300.000 feet of lumber.
The British ship Dovenby Hall finished
oadlng, and will clear today. The Agnes
Oswald is next on the list to load, but
is she has just finished discharging in
f ard "cargo, it will be a number of days
oefor she wi'ibe ready for sea. The Ven-
. dec. which Is under charter for wheat
j loading, has not yet finished discharging
lcr inward eartro. and as her Tenalrs are
j not yet completed. It will probably be well
on toward the cni of the month before she
is roqdy for sea.
The Sy.cUc Not Fined.
ASTORIA, Or.. April 9. The fine of $5000
Imposed by Collector of Customs Fox a
few days ago on the British ship Speke
for failure to bring Consular bills of
health from South Australia has been
dismissed. The manifest which Captain
Stott filed when he arrived showed that
j the vessel came from Adelaide. The clear
ance papers showed that she was from
Port Adelaide. At -the former place there
! Is an American Consul, but none at the
i latter, so Captain Stott could not secure
I Consular bills of health. lie was permit
ted today to file an amended manifest,
and, the fine against the vessel was dis
missed. Antilla a Total Wreck.
TUCKERTON, N. J., April 9. The Brit
ish bark Antilla, Captain Reed, which
went ashore on Long Island Beach on the "
night of March 2S, broke In two during the
heavy northeast gale yesterday. The ,
cargo of hides Is floating out of her sides j
and she Is liable to become a complete t
wreck. She had a cargo of 40,000 hides, 8Q00
The Austrian steamship Maria, which cleared yesterday from Portland, Is the third steamer to sail direct from this port to
Siberia within tbe post CO days. She carrlea nearly 5000 tons of cargo, of which the principal Item Is a shipment of 152,000
socks of flour. She also has on board over 300,000 feet of lumber, and a lot of piling and miscellaneous merchandise. The ves
sel was dispatched by the Pacific Export Lumber Company.
of which have been landed on the beach
and are being shipped to New York.
American Ship Lost.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. Word has
been received here of the loss of the
American ship Iroquois, In the Java Seas.
The Iroquois was commanded by Captain
Thompson, of this city, and was manned
by 30 men. The dispatch aoes not report
the safety of the crew, and it Is feared
that they were lost. The Iroquois was
bound from New York to Tslnsau, China.
More Missing: Ships.
LONDON, April 9. The Norwegian ship
Thor, Captain Anderson, from Savannah,
November 26, for Glasgow, and the Italian
bark Maria Magdalen, Captain Garibaldi,
from Mobile, August 2, for Rosarlo. have
been posted at Lloyd's as missing. Neither
vessel has been heard from since she
To Search for Lost Vessel.
LONDON, April 9. The Admiralty has
ordered the cruiser Thames to search the
North Atlantic for the missing Allan liner
Huronlan, which left Glasgow March 28
for St. John, and has not been reported.
Overdue Steamer Arrives.
VICTORIA, B. C April 9. The overdue
sugar tramp steamer Queen Mary arrived
in the Straits this morning, after a pas
sage of 40 days from Mojl. She Is bound
to Vancouver from Java-
Marine Notes.
The schooner Repeat, of the Simpson
fleet, sailed from San Francisco yester
day, for Knappton, where she will load
The British ship Fmgal, now overdue at
Puget Sound, was spoken February 24 by
the British ship Speke In latitude 20:19
south, longitude 104:49 west. She reported
all well.
' The British bark Peter Iredalo has ar
rived at Royal Roads, from Honolulu, and
Is on the disengaged list. The Scottish
Hills, under charter to load lumber
reached Port Townsend yesterday.
The steamship Folmlna, which was on
the disengaged list on Puget Sound for a
long time, is again offering for wheat
business. She made one trip in the Coast
coal trade, but prefers wheat to Europe
at 26s 3d.
Domestic and Forelfrn Ports.
ASTORIA, April 9. Balled at 4 P. M.
Schooner Novelty, for San Francisco. Condi
tion of the bar at 4 P. M., rough; wind south
west: weather cloudy.
Beachy Head. April 7 Passed British bark
Scmantha, for Portland. .
St. Michael. Passed April 8 British bark
Crown of India, from Portland.
San Francisco, April 0. Sailed Schooner Re
peat, for Portland.
New York, April 9. Arrived Pennland, from
Naples, April 0. Arrived Kalserin Maria
Theresa, from New York.
Tacoma, April 0. Arrived American bark
Carrollton, from San Francisco; steamer Capll
ano, from New Westminster.
Seattle, April 0. Sailed Steamer John S.
Kimball, for San Francisco; steamer Queen,
for San Francisco; steamer Dolphin, for Ekag
way; steamer KUhu Thompson, for Skagway;
steamer Al-Kl, for Skagway; ship America,
for Uyak Bay; ship Guy C Goss, for Fair
haven. Arrived Steamer Dlrlgo, from Skag
way; steamer Umatilla, from San Francisco;
steamer St. Paul, from San Francisco.
Southampton, April 9. Arrived St. Paul,
from New York.
Cherbourg, April 9. Sailed Kaiser "Wllhelm
der Grouse, from Bremen and Southampton for
New York.
San Eranclsco. April 9. Sailed Ship Glory of
the Seas, for Comox; ship Oriental, for Pyra
mid Harbor; schooner Repeat, for Astoria;
bark Ruth, for Tacoma; schooner Courtney
Ford, for Port Hadlock; steamer Meteor, for
New "Whatcom; schooner Monterey, for Coos
Bay. Arrived Schooner Albion, from Coqulllo
River; schooner Parkersburg, from Coqullle
River; steamer South Coast, from Tillamook.
Salerno, April 5. Arrived Argyll, from
Portland, via St. Vincent, C V., and Naples.
Queenstown, April 9. Arrived Ivernlo, from
Boston, for Liverpool.
Southampton, April 9. Sailed Kaiser Wll
helm der Grosse, from Bremen and New York.
' New York, April 9. Sailed St. Louis, from
Southampton: Majestic, from Liverpool; South
work, from Antwerp.
Commander of Militia Resigns.
CHICAGO, April 9. When seen today
regarding his resignation. General Fltz
simons said:
"Some time ago I signed what .has been
called a 'round robin concerning the ac
tions of the Republican State Central Com
mittee. A few days later I heard through
a friend that Governor Yates was in
censed at finding my signature there, and
took the 'round robin' as a reflection on
his administration. I, therefore, without
waiting to hear from the Governor, wrote
him and explained that the circular did
not reflect on the administration, but
merely on the State Central Committee.
A few days ago I got a 1200-word letter
from him, asking for my resignation. Ac
cording to the military regulations, a
Brigadier-General can be removed only
by resignation or court-martial. I did not
care to have any fuss, however, and sent j
about three lines, tendering my reslgna-
tlon." . j
Army Officers May Inspect the Brit
ish Camp at Chnlmette.
NEW ORLEANS, April 9. Colonel E.
H. Crowder. of the "War Department, who
arrived here yesterday to investigate the
alleged British army post at Chalmettc,
has opened an office. He expressed a
wish that those interested fn opposite
sides of the controversy would furnish
htm a list of their . witnesses, that he
might examine them. He said he would
later possibly visit Chalmette and make
full inspection of the eystem and extent
of the operations there.
An Exchange of Notes.
CHICAGO, April 9. The Tribune's New
Orleans correspondent says there has
been an exchange of notes between Colo
nel E. H: Crowder, assigned to investi
gate charges made by Boer representa
tives that England Is violating the neu
trality laws, and Captain Fenner, ranking
member of the squau of English officers
directing the shipment of horses and
mules to South Africa. Saturday General
Samuel Pearson, the Boer representative,
is expected to arrive from Washington.
He, too, will be called on for proof of his
Colonel Crowder refuses to discuss his
mission. It is understood, however, that
his orders from Adjutant-General Corbln
are broad to a degree, leaving him full
sway as to the methods to be pursued in
gathering facts and the scope of the In
, Marriage Licenses.
James Perry Campbell, 22;, Lavlna Barker
Munro, 20.
Gulseppo Saltalamaceho, 23; Mary R. FarnI,
Birth Returns.
April 4. girl to wife of J. Solomon, First and
Hall streets.
April 7. girl to wife of S. C. Howltt, 405
Bast Yamhill street.
Death Returns.
April 'l, Joseph D. Cavanaugh, 29 years, 181
Chapman street; consumption.
April T, Charles W. Howell. 85 years. County
Hospital; senility.
April 7, May L. Prentls; age not given. 732
Second street: alcoholism.
April 7. Isabella I. Rutherford, 2 days, 553
Milwaukee street; pneumonia.
April "2. Conrad Helgar, 12 days, 735 East
Fourteenth street; colic
Contagious Diseases.
R. Feetus, arrived from Kansas; smallpox.
Mrs. Powell, East Oak, near East Third
street; smallpox.
Amanda White, 590 Milwaukle street; variola.
Building Permits.
Albers & Schneider, alterations to building,
southeast corner Front and Main streets, $12,
000. E. Kroner, two-story dwelling, Gantenbein
avenue, between Stanton and Morris streets;
E. Kroner, two-story dwelling Goodsell street,
between East Stark and East Pine; $1800.
Portland Trust Company, two-story dwelling,
Hawthorne avenue, between East Twenty-first
and East Twenty-second; $2000.
Portland Trust Company, two-story dwelling-,
East-Madison street; between East Twenty
first and East Twenty-second; $2000.
Emily Stewart, cottage, corner Vancouver
avenue and Bain street; $1100.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. W. Guttrldge to H. N. Scott, trustee,
lots 9. 10, block 17; lot 10, block 18,
Lincoln Park
Roman Catholic Archbishop to John A.
Zahm. 28 acres, sections 17 and 18. T.
1 N.. R. 1 E. 1
P. H. Marlay and wife to J. T. Thomp
son. i of lot 7, .block 1, Brendle's
Addition 1
Mary P. Montgomery, executrix, to
Northwest Door Company, 17x233 feet
river lot 0 12.300
J. Frank Watson and wife to Patrick
McCarren. lota 25, 20, block 10, Point
View j. 100
G. B. Barnett to Emma Summerfleld, IVi
acres, section C T, 1 N., R. 1 E 812
Louise Newhall and husband to Joseph
Weber, acre, section 22, T. 1 S., R.
1 E. 400
Alex Blrkmeyor to Joseph Weber, acre
section 22. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E 400
J. A. Stephens to Katie Schneider. ''lot 1,
block 18. Klnzel Park 340
German! a Savings & Loan Society to
George Shearer, parcel land. Bellevlew
Addition B
E. May and wife to E. L. Lalumlere,
part of lot 9, Melrose Tract 475
Elizabeth Barron and husband to M. N.
Munly. N. of lot 14, block 35, Irv
Ington 1
Mary J. Smith to Patrick McCarron, par
cel land, sections 6, 7, T. 1 N.f B.1E,
W. M. 730
City of Portland to Gcrmanla Savings &
Loan Society, 100x100, adjoining N.
side of block 102, Caruthers' Addition;
also a tract between block P and cjty
tract, Portland 1
Pacific Coast' Ab., Guar. & Tr. Co. to
Ellen Kroner, lot 2. block 8. Railroad
Shops Addition to Alblna 400
Mary N. Munley and husband to E. Bar
ron, S. of lot 14, block 35, Irvlngton 1
Robert Irving and wife to Theo Nlco
lal, parcel land, section 22, T. 1 8., R.
1 E.. W. M... too
E. J. Johnson and wife to W. H. Mer
rick. N. of NE. U. section 19, T. 1
S.. R. 4 E 100
W. H. Merrick to P. H. Roork. same de
scription T go
Margaret A. Scoggins to Henrietta E.
Failing, trustee, undivided one-third of
the shooting ranch, Sauvle's Island... 2,600
Joseph Paquet and wife to same. same.. 2,400
Abstracts, and title Insurance, by the
Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust
Co.. 204-5-6-7 Falling building.
Injured at an Initiation.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., April 9.
Charles Lewis, of Berlin, Ottawa County,
who has brought suit against the Modern
Woodmen Society for $50,000 damages, be
cause of Injuries alleged to have been
received in an initiation into the society,
which necessitated the amputation of a
leg, has been removed to his home in a
dying condition. He has been In a local
hospital for some time. A few days ago
he grew so much worse that the doctors
gave up hope of his recovery, and today
he was removed to his home. In the event
of his death his heirs will take up the
suit against the "Woodmen.
Improvements Will Increase Ca
pacity of Its Audi
torium. TVia tmiluig nt Hftntftnurv Mpthndlst
J Episcopal Church are figuring on over
i hiiiillns the church buildlne: and making
some Important changes in the inside ar
rangements, the cost of which will be
about $2000. In the basement It is pro
posed to lower the floor of the large lecture-room
and thus make the celling
higher. The lecture and Sunday school
room Is located In the basement, but the
ceiling Is too low, and It has not been
used for this purpose. There will also be
some other Important changes In the
basement, the details of which have not
been worked out yet.
Tn the auditorium the most Important
changes" are under consideration. One
plan is to remove the folding doors which
now separate the ' auditorium and the
apartment occupied by the Sunday school,
and enlarge the auditorium so as to in
clude nearly all the space now occupied
by the Sunday school room. In the gallery
at the rear end the small apartments
will bo moved and light freely admitted
from the windows In that part of the
church Into the auditorium. One object
is to Increase the seating capacity of the
auditorium on the floor. When these
changes shall have been made the ses
sions of the Sunday school will be held In
the basement room.
Since the church was dedicated over 10
years ago it has never received ap over
hauling, as its finances would not admit
of this being done, but the church has
passed through Its financial crisis, and
is now In a more prosperous condition
than at any time In its history. Many new
members have been coming In, and it now
feels strong enough to undertake to carry
the burden of these Improvements. Col
lections have been on the Increase, and
on Easter nearly $500 was raised without
special effort.
Just when work will be commenced has
not been settled. An architect, with some
of tho trustees and Rev. W. B. Holllngs
head, made a careful examination of the
building yesterday. Plans will be pre
pared and estimates of cost of the work
will be made. This will be done within
a week, when the trustees will have some
thing to start with.
President Pratt Snys Association
Will Raise $10,000 for Its Erection.
M. L. Pratt, president of the Soldiers'
Monument Association, organized to erect
a monument in Lone Fir cemetery, in
memory of the Indian. Mexican, Civil and
Spanish-American War Veterans, in
speaking of the prospects of the project
yesterday, remarked:
"From indications and reliable Informa
tion I believe that we shall raise $10,000
for the erection of this monument. We
shall not get this money from Portland,
but from tho Northwest. This Is the first
effort that has been made to erect a suit
able monument to the memory of the pio
neer Indian veterans on this Coast, and
it must be done now, or perhaps it will
never be done. The Indian War Veterans,
who are part of the pioneer contingent,
arc passing away, and when they are
gone there may be no one to take up the
project of 'erecting a monument to their
memory. The Indian War Veterans are
taking interest in this" movement through
out the state, and they are going to give
us substantial help. The Pioneer Associa
tion and the Indian War Veterans at their
annual gatherings this year will be Invit
ed to assist In the movement.
The members of the association are dis
cussing the probable programme for Me
morial day, May 31. On that day It Is
proposed to dedicate with appropriate
ceremonies' the site donated by the Lone
Fir Association for this- monument. It
Is considered that such an exercise will at
tract attention to the monument and aid
in the work of raising funds for its erec
tion. It Is possible that the corner-stone
of the monument will be laid on that
day. If this be done It will be a formal
ity, as the foundation of the shaft can
not be laid so far In advance of the actual
work of construction. The foundation will
probably be concrete. It Is proposed that
a stone block of proper dimensions be pre
pared, with an opening for the deposit of
articles, and laid, and then taken up
sealed, and when the foundation is built
it can be placed In It. This course may
be taken.
At the meeting of the association, which
who have no appe
tite and always
feel tired, irrita
ble and nervous,
need a few doses
It will tone up
the stomach,
strengthen tho
invigorate the
Liver and Kid
neys, and induce sound sleep. When
taen faithfully, it will cure
Dyspepsia, indigestion, Constipa
tion, Biliousness and Flatulency.
Don't fail to tro it.
The genuine must have Onr Private
Die Stamp over the neck of the bottle.
will be held April 27, the programme for
Memorial day will be talked over and
plans will be Jald. The members have set:
themselves to work to make the building
fund $1000 by that time, and the prospects
are that they will raise a larger; sum by
that time.
Hundreds of Feet of This Material
Arc Being: Laid on the East Side.
xiuiuircua oi ietL ui new concrete sue-
walk are being laid on the East Side. G.
M. Scttleraelr is laying 200 feet of this
sidewalk on East Ankeny street. C. N.
Rankin has just completed 200 feet
around his quarter block on East Burn
side and East Twelfth streets. Charles
Wilson will put down 100 feet on East
Burnslde. Many new sidewalks that are
to be rebuilt while Bast Burnslde Is be
ing improved will be of concrete. John
Cordray and other property-owners
near his home will rebuild with concrete.
Last year more of this kind of sidewalk j
was laid than for many years before, '
and this year the same will be true. The I
cleanness and enduring character of con- ,
crete for walks are being -more generally
recognized than before. Before most of
the hundreds of new dwellings concrete
will be used, and in the course of a few t
years the rotten wooden sidewalks will
disappear altogether.
Neiv Water WorUs Being? Built and
Park Station Will Be Established.
At Woodstock extensive Improvements
are being made to the water works plant,
which Is being rebuilt. The new tower
will stand on a concrete foundation 30
feet square alongside the present struc
ture. A redwood tank, with a capacity
for 20,000 gallons of water, will be built.
The old tower has become Insecure, and
the new one will be a vast Improvement.
A steady supply of water at all times will
be supplied.
In connection with these Improvements
It la proposed to transform the adjoining
block. 100 feet square, near the new water
tower. Into a park. The Push Club pro
poses to move the station to the ground,
have It fenced, and then make a park out
of It It will be cultivated. Flower beds
will be made and shrubbery set out In the
Inclosure. The park will be part of the
station. J. Gilstrap, president cf the Push
Club, is urging these latter improvements.
Death of John W. Bnttln.
John WeBley Battln. a veteran of the
Civil War, died yesterday morning at his
residence on the Base Line road. Just be
yond the city limits. He had been confined
to his home for seven months. Mr. Bat
tin was born in Chester County, Penn.,
August 9, 1S45. When 18 years of age,
February 10, 1S6S, he enlisted as a private
In Company G, Second Regiment, Penn
sylvania .Artillery, and served about
three years. He came to Portland 16
years ago, and had resided on the Base
Line road for 14 years. In Portland he
was associated with his brother, the
late Henry E. Battin. in the commis
sion business. He wa3 a member of
Sumner Post, No. 12, G. A. R., and also
a member of the Good Fellows order,
with an Insurance of $2000. A wife and
the following children survive him: Har
vey A Battln, of Dawson; Phlneas,
Llzabeth, Mary. Margaret, Portland. A
brother Is residing In San Diego, Cal.
The funeral will be under the auspices
of Summer- Post, Saturday afternoon
from the house at 2 o'clock.
Preaching; by Bishop B. R. Jones.
Bishop B. R. Jones, of the Free Metho
djst Church, will preach at 7:30 each
evening this week from Thursday to Sun
day, -and at 11 A. M. Sunday, In the
church, corner East Ninth and 2mll
East Side Notes.
Helen D. Harford, president of the
State W. C. T. U.. will talk to the chil
dren of Sunnyslde this afternoon at 3
o'clock. In the Boys' Brigade hall. East
Yamhill and East Thirty-fourth streets.
Bishop W. M. Stanford, of the United
Evangelical Church, will pass through
Portland today, on his way to Dallas,
to preside over the Oregon Conference,
which will convene In that place tomor
row morning.
To All Points East.
Apply via Rio Grande lines. Through
sleepers. Personally conducted excursions
once a week. Call at office. No. 124 Third
If Baby Is Cnttlna- Teeth,
Be sum and use that old and well-tried remedy.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, voftena the gumi.
allay all pain, cures wind colic and dlarrhoa.
TIio Kind You Have Always
in use for over 80 years,
-f-2- sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach arid Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Ito Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
u "li)3-Mjl'rW i " MkW"l jt Jiwm
A common expression this
spring when a man finds him
self saddled with an unbe
coming hat
The best styles in hats
always bear the stamp of
The GORDON is one of
s 1
1 The PubJlc Knows !
the Best.Wmskey. Hence
Mellow and of fine, i
Rich Flavor i
Portland, Ore.
3 The housekeeper
5j or the cook who
does or doesn't
keep a jar of the
jfi Company's
ill Extract
OF BEE always nt hand both for flavoring-soups
and sauces as well as for
making that handy cup of hot beef tea,
will oblige by sending her address to
Dauchy & Co., P. O. Box 718, New York,
N. Y. She will receive free, a useful
cook book.
C GEE WO, The Great Chinese Doctor
Is called great be
cause hla wonderfUi
cures are so well
known throughout
the United
and because so muii)
people are thanklui
to him for having
their lives from op
erations. He treats
any and all diseases
with powerful Cnl
nce herbs, roots,
buds, burl: and vege
tablet), that are en
tirely unknown to
SV?j?.wSi this country. and
thromrn in- use, Ol Uiese imtmieaa w?oie
AufsThis. famous doctor know 3 the ac
on of overS different remedies that
Areas 01 lesiuna"""- 7nvnTA'pmv
Call and see him. CONSULlAriON
FREE Patients out of the city write for
blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad
ICINE CO.. 132 Third street. Portland.
Or. Mention thfs paper.
Bought, and which has heen.
has borne the sigrnatnre of
has been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
f ill Hunter!
i jjiTisj Baltimore 1
i II Rye i
5 J)j IMS, I
I Mgaailw has the largest sale I
l piaafl3s You find It every-
!t$fJyjjJ where. f
I fllliiiwlfi '!
i miMMIMl
lli3llHBf3KrlBIJJ 1
j VBtflBIMlHhCB j
5 S
gp3r' "VrfSi
OREGOili 80IL0
Kot a dark office In the building;;
abtolutely fireproof; electric lljrlitJ
and artesian iraterj perfect sanita
tion and thorough ventilation. Ele
vators run day and night.
AIN'SLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician... .413-414
ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. I,. Powell, Mgr..S0a
AUSTEN. F. C. Manager for Oregon and
Washington Bankers Llf; -Association ot
Des Moines, la 502-503
MOINES. IA.; F. C. Austen. Mgr 502-503
BEALS, EDWARD A.. Forecast Official U.
S. "Weather Bureau 010
BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 3H
BERNARD. G., Cashier Pacific Mercantile
Co 211
'bINSWANGER. OTTO S.. Physician and
Surgeon 40T-J03
BOHN. V. G., Timber Lands 515
BROCK, WILBUR F., Circulator Orego-
nlan 501
BROWN, MTRA. M. D 313-314
BRUERE, DR. G. E-. Physician... 412-413-414
CAMPBELL. WM. M.. Medical Referee
Equitable Life 700
CANNING. M. J 002-003
CARDWELL. DR. J. R.. Dentist 506
CAUKIN, G. E., District Agent Travelers
Insurance Company 713
COFFET, DR. R. C, Surgeon 405-408
CORNELIUS. C. "W., Phys. and Surgeon... 200
COLLIER. P. F Publisher; S. P. McGulre.
Manager 415
CROW. C. P.. Timber and Mines 515
DAY, J. G. & I. N 318
DICKSON, DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714
ETY; L. Samuel, Manager; G. S. Smith,
Cashier 300
FENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon..509-10
FENTON. DR. HICKS C. Eye and Ear... 511
FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 509
GALVANI. XV. H.. Engineer and Draughts
man 600
GEARY. DR. E. P., Phys. and Surgeon.... 400
GIESY, A. J., Physician and Surgeon.. 700-710
GILBERT. DR. J. ALLEN. Physician. .401-403
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat
tan Life Ine. Co.. of New York 209-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 01T
131 Sixth Street
HAMMAM BATHS. Turklih and Russian..
;.. 300-301-302
HOLLISTER. DR. O C. Physician and
Surgeon ,504-503
IDLEMAN, C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 410-17-18
JOHNSON. XV. C 315-310-317
KADY, MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents.
Mutual Tteserve Fund Asn'n 004-005
-LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Sur 200
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phys. and Sur... 711-712
NEW YORK: XV. Goldman. Mgr 200-210
MARSH. DR. R. J. Phys. and Surgeon.404-400
MARTIN. J. L. & CO.. Timber Lands G01
McCOY, NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 713
McELROY. DR. J. G.. Phys. & Sur.701-702-703
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer... 213
McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-12
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manacor P. F. Collier.
Publisher 415
pi 1 1 &'
9 AjPft
McKENZIE. DR. P. L Phys. and Sur..512-13
METT. HENRY , 218 ',
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon G08-G0O
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P., Dentist 513-514 A
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agent3.. 004-605
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.715
NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In-
surance Company of New York 209 t
OLSEN. J. F.. General Manager Pacific
Mercantile Co 211-212 T,
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-213-210-217
George, Proprietors 129 Cth,
J. F. Strauhal, Manager 200
General Manager 211-212
Ground Floor. 133 Sixth Street
QUIMBY, L. P. XV.. Game and Forestry
Warden 213
REAVIS. DR. J. L., Dtntlst C03-G09
REED. WALTER. Optician... 133 Sixth Street
sRICKENBACH. DR. J. F., Eye, Ear. Nose
and Throat 701-702
ROSENDALE, O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 510
RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 513
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Llfo-.....3C0
SHERWOOD, J. XV.. Deputy Supreme Com
mander IC. O. T. M 01T3
SMITH, DR. L. B.. Osteopath 400-410
SMITH, GEORGE S.. Cashier Equitable
Life 30O
STUART, DELL. Attornty-at-Law 017-013
STfir.TR DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703-
svnw v H. General Manager Columbia "Jf!
Telephone Co M8
THRALL, S. A.. President Oregon Camera
Club 214
TUCKER, DR. GEO. F., Dentist 010-011
U S. WEATHER BUREAU 007-90S-009-010
DIST.; Captain W. C. Langfltt, Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A 803
C. Langfltt, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A.. 810
WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C . Phya. & Sur..70S-0
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Physician
and Surgeon 304-303
WILSON, DR. GEO. F., Phys. & Surg .706-707
WILSON. 'DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.507-503
WOOD. DR. XV. L., Physician 412-413-414
Offices may lie had by applying; to
tbe superintendent of the building,
room 201, second lloor.
xNo Cure ,
No Pay
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
TREATMENT cures you without medicine ot
all nervous or of the generative or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
varicocele. Impotency, etc Men are quickly re
stored to perfect, health and strength. Writ
tor circulars. Correspondence confidential.
Saf Deposit bulldlnr. Seattle. Wash.
51? 6 la a'mnnpi
remedy for Gonorrhoea,
Gle-st. SpormatorrhccR,
Whites, unnatural dlr
chimes, or anr Inflammi.
(PraTesu coaujloo. tioa of mucons menr
HSEvahsCheUICALCo. branw. Non-astringent
ClHCmaAT1.0. I Sold by Druggists,
or gpnt la plain wrapper,
bv exnrfna. tttoIi1 fn, or 3 bottlto. 12.75.
q3" Circular Mat on lequert.