;: 5r VOL. XLIL 1ST0. 12,894. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9,- 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. For 122 Years JAS. E. PEPPER PLANS FOR THE FAIR SOUTH GREETS HIM " FELLOW CITIZENS, I THANK YOU." Details Are Considered by Lewis & Clark Directors. President Roosevelt's Visit to Charleston. Has been the favorite whisky among connoisseurs. ROTHCHILD BROS., Agents w' KS - " iSifflElit IF YOU see yellow specks dancing before your eyes, you ever feel dizzy on the street, you get up in the mdrning with a dark brown taste and a raging sick headache . . . .. YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER S. B. HEADACHE AND LIVER CURE - IS WHAT YOU NEED BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., Wholesale and Manufacturing Druggists. i Or, to be exact, T330.S62.S6L14, this represents the assets of the Equitable Life. $71,59,937.86 surplus. Strongest company In the world. Rates no higher, security much greater. Our latest policy Is the perfection of a life Insurance contract. L. Samuel, Manager, 300 Oregonlan Building, Portland, Or. PHIL METSCHAN, Pre. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND, 0RE00I CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. Europeaa Plan: Adamant Is applied to over one million buildings throughout the United States. Made in forty different factories.. It is no experiment. Investigate. For information address Phone North 2091. GLD KENTUCKY HOJVlE CLUB O. P.S." Favorite American Whiskey BLUMAUER & HOCH, sole distributers Wholesale LIqcor end Cigar Dealers, 108-110 Fourth St $5000.00 Worth of Fixtures Now being sold at less than factory prices, rather than move them to our new quarters, corner 6th and Alder. Fire Sets, $1.75 up. Andirons, 90c up. Globes, 10c up. New Style Combination 3-Light Fixtures, $2 00. Special prices on Wood Mantels. The John Barrett Compt 91 FIRST ST., bet. Stark and Oak. We Believe It Will Pay You, As it has paid over two thousand other people on the Pacific Coast, to have your heating system installed by us. Call or write and we'll be pleased to tell you why. w. g. Mcpherson Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON "Ha! Ha! Ha! It Tooth troubles are progressive and should be at tended to without delay. We aim never to extract a tooth unless abso lutely necessary. Our system of ex tracting and crown and bridge "work is Absolutely Painless. No dental stu dents employed. WISE BROS., DenHsts Both Phones: Or. South 229U Col. 368. && V ySVk;t mcmAt that era a eM fat ffc The Pianola An Instrument by means of -which It Is for the first time possible to play a piano with TOUR OWN EXPRESSION. A few can touch the made string:. And noisy Fame is proud to -win them; Alas for those that never stog, But die with all their music In them. . . To such and their name is legion the Pianola must seem nothing' less than an instrument of enchantment. . Free Recital Tonight. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY M. B. "WELLS, Sole Northwest Agt. T TAlTn IV LL UluJ C. W. KKOWLES, Mft-zv $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. per Day The Perfection of Wall Plaster THE ADAMANT CO. Foot of 14tfi Street, Portland, Or, WHISKEY Didn't Hurt a Bit." 238, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 FAIUH3 1UILDIN3 Cor. Third an 1 Washington Sts. Open evenings till 9; Sundays from 9 to 12. HssssHslsr 7lJSassssssssD HHbMBciisisssH sssssHfsisfiitilisssH KSEHpwRh IPlPHliHH This signature is on every box of the genua Laxative Bromo-OuinineTabi 253-355 Washington St. cor. Parle APPLICATIONS POURING IN Canvass for Stock "Will Be Extended to the Stnte-at-Large Local Subscriptions Raise Totnl to $342,007. Most xf the time of the Lewis and Clark directors yesterday was devoted to hearing- a lot of applications, most of which pertained to features of advertising, which it was deemed too early to em bark upon The corporation Is not yet fully organized, and most of the com munications received are of a character that can be acted upon only after the framework of the celebration Is arranged and the various departments of the enter prise organized for business. Therefore, all that could be done with the majority of the letters before the body was to file them. President Corbetfs appointment of the standing executive committee was confirmed and the design for the corpora tion seal was agreed upon. Letters were received from the Postofflce Department denying the application for franking privileges on printed matter advertising the Lewis and Clark Exposition and denying the application for a Lewis and Clark advertisement In the post-marking stamp of tne postofflce. The ways and means committee was instructed to make plans for a canvass of the state for sub scriptions to the supplemental stock of the corporation. Director A. L. Mills sent the board a letter saying that he was a member of the Board of Public Works, which holds a meeting every Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and that prevents him from at tending the mecUngs of the Lewis and Clark board that are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 4 P. M. If agreeable to tho board he suggested that his letter be regarded as a resignation from the body. A motion was carried that the letter He on the table and that the secretary confer with Mr. Mills and other directors as to the hour of the day that would suit them for the regular meetings, It not being essential that they should be held at i o'clock. Conference 'With John Barrett. A message from John Barrett was read, saying that he would stop in Portland on his way to the "Orient, In the Interest of the St. Louis Exposition, and asking for a conference with the Lewis and Clark authorities in the Interest of both expositions. Secretary Reed was directed to see Mr. Barrett and make the arrange ments for the desired conference. Mr. Barrett Is expected here today and will remain a week or more. Invitations of the Lewis and Clark Civic Association and the Columbia Valley Board of Trade for this board to take membership In those bodies were not ac cepted, because -the funds of the JDewis and- Clark .Centennial are not-dlvertable ior oucn purposes. Proposals Pour 1b. Frank Leckenby, of the Northwest Poultry News, hoped the board would not overlook arrangements for an ade quate poultry display at the Fair. C. H. English advocated trees and shrubs and offered his services, for a considera tion. Adam Appell wanted the board to adopt a certain design for a Lewis and Clark button, making that the official button, which he would place upon the market. Edward J. Flnck asked that tho board adopt a march rfe had com posed as tho official march of the cele bration. This was the third application of that kind that had been made, and It was referred to tho same committee the others had gone to. A. de Caprlo, the band leader, wished an engagement to advertise the Lewis and Clark Fair In the East by an ex tensive series of concerts, on condition that the board pay him $1000 a week and railroad fares. The board should be en titled to the net profits of this enter prise. George T. Merton applied for the position, of auditor of the corporation. T. J. Pearson, Commissioner for Guate mala at Charleston, filed his application for the position of assistant to the director-general of the Lewis and Clark Fair. These drew out the observation that In considering such matters at this time the board was placing the cart before the horse, to a great extent, because that stage of progress had not yet been reached; that the corporation was not yet organized for dealing with those details, and It was too early for them, anyway. C. H. Mclsaac offered the board 5000 en velopes, with a special design for the Lewis and Clark celebration, for $23 50. This was referred to the secretary to act upon. Franking; Privilege Refnsed. Acting First Assistant Postmaster-General J. M. Masten's reply to the applica tion for the franking privilege for all printed matter that may be pent out from Portland for the purpose of attracting at tention to the exposition contained the following: Replying to your letter, I have to inform you that the Postoffloe Department has no au thority to extend the franking- privilege to any one, such privileges being conferred only by act of Congress. Though the department had decided un favorably on the application of Postmas ter Croasman for the privilege of ad vertising the Lewis and Clark celebration on the post-marking stamp of the Port land Postofflce, the matter had been taken up with Senator Mitchell,' who put it again before the department. Following is Postmaster-General Payne's response to Senator Mitchell: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 8, in which you ask that there may be a reconsideration of the application of Postmaster Croasman, of Port land, Or., for the privilege of using the post marking stamp to advertise) the Lewis and Clark Centennial Celebration to be held In Portland In 1005. In reply to your letter, I have to advise you that, after a thorough con sideration of the matter relative to the using of postmarking stamps for the purpose of ad vertlslng such enterprises, which was brought about by a large number of requests for such privilege, the department decided that It would not be proicr to use mall matter upon which the rate of postage prescribed by law had been paid by patrons of the various ipostoffices throughout the country, for the purpose of ad vertising private enterprises (such enterprises as are not National In their character). The use of the postmarklns stamp for advertising various affairs throughout the country for sev eral ears past led to such abuses and was the cause of eo many requests for the privilege from fraternal organizations, county fairs, business Institutions, fat-stock shows, horse shows, etc.. that it was necessary to Issue an order absolutely prohibiting the use of the postmarking stamp for the purposes referred to, except In the case of an affair of National character, for which an appropriation by Con- I grew has been made. In addition to tile rea- sons stated, complaints have been made to this office by different persons to the effect that tampering with their mall matter was charge able In some cases to the presence of the ad vertising feature oftbejjestmarking stamp on theenvelwe. , I -therefore, do T0$ think it ex pedient to open the door to requests fqr per mlMlon to use' the postmarking stamp for ad vertlslng purpoes. In a brief discussion of the letters from the Postofflce Department, the consensus of opinion was that it would be wise to defer further proceedings towards getting the privileges desired until proper recog nition for the Lewis and Clark Centennial should be obtained from Congress. The president and secretary of the board were directed to correspond with members of the Oregon delegation In Congress, with the view of ascertaining the best man ner to proceed to get favorable considera tion from Congress. President Corbett announced the ap pointment of the standing executive com mittee as follows, saying that he had named the directors not on the ways and means committee previously appointed: H. W. Scott. Paul Wesslnger, Rufus Mallory, Charles E. Ladd, W. D. Wheelwright, A. L. Mills and F. Dresser. The board form ally approved the appointments. Progress of Stock Subscriptions. The committee on ways and. means pre sented the report of its subcommittee, that was appointed to canvass for additional stock subscriptions in Multnomah County. In the report Mr. Frlede spoke as follows: "We have succeeded In procuring subscrip tions to- 323 shares, aggregating $32S5," baking the total to date $312,007. and leaving $137,033 to be raised. Undoubtedly other subscriptions which have been promised to the committee will be received by the secretary In due time, but we are unabje at this time 'to estimate the amount of them. This partial report Is submitted to put the executive committee In position to start the canvass focsubscrlptlons in other parts of the state, which "should be concurrent with the canvass in Portland. -We do not wish to be discharged from the task as signed to uh, and will, with the approval of the ways and means committee, continue so liciting in Portland with the purpose of raising every dollar It Is possible to get. On suggestion of the committee, the secretary was Instructed to prepare a let ter to the fraternal orders asking for sub scxlptlona Mr. Scott spoke encouragingly of the prospect of subscriptions from the transportation companies. To Raise Fasd for Musical Festival. Director "Wheelwright presented a let ter asking the approval and moral sup port of the board for the presentation of tho oratorio Messiah by the combined choirs of the city abqut next Christmas, the object being to raise a fund for a mu sical festival during the Lewis and Clark' fair, General Beebe, Archbishop Christie, H. L. Plttock, Dr. Morrison, of Trinity Church, and Walter F. Burrell appeared as sponsors for the undertaking. The board readily granted the favor asked, adding Director Wcsslnger to the other five to constitute a committee to have charge of the matter. Secretary Reed read a letter from Com missioner Doscb, at Charleston,, saying that be had learned that tho spy-glass used by Captain Meriwether Lewis on his expedition to Oregon was in possession of Charles Harper Anderson, In Virginia, and suggesting that an attempt be made to get it for the exposition here. Mr. Reed said he had written Mr. Anderson about the matter. Irrigating; Rio Grande Valley. EL PASO, Tex., April 8. A colonization company has been organized and will set tle 40,000 "acres of land In the Rio Grande Valley, below the city. Recent experi ments have demonstrated the fact that water can be gotten from wells with pumps to Irrigate the lands at a small cost. The land will be sold only to bona fide settlers. These valley lands were cul tivated for over 200 years until recent years, but Irrigation In New Mexico and Arizona has taken all the water from the Rio Grande, which Is dry two-thirds of the year, virtually making the valley a desert. The valley lands, when Irrigated, are as rich aa the famous Nile land and produce the finest fruit In the world. AT CHARLESTON. MONEY IS WASTED Extravagance in ArmyTrans port Service. IS JUST 'now coming to light Favoritism Has Been Practiced at San Francisco, and the Govern ment Has Had to Fay . for It. WASHINGTON, April 8. The men In charge of the transport service for the Army have always maintained that Port land and Puget Sound ports wore more expensive than San Francisco. They can evidently Ieam something to the advan tage of the service by perusing the re ports which the Inspectors of the Army have made. These reports have hereto fore never been made public, and it Is easy to understand why the Army depart ment did not care to have them given out. They show such a lack of management as will amaze the country and will con vince everybody that the transport service has been In the wrong hande. Evidently the claim 6f the Navy that the service should bo under Its control 13 sustained. The extravagance of .the Quartermaster Department in fitting up ships at San Francisco does not coincide with the claims that city has always made that Portland and "Puget Sound are too expen sive for shipping points. There has evi dently been a great deal of favoritism in San Francisco, and It Is evident that deep probing Is necessary in order to find out Just what has been going on. NO BREACH OF NEUTRALITY. Belligerents May Be Supplied With Anything but "War Materials. WASHINGTON, April 8. The unreason ing partisans, who are Insisting that Great' Britain shall not buy mules and other animals In the United States, evi dently forget thatjt la essential for thlA government to maintain the unbroken pre cedent that belligerents may purchase everything except munitions of war and supplies for warships in a neutral coun try. It Is pointed out by the officials of the State Department that In case the contentions of those who are trying to stop the sale of supplies to Great Britain were carried out in the future the United States would not be allowed to supply any bel ligerent. It Is also said that if England and Germany were at war the producera of the country would be glad to fur nish both countries with not only food products, but horses and mules and such othv supplies as are not prohibited by the treaties. Of course. It is well under stood that most of the noise made in favor of the Boers Is for party capital, and Is used by the Democrats to criticise the Sec retary of State. SENATE 3IAY OPPOSES. Apprehension for Mltchell-Kahn Bill in Upper House. WASHINGTON, April 8. The fear is exprsed among the friends of more'dras- tlc Chinese legislation that the bill cannot go through the Senate. In fact, some of the alleged canvasses Indicate that noth ing but an extension of the Geary law can be passed. It Is probably because men like .Piatt of Connecticut, Cullom, Gallln ger, Proctor and other Republicans of considerable prominence have taken a po sition against the bill that this fear Is ex pressed. Democrats from the Western States are urging their party friends from the South to stand by the bill, saying that the more Democratic votes It gets the more political capital It will be In the West for their party. Senator Mitchell, however, is not de spairing. He said today that the Pacific Coast bill will pass the Senate, although It will naturally be amended In some par ticulars, but not enough to destroy Its force and identity. He says the pro gramme Is to substitute the bill recently passed by tho House for that now pending In the Senate, when It comes to a vote, thereby saving the second passage of the bill by the House. In his opinion the wide spread reports that the pending drastic bill will fall are for the purpose of dis couraging the supporters of the Mltchell Kahn bill, but the effort will fall of Its purpose. SPLIT ON'RECIPROCITY. Both. Parties Divide Their Vote In the Honse. WASHINGTON, April 8. Republican leaders of tho House were evidently sur- prised that eo many members of their party voted against the motion to con sider the Cuban reciprocity bill. But the number of Democrats voting for It shows that the parties are divided and that no political capital can be made out of whatever action Is taken. It will be futile for the Democrats to accuse the Republicans of having sup ported the sugar trust, when such a large number of Democrats voted with the Re publicans In favor of the consideration of tho bill, who will no doubt vote for the passage of the bill when It comes to final passage. The next test will be on the matter of ruling out of order any proposed amend ments affecting the tariff. It is believed that on those votes the Democrats will be practically solid, and that the Republicans will almost solidly support the presiding officer. Both Tongue and Moody voted with tho majority today, while Cushman and Jones voted In the opposition. VALUABLE INFORMATION. MacArthur's Testimony Before Phil ippine Commission. WASHINGTON, April 8. General Mac Arthur's testimony before the Philippine Commission Is going to be very valuable for the Republicans -and for those who believe In the retention of the Islands. The Democrats will probably try and break the force of his statements by cross examination, but they will make very lit tle out of him. General MacArthur Is thoroughly Informed on every phase of the subject and while he leans a little to the sentimental side, which the De mocracy professes, he at the same time sees the practical side, which Is sup ported by the Republicans. No opposition on the part of opponents of expansion can break the force of state ments which General MacArthur made. VenesHela Rebels' New Steamer. PORT OF SPAIN, Island of Trinidad, April 8. Three members of the Vene zuelan revolutionary committee have left this port for the Island of Mar tlnlque to take possession of a new steamer of 5500 tons, purchased by Gen eral Matos, the revolutionary leader and christened Guzman Blanco. INSPECTION OF FORT SUMTER Banqueted by Lending Men of the City and the State Today He Will Go to the Exposition. CHARLESTON. S. C, April 8. The ban quet tendered to President Roosevelt to night at the Charleston Hotel was a fit ting close to a day full of Incidents, and served to gather together men prominent In the affairs of the state, havlnjg solely in mind a greeting to the President which should prove the sincerity and the warmta of feeling existing for him as the Chief Executive of the Nation. The hope of the President last night that he .might see sunshine In the morning was fully realized. The downpour of rain which had marked the trip almost from the moment of departure had ceased, and the day broke with a cloudless sky. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt were early risers. At Summervllle, 21 miles from Charleston, the party was met by a special committee, headed by Mayor Smyth, Captain F. W. Wagner and J. J. Hemphill, who accompanied the President on the remainder of the journey. The President's train reached Charlestort at 9:30 A. M., on time. The party did not come Into the city, but left the train five miles out, where trolley cars were waiting to convey them to the naval station to take the revenue cutter for a tour of the harbor. The President's Immediate party went directly to the naval station, where they were Joined In a few moments by members of the reception committee and Invited guests from the city. A guard of SO militiamen was stationed about the approaches of the train, and stood at "pre sent arms" as the President landed. At the naval station 50 men of the militia were posted, maintaining picket lines about the reservation, and none was al lowed within the lines except such as had special permits. Tour of the Harbor. The President and his party were shown, about the station and then were conducted to the pier, where the revenue cutter Al gonquin was In waiting. As the Presi dent set foot on the deck the flag of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy was raised, and the jackles were paraded, while a salute of 21 guns wa3 fired. In the stream the cutters Forward and Hamilton were lying, and further down toward the city the cruiser Cincin nati and the training ships Topeka and Lancaster. After the committee and guests had gone aboard, the Algonquin started on a tour of the harbor. Passing down- Cooper River a fine view of the city and the opening of the bay was pre sented. The weather was perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky, and a gentle breeze blew from the ocean with Just a bracing touch in it, not chill enough to require overcoats. Passing into tho bay, the Algonquin camo abreast of the cruiser Cincinnati, whose decks were manned with all her crew, as well as the Topeka and Lancas ter. As the President's vessel passed each ship a salute of 21 guns was fired. At the fortifications of Sullivan's Island the Al gonquin was greeted with the same wel come. The cutter passed out to sea with gay streamers amid a chorus of guns. After a little run to sea the Algonquin turned about and re-entered the harbor, passing around historic Fort Sumter The President, accompanied by a few of his party and members of the reception committee, boarded a small steamer which came alongside the revenue cutter and were taken to Fort Sumter. A company of artillery was standing at attention when the President landed, and Immedi ately went through a gun drill, the Im mense 12-Inch disappearing guns being manipulated In a manner to excite the admiration of all. A tour was then made through the fort Wrhlle steaming up the bay luncheon was served In the cabin of the cutter. Next a short run was made up the Ashley River, and then the ship was headed back for the landing. Upon arriving at the wharf, the President, escorted by a troop of cavalry, "was driven to the residence of Andrew SImmonds, where an informal reception was held and a buffet lunch served, after which ,the party was escorted to the St John Hotel and a brief rest taken, preparatory to attending the ban quet at the Charleston Hotel. The Banquet. . The banquet-hall was a bower of roses, pinks and emllax, artistically arranged, while loosely strewn, over the tables were thousands of violets. Over 300 specially invited guests were present. Mayor Smyth welcomed President Roosevelt to Charleston, and the Presl- (Concluded on Third Page.) SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS. Congress. The House's first vote on Cub in reciprocity showed both parties dHlded. Page 2. The House Democratic caucus was without re sult. Page 2. Cullom spoke against and Perkins and Patter son for the Chinese bill in the Senate. Page 2. Philippines. Major "Waller said General Smith commanded him to kill and burn. Page 3. Cholera Is- Increasing In the Islands. Page 3. Irregularities In the transport service. Page 3. General. President Roosevelt Is at Charleston. Page 1. "W". T. Stead writes or the alms and views of Cecil Rhodes. Page 5. The Manchurlan treaty was signed at Pekln. Page 6. Fighting between Christians and Turks Is re ported In Northern Turkey. Page 5. Pacific Coast. Lower Columbia River fishermen protest against fixed gear. Page 4. Clackamas fusion forces name county ticket Page 4. - Canadian Government will enlist 2000 men for South Africa. Page 4. Marine. Steamship Maria" will clear today with big cargo for Vladivostok. Page 10. Three grain ships to finish loading today. Page 10. Scarcity of sailors In San Francisco. Page 10. Portland and Vicinity. Lewis and Clark directors discuss plana for fair. Page 1. R. D. Inman declines to be Democratic candi date for Mayor. Page 12. Democrats discuss planks for their "state plat form. Page 8. Eastern manufacturers look to Portland for locations. Page 10. Board of Public "Works decides to open Chap man street Page 12