Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 22, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Formally Announces His Can
didacy for GoYern&r.
Meody-Geer Faction Forces Issae at
Second Precinct Chhchi, and
Williamson Will Battle With.
Them at Primaries Today.
BAKER CITY, Or., March 2L C. A.
Johns, of this city, today announced his
candidacy .for the Republican nomination
for Governor, making the following state
ment: Much has been said and written as to my
being a candidate for Governor. Any published
statements as to my objects, motives or Inten
tions are unauthorized, misleading and decep
tive. I expect to be a candidate for Governor
In the next state convention. My name must
sot be used for or against the Interests of Mr.
Furnish, Governor Geer or any other person.
No friend of mine will make or publish any
such statement. I have not made any promise
or pledge, and will not make any promise or
pledge which. In the event of success, would
In the least compromise my official Integrity.
1 will be nominated or defeated like a gentle
man. I want this nomination, and have faith
that I shall get It.
The candidacy of Mr. Johns adds new
Interest to the Republican primaries to be
held throughout Baker County tomorrow.
Until today it was believed the contest
would be confined to the struggle of the
.Moody and Williamson forces for the con
trol of the Congressional delegation from
this county, but the announcement of Mr.
Johns changes the situation materially.
A strong delegation of the friends oCW.
J. Furnish, from Pendleton, appeared on
the scene this evening to work for him
at the primaries. It Is confidently pre
j dieted, however, that the delegation to
the state convention from this county will
be Instructed for Mr. Johns.
Whitney Carries LInn Primaries,
ALBANY Or., March 2L Tho Repub
lican county primaries were held in this
county this afternoon. "While there was
some contest on the delegations for coun
ty offices, principally for Clerk and Sher
iff, the main issue was over the candi
dacies of J. R. Whitney for State Printer
and J. R. N. Blackburn for Attorney
General, it being understood that the
county cannot ask for nominations for
both offices at the state convention. The
returns Indicate a strong delegation for
Whitney for State Printer. For Governor
it is believed the delegates will favor the
renomination of Governor Geer.
Clackamas Primaries Today.
OREGON CITY. March a. Republican
primaries will be held In Clackamas Coun.
ty tomorrow. There will be a light made
for every office except State Senator and
County Surveyor. George C. Brownell Is
conceded the nomination for State Sen
ator, and John W. Meldrum has no op
position for Surveyor. In the city the
hardest contest will be for County Judge,
between Judge Ryan and Mayor Dim
mlck. "Wasco Democratic Primaries.
THE DALLES. March 21. Democratic
primaries will be held throughout Wasco
County tomorrow. In this city the polls
will be opened at 1:80 o'clock, closing at
Inquiry Into Death of Jinn Killed In
Oregon City Paper Mill.
OREGON CITY. March 21. A ripple of
excitement was caused today by the ver
dict of the Coroner's Jury in the Inquest
over the body of J. Earl Faulkner, who
was killed at the Willamette Pulp & Pa
per Company's mills yesterday morning.
The inquest commenced last night, and
was adjourned until this morning to per
mit the Jury to visit the seonp at tho up.
eident The Jury went to the mills and
inspected the machinery and shafting on
which Faulkner was whirled to hlB death.
It members were unfavorably Impressed
by the absence of proper safeguards. On
this point the verdict was as follows:
"We further And that the place where
the accident occurred to be exceedingly
dangerous, and recommend that said com
pany make said place more safe by box
ing eald shaft or building guard rails
about It, or both."
Another portion of the verdict is as fol
lows: "We further recommend that. In
cases of this serious nature, medical as
sistance should be secured as quickly as
possible. Irrespective of the company
It appears that Dr. W. E. Carll, the
company's physician, ws out of the city
at the time of the accident. Dr. E. A.
Sommers was called in a short time. and.
on tho return of Dr. Carll, turned the
case over to him.
Faulker came here last May. and has
been employed in the paper mills ever
since, but had been an oiler only three
days. Six weeks ago he joined the Wood
men of the World, and his insurance will
go to his s'.ster. who resides near Blue
fields, W. Va. The body will be em
balmed and shipped to his relatives in
the East tomorrow night. Funeral serv
ices will be held over the body in the
Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow
evening at 7 o'clock, and the funeral ser
mon will be preached by Rev. W. S. Grim.
Another Meeting; Called to Pass on
Permits for Grazing.
THE DALLES, March 21. The ex
ecutive committee of the Oregon Wool
growers' Association was in session here
this afternoon and evening, with Captain
S. B. Ormsby, superintendent of the
Cascades Forest Reserve, discussing the
matter of grazing permits for the com
ing season. Captain Ormsby has received
Instructions to turn the applications .for
permits over to the State Wool Growers'
Association, which will pass judgment
on the applications and make the neces
sary recommendations to the Interior De
partment, Notice of this change was
given so recently that few growers were
able to reach The Dalles- in time for this
meeting, hence It was tonight decided that
a further conference should be called In
the near future at Antelope, for the pur
pose of allowing all growers sufficient
time to prepare applications. Douglass
Belts, of Pilot Rock, president of the
association, and R. F. Hynd. secretary
and treasurer, were among prominent
growers to attend today's meeting.
Man Who Passed as an ex-Army Offi
cer, and Bilked Many.
PENDLETON, March 21 Judge Ellis
this afternoon sentenced three men to
serve terms In the Penitentiary. The most
noted one was G. M. Sherwood, alias Cap
tain McCook, arrested at Portland three
weeks ago on a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses. During his brief
sojourn here last June, Jones secured $590
from Pendleton men by his getting1' them
to cash his personal checks when he had
no money In bank. He went under the
name of "Captain J. J. McCook," and
said he was an Army officer. The men
he bilked were ex-Army men. His sen
tence was 3 years.
The other cases were those of Harry
Butterfield and Calvin Lester. Two weeks
ago, Butterfield obtained a saddle and a
pair of shaps from a local saddler, by an
order with the name of Asa S. Abergast,
a prominent stockman, at Rltter, forged
thereto. He was sentenced to serve two (
years. Lester was charged with breaking
Into the residence of Elmer Hile, two
miles east of here, and taking a watch
and chain and other pieces of Jewelry.
He got 2 years. All the men pleaded
Man Forcibly Takes His Child Array
From Mother at Esgesf.
EUGENE. March 2L A warrant has
been Issued, and the officers are making
a search for W. B. Rohrer, who is wanted
for kidnaping. Rohrer formerly resided
here and was engaged in the butcher
business. Three years ago he And his
wife separated, he going to Southern Ore
gon and she going to live with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, near
Eugene. Last evening he went to the
house when there were no men about and
forcibly took away his 5-year-old
daughter, who was in her mother's
custody. The two women made resist
ance, but were beaten off.
Located by Officers.
BAKER CITY, Or., March 21. Mrs.
Walter Bettencourt, who Is wanted here
on a charge of grand larceny, has been
located at Salt -Lake. On receipt of a
telegram to this effect yesterday. Deputy
District Attorney Wlnfrce wired a request
for the arrest of the woman. About three
weeks ago, Mrs. Bettencourt obtained
employment at Hower's photograph gal
lery. In this city, where she remained two
days, when she and her husband suddenly
left the city. Soon after Mrs. Bettencourt
disappeared", Mrs. Hower found that a lot
of jewelry, toilet articles and clothing, to
the value of J200, was missing from her
residence, which adjoins the gallery. A
lady who lives across the street from the
gallery had seen Mrs. Bettencourt leave
the gallery by a side door several times
during the two days she worked there,
and each time she carried a bundle. This
Incident directed suspicion to her, and
the officers have been on tho lookout for
the woman ever since.
Charged "With Stealing; Savrlogs.
ASTORIA, March 21. Al Hoyt. Herman
Welnsten and Albert SUinskl were ar
rested at Westport last evening on an
Information charging them with the lar
ceny of nine sawlogs from Angus R.
Foote. The men were arraigned in the
Justice Court this morning and held Un
der 5200 bonds to appear for trial. Hoyt
works for Foote and ft is alleged that he
let the other two men have the logs,
which they sold at Suitor's mill. A few
days later they confessed the act to Mr.
Foote. The men will have a preliminary
hearing in the Justice Court on next Fri
day. Farmers' Quarrel Ends In Shooting.
MMINNVILLE, March 21. Joe Matty,
a prominent farmer near La Fayette, shot
Caleb Bryant in the leg this morning
with a gopher gun. The men were hav
ing a quarrel over a lease that Bryant
had given Matty. There was no one
present at the shooting. Matty came In
and surrendered to the Sheriff. He says
the shooting waB In self-defenBe. The
shots entered Just below Bryant's knee,
tearing the liesh from the bone for two
Inches and making an ugly wound.
Bryant called a passing team and was
taken home.
Haworth's Wo and Serlons.
THE DALLES. March 21. R. E. Ha
worth, who was shot at Stevenson, Wash.,
yesterday by E. J. Green, was brought to
The Dalles last night and Is being cared
for at the residence of his brother, J. F.
Haworth. His physicians report his
wound a serious one. hla foot being
badly shattered by the ball, which en
tered at the heel.
Jarvi Jlcnrlnjsr Postponed.
ASTORIA, March 21. Mattl Jarvi was
brought before Justice Goodman this af
ternoon to have his preliminary hearing
on a charge of having murdered his fath
er, Gabriel Jarvi. As neither side was
ready to proceed, the hearing was post
poned until Thursday morning, March 27.
Continued Cold Rains Have Kent Sap
From Starting.
SALEM, March 21. J. R. Shepard, a
well-known fruitgrower of Zena, Polk
County, says that conditions are now
very promising for a good fruit crop this
season. He says the continued cold rains
have kept the trees back so that the sap
did not start early. This lessens tho
chance of damage by heavy freezing.
The trees will not begin to blossom un
til about April 1, and In view of tho long
spell of rainy weather it is reasonable to
expect that there will be fair weather
during the blossoming season. Mr. Shep
ard says that cold rains while the trees
are in blossom are likely to injure the
crop, but with one week of fair weather
the pollen will s-pread and the fruit be
come set
Local nurserymen are just filling the
last of their orders for Spring delivery.
They say that there has been a larger
demand for fruit trees this year .than
there has been before in 10 years. The
demand comes from all parts of the
Northwest, and not from particular lo
calities, as has usually been the case.
The largest demand is for apple trees and
winter varieties are In favor.
OrcRon Mlntnjc Stock IQxchaascc.
PORTLAND. March 21.
Yesterday's quotations were:
Alaska M. & M 0
Bronze Monarch 17
Caribou 3
Coppcropolls 21
Crystal Consolidated 14
Chicago 7
Cascade Calumet 2
Geld Hill & Bohemia lOVi
Huronlan 5
Lost Horse 2V4
Oregon-Colorado M. M. & D
Sumpter Consolidated 2
Sweden Copper (Qtd.) 874
Winnipeg (Ltd.) 0
1000 Bronze Monarch 174
imj urjwai tonsouaaiea l
100 Sweden Copper T ....87&
500 Winnipeg 10
SPOKANE. March 21. The closing quota
tions for mining stocks today were:
Bid. Ask.!
Bid. Ask.
Morn. Glory .. -34 34
Amer. Boy .. 6V4
iacxiaii ....iz
Butte & Bos.. 2f
rein, .. 3?j
3IRamb. Car ...
uen Hur 13
Deer Trail .. 2
Republic 10Vi lOVj,
Rewrvatlon .. 1
Gold Ledge .. 1
i3Ouimaii ...... D)x V'M
5 I Tom Thumb ..22Ti 23U
Jim maine .. ..
L. P. Surp... 7$
Mtn. Lion ...20V
7i Trade Dollar..l0 11
31 San Poll 27i CO
SAN FRANdlSCO, March 2L Official closing
quotations of mining stocks:
Alpha Con
.$0 04
. 2
Justice $0 OS
Kentuck Con 1
Mexican 44
Occidental Con ... 10
Ophlr 00
Best & Belcher...
Challenge Con ...
Potosi 14
Savage. &
Seg. Belcher 2
Sierra Nevada ... 23
Silver Hill 57
Union Con 25
Utah Con 6
Yellow Jacket .... 17
Con. Cal. & Va... 1 25
Crown Point ....
Gould Curry...
.Hale. & Korcross
NEW YORK. March 21. Mining stocks today
closed as follows:
Adams Con $0 40 Little Chief fo 12
Allies UV
Breece 50
Brunswick Con .. 8
Comstock Tunnel. 5
Con. Cal. & Va... 1 25
Deadwood Terra.. D3
Horn Silver 1 40
Iron Silver 70
Le&dville Con ... S
Ontario 7 50
Ophlr j.. 00
Phoenix C
Potosi 12
Savage... 4
Sierra Nevada ... 20
Small Hopes ....'. 45
Standard S 40
BOSTON, March 21. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 21 OOJOsceola .t CO 00
Allouez 4 00Parrott 29 00
Amalgamated .. G3 25jQulncy ... 132 00
Baltic 40 25 Santa Fe Cop... a 00
iiinsiiam uuji&maracK ...... 183 00
Cal. & Hecla. .. 600 OOi
Trimountaln ... 100 00
Trinity 14 87
United States .. 18 50
Utah 22 SO
Victoria C 62
Winona 1 50
Wolverines .... 62 00
Centennial 24 37
Copper Range . C9 O0
Dominion Coal. 118 00
Franklin 12 75!
Isle Rovale .... 17 00
Mohawk 84 00
C4d Domlaloa . 19 TSj
Supreme Coart Holds All -Moneys
From Sales of School Xaads
Must Go to That Faad.
OLYMPIA, Wash., March 2L The Su
preme Court, in a decision today, declare
unconstitutional section 8 of the 1S95 law
relating to the collection Qf assessments
in ditch or drainage Improvement dis
tricts. The section declared unconstitu
tional provides that the county in which
the improvement Is made shall pay tho
assessment apportioned against school
lands out of its general fund, and have a
Hen on the proceeds of the sale of such
lands, from which the county Is to be
The court bases Its decision on the
ground that the proceeds from the sale
of school lands .cannot be directly or in
directly diverted from the permanent or
irreducible school fund of tho state, and
Major-General Artaar Mats
On March 25, Major-Gcneral Arthur MacArthur and Brigadier-Generals Fun
ston and Kobbc will assume new and .Important positions On that date the statu
tory retirement of Mnjor-Qeneral E. S. Otis will vacate the commands of the mili
tary departments of tho Lakes at Chicago, and of Dakota at St. Paul. xMaJor
Gcneral MacArthur will bis command of the Department of Colorado
and proceed to the military department of the Lakes to assume a like position.
His successor will be Brlgadlcr-General Funston. Brtgadlcr-pencral Kobbc has
been assigned to the Department of Dakota.
holds the section In question In conflict
with section 5. article 6. of the constitu
tion. This decision is of especial Interest
because of the fact that the section under
mention was Incorporated in the law of
1S95 to cure a defect that had previously
had the effect of declaring the law un
constitutional. First Execution Under New Law.
What will probably be the first execu
tion under the law compelling tho hang
ing of murderers at the State Penitentiary
will be that of Alfred Hamilton, for kill
ing D. M. Woodbury, at Anacortes, Sep
tember 7. 1899. The Supreme Court re
cently affirmed the Judgment of the lower
court, which found Hamilton guilty of
murder In the first degree. Hamilton Is
now confined In the King County Jail, as
the Skagit County jail Is not considered
secure. According to the reckoning of
the authorities of Skagit County, the ex
ecution of Hamilton should take place by
May L The rcmittitus should be received
from the Supreme Court within a day or
two. As Hamilton is a dangerous man. it
Is thought not much longer than the low
est time limit will be allowed him to pre
pare for death. Governor McBrlde, who
assisted In prosecuting the case, has re
fused to Interfere, and Hamilton has
therefore nothing to hope for from tho
executive. As soon as sentence Is passed,
Hamilton will be conveyed to the peni
tentiary to await execution.
Oyster Beds a Lively Place Novr.
The oyster-tonglng season began March
15. and the seed beds in this section pre
sent a lively scene as a result. It is said
tne seed. Deas on ine siaie resetveu m
both North Bay and Hood's Canal were
severely Injured by the recent cold snap.
The narrows In Mason County will prob
ably receive the most attention from-men
desiring seed, as they are reported less
serlqusly Injured by the frost. Oysters
are now selling for M and 14 25 a sack,
and the demand is good, the shippers hav
ing a market for all the bivalves obtain
able. The cold spell caught many of the
beds exposed by low tides, and the loss
to oystermen will therefore be considera
ble In the aggregate.
Cedar Prices Worry Mlllraen.
The high price at which cedar logs rtre
held In this section Is beginning to worry
shingle manufacturers. On lower Puget
Sound cedar has recently brought 512 and
even $12 50 a thousand, and in some In
stances shlnglemen have been compelled
to go to British Columbia to get timber
to kuodIv the demand. This la the high
est price ever paid for cedar on Puget
Sound, andlt is due to the fact that that
claFS of timber is exceedingly scarce. The
demand for
hlngles in the East was
ncver better, and the various mills find
It lmDOfsible to fill all the orders they
could get. A man owning a few acres or
cedar available to water or rail trans
portation JuBt at this time Is Insured of a
small-sized fortune.
Important Decision of Gold Commis
sioner at Dawson.
Late advices from Dawson contain the
decision of an Important case in tho Gold
Commissioner's office, involving the
question of what shall be the base line
in creeks where there are many twists
and turns, or where the banks are any
thing but even and in one gcneraL di
rection. The gist of the decision Is that
a point should be taken and designated
the center of tho stream, and the center
of the creek claim then be made a line
drawn parallel to the base line of the
creek through the given point. This de
cision establishes a precedent In this re
spect and will enable all to determine
how to form the base line of adjoining
hill or bench claims, as well as of the
creek claims. The decision will affect a
large number of claims In the territory.
Frank C. Whalbey, in writing from the
Koyukuk country, expresses the opinion
that the resources of the section have
been overestimated outside, and that it
may bring in a crowd who will be disap
pointed. He says his diggings did not
come up to what was expected laBt year,
and there has been nothing new found.
He falls to sec anything In the country
to justify a stampede, and alleges that all
tho reports sent out to encourage Immi
gration have been made by Baloon-keep-ers
and townslto boomers.
The Zero Club tendered a reception to
H. D. Baylor, who recently arrived in
Dawson as United States Consul. The in
vitation Inviting Mr. Saylor to the re
ception, was engraved on a miniature
gold pan.
Seattle Journeymen Will amt Balld
1ns; Trades Coancll.
SEATTLE, March 2L The difficulties be
tween the Journeyman plumbers and their
employers has been settled. The Plumb
ers1 Union agrees, under the terms of the
settlement, to withdraw from the Building
Trades Council. This was ono of the
terms .which the master plumbers and the
Employers' Association .have insisted upon
from the opening of the negotiations. An
other condition of the settlement is that
the men Are to receive material conces
sions from their employers. One of these
will be the increase -in their wage scale
from H 50 to $5 a day, which they origi
nally - demanded, and upon which they
have insisted throughout.
Government Informed That Captain
, SmHKKled in Chinese.
WASHINGTON, March 2LInformatIon
has reached tho Department of Justice
to the effect that several members of the
crew of the .Holland Steamship Wilhel
mlna, arriving at Port Townsend from
Manila "by way of Hong Kong and Amoy,
take oath that the captain of the ship
brought three Chinamen, whom he con
cealed beneath the engine-room during the
Inspection at Port Townsend b3 customs
(and quarantine officials, and later In the
night assisted them, to land In a launch
and escape. Instructions have been for
warded by Assistant Secretary Taylor,
of the Treasury Department, to confer
Xrigradler-General Frederick
with the United States Attorney there
and take immediate steps to seize the
ship for violation of section 10 of the act
of May 6, 1SS4.
Swedes' Representative Decides on
That Section After Tonr of Coast.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., March 21. Rev.
Faulk Gjestren, of Minneapolis, Minn.
who made a tour of inspection of the Pa
cific Coast, and, among other localities.
Klamath County, last Fall, in the Inter
est of a colony of Swedes, returned this
week, having decided In .favor of this
county. He bought a block of ground on
Which is build two dwellings for himself
and son-in-law, and -will be here in May
to locate permanently. He will be fol
lowed by the new settlers, acting on his
Marlon Delegates Hold Cancns.
SALEM, March 21. A number of dele
gates to the Marlon County Republican
convention held a meeting this evening
to discuss the merits of various candi
dates for office. So far as can be learned,
no attempt has been made to formulate
a slate with a view to putting it through
the convention. It Is understood, how
ever, that a caucus for the purpose of
formlmr nlans for nrznntzlntr th ponwn.
! tlon, and of agreeing upon a Legislative
slate, will be held before the convention
meets Wednesday.
Board of Trade Now Permanent.
MEDFORD, Or., March 21. The Medford
Board of Trade effected permanent or
ganization Wednesday night by the elec
tion of officers, as follows: President, W.
I. Vawter; vice-president, H. H. Howard;
secretary, J. W. Lawton; treasurer, D. H.
Miller; executive committee, J. E. Enynrt,
J. M. Keene and W. H. Meeker. A com
mittee was appointed to have printed 10,
000 pamphlets setting forth the resources
of Rogue River Valley.
Date Land Will Be Opened to Entry.
OREGON CITY, March 21. The Land
Offlco officials today Issued a notification
that the lands embraced In the approved
plats of fractional townships 7 north,
range 7 west, and fractional township 8
south, range 7 west, will be subject to
entry on and after 9 o'clock A. M. on
May 10, 1S02.
County Clerk, to Fill Vacancy.
CATHLAMET, March 21. Tho Com
missioners of Wahklikum County. Wash
Incton. held a sneclal meetlnrr here vps.
' terday and appointed J. C. Ross as Coun-
ty Clerk, to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Link C. Burton, who
was recently appointed deputy State Fish
jKjjaVK. ..T,a,
There s Nothing
SgpWw, ijl x
ABea;3st3PWyy?ny. "V
SBBK " vltSBBBBr - A,
bbbRT JBsssstSEBssssssssr "
BsHsB -L. , -'iBBBBBBK'
uSJESBfifiREfsSBBBBl7 Jft. "
I Bad for a Cough
as Coughing
The poorest doctor in
town will tell you that. The
best one will tell you he prescribes
Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoral for all
throat and lung troubles. We send
doctors the formula for this medi
cine. They know it's a splendid
prescription for coldsi bronchitis,
hoarseness, and even for con
sumption itself.
"I coughed terribly after having a hard attack o la
grippe. IS it had not been for Avert Cherry Pectoral, I
do not believe I could possibly have pulled through."
E. B. Davis, Providence, R. L
There's Nothing So
Good for a Cough as
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
jfci 9W&, iLM.
Cable Gives Way and Car Dashes
Down Monntaln Into tar
Mill Building.
PATEROS, Wash., March 2L Two men
were instantly killed at 9:30 o'clock this
morning by an oro car, which came tear
ing down the mountain at the American
Flag mine, situated 12 miles north of Wln
tbrop, in the Methow Valley. The dead
FRANK M'CAIN, SR., aged 43, one of
the heaviest stockholders in the mine.
W. K. SMITH, aged about 35, an em
ploye of the company.
The American Flag mine, which has an
extensive plant, is situated -well up the
mountain side, and. tho mill which con
centrates the ore Is several hundred feet
lower down. ThCore Is transported from
mine to mill by a tramway, ore cara be
ing hauled up and down by a cable. A
car loaded with ore was about half way
down the mountain when the cable broke.
The car shot toward the mill, struck the
side of the structure and caught the two
victims, who were evidently working on
the ore dump, which is at the upper side
of the mill. One of these unfortunates it
struck squarely, carrying him In front of
It, and with Its mangled human freight,
pierced the lower side of the mill, hurling
the man's body for 100 feet.
Physician In Government Service.
SEATTLE, March 21. Dr. F. H. Thomp
son, one of the most widely known young
physicians in the United States service,
died at the Seattle General Hospital this
evening, after a lingering illness. For
more than a week past, Dr. Thompeon'9
friends and relatives have entertained lit
tle hope for his recovery, and early today
It was apparent that dissolution was not
far distant. The cause of his death was
typhoid fever. Deceased was 26 years of
age. Dr. Thompson was one.of the officers
of the Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer
Patterson. He was a Canadian by birth,
his family living at Toronto.
Veteran of the Civil Wnr.
SALEM, March 21. W. A. Campbell,
aged 56, died In this city today. Deceased
was a veteran of the Civil War, having
been a member of Company G, Eighteenth
Wisconsin Infantry. He came to Salem
about a year ago from Vancouver, Wash.
He left a wife and four children. The
latter arc: Mrs. J. W. Sayre, and Nellie,
Roy and Maud Campbell, all residents of
Salem. The funeral will be conducted
from Leslie M. E. Church In South Sa
lem at 2 o'clock P. M. tomorrow, under
the auspices of the G. A. R.
Botanist of World-lVldc Fame.
SAN JOSE, Cal., March 21. Mrs. Mary
L. Pulslfer Ames, a botanist of world
wide fame, and whose name Is an hon
ored one In the Royal Botanical Directory
of Austria, is dead at her home In this
city, aged 57 years. Several North Amer-'
lean plants of her discovery commemorate
her name. She was an alumnus of the
College of Notre Dame, and bequeathed
to it exquisite and extensive collections of
valuable plants, books and stones, which
her last days, and almost hours, were
spent In classifying.
Nurse at State Reform School.
SALEM, Or., March 21. Miss Mario
Hdberley, until recently a nurse at the
State Reform Schoolr died- In this city to
day of pneumonia. She was a daugh.
ter of M. Haberley, of Willard, and was
25 .years old.
.Funeral of Samnel L. Hayden.
SALEM, March 21. The funeral of Sam
uel L. Hayden was conducted from the
late residence this afternoon. After a
brief religious service, conducted by Mrs.
J. Q. Wilson, leader of the Second Church
of Christ, Scientist, the remains were
taken In charge by tho Odd Fellows. Tho
ceremonies at the cemetery were conduct
ed by Past Grand Master George H.
AC 1 o'clock this afternoon the Salem
Bar Association met and appointed a
committee, composed of W. H. Holmes,
George G. Bingham, Frank Davey, R. J.
Fleming and W, T. Slater, to draft reso
lutions to be read in open court some
day next week, when it will be convenient
for Circuit Judges Burnett and Boise to
sit In Joint session.
Money for Thunder Monntaln.
BOISE, Idaho, March 21. Information
has been received from tho East to tho
effect that Pittsburg companies Interest
ed In Thunder Mountain have contrib
uted ?20.000 toward tho completion of the
wagon road from Boise to the gold camp.
This subscription is In pursuance of an
agreement under which $10,000 has been
raised among the people of Boise for the
purpose. It is believed that stages and
teams can go Into tho camp before July 1.
Connty Commissioner Resigns.
ASTORIA. March 21. At a meeting of
the County Court-held this morning, the
resignation of Commissioner Chris Peter
son was tendered, Tho reason for this
Is that Mr. Peterson has moved out of
tho county and now resides at HHlsboro.
His successor has not yet been ap
pointed. Connty Takes Up Bonds.
COLFAX. Wash.. March 21 Whitman
County today took up $90,000 of Its out
standing bonded Indebtedness of $200,000.
The bonds were held by a New York firm
and drew 5 per cent Interest. The county
proposes to refund the remaining $110,000
bonds next month, and float the entire
Issue In Whitman County at 4 per cmt.
CO, Lwrag, Maw.
Mrs. A. M. Leland of Muscongus, Me., Suffered So Much
From Kidney Disease That Life Was a Burden to
Her. Her Doctors Gave Her Up to Dje.
Cured Her and Restored Her to Perfect Health; She Is
Now Able to Do Her Own Housework.
Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Disease and
Do Not Know It Until Bright's Disease, Diabetes
or Urinary Trouble Have Set In.
Gentlemen: I wish to let you know of the good that Warner's Safe Cure and War
ner's Safe Pills have done for me.
Last Spring I. was stricken with what tho doctors pronounced liver and kidney
disease, and lay in an semi-conscious state and my death was expected at any mo
ment. Two doctors gave me up, told my family I could not live tho day out. My
feet, legs and whole body were fearfully swollen, and I was so lame and sore all
over that to move In bed almost took my life. I gasped for breath, and my heart's
action was so unnatural as to cause serious alarm. After I had been given up to
die by two doctors, my family, knowing that Warner's Safe Cure had done so much
for ray daughter, purchased a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure and a box of pills, and
when I was at the point of death and my clothes all waiting to dress me for my last
resting place, they began to give me Warner's Safe Cure. I took It every hour
or two through the night, and at the turn of this same nic;ht the kidneys began to
act and the swellings gradually subsided. The lever abated, my lameness improved
nnd last, of all, my breath became natural. I was drenched with perspiration.
The whole story, told briefly, is simply this
From lying at death's door, bloated from head to foot, panting for breath like a
dog. arter a long chase, heart beating two beats and skipping two or, so faint could
hardly hear it, pulse a great deal over one hundred, and a stupor that could not be
controlled, this was my condition when I took Warner's Safe Cure, and I can only
say that it saved my life, and that is oil that is claimed for It.
The doctors called my disease hardening of the kidneys, and It must be quite a
surprise to the doctors to learn that I'm doing- my housework. Feeling It a duty I
owe to you to write of my wonderful cure, I am, yours truthfully. (Mrs.) A. M.
LELAND, Muscongus, Maine. January 1, 1902.
Thousands of letters like Mrs. Leland's are received every day from thankful
men and women who have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure.
TEST YOUR KIDNEYS. If any one in your family has ever had kidney or
bladder disease, make this simple test and find out If your are afflicted. Put some
morning urine in a glass or bottle, let it stand for twenty-four hours; If there is a
reddish sediment In the bottom of the glass, or if the urine is cloudy or milky, or
If you see particles or germs floating about in It, your kidneys are diseased and you
should lose no time but get a bottle of AVarner'a Safe Cure, as It is dangerous to
neglect your kidneys for even one day. Brlght's disease, gravel, liver complaint,
pains in tho back, rheumatism, rheumatic gout, Inflammation of bladder, stone In
the bladder, uric acid poisoning, dropsy, eczema, scrofula, blood disease, offensive
odor from sweating, ."so-called "female weakness," painful periods, too frequent de
sire to urinte and painful passing of urine are all caused by diseased kidneys, and
can be speedily cured by Warner's Safe Cure, which has been prescribed by leading
doctors for 25 years, and used In all prominent hospitals exclusively. It heals the
kidneys and kills the disease germs.
Warner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs; it does
not constipate: It Is a most valuable and effective tonic, it Is a stimulant to diges
tion, and awakens the torpid liver, putting the patient into the very best receptive
state for the work of the restorer of the kidneys. It prepares the tissues, soothes
inflammation and irritation, stimulates the enfeebled organs and heals at the same
time. It builds up the body, gives it strength and restores the energy that is or
has been wasting under the baneful suffering cf kidney disease. Warner's Safe
Pills, taken with Warner's Safe Cure, move the bowels gently and aid a speedy
Warner's Safe Cure is now put up In two regular sizes and sold by all druggists,
or direct, 50 CENTS AND $1 A BOTTLE.
Refuse substitutes. There Is none "Just as good" as Warner's Safe Cure. It has
cured all forms of kidney disease during the last thirty years. It Is prescribed by
all doctors and used In the leading hospitals as the only absolute cure for all forms
of disease of tte kidneys, liver, bladder and blood.
To convince every bufferer from diseases of the liver, kidney, bladder and blood
that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle. will be sent, absolutely free,
postpaid, to any one who will write Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester. N. Y.. and
mention having seen this liberal offer In The Oregonian. The genuineness of this of
fer is fully guaranteed. Our doctor will send medical booklet, containing symptoms
and treatment of each disease, and many convincing testimonials free.
sssn aBBsw M vJftV BBJHBJ BJftV hHBJ Si W BW A 9Hss
for infants
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisluiess.
It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething-
Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Men, Yoiing and
This Is the oldest Private Medical
Dispensary In the City of Portland,
the first Medical Dispensary ever
started In the city. Dr. Kessler. the
old reliable specialist, has been man.
ager of this Institution for 20 years,
during which time thousands of cases
have been cured, and no person was
ever refused treatment. The SL
Louis Dispensary has thousands of
dollars In money and property, and
able financially to make its word
Since Dr. Kessler started the SL
Louis Dispensary, over 20 years ago,
hundreds of t.-avellng doctors have
come to Portland, advertised their
sure-cure ability In tho papers, got
what money they could from connd
lng patients, then left town. Dr.
Kessler is the only advertising spe
cialist who can give references to all
classes. You may ask bankers, mer
chants, and all kinds of business
men. They will tell you that Dr.
Kessler Is O. K. Lots of people com
ing from the country deposit their money with him. No other specialist on
the Coast can lve such reference as this old doctor.
Many doctors in country towns send patients to Dr. Kessler. because
they know he Is prepared to treat all kinds of private and chronic diseases.
PRlVATFJ31seaaes' TnIs doctr guarantees to cure any case of Syphlllls,
rniwrtit-Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture cured, no difference how long stand
ing. Spermatorrhea, Loss of Manhood or Night Emissions, cured perma
nently. The habit of Self-Abuse effectually cured In a short time.
VnilNft MEN Your errors and follies of youth can be remedied, and this
i uuuu mwn old doctor will give you wholesome advice and cure you
make you perfectly strong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success
in curing Spermatorrhea, Semihal Losses, Nightly Emissions, and other ef
Painful, difficult too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural dis
charges, carefully treated and permanently cured. Piles, Rheumatism and
Neuralgia treated by our new remedies, and cures guaranteed.
Patient3 treated in any part of the country by his home system. Write
full particulars, enclose ten 2c stamps, and we will answer you promptly.
Hundreds treated at home who are unable to coroo to the city.
RPAD THlfi Take a clear bottle at bedtime, and urinate in the bottle, set
nLnu ll,w aside and look at It in the mornlnsr. If it Is cloudy or has a
cloudy settling in it, you have some kidney or bladder disease, and should
be attended to before you get an Incurable disease, as hundreds dlo every
year from Brlght's disease of the kidneys.
Address J. HENRI KESSLER, 31. D., Portland, Oregon.
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary.
Enclose ten 2c stamps or no answer. S30& Yamhill Street.
and Children.
Signature of
Old, Read This
j tfji-t