THE MORNING OBEGONIAN. MONDAY, MAfiCH 10, 1902. PREACHES ON THEATERS REV. J. F. GHORMXHY TELLS WHY HE DOES XOT ATTEND. Say tke Glare a-nd Glamear ef tfee Footlights Is Poor Preparation. for Minister's) "Work. "The Preacher and the Theater" was the subject of an t interesting sermoo preached Jast night by Rev. J. F. Ghorm ley. of the First Christian Church. He took the ground that personally he did not care to attend theaters, but that other people could do as seemed best to them. "On arriving from La Center last "Wednesday, and desiring to acquaint my self with the news since having left the city," her said, "I picked up The, Ore gonian of March 4, and, to my utter as tonishment, found that I had been quot ed as saying that I .had burned my Invi tation to attend the play, 'The Sign of the Cross at the Marquam Grand. In The Oregonlan of March 5 I found that the manager of the theater had expressed himself as fcellfig hurt because of the treatment he had received at the hands of the ministers. I speak for myself only. My action In this matter was not intend ed as a law for anybody. I did not burn my invitation, and had no desire to In sult the manager of the theater. He is to be commended for not allowing plays to be performed In his theater Sundays, and for the liberal donation of the same, almost free of charge, to religious and charitable purposes. We condemn the Sunday theater in unqualified terms. On receiving the invitation, and being very 'busy and preparing to go with-one of our families to bury a husband and fath- er, I submit to you whether or no it would have been in keeping with my po sition to have attended this theater on this occasion. Such occasions are con stantly occurring in the work of every consecrated minister, and the glare and glamour of the theater Is, perhaps, not the best preparation for the kind of work he has to do. Let other ministers do as I may seem best to them, but, as for my self, I cannot seo my way clear to at tend theaters. "Thr reasons for my not attending the aters, briefly Btated, are as follows: First, I do not have the time. Had I the time and the Inclination, I certainly should discriminate betwetn theaters, but a sec ond reason for my not going is the fact that all people do not discriminate be- ' tween theaters. So the safe thing for me to do is to attend none. The third rea son is the expenditure of money by peo ple who can illy afford this seeming lux ury. The fourth reason is the operatic effect it has upon those constantly at tending. It unfits them for religious Im pressions. I do not have any patience with Sunday theaters, one way or an othernot that we can, however, compel people to come to church. "The invitation or order for a ticket to attend the theater did not show that it came from the manager referred to. Had this been clear, I would have undoubtedly returned the invitation to him. It prob ably went the same way as dozens of circulars I am constantly receiving into my waste-paper basket. There is a senti ment that man must be in keeping with his work, and in harmony with it. I might attend a theater, and it might do me no injury, and what of the harm it can do to hundreds of others if It did me good? I love Shakespeare, and might enjoy the presentation of 'Julius Caesar or "Richard HI But the people do not discriminate. I want to say that I havo not been In a theater in all my life. No one In my congregation can say: 'My pastor has gone to the theater, and I have been led to do wrong by his having gone there.' What of tha wrongs behind the scenes?" In closing, tho speaker drew a vivid picture of what the world owes to Chris tianity, and stated that the beautiful lan guage found In the writings of Robert G. Ingersoll had been taken from the Bible. "If you will examine the lives of such men as Webster, Henry Clay, Calhoun, Iee, Grant, Garfield. McKinley or Wash ington," he said, "you will find that the Inspiration for the good they did came from, their Christian ancestry." VISIT OF BISHOP BROXDEL. Head of Montana Diocese Preaches on "Why I Am a Catholic." At St Mary's Cathedral yesterdav morning, the Right Rev. John B. Bron del, bishop of Montana, delivered a ser mon on the subject, "Why I Am a Cath olic." The bishop spoke eloquently on all matters nertainlng to his belief, and his sermon was highly appreciated by the largo congregation. Bishop Brondel was" formerly well known In Portland, but during the past few years his visits to the city have been so infrequent that the younger generation of Catholics know him now only as the head of the large diocese of Montana. Older members of the church will remember him as an earnest worker before his appointment to the bishopric and a zealous prelate since his promotion. His visit to Portland revives many old memories which, were he to tell the story of his missionary experiences in the Northwest and British Columbia, would add an interesting chapter to the history of the Pacific Coast. Bishop Brondel left for home last night NORTHERN PACIFIC TAXES. .ledge Hanford Confirms the Settle xnent Itceeniiy Made. OLYMPIA, Wash7 March 9. In the United States Court at Tacoma yesterday Judge Hanford entered a decree confirm ing tho settlement made 6ome time ago by tho Northern Pacific Railway Com pany with the Commissioners of this county, whereby the company Is to pay into the county treasury the sum of $30, 000 In full of all taxes on Its trackage and rolling-stock for the years 1S37-S-9. The taxes, with penalty and Interest added, amounted to approximately 530,000, but the railway company claimed the assessment was entirely too high and out of propor tion with what It had been compelled to pay in other counties. Before the stipu lation was agreed to the company brought STiit to bring about a reduction from the Original amount, offering to pay $23,000 In full of all arrearages. After a little time the agreement was reached to accept $30, 000, and then the County Attorney refused to enter into the agreement The Com missioners then employed a special attor ney to represent the county, with the re. suit as determined yesterday In the United States Court. Steamer "Willapa Bay. ASTORIA, March 9. R. M. Leathers, of this city, has secured a contract from Captain A. W. Reed and George S. Cram, of Gray's Harbor, to construct a steamer for service on the mall and passenger route between Nahcotta and South Bend The boat will cost about 511,000, complete, end is to be ready for service July 15. Her dimensions will be as follows: Length, 80 feet: beam, 17 feet; depth of hold, 614 feet; draft, 5 feet. She will be equipped with 9x18 12-inch stroke fore-and-aft com pound engines. Pioneer Will Take Tntoosh'g Place. ASTOx.IA. March 9. The Puget Sound tug Pioneer arrived In this afternoon, and tomorrow will escort the disabled tug Tatoosh to Neah Bay, where she will be turned over to another tug of the Sound fleet. The Pioneer will then return to Astoria- and go into service at the mouth of the river until the repairs to the Tatoosh are completed. Captain Bailey, of the Ta toosh,wlll be master of tho Pioneer while Ehe is in service here. vDeIj?nan at Seattle. SEATTBE, March 10. Osborn Delgnan. one of the naval heroes who waa with Hobson on the Merrimac when she was sunk in the entrance to Santiago Harbor, arrived here today on a visit to hU moth er. He has been given a furlough of three months In which to recuperate. When he Is promoted to boaswaln, Dleg nan will try for a commission. BISHOP SPAULDING DEAD. Head of tke Colorado Diocese of tke Episcopal Church.. ERIE, Pa., March 9. Bishop Spauldlng, of the Colorado diocese of the Protestant Episcopal church, died today at the home of his son in this city, of pneumonia, aged 74 "years. 'DENVER, March 9,-John Franklin Spauldlng was born In Belgrade, Me.. Au gust 25, 1828. After attending Bowdoin College and the General Theological Seal f f :: PRESIDENT OF ADVENTISTS' CONFERENCE. I. " dpHHHKt&lBHIiHf 4?;.Y . ' . -4';r-,y jIbUbM'? v ' .. life v333ai 4pMMBNSPfmPBBJPBrTrt ?$j fey - i t t roTVBSBBKlBO "4 WBjBKSkwMKKSKS' usHB?iHflK$&5Lt9flHr? l -. '.'- M aSBBBBBBBBMWwVflRife'' y ShiF i HBflsBsHBBVBBBMBBlHBSnBBBBB isllHHflfliBflHfi9nififiBnRt MSf njflH X99HBHBBBaBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBMBBKK3SBBaiBnBHBMSIL.s3( dBBoMH flU3BGL?SaBBBBMBBBBBnBBBBBBt wkBBMBBBBBBBBi LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb HHIHHHHBillHHBBHHHHIIIBHBHHBlBBBaBHIHHHHHIHM ELDER. "W. T. KNOX. Elder W. T. Knox has been elected president of the Pacific Union Conference of thd Seventh-Day Adventlsts conferences of the Pacific Coast, by the former body, which has Just closed Its session. His office corresponds to that of bishop In the Methodist church. His Jurisdiction extends over all the local con ferences of thla Coast. He Is the first president of the union conference, having been selected to act in that capacity until the present session. Mr. Knox Is a resident of Oakland, Cal. His work heretofore has been mainly In the California local conference. 1 1 c I inary. he was ordained to the priesthood of Christ Church. Gardner, Me. He sub sequently held the parishes at Oldtown, Me.; Lee, Mass.; Providence, it. x., anu at Erie, Pa. He was elected bishop of Colorado, "Wyoming and New Mexico In October, 1873. When he first came West there were but seven Episcopal churches in his diocese. Now there arc more than 100 In Colorado alone, and nearly all of them were started by Bishop Spauldlng. New Mexico and "Wyoming were set oft as separate diocoses over 20 years ago, and "Western Colorado was segregated 10 years ago. Bishop Spauldlng was well known among Western Indian tribes and had performed successful wilsslonary work with them. He established the First Epis copal Church In Arizona, the ono at Pres cott "Wife of Ex-Senator Pfeffcr. WASHINGTON. March 9. Following an Illness of several weeks' duration, Mrs. Sarah Jane Pfeffer. wife of ex-Senator W. A. Pfeffer, of Kansas, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mc llhenny. The body will be taken to HLnn sas for interment. COLLISION IN ARIZONA. One PaBnengcer and Severnl Trainmen Hurt and Three Cant Burned. BISBEE, Ariz., March 9. Two cars and a special coach of the general superin tendent were burned yeeterday after a collision near BIsbce, on the El Paso & Southwestern. J. Eberhardt, a passenger, and several trainmen were injured. Eber hardt's skull was fractured. The collision occurred at Lowell, one mile west frevn THshoe. Train iNO. a. ixactiwit; w-u v junction of Don Luis, met No. 6, coming I tii., -, TVrtiirOnn Thpv were not iu .joucw ..... --o.-.. ----- -- much more tnan iw ieci uiju.ii. ;" " trainmen first saw their danger and the two trains crashed together at full speed. m.. iMlranan nn tho rrnr rnnp.h of No. 3 and the firemen and the engineer of No. 6 saved themselves by Jumping, inesnocu of tho collision threw Eberhardt through . . m ,1 -u tu. nnnnhiK rtf TCn tne root ui me i;iki-. -i" .....- . 3 were piled into a confused mass, caught fire and were slowly consumea. une en- gine of No. 6 was badly crushed and dls- aoieo. Manon Wreclc Victim Dolus Well. HOUSTON, Tex., March 9. Reports to the headquarters of the Southern Pacific tonight were to the effect that all of tho persons injured in the Maxson wreck were doing well. Athletic Xotci. The final rowing authority in Yale row ing is always the captain of the 'varsity eight. This year he Is Philip H. Kunclg, of Philadelphia, for two years No. 6 in the 'varsity shell. John A. Kennedy, who has given tljo Tale crew candidates nearly all their coaching thus far this season, is said to have developed into one of the keenest rowing coaches lrt America since his visit to the English Universities last Summer. Harvard students are eald to be over joyed at the outcome of the recent un. t,iloc!ntTiPi with Ynl K-rnH i.Tnot: pleasantness witn laie. Iward expects io turn uut uuufe luuiuan iviiui this Fall and looks forward to another victory over the blue. Hence the rejoic ing. Eastern critics expect the Wisconsin quartet of runners to give all competitors' j a nara ruo in i; icia iu-u-us .n irniia delphla next month. The Badgers will av- erage 4:35 and the Quakers 4:40. The lat. "ui- - - ---- ", - -- - ter, with the Yale men. will be the hardest proposition for the "Wisconsin hunch to solve. 3Im. FlaUe Not ScrlonKly Kurt. ST. LOUIS, March 9. Mrs. Minnie Mad dern FIske, the actress, who was injured at the Grand Opera-House last night, left for Indianapolis this afternoon with her company. Inquiry at the Planter's Ho tel, where Mrs. Fiske stayed while here. revealed the fact that her Injury was ( slight, consisting only of a bruise on tne head. INDIANAPOMS. March 9. Mrs. Fiske arrived here this evening from St. Loul?. Her manager eald she hod .been but slightly Injured at St. Louis, and was able to walk from the 'bus to her hotel. She Is feeling well today, and will ap pear here tomorrow as schedule1. ?fo Mall From Nome. SEATTLE, March 10. The steamer Nome City arrived from Valdes and III amna last night with three sacks of Yukon mail, but none from Nome. She left Illamna February '28, at which time no signs had been seen of the long-expected .mall carriers from Nome, although they were looked for almost daily. The steamer reports a stampede from "Valdes to the Bremmer placer diggings, 200 min ers having left nlrcady. The city election at Valdes resulted In a victory for the prospectors and mlncro. "Will Manage Peoria Club. KANSAS CITY, MaTch 9. Western League officials announced today that William Hart, who pitched for the Clevc- land American League club last year, has been appointed to manage the Peoria Western League club. Hart will also pitch for Peoria. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND, C G Jacobs, Or City H H Brown, S F H C Newhart, Denver Geo H nogera. Mpls "VV G Clark, do C A Snell. city Judge J B Clelond, city M It Smith & uf, IC C James I've, Mpla V M C Siha. Vane Bks Mrs Nina Larowe, city Dr Ney Churchman, do H C Gocltz. St Paul E B Lyon. Mpls W A Bethel. U S Army Jos Heller & wf, city C O Scott. S F A G Ferguson. Vancou Barracks J F Hcrrlck & wf, Spo kane Mrs E J Dyer & niece, Spokane W H Mead, N Y R "VV McKlnnon, Chgo j w nine, Jamestown, NY G E Mosher, Rochestr u A loung, S F I S Bloom, Corning, N Y Geo F Train. Jr. S F E J Lew Ik, Chgo W V Leydraw. S F C R Aughenbaugh, Baltimore "W E Tallant, Astoria M J Ellas, N Y THE PERKINS. "W W Saint, Chicago F A Bryant, do Sam Lewis. Ind C C Little. Seattle C A Pullman, city Henrietta L Baker, W W H C Baker, do Mrs Baker, do J K Kennedy, do J W Langdon. do O P Hule. Moro A S Hutchinson, Quia- cy T S Keep. S F A W Spalding. Seattlo Wm Noonan, do Mrs Mary Young, Taco Saml Walker, do Mrs Walker, do R B Llod, Vancouver F M Vanhorn. Ariz Oscar Tlbbetts. La Gr I Roy Ertark, do M L Hull. St Louis Francis Nellson. N Y F R Drury. Sclo G Lindstrom. Astoria Mrs Lindstrom, do W B "VVootton. city Jas Keating. Astoria V L West. Portland H B Shlllito. Mich A J Molltor, S F A Yenlngton. Eugene H Ellensburg. S F A Romanoff, do B L Eddy, TUaraook J Hemingway, Clntl W S Cone. Bay City A Schroder. Astoria W W Whipple. Bucola Wm H Clark. S F J W Ingram, Seattle J Boudle. New Sharon Mrs Geo Caspel. Knap- Miss Ruth MInaher. do C L Helms trom, Ala meda, Cal li Ci IncnihnTTi- Kt Tniil A Schurman. Roscburgi W P Loverlng, Castle HOCK , -ffi" vauey E il Williams, Dalles i i-Ji. " cl a .. wanace uotner. Mo J N Burgess, AntelopeJA Holman, Mpls THE IMPERIAL. C W. Knowte. Manager. ; g"; c'l; C Leebensteln. Sumpt H A Smith. Astoria G Vandenoop.Sumpteri John Flnley. Astoria Geo Bean, Astoria T C Rush, Chehallo A P Henroia, Cawletx M-s Henroia. Cawletr J Brault. Versailles pete Lynch cUy I H Cowster, city I R R Vroker. city T vinjnm.on"salem . M B nowe vatorllle h orchard. Seattle j S T oody. jtallw ID V SaussoSp. dn A F McLalne. Tacomnl Martin Chanmnn v T J P EHenbach. NY (J A McLean. Sacra Mrs. T Dunning Salem, T T Geer, Salem S V Hall. Delroet. Or K Oeburn. Astoria E Fergufon. Astoria! J S Cooper. Quelp J T Johnson. NY C S Mortimer, city W L Bradsbaw. DallosjMrs Mortimer, city ST. CHARLES. L A White, corvnllls IC Olson, TVnreo L W S learns. Pa C Iler. RSalnlrr I Kill Johnson. Rainier I A L Morgan, Rainier I G A Cable. Neb J F Roberts. Ill ' I B Mullln. Heppner L Mcado. Burn S H Jacobs. Neb J Y McGregor. Or B J Mill. Or H W Cowan. la I F J Mitchell. Ida Geo Mitchell. Ida A Rlblnson. Astoria A W Northern. Ma u it iiarsh, Catklamet C A Hodfton. New berg E K Brown. Grant's Pass B Jocobson. N Powder Mrs. Chas J&cobson. N Pow dor S Clirlstenson. Brook field (A .Angerman. do C C Cook and wife, do; ii t: steward & wf. Id A C Boylan. do R L Miller. La Camas J R Murphy. Teoma L A Plezey. Warrtn L H Orwlg. or T JJolan. VanooUcr L D Moulton. or uuyj s Conner & wr, Fred Green. do I lone W E Deland. Diamond A G Pelser & wf, do J M Hodgen do I II M Dermott & wf. do SJgno nanKon,, Minn !r.obert H Barr. Carrolt- s Preston. vancouer i ton J M Mcintosh. Wood-JO H Van Blaracom. stock I Lexington B E Hughe?, city IB Morgan. Aberdeen W Armstrong. Or Clty F A Smith. Mist O L Barbur, Wood- Thos Pennie. do burn Capt Hunt, Tillamook S G Dorris, Wasco Hotel Dranawick. Seattle. European, ursi-ctaas. xuitc, avc to ji.aP. one block from depot. Ilestaqranta near by. 1 European, first-class. Kaica, 50c to JL50. Tacoma Hotel. Tncomn. American plan. Bates, S3 and up. Donnelly lintel. Tacoma. European plan. Rates 6oc and up. . BUSINESS ITC3IS. ' It Baby la Cnttlnrc Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, olio) a oil pain, cures wind colic and dlorrhoeo. If you use the famous "Koh-I-Noor" pencils once, you will always use them. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce ADVERTISED. Unclaimed Letters Remaining la the PonteScc at Portland, Or. Frc delivery of letters by carriers at the residence of ownsrs may be eecured by observ ing the following" rules: Direct plainly to the street and number of the hoiue. Head letters with te writer's full address, lndludinff street and number, and request aa swer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strangers or transient visitors In the city, whose special address may be un known, should be marked In the left-hand cor ner, 'Transient.". This will prevent their be ing delivered to persons of the same or similar names. Persons en 11 1 ok for these letters will please stale date on which they were advertised. March 10. They wUl be charged for at the rate of 1 cent each. WOMEN'S LIST. Ahm, Miss Selma Art, Miss Hattle -Alvln, Miss Catha E Alden. Rcse Louis, Miss Wonder Lyons. Mlfs Ella Mclsaac. Miss O McQuold. Mrs Hattle Anderson. Mrs E B Mcuammon, Leila Armstrong. Miss Dutte McFarland. Mrs Ella Bennett Mrs E A McMahon. Mrs John Bishop. Mrs Mary M Black, Miss Bonn. Mls Elizabeth Bryant. Mrs Fremont Braxton, Mrs Lucy Brodick, Henrietta. Brookr.. Miss Stay Brown. Mrs M Mabcy, Mrs T 8 Martin. Miss Jessie MarUn, Mies S A Masters. Mrs Ids, Mead. Mlfs Mable Mendenhall, Miss Liz zie Mtrrltt, Mlvs Carrle-2 Bruce, Mls Clara Milne, Miss Mane Brunlck, Mrs Annie M Mix. Mrs A C Buckner, Mrs J H Mlddlcton. Anna Burgess. Mrs A Burt, Mitj Constance Butts, Mrs Ed V Chambreau. Mrs B A Chambreau. Mrs C E Chapman. Mrs U Clow, Mrs Robert Cole. Mrs Maud Cook. Mrs W Cooper. Mrs F W Coupland. Mrs Carrlo Cratzer, Mrs M Dwyer, Mrs Lelle Darvln. Mrs S S Davis, Mlm Nellie Davis. Sarah W Davis. Mrs Marie Dewey, Ida Dixon. Miss Birdie Downing. Mlas Ebmer. Mrs Emma Eaton. Mrs Emma Eddlngs. Mrs Mamie Edwards, Mrs Thorn ton A Emerlck, Mrs Mlnta Erlkson, MIssJLoulee Farrls, Miss Maud C Farrln. Mls Bessie Ferguson. Mrs Katy Finn. Miss Mabel Fitzgerald. Ea F Flih. Mrs Julia A Miller. Alice Miller. Mrs Jennie Mltchel. Miss Esther Mohr, Miss Pauline Moore, Miss L Florenco Moore. Miss Minnie Mundt. MImi StMla Mejers. Mis Bella Nelson. Miss Maud Oleen. Miss Hannah O'Hogan. Mrs M J Opland. Miss Gertrude Oelschlaegcr. Mrs Paacoe, Mrs W H Parker. Mfs Alice Peterson. Mr? John E Phelps. Mrs Halsey Pott. Mrs Powell, Mrs Magglo Price. Mrs Guy A Prince, Mrs K E Qulnn, Miss Kate Rann, Maggie Reed, Mrs M W Rlcker. May D Rellly. Miss Maggie Rodes, Ada Ruffner, Miss Frankle Russell, Miss Nellie Sandy, Margaret SanderF. Mrs B Scott Mr? Mattie Sexton. Miss Loulso Fees, Miss Laura E Shalbcrg. Miss B Foster. Mrs Frederick Shears. Mrs Roslnfl. E Smith, Mrs A L Fredrickson. Mrs Hans Smith, Mrs C Ganderson. Miss Ella M Smith, Mls3 Effie Gee, Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs E Gibson. Mrs GUI. Mrs Hugh Goetnze. Miss Helen Smith. R w Southwell. Mrs Emma Spencer, Miss Maud Spauldlng. Mrs Mary Gray, Mary Grovson. Mrs J Temple Stonett. Mlra Lou Grlftey, Mlas E Sterling. Mrs O R Hamilton, Miss Minnie Stein, Mrs E E Stevens. Mrs fi B Herrln. Mrs Emily Stewart. Mrs L J Henderson. Miss Daisy Stock, Miss Myrtle Hern. Mrs Julia Summerfield. Mrs A Hoadiey, Mrs S C Snider. Mls Flora Holycross. Mrs Albert Tank, Eva-3 Houck. Miss Anna Thompson. Mrs E Hull, Miss Nora Tompkins. Mlm Ruby Hunt. Mrs Mor Troinmann, Mre Fred Humcsiarti. Morla-2 Tucker, Mrs Lizzie Helse. M1m Marj Turnidge. Mrs J J Slbely Turner. Mrs CR Jackson. Mrs E C Vance. Miss Lora A Jennings. Miss Louise Wagenblast. Katherlne Johnson, Mrs C T Wagner. Miss Daisy Johnson. Miss Irene F Wade. Mrs Elener Jones, Mrs L E Walton, Mrs B Jones. ML Amy Warlo. Miss Mary KIkel. Miss Anna Wcatherhall. Louisa Kelley. Mrs Jcssey Wharton, Mrs Jos Knighton, Miss Georgia Whotlcy. Mrs C B Kohl. Mrs Magglo White. Miss Orgle Krouse. Miss Lottie Wilson; Miss Effle Lang, the Mles Winter. Mrs E F La we. Mrs Robt Wise. Miss Lizzie Levle, Miss Clara Young, Mrs OlUe Lewis, Mrs P Zeller. Mrs Lizzie MEN'S LIST. Abrahamsen. Johan Londlngham. O L Abernathy. Young C Lord. Orlando Althoff, Albert McVIcker, J W Alaska Mining & Trans McCrumb, Hon T A Co McCullery. P P Allen. Dr T J Allen. M J Amundsen, Antanl Amendson, B S Amsden, Lloyd E American Voltaic Co Anderson, John Armstrong. Corporal Willis Armstrong, Horry Avery, Wm Cuyler Bober. Judge Bayard, V Z Baumann. S S Balmer, Frank. Bannon, J H Barrett. HE Beurgsnlk, Jas Benton. BenJ Billing. J A Blomqulst. Matts Boyle. J J Boyd. C J Bryant. H M Brant. J H McCUlus. C C McCormtck. Leonard McDonlel. Dr E B McGlougln, Bill McGovern, Frank J Mackentlre. H Martell. -Geo Marx. Martin Marck, W J Margltlt. Geo Mosur. Fred Mason. Burt Matthews. Justin Maylor. Jessie Meserve, Bert E Merrette. Prof Carlos Moore. C T Moore. J L Moor. Henry Morgan, John Morrison. Wm Mayes, Geo F Meyer, Henry Myers. C B Myer. T J Brown, A Naos, Bert Tlmim. Ciea P Pub Co Neth. J Brown. Ben Nebergall. P V Brown, Ablle Nelson, Jake Bmnke, Waldemar Noble. Geo Butler, Jasper Norwood. F A Cypress, Dr John Northrup, F M Coeser. W J Olsen. Henry Cyac, Juan Osdeld, J C Campbell Wm O'Reilly. H H Campbell, James Burt O'Neill, M A Contrell. Wey-2 O'Nell. L A Carlson. Fred-i Oehme. G F Carroll, Wm A Chornard, E A Charmor, S Chrlstensen, J Clay, Geo Clark. Homer Clifford. D M Cohor. C W Collins, J M Collins. James M Copalls Oil Go Compton, W B Connor. Geo H & Co Cooper, E H Corlett, Chas E Crumb, Bert Crandoll, G T. Jr Crawford. D C Crawford. F II Crowder. W W Currie, L B Curtis Bay Curtis. J Diamond. Jack Dick. Louis Dickinson. G H Dilly. r R Dixon. Dehomer Co Owen. James B Palran. W C Palmer. Dr W H Palmer. O F Palmer. Chas Parochlno. Ercole Parkhurst. H E Patton. J S Patterson. L M Peck. Sherman Patterson. Campbell Paterson. W E Peterson, Chas Pederson, P K Phegley. James Pick. Dr Henry Poulsen, H Portland Brazilian Cof fee Inv Co Porter. Master Martin Preston, A H-2 Price. Dr n J Quorles, E W Qulgley. S A Qulgley. Robt B Rock. H C Ragan. David Raob. Geo NOTICE! Announcement to the Public. Owinjr 'to the favorable criticism and SPECIALISTS FOR MEN. terested in tneir anatomy, very respect fully, DR. TALCOTT & COMPANY Portland Offlcc, 250 Alder St., Corner Third, Chambers Building. Son Francisco Office, 07 Market Street. Dowman. T Dougherty. John. Duffy, J H Dunn. N H Eklund. Karl Eaton. Albert Ebbon, H F Emer, Robt F . Evol. Thos Farrlngton. E P Flecher. J Fozschman. H J Folley. M J Forest Caspar Froze. C F Fnnderburg, Wllse Grutra, Albert Garber, David Garvin, Rev Samuel Gentry, Geo Gibson. J B Gray, Louis Griggs, Elmer Grout, H M Hazletlne. W B Hak, Clayton Hall. Ed Hanley. Joe Hart. Frank Hawkins, L B-2 Hayden, Jack Hoyden, Hugh Hayne. A Hew, James 'HUbert. E J Hlllmer. BcnJ A Hohl. Henry Hoendorf. Felix Horton. G M Horchla, Vlncenzo Houghton. Henry Howes. Harold-2 Howes. Harry Hudson, Thomas Hulllnger. Dr M B Hull. A S. Hulton. Thomas Jacobs Bros Jess up. C D Johnson, Andrew Johnson, A A Johnson, C C Johnson. Charile Johnson, E Johnson, H Johnson. M B Jones. Artch Jones; Tom Jones, Simon J Jones, Dr M A W B Klinck. Wm Kersey. M B Raltanen. Haines Rowlings. Ed Reld, Dr Alexander Relton. Bert Reinerssen. IngTld Ritchie. W Rlulnger. Fred Rice. John Roo. Wm Rooney. John J Roy, Theodore Robertson, C Rogers, Chao E Rumstadtler, Fred Scnmeer, Ed Schutt. Herman SIhllderman. Mr Schiller. Harold Schlfllcr, S A Schtffer, Geo Schmidt. E D fanford. C Scott. J T A Shadeffcr. S M Shasklett. Geo H Shaffer. Geo'H Shirley. J Gordon Simond. Ned Simmons. C G Smith. H B Smith. H O Smlih. Harry ?mltb, James A Smith. P Soebe. Harry E Sobtn. G L Sparrock. A Spencer. Willie Spannojel. Hugo Spinney, Oman Standlater. E R Surod. P Sundblad. B 2 Snyder. G Suausn, Carl L Taylor, G W Taylor, Dr J C Thonyis, Perry Thompson. F T TUllson. Bud" Todd. C W Topllt. Selgf Townsend. W R Turpln. Dick S Timber Insp. Vert. M R Wnllon. John 2 Walker. J Watson. Jno J Weatherwox. C M Weldert. Lee N 2 Werthelmer, H S Werngeen. C A West. Wm G Whl taker. P C White. John Williams. Fred K. Williams. D Williams. Master Ray Wilson. F D Wilson. Prof J P Winners. Chas A Wolfer. S Wolford. Geo Wordon, J C Yewlng. Fay Youngban. S G Ketsey, r s Keyser, N R Kealey. John F Kennard, Alf-2 Klrkondall. Everett Knapp, J 3 Korell, Herman J Lasada. T La. Boyteaux, TV H La Moree. Dr De W Lemon. John B Legrand. A Leslie. Dr O G T.IMr6l-t OltO R LJppert, Charles T.(2ehouirh. Dr J A PACKAGES. Dennis. A N Gatzian. Mrs Josephine ITALIAN LETTERS. Josstopc. Jurl LulKla Olcese fa Glo Esposlto. Michelo Batto V A. B. CROASMAN. P. M. T ' FlRhtlnjc the TreadRold Grant. SEATTL.E. March 10. Advices from Dawson via Skagway state that the peo ple of Dawson are preparing to make a strong fight against the Treadgold con .ninn Toiotrrnnan recJvcd at Skagway from the Klondike metropolis are to the effect that a committee of prominent men Of that place is already on its way out from the Interior and will present the peoplo's case before the authorities at Ottawa. Prior to the appointment of the committee, telegrams were sent to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Premier, and the Earl of Mlnto, Governor-General of Can ada, asking for a delay in the confirma tion of the grant. i Harrlman Special In Mexico. EAGL.E PASS, Tex.. March 9. The Har rlman special pulled out of Cludad Pforro Diaz after a stop of half an hour and tied up at Moncloa tonight Daylight runs onlv will be made. General Man ager Johnson, of the Mexican Interna tional, joined the party here, and will ac company them over his road. Magic. The way Salva-cea cures piles. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Depot i'lf th and I Street. LEAVES ARRIVES For Moygers, Rainier. Clatskonlt. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton, Flovel. Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Georhort Pic. Seaside, Astcrla ond Seashore Expreso. Doily. Astoria Express. DOlly. 8.-00 AM. 11:10 A.M. TrOOP. M. 0:40 P. M. Ticket offlc 233 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J C MAYO. Gen. Paso, Act.. Astoria, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. TAHOMA. DALLES ROUTE. Winter schedule Leaves foot Alder street every Monday. Wednesday and Friday morn ing, 1 A. M. Leaves The Dalles every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, 7 A. M. Stops at all way loadings foe both freight and passengers. ' ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. B.ULEY GATZERT (Alder-st. Dock.) Leaves Portland dally eery morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning. !eaes As- Iterio every night ot 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phon Main 331. Columbia phoae 331. I Salem, Independence, Albany Corvallis and McMinnville. 8teomef POMONA for Corvallis. leaves 0:45 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Steamer ALTONA. for McMinnville. leaves T A M. Monday. Wednesday ond Friday. 8REGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO.. fflco ond dock, foot Taylor st. Phone 40. many inquiries received by us from tne medical profession and others interested regarding ouf statement that the so-called weakness of men is not a weakness, but symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland (neck of bladder), caused by con tracted disorders and eany dissipation, and the Loss of Vitality, Prematureness, etc., ere invariably cured by procedures di rected toward correcting this inilamma tlon, we wish to state to these many In QUircrs, in the columns of the press, that It takes, approximately, 10 weeks to cure these disorders of the male. The treat meet is entirely a local one, as no drug ging the stomach Is necessary, and that the patient may treat himself at home under our directions. The effect of thi3 treatment L not only Rratlfjing, but im mediate, and the patient is not discour aged by waiting too long for tangible re sults. We will cheerfully explain the plan of treatment to any reliable physician on request. The colored charts of the or gans which we send free on application to any one Interested In the subject will be found a great advantage in "Home Diagnosis." as well as a study for all in TRAVELERS GUIDK. mm Sim&i Line Union pacific AND THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EA5T UNION DEPOt. Iave. CHICAG O-PORTLXNt) SPECIAL. For the EftM via Hunt- Injton. 0.00 AM. Dally. i:iu P. M. Dally. SPOKANE FLVER. for Eosurn Washing ton. WalU Walla. Lw- 0:15 P. M. Dully. 7 0UA.X Dolly. Iston. Coeur d Alen and Gt. Northern Points. ATLANTIC EXPUKSd For th East lo Hunt' neton. S.5-J P. U. Drily. 9:10 A. M. Dally. OCEAN AND 1UVEH SCHCDUl.i:. FOR SAX FRAN- JFrom I CISCO. Alfts worth BS. CoiumbU Dock. Mar. S. 18. 23. 3 00 P. M. ES. Geo. V. hldtr 3.00 P.M. Mar. 3. 13. 23. FOR ASTORIA and 3:00 P. M. 3:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally z. Dolly, with str.fOr llwaco and Sunday. ex. bun. North Beach, atr. His toid. Aah-itrt Dock. Sat. 10 P. M. FOR CORVALLIS anU,C.5 A. M. 6:00 P. M- way points. steamerlMon.. Tuea.. Ruth. ABh -street iDock. VeL. Thurs.. (Water prmUMng.j Frl. Sat. FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 A. M. ZvOO P.M. City and Yamhill Riv- 'rues.. Mon.. er points, str. Modoc, Thuro- Wed., Ash-street Dock. sat Fri.. (Water permitting.) TICKET OFFICE. -Third ond Washington. ieiephone. Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For" Yokohamo aftd Bens Sons, calling ot Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, toklns frelfht via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Yladlvotock. INDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT MARCH 28. For rate and full information coll on or ad dress officials or agents of O. R. & N. Ca. EAST SOUTH Depot Fifth aad I Streets. Leave Arrive OVRKT.AVn PTT- 8:30 P. M. 3:30 A. M. PRESS TWAINS, 7: A. M. 7:00 P. M. for Salem. Reie- burs, Ashland, Sac- Bon Francisco. Mo- Ljove, Loo Angeles, 1 Paso, New Or- letna and the Eosu At W o o d b urn doy), 'morning train connects wun train for Mt. Ansel. Sll rtrtan. Browns ville. Springfield. and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Anstl ond SU verton. Albany poswnger ... Ccrvallls passenger. Sh.rldon passenger. N.-OOP. M. 7:30 A. M. IU:BO P. SS. 10:10 A.M. 5:30 P. iL 118:23 A. M. Dolly. HI3olly except Suaaay. Rebate tlckeu on sale between Portland. Sac ramento ond Son Francisco. Net rates J17.G0 first class ond fH second doss. Second class Includes sleeper, first class does not. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ond En rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Con be obtained ot Ticket Of fice. No. 254. cor. Washington ond Third. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot ot Jefferson street. Leove Portland dolly 7:20 A. M. 12:30, 1:55. 3:25, 4:40. C.25, 8: JO P. M. Dolly except Sun day. 8:30. 0:40 A. M.. 5.03, 11:30 P. M. Sun day only. 9 A. M. Arrive Portland dally. 8:30. 10:50 A. M.. 1:30. 3:10. 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10 P. M- Doily ex cept Sunday. C.35. 9:30. 10.50 A. M.; except Monday. 12:40 A. M.: Sunday only, 10.03 A. M. Leote tor Dallas dally except Sunday, 5:03 P. M. Arrive Portland 0.30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mondays. Wednes days ond Fridajs at 3:50 P. M. Returns Tues days and Saturdays. Except Sunday. V. A. SCHILLING. City Tkt. Ast. R. B. MILLER. Gen. FrL & Pass. Agt. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Leaves. Arrives. Overland Express 2:00 P.M. 7:00 A.M. Twin City. St. Louis & Kan. City Special 11:30 P.M. 7:43 P.M. Puget Sound Limited, for South Bend. Gcoya Horbor, Olymplo, Ta coma ond Seattle 8:33 A.M. 0:20 P.M. Two trains dolly to Spokane. Butte. Helens, Minneapolis. St. Paul and the East, A. D. CHARLTON, AssL General Pads. Agt. 255 Morrison street. Portland. Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Go. For South-Eastern Alaska Lea-re Seattle at 0 P. 31. Steamships COTTAGE CITY. CITY OF SEATTLE or CITY OF TOPEKA. Mor. 1, 5. 12. 1G, 21. 24, 31. For San Francisco Leave SEATTLE ot 9 A. M. very fifth day. Steamers connect at San Francisco jwlth com pany's steamers for porta In Southern Califor nia. Mexico and Humbolat Bay. For further Information, obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sailing dates. AGENTS N. PO&TO-n. 240 Washington st.. Portland: 1 W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacomo: Ticket Otnce, i;3 James sL, Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agt.; C. W. MILLER. Asst. Gen'l Agt.. Ocean Dock. Seat tle: GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Qen'l Agts . Eaxr Francisco. IeMBreatNgrthern Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 680 LEAVE !The Ftjer. daily to and Ifrnm St Pmll. lUnn- ARRIVE No. 3 7.00 A. i. .,?p ?r 'opolls. Duluth. Chicago No. 4 Through Palace ond Tourist Sleeper. Dining ond Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cora. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP SHINANO "MAIU For Jason. China ond all Astatic point will leave Seattle About March Hth. Wm ROJTES JQI SSzsJ THE PALATIAL Onil BUILDING Not a dnrlc offlcc In the bnlldlasf: absolutely fireproof; electric lights) and nrtefltan water; perfect aanlta tlon and thoroni;Ii ventilation. Elew-T-ators ran day and nieht. Rooms. AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician... .413-41 ANDERSON. GUST A V. Attorney-at-Law...613 ASSOCIATED PRESS: E. L. Powell. Mgr...S0O AU2TEN. F. C. Manager for Oregon and Washington Eankers' Life Association of Ds Moines. la 502-5031 BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOIKES. IA.: F. C. Austen. Mgr 502-503 BEALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Offlclal U. S. Weather Bureau 010 ?. Weather Bureau MCI SNJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 814 CRNARD. G.. Cashier Tontine SaMngs issoclatlon 211-213! BENJAMIN. BERNARD. As BINSWANGER. OTTO S.. Physician and Surgeon 407-4091 BROCK. WILBUR F.. Circulator Orego nlan BOX! BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314) BRUERE. DR. O. E.. Physician.... 412-413-414' CAMPBELL, WM. M, Medical Referee Equitable Life 19 CANNING, M. J C02-C03 CARD WELL, DR. J. R.. Dentist 50J CAUKIN. G. E.. Diatrict Agent Travelers 1 Insurance Company H31 CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 716-71T COFFET. DR. R. C. Surgeon 405-403 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY fXM-C05-C0G-C07-C13-014-C15 1 CORNELIUS, C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon...Od COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulre, Manager I5 DAT, J. G. ft L N 318 DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-7W EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM .".325 Alder Street EQUITABLE LirE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY: L. Somuel. Manager; G. S. Smith. Cashier 300, FENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon..500-10 FENTON. DR. HICKS C, Ee and Ear 311 fenton. Matthew f.. Dentist 50a GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man coo GEARY. DR. E. P.. Phys. and Surgeon.. ..400 GIESY. A. J.. Physician ond Surgeon... 700-710 GILBERT. DR. J. ALLEN. Phsiclan..401-403 GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Managar Manhat tan Life Ins. Co.. of New York 209-210 GRANT, FRANK 6., Attorney-at-Law 011 GRISWOLD & PHEGLEY, Tailors 131 Sixth Street HAMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian.. 300-301-303 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HOLLISTER. DR. O. a. Physician and Surgeon 504-505 IDLEMAN, C. M.. Attorne-at-Law.. 416-17-18 JOHNSON. W. C 315-310-317 KADY, MARK T., Supervisor of Agenta, Mutual Reserve Fund Ass'n C04-C03 LITTLEF1ELD. H. R.. Phys. and Sur 200 MACKAY, DR. A. E.. Phys. and Sur... 711-713 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK; W. Goldman. Mgr 200-210 MARSH. DR. R. J., Phys. ond Surgeon.404-400 MARTIN, J. L. L Co.. Timber Lands 601 McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 715 Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. Phys. & sur.701-702-703 McFADEN. MISS IDA E., Stengorapher....213 McFARLAND. E. B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Company 600 McGinn, henry e . Attorney-at-Law.311-13 McGUIRE. &. B.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher 415 McKENZIE. DR. P. I. Phys. and Sur.. 512-13 METT, HENRY 218 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C., Dentist and Oral 8urgeon 608-003 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 513-5H MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N; Mork T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents.. C04-G05 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.715. N1LES. M. L.. Cashier Monhotton Life In surance Company of New York 209 OLSEN. J. F.. State Agent Tontine Sav ings Association 211-213 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-21G-21o OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY 400-410 OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP; Rudolph Morsch. Prop 120 Sixth Stree OREutYCIAN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU; J. F. Strouhal. Manager 200 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, Ground Floor, 133 Sixth Street QU1MBY, L. P. W Gamo and Forestry Warden 213 REAVIS. DR. J. L.. Dentist 603-609 REED. WALTER, Optician. ..133 Sixth Street R1CKENBACH. DR. J. F., Eye, Ear. Noae ond Throat 701-703 ROSENDALE. 0 M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 1 510 RYAN, J. B., Attorney-at-Law 515 SAMUEL. L., Manager Equitable Life 300 SHERWOOD, T. W.. Deputy Supremo Com mander K. O. T. M 61Z SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 400-41Q SMITH. GEORGE A.. Coshler Equitable Life 300 STUART, DELL. Attorney-at-Law 617-618 STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 STOW, r. H.. General Manager Columbia Telephoms Co 603 SURGEON OF THE SP. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 700 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 THRALL, S. A.. President Oregon Camera Club 21 "EJIREE IN ONE" QUICK ACCOUNT SYSTEM COMPANY, OF OREGON 518 TONTINE SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, Min neapolis; J. F. Olsen. State Agent 211 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-6U U. S. WEATHER BUREAU.... 007-SOS-000-910 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS, 13TH DIST.; Captain W. C. Longflltt, Corps of Engineers. U. S A 80S U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS; Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.. 810 WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C. Phys. & Sur..708-9 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N. Physician and Surgeon 304-305 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg..700-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg..507-503 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELE. CO 013 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Phslclon 412-413-41 Offices may be had by applying fa the superintendent of tho building, room SOI, second floor. No Cure No Tay fc- -ML THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A poaltlvs woy to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures you without medicine of oil nervous or diseases of the generotlv or gans, such as lot manhood, exhaustive drains, orlcocele. Impotency. etc. Men ore quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Write, 'or circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-4f Safe Depoxlt building. Seattle. Was. , Regulates tie menstrual flow, cures feu corrhoea, falling of the womb and all the I other ailments peculiar to women Buy a $1 boUle from your druggist to-day. 1 WBgll0f&ililH VjgJH&jfl