THE MOBXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY, 5, 1902. i Valley and In Idaho, with temperatures gener ally above the freezing point. Storm southwest warnings are displayed at the mouth of the Columbia River and at rugct Soirnd seaports. The indications arc for rain In this district "Wednesday, with mild temperatures. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight Wednesday. February 5: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain, with brisk to hich southwest winds. Western Oregon and "Western "Washington Occasional rain; brisk to high squally south west winds, with louthwost gales at sea. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho Occasional rain or snow; brisk south erly winds. EDWARD A. REALS. Forecast Official. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater Calvin Helllg. Mgr. Thursday. Friday. Saturday nights, Feb. C, 7. b, Special Ladies and Children" Matinee Saturday at 2:13 o'clock. Wilson's Ills Juven ile Minstrel. -JO Child Minstrel 10 Spectac ular Extravaganza. Minstrelsy. Opera. Catchy Songs. Fancy Dances. Refined Specialties. Evening prices Entire parquette. $1. Entire arqueltt; circle. 75 Balcony. llrst C rows. 7.1c; last G row. 5oc Gallery. flnt 2 rows. 35c; all seats in rear, 23c. Boxes and loses. 57.50. SjM-clal lndlea' and children's matinee Adults. .W; children. 25c- All seats reserved at matinee. Advance sale now oion. CORDRAVS THi- ..'En One week. con....enclag SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 'J. AND SATURDAY MATINEE. F. J. Carpenter's Massive Production of the Powerful Russian Melodrama, "FOR HER SAKE." "FOR KER SAKE." "FOR HER SAKE." A Thrilling Story of Far-Away Russia. A Company of Uniform Excellence. -V Stupendous Spectacular Sensation. USUAL, PRICES-25e and 5ic. THE RAKER THEATER (.EG. I.. RAKER. Mgr. I "hones Oregon North 1076. Columbia 50G. HIGH-CLASS POLITE EASTERN HIGH-CLASS rnUTK EASTERN VAUDEVILLE. VAUDEVILLE. THIS AFTERNOON AT 2:15 P. M.. TONIGHT AND REST or THE WEEK. ENTIRE CHANGE OF 1JILL SUNDAY. NEVER-CHANGING PRICES: Evening 15c. 25e. 33c. 30c Matinee 10c. 15c. 2.t MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HE1LIG. Manager FRIDAY AFTERNOON. FE11. 7. 3 o'clock. Owing to the great sucr.-ss of last night's con cert at the Marquam Grand Theater, JOSEF HOFMANN. JOSEF HoFMANN. THE CELERRATED PIANIST, will give an entire change of programme at the Friday afternoon recital. Prices Entire paniuctte. 51.50. Entire Marquette circle, 5L Balcony. tn-st 6 rows. 75c; last (5 rows, 5c. Boxes and logea. ?!0. Seat now on sale. FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL- SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS DE CAPRIO'S ORCHESTRA. FLYNN'S LONDON GAIETY GIRLS, in Burlesque. BRYANT AND SAVILLE. The clever knorkabout artists. AUCTION SALES TO WAY. At .10 A. M.. at 1S2 First st. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At residence, 741 Overton st.. between 22d and 23d. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. X. Gil man, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ANNUAL MEETING. The regular annual meeting of th- stockholders of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company will be held at the olllce of the company. West Park and Abler sts.. Portland. Or., on Thurs day, the 13th day of February. 1902. at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the purto. of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. F IV. EATON. Secretary. "WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. All members of Prospect Camp. No. HO, are requested to meet at Finlry & Son'.", Third nd Jefferson -ts., Thursday, Feb. 0. at 2 P. M.. to attend the funeral of our late neighbor. William Whigbnm. All rnemlKHs of the order are re quested to be present. J. J. JENNINGS, C. C. Attest: GEO. W. TABLER. Ck-rk. WASHINGTON .LODGE. NO. 40. A. F. & A. M. Stated meeting this (Wednesday) evening. Work. All Mxstcr Masons cordially Invited. By order of the W. M. J. A. NEWELL. Sec PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. .1. R. A. M. Special convocation tills ( Wednesday) evening at 7:30. Work In the P. M. and M. E. M. degrees. By order of the E. H. 1. HENRY ROE. Sec ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Regu Irx meeting this (Wednesday) -venlng at 8 o'clock, cor. Grand avc and East Plnc st. Visiting brothers invited. First degree. W. AV. TERRY. Sec SAMARITAN LODCE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Third degree. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD. Sec Ft'XERAL NOTICES. WAIT In this city, at Patton Home. Feb. 4. 1002. Mary Flngg Walt, aged 7h years and 7 dnys; aunt of Mrs. C. R. Donncll. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services at th? chape! of J. P. Flnley .t Son. cor. Third and Jefferson stp.. today at 2:30 P. M. Interment at Salem, Or. WH1GHAM Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late William Whlgham. Thursday. Feb. 0. at the chapel of J. 1'. Flnley & Son. at 2 P. M. Interment at Rlvervlcw cem etery EDWAHI) IIOLMA.N. Undertaker. -Ith ami Ynmhlll sis. Itcnn Stliisnu. lady uasistnut. Both illumes No. HOT. J. 1 FINLEY & SON. Undertaker?.. bndy assistant. 'ZT, Third st. Tel. 1). NEW TODAY. PART OF OFFICE TO RENT. BEST LOCA tlon; references required. Apply 090 Flan ders. Telephone Green 11. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st $500.00 to $50,000.00 For loans on most favorable terms. Municipal and school bonds purchaser. W. H. Fear, 300-7 Falling building. WARRANTS Netting 5 rer cent to 8 per cent for sale. J. W. CRUTHERS & CO.. 314 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property, at lowest current rate. Building loans. Installment loan.. MacMaster & Birrell, 311 Worcester blk. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the County Su perintendent of Multnomah 'County will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers in room 22, Park School building. Portland, as follows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday. February 12. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and continuing until Saturday, February 15. at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, reboot law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arith metic composition, physical geography. Saturday llotany. plane geome'try. general history, English literature, psychology. FOR COUNTY TAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, February 12. at 9 o'clock A- M., and continuing until Friday, February 14. at 4 o'clock I. M. FIRST. SECOND AND THIRD-GRADE CER TIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, physi ology, civil rovernment. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, read ing, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. R. F. ROBINSON. County School Superintendent. TI3IBER LAND FOR SALE. TIMBER LANDS IN SMALL AND LARGE tracts. Wc have 1120 acres of very fine tim ber on the Sluslaw at a bargain. Also large tract tributary to the Columbia River. M. nilllncs. 229 Morrison st. 5& CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms." "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep ing Rooms." "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents; 1C to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 23 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for ad ditional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" ((gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this cflice. should always be Inclosed In scaled en velopes. No stamp Is required en such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for rrors in advertisements taken thrcugh the telephone. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IN HOOD RIVER VALLEI 210 ACRES; 50 In cultivation, balance In pasture and tim ber; free water for Irrigation, large house and barns fur 30 head mock, good for but ter, dairy, stock or fruit ranch; in apple district, 12 miles south of town. A bar gain for 30 days. 53300 cash. acres good berry land, all fenced, spring near by. This Is unimproved, but easily cleared. Price 575 an acre. ;. A bargain for 30 days 2 acres cnoice berry land. 1 mile from town; good house and barn, well and ditch, and all fenced. Price 5Soo. or half down, balance at S per cent. A beautiful place. 15 acres good fruit land. 550 as It stands, or 5000 buy) it all cleared; land is fenced: C miles from town. 100 acres of the finest apple land In the Valley; all fenced and watered by ditch; 5 miles from town; enough timber on land to pay for clearing. Can be had for 550 an acre. It Is a bargain for fruit land. 40 acre apple and berry land; 100 apple, cherry, peai and peach trees, 2 acres In ber ries; H mile to school, 2 miles from town; (-room houfe, large barn; all fenced, well at house, irrigation ditch, and 20 acres in timber. Price 52500; 51500 down, balance V per cent. Government claim located for 550. PRATHER INVESTMENT CO.. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS; NEW 9 room house, on southeast corner 19th and Marshall sts.; complete in every particular. B. M. Lombnrd. 514 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN; 51600. Very nice C-room house, full lot. lots of fruit, near Morrison street-car line; 52fO0. Charle ston & Staub. 245V Morrison, room 12. THE WHOLE OR PART OF 4S-ACRE FRUIT farm: patily iu city limits of Portland; convenient to street-car; suitable to plat; a snap. M. Billings. 22!) Morrison sL FOR SALE TWO NEAT COTTAGES AT Woadlawn: 5-S00 each. After March 1 the price will be 51C0O each. M. Billings. 229 Morrison st. FOR SALE-51000: HOUSE AND BARN. TWO lots. 50x105 each, in Kinzel Park. Mount Tabor. Inquire James Hyland, 281 2d, Ad ministrator. RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ALL KINDS OF fruits. line little home, for Portland property or small business. Address Box 1). Hubbard, Or. MOUNT TABOR LAND CHOICE. CHEAP and convenient tract of 17 acres on western slope. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE. OFFICE. Lents, Or. All kinds property cheap. Take Mount Scott car: fare 5 cents. O. It. Additon. i FOR SALE 4-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT; modern conveniences. A;ply to owner, U93 East Main St., between :.3d and 3!th. THREE HOUSES AND FIVE LOTS, 50x1(0 each, in Kenllworth Addition; bargain; no agents. S 4. Oicgonian. VERY DESIRABLE 7-ROOM HOUSE. 730 Irving St.. near 23d. Inquire Strong's ttudlo. Gocdnough building. ONLY FOUR MORE LEFT OF THOSE 523 lots on St. Johns car line. See Brown, 392 Washington st. FOR SALE HOUSE. FOUR LOTS. WITH fruit, cor East 17th and Brooklyn. Phone Union 90.1. FOR SALE-HOUSE. LOT AND WELL. FOR $150. John B. Bulenschoen. Peninsular. Or. I-'OR SALE FARMS. A SNAP 50 ACRES. NEARLY ALL cleared; fine orchard, new drier, house and barn; only 5300ft; nine miles from Portland. 12 acres line berry land near ML Talmr; 5150 per acre. Charleson & Staub. 245 Morrison, room 12. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to MacMaster & Birrell. 311 Worcester block. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FARM PROPERTY FOR Portland or suburban real estate. Thone Brown 7S1. TO LEASE. WANTED TO LEASE-MAN TO LEASE OR take half Interest In 7(oo-acre ranch; -S2.I0 acies deeded land, balance .leaaMl; free water: own ditch covers 3000 acres; finest kind of hay and pasture land. Address box IMS. Boise. Idaho. U A NTKD It ISA L ESTATE WANTED-L1ST YOUR FARMS AND CITY property with tis. We have large Eastern correspondence, and Insure good results. D. L. McLcod. 220 Falling building. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. t- INVESTIGATE THIS-I WOULD LIKE TO corres;ond or call on any one that would like to Invest in mining stock. We have tne propeity; we the ore; we are near the 200-foot level, with complete machinery on some to reach the 350-foot level. We may not need any more money than we have got, but to make sure we will sell 10.000 shares treasury stock at 15c ier share. J. F. Ny lander. 3.":o4 Johnson st.- FOR SALE-LARGE HOUSEBOAT. IN USE tor one 'year, at a bargain if taken imme diately. Call on A. H. Pierce, foot Market t., or E 10. care Oregonian. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor. Forest Grove. Or. Furniture wagons, trucks, hacks, coupe; also 200 other vehicles. 250 setSvhaniess. 100 sad dles. Tomllnson i Hall. 211 Washington st. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office up plles. Coast Agency Co.. 2t0, Stark tU FIVE SHARES PORTLAND U. S. NATION al Bank stock at par; pays 0 per cent divi dend. Address W 10. care Oregonlan. SAFES NINE SECOND-HAND SAFES. FINE condition, 525 to -200: your price, to make room for new stock. 205 Second st. FOR BEST DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, sawed or 4-foot, go to Hoover's Wood Yard, 313 Water M. Telephone South G51. FOR SALE ONE WHITE'S PATENTED combination fireproof safe; price 550. Salem Woolen Mills. S3 Third st. FOR SALE GOOD. SOUND. GENTLE HORSE 5 -years old. weight 1000 pounds. J. W. New ton, 329 Front st. BARGAIN $45 BUYS BAY HORSE. 7 YEARS old. welchs 1100. sound. Call barn. Third and Madison. FOR SALE YOUNG CHEHALIS MARE: also buggy and harness. At A. C. Pike's. 107 North Thlid. A GOOD. FRESH COW AND CALE: OR Ex change for beef cows. OGTt Mllwauklc. ccr. Brooklyn. Wolfsteln buys and sell all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 229 YamhllL HELP WANTED MALE. FOR HELP AND WORK SEE THE CANA DIAN EMPLOYMENT CO. Three otllces. The largest and most reliable company In the Northwest. Printed guarantee of 30 days on every fee. Loggers and mill men our Spe cialty. Local and bank references. Address all orders to main ofllces. Sash and door framemaker. 53; splint basket-makers. 52 to 52.50; men and teams, haul poles. 55 to 57. haul wood 50c; R. R-. 54. station work; ma chinists and pattern-makers, .33.25 to 53.3.); land clearers. 550; boltcutters. 51: woodchop pers. SOc to $1.25: farm hands and milkers.' 520 to 523. Canadian Employment Co., 22J5 Morrison. Branches 247 Burnelde and 51 North Third. HARPER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED States History. 10 volumes, now ready. Only work of the kind. Covers entire field, from earliest explorations to 1902. Sold only by subscription. Solicitors, desirins territory, ad dress, with references and experience. Har 7cr & Brothers. Franklin Square, New York. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages of 21 and 33, cit izens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Re cruiting Orflcer, Third and Stark sts.. Port land. Or. nELP WANTED MALE. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 12S FIRST STREET. THONE GRANT Sll. AND COLUMBIA -1S7. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS AND clerks, ail lines, either sex. wishing better positions please call and register; no fee until situation Is secured. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau. Labbe building. Men to learn the barber trade. Constant prac tice and expert Instruction until competent. Catalogue ar.d full particulars mailed free. Molcr Barber College. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED A GOOD. WIDE-AWAKE NEWS paper advertising solicitor. Bee Publishing Co.. 1C2 Second st. FOR SALE 1000 SHARES CASCADIA M. & D. stock, at 35 cents, worth 50. Address R 1, care Oregonlan. WANTED A BRIGHT. ACTIVE OFFICE boy. Address, giving references'. Wholesale, S4, care Oregonlan. WANTED-A QUARTZ MINER; MUST BE first-class man, able to handle air drills. X 7, Oregonlan. WANTED - FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN; BIG wages; city and country. 213 Commercial blk. BOYS WANTED. WESTERN UNION TEL--graph Co.. 101 Third st. HELP "IVAXTEn-FEJIALE. SECOND COOK. CAMP. 525; 5 HOTEL waitresses. $20; nurse girls; second girl: cooks and housework, 512 to 525- Call, cvery lody. Lady clerks. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR CEN oral housework; three In family; 520 per month. Address 12S East 3Td si. Telephone White S39. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. WORKING housekeeper, widower's family; another town. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. WANTED A GIRL OR A MARRIED WOM an to do dining-room work in a camp; no objection to a child. Call at 51 Third st eer. Pine.- WANTED-THREE EXPERIENCED SALES for millinery, two for cloaks, city. Clerks" Registration Bureau, Labbe building. IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT SECOND girls, cooks and housekeepers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and general housework. Apply morn ings, 741 Hoyt st. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking. Apply at 393 12th st.. cor. Harrison. WANTED-SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework for her board; reference. 218 Montgomery" st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENER- a! housework. Apply 3S1 10th, cor. Mont gomery. ACME EMP. EUREAU. 1S5 MORRISON. Help free to employers. Phone North 2331. tlol. 2S7 Wanted Housework girls, fev 50c when cash. R. G. Drake. 203' Washington St.. room IS. GIRLS WANTED FOP. GENERAL HOUSE work: washing sent out. 314 Clay m. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; renall family. 091 st. GIRLS WANTING GOOD PLACES CALL AT 2-.U Third. Working Girls' Home. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK; GOOD wages. G74 Everett st. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE. MlNCelluneou. YOUNG MAN. 2fl YEARS OF AGE. GERMAN, one year In America; speaks English; skilled on scientific Instruments, such as for astron omy, nautical, medical instruments, etc.. wants a position. Please write to & 8. care Oregonian POSITION ,vS MINING FOREMAN: HAVE" had 20 years' exierioncc in all branches of practical mining; best of reference. Address J. T. Kenwood. 421 tj East Sixth-Morrison sts.. Portland. Or. SITUATION WANTED BY A STOUT. IN telltgent youth. 17 years of age. living with parents: well acquainted with city and used to driving. Address Y 10, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT SYSTEMATICAL ly by Ellen Drake, graduate of the McDow ell School. Chicago; perfect-fitting patterns; only 25c. McDowell School, 170 loth at.; V2.50 starts you. DRESSMAKER WILL SEW BY THE DAY or In shop. X it. care Oregonian. Dome.ntie WANTED BY COMPETENT GIRL. SITUA tlon to do upstairs work and sewing. 230' Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. ORDER CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES, either union or not: demestics. Drake. 205 Washington. Clay 445. THREE GOOD GIRLS. ONE COLORED. GEN eral work. Working Girls' Home. 291 Third. Phone Hood 4&9. SITUATION WANTED BY SWEDISH GIRL, to do chamberwork or general housework. F lo. Oregonian. TWO GIRLS WISH DAY WORK; WILL do laundry, sweep, cook. 553 Morrison. Phone Red 4M. Housekeeper. A LADY, 2S. WOULD LIKE POSITION AS houekeepcr for widower. J 10, care Orego nian. Jll.sccllnxicuiiJi. WIDOW WISHES THE CARE OF ONE OR two children; good home. O 10. care Orego nian. Work wanted for any kind help. Drake. 203i Washington, room IS. Phone Clay 445. WANTED AGENTS. PROFITABLE WORK OFtERED AGENTS In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. We want agents who will work thoroughly and with uuMnesa system to cover each section with our illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter, and to look sharply after renewals from old subscribers. The pay is llrst rate, and at the end of the season 520.000 VvllI be given the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents have succeeded Is tcld In a little booklet we would like to 3end you portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how they made It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co.. Philadel phia. Pa. $100 WEEKLY IN MAIL-ORDER BUSINESS; conducted by any one, anywhere; particulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED TO RENT. BY RELIABLE PEOPLE. AN S OK 9-HOOM" modern house; must be In good neighbor hood; references; willing to pay good price for right house. B 11, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED' COT tage oh West Side, for long time: man and wife (no children); responsible parties. K 1, Oregonlan. -1 WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. ROOM AND board In private family; centrally located. A 3. care Oregonlan. MODERN FURNISHED COTTAGE OR FLAT. In desirable location; references exchanged. V 10. Oregonlan. WANTED-A ROOM. WITH HEAT. SU1T able for kindergarten; centrally located. G 10. Oregonlan. "WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE. STOVE AND ALL KINDS OF second-hand household articles bought or taken In trade Zimmerman. 24 First. Teb North 1040. We sell for cash or credit. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off olothlng and shoes. 02 North 3d. Phon Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. PASSENGER STEAMBOAT; DESCRIBE fully, ftate speed and price. Address W. W.. 04 Tacoma avc. south. Tacoma. Wash. SECOND-ILiND NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER typewriter, from private party. Address 435 East Ankeny. FOR RENT. Rooms. FOR RENT A BAY-WINDOW ROOM IN A private family; all conveniences; three blocks from the Portland Hotel. Inquire at 327 Morrison st. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. PARK and Alder sts., formerly The' Spalding, under new management The most complete apartment-house In the Northwest; ateam heat, gas. porcelain baths, every modern conven ience: rates 75c per day and upward. Fur nished housekeeping suites a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board: use of sewing-room: use of library: Woman's Exchange;' Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. George. Super intendent. 510 Flanders st. THE PLEASANTON. SS Third at. Fine fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; tiansicnt solicited. Phone South 251. The Calumet. Seventh and Alder New, mod ern, steam-heated rooms. 51 per day and up; reasonable rates per week or mo. Free bath. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern convenience; references. FOR RENT NICE AND COMFORTABLE rooms, to four or five gentlemen, with good references. Call at 153 East Sixth. PLEASANT. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; H-e minutes .from postotilce; every conven ience. 312 Clay, near Sixth. TLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. FOR ONE or two gentlemen; heat, bath, gas. If de sired. 343 Third. THIRD ST.. 1S9V& WELL - FURNISHED large rooms: front, 52, 51.50; side, 51.25; back. 51 week. MANHATTAN COURT: NEW BRICK BUILD lng. steam heat, new furniture. 311V4 Stark. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, VERY CEN tral; all conveniences. 347 Taylor, near "th. CLEAN. STRICTLY RESPECTABLE FUR nlshed rooms. 2M TarooJU. FURNISHED ROOM. 212 SEVENTH. COR. Salmon. ItoouiN AVI tli Ilonrd. OPPOSITE CITY HALL. 2SS JEFFERSON Neatly furnished basement room, with first class tnblo board, suitable for "one or two; reasonable. THE SOUTHERN. COR. WEST PARK AND Yamhill Select family hotel; table and serv ice first-class; under new management. THE VENDOME. COR. 13TH AND ALDER Select family hotel: tabic and service first class; under new management. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; MOD ern conveniences. 350 Madison St.. cor. Park. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY at 520 per month. C 10. Oregonlan. SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS; HOT AND cold water; with beard. 213 12th st. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 223 11th. Hi.ukekeeplng Rooms. 2C3 KNOTT ST. TWO LARGE. SUNNY housekeeping rooms, on ground floor; hot and cold water. ;wlth sink, woodshed, otoreroom. large ya:d;'uee of phone. Pink 1744; $7 month. ?S PER MONTH: 3-ROOM FLAT; PANTRT. woodshed: furnished for housekeeping; tree water and telephone. C34 Seventh-street Ter race. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping; alcove, closets, bath and gas; to parties without children. 514 East Oak. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, completely furnished for houaokeeplngtfevery convenience: gas range, telephone, bath. 3SS JEFFERSON FIVE ROOMS. FURNISH ed complete for housekeeping; bath; central location; no children; references. UNFURNISHED ROOMS; SUITE OF THREE rooms. 5C; three rooms. 57.50; water Included in. price. ICG North 10th st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng. en suite or transient. 225 1st st.. between Salmon and Main. 203 11TH ST. THREE ROOMS AND AL cove, furnished for housekeeping; pleasant; convenient; phone, bath. ONE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. FOR HOUSE keeplng. with carpet, curtains and shades. Apply 533 Morrison st. TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. FOR sleeping or light housekeeping; no children. 314 Madison, cor. Sixth. TWO NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR housekeeping: hot and cold water. Phone Hood 143. 014 Front. 231 i MARKET THREE LOVELY. LIGHT, clean, newly furnished rooms, for housekeep ing; no children. HOUSEKEEPING TWO OR THREE FUR nlshed room?, second floor; low rent. 320U Front and Clay. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ONE LARGE room, suitable for light housekeeping. 3:1 North Sixth st. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED . HOUSE kecplng rooms; cloets and sink; no children. 09 N. 13th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with gas range, telephone and bath. 533 Yamhill st 2G2 14TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms1, two or more; new. modern house; also tingle room. NICE FRONT ALCOVE ROOMS. WITH bath: clcee in. S3 Seventh st.. between Stark and Oak. HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE. NICELY FUR nlshed; rent $13. 515 20th 8U. Portland Hclshtn. 253 SIXTH ST.. COR. MADISON FURNISH etl housekeeping rooms; all conveniences: best location. 30S't FIRST ST. ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; gentlemen and transients. 433 ALDER LIGHT. AIRY. DESIRABLE rooms; central location: bath. gas. phone. The Graham. 545U Wash. Sunny suites; gas ranges, porcelain baths, etc., free phone. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND OTHER rooms; steam heat and gas. 95 11th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; three sulus. 2474 Fifth st. FURNISHED HOUSEKKEPING ROOMS; NO children SI Seventh St.. cor. Oak. THREE ROOMS. PARTIALLY FURNISHED. 423'. East Clay. Houses. NEW FLAT. MODERN IN EVERY PARTIC ular. 7 rooms, attic, basement, porches and yards, frcnt and back: choice neighborhood; West S!d. Address K 10, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT-795 IRVING ST.. COR. 24TH: modern S-room house; choice location and neighborhood; Immediate possession; rent 545. Portland Trust Co., 109 Third st. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN FLAT. FURNISHED if desired; 24th St.. near Irving. Inquire Dr. Rand. Dekum building. Telephone Brown 251. -4 FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 004 CORBETT &t.. near Lane; 511 per month; Immediate po3se?jlon. Portland Trust Co., 109 Third st. FOR RENT 392 EAST 15TH ST.. COR. HAN cock; 12-room house: rent 535; Immediate permission. Portland Trust Co., 109 Third st. COTTAGE. 333 SEVENTH AND MADISON; modern Improvements, thoroughly renovated; 530. John Klorterman. 10th and Burnslde. THREE-ROOM FLAT IN THE SEVILLA, unfurnished. Inquire Janitor, flat A, on Mar ket St.. between First and Second. 730 IRVING: 7 ROOMS: VACANT FEB. 15; will sell carpets. Inquire Strong's studio, Goodnough building. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 24G STARK ST., tents and Insurance. Telephone 343. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT SIX ROOMS AND BASEMENT, furnished house; bath, electric lights. 434 E. 7th st. House for Rent Fnrpltnre for Sale. FURNITURE FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR rent. 1SS Park St., between Taylor and Yam hill. FOR RENT FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. WITH furniture for sale. 50 North Seventh. Stores. FINE STORE AND BASEMENT. 2S3 YAM hlll; formerly occupied by American Book Co. Apply at office. Goodnough building. PERSONAL. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. 52; 3 months. 55. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Port land. Or. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION. HAIR and scalp specialist, will give special talks and advice free to ladles this week. Oriental Beauty Parlors. 312V, Washington at., room 9. PERSONALS. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kcssler, 230 Yam hill at.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-roots for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-tent stamps. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rlpj sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Ur.lque Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposl'.e Cordray's. SUPERFLUOUS HAIK. MOLES. ETC.. RE moved with electric needle: permanent euro; electric massage for wrinkles; 7 years' xy. by lady operator; physicians' references. Parlors 15-10 Lewis oldg. Phone Brown 057. A CLEAR COMPLEXION IS A JOY FOR cver. We can remove superfluous hair, wrin kles and all facial blemishes PERMANENT LY. Thin and faded hair corrected. N. Y. Electro Therapeutical Co.. 702 Marquam bldg. J'X.etter-Writer." "Love Letters." "Art of Mak ing Love." "Hoyle's Games." "Fortune Tell ing." "Conjuring." "Dream Book." "Dance Call Book." 25c each. Schmale. 229 First. iWINONA MILLS' FINE SEAMLESS Ho siery sold from samples direct to the con sumer at mill prices; large sizes a specialty. Oltlee 43 Hamilton building. 131 Third. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 23c: 250 business cards. 51. Brown & Schmale. 229 First. Portland. Or. $3.00 SPECTACLES FOR 51.00: FITTED BY expert opticians. Oregon Optical Co.. 173 4th at., under' Y. M. C A. building. GENTLEMAN. ACQUAINTANCE WITH A middle-aged, respectable lady, etc Address H 10, care Oregonlan. BETZ' HOT-AIR BATHS: SURE CURE FOR rheumatism. Hibernian bldg.. Gth and Wash. MRS. DR. McCOY and assistant; electric treat ments. Ross House. 21 1H First, cor. Salmon. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists". Geneva Ltthla Mineral Water cures kidney, bladder and stomach troubles. 203Vi Wash. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE Instantly. 10 and 25 cents. All druggists'. School bocks bought, oold and exchanged. Jones' Book Store. 291 Alder St.. Portland. MRS. F. J. LYNCH. SCALP SPECIALIST; electric and vapor baths. 208 Allsky bldg. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage paper. 10c. Box 600. Portland. Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. JOBBING CONCERN, ONE OF THE MOST profitable In the city;, .trade Increasing each month; large orders for Spring delivery: owner has Interests calling him elsewhere; about 510,000 required. Ames Mercantile Agency. Abington building. OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN THOR oughly established and profitable business en terprises In this city; reliable Information furnished parties seeking locations. Ames Mercantile Agency. 203 Abington building. GROCERY BUSINESS, ONE OF THE BEST stands In city, can be had on reasonable terms; thU Is an exceptional opportunity. Ames Mercantile Agency. FOR LEASE AT A BARGAIN ROOMING hduse containing 22 rooms; best part of Lower Alblna. Apply to M. F. Hamilton, 84 Fourth st. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR 19 lots In Seattle, Carmodo & Adtz' First Addi tion to Klrkland? Wm. Murphy, .Chchall. Wash. DRUG STORE IN CITY. WELL ESTAB llsbed and doing good cash business; Inves tigate; no trlfiers. Address C 7, care Orego nlan. CANDY AND CIGAR STORE FOR SALE. ?300; or will sell peanut roaster and show cases separately. GOO Washington st. I HAVE 51000 TO 51500 TO INVEST IN LE gltlmate mercantile or manufacturing busi ness. L 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE Best-paying 70-room hotel In Portland: 54000. T 35. Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Otllce of Purchasing Commissary. San Fran cisco, Cal.. January 30. 11)02. Sealed propo sals for furnishing and delivering of such quantities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or such warehouses in San Fran cisco. Cal., as per circular, to be seen at this ofllce. will be received here until 11 o'clock A. - M.. Tuesday. February IS. 1002. and opened Immediately thereafter In presence of bidders. Speclilcatlons, general Instruction tf bidders and blank form of proposals will be furnished to established dealers on applica tion to W. H. BALDWIN. Major. Commis sary. I". S. Army, Purchasing Commissary. PORT OF PORTLAND, GC0 WORCESTER Block Sealed proposals for furnishing the following Items tor the 30-lnch hydraulic dredge will be received at this ofllce up to noon of February 22. 1002. Information may be obtained uron application. Proposals are to be separated, as follows: 1. Auxiliary machinery. 2. Centrifugal pump. 3. Pontoons. 4. Pipe line. 5. Rubber sleeves. PORT OF PORTLAND. (W0 WORCESTER Block Sealed proposals for certain altera tions and repairs to the 20-lnch hydraulic dredge will be received up to noon. February 15. 1902. Information may be obtained on application at this otilce. PORT OF PORTLAND, GGlI WORCESTER Block Plans and specifications will be re ceived at this otllce up to noon, February 15. 1902. for a steam propeller tender for 30 lnch hydraulic dredge now building. Gen- eral specifications may be obtained on appli cation to this office. Masters' Notice. BRITISH SHIP FULWOOD. CAPT. JONES, from Tnlcahuano Neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, Young & Co.. Agents. BRITISH SS. HATASU. FROM MANILA. P. I. Neither the captain nor the undsralgned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be con tracted by the crew. Pacific Export Lumber Co. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair Pursuant to an order of the Board of Directors of the above-named company, made and entered January 27, 1002, a special meet ing of the stockholders of said company Is hereby called, to be held at the rooms of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, No. 24G Washington st., at Portland. Or., on Wednes day, the 12th day of February. 1902. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of taking such action as may be deemed necessary to In crease the capital stock of the company, and for the amendment or repeal of existing by laws, and to adopt such other by-laws as may be deemed expedient, and for the trans action of such other business as may arise In the stockholders' meeting. All tlw subscrib ers to the capital stock of the company are hereby rrquested to attend this meeting. H. W. CORBETT. President. HENRY E. REED. Secretary. Dated January 29. 1902. LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN CLACKAMAS COUNTY warrants numbered 9212. 927(5. 9290. SGU2. 9249 9242. 9321. 0310. 9245. U234. 9237. 9232. 02C0. 0272. 92SG. 1)182. S724. Reward paid and no questions asked If returned to P. O. box 408. Oregon uuy. ur. 1- LOST GOLD BROOCH, SET WITH 17 pearls, with Rhine stone In center. Finder pleaYe return to 207 Grant. Telephone Front 1224. Reword. LOST LADY'S BLACK POCKETROOK; CEN tral part of city: some money and papers. Return Miss D'Orsay, Meier & Frank's. Re ward. GERTRUDE MYREN. CLAIRVOYANT, 2GS; Morrison, tells you all from cradle to grave: satisfaction guaranteed. LOST BETWEEN OAK AND MORRISON, on Front St.. silver-mounted purse. Return 72 Front. Reward. FOUND A PURSE. NEAR "WASHINGTON and First, last Saturday. Inquire 491 Gllsan strett- LOST A BELT OF BLACK SATIN RIBBON, with steel buckle. Return Oregonlan olflce. FOUND A MASONIC EMBLEM PIN. OWN er can recover same at 128 Third st. LOST SCOTCH COLLIE PUP; LEATHER collar. Return 115 West Park. LOST A RUBBER BICYCLE CAPE. RE turn to 3J2 Morrison. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant S3C FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible Arms, upon their own names; easy payments: strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Loan & Trust Co.. room 20G Abington bldg. Office hours, 10 to 4. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 602 Commercial blk. LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, pianos and other securities. 12S Third st.. C. H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Olllce. 55 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phono Hood 413. LOANS IN SUMS FROM 53 TO 5500; ON ALL classes of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay SS3. 5200.000 TO LOAN AT 51i. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN. C AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 213 Stark st. LOANS ON CHATTEL AND SALARY E curltv; strictly confidential. Portland Claim Agency. 315 Allsky bldg. WE LOAN MONEY ON ANYTHING JEW elry. houses, lots and farms. Lehman, 70S Chamber of Commerce. M!Vcp:v m i.n.w ON CITY OR FARM property at G and 7 per cent. C. F. Plymp ton, Allsky building. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn. 532 Sherlock block. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Roll, room 9 Washington bldg. LOANS ON chattels, salaries; low rates. See us first. Mann & Co.. 004 Dekum building. MONEY TO LOAN. G per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. RUSIXESS DIRECTORY. Assnyers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist. 204Vi Washington st. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 22S'2 Stark st. Architects. OTTO KLEEMANN. 30 GRAND AVENUE north. Columbia phon 51S1. Accountant nntl Anditor. George T. Murton. 31S Cham, of Com. Phone Brown. 456. Bookkeeping, expertlng. teaching. Attoriieys-nt-LaYV. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. Bamboo Fnrnlture. TOYOKUNI CO.. "WHOLESALE AND RE tall. 254 Morrison st. Factory 2S7 Third st. Uoolc Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE'' tall booksellers and stationers, 1:13-33 3d at. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder. 307 Stark st.; otllce and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering and rcpalrlns houses; grill work. Phone Main 74. Chiropodists and Manicuring:. "WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVEN1. THi. only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant Id. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Clairvoyants. Mme. Dr. Herrog. from Berlin, scientific re vsaler; tells entire life. past, present and fu ture; consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given; good advice; sure help; mistake impossible: Imports genuine gypsy love powder. Fee. 51; letter. 2. 363 Alder. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st.. near GlUan. Ore. tel. Red 17CG. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds coal. coke, charcoal. Try the Rock Springs. 154 North Fifth. Both phones. OREGON FUEL CO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds coal and wood, 344 Morrison. Commission Merchnnts. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front st, near Main. Portlanu. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. Computing: Scales. DAYTON COMPUTING SCALES. THE VERY latest-Improved computing devices. 223 Pine. Cornices SUylif-ts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer. 265 Second st- Unncing. MIPS HELEN W. COPELAND, TEACHER of dancing. Burkhard Hall. Wednesday even ings; Malr's Hall. Alblna. Friday evenings. Telephone Union S24. i FEATHERS RENOVATED, gloves cleaned. Chicago Costume House, KSS Morlson st. Dentists. DR. A. F. KNODER. DENTIST. 317 FAIL lng building, corner 3d and Washington tits. Dyclir and Cleaning. H W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Educational. Vander Nalllen Engineering School, 115 Fulton St.. San Fran. Ask for catalogue. Estab. 1SG4. Electro-Plat In f?. OLD. SILVER. COPPER. NICKEL. , ETC. Peninsular Plating Works. 392 Washl:;ton. Fence and Wire "Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE works. A. Carlson. 289 East Morrison et. IIuirdressinfT. Toupees, Manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 303 WASH. ST., UP-to-date hair dressers, wigs and toupees for ladlcu and gents; switches from .$1 up. VAPOR BATHS. FACE MASSAGE. SCALP treatment, halrdresslng and manicuring. 347 Alder. Phone West 357. ROSENTHAL SISTEBS, 160 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, halrdresslng. manicuring. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlera and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Inrturnnce. HAMBtJRG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First St.; Boyd & Arnold. Generals Agents. Junk. Hides ami Pelts. L. Shank & Co.. pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottle.", iron. rags, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 991. 31achincry. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING AND SAW mlll machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds: all repairs. A. Zwlcker, Supt., formerly of Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works. 104 Fourth. PHOENIX PATTERN WORKS PATTERNS vr for all kinds of tounary anu macnine work. Cor. E. Madison and Water sts. Tel. Blue 975. TATUM & BOWEN. PORTLAND. SAN Francisco. Seattle. Massaprc. GRADUATE OF MILLER'S MASSAGE School. N. Y.. give3 scientific massage, steam and alcohol baths; ladles and gentlemen. 351Vi Morrison. 131 FOURTH ST.. THE SNOWDEN BATH rooms; tub and vapor baths, select massage. Columbia phSne 5. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND MAS sage treatments. Room 38. 313 Washing ton, cor. Sixth. French lady, graduate of best Parisian schools. gives massage treatment; very nelcct. 203 5th. Thermal baths and scientific massage, ladles vanto. Riuma 9(1 and 27. 323l Wash. St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Leather nntl KIimIIiik. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash st. Medicul. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED specialist, has opened up his ottice at 133 11th st., and will sell his medicine as usual. Medicines for all kinds of chronic dlsease3. Xnvnl Architect Jfc Consulting Enj-r. FRED A. BALLIN, 43 2d st. Tel. Oak 76. Ves sels and machinery of all kin. Is designed, su perintended, contracted for or surveyed. Orej-on Viavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS Send for Health Book. Consultation free. Osteonntliy. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. SUITE 41G DEKUit. bldg. Examination free. Phone Main 349. Opticians. DELA B. HOWARD, SCIENTIFIC OPTI clan. room 1G Russel bldg. Examination free. Oyster Dealers. Toke Point Oyster Co.. wholesale dealers In oysters, 244 Ankeny st. Phone Main COX Palmistry. MISS LINN WARDEL. PALMIST AND AS trologlst. gives advice on business and re veals mysteries: If marriage, divorces, law suits, lost articles or absent friends Interest you; if you have enemies and would make them friends, call on this gifted woman. Palmistry and clairvoyant card reading taught: medlumlstlc persons developed. Of fice hours, 10 A. M. to"8:30 P. M. daily. Read ings by mall; send 52 with date of birth. Parlors S and 9 Calumet. 7th and Alder. Larsen, the palmist, returned: scientific read ings, 50c: past ar.d future. 21G Allsky bldg. MRS. DREYFUS. PALMISTRY AND CARD reading. 50c. 51. i:$3Vj First, rooms G-7. GEISLER PATENTS CO.. CHAM. OF COM. We secure and market patents for Inventions. PhyHlcinn nnd Surgeon". DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows" Temple. Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Otllce 517 The Dekum. Plumbers. H. L. BRUCE. PLUMBER. BOTH PHONES. 220 First st. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 26(5 DAVIS. ORE- gon phone Clay S12. Genuine chicken tamales. Rubber Stamps and Stencils. Chas. E. Potter & Co., mfrs. rubber stamps, seals, stencils. 221 Falling bldg.. Portland. Safes. SAFES. FOR BANKS AND MERCHANTS. boughC-and sold; lock-outs opened; general repairs. Jails. J. E. Davis, 6G Third. Showesiscs and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON, Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Machines. All styles: repairing; phonographs and records. Transcontinental Machine Co.. 343 Wash. Spiritualists. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difliculties. Always consult the best. 167 First, rooms 7-S. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son; circles every Friday eve". Sittings dally. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader, scientific palmist; past and future. SOc. 221 Morrison. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful aUen'lon given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia G7I5. STORAGE AT LOW RATES' CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckcl's storehouse. 31 North Front. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, ofllce 8S First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 390. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail; send, for catalogue. Turkish Ha tits. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths; hours ladles. 9 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. "Watchmakers and Jeirelers. JOHN A. BECK, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Open evenings. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis 3ts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up ?,''SH? Reserve .......-.----- -.000,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sums of ?lO and upwards, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent o the United States. President - H- """ CORBETT Vice-President A- ! MILLS Cashier G. E. WITHINGTON Asclstant Cash-er J- W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C ALORD Letters of credit issued, available In Europe ar.d thft Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-pn-tha Main Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1839. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms Lcttcra of credit issued available In Eurone and th Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and va rious points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Fiankf on and Hpng Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... 58.230.000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGE!. (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold anJ Letters of Credit Issued, available in all- parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vicc-Presient R. W. HOYT - Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Ofllce. 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking bust nes5. makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. r- THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts 1-sued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAM3I Cashier F. C. MILLER 4