-t- - -- ... -s-. SrjKl" '"'J" T 10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 5, 1902. NO LIGHT ON ABUSES Washington Pilot Investiga tion a Fizzle. NO CHARGES MADE BY ANYBODY Bar Service Is Presumably Best "We Ever JInd Pilot Staple Sns- pentlcd Xew Bonrd Gets tlie Xeivs. ILWACO, Wash., Feb. 4. (Staff corre spondence.) The Board of Pilot Commis sioners for the State of Washington met at llwaco today. They also adjourned. So far as accomplishing anything that has thrown any light on the pilotage and towage service is concerned, the busi ness of the day was confined to the aforementioned acts. The commissioners had extended an Invitation to the Port land Chamber of Commerce and to the Port of Portland Commission, requesting them to bo present to aid in turning on the limelight. Neither of the Portland commercial bodies responded to the- in vitation, and the investigation, which was expected to be a red-hot affair, was about as exciting as an old ladies' pink tea or an Emersonian discussion on the "Wheroncss of the "Which." The O. R. & N. Co. was represented by Captain George Conway, superintendent of water lines: 31. R. Conner, of the legal de partment; Agent Lounsbury, of Astoria, and Captain Sam Randall, of the bar tug Wallula. The bar pilots in attendance were James Tatton, George "V. "Woods and Charles Gundorson. Commissioner Kofocd's saloon and Judge Brumbach's law office being too small to accommo date the crowd, a hall was secured, and shortly after the arrival of the Nahcotta Limited, the meeting was called to or der by Chairman X. C. Kofoed. The chairman's remarks during the meeting were confined to "Come to order" at tho opening, and, after delivering this re quest, he was succeeded by Secretary Brumbach, who, with occasional whis pered suggestions from Commissioner English, was spokesman for the board. Xo Complaint Filed. The proceedings opened with a state ment from the secretary that no official complaint Had been filed with the com missioners, and, in the absence of such complaint, he thought it the duty of the board to dig around and see if they could not lind one. Mr. Conner, anxious to please, arose and offered himself as the representative of the O. R. & N. Co. as a subject for investigation, and stood with Spartan courage ready to meet all comers. There were no comers, how ever, and, looking like a man who had Marled out to hunt elephants and had bagged chipmunks, he promptly sub sided. Mr. George Washington "Woods, the bar pilot, was next called. The formality of an oath was overlooked in Conner's case, but the commissioners had read the Port land testimony of Woods regarding the number of ships that had sailed in and out without tugs, and Judge Brumbach insisted on his being sworn. Woods stat ed that there were plenty of pilots and plenty of tugs, and that the service Is the best it has ver been. This state ment was substantiated by Pilots Gunder son and Tatton, neither of whom seemed to think that the pilot service was in ferior to the tug service. In his testi mony. Woods added to the terror of the bar by taking off another two feet from the already rather scant depth. He stat ed that there was but IS feet at low tide, and tint the extraordinary delays this Winter were due almost entirely to this shoaling, which was caused by a succes sion of gales banking up the sand at the mouth of the river. Matter of Record. In his remarks, Mr. Conner had asked that the presence of the O. R. & X. repre sentatives, and their willingness to meet all charges against an Inefficient bar tug service, be noted on the records of the meeting. On behalf of the pilots. Cap tain Tatton made the same request. Judge Brumbach asked Pilot Gunderson if there had been any vessels lost within the past four years through the Ineffi ciency of either tug or pilot service, and Gunderson answered: "Emphatically no!" Having failed to secure a "rise" with the bait he had been using. Judge Brum bach made a cast In the direction of Con ner by calling on Captain Sam Rand ill for some pointers on bar tug-boating. Mr. Conner was on his feet in a mo ment, and stated that the O. R. &. X. Co. representatives were there to answer any questions that might be put to them regarding the service, but did not feel called on to go Into details of their busi ness without it had a direct bearing on the Pilot Commission investigation. Mr. Conner's point was well taken, and there being no desire to press the matter. It was dropped. At "this juncture. Secretary Brumbach seemed to have exhausted his supply of ihterrrogatlon points, and the proceed ings lapsed Into the "for-the-good-of-the-order" stage. Desirous of being enter taining, Mr. J. R. Goulter asked for an opinion regarding the probable change .that would be wrought by a continua tion of the jetty in its present course. Commissioner English ventured the sug gestion that the Inquiry had nothing to do with the case, and, as it elicited no response, and no other subjects were sug gested, the meeting adjourned. Pilot Staples Suspended. In the afternoon the commissioners held a meeting behind closed doors to consider charges against Pilot Loren Staples, who had been relieved from duty by the Oregon pilots, who alleged that lie was an habitual drunkard, and that he was guilty of being intoxicated while on duty. Staples was before the board on Monday, and did not make a favorable impression, and the commissioners ac cordingly suspended his license for an indefinite period. As his license expires Februiry IS, the punishment is practical ly the same as revocation. At the afternoon session the matter of appointing more pilots was discussed informally, but the board decided to se cure tne opinion of the Attorney-General Ik fore acting on the applications before them. They feared that it would be il legal to appoint any more pilots unless the applicants could show that they were provided with a suitable schooner. The applicants now before the board for con sideration are Ludwlg Larson and Cyrus Harriman. The Tctv Board. The news that Governor McBrlde had appointed successors to the present board did not reach the ears of the commis sioners until after the adjournment of the Investigating session, and was not especially pleasing to them. They at once announced their intention of contin uing the investigation until the blame for the alleged poor service is placed where It belongs. Xeither of the new appointees who re side In llwaco received official notice of their appointment, but it did not come as a surprise to them. John Wilson, like Kofoed, of the present board, is a saloon keeper at llwaco. Charles E. Kerlce is a prosperous merchant of excellent rep utation. Charles Payne, the third mem ber. Is one of the publishers of the Chi nook Observer. He was one of the sur vivors of the British ship Strathblane. which was lecked on Long Beach about 10 years ago. Astoria the Storm-Center. All of the interested parties from Ore gon who were present at the meeting re turned to Astoria on the afternoon boat. Astoria Is really the storm-center of the present disturbance, and further trouble has arisen for the pilots by the reap pearance of Thome- Dolg on the scene. It is reported that Dolg and Captain R. E. Howes will make a light to get back on the bar. Both have held branch li censes, and both have good records for work as pilots when they were on the bar several years ago. The pilot combination has been quite successful In staving off all competition through the busy months of the year, and from now on it Is prob able that the number now engaged can perform the work until the busy season sets In again. In about six months. In the meantime, it Is probable that more pilots will be appointed. E. W. W. NEW ALASKA PROJECT. Incorporation in Oklahoma for Rail road In the Xorth. GUTHRIE, O. T.. Feb. 4. The Alaska Southern Railroad Company was chartered Jiere today to operate a line from Bur roughs Bay, Alaska, to Laketon, B. C, a O. R. & distance of 450 miles, with J2.000.0CO capital stock, and with offices at Guthrie, O. T.. and Danville, 111. The Incorporators are: John W. Bailey, of Katchekan, Alaska: W. D. Ford, of Galena. Kan.; John J. Campbell. F. T. Hill. W. I. and Allen Cook, of Danville, 111; J. C. Strange. C. H. WILson and C. H. Woods, of Guthrie. COMPLETING 11UOOKLYX RAILWAY. The Xew Line In Xearly Ready fer the Operation of the Cars. Preparations are being made to operate the Brooklyn branch of the City & Sub urban Railway Company. The gravel train is running out to East Twenty-first street and a force Is ballasting that portion of the track. Trolley wires are all up. The company has about 23 new cars in the shops for the various branches of the system. "When cars are placed on the Brooklyn branch It is expected that It will relieve the crowded condition of the Richmond and Woodstock lines. The new branch extends through a well-settled dis trict, nad it is thought that the company will find it will pay when it is in. oper ation. The company has yet made no an nouncement when cars are to start. Drown Gets Xew Office. XEW YORK. Feb. 4. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Xew 'York Cental & Hudson River Railroad Company held today, AVilllam C. Brown, the presi dent, vice-president and general manager of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway and Lake Erie & Western, was made third vice-president of the Xew Yprk Central, with offices in Xew York, to have general superintendence of the transportation, engineering, mechanical and purchasing department. Mr. Brown will give up his position as general man ager o fthc Lake Shore Company, but will retain the vice-presidency of that road and the Lake Erie & Western Company. P. S. Blodgett. the present general super intendent of the Xew York Central & Hud son River Railroad, will be transferred to Cleveland, and will be made general man ager of the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern, and of the Lake Erie & Western. Trunk Line Mileage Tickets. XEW YORK, Feb. 4.-The Trunk Line Association has, it is understood, virtually decided upon the establishment of an in terchangeable mileage bureau, to have charge of the preparation and accounting of 20CO-mile tickets. Interchangeable on any road in the association. Final ar rangements, however, have not been con cluded. This action is In response to a petition of more than 20,000 merchants In trunk line territory, submitted to the association through the Xew York Board of Trade and Tran.-portatlon. The board has been actively e-ngagid on this movement for some time past, and although final de tails have not been arranged, the outlook seems favorable for the adoption of the Interchangeable mile-age system. A Great Terminal Station. XEW YORK, Feb. 4. A great terminal station for Xew York and Xew Jersey street railways will be built west of Sixth avenue, on the blocks between Christo pher and Leroy streets, according to the World. The purchase of property has already begun. The new tunnel company will lease the use of Its tracks to the trac tion companies. The tracks will jrise from the tunnel at the Manhattan end to the surface of the street, on a gentle incline. This will be constructed on two blocks to be bought for the terminals. Rjillrond Note. Some of the Spokane people want a change from Pacific time to mountain time, which Is one hour slower. The Great Xorthern changes time there, but the Xorthern Pacific changes at Hope, Idaho. The Union Pacific makes the change at Huntington, Or. Spokane peo ple think they are at a disadvantage by sticking to time that is too fast for them. Sunset, the monthly magazine published by the Southern Pacific passenger depart ment, is fast gaining size, and Its Issue for February consists of S4 pages, nearly half of which are occupied with adver tising. The work of Luther Burbank in propagating new varieties of fruits and tlowers is well described, and it gives the public an Insight to interesting technical operations. Joaquin Miller supplfes an illustrated article on a "Little Park for Little People." There is much Interest ing miscellaneous matter, and the' whole magazine is illustrated in the richest man ner possible. Dr. Sanford'n Liver Inv'Korntof. Tlie befet ller medicine. A vest-table cure for liver Ills, biliousness, lndlftsilon, constipation, malaria. '- m V. ""Vs.. - -v.- V ' . !r, K j , ", -", s. - ,. ' 1 ittMWttU T i. 1 rill i ti"' K I T " mwM"H WRECKED IN A STORM (Continued from First rage.) Kong, where she Is detained by damages sustained from a collision and a broken shaft. Inasmuch as the Indrapura will not be able to arrive on time this '.nonth to sail from here according to schedule, the O. R, & X. Co. has engaged the Xor wegian steamship Thyra. The Thyra is well known at Portland, for she has been a frequent visitor here. She has made several voyages from here to the Philip pines with Government forage supplies, and has also been loaded with private cargoes for the Orient. She is scheduled to leave Portland in the O. R. & X. service February 2S. Her net tonnage is 2419, but she has a gross carrying capacity 500 tons greater than that of the Knight Compan ion. Several steamships are available In this part of the world, so that the O. R. & X. would probably have had no diffi culty in securing a vessel had the Thyra not been available. Rates for steamships N. STEAMER KNIGHT COMPANION. GOES ASHORE OX EAST COAST OF JAPAN. are so much more favorable now than they were when the Knight Companion was engage-d that the O. R. & X. has doubtless secured the Thyra at a much more favorable rate than- the one for -which the Knight Comianion was char tered for. The Knight Companion's cargo includeel 1.300.000 yards of sheeting 3000 bales of cot ton, and over 42.000 barrels of flour. Of the cotton, ISO bales, were destined for Kobe. The Hour, for Hong Kong, was the largest consignment for that port in many mouths. It consisted of 3o,4C? barrels, valued at ?106,401. For the same port v. as a quantity of beer, hay, oats, groceries and machinery. There were consignments of Hour for Xagasaki, Kobe, Mojl and Shanghai. Shanghai was to receive the sheeting. For Manila there were 300 crates of potatoes. The total value of the cargo was $303,127 CO. The master of the vessel. Captain Frog gait, was a member of the court of In quiry which Investigated the abandon ment of the Pinmore last December. His wife accompanied him to the Orient and was on board the Knight Companion at the time of the wreck. Deck Is A'tvash. YOKOHAMA. Feb. 4. The British steamer Knight Companion, from Port land, Or.. December 27, for Yokohama and Hong Kong, Is ashore at Inuboe SakI, on the east coast of Japan, with her deck swept. The passengers and crew hive been landed. She Will lie a Total Lon. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 4. Advices received here today say that the British steamer Knight Companion, ashpre at Inuboe Sakl. Japan, will probably become a total loss. ICi; STILL TROUIILESOME. " But Boats Will Ik- Hnmilni; to Van. colli er In a Day or Two. It Is thought that navigation on the Columbia River above the mouth of the Willamette will be' resumed in a few days. The Undine. If conditions are favorable, wil try to reach Vancouver todtiy, to re lieve the stagnation of freight that has accumulited. It Is. over a week that nav igation with Vancouver has been cut off. The steamer Mascot left yesterday for Lewis and Lake Rivers, with cattle aboard. She will be the first bolt to reach that destination for about 10 eliys. Ice has been troublcfome as far down as St. Helens, and has persisted ever down to Oak Point. In the past few das a number of shipb have been piss ing up and down, so that bo:ts have found progress easier. The Ice Is very sharp, and wearing on the hulls of the boats. The bows of boats running be teen here and Astoria have been sheathed with Iron. Ice his alo been so troublesome In the Yamhill River above Dayton that no boats have reached the latter city for several days. The Altona will make that city today. The Willamette River has risen slightly on account of snow and rain, so that free navigation as far as Independence wil be resumed in a day or two. RESULTS OF THE STORM. Many Murine Disasters on the At lantic Coast. XEW YORK. Feb." 4. The Oak Llfesav lng station reports that two of the crew of the ship L. Schepp have come ashore and that the rest of the crew have been taken aboard of a wrecking tug which is standing by. The steamer Cavour, aground off Long Beach, is reported to be resting easy and to have withstood the storm well. An other effort to get her off will be made today. From Forge River it Is reported that five masts have come ashore, two with white mastheads and three with black. These indicate that two barges have gone to pieces In that vicinity. Xo more bodies have been found up to 10 A. M.. The barge John Crittenden, which broke away from its tug. the I. G. Merrltt, in Sunday's storm, has been found at Fire Island. Xo person aboard was lost or injured. Another corpse has been picked up on the beach at Quogue, which has not been Identified. Another mast has washed ashore at Quogue. TIIUCE BARGES LOST. "Vere Loaded With Cfial Crews Probably Perished. XEW YORK, Feb. 4. There is every reason to believe that three barges, coal laden, from Xewport News, for Boston. have been lost at sea as a result of the storm of Sunday night, and that 13 per sons comprlsng the crews have perished. The barges were the Antelope, Bell of Oregon and Mystic Belle. They were In tow of the tug- Richmond, and the find ing of a piece of wreckage bearing the letters "Ope" lends confirmation to other Information at hand. In the height of the blow the Richmond's heavy towing hawser snapped, and the barges went adrift off Fire Island. Each barge had on board three sailors. Besides the$e. there were Captain Miller and his wife, who acted as cook on the barge Ante lope: Captain Harding, on the Bell of Oregon, and Captain Rogers, on the Mys tic Belle a total of 13 persons. The tug Richmond. Pantiln MnrVinnnll rnnoVinrl Xewport. R. I., today. Captain McCon- I noil StnttZ fhnt he TVnc w01 rinf in crtn with his tow at 6 o'clock on Sunday night, off the Long Island Coast, when the rope from the forard barge parted, and the barges were blown lway from the tug. Captain McConnell said he did not give up hope of rescuing the men on the barges until It became too dark for him to distinguish them. The tug then made for Xewport. Captain Mc- Connell thinks the barges and those aboard them have been lost. Lous; Ocean Race. YOKOHAMA. Jan. 24. via Victoria, B. C Feb. 4. The British ship Brilliant, carrying the biggest oil cargo (175,000 cases), consigned to the Standard Oil Com pany's branch here, raced the Acme, an other oil ship, from Xew York to this port, and arrived here the 21st. The I Brilliant left Xew York July 29, and the Acme August 1, but the Acme has not I appeared within two days margin, so that the Brilliant claims the honors of the long ocean race. HOW TO MAKE A PARK. Should Be Xatural or Artificial, Xot Both. FULTOX, Feb. 3. (To the Editor.) It is a general rule that whatever style is adopted in laying out a park, it should be adhered to as constantly as possible, and if there are violations of the rule they should be based on some logical rea son. A park may conform to two ideals It may simulate nature, or It may be a work of art. To try to follow both courses simultaneously is to invite failure from the outset. If for any reason It is expedient to Introduce formalism Into a park which is in the main left in a natu ral state, the more artificial portion must be sequestered as possible from those In which an effect or wlldness Is sought. This is the very rudiments of park-making, but how often it is violated! It is futile to dogmatize as to the rela tive merit of the two styles; each Is prop er In Its place. H an English gentle man's private park Is beautiful, with Its deer forests, lawns and copses, no less lovely In Its way is an Italian garden, with its terraces, fountains, statues, cy press rows, box-lined walks and the sym metrical gardens, of Versailles. To decry either shows a limitation of taste. But it does not follow that either style will serve all purposes. Many factors must be considered climate, situation, topography, scenery, size, purpose, cost, environment, population, racial traits, etc A park which would be charming beside the Tiber might seem tolerably absurd beside the Willamette. This lesson of fitne.-s has to be studied and learned. In landscape gardening, as In art and literature, there is perhaps less disposi tion to imitate romantic foreign things than there was a generation ago. Yet it is still hard for many jvop!e to realize the beauty of what is simple and natural. Where there exists no natural beauty, as in the case of level prairie, the resources of landscape gardening must be vigor ously applkel to create an artificial park, but where nature has already contributed a high degree of charm, where the sur roundings are rural, where the park Is J. on a large scale, and is primarily resorted to ror an outing, the best, as well as the simplest, thing to do Is to follow the lead of nature. Moreover, when this choice is made It should be followed consistently, and ornaments which might be appropri ate to a city square or a formally laid-out park should be rejected as Inappropriate. A luxurious expanse of beautiful natural scenery such as Portland and surround-J mgs oner, a bit of nature reclaimed, to give the jaded dwellers in town a taste of rural charms. Is all that is wanted for Portlanders. as well as for all dwellers in large cities. The following advertisement was clipped from a Philadelphia paper and sent by a landscape gardener of that city as an ex:rmple of the "base use" to which the much-abused professional title may be put. The advertisers, after announcing themselves In large type as "landscape gardeners." proceed to state their quali fications as follows: "Sodding, grading, tree-trlmmlng, white washing and cellar-cleaning In the most thorough manner. Heaters attended to for the season by contract or day a spe cialty." There may be some ellfference of opin ion as to whether a man Is a landscape "gardener," "engineer" or "architect," but there can be no denying that either of the titles is often used to cover a mul titude of sins la the way of marring the landscape. M. SCHEYDECKER. Miners and Operators May Clash. IXDIAXAPOL1S. Feb. 4. The demand of the United Mlneworkers for a new scale and the proposition of the operators for a reduction of 10 per cent were taken before the joint conference , this after noon for discussion. In which all the del egates on both sides had opportunity to be heird. It Is believed that Ohio and Pennsylvania operators have formed an alliance for the purpose of resisting every demand of the miners. This may result In a holdlmr-out for several days. LARGE CARGO FOR ORIENT STEAMSHIP IXDRAVELLI CLEARS FULLY LADEX. Consignment Vnlned at Over S?4O0,000 Mostly Flonr, Cotton and Sheeting. i The steamship Indravclll. of the Port land-Oriental line, finished loading yes terday. She will start for sea today. Her cargo consists mostly of Hour, bale cotton and sheeting. The vessel has been loaded In very short time. She has one of the largest and most valuable cargoes ever consigned from this port to the Orient. It has a dead weight of about 40OO tons, the full capacity of the ship, and Is valued at over $400,000. She cleared at the Custom-IIouse yesterday after noon for Yokohama, her first destination. Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other Oriental ports. The cargo includes 45,569 barrels of flour, about 7000 bales of cotton and a large quantity of sheeting. Other Items of freight are a quantity of potatoes anel a varied assortment of merchandise. Of the flour 35,811 barrels are conslgneel to Hong Kong, 1250 barrels to Mojl, 7939 bar rels to Yokohama and 510 barrels to Shanghai. CUSTOM-HOUSE REPORT. Good Volume of Commerce at This Port Lant .Month. The January Custom-House report has been made out by Collector of Customs Patterson. The value of exports, J1.537, 43S, as not so heavy as lust month, but was large. Duties from exports show a small decrease from the figures of the preceding month. The following is last month's statement: Vessels entered from foreign ports 2 Veit-els cleared for foreign ports 22 Vessels entered from domestic ports... 'm Vessels cleared for domestic ports 17 Entries of merchandise for duty 93 Entries of merchandise free of tluty.... 3 Entries for warehouse 3 Entries for export to adjacent British province 3 Entries for rewarehouse 3 Entries from warehouse for consump tion 33 Entries for immediate transportation without appraisement 21 Total number of entrW of all kln3s...l6S Entries for consumption liquidated 1C1 Enjrles for warehouse liquidated ti Licenses for coasting trade granted... 3 Licenses to vessels under 20 tons 1 Xumber documents to vessels 4 Value of exports, domestic. $1,537,43S. Receipts From AH Sources. Duties on Imports 522,626 43 Fines, penalties and forfeitures... 1,295 13 Miscellaneous customs receipts... 127 iX) Official fees 103 ."0 Total $21,1533 Amount refunds and drawbacks paid 1.300 32 Trans-Atlantic Rate Agreement. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 4. The agreement arrived at between the leading British, American and Continental steamship lines concerning both passenger and freight rates, and which raises saloon rates to a uniform minimum, will come Into op eration In a few days. The following lines have signed the agreement: Ameri can, White Star, Dominion, Elder Demp ster, Allan, Allan-State, Anchor, Ley land, Atlantic Transport, Xorth German Lloyd, Hamburg-American, Red Star, Cu nard, Compagnie, Trans-Atlantique and Holland-American lines. This agreement will mean an extension of the Summer season of trans-Atlantic travel. The Summer season lasts from May to August. The new rates will be consider ably higher than those In force of recent years. The fatt steamers will have a higher minimum rate than the slow ves sels. Little Hope for Stranded Vessels. ATLAXTIC CITY, X. J., Feb. 4 The Brlgantlne Beach llfesavlng station re ports that the condflion of the British steamer Claverdale is unchanged today. Wrecking tugs are at work on her, but tt is not believed they will be able to float her until most of the 7CGm tons of cargo has been removed. So .far no damage ha been inflicted on the Claverdale. The schooner Edith L. Allen, of Bath, Me., which came ashore yesterday morn ing about 400 feet from where the Claver dale Is stranded. Is In a bad condition. It Is feared she will become a total wreck. The theory Is advanced by the llfesavlng crew that the crew of the schooner were deceived by the lights on the stranded Claverdale. presuming the latter to be at anchor and thus beached their own ves sel. Astoria Marine Xotes. ASTORIA. Feb. 4. When the steamer Columbia came In this morniug. it was very rough, and she got tossed about pretty badly. Her cargo shifted, and when she reached her wharf here she had a decided list to port. Xo one was In jured on board, nor was there any dam age to the vessel. The taking of testimony was concluded today before T'nlted States Commission er Thomson In the libel suit of Thomas Edwards, the sailor, against the British ship Braebraes. The testimony taken was that of the master, officers anel crew, so the vessel can now go to sea at the first opportunity. Xew Boiler for Bonlta. The steamer Bonlta Is tied up at the foot of Washington street, undergoing extensive repairs. Her old boiler ha? been taken out. Yesterday a new steel boiler was put on board. It will carry a pressure of 200 pounds to the square Inch, whereas the limit of the old boiler was 120 pounds. The cylinders have been taken out, and are now being bored larger. The Bonlta will be a fast little steamer when she has her new equipment. Cnmhlnn "Warrior Cleared. The British bark Cambrian Warrior cleared yesterday with a wheat cargo for Queisnstown or Falmouth for orelers. She is dispatched by the Portland Flour ing Mills. Her cargo consists of S0.506 bushels of wheat, valued at $52,:00. She draws 20 feet 4 Inches. The next ves sel to clear will be the Loch Garve, and after her probably the Relnbek and Charles Gounod. Loss hy Fire. SAX FRAXCISCO. Feb. 4. At an early hour this morning the tug Walter Hack ett. lying In Oakland Harbor, was discov ered to be on fire. The flames are now re ported to be under control, but the loss on the vessel, which Is valued at $20,000, will be considerable. Schooner Ashore. CAPE HENRY. Va.. Feb. 4. The schooner Orland V. Wooten. from Savan nah for Baltimore, with pine lumber. Is ashore at Cape Hatteras. The crew o" eight men were rescued by Hfesavers. CnrRo of Lord Shafteshury. The British bark Lord Shaftesbury reached Portland Monday evening, and filed her manifest papers at the Custom House yesterday. She Is still moored in the stream. The vessel brings an assorted RKJW Fuui peddlers, prize - Osgood, APll SOAP Hvtr- m powoer1!v frc " 1 s 4 C y t ? i, l.-li.,TVTrMfTi I Sit I AH ft i DIRT CLEARANCE. 7 GTrjT is a good plan for every bather to know tCt something: of" the soap he uses. There is a ibif well-founded objection to using a floor-dean-& f ! ing soap-upon the human body. Ivory Soap is the bather's soap. It costs more than common soapsf but the difference is in the ingredients and making. Why not treat yourself with a little respect. Is not' the human skin with its marvellous delicacy entitled to pure soap? Ivory Soap it floats. Hornby's Steam None of the new cereals is as dainty or nourishing as H-O Steam Cooked Oatmeal MfWi'iyi'i'i'i ' ! II"" iMIlm cargo of cement, fertilizer, mineral wa ter, tar and Iron. She came from Ham buig, via Honolulu, where she discharged part of her cargo. The Lord Shaftes bury Is not engaged for outward loading. She and the Versailles are the two un chartered ships in port. "WreeUasre Washed Ashore. LOXDOX. Feb. 4. A quantity of wreck age has been washed ashore on the Isle of Grainc. at the. mouth of the Thames, in cluding portions of a ship's deck and a box containing papers referring to the vessel Adolph, Captain Anderson. The Xorweglan bark Adolph. Captain Ander son, sailed from Hamburg Janutiry 21, for Brunswick. Had a RoiikIi Voynpre. QUEEXSTOWX. Ireland. Feb. 4. The Cunard line steamer Ultonla. which sailed from Boston. January 23, for Liverpool, and which arrived here today, reports having encountered terrific weather . on January 26 and January 27. During these two days a blizzard and high seas pre vailed and the vessel was only able to steam 100 miles a day. Stranded Vessels Apraln Afloat. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4. The Brlfsh steamship Europe, for London from Phil adelphia, and the Erin line steamer Drum mond. from Philadelphia for St. Thomas, both of which grounded In the Delaware River during yesterday's gale, were floated early this morning. They were found to be undamaged and both pro ceeded. President Leed's Fast Yncht. XEW YORK. Feb. 4. One of the fastest ocean-going yachts in the world has been completed at Port Richmond. Staten Is land, for W. B. Leeds, president of the Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company. The boat is said to have cost 5500.0CO. It will be launched Tuesday next. Marine Xote.s. The Irby left down yesterday In tqw of the Harvest Queen. The Bertha started for the sea yester day, towed by the Ocklahama. The steamer Bailey Gatzert is under going repairs at the foot of Alder street. The Fulwood Is discharging ballast at Weldler's. preparatory to receiving a lumber cargo. The steamship Columbia arrived yes terday from San Francisco. The steamer Geo. W. Elder arrived at San Fran cisco from Portland. The steamer Ruth, which was sunk near Corvallis several weeks ago, will be launched in perhaps a week. Her bottom anel stem have been renewed. The British steamship Hatasu entered tne ustom-i-iouse yesterday. She is at Victoria dock. She will load with lumber and flour for the Orient. She is dlscharir- ing ballast. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Feb. 4. Arrived at 9 -30 A. M. and left up at 12 M. Steamer Columbia, from Talked into taking chea.p washing powders in the belief th& they &.re equeJ to PEAR-LINE! Grocers who want to work off unseL.Ia.bIe goods : givers, etc, alt sa.y " This is fxist "much cheaper, "same thing.' Don t be deceived- The most effective, most economical, best made, is 649 Pearline: unequaled I IT TKC MOCIIR A CAUILI CO CICl"lATI KSSCTSBi Cooked Oatmeal" San Franclco. Condition of the bar at 4 P. ii., rough: wind west; weather squally. San Franclco. Feb. 4. Arrived at 'J:15 A. M. Steamer Elder, from Portland. Tacoma, Feb. 4. Arrived British steamship rak-LlriR. from Seattle. Sailed Steamer Santa Ana, for San Francisco. Xew York. Feb. 4. Arrived Staater.dam. from Rotterdam; Saxonia, from Liverpool; Prinz'i?ln Victoria Luis, from West IndU-s cruise. Auckland. X. '... Feb. 4. Arrived Steamer Ventura, from San Francisco, via Honolulu and I'anco Panso. for Sydney. X. S. "W. San Francisco. Feb. 4. Sailed Schooner BknFal for Tacoma; schooner Reporter, for Gray's Harbor: schooner Antelope, for Astoria: schooner Jennie Wand, for Coos Bay; barken ttne Elenear, for Wlllapa Harbor; steamer Em pire, for Coos Bay. Arrived Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland; steamer Grace Dollar, from Gray's Harbor; schooner Parkersburs:. from CoaulUe River; 3teamer Fultota. from Gray's Harbor. Xew York. Feb. 4. Arrived Zeeland. from Antwerp. Allcr, from Genoa and Xaple3. Sailed Cevlc. for Liverpool. Leghorn. Arrived January .'to Glenroy, from Tacoma. Hlogo. etc., for London. Liverpool. Feb. 4. Arrived GeorRia and Ivernla. from Xew York. Queenstown. Feb. 4. Arrived Ultonla, from Boston. Seattle. Feb. 4. Sailed Steamer Despatch, for Falrhaven; steamer Santa Ana. for San Francisco; Sd. steamer Prosreto, for San Fran-cl-o ears Pears' ioap is nothing' but soap. Pure soap is as gentle as oil to the livino- skin. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. Sold all over the world. DrBURKH'ARYS WONDERFUL 0ms, ;30 Days' Treats Dr. Burkharfs Vegetable Compound cures all i cases of Kidney. Stomach and Liver Troubles. ' .lfir"t sweats, Buzzing Sounds In the Head i.ieeple.ness. Headache, Dizziness. Rheuma tism. Catarrh and Malaria when other Reme dies fall. It purines the blood and cleanses the system. 10 days,' trial free. All Drucsists'. DR. W. S. BLRKHART, Cincinnati, O. Parasites Cause All Hair Troubles. Nine-tenths of the diseases of the scalp and hair are caused by parasitic germs. The importance of this discovery by Pro fessor Unna, of the Charity Hospital. Hamburg, Germany . cannot be overesti mated. It explains why ordinary hair preparations, even of the most expensive character, fail to cure dandrufT: because they do not, and they cannot, kill the dandruff germ. The only hair preparation In the wcrld that positively destroys the dandruff parasites that burrow up the scalp Into scales called scurf or dandruff. Is Newbro's Herplcide. In addition to Its destroying the dandruff germ Herpiclde Is also a delightful hair-dressing., making the hair glossy and soft as silk. Rn'yifi-A 0BMPnUMB.