THE MORNING OREGONIAN- WEDNESDAY. JANUARY S, 1902. 11 COMMERCIAL AND Business showed considerable recovery yes- I terday from the usual post-holiday lassitude. 1 "Wheat ruled nominally steady. In spite of J lower prices In Eastern markets. There was . no definite basis for trading and very few j sales were reported. The most conspicuous change In quotations yesterday was an ad vance of 10c In standard brands of canned tomatoes and corn. Eggs were Arm at the gen erally recognized price of 23c Receipts were quite large and show the expanding Influence of warm weather. The same Influence has enlarged the supply of butter, until the prod uct Is bordering on weakness. Poultry Is strong at higher prices. Ducks and best hens are especially In demand. AVlld ducks, how ever, are In over-supply. All dressed meats are active, conspicuously pork and veal. Packing-house products are dull. Potatoes and on ions rule steady. In spite of heavy receipts. Large quantities have been shipped to San Francisco, where they have been absorbed readily. A good many sales of Valley wool have taken place recently at 15c. and the left-over product Is almost all sold. In hops nothing Is doing and growers are disposed to hold the small quantity they have left. Prunes show no Improvement. Bnnk Clearing. Exchanges. Balance. Portland $553,701 2MJJ prattle 050.082 53.405 Tacoma 195,320 4G,5!K Spokane 305,844 44.73S PORTLAND MAR1CETS. Grain, Floor, Etc. The local wheat market had very little gin ger In It yesterday. Exporters seem to feci that the prices for which the cereal Is held are too rich for their blood. Consequently, they are not anxious to buy. although there has been severe competition between purchasers in several Instances. The relapse In the East yesterday, caused by weaker Liverpool cables, only tended to hang up business still more. Nominal quotations yesterday were G20G2l.4c although 03c was whispered In a few places. What little business there was, -was mostly for Eastward shipment. Barley Is quite scarce now and very hard to buy, except in out-of-the-way places. The same Is true in lesser degree with oats. Trading In the latter Is sus pended until the next Government contracts for 2000 tons shall be awarded. These con tracts will be given out today and unsuccess ful bidders will probably throw oats on the market and relieve the stringency somewhat. Millstuffs continue In strong demand. Freights are weaksr and It Is dropped that spot ships may be had under 35f, and In a pinch even under 34s. Wheat Firm: "Walla "Walla. C2ffG3c; blue stem. G3JTG4c; A'alley. G3C?C4c- Barley Feed, $181S 00; brewing, ?18 50 19 00 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $1 lOfll 25; gray, ?1 05 1 10. Flour Best grades. ?2 53 80 per barrel; graham. ?2 SO. Millstuffs-Brnn. $18 per ton; middlings. ?20: shorts, $19 50; chop, $17. Hay Timothy. $1112; clover. $77 50; Ore gon wild hay, $50 per ton. McutM nnd Provision. Mutton Lambs. 3;i34c. gross; dressed. C&c per pound: sheep, wethers, 3U3c, gross; dressed, OCCVic per pound; ewes. 3Vi4J(3Vic; grof-s; dresbed, OgC'jc per pound. Hogs Gross. 5Mc; dressed, GMQlc per pound. Veal bfj&e per pound. Beef GroFs. cows. 3&c; steers, 3V4Q!4c: dressed, 37c per pound. Hams, bacon, etc Portland pack (Shield brand) hams, 12j45?13&c: picnic, 9jic per pound; breakfast bacon, 15'-s$f'lGVc per pound; bacon, 14c per pound; backs, 12c per pound; dry-salted sides, lie per pound: dried beef, setts, 10c; knuckles. ISc per pound; Eastern pack hams, large, 12$ic; medium. 13c; small. 13c; picnic. 9Jc: shoulders, 9$Je; breakfast bacon, 14 15Hc; dry-salted sides. HUc: bacon, sides, 12Vc; backs, unsmoked, ll!4c; smoked, 12lic: butts, 9?i109ic per pound; dried beef. 15 U 17Uc per pound; dry-salted bellies,-llU12Vtc; bacon bellies, 12',i'i3Vic per pound. Lard Portland (Shield brand), 0s, 13c; 10s. 12T,c: 50s, 12c: tierces, 12Vic; Eastern, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 12-ic; 10s, 12c; 50s. 12Wc Potntocx and Onion. Potatoes Best Burbanks, JK)c(J?$l 10 per cen tal; ordinary. 70Sb0e ier cental, growers prices. Onions $1 5001 75 per cental, growers prices. Ilntter, Ekk, Poultry. Etc. Butter Creamery. 25Q27H:c: dairy, 16if20c: store. 12's15c Eggs 25c for fresh Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed. $3 504; hens. $4 505 per dozen; Spring, 104llc per pound: $3 50?4 50 er dozen; ducks. $3 50C 50 for joung: ?reese, $Cfl)7 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12??13c: dressed. 15$?lfic pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13(7l3&c; Young Arserlca, 14g15c; factory prices, lS'llic less. Vcjfetnlilen, Fruit. Etc. Tomatoes, $:J1 25; turnips, G5g75c; carrots. C3Q75c: beets, SOfiOOc per sack; pumpkins. $1 1 25; fequasbes, $lfrd 25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 73S5c per cental; celery, 75c per doz en; sweet potatoes, $1 50 per cental. Green fruit Lemons, $2 25fr3 oranges, $2 2 75 per box: bananas, $2 25g3; pineapples, $5 per dozen; grapes, $1 50Q1 00 per crate; apples, 50c$l 50; cranberries, $1011 per bar rel. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7gSc r pound; sun-dried sacks or boxes, 45c; apri cots, ll(S,l2c: peachi-s, 8llc: pears, 6ff6c; prunes. Italian, 3g4c; flgs, California blacks, 3lQ4c; do white, 5c; plums, pltless, white, 0c Groceries. Nuts, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java, fancy. 20J?32c; Java, good. 2og24c; Java, ordinary, 18$?20c; Costa Bica, fancy. !Sfe20c: Costa Rica, good, ICiJilbc; Costa Rica, ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roast, $11 5o: Arbuckle's, $12 03 list; Lion. $12 13 llbt; Cordova, $12 03 list. Rice Imperial. Japan No. 1, 55ic; No. 2, 5c; Nev Orleans, 507c Sugar Cube. $5 25; crushed. $5 25; powdered, $4 95; dry granulated, $5; extra C, $4 75; gold en C, $4 -0 net per sack; beet sugar. $5 15 per sack; half barrels. 4c more than barrels; sacks. 10c per 1O0 less than barrels; maple, 1510c per pound. Honey 124 15c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, $1 85; two-pound tails, $3; fancy one-pound flats, $2; it-pound fancy Hats. $1 25: Alaska tails, 95c; two-pound tails. $2. Grain bags Calcutta. $8 25 per 100 for spot Nuts Peanuts. CjTc per pound for raw, 83 S4c for roasted: cocoanuts, S5gJ)0c per dozen: wnlnuts. lOHSHc per pound; pine nuts, 100 12tc: hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts. $3 505 per drum; Brazil nuts, 7c; filberts, 15lGc; fancy pecans, 1414Ac: almonds, 12415c Coal oil Cases, 20hc per gallon; barrels, lGc; tanks, J 4c Stock salt 50s. $19 75; 100s. $19 25; granu lated, 50s, $28; Liverpool, 50s, $2S; 100s, $27 00 200s. $27. Hops, "Wool and Hide. Hops &S11V4C per pound. Wool Nominal; Valley. 13i?I5c; Eastern Ore gon, affile; mohair. siffSifec per iound. Sheepskins Shearings, 1520c; short wool. 2535c; medium wool, 30G0c; long wool, COc 6$1 each. Tallow Prime, per pound, 4'4'.c; No. 2 and .grease. 23c Hides Dry hides. No 1, 10 pounds and up. loglSfcc per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds. 15c: dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, lGc; dry-salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, CO pounds nd over SGOe: 50 to 00 pounds. 7fc 8c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags anu bulls, sound. 55V4c; kip. sound. 15 to 30 ptunds, 7c. veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, bound, under 10 pounds. Sc; green (un saltcd). lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides salted, each. $1 50g2: dry, each. JUffl 00: colts' hides, each, 25ft50c; goat skins, common, each, 10015c; Angora, with wool on, ?ach. 25c'$l. Pelts Boar skins, as to size. No. 1, each. $5 20; cubs. $265, badger, each, 10g40c; wild cat, 2530c: house cat, SglOc; fox. common gray. each. 30S30c; do red. each. $1 50i?2: do cross, each. $515; do sliver and black, each. $100g200; fishers, each. $500; lynx. each. $2g-3; mink, strictly No 1, each, S0ag$l 25; marten, dark Northern. $0612; marten, pale. pine, ac cording to size and color. $1 503; muskrals. large, each. 5&10c; skunk, each. 2535c; civet or polecat, each. uQlOc; otter for large prime skins, each, $Q7: panther, with head and claws, pei feet each. $25: raccoon, for large prime, each, 30T35c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 5o5; wolf, prairie (coy ote), with head perfect, each. 4000c: -wolf, prairie (coyote), without head. each. 30gfX5c; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $5C; do medium, $304; do small. $101 50; do kits, 50075c JV'EW YORIC STOCK MARKET. An Active nnil Enrly Cloning nt About the LoTTcnt of tlie Dajv NEW TORK, Jan. 7. The stock market be FINANCIAL NEWS came decidedly reactionary today. There was the same contest during the morning as there was yesterday between the faction working for an advance and the reactionists. United States Steel stock were still the rallyng pont for the bulls, and were dealt In to an enormous extent- The rest of the market kept slipping away, however, and gained momentum on the downward grade. The bulls were alert to avail themselves of every opportunity of cre ating any sympathetic strength by impressive advances in Individual stocks. No such ef fective factor came to their aid as the unex pected increase In the New Jersey dividend yesterday, and the market closed active and easy at about the lowest of the day. There was a bull demonstration In Sugar, In the midst of the session, which carried it up 4 points. The movement was apparently based on active agitation In behalf of Cuban reci procity and the entry of Cuban sugar free of duty. Amalgamated Copper waa notably firm on the rally In the raw copper market in Lon don. Both of these stocks yielded, however, before the close. There was a rather palpablo effort to Induce a transfer of speculation Into the Industrials, while the railroads were sold to take profits. The United States Steel etocks were made the leaders on the strength of the general ex pectation that a very favorable showing of earnings would be made at the meeting of directors today, which was not held, however, until after the market had closed. The ex treme advance In the common stock only reached . and In the preferred , when they began to suffer In common with the rest of the list from profit-taking sales. The common stock was carried U under yesterday and the preferred a point. With this development the reactionary tendency of the market was prac tically uncontested. The stocks of the various express companies made notable advances, reaching 10 points in American Express nnd 8H In United States Express, with no other cause than the recent extra dividend disbursements and very large business. The Inclination to sell stocks seemed to be based on general considerations of distrust of the money outlook, and of the present high level of prices. Confidence In an early abun dance of money Is becoming Impaired with the conviction that considerable gold will go out soon to help the foreign markets in prepara tion for the flotation of the expected new Brit ish war loan, and the large Russian loan which Is Imminent in Paris. The retirement of cir culation by the National banks attracLs at tention. The problem of the Government's sur plus is seen to have growing Importance with the diminution of the available supply of Gov ernment bonds for redemption, and the finan cial world looks with some Interest to the inauguration of the new Treasury administra tion In this connection. The Increase of Interor trade may also dis play the usual reflux of funds. There was frank discussion of the current reports of leans by New York banks on Crude Rubber securities. This addition to troubles of the In dustrial combinations recently disclosed helped to repress the speculation, and especially to discourage the efforts to lead It Into that class of securities. Net losses of between one and three points are quite general among prominent stocks. The bond market was affected by the weak ness of stocks. Total sales, par value, $3, 750,000. Government bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The Dnj'8 Transactions. I 5 f 2 RAILROADS. g " I ' Atchison 23.000 60i 704 WI do pfd (ex dlv) 7.300 1011 99- 09;i Baltimore & Ohio 7.000 107U 105 lu$ do pfd 200 ttfi 90 D5M, Canadian Pacific 3,400 llCU 115 115-ft Canada Southern , 85 Chesapeake & Ohio 2.300 47 47 4734 Chicago &. Alton SoO 30 30 30Vt do pfd "7 Chicago. Ind. & Louis.. 2.500 52VJ 51 Vi 51'4 do pfd 500 70'7G 7i Chicago & East. Ill 135 Chicago & Gr. Western. 5,000 21 23, 23- do A pfd 200 84 84U 84 do B pfd 300 47 40 45 Chicago & N. W 1.200 213 210ft 210s Chicago. R. L & Pac... 3.000 15094 153 155't Chicas-o Term. & Trans. ... 10 do pfd 000 31 31 31 C. C. C. & St. Louis.. 000 07 9Cv4 07 Colorado Southern 2,500 15JJ 13 15 do 1st pfd 1.400 02 01 tJl'A do 2d pfd 1.700 20 2S 2fci Delaware &. Hudson.... D.SoO 184 lSlfeilslVi Del., Lack. & Western. 2,900 253 25S 257 Denx-er & Rio Grande I 44 do pfd 700 93 fCJll 92 Erie 24.500 -iT. 42 42 do 1st pfd 7.000 75 73 73 do2d pfd 0,500 02 C0 00 Great Northern pfd 000 190 1S71S7 Hocking Valley 800 09 0U 09 do pfd 300 82 82 S2 Illinois Central 1,700 140 140 l., Iowa Central 200 40& 39 39 do pfd 100 74 74 73 Lake Erie & Western.. 100 09 09 U do pfd 123 Louisville & Nashville.. 0,800jl07100 jlOOVi Manhattan Elevated ... 2.000 I-Siu.ij's i. Met. Street Railway.... 5.400 105 103 1C2 Mexican Central 0.200 28U 27 2i-. Mexican National .... 3.500 15 14 13 " Minn. & St- Louis 2,700 llO7i107'A 107 Missouri Taclflc 15,400 103 101 101i Mo.. Kansas & Texas.. 100 20 20 20 do pfd 400 53 52 52 New Jersey Central . . . 200 198 194 194 New York Central 2.200 107 100 100 Norfolk & Western 2.000 5S 57 37 do pfd oii Ontario & Western 4.400 35 34 34 ; Pennsylvania 11.200 150 149 149 Reading 103.100 58 00 50 do 1st prd 0,200 83 82 81 do 2d pfd 24.200 00 04 04 St. Louis & San Fran.. 5.:)00 00 59 095J do 1st pfd 200 85 84 84 do 2d pfd 2.700 70 74 74 St- Louis S. W 100 27 27 20 do pfd 300 59i 59 3SVl St. Paul 10.300 107 104& 104 -t, do pfd ISO Southern Pacific 13.500 01 CO Co Southern Railway 5.700 34 33 S3 do pfd 2.000 94 93 93 Texas & Pacific 800 39 39 30 Toledo. SLL.& West ?. 19 do pfd 100 37 37 35 Union Pacific 31,700 13 101 101 do pfd 4.300 00 S9 80 Wabash 4,900 23 22 22 do pfd 5.900 43 42 42 Wheeling & Lake Erie 18 do 2d pfd 30 Wisconsin Central ,i... 1.000 2C 20 20 do pfd 1,000 41 41 41 Express Companies Adams 200 American 700 222 214U 215 United States 6.000 109 100 100 Wells-Fargo 100 195 193 192 Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper .. 01,300 72 70 70- Amec. Car & Foundry.. 3,000 3l4 .0 3t do pfd 1.200 SS 87 87 American Linseed OH 16 do pfd 44 Amer. SmelL & Refln.. 3,100 40 44 45 do pfd 200 97 87 90 Anaconda Mining Co... 1,100 31 30 30 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 13.100 OS CO G5 Colorado Fuel & Iron.. COO 88 SO 85 Consolidated Gas 000 217 210 210 Cont- Tobacco pfd 115 General Electric 400 281 2S0 270 Glucoe Sugar 800 40 40 40 Hocking Coal 200 16 10 15U International Paper ... 400 21 21 20U do pfd 1.200 77 70 "tl International Power 87Vi Laclede Gas 95 National Biscuit SOO 45 43 45 National Lead 1.400 16 10 15 do pfd (ji North American 92 Pacific Coast 100 73 73 71 Pacific Mall 400 47 47 40 People's Gas 4.900 105 102 1021 Pressed Steel Car 700 42 11 41 do pfd 700 S5 81 64 Pullman Palace Car U7 Republic Steel 8.900 17 16 lots d PM 2,900 70 09" C9 Sugar ...... 43.800 121 117 119 Tennewec Coal & Iron.. 3.200 00 01 G4t Union Bag & Paper Co. 200 14 13 13i do pfd -31 United States Leather.. 1.700 12 12 12 UnUe'duVes-Rubber::....1.!2 81 f do pfd 31 United States Steel 117.200 46 '43" 45 do pfd 101.000 97 93 96 Western Union 3.200 01 90 91 American Locomotive . 10,500 34 32& 32V do pfd 12.200 94 02 j)2 Total sales for the day. 911.000 shares. Foreitrn Financial Xcith. NEW YORK. Jan. 7.The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock market today was Inactive but firm. Copper shares were strong. Rio Tln tos rose to 40; Anacondas to 7 7-16 and cop per to 47 12s 6d the ton. The American de partment was siuggisniy nard. .with United States Steel stronger on American and Con "tlnsntal orders. New York bought Reading. The trade returns for December show an in crease In exports of 4 per cent, the first In crease nince last January. Imports Increased per cent. The year's exports decreased 3 per cent, and the Imports are unchanged. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Money on call steady at 5ffC per cent; closing, bid nnd asked. 4 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 0f?5 per cent. Sterllnc exchange firm at decline, with ac- tual business at bankers' bills at $4 67? 4 S7 for demand and at $t frl for CO days. Posted rates, $4 854 SO. Commercial bills, $4 63HG4 84. Mexican dollars, 44c Bonds Government, steady; state, inactive; railroad, heavy. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Sterling on Lon don. CO days, $4 84; do sight, $4 87. Mexican dollars. 47c Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph,5c LONDON, Jan. 7. Consols, 04. Stock nt London. LONDON, Jan. 7. Anaconda. C: Atchison. 82; do preferred. 100; Canadian Pacific 119; D. & R. G.. 46; do preferred, 03; Northern Pacific, 102; Southern Pacific. 02; Union Pa cific, 105; do preferred. 92. Daily Treawnry Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Today's statement of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balances $174,145,103 God 112.321,487 GRAIX MARKETS. Prices of Cereal at American and European Fort. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Wheat Easy. Barley Quiet Oats Less active. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $1 00: milling, $1 O70 1 os. Barley Feed. 80(?82c; brewing. S56S7c Oats Red. $1 20gl 40; white, $1 2501 40; black. $1 15?1 30. Call board sales Wheat Easy; cash, $1 00. Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1 30fil 33. LONDON, Jan. 7. Wheat cargoes em pas sage rather firmer; cargoes. No. 1 standard California. 30s 3d; cargoes. Walla Walla. 29s 4d. English country markets Arm. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 7. Wheat Firm: wheat and flour In Paris dull; French country mar kets firm. Weather In England coudy. "WHEAT AT CHICAGO. Trade "Was Large and Xervonn-Pro-vintons Dull nnd Eawy. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Trade In wheat was large and extremely nervous. Jumps of cent In either direction occurred with great rapidity. A tense foelng was present throughout the ses sion, based largely on an overbought state of the market. There was still a slight bullish tono p.evalllng as a result of the higher out sid markets, especially In the Southwest, but the crowd seemed afraid to carry any very large lots, and ran on any appearance of a selling movement- Tho bearish factor that started the decline was the unexpected weak ness of the Liverpool market. May opened weak. to c lower nt Slf?S4c A rush of outside buying orders advnnced prices quick ly, but selling seemed popular and there were repeated sags. Minneapolis reported an ad vance of 10c In flour and a good cash de mand, and the Winter wheat belt still torn plained of lack of moisture. May sold to 84c but closed weak ahd c lower at S3Q S3&C The main Influence in corn was the wheat market, which this pit followed quickly on the declines, but not so well on the recoveries. The close was weak, c lower, at 67c Oats had the best tone of any of the pits. July closed with a net gain of only c at 4V&c nftr rising lc over yesterday. May closed c down at 40c Provisions were dull and easy. The bearish Incentives were a large run of hogs and lower prices nt the yards, and some local selling. May pork closed 12c down, lard 57c lower and ribs 5c off. The leading futures tanged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest- Lowet. Closing. ...$0 80 $0 80 $0 79 $0 79 January May ... July ... 84 84 S3 83 83 83 CORN. "C7 "07it G0 07 OATS. 46 47 40 41 33 34 MESS PORK. 82 S2 January May ... July ... 04 C7 06 07 CC May July September 40 40 S3 40 40 33 January May ... July ... 10 SO 17 22 17 22 .17 25 .17 22 17 27 17 25 17 15 17 22 LARD. January May 0 92 0 03 July 9 05 1000 SHORT RIBS. January May 875 8 SO 0 82 9 02 10 00 000 9 93 8 45 8 77 8 75 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady and quiet. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 8,lc; No. 3 Spring. 70??80c: No. 2 red. S9c. Oats No. 2. 47c; No. 2 white, 49c; No. 3 white. 40g0Oc Rye No. 2. 67c Barley Fair to choice malting, 59i763c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 C6; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 70fM 70. Timothy seed Prime, $6 53. Mess pork $10 SOIflC 90 per bbl. Lard $9 S2C0 65 per cwt. Short ribs sides Loae, $3 45gS 57. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $7 377 60. Short clear sides Boxed. $8 85$?S 95. Clover Contract grade. $10. Butter Steady; creameries, 1524c; dairies, 14fi20c. Cheese Firm, 10J?llc Eggs Fresh, 25$J29c Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels .. Wiieat. bushels . Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushels ... Rye. bushels ... Barley, bushels . , 39.000 35,000 . 01.000 61.000 ,184.000 220.000 ,191.000 232.000 . 14.000 3.000 . 3,000 35,000 Xevr York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Flour Receipts, C53.1 barrels; exports. 12.795 barrels. While busi ness was restricted by the wheat break, holders remained Arm at old prices. Wheat Receipts. 3S00 bushels; experts. 112, 807 buhels. Spot, flm. No. 2 red, 00c f. o. b. afloat, SS elevator: No. 1 Northern Duluth. S9 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Du luth. 95 f. o. b. afloat- Options turned rather weak today, suffering from extensive profit taking, unsatisfactory English cables, foreign selling and a less active demand from outsiders; closed weak at lc net decline. March closed at SSc; May, 8Sc; July, 87c Hops quiet. Hides Steady. Wool-Dull. Liverpool "Wheat nnd Corn Receipt. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 7. Receipts of wheat during the past three days were 283.000 cent als, including 170,000 American. Receipts cf American corn during the past three days, 1400 centals. BOSTON "WOOL MARKET. Former Quotations Firmly Main tained HuMlncKK Q,uict. BOSTON. Jan. 7. The wool market here pre sents few new features this week, conditions an a whole running strong, with general bul nfss quiet. Prices for wool are Arm, and while few large lines are being sold, former quo tations are firmly maintained. Territory wools continue to head, the list of sales. Good lou of fine medium are yet selling on the ccoured basis of 42f?43c with flne at 4546t, and stnnln wools at 47Cr4Sc Oregon wools continue steady on the basis of 4234 4c for medium and flne, with valley. 35?3Sc and sta ple at 45(?4Sc Fleece wools are held firm, but sales are moderate. Ohio washed Delaine Is quotnblc at 2SfT2Sc. with some holding at 29c while XX and above Ohio Is quotable At CCc Michigan wpols hold about 20 cents for quarter-bloods. Australian wools are quoted as follows: Qunrter-bloods, 38c clean; three eighths blood, 465HSc: LIncolns. 32c; merinos, Buper combing, 7Qg72c and good at CCgGSc SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Wool Spring Humboldt and Mendocino. 15Q10c; Nevada, 10 112c; Eastern Oregon. 10ffl3c; Valley Oregon. 13gl5c Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 103 12c; mountain, 830c; south plains and San Joaquin, ogSc; lambs, GSc Hops New crop, 1 Of? 15c Hay Wheat. $0gl2 50: wheat and oats. $98 11 50; best barley. $0 5O0&; alfalfa. $9310; clo ver, $6gS per ton: straw. 33ftS0s per bale VegetaDles Green peas, 2ft4c per pound; string beans. 12c per pound: tomatoes. $1 1 50; cucumber. 75cff$l 75 per box; garlic. 203c per pound: egg plant, 10ff20c M:llstutTs Middlings. $19 00320; bran, $1S50 519 per ton. Onions Yellow. $1 6033 23. Potatoes River Burbanks. 83c3$l 10; Salinas Burbanks, $1 2331 60; Oregon Burbanks, $1 20 1 60; sweet, $1 1031 23 per cental. Pineapples $3g-l. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 12313c; do hens, Downing, Hopkins & Co. ESTABLISHED 1803. WHEAT Mb STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor 1314c pr pound; old roosters. $4 251 75 per dozen; young roosters. $4 5035 50; small broil ers. $3 5034; large broilers. $4$5; fryers, $4 50 33 per dozen; hens, $45; old ducks, $4 5035; young ducks, $637. Eggs Fancy ranch. 30c per dozen; store, 28c; Eastern, 26c Apples Choice, $1 25; common. 30c per box. Bananas 75c$2 75 per bunch. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 50c: choice. $2 70: Mexican limes. $44 50; oranges, navel. $1Q2 75. Butter Fancy creamery, 23c; do seconds. 19c; fancy dairy. 21c per pound; do seconds, 10c. Cheese Young America, 12c: Easter, 13315c per pound; new, llc; old, lie Receipts Flour, quarter sacks. 25,571: wheat, centals, 59.670: barley, centals. 6S10; oats, centals, 3S0; do Oregon, 1270; beans, sacks, 2S2; corn, centals. 1190: potatoes, sacks. 837; bran, sacks. 1SS0: middlings, sacks, 301; hay. tons. 191; wool, bales, 17; hides, 647. EASTERN" LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts, 7000. In cluding 5S0 Tcxans. Market active at Mon day's prices. Good to prime. $0 5037 50; poor to medium. $4 OO30 00: stockers and feeders. $2 25g4 75: cows. $1 23ff4 DO: helfen. $2 50 5 50: canners. $1 2532 25; bulls. $2 2534 75; calves, $3 0036 50; Texas fed steers, $3 25 5 25. Hogs Receipts today, 39,000. Market slow and 10 to 20c lower. Mixed snf butchers. $036 25; good to choice heavy, $0 253d 57; rough heavy. $3 0036 20; light. $5 0033 20; bulk of sales. $030 35. Sheep Receipts. 30.000. Market, steady. Lambs, 23c lower than last week. Good to choice wethers, $434 73; fair to choice mixed, $3 2034 25: Western sheep, $44 73; native lambs, $3 5035 S3; Western lambs, $535 75. SOUTH OMAHA. Jon. 7. Cattle Receipts. 570; market shade lower, steady. Native steers, $436 00; cows and heifers. $2 8034 50; West ern steers, $3 7535 40; Texas steers. $3 50 4 40; canners. $1 5032 75; stockers and feeders, $2 7534 30; calves, $330 25; bulls, stags, etc. $2j:4 10. Hogs Receipts. 12,000: market 10315c lower; heavy, $6 1030.50; mixed. $636 20; light. $3 70 00 10; pigs, $4 50fi3 50; bulk of sales, $5 900 6 20. Sheep Receipts, 3500: nvirket steady, shade lower: fed muttons, $434 75; ''Westerns, $3 50 33 80; ewes, $2 8033 40; common and stockers. $2 5033 CO; Iambs, $4 5035 00. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts, 9000, Including 2000 Texans; market steady to 10c lower: native st,eers. $4 5036 25; Texas nnd Indian steers. $3 5035 23; Texas cows, $2 5034: native cows and heifers. $2 0035: Mockers nnd feeders. $3 504 40; bulls, $2 50 4; calves. $3 5035 50. x Hogs Receipts, 21.000; market, 10c lower: bulk of sales, $5 00-30 50; heavy. $0 5036 00; packers. $6 1530 50; medium. $036 50; light, $5 50ff6 23; Yorkers, $3 2536; -pigs. $4 230 6 25. Sheep Receipts. 3000. TIarket steady; mut tons, $3 5034 50; lambs, $535 00; rango weth ers, $3 5034 40; ewes, $3 25g4 00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Locally there was no active movement in prices for pig tin. with spot quoted at $2232. The price at London was 1 5s lower; spot closed at 100 9s, and futures at 9S 6s. Copper was nominally unchanged at New York, with sellers at 12c for Lake, but It was no doubt lower to sell. Electrolytic was quoted at 12c, and casting at llc London copper prices were 10s higher. Spot closed there at 47 10s, and futures at 47 15s. Lead was dull and unchanged here at 4c but at London prices were Is 3d higher at 10 1K Spelter ruled firmer here nt 10 points' ad vnncc to $4 40, while London prices were 2s Cd lower at 10 10s. Iron was dull and nominal here. Pig Iron warrants. $11312: No. 1 Northern foundry. $15 3010: No. 2 Northern foundry. $13315 50; No. 1 foundry. Southern. $15 5031C: No. 1 foundry. Southern, soft, $15317. At Glasgow Iron was quoted at 49s, and at Middlesboro at 43s 7d. Bar silver, 55Sic SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Bar sliver. 55?8c LONDON. Jan. 7. Bar sliver, 25 1-lCd; money. 232 per cent. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Spot Rio. dull; No. 7 Invoice. 6c: mild, quiet; Cordova. 73Hc Sugar Raw. easy: fair refining. 3c: cen trifugal. 06-test. 3c; molasses sugar, 2c Refined, steady. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Coffee futures closed at a net decline of 14 to 20 points. Total sales. 78.750 bags. Including: January, $6 4030 45: March. $6 5030 60; May. $8 6536 75; June. $0 80: July, $6 8536 95; September. $77 15; October. $7 1037 15; November, $7 20; Decem ber, $7 30. Cotton. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. The cotton market opened ptcady with prices 4 to 6 points lower, and closed barely steady with prices net 10 to 14 points lower. WHAT IT MEANS. Stirring: Republican ArrainKnient of the Payne Tariff Bill. Chicago Inter Ocean. "She has lost her free Intercourse with Spain and Cuba, without any compensat ing benefits. The markets of the United States should be opened up to her prod ucts. Our plain, duty is to abolish all cus- -toms tariffs between the United States and Porto Rico." Thus tpqke William McKInley to Con gress and his country on December 5, IKK), and all humane Americans applauded him. Yet we all know how greedy epe clal Interests Influenced scores of Con gressmen to evade temporarily our plain duty. Two years have passed, nnd the aarne Congressmen arc Influenced by the same special Interests to deny Justice to the Philippines. Again, the profits of a petty clique loom larger in Congressional eyes than the prosperity of multitudes of our new people. And the menace of this nar-Tow-mlnded folly is a thousand-fold greater than In the case of Porto Rico. Porto Rico is a small Island, eahlly ac cessible to our military forces, with less than 1.000.0CO unwarllke people. Had we resolved to starve the Porto Rlcans we could have done so with little risk. AVe could have hedged them in with cruisers and held them down with bayonets. "We were in a position- to enforce outrageous wrongs with comparative safety. But the Philippines are a huge archi pelago, with vast tracts that are almost Inaccessible to us, and with 8,000,OX peo ple, the majority of them warlike, and many of them trained to fight. When we condemn such people to industrial stag, nation and deny them opportunity we simply provoke them to continuous rebel lion. So, while our obligations to the Fili pinos are no less than to the Porto Ricans, our risk in refusing to do our plain duty by them is enormously greater. Already the VIsayan sugar planters de clare that to them the Payne tariff means ruin. What does their ruin mean? It means that fertile Ncgros, whose people, before ever an American soldier eet foot on their soil, pledged their loyalty to the United States, framed for themselves a government modeled on our own, nnd prayed our commander at Mnnila to send some one to rule over them, will be smol dering In idleness if not lighted by the flames of Insurrection. It means that the Visayans of the Central Philippines will soon be as discontented and disloyal as ever were the Tagals of Luzon. In a word, if we try to starve the Fili pinos with the Payne tariff it means that the thousands of lives and the millions of treasure that we have poured out to restore peace and order in the Philippines will have been spent in vain, and that wc shall have there for uncounted years to come the recurring disasters of Hol land in- Acheen and of France in Algeria and Tonquln. That is what the Payne tariff means In Chamber of Commerce the Philippines. And unless the so-called Republican leaders In Congress listen to the voice of McKInley the American peo ple will speedily find other leaders who will listen, to that voice and return from the byway of special greed to the broad road of plain duty. Xctv BrltLsh Mne-Inch Gun. Scientific American. Experiments have been carried out by the ordnance board of the British War Office In connection with the new nine inch wire wound breech-Ioadlng quick-firing guns mounted at Dover to determine the possible maximum rapidity of fire and the life of the weapon. One of the guns was selected for the experiment. Theo retically the life of such a gun Is about SO rounds, but 161 rounds were discharged from this weapon. Heavy projectiles were employed. In some Instances weighing 450 pounds. After several rounds had been fired the rifling of the gun. was seriously Impaired by corrosion, so that the pro jectiles would not fit. A special mechan ism, which the ordnance engineers have devised for use In connection with worn guns, was then requisitioned, and by its means the shells were fired with the same precision and unerring accuracy which characterized the firing when the gun was first employed. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. AG Dunn, Seattle I Jos Schafer. Eugene 1ivrIn' a ?E J billet. Omaha T . Good?'". Y 1G L Byers, Castle Rk A T Towler. Chicago! J H Albert. Salem F ' V Smith. Spokane E S Glaser. Chicago lis .S.n?,r Ma,ns IF M Dunn. Oakland O S Kithlnger, SeattleJG W Dorman, St Paul ). E Burgess, ChlcagojW R Abercromblc.USA H Coats. SaglnawiO F Wentwcrih. Taco A N Laird, NY E.I Smith. Chicago D L Castleman, M D. M J Jennings. Dayton &. T ?attle IChas II Larkln. ColfaxI D A Castleman. SeattliMrs Larkln. Colfax J. 1 J?anDom, K C F V Eckstrom. San F H C Wood. K C W G Clark, Seattle lA J Norton & wf. city S O Newton I E C Bradley, N Y L W Storrer. S F S Wilbur. S F THE PERKINS. G G Wilson. S F R S Barr. City C Harvey. Castle Rk C Burk. Kelso W W Calkins, wf & c Ada, Minn Miss Je..Mle Calkins, Ada, Minn E A Fisher & wf. J K Starr. Dalles A It Green, Hood Rlv C A Rhea. Heppner J J Roberts, Heppner Ja.s Taylor. Jackson W S Whltstone. Hepp Hugh H Stahl. Iowa F W Sklbbe & w. Tin Dalles ijpoKane D L Nichols, city E H Wrlcht, Wallace J C Slater v v L Hutton & wf. dolC W Henderson. S F Geo Clark. Alaska C C Mills. Holton. N D Mrs Lannon. Seattle IMlss Mechan. Seattle J L Bern-, city J a Cunningham. Carlt F Pelton, St Paul IT L Byers J w. CasRk F Metcalf. Arcadlaf J Shearer, Wllholt J A Ocg. Pendleton J M Hartley. San DIeg F Hill. San Fran )V Kennedy & fy, N Y J N Hart, Dallas J Spenres, Seattle Chas L Hull. S F JE F Ingles. Sacto Chas R Archard. do PH Campbell. Chicago C T Moore & wf, Mt V G Hale. For Grove Angel G J Bishop & w, Garfdl F E Moore. Mt Angel )C L Jeffcrles. S F F A Drake, Dundee Wm Robinson. S F Mrs Smith. Dundee C J Cartston. S F J A Noble. PendletonlH Lydon. Lewlston A A Crlssell & wf. W W Wright. Lewlstn Aurora j Balmer, Cle Elum J SWndseth. Astor J C Hirst. Detroit M McMaster & wf. B J Ingraham. St Paul Wash Mra H Kulfer. Vane H H Brown & wf. Idafp H Mann. Bak Clty J M Short. Gresham L E Sells. Astoria THE IMPERIAL. C W. Knowlcs. Manager. D J Hanna. city (Mr.- Shlvrlnk. Pendletn J B Johnston, TacojOtls Patterson. Dalles N Lawson, VancouverJMrs Patterson, Dalles C E Lytle, Shanlko H J Geer. Cove Mrs M George, EugeneJE L Smith. Hood Rlv Earl Pooler. La CrosseiA S Zleber. Monmouth W W Schall. do L Feurer. city A C Chapman. Mich Mrs P M Abbey. Newpt Mn T J McCarthy. C H Dunn, Tacoma Tacoma Wm Preston. Eugene A Houmell. Seattle T H Adams. For Grove Mrs Houmell. Seattle JMrs Adams. For Grove T G Kellogg. Tacoma S B Hutton. HUlsboro u i' irfive. Riddle G W Voost, S F G G Linn. N Y v Grimm, Or city II G Van Dusen. Antor Mrs O E Houck. Ro?eb J K Weatherford. Alby H T Hendryx. Bak C W H Stalker. Baker c Mrs Weatherford. Alby W J Furnish. PendletniH L Bents. Buttevllle H H Smith. Salem IMres Bents. Buttevllle G C Shaum. RoseburKiC F Lansinir. Salem Mrs Carllales. SpokaneJG Chandler. Bak City A H Stevens, St Paul Mrs C L Houston. Asto A S Bennett. Dalles H R Hsrtifler, Astoria Mrs Bennett. Dalles A!ex Gilbert. Astoria W L Shlvrink. PcndltnA H Wolfe, clty ST. CHARLES HOTEL. C Whitlock. Scotts Mis I A N Leisure. Woodlnd S Conner, Scotts MIlLslC Fisher & wf. do C C Perrlne. N Yam JS R Leisure & w. do Fred Miller. Clatskan iH E Preston. Grvsham J P Ross & wf, AstoraiP Johnson & w, Astof Mrs S R Coleman & Mrs J Brown, S F fy. Chinook W Nell. Wisconsin W Kill.-. Chinook JMrs A M Nile. Wis W M Clausser, Golddl E J Dunn. Corvallls Jas Mallan. Ellensbrg iChas E Welsh. Corv Mrs Daboyne & ch. J H Fredtnburg. Hood Los Angeles. Cal River Ida TrUctt. ClatskanliGco Garhurber & fy. Wm Dougherty, L Bch Pendleton S Poland. Long Beach F O Strong. Woodburn G F Via. For Grove F H Henderson. Woodb C A Valentine. Hd RviMrs F Reeves. Elma J M Ford. Dalles Roy Dungan. Elma J W Huberg. Eugene IJas Qulnn. Qulnns Wm E Rusiell, EugenjT J Rook, Salt Lake J S Doyle. Los Angeles L B Glrmer. city E H Hubbell. Hd RlvG W Adams. Marlon J Alloway, Pendleton IF L Stevens. Hoqulam Geo Ray. Fostll J L Koki. Chinook I G WIckstrom. KalmjW R Conlee, Champoeg J W Jenkins, Cot GrvH O Fc3tvog. Hoqulam J A Thomas & w, L McTaggnrt. Hoqulam Pendleton C Manny Xi son. Cal K o .Jiasaey, I'emuetoniJ F Grimes, S D A W Fischer. Corval A J Thorp, Corvallls Wm Beck. Kelso E J Baker, Cathlamet C D Wren. Cathlamet G A Rockwell. Moro F Sanchet & w, Dallas F A McFadden. Molall J N Rice, Clatskanle Hotel 3rnnvrlclc, Seattle. European, first-class. Ratcf, 50c to $1.50. One block from depot. Restaurants near by. . Tncomn Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates. $3 and up. Donnelly Hotel, Tncomn. European plan. Rates 50c and up. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. fefr. Fer South-Eastern Alaska lBfer Leave Scnttlc O P. M. Effl Steamships COTTAGE CITT. - V- JkS. A, liJCt, rtil-IVl, IMgMl Jan. 0. 11. 15. 20. 23. 30; UJ H en. 4. 14. 10, 10. 2S; Mar. 1. For further Information ob tain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change steamers, railing abates and hours of sailing, without previous notjec. AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington St.. Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma; Ticket Office. HIS First avc. Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agt.. C. W. MILLER. A.wt. Gen'l Agt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle: GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen'l Agents; San Francisco. i pecial Announcement New Service to Htditerranran TTe Ntw Olrtntlc Twln-8erir 3leamr "Cb-n-ranra!th.-r IS. 000 ton. 0n tut Ion. ri "N Enst&nd." 1I.C0O ten.- 8TS tut tor., will . yll from noiton to aisnltar. A!c'.en. a no. ' NtplM and Alexandria. Ecrpt. aa foUova-' CemmonwealUi." Jan. 4. Ufa: "Nnr Enr Va,"J' . 1W: "CoanicnweaUh." rb. , l,??h. JEEjjf '' and cJliln.. Apply I TKOMA8 COOK A. SON. P. C Gn Ajrn: 1 Ol Uarktt at.. Sao rraaeUco. Calif. i WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. TAHOMA. DALLES ROUTE. Winter schedule Leaves foot Alder street every Monday. Wednesday and Friday morn ing. 7 A. M. Leaves The Da lien every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday morning, 7 a. M. Stops at all way landings for both freight and passengers. ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-st. Dock.) Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria, avery night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone 351. ISi i j "Spr.d for Illustrated Medltfrranean Booklet." TRAVELER S GUIDE. G &Q Hil 01 hof Line if r,m& THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Arri CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. For the Ea.-t via Hunt ington. 0:Oo a. M. Dally. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eastern Warning ton, Walla Walla. Lew lston. Couur d'Alene and Gt, Northern Point". :13 P. M. Daily. 7 00 A. M. Dally. ATLANTIC EXPHESa. For the East via Hum- nston. 8:50 P. Dally. 8:10 A. M. Dally. OCEAN AXD UIVEIl SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN CISCO. SS. Columbia Jan. 7. 17. 27. SS. Geo. W. Elder Jan. 2. 12. 22. From Alr.bwortn Dock. 8:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. FOR ASTORIA andjS'o P. M. way points, connecting Dally ex. with atr. for Ilwaco and Sunday. 5.00 P. M. Dally, ex. bun. isorin ueacn. str. Has- salo. Afch-fttreet Dock. Sat. 10 P. M. FOR CORVALLIS and '0.43 A. M. 6:00 P.M. Tuea.. Thur.. Sat way points, str. RUTH, Mors.. Asn-sireec dock. (Wed. tWater permUMng.) Fri. FOR DATTON. Oregon 7:00 A. M. City and Yamhill Rlv-'Tues.. er points, str. Elmore, jThurs.. Ash-MreeiDock. ISat. (Water permitting.) 3:00 P. M. Mon.. Wed.. FrL. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone. Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STtAMHIP cO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagiuakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladlvostock. INDRAVELM SAILS JAN. 23. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress otllcials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. FAST vu SOUTH Depot Fifth nnd I Street. Leave Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose burg, Ashland, Sac ra m e n to. Ogden. San Francisco, Mo lave. Loa Angeles. El Paso. New Or leans and the East. At Woodb urn (daily except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mu Angel. Sll verton. Browns v i 1 1 e. Sprlngfleld. and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and Sil verton. Albany passenger ... Ccrvallls passenger. 8:30 P. M. 8:30 A. M 7:45 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M. 3:50 P. M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A. M. 4:50 P. M. Sheridan passenger. S:25 A. M. Daily. nally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland Sac ramento and San Francico. Net nites $17.50 first class and $14 second class. Second class includes sleeper; first class does not. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained at Ticket Of fice. No. 254. cor. Washington and Third. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally 7.20 A. M.. 12:30. 1.55. 3:25. 4:4(, 15:25, 8:30 P. M. Dally except Sun day. 5::. :40 A. 21.. 5:03. 11:30 P. M. Sun day only, 0 A. M. Arrive Portland dally. 8:30. 10;50 A. M.. 1:35. 3:10. 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10 1. M. Dally ex cept Sunday. 0:35. 0:30. 10:50 A. M.; except Monday, 12:40 A. M.; Sunday only. 10.05 A. M. Leave for Dallas dally except Sunday. 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portlnnd 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 3:30 P. M. Returns Tues days and Saturdays. Except Sunday. V. A. SCHILLING. R. B. MILLER. City Tkt. Agt. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Leaves. Arrive". Overland Express 2:0o P. M. 7:00 A.M. Twin City. St. Louis & Kan. City Special 11:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. Puget Sound Limited, for South Berd. Gray'a Harbor. Olympia. Ta coma and Seattle 8:35 A.M. 5:20 P.M. Two trains dally to Spokane, Butte, Helena, Minneapolis, St- Paul and the East. A. D. CHARLTON. A sat. General Pas. Agt.. 253 Morrison street. Portland. Or. ips AHD UN ) OGCENfcSHASTM-J 1 ROUTES j Of p iHiyi v syirTrv' xWPP-X 1BreatNorther1 Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 630 LEAVE Th!FL;er da- ?, " ! ARRIVE from St. Paul. MInne- 0:00 P. M. IVS" SliaKT:00 A.V Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cara. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KAGA MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About January I4th. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Depot Fifth, nntl I Street". ARRIVES For Maygere. Rainiur. Clatskanle. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. W'ar tentou. Flat el. Ham mond. Fori Stevens. Gearhart Pk.. Susld Astoria and Seashore Express. Daily. Astoria Express. 5a,,L. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. M. Ticket office 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J C MaYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, or. Salem, Independence, Albany Corvallis and McMinnvilic. Steamer POMONA, for Corvallis. leaves 0:43 A. M Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Steamer ALTON A. for McMinnvllle. leaves 7 A. M. Monday. "Wednesday and Friday. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO., Office and dock, foot Taylor st. Phone 40. THE PALATIAL Dim niiin UILUIiIj Not b dirk ulllce In the liullcIInKj absolutely tire-proof; eleetrle liiitj "ml i-lciiii. writer; perfect -.miitn-tion ami thormiKli ventiln tlon. Ile tutors iul Uu) nnd iilht. Rom. AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician 413-4M ANDERSON. GUbTAV. Attorney-at-Law. .CI2 ASSOCIATED PltlrSS E. L Powell. Mngr.aU AUSTEN. F. C. Manner for Oregon and Washington Bankers' Life A3uciut:on of Des Moines. la 502-503 BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOINES. I A.. F. C. Au-:en. Msr 5o-3oa BEALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Otlleta: U. S. Weather Bureau 010 BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 3U BERNARD. G.. Ca&hier Tontine Savings Association 2U-21S BINstt ANGER. OTTO S.. Physician and Surgeon 407-403 BItOCK. WILBUR F.. Circulator Orego- ntan 501 BROWN. MYHA. M. D 313-3U BRUEKE. DR. G. E.. Physician.. 4 12-4 13-414 BUSTKED. RICHARD 30J CAMPBELL. WM. M.. Medical Ref-ree Equitable Life 700 CANNING. M. J CO2-0UJ CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers Insurance Company .' 71S CAKDWELL. DR. J. R 5lM CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 710-7S7 COFFEY. DR. R. C. Surgeon 403-4U" CULLMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 0O4-GO3-0tM-i;U7-til3-014-0l5 CORNELIUS. C W.. Phj.3 and Surgeon.. 20d COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulre. Manager 413 DAY. J G.. & I. N 313 DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714 DWYER. JOE E.. Tobaccos 40J EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM 323 Alder Ptreec EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY; L. Samuel. Mgr.; G. 8. Smith. Cashier 3GU FENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon. 50U-10 FENTON. DR. HICKS C. Eye and Ear..5Il FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 5uU GALVANI. W. II.. Engineer and Draughts man COO GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club 214-2I3-210-2J.7 GEARY. DR. E. P.. Phys. and Surgeon 40d GEARY & COFFEY. Physician and Sur geons -JO4-405-40G CIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon... 7o0-7iu GILBERT. DR J. ALLEN. Phyblcian.401-40-J GILLESPY. SHBRWOOD. General Agent Mutual Life Ins. Co. 404-403-400 GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Munager Manhat tan Life Ins. Co.. of New York 2OU-210 GRANT. FRANK S., Attorney-at-Law 017 GRISWOLD is PHEGLEY. Tailors 131 Sixth Street HAMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian. 300-301-302 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HOLI.ISTER, DR. O. C. I'hyslclati and Surgeon 504-503 IDLEMAN. C M.. Attorney-at-Law.410-17-13 JOHNSON. XV. C. 315-310-.U7 KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents Mutual Reserve Fund Llfo Assn....OO4-C03 LITTLEFIELD. II. R.. Phys. and Sur 2UJ MACKAY. DR. A E.. Phys. and Surg..71l-71J MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York; W. Goldman. Manager 2W-210 MARSH. DR. R. J . l'hjs." and Surgeon.. 104-40(1 MARTIN. J. L. & CO.. Timber Lands.... 001 McCOY. NEWTON. Attorne) .it-Law 715 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer. .201 McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-a:-I-a.:Ul-12 McKENZIE. DR. P. L.. Phis, and Sur.512-U METT. HENRY 213 MILLER. DC. HERBLRT C, Dentist and Oral Surgeon CUfc-OOO MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 513-5U MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSN; Mark T. Kad. SujH.-rvkor of AsenU.004-005 McELROY. DR. J. C. Phjs. & Sur.70l-70U-70J McFARLAND. E. B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Company 0OU McGUIRE. S. P., Mana-r P. F. Collier. Publisher 413 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. of New York: Sherwood Glllespy. Gen. Agt.. 404-5-0 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. A:tornej-at-Law.7I3 NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In surance Company of New York 200 OLSEN. J.' F-, State Agent Tontine Sav ings Association 211-212 OREGON CAMERA CLUB -;i4-215--:lO--:ii OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY 400-410 OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP; Rudolph Marsch. Prop 120 blxth street OREGONIAN EDUCATIONAL RLKEAU; J. F. Strauhal. Manager 200 PORTLAND ii"tE AND EAR INFIRMARY. Ground Floor. 133 Sixth street QUIMBY. L. P XV., Gama and Forestry Warden 513 REAVIS. DR. J. L.. DentUt COS-0OU REED. WALTER. Optician 13J Sixth street RICKENBACH. DIL J. b. Eje. Ear. Noo and Throat 701-703 ROSfcJNDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Englnce.- 510 RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 515 SAMUEL. L., Manager Equitable Life 3UJ SHERWOOD. J. XV.. Deputy Supreme Com mander K. O. T. M 517 SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 400-410 SMITH, GEORGE S. Cashier Equitable Llfo 300 STUART, DELL. Attome-at-Law 017-013 STOLTE. DIL CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 700 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 THREE IN ONE" QUICK ACCOUNT SYSTEM COMPANY. OF OREGON 513 TONTINE SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. Min neapolis; J. F. Olsen. State Agent 211 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 010-011 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU... 007-003-000-010 U. S. LIGHTHOUbE ENulNEERS. 13TH DfST.. Captain W. C. LangHtt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A i03 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain XV. C. Langtltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..S10 WATERMAN. C. H.. Casnler Mutual Life of New York 40O WILEY. DR. JAMES O. C. Phys. & Sur..70S-3 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Physician and Surgeon 3U4-303 WILSON. DR. GEO. F-. Phy3. & Surs.7OG-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.507-503 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELE. CO 013 WOOD. DIL XV. L.. Physician 412-413-414 Ofllce.- may lie had by applying to the sup'Tliitendent of the bulldlns, room 201. second lloor. CHICMZSTEP.'S CNGLISH YROYAL PILLS Orlzlnnl ond Unlr Urnilnc. SAKE. A'.-TiTir-IUKe Uiwllt-. J Druirlit tor CIIICHlCSTElt'S KNGLISII !-v in ItKJ) an-t Cold n.ti!Ii t-oxrt ra!t I un m ne nr.ofla. luvrnaoLlcr. ttrm.o Innrcroo Snb.tUutioua and Itnlta tinn. Br f to-i- o.-sksiii. -r n I -tc. m itmp for Pnrtlrnlur. TetStnonlul ana Keller fo- l.i!ic,Tt- Utttr. 6j r tnrn Mnll. lli.nuo r-.ticjnuii -Hhj II Drustitt. Chlrhf.rcr Chcrrlful t' KezXiZB this Diocr tlailIon Niuxre, 1' 1'A. No Cure -Jisss, No Pay lZSi!) THE MODERN APPLIANCE.-A pullio nay to perfect xnanhouti. 'lne VACUUM TREATMENT cures jou without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drain, varicocele. lmjoteney. itc. Men are quickly re itored to perfect health and strength. Writs or circular Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-4 safe Deposit building. Seattle, Wash. nnrnmnn! UllLuUillW D mm iffei