THE MORNING OREGOKIA& FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20; 1D0I. "Wants of 1'orto HIcanx. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico., Dec. 19. The Chamber of Commerce of San Juan has requested the government of the Island of Porto Rico to transmit a cablegram to the authorities at Washington, requesting that Congress, when dealing with the question of Cuban reciprocity, consider Porto Rico. The Chamber of Commerce asks that Porto Rican sugar be protected against the introduction of Cuban, sugar into the United States and that a bounty be paid for Porto Rican coffee as an American product under the protection of the American flag. AMUSEMENTS. cordray'S theater one week. commencing sunday. dec. 15, and saturday matinee, richard golden i5 beautiful stouy, "old jed frouty." "OLD JED l'KOUTY." "OLD JED l'KOUTY." "OLD JED l'KOUTY." "OLD JED PROUTY." A CKEAT RURAL COMEDY-DRAMA. THE BAKER THEATER GEO. L. BAKER. M?r. Phone North 107ft. TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT. The Wilbur-Klrwin Ojicra Co. In Blzette'a "CARMEN." "CARMEN." "CARMEN." Tomorrow. Matinee ar.d night. "THE MERRY WAR." a grand farewell production. Evening prices 10c, 25c, 33c. 50c Matinee prices 10c. 15c. 25c Next week. Btarting Sunday Matinee, Ben Hendricks In "Ole Olon." MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HEILIG. Manager. Thursday, Friday. Saturday nights. Dec 13, 20. 21. Special Ladies' and Children's Matinee at 2:15 o'clock. JULES GRAU OPERA CO. Thursday. "EL CAP1TAN." Friday. "DOR OTHY." Saturday Matinee. "WANG." Satur day night, "RIP VAX WINKLE." Evening prices $1. 75c. 60s. :j5c. 25c Boxes and loges. $7.50. Matinee prices Adults, 50c; children, 25c to any part ot the theater. Seats now celling. CORDRAY'S THEATER- ONE WEEK, COMMENCING SUNDAY. DEC. 22. ARTHUR C. AISTON'S NEW YORK COM- PAN1. representing the latest fuccess, "AT THE OLD CROSS ROADS," "AT THE OLD CROSS ROADS." "AT THE OLD CROSS ROADS." "AT THE OLD CROSS ROADS," By Hal Hold. , MATINEES CHRISTMAS AND SATURDAY. FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS DE CAFRIO'S ORCHESTRA, FLYXN'S LONDON GAIETY GIRLS, In Burlesque. Armlrws Wcnder. HUBER, AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 411 Washington St., by S. L. X. Gllman. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. A. O. X. M. S. The an nual meeting of Al-Knder Tcmole will be held at Ma sonic T?mplc on THURSDAY EVENING. 24TH INST., at 8 o'clock. Buslncy.", election of officers, acting upon report of committees, and such other business that usually comes brf3re an annual meeting. This notlr-r is nubllFhrd at THIS , TIME that our "country cous ins mar take due notice and govern them selves accordingly. KATIB PORTLAND, LODGE, XO. 55. A. F. fi A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Election of olHcrs and payment or dues. BV order W. M. Vlsltlntr IT. M. welcome. I. W. PRATT. Sec. BOKX. HAMLIN December 19. 1001. to the wife of Edward H. Hamlin, a son. died. McDONALD At the residence of her brother, 034 Belmont. Portland, Dec. in. Miss Mary C McDonald, formerly of Vancouver. Notice of funeraj later. Fl'SEUAL NOTICES. WINESET The funeral rcrvlces of Louts?, wife of Clarenc W'neset, will be held tcday at the rePldewi-e of her mo:h?r. Susan Wol slefer, 410 Fifth L, at 2 P. M. Friends In vited. Interment at Lon Fir cemetery. VOSBURG Dec 18. at St. David's Rectory, the residence of his son-in-law Dr. C!virgo B. Van Waters, Mr. George R. Vo'burg. aged 72 years. Funeral from St. David s Church on Saturday. 10:30 A. M. M'DONALD The funeral of Mlrs Mary C. Mc Donald will he held at Vancouver. Wash., at 2 P. M., Saturday, from the Cathedral. In terment to be In the Catholic cemetery- The body will be at C34 Belmont St., city, until that time. EDWAltD HOUIAN. Lmlcrtpkrr. -Kh nnd YnmMll uta. Itcnn Sttnnnn. lady EtitKtKttiilt. Both plinticn No. $07. FlnZcv. Ivlmliall A Co- Undertaker. Lady nxKlatunt. 275 Third t. Tel. J. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMfa NEW !)-ROOM modern house with large grounds, on Fouth east corner 10th and Marshall striet. B. M. Lombard, 514 Chamber of Commerce. AH Day at 182 First St. Consisting of Holiday Goods, etc. J. T. WILSON, .;' Auctioneer. ORDER YOUIl TURKEYS NOW Apples come and see them; COc to $1 box. Almonds, 10c lb. Call on us for your X. Y. candles. White or black fig. 5c lb.; choice dried fruits come and see them. Sugar we al ways sell at cost. 5-lb. can of pure lard. 7oc; lard. In bulk, luc lb.; popcorn, 5.' lb.; orange. 10c dozen. Fresh meats, best cuts. 12U-C lb.; legs of mutton, 10? lb.; crrn b?ef and boiling, 7c lb. This Is the money-saving store. OREGON CASH GROCERY 232 and 234 N. 14th. Both phones. CHICKEN MARKET Overstocked, 25c each Best creamery 50c and 55c Extra choice creamery 45e Fancy dairy 35c and 40c Fresh ranch eggs, dozen Sue Eastern eggs, 2 dozen 45c Swiss cheese 50c each Eastern sugar-cured hams 13c lb. Picnic hams .10c lb. Remember, Saturday Is chicken day. Tur keye, geese and chickens for Xmas. LAGR .NDE CREAMERY CO. 204 Yamhill. Both phones. jsfc anoaa Cornfed Turkeys Leave your or ders early and get the choice. Headquarters for turKcys, geese, ducks and chick ens for Xmas. LAGRANDE CREAMERY CO, 2S4 Tamhlll. Both phones. YOU Can buy on weekly cr monthly payments FURNITURE CARPETS STOVES AnC all other household goo0 at CASH PRICES from ZIMMERMAN 214 FIRST ST.. COR. SALMON. Open ovonlnGTM. Tel. North 1010. N. B. I will take old coeds In trade. A fol Bp"' CLASSIF3ED AD. RATES "Rcoxns." "Rooms and Board." "Housekeep--ng Rooms." "Situations Wanted." 15 word or "ess. 15 cents; If to 20 words. 30 cent: 21 to 23 words. 25 cents. etc. No discount for addi tional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 30 rents for 15 words or less; ID to 20 words. i0 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one half; no further discount under cne month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per lln for each aCdKlonal Insertion. ANSWERS O ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of fice, should always be Inclosed In nealed envel opes. No itaxnp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for tr iors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. TURKEYS. CHICKENS. GEESE AND DUCKS galore. All wc want Is you to pay us a vlIt and examine our stock, get our prices, and we knew you will make your Christmas pur chatcs of the above, and groceries, too. Our stock is new. clean and complete. 3 1-lb. pack ages. reeded raisins. 25c California Market, 185 Third, opposite Baker's Theater. Phone Red 201. YOU MAY GET SETTLED BEFORE THE New Year in your own house by making a small payment down and balance on month ly payments, for an elegant 8-room house on East Side. Whclley, Benson building, 5th and Morrison. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property, at lowet current rates. Building loans. In stall meet l"n. MacMimter & Blrrell. ail Worcester blk. , Notice to Holiday Shippers. The offices of Wells. Fargo & Co.. Pacific Ex press Co. nad Northern Pacific Express Co. will remain op?n each evening up to Christmas until 8 o'clock. On Sunday they will be open from 12 noon to 4 P, M..and on Christmas day from S A. M. to. 12 noon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HUDSON & BROWNHILL. REAL ESTATE ami Financial Agents. 550 Sherlock Bulldin. Portland, Or., and The Dalles. Or. We are the only real estate firm In Portland who make a specialty of Eastern On-gon und Washington real estate. We have an office In The Dalles, where we have been es tablished In the real estate Business for the last IS years, and can refer you to any of the banks or business houses of that city ut to 8ur standing. We have recently opened an office In Portland 'n order that we might I De Drought Into closer touch with the peoplo who contemplate settling in Eastern Oregon and Washington. We have a 1 arc's list of agricultural and stock farms for rale, that, upon Investigation will surprise you both as to cheapness and terms. Wc also have a few timber claims, both Government and deeded, for sale cheap. Call or write for one of our Illustrated pamphlets descriptive of East ern Oregon and Washington. HOMES ON INSTALLMENT NO INTEREST. We will I'urchase a $1000 home for you; make your own selection any plnce In this etaie; you repay us 5 35 montnly. without Interest; wc venture you are now paying 510 monthly rent for property that is no batter; our plan Is safe; examine it; correarondence rollclted. Oregon Mutual Home So;lety. COO Commercial building, city. Telephone South 1091. FOR SALE-DO ACRES OF LAND, ONLY 8 miles from the city; very rich coll. well watered; only one mile from It. R.: will icli In 10. 20 or 30-acre lots. C. F. Flyrapton. Agent. Allsky building. HOUSE. 8 ROOMS: VERY DESIRABLE AND rtrlctly .modern; JuM being completed: Al location. West Side; for sale at a bargain Apply to owner, 107 Sherlock building. HOOD CIVER FRUIT LANDS FOR SALS; Government claime located. AVrlte or call for Information upon Friday & Barnes. Hood River, Or. PICK ME UP 10 ACRES. It MILES EAST, half bottom land, on Johnson's Creek, ct great bargain for few days. 6jh c. of Coin. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE. OFFICE, Lents. Or. All kinds property cheap. Take Mount Scott car: fare 5 cent-. O. R. Addlton. FOR QUICK SALE-TWO CHOICE BUILD Ing lots on Seventh Ft.. Irvlngton. cheap for cash. V. O. Waadcl. 205 Morrison et. FOR SALE LOT. WITH GOOD 5-ROOM COT tage. close in. West Side, $U00. Address ft 5S. Oregonlan. Give phone number. 25 LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE; HIGH. nuiiu' hmu levt.; h jirouea nurr.oer oaiy. Brown. :5fl2 Washington st. FOIl SALE FARMS. 1CS ACRES. 120 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, balance pasture, under good fence, soil rich black loxm. good buildings, 4 miles to rail road station, Polk County, a special bargain: ?30 per acre. I have other farms for ale ranging in else from 40 acres to S30. and In price from ?C50 to $35. W. O. Waddel, 205 Morrison st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments mad to tsult purchasers. For full particular as to various p'oportles apply to MacMastr & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE-FRUIT FARM AT Newberg: 1900 Bartlctt pear, balance prune, plum and cherry trees, all In. first-class con dition. F. N. Pendleton. Third and Stark sts. TO EXCHANGE HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. WITH bath and, basement; central location; for land nar Portland or Improved suburban tract. S. E. Klpllnger. 414 Eart Market. WILL TRADE SEATTLE AND CHEHALI3 property and cash for stock of merchandise. Wm. Murphy. Chehalls. Wah. TISIBER LAND FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1C0 ACRES OF FINE TIMBER, well situated; rare opportunity to lnYeat. Q 40. Oregonlan. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SINGER WE WILL SELL FIFTY EINOEU sewing machines at special prices, between now and Xmas. Every machine fully guar anteed. We will deliver on Christmas day If requested. Come early and make your choice. Cor. Park and Morrifon tls. 100.000 ROSES. SHRUBS AND TREES. ONE. two and three yearn. 10c up; take Woodstock car to East Powell and Thirty-fourth st.. Pa cific Floral Nursery. Address Box 1007, city. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, AWELL-BRED mare. S years old, weighs 1250 pounds; well broken and very gentle. Inquire Portland Livestock Exchange, corner 4th and Ankeny. FOR SALE TWO GRAY HORSES. 7 YEARS old, about 1800 pounds; round and all O. K.: gentle to harness and saddle. At Portland Livestock Exchange, Fourth and Ankeny. KEEP WARM THESE COLD NIGHTS AND order your coal from Western Feed & Fuel Co., 154 Fifth st. north. Both phoneat All kinds coal. Prompt delivery. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cots wold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove. Or. FOR BALE HIGH - GRADE UPRIGHT piano, Al condition, with mandolin attach, meut. ?175; cost $375. A 59, care Oregonlan. Nw TYPEWRITERS. aU makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup- piles. Coast Agency Co.. 2G(P Stark it. SAFES ONE HALL, 1800 POUNDS; ONE Diebold. 1500 pounds; one National, 1500 pounds. 205 Second st. Wagons, hacks, buggies and carts, second hand; bankrupt stock of harness. 211 Wash. Upright planes, $1G5, lost $300 8 months ago; Kimball, $50; Estey organ. $35. 104 FirsL Wolfsteln buys and sells all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm implements. 227 Front. FOR SALE HORSE. WAGON AND TWO heifers. J. B. Butcnschoen. Peninsular. Or. NEW -ELSIE BOOKS." 05c, AT THE OLD Book Store. 22U xamhlil st. FOR SALE .- CHEAP; FINE SEALSKIN jacket. 74 xnira u HELP W-1NTED MALE. WAKTED-A FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRYMAN: must be on all-around,man; state terms; ref erences icqulred. Everett & Moore, Rose- burg. Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BRAKEMAN for narrow gauge road. Address, giving age and experience. J 50, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT AND collect; good opportunity for right party. Call room 10 BurUMrd bloek. PATTERNMAKER WANTED: NONE BUT first-class mechanic need apply. Willamette lion & file! Works. FIRST-CLASS SHIRT POLISHER, MAN OR woman, for out-of-town laundry. Apply 94 North Ninth. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED-R. R. CONTRACTORS. LOGGERS and millmen to know that we nave opened two branch ofhees, near popular resorts of men. at 247 Burnside and 51 North Third sts.; this will enable us to fill all orders more promptly. A-ldress all communications to main uniee. 220 Morrison st. Wanted Men and teams, city. $4. board home; R. R. la borers, machinists, pattern-makers, loggers, woodchoppers. farmn&nd. cooks, fluniceys, etc New orders dally. Call everybody. Ca nadian Agency, main office. 228 Morrison, branches 147 Burnside and 51 Nortn 'Intnl. WE want men In this city and throughout the state who have "had experience as solicitors In life Insurance cr kindred Uses, with refer ences and records as producers; to such we give liberal contract, large income assured to workers: mornings. American Investment Co., Ice; branch office, 2 Chamber of Com. WANTED AGENTS ALL OVER OREGON and Idaho for those elegant American and Standard vapor can lamps; latest and best; 100 candle-power 3 hours for 1 cent; just the thing for Christmas presents. Pa cine Spe cialty & Gas Lamp Co.. 343 Morrison St. Men to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re quired. Positions guaranteed. Tools donated. Wagco earned while learning. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, San Francisco. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD eome experience In window dressing In a furniture or crockery store. Address, stating experience, B 49, Oregonlan. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. WAITERS and bartenders. California Wine Depot. 143 Fourth. F'.ter LoratL proprietor. BOY WANTED. ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE, for office work; small salary to start. M 44. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED QUARTZ miner, able to handle air drills. O 50, Ore gonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED QUARTZ mill worker, not over 85 years. X 50, Orego nlan. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN: BIO wages: city and country. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED THREE MEN TO TAKE TIMBER claims; location good. 201 Falling bulidlng. WANTED A COLLECTOR AND SALESMAN; good -alary. Addrcas V 50, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN TO DRY TICK POULTRY Barnes Market. 105 Third. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. CITY AND COUNTRY; WAIT resses. hotels and B.-H.; secoud girls; ehm bermalda and 150 housework. $13 to 125. Canadian Parlors. 220 Morrifon. IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT SECOND gills, cooks and housekeepers. St. Louis Agency, 30 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTEi YOUNG LAD1 TO READ ONE hour dally to a clasn In shorthand, for part tuition. Bihnke'B Commercial College. THOSE IN NEED OF WORK CALL AT THE Girls' Club, Mr. Porter, President, room 18 Rwuel bulidlng. Fourth and Morrison. COOKS. $20; HOUSEWORK. SECOND GIRLS and housekeepers. Phone South 15S1. Tort land Employment CO.. 154 1st. WANTED TWO GIRLS. ONE FOR DIKING room, other for kitchen. In private boarding home. SO 5th. near Stark. AN EXPERIENCED TICK SEWER. APPLY immediately et Portland Curled Hair Fac tory. 220 and 22S Front st SOCIAL DANCE. SATURDAY. 15c. JEFFER on Union. Order 6f Washington. G. A. R, Hall. Ten flcor managers. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and general housework. Apply 770 Overton t. GOOD WAGES TO EXPEniENCED GIRL for general housework; email family. C5I Ererfctt st. WAXTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN rral housework; good plain cook; good wages, 2S4 10th. ACME EMP. BUREAU, 1S5 MORRISON. Help free to employers. Phone North 2&sl. Col. 2$. THE SOUTHERN CORNER WEST PARK and Yamhill. Experienced waitress at once. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL housework: small family. 471 Main st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 871 Corbstt at. GIRL LIGHT HOUSEWORK, GOOD HOME -and wages. 70 N. 0th. A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND COOKING. Apply 747 Gllman et. HELP WANTED MALE OR FE.MALE. TELEGRAPHER TO GIVE LESSONS TWICE a week. Apply by letter Bshnkc's Com. Col lege, Second and Washington. WANTED FEMALE AND MALE SINGERS I for chorus. Apply by letter only to E. H Carruthera. Portland Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. Mlftccllancoufi. ARE YOU IN NEED OF A MAN YOU CAN put anywhere iri your mill or shop, running, repairing or building and setting up any kind of machinery for working wood, or at olllce work, rales-can or collector, or In your store? Would act as traveling salesman, or would consider a proposition of taking charge of a bustneffl for a .hare of the pronto. Ad. dress J 48, care Oregonlan. PERSONS DESIRING HELP. TAKING ntock, closing or opening books, at rcasonaolo rates, addrera K 4S, Oregonlan. BY JAPANESE, I'LACE IN BOARDINO house or lodging-house; speaks English well. Tom. Vt O. box 8SS, city. SITUATION WANTED IN GROCERY ptore; have had experience. E 40. care Ore gonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO cooking or housework in family. VS N. 3d. JAPANESE COOK AND GCOD WAITER wants position in family. Y 4. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers ana Stenographer. A FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER WISHES a position: can help on books. Phone Black 2991. Drcsuntnkcra. WANTED SITUATION, BY COMPETENT dressmaker; or will do sewing at your homes, or address W 50, Oregonlan. Housekeeper;. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER, by German woman, in wldower'a family or for adults. F 49, care Oregonlan. 3Iicellnncon. WANTED 100 LADIES TO WEAR THE "Ultra" $3.50 shoe. "It's comfortable" and fit for a Queen. M. Billings. 229 Morrison sL, between First and Second. SITUATIONS WANTED FOR CHAMBER malds, t-econd girls, cooks, housekeepers. SL Louis. 230V6 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. situation Wanted by lady, with txperlencej to do hotel, restaurant or day work. Q 50. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. PROFITABLE WORK OFFERED AGENTS In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. We want agent -who will work thoroughly and with business system to corcr each section with our Illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter, and to look sharply after renewals from old subscribers. The pay is first rate, and at the end of tho season $20,000 will be given tbe best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents have succeeded is told in a little booklet we -would like to oend you portraits of some ot our best agents, with the story of how they made it pay. The Curtis Publishing Co.. Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A SECOND-HAND NATIONAL cash register; must be modern and In per fect condition; also a second-hand safe weigh ing from 2vJ0 to 3000 pounds. Address K 60, care Oregonlan. . ZIMMERMAN, 214 FIRST ST.. WILL PAY' roore than any one for second-hand furni ture and stores. Will also take amc in trade for new goods. Phcne Ncrth 1040. WANTED SECOND - HAND CO - HORSE power boiler: also 25O0 feet or one-Inch pipe for dry kiln. Phone Rum 042. Portland Manufacturing' Co., St. Johns. Or. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes. C2 North 34. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED-TO BUY CAMERA. OR WOULD exchange Istly's wheel. Answer at once, M 40, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY SMALL printing plant, on easy terms. Address N 50. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE. A 5-ROOM furnished cottage; must be modern and within 10 bloces cf a good school; state term?. O 40, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT COTTAGE. FURNIBH ed or unfurnished, or housekeeping rooms on ground floor. A -13, care Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. SMALL FUR nlthed room in private family. M 50, Ore gonlan. WANTED-SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR housekeeping rooms. P 49. Oregonlan. FOR RBNT. ltooxaa. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COH. PARk and Alder sts.. formerly the Spalding; under nw management; the most complete apart roent-kouae In the Nonhwest; steam heat, , porcelain baths, every modern conven ience; rates 7e per day and upward. Fur nished housekeeping suites a specialty. PORTLAND U OMEN'S UNION; UTH YEAR; room., with board; use of -ew!nr-room; u Of library; Woman's Exchange; InduMtrUl Schcol. Address Mrs. C. E. Ueorge. Buptr lntendent. 510 Flanders st. THE PLEABANTON, 288 Third it. Fine fur nished rooms, en suite, single or housekeep ing; sunlight in all rooms; mojt reasonable terms. Transient solicited. Phone South 251. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE R00M3J also 2 or 3 rooms for llznt housekeeping; electric light and Use telephone. Inquire oyster house, 107 Fourth. THE NEW CASTLE, b. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrleon ts Rooms, furnished or unfur Althed: all modern conveniences; referencrs. 403 SECOND BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. ELE j;antly and newly furnished; all modern con veniences; private family; reference. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. AND ALSO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, at 132ji Union ave., cor. East Morrison. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT SUITE; ALL conveniences; reasonable; suitable for one or two gentlemen. 250 11th st. NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH LL 5IOD ern conveniences; for j-Hitl-inen only. a9 10th at., near Stark. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for two or single; every convenience. ZVi rl-M .. CM... ..!, UCa. kliAU. 1 ELEGANT. NEW FURNISHED FRONT room; suitable for two; new side room; bath. 307 Pine tt. MANHATTAN COURTS NEW BRICK BUILD lng. steam heat, new furniture. SllK Stark. Cosmos, 2C8Vj Morrison $1 per day: rates rea sonable by month: also housekeeping suit's. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, IN PRIVATE home. 22S Madlion St. Koumi With Board. THE COLONIAL, SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. 1G5 10th sL Suite, second floor, front: also single room; table and service Ant class. S&t EAST ANKENY PLEASANT ROOMS, with board; bath, gas; also day boarderx; reasonable. Telephone Blue 840. THE BROWN. Grand and Hawthorne Pleas ant rooms, good board: every convenience. FOR RENT ON GROUND FLOOR. PLEAS ant front room, with board, 282 Fout.h. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FIR3T clats board. 10S 11th St. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 225 Eleventh. II' tistUtc;iuir Itootn. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed. housekeeping rooms In City. 2ul Washington, and 3U14 Water St, 253 SIXTH. CORNER OF MADISON. FUR-nh-hed hourskccplng rooms; all conveniences, best location. 82 17TH. COR. FLANDERS FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; private family; no chit dren. The Graham. 545t Waah. Sunny oUltes, gas ranges, porcelain bath, etc Telephone frse. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-kc-cptng; rent reasonable. L 50. Oregonlan. Iluane-i. FOR RENT TWO ENTIRELY NEW 0-ROOM houses, on the southwest corner of lot and Pennoyer streets, for rent to responsible ten ants. John F. Caples, Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. HOYT STREET, near 23d; S rooms and reception hall; bath, cement cellar and all modern improvements: lot 66x100; rent $40. Inquire 331 Morrison sL FLAT OF 5 OR C DESIRABLE ROOMS, with bath; brick building; kitchen rang; al ready Connected. Inquire at 014 Front Et., cor. Caruther. FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE. 17TH AND Johnson. 1 rooms, with all modern improve ments; from Jan. 1, 1902. Inquire of A. B. Stelnbacb. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE, BLOCKS FROM steel bridge. East Side; $18 per month. John P. Sharkey. Tel. White 511. FIVE-ROOM FLAT. GROUND FLOOR. UN ion avenue, near East Ankeny. Harrington. C9U First. Phone Scott 1851. FOR RENT COTTAGE. 551 GL1SAN, BE tween 10th and 17th. Max Smith, 58 North 10th. 8 - ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; COR. 17TH nnd East Salmon. Inquire at F. Dresser & Co.s. $18 PER M0NTH-8-ROOM HOUSE, MOD ern conveniences. 435 Rocs at. Phone, Pink 1025. 3-ROOM HOUSE, 140 PENNOYER ST.. $4. See Mlddleton. 017 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 5-ROOM FLAT. $22.50; CENTRAL. Ap ply Wakefield, Fries &. Co., 22 Stark st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and insurance. Telephone 315. LOWER FLAT OF 5 ROOMS FOR RENT; KO children. Apply COO Lovejoy. f arslahed Ilon-e. NICELY" FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th et. Ilouses For Rent, Fnrnitnre For Sale COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale. Call 551 GlUran st. Stores. FOR KEN1-ONE-HALF OF BRICK WARE house, 50x100; convenient location. Apply Zimmerman, Wells Machinery Co., 43 Second street. STORE ON FIRST ST.. NEAR OAK. AP ply to Harrington. C94 First at. Phone Black 1853. FOR RENT STORE. COR. 1CTH AND GLI san. Max Smith. 88 North 10th. PERSONAL. T7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhoa (whites) and all disease of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessltr. 230ft Yam hill st.. Portland. Or Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation tree. Call or writs. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLE8. ETC, RE moved with electric needle: permanent cure) electric massage tor wrinkles: 7 years ex p. by lady operator: physicians' references. Parlors 15-16 Lewis oldg. Phono Brown 057. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons tewed on and rips sewed up, Prompt rails and deliveries. Unique Tailor? ing Co.. 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. 'Heptameron' "A Modern Eden," "She Was Doomed." "The Adventuress." "Gilded Vice." "Traps for Men." "Women of Fire." "Temp tation." "Sappho." 60c ea. Sen male. 229 1st. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $3. Sent sMureiy scaled by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke. Port land. Or. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A OOOD HUS band or wife, and would like an opportunity to become acquainted, address H 21, Orego nlan. We print your name on SO callln: cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards. $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 First. Portland. Or. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MOitE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eysseli's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison L. bet. 1st and 2d. AMATEUR SINGER V.' ANTED: SALARY $25 wf-ek. Newman's Theatrical Agency. 7th and Alder. DR. LAMOTTB-S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best rn cure. 5 cents. All druggists. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE Instantly. 10 i.nJ 25 Tntx. All druggists NERVOUSNESS AND RHEUMATISM treated by vibration and baths. 392 Morrison at. ilRS. DR. McCOY. Rcm House. 211 Is, ion Salmon; electric treatment. Rooms 4-9. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Iuvlted. PROPOSALS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AG rieulture. Office of the Secretary, Washing ton. D. C, Dccemb-r 4, l'JOl. Sealed propo sal will b rectived by the Secretary of Ag rlculture until noon. Wednesday. January 15. 1902, for the erection Of buildings for the Weather Bureau, U. S. Department of Agri culture, at each ot the following places.. viz.: North Head, Port Crescent, and Tatoosh Island. Wash., In accordance with plan and specifications which may be obtained at the Weather Bureau office at Portland, Or., and at the oftles of the Chief of the Weather Bureau. Wathlr.gton. D. C. The right Is re served to reject any nnd all bids, or to waive any detect or Informality In any bid. should It be deemed In the Interest of the Govern ment to do so. Separate proposals' for each building must bs submitted, and must be In closed in envelope1, sealed and marked "Pro posal for the erection ot a Weather Bureau building at one of the points named," and addressed to the Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. All proposals received after the time stated for opening will be re turned to the bidders. Bidders are. there fore, requested to allow ample time for the tranamUfllon of their bids by mall. JAMES WILSON. Secretary. BONDS FOR SALE. $1&.000.00 WATER works bonds, of Myrtle Point, Or. Sealed bids will be received until noon, January 20. 1901, for the purchase of $18,000.00 U per cent, 30-year bonds, optional with city to pay same after 20 year-, for the purpose of constructing a system of water works for the City of Myrtle Point. Or., interest payable Semi-annually at the office of the City Treas urer. . Ireued in denominations of $100.00. $500.00 and $1000.00. to suit purchasers, and dated February 15. 1902. Each bid to be ac companied by a deposit ot 3 per cent of bhh "Board Of Coundlmen reserres right to reject any or all bids. L. A. ROBERTS. City Recorder. OFFICE OF C. Q.-M.. VANCOUVER KAR racks, Wash.. Dec 18, 1901. Wanted by the U. S. 252 artillery horses. Dealers will b4 advleed of dates of purchase d3crlptnns, etc. upon application to undersigned and by conspicuously posted hand bills In their re spective localltiK?; also dates when an In spector will be present to Inspect such ant mals as may bo presented. Animals will be purchased in open market; places of pur chase to be on lines of railroad -within States of Oregon. Washington and Idaho. J. W. -JACOBS. C. Q.-M. llRKter's Notice. BRITISH SHIP FALICLANDBANK. CAP taln Robblns. from Santa Rosalia Neither the mJLtr nor the undersigned consignee! of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any, debts that may be contracted by the crew. Kerr, Glfford & Co, Miscellnaeeas. OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF Cus toms of the Pert of Portland. Or., Dei. 12, 1901. Notice ot Sale of Seized Goods Notice is hereby given that on the SOU. day of December, 1901. at 2 o'clock P. M.. there will be sold At public auction, at the H. S. Appraiser wore, S2 North Front Jtreet, Portland. Or., to the hlghert bidder, for' gold coin of the Lf. S.. the following articles, which have been seized for violation of the U. S. customs and revenue laws, the name being seizures Noj. 1443 and 1440. Consisting of 350 cans of opium, one trunk and two grips. L L. PATTERSON, Collector of Cus tums. CAPITAL TO INVESTIGATE THE FOLLOW Ing: Two mining cUlms. located Sumpter district, on the same hill and slope with the Golconda. Columbia and others of the beat paying and best known In state, and is only 18X) feet from toe Golconda property. An Interest in there claims Ik offered for sale, the money to be used for davclopment; or can arranje to bond the property to parties willing to develop the earn. J. B. Froyer. 49 Flrut st. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLB holding permanent positions with responslb.a firms, upon their own name: ay pay menu: strlctiy confidential. New Era Loan & Trust Co.. room Vu. Ablngton bldg. Oitlco hours. 10 to 4. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITT ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or alury se curity, at low rates C. V. Pallet. 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 850. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ether securities; lowest rates. S. W. Kin, re-otu 45 Washington bldg. liionr Hood 41a. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES?: NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. C02 Commercial blk. LOANS IN HUMS FROM $5 TO $500; ON ALL classes of Security. It. I. Kcuerioa & Co.. room 5. Washington bldg. Pnone Clay 8t3. ,3 XND UP. IN SUMS TO SUIT. ON ALL kinds of security. W A. Hathaway, room to, Uashiugton bldg. Phone Hood 41X LOANK ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE. und u.her securities. 128 Third mu. C H. Thi-:npwT.'s Cut-Kate Ticket Or. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and improved Valley farm. W. A. Shaw .V Co.. 243 tJtark st. $20a.C00 TO LOAN AT 6ii. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property ror sale and rn:. Wm. a. Beck. 321 Morrison st. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all oth'i good atctfrltl. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CIT1 OR FARM property at 0 and 7 per cent. C. F. Plympton. Allsky building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl. room U Washington bldg. LOANS ON chattels, salaries: low rates. Sea us ftr-Jt. Mann & Co.. 004 Dekum buildlsrg. MONEY TO LOAN. 11 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. 1IUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS IN the heart of a rich mining and ttock district; large and profitable trade; present owners n tiring. Firat-cla- grocery store; established trade; low rent. Ames Mercantile Agency, 205 Ablngton bide. OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN THOR oughly ttab!!hed and profitable business en terprises In this city; reliable Information furnished parties seeking locations. Ames Mercantile Agency. 205 Ablngton building. FOR g ALE-SALOON. BEST LOCATION IN city, doing good buslnc; will sell the whole or half Interest. Address Y 50. Oregonlan. DRUG STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR BALE: must sell. a& I cannot attend the store and my practice. Dr. Everest, Gaston. Or. CONFECTIONERY STORE. WITH STOCK of grocerlff, for sale; living rooms; rent cheap; good location. 494 Gllsan. WANTED TEN PARTIES WITH $160 EACH to Invest In safe proposition. L. Y. Keady Co.. 327 Falling building. FOR SALE 10-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; rooms full; paying well; central; no agents. P 50. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE Best-paying 70-room hotel in Portland: $4000. T 35. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-FRIDAY" NIGHT. DEC. 13. AT OR near the depot, lady's carved leather bag. containing half hunter gold watch, with short gold chain and 3-penny piece attached. Finder will be rewarded on returning to Canadian Bank of Commerce. LOST ENGLISH FOX TERRIER DOG. marked white, with black and tan: answers to name "Foxy." Return- to Byron Z. Holmes, 115 10th st. $10 reWard. LOST WHITE BULL TERRIER PUP, AGED 3 months; can trimmed. Return to 274 Davis a., -or telephone Oregon ned 2044. L'h eral reward. LOST A BLACK AND TAN DOG. ABOUT 4 months old; answers to name of "Mike." Re turn to C33 Flanders st., and receive suitable reward. LOST BROWN POCKETBOOK. CONTAIN lng keys, on 2d or 1st, between Mill and Jefferson sL Finder please leave at 283 1st. TAKEN UP A YELLOW HORSE. OWNER can have same by proving property and pay ing expenses. COS East 19th. BUSINESS DIRECTORT. Assnyers anil Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist. 204 Washington et. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 223 Stark st. Accountant ami Auditor. George T. Murto-i, 31R Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 450. Bookkeeping, experttng. teaching. Architects. OTTO KLEEMANN. SO GRAND AVENUE north. Columbia ohone 5181. Art Goods. E. H. MOOREHOUSE & CO., -.rUsts' material, wall paper, picture moulding. 307 Wash. Attorn eys-at-Ln.Tr. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Publlr. 502 Commercial bldg. ULS1NESS DIRECTORY. Costl Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front t.. near Gllran. Ore. tel. Hd 1700. Asbestos. COMPLETE STOCK OF ASBESTOS PIPE and boiler covering, paper, engineers' sup plies. Charles Gauid. 44-4H First st. Air-cell asbestos holler and pipe covering. Tatum & Bowen. Portland. Seattle. San Fr. TJamboo Fnrnitnre. TOYOKUNI CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall. 254 Morrison, Factory. 237 Third st. Book Stores. J. K. GILL &. CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE book-wllers and stationers. 133-35 3d st. Carpenters and Builder. JOHN A MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder. 307 Stark st.; oftlcc and store fixtures bjUt ilid remodeled, altering and repairing houses; grill wcrk. Phone Main 747. Chiropodists nnd Manicuring. WM. DEVENY fz ESTELLE DEVENT. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Orant 10. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. Mrs. Darldson treats bunions. Ingrown nails, removes corns without pain. 803 Dekum, Coal. OREGON FUEL CO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds coal and wood. 344 Morrison. Civil Engineers. GILIIAM & ROBINSON. CIVIL ENGINEERS nnd draftsmen. 430 Chamber of Commerce. Clalrvoynnts. Mmn. Dr. HeKog, from Berlin, svlentiric re vealer; tells entire life. past, present and fu ture; 'consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; name- given; good advice; sure help; mistake impossible; Imports genuine gypy lore powder. Fee. $1 letter. $2. 303 Alder. GERTRUDE MYREN RESTORES LOST AF fection. unite) the separated, caue speedy marriages, communlcntes with distant or de parted friends; gives reliable advice on all affairs of lite; utmost ratlsfactlon guaran teed or no pay accepted. 25Si Morrison st. MME. FRY. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader; specialty, love affairs, marriages and divorces. Guarantees succers in business. 351 Morrt.6n. room 11. MRS. LADD-FINNICAN. CLAIRVOYANT, business medium; readings dally. 285 1st Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front St.. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG i- CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or ALLEN ft LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchant-. Front & D ts.. Portland. Or. Corn lees SlcyllRhtM. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Baypr. 2G5 Second st. Cosfnmes. Accordion Pinltinsr. FEATHERS RENOVATED, gloves cleaned. Chicago Costume House, 38S Morrlron st. Danctnp. MRS. HELEN W. COPELAND. BURKHARD Hall Dancing Academy; beginners" class, Monday evening: advanced clam and hop. Wednesday evening; aLo advanced class and hop at Malr's Hall, Alhlna, Friday evening. Drensianlnsr. CORSET-MAKING; CORSETS MADE AND repaired. Phone Russ 1700. Orders called for. Dyeln; und Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, proferstonai oyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Bed 131. Edncctional. MRS. R. B. WEBBER. TEACHING THE new tribe or anthropography phrenology, now located at 392 Fourth, cor. Harrison. Houn free from 2 to 5 P. 51. Vander Nalllen Engineering School. 113 Fulton St., Snn Fran. Ask for catalogue. Esth. 1801. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair, moles, removed by electric needle: p-rmanent cure. 211 Falling bids. Fence nnd "Wire Work. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIKK Works. A. Carlson. 2S9 Eust Morrison fit. Furriers. Fnrs remodeled at half price. G. Konigsberg.' cor. First and Taylor. Old furs bought. Hnir Dressing: nnd 3-anfourlr.jr. BERTHA A. TRULLINOER. SPECIALIST; complexion, scalp treatments, manicuring; ladles, gents. n- I.ewU bldg. Hood 281. Harness and Snddles. THE GEOHGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLK riale saddlers and harness manufacturer, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 From , THE BREVMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddli and harness nifrs.. 4ddlery hard ware, leather cf all kinds. 73 Front st. IIiitrdrcssln;r, Toupees, Munlcnrlns. PARIS HAIIt STORE. 303 WASH. ST.. UP-to-date hair dressers, wigs and toupees for ladles and gents; switches from $1 up. ROSENTHAL SISTERS, 100 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, halrdresslng. manicuring. Hnir Good-. Turkish Dnths. Costumes IMPERIAL HAIR STORE. 320 MORRISON st,; hair goods and hair dressing: gen'.V toupees a specialty, mrtiquerade costumes far rent: Turkish baths, ladles only. Hotels. HAVE YOUR MAIL AND BAGGAGE SENT to Hotel Touralne. Oakland. Cal. Strlctiy first class, modern and new In alt- depart ments. Train every 15 minutes to San Fran cisco. Check baggage 10th Station, Oakland. Insurnncc. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. ltrJ First st,; Boyd t Arnold. General Agents. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co., pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottles. Iron, raga, hides, pelts and tallow. 312 Front, Tel. South out. Leather, and Flndluj-s. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe stora supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. Reld. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Wash. st. Machinery. Wood and Iron-working, saw-mill and mining machinery, engines and boilers, Worthlngton pumps. Wllfiey concentrators, Mundy logging and hoisting engines. Hoe chisel tooth t.awf. Frlctlonlesa metal. Albany grease, Shultz belt and lace leather. Tatum & Bowen. Portland. Seattle. San Francisco. Manufacturing: Hatters. Phoenix Hat Factory; latest styles mado to or der. Hats cleaned, dyed, retrlmmed. Coun try orders promptly attended to. 208 Stark. Manufacturers of Ladles' Goodi SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE of silks, wraps, drerslng gowns, waists, etc., for holiday trade. Sing Chong & Co., 333 Morrison. Marhle nnd Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, marble, gran ite and stone work. Scbanen & Nru. 208 1st, Mas-age. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS, 131 4TH st, near Alder; tub and vapor baths, with maw-age: shampooing and Fcalp treatment. Everything first class. Columbia telephone 5. YOUNG LADY. JUST ARRIVED. GIVES massage treatment. 303 Washington St., cor. Fifth, rcom 28. GRADUATE OF MILLER'S MASSAGE School. N. Y: Turkish, steam, alcohel baths. 351 Morrison. RETURNED LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS and massage treatments. Room 38, 313 I Washington st. i Select massage; lady from S. F.; bath, mas- J neuc ireuiiut.n. jiuieicn o;uk.. room t. Mcti'SHis. DR. HOMER DE MORRISON. THE NOTED ! psycr.ic palmist and astrologer, can be con sulted on business, mining, financial, domes tic and love; locates mines, minerals, etc. Oftlce 323 Washington St., Raleigh build ing, parlors 23-30. Take elevator. MRS. H. H. NEWCOMB. 225 FIFTH ST., mental science hsaler. Hours 1 to 8 P. M. BUSINESS D2Ki:CTtMtY. Orcson Viuvl Co. LKU1S I.LLKt . 1'Ai.k AND i.K!.lSwN ST:? Send 'or Health Book. Consultation tree. Musical. Lcl- li. Uui.L. Tr. Of PIANO, studio, third floor Auditorium. Medical. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED ,SPE clallst. has opened up his office at it7 Frour. and will sell hiJ medicine as uual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Ostcoiinthy. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. SUITE 410 DEKUM bldg. Examination free. Phone Jlaln 3-10. Oyster Dealers. Toke Point Oyster Co.. wholesale dealers In oysters. 241 Ankeny st. 'Phone Main IBJS. Navnl Architect !t Cons-altins Enjcr. FRED A. BALLIN. 43 2d st, Tel. Oak 70. Ves sels and machinery of all kinds designed, su perintended, contracted for or surveyed. Palmistry. MRS. STOCKS. SCIENTIFIC PAL5I1ST; graduate of Chelro, and of Chirological Col lege of Cal. Goodnough bldg.. suite 203. MISS WARDELL. ASTROLOGER AND OC CUR wonder. The Calumet, 7th and Alder. ' PasturaKe. LADD'S JEFFERSON-ST. CANYON FARM 13 open to receive stoc't. F. A. Miller. Supt- GE1SLER PATENTS CO.. CHAM. OF COM, We aecure nnd market patents for Inventions. Physicians and nur-ceons. DR. CORA C. TALBOT. SPECIALIST; 13 years" xpcrlencc In diseases of women; lat est Improved method In the treatment of all female trouoles; patients treated successfully by mall. Of-.Ue 18I?, First st. PR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. Dr Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Olllce 517 The Dekum. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 2G0 DAVIS. ORE gon phono Clay S12. Genuine chicken tamales. Rubber Stamps and Stencils. Chas. E. Potter & Co.. mfrs. rubber stamps seals, htenclls. 221 Failing bldg., Portland. Safes. SAFES. FOR BANKS AND MERCHANTS, bought and sold; lock-outs opened; general repairs. Jail?. J. E. Davis, 00 Third . Shuwcnsc.i and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson St Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. , Spiritualists. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS Wallace, the famous pnychlc Ogives valuabla advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friuiids. mines, family dirllculiles. Always, consult the btst. 107'a Flirt, rooms 7-8. SEND 40C IN STAMPS WITH PHOTO, OR stamp picture, for fuil su-lentine life read ing. Professor II. Tnejuis. scientist, room 15. Hibernian buildinK. Portland, Or. De Amaiidu!. 301 Wash., cor. I'ark. entrance Park, reliable spiritual ni.dium, healer. Ufa reader. Circles Tuesdays ana Thurs.. 8 P. M. Frontzwettl. scientific palmist, mystic llfj render, hold the key to .l mysteries. Con- 3ult the best. Fee 50e. 221 Morri3on. Mrs. C. Cornelius, Alisky b.i., 3d and Morri son; clrclm every iriday eve. Sittings dully. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth und Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance ratts lw; storage rates reasonable Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main' 777; Columbia 076. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at i-red BicXt-l'-i storehouse. 31 North Front. Stnrugrc and Transfer. C. O. PICK. olice 88 First, bet. Stark aud Oak; phone 500. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; ewiiuioduuia lira proof brick w:irehoue; t-mnt and Clay sis. HOLM AN TRANSFER CO.; LARGEST FIRE proof ware-home In city. Ofltce and wtorasa warehouse. S. 10. 12 Front. ct.m-r Ankeny Phono Orcgan Alain 157. Columbia 5W. Trunk Kacrory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.. whoUsale and ritai;; send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LKiHT Turkish baih-; bouse. Ladle?. U to 3: gentlemen. 3:::i to i). Watchmakers and Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, silverware. 2U7 Mirrlsoi-. On evenings. Wliole-nlp i.roeers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. cor. K. Front and Czvl it.. Portland. Or. BANKS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up Reserve ...SS.000.000 ... Transacts a General Banking Buslne-a, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for .um. of $10 and upwards, and Interest allowed on minimum munthly bal auce. Rates u application. 241 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR, Designated Depository nnd Financial Agent o2 the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLd Ca-ibler G. E. WITHIN GTON Astlstaut Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second AsUtr.t Cashier W. C ALVORD Letters of credit Uaued. available in Europo and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chtc-sro. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. Han Francisco aud the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In suavi to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-ou-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADU TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a Geneial Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points an favorabla terms. Letters of credit issued avallablo la Europe and the Eastern States. Slgnt Exchange and Teltj?raphlc Transfers sold on New York. Wasnrngton. Chicago, St, LouU. Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Parts, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... 5S.250.000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAOER (San jrranciaco. R, LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland. General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold and Letters qf Credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK TORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vlc-;-Pres!dent. R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued available in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office, 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking bus: ness. makes loans, discounts bills and lss'it-. letters of credit available for travelers shd the purchase of merchandise in any cltv of th world. - Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager AINSWORTH 'NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vlce-S-reideni R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cfcier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transact. a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States nnd Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD V!e-Pres!dnt ,. JACOB KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLER