THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Orrgonla.n'K Telephone. OREGON. Counting Koom Main COT Manatlnc Editor H11? CJtT Editor H!BiS Composing Iloom 5lnrXT East filo 0!Bc 'JFim Superintendent Bulldlns Red -s COLUMBIA. Counting Room i Editorial Room 1? Composlnc Room il. E&Slne Room -au Amniementi. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER-Grau Opera. Co. la "Dorothy." CORDRAY'S THEATER-Rlchard Golden In "Old Jed Prouty." THE BAKER THEATER "Wllbur-Klrwln Co. In "Carmen." THE OREGONIAN'S HANDBOOK. The Oresonlan's Handbook tolls all about Portland, the entire Columbia RUer watershed and the 1003 World's Fair, commemorative of the Lewis and Clark expedition to Oregon. The book contains trver 150 handsome illustration!, and It is printed on enameled book paper. It will be mailed to any address in the United States or Canada for 7 cents a copy. Foresters to Celebrate. Tho Forest ers of America are making arrangements for an elaborate joint installation of the ottlcers recently elected by the various lodges of the city. The Armory has been secured, and the date has been set for Wednesday, January 8. In addition to the Installation ceremonies there will be an address by a prominent speaker cf the city. The affair is to conclude with a ball. One of the features of the occasion will be th3 presentation of an elegant silk banner to one of the courts. Souvenir programmes have been secured, and invi tations are now being prepared and will soon be In the hands of the members for distribution. Music for the occasion will be furnished by an orchestra of 10 pieces. Special invitations will be Issued to city, county and state officials. Alto gether it will be a most Important and in teresting fraternal event, and is being looked forward to with much Interest by Foresters and their many friends. Mat Erect Piano Factory. The Eilers Piano House has tiled articles of Incorpo ration in the County Clerk's office, the In corporators being Hy J. Eilers. Adolph H. Eilers and Samuel J. McCormick. The capital stock of 5250.000 Is divided among the three Incorporators, who have here tofore operated In partnership. The llrm will continue ite large and growing busi ness in this city, and It plans before many years to erect a piano factory in the City of Portland, and the step will be tatyen as soon as justified by the trade here. Hy J. Eilers says that there IS plenty of material here In the Northwest, owing to the many native woods, and that a large piano factory would, keep In Ore gon a good deal of money that now goes to Eastern States. A good piano factory In Portland would supply the entire Pa cific Northwest with instruments, and would be of lasting benefit to the Indus trial interests of the community. Some lawters Object. License Officer McEachern was out yesterday after per sons who have not paid their licenses. "While a large number of lawyers have paid their licenses promptly. It Is found that a considerable number of members of the profession have failed and neglected to do so, and some of them protefot against paying, and some even hint at contesting the ordinance. If others would only em ploy them to contest the law, that would be business; but there is not much busi ness In conducting a lawsuit against the city to endeavor to escape paying a tri fling license, unless one has more time than money. The city authorities are or opinion that more prompt and energetic action in the matter of collecting the li censes would secure better results. Bots Fight and Are itf Jail. When two messenger bo36, named Frank Evans and August Wlckman, were brought yes terday before Municipal Judge Cameron, charged with fighting at Third and Stark s'reets, they both said: "Guilty, sir' Po liceman Sloan testified: "I found these boys having a fist fight on Third 6treet, and there was a crowd looking on. We are having trouble with these messenger boys all the time. Only the other day some of them stretched a rope across the sidewalk where they are employed on Stark street, to trip up Chinamen. They seemed to think it was great fun." The boys were each fined 510, and In default of th money they were locked up. Herring in the Columbia. Heretofore Portland has depended upon the Sound and Alaska for its supply of herring, but this year large schools have been found Inside the Columbia River and Just out side, and fishermen are making large catches. Whether because of changing climatic conditions or for some other rea son fish which previously had never, been known to be caught south of the Sound have appeared In the Columbia during the past season, particularly varieties of sal znon that were supposed to head directly from the open sea to the Straits of Fuca. The herring are being shipped in large numbers to Portland and other Oregon points. Fined 55 Because Barber Pole Fell Down. "Tearing down a barber's pole from a sidewalk" was the specific charge entered against Louis Larsen yesterday, at the Municipal Court. The evidence by Policeman Wllklnoon was to the effect that Larsen had pulled down a barber's pole early Wednesday morning at Second and Yamhill streets, and had placed it across the road for somebody to fall over It. 'Tin 'a janftfcr1 til an office build ing," explained .Larsen. "I was out drink ing, and I fell against the barber's pole, and It fell down. I did not pull It down." Judge Cameron looked perplexed at this view of the matter, but he fined Larsen 55. One Dentist Out of Ten applicants. The State Board of Dental Examiners met yesterday and conducted the regular semi-annual examinations for admission to practice. There were 10 applicants, but only one succeeded In passing. The name of the fortunate young man Is u. D. Ireland, of Portland. The board will hold its next session on the second Mon day of May, 1902. Medical Students' Social Evening. The Students' Association of the medical department of the University of Oregon will hold Its first social evening Saturday In the Selllng-Kirfch building. Dr. Woods Hutchinson will deliver an address on the subject, "My Experience Abroad." The association extends a cordial invitation to resident physicians. Keeping the City Clean. H. Mazor etskey and Wong Gue were before Mu nicipal Judge Cameron yesterday, charged with sweeping dust and pieces of paper from their store doors across sidewalks, and were each fined 53. Joseph Morlse was also lined 55. charged with washing cuspidors at Fourth and Washington streets. White Collar Line Dalles Route. Steamer Tahorna leaves foot Alder street Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, 7 A. M.. for The Dalles. Leaves The Dalles Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 A. M., stop at all way landings for both freight and passengers. Fare. 50c each way. Small fire on Park Street. There was a 5100 lire yesterday afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock, at 1G9 Park street, due to hot ashes at the botora of a flue setting Are to surrounding woodwork. A lounge and a piece of carpet In one of the rooms were burned. Tonight Amateur Wrestling! Championship of Northwest. At y. M. C. A. Gymnasium. Chapman, Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Ophn to Public. General Admission, E0c; Ladies, 25c. Palms for Xmas. A splendid lot of palms direct from Japan Just received by the Portland Seed Co., Front and Alder Btreets. Gifts Free every day with 50c and $1 sales or over, beautiful sachet pillow and work-boxes at Laue-Davitf l5rug Co. The Dalles-Portland Route. Regu zjltor Line Steamers, From Oak Street Dock Daily, at 7 A. M. Christmas Greens on Display. The display of Christmas greenery bids fair to be much larger this year than usual. Several wagons were stationed about the streets yesterday, some, loaded with mis tletoe, others with Oregon grape and ferns, which were finding ready sale. Tne florists appear to have cornered tho sup ply of holly, which Is not large. In scores of windows bunches of Oregon grape leaves, ferns, cedar boughs, and occasionally holly and mistletoe, are ex hibited, and on many fruit stands piles of oranges are decorated with wreaths of greeners'. Wagons loaded with Christmas trees are to be seen in many parts of the city, and some dealers have piles of them In store. The farmers who have brought In mistletoe appear to have placed a rather extravagant value on It, which Is not conducive to rapid sale. However, they are enjoying the holiday sights and are in no hurry to leave. They say that gathering mistletoe Is hard work, that tho plant will soon be exterminated, and that they want to make money while the sun shines. Historical Society Tomorrow. On to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock the third annual meeting of the Oregon Historical Society will be held in the parlors of the First Congregational Church, corner ot Park and Madison streets. After trans acting the necessary business a paper by one of the ablest Journalists of the state, D. W. Craig, a pioneer of 1853, will be read. It may be remembered that the movement towards properly celebrating the Lewis and Clark Centennial, the pros pects for which are now so hopeful, had Its origin at the last annual meeting ot this body, and a very large part of the splendid subscription already made Is by members of that society. For several months past the assistant secretary of the society has been in correspondence with members of Congress, with the view tl getting the Government to Issue the Lew Is and Clark Journal complete In large numbers, as an executive document, so that it may have a wide circulation, prac tically without cost. Schools Close Till January 2. The telephone wires connected with the vari ous public schools were kept hot for a while yesterday, when the various princi pals were being officially notified that the schools will close this afternoon and will remain closed till January 2. This allows the pupils a vacation of 12 days, including Sundays, which Is longer than usual for the holiday recess. The pupil teachers will not take their usual lesson In peda gogy today, which will increase the plea sure of their vacation. The principals were also notified that the Salvation Army has been granted permission to so licit contributions from the schools for their fund for providing a Christmas din ner for the poor. Something over 11.1M0 school children will be swelling the crowds on the streets for the next two or three days, admiring the show windows In holiday dress and purchasing Christ mas presents. S. L. N. Gilman, Auctioneer. Prelim inary notice of auction sale of valuable household furniture, genuine works of art. Very fine upright Emerson piano. etc., at residence. Captain George Pope has instructed us to sell by public auction at his residence. 666 Hoyt street, on Mon day next, December 23, at 10 A. M., all his valuable furniture, Wilton carpets, piano, water colors, etchings and oil paintings by famous masters, costly engravings, fine buffalo robe, Siberian wolfskin, Alaskan war blankets, old Persian rug, comfort able parlor furniture, finely upholstered easy chairs in spun silk, pier mirror, et agere, dInlng-roQm and bedroom furni ture, all of the best workmanship; library furniture, etc N. B. Particulars of sale in next Sunday's Oregonlan. Buyers of Intrinsically valuable furnishings and works of art will be interested In this 6ale next Monday, at 66C "Hoyt street. S. L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. Sound Piling After 25 Years. A two story frame building at the foot of Mor rison street, belonging to the Meier es tate, has been raised IS Inches by the aid of Jackscrewo, and new timbers are be ing set In place of the piling, which has shown unmistakable signs of decay. Ex amination proved that the piling below tho water's edge was perfectly sound, al though they were driven 25 years ago. Where they showed signs of rotting was between the water and the caps which support the floor timbers of the build ing, and as this was in the dark, dank shade, the condition wax considered very favorable for rapid decay. The workmen at the scene think the Oregon fir has done remarkably well under the circumstances. Planting Trout in Necanicum. The holiday number of the Field and Stream, published In New York and London, con tains the flrst Installment of an article entitled "Planting Trout In the Necani cum," by Albert J2. Gebhardt, of this city. Mr. Gebhardt Is a prominent sports man of this city, and is secretary of the Oregon Fish and Game Association. The story gives an account of the planting of the fish at Seaside last August, and in the following Installments Mr. Gebharat gives a discussion on the manner In which the trout are secured for the pur pose of planting. Keplanking Right of Way. The Southern Pacific Company is again hav ing the right of way on Fourth street re planked and put in thorough order. This has been done many times since the street was paved with wood blocks, for all the traffic on the street follows this right of way, and the planks are soon worn out and have to be renewed. No one appears to be In any rush about get ting the new pavement down, and the old one is growing worse day by day. The company will doubtless be pleased when it Is relieved from keeping up the wnoie street. Manual Training Tool Boxes. Select ed by Professor W. J. Standley, are being sold by the Y. M. C. A. for Christmas presents for boys. The purpose of the association In selling these tool cabinets for 55 each Is not to make money, but to get boys to using real tools (not toys). The cabinet Is convenient; can be hung on the wall or carried about the house, and contains Just the tools a boy will use and needs In the development of his crea tive faculty. Orders taken at Y. M. C. A., Fourth and Yamhill streets, for a limited number of these cabinets. Old Folks' Home Bazaar Nets 5HKX). The executive committee having In charge the bazaar and fair given In aid of the Old Folks' Home, met last night at the Cathedral residence, to audit the accounts and ascertain the receipts. The fair real ized about 51900 net, which will be de voted to SL Joseph's Home in securing comforts for the Inmates of the lnstitu tionand payment of pressing obligations. The committee desires to return Its thanks to the many who contributed In various ways to make the fair a success. Death of Mrs. Louise Wineset. Res olutions of condolence were passed by Company E, of the National Guard, at the death of Mrs. Louise Wineset, the wife of Corporal Clarence Wineset, on De cember 18. The death was particularly sad, as the deceased was a young wo man in the flrst year of her wedded life. Bird-Lovers to Meet. a meeting of the John Burroughs Society will be held In tho parlors of the Unitarian Church at 8 o'clock this evening. Several important matters will come before the meeting ror discussion, and a full attendance ot members and friends of the birds Is de sired. Sponge Cake Today. "Sponge Cake Mixtures" will be discussed and Illus trated In all Its phases in the demonstra tion lecture at the School of Domestic Science this evening, corner of Washing ton and Nineteenth streets. Arrested for Running Slot Machine. John Fuog, a saloonkeeper at 200 Sal mon street, was arrested yesterday by Police Captain Moore, charged with oper ating a slot machine at his place of busi ness. South Portland Improvement Associ ation. A meeting to form a South Port land improvement Association has been called for Saturday evening. In Hobklrk's Hall. Fifty citizens have signed the call. Charged Wrrii Raising Check. Charles Smith was arrested yesterday by Detec tive Day, at the Merchants' Bank, charged with raising a. check from 53 t to 513 15. Klks Issue Christmas Invitations. At the meeting of the Elks last night there were 175 members present to receive the Invitations to the Christmas tree enter tainment and ladles' social to be given in the Marquam Grand Theater December 26. Members who have not received their in vitations can get them at Aldrlch's Phar macy dally at 10 A. M. up to the day of the entertainment. Presents for those who are to be In attendance will be re ceived at the theater m Thursday. The Trinity Church choir will take part In the muolcal programme. Seamen's Institute Recital. A con cert in aid of the Portland Seamen's In stitute was held at Parsons Hall last evening. The entertainment was very successful, and a large number of people were In attendance. On the programme J were vocal S0I03 by Mrs. Miller, F. R. S. uiinuur una ur. a, a. .Morrison; pianu solos by Miss Minor and Mrs. Beatrice Barlow Dlerke; recitations by Miss Webb, and a violin solo by F. Victor Austin. The accompanists were Mrs. Thomas, Miss Minor and Charles Dlerke. The audience was appreciative, and all the numbers were encored. New Union Store. "Cheap Charley," clothier, comer Third and Davis streets, will dope at C P. M., Saturdays excepted, after January 1, 1WJ. Carnations, violets, blooming plants, floral designs. Burkhardt's, 23d & G. Go to Beck, the Jeweler, for bargains In diamonds. 207 Morrison. And What About Pacific Picture Place at 351 Morrison street? DENTISTS FINISH WORK. Dr. NorrU R. Cor Elected Prenldcnt Other OUicem. The ninth annual meeting of the Ore gon Dental Association came to a close last evening. On Wednesday the mem bers participated In a banquet at Brandes' restaurant, and It was a very enjoyable affair. Covers were laid for CO, and all took pride in showing that their tooth were in first-class condition and capa ble of rapid and continuous mastication, which was clearly evinced by the celerity with which the viands disappeared. At the close of the banquet Dr. Jem Cline read a paper on "Dental Ethics," which met with general approval. The morning session yesterday was de voted to clinics. Dr. J. L. Roavis give a demonstration of an original method of miking gold bridges. Dr. J. B. Kiefer showed his man ner of making porcelain crowns. Dr. Norrls R. Cox Inserted gold fillings, show ing the use of the hand mallet. An in teresting discussion of the different clin ics followed. At the afternoon session Dr. Norrls R. Cox delivered an address on "Crowns," illustrating his remarks with crayon sketches. New members, 21 in number, were elect ed, bringing the membership of the asso ciation up to nearly 100. An election of officers rollowed. Dr. Norrls R. Cox, of Port.and. was chosen president: Dr. E. G. Sanders, of The Dalles, vice-president; Dr. C. R.' Temple ton, of Portland, was elected secretary and treasurer, and Drs. Jean C. Cllne and W. A. Cumming. of Portland, and Dr. H. E. Sturtevant, of The Dalles, were selected as the executive committee. HOMES MADE ATTRACTIVE. One of Oar Entcriirfahifr Finnic Is Very Busy Thene Dnyii. A very large number of Portlandors are availing themselves of the opportunity to gratify their friends and render homes more beautiful by purchasing some of the elegant pictures exhibited at 170 First street. This store is 200 feet long, ex tending through to Front street, and the rear portion Is a veritable art gallery. Such artistic pictures of all kinds and new, rich frames, are a revelation to many. Then there are hundreds of other novelties at surprisingly low prices which make useful gifts. Sanborn, Vail & Co. extend a cordial Invitation to you to visit their store, which Is open evenings. Walk clear through the store. Start at 170 First street. PRESENTATION WATCHES. We are displaying some very beautiful watches suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Exclusive deslgnr and all the lending makers. An ln--rtlon of our lines will prove profitable" enable you to se cure a permanc ..cepsake for a holi day gift. The c lleltkempcr Co., Jew elers, 2S6 Morrison street. HIGH - GRADE JEWELRY. The best assortment of diamonds, watches, Jewelry silver, cut glass, opera glasses, jewelers umbrellas, fine leather. Is at Heltkempcr's, 286 Morrison street. THE GREATEST RAILROAD. The Canadian Pacific Railway is beyond question the greatest railway in the world. Aside from this fact there are a .great many advantages connected with this great system that Is of more or less in terest to every one, especially the travel ing public. The advantages offered by the several routes available are worth considering. The unexcelled sleeping-car service, scenery the grandest in the world, and the courteous treatment extended by Its employes, earn for It the reputation which it has so long maintained of being the "Popular Route." The scenery along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway Is beyond description, and the time card is arranged so as to pass the scenic feat ures during the daytime. The local repre sentatives of this hne take considerable pride in explaining the advantages of the different routes offered by the only road on the American continent that has its own tracks from ocean to ocean. This com pany operates tourist cars and standard sleepers from the Coast to St. Paul, To ronto, Monroal and Boston, and It would be to the advantage of any one contem plating a trip to the East to Investigate the Inducements offered by this route. The local offices of this line are located at 112 Third street, this city. When you about HOLIDAY GOODS, always bear in mind that we HAVE THE SAME THING FOR LESS MONEY. 1 IT WAS $6.00. A DISCOUNT $7.50, $8.00 AND THE BOYS' Continues until our Famous Clothing Co MORRISON AND SECOND STS. PRESIDENT R00SEVEL1 A FINE PICTURE OF MOUNT HOOD, OREGON'S SENTINEL. Will Re Presented by Q. 31. SergreaHt Kimberlln, Co. E. Oregon's Scenic Wonders Attracting: Attention. Elmer E. Kimberlln, Quartermaster- Sargeant of Company E, will send to President Roosevelt an enlarged copy or Mount Hood, framed In black and gold, which will serve as a suitable reminder of the country "where rolls the Oregon." More and more the wonders and great natural advantages of Oregon are becom ing known abroad, as is evidenced by the increased demand for literature and scen ic views. The Mount Hood picture for the Pres ident Is now on exhibition In the show window of E. H. Moorehouse & Co., 307 Washington Mreet, who supplied and framed It. It is noticeable this season that many of our citizens are sending Oregon scenes to Eastern friends. Their example can be emulated to advantage. DEATH OF A TOURIST. Mrs. Emma F. Hnll Expires Suddenly In Portland. Paralysis following a stroke of apoplexy caused the death of Emma F. Hall, wife of Lewis H. Hall, of New York and Bos ton, at her apartments in the Hotel Port land yesterday morning about 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hall and their son, Lewis Hall, arrived in Portland Wednesday night, and Mrs. Hall was apparently In perfect health. Death came without warning, and al most instantly. Medical aid was sum moned, but could not be of assistance. The husband and son left last night with the remains for Boston, where the funeral will bo held next Wednesday. He will return to the Coast after the funeral. Mrs. Hall was 56 years of age, and before mar riage she was Miss Emma F. Hunt, of Now York. Lewis A. Hnll Is a wealthy Eastern cap italist, with large interests in Michigan and Idaho. He Is president of the Export Lumber Company, of New York, of the Hall & Munson- Lumber Company, of Bay Mills. Mich., and of the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad Company, the latter running from Welscr to the Seven Devils country. Two children survive, the son, Lewis, who was with his parents on the trip to Portland, and a daughter, who is the wife of Professor Babbitt, of Yale College, New Haven. Conn. OUT-OF-THE-WAY PLACE For n Clothing- Store, But that reason does not keep the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store from be ing found by hundreds of people during their bankrupt sale. The reliable goods and little prices are the main drawing cards. Friday and Saturday will be the great bargain days, and there will be of fered nearly 500 men's suits at from 55 00 to 515 00. They have always sold at 510 00 to 530 00. The overcoats that were being made for this sale have arrived and are now on sale at just half regular prices. Blankets, underwear and all stock now on hand must be sold at once. The store will be open evenings until Christmas. Washington street, between First and Second streets. FIT FOR A QUEEN. The manufacturers of the celebrated "Ultra" shoe for ladles have established an agency with M. Billings, 229 Morrison street, of this city. These shoes are made of the very finest quality of leather, they fit perfectly and the patent cushion In soles make them comfortable. All the la dles who have tried them pronounce them the best 53 50 shoe they ever wore. NOW IS THE TIME. We have cut prices to bedrock on men's kid gloves, silk mufflers, umbrellas, shav ing sets, collar and cuff boxes, etc Open evenings. McAllen & McDonnell, corner Third and Morrison. WHERE TO DINE TODAY. You require good, nourishing food these days. We have it, cooked and served Just right. Portland Restaurant, 305 Washing ton. Temple Beth Israel. Dr. Stephen S. Wise will preach this evening on "Persecution and Tolerance. ' This address Is introductory to a series of discourses to be given alternate Friday evenlngs, on "Seekers After God." Some of the world's "heretics" and "unbeliev ers" will be considered In this light. In cluding SoTates. Aurellus. Saiaddin and OSTEOPATHY Symptoms Indicate the cause of disease very frequently. But treat ing the symptoms does not cure the disease. Osteopathy removes the cause. Test It for yourself. CONSULTATION FREE. Dr. W. A. Rogers Graduate, A. T. Still (Kirksvllle. Mo.) School. T Dr. G. Lord Gates I (Lady Graduate, K. I. O.) I Offices G32. 3, i 1 MARQUAM BUILDING I Phone Main 27. Call for literature. . read I SMOKING j JACKETS We have but a few days to sell a big stock. Low prices will move them quickly. See our coat for $5.00 OF 10 PER CENT. ON ALL $10.00 COATS. CLOTHES SALE stock is nearly sold out. "MILLER" AGENCY SamT Rosenblatt & Co. Only 4 Shopping Days Before Christmas For Father, Husband, Son, Brother and Sweetheart I'M 1 SPECIALS: Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, ages 3 to 15; brown, gray, worth $5, only $3.45. Youths' Overcoats, 11 to 18, grays and Oxfords; real $10 values, only $8.50. Wagons, Footballs, Iron Mechanical Toys, Games with Boys Suits and Overcoats Savonarola. All interested are cordially invited to be present. Sunday morning at 11:15 o'clock the Hrsx of a series of "parents' meetings" will h held at the religious school, at which brief talks are to be given by Mme. J. Bauer and Mrs. Louis Altman, on "The t Relation of the Religious School to th , Home." I Great Slanjchter In rinnon. Big reductions on balance of pianos in stock up to January 6. 1902. A line up right Stclnway and Chickering, slightly shopworn, at greatly reduced prices. H. Slnshelmer. 72 3d. bet. Oak and Pine. SPECIAL SALE: Today and Tomorrow In order to reduce our stock of pianos- some lines of which we have a grtat many duplicates we shall offer tomorrow and next day some ot our nnest pianos ai prices that will astonish the purchasing public. Saturday we shall have another large shipment in. and we must do one of two things either reduce our stock at once or arrange for more storage room. e have chosen tne rormer. ana snau give the nubile the benefit of prices on line pianos that will defy competition. Re member, that these are all brand-new in struments, lust received, and the finest assortment of pianos ever assembled under one roof, our space is limited, ana in order to make room for pianos now In transit (one shipment of which will arrle Saturdav. and still another one early next week), we have Inaugurated this special SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Stclnvrny Dealers. 320 AVashlnKton, St., near Sixth St. v on i mis is THE LADY AXD THE OPERA GLASS. As the lady appears when She wins the unstinted praise Of a Marquam audience Enjoying the play through one Of our matchless Parisian Opera glasses, the Christmas Gift beyond compare for 1901. As low as Jo.00; as high as 545.00. And perfect at all prices. Open evenings until Christmas. WALTER REED The Optician 133 Sixth St. Oregonlan BIdg. j J V WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY EASY PAYMENTS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Call and select your Christmas pres ents while stock is complete. Open every evening till 9 o'clock. Estab lished 1890. W. H. LESH, Room 513, Dekum Building. COAL FOR H0U5E UsE Henton Lump Coal, delivered $0 50 pr ton Raven Lump Coil, delivered 7.00 per ton Clean coal, and full freight. Sold by reliable wood and coal dealers, or vnltr from Vulcan Coal Co. Columbia phone G10; Oregon phone Red 1760. Yard. Front St.. near Gllsan. rir P P RROWN EYE AND EAR DISEASES. Ul t L . Dl V U 11 -tf arquam bldff.,rooins 628-7, WEmmm HAT THE HOME The Reliable Popular-Price Clothiers THIRD & MORRISON STS. USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS STYLISH SMOKING JACKETS MUFFLERS, NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS AND CANES Youths5 and Boys' Wear for the Holidays Tonight and Saturday Amateur Championship of Northwest Twenty Entries Five Classes at Multnomah Club Gymnasium Chapman, bet. Morri son and Yamhill General Admission 50c Ladies . . 25c Ladles Specially Invited. Open to General Public. Doors open at 8 P. M. Be gins 8:30 sharp. No waits. SHOES FOR CHRISTMAS And every kind of footwear oan best be purchased from our blpr stock. Most ac ceptable Christmas Rifts can be selected from our splendid assortment of fine clip pers. We can suit you in style and price. In shoes we have the latent styles. We offer a perfect shoe at $3.o0 the pair. Store Open Evenings. E.C.Goddard &o. Sixth and Washington Sts. rar frsfon . n lnmp;1 w,.,, Prices consistent 77 Good Work Engraving" Department Oregonlan Pub.Co. NO CHARGE FOR LETTERING Any of our Leather or Wooden Goods OREGON PINE CALENDARS $1 Each D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Curio Store, 1 "UorrIion St Poke Effect In Collnrs. "SETVA?EE," E. fc. Vf, "SyoSSET," JJffiffrfairtfesE IICJT -lon&dj OF THE OVERCOAT Store Open Evenings Until Christmas S09 Washington Strssi 8 Cents Pound Plain illxed Candy. 10 Cents Pound Boston Mixed Candy, 20 Cents Pound Fancy Chocolate Creams Fresh Made. 20 Cents Pound French Mixed Candy. 124 Cents Pound Best Mixed Nuta. 1 1 Cents Pound Soft-Shell English Walnuts. 15 Cents Pound Paper-Shell Almonds. 5 Cents Quart Fresh Roasted Peanuts. Reductions made to parties buying large quantities. No More Dread fie Dental Chair TEF.' - EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gum. No" sleep-producing agents or cocaine. These are tho only dental parlors in Portland having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients to extract. Oil end apply cold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teern. and warranted for 10 years. WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GKADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to ?0 years experience, and each depart ment in charge of a specialist. Gift mm a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you in ad vance exactly what your worlc wiU cost t a FREE EXAMINATION. POPULAR PRICES NO PLATES REDii "TOn New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFIICE: Fourth and Morrison sts-. Portland. Or. HOURS: S 3) A. M. to 3 P. M.: Sundays. 8:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. BRANCH OFFICE: 14 First avenue. Seattle. Washington. SALE At Empress Bazar The extensive stock of the Empress Bazar at 2S3I4 Washington street, was only slightly damaged by Are Wednesday morning, but all goods have been marked down below cost. An excellent chance to buy Chinese and Japanese fancy goods at almost give-away llgures. Ladles' silk fancy goods to order; chlnaware, screens, Ivory carvings. Inlaid ornaments, lacquer ed ware, novelties. FRED PREHN The Dekum Bulldlrur. Full Set Teeth.... J3.00 Gold Crowns ...... fi.00 Bridge Work 5.00 Examination free. Teeth extracted abso- -.. . iuteiy without pain. Cor. Third uni asningtoa. FELLOWS $Kfillii in! Wills X VN V V ,Jr mito FIRE