THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901. Entered at the PostoflJce at Portland. Oregon, as second-class Blatter. REVISED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. y Mall '.postage prepaid), in Advance Dally, with Sunday, per month $ S3 Dary, Suit Jay exvepted, per year......... 7 60 Dally, with Sunday, per year 9 X Sunday, per year 2 00 The Vttk)y per year 1 W The WecUly. :: month M To City Subscribers Dally, per vietk. delivered. Sundays excepted.lSa Daiiy, per week, delivered, Sundays lncluded.20o POSTAGE RATES. Uilted rtates Canada and Mexico: 10 to 14-png- paper......... ................. lo H to 28-page aper... ......2c Foreign rate double. Nch r discussion Intended for publication in The Oregonian should be addressed Invaria bly "Editor The Oregontan." not to the Dam of aiy individual. Letters relating to adver tising subscription or to any business matter should be addressed jilmply Tb Oregonian." Eastern Business Office. 43. 44. 45. 47. 4S. 40 Tribune building. New Tork City; 409 'The Rookery." Chicago: the S. C. Beckwlth special agency. Easfrn representative. Tcr uale In San Francisco by L. E. Lee. Pal ace Hotel news stand: Goldsmith Bros.. 230 Sutter street: F. W. Pitts. 1003 Market street; J. IC Cooper Co.. 740 Market street, near the Palace Hotel; Foster U Orear. Ferry news etand. For sale in Los Angeles by B. T. Gardner. 239 So. Sprint: street, and Oliver & Haines, 100 So. Spring street. For sale In Chicago by tha P. O. News Co.. 217 Dearborn street. For sale in Omaha by Barkalotv Bros., 1012 Farnam street. For sale In Salt Lak by the Salt Lake News Co., 77 "W S-ecnd South street.. For sale in Ogden by W. C. Kind. 204 Twen-ty-flfth street, and by C. H. Myera. On file in the Oregon exhibit at the exposi tion. Charleston, S. C For Bale In Washington. D. C, by the Ebbett House news stand. For sale In Denver. Colo, by Hamilton & Xendrick, 000-912 Seventeenth street. TODAY'S "WEA.THER Increasing cloudiness, probably followed by light rain during the afternoon: winds becoming southerly. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Maximum tem perature. 47; minimum temperature, 34; pre cipitation, none. PORTLAND. FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1001. came the beginning of the end for the Irish home rule movement Pamell's death soon followed. The Irish home rulers split Into groups; some of them were Dlllonltes; some Redmondltes; some -were Healeyites. Old age drew Gladstone Into retirement, and Irish home rule has been dying of creeping paralysis from the day that Rosebery tried to fill Gladstone's shoes. There Is not the slightest hope of any good to Ireland coming out of an agitation con ducted by men of the intellectual cali ber of Redmond. There Is not the slightest prospect that either political party In England will soon again place Irish home rule among the planks of their platform. Gladstone and Parnell did wonders together, but there la no body among the Irish home rulers that hag Pamell's gift of leadership, and there Is no Englishman of political emi nence, outside of John Morley, that cares a straw about Irish home rule. The average Englishman, Liberal or Conservative, considers the issue of Irish home rule as utterly dead as In telligent men in both parties in America today deem the issue of free silver at 16 to L Of the present leaders of the Irish home rule party. It may be said of them as a famous clergyman once said of he Shakers: "God may love them, but God probably doesn't admire them." Southern Oregon he came from to Sa lem In response to a telegram and got an old friend to go back on his Senatorial promise? Did he ever bring out an independent candidate to beat the regular nominee, or rustle the chairman of a county convention off the stage and sit on his prostrate form? If the President really wants a worthy man for the Alaska Collectorshlp, we can recommend to him any number of good fellows hereabouts who In these and other ways have served their coun try valiantly and well. Of course. If he merely wants a man to do the work, we have nothing to say. Neither will the boys. In such a case disgust will He too deep for words. IIOCHl MARCONI. At first It looked as if the Anglo lAmerlcan Cable Company, poor, strug gling Infant industry, threatened by Marconi's brain and the powers of the air, had the courage of Its convictions. At first It seemed to know Its rights, and, knowing, dare maintain. Now it appears to want to crawfish. It is sorry that it spoke, and seeks with various subterfuges to escape the consequences of its original stand for justice and monopoly. The cable people became alarmed at Marconi's receipt of messages from England, and told him plainly he must get off their Newfoundland preserve. Assuredly they knew that he was the exponent of one of the fondest dreams of science and carried the hopes of millions of enlightened and progressive minds. They knew this, yet they elect ed to defy it all. Nothing recked they the disappointment to the Inventor, nothing the chagrin of mankind. They had a monopoly and they proposed to keep it. There Is but one recent parallel to the retreat of the Anglo-American, and that Is the rush of Northern Securities di rectors to cover from the fire of "West ern Governors. Cable as well as rail road needs something besides monopoly. It needs, in short, patronage. And monopoly Is beginning to learn that even in these degenerate money grubbing days trade follows something besides the price-list and the rate-sheet That is to say, trade follows sentiment. The heart has feelings today, as much as ever, and he who offers to trample on them does so at Imminent peril of his nose. If he Is In the way of casual talk, and of his pocket If he Is in the way of trade. It Is a consoling thing for the grim old earth this Christmas time that soulless corporations, in their purse proud high and mightiness, can occa sionally be brought up standing by so gentle and frail a thing as human sym pathy and human imagination. The age-long air castle of an isthmian ca nal has brought to confusion all the schemes of the powerful and wealthy transcontinental railroads; the deter mined stand of one man In Minnesota and the resultant menace of hesitation on Wall street has balked the consoli dation programme curtly announced by representatives of some $400,000,000, and now the dream of wireless telegraphy, dwelling warm and bright In countless busy brains, has given the Anglo American Cable Company an anxious night and set it telephoning for lawyers and reporters. We take It for granted that all the law Is on the side of the cable people, and that their first defiance to the in ventor was along lines that their well paid counsel had established as Im pregnable. Their rights should be re spected and their stock secured against depreciation. Let justice go forth, though Heaven falls! Nevertheless, Mr. Marconi, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! More power to your circuit, and confusion to your ene mies! COERCION IN IRELAND. The Irish agitators have succeeded In obtaining the notoriety they sought, for they have been convicted and sen tenced to short terms of Imprisonment There has not been any "coercion" In Ireland of magnitude since the days of Gladstone, in 1SS2, before he made peace and formed an alliance -with Par nell. In .the days of Gladstone's coer cive policy Parnell and most of his leading associates were sent to Dublin jail for short terms of Imprisonment, and back of Parnell, during O'Connell's agitation for "repeal," n 1842-43, his meetings were proclaimed and he was sent to jail, but since 1882, when Glad stone was fighting Parnell, the policy of coercion has seldom been Invoked by the English Government In Ireland. Mr. Redmond, who has Just returned from the United States, Is rejoiced that the Government Secretary for Ireland, Mr. Wyndham, has resorted to coercion, because it would injure the government and Increase public sympathy for Ire land In America. Probably Mr. Red mond is right to this extent, that the Irish League may become as successful in raising money to pay the current political expenses of Irish agitators, as was the American Land League. The warm-hearted Irish-Americans dropped thousands of dollars Into the bottomless pit of the Irish Land League agitation, and will probably repeat this ineffect ual generosity to Ireland. There Is ab solutely nothing In It Parnell was a very able man; a man of ideas and leadership. Had his alliance been main tained with Gladstone, something might have been accomplished to achieve home rule for Ireland, but Gladstone broke -with Pamell because he was afraid of the hostility of the Noncon formist preachers In England and of the Catholic priesthood In Ireland. "With, Parnell dropped as ft leader JACOB BRUGGER'S "WILL. The will of old Jacob Brugger went to probate at Hlllsboro Wednesday. A plain German Swiss farmer, Jacob was, and all he had In this world he got by hard knocks. There was a slxteen-acre homestead, and a ten-acre tract near Hlllsboro, and a 160-acre farm in Scog glns Valley, and an elghty-nlne-acre ranch near Cedar Mill. Hard as Jacob's life was, he kept his eyes and ears open as he went along and never closed his heart to domestic ties or the deserving needy. His char acter Is well shown in his will. He left the Scogglns Valley farm to his daugh ter Hattle, the Cedar Mill ranch to his daughter Susan, the homestead to his faithful hired man, and when other be quests are taken out Hattle and Susan will have share and share alike In the remainder. Those near him were well provided for by this simple, unassuming, good old man, who nevertheless realized that though charity begins at home It does not necessarily end there. So he re membered the needy and the poor. To the Washington County poor farm, for the comfort of Inmates, he left $500; to the Children's Home, South Portland, 51000; to the St. Vincent's and the Good Samaritan Hospitals. Portland, each $500; to the St Mary's Home, near Beaverton, $300; to the Bethany Pres byterian Church, Hlllsboro, ten acres of the Brugger tract near Hlllsboro. What a lesson there Is in good old Jacob Brugger's will for those who have so much bigger bank accounts than his but narrower minds and smaller hearts! Sometimes we see the rich man cutting off almost penniless the children he has raised up to idleness and meanness; sometimes we see him centering all on his family, already rich, and Ignoring the needy and the poor. It Is well for a man to avoid the sin of leaving his family unprovided lor; but he loses an Inestimable blessing who forgets out of his abundance to remember also the widow and the fatherless and him that hath no helper. A poor woman, plainly dressed, went out to the Children's Home In South Portland yesterday to ask the board of managers to care for her child until she could make a home for It Leading the little one gently by the hand, lonely and despondent, she stood before the board. "Are you a widow?" She replied: "I am worse than a widow." Asked If there was a chance for her husband's coming back and supporting the child, she said: "It is not a question of his coming back. I could never let him come back to me." The case was favor ably reported, and at the usual question "When would you want to leave the child?" the two were clasped In each other's arms In a transport of tender grief, while every eye swam with tears and turned away. There the little one will find a kind and healthy home until the brave, good mother Is able to come back and claim her. It is the thoughtfulness of such as old Jacob Brugger that sustains this and kindred works of faith and love. They are abused sometimes, of course, for generous sympathy is 111 equipped to cope with knavery. But the sacred joy that these acts of blessed affection bestow upon the giver no moth can cor rupt or thieves break In and steal. but their elders will be better satisfied with a slight freeze or a gentle rain. However, this Is no time to carp about the weather Sensible people at all times take what comes and are happy. We'll see It yet, we'll see It yet A bridge across the Willamette, Sang Stephen Maybell, a local poet of a third of a century ago, and he was laughed to scorn as an optimist And here we are with four bridges and a dally traffic across them that exceeds the wildest dreams of the bridge pro moters of a later date. The problem i now Is how to carry the traffic with the least possible delay . to hurrying pedestrians and flying electric cars. CHILE AND ARGENTINA. There are persistent reports of prob able outbreak of war between Chile and Argentina, but the most Intelligent ob servers In both countries do not expect It. A very Intelligent representative of a firm of prominent American mer chants In Valparaiso, who visited Port land last week, expressed absolute con fidence that peace would not be broken between these two most progressive states of South America, although the boundary question between the two countries, now In course of arbitration, may create strained relations for the present Prior to 1S79 diplomatic Intercourse between Argentina and Chile was sus pended for years. At the request of both Chile and Argentina, the United States offered its mediation and per suaded both states to promise that all phases of the boundary question should be left to arbitration. Thereupon the issue was submitted to the Queen of Great Britain, and the arbitrators ap pointed by the British Government met in February, 1900. Their decision has not yet been rendered. While this arbitration has been In progress the two governments have oc casionally come Into collision in the disputed territory. Argentina charges Chile with building roads Into the de batable land, In violation of a protocol which pledged each government not to violate the status quo during the work of arbitration. Out of this situation war could not honorably follow on part of Chile, and the Buencs Ayres Herald advises the Argentine Government to await patiently the result of the arbi tration before resorting to war, no mat ter how serious the provocation on part of Chile. Chile cannot afford to rush wantonly Into war without loss of moral prestige, so the probabilities are that there will be no war. The two countries are about equal In military strength. Argentina has about 4,000,000 of people to Chile's popu lation of a little more than 3,000,000, but Chile Is in a better state of warlike preparation. Her war with Peru and Bolivia proved her people to be very brave and energetic soldiers. Her arms bearing population, If less numerous, is. on the whole, more Intelligent and efficient than that of Argentina. In area, the Argentine has over 1.000,000 square miles against Chile's 260,000. War between these countries would be a fight for the control of the mountain passes of the Andes. It would be a savage fight, for the Spanish stock is pugnacious and the native Indian pop ulation very warlike. The lone highwayman of the South ern district has been reinforced, and now there are two of them. This dis covery was made by Leo Beutheman, a 17-year-old lad, to his cost, Tuesday night, when he was assaulted, bound and robbed, at Front and Meade streets, of a sum of money belonging to his employers at the conclusion of his day's work as a delivery boy. "Perllce, per-llce!" The object of the Civic Improvement League to Improve and beautify the city In every possible manner Is worthy of the consideration and co operation of all good citizens. Properly systematized and pushed, effort In this direction will not only make the city In due time "blossom as the rose," but will place upon It the stamp of thrift and civic pride. RESULTS OF IGNORANCE. Seattle occupies a unique position in the maritime world. Without doubt there is not another seaport of relative Importance In the known world where there is so little general knowledge of the ocean carrying business. Thl3 pe culiarity is due, In a large measure, to the fact that the inhabitants of the Puget Sound metropolis are nearly all Immigrants from that portion of the East lylns well Inland from the Atlantic Coast, and north of the Gulf. Coming from a region comparatively remote from salt water, it Is but natural that the Seattle men should bo to n certain ex tent Isnorant of deep-water commerce. Victoria. Port Townsend. Portland. San Francisco, Astoria and other Pacific Coast seaports were settled by people who came In by way of the sea, bringing with them a full knowledge of Its com mercial Importance and possibilities. The residents of these cities have never grown away from the influences of early AMUSEMENT& The Grdu opera company, stronger this year than it has ever been, returned to the Marquam last night, and both sur prised and pleased an excellent house with Sousa's "El Capltan," one of the funni est and brightest of comic operas. Both principals and chorus have been materially strengthened since last year, and the cast was without a weak spot, which Is some thing unusual in comic opera companies. Ed Eagleton, in the name part, of course, had the best chance to score, as the pallid and trembling El Capltan Is on the stage most, and he Improves it so well that the house was convulsed at everything he did. and sent more than one curtain call after his vanishing form. Mary Carrington. who was a most promising beginner at the time of her appearance here, several years ago. has blossomed into a prima donna who need fear nothing from the best of them, and her beautiful voice in the songs allotted to El Capitan's daughter won for her unstinted applause. Stanley Felch, always a favorite in Port land, appeared as Pozzo. and was warmly t welcomed back by his old friends. Felch j I la iuiiii us ever, vwuun is n'fi" ptt-tot. i NOTE AND COMMENT. Has somebody set the calendar back to June? The cabinet-maker has again taken up the hammer. Can It be that late Cabinet meetings have been more strenuous than pleasant? If Uncle Sam Is afraid of dying poor. Congress will be very glad to allay his fears. Chief Campbell should insist on the Sunday school Santa Claus wearing fire proof fur Hands across the (Irish) sea are now busily engaged In twisting the British , lion's tall. Among those mentioned for vacancies In the President's official family Is NOT Hon. R. A. Alger. Duke Henry Is being a good boy again. environment Being so closely Identified , Harry Davits had but one chance to dls- j Even a high old time Is too expensive witn the ocean carrying trade at first play his powerful tenor voice, but he used Whatever the findings of the Pinmore court of inquiry may be, the fact has been very graphically set forth by the captain and crew of the abandoned bark that a leaking, lurching vessel, with her ballast of sand awash in the hold, is a very uncomfortable and peril ous place In which to spend a dark night in a howling gale. If Chinese pheasants are In Oregon simply to be slaughtered and that seems to be their only value perhaps "sportsmen" can tranquillize the trou ble by exterminating the birds, and maybe the sooner they do it the better. Gradually the true state of affairs re garding the pilotage and towboat serv ice at the mouth of the river Is coming to light. Captain Porter, of the Rlvers dale, blamed both the pilots and the tugboats. Captain Wood, for the pilots, passed the responsibility on to the Lighthouse Board. Now comes Captain Robblns. of the Falklandbank, In a statement printed in another column, and states that the pilot cutter does not carry a sufficient number of men to look after the needs of commerce. Between these various accusations and the accusers, enough Is being dropped to warrant the belief that there Is some necessity for a "shake-up" down at the mouth of the river. The Board of Pilot Commissioners is supposed to exist for the purpose of correcting these Irregu larities, and keeping a full complement of pilots on the bar. The business of the port Is Increasing, and more pilots are needed than were employed a year ago. It might be in order for the board to explain why the number of pilots Is less. According to recent advices received in Pekin, the Empress Dowager Is fall ing rapidly. This statement, it should be observed, relates to the physical weakness and not to the political Influ ence of this sagacious old woman. The rosebuds that are found in brave profusion In the dooryards of Portland have. It must be admitted, the pinched, pathetic look that belongs to things out of their time. PERFIDY AT LAST SMOKED OUT. ON INADEQUATE GROUNDS. We dislike to criticise the President, however culpable his acts may appear, because of the labor It Imposes upon those kind friends who dally scan these columns for some chance expression that may be marked and sent to the White House for the President's spe cial benefit Nothing has appeared In the dispatches stating that Mr. Cortel you has removed or destroyed the drawer In his desk where were wont to be kept. In the McKlnley days, certain clippings from The Oregonian, which would be brought out when upon need ful occasion somebody spoke of their appearance to the man In the Executive office, and we assume It to be still In commission. It is with some hesitation, therefore, that we venture an adverse word upon the Alaska Collectorshlp; and we do It with the same painful sense of duty that prompts' a man's true friends to tell his wife every time they hear anything against his charac ter. The President Is reported to have said that he wants a man in the Alaska Collectorshlp who will attend to busi ness with honesty and fidelity. Truly this Is a pitiful ground of political pro cedure. We are fairly familiar with the appointment business in this part of the country, and so far as we can recall this Is the first time that the probable conduct of a man In office has ever been brought up as of any pertinence. The talk is that some man In the revenue service 1b going to be made Collector. Is this the way to strengthen the party, Mr. President? The fact appears to be 'that the man will make an honest and efficient officer, byt when you've said that you've said everything that can be said in his favor. So far as known he has never stuffed a ballot-box, bought out a county convention or broken up a Senatorial caucus. Who 1b Jarvls, anyhow? When did he ever stand outdn the rain all primary day, handing out a ticket with each $2 50 gold piece? When did he go up to Union County or down to Columbia and get the Joint Senator right away from under the other fellow's eyes? When did he ever organize a large and influ ential Republican Club overnight against the meeting of the State League? Was it Eastern Oregon or The earnest effort to stifle the scandal In the royal house of Holland has re sulted In raising a doubt In the Prince Consort's favor at the expense of the young Queen. It Is now said that Wil helmlna had such devoted admirers among her gentleman attendants that her surly corsort grew jealous. He stood the exhibitions of ardent loyalty as long as a jealous husband, conscious of his own shortcomings, could be ex pected to, and then appealed to the usual remedy In Germany a duel with results disastrous to his opponent. American people, especially American women, are not qualified to sit in judg ment upon the action of the Dutch Queen in "making up" with her hus band after this serious affront to her dignity and prudence. Things are dif ferent over there, and a Dutch woman, though a Queen, Is her husband's vas sal. It Is wise under such circum stances to make the best of a bad mat rimonial bargain. New York Times. When the patient and resourceful hunter has labored for hours at the mcuth of the cave, continually adding fresh fuel to the fire and seeking by the combustion of strange herbs and unusual substances to Impart an acrid and unpleasant quality to the smoke, with what eager Joy he notes the first sounds of uneasiness and discomfort within. There Is a cough, a sneeze or two, then low growling, and he knows that the quarry is approaching the aper ture of exit and about to make a rush into the open. Smoking out Is in many respects an unkind and Inconsld.cratc practice. The smaller animals look sheepish as they emerge, and the larger are invariably cross. No arfimal would admit under oath that he ever really enjoyed It, and mo3t would freely avow their indignation and disgust. Yet the hunter who has any sense of fun In his soul often finds In the comic bewilderment and choking rage of his victim a cause of mirth that Is a welcome alleviation of the arduous toll of the chase. The new Hay-Pauncefote treaty Is smoking out some of the critters that have for years invited the pursuit but baffled the skill of the isthmian canal NImrods. They have, with uproar and protest, opposed every step of progress by diplomacy or legislation toward the authorization and beginning of a canal. Professing a fervid Interest In the con struction of a waterway joining the two oceans, they have been content with no suggested method of undertaking it. ,and attempts to remove existing obstacles have always drawn the fire of their criticism and abuse. Having become con vinced that the Government and the peo ple of England would never consent to the abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, they began vehemently to Insist that the old treaty must go and that the canal must be altogether and In every particular an American project. They thought they were on sure ground But now appears the amended and re vised Hay-Pauncefote treaty, supersed ing the Clayton-Bulwer convention and providing that the canal In Its building, operation, control and protection Bhall be exclusively American, under the own ership and guarantee of the United States, without the participation of any other nation. Everything that ebullient patriotism could demand or forethought ful prudence suggest has been candidly granted. There was a day of study and of si lence. Then from all the caves there came sounds indicative of acute nasal, laryngeal and bronchial Irritation. Tho old retreats from which obstruction roared two years ago have become un tenable. There is a scurrying to shift ground. The new treaty Is smoking them out. It would be a crime against Comus In this merry moment to let the moral sense Inhibit mirth. Their motives are undoubtedly bad, but what could be fun through necessity, and latterly through choice, they have infused Into the new comers a maritime enthusiasm which Is lacking in communities made up almost wholly of "landsmen." In Seattle nine-tenths of the popula tion still refer to steamships, barken tines. sailing ships and 'inland steamers as "boats." The flatboat lingo of the Mississippi and "the Wabash far away " Is still used In referring to any craft that floats In the harbor, and there Is always an apparent lack of understanding re garding maritime matters, despite the fact that the marine commerce Is of such vital Interest to the city. With such surroundings, it Is but natural to find the Post-Intelligencer exposing its Ignorance whenever It attempts to dis cuss any subject having the slightest bearing on maritime commerce. The Oregonian stated that the 250 vessels which would be required to carry away the present season grain crop of Oregon and Washington were the property of not to exceed 100 shipowners. This pa per also stated that the subsidy which the new Frye bill grants sailing vessels would amount to 4V cents per bushel on all of the wheat shipped from the Pa cific Northwest in vessels entitled to the subsidy. In commenting on this the P. I. says: Now comes The Oregonian. By a system of calculation of Its own It figures out that vessels sailing under tha American flag tor Europe with wheat cargoes would draw a subsidy equal to 4U cents per bushel on the grain carried. "This." it says, "Is a tax on the producers of 4H cents per bushell" Ad mirable logic. The producers are to pay this tax. and tpf effect of It will not be to At tract competition or decrease carrying charges by a penny. The old. old foolish free-trade ar gument, which the progress of every Industry in the United States and the history of prices In thin country laughs to scorn. Again, it rays that the ships in this busi ness are owned by not to exceed 100 per sons, and that they would roon be united In a combine, with half a dozen men receiving the entire subsidy. On the contrary, the Fost-In-telllgencer has called attention frequently to the scattering of Interests in American sailing vessels among a number of small owners, and we know of nothing to break tha custom or to prvvent the continued building of ships in order to participate In the "profits made possible by the adoption of the subsidy sys tem. The Oregonlan's "calculation" was not erroneous. It was made from the fig ures given in the latest Frye bill. Neith er was there an error In the statement that the 250 ships engaged In earning wheat for more than 10,000 farmers were owned by 100 men. Both of these state ments can be verified so easily that It Is strange that they should be questioned for a moment. In regard to the consol idation of the business made possible where there Is such an enormous graft at stake, the workings of the French subsidy bill offer an admirable Illustra tion. Portland has handled and has listed to arrive this season a total of 24 of these French bounty-earners. Of this fleet, five arc owned by R. Guillon and R. Fleury, three by N. & C. Guillon, five b ythe Society Anonyme des Voilllers Nantols. two by L. Bureau, two by A. D. Orblgney & Co., and the others by in dividual owners. The Gulllons alone own over sixty of the bounty-earners and the entire French fleet Is In the hands of enormously wealthy capitalists who wring the subsidy from the French tax payer without giving anything In return. The Post-Intelligencer should get In touch with the shipping business In Its lmmedlnto vicinity. When It does. It will learn that over one-half of all the American ships and barks on the Pacific Coast are owned or controlled by three San Francisco firms, each of which has unlimited capital, and needs the assist ance of a subsidy about as much as the American farmer needs It when wheat is $1 per bushel. that judiciously, and aroused hopes of hearing more of him. Robert Dunbar, a baritone of unusual power, had his turn In the second act. and made a hit on his own account by his splendid singing of a love ballad. Bessie Tannehlll, 'as the wife of El Capitan, and Minnie Scott, as a Peruvian girl, with a passionate nature, both were deserving of the gracious recep tion they received. The chorus Is not as strong as it might be. but answers the requirements toler ably, and the feminine contingent make up in spirit and tasteful costuming what they may he lacking In personal attrac tiveness. The Introduction of The Stars and Stripes Forever" at the conclusion of the first act was a pleasing feature, and called forth a demand for Its repetition. Tonight "Dorothy." COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Cnrracn" at the BnUer Tonight. "Carmen" will be the bill at the Bak er Theater tonight, with Miss KIrwin in the title role. Tne company has sung the opera often, and promise a very good production. "At the Old CroK Ronil"." Arthur C. Alston, under whose man agement "At the Old Cross Roads" will , be brought to Cordray's Sunday and all next week. Is one of the regular vis itors to the Pacific Coast among manag ers, and by long experience he has learned the kind of attractions which are popular here. In this new production he assures the public that he has an unusually pleasing drama, one which combines comedy and heart Interest In the right proportions, and he feels con fident that his business here will justify his claims. A special matinee will be given Christmas. Ben Ilcnclrickn. Ben Hendricks was the legitimate suc cessor of Gus Heege In Swedish comedy, and his "Ole Oleson," which will begin a week's engag ment at the matinee at the Baker Sunday. Is said to give him a fine opportunity to prove his right to the title of first dialect comedian In the country. Mr. Hendricks has had a wide experience on the stage, but until he began to play "Ole" he never had a play that would fit him. His company this year Is said to be the best he has yet had "with him, and correct mounting and costuming are promised. A special mat inee will be given Christmas. The Dowager Empress of China the most noted of the world's rulers at the present time is an "old woman" with all that Is implied In that term, sans grace, gentleness and amiability. Her face Is said to be long, with high cheek bones, big mouth, thick lips and eyes that gleam like coals of fire. Dressed in dragoned yellow silk and borne in Imperial state between lines of kneeling people on her way back to Pekin with the court, she presented a vivid picture of Oriental life, with Its pageantry, the servility of Its masses and the pom pous assumption of its rulers. Commission Ronte to Dentil. Chicago Tribune. The New Hampshire statesman who was In favor of a prohibitory liquor law, but was opposed to Its enforcement, set the pace for that convention of manufactur ers now In session, at Washington. It Is strongly In favor of the principle of reciprocity, and yet shows Itself much opposed to the negotiation of reciprocity treaties. There will be no such treaties If the policy outlined by the convention In its resolutions shall be followed out. The manufacturers favor special modi fications of the tariff to open up by reci procity opportunities for Increased for eign trade "only where It can be done without Injury to any of our home Intcr- Prlmrose and Doclistader'ii Minstrel The sale of seats will open tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for Primrose and Dockstader's Minstrels, who come to the Marquam Grand Theater, opening next Tuesday night and continuing Christmas matinee and night Effect of Stifcar Export IJonntlea. San Francisco Bulletin. A German writer has taken the trouble to compute the amount of money the gov ernments of France, Germany, Belgium and Holland pay to exporters of sugar, and has discovered that Great Britain's share ot the amount was last year J13.0OO.- 000. In other words these four countries by paying bounties on exports of sugar, ena bled Great Britain to import a supply at a cost of JIS.OOO.COO less than it would have had to pay had no sugar bounties been paid. The German writer says that tnis sum was a clear present to the British consumer. But when the government lev ied a war tax on sugar a part of the boun ty went directly to the British Treasury. In this somewhat roundabout way the Boer sympathizers In the four countries named have been contributing to the cost of tho war for the subjugation of the Bo ers. Tho people of Great Britain cannot, of course, be censured for buying the su gar that the governments of other coun tries had paid export bounties on; neither can the British Government be blamed for diverting a part of the money saved to the public treasury. K the people of these four coun tries do not like to contribute In this In direct way to the cost of subjugating the Boers, their remedy lies In a protest agatnst the continuance of the present poi lcv. There Is at brst something Incompre hensible In the policy of taxing imports and paying bounties on exports. Taxes on imports Increase the cost to the home con sumer, while bounties on exports decrease the cost to foreign consumers. It Is said that the forthcoming congress at Brussels will consider a proposition to abolish su gar bounties, and the discussion may be made the mora animated by the discovery that the governments represented have been paying a part of the expenses of th Boer war. when It costs a seat on a throne. No one can steal Marconi's thunder, but there is great danger that the cable company may pilfer his lightning. Hon. Mark Twain has not yet applied for a Job on the New York police force. Has he lost his well-known sense of hu mor? The president of the steel trust Is go ing to England, and the Birmingham manufacturers are lashing the r mills to the earth. The friends of Admiral Schley will not he satisfied till they succeed In getting a Congressional Investigation. They want a favorable decision for the use of tho Admiral's descendants, even if he never lives to read It The new Go-crnor of Ok'ahoma. Thomas B. Ferguson, v.-aj President Cleveland's last appointee to the post of Minister to Norway and Sweden, and Is classed as a Democrat. Major Ferguson has no per sonal knowledge of Oklahoma, having made his home In Washington for years. The spectacle of a clergyman with a lighted lantern battling with a ferocious bull was witnessed near Oldtown, Md.. not long ago. The animal had tossed Joseph Baker Into a barbed-wire fence, and, down the road, ran Into the Rev. John Crick, who carried a lan tern and was about to enter a school house to hold a revival. He broke tha lantern over the bull's head, but would have been worsted had not the congre gation come to his rescue. The bull Is at large. The revival has been suspend ed until the animal can be captured. The Rev. Dr. Polndcxter S. Henson, oC Chicago, who has been called to the pas torate of the Hanson Place Baptist Church In Brooklyn. Is well known as a Chautauqua lecturer. One Summer day when he was lecturing he was Introduced to Bishop Vincent. "We are to have a lecture thl3 evening on 'Fools,' " said Bishop Vincent, "by one " And then the BLshop paused. The audience roared. When the laughter had subsided the Bishop continued, "of the wisest men In America." Dr. Henson arose Immediately and said: "I am not half so big a fool as Bishop Vincent" And then there was another whoop from the audience. When the laughter again quieted down Dr. Henson continued, "would have you think." It Is a' noticeable fact now that anti football statisticians are tabulating tho casualties on the gridiron this Fall, that none of the serious Injuries are credited to the games In which the strongest elevens took part, and that not more than 1 per cent of the minor injuries that were Important enough to be tabulated were sustained In these games. "This proves," said a football expert, "that with properly trained men there 13 com paratively little danger In football. You will notice that those most seriously In jured were members of high school or amateur teams, which presumably are not properly trained. Certainly they do not play anywhere near as fast or hard a game as do the big college teams, and yet the members of the latter sustain very few Injuries. A well-trained football play er not only knows how to fall, but he is in condition to withstand a shock that would lay out an untrained man, and thl3 Is the whole secret of It. If more discrimination were shown In selecting men for the game on the part of these fourth-rate teams, there would be fewer Injuries." csts of manufacturing, commerce or farm- nler than their antics? There is the op- lng." No commercial treaty of a posltion of the transcontinental rail- , take nature can be entered Into between roads: there Is the Panama Canal lobby. this and any other nation of which some seeking to head off Nicaragua until the J farming and manufacturing interest will Frenchmen can make a sale to us; there ' not say that it will be Injured thereby, may be other sources of resistance but It will say that the measure of protec who cares? It is nlaln now. as It has all . tlon It enjoys under the present tariff Is the time been suspected, that it is not ' necessary to its prosperity and must not agnlnst the treaty or its lerms, but against the canal, that the noisy opposi tion was directed. The disguises under be abated to aid others. Other farming and other manufacturing Interests, which will gain trade by the which hostility to the main undertaking J treaty which Is objected to. will say that has cloaked Itself no longer conceal any- t Its Injurious effects. If Indeed there be thing. The pretense of patriotism will , any, are exaggerated. Then a question Prince Khllkoff, Russia's Minister of Ways and Communications, is, it is said. In active correspondence with American engineers In regard to the feasibility of the proposed undertaking to span Behrlng Strait with a steel bridge to connect the Siberian Railway with an American system. If the project is realized, it will be possible to travel direct by train from New York to St. Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Paris and Madrid. It takes a great stretch of imagination, however, to conceive a journey over such a route to be a pleasure excursion. not further serve the purposes of these now revealed enemies of an Isthmian canal. They show for what they are, in Washington and elsewhere. And It Is a show to throw dignity off Its balance and make solemnity hold both Its sides. Christmas bells. Christmas trees, Christmas odors on the breeze. And withal Christmas cheer In every face and a touch of cold In the air that gives seasonable reality to the proceed ings up town, down town and all around.. A dash of snow Is needed to make, the young people entirely happy. Payne'i View of Southern Deleaten. Henry C. Payne, the new Postmaster General, holds that the present basis of representation In our National conven tions Is unfair and contrary to our prin ciples of popular government. On this subject Mr. Payne recently said: I will take an Instance of representation in a National convention. Allow one delegate to 10.000 RcDubllcan voters. In a state with 150,000 of cuch voters there would be 15 dele gates. In Mississippi there are 5000 Republi can voters. That state should have, therefore, but one delegate, and the delegations In the other Southern States should bo reduced along the same lines. A change In the system Is demanded, and the time has come to meet It. The Rcpublcan party has nothing to fear, nothing to lose. If we are a people who govern ourselves by our right of franchise, then let the right of fran chise count for as much in one of the states as in another. And since It Is in the conven tions that the men for whom the people are to vote are nominated, let such determination ot the will of the people, as expressed through their delegates, stand upon an equal footing In every section Of tt? country. of fact arises and It becomes necessary to decide whether the treaty really will harm anybody. The machinery which the convention proposes to create to determine these questions of fact I3 a "reciprocity com mission." It is to be charged with the duty of ascertaining the influence of any proposed treaty on home Interests. While it is Investigating the nation with which a treaty has been negotiated Is to wait patiently. To bury a question politely but effec tively, refer It to a "commission." The conclusions of such a commission as It is proposed to create would have no bind ing force. If they did not meet in any particular case the views of the Industry which said a treaty would harm It, that Industry would appeal to Its friends In Congress just as it does now. Then the treaty would be held up, though the com mission found It harmless. President McKlnley said at the Buffalo Exposition just before he was murdered, "Reciprocity Is the natural outgrowth or our wonderful Industrial development un der the domestic policy now firmly estab lished." There will be no reciprocity if the subject is to be solemnly buried In the respectable mausoleum of an Indus trial commission. Over the entrance to Its chambers may be fitly inscribed "Here sleeps reciprocity," Snnipsou'f Fatnl Defect. St Paul Pioneer Press. But If the one great opportunity of his life to win a naval victory was thus lost by no fault of his, another greater oppor tunity to have achieved a nobler victory was lost through his defects of character at the critical moment. If he had been great and generous enough, when he found what a splendid victory had been won In his absence, to have heartily re ciprocated the congratulations of Schley by giving him full credit for his leading part in it and so reporting to Washington, the whole country would have rung with his praises and he would have received the fullest credit for his own large share In It But In a spirit of narrow and sel fish Jealousy he Ignored the leading and distinguished part Schley had taken. In the battle, and In his olriclal telegram to Washington reporting the "victory won by the fleet under my command" did not even mention the name of Schley, al though Schley and not Sampson. Admiral Dewey now says, was In absolute com mand of the fleet at the time. While the other members of the court are silent on this subject they do not dispute Admiral Dewey's statement So that the result of the Inquiry Is to strip Sampson even ot the borrowed glory which he had appro priated on the assumption that he was technically In command of the fleet dur ing the battle. However damaging th results of the Inquiry may be to Schley's reputation as a vigilant. Judicious and ef ficient naval commander, it leaves hi? ti tle to the credit of the victory of San tiago undisputed and awards to Sampson nothing but the bitter memory of a great opportunity lost to show that he was great enough to be Just Others Wlnh to Give Alio. Canyon City Eagle. The people of the City of Portland have already done remarkably well In the matter of raising subscriptions for the Lewis and Clark Centennial. The sum Is now over $300,000, and will be In creased considerably wnen the city Is thoroughly canvassed. When this Is done an opportunity should be given to every one who lives in Oregon to sub scribe something to help along this great project A recent contest over the election of a Supervisor In the town of Perlnton, Mon roe County, N. Y.. brings to public at tention a fact which the New York Trib une thinks may prove of Interest to the Southern press. It Is that the political boss of the town named IU3 been for the last 10 years a negro barber, "Abe" Taylor. Visitors to the State Capitol may remember him as Janitor of the Senate He was a great friend of the late Sen ator Cornelius R. Parsons, and owed much of his political preferment to his efforts. Senator Merton E. Lewis has now assumed the role of protector, and will see that "Abe" is not forgotten. He was born about 40 years ago below the Mason and Dixon line, but has lived in the North for most of his life. He is ex ceedingly black, dresses In the height of style and manages his political cam paigns with tact and shrewdness. It has always been his policy never to run for office himself. His rise to power was prob ably due to his practical control of tho canal element, which was quickly recog nized by the far-seeing eye of George W. Aldrldge. The first organized opposition to "Abe's" autocracy developed this Fall, when he carried his candidate for Super visor through by a majority fixed by the courts at only 35. PLEASANTRIES OF PARAGRAPHERS A Serious Case. "My boy," said the proud mother, "never uses slang." "Dear met" re turned the sympathetic neighbor, "what seems to be the matter with him? Nothing serious, I hope." Chicago Post. A Scotch lawyer was well reproved when, seated by a lady fully aware of her own plain looks, having bowed to his hostess la giving the toast. "Honest Men and Bonnie Lasses," she rejoined, raising her own glass, "We may both drink that toast, since it re fers to neither of us." TIt-Blts. Served Him Right. Mrs. Homer I didn't want to attend the picnic, but my husband Insisted on my going. Mrs. Neighbors And did you enjoy It? Mrs. Homer Indeed I did! My old gown was utterly ruined, and my hus band had to replace It with a new one. Chi cago News. Turned Down. "Of course." said Miss Gold rox's lover, "I realize that your daughter is an heiress, but I assure you that I would be Just as anxious to marry If she were a pau per." "That settles you." replied the father: "we don't want any such fool as that in the family." Philadelphia Free Press. Friendly Advice. "Yes." said the Fairy Prince, "you may have whatever you want for a Christmas present." "I will choose." said the Fortunate Person, "either a wife or an automobile." "How foolish!" exclaimed the Fairy Prince. "Why do you not select something that you can manager' Baltimore J American.