Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Keel, Framei and Stanchions Are
Broken, and Tide Ebb and Flovr
Through Her Hull.
The French bark Ernest Reyer Is a
hopeless wreck at the mouth of the Qul
nault River, and it Is doubtful whether
enough equipment will be saved from her
to pay for bringing It out. J. H. Roberts,
the contractor, returned Sunday from a
visit to the scene of the wreck, and while
there made a thorough examination of
the vessel. When he left, last Saturday.
the keel of the vessel had bulged up amid
ships fully five feet, and had left a big
hole In the bottom, through which the
water surged Into the hold of the vessel.
There was about 10 feet of water in the
vessel at half tide, and when the breakers
.would roll In against her, the hole In the
bottom was large enough to admit a suffi
cient amount of water to Increase mate
rially the depth until the breakers re
ceded. The vessel, when she first struck, rested
comparatively easy, with her stern tailing
off Into a little bay. Had she remained in
this position. It is probable that she could
have been hauled back Into the bay and
floated. It would have been impossible to
take her out this "Winter, but with fine
weather In the Summer time, she might
have again reached deep water, and in
any event would have rested easy in the
bay for an lndeflnlte period. Unfortunate
ly, before anything could be done for her,
a gale came, and drove her broadside on
a hard gravel point on the north side of
the river. It left her In such a position
that when the tide receded, the bow and
stern sagged away and the keel buckled
up. Half of the 'tween deck stanchions
and beams were broken off, and parts of
the frames In the lower hold were broken
The vessel had her port anchor and
about 22 fathoms of chain out, but after
resting on the hard gravel bar, she had
no further use for the anchor, the Incom
ing breakers have driven her higher up
with each succeeding tide, and she is so
hard aground that she now forms an al
most Immovable barrier. The broken
beams In her hold have given the waves
a leverage, and as the craft has a seaward
list of about 23 degrees they will soon
batter her to pieces. Before Mr. Roberts
left, the waves would move the side of
the ship back and forth as though It was
resting on a hinge. It will not require
many days of this strain to batter down
the side of the craft next to the sea, and (
when this goes everything else will go.
The captain and a few of his men will
remain by the ship, endeavoring to save
what they can of the equipment. The
flret officer and 13 of the crew will arrive
In this city this morning, and will prob
ably remain here until the captain arrives.
The surf breaks over the Vessel at high
water, and the only time when It Is safe
to do anything towards wrecking her is
at extreme low water.
The officers of the ship have been quar
tered in one of the reservation buildings,
which are just across the river from
where the ship is lying. The sailors have
been doing the best that was possible un-.
der the circumstances, with a stable for
a resting place. The accompanying sketch
was made by Mr. Roberts, and shows the
"general location of the position of the
ship as she was last Saturday. The reef
In front of the river presents a very ugly
appearance at low water, and It will al
ways be a mystery to the natives In the
vicinity how the Ernest Reyer succeeded
in getting over that reef without striking.
Captain George "Wood Says Buoys
Are Needed for South Channel.
ASTORIA, Dec. 13. (To the Editor.)
In regard to the communication from Cap
tain Porter, printed a few days ago, I
will say that the range lights spoken of by
Captain Porter would be a good thing,
but there are other matters that are much
more urgent at the present time. They
are to have the existing lights conform
with their locations as shown on the
charts and to have the new south chan
nel buoyed. This south channel, which
has a good depth of water, but Is very
narrow, has "been In use about two years
wHenever the weather was clear so that
ranges on shore could be picked up. In
fact, of the last 15 vessels- entering tne
river 13 cam In through the south chan
nel, and still thire Is not a buoy to mark
It. Had there bc;n, we could easily have
brought In the British ship Nelson when
she was in tow of the tugs a few days
ago, and several of the craft that have
been beating about off the coast for weeks
would have been inside long before now.
When the north chann-i was buoyed
last Fall, the Pilots' Association request
ed Inspector Day to place a bell buoy at
the entrance to the south channel, a bell
buoy being asked for because It was the
only kind that would not cause confusion
with those In the other channel. Mr.
Day replied that it was Impossible to do
the work then, as he had no chain, but
if he had material to spare In tho future
he would grant the request Months have
passed and nothing has been done yet,
although there are tons of chain and
numerous buoys lying on the docks.
This is the first request the pilots have
made of the department, and It appears
strange that it Is not granted, especlally
when the appropriation of a single bell
buoyed by a short piece of chain, and
a few hours' work by one of the tenders
to place it In position would mean so
much to the shipping Interests of the Co
lumbia River.
Another thing that Is a menace to ves
sels approaching this river is the loca
tion of the lightship. When that vessel
broke from her moorings and went ashore
several months ago, a buoy was placed,
supposedly to mark her position as shown
on the charts, but It was nearly five miles
too far south. Even now the lightship 1b
several miles out of position, and Is most
confusing to masters of vessels not fa
miliar with the coast To talk of range
lights and more lightships is all well
enough, but let the Inspector buoy thjs
south channel, change the charts and
buoy books to agree with the present lo
cation of the lightship, and there will be
less need of the other Improvements.
Overloaded Collier May Have Struct
on Flattery Rocks.
Captain C. G. Conradl, of the steamship
Centennial, is of the opinion that the miss
ing steam collier Matteawan struck on
Flattery reef during the absence of the
lightship from her station, December 4.
On December 4 according to a Seattle pa
per, the Centennial passed around Cape
Flattery with the Matteawan so close be
hind that her smoke could be seen. The
collier maintained this distance behind the
Centennial until they were well south of
Cape Flattery, and midway between that
point and Flattery rocks. It was about G
o'clock in the evening that the Centennial
officers last saw the smoke of the Mat
teawan. Darkness fell upon the sea. the
storm continuing until almost midnight,
when the weather moderated materially.
From these facts Captain Conradl formed
the opinion that the Matteawan was lost
between 6 and 12 o'clock on the night of
December 4, and in all likelihood upon
TJmatllla reef.
"It was a terrible storm," Captain Con
radl declared last night "While It prob
ably attained Its greatest severity about 11
o'clock the night of December 3, yet It
was raging for many hours after that
After we had rounded Cape Flattery we
had come to a dead slow down. Fortunate
ly, my vessel was not heavily laden with
coal. We had a cargo of oats, and not a
great one at that The Centennial rode out
the sales, and when we got to San Fran
cisco I reported that the Matteawan was
xlsht behind u at the Cape and would
probably be In In a few hours. But she Is
still out. I feel that there Is hardly a
hope of ever seeing: her afloat again. I
know nothing: as to how she was loaded,
but scarcely any vessel with a full cargo
of coal could have lived through that
Mr. Sullivan, of Portland, Explains
the Situation to Governor Gcer.
SALEM, Or., Dec 16. Governor Geer to
day received the following communication
regarding the recent sailor troubles in
Portland, Or., Dec. 14, 1001. Hon. T. T.
Geer, Salm, Or. Sir: Through the morning
paper I learned that the Secretary of State, the
Hon. Ellhu Hoot, has telegraphed you, asking
you to nee that tho treaty stipulations be
tween the United States and France, of Au
gust 3, 1853, found In the United States Stat
utes at Large. Forty-third Congress, 1873-1875.
were enforced, and acting under the request of
the Secretary of State, you have called the
attention of the various officers charged with
the execution of our laws to article S of the
treaty between our Government and the French
Government, above referred to. In order that
you may understand the difference which has
existed between the shippers of this port and
the French Consul, It may be well for me to
explain conditions to you here.
The French Consular Agent, C. Henri Labbe,
has claimed and exercised the right of a Judi
cial officer, nnd has, under his signature, alone,
authorized the Chief of Police to take Bailors
and Imprison them indefinitely for what arc
termed "breaches of discipline," without glv-
lng the sailors so arrested an opportunity of
being heard, although the act of June 11, 1604,
volume 13, of United States Statutes at Large;
page 121, points specifically the procedure to be
followed by the Consul or Vice-Consul when
undertaking to put in execution any of the
treaty stipulation.. This act of Congress has
been Ignored by the Consular Agent here, and
has not been respected by htm. As a result,
men Imprisoned with warrant or authority of
law have complained to the court and have In
stituted habeas corpus proceedings to regain
their liberty, and in some cases actions of
damage for the wrong done them. This Is the
extent, as the Secretary of State should be in
formed, of tho annoyance to which the French
masters of French ships have complained to
the Department of State. It was only yester
day that the State Circuit Court held that a
French sailor. "Victor Merrlen, was entitled to
his liberty, because he was not properly com
mitted to prison, as authorized by said act of
June 11, 1801. This man Merrlen had been de
prived of his liberty Blnce the 18th day of No
vember. French captains here find it difficult
to understand that a sailor has any rights at
all. They have, somehow or another, come to
believe that the llfo and liberty of a sailor on
board of his vewel are In their hands and In
the hands of the Consul. Such principles are
repugnant to our every Idea of good govern
ment This constitutes the sum total of all the
wrongs committed against the French ships
I thought It but Just to those who are en
gaged In the shipping buelnerc to have this
placed right before the Secretary of State of
the United States; hence I have addressed you
this letter. I remain, sir, your obedient serv
ant, L. M. SULLIVAN.
Contrary Winds Will Prevent the
Win. Mitchell Sailing to Astoria.
ASTORIA, Dec. 16. The British ship
William Mitchell did not appear today,
nor has she been seen since spoken on
last Friday off Tillamook Bay by the steam
schooner Sequoia. The steamer Columbia,
which arrived In from San Francisco this
morning, reports having met with north
east and east moderately strong gales all
tho way up the Coast, but that the sea
was smooth. This being the case, it would
have been impossible for the Mitchell to
beat back to the mouth of the river in
her foul condition. Local shipping men
are of the belief that Captain M. D. Sta
ples, the bar pilot who Is aboard of her,
has headed her for San Francisco and will
be reported there In a'few days.
Tho British ship Latimer, which recent
ly had her bowsprit broken off In a col
lision, has been shifted from the stream
to a wharf. The Astoria Iron Works has
been awarded the contract to make the
repairs, which will be permanent Instead
of temporary In character, as at first con
templated. The stump of the bowsprit
remaining on board will be removed, and
the two pieces Joined together with new
plates In place of those which were brok
en. It will take about two weeks to com
plete the work.
It has been found that the French bark
Henrietta, loaded with redwood for Eu
rope, Is four feet down by the stern and
she will take on about 50 tons of ballast
forward to trim her before going to sea.
Crew "Were Unable to Land, "hut
"Were Picked Up at Sea by Steamer.
Oriental advices to hand by the Port
land & Asiatic liner Knight Companion
bring further particulars of tho loss of
the German ship Nymphe, which was un
der charter for wheat loading at Portland.
The vessel carried a cargo of 84,000 cases
of coal oil, consigned to the Standard Oil
Company, at Yokohama. She ran ashore
about two miles to the north of Rock
Island, off the Japan coast and Is a total
wreck. The captain and crew were brought
to Yokohama by the N. Y. K. steamer
Salkio Iaru. There was a heavy sea run
ning when the Nymphe struck, and three
boats were got out with considerable diffi
culty. It was out of tho question to make
a landing at that time, consequently the
boats pulled out to sea and the ship
wrecked crew were fortunately enabled to
attract the attention of Captain Young, of
the Saiklo Maru, which, however, had
passed them before her signals were no
ticed. Her foremast went by the board
Immediately after she struck, and a big
hole was made In her bottom. The
Nymphe was a fine steel vessel, built m
Bremen in 1S92 and owned by Gildcrmeister
& Rlefs, of that port
Standard OH Ship Ashore.
ORANGE CITY, N. J., Dec. 16. The Sln
dla, the Standard Oil Company's J200.000
four-master, which went ashore yester
day. Is resting easy today with 14 feet
of water in her hold. A wrecking com
pany has taken a contract to raise her.
New Oficen Elected.
ASTORIA, Dec 16. The Astoria Pro
gressive Commercial Association held its
annual meeting this evening and elected
officers as follows: President, Clark Car-
nahan; vice-president, R, St. Gaston; sec
retary, H. C. Lyman; treasurer, J. N.
Grlffln; directors, H. Hamblet, Harrison
Allen, August Hlldebrandt, O. I. Peterson
and G. C Fulton.
Seeking- Reapportionment.
WASHINGTON, Dec 16. Charles
Sweeney, of Spokane, Is In Washington
endeavoring' to secure the reappointment
of hl3 son to the West Point Academy,
from which the youth was dropped for
failure to pass required examinations. Mr.
Sweeney has been assured that this can
only be done by reappointment by Sen
ator Foster.
Deeper Harbor Wanted.
WASHINGTON. Dec 16. Mr. McChes
ney, of Everett, Wash., Is In the city, en
deavoring, to secure an alteration of the
project for Improving Everett harbor, so
that a deeper harbor, which will accom
modate the largest ships, may be se
cured. Crew Probably Lost.
RACINE, Wis., Dec 16. Tugs have
abandoned search for the missing schoon
er Galalea, which lost Its-tow last Sat
urday. It is feared the schooner and her
crew of seven men have been lost.
Schooner Ebenezer Lost.
LONDON, Dec 16. Among the minor
casualties during the recent gale is the
loss of the Scandinavian schooner Eben
ezer, which was blown on the rocks at
Flamborough Head and went to pieces.
All hands were lost
Foreifim and Domestic Ports.
ASTORIA. Dec 16. Arrived at 0:20 A M.
and left up at noon Steamship Columbia, from
San Francisco. Arrived In at 10:20 and left
up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Lakme, from San
Francisco. Arrived down at 4 P. 1L German
bark Eraelle. Condition of the bar at 4 P. M..
smooth; wind northeast; weather cloudy.
Seattle. Dec 15 Sailed Steamer Chlco, for
Portland; steamer Umatilla, for San Francisco.
Arrived Dec 14. Steamer Chlco, from Port
land. Arrived Dec 15 Steamer City of Pu
ebla, from San Francisco. Arrived Dec 10.
Steamer City of Topeka, from Skagway; steam
er Cottage City, from Skagway.
Tacoma, Dec 1C Arrived Steamer Asun
cion, from San Francisco; steamer City o
Puebla, from San Francisco. Arrived Dec 15
Steamer Charles Nelson, from Seattle.
San Francisco, Dec 10. Sailed Ship Sen
tram, for Everett Arrived Schooner Report
er, from Falrhaven.
New York, Dec 10. Arrived Mesaba, from
Glasgow, Dec 15. Arrived Concordia, from
St Johns. Sailed Sarmatlan, for Portland.
Glbralta, Dec 10. Arrived Aller, from New
York for Naples.
Queenstown, Dec 16. Arrived Saconla, from
Boston for Liverpool. Sailed Campania, from
Liverpool for New York.
Hamburg. Dec 14. Sailed Patricia, for New
York, via Plymouth.
Yokohama, Dec. 13. Sailed Ping Suey, for
Seattle. Sailed Dec 14 Duke of Fife, from
Hong Kong for Victoria. B. C
Liverpool, Dec 10. Arrived Umbrla, from
New York.
Port Los Anfelea, Dec 10. Sailed Steamer
San Mateo, for Nanalmo.
MonBignor Blanchet, of St Vincent's
Hospital, has left the city to spend the
Winter in the South for the benefit of his
Master Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen
was in Portland yesterday, en route to
his home in Astoria from an Inspection
trip to hatcheries.
Friends of Miss Anna Mosher will regret
to learn that she Is seriously ill at the
home of her mother, In this city. Miss
Mosher is a granddaughter of tho late
General Joseph Lane.
W. W. Catlln, who has been living in
New York City for some time' past has
resumed his residence in Portland. Mr.
Catlln returned yesterday from a business
trip to San Francisco.
William Purdy, who was commander-in-chief
in God's Regular Army in Portland
a few years ago, Is now a Baptist minister
at Mansfield, a village Just south of Mon
tavllla. He Is engaged in raising funds
In spite of
of letters
written to
tell m
Gilbert Parker!
Right of Way
is the '
best selling '
in the U. S.
we don't
know yet -
just why.
did you buy it?
One l
said -.,'' .
he .- , , -
didn't! -"
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fine letters
Harper & Brothers, N. Y.
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It is pure.
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It is pleasant.
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It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you hasre the best laxative the world
3 i
for the erection of a new church at that
point, which, he says, will be free to all
Ed W. Bingham has been around town
attending to business since last Friday.
He Is going duck-hunting next Saturday,
and hopes to make up for lost time, his
accident having prevented him from In
dulging in his favorite sport of late.
W. A. Doyle, of San Francisco, who is
at the Portland, accompanied by his wife,
owns one of the largest fish-net concerns
in the country. Mr. Doyle recently se
cured the contract for supplying the nets
to be used by the salmon trust on Puget
N. P. Sorenson, of Astoria, Is at the Per
kins. Mr. Sorenson Is Interested In the
lumber company bearing his name, and
In the Necanlcum Spruce Lumber Com
pany, of Seaside, which recently dis
patched a shipload of box snooks to
George T. Myers, Jr., has come over
from Seattle for the holidays, and was
yesterday hunting up his old friends
among the sportsmen. He says he wants
to have a good wild goose hunt while here,
as these fowl are scarce on Puget Sound,
and he Is planning to go down to Morgan's
with Frank Thome.
Marshal J. Kinney, of Astoria, who is at
the Portland, Is the largest stockholder
In the Clatsop Mill Company, which ex
pects to rebuild the plant destroyed by
Are a year ago. Previous to the forma
tion of the lower river salmon combine
Mr. Kinney was one of the largest pack
ers of salmon on the river.
H. C. Bowers, manager of the Portland
(Hotel, will leave shortly for the Cracker
Creek district, near Sumpter, in which are
located the Blue Mountain and Tellurium
mines, owned by Mr. Bowers, A. D. Charl
ton, John D. Wilcox and others. The men
Interested are satisfied with the report
of the expert, and arrangements are under
way for the Installation at an early date
of a fully equipped plant for extracting
the treasure from the ores.
H. S. Wlllard, one, of the largest and
most successful coal operators and iron
manufacturers of Ohio, Is In the city, ac
companied by his wife. They are visit
ing his cousin, L. B. Seeley. While here
Mr. Wlllard will look over his Oregon in
The happy
i: i
Marks an epoch In our literary life. For
the first time arc gathered together In
proper form tho profoundest thought of
our great orators, wits, statesmen, litter
ateurs, publicists, and humorists. Each
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It required a master mind to sift and
sort from the mass of material that which
was most worthy.
Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed, the master
mind among master minds during a quar
ter of a century of our National life, as
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umes. Every corner of our own and the mother
country was searched, and over a thou
sand collaborateurs were enlisted. MOD
ERN ELOQUENCE Is the result of their
efforts, the keynote Is freshness and keen
human Interest. Many of the after-dinner
speeches, addresses and lectures arc
unobtainable elsewhere. Here Is great
literature as well as great eloquence.
Catholicity of selection distinguishes It.
No creed, no form, no section, has had
AMERICANS who wish to possess an in
telligent understanding of the policies of
our Government, who wish to "think right
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BANKERS will find In them a thorough
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r m a.
feumily iAX&tiY
vestments. On Monday ho went down
the river on the Bailey Gatzert to look
over the Flavel property, in which ho Is a
largo stockholder. He will make a trip
to The Dalles tomorrow or next day, to
view the scenic route of the White Collar
line. He will. remain here only a few
G. A. Waggoner, an old-time settler and
prominent citizen of Benton County, for
merly Railroad Commissioner for Oregon,
but of late United States Deputy Collector
of Customs at Summit, near Skagway,
Alaska, Is In the city, and will remain till
after the holidays, the guest of his son.
Deputy Surveyor-General Waggoner. Mr.
Waggoner came down from Alaska to un
dergo a rather critical surgical operation
for the removal of what was supposed to
be a cancerous growth from his head. The
operation was successfully performed by
Dr. E. L. Irvine. It was found that the
trouble was not so serious as had been
apprehended, the growth being merely a
NEW YORK, Dec. IS. Northwestern
people registered at New York hotels to
day as follows:
From Seattle A. L. Wlllard, at the Cri
terion; G. E. Adams, at the Murray Hill;
L. Hoffman, at the Imperial.
Slarrlnce Licence.
Hoy Hewitt, 21, Maud Drake, 18.
H. E. Coleman, 30, Henrietta C. SInshelmcr,
Herbert A. Trulllnger, 24, Minnie it. Durrer,
Death Return.
December 14, David P. Thompson. C7 years,
Hobart-Curtls House; pernicious anemia.
ContnKlouM DIsenxe.
Child of Mr. Tlbbetts. 1C9 East Fourteenth
street; diphtheria.
Building; Permits.
A. DIpkell. two-story dwelling, Broadway,
between East Seventeenth and East Nineteenth;
P. S. Griffiths, two-story dwelling, Morris,
street, between Williams and Vancouver ave
nues; $1500.
Charles Gardiner, repairs to houso corner Sec
ond and Taylor; ?400.
M. J. Carlisle, one-story dwelling, Flftconth
recipient of this magnificent set of books as a gift at Christmas would be
reminded of the thoughtful giver for a lifetime.
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This work Is In various bindings, sump
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The Orcgonlan Publishing- Co.
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Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y.
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Renl Estate Transfers.
"Walter Knlpp. trustee, to Lcander Lewis,
SE. & of NW. U. section 15. T. 1 S., R.
4 E $ 1
George P. Lent, trustee, to Leander Lew
Is, SE. of NW. Vu section 15. T. 1 S..
R. 4 E 1
It. C. Slaughterback to Jacob Depennlns
et al., W. 4 of lots G and 7, block 213,
Couch Addition 120
Law Guarantee & Trust Society' to W.
H. Insley, AW i and W. H of E. 4 of
lots 3 and 4, block 221, East Portland.. 2000
C. A. Mastrud and wlfo to Sophia G. An
derson, lot 9, block 12, subdivision Rlv
ervlew Addition 1
Frederick Baumgardner and wife to John
G. Slcvett, E. b of SAV. &, section 16.
T. 1 S.. H. 4 E 2400
Real Estate Investment Association to J.
L. "VVohlstrom. lots 6 and 7, block 50,
Sellwood - 250
Charles Kohn and -wife to J. B. Morgan,
lot 10. block C. "Wilson's Addition 050
D. E. Hall and wife to Delia Hagen, lot
137. block 34, Lone Fir cemetery 65
D. H. Deardorft to Louis Deardorff. 150x
Do yon wish to Rive tome Indy a delightful Christina, present!
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ESS ESS PUBLISHING CO., 1135 Broadway, Xew York.
Gentlemen: Referring to your advertisement of Hon. Thomas
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Town ..
120 feet north of City & Suburban Rail
way, on Spring street -. 0Q
Jennie C. Crosier and husband to Rosa E.
Brauer, lot 7, block 30O. Central East
Portland lOOd
The Title Guarantee & Trust Company to
Alice M. Allen, parcel land, section 15,
T. 1 N, R. 1 E., "W. M
N. Goodman and wife to Sycamore Real
Estate Company, parcel land, section 16.
T. 1 S., R. 2 E. Id
Electric Land Company to Dora Dever
eoux. lots 11. 12 and 13. block 17. Ports
rrouth 1C00
Alice M. Allen and husband to Mary J.
BarCT, 4 acres on Portland boulevards. 3000
Pacific Coast Abstract. Guaranty &
Trust Co., A. B. Manley. secretary, W. Y.
Masters, attorney, 201-5-6-7 Falling bldg.
Hawthorne Lodge Elects Officer.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. Ill, A. F. & A.
M last night elected the following offi
cers: H. L. Moreland. W. M.; W. W.
Sansom. S. W.; W. H. Jenkins, J. W.;
H. H. Newhall. treasurer; F. Glafke, Jr.,
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