THE MOUSING OEEGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 190T. - REILLY WINS REWARD Downing, HopkiFIS & Co. TRAVELERS' GUIDE, .inrirui mm ir.wAniMT dons' mentioned by tfajor-General 3Iax- I m .1 f AN A 1U IU lUKft 1 I wU Is in -constant requteltlon. A girl In tio hospital recovering from enteric was nearly Icllled by some dried peaches given her by her mother; and another patient In the same "hospital -was visited by a friend, who brought something under her aprqn. The Sister asked -what It -was, and the -woman produced a bottle containing a brown-looking fluid, which she said was very good to relieve thirst. The Sis ter asked -for further particulars, -and the woman, without any hesitation, replied that It was horse-dung, cooked In water and strained. Dr. Henderson, after a de scription of the administration of goafs dung boiled In oil, goes on to describe It as an article of faith with a Boer that "water applied to a patient, unless as a drink. Is absolutely fatal, and especially so when In the lorm of a poultice; so that in the abundant bronchial affections In which the poultices to the chest are ESTADUSHCD 18HX THIS IS "WHAT AILS THE BOERS IX ItECOXCEXTRADO CAMPS. DETECTIVE WILL GET $10QO FOR CATCHIXG TRAIXWRECKEB. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Sick Persona Are Uwmnlly Killed toy Malpractice of the Moat Avrfal and Degraded Kind. He Solved Dalles Mystery and Drew Oat a Confession From Col ored X&a, Jildd. Hftj!;tiJyL OREGON"' fiimj Link Southampton, Dec. 15- Arrived Bremen, Irom New York, for Bremen. Havre, Dec. 15. Arrived La Gascogne, trom New York. Movllfe, Dec. 15. Sailed Furnes3la, from Glasgow, for New York. Queenstown. Dec. 35. Sailed Celtic, for New York: Campania, from Liver pool, for New York. The dastardly work of Addison KIdd. cqlored. formerly an Arkansas school teacher. In placing a seven-eighths inch Iron nut on the O.H.&N. track near Ce Hlo, December 6, which caused the wreck of a passenger train and the death of The promise recently made by Mr. Brod rick that the public should be afforded opportunity of arriving: at a sound judg ment "with regard to the states of th,e con centration and refugee camps In South Africa, and "with regard to the condi Union pacbhr ASD THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST ffn-W l '' iff iSllpT I HPlWrSfS i fm fiSf iff 'llSli HI IMP JJHPi! FSJ iMm !fiEffl " "taPBiSr., ..-- LUr-tC.. that KIdd wanted to explain too much about his movements previous to arrest, and Bellly had his suspicions that the negro knew more about the matter than he cared to tell at that time. Other offl cers and detectives also talked with KIdd. but nothing Incriminating could be got ten against him. Thursday night Rellly asked KIdd what time he had left Uma tilla. "About E o'clock, December 5, by a pas senger train," answered the negro. In a matter-of-fact way. Bellly made a men tal note that no train left the point men tioned at the time given. KIdd was next asked -when he left Arlington. He said he had left on a certain freight train, and In the conversation which followed It was noticed that he became badly con fused as to his journeys on freight and passenger trains. Bellly 'knew the exact time when certain trains were due at stations along the road, and KIdd In variably made mistake: purposely or oth erwise In giving the time the trains had left stations. Of course he strenuously denied all knowledge of having placed obstructions on the track. TO CONSIDER DRYDOCK. UNION TEPOT. Leave. Port of chicago-portland'o:ik a. at. Dally. CTErI , T Portland Commission Will For the EartVa limit' Moot With EiBprt. ington. V7i ; -.. C7? V-, A ss- A special meeting of the Port of Port land Commission has been called for this afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Commission ers' rooms In the Worcester block. The object of the xncetlng.will be to open and consider plans for a drydock to cost ap proximately $250,CCO, under the general de sign ' adopted at u previous meeting by the commission. "W. T. Donnelly, a prominent engineer of New York City, will be present at the meeting, and representatives of other large firm's will probably be In attendance. In addition to the plans for the drydock, there will b received bid3 from engi neers for supervising the work and direct ing the carrying out of the plans In the construction of the dock. From all indi cations It Is apparent that the structure will be built of wood, as the price named, 5250,000, will preclude a. steel drydock being constructed. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eastrn Washing ton. Walla WalU. L-.v-tsu.n. Coeur dA1-ne anil Gt. Northetn Point". ATLANTIC EXPRESS For the East via Hunt- Tton. fi.15 P. M. Daily. S30 P Daily. 4:30 P. M. Dally. 0O A. M. Dally. S:t6 A. M. Dally. OCEA.V AXD RIVES SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN CISCO. SS. Columbia Dec. 8. 18. 2S. SS. Geo. V. Elder Dec. .1. 13, 2.T From Ahvivorth Dack. S:CO 1?. M. BEGINS HIS PASTORATE. - T. &e& PORTLAXD POSTOFPICE AS IT WILL APPEAR IF PHOPOSED IMPROVEMEXTS ABE MADE. It appears certain that the Portland postofllce Is to ba enlarged coon, but there li no def inite knowledge as to which of the various plans for the proposed extensions will be adopt ed. Tho echeme of Postmaster Croasmaa was for a ono-story addition on each side of the building. "When Supervising Architect Taylor was here last Spring he was of the opinion that the best plan would be toJbulld a. two-story addition on the Flfth-treet side, the lower etory being on the level of the street. Hla scheme at that time Included the extension of the main building to the north and south ends of the block, the two-story addition to be the same lenrth, but be did not deem It necessary to build the addition on the Sixth-street side at present, Latest advices from "Washington are not clear as to whether the building la to be extend ed to Morrison and Yamhill streets or not, Edgar IT. Lazarus Is of the opinion that the two story addition on the Fifth-street side Is to be built only the present length of the post offlce building, and that tho addition on tbe 81xth-street side will not be built now. The ac companying sketch, prepared by him, shows tbe postofflce as It will appear when the two story addition on Fifth street and the other addition en the Sixth-street side are completed. Some of the postofflce officials who went over the ground with Supervising Architect Tay lor when ho was here are certain that he Intends to extend the building tbe whole length of the block, and make the two-story addition the same length, but others are of the opinion that the building will not be so extended. This question will not bo definitely settled until the bill providing for the necessary appropriation Is prepared. Itev. "IV. E. Rnndnll Preaches Open ing Sermons nt Second Baptist. Rev. William E. Randall, who has 3ut accepted a call to the Second Baptist Church, East Seventh and Ankeny streets. preached bis initial sermon yesterday mornlng. Ills sermon was filled with good cheer and optimistic views and was based upon the text. Luke v:5: "And Simon answering, said unto him: 'Mas ter, we have tolled all the night and have taken nothing, nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net" FOR ASTORIA and!S:KP. M. S5 pcrtnts. connecting Dally -ex. with str. for tlwaio audi Sunday. North Beach, str. Has-' salo. Ash-street Dock. 1 Sat. 10 P. M. FOR CORVALLIS anSG4T. A. M. a potnt". tr. RUTH.iMon Ash-street Dock. 1 Wed . Water pernJttinr ) 1 Prt. 5 .CO P. M. 5:00 P. M. uairr- cx. Sun. C:00 P.M. Tuei, Thurs., Sat. FOR DAYTON. OresoatT-OO A. 31. Ll.OC P. M. City awl YamhRl Riv-'Tw. Mon.. r points, s,tr. Modoc. Thurs.. !Wed.. A"h-streetDock. (Eat lFri.. QVatcr permitting.) I TICKET OFFICE. Third and Teltirtione. Main 712. Washington. tlons under which a large mortality from rmeasles and other causes has occurred In them, is fulfilled In a blue book of for midable dimensions, entitled "Reports on the "Working of the Refugee Camps In the Transvaal, Orange River Colony, Cape Colony and Natal," says the Lon don Times. The reports cover the period from the. j2d of March to the 20th of Sep tember, and the whole of the ground; every oamp being reported upon In turn. although with a sameness which becomes of great value, it was extremely difficult to obtain their application. Dr. Franks, again, declares that "pov erty, dirt, and Ignorance reign supreme." In one tent he found two children very ill with tho sequelae of measles, one with lung complication, the other with peri tonitis. He stooped down to examine them; the children were in their ordin ary clothes, lying on mats. In order to sec the abdomen, he had to undo some of the clothes: the skin beneath was as lations of dirt. To see tho skin, it would navo been necesyary to Scrape the dirt off. Under such conditions, he says, the wonder is not that so many die, but that any recover. Another source of mor tality has been childbirth; as might be expected, when the Importance of clean liness to the mother Is considered. Al though there is a maternity marquee. Ig norant prejudice prevails among the ex pecting mothers, who prefer being at tended in their own tents, by their own people, a set of untrained and ignorant women, with the consequence that the mortality In childbirth has been very high. In one case, the details of which are recorded, the midwife inflicted fatal injuries upon the patient. "With regard to the general order, clean liness, and scavenging of the camps, we read that a certain amount of work Is done, under direction, by some of the burghers; but the difficulty of having It done effectively Is great. Apart from payment or compulsion, the Idea of help ing the helpless does not exist In the mind of the stalwart burgher. Over and over again a woman whose husband Is fight ing, or a prisoner of war, has to sit and nurse her children, and may ask in vain of a fine, well-built, noble "patriot" that he will chop her wood or fetch her ra tions or her medicine. His reply Is, "I have no time," or something to that ef fect There Is no such thing as gal lantry among them unless paid forj whon another term may be applied to It. "We commend the reports as a whole to the careful consideration of our readers, who will certainly rise from their perusal with new Ideas not only of the Boer charac ter, but also of the difficulties which Eng lish officers, doctors, and nurses have fought against, and have at least par tially overcome. In their endeavors to bring home to the families of the "ene my" something of the rudiments of civilization. ASTORIA ON THE BOOM. almrg-'t wearisome, as page after page dls- 1 black as a Kaffir's, covered with accumu cioes only the same dismal narrative of a Mato of tilings An which the "most" ear nest efforts to provide for the comfort 'nd security of the inmates were to a Bm&t extent baffled by the almost incon ceivable ignorance, obstinacy and fllthi ziess of the Inmates themselves. In these circumstances the mortality was unques tionably large, and was chiefly among children. Measles is a disease which, when It oc curs In healthy children who are prop erly cared for, and are living In favora ble surroundings. Is attended by only an Insignificant mortality, but which, under conditions the reverse of these, under such conditions even as exist in the slums of some English manufacturing towns, is attended by a very large mortality, chiefly arising from Inflammation of the lungs, either bronchitis or pneumonia, brought on by exposure to cold during or soon after the presence of the rash. To bear this In mind will assist our ap preciation of the report by Major-General Maxwell, who, ufter tracing the high death rate from measles to the extremely cold nights, goes on to say that the Boer another is greatly to blame; she Insists on lending her children, and refuses to obey he orders of the, doctor or the advice -of the nurse. The Boer remedy for measles, apparently. Is a tea made of goat's dung, which Is administered by tbe mothers with deplorable results. An other favorite remedy appears to be an absolute refusal to wash the children, or to allow any attempt at cleanliness. Dr. Spencer, again, describes the deplorable ignorance and lethargy among those re sponsible for the children suffering from measles. The more enlightened people p'janed up blankets Inside their tentu, sind so made them warm at night; they also kept them ventilated by day, and thus avoided the great contrast which quickly sets In at sunset between the co'd of the night and a stuffy heat by day. Among the majority, however, no in structions upon these Important details have had the slightest effect. Medicines and nourishments are neglected, and the pernicious use of "arnppels," containing they neither know nor care what (we fear we must plead guilty to correspond ing Ignorance), very largely obtained. Children are carried out into the town even, or held by mothers In their arms during cooking operations In the open air, when they have measles upon them. An other report by Dr. Frank tells- us that a recent remedy among the Boers, no mat ter what the complaint. Is green paint. Three children named Smith were Buffer ing from some Illness the nature of which he was unable to ascertain. They were painted all over with green paint, with tho exception of their faces. Two of them, a boy aged 4 and a girl aged 7, -were admitted to the hospital; the boy died the same day and the girl the fol lowing day, both of acute arsenical pois oning; the third child, aged 4 months, died before the others were brought Into the hospital. It is hardly necessary to mention that many green pigments are arsenical compounds, or that the action of a coat of paint would have been in jurious In any case. Dr. Aymard was sent for to see a child of 2 who wa." unconscious. He found on the table in the tent an assemblage of Dutch reme dies, all of which were being" adminis tered at the same time without any doc tor's orders. They were Hoffman's drops (containing ether); ecsenz dulcls (contain ing opium); red powder (containing tar tar emetic); Jamaica ginger and "red drops" of unknown composition. At the dato of the report the child "continued unconscious," and was presumably the subject of opium poisoning. Anotner in stance worth quoting is that of a baby named Schutte, aged 4 months, who was suffering from bronchitis., and was or dered by the doctor to be kept entirely on milk. The mother refused to give It milk, and gave sardines Instead. Tne child died in two days. In page after page of the report the same story repeats Itself. A girl in the camp at MIddelburg. suffering from renal dropsy, the result,, of a chill when recov ering from enteric fever, was wrapped up by her mother, from her hips to her feet, in a poultice of horse-dung, which the mother explained was "taking the swelling down, from her face," The goafs able Interest Is felt In the Industrial de partment In the flotation of the new Im perial Tobacco Company, with the avowed object of fighting the American invaders. This company has the Immense capital of 15.000.000. This Is adversely criticised In some quarters, where It Is asserted that the company has no expectation of pay ing dividends upon anything more than 5,000.000 of preferred shares. But It is believed that a long and hard contest is ahead between the great opposing forces. AT THE HOTKLS. THE PERKINS. G T Edgar. Fresno T II Hobert. Chicago P Leldegreub. Astoria J D McGowan. Mc Purdy & Smith, city j Gowan. Wash A P McLarin. RalnlerJ Darnef. Indo W D Farry. Portland iCIarence "Wajtoner. do B L Kldwell. IV V F D Hobhn, Salt Lake VT S lIcFarland. S F (C S Smith. Prlneville Ro I. Colicell. Ilwaco Mrs Smith, do H M Brae. S F iWm F King. Prlneville W r Glockner, Manlla'A E Corbett. Huntsvlil Engineer Idaurlce Cavanaugh all as de tailed in a confession made Saturday by KIdd to Detective Joseph P. Rellly, of the O. R. 5: N. Co., Stamps the crime as one of the most cold-blooded In the history of train-wrecking for a number of years. Up to Saturday noon KIdd was only held as a witness In the case, and the chain of evidence in making the prisoner confess that he alone whecked the train, j was responsible for the engineer's death and endangered the lives of a large num ber of passengers, is very creditable to De tective Rellly's ability. The opinion Is expressed on all sides that Rellly Is en titled to every cent of the $1000 reward Rellly's detective instincts were Instant ly at work. "Why did Kidd talk so volub ly and tell different stories as to his boarding trains along the road? Prob ably to conceal some other facts. Feel ing suro that he had landed his man. Rellly began another talk with KIdd Sat urday morning about 10 o'clock, and showed him conclusively that it was bet ter to tell the truth about his meeting different trains at times not mentioned on time-tables. KIdd went on to say that on one occasion he had paid a mythi cal conductor 51 20 for the privilege of riding on a freight train at a certain time. and then ensued a two hours talk, dur Inflamed and Spongy Grnns. "As a perfect and -hygienic dentifrice Sozodont is without an equal. Its bene ficial action on inflamed and spongy gums 3hould recommend il strongly to the den tal profession I have used it in my practise for some time past I wo sizes; by mail; isc and. AATISEI'TXC aoyopggT PORTLAND & ASIATIC SfifAMSHJP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for ilanlla. Port Ar thur and VladivoMock. KNIGHT COMPANION SAILS DEC. 23. For rates and full information call en or ad dress officials or agents of O. B, & N. Co. EAST via SOUTH roam TEETH 10 BREATH Eall & RuckcL, Proprietors, N. Y. City. mr. v,;xErsa No Pay likit:ii mj c.vaj bcuk wi kuc iwv auwoai uiu viicil vu&ucu tl litis liuuia 111XV, uu- offered by the O. R. & N. Company for I ing which time he was plied with a fire Mrs II Blnpa. Astoria G Buttman, St Paul G A Newman. Sher man Counts Geo W Kicer. Tlllamk Anna M Sherrard, Taci W A Johnston. Dalles Mm Johnston, do Chas Bernard, do Mrs Bernard, do W F Doak. do W Cecil. BHey Mrs Cecil, do Rev Morton D Dun ning. Forest Grove Mrs Dunning, do B W Faulkner, do G S Wright. McMinnv E G Pake. Duluth Mrs Pake, do J M Howell, Tacoma E A Wood, do W S Lysons. Kelso Mrs Lson, do Ben Bleslngcr. I'ftlla Wm McMueren. Baker Joseph Ell. Pendleton A Nestcr. Iowa Mrs Nester, do Bertha Ncster. do G N Crosfleld. Wasco Mr Cro;neid. do O B Mount. Baker F II Coffield, Golden dale Mrs Coffleld. do Mrs Fnrlow, Wasco Zella Farlow. do Mrs John Hobbs. do I Mrs John Holmes, 1 Hickreall iMaatc'r Walter Scott. Baker City H E Blckera. Salem IL E Crowe, The Dalles IMrs C Schwartz, beam jChas Burke. Castle Rk IC H Harvey. Kelso IC A Pague. S F W B Woolton. city the arrest and conviction of the train- wrecker. Considerable Indignation against the prisoner Is expressed in Was co County, and threats have openly been made to take his life. Kidd is locked up at The Dalles jalL Under the provisions of an act of th Legislature, passed in 1S93, any person who shall place an obstruction on a rail road track by which a train Is wrecked of Questions, until beads of perspiration stood on his brow. "He's about to break down," said Reilly, to himself. Aloud he said: "I want to show you that you're all wrong in giving me those pipe dreams about meeting those trains you speak of. I'll show you the figures about this at the depot." Kidd was only too anxious to breathe outside air again, and he was escorted to and the death of one or more passengers , the depot, where Rellly poured Into his ensues, shall upon conviction be deemed ears such a mass of information about guilty of murder in the first degree Kidd I trains, etc, that Kidd's head began to will therefore undoubtedly be hanged for j his work. It will be Tcmcmbercd that the train wreck occurred about 1 o'clock on the af- swim. Then Kidd broke down when he saw that his falsehoods had been met and defeated, and he made this singular ly short confession: "I put the 'nuts on W" F Mattock, Pcndle-iChas Miller, do Mrs Miller, do IW S Thomas. Ashwood T L Chllders, do IC D Gay. do Bay E Nulss. Shanlko IN P Sorenwn. Asterla IW C Logan, do THE IMPERIAL. C W. Knonles. Manager. ton R Greene. Butte W S Cone. Bay City L W McDaniel. N T Mrs McDaniel. N Y C R Wllklns.-S F W M Kelly, S F F Davis, city Cha.s Jenkins, do F P Slmnson. do 2 C S Morgan, do A Reld. lone ' W O Hill, do Lee Miller. Gazelle A L Fraxier. do J P Skinner. S F R Gibson. Astoria Timber Resource of Clatnop County Are to Be Exploited. Geo Huglcson. do J E Mltzel. do R Latourell. Latourell J L Harper. The Dalles 1 A Wiseman. Eugene iW E Clark & wf, do C M Shelton, uoiaen-'Airs w e iiarKeii. ao do "Astoria Is one the verge of a Deriod of chas Brown. Ashland Industrial activity." said W. W. WhinDle. L B Zlemer. Tillamook of that city, at the Perkins Hotel last j JJj nlddle city r night. "There is a prospect of our timber ! tc v Bagaha'w. Spokane resources belnsr martially developed, and I Arthur Byers. Italnlcri while the start may seem small, wo hopo that it will lead to better things In the future. "The Chamber of Commerce committee appointed to confer with capitalists re garding the location of a sash and door factors" at Astoria has completed arrange ments, and the construction work on the plant will be commenced shortly- The enterprise will employ a number of men, and will add materially to the volume of business transacted In the city. In ad dition, the stockholders of the Clatsop Mill Company have announced their Inten tion of rebuilding the plant which was destroyed by fire last February. "Since that time the site has been un occupied, and the company has leased a mill at Rainier. The present intention is to erect a mill with a capacity of L,O30 feet a day, which will probably be en larged later. There is another sawmill enterprise under way, which will probably result in a mill being erected In the near future. The timber resources of Clatsop County have been practically undeveloped, but with the establishment of two or three mills an entering wedge will have been effected that will result In material ac tivity In the next few years." 1J K Blakerfey. St Hel JFrantis Murpny. St He C E Henderehott, McM IMrs Hendershott, do D M McKay. S F J M Spoasll. St Paul T H Crawford. Union JH C Thompson, Pcndle I ton ILevl Ankeny. W W P C Williams. St PauliE C Smith. Eugene D E Miller. Hood RivH B Leckenby. Union Flod Dement. Astoria J W Elder, Chicago Mr Loerlng. city Mrs G W Loun3berry. J S Cooper. Indp 1 Astoria E E Paddock. S BendiMrs Nelion Troyer. do W P Crcssy. do Mrs F P Kendall, do H G Van Uumii, AstoF D Shields, do THE ST. CHARLES. II F Clark. Baker City T J McClure. do R B Gilbreath & wf. Lyle W Wadell, Stevenson C R Moore, Neb E W Wise. Hood Rlrer Vm Sorenson. Lyle ternoon of December C. half way on the , the track. I found them along the track railroad truck between Celllo and Ues- j I cannot give any reasons for doing this, chutes stations, slightly over 100 miles The hobos are innocent of the train east of Portland. An Iron nut was wrecking." Not another word would he placed on the top of the outside rail of j say, and fearful that KIdd would tell a the track on a curve, and this was suffi- J different story If the opportunity were al clent to raise the locomotive wheels so lowed to pass. Rellly hurried him Into the that the flange slipped over the rail. ' Further along, a second nut was found, j The engine and mall car turned over and j landed clear of the track. The compo- J site car. standard sleeper and dining- 1 THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A poaltiv way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures jou without medicine ot all nerous or diseases of the sneratie or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive -drain, varicocele. lmpotenc, etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Writ for circulars Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-43 B.vf Dcpvwit huliainc Seattle. Wash UC ROUTES JQJ Leave S:30 P. M. S:30 A. M TRAVELERS' GUIDE. car were derailed, but kept rlghtside up. Engineer Cavanaugh, of this city, was so severely Injured that he died the same nighL Fireman Frank Chase was hurt, and a mall clerk received a slight sprain, but no Injury to any of the passengers was reported. Some little time before the train dashed against the obstruction placed upon the track a negro now Identified as Kidd presence of Prosecuting Attorney Mene fee and said, pointing to the prisoner: "That Is the man who wrecked the train." Mr. Menefee was startled, and he told Kidd of his statutory right, but by this time tho prisoner was desperate, and he said: "That's all right. I done it that train job." A full confession was then made, the exact particulars of which can not be obtained at present, but the princi pal portion of It Is this: That Kidd ad mitted placing the obstruction on the track by which the train was wrecked, and cannot tell why he did so. KIdd was afterward taken to the office of the Coun vmm, f 1 a s i iwMm was observed tramping westward. After ty Judge to whom he repeated his story. London Stock Exchange Depressed. LONDON, Dec 15. Several depressing factors affected the stock exchange early In the week. Business was consequently dull, although the outlook can hardly be considered ominous. The money mar ket Is dearer, with an approach of the end of the year, but there 13 sufficient money forthcoming to meet requirements with out serious inconvenience. American shares were adversely affected by the break In copper. American securities were flat, however, on the continued Chilean war rumors and in spite of tho assurances from official quarters as to tho Improbability of an outbreak, Coaslder- dale J P Hunter, do Chris Wohlgemuth, J Zek. Rainier Geo T Darnett, do H A Hagey, Goble M Thorp, do N H Grofton. W W j Wilson. The f Dalles A H Olney & tarn. Waverly W H. Thurston & wf, Chicago W H Butler & wf. Spokane J R Wescott St wf. rorest Grove F S Wescott. do Frank Wescott. do W C Paul & wf, Fres no. Cal C A Hume, Seattle Mrs E V Lelghton. The Dalles A W Carter. Lents (Levi Beard, do , G Tucker. Sprlngwater IW F Emmond. Kalama Geo P Sink. Wasco (Hugh Glenn, Dalles S Taylor &. wf. Spirit E D Stanton & fam. Lake, la L J Wright. Dallas, Texas tv w "Wrlcht. do S Holland. Piano. Tex C O Jordon, Ft Worth Geo Swobs. Buttevllle Chas Hlnman. do Seattle G B Stanton, Grass Valley IB B Sutton. Millwood Leo Finch, do J Plett. Goldendale Dave Plett. do I tne disaster, iviaa was taKcn into cus tody on suspicion that he might know something of the crime, and he told the officers that he had heard a gang of four or five tramps, who had been put off a freight train near the spot where the wreck occurred, make threats against the train crew and the railroad, and had made this declaration: "There will be a train wrecked before night." These tramps were arrested at Grant station, and taken to Jail at The Dalles, where Kidd was also behind the barn. Deputy sheriffs, Pinkerton men, police officials, and special detectives scoured the neigh borhood for clews which might lead to the arrest of tho guilty party or parties. Detective Rellly was also one of thosn who hurried to the scene, and he talked with the tramps under arrest, and im mediately became struck with the plausi ble story told by Addison KIdd. It seemed Detective Rellly returned to this city yesterday morning, and his many friends arc pleased at the result of his hard work. He received many congratulations lust night. Domestic and Foreljrn Port. ASTORIA. Dec. 15. Arrived down at 11 A. M. French bark Francois Coppee; at 12 M.. German bark Henrlette. Left up at 13 M. Schooners W. J. Patterson ana Wing and Wing. Lcrt up at 2 P. M. British .ship Falklandbank. Balled at 2 M. German bark SIrcne, for Queenstown or Falmouth, for orders. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M., smooth; wind, east; weather, hazy. New York, Dec. 15. Arrived Etrurla. from Liverpool; La Bretasnc, from l Havre; Canadian, from Liverpool. San Francisco, Dec. 15. Sailed Ship Hotel BrnnsTrlclc Seattle. European, flrst-claas. Rates. 50c to JL5ek One block from depot. Restaurants sear by. Tscbbb Hotel. Tacoma. American plan. Rates, U and up. Donnelly Hotel. Tacoma. European plan. Rates 50c and up. Stop at the American plan. St. Helens, at ChehaHs. James Varlcy. SALEM, Or., Dec 15. James Varley, aged C7 years, died tonight of heart fail ure, death being sudden and unexpected. Mr. Varley was a highly respected citizen of nine years' residence in Salem, having come here from North Dakota In 1S92. Four children of the deceased survive him Robert, Thomas and Alice Varley and 'Sirs, ilae Sauvain, II j I irSfc'iisiT vV 1 wn ie n Dr. Talcott & Co. STRICTLY RELIABLE Practice Confined to Disorder of the Male. Many Men Treated for n. Weakneis Which Xevcr Existed. l:... There Is no auch condition as weakness In a man under 50 years of age. other than general debility. In a stomach dam aged Dy an ulcer or inflammation, symp toms of disordered function arise. Pre matureness, loss of vitality and the dis orders known as "weakness" are but symptoms of some damage to the repro ductive system, caused by a contracted disorder or early dissipation. In looking for the location of this damage we gen erally find an enlarged, swollen and Inflamed prostate gland. As this gland Is the very center ot the reproductive system. It can rtadlly be understood tnat innammation of it must cause dis ordered function. These cases are promptly benefited by proper treatment, otherwise the patient goes from bad to worse The essential point In all of them Is the necessity of the cure of the focus of the trouble In the prostate. Many men have unsuccessfully treated for a weakness which never existed, when. If the damaged tract had been repaired a cure would have been the resulL In our experience there I? no drug In the pharmacopeia, taken into the stomach, that will even benefit this class of cases. Our plan of treat ment is entirely a local one. and prompt results are obtained, as Indicated by Increased circulation and return to natural vigor. COLORED CHARTS. The colored chart of the organs, which we send free on application to any one interested In the subject, will be found a great advantage In "Home Diagnosis," as well as a study for all Interested in their anatomy. PORTLAND OFFICE, 250& ALDER STREET, CORXEU THIRD. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. 997 MARKET STREET. a e e e 0 a o e e e s a e ! s e s e 0 What Makes A Train Popular? Good service. What constitutes good service? Good cars, good track, good meals, fast time and civil employes. A Etriking example of "good serv ice" is the St. Louis Special, the great through train which the Northern Pacific and Burlington Railroads operate dally from Port land to Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis. Ask the nearest ticket agent about it or write me. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. JU:50 P. M Depot Fifth and I Streets. Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAIN'S. for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland, Sac- r a m c n to. Osden. San Francisco. Mo- Jave. Los Angeles. El Paeo. New Or leans and the East. At W o o d b urn (daily except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Angel. SI1- verton. Browns ville. Sprtngtieiu. and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and Sll-verton. Albany passenger ... Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger. 7:45 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M. 5:50 P. M. S:25 A. M. Dally. UDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 rtrst class and 514 second class. Second class Includes ileeper; first class does not. Rates nd l-cket to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPA"N. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from V. A. Schilling Ticket Agent. 254 cor. Washington and Thud. TICKET OFFICE: Cor. Third and Stark Sta. R. W. Foster. Ticket Agent TAMHILL DIVISION. Taisenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave tor Osvsego dally at 7.20, n:40 A. M.; 12.30. t.35. 3 25. 4:40. .25. 8:30, 11:30 P. M.; and 9:0n A. M Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dall at 35 b.;10. 10.50 A. M.; 1:33. S.10. 4:30. C15. 7:10 10:0O P. M.; 12:40 A. M. dally, except Monday. S.30 and 10:03 A M. on Sundajs only. Leave for Dallas daily, except Sunday, at 5-OR P M ArrHe at Portland at 0.30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlla Mon days Wednesdays and Fridays at 3:50 P. M. Return.? Tucdays. Thursday and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEKLER. Manager. Gn. R. B. MILLER. Frt. Ac Pass. Agt. E CARD OFJRAINS PORTLAND Arrive. :00 A.M. Leaves. Overland Express 2:00 P.M. Twin City. M Louis Si . y Kan City Special 11:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. Puget Sound L'mited. for South Bnd. Oray'a Harbor. 01mpla. Ta coma and Seattle 8 33 A.M. 5:20 P. M. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. Fer South-Eastern Alaska LEAVE SEATTLE: Steamships Cottage City. City or Seattle, or City of Topeka. at a P. M. about every flfth day. For further Information obtain company's folder. .. , The Company reserves the right to change steamers; sailing dates and hours ot salliny. without previous notice. AOENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington St., Portland, Or. F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R, Deck. Ta coma: Ticket Ottlce. 113 James at.. Seattle, M. TALBOT, Comm'l Art.; C W. MILLER. Ami. Gn'l Agt.. Ocean Dock, Seattle; GOOD ALL. PERKINS & CO . Gen'l AgtB.. San Francla.-o. WHITE COLLAR LINE STK. TAHO.MA. DALLES ROUTE. Winter schedule Leaves root Alder street every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ing. 7 A. M. Leaves The Dalles every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday morning, 7 A. M. Stops at all way landings for both freight and passengers. ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. BAILEY GATZERT (Aldcr-St. Dock). Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phont. Main 351. Columbia phone 351. 9 . o I s. ... e i r iv.7T x V7 i -J SS Spes&l Annosnnvt!' NSffriat9Wa-na- 9S8tfe&&S juts?. CI Kirtst o- Two trains dally to Spokane. Butte, Helena, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. General Pass. Agt.. 255 Morrison street. Portland. Or. fplggArNORTHRlf Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 610 LEAVE (The Flyer, dally to and No. 4 I from St. Paul. Mlnne 6.00 P. M apolls. Duluth. Chicago "land a11 Plnts E8; ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A.M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP SHINANO MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic polnU will leava Seattla About December 17th. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 8.00 A. M. 7.00 P. M. Depot 1'ifth and Z Street. ror Maygers. Rainier, Clatitkanle. Westport. Clifton. A'torla. War renton. Flave!, Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside, Astoria and Seashore Express, Dally. Astoria Express, Daily. ARRIVES 11:10 A.M. 0:40 P. M. 9tt99ttteee9t909a(99eO6ei9 cn "i T m W...M t- D- .. Wl gg ABM.W - g Ticket omct 235 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J C MAYO. Gen Pass Agt.. Astoria. Or. Salem, Albany, Corvallls, Ore gon City and Dayton. Steamer Pomona, for Corvallls, leaves 0:45 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Steamer Altona, Tor Davton. leaves 7 A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Steamer Leona. for Oregon City, daily (ex. Sunday). 0 A. M.. 12:30. 4 P. M. Leaves Ore gon City 7:30 A. M.. 11 A. M.. 2:30 P. M. Round trip. 25c OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO.. Office and dock, foot Taylor at. Pbone 40,