Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 16, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Higher Temperature Reported at
Moat PolatB Where a Bllxxard
Was la Progrreas Saturday.
ST. PAUL., Dec 15. The official report
of the Weather Bureau tonight contains
the Information that the backbone of the
present cold wave has been broken. From
all of the stations In the far Northwest
reports are that there has been a decided
rise In temperature, most of them giving
readings but slightly below the freezing
point. Hub-zero -weather continues to be
reported, however, but not in such In
tense character as was shown by the
map In the last 24 hours.
In St. Paul today the maximum was 8
below, and at 8 o'clock the thermometer
ehowed i degrees above. The rapid rise
in the Canadian Northwest has induced
snow storms and cloudy weather, but the
snowfall has not so far been heavy enough
to cause material delay to traffic.
The Prospects Are for Heavy Loss
on the Stock Ranges.
AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 15.-The cold wave
which appeared yesterday has grown In
Intensity during the day, and tonight the
weather is bitterly cold. The reports
from the stock ranges to the west and
south of here are to the effect that cat
tle are not In good condition for such
weather, owing to the drougth of the past
four months, and their unprotected condi
tion on the big ranges. It is feared that
much lose will result by the deaths of
calves especially. In this section quite a
number of horses were reported as dying
during the past 24 hours, mostly the prop
erty of poor people who have been unable
to feed them properly, owing to the high
price of feed. The thermometer Is falling
GAIVESTON, Tex., Dec. 15.-Jalveston
Is experiencing the coldest weather that
has visited here in two years. At 7 o'clock
this morning the thermometer registered
24.8 degrees, and Ice was everywhere. To
night the thermometer had risen to 40.
In the coast country the planters had no
tice of the cold wave and saved what they
could. It is Impossible to estimate their
loss. The great sufferers are truckgrow
ers. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Dec. 15. Colder
weather than has been known for years
is now prevailing over Southwest Texas,
playing havoc with truck farms and caf
tle ranges. It Is feared losses will be
heavy. Today the thermometer registered
15 deg:, the lowest for several years.
DALfliAS, Tex., Dec 15. The cold wave
shows no signs of moderating. Reports
from 24 points over Texas at 7 o'clock to
night show thermometer, readings of from
11 above at Texarkana to 39 above at
The Weather Is Slovrly Moderating:
In Southern Wyoming:.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Dec. 15. Reports
from the blizzard-stricken district or
Southern Wyoming arc to the effect that
the great storm which has raged for the
past few days with unprecedented fury has
spent Its force and that the weather is
slowly moderating.
Rumors of loss of life through exposure
to the storm are numerous, and in several
cases have been confirmed. One of the lat
est tells of the death of a young man
named Hemingway, who left the home of
his brother in Casper, Wyo., to go to a
nelghbrlng ranch Thursday. He never
reached his destination, and Is believed
to have perished. Meager reports from
the range country are to the effect that
stock weathered the storm much better
than was expected, although the total loss
will probably be great. It will be sev
eral days before conditions In the stock
raising sections are known.
RAWLINS. Wyo., Dec. 15. The reports
of losses of life and sheep in the recent
storm are exaggerated. While the storm
has been severe, and sheep have become
badly scattered, the loss so far as heard
from, has been very light. It Is true that
a number were killed on the railroad,
having drifted away from the herd.
Sheepman and Two Herders Frozen
to Death.
BILLINGS, Mont, Dec 15. Eastern
Montana has been enveloped In one of
the heaviest snow falls ever known. It
averages from two to six feet on the
level, and railroad traffic will be Inter
rupted for the next few days. The ther
mometer is 20 degrees below here tonight,
with a strong north wind blowing, which
will drive It from 10 to 20 degrees lower
by morning. All stock on the open prai
rie is suffering frightfully, and unless
weather changes come within the next
24 hours, the losses will be great.
J. A Phillips, a well-known sheepman,
left here Friday for Flat Willow, 45 miles
from here, accompanied by two herders,
and a report reached Billings today that
the whole party was frozen to death en
Snowfall Was Heavy, but Caused
Little Damage.
OMAHA, Dec 15. The extreme cold
weather which has prevailed for 48 hours
In Nebraska and the Missouri Valley be
gan to moderate this afternoon. The
minimum temperature today was 14 de
grees below zero, which point was reached
at 7 o'clock this morning. At 10 o'clock
tonight it had risen to 16 above, with pros
pects 'for a further rise.
Snow continued to fall In parts of the
state during the greater part of the day,
and has reached eight Inches in some
places. The storm has caused stockmen
to resort to feeding, but has otherwise
caused little damage, and has greatly
benefited the Winter wheat crop.
Welcome Qhange at Denver.
DENVER, Dec 15. The temperature
here rose to between 20 and 40 degrees
above zero today, a welcome change from
yesterday's conditions, when the thermom
eters registered as low as 21 degrees be
low on the streets. Tonight the mercury
rests around the, freezing point. A mod
eration of the cold weather is reported
from other sections of the state, although
not Quite so decided as a general rule as
in this city. But little suffering Is re
ported as a result of the storm in Colo
rado. Rising; Temperatnre In Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 15. Temperatures
in Kansas have risen from 10 to 30 de
grees since lost night. The wind is from
the south tonight, and the Indications are
that by tomorrow the weather will be
much warmer. The situation for the
stockmen in Western Kansas Is greatly
improved. Colby reports the temperature
as 2S above zero, with a light south wind.
At Mulvane. the mercury is 22 above, and
in Feirbury. Neb.. 22 above. The damage
to stock, while severe, was not so great
as expected.- Wheat in Central Kansas
Is seriously Injured, on account of the ab
sence of snow.
Cold Day at Chicago.
CHICAGO, Dec 15. This was the cold
est day Chicago has experienced in the
month of December since the weather bu
reau was established here, 30 years ago.
For three hours this morning the mercury
stood at 12 degrees below zero. Later,
however, the skies cleared and the wind,
"which had been blowing from the north-
west, died down, causing a gradual rise of
temperature, and tonight the thermometer
at the 'ocal weather bureau registered but
3 degrees below zero. The predictions for
tomorrow are moderate weather and a
rising temperature
Ohio's Sadden. Fall.
CINCINNATI, Dec 15.-Shortly after 8
o'clock tonight the thermometer reached
zero here, and It is still falling. The Ohio
River suddenly fell from 10 to 15 feet dur
ing the day, causing much suffering along
the river front during the cold weather
by the moving of an endless line of shanty
boats. "Doc" Orra, a well-known char
acter on the Kentucky side of the river,
was found frozen to death today near his
home at Fort Thomas.
Lott Marie In Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec 15. The mercury
reached the low mark in Indiana this
morning at 9 o'clock, when 10 degrees be
low zero was officially recorded at the
weather bureau. From that hour it stead
ily rose to 2 degrees above, and tonight
stood at 3 below.
Another Storm.
DENVER, Dec 15. A News special from
Cheyenne, Wyo., says that another storm
which began late last night is sweeping
over Southern Wyoming, and a railway
blockade is Imminent. Trains going over
Sherman Hill are preceded by a rotary
snow plow, and wedge plows are In readi
ness for emergency use. The air is warm
and heavy snow is falling. Union Pacific
trains are six hours late from the East,
and four hours from the West.
Moderating at St. Lonls.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 15. The weather In this
vicinity has moderated considerably in the
last 24 hours, the mercury at one time
standing 15 deg. above the minimum
reached In that time. At 5 o'clock this
morning the thermometer registered 5
below, at which time the mercury climbed
slowly but steadily until at 9 o'clock it
marked 10 above the zero point.
Coldest Night in Mississippi.
OXFORD, Miss.. Dec 15. Last night
was the coldest night in this section for
20 years. The thermometer registered 10
degrees above zero at 6 this morning.
One Death at Atlanta.
ATLANTA, Ga,, Dec. 15.-One death,
that of a colored woman, was reportea
to the police today as a result of the con
tinued cold weather here. The mercury
at 10 o'clock tonight registered 13 above
Temperature at Louisville.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. 15. The official
thermometer went to 7 degrees below zero
at 7 o'clock this morning. It was 1 degree
below at 10 o'clock tonight, and falling. ,
Temperature at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec 15. The tem
perature today ranged from 2 below to 12
above zero.
General Bell's Method of Stamping:
Out the Rebellion in Ha.ta.nga.rn.
MANILA, Dec 15. General Franklin
Bell has been exceedingly active In Batan
gas Province, where he intends, by every
means available, to stamp out the insur
gents. Lieutenant Hennessy, of the Eighth
Infantry, together with one American
scout and six Filipinos, captured an In
surgent Major, with 42 men, 22 rifles and
SSO rounds of ammunition, without the
loss of a man. A number of captured
documents and papers, now in the hands
of General Bell, Implicate In the Insurrec
tion the Presldente and other prominent
natives of Llan, Batangas Province
General Bell has notified the natives In
Batangas that December 23 he purposes
to concentrate them in the neighborhood
of towns. He will move their livestock,
-rice, etc, to within the limits of concen
tration. After that date, everything out
side these limits will be confiscated. The
roads from Batangas and Laguna Prov
inces are lined with a continuous stream
of native men, women and children in
carryalls, carts, and mounted on carl
boos, seeking safety from the horrors of
The column, under Colonel Theodore J.
Wlnt, of the Sixth Cavalry. Is zealous In
Its operations against the Insurgents and
has received high praise from the mili
tary authorities.
The insurgent General Torrea, who was
found guilty by a military commission af-.
ter ordering the assassination of an
American Corporal, and sentenced to be
hanged, but whose sentence was disap
proved by General Chaffee, broke down
when be was released. He said It was
just that his life be spared, because he
was Innocent of the crime Imputed to
him. He has expressed his highest re
gard and warmest feelings for General
Chaffee and his appreciation that the su
preme military power in the Philippines
Is in the hands of such a man. Torres
says he is submissive to the existing con
ditions. Patterson, the English secretary to SIx
to Lopez, who was expelled from the Phil
ippines for refusing to swear allegiance
to the United States, left here today for
Hong Kong on the United States Army
transport Warren.
Smith, Bell & Co., whose name was
found stamped on rice sacks found In
possession of the Insurgents, say the fact
that their trademark was found on the
sacks is proof of their Innocence, as they
sell rice to anybody for cash.
The worst earthquake shock since 1SSS
was felt here this morning. One bouse
was wrecked and many houses damaged.
There has been a meeting of doctors
and veterinarians here to consider what
means arc possible to prevent the ravages
now being made by surra, an East In
dian disease of horses. Over 3000 Amer
ican horses and mules have died from this
disease since last July.
Revival of the Rebellion.
PEKIN, Dec 1C A private letter re
ceived here from an American General at
Manila, whose position gives his state
ments the highest authority, says that
secret service reports from all the prov
inces of the Island of Luzon show a re
markable and widespread revival of the
spirit of rebellion there. This letter says
the American army expects a general out
break throughout the Island of Luzon, and
Is taking vigorous measures to suppress It.
Manila Is the center of discontent. Gen
eral Chaffee has frequent parades of the
garrison through the city streets to dis
play American strength, and, fearing an
attempt at a general massacre of Amer
icans, arrangements have been perfected
to concentrate American women and chil
dren In the public buildings on short no
tice. Balancing the Peruvian Deficit.
LIMA Peru., Dec. 15. via Galveston
The extraordinary session of the Peru
vian Congress closed yesterday after ex
haustive debates on the budget. The
Congress sanctioned a law authorizing
the government to balance the deficit,
eliminating such items as It may Judge
convenient, excepting those sanctioned
expressly by law or affecting the national
jund a. Good Time.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party, but
was afraid :o do so on account of pains in
his stcmach. which he feared would grow
worse He says: "I was telling my troubles
to a lady friend, who said: 'Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will
put you In condition for the party.' I
bought a bottle, and take pleasure In stat
ing that two doses cured me and enabled
me to have a good time at the party."
Mr. Snell Is a resident of Summer Hill,
N. Y. This remedy is for sale by all
A process for making artificial rubber by
chemical treatment of the stalks of two plants,
Chrj'othtmnus and Begelovla, has been discov
ered by two men in Carson City, Nev.
Havoc in the Coal Regions Is Enor
mous Many "Washouts on
PHILADELPHIA, Dec 15. A storm
which for severity and destrucllveness
has not .been equaled in this section for
25 year? visited Eastern and Central
Pennsylvania last night, causing almost
unprecedented damage and resulting In
the loss of at least four lives. The havoc
in the coal regions Is enormous and the
loss to railroad and mining companies will
amount to millions of dollars. The Schuyl
kill, Lehigh, Susquehanna and Juanlta
Rivers have risen as high as 15 feet above
their levels and all of their tributaries
have overflowed, inundating the surround
ing country in more than a dozen coun
ties. Innumerable washouts have occurred on
the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia & Reading.
Northern Central, Lehigh Valley, New
xT&y '. fX. .-' wife--
HssssssssssssKkH2sssS JKxSfYfB'WrWi' iSf VSEeS
This historic structure was auctioned off recently, and it was at first an
nounced that the purchaser "was William Waldorf Astor. This is denied, and now
the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Rosebcry arc mentioned among- possible pur
chasers. Battle Abbej was erected by William the Conqucrer near the place
where the battle of Hastings was fought. October 14, 10C6, and in which Harold,
the lost of the Saxon Kings, was defeated and slain. The present buildings form
three sides of a quadrangle, two of which are In ruins and the third converted
into a dwelling. The Abbey had the privilege of sanctuary, and in it were de
posited the Conqueror's sword and the famous roll of Battle 'Abbey, a lln of
.the Norman Barons who fought with William. It is believed that the original
perished In the burning of the Cowdray House, near MIdhurst, in 1703. There
are 10 copies of the roil extant, but they have been grossly tampered with, as
shown some years ago by the late Duchcsa of Cleveland, mother of the present
Lord Itosebery, who, after the late Earl of Boscbery's death, married the Duke of
Cleveland, names having been added which were never represented at the famous
battle. In'l857 the Abbey was purchaat-d by Lord Harry Vaae. afterward Duke unrtuo -puBpAaio jo andsoa of the Duke, recently inherited the
Abbey, but declined to keep It.
S 6 -0-0 0------e-- ------
Jersey Central and Lackawanna Rail-
roads. Bridges wore carried away and i
trafllc is at a standstill. The delegates J
to the convention of the American Fed
eration of Labor are storm-bound at
Scranton, with no idoa of when they will
be able to leave. The force of water
weakened the supports of a bridge span
ning a. creek near Williamsport, and as a
result a, freight train was wrecked and
throe men killed. At Oneida, near Hazol
ton, a miner was swept from a bridge
and drowned. '
In the Schuylkill Valley, 48 mines were
flooded, and In the Lehigh and Lackawm
na regions the destruction is equally
great. Hundreds of mules were drowned
In the collieries and It will be weeks be
fore many of the mines can resume opera
tions. In some sections the water reached
the second stories of dwellings, and the
town of Wcstmore, neir Wllkcsbarre, is
submerged. Many of the residents have
left their homes in boats. Similar condi
tions exist along the Juanlta River, farm
ers being compelled to abandon their
The flood was rendered more disastrous
by the melting of the snow on the moun
tain sides. The storm broke with great
severity yesterday afternoon, after th
rain had been falling lncesrantlj for sev
eral days. At Pottsvllle and other places
in Schuylkill County, three Inches of rain
fell in 2J hours. The high wind accom
panying the rain unroofed many houses,
and the individual losses will be consid
Great Damage Done to Plants at
ALLENTOWN, Pa.. Dec 15. The most
destructive flood in the Lehigh Valley
since 1SG2 started thl3 morning at 3 o'clock,
following a two days' drenching rain,
which melted the snow In the mountains,
causing the Lehigh River to become a
raging torrent. The traction companies
power-houses are flooded with seven feet
of water, which drowned the fires under
the boilers. No trolicy cars have been
run since 10 o'clock this morning, and
Allentown Is tonight In darkness. The
Adelaide silk mills sustained a loss of over
H9.000 by.,the flood. Eight feet of muddy
water 13 on the first floor, completely
covering the machines, and ruining all the
silk. The American Steel & Wire Com
pany's wire and nail plants are undor
water, and thousands of dollars damage
has been done there. All other
along the course of streams suffered
heavily by water flooding the basements
and tlrst floors, damaging the machinery
and stcck.
No through trains are running north
of Allentown, and communication by wire
is completely cut off. No loss of life
has been reported. There are many wash
outs along the railroads. Superintendent
Wcntz. of the Contrail Railroad of New
L Jersey, is stalled in his private car some
where north of Allentown.
Six Hundred Itcxldencc Flooded.
BETHLEHEM. Pa., Dec. 15. In six
hours this morning the Lehigh River over
flowed the canal and adjoining railroad
tracks on both sides. Both the Lehigh
Valley and Jersey Central Railroads wero
forced to suspend traffic Not since 1S41
has the backwater from the river wrought
such terious damage. The canal bank
bosses say the damage to the canal will
reach 530,000, while GOO private residences
!n the flooded district were injured to the
extent of $500,000. Both the electric and
gas companies are without power, and the
churches were compelled to suspend serv
ices tonight. The Lehigh River was 17
feet above low-water mark here before the
people realized their danger. No loss of
human life Is known.
Lower Part of the City SuUmergel
Coal Barges Broke Aivny.
PITTSBURG, Dec 15. Tho remarkable
weather conditions that havo prevailed
In Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania
during the past week culminated today
In a decided drop of the temperature, ac
companied by a. flood "stage of water In
the three rivers, which caused some suf
fering and many thousands of dollars
worth of damage. Part of Allegheny and
Pittsburg were submerged, household
goods and stores that were placed In cel
lars and basements were damaged, and
coal fleets on the rivers wero twisted from
their moorings and sent crashing down
the Ohio, threatening destruction to what
ever came in their course.
The low-lying land along the Allegheny
side of the Allegheny River was the first
to be submerged by the rising water. Late
tonight the river began also to encroach
upon the low parts of Duqucsne way, on
the Pittsburg side. The constant dropping
of the thermometer Indicates tonight that
the rise will be over by morning.
Swirling, crashing and carrying danger
to everything In their way, 75 empty coal
barges and 50 loaded boats were torn from
their moorings today and went down the
Ohio River at a terrific rate. When the j
runaways reacnea .uavis isiana aam. iney
had become separated and were going at
a high rate of speed. In going over the
dam they carried with them the signal
lights and a portion of he machinery.
What other damage they may inflict be
fore their course Is checked cannot be pre
dicted at this time.
At Duquesne, a fleet of 25 barges moored
FOR NEARLY $r,000,000. t
at the dock of the Carnegie Steel Works,
broke away and went plunging down the
Monongahcla River. Nineteen of the
barges were heavily ladon with coal, and
when they struck the pier of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad bridge, just below Port
Perry, all but threj or four were smashed
and sunk, completely blocking the channel
at that point.
Rain and IIlRh Winds Caused Mack
Damage Throughout the Stute.
NEW YORK. Dec 15. Warm weather
and rain, followed by high winds, have
resulted in general damage all over New
York State. Saturday the snow in the
northern section thawed rapidly, causing
tho rivers and creeks to rise, and the
valleys were Inundated. Heavy rain fol
lowed during the night, accompanied by
winds of great velocity. Trains wore
blocked for many hour3. landslides were
frequent, and In the lowlands and valleys
hundreds of dwellings were flooded, while
the damage to farm lands and buildings Is
very great. Few lives so far have been
reported as lost.
In and around New York City the wind
reached a velocity of 4S miles an hour, but
beyond minor incidents no great damage
Is reported so far to property on land or
Corning reports that the Chemung and
Canisteo Valleys had the biggest flood
since June. 18S9. For miles east and west
tho lowlands arc flooded and great dam
age has been done.
At Ithaca the damage Is estimated at
S2CO.030. The flood was the most dteastroun
experienced since 1S57. The power and
lighting plant was washed out and two
trolley cars swallowed up In the flood. All
street-car traffic Is suspended, and the
city Is In darkness. Lumber yards and
buildings suffered immensely, and the
wreckage, blocking the channel o Slx
Mlle Creek, turned the stream from Its
course and the whole lower part of the
city was overflowed. Miles of the Lehigh
Valley & Lackawanna Railroad tracks
were washed away, and no trains reached
Ithaca. Several bridges were washed
away. Percy Field, at Cornell University,
was turned Into a lake, and the univer
sity power plants were abandoned. The
lower floor of the City Hospital was over
flowed, and today no heat or light was
available In the institution.
At Syracuse the sudden riding of Onon
daga Creek caused great property dam
age and drove several hundred people from
their homes. At Blnghamton the flood
In tho Chenango River has not heen
equaled for 22 years. Much damage has
been done to business houses on the river
front. At Troy the damage from wind and
rain Is estimated at $30,000. and the elec
tric car service to Albany Is suspended.
At Mlddlctown large landslides occurred
on the Erie Railroad. At Rome the rapid
rie of the Mohawk River caused heavy
loss and great distress. Logs valued at
$75,000 were swept away in East Canada
Creek, north of Herkimer. The storm did
much damage 'in and about the City of
Schenectady. Twenty bridges on the Le
high Valley Railroad south of Auburn
were washed away.
Maine Road in a. Bad Way.
BOSTON, Dec 15. The railroad lines In
Maine are badly washed out tonight, and
a re-arrangement of train schedules has
been necessary. At Brownsville, Me., on
tho Canadian Pacific road, an engine went
Into a culvert, killing a fireman.
Issuance of Duplicate Medals.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. Senator Mitch
ell has offered In the Senate a Joint reso
lution authorizing the Issuance of dupli
cate medals to such persons as have re
ceived them from the President or Con
gress, nnd subsequently loet them. While
this resolution Is general In character. It
is. primarily designed to restore to Gen
eral H. B. Compson, of Portland, a medal
Issued' to him many years ago. A resolu
tion similar to the one in question was In
troduced by Senator Mitchell and favor-
1 ably reported In 1S93.
Farthcr Explanation of His Trans
oceanic SIsnals The Apparatus
at Poldnd.
ST. JOHN'S, N. F., Dec. 15. Congratula
tions from Newfoundland and abroad are
today pouring In on Mr. Marconi. The
inventor dined tonlsht with Sir Cavendish
Boyle, the Governor of Newfoundland, In
order more f ully to explain all the details
of his experiments to the latter, who will
send a long dispatch on this subject to
tho British Cabinet tomorrow.
Mr. Marconi tonight made a further ex
planation of his trans-oceanic signals.
He said he expected them to be stronger
than they were. He was confident that
he would receive them. He attributes
their falntness to midocean wind cur
rents and imperfection In his kite appar
atus. He expects better tests tomorrow
if the weather enables his balloon to as
cend. There Is some fog on the coa3t to
day. Foggy conditions will 'give better
signals than will clear atmosphere. Mar
coni will go tomorrow to Cape Spear,
there to select a site for the erection of
a pole 200 feet high, which he is confident
will give the most ample results possible
under the present conditions.
Tuesday the inventor purposes to have
Governor Boyle, Premier Bond and other
Colonial dignitaries witness his tests that
they may satisfy themselves of the ab
solute genuineness of the proceedings.
At tke Cornwall End.
LONDON, -Dec 15. Major Flood-Page.
of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Com
pany, in an interview with the represent
ative of the Associated Press confirms
the report that Signor Marconi, at St.
John's, N. F., had received signals from
the experimental station at Poldhu. Pen
zance. Major Flood-Page said that the
severe weather made continuous connec
tion very difficult, but there was no doubt
wireless messages could be successfully
transmitted across the Atlantic
Before starting for Newfoundland, Mr.
Marconi established his station at Poldhu
and arranged for the repetition at cer
tain times of alphabetical signals. It is
unknown here to what extent his experi
ments haye succeeded, but It Is evident
from a cable received that Mr. Marconi
considers he has surmounted the initial
dufflculty and that wireless telegraphy
thus becomes a real and live factor of the
commercial life of the world.
At the Marconi station at Poldhu a
great circle of 20 poles has been set up.
each one of which is 150 feet high and
bears an arc wire. . Provisions have been
made for unusually powerful currents
from these"poles and at prearranged times
and Intervals continuous signals have
been sent from" them.
It Is Not Entirely Satisfactory to Ar
n gentlna.
BUENOS AYRES (via Galveston. Tex.),
Dec la. Although the situation between
Argentina and Chile has Improved, It has
not yet been clearly defined. The Council
of Argentina has spent much time in
studying the two paragraphs of the Chil
ean note, which form the basis of that
country's position, and agreement upon
which would mean the solution of the
pending differences. The -Council has de
cided to accept the first paragraph con
cerning the construction of roadu. This
paragraph Is satisfactory to the Argentine
Republic The compilation of the second
paragraph, referring to the pretended oc
cupation by the Argentine Republic of
Chilean territory at Ultima Esperanza, Is
not acceptable to the Ministers. The as
surance Is glveii" thai the' Argentina Gov
ernment, replying to this paragraph, will
Answer that it Is Impossible for It to rec
ognize an act which, after Investigation,
has been disproved.
The hope prevails here that everything
will be arranged on a friendly basis within
a few days. It Is believed thnt Chile will
Insist upon presenting an Insignificant
claim for the Invasion of Chilean terri
tory by three Argentine policemen.
Argentina still continues taking military
measures. Men of wealth are offering the
government money with which to buy
horses and otherwise equip, should oc
casion arise, a regiment of cavalry. Pub
lic opinion throughout the entire country
is expressing Its patriotic approval of the
government's conduct. The people remain
quiet. Tho government has decided to di
vide the republic into six military zones,
with 20.000 men in each. The arms and
equipment for these men are already on
hand In the respective zones. Over and
above the reserves called out last week,
15.C0Q volunteers have presented themselves
for service. In case of necessity, the gov
ernment has reserves which would en
able It to mobilize an army of 200.0CO.
The Argentine Government will tomor
row forward Its reply to the Chilean note.
The French. View.
PARJS, Dec 15. The Temps, reviewing
the dispute between the Argentine Repub
lic and Chile, says that what complicates
tho question Is the vigilance, not to say
Jealousy, with which the United States
remains faithful to the two-edged Monroe
Doctrine, which excludes all other Inter
vention, while justifying Its own, and
watches for the Interference of Great
Britain or other powers Jn the affairs of
South America.
La Liberia declares that an Argentine
Chilean war would just suit the American
imperialism, and that it would entirely
suit the designs of thoso working to per
vert the Monroe Doctrine.
Her Merchant Marine N'ot Weakened.
IXDNDON. Dec 13. J. W. Balfour,
speaking at Liverpool last night, said that
while British vessels with an aggregate
tonnage of C0O.0CO had been transferred to
foreign owners In 1900, 1.COO.O0O tons had
been added to the British register, and
consequently he saw no cause for alarm
regarding Great Britain's merchant ma
rine. The efforts, said he, which foreign
nations are making artificially to stimu
late shipping form a measure of the actual
superiority of Great Brltan. Foreign com
petition would certainly, he declared, have
to be considered more seriously In the
future than it had been In the past, and If
true to her traditions, Great Britain would
maintain her dominion of the sea.
Botha 'Was Wounded.
DURBAN. Dec. 15. A dispatch received
here from Nkandhla, Zululand, dated De
cember 5. and delayed In transmission by
the censor, tells of a recent action near
Luneberg, Transvaal, In which Command
ant Louis Botha was shot through the left
leg below the knee. He only escaped by
crawling into the bush. His followers 3ay
they do not know where Botha Is now.
Tho dispatch adds that the British took
80 prisoners.
Tnrki Decapitated BHlprarlan Soldier
Bulgarian soldiers crossed the Turkish
frontier et Chlltepe In the fog. They
were fired upon by the Turkish guards.
One of the Bulgarians was captured and
decapitated. The others escaped. Bul
garia has demanded the restoration of the
body of the man who wns killed, and has
reserved the right to demand full satis
faction for the Incident.
Important 'Capture of Boers.
LONDON, Dec 16L Advices received at
the War Office from Lord Kitchener, from
Pretoria, repbrtthe Important capture of
Commandant Badcnhorst, with a party of
Boers? at Stcrkfonteln.
Incident of the War.
LONDON. Dec. 16. A picturesque Inci
dent of. the war Is reported from Carna
von. Cape Colony. A garison of 20 men
ietic8ett9itetcc e
Our 36th
Christmas Week
Opens with the largest," the most carefully selected
Holiday lines ever shown in this city 36 years
of buying has taught us where to go, what to get.
In all these years we have received the patronage
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exclusive lines will be found most convincing.
Fine French Perfumes
Ebony Toilet Sets and Single Pieces
Shell Hair Ornaments and Pins
Ivory Hand-carved Figures and
Toilet Pieces, Brushes, Combs, etc.
Oriental Vases, Bronzes, Antiques
Perfume Atomizers, fine pearl handle
Pen and Pocket Knives
Waterman's Celebrated Fountain Pens
Toilet Sets Shaving Sets
Dressing Sets Smoking Sets
Whist Sets Manicure Sets
Triplicate Mirrors
Military Brushes
Kodaks Cameras
Physician's Cases, etc., etc.
In all our lines there is a complete range of prices
suited to every purse. Ours is and always has been a
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Canada Mwey Taken at Fail Vaiu Fourth and Washington Sts.
at Tontelbosch sustained a Boer attack
during six days. They had to fight for
water every nignr. Tnree or ihelr number
were killed and 15 wounded.
More Canadian for Africa.
OTTAWA. Ont., Dec. 15. The War Of
fice has accepted two additional squadrons
of about 3C0 officers and men for South
Africa, and the Military Department has
given orders to raise one company in
Western Canadi and one In the East.
Seeing by Telephone.
BRUSSELS. Dec. 16. The Independence
Beige says that Dr. Sylvcstre, formerly
an American, but now a naturalized
French physician, has invented a spec
trograph which enables users of the tele
phone to seo each other
Strike at Barcelona.
MADRID, Dec. 15. There Is a general
strike of Ironworkers of Barcelona. Nine
thousand men are affected. It has been
proved that the recent bakers riots at
Cadiz were fomented by anarchists.
Cuban ConinlIoner' Memorial
the Secretary of War.
TVARHTTSTfvrON. Dec. 15. Fidel G
Plrerra. commissioner for the coalition of
political parties of Cuba In favor of the
Presidential candidate. General Bartolome
Masso, has been accorded an Interview by
the Secretary of War. Mr. Pirerra pre
sented to the Secretary a memorial to
General Wood by General Euseblo Her
nandez, president of the United Demo
cratic party, and chairman of the execu
tive committee of the Masso electoral
coalition, composed 'of the National, In
dependent, Republican and United Demo
cratic parties and the Independent voters.
In laying the memorial before the Secre
tary. Ir- Pirerra submitted a statement
signed by himself explaining the political
conditions existing In Cuba, and urging
that the election be deferred until Janu
ary 31, 1902. In order that certain alleged
Illegal mm ut;j.-v;nu 4iu.3 ut mc 4 .
board of canvassers may be remedied. He
bases this request upon the assertion that
the members of this board are candidates
for office and members of Senor Palma's
executive campaign committee. Having
direct charge of the coming general elec
tion, the said board, he asserts, has Issued
orders and Instructions materially chang
ing the provisions of the election law. Mr.
Pirerra further charges a number of al
leged illegal acts by the board which he
avers are calculated to deprive General
Masso of his rights. "Through these and
many other illegalities," he says, "a con
dition of things has been'created which
renders It Impossible to hold .a fair and
honest election "
Cohan Ornitomi Receipts.
WASHINGTON, Dec 15. The division of
Perhaps they are sore and
weak from constant cough
ing. How is this? Have
you forgotten about the cough
medicine your grandmother
gave you fifty years ago,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral?
Ask your doctor how many
years he has prescribed it.
"An eminent physician told me I
certainly had consumption. I toot
Ayer's Chorry Pectoral end it com-
nletelv cured me
M... C T Vnnrrnr rvtfrA K.inS.
a25b,3fe,'91.ta.-a J, CAYERCO., Lowell, M.
My Lun
Insular affairs of the War Department
gives out for publication a statement
showing th oustoms reclpt in. Cubat if
follows: The total revenues for the 1
months ending October 31. 1S01, were $13,.
03S.336, a3 compared with $13,22S,S6l for the.
same period of 1900.. and 512.120.991 for 1SS9.
The duty on exports was abolished April
1, 1901. The export duties collected In 1901
amounted to $247,440: during the 10 months
ending October 31. 1900. $T34,776; 10 months
ending October 31, 1S99. $610,530. The cus
toms revenues, exclusive of export duty.
Increased In 1901 over the previous year
by I2T6.S11. and over the second preceding;
year by $1,260,434.
Will Yield In the Mnnchnrlan Mattett
to the Strongest Influence.
PEKIN. Dec. 16. The Manchurian ques
tion has reached a stage which best-Informed
observers consider to be a crisis
in Chinese history. The Chinese Govern
ment is beset between Russia on the one
hand and Great Britain, the United States
and Japan on the other. The government
Is helpless, and will yield to that faction
able to bring the strongest pressure to
Prince Chlng is distinctly more friendly
to Great Britain than was? LI Hung Chang.
The British. American and Japanese rep
resentatives here have separately visited
Prince Chlng and insisted that they be
shown any treaty before It Is signed.
Prince Chlng has submitted to them tho
draft cf a treaty practically Identical to
the treaty already published.
Prince Chlng Is now pressing Russia
for more definite terms, the present form
of the treaty being ,s.q vague in Its Im
portant points as .virtually to .leave Rus
sia a free hand. The Japanese Minister
has taken a strong stand In the matter,
and has notified Prince Chlng that Japan
will require concessions equivalent to all
the advantages conceded to Russia In
The belief Is general that Russia Intends
to Ignore what she regards as mere formal
objections on the part of the other powers.
Japan would go to the length of war to
stop the Russian occupation or .Mancnu-
, .- .. . . .
rla. If she were assured of support, but
I she will not risk a repetition of the rebuff
administered after the China-Japan War.
An official telegram announces that the.
Imperial Court Is now on Its way to Pe-
Only one man In 100 in tho labor unions of
the country Is reported unemployed by unloa
Do not gripe nor irritate the alimen
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Tutt's Pills
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