Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 16, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Of course he's brought us hundreds of pretty Christmas
things that we cannot hope to enumerate. Come and look
about. We want you to feel at home here; to feel that this
lavish display was planned for Christmas cheer and pleasure.
See these and many others.
Biggest Walking Skirt bargains ever shown in Portland.
$3.50 Skirts at $2.80; $5.00 at $3.90; $10.00 at $7.85 to
$40.00 at $32.00 each
Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, Kimonas and Bath Robes
much reduced.
Black Silks, six popular weaves, worth $1.25 to $2.50,
now $1.09 to $2.18 yard
Black Wool Dress Goods, a variety of late kinds, worth
$1.50 to $2.50, now $1.29 to $2.18 yard
Colored Wool Dress Goods, in choice, plain weaves,
worth $1.75 to $3.50, now $1.51 to $2.91 yard
Ladies' $2.50 Silk and Wool Vests, only $1.79 each
$3.00 Tights to match, at $2.25 pair
Ladies' $3.00 and $3.25 Silk Hose, fancy shades $1.98 pair
An elegant profusion of them. Everything from the tiniest
doily to full table sets. Many handsomely embroidered pieces.
All show the honesty of their Irish-Quaker origin.
Are aglow with dainty gift things for Christmas, arranged for
easy selecting. Prices 5c, 10c, 15c to $1.50 each
All Dinner Sets at very special prices.
Brave Arthur Venville Hon
ored by Military Funeral.
Xavnl Battalion of National Guard
Formed the Escort Rev. E. T.
Simpiion Preached ScrmoH Sa
lute Wan Fired and Taps.
The funeral of D. G. Arthur Venville,
the naval hero, was held yesterday after
noon at the Eellwood Episcopal Church,
and the cervices In the church were con
ducted by Rev. E. T. Simpson.
At 1:30 the casket was placed on a gun
carriage at Dunnlng's undertaking rooms,
on East Alder street, covered with an
American flag, In charge of five mounted
men of the Oregon National Guard, and
accompanied by four men of the Naval
Reserve. From here the remains were
taken to Umatilla and East Sixth streets,
in Sellwood, where a large detachment of
the Naval Battalion, under command of
lieutenant-Commander R. E. Davis, and
the firing squad were met.
The assembled Naval Reserve and fir
ing squad marched to the Episcopal
Church, which was already filled to over
flowing. An impressive service was con
ducted. Rev. Mr. Simpson made a brief
address appropriate to the event, calling
attention to the touching character of the
From the church the militia escorted the
casket, which was again placed on the
gun carriage, wrapped in the flag, to
Mllwaukie cemetery, where the final rites
were performed.
The firing squad fired the customary
volley and then taps were sounded. Thus
was closed a most remarkable chapter In
the history of the Navy, a parallel of
which perhaps does not exist. On the op
posite side of the monument to the in
scription already there will be engraved
another -telling the circumstances of the
finding of the body.
-Services to Be Held This Afternoon
From First Unitarian Church.
The funeral services of the late X. P.
Thompson will be held this afternoon
from the First Unitarian Church, Seventh
and Yamhill street, at 1:30 o'clock. The
services will be conducted by the Rev.
T. I. Eliot. After the services at the
church the body will be conveyed to the
Portland Crematorium, of which he was
one of the founders, for incineration. The
honorary pallbearers will be: Tyler
Woodard, H. H. Northup, Richard Wil
liams, B. G. Whitehouse, C. A. Dolph,
Judge C. B. Bellinger, I. Jacobs, Fred
erick K. Townsend and Lrevl Ankeny. The
active pallbeaxerrs are J. B. Slemmons,
W. F. Burrell, B. B. Beekman, H. F.
Conner, Wirt Minor, Jonathan Bourne,
Jr., R. R. Reed, Jr., and C. S. Jackson.
MIninff Man Enlightens Symposium
on One Phase of Hen Life.
A party seated around a table at a popu
lar club yesterday became engaged in a
very animated discussion over a para
graph which one of them read from a
paper. This told of a quantity of gold
having been found in the gizzards of a
?ont5 o whnt f Sl1
Southern Oregon, whose farm, adjoined a
statement," to put it mildly, while the
4- 1 -v- V 4- " "! - 1 1 rl 1 Tf VTlt1n Un .
remainder thought it might be true.
"You know," said one, "that chickens
eat, or rather swallow, small gravel
stones, which are ictalncd In their giz
zard, to assist In digesting the grain they
are fed on. Perhaps they would swallow
smaU pieces of gold for the same pur-
"lhat is the correct Idea," said a placer
mining man, who was one of the party.
"I have often noticed that when we were
stripping the earth off an extension to
our mine, the chickens, of which a large
number are kept in the camp-, would al
ways be on hand, searching for bugs and
worms. Whenever they saw a particle
of gold they would swallow it. When
chickens are killed there, the gizzards are
always carefully 'cleaned up,' and often
gold to the value of $5 or more Is found
in a single gizzard."
"Why don't you kill them all?" asked
the capitalist of the party.
"Why should I imitate, tho fool who
killed the goose which laid golden eggs?"
asked the mining man.
"You do aot pretend to say that your
chickens lay-golden eggs, do you?" shout
ed the man at the head of the table.
"That is Just what they do," was the
reply. "Not eggs of solid gold, of course,
but as the gold worn out in their giz
zards is not absorbed in their systems,
It all goes into the shells of the eggs they
lay, which are carefully saved up and
finally burned In a crucible, and the gold
recovered. You know it is one of the
first laws of nature that nothing can be
destroyed, however often its form may be
changed, and every particle of gold the
chickens pick up is recovered from the
shells of their eggs. The only trouble is
that the cook cannot use the shells of
these eggs to settle coffee, nor can they
be used for incubating purposes. The
gold permeates the shells thoroughly, and
the young chickens cannot break their
way out, so whenever we want to raise
young chickens we have to send down to
the valley, where there are no gold mines,
to procure eggs to charge our incubator."
"Was Active la Discussing 1005 Fair
His Views oh Church Matters.
Archbishop Christie returned Saturday
night from Washington, D. C., where he
attended the annual meeting of American
archbishops which was held at the Cath
olic University in the National capital.
The university Is in a flourishing condition.
said Archbishop Christie last night, and
is fulfilling the hopes of the clergy, who
were responsible for its inception.
Of 13 archbishops In the United States,
all were present but two Archbishop Fe
han, of Chicago, who was unable to be
In "Washington, and Archbishop Chapelle,
of the see of New Orleans, who is still in
Rome in conference with the pope and
other dignitaries of the church. Cardi
nal Gibbons presided, and affairs pertain
ing to the church and the university were
discussed at the sessions.
Archbishop Christie said that there was
no reliable information as to the identity
of the apostolic delegate to be appointed
by the pope to succeed Cardinal Martinelll.
He did not believe that the published
cablegram that the pope's sympathy for
Spain would have any Influence in the
appointment was to be considered seri
ously from any standpoint. The arch
bishop was reticent about discussing
church matters of the future. In speak
ing of the dissemination of information
concerning the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial In the East, Archbishop Christie
"We of Portland must begin an active
campaign to inform the people of the
East about the Exposition In 1905. I
6?oke of Je subject to several of the
tils, uuu mey jtnew noiarog Deyona tne
bare announcement that an Exposition
was being planned. We need to advertise
it thoroughly, which I have no doubt the
men back of the enterprise Intend doing,
and the sooner we begin th better will be
the results obtained."
Boole Purporting to Be far Benefit
4 of ex-Lifeaavem.
W. H. Roberts, assistant Inspector of the
United States Life-Saving Service, has
sent the following communication to The
Oregonlan, with the request that it bo
"Treasury Department, Office of the
General Superintendent of Life-Saving
Service, Washington, D. C, Nov. 18. 1901.
Assistant Inspector, 13th Life-Saving
District, Coasts of Washington and Ore
gon. Sir: A concern calling Itself the
ex-U. S. Life-Savers' National Benefit
; Association' has been Incorporated under
! the laws of Maine for the alleged purpose
of publishing and selling a history of the
United States Life-Saving Service.
"it has been learned that agents sent
lilt YlV tVllo -knf-M AV.TV lll.I. I -
' lpuon P a7ts o7eccUry"
Professing that the money oblainedfs to
, e,i , vBnA. .
"This office desires it to be understood
that neither the Life-Saving Service nor
any of its officers has anything to do with
the project or any connection whatever
with It.
"Please give this statement the widest
possible publicity by every means conveni-
j T Tr"SS It is 7ues Ttna't
I some of the newspapers In your district be
asked to publish a notice of the foregoing
as a matter of news. Respectfully,
(Signed) "S. I. KIMBALL,
"General Superintendent."
Governor Geer at Oregon City.
OREGON CITY, Dec. 15. Owing to the
presence of Governor T. T. Geer at the
Men's Club supper tomorrow evening,
where he will deliver an address, the
meeting of the Teachers' Club has been
postponed until Tuesday evening.
The American Clsar.
Good as tha name. Buy thi bet
t $w.oo $9.00
Fine wool suit Cases at
Men's t. - Qr
Book vStore
10,000 Volumes Juvenile Books on sale today.
Special 25c, 35c, 50c
Half 'Calf Library Books, publisher's price $1.75,
,our price .' 95c
Illustrated Padded' Leather Poets, publisher's
price $1.50, our price 73c
Great Sale of Black and Fancy Silks.
Holiday Sale of Umbrellas.
Sale of Sllver'plated Goods.
Souvenirs of Oregon at attractive prices
Panorama View of Portland, special Wc.
Toys, Dolls and Games at lowest prices.
nil Action and That of Crew
Leavim? Vessel to Be Investigated
Status of Salvage Claim.
The British bark Pinmore, which was
abandoned by her captain and crew north
f vG?y:S i?arbS.,?Z? nSboat ris
picked up by a Puget Sound tugboat, Is I
n,W f Tfm , Tmc All kinds
righted and will go into Ojock. All kinds f
of conjectures are flying about as to the
probable award of saw t l ?" f
rescuers. It looks as If, adjustment of the
salvage Question will be a hard nut to ,
cracK. -mere is a gcjerui uytluuu ...
the salvors will not get the large amount
of prize money they at first expected. Tne
Pinmore was not a derelict in the strict
sense of the term, for she was at anchor.
Captain Jamleson, master of the Pinmore.
went to Tacoma last weelw That the e5
sel has passed out of his control is shown
by the facts that ha was not permitted
to enter the ship's manifest at the Cus-tom-House
and that he had to get per
mission to board tht vessel. A court of
Inquiry will Investigate the action of Cap
tain Jamleson and his crew In abandoning
the Pinmore. This court will meet In this
city tomorrow at the British Consulate.
The vessel had a bedraggled appearance ;
when she arrived at Tacoma. The Ledger
of that city thus describes her arrival:
The fine, big vessel was a hard-looking
sight when she put in an appearance, es
corted by the three tugs.' She was Just
exactly In the condition in which she was
found by the Tyee, not a thing about her
having been touched. She had a terrible
list to starboard of about 45 degrees, her
starboard rail being almost awash. Her
main upper topsails hung to the yards in
ragged shreds, her fore and main lower
topsails were set and she was flying the
distress signal as well as the signal for a
r." " Vu --" ..r. xt.. v,Z n.tinnni 1
iub-iuc i6B . y "" mU "
LS ? ". ""Y.,.- irc" Tn
tu,.amClulD . ... ...w.-, ""-""
exam nation subsequently showed that
her side ports had been slacked, evidently ,
purposely. Despite the list, even her .
donkey engine was In place on the main
In the cabin bread and butter and cof
fee were on the table, while a sack of
provisions was lying where it had been j
left when the vessel was abandoned. The
chronometers were gone, but the barome- i
ters were in place and most of her stores !
were aboard. Her two forward lifeboats
were in place. Other than her torn sails,
the vessel appears to have sustained no
damage. All that has to be done to her is
to right her ballast. This will be quite
a tedious Job, but when it is- done tne
ship will be as right as a new fiddle. I
The Tyee came across to Tacoma as
soon as the ship had been made fast,
and, after receiving the congratulations of
A few years ago, it was quite a general oplncra that game- of all kinds had been about exterminated in Oregon. The
protection afforded the deer by the enforcement of the game law has already caused a very perceptible increase in the
number of der, and in acme sections they are about as plentiful as ever. Four youne men residing in the eastern part of
Multnomah County Ed Llttlepage, Al Cleveland, Ford Metzger and Dave Manary went out in the mountains a day or two
before the close of the shooting season, and in one day killed three flne deer and one bear, which may be considered a good
day's sport.
i.M . ...
shipping men. Captain Bollong climbed
back aboard and headed for Port Hadlock,
from whence the Tyee is to tow the Ta-coma-bullt
3team schooner South Bay to
San Francisco with her cargo of lumber.
The Tyee had anything but a pleasant ex
perience in rescuing the Pinmore. and that
she was brought to port In safety is due
to the skill of the Tyee'e master.
Captain Bollong stated that he first
found the abandoned ship Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock. She was 75 miles to the
southward of Cape Flattery, 11 miles to
iuo cuuiuniuu ut vuuuuii luver ana iuur i
miles off shore. A heavy sea was running,
and th Plnmor tv-.i rolling fnnrf.Tiiv n
1 that Is was Impossible for the Tyee to
approach her, and to make matters worse.
during Sunday night It came on to blow
a southwest gale, accompanied by thick
Monday 'orcnoon the Pinmore was
fQmk and
quartcrma6t chtef englnecr
Mreman and a deckhand put out In one of
. boas aQd
hoarded the vesseh The h had t
ho OMt th .p-..-.,, - lt. fh
chains and let both anchors go anfl put
a hawser aboard, after which all hands
left the Pinmore and the Tyeo started for
Puget Sound. The Pinmore was anchored
in 14 fathoms of water when found.
The Tyee got pretty well off shore, but
found the big ship hard to manage, and
ehe acted so that finally the first mate 1
and quartermaster went back aboard her
to try and steer her. The ship was listed
so that steering was Impossible, as the
rudder was useless and it was dangerous
and difficult work handling the chip. Off
the cape Wednesday afternoon Captain
Bollong sighted the tug Pioneer, and she
took a stern 1ne and e&ndeavored to steer
her. Off Point Wilson the Tacoma was
sighted, and she, too, lent a hand and
the vessel finally reached Quartermaster.
As she now lies in Quartermaster, the
Pinmore is every Inch as good as the
day she came off the ways at Port Glas
gow. She Is 310.2 feet long by 43.7 feet
beam and 24.S feet hold, a vessel of large
carrying capacity. To look at her as she
lay yesterday, listed way over on her
starboard side, it Is well nigh impossible
to imagine how the Tyee ever succeeded
In towing her those long 78 miles up the
tuu!"- ttuu Kufc "er Juaiue we sir.!
coast and got her Inside the straits. No
'landsman looking at her today would
blame captain or crew for deserting her
as she pitched and rolled in the
fc as she fc
rale with
Low en thai Declares One Colored
Mtm Is Free From Guilt. -
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 15. Alfred
E. Lowcnthal, the Jewelry salesman who
was robbed of samples valued at 510.0C0
at Portland, Or., three weeks ago, todav
Identified the 5S00 worth of Jewelry recov
ered by the Kansas City, Kas., police de
partment, a3 being a part of the stolen
property. Lowenthal asserts that W. H.
Wood, who is under arrest at Omaha
charged with complicity In the robbery,
is Innocent.
. t ... 1 ... ti
Sundays News Condensed
Entire stock
Six great values
HI Great Handkerchief bargains on
Bargains in Books and Calendars.
Entire stock of Furs at less than cost.
Stylish Long Coats and Petticoats reduced.
Entire stock of Sterling Novelties reduced.
Leather Goods, Stationery, Rugs, Brass Goods, Slippers, Perfumes,
Smoking Jackets, etc., at special prices.
Shop during the morning hours whenever possible.
"It Will Boom IiCivI and Clarlc Cen
tennial," Says He-Mcmberi Will
Get Badges, Pins, Free Tours.
Thomas E. "Wilson, secretary of the
Lewis and Clark Centennial Club. Indig
nantly denies that the club has concealed
In Its alms any "graft," and Insists that
its organization was primarily designed
to aid in the extensive advertising of the
Exposition to be held in 1905. The circular
sets forth that for 51 the name or. tne
,, . ... v. i-j v.. mmhir
M ", ,w i .Jn vTZof
' ship rolls, and that all the advantages of
the club will go with the certificate is
sued upon receipt of the money.
"The Lewis and Clark Centennial Club
hopes to be of material assistance in ad
vertising the exposition," said Mr. Wil
son last night, at his residence, at Four
teenth and Alder streets." I am not now
at liberty to state the names of those who
are associated with me in the club, but
we represent large property interests,
which we expect will largely increase in
value by reason of the immigration and
development that will follow the Expo
sition. It Is not a scheme for the purpose
of producing revenue for the projectors
of the club. It Is designed to help boom
the centennial, and we believe that the
activity and energy of 10CO persons banded
together to accomplish this purpose will
be more potential for good than the efforts
of more people, who are each working
"What will be the return to the members
for the fee of Sir Mr. Wilson was asked.
"The benefits will lie many. To each
member we send a membership card,
leather pocket cardcas. , club pin, club
stationery and a 64-page club book, con
taining over 170 illustrations. In ad
dition members will have the privileges
of the clubrooms for themselves and
friends during the Exposition. We will
send several members, to be chosen by
unbiased and Impartial Judges, for the next
four yeara to travel throughout the United
States In the interest of the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition of 1D05, and
of this club. Members will be sent to the
world's fair In St. Louis In 1003, and to
the Portland Exposition in 1005."
"What will be the club features?"
"We will have several rooms where
members and their friends can be com
fortable, and will embrace the usual feat
ures of the social clubs."
"But will the single dollar produce
enough revenue to secure all these bene
fits to the members?"
"That we do not know yet."
"How will the deficiency be made up,
If one should result?"
"I presume the members will pay an
assessment sufficient to make It up," re-
'lied Mr. Wilson.
"Then tho dollar Is but the first pay
ment; others may follow?" asked the re
porter. "As to that I cannot say now. The
club Is In Its embryonic stage yet. Our
first purpose Is to advertise the Expo
sition. As I have previously stated, my
self and associates represent property of
large value, which will be increased In
worth by the Exposition and the atten
.. a t . ej .t
of ladies' Neckwear reduced.
in boys' Clothing. (Second floor)
tion that will be attracted to this part of
the country."
"You do not propose to charge persons
$1 for the privilege of advertising the
Exposition, do you? What do they get
for the money?" the reporter queried.
"They get the club pin, cardcase, sta
tionery and club book, the advantages of
the club, and from time to time members
will be chosen to travel about the coun
try advertising the Lewis and Clark Ex
position." "Isn't the chance of being selected as
one of the fortunate ones, at the club's
expense, the Inducement that gets the
"Perhaps It is," replied Mr. Wilson.
"We Intend to-live up to our promises.
How the members who will travel will be
selected has not been determined, and
other plans have not matured."
The following is from the signed com
munication sent to The Oregonlan by Mr.
"The club has not asked, nor does it
propose to ask, aid, pecuniary or other
wise, for any other purpose than to as
sist by the strength and Influence of its
members 'the successful culmination of
the Centennial Exposition of 1905
"... The members of the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Club are citizens repre
senting extensive property Interests in
lands and mercantile and banking circles,
all united with common aim to the ful
fillment of the objects of the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Club. . . . Your state
ment that the Lewis and Clark Centennial
Club Is a 'scheme of suspicious appear
ance' is In error. The suspicion rests
solely in the minds of the suspicious."
Thomas E. Wilson, who was reading
clerk of the last session of the Legisla
ture, is secretary of the Lewis and Clark
Centennial Club. He Is a native son of
the State of Oregon, for several years
was Deputy County Clerk of Benton Coun
ty. In this state, and for six years past
has been actively engaged In tho practice
of law In Portland, four years of which
time as managing clerk for a prominent
law firm, whose name by courtesy Is with
held, and is now engaged In the practice
of law In this city.
Mr. Corbett Argues Against Change
in Xew Charter.
PORTLAND, Dec. 15. (To the Editor.)
Is there any good reason for abolishing
such commissions as have been wisely
and economically conducted? Recently
the city voted by a large majority for a
Park Commission, and before it hag
fairly entered upon its work it Is proposed
to abolish It. The Water Commission has
been in existence since the plant was ac
quired by the city from the private cor
poration. All acknowledge It has been
wisely and Judiciously conducted, greatly
to tho benefit of tihe city and its citi
zens. By their wisdom and foresight the
best system and the best water in the
United States has been secured, which, to
gether with other great attactions of cli
mate, location and the city's renown as a
beautiful resort, is bringing to us thou
sands who are seeking new homes.
The Water Commission act was so
framed as to keep it free from political
influence and Jugglery. It was believed
that business men of Integrity could be
secured to serve on this commission with
out nay or hope of reward other than the
common good that they with other fellow
citizens would enjoy. They have all acted
with conscientious fidelity to that end.
Tho Fire and Police Commissions have
been changed with the change of politics,
"sometimes to our detriment. If they could
be more permanent and Ies3 subject to
change with the change of political ad
ministrations, the same as the Water
Commission, it would, in my Judgment,
bo better for the community. They would
act then without fear or favor for or
against any one or any class, but solely
for the good of the entire community. No
10 men can afford, with or without pay,
to take upon themselves the entire du
ties of these several commissions, but let
these duties be distributed and performed
by good, reliable men on these respec
tive commissions and you will have good
results. After all Is said, it depends large
ly on the men. the personnel, of such
commissions. Where they have performed
their duties well and satisfactorily to the
public, why make a sweeping change
that is quite likely to prove less satisfac
tory than tho present system?
of Mason, Ehrman 4s. Co.'s
Store Got Too Hot.
The value of an automatic fire alarm
system was forcibly illustrated yesterday.
about noon, when an alarm of fire was
sent from Mason, Ehrman & Co.'s store,
Second and Pine streets. The firm had Its
store protected with thermostats, placed
15 feet apart over the ceilings, and when
these registers indicate 160 degrees of heat
they expand and an alarm of fire is sent
to fire headquarters. Another alarm is
registered along the wires to every fire
station-house In the city.
Yesterday it became necessary to heat
the store for the resumption of business
today, and during the absence of the
watchmen from that particular part of
the building the stove sent out such a
volume of heat, that, bangl went out a
warning note of alarm frcm the automatic
fire-box. Engines and trucks tore to the
scene to take care of the fire, but there
was none there. The celling was very hot,
however, and the firemen said that if the
heat had been allowed to Increase without
warning eent out from the automatic box,
a lively blaze would have been there to
welcome them when they arrived.
After many years' consideration the British
and Foreign Bible Society has decided to alter
its laws so as to enable It to circulate the
revised version of the Bible, as well as the
authorized version of 1011.
the Second floor
Inatrnction Begins Today, as Re
salt of Judge George's Decision
Delay In East Side Schools.
Three out of the six free kindergartens
will open their doors to the children ot
Portland this morning, as a result of the
decision rendered by Judge George Fri
day. There will be some happy faces at
the schoolrooms, for teachers, children
and mothers will welcome the news with
glad hearts. The three schools that are
ready to begin work at such short no
tice are the Third-Street Mission; the
one at 391 Eighteenth street, North Port
land, and that at 404 Third street, South
Portland. Miss Daisy Gaylord's school at
Seventeenth and Market will open on
Wednesday morning. The other tw o, at !3
Russell street, Alblna, and at 63S East
Alder street, will not open for the pres
entat least not until after Christmas.
It Is Miss Prlchard's idea to have these
schools that are ready to begin work
promptly give the children one week's
study before the holidays, so that they
may have an opportunity to learn the
Christmas songs and games, and in this
way become imbued with the Christmas
spirit. After Christmas it is expected that
the work of the schools will go on reg
ularly and without interruption.
During the long interval for rest for
to the Summer vacation has now been
added nearly three more months eome of
the teachers have been compelled to make
other plans apart from kindergarten
work, and for this reason, and because
there Is difficulty in re-renting the school
rooms that were formerly used on the
East Side of the river, there will be some
little delay In reopening these two
Two new principals and four assistants
are needed for the work. The public will
be particularly sorry to learn that Miss
Mallie Efilngor, whose sacrificing and very
capable work at 391 North Elghteentn
street, haj attracted so much attention
and pleasant comment, will no longer be
at her post. She will be greatly missed,
as she was peculiarly fitted for the work,
having a rare Insight into the needs of
child life. The other vacant principalshlp
will be at Alblna, where Mrs. C. T. Tinker
was formerly In charge. The selection of
new teachers and a thousand other mat
ters relating to the reopening of the
kindergartens will keep Miss Prichard
very busy for the next few weeks.
Tlllnmook Social Club.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Dec. 14. The Tilla
mook Social Club was organized last night
with a membership of .60, and will meet
weekly for literary and social amusement.
It Includes most of the young people and
several married couples. The officers are:
President. C. Ben Riesland; vice-president,
Henry Creuahaw; secretary. Miss Selma
Allen; treasurer, Charles Franklin; mar
shal, Mr. Zimmerman.
Poultry & Supply Co.'s
MAIN 91tt
Near Washington,
The nearest market to Washington
street "down town," where all kinds
of (fresh every day) Fancy Dressed
Poultry, "dry-picked," and drawn
to order.
Fancy Cheese of all kinds,
Fancy Creamery Butter,
Fancy Ranch Eggs,
Foreign and Domestic
Fruits and Berries,
Fancy Apples, Oranges
and Bananas.
Armour's Fancy Hams
and Bacon.
Be sure to order your Chris'tmas
Turkeys early. All orders delivered
Ze&epr&ss Hftfs
fr&ffon rri
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consistent urtln
Good Work
Engraving Department
OregonJan Pu1j.Co.