Jftomiittr JUt rfpttmti.':' S ff 8PSjg,j3SrJs VOL. XLL 2ST0. 12,796. PORTLAND, "OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER" 16, 1901. PRICE FIYE CENTS. Bar FixtuFes,Billiard Supplies We have everything in both of these lines. Secure our figures. BAD TRAIN WRECKS PUGET SOUND TRADE "When Will Those Fellows Start Me to Work?" Three Disasters in a Day's History of Railroading. Tacoma and Seattle Ship Large Quantities of Wheat. ROTHCHILD BROS. 20-26 North First Street Portland, Oregon LIVES WERE LOST IN EACH. CHEAP LABOR QUITE A FACTOR SSSK4r&MsV il I THIS IS Robertine Weather A X "STRONGEST IN Assets $304,598,063.49 Surplus $66,137,170,01 L. Samuel. Manager, SOS Oregonlan Build Ins. Portland. Or. PHIL METSCHAX, Pres. SEVENTH MD WASBlNGTei STREETS, WRTLWD, 05EG01 CHANGE OP MANAGEMENT. European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day Adamant.... Is applied to over ane million buildings throughout the United States. Made in forty different factories, it Is no experiment Investigate. For information ddrc THE - )Phfl jor tft -aoftl, THE PORTLAND PORTLHHD, W AKERICAN PLAN ft$ aL'Mll a is VH3EEH o fl B F& - COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AKD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families ami sialic gentlemen. The manage ment Trill be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish bnth establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. Holiday Goods Our stock includes a choice assortment of useful and appropriate CHRISTMAS GIFTS, such as MANICURE SETS. EMBROIDERY SETS. SHAVING SETS. FANCY NICKEL BATHROOM SETS. NUT PICKS AND CRACKS In SETS, BACHELORS' COMPANIONS; 0J'D, POCKET-KNIVES, SCROLL SAWS CARVERS, WOOD CARVING SETS. SCISaORS. TOOL BOXES. RAZORS. SLEDS, EXPRESS WAGONS, AIR GUNS, ROLLER AND ICE SKATES, BOXING GLOVES, STRIKING BAGS, FOOTBALL, BASEBALL, GOLF. TENNIS, POLO, BASKET-BALL, IN DOOR BASEBALL AND CROQUET OUTFITS COMPLETE. As the above articles are not side lines with us, you may feel assured that in purchasing our goods, you are getting the best the world's manufacturera can produce. y STORE OPEN EVENINGS Honeyman Hardware Co. Fourth and Alder Streets Library Association of Portland &?)tstrmw Meur from 9 A. M. to 9 P. N., except Sundayi nd ttolidayv. 2S.OOO 3TOLUWES 250 IEF2IDIG7TL. $S.OO 7C YBKR SPECIAL KATES TO STUDENTS. Return of Chapelle. NEW YORK, Dec 15.-Archbishop Cha pelle, of New Orleans, lately papal dele gate to the Philippines, returned from Eu rope today on the La Bretagne. Monslg nore Chapelle was sent to Manila bj' the pope in 1899, at the suggestion of Presi dent McKlnley, to settle the friar ues tlon. On the way home from this mission he stopped at Rome, and tomorrow he will make his report to President Roose velt The archbishop declined to discuss his mission abroad before making his re port to the Washington authorities. "Warater la Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dec 15. From 16 degrees below zero in this city at an early nour tnis morning, the weather has grad ually moderated until, at 10 o'clock to- ' night, thermometers register 5 degrees above zero. It is getting warmer through- j eut the state. j ROBERTIXE Is a positive proof against irritated skin and chapped face. It is the oalr thing for those who desire a clear complexioa to Bse this cold weather. It Is soothing, healing, and a necessary adjnact to every lady's toilet. Yoar frlCHds all ase it. Yoar Draggist sells it. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG COMPANY "Wholesale and Importing Druggists. n T1T1 m Mill THE WORLD" C. TV. KXOWLES, Mgr. The Perfection of Wail Plaster ADAMANT CO. jFntr.J.Uii,2tret, PORTLAND, OR,- OREGON V $3.00 PER DAT and upward. CHAFING DISHES. FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS. Sl.SO 7x. QVFCRTQF2 si.oe A TEAR Chile's Proposal. LONDON, Dec 16. A dispatch to the Times from Valparaiso says that Chile has proposed to the Argentine Republic as a basis for the settlement of the diffi culties between the two countries that Chile shall disavow all Intention of treat ing the roads in the disputed territory as evidence of previous rights of possession, that Argentine officials shall withdraw from doubtful territory, and that paths to facilitate the work of the British Com mission shall be constructed at the Joint expense of both countries. Golnchorrskl May Resign. VIENNA. Dec 16. A rumor is current here that Count Goluchowski, the Austro "Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs. is about to resign, owing to the refusal of Emperor Francis Joseph to sanction his arbltrary.proposal to satisfy German com plaints arising from the anti-German dem onstratlbns in Gallcla, One Mas "Was Killed and Elevea Per ons "Were Hart la a Smash-Up oa the Great Northern. HELENA, Mont., Dec 15. A special to the Independent from Kallspell nays a wreck occurred on the Great Northern Railroad near Essex, In the Rocky Moun tains, at 2 o'clock this morning. The en gine, mall car and smoker remained on the track, but all the others wore derailed. Some cars were overturned and all were more or less wrecked. The accident was due to rails spreading:. One man was killed. Otto Erickson, en route from Sweden to California. Ke was probably smothered to death. Among the Injured are: JOSEPH B3PP, of Blackfoot, badly bruised about the head and body. JACK MILLER, of Blackfoot, bruised, not severely. YALE GLEASON, a San Francisco traveling- man, braised, not seriously. MR. TYOLE, advance agent of the Mc Phee company, badly out and bruised. Others injured are three old ladies, ono young girl and three men, whose names ca-anot be learned. One woman had her collar-bone broken, and was injured in ternally; the other two suffered broken ribs, and were Injured internally. The young lady Is said to be seriously hurt. She was pinned under the wreckage, and had to be chopped out. In all Id passen gers are reported injured. The cause of the wreck is believed to have been the parting of the rails. The debris caught fire, but the flames were put out by the uninjured passengers. There Is said to have been much looting during the excitement. The train was going at a rate of 25 miles an hour when it broke In two. The air brakeswere set imme diately, preventing a more serious acci dent. The largest number of injured wore In the- day coach. All were asleep et the time of the accident. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL -WRECK. Dae to a Conductor's Failure to Obey Orders. ROCKFORD, 111., Dec 15. Failure on the part of a conductor to obey orders is supposed to have been the cause of a head-end collision on the Illinois Central Railroad, between Irene and Perryville, early today. The two trains "rtreVe the -TOSt-bgadyB BB mmaA3ttlnNO. 4 .tKlB ireignt train irom umcago going west. As a result eight people are dead or mis sing, and 11 injured. The known dead are: " RICHARD ORMBBT, Chicago, engineer of passenger train. JAMES REARDON, Freeport, fireman of the passenger train. ROBERT THOMPSON, Dubuque, Amer ican Express messenger. J. W. FUNK, Chicago, brakeman of passenger train. DAVID BEEHAN, Freeport, engineer of freight. EDWARD CAREY, Freeport, freight fireman. Missing and supposed to be dead: Newsboy on passenger train, name un known. Section foreman from Irene, name un known. The seriously Injured, so far as the names could be ascertained, are: H. C. Wellman, Chicago, right arm crushed at elbow, taken to Rockford City Hospital, condition critical; D. Abrendent, Chicago, cut and bruised; J. H. Qulnlan, passen ger conductor, cut and bruised, crushed about the chest, taken to Rockford City Hospital, condition critical; W. B. Keefe, Sioux City, la., head cut severely; Frank Stanlcman, New Athens, 111., cut about head and arms; Thomas Tendricks, New Athens, cut and bruised and hair scorched off. The trains met In a slight bend In the track, both running at full speed. The smoker, express and baggage cars were piled on the locomotives, penning In the occupants of the smoker. Only three of the half dozen persons in that car escaped. The others were penned in and if not Instantly killed, were roasted to death and their bodies, along with those of the engine crews, were enUrely con sumed. All efforts of the survivors to reach the victims were unavailing. The flames drove them back from every point. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero and an Icy wind was blowing across the prairie, the point where tho wreck occurred being a shallow cut, affording no protecUon. The Injured were without hats and wraps and suffered terribly. By the united efforts of the survivors, the way-car was pushed hack from the wreckage to escape the flames and the wounded were placed on the bunks in side. Two hours elapsed before any relief was at hand. Then an engine arrived from the East and pulled the way-car to Irene, three miles distant. A relief train from Rockford arrived at the scene of the wreck at 1:50 A. M. In the meantime, the injured had been brought back from Irene In the way-car and were trans ferred to the relief train and brought to Rockford. All tho Injured are doing well except H. G. Wellman. who is In a criti cal condition. Wrecking tralnB have been at work today and will have the tracks clear tonight. Six bodies were recovered from the debris, but were charred beyond recognition. Conductor Qulnland, of the passenger train, was able tonight to talk of the wreck. He said: "We were trying to make up lost time, when suddenly there was a crash, throw ing us all to the front of the car, I man aged to clear myself from under the seat, where I was thrown, and, finding two men close by, tried to release them. This I was unable to do, and as they did not respond to my calls I escaped through a window, being scorched by the fire as I crawled out. so Quickly did the flames spread. As I remember, there were eight men in the car, and I find that only two of them got out. The rest wero doubtless burned in the wreck." In their stories of the disaster, all of those who escaped from the wreck dwell upon the horror of tho Ore and the rapid ity with which the wreckage was eaten up by the flames. Almost lnstanUy after the first terrific crash an oil car close to the freight engine exploded, the oil add ing fuel to the names, and causing a most terrific spectacle, to the horror of which was added the groans and cries of the dying men, who were pinned down In the awful debris, and met death in the flames that quickly consumed every vestige of the ill-fated trains. Persons who were attracted to the spot by the nolsa of the s ft ' f' V - collision and the flames of the blazing cars, were unable to render the unfortu nate victims any assistance,, as the Are spread so rapidly that in less than 15 min utes the cars had been consumed. Blame for the Wreck. CHICAGO, Dec 15.-J. W. Higglns, general superintendent of transportation of the Illinois Central, places the blame' for the wreck at Perryville, HL, on the conductor and engineer of the freight train. They are said by Mr. Higglns to have disobeyed orders, which were 'to stop at Irene, several miles east of Perry ville. Mr. Higglns said of the wreck: "It was a bad wreck and a lamentable accident. It was due to the fact that the engineer and conductor of the freight train failed to obey orders. The passen ger train was delayed by the cold weath er and It was three hours and 40 minutes late when the freight train going east reached Coleman, 40 miles west of Chi cago. Coleman Is the passing point for the two trains. The conductor and en gineer of the freight train were instructed that the passenger train was late and it was their duty to sidetrack at Irene, which they neglected to do. "There was no explosion that we can get information of. Employes who were aboard the trains say that both were running at full speed and that the shock Tvas terrible. It seems there were three distinct blows due to the recoils of the cars. Two men say that they were thrown down three times in rapid suc cession. The entire passenger train and a large part of the freight train were demolished, with the two locomoUves." "WENT THROUGH A BRIDGE. Three Lives Lost in a Freight Wreck on the Pennsylvania. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., Dec 15. A freight train on the Philadelphia & Erie division of tho Pennsylvania Railroad went through the bridge spanning Lyco ming Creek, between this city and New berry, at 6 o'clock this morning. Three lives were lost. The dead are: JOHN MARTZ, engineer. FREDERICK GLASS, fireman. GEORGE HARLEY, all residents of Sunbury. The train was known as fast freight No. 83, and was running three hours late, owing to the disarrangement of the sched ule in consequence of the storm. The bridge spanning the creek was a two-span iron structure, the first span of which gave way. The engine and nine cars were engulfed in the Icy waters. The creek was greatly swollen as a result of the heavy rains, and it Is presumed the middle piece had been weakened. No ef forts could be made to reach the bodies on account of the height of tho waters. IN RAYNOR'S HANDS. Schley "Will Follow Whatever Coarse His Counsel Advises. BALTIMORE, Dec 16. Rear-Admiral Schley has notified Attorney-General Raynor that he is ready to take any ac tion with reference to his case, that Mr. Raynor may advise. Mr. Raynor ex pects to meet the Admiral in Washing ton tomorrow or Tuesday. When asked whether he favored a Congressional inves tlgaUon. Mr. Raynor said: "I doubt whether a proceeding of this sort is the proper one. It generally as sumes a political aspect. At this time I am of the opinion that matters should be prosecuted in the courts. There are plenty of ways In which this can be dono, and this week we will begin to consult and determine upon our course of ac tion." Among the telegrams Mr. Raynor has received since the publication of the find ings of the court of Inquiry was one from a gentleman In another state, who asked that his Identity be kept a secret, with an offer of $10,000 for the necessary ex penses attending a further prosecution of the case. The offer was declined. HANNA AND FORAKER CONTEST FOR CONTROL OF TUB OHIO LEGISLATURE. If No Agreement Is Reached, the Matter Will Be Fought Out la Caucus at Colambns. CINCINNATI, Dec. 15.-&Tuch Interest is taken In the expected trip of George B. Cox and other Republican leaders to Washington this week. Owing to the cont&it between the friends of Senator Foraker and SenatorHanna over the or ganization of the Legislature, there is an unusual agitation all over the state. The long-distance telephono has been In use dolly between Washington and Ohio cities, and especially with certain Republicans at Columbus and Cincinnati, and now it Is reported that there may be another at tempt at compromise by a conference In Washington beforo the Republican caur cusses ore held at Columbus two weeks from next Saturday. If no compromise Is made, it is reported that both Senators Foraker and-Hanna may come to Colum bus after Congress adjourns for the holi days, to marshal their respective forces for the caucus contest. During the campaign ofthe past Sum mer it is reported- the Ohio Senators co operated In the Interests of the Republi can ' candidates, for the Legislature, as Senator Foraker's successor Is to be elect ed now (January 14), and Senator Hanna's successor- two "years hence. The Junior Ohio Senator was interested as well as the senior ''Ohio Senator, because It so happened that about 8 per cent of the members-elect are on their flrst terms and are expected to be serving their second terms when the election of Senator Han na's 'successor takes place In the next Legislature. The Hanna men assert that, the Foraker men proceeded after the -election to form slates tor the organization of both branches of the Legislature, with ulterior views, notably that of the retirement of Hanna two years hence. The contest about two weeks ago broke out into open conflict, and now there are opposing tick ets, composed of Foraker and Hanna men respectively, for the caucuses of both the Republican Stato Senators and tho Repub lican Representatives. The opposing can didates aro not limited to the presiding officers, but the factional lines are carried on down the list to clerks, sergeants-at-arms and everything. Many leading Republicans from Ohio have visited Washington the past week, and none reports any prospect of peace or compromise, so the indications are that the contest will continue for almost three weeks longer. CAPTURE OF RIO HACHA. Colombian Liberals and Veaezaelans Take the Tovrn. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, Dee. IE. The Venezuelan General Vlncente Sanchez, who is now here on his way from Maracalbo to Caracas, reports that 1000 Colombian Liberals, distantly support ed by 4O00 Venezuelan troops, captured the Colombian seaport town of Rio Hacna (on the northwest coast of the Guljlra Peninsula), December 10, after Generals Clodomlro Castillo and Clrio Pupo both Venezuelans, had defeated 2000 Co lombian Conservative troops near Trelnta. (Trelnta is about SO miles southwest of Rio Hacna in Colombian territory.) General Rafael Urlbe-Urlbe Is directing 'thsl campaign from Maracalbo, where he has obtained lukewarm Venezuelan sup port. Upon learning of the Liberal vlr tory at Rio Hacha. General Uribe-Urlbo immediately proceeded south to the Prov ince of Tacbira, The Colombian Conserv atives made an attempt to Intercept hlnr, but were foiled by means of a decoy arm ored train. Uribe-Urlbe's forces are now moving along the Venezuelan-Colomblpr frontier. Their objective Is said to be Bucaramanga, in Colombia, which It has been reported has been "ost to the Colom bian Government. The Liberals are also said to have taken possession of the cap ital of the Colombian district of Tollma. Venezuela has renewed her war meas ures since the rejection of Chile's offer of mediation. Her present position is wakened by grave army frauds, implicat ing the eldest brother of President Castro. The followers of Castro's brother are dwindling away. The Venezuelan General Davila has also been charged with whole sale thefts of cattle on the Guljlra Penin sula. Davila Imprisoned the Mayor oi Slnamalca, In Guljlra, and caused the ar rest of the chief of staft of General Vln cente Sanchez. He has been replaced In Guljlra by General Ollvarez. The charges against him are brought by President Fer rer, of the State of Zulla. Ferrer has re signed h!s position In disgust. Davila has been formally accused of murder. It Is 3ald he Is to be made military command ant of Caracas. Maracalbo Is restless and a popular uprising Is apprehended. Relations Not Broken Off. BERLIN, Dec. 15. The report that dip lomatic relations between Germany and Venezuela have been broken off is semi officially denied. Suicide of a Victoria Contractor. VICTORIA, B. C. Dec 15.-1. W. Fleming, a local contractor, was found dead this morning, hanging from a tree In Beacon Hill Park. He was reported min ing by his wife last night, and as his stoneyard Is on the harbor front. It was feared he had fallen Into the water and been drowned. No reason has been as cribed for the suicide. SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS. Philippines. General Bell adopts a concentration policy In Batangas Province. Page 2. General Torres submits to the American author ities. Pag 2. . An insurgent Major and 42 men were captured by Lieutenant Henaev?. Page 2. Foreign. Maxconl will Improve his wireless telegraph apparatu. Page 2. The Argentine Government is studjln? Chile's reply. Pace 2. Botha was wounded In a recent engagement. Pare 2. Domestic. One man was killed and 11 persona were hurt in a wreck on the Great Northern. Page 1. Conductor'e failure to obey orders caused the Illinois Central wreck. Page 1. The Hanna-ForaKr agitation is growing In Ohio. Page 1. Eastern and Central Pennsylvania were visited, by destructive nooda. Page 2. The backbone of the cold wae Is broken. Tage 2. Tho Hauso will take up the matter cf war tax reduction after the holidays. Page C. Pacific Coast. Chehalla County may lose its delinquent taxes. Page 6. An O. K. &. N. yardman was run over at The Dalles. Page 6. Hold-ups are again frequent at Salem. Page C. Portland and Vicinity. Arthur Venvllle. naval hero, killed in Philip pines, was given military burial. Pago 10. Mrs. Henry Ingram sustains probably fatal in juries In runaway accident. Page 5. Portland kindergartens will open today. Page 10. Ictectlve Joseph F. Rellly's clever work In solving mystery of Dalles train wreck. Page 9. Captain of bark Pinmore will face board of Inquiry Tuesday. Page 10. Mount Tabor citizens elated over extension of free mall delivery. Page 8. Thomas E. Wilson explains Lewis and Clark Centennial Club schema, Pago 10. "Dock Grnlnhnndlcrs Paid SO to 25 Cents ner Hour The Primrose and Xeliton Cases Other Marine News. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 15. So many un usual and unexpected factors have arisen in the wheat exporting business this sea son that It is more difficult than ever be fore to make an accurate forecast of the amount of wheat that will be handled by the three ports from which the entire crop of Oregon. Washington and Idaho will be shipped. Tacoma and Beattle have already broken all previous records, and Portland has done the same. Just at present the exports of the two Puget Sound ports are but a small percentage less than the shipments from Portland. The difference In Portland's favor at the turn of the year will be so small that Puget Sound papers are already becom ing unduly excited over It and are mak ing more extravagant claims than are warranted by the facts in the case. In an estimate printed In The Oregonlan early in September it vas shown that Puget Sound, through a record-breaking yield and much new acreage in territory which Portland could not reach would handle over 47 per cent of the crop of the three states. This estimate was based on an unhampered movement of the crop through the channels in which It would ordinarily flow. Unfortunately for Port land, a number of factors have arisen which have diverted much wheat and flour to Tacoma and Seattle. Lack of tonnage for handling the offerings of flour for the Orient early liw the season divert ed several thousand tons to Puget Sound ports. Later came the strike mutterings along the Portland water front, and ex porter's quietly ordered a number of ves sels to Tacoma and Seattle which had been chartered to load at Portland, and incidentally ordered the wheat over the Cascade Mountains. Then came the weather embargo, which held back a large fleet of ships from the Columbia River, without keeping a corresponding number out of Puget Sound. To offset these three very prominent factors which had such a bad effect on Portland's ship ping business, the only disadvantage suf fered by Puget Sound ports was a car shortage early in the season. Even thla did not cut down the exports to any ap preciable extent, for the ships were held on demurrage until the wheat was .brought . in., ?" . - ,- - Tacotwa- 'AVhcot Bnsiness. Tacoma has -made some great strides in the wheat business, and the new docks from which this business is handled are equal In every way to any in Portland. For -quick dispatch, however, Portland will always lead the Sound ports, as the rise and fall of the tides through the day disarranges chutes, staging, etc., sufficiently to cause some loss of time that Is never experienced at Portland. The stevedoring charges are 24 cents per ton higher here for that rea son. This extra charge for stevedores as a tax on the business- Is nullified how ever by the lower scale of wages paid the dock wheat handlers. The maximum rate paid wheat handlers on the docks In Tacoma Is 25 cents per hour, and on. ono of the docks where the work Is stead ier than on the others but 22 cents Is paid. These wages appear to be suffi ciently attractive to draw big crowds of men down to the docks every morn las', artd yesterday more were turned away than could be put to work. The claim Is made for the Portland dock wheat handlers that the Portland dockmen aro better at their business than those who are working on Puget Sound. This roay be true In some cases to a certain ex tent, but the figures certainly show a percentage In favor of the Sound. A dock crew of 12 men with a foreman and In spector In one day last week put 700 tons of wheat on board a ship at Tacoma at a cost of less than 3-i cents per ton. This cost Included the foreman's wages at per day and the inspector at $3 per day. This same firm of exporters on whose dock this showing wa3 made are operating at Portland with men at 35 cents per hour, and while tnclr figures are not obtainable, the fact that they are J credited with ordering more ships here than any other firm would Indicate that the results are less satisfactory than at Tacoma. There Is a very large floating popula tion here from which dock crews could be recruited, but the greater part of the men employed are permanent residents of the city, and some of them are in quite com fortable circumstances. As a class they line up quite favorably with Portland men. While 22T cents Is the lowest price paid on the Tacoma docks, some of the grain docks at Seattle are paying as low as 20 cents. The work at Seattle, how ever, Is not nearly as steady as that at Tacoma, and. accordingly, warehousemen are unable to secure as good a class of laborers, the Tacoma men probably prov ing cheaper at 234 and 25 cents than the Seattle men at 20 cents. All of the wheat Is loaded here with electric conveyors similar to those manufactured from Cap tain J. A Brown's patent. The stevedor ing work on the ships Is all done by Mc Cabo & Hamilton, the senior member of the firm being an old Portland stevedore, whose name Is still used at Portland, al though he Is no longer connected with the firm of Brown & McCabe. While most of the ships make use of the bottomless harbor of Tacoma as a dump ing ground for ballast, some of them are brought alongside the docks and the ballast used for filling in, the hills which rise up from the water front having con tributed about all that can be spared for that purpose. The lumber vessels, hav ing no dumping ground -at the mills, con tinue to use the bay for disposing of their ballast. 3Iany Portlandera Here. With one or two exceptions the grain business Is handled by Portland men, or men who made their start in that busi ness in Portland. Alexander Bailie, for many years In charge of Balfour, Guth rie's business In Portland, is at the head of the firm in this city. The Puget Sound Warehouse Company, which has devel oped so rapidly In the past year that it can give the Pacific Coast Elevator Com pany a close race for supremacy In that line for first place, is managed by E. P. Noonan. formerly In charge of the West ern Warehouse Company's system at Portland. KIs chief clerk Is Mr. C. Reamer, an old Pacific Coast Elevator man. The Northwest Warehouse Com pany 3 busincw here is handled by Al fred Sutton, formerly manager at Port land for Eppinger & Co. The Puget Sound Flouring Mill Company, which is Concluded on Sixth Page.) H