fV rfpttm VOL. XLI XO. 12,785 PORTLAND, OPT"" X. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MWCm . ..... . . . iiT;.&NL Sim j wrtmw; jbk w AXY SIZE ALL STYLES M-ij j J JllMjEpCliWt RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GOODYEKH RUBBER COWPKNY R. H. PEASE. President. Nos. 73 and 75 First Street. J. A. SHEPARD. Secretary. F. M. SHEPARD. JR., Treasurer. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Nothing is more acceptable than a box of BEAU BRUMMELLS America's best five cent cigar. They are packed either 12 or 25 to the box, for the holiday trade only. Distributers: aw's America's ORIGINAL Malt WHISKY Without a Rival Today BllfmaUer & H0Ch, I08 and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributors for Oregon wawS as?-A "Perfect" Furnace wherewith to keep warm and a With which to roast- your Thanksgiving turkey, then. Indeed, "you have much to be thanwf ul for." If jou have not these two sources of comfort, you can get them from w. g. Mcpherson, Heating and rcntllatlng; Engineer. HOTEL PERKIINS Hfth and Washinston Streets .... PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN First-Class Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel. 3. P. DAVIES. Tres. St. Charles Hotel -1 -4,. ' CO. fTXCORPOIlATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OR2GON. American and European Plan. aflBr HmStSttSKfK WHFf &r W tel JV-h 2jt& PPAFI HFfiFI F ttl IMPORTERS CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS. CUTLERy. FUIEO rirLL, IILULLL (X tU. WARE. RICH CUr GLASS AM FINE CHINA. 100-106 FIFTH STREET, corner Mark. FALL and WINTER BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR STORMY WEATHER. STATION WAGONS ' ROCKAWAYS BROUGHAMS LANDAUS A FULL LINE OF DOCTORS BUGGIES. CARRIAGES WAGONS. HARNESS ROBES. WHIPS ces(tititttiai9tc(99teciio9tai NLOAMNG AT LESS THA.V THE THE FARNSWORTH-HERALD TAILORING CO. SMS WASKIXGTOX STREET. IT WAS BEFORE THEY USED TO SAY NEVER The Value of Your Piano Is determined by your ability to play. If you cannot play, your piano Is worth nothing. Perhaps when you got It you had a vague Idea that you or some member of your family would learn to play, and that you would then be real glad that you had bought it. If you are not as glad as you expected to be, Investigate the Pi anola, and you will soon be convinced that there Is a way to get even. Free public recital every Wednesday evening. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY M. B. "WELLS, Sole Northwest Agent, Aeolian Hall, 353-S55 Wahlacta St. AXY QUANTITY I'ORTLAXD. OREGON". mauer-Frank Drug Co. Wholesale and Imporllno Druggists. Pure Mai John Van Range 47 FIRST, PORTLAND, OR. Rooms Single. . . . . . Rcoms Double Rooms Femlly .... ... 76c to fl.SO per day $1.00 to KLOO per day $1.50 to $3.00 per day C. T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treu. American Plan European Plan 1.23. t.N. S1.75 SOs. 75c. $1.00 CHAFING DISHES Our Stock Is now Complete. Twenty Styles. Nickel Plated with Wrought Iron or Nickel P;atea Stands. Also a complete line of FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS. Mail Order receive prompt and careful attention. CARRIAGES STUDEBAKER, 320-338 EAST MORRISON ST. UNCLAIMED TAILOR-MADE SUITS ...AND overcoats:. COST OF MAKIXG. THE DAY OF "WOMAN'S WORK IS DONE." GONCRESS AT WORK Opening of the 57th Session With Large Attendance. HENDERSON AGAIN SPEAKER Senate Adjourned at 2 o'clock an a Mark of Respect to the Late Sen ator Kylc-HonKc Adopted Old Rnles. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The opening of the first session of the 57th Congress at noon today drew to the Capitol a. great throng of spectators, eager to witness the scenes -of animation which mark the annual reassembling of the National law makers. Although the actual work of the two houses was not to begin until 12 o'clock, the historic old structure, now refurnished from end to end until it shone with marble, gilt and rich decorations, was astir long before that hour. It was an ideal day to bring out the public, sunny and warm, with just enough breeze from the south to lazily stir the flags over the Capitol, some of which were raised for the first time since the adjournment of Congress nine months ago. There were no entrance restrictions and the crowds flowed uninterruptedly Into" the building. Many ladles were in the throng. Including the wives and families Of Senators and memhsrs. ns wpll n5 mnnv of the feminine representatives of the Cabinet, diplomatic and executive circles. Senators and members began arriving ear ly in the day, and there was the usual handshaking among old friends and in formal talk of the work ahead. The veteran Senator from Iowa, Mr. Allison, was one of the first to reach the Senate wing, and resume his work as chairman of the committee on appropri ations. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, the Demo cratic 'floor leader in the Senate, was an other early arrival, and had a cjrele of his Democratic colleagues In the cloak room discussing the session's programme. Speaker Henderson did not reach the House wing until shortly before the ses sion opened, and remained In the private room of the Speaker conferring with mem bers during the formalities preceding hia re-election as Speaker. IX THE SEXATE. Floral Offering; Fairly Filled Every Desk and Aisle. WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. A profusion of floral offerings quite unusual in quantity, variety and beauty today transformed the Senate chamber Into a veritable flower show. Almost every member of the body was the. recipient of one or mpre of theso evidences of the regard of his friends, and the atmosphere of the chamber was heavy with the odor of rare plants and blossoms. The display of chrysanthemums was no tably beautiful, many of the specimens being of the Choicest varieties. Since the adjournment of the Senate last Spring the chamber has been redecorated and recarpeted. The principal features of Its beauty and Individuality have been retained, but they have been added to by the artistic decorations. A bright green carpet with old gold figures has taken the pluce of the old gold carpet, and the desks and furnishings of the chamber have been notably Improved. An hour before-noon, both the public and private galleries were thronged with spectators, every available inch of standing-room being occupied. Senators, for the most part, assembled slowly. Mr. Kcan, of New Jersey, was the first Sen ator to appear In the chamber. He was closely followed by Mr. Tillman, of South Carolina, and Mr. Hoar, of Massachu setts, who soon after took his seat and burled himself in a newspaper. The ven erable Senator Vest, of Missouri, was In his seat 20 minutes before the body was called to order. He was accorded a most cordial reception by his colleagues. By noon, nracticallv evrv Sonntnr in , city had arrived in the chamber. Many of them made no attempt to reach their seats on account of tho wealth of floral offerings which fairly filled the desks and aisles. Frye Raps for Order. Precisely at 12 o'clock, Mr. Frye, of Maine. President pro tem. of the Senate, rapped for order. The blind chaplain of the Senate, the Rev. Mr. Milburn, then delivered the following invocation: God or our fathers, thy sen-ants of this chamber are come together for the opening of the Fifty-sevcnUi Congress with kindly feeling each for the other, and Impressed with ths sense of duty as their tasks are opening b foro them. And yet there comes to us the oppressive sense of n imirM.k.ki. -- ... Vdeparture of our friend and brother, our father anu me cneer or the Nation, by the hand of tho assassin. Oh. Lord God. let thy pity and grace come to all the people of this land by reason of this unspeakable calamity. And as thy servant, the widow, sits alone and bereft, may thy comfort and consolation come to her. And grant, oh. Lord, that we may duly feel tho loss and sorrow attendant upon the de parture from earth of a member of this body, a Senator from South Dakota. Hear our de vout prayers In behalf of thy sen-ant. the senior Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Sewell). and grant that the means that are used for his recovery to health may be blest by thpe. and may he come to his place upon this Door again crowned with thy loving kindness. Grant thy grace to every member of this body, and to all who are dear to them, and so may the light and favor of God our Father be with us all now and evermore. Amen. New Senator Sworn In. -Credentials were presented of Charles H. Deltrlch and Joseph Millard, of Ne braska; Alfred B. Kittredge. of South Da kota, and Paris Gibson, of Montana. Mr Frye then administered to them the oath of office. Formal resolutions were therf offered by Mr. CuIIom. of Illinois, that the House be notified that the Senate is ready to proceed to business; by Mr. Allison that the meeting time of the Senate be 12 o'clock noon, and by Mr. Hale, of Maine that a committer of two Senators be named to Join a similar committee of the House to inform the President that Con gress Is In session, and prepared to re ceive any message that he might desire to submit. Mr. Hale and Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, were named as the committee. Mr. McLaurin, of South Calorlna, of fered a Joint resolution authorizing the admission free of duty of Imports of ar ticles Intended to be exhibited at tho Charleston Exposition, and the transfer of the Government exhibits at the Buffa lo Exposition to the Charleston Exposi tion. Mr. Hoar objected to Immediate consideration, saying it was the universal practice of the Senate to transact no business until the President has been in formed that Congress was prepared to do business. The resolution was with drawn temporarily. Recess was taken until 2 o'clock, but, no report of the organization of the House being received at that time, Mr. Gamble. J of South Dakota, formally announced the death of Senator Kyle, of that state, on the first of last July. He offered the usual resolution expressive of the sorrow of the Senate, and after its adoption, the Senate, as an additional mark of respect, adjourned until tomorrow. IX THE HOUSE. Organization Was According: to Time-Honored Precedents. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The opening day of the first session of the Fifty-seventh Congress In the House of Represen tatives furnished a spectacle that de lighted the crowded galleries. The or ganization of the House was accomplished according to time-honored precedents. Speaker Henderson was sworn In by Gen eral Bingham, and, after delivering a very graceful speech in recognition of the honor bestowed upon him. ho. In turn, adminis tered the oath to the members-elect. The usual committees were appointed to in form the President and the Senate that the House was organized and ready to do business: a committee of three, con sisting of Messrs. Payne, Bingham and Richardson, was appointed to Join a sim ilar committee of tho Senate and wait upon the President and Inform him that Congress was ready to receive any com munication he might have to make; the rules of the last House were adopted after a slight Jar, and then the biennial scat drawing occurred. This latter ceremony was robbed of much of Its lntereest today by the fact that under the new arrange ment of seats there arc more than enough to go round, and those whose names are drawn last do not suffer as they did on former occasion. The flower show, which Is the great fea ture of the opening day. was not as im posing as usual. More flowers than ever before were sent to members, but after the seat-drawing the House adjourned be fore a third of them were brought Into the hall. At 10 o'clock the doors to the gallery were thrown ODen, and before 11 o'clock but few vacant chairs remained. Hand some toilettes and bright colors were there In profusion. On the floor members were arrhing every minute. The lobby in the rear of the hall was filled with floral em blems sent to popular members by admir ing constituents. There were tons of flowers, and a glance through the lobby was like a visit through a conservatory Prominent Member Arrive. As a rule, the leaders on both sides were slow in making their appearance. Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee, took his old p'oce, about .the center of the minority side, shortly after 11 o'clock. He was immediately surrounded by his Demo cratic colleagues. General Grosvenor, of Ohio, was recognized Instantly when he appeared with the never-falling carnation In his buttonhole. Mr. Dalzell, of Penn sylvania; Mr. Llttlefleld, the hard-hitter, from Maine, who leaped Into prominence In the last Congress; Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, another wielder of the sledge ham mer, and other prominent members began arriving soon after. A number of Sena tors, including Senator Spooner, of Wis consin, drifted in from the Senate side to confer with their colleagues of the House. The unwonted spectacle of a member of the Supreme Court in the hall was also witnessed in the person of. Jus tice McKenna, himself an old member Of the house. At 11:30 o'clock one of the assistant doorkeepers, standing at tho clerk's desk, warned those on the floor that those not entitled to be there must retire. Mr. Wil cox, the swarthy delegate from Hawaii, and Mr. Degetau. the delegate from Porto Rico, attracted attention as they moved through the throng on the floor. Every chair, except those In the diplomatic and the executive galleries, was occupied when at 12 o'clock Mr. McDowell, clerk of the House, brought his gavel down, the buzz of conversation ceased, and the clerk an nounced that prayer would be offered. The members and many of the spectators arose and stood with bowed heads as the Rev. Mr. Couden, the blind chaplain, In voked the divine blessing. He referred feelingly to the death of President Mc Kinley. Election of a Speaker. The roll of members- elect was then called by states, and when the clerk an nounced that 31S members a quorum had answered to their names, Mr. Lacey, of Iowa, moved that the House proceed to the election of a Speaker. The motion being carried, Mr. Cannon, of Illinois. chairman of the Republican caucus, placed In nomination General Henderson, of Iowa, amid a salvo of applause from the entire Republican membership. Mr. Hay, of Virginia, chairman of the Democratic caucus, amid loud Democratic applause, presented the name of Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee. A general laugh followed as Mr. Neville, of Nebraska, placed in nomination Mr. Stark, of his own state, who Is now the only other Populist acting Independently. The result was: Henderson 190 Richardson 149 Stark ...-. 1 Cummings of New York 1 Messrs. Richardson. Stark and Cum mings were appointed u. committee to as cort the Speaker to the chair. As Gen eral Henderson appeared, two minutes later, on the arm of Mr. Richardson, the Speaker was greeted with a great out burst of applause from both sides of the House. Mr. Richardson Introduced him in half a dozen words. The Speaker ad dressed the house briefly: Address of Henderson. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: This high honor that you have conferred upon mc I profoundly appreciate. All the more do I appreciate It, coming, as It docs, with this generous expression from both sides of the chamber. There Is yet left another method for n. presiding officer to express his appreciation of such an honor that li. by a kindly, firm and faithful administration of the law, and the rules that govern this body. It will be my aim to discharge impartially the duties of this office. As I said at the opening of the last Congress, no presiding officer can successfully administer the duties of his office unless he has the support of tho body over which he pre sides. I asked for it then: you gave It to ms throughout the entire Congress. Permit me to Invoke again the kind and splendid support which was accorded to mo In the lost Con gress. The maker of laws should not be a breaker of laws. We proceed under law and rules: and the duties devolving upon each and all of the members of this house will be tar better conserved If this principle is kept In mind and acted upon. Again, sincerely thanking you, each and all. I am ready to take the prescribed oath of office. (Applause.) Speaker Take the Oath of Office. The honor of administering the oath of office to the Speaker fell to Mr. Bing ham, of Pennsylvania, the oldest member In the House in point of continuous serv ice. The Speaker then In turn adminis tered the oath to the members-elect. They came forward In state delegations as their names were called. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Speaker laid before the House the resignation of Nicholas Mukler as a Representative from the Seventh Congressional District of New York, to take effect December L Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, then presented a resolution for the election of officers of the House, nominating the following: Alexander McDowell, of Pennsylvania, to be clerk of the House; Henry Casson, (Concluded on Second Pge.) FOR OUR SENATORS Oregon Men Almost Sure to Get on Good Committees. PLACES THEY HAY BE GIVEN Mitchell on Foreign Relation and Commerce Simon on Xaval Affairs, Which Wonld lie "Well for the Columbia River Drydock. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. There Is great Interest in the committee assignments of the Senate, and the prospects are that the Oregon Senators are going to be well taken care of. Mitchell Is likely to go on SENATOR LODGE FOR - , ... 1 ' , h' v ' - ' -" K )l $&&& Senator Henry- Cabot Lodge, chairman of the Senate Philippines committee. In a message to the Boston Post, says: "I am favor the Chinese exclusion act, and intend to Introduce a bill for Its extension." Senator Lodge la now recognized as one of the leaders, if not the leader, of the Republican party at the capital. His cloae personal and political relations with the President give all his utter ances unusual significance. Mr. Lodge Is today regarded as a spokesman of the Administration. On the Chinese exclusion question. It Is understood In official circles that Pres ident Roosevelt has already taken a very decided stand, a stand which commits him to the re-enactment ot either the Geary law or some other similar legisla tion. This opinion has been formed because of his reported interview with a del egation of Callfornlans who waited upon him In reference to the Chinese ques tion. He is reported as saying to the members of the delegation that he agreed with their request "for a re-enactment of the Geary act or for tbe enaatment of similar legislation. foreign relations, and possibly on com merce. Simon wants to go on commerce, but as (Mitchell has six years to serve it may be determined that it would be bet ter for him to secure this important com mittee for Oregon. Senator Simon may get a place on naval affairs, which would be important In the matter of securing a drydock on the Columbia. He Is also talked of for postoffices and post roads. Senator Mitchell will secure a number of minor assignments, but cannot expect more than two of the larger committees. The return of Jones of Nevada to the Republican party would fill the vacancy left by MeBrlde on the commerce com mittee, but it is probable that the com mittee will be increased so as to add one more Republican besides Jones. Simon will retail his place on the judiciary com mittee, and move up on some of the other committees. Bill latrodnced by Joncn. Representative Jones, of Washington, to day Introduced a large number of public bills, including two Pacific cable bills his bill of last session, and that introduced by Senator Foster, both providing for a cable over the Alaskan route. Other bills were as follows: Appropriating $250,000 for a public build ing at Walla Walla; $740,000 for one at Spokane, and $200,000 for a building at North Yakima. Providing for free homesteads on the north half of the Colyllle reservation. Authorizing a commission of five mem bers to Investigate the trade relations of the United States In the Orient. Granting pensions to officers and men ot the life-saving service. Authorizing the Secretary of the Treas ury to fix tho salaries of the Deputy Col lectors of Customs at Tacoma and Se attle. Permitting the extension of time for the making .of final proof in desert land en tries. For the relief of settlers within forest reserves. Granting Congress authority to make all future extensions of forest reserves. For the relief of settlers who have made payment of entries subsequently declared void. To pay mileage to volunteers who served In the Philippines after the signing of the peace treaty. Extending the stone-land act to Alaska. Authorizing the selling of vacant sur veyed public lands in Washington that are valuable for grazing only at 5125 per acre. Providing for 160-acre homesteads In Alaska. Authorizing reimbursements to settlers within, forest reserves for the Improvement of lands relinquished to the Government; amendin gthe lieu land laws so that tracts cannot be relinquished which have been depleted of timber, except to such extent as was necessary In acquiring tho land for actual cultivation. Providing that no claim for a pension shall be rejected on account of the exist ence of disability prior to enlistment. Appropriating 1250,000 for the establish ment of a lighthouse and fog signals at Semlahmoo Point. Both Jones and Cushman introduced bills to divide Washington in two Ju dicial districts, Jones favoring the cast and west districts, and Cushman the north and south. Bill Moody Will Introduce. Representative Moody will re-Introduce the double minimum land bill upon which he secured a favorable report at the last session, also a bill for an assay office at Baker City, and a bill to dispose of the unsold portion of the Umatilla Reserva tion. He expects to introduce a bill enlarging the Portland postofllce after consulting the supervising architect as to the possibility of enlarging on the plans that had hl3 endorsement at the last session. As soon as the data called for by the Senate resolution are obtainable, Mr- Moody will Introduce a bill for the relief of The Dalles military wagon-road settlers. Mr. Moody expects to assist his colleague In the rivers and harbors com mittee In securing liberal appropriations for the Columbia River, and hopes tho committee will indorse the canal project for overcoming the obstructions at Ce Hlo and the dalles. - He will take an active Interest In land CHINESE EXCLUSION. legislation with a view of securing as sistance In that direction for Eastern Oregon. He says that If no general pol icy is adopted, he feels confident of se curing, through the Geological Survey, a continuation of topographical surveys made last year In Baker County Into Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties and hopes to have a few experimental ar tesian wells sunk In the semi-arid sec tions of his district. Scat of Xortlitvext Representative. In the drawing of seats In the House today. Representative Moody's namo was called among the first, and he selected his old seat on tho first aisle on the Re publican side. Cushman also secured his former scat. Tongue sitting Immedi ately behind, Jones sitting behind and to the right of Moody. Estimates of Appropriations. The Secretary of the Treasury today submitted estimates of appropriations recommended including rivers and harbors estimates heretofore asked for by the chief of engineers. All regular appro priations for maintaining offices in Ore gon and Washington were Included. In addition the following lighthouse appro priations are recommended: Keeper's dwelling. Cape Blanco....? 4,500 Keeper's dwelling, Yaquina 4.000 Fog signal station. Batter Point, Wash 6,000 Keeper's dwelling. New Dungeness, Wash 4.SC0 Keeper's dwelling. Robinson Point.. 4,1)00 LIgnt and tog signal. Burrow's Island : 15,000 Light and fog station, Semlahmoo Bay 25,000 Continuing lighthouse construction In Alaska 126,013 Education of 500 pupils. Salem In dian school 85,300 Improvements 5.000 Improved sewerage 6,000 Completing public buildings at Boise, Idaho 50,000 Seattle public building 250.0no Warehouse and wharf at Sitka 10.000 Some of the BUI Simon Will Have. At the first opportunity. Senator Simon Intends to introduce his bill of last ses sion appropriating $155,000 for enlarging and remodeling the Portland Postofllce. He will also Introduce a bill for the es tablishment of an assay office at Port land, besides reintroducing his two bills of last Congress authorizing the sale of certain lands of Umatilla reservation. In Favor of Xcw Cabinet Position. NEW YORK. Dec 2. Messrs. Henry Towne, W. A. Marble and Charles R. Lamb, the committee appointed by the Merchants' Association of New York to attend the convention of the National As sociation of Manufacturers, held at Wash ington, from the 19th to the 21 of Novem ber last, have made their report as to what was doneVt the convention to the Merchants' Association. The delegates, according to this report, were in favor of the creation of a Cabinet position to be known as the Department of Commprro and Industry. The committee was heartily In favor of the establishment of this portfolio. KNOCKS OUT TARIFF The Supreme Court Decides Philippine Islands Case. ALSO A LIKE PORTO RICAN ONE Philippine Became American Terri tory With Slsninjc of Paris Treaty Duty Collected on Goods for 1'urto Rico Permissible. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. Opinions were rendered in tho United States Supreme Court today in the last two of the insular test cases. One of them was that known as the "fourteen diamond rings case," in volving the relationship of the United States to the Philippine Islands from a tariff point of view, and the other was that known as the Dooley case No. 2. in volving the constitutionality of the collec tion of duty on goods shipped from New York to Porto Rico. In the former caso the court, through Chief Justice Fuller, held that the diamond rings- brought in from the Philippines, and over which tho case arose, should have been exempt from, duty under the Paris treaty of peace, as that treaty made the Philippines America? territory. The decision in the Philippine caso followed closely that of the first Porto Rlcan case In the last term. In the Dooley case, decided today, it was held that the duty collected on goods carried from New York to Porto Rico was permissible, but that it was In reality a tax for the benefit of the Porto Ricans themselves, rather than an export duty, as was alleged by the merchants who an tagonized the Government. In both cases there were dissenting opinions concurred in by four of the nine Justices of tho court. Point Settled In Philippine Case. ' The "fourteen diamond rings" case set tles only the question of duty on good coming from the Philippines Into the United States, and admits everything free. Under the previous decisions last Spring, and under the decision in the second Dooley case today. Congress has the power to legislate a duty on goods going both ways. No decision has yet been made as to the authority of this Government, through the Military Governor or the Phil ippine Commission, to levy duty on goods going from this country Into the Philip pines. A test case has been brought In a lower court, but before it can be de cided there will no doubt be 'legislation under and in accordance with the decision in the second Dooley case, which will place a tariff, probably such as the Phil ippine Commission has just adopted, on all imports to the Philippines, whether from the United States or elsewhere. Some discrimination might be made in favor of this country's products, but Soain would have the samo rights under tho Paris treaty, and other nations would de mand equal rights with Spain under "tho most-favored-natlon clauses," In their treaties. The decisions were rendered in the room of the Senate committee on Judlclarj where the court is sitting temporarily, and, owing to the limited space, there were comparatively few persons, and tho3e lawyers, present. The delivery of the opinions in chief, with the reading of the dissenting opinions, consumed a little more than an hour, and it was listened to with the closest attention. It Is generally be lieved that the finding In the Philippine case will lead to early efforts to securo legislation for the regulation of our com mercial relations with those islands. A3 the Porto Rlcan opinion sustains the con stitutionality of the Foraker act, no such necessity will arise with reference to Porto Rico. Justices Gray, "White. Shlras and Mc Kenna united in dissenting from tne court's opinion in the Philippine case, but " they filed no written statement beyond a mere note. In which they said that they "dissented for the reasons stated in their opinions In the cases of De Lima vs. Bld- tConcluded on Third Page.) SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS. Congress. Fifty-seventh Congress opcn3. Pago 1. Oregon Senators are almost sure to get good committee assignments. Page 1. Henderson was re-elected Speaker of the House. Page 1. Old rules were re-adopted, but not without &. fight by Democrats. Pago 1. Insnlnr Case .Decisions. Supreme Court knocks out the Philippine tariff. Page 1. Duty on goods shipped to Porto Rico was per missible. Page 1. Forelgrn. Debate becun on new German tariff bills. Page 2. Germany and Russia plan an antl-anarchlst convention. Page 2. General. Negotiations of United States for the Danish "West Indies Island are practically closed. Page 3. Attorney-General of Minnesota says law la against great railway combine. Pago 3. International Livestock Exposition, opened at Chicago. Page 3. Pacific Coast. Oregon Supreme Court decides that annexation of Panhandle to Baker County Is valid, verdicts. Page o. Oregon Supreme Court has handed down four verdicts. Pace ?? Prominent Oregon towns held city elections. Page 4. Lumber company seeks right to float logs oa Molalla River. Page 4. British hope to Include Skngway. Alaska, with in boundaries of Canada. Page 3. Commercial and Marine. Forthcoming President's message has disquiet ing effect on Wall street. Page 13. Eastern and European wheat markets wera booming. Page 13. Steamship Tiger loaded over l.TO.000 bushels of wheat In 34 hours. Page 5. Louis Pasteur completes a full cargo of wheat for South Africa. Page 5. Prlncesse Marie clears with first European flour cargo of the season. Page 3. Big fleet of grain-ships coming in. Page 5. Steamship Sutherland ashore In the Orient. Page 5. Steamship Folmlna coming to Portland for Government stores. Page 5. Portland and Vicinity. Subscriptions to Lewis and Clark fund con tinue. Page 12. Rev. H. H. Hoyt denied membership in Min isterial Association. Page 10. Walters' Alliance boycott caso argued In Cir cuit Court. Page 8. France confers a medal of valor on Portland citizen. Page 8. Thieves make another good diamond haul. Page 7.