Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Platform Adopted hy the Club Oil
Speculation Ceases Little Inter-
est in Election.
6ALEM. Dec. 1. The Salem Socialist
Club perfected organization this after
noon, at a meeting held in the W. C. T.
TJ. Hall. Officers of the club are: Pres
ident, R. R. Ryan; secretary. Gideon F.
Sherwood": recording secretary and treas
urer, R. A. Harris. The club -will hold
meetings every Tuesday evening.
The Salem Club Is an auxiliary of the
National Socialist organization, and ex
pects to operate as a factor In local pol
itics. The club expects to be represented
In the June campaign by placing a coun
ty ticket in the field.. The membership
roll at the time of organization con
tained about GO names, but many ac
cessions to their ranks are expected, now
that organization has been effected.
Among the persons of some local promi
nence whose names appear on the mem
bership roll as charter members are City
Recorder N. J: Judah, Dr. C. O. Ballard
end R. H. Leabo.
At today's meeting a constitution and
by-laws were adopted, and also a plat
form. A resolution petitioning President
Roosevelt impartially to Investigate the
(actlon of Third Assistant Postmaster
General Madden, In denying certain second-class
publications circulation In the
snails, wns also adopted. The resolution ad
mits the abuse of the malls in this re
gard by some publications, but views
with alarm Madden's "recent unjust and
arbitrary decision against certain Sot
clallst publications which have complied
In every particular with every provision
of the law governing second-class postal
privileges." The resolution further de
clares the attempt on the part of Madden
to suppress the circulation of such pub
lications "Is a blow at the free speech
and free press of this country, and should
be resented by all liberty-loving, patri
otic citizens, regardless of party or relig
ious convictions."
The purpose of the club, as outlined in
Its constitution, Is "to study and discuss
ell public questions of an honorable and
respectable nature, including the polit
ical issues of the day, the sciences of
social evolution and government, and to
promote the teaching and understanding
of that line of thought and conduct which
"will guarantee the greatest security of
human life, the widest possible opportu
nity for individual effort and the secur
ing for every one of the right to labor and
"to own what he produces: to discourage
all teaching that Is liable to excuse or
Justify any man or body of men for
substituting for personal ends or In any
"way acquiring personal ownership of pro
ducts or property to which they are not
morally as well as legally entitled, and
to assist and work In harmony along: these
lines with the National Socialist party."
The club's platform and declaration of
principles, divested of the usual pream
ble. Is as follows:
"History attests that In the economy of
Nature, changes In the relation and af
fairs of men are constantly taking place,
and that the greatest honor and success
Is always with the people constituting the
nation who can meet and solve the Issues
vitally affecting It with the greatest de
gree of harmony and satisfaction to all.
"There Is in America today a condition
confronting the people which was never
contemplated when our Government was
established, a condition the necessity for
which was never suggested nor conceived
within the mind of those who proclaimed
to the world the principles which have
made our beloved country famous as the
"Land of the Free and the Home of the
Brave.' For this condition no one Is to
blame save the element which throughout
the history of the world has appropriated
for personal and selfish ends the benefits
of laws -Intended to protect the Interests
of all in common for and by whom they
were made.
"This element may be said to consist of
those who, devoid of any moral Instinct
or responsibility, construe all law ac
cording to the letter and not according
to the spirit, and under such a construc
tion and application no law can be ade
quate for all time.
"Today it Is true that this element has
to an alanmlng degree misused the sa
cred purposes of the law which protects
property rights and provides for the en
couragement of individual enterprise and
thrift, and has by this misuse succeeded
In acquiring so large a portion of the
life-sustaining resources of the world that
the larger portion of the people are suf
fering for the opportunity to acquire that
lor which the former class have a super
abundance. The results of these condi
tions are dally manifesting themselves
In a lessening appreciation of human life
with Increasing crime and increasing ne
cessity for the protection of society from
criminals, who are such by reason of des
pondency and blighted ambitions, caused
by the sad experiences that today are the
3ot of all who are not possessed of extra
ordinary ability to contrive and acquire
the means of livelihood. Indeed, so far
has this selfish misuse of law progressed
In the world that no consideration Is
longer felt by one concern for the suc
cess of another, nor by one man for the
success of, a competitor, and so unequal
have become the conditions and so devoid
of moral restraint that the murderer's
knife has been found the Instrument of
competition In more cases than one.
while the spirit which prompted It is
manifest In a greater or lesser degree in
many departments of the commercial life
of the country. The result of this con
dition is to Increase the disrespect for
"the law and the Government, and that
such disrespect is In alarming evidence
we have but to remember that only a
short time ago the chief magistrate of
our Nation was slain by a human being
who proclaimed that he belonged to a
sect whose name stands for the abolition
of all government.
"We believe that no man can acquire
disrespect for a government as Just as it
could and should be, and that the sect
today known as Anarchists Is a result of
this common misuse and disrespect for
law in its Implication as well as in its
"In order to best promote the welfare
of all the people, we believe It necessary
to renew the spirit which evolved our re
public from a monarchical parent, and to
again frame laws and enforce their de
crees which will Insure to all men the
benefits of all enterprises to the success
of which all must contribute, and to this
end we advocate the acquirement and
control by the Government of all enter
prises now operated by allied and syndi
cate capital, including first and promi
nently, railroads and all transportation,
telegraphs and all public communication,
mines and manufacturing industries, and
to encourage the co-operative spirit In all
departments of human effort, believing
that this Is but the spirit of union which
Injures none but strengthens and benefits
"We denounce anarchy In so far as- the
term Implies disrespect for the law and
government, and deplore the growing ten
dency In that direction which Is certainly
growing up amid the conditions of the
present time.
"We heartily affirm our loyalty to our
country and to all our fellowmen, and In
vite their aid to meet the Issues of the
day as brothers animated with a common
patriotism and zeal."
Elks Memorial Services.
Memorial services in honor of departed
members of the order were held by Salem
Lodge, No. 33G, B. P. O. 13., In the lodge
hall in I. O. O. F. temple, this afternoon.
The exercises were of a most Impressive
nature, and the programme was probably
the finest; before rendered on a like occa
sion In Salem.
Appropriate selections were given by the
Elks' orchestra, including as an Introduc
tory number Chopin's funeral march, and
the ritualistic work of the order was
beautifully executed. A duet, "Hark,
Hark, My Soul." by Shelley, was given by
Mrs. Charles H. Hinges and Miss Ixma
White, and Mrs. Hinges also contributed
as a solo. "The Holy City." Miss Sophia
Wolf read "Fleet," by Miss Browning.
Invocation was offered by Rev. W. C.
Kantner, of the First Congregational
Church. Professor Le Roy Gesner and
Miss Lelo Nlcklin played a violin duet,
"The Last Spoke."
The memorial address was delivered by
Hon. R. E. Moody, deputy district grand
exalted ruler, of Portland. It was not
an address eulogistic of the order nor of
the departed members, but was a thor
ough and able exposition of "charity," the
underlying principle of the order, its
meaning and application.
Salem lodge has but five deceased mem
bers, their names and the dates of their
death being as follows: E. M. Wood,
March 9. 1837; Al Benlcke, January 10.
1899; C. Hemple. February 10, 1S99; F. S.
Dearborn, April 16, 1900; E. F. Parkhurst,
April 16. 190L
Oil Specalatloa Ceases.
Interest In local oil well speculations
has abated since the departure last Sep
tember of Messrs. Chapel and McFar
land. who were organizing a stock com
pany for the purpose of sinking a well on
land alleged to contain oil. The gentle
men are understood to have been sum
moned to California as witnesses In liti
gation concerning valuable oil properties.
They expected to return within a month,
but those who have taken stock in the
gentlemen's enterprise express themselves
as not alarmed by the failure of the men.
to return, having confidence In their in
tegrity, and expect Messrs. Chapell and
McFarland to return dally.
Last Fall these men organized a stock
company for the purpose of raising $3003
for experimental purposes. Stock was
sold at 25 cents per share and was quite
generally subscribed for, about $1800 in
stock having been sold previous to the de
parture of the promoters of the scheme.
Since then no further stock has been sold,
pending the return, of the oil experts,
when ,it is believed the remainder of the
stock will be taken and the land will be
thoroughly tested and the true condition
of property in the vicinity of Salem as
regards oil wells finally determined.
The board of directors of Willamette
University has temporarily abandoned its
project to organize a stock company and
sink an oil well on the university campus,
in the belief that a rich oil deposit exists
there. Failure to dispose of the required
amount of stock has tended to discourage
the investigation.
State Collections.
Collections during the month of No
vember on account of the various funds
of the State Land Board amounted to $34,
S3S 80, and have been turned over to State
Treasurer Moore by Clerk M. L. Chamber
Hn. The money was placed to the credit of
the several funds ns follows:
Common school fund principal,
payment on certificates and cash
sales of school land J1S.15S 62
Common school fund principal,
payments on sales of lands ac
quired by deed or foreclosure.. 9,673 90
Common school fund Interest, pay
ment on certificates .. 4,219 7S
Common school fund interest,
rents and payments on sales of
lands acquired by deed or fore
closure 2,557 95
university runa interest, payment
on certificates 44 23
Agricultural College fund princi
pal, payments on certificates and
cash sales of school land 130 45
Agricultural College fund Interest 51 85
Total $34,838 80
Little Interest In Election.
Little interest is taken In the annual
city election to be held tomorrow. There
are four Aldermen to be elected, and the
candidates of tho non-partisan movement
will be the successful ones, neither the
Republicans or Democrats having placed
a ticket In the field. The non-partisan
candidates are: First Ward, Thomas
Burrows (renominated); Second Ward,
Herman Pohle; Third Ward, G. Stolz;
Fourth Ward. P. J. Larsen. (renominat
ed). Regular city officers will not be
elected until next December. The non
partisan people are now In charge of Sa
lem's municipal affairs, and are keeping
expenses within the city revenue, tne
expenses for the year 1901 being about
$400 less than the income for the same
Indications Are That Mayor Dlmlck
Will Be Rc-Elccteil.
OREGON CITY. Dec. L-Clty election
will be held tomorrow. Of the two candi
dates for Mayor, Grant B. Dlmlck and J.
Eugene Hedges, the former is the favor
ite In the betting. Since the conventions
were held Dlmlck and his friends have
done a great deal of work in a quiet way,
and the consensus of opinion seemei to be
that his election Ib assured. As matters
now stand no issue has been raised against
him. It was alleged by most of bis op
ponents that he was weak on the railroad
question, but Mr. Hedges has made no
fight on this, and In fact has made no
fight at all. The usual procedure has
been turned upside down In this matter,
and the attempt to oust the present
Mayor has resulted In his becoming the
aggressor. He has attacked the Portland
General Electric Company as being the
fountain head of the opposition, and while
this Is not believed by some, the fact re
mains that the Mayor and his friends havo
made the fight, while the friends of the
opposing candidate have looked on In su
preme Indifference In the confidence of
electing their man. It is not believed that
Dhnick can carry the rest of his ticket
with him, with the exception of the can
didate for Councilman In the Third Ward,
E. F. Story, who has no opposition. It
looks as If John R. Humphrys, the Non
partisan nominee for Treasurer, will beat
the Citizens' nominee, Fred J. Meyer,
and that Jacob Cassell will be named for
Councilman In the First Ward over E. D.
Kelly. In the Second Ward there Is only
one candidate, William Sheahan.
The new public hall at Beaver Creek
was dedicated last night. Owing to the
inclement weather the attendance was not
large, but the audience was very attentive
to the speaker of the evening, state
Senator George C. BrowneU, who made tne
dedicatory address. The building replaces
the hall which was burned about a year
ago. It Is a commodious structure with
dinlng-hall, kitchen and dressing-rooms
attached, and will be used on all public
Two Tickets at Weston.
WESTON OR., Dec L The indications
are that Weston will poll the biggest vote
in Its history at the city election Monday.
Interest centers on the fight for Mayor
between Dr. J. A. Best and Marlon
O'Harra, each of whom has earnest and
active supporters. A primary convention
was held Friday evening, at which 114
votea were polled. Best receiving 72 and
O'Harra 4L M. A. Bryson, M. A. Baker
and C. H. Taylor were nominated for
Councllmen, L. A. Wood for Recorder and
J. R. Killgore for Treasurer. This is
known as the "City ticket," and a "Peo
ple's ticket" will be put out Monday by
the anti-Best people, with no change save
that O'Harra will head the ticket. Local
Issues concerning the cost and manage
ment of certain Improvements govern the
Contract for Reservation Survey.
THE DALLES, Or., Dec. 1. George K.
Campbell, a resident surveyor of this
city, has Just been awarded a $10,000 Gov
ernment contract for the survey of the
Qulnault Indian reservation, in. Washing
ton, which when platted will open to set
tlement a tract of approximately 12 town
ships. The bid was submitted to the de
partment last July. Mr. Campbell Is a
young Deputy United States Surveyor,
who has spent practically the last 10
years In the field. He is a son of the
late William E. Campbell, a well-known
surveyor of Eastern Oregon, wno died
suddenly upon the completion of a Gov
ernment contract In La Grande last October.
Police Are Inclined to Discredit Ills
Story Xo Xevr Developments la
the Tlllotson Case.
SALEM, Or., Dec 1. A second Saturday
night hold-up was reported to the police
today. A young man, whose name was i
not learned, claims he was held up by a
single footpad at the Bush Bank corner.
In the center of the business district,
about 10 o'clock Saturday evening, and
was at the point of a pistol forced to give
up 50 cents, which was all the money he
had. The police discredit the fellow's
story, claiming It is Improbable a hold
up could take place on the city's main
business street at that hour.
There were no developments today in i
tho hold-up of Miss Tlllotson Saturday
night. The police suspect two strangers j
of the work, and arrests may be naae
Monday. When arrested, the suspected
men will be brought before Miss Tlllotson
for Identification. There Is an unusually
large number of strangers In the city at
this time, and Chief of Police Gibson Is
working hard to apprehend the guilty
Dissatisfaction With a Recent De
cision of the General Land Ofllcc.
BAKER CITY. Or.. Dec 1. Consider
able Interest and quite a little feeling
has been aroused in this part of tne
state in conseouencc of the decision of
the United States General Land Office I
in regard to the character of some of
the state school land sections. It seems
that any person can file a contest and
require the Commissioner of the General
Land Office to decide whether a particu
lar section of school land Is mineral land,
and, if it is, then it Is withdrawn from
entry and the State Land Board can at
once select another section of timber or
agricultural land In lieu of the mineral
ized section, and this lieu land Is for sale
to the first comer who applies for It at
$2 50 per acre. Any vacant Government
land that Is open to entry may be chosen
by the applicant for lieu land, and under
the law the State Land Board must sell
the lieu land to tho first man who ap
plies and puts up the necessary cash to
bind the bargain. School sections that
are mineral In character are hard to find,
and It is charged that In some cases of
recent origin the contestants havo not
confined themselves to the exact truth
In tho matter of evidence Introduced at
the hearing to determine the character
of the land. It Is also claimed that In
one or two Instances contests have been
filed to have land declared' mineral land
that has been sold to settlers by the
State Land Board and has been occupied
and farmed for several years as agricul
tural land. The result has been that the
occupants of school sections in this part
of the state have been considerably exer
cised over the matter, and there is trouble
brewing for the people who have filed
some of the contests.
The new South Baker schoolhouee is
completed, and the Winter term of school
will open there on Monday morning next.
This is a splendid brick building, contain
ing eight rooms, and is provided with all
modern conveniences. It is heated by
steam, and the rooms are all ventilated
by special air shafts, according to the
latest and best-approved method. With
the completion of this building Baker
City can boast of three of the bC6t school
buildings to bo found anywhere in the
The owners of the Magnolia mine, in
the Granite district, gave a bond on the
property to L. Y. Keady, of Portland,
for $100,000. The papers have been placed
in escrow in the First National Bank of
this city. If the deal is consummated it
will be the largest transaction In the way
of a mine sale that has taken place In
this district.
Ten-Stamp 31111 and Other Machinery
to Be Installed.
GRANT'S PASS, Or., Dec. 1. Owing to
the richness and scope of the ore body
recently uncovered at the Copper Stain
mine, a property in course of develop
ment in the Mount Reuben district, the
owners have concluded to Install a 10
stamp mill and other machinery. Major
J. A. Connelly, of Springfield, O., one of
the principal owners, has just returned
from a visit at the Copper Stain, and re
ports that everything is showing up well
and looks good to him. The mine will be
connected by wagon road with the main
highway of Northern Josephine County.
When the new machinery Is installed at
this promising property. It will at once
leap Into the front rank of Southern Ore
gon bullion producers.
Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper-, of San
Francisco, owner of the Waldo copper
mines, states that as soon as the new
roads and other Improvements are com
pleted about the mine9 he will put 200
men to work removing ore. The smelter
will be started and the mines opened up
for a permanent business. The mines are
now freed of the troublesome litigation,
and will be thoroughly developed and
opened up.
Colonel Draper Is the consulting en
gineer for the new railroad that is being
built northward along the Coast toward
Crescent City, and he states that he hopes
to get a branch line from Crescent to the
copper mines at Waldo.
Troops Arrive nt Victoria From Bcr
muda. VICTORIA, B. C, Dec 1. The new gar-
son for Work Point arrived here tonight
from Bermuda, where the troops have
been guarding 1000 or more Boer prison
er, and marched over to the barracks
where they relieve the 120 officers, non
commissioned officers and men now mak-
Oliver "Wendell
who Is represented In MOD
ERX ELOQ.UEXCE, presents
one of the strongest reasons
why every ambitious and
Intelligent American who
desires to he "op with the
past and abreast of the
times" should read liberally
the masterpieces of MOD
"Put an Idea Into your in
telligence, and leave It
there an hour, a day, a.
year, without ever having
occasion to refer to It.
"When at last, on occasion,
you return to it, you do not
find it as It -was when, ac
quired. It has domiciliated
Itself, so to speak become
at home entered into gela
tions vfith your other
thoughts and integrated It
self with the whole fabric
of the mind."
NOTE. In addition to the
large number of stories which
have been personally furnished
by such distinguished contribu
tors, over 2000 speeches have
been examined for the purpose
of extracting their stories and
most brilliant passages. Espe
cial success has been achieved
In securing the best stories told
In the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives by the most famous
speakers of those two bodies.
ing final arrangements for their depar
ture Tor Hong Kong. The Incoming force
is under Major Gurdon, and the corps
numbers four officers and 174 non-commissioned
offlcerfl and men. The force which
has garrisoned AVork Point since Septem
ber, 1HJ9, will embark on the steamship
Empress of China Tuesday morning. The
Incoming forces have been serving in Ber
muda for three years.
Tomorrow the "Warsplte is to weigh her
anchor and commence her homeward voy
age. She will take part in the firing of
the royal salue In honor of the Queen's
birthday, which has been set for Monday
morning. This will be her last work on
this station, for In the afternoon she will
start for Eng'land. The sloop of war Con
dor will sale at the same time on her
cruise to the Islands of the South Pa
cific. The Warsplte will be reolaced on
this station by the Grafton.
Old Placer Diggings Being Worked
for Quartz.
LA GRANDE, Or., Dec. 1. Unusual ac
tivity is being shown, notwithstanding the
lateness of the season, In the Camp Car
son or Grand Ronde group of mines, 40
miles west of La Grande. This Is an old
placer district, but of late attention hag
been devoted chiefly to quartz. The re
cent awakening of Interest has been due
largely to visits of experts and to offers
to purchase, bond or take options upon
certain properties. As a consequence, the
most important mines will be worked dur
lf?g the Winter.
"William Muir, the owner of the Golden
Star, the principal mine of tho district,
returned to the mines today, after a visit
In La Grande, prepared to work a force
of men until Spring. Tho Golden Star
P. B. Girrcra, the captain of the Wa
verly Golf Club, yesterday broke his for
mer record on the links playing against
bogey, making the 18 holes in 70 strokes.
Two weeks ago Mr. GlfTord mads a score
of 83, breaking tho former record ot S5.
made by A. T. Hugglns, on July 4. Mr.
GirTord's score lo the beat that has ever
been made on the "Waverly course, being
even better than the profe-Mlonal record
of 80 strokes, held by J. Moffltt. The best
score made by an out-of-town man was
made by S. D. Bowers, of Tacoma, who
went over the course In 84 strokes in the
last tournament.
Mr. Gl fiord's card yesterday was:
.Holes 1 2345C7S0
Strokes 3 444SSS43
Holes 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Strokes 575325405
has 700 feet of tunnels, and 1500 tons of
ore on the dump. Though no stopes have
been worked yet, the ore from this mine
yellds from 5 to 8 per cent gold, 10 per
cent lead and about 100 ounces of silver.
The Royal and the Standard are two
other developed mines of this group. A
number of good prospects aro being
opened up. Practically all of the mines
are owned by La Grande people, and as
this Is the base of supplies for the dis
trict, much Interest is felt here In Its
Barnard Bros., contractors for the Brit
ish Government In Oregon and Washing
ton, bought 50 head of horses here yester
day for the use of the mounted infantry
In South Africa. The horses will be
shipped to Lathrop, Mo., and from there
to New Orleans, tho government shipping
polnt for South Africa. The prices paid
ranged from $30 to $40 per head, and the
animals selected are well-broken geldings
and mares of scrub stock, such as a few
years ago could not have been sold for
lO Handsome Library Volumes
Theodore Roosevelt.
Youni Menwl" flnd an Insplr
umes. Those who have found history dull
and have failed In their attempts to wade
through more voluminous publications,
will read these attractive volumes as If
they were some thrilling novel, and gain
historical Information without apparent
Newell Dwight Hlllis.
Henry Watterson.
"MODERN ELOQUENCE" Is a triumph of the publisher's
art, but moderately priced. To properly present this eclectic
library, portfolios comprising tablo of contents, fine photo
gravures, chromatic plates, sample pages and other interesting
material, have been prepared. One of these portfolios, with full
particulars regarding bindings, prices, terms, etc.. -will be sent
on receipt of annexed inquiry coupon containing name and ad
dress. The Library, in the three styles of binding. Is on exhibition
at room 2C0, Oregonian building, where it can be examined at
The Oregonian.
any price. The contractors agree to fur
nish the government 600 each month, and
they experience difficulty In securing that
number. From all Indications, horses of
this class will be In great demand before
Th.2 Recorder, published In this town,
changed hands yesterday, A. R. Tuttle,
who founded the paper nine years ago,
having sold out to L. Couch, who for the
past three years has been editor of the
Wallowa News. Mr. Tuttle will probably
engage in farming.
Mount Angel Entertainers Visited
ALBANY. Or., Dec 1. The Mount Angel
College Glee Club scored the biggest kind
of a hit at the opera-house here last
night, before a large and demonstrative
audience. The programme included dra
matic as well as musical features, and
spoke well for the versatility of the play
ers and singers. Two scenes from Sheri
dan's "Pizarro" were presented, after
which came a rollicking force called "Am
bition " "Vocal and Instrumental numbers
Intcrsporsed the bill. Those who con
tributed to the entertainment were:
Charles Armstrong, Harvey Craig, Francis
McKeaduly, William Cronin, Aloys Man
ning, Ralph McLaughlin, William Maloney,
Thomas Walsh, Bernard Herman, Frank
Sheridan, William Campeau. The music
was conducted by Rev. F. Dominic.
Willam Alexander Selkirk.
SEATTLE, Dec. 1. William Alexander
Selkirk, a California pioneer of 1S50, and
for nearly half a century a prominent
figure In tho newspaper and political
world of the Pacific Coast, died In this
city this morning, after a lingering Ill
ness, aged 72 years. He had been an In
valid for many months. Mr. Selkirk was
born in St. Louis May 5, 1S29. At the out
break of the Mexican War he was one
of the first to volunteer from St. Louis,
serving actively through to the close of
hostilities. He was one of the early po
litical leaders of California and the own
er and founder of one of the first news
papers established on the Pacific Coast
and rapidly rose to a foremost place as
an editorial writer. He leaves a widow
and two daughters, who arc residents of
this city.
Judge Dav. E. Bailey.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Dec. 1. News has
reached the city of the death In San
Francisco yesterday afternoon of Judge
Dav. E. Bailey, of this city, who went to
California last week in tho search of
health. He had been a resident of Olym
pa for 10 years, where he practiced law.
He wa3 formerly grand master of the
"Masonic jurisdiction of Nevada. He had
no relatives here.
Memorial Service at Astoria.
ASTORIA, Dec. L The memorial serv
ices held by Astoria lodge of Elks this
evening were well attended, and an ex
cellent programme was presented. Among
the numbers were two soprano solos by
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, of Portland. L.
Soils Cohen, of Portland, delivered tbc
George Albert.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 1. George Albert,
aged t years, of McMlnnvllle, died here
today. The remains were taken to Mc
Mlnnvxlle this afternoon, where burial will
take place Tuesday.
Old G. A. R. Man Killed.
TACOMA, Dec. 1. The body of J. C.
Dledrich, an old Grand Army man, was
found on the Northern Pacific track near
Prescott this morning. It could not be
decided whether the injuries resulted
from Dledrich's being struck by a train
or by being thrown from one in motion.
Dledrich left the Soldiers' Home at Ortlng
Friday for a visit to Tacoma, where he
intended to pay his taxes. Nothing could
be learned of his movements after leav
ing the home.
Western Oregon Poultry Ainocintion.
M'MINNVILLE, Or., Dec. 1. The West
ern Oregon Poultry and Stock Association
was organized In this city last evening.
The main, object of the association will
be. to encourage the breeding of blooded
poultry and stock and to arrange for ex
hibits of the same. The first movement in
this line will be a poultry fair to be held
In this city December 17. IS and 19. at
which time the prize chickens will be j
Henry M. Stanley.
tlon In these vol
Chauncey Depew.
General Lew Wallace.
Mall TKis Coupon.
Gentlemen: Referring to your advertisement of Hon. Tho. B.
Reed's library of Modern Eloquence. I will be pleased to receive
(without charge) portfolio of sample pages, photogravures and chro
matic plates; also full particulars regarding bindings, prices, etc.
City and state
selected to be sent to the fair of the
State Poultry Association. The officers
elected for the Western Association are:
L. D. Mulkey, president; C. H. Flem
ing, vice-president; C. C. Jacobs, secre
tary and treasurer; George E. Martin,
Charles P. Nelson, C. C. Jacobs, N. L.
Wiley and David Klrby, executive com
mittee. The association is organized with
12 charter members, which Is lust five mere
than the state association had at its or
ganization. Anyone interested In breed
ing livestock is eligible to membership.
Tug Voshurg Will Look for the Tow
That She Lost.
ASTORIA, Dec 1. The tug George R.
Vosburg has received a new steel cable
for her towing machine and will coal up
tomorrow preparatory to starting out
Tuesday morning in search of tho
barge C. H. Wheeler, which she lost oft
Cape Blanco a few days ago. No word
of any kind has reached here about tho
barge, and It is generally believed that
she turned turtle and the four men on
board were lost.
" j ode by George Herbert Sass, of Charles-
Horda Will Put in at Victoria, j ton, set to music by Theodore Saul, was
ASTORIA. Dec. 1. The Norwegian j sunS DJ a Iarge choir, accompanied by
steamship Horda, which left out yester- the First Artillery Band. Addresses were
day for the Orient, with a cargo of lum- , made by several ministers, and the bene
ber, Is now headed for Victoria. B. C. diction was pronounced by Monaignora
where she will be Inspected before go- j Quigley.
Ing across the Pacific. While crossing The exposition will be formally opened
the bar she got between two big waves tomorrow afternoon. The ceremonies at
and touched the bottom. No evidence of . the "Ivory City" will be preceded by a
any injury to her could be found after
she got outside, but her captain decided
to proceed to Victoria, B. C, and have a
diver make an examination.
Bad 3Ionth for Alaska Shipping.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Dec. 1.
The past month has been a disastrous one
to Alaska shipping. Five steamers hava
met Uth mishaps which necessitated '
their being placed In drydocks. The j
Pacific Coast Company had three of Its 1
fleet laid up at one time the Cottage '
City, with a broken shaft: the City of I
Topeka, with a hole stove in the bow by
striking a rock In Taku Inlet, and tho
Senator striking a rock In Wrangel Nar-
rows. The Topeka has Just come out
of dock at Esnulmalt and will resume
her run. The Alaska Steamship Company i
has two steamers disabled. The Faral
Ion is belnc towed from the North with a.
disabled propeller and the Dolphin Is laid '
up with a broken propeller. j
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
abiukia, uec. i. Arrivcu acu A. m.iw i -t r -it t
and lef t up at 10 A. M.-Stcamer Geo. W. WOllQ raillOHS iMnafll IODIC
Elder, from San Francisco. Condition of ,
tne oar at 5 r. m., rough; wind, south- i
east; weather, cloudy.
San Francisco, Dec 1. Sailed Steamer
Robert Dollar, for Seattle. Arrived
Steamer Tellus, from Ladysmlth; steam
er Columbia, from Portland; bark Fresno,
from Port Gamble.
New York, Dec. 1. Arrived Steamers
Cymric, from Liverpool and Queenstown;
La Gascogne, from Havre; Minneapolis,
from London; Palatla. from Hamburg;
Potsdam, from Rotterdam and Boulogne;
Umbria, from Liverpool and Queenstown.
Queenstown, Dec. L Arrived Iver
nia, from Boston for Liverpool, and pro
ceeded. Antwerp, Dec. L Arrived Vaderland.
from New York.
Liverpool. Dec. 1. Arrived Etruria,
from New York. Sailed Vancouver, from
Portland, Me.
Queenstown, Dec 1. Sailed Lucan
fa, for New York.
Suez. Dec. L Arrived Hyson, from
Tacoma, via Hiogo, Hong Kong, Manila
and Singapore, for London.
Judge Scored a Jnry.
MODENA, Utah, Dec. 1. Yesterday tbc
trial Jury at Ploche. New. returned a r
verdict of assault and battery against
seven of the accused men who particlpat-
cd In the recent hanging of the negro '
Ellis at Fay, New Judge Talbot. In his
charge to the jury. Instructed them either i
to return a verdict of guilty of assault
with intent to kill, or one of acquittal, j
When the verdict was read In court tho I
Judge scored the jury for returning such
a verdict. The men will be sentenced
Convicted of Poisoning.
JACKSONVILLE, III.. Dec. 1. The Jury
In the case of "William Webb Ferguson,
charged with the murder of Dr. J. L.
Barnes, of Monticello, by poisoning the
doctor In the Central Hospital for the
Partial List
of Contributors
Joseph H. Choate
Lord Beaconsflcld
James G. Blaine
William M. Evarts
John Hay v
Oliver Wendell HolmcC
Sir Henry Irving
Chauncey M. Depew
Henry Ward Becchcr
Marie Twain
Henry W. Grady
Joseph Jefferson
Robert G. Ingersoll
Seth Low
William Jennings Bryaa.
Abraham Lincoln
WlUIam McKlnlcy
Classic and
Pop-ular Lectures
George William CHrtis
Artemus Wnrd
Panl Du Challlu
John B. Gordon
Xewell Dwight HIllls
John Morley
John Raskin
Henry M. Stanley
Wu Ting Fnng
Charles A. Dana
Robert J. Bnrdette
Rnssell II. Conwell
Cunon Fnrrar
John B. Gongh
Andrew Lnng
Wendell Phillips
Josh Billings
John Tyndall
A.ddr esses
Charles Francis Adams
John L. Spalding
Joseph Chnmbcrlnln
Grover Cleveland
Fisher Ames
Lawrence Bnrrett
Henry Drnmmond
James A. Garfield
Sir John Lubbock
Lymnn Abbott
Charles Dudley Wnrner
"William Cullen Bryant
Rnfus Choate
Theodore Roosevelt
Arthur J. Balfour
van Dyke
Edwnrd Egglenton
William E. Gladstone
Insane at Jacksonville last May, at the al
leged Instigation of Mrs. Mattle Barnes
the doctor's wife, and Mrs. McWilllams
mother of Mrs. Barnes, returned a ver
dict early this morning after being out
seven hours, finding Ferguson guilty or
murder and fixing the term of punish
ment at 20 years In tho penitentiary.
Charleston Exposition Will Be For
mnlly Opened Today.
CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec. 1. Impres
sive religious exercises, intended as a pre
lude to tomorrow's opening of the South
Carolina Interstate and West Indian Ex
position, were held at the exposition
grounds this afternoon. The naming of
December 1 as the opening day of the
exposition was without consulting the cal
' endar, and the fact that December 1 was
Sunday was discovered only a short time
ago. It was then decided that a proper
way to fulfill the promise made in the
resolution as to the opening was to hold
exercises appropriate to the day. Ellison
Capers, Episcopal bishop of South Caro
lina, made the Invocation. A dedication
parade composed of marines, naval re
serves, cadets, state volunteers and vari
ous civic societies. The city is hand
somely decorated, and there were many
arrivals at the hotel during the day.
Chauncey M. Depew, who is to deliver the
dedication oration, arrived in Charleston
today. Governor McSwoeney and staff ar
rived tonight to participate In tomorrow's
The American Cigar.
Good as the name. Buy the best.
i Everybody can be made to feel better.
' There Is no limit to the usefulness of
Hood's Sarraparllla.
AH Druggists. Refuse Substitutes.
Regulates the menstrual flow, cures leu
corrhoea, falling of the womb and all the
ether ailments peculiar to women Buy
a $1 boitle from your druggist to-day.
Cor IUlf h-, Cant!pjUon, Chills and Trrrr, ami all BU.
loaiCnplalal. All Dralst. Prife 2i nl a Ct.
100x100 on S. E. cor. Seventh and Hoyt;
property Is already excavated, and both
streets are pavtd. Only $7300. This Is a
splendid cite for warehouse, manufactory or
stabl", and close to the depot.
824 Third st.. cor. Oak.
3500.00 to $50,000.00
For loan on most favorable terms.
and school bonds purchased. W.
306-7 Falling building.
H. Fear.
wxfm I h an