THE M0T5NING OnEGONTAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 190L CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oresre&lK&'a Teleneea. OREGON. Co-rating Room ManSSI Manarlng Editor Ha!nH5 Cltr Editor Mala 166 Composing Room la.5 ut Side Offic East 61 COLUMBIA. Counting Room ffj Editorial Rooms ............"160 Composing Room ................. .-.-i Engine Room .238 AmHaeraeats. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER James A. Hearne's "Shore Acres." CORDRAYS THEATER "A Wis TTomarf' enure week. THE BAKER THEATER Wllbur-Klrwia Co. la "1a M&scotte." "What Happened to Ctciost. Per sons la the vicinity of Morrison, and Second streets Saturday evening, during a heavy shower, were startled by two reports like pistol shots following each other in quick succession, and by seeing a bicyclist peacefully wheeling up Morri son street plunge headlong to the pave ment. Many at first Imagined that the man had been shot by an anarchist or some other assassin, but he struggled to his feet in an instant. It was then dis covered that the rear wheel of the bi cycle had collapsed, or been blown to smithereens. It was in es many separate and distinct parts as one of the wheels of the deacon's old "one-hoss shay," when they concluded to go out of busi ness. Some thought a bomb or dynamite cartridge had exploded under the wheel, but on examination it was ascertained that the rubber tubes -with which the wheel was tired had exploded, completely shattering the wooden rim. The rider was not seriously injured, and hastened to run off his machine on the remaining wheel, and get under shelter as speedily as possible. His opinion of things that run on wind has been changed for the worse. To Ikpkotb ITirst Street. There is a scheme on foot to have First street im proved from. Madison to the bridge across the Marquam Gulch, where the lines of the City & Suburban and the Portland Railway Company are now held in check by the frail condition of the bridge, which is not substantial enough to allow of cars being run across it. Property owners along the street mentioned are taking a lively interest in the proposed improvement, and without doubt a ma jority of them will sign the petition be ing circulated. Residents on First south of Sheridan are taking steps to organize an improvement club, with the intention of securing the cxtention of one or Doth the railway lines which now end at Sher idan street. First street used to be the principal thoroughfare in South Portland, but since the Holladay car line ceased to be operated it has been neglected, and has fallen to the rear. Improvement is the order of the day at present, north and south, east and west, and there Is a rustling of dry bones. Great changes are being contemplated in the way of Improvement to streets, sidewalks and buildings in the near future. Poplar Trees Cot Down. At the cor ner of Fifth and Flanders streets, a row of large poplars on both streets are be ing removed, with the usual concomi tants of smashed sidewalks, etc The trees were planted In front of eome little old-fashioned homes many years ago, and have completely outgrown and over shadowed the buildings, and tend mater ially to hasten their decay. There are a number of tows of such poplars in that neighborhood, which have long since out grown their beauty and usefulness, and all of which, now that a spirit of improve ment is beginning to awake In that long neglected section, are likely soon to dis appear. At the corner of Fifth and Burnslde streets is a little old-fashioned house, standing back from the street. The yard in front is taken up by a pair of huge old poplars, which make the lit tle old house look like 30 cents. "When Fifth street is extended through to North Fifth these will disappear before the march of improvement. "W. E. Hurd Goes East. W. E. Hurd and wife left Saturday evening for New York, to be gone until March. Mr. Hurd is part owner and manager of three groups of mines in the Granite and Sumpter districts, about 40 -miles from Baker City. He goes East to make his annual report to his partners, and to consult with them about future opera tions, and business generally. The group of mines of which Mr. Hurd is in charge are the Chelan, PotosI and Smuggler. He has had from 20 to 30 men employed all the year and has expended about 525,000 on development work. Several hundred tons of ore have been shipped to show the quality of the work and to produce some $8000. As the cost of hauling and shipping ore to the smelter Is too great the company s now awaiting for a smel ter to be put up near the mines. Second Crop op Pears. Specimens of pears of a second crop of this season grown in the orchard of County Re corder S. C. Beach, at Peninsular, have been left at The Oregonian office. The tree blossomed for the second time in July, so the pears have had ample time to mature. They are of medium size and fairly ripe, but contain no seeds, and only faint indications of any core. Whether this is characteristic of the va riety is not known, as Mr. Beach has not furnished samples of the first crop. In years where there is a long fine Autumn, second crops of raspberries, strawberries, apples, etc, are not uncommon, but It Is seldom that any of these freaks are 60 well grown and matured as Mr. Beach's pears. Meeting op First 1905 Fair Committee. Matters of importance connected -with the Lewis and Clark Fair will be con sidered at a meeting held this afternoon at 6 o clock in the Oregon Mining Ex change, by the provisional committee of the Fair, appointed by the Board of Trade and Manufacturers' Association. This is the original committee, out of which grew the committee on incorporation, and although the subjects for discussion have not been given out, the indications are that the meeting will be a very inter esting one, and all committee members are asked to be present. Improvements at Depot. Since the south wing of the Union depot has been opened up and signs of dinning-room. lunch counter, baths and barber shop appear in the windows, the depot appears much more complete and business-like than before. Travelers on arriving at the depot find all these things very con venient, and they are very well patron ized. Railroad men say that the Union depot and terminal grounds in Portland are among the most complete and best managed in the country a fact of which Manager E. Lyons and many others have long been aware. The Old-Folks Home. The bszaar and fair In aid of the Old Folks Home opens at S o clock this evening in the Taber nacle building, Twelfth and Morrison streets. Addresses by Mayor Rowe and others and a fine musical entertainment, under supervision of the Cathedral Parish committee, will inaugurate the fair. At noon tomorrow and during the fair a substantial lunch will be served to busi ness men and others. Bast Home Directors Gratefui The thanks of the Baby Home directors are hereby extended for the generous and substantial offerings made to the Home T?tJi" In,mate d"-ing the past week. L a me i Breat need- an through the kindness of many friends has be come a season of grateful thanksgiving, i rade ball will be given by Port- ;tnd ?rne,50n-en of Woodcraft, at their hall Abington building. Friday evening. December 6. Six handsome prizes to be given. Prize waltz. Lecture of Dr. Ely. ."Evolution or Industrial Society." before the Economic League, at Unitarian Church, December 3, 8 P. M. Admission to the general pub lic, 25 cents. The Dalles-Portland Route, Regu lator Line Steamers, From Oak Street Dock Daily, at 7 A. M. Orders taken for Initialed handker chiefs and table linen sets. John Cran, 204 Macleay building. Dr. Edward N. "Wilson has returned to his olfice, 304 Oregonian building. Congregational Bazaar. The ladies of the First Congregational Church will hold their afternoon tea and annual bazaar on Tuesday and "Wednesday of this week, from 2 until 10 o'clock each afternoon and evening, in the parlors of the church, corner Park and Madison streets. The various committees will have for sale a large variety of articles useful and orna mental, and most desirable for Christmas gifts. At the fancy work table, Mrs. H. "W. Cardwell, chairman, will be offered fine needlework, articles choice and dainty. At the art table. Miss Jessie George, chairman, will be found a fine collec tion of pictures and artistic art novelties. The handkerchiefs and bags booth. Miss Gaylord, chairman, will have for sale handkerchiefs and quantities of bags of all sizes and for all purposes of use and ornament. The candy table. Miss Laura Smith, chairman, will offer tempting home-made confections. Tea, chocolate and lemonade will be served by Mrs. H. H. Northup, Mrs. Gaylord and others No reservations or sales will be made until 2 P. M. Tuesday. Admission free. Professor Ivey's Lecture Wednes day. At the "White Temple, "Wednesday evening. December 4, the distinguished artist. Professor J. Ivey, will deliver his famous lecture, "Seeing the Invisible in Nature." This Is the first of the course to bo given under the auspices of the Federated "Women's Clubs of the city, and a rare treat is in "store for lovers of art. Professor Ivey is clearly the fore most speaker of today In his particular field, handling his subject with a grasp of principle, breadth of treatment, chaste diction and musical rhythm, found only in tho highest art. Admission is CO cents. Tickets can be secured from presidents of tho clubs, at the club Journal office, Chamber of Commerce, and at the door. Remember the date, December 4. Smelt Season NEAn at Hand. The ar rival of Columbia River smelt in the mar ket may be looked for any time now, unless there is to be a cold "Winter, in which case the smelt know what Is com ing and will stay in the ocean till a more propitious time. They did not use to ar rive so early, but of late years have put in their appearance as early sometimes as December 4, and on one occasion smelt were had for breakfast here on Thanksgiving day. It is generally some time after the first ones arrive before the main school shows up. During this time the fishermen, who catch any. obtain a high price for them. A few pounds then are worth as much as the same number of bushels when the season is at its height Civil Service Examination. The United States Civil Service Commission announces that on December 30-31 an ex amination will be held in this city for the position of, heating and ventilating drafts men, and on January 2, 3 and 4 for the position of mechanical draftsmen. From these examinations certification will be made to fill existing vacancies. Persons desiring to compete should at once ad dress the Civil Service Commission, Wash ington, D. C. for application blanks. Multnomah Prohibition Alliance. Preparatory to the Prohibiten Party State Coni-ention, which is to be held on next Friday at A. 0 U. W. Hall, there will be held a special meeting of Multno mah Prohibition Alliance at G. A. II Hall, First and Taylor streets, on "Wed nesday evening, December 4. The meet ing will be an open one. The public is invited. Meeting of "Woman's Club. A special meeting of the "Woman's Club has been called for Tuesday, December 3. at 2 P. M., in the Sclling-Hirsch building, for the purpose of discussing and voting on the "color" question. The Lewis and Clark Exposition will also be considered, with a view to malcing practical the re cent indorsement given by the club. Buy Bronze Monarch stock today at its first call at the Oregon Mining Stock Exchange, or telephone Oak 551. Never so cheap again. A. O. U. "W. attention! Industry's dance "Wednesday, December 4, 1M1 Arion Hall. HUNTERS WERE HUNTED. "When They Attacked a Stranprc Ani mal, They Were Well, Worsted. It was a sapient Frenchman who first noted the difference between hunting and being hunted by the tiger, but few sports men in these days of breech-loaders, smokeless powder and automatic shell ex tracters, have any experience In the last mentioned style of hunting. Most wild ani mals of this region avoid man Instinc tively, but there Is one which, by virtue of Its strength, takes the middle of thp road as his right and turns out for noth lng that walks the earth. Charley Potter and Herbert Walker better known as "Doc" while on thel-" way to their duck lake over on the Co lumbia bottom a few days ago, had an encounter with one of these animals. It was about 4 A. M on a very dark, foggy morning, when one could hardly see be yond the end of his nose. As they were climbing the narrow trail over a hill, their dog bayed the animal In the brush, and began barking furiously. A moment later he was yelping "bloody murder," and snorting and howling as if the life was being strangled out of him. Potter, who was ahead, called the dog to heel, and he came tearing out of the brush with the animal, which looked In the fog as big as a bale of wool, following close at his heels. The dog rushed back be hind the men, and the animal followea after, deliberately and calmly. "Load your gun, Charley, load your gun," yeiiea Doc, "he Is coming right at us." Potter threw down the sack of decoys he was carrying, and slipping a i-ll Into his gun. fired hurriedly. He missed the animal, which continued to advance, head and tail erect Potter fumbled in his pouch for another shell, but before he could get It into his gun, the animal had opened fire on him with the ammunition furnished it by Nature. Doc dropped his decoys and gun. and ran for his life. The skunk had climbed over Potter's sack of decoys, and was about to walk over him by the time he was ready to shoot, and the charge of shot tore the lit tle animal all to pieces, and made a hole in the soft ground big enough to bury it in, beside loading the asmospnere wltn an efiluvlum so dense that It could have been cut In blocks with a sDade. Then Potter followed Doc, and they compared notes and congratulated them selves that they were alive. It was quite daylight before they were able to recover their decoys, and pro ceed to the lake, and put them out They sat in their blind several hours, and al though there were plenty of ducks flym they all Hew high and wide; nary a one ever came within gunshot of their decoys or them. ' Finally ther tumbled to the fact that they were "skunked" In more ways than one, and they started for home, endeavor ing as far as possible tr keep from meet ing or getting near any one. It was sev eral days before they were In condition to attend to business, and even then people who came In would ask what It was that smelt so queer In the shop. Next time they meet a skunk they will leave the road clear for him. NEWS OF ARMY PEOPLE. Movement of Those Well Known In the Pacific Northwest. Captain John P. Hains, now at Fort Stevens, Is ordered to the command of the Fifteenth Field Battery, at Manila. Ell L. Huggins, who was well known "in Portland while on General Miles' staff, has just been promoted to be a full Cohv nel of cavalry. Lieutenant W. H. Tobln, who served at Vancouver with the California Volun teers, is now in the regular Army, and has been ordered to Fort Stevens. He was recently presented by brother officers with- a handsome artillery saber. Lieutenant J. F. Gohn, Fourteenth In fantry, is now on recruiting duty at Bos ton. Mass. Lieutenant James Regan, Jr., Four teenth Infantry, was recently married at Washington to Miss Consuelo Yznaga. Mrs. Captain J. S. Mallory has Joined her husband at St Paul, Minn. PLANNING 1HE MEMORIAL SOLDIERS' MOXDMEXT ASSOCIATION' i AT WORK. No Subscription "Will Be Tafcea Until Febmary Death of Peter X. Johnstone, Shipbuilder. A well attended meeting of the Soldiers' Monument Association was held S'thterday afternoon at G4 Grand avenue. M. L. Pratt president of the association, pre sided. He said that, owing to the Interest absorbed in the 1S05 fair, and other mat ters at this time, an active canvass for funds had not been undertaken, although the outlook was very promising, and al ready $200 had been pledged. After reading and approval of the min utes, the question of the location of the monument, which will be erected In Lone GAVE TIP THAT LED TO mmmmmm i i , , .i. ..., ,. , , . . , mamm m Wm'' -WW &mH$ HffiHalflSiBSHHGHBBB&rli MRS. W. T. WHITLOCK. Mrs. W. T. Whltlock Is the woman who rave the Information that led to the arrest ot the two murderers, Dajton and " ade, w ho were rooming at her house. Mrs. Whltlock'a suspicions tfere aroused by tho peculiar manner In which the men acted, and she was positive that these men were In some way mixed up in the case, but she did not Intend to inform the authorities until she had ob tained a little more evidence against them. However, when she found her bureau and drawers forced open, and realized that she had been robbed. rtie immedi ately Informed the police, as she was afraid that the men were about to leave town. The result was that all concerned were captured and placed under ar rest. To Mrs. "Whltlock is due a considerable part of the credit of landing these men. Mrs. "Whltlock's maiden name was Annie H. Miller. She was born in Dacn- 4 port la., and eamc across the plains in v P?11ca When 1 years of ace she came to Portland, where she remained three J T j ears, after wMch she went to Oregon Clt. There hc was married. In 187C, to X X V. T. WhStlock. In 1KJ she returned to Portland, Where she has resided ever i i since. T w - 0 -.- 0 O O 0 4 C 0 Fir Cemetery, was discussed. Captain J. H. McMillen, who had Interviewed the owners of the Lone Fir Association, said that he had been given assurances that the ground required for the monument would be donated, and that there would be no trouble from that source. The only question to be .settled was how much would be required, it was ascertained that the park block In the cemetery. In which public functions arc he'd, is ISOxiZfi. The association desires 50x30 in about the center of ihls block, with the perpetual use of the walks extending to it. The association decided that the ground se cured for the monument shall be deeded to the City of Portland for a soldiers Monument. On completion of the mon ument, it w:ll be unveiled and turned over to the Mayor and the City of Portland. After extended discussion. It was de cided not to make an active canvass until after February 1, owirg to the deniunds being made at present on the liberality ot the public for the churltab'e Institutions-. It was ..-ought that by that time all these various demands will have been sup plied. However, the canvassing commit tee was Instructed to accept any subscrip tion offered, but a special effort will not be made till after February 1. It was reported that tevcral of the G. A. R. pets had contributed toward the expenrcs of the association, and Captain J. H McMlt'.cn was elected treasurer. On mo.Jon it was decided that all money raised for tne erection of the monument ohall be deposited In the banks designated to the credit of tne Soldiers' Monument Association, and drawn out only by war rant signed by the secretary and presi dent; aso that the secretary shall keep a list of all subscriptions, and by whom made, for record purposes. Chairman Pratt reported that the women of Sumner Relief r'orps had raised over $100 for the monument. Subscriptions to the amount of $100 had .also been secured without soliciting. Tncse reports were considered encouraging, and every mem ber of the committee feels confident that enough money can be raised to erect a creditable monument and have It ready for unveling and dedication by May 30, 1903. On the coming Memorial day the ground will be dedicated with an appro priate ceremony. While the association is composed of members of the G. A. R. posts, the move ment includes all soldiers, the hardy pio neers, who gave their lives fighting against the savages, as well as those of tne C'vll, Mexican, and Spanish-American Wars. The association adjourned to meet again the first Sunday In February at 61 Grand avenue, at 2:30 o'clock. DEATH OF PETER X. JOHXSTOXE. He Whm One of the Owner of the Willamette Shipyard. Peter N. Johnstone, a well-known ship carpenter, dlejl at his home, 300 East Tenth street, Stephens' Addition, yester day morning, at 3:20 o'clock, after an ill ness of seven weeks. He was 47 years old, and had been a resident of the Coast for the past 20 years. Ldlnburgh, Scotland, was his native place, and his business has been that of shipbuilding. For seven years he w as one of the part ners In the Willamette shipyard, at tho foot of East Clay street, which turned out many boats and prospered until the financial slump came, when the company had to close down. Mr. Johnstone was a member of the Masonic order In Scot land, and occasionally visited Portland lodges. The funeral service will be held at r. S. Dunnlng's chapel, East Sixth and East Alder streets, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. TRODTDALE WOMAN'S CLUB. Organization Wan Recently Effected and OlHcers Elected. Recently a woman's club was formed at Troutdale, with the following officers: Mrs. P. Williams, president; Mrs. Veda Coleman, vice-president; Mrs. Vanderver, recording secretary; Mrs. A. Shields, sec retary; Mrs. O. F. Tipton, treasurer; Mrs. F. E. Harlow, Mrs. J. Douglas, Mrs. Peck, board of directors. The object of the club Is for social Im provement and benefit of the library. Thp club meets once every two weeks. A lecture course Is being given this club, on "Parliamentary Law," by G. O. Rey nolds. These meetings are largely attended. Will Build Church Wlthont Debt. The Third Presbyterian Church con tinues to hold services In the Odd Fel lows' building, corner East Pine and Grand avenue, while the old building Is being fixed up on East Thirteenth and East Pine streets. The building com mittee Is moving cautiously In letting contracts for erection of the new church. First estimates of the cost of the struc ture have been exceeded by 51000, and the whole cost Is now placed at 56000. One object sought Is to complete the build ing without leaving a big debt hanging over it Faneral of Mrs. Ethel L. Tourney. The funeral of Mrs. Ethel L. Tourney, of South Bend, Wash., was conducted MURDERERS1 ARREST an ox team in 1SGI, settling at The Saturday by Martha Washington Chap ter. Order Eastern Star. At the close of the services the body was shipped to Iowa for burial. Mrs. Tourney was patt matron of the South Bend Chapter, East ern Star. She died at Good Samaritan Hospital. By request of the South Bend Chapter the Martha Washington Chapter of the East Side conducted the services. Extent'liipr Street". The owners of the tract between Wil liams and Union avenues will Improve Monroe street between these avenues, and also improve Rodney avenue between Morris and Ivy streets. This will open up that part of the city. The tract Is part of the Hogue-Cathn property, which has remained a barrier to growth in Upper A'blna for many years. It has at last given way to the march of improvement. Knit Side Xotes.v .The crossing of the Brooklyn and Car shops branch of the City & Suburban Railway Company at the intersection of East Grant and Grand avenue has been finished. Connection across the Stephens bridge will be made at once, when the track will be ballasted quickly through to Mllwaukie street. Cars may be operated that far by the first of the year. The Sunnyside Congregational Church has been collecting clothing and other useful articles, which are to be forward- j ed to needy families In the Black Hills oeiore t-nnstmas, as an orierlng. Rev. R. A. Rowley, superintendent of the Con gregational Sunday School and Publish ing Society, will see to the distribution of the goods. Wis.. Bros., dentists. Both phones. The Falling. HE HAS TROUBLES TOO. Ambulance Driver Travels Through "Wind and Italn on Alarm. The troubles of an ambulance driver were forcibly Illustrated by an incident which happened Saturday. Relatives of a young colored man. who Is sick with consumption, telephoned to the ambulance driver to take the patient to a hospital. "The price will be $2, madam." said the driver, politely. A surprised exclam ation came over the 'phone, and a voice said that the family could not pay any thing. "Walt a minute," said the driver. He consulted his boss, told thu npenllnr j circumstances, and received authority to nam the patient free of charge. This was telephoned. So the horses were attached to the newly-washed ambulance, and they tore away to South Portland In the mud and rain. Horses, wheels and harness were freely bespattered with mud. The surprise of the ambulance driver can be Imagined, however, when he drove up to the pa tient's home, to find the County Hospital ambulance already there. "I'm after a consumptive patient," said the driver of the private ambulance. "So am I," said the t:ounty man. On Investigation Jt was discovered that both ambulances had been called to the house for the same patient, and both drivers were wrathy. In the middle or the discussion a colored woman appeared at the door, and said sharply: "What do you white folks want?" j "I've been sent to take the young man to tne hospital," said the driver of the private ambulance. "Well, he ain't a-goln' today; so there," said the woman, closing the door. There was nothing to do but to drive back again, and scrub the horses, and again wash the mud off the ambulance. In quiry revealed the fact that the patient was not afterward taken to the County Hospital. WHERE TO DINE TODAY. Suitable food promotes health and happi ness. You can get It at the Portland Res taurant, 305 Washington st., near Fifth. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver PHIsl Dose. I one of each after eating. VICTIMS MOURN FOR HOPE POLICE FIXD NO- TRACE OF MYS TERIOUS PROFESSOR. Mystery of tie Magic Circle and the Vanished Thousands Remain Unsolved. Come, gentle Hope, with one gay smile remove The l&stlnc sadness of an aching heart. Thus sings the poet and thus sing the people who mourn the untimely departure of Professor C. Emerson Hope. Where there's life there's Hope, but that's the question which Is troubling the ones false ly left behind, and also the police. Nei ther Professor Hope nor his satellite, the Star of Mystery. Professor Allen, has left a single vestige. The other poet who said that true Hope is swift and flics with swallow's wings must have had In mind the true and only Hope. Only one woman has sworn complaint against Professor Hope. She is the one who gave $1000 and a diamond ring to be put In a circle of good luck. Another woman Is said on good authority to have consigned an equal sum to the circle or good luck. Circles of good luck still cir cumscribe the money, and the women are wrestling with the old problem which has troubled philosophers ever ulncc thought began the solution of the circle. If ever anybody can discover the square of the circle, perhaps the two unfortu nate women will be able to reach the cen ter of the circle of good luck. A third woman was on the point of encircling $300 In the magic charm, but she fortu nately confided the secret to her husband, who tipped the matter off. The police are secretive about their knowledge of the psychic professors, and Information Is elusive. It seems probable that more people than are known have' been victimized by the magic circle. Women were the especial dupes of the two gentlemen of black art. A man who had watched, them closely during their sojourn here said yesterday that he believed the gentlemen were In other mischief than In telling fortunes and casting the magic spell of the cir cle. They never would tell where they spent the night, and wiien either was questioned he would reply: "Oh, I have a room down the street." The White Mahatraa, or Star of Mys tery, had a slouch hat which he used at night, and a heavy overcoat, both of which partly concealed his face. The man who volunteered the information yes terday said he would not be surprised if the professor had been engaged in hold up work. Meanwhile the problem of the day is still the mystery of the circle. Who can solve It? ORIGIN OF NAME "CHAMPOEG" C. O. Pelland Snyn It Wan "Champ l'ooltch" Field ot Roots. At a celebration held In Champoeg, on the Willamette River last Spring, a con troversy arose In regard to the moaning or derivation of the name of that place, which was not definitely settled. C. O. Pelland, an old settler of that section, has furnished The Oregonian with his ideas on this matter, which are doubt less correct. Mr. Pelland Is a Canadian Frenchman, who arrived on French Prai rie in 1S37. He stayed for some time with F. X. Matthleu, and having had a good education In French, he soon picked up a fair knowledge of English, and also of the Jargon used by the Indians in doing business with the whites in those days. He says that across the river from Champoeg lived an old Hudson Bay man named McKinley, and back of hia place was a butte or hill, where a root or bulb, something like the "camas," of which the Indians were fond, grew in profusion. Every Fall the Indians, women princi pally, dug large quantities of these roots for Winter. He dors not know what the real name of the plant was, and now It Is all gone the pasturing of sheep on tho ground exterminated It," root and branch." so to speak. The Indians called the root, "pooitch," or that is about as near the name as the English alphabet c.n spell It, but there was a sort of gut terlal or "kluck" sound In the word that cannot be reproduced. Now "Champ" in French means a field, and the place where these roots used to grow was naturally "Champooltch," or the pooitch field. For instance. If one Inquired where a certain Indian woman was, and was told "Champooltch," he would know that sne was over In the field where the "pooitch" grew. This soon became the name ot the landing and town, and at first was spelled In several different ways, but fin ally crystallzed into Champoeg, which has persisted as the name of the town. Mr. Pelland has resided continuously on French Prairie for about 44 years, and Is CI years of age, but his cheeks are as ruddy and his eyes bright as ever, and there Is scarcely a gray hair on hte hcarl. He is possessed of a fund of information in regard to the names given rivers and places In the early history of this re gion, whl.h It would te well that he should write down for the benefit of fu ture generations. SMITH'S DANDRUFF POMADE Positively cures dandruff, itching scalp, eczema, and stops falling hair. Price, 20c, at all druggists. Sample free. Address Smith Bros.. Fresno, Cal. Serloni Charge. Frank Reed, 51 years old, was locked up yesterday at the city Jail by Policeman Thompson, accused of a serious charge by A young girl named Hattie Idlewine, of the East Side. rferr Utgrb-Grade Piano For rent and sold on easy Installments, to ault the purchaser, at lowest prices. Piano-tuning and repairing. Established 1E&. H. Sinshelmer, 72 Third street, near ak I'hon North 551. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the ISignatxare of 6&&z roi Zeffejpf&ss Zlfcs frtsffon rr-n ! rrnt "5j"5jj Prices consistent urttb Good Work Engraving" Department OregonJan Pufa.Co. Tr P f RRftAVN ETE AND EAR DISEASES. Ul . C 1-. DIU IT 1 bldg,.rqpms 020-7. U&dT-iail&j A THANKSGIVING SURPRISE. A Fine 3fevr ClttckerlnK Baby Grand Specially Decorated Wltk a Monogram. Many of Portland's beautiful homes pos sess musical Instruments, of rare value, the majority of them having1 been sold during the past few years by Liters Piano House. Among the many instruments sold dur ing the past week was one of the re nowned $1000 Chickenng small grand pi anos, in very fancy mottled mahogany case, which was delivered Wednesday at the beautiful home of Mrs. Trimble, on St. Clair street, a mother's munificent birthday gift to her most accomplished daughter. The piano is one of the Cnlck erlng masterpieces, one of the choicest ever sold In Portland, and was specially decorated under the supervision of Mr. Ellers, with the young lady's monogram and date of the happy event In letters of gold, surrounded by a wreath of bronze. Another choice instrument was secured by Mr. Turner, for his elegant home in lrvington. This Instrument, also a Chlck erlng. Is accompanied by an Angelus or chestral piano-player, by means ot which any one can play the instrument perfect ly, without any previous knowledge of music or "notes." Still another very costly piano was pur chased yesterday afternoon by Mr. George E. K. FIchtner, and delivered at his home on Grant street. This is one of the re nowned Weber instruments, In special art case of Louis XIV design, also executed in beautiful, rich San Domingo mahogany wood. Altogether eighty-three instruments were sold at Eilcrs Piano House during the past week, and during the coming week the sales will undoubtedly run over the hundred mark. Christmas Is much In evi dence at this store, for already five fine pianos have been selected and set aside by provident parents, to be delivered on Christmas day. GIFT HINTS DECEMBER 2, 1901 Spectacles "When vision falls And sight grows dim What better gift For HER or Hlil Than golden specs Or ejcsla3s neat. The merry Christmas Time to greet. WALTER REED The Optician. t 133 Sixth St. Oregonian Building W. L. DOUGLAS FOR MEN BOX CALF, V8CI KID, PATENT CALF NEW STOCK E. C. QODDARD & CO. Sixth and Washington Sts. No More Dread "he Denial Chair TEF.1 . EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late 5)entltlc method applied to the Rum Xo sleep-producing agents or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors In PortUrd ha ring PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients to extract. All and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teerh. and warranted for 10 yesrs, WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to ?0 years experience, and each tlrpart nent In charge of a specialist. Gtvf us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you In ad vance exactly what your nork will cost bv a FREE EXAMINATION. POPULAR PRICES NO PLATES Nevr York Dental Pariors MAIN OFTICE: Fourth and Morrison sts-. Portland. Or. HOURS: 8:30 A. M. to 3 P. M.: Sundays, 8:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. BRANCH OFFICE: 614 First avenue. Seattle. WashlnKton. CALENDARS of Every Description lc to $1.00 D. M. AVERILL & CO. THE CURIO STORE, 331 Morrison St. FRED PREHIS The Dekum Building. Full Set Teeth.... $5.00 Gold Crowns 5.00 Bridge Work 5.00 Examination free. Teeth extracted abso- v lutely without pain. Cor.. Third, and Washington. JUtvJ V WmSk iw V(lil dl I'll) J II ll tiiA THE PALATIAL OREGONIAN BUI pRI illl Xot a dr.rlc offlce In the building) absolutely fireproof; electric lights and a-tciitan water; perfect sanita tion and thoronrrh ventilation. Ele vators rni. day and night. Roma. AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. PhyatcUn.. 008-600 ANDERSON. GUSTAV, Attorney-at-Law...612 ASSOCIATED PRESS. E. L. Powell. Mngr.808 AUSTEN. F. C, Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers Life Association ot Des Moines. Ia 502-503 BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOINES. I A.. F. C. Austen. Mgr.... 502-503 DEALS. EDW-ARD A.. Forecast Omclal U. S. Weather Bureau 010 BENJAMIN. U. W.. Dentist 314 UINSWANGER. OTTO S.. Physician and Surgeon 407-403 BROCK. WILBUR F., Circulator Orego nian 501 BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314 BRUEKE. DR. G. E.. Phjslctan.. 412-413-414 BUSTEED. RICHARD 303 CAMPBELL. WM. M.. Medical Referee Equitable Life 700 CANNING, M. J 602-003 CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers Insurance Company "13 CARDWELL. DR. J. R GO0 CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J 710-71T COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY.... C04-CC5-C06-GOT-G13-014-615 CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon.. 203 COLLIER. P. P., Publisher: S. P. McGuire, Manager 413 1 DAY, J. G.. &. L N 318 DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714 DWYER, JOE E.. Tobaccos 403 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Floor EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder Street EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK; L. Samuel. Mgr.; Geo. S. Smith, Cashier 306-7-S FENTON. J. D.. Phjslclan and Surgeon.500-10 FENTON. DR. HICKS C.. Ee and Ear.. 511 FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 509 GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man 600 GAVIN, A.. President Oregon Camera Club 214-215-21IS-217 GEARY. DR. EDWARD P., Physician and Surgeon 212-213 GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon... 709-710 GILBERT. DR. J. ALLEN, PhyslcIan.401-402 GILLESPY. SHERWOOD. General Agent Mutual Life Ins. Co. 404-405-403 GOLDMAN, WILLIAM. Manager Manhat tan Life Ins. Co., of New York 200-210 GRANT, FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law....01T GRISWOLD & PHEGLEY. Tailors 131 Sixth Street HAMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian. 300-301-303 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HOLLISTER. DR. O. C., Physician and Surgeon 504-505 IDLEMAN. C M., Attorney-at-Law.410-17-18 JOHNSON. W. a 315-318-31T KADY, MARK T.. Supervisor ot Agents Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assn.... 604-605 L1TTLEFIELD, H. R.. Phys. and Sur. 200 MACKAY, DR. A. E.. Phys. and Surg.. 711-713 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York; W. Goldman. Manager. .. .200-210 MARTIN, J. L. & CO.. Timber Lands.... 601 McCOY, NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 715 MjFADEN, MISS IDA E., Stenographer. .201 McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-12 McKENZIE. DR. P. L-. Phys. and Sur.512-13 METT. HENRY 218 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dtntlst and Oral Surgeon 603-609 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 513-514 MUTUAL RESERVE TUND LIFE ASSN; Mark T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents. 604-605 Mcelroy, dr. j g., Phys. & sur.701-702-703 McFARLAND, E. B., Secretary Columbia Telephone Company 60d McGUIRE, S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher 415 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., ot New York; Sherwood Glllespy. Gen. Agt..404-5- NICHOLAS. HORACE IS.. Attorney-at-Law.715 NILES, M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Lift In surance Company of New York 209 OLSEN. J. F.. btate Agent Tontine Sav ings Association. Minneapolis 211 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-21T.I OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY 400-410 OREGONIAN BARBER SHOP; Rudolph Marsch, Prop 120 Sixth street OREGONIAN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU; J. F. Strauhal. Manager 200 POrtlLAND Ei'E AND EAR INFIRMARY, Ground Floor, 1.13 Sixth street QUIMBY. L. P W.. Game and Forestry Warden ....515 REED. WALTER, Optician 133 Sixth street RICKENBACH. DR. J. F Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat 701-702 ROSJNDALE, O. M., Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 513 RYAN, J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 515 SAMUEL, L.. Manager Equitable Llfe....3oO SHERWOOD. J. V.. Deputy Supreme Com mander K. O. T. M 51T SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 409-410 SMITH, GEO. S . Cashier Equitable Ltfo...30lJ STUART. DELL, Attorney-at-Law.. ..617-618 STOLTD. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-705 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 703 STROWBRIDGE. THOMAS H.. Executive Special Agent Mutual Life of New YoiSc.403 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 THREE IN ONE" QUICK ACCOUNT SYSTEM COMPANY. OF OREGON 513 TONTINE SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, Min neapolis; J. F. Olsen. State Agent 211 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F., Dentist 010-611 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU... 907-00S-0O3-01O U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH DIST.. Captain W. C. Langntt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A- S03 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS, Captain W. C Langntt, Corps or Engineers. U. S. A..810 WATERMAN, C. H.. Cashier Mutual Life of New York 400 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Physician and Surgeon 304-205 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg.700-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.507-503 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELE. CO 613 WOOD. DR. W. L., Physician.... 412-413-414 Offices mar he had by applying: to the superintendent of the balldlnf room 201, second floor. RING WOItM AND DANDRUFF. Ther Are Each Cauccd by a Pestifer ous Germ. Ring worm and dandruff are somewhat similar in their origin; each Is causefd by a parasite. The germ that causes dan druff, digs to the root of the hair, and saps its vitality, causing falling hair, and, finally, baldness. Without dandruff there would never be baldness, and to cure dan druff It Is ncecssary to kill the germ. There has been no hair preparation tnat would do this until the discovery of Newbro's Herplcide. which positively kills the dandruff germ, allays Itching Instantly and makes hair glossy and soft as silk. At all druggists. Take no substi tutes. There Is nothing "Just as good." A Nevr Collar. Et & W "IjUBECK." "LUBECIC" E. & "W