Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 30, 1901, Image 1

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    ivr 'mr"mz'st?f
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Tin "Wsyrorpi"l'Jr'aT',T"WT1
R. H. PEASE, President.
J A. SHEPARD. Secretary.
F. M. SHEPARD. JR.. Treasurer.
No. 73 nnd 75 First Street,
The Pose In Portraiture Photographing Children
Developers and Development Landscape Photography
Retouching Telephotography
Intensification and Reduction Seashore Pnotography
Bromide Enlarging Flashlight Photography
Carbon Printing Photographing Interiors
Blumauer-Frank drug Co. imporun"'.
Best Material Should Be Used
in Construction.
Many Cltixens Think Mistake Will
Be Made if Durability Is Sacri
ficed to Cheapness Bnild Well
at the Start. '
Shaw's Pure Malt
Without a Rival Today
BlUmaUer & HOCh, I0S and HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oreaoi
bi?eouA "Perfect" Furnace
agrsa?,Mep John Van Range
With which to roast your Thanksgiving turkey, then. Indeed, "you have much to be
thanwTul for." If you have not these two sources of comfort, you can get them from
Heating and Ventilating Engineer. 47 FIRST, PORTLAND, OR.
Kfth and Washington Streets .... PORTLAND. OREGON
: Rooms Slngl TBo to fl.50 per day
First-Class Check .Itestaurnnt Rcoms Dcuble $1.00 to tt.00 per day
Connected With Hotel. Rooma-Famlly $1.50 to $3.00 per day
V F. DA.YIES. rrea.
C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treaa.
St. Charles Hote
American and Eurorean:Pian.
junertcan Plan $L2S. 1.B0. LT5
European Plan bOc, 75c. $1.00
Our Stock is now
Twenty Styles. Nickel Plated with
Wrought Iron or Nickel Piated Stands.
Also a complete line of
Orders receive prompt and
careful attention.
nniri ucr.Cl c c C( importers crockery, gusswre, lamps, cuiurt, plated
rKAtL, ilLUtLL QL LU. ware, rich cut cuss and fine china.
100-106 FIFTH STREET, corner Stark.
: FALL and
That the trrowing commerce of Portland
demands a drydock, and that the building
of one here would be a wise move, la
conceded by all. The only question now Is
as to what material is best for Its con
struction. A majority of business men Interviewed
on the subject think it advisable to build
the dock of steel, because that Is the mod
ern method and the most lasting material.
A steel dock. It Is urged, has elements of
permanency about it that are lacking In
wood. It Is plainly a case, they say, ot
the best being the cheapest, which is a
rule having general application.
"While a steel dock may cost 25 per cent
more than a wooden dock, conservative
business men estimate that the extra out
lay would prove the best kind of an in
vestment. It would secure a permanent
institution that would not become water
logged, and would practically last Indefin
itely. It would need no renewing or re
placing, as would surely be the case with
a wooden dock.
The present project of the Port of Port
land Commission Is for a wooden dock, to
cost $225,000, and the commission has $4C0,
000 at its disposal for a dock. If the wood
en dock has to be replaced within 10 to 20
years at the same cost, it would certainly
seem to be on the side of economy to in
vest 20 to 25 per cent additional at the
start and secure a steel structure that will
be permanent and need no replacing.
Drydocks as investments are said to be
safe'and sure everywhere, and as they re
turn their owners 20 to 25 per cent, they
have created riches in many ports.
When the Spanish government wanted a
drydock for Havana Harbor it had a llrst
clas3 steel dock built on the Tyne, and
had it towed 6500 miles. It weighs 42W)
tons, and has a lifting power of 10,000
tons. Its , construction occupied six
In building a floating dock a contractor
can come out at the end of his contract as
close to his estimates as he can in build
ing a ship. In building a stationary stone
dock it often happens that, alter a big
hole has been scooped out at great ex
pense and a retaining wall put in, an
Innocent little spring breaks out of the
near-by bank, and from a trickle It in
creases to a puddle, and next morning
shows that during the night it has been
joined by other little springs and has per
haps pushed the retaining wall away, and
again shown the "mighty power of water.
.be best, for Portland, a steel or' wooden
dryaocK, tne prominent Business men wno
were seen gave their opinions as follows:
J. G. Day, prominent contractor, whose
firm built the Cascade Locks There Is
only one class of material worthy of con
sideration in the construction of a floating
drydock, and that is steel. Even were it
built of oak, It would be undesirable, and
If built of Pacific woods it would need
very extensive and continuous repairs in
seven or eight years. Building of steel
would delay the matter only one season, if
at all. In the absence of plans and speci
fications, on which to base calcula
tions, and considering the facilities in
the East forgetting steel shapes, I think
that the cost of a steel dock would but
slightly exceed that of a wooden dock.
The operating machinery, which would be
an expensive part, would cost the same in
either kind of dock. The only difference
In the cost would be in the construction of
the hull. It would cost more money to as
semble the different parts of a wooden
dock than of a steel one. The facilities for
working steel were demonstrated at the
Cascade Locks during 'the erection of the
gates, which we had shipped from the
East in sections. We were not required to
chip a Joint or drill a rivet hole in the
3,000,000 pounds of steel we used. M. T.
Endlcott, Chief of the Government Bu
reau of Docks and Yards, recommends the
abandonment of projected wooden docks,
because they have been a source of an
noyance and expense everywhere.
vertlsement for Portland. When ships
would go Into It the fact would be tele
graphed all over the country. When we
have a drydock here many a ship will
come here which now goes to Puget
Judge George H. Williams I think that,
if a floating dock Is desired, wood would
be the material to build it of. If a sta
ti6nary dock is desired, of course steel is
the most durable, but the cost might be
out of all proportion. Whether steel or
wood be used ought to defend on the
difference In the cost of material, and that
would be a controlling consideration In
choice of construction material. I am
nleased to know that Portland is to have a
drydock. Such Institutions are of great
advantage to the commerce of a city.
General Charles F. Beebe I can hearti
ly commend a wooden drydock if it is
properly cared for. Of course, steel is in
destructible, but it would be folly for us
to spend two or three times as much for
steel as for wood. A first-class wooden
dock will last for 50 years. Such docks
have been In use for that length of time
in New York.
George Taylor, of Taylor, Young & Co.
I think, judging from what I have seen,
that wood would be the best. Our native
wood is good for the purpose of a dry
Liberals Surrendered Colon
in an Orderly Manner.
Insurgents Turned Over Their Arms
to Captain Perry, of tne Iovrn,
Who in Turn Handed Them
Over to General Alban.
COLON, Nov. 29. The terms of surren
der agreed upon at yesterday's conference
on the United States gunboat Marietta,
and at which the commanding officers of
traffic on the Isthmus, it Is expected that
the Navy Department will be able to
withdraw some of the United States war
ships now on duty In that quarter, and
it Is probable that one ship will be with
drawn on either side of the Isthmus. There
will be no haste, however, in reducing the
naval strength, as the officials feel that
the surrender of the Liberals on the Isth
mus may not terminate the entire strug
gle throughout Colombia. The country
Is so extensive and the signs of unrest
at interior points are so numerous that It
is expected there may be a recurrence of
trouble on the Isthmus If the Insurgents
at other points continue to show strength.
When the Iowa is withdrawn she will
probably go to Talcahuano to be docked.
The Machlas will come north and De
The State Department has received con
firmation of the notification from the Co
lombian Government to Venezuela that
it has terminated diplomatic relations.
This came In the shape of a cablegram
from Minister Hart. This action Is the
result of the hasty withdrawal last Au
gust from the Velezuelan capital of Dr.
Rico, the Colombian Minister there. Such
a broach does not necessarily mean war,
though It Is understood as a step in that
direction. It is a significant fact that this
breach Is created at the moment when
Germany is considering the adoption of
General Gillespie Says Plan
Is Worthy of Consideration.
1 1 t H M M M M M t M M C M M M I H M IH t t t H ' 1 """"'' M M M ' '
' ,.. . LluuJUMMMJJMU.uMVjmm,umim,Mm lm.i. i.iii.iMJiiMjJtuSuWi,, ,i ii , i . ja..UUiJ ,,
" lySiSllilii ':
t f fcflJMT1 ' I
The new floating drydock for the naval station at Algiers. La., cost nearly 1 1.000.000. and I. the J'"..
beins 525 feet in length, with a lifting capacity bf 18.000 tons, and capable of handling any vessel of an kind afloat. This drj
S was constructed at Sparrowu Point. Maryland, and has been successfully toWed all tho way from Ch;-akehBdaytotober-nanent
location on the Lower Miulnlppl-a most daring and hazardous achievement. The enormous structure had to be toed
by powerful tugs from Ba.tlmore down Chesapeake Bay. south past Hatteras. across the Gulf Stream through Providence
Channel of the Bahamas between Great Abaco and Eleiithera. in and out in a general southeasterly direction among the
SSTs anL and juttlngs of the British potions to Salt Key Banks, just north of Cuba; then the coast o Cuba ortheFl
fda Beefs had to be skirted, according to which was windward; past Tortugas, In a direct ,wl!tae. t .tf.ey 3
of the Mississippi; and last, but by no means least, over "the bar." against the concentrated current between the Jottjr walls.
The cost of insurance alone was $50,000 for the trip. ,. .- ' .. , - o..."
It la ntf too Plan of Parthwd to bt,UA-a.41oCtlnadRrdpckJiCQmparaMe In-sl orwonfc with the .great Algiers suture. u
.-.wrJrLi ... .,:wKi &5S,tn,i at nortnno. the Government attaches to enterprises of this kind. TSie Algiers dock Is
nwfl juiuv'i cit -itij - mv.w..- ....... ..... .
what is knovp asjtegl dt
land? ' 9Kf
dock. If I
It U necessary forlfaw Orleans to have airydock of
durable construction, why not Port-
dock, our water is fresh, and there are
no teredos to Injure a wood dock. If we
had to buy steel plates and bring them
from the East to build a -dock here, it
would be very expensive. I think a wood
en sectional dock.i properly cared for,
would be best. "Vtthlen parts of it needed
repairing, one sedtlon might be floated
upon another section.
General. Owen Su
Appraiser Our dryi
undoubted stability.
ture -as well as the
built of wood woul
renewing of decayed
iers United States
should be one of
id built for the fu-
resent. A drydock
lecessarlly require
bts altogether too
the Marietta, of the British cruiser Tri
bune and of the French cruiser Suchet;
Lieutenant-Commander McCrea, of the
Machlas; Captain Perry, of the Iowa;
compulsory measures to secure the pay
ment by the Venezuelan Government of a
very heavy financial liability to German
citizens. It is supposed nere tnat -resi-
Generals' Alban and Jeffries, representing j dent Castro Is proceeding under the the
the Government of Colombia, and Senor
do la Rosa, who represented the Liberal
party, were present, are briefly as fol
lows: Senor de la Rosa agreed to surrender
the Liberal soldiers now at Colon, with
their arms, to Captain Perry at noon
today. Captain Perry in his turn agreed
to hand over these men and their arms
later In the day to General Alban. who
in turn guaranteed life and liberty to all
men recently in arms against the con
servatlve" Government of Colombia. The mors have been circulated on the l,sthmus
On Monday!
One of the oldest, richest and
most active ST. HELENS min
ing properties. Stock at the of
fice of the company, room 607
The Marquam, Portland, or on
First call MONDAY. December
Why Have Thousands
Of the best people of Europe and America paid their money for Pianolas? Be
cause the Pianola enables one to play any piano with whatever expression Is de
sired. No knowledge of music Is necessary. Perforated, rolls of paper direct the
striking of the notes exactly as written, leaving the player the power of controlling
the manner In which they shall be struck. Tempo, touch, accent, phrasing, all ele
ments of expression, are perfectly under control. ...
The Pianola added to the piano places the entire range of music within the
reach of everybody.
M. B. WELLS. Sole North-treat A Kent. A'eollnn Hall. 853-355 Washington St.
J. Thorburn Ross, manager Title Guar
antee & Trust Company I think that
we ought to have the dock which experi
ence has demonstrated. would be the best.
It would be penny wise and pound foolish
to build a dock whose first cost might be
less, but the life of which would be very
much shorter, and which would be less
ettlclent In its operation. The building of
drydocks has paesed the experimental
stage. Enough of them have been con
structed In the Important ports of the
world to demonstrate the relative values
of wood and steel. My Impression Is that
tho steel dock has proved superior to all
others. In my judgment we should protit
by the experience of others, and If data
have not already been gathered for this
purpose, they should be obtained forth
with, in order that economy of construc
tion and enlclency of operation may be
secured. Taxpayers have a right to ex
pect that this be done.
James Laldlaw, British Consul In
building a drydock, while wood would un
doubtedly be the most Inexpensive In the
early days of the enterprise, I think that
steel would be the best and cheapest in
the long run. If we are going to have
a dock I think It Is time we had It. To
an outsider not connected with the com
mission. It would seem that much time,
has been lost, and the good work of build
ing a dock should now go forward as rap
Idly as possible.
Alfred Tucker, of Meyer, Wilson & Co.
The very best dock Is none too good for
Portland, especially for Its future busi
ness. We want one of the greatest sta
bility one that will last and will not have
to be replaced In a comparatively short
Henry Hewett, marine Insurance agent
I am not familiar enough with the details
of drydock construction to express an
opinion, but considering the great dif
ference in lasting qualities, it seems to me
that Iron or steel would be preferable to
wood, especially as the cost Is going to be
burdensome and tho Income perhaps In
sufficient to renew or replace a wooden
dock in case that kind is built. Except In
the matter of first cost, steel or iron will
be preferable to wood, unless there is
some technicality that I cannot see. Wood
gets waterlogged, but ste'el does not.
Sol Blumauer What is worth doing at
all Js worth doing well. My experience Is
that a cheap article Is dearest In the end.
Therefore, If we have a drydock, it should
be of steel, and the best that may be had.
A drydock wo'ild r"-r-'v ' - "
often. So It seems toroa that steel would
be the best materlalMtoXuae in building
John Vlncc I have se$,the immense,
drydocks on the Clyde andatj Newcastle,
And the largest shipbuilding ports in the
world, and have seen the undisputed value
of permanency and stability. We want a
flrst-class, permanent drydock here in
Portland, and I think it should be built
of steel, of course. A wooden structure
could not be regarded as permanent In.
H. C. Breeden "Without having any ac
tual knowledge of the relative merits of
steel and wood. in the construction pf dry
docks. It would strike me offhand that
steel would be much more lasting. Also In
regard to expense, steel might be the
most economical In the end. I believe that
such Is the experience in th6 construction
of ships. We know from our own exper
ience that heavy timbers that are ex
posed to the elements, as a drydock neces
sarily must be, decay in a few years, and
unless the timber to be used in the pro
posed drydock be scientliically treated
with some preservative, It would appear
to mo that a wooden dock would be but a
temporary affair.
Dan McAllen I am indeed delighted to
learn that a drydock is to fie built here.
Unless the difference in co$t will oe en
ormous, I would think that teel would be
the most desirable and permanent mater
inl from which to build .the drydock. I
hope that there will be no more mistakes I the wharves. The only W f
j ., ii., f na thpro in the harbor Is the Colombian gunboat
illttUC HI UIC lUUlli V n j. ,. pk,l tlhnn Ml.
celved the surrender of the Liberals, the
Plnzon blew a series- of noisy, quick and
ory that the application of the Monroe
Doctrine would protect him from punitive
action by German, but the Impression
among officials here Is that this Is not
well founded.
Some of the reports reaching here show
that there Is apprehension on the part
of some of the Colombians on the Isthmus,
Including men of considerable Influence,
as to the duration of the stay of Ameri
can marines. It has come to the knowl
edge of officials here that many wild ru
' . . tA-3 -. .1..-. TctlimitO
surrender of arms was to be bona fide In
every respect.
At 11:30 o'clock this morning a largf
number of United States marines and
bluejackets landed at Colon and pro
ceeded to the barracks. Here the armfc
belonging to the liberal soldiers were
taken over by the' - Americans, In the
presence of Captam Perry, the com
manders of the warsblpa above men
tioned, the American. British and French
Consuls at Colon .and 'k large concourse
of people who sympathized with the Lib
erals In their surrender.
Tho Liberal guard patrolling Colon this
morning appeared xsad and downcast:
Their behavior, however, has all along
been most praiseworthy, and it is not at
all an exaggeration to say that, they have j
gained the respect of a large portion of
the community, and especially of the for
eign element, during their short adminis
tration of Colon, f
Later In the day penerar Alban, accom
panied by officials of the Conservative
Government of Colon, arrived here from
Panama, and Senor de 'la Rosa, repre
senting General Domingo Diaz, whose sec
retary he is, surrendered himself and
the Liberal, troops to the Conservative
General, in the presence of Captain Perry
and the naval and Consular officers.
For years pas,t the "harbor of Colon has
not been so crowded as It Is today. Five
men-of-war and "several German, Italian
and British merchant and passenger
steamers, as Svell as other vessels, are
in port. The men-of-war are moored to
the wharves. The only flag-bedecked ship
was 20 years ago. Then our drydocK was
located In quicksands, and It sank, sank,
straight down, and has now reached Yo
kohama, I suppose.
A. B. Stelnbach Our new drydock
should surely be built of steel, by nil
means. We want the best we can get,
and we can't get It up too fast. Steel Is
the only material that assures perma
nency, and that Is what we want.
Peter Kerr, of Kerr, Glfford & Co. Port-
kind that will be put into operation at the
earliest day,
some of them going to the extent of as
sertlng that the United States forces,
having once landed, would not be with
drawn. These reports have led to Inquir
ies between Panama and Washington,
bringing out responses that the rumored
American occupation was wholly Imagin
ary, and that the most positive and defin
ite assurances had been given, that imme
diately on the fulfillment of this Govern
ment's obligation to keep open the traf
fic, our forces would be debarked and all
American authority would be terminated.
This purpose of the authorities here hRS
been made known to those in Influence
on the Isthmus and has served to allay
the fears caused by reports of American
i Complete1 Capitulation.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. Mr. Herran,
the Colombian Charge, said tonight that
Gcneal Albarf will accept nothing short
of' a' complete capitulation by the rebel
forces, with all their arms and ammuni
tion. But it is understood, Mr. Herran
added, that General Alban will give im
munity to the persons and private prop
erty of those who lay down their arms,
and they may be granted leave to depart
on 'parole. They will not be permitted,
however, to remove any of their military
supplies trom Colon, and their parole will
prevent their joining any of the scattered
bands of Liberals at other points.
Chief o Engineers Will Do All He
Can to Further Oregon River nnd
Harbor Improvements North-
ivest Land Decision.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. Senator
Mitchell has had a conference with Gen
eral Gillespie on Oregon rfver and harbor
work. The Chief of Engineers is very
much interested in Pacific Northwest Im
provements, and says he will do all he can
to further them in the river and harbor
As to the obstructions at Celllo and Tho
Dalles, General Gillespie says It Is a mat
ter for Congress to determine and decide
what Improvements shall be made. Ho
spoke of the mouth of the Columbia and
deepening the channel to Portland, and
said the proposed scheme for changing the
direction of the jetty is worthy of consid
eration. Talking: Vp the 1005 Fair.
Senator Mitchell is taking an earnest
interest in the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial Exposition. He has already Inter
viewed the President, members of the
Cabinet and leading Senators and Rep
resentatives who are In the city, and ex
pects to bring the matter formally to. the
attention- of the Senate and House at a
very early date, with a view of laying
the foundation at the start, deep and
broad, for such suitable recognition in
the future by Congress as the great sub
ject demands.
Afixuy bfflce at Portlnnd.
Senator Mitchell today wired to tho
Chamber of Commerce and Board of
Trade of Portland, asking for statistics
as to the gold output of Oregon and
other data showing the necessity for the
establishment of an assay office at Port
land. He expects to introduce a bill
for that purpose ct the first opportunity.
The Senator also asked for statistics of
tea shipments at Portland, Intending to
make an effort to secure the appointment
of a tea examiner at that point, although
the outlook Is not favorable.
Bills Mitchell Will Introduce.
Senator Mitchell had a conference today
with the Lighthouse Board with a view
of ascertaining what appropriations are
necessary' for lighthouses and fog sig
nals on the OreKon and Alaska coasts.
At the proper time he will Introduce bills
upon this subject with a view of having
them incorporated in the sundry civil
He will also lntroduge a bill to exclude
Chrneso immigration.
Will Work Against Free Lumber.
Senator Foster intends to use his best
efforts to prevent lumber being placed on
the free list at the coming session.
Spv'knnc Postmnstershlp.
Upon the expiration of the term of Post
master Temple, at Spokdne, In January
next, M. T. Hartson will be appointed to
the vacancy. This has been agreed upon
by the three Republican members of the
Washington delegation, Cushman being
the most earnest advocate of this appoint
ment. Qulnnnlt Survey.
George R. Campbell, of The Dalles, has
secured a $10,000 contract for surveying
tho Quinault Indian reservation, Washing
ton, the latter to be opened to settlement.
Campbell will complete his survey next
Postmaster at SnnnyIdc.
N. E. Chambers was appointed postmas
ter at Sunnyslde. Or., vice John R. Welcn.
Miners Terrible Fall.
the Lambert mines, near Masontown, eight
men, after dropping 700 feet down tho
mine shaft, were all brought to the sur
face living, but with three dying and the
others probably fatally hurt. Just as
they got aboard the cage, the cable parted
and the cage dropped. The cage on the
opposite side was Immediately loaded with
a rescue party, who found the men lying
unconscious on the floor of the cage,
crushed chests, broken arms and leg.
and in some cases the bones protruding
out through the flesh. One man's skull
was fractured.
Discoverer of n NeVr Process of Gold
DENVER, Nov. 29. C. W. Wynn, who
recently created a sensation in mining
IfnmiTn nrkfAO fnm hor f7ir hnm. lndlCa-
- . . ... ... I nl.nlna K.r .Via nnnniincmATlt tTint Vlf tlRf
tlve or her joy at tne proceeuuis. c , -"v-'uo .". x....v,.. ": ":,,,
is now lying quite close to the docks, i discovered a process by which he could
General Alban is on board. ' recover enormous gold values from what
The majority of the American marines ' have been regarded as low-grade ores
and bluejackets have returned to their died tonight at St. Josephs Hospital of
vessels. The Suchet has landed a de- strangulated hernia. Professor Wynn
tachment of marines on the property of had been in poor health for a year
the French Canal Company. American Little Is known by the public about the
marines are still guarding the piers and Wynn process of gold extraction, and It
the railroad station. Over 200 men entered Is discredited by many mining men. but
land ought to have a drydock. and as the city with General Alban. tne ract tnar wiuaro leuer. a oroi-
soon as possible. As to the kind of a Do la Rosa, on handing Alban his . United States Senator Henry M. Teller
ji. t .i,ti. , , . vni t th . .,.-j .om. t n.nt ihd ormiHtinnR nf and ex-Judge Sidney Williams, ootn
uuin., J. imun umi. i. "-., , onuiu, amv. v..i,.i. w.. i. .. ,., -H nnltallatc of
the treaty to safeguard tne lives ana no-' iuuh w.Wo .. "-"--;- -
erty of my soldiers in Colon. As for my this city, convinced of Its truth became
brother and myself, we personally decno the financial backers of the discoverer,
to accept the conditions of this treaty."
W. S. Slbson, of the Portland Grain
Company I think" that in constructing a
drydock steel would be cheaper In the
long run, although wood might be cheap
est at first. , Some of the American Warships Will
I Be Withdrawn.
T. W. Smith, of the Northwest Ware- I
house Company A drydock will certainly J
be of great advantage to this port, and It
ought to be built of the beet and most
substantial material.
G. W. Simons, of thei Pacific Bridge
Company A wooden drydock Is the most
feasible and within our means. Portland
wants and needs a drydock, and there
should be no, quibbling as to. the material
from which It is constructed. In the
present congested condition of the steel
cava It an Interest to the nubile. Pro
fessor Wynn and hl9 partners had been
arranging for the establishment of a large
plant for the treatment of ore. It Is un
derstood that both his partners are the
possessors of his secret and that his death
will not materially Interfere with their
-wAawr-Nrrvrrvw Nov. 2fl. Thp followi.iir nlans.
cablegram was today received at the Navy j Professor Wynn was a native of Vlr-
Department from Captain Perry, of the glnla and was-cducated at the Georgetown
Ioa. University. His profession was that of
"Colon, Nov. 29 Arrangements for sur. j a chemist, and for the past five yeara he
render today of Colon and Liberal forces naa uevuiea ins emuc wc
v,n wn c-omnleted " velopment of his gold process. He
have been completed,
Another cablegram has been received by
the State Department from Consul-Gen-eral
Gudger, dated at Panama, saying
that the Liberals have been defeated, and
that the Government forces are in posses
sion of Colon.
txn.K tun ilrn of ftrilor And nrun
to the de-
here from Kansas City last July.
Hnnna Gave Five Thousand.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 29. Senator Hanna
today gave IfOOO as- his subscription to
the Cleveland committee of the National
MrTClnlev Memorial Associatlor
General Gillespie Is In favor of changing? the
jetty. Pace 1.
Senator Mitchell Is working at "Washington for
the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Page 1.
The responsibility for the Seneca train wreck
has not yet been fixed. Page 2.
It la now believed that feO Uvea were lcjt.
Page 2.
Governor-General Wood pays Cuba needs Im
migration from the United States. Tage 2.
The Government will rest IU case at the Bo
nlne trial today. Page 3.
Colon was surrendered to Colombian authori
ties yesterday. Page 1.
Buller Is warned to check the extravagance ot
his partisans. Page 2.
Japanese Army maneuver were witnessed by
the Emperor. Page 2.
The fight In Portland between "Mysterious
Billy" Smith and Al Nelll resulted In a
draw at the end of 20 rounds. Page 10.
Annapolis will meet West Point on the gridiron
today. Page 3.
McGoxern wants another match with Ypuns
Corbett. Page 3.
I'aclllc Const.
Senator Heltfeld. of Idaho, quits the Populist
party and zoes over to the DemocraU.
Page 4.
Logger at Olympla. Wash., shot and killed by
a man who took him for a footpad. Page 4.
Alaska la to have a mucn bottw mall service.
Page 4.
Steamship Indrapura clears with a record
breaking cargo. Page 11.
Steamer Kehanl raised and now on the ways.
Page 11.
Important decision regarding stowaways. Paga
Portland and Vicinity.
Contributions to Lewis and Clark fund con
tinue. Pace S.
Chamber of Commerce wants to know about
river channels. Pace 12.
Proposed Portland drydock should be a perma
nent structure. Page 1.
MIs-b Stllson gets $3000 as compromise In her
breach-of-promlae suit. Pace 8.
Murderer Dalton's trial set for December 0;
Wade's will follow. Page 8.
Final receiver's report In Portland Savings
Bank will be filed today. Page 8.
International mining congress In 1002 mar
come to Portland. Page 7.