"WHgPlim l w jpp's?"Wf p- J1 ? "W"''-" THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, ,1901. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Nov. 28.-8 P. M. Maximum temperature. 57; minimum temperature, 43; river reading at 11 A. 1L. 5.6 feet; change In the pat 24 hours, 0.8 foot; total precipitation, 5 P Jl. to 6 P. M., 0.01 inch; total precipita tion since Sept. 1, 1901, 0.07 Inches; normal precipitation since Sept. 1. 1001, 11.15 Inches; deficiency, 1.4S Inches; total" sunohlne Nov. 27, 0 05. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. K -t "Wind. o 5 s E ' r "2. O . STATIONS. j o J S o d oC " - ; SO X . : ?3 : f : Astoria Baker City .... Bismarck Boise Helena. Kamloopc. B. C I'oratelto r .rtland Ked Bluff Rosebsrg ...... Sacramento .. Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane Seattle "Walla "Walla .. e 10.02 SB SE NW NW SW SE SE S S SE SE SE SE E Raining Cloudy Clear Cloudy 158W00 0.00 0.00 woo Ft. cloudy 0.00 Cloudy 0 00 Cloudy 10.01 Raining 1.38 Raining lo.oo (Cloudy (Raining 58(0.58i 6410.00 Cloudy Raining Cloudy Raining Cloudy 0.40 k).oo 10 01 SB 0.00 ISE Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The northwest storm Is apparently losing energy. Its center Is still at sea somewhere oft the "Washington coast. Heavy rains have fallen during the last 12 hours In Northern California, and light rains are reported In "Western Oregon And Western Washington. No rain has yet fallen west of the Cascade Mount tains, but the weather .in that region Is cloudy and unsettled. Storm southeast warnings are continued at the mouth of the Columbia River and at the mouth ef the Straits of Juan de Fuca. . The Indications are for light rains in this dis trict Friday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight Friday, November 20: Portland and vicinity Occasional rains, with southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Occasional rains; southerly winds, probably high along the coast. Idaho Cloudy, unsettled weather, with prob ably occasional light rains; wlnda mostly southerly. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast Official. AMUSEMENTS. CORDRAY'S THEATER- ONE WEEK. COMMENCING SUNDAY. NOV. 24. MATINEES THANKSGIVING DAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AMERICA'S LEADING ROMANTIC-ACTOR, MR. CARL H. HASWIN. II "A LION'S HEART." "A LION'S HEART." "A LION'S HEART." "A LION'S HEART." "A LION'S HEART." CORDRAY'S THEATER One week, commencing SUNDAY, DEC. 1, and Saturday Matinee. First time In Portland of the crisp and dell clously funny comedy. In three acts, "A WISE WOMAN." "A WISE WOMAN." "A WISE WOMAN." "A WISE WOMAN." . "A WISE WOMAN." Introducing MARIE LAMOUR. ETHEL BALCH. FREDERIC MURPHY and a compe tent cast. "YOU CAN'T HELP LAUGHING." MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HEILIG. Mgr. Two nights, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29, 30, with a special ladles' and children's Matinee Saturday at 2.15 o'clock, extraordinary en gagement of MR. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Presenting "RIP VAN WINKLE," Under the management of C. B. Jefferson, Evening prices $1, 75c, 50c, 25c, 25c; boxes and loges, 47.50. Ladies' and children's special Matinee prices 50c to any part of the theater; children under 10 years of age, 25c No re nerve for Matinee, but tickets sold In advance. THE BAKER THEATER Tel. North 1076. GEO. L. BAKER. Mgr. A GRAND SUCCESS. VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE WHO SAW THE WILBUR-KIRWIN OPERA CO. IN "SAID PASHA." "SAID PASHA." "SAID PASHA." Secure seats now, and be in time. EveniRK. prices 15c, 25c. 35c, 50c Matinee prices 16c. 25c. For three nights next week, commencing Sunday Matinee. "LA MASCOTTE." FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL- SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS DE CAPRIO'S ORCHESTRA. LILLIAN HOWE, Illustrated Songs. Wonderful HUBER. In Landscape Painting, holding the brush in his teeth. SAPHO. Moving Pictures, as produced in the great Passion Play. ANTONIA MARTINEZ CONCHITA. direct from the Chutes. San Francisco, Spanish Novelty Dancers. AUCTION" SALES TODAY. At Central Auction Rooms, ccr. Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At 10 A. M., at 182 First st. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Gilman's salesroom. 411 -Washington St., at 10 A. M. S. L. N. Gtlman. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. i HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of the EDWARD T. TAGGART, Sec. W. M. PORTLAND AERIE. NO. 4, F. O. EAGLES. You are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Chas. S. Walte, on Saturday at 1 o'clock P. M. Members will meet at Eagles' Hall. cor. Second and Yamhill sts., at 1.30 sharp. All Eagles invited. W. A. HART, W. Pres. LOUIS DAMMASCH, W. Sec KREMLIN BAKU, I. O. M. Special meeting Saturday even ing, Nov. 30, 1001. Wear your Tez," and bring a candidate. Work and a banquet. S. a BEACH. Czar. E. E. SHARON. Rec HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15, L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o clock. Election of officer's and other Import ant business. HENRY BROWN, Sec WEBFOOT CaMP, NO. 65. W. O. W. Mem bers are requested to meet in the Forest, 10th and Washington sts., Friday evening, Novem ber 29, at 8 P. M. Offlcors for the ensuing term will be elected. A full attendance Is desired. J. J. SHIPLEY. Recording Clerk. FUNERAL NOTICES. i CHURCH The funeral of S. W. Church will be held at his late residence, cor. 12th and Clay, Friday morning. Nov. 20, at 10 o'clock. Inte-ment at Rlverview cemetery. MrrAVETT At his late residence, 641 First et , Thursday morning, Nov. 2S. M. McCavett. Funeral from St. Laurence's Church Satur day Nov. DO. at 0 A. M. Friends Invited. FINK In this city. Nov. 27. 1001, Christina, daughter of J. E. and Christina Fink, aged 11 years. 4 months and 15 days. Interment at Rlverview cemetery at 11 A. M. today. Services at tne grave private. WAITE-In thlo city. Nov. 2S. 1001. Charles S Walte. aged 54 years, 11 months, 23 days. Funeral will take place Saturday at 2 P. M. from his late residence. C05 Johnson st. Services at S P. M.. under the auspices of the Portland Lodge of Elks, No. 142. at Dun nlng'e undertaking parlors, ast Sixth and East Alder. ' EDWARD HOLMAN. Undertaker. 4th mul Yamhill sts. Rena Stlnson. lady assistant. Both phones No. 007. Finder. Kimball & Co.. Undertakers, Lady assistant. 275 Third at. Tel. O. NEW TODAY. COUNTY WARRANTS Netting 5 per cent, for sale. J. W. Cruthers & Co., 314 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improieu city and farm property. R LIVINGSTONE. 24 Stark st. H. R. ALDEN, M. D. DENTISr 311 The Dekum. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment Icaom. MacMester & BirrclL 311 Worcester bit KB -Jjjsi yf ' CLASSIFIED AD.RATES "Rcoma." "Rooms and BoardV" "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words br less., 15 cent: 16 to 20 'Words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for addl-t-onal insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 80 cents for 15 wortls or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, ntc first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), IB cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cenu per lint for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orcgonl&n and left at this of fice, should always be Inclosed In sealed envel opes. No itamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible fcr er rors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. WILL RENT OR BUY DOUBLE - DRUM hoisting engine and boiler, 7x10. Apply 330 Sherlock building. i FOR SALE REAL-ESTATE. FOR SALE CHEAP; NICE LOT, 150x200, southeast corner of Hawthorno ave. and East 34th at., good small house and barn; lot nicely improved, with fruit trees and shrubbery; terms easy. Boyd & Arnold, 102 First St., near Stark. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 ACRES FINE improved beaver-dam onion and asparagus land, with large barn; Bcaverton, Or. 5 acres on Canyon road, near Mount Zlon, platted In lots. Apply 281 Morrison si. HOOD RIVER PROPERTY FOR SALE; AP ple and berry lands, city lots; send for list. Good Government claims located for $150 each. Prather Investment Co., Hood River, Or. A BARGAIN SALE OF BUSINESS PBOPER ty and buildings, on Russell feL; to be sold very cheap If taken before Saturday, Nov. 30. W. H. Payne & Co., 050 Williams ave. FOR QUICK SALE 150x20 WITH 0-ROOM house and good barn; choice fruit; on car line; cheap for cash. VT. O. Waddel, 205 Morrison st. $25-LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE, FOR A few days only; clear, level, sightly. Double your money In 30 days. Brown, 392 Wash ington st. FOR SALE LOT. WITH GOOD 5-ROOM COT tage, close in, West Side, $1100. Address R 58. Oregonlan. Give phone number. HOUSE AND FIVE LOTS IN MILWAUK1E. $450. For particulars, Nelson Jones, 301 Ivon st., Portland. NEW. MODERN HOUSE, WEST SIDE. Al location, at a bargain. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock building. THREE NEW. MODERN HOUSES: CEMENT sidewalk; netting 0 per cent. Apply owner, 400 East Davis. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FARM OF 160 ACRES IN MULT nomah County, about 15 miles from Portland, convenient to river and railroad; about 2o acres In cultivation: balance flrst-clas3 tim ber: good range for stock: small bearing orchard; good seven-room house, barn, cabins, workshop and outbuildings, all of the best; never-falling well, with force pump, ready sale for wood on the place. Boyd & Arnold, 102 First St.. near Stark. A 317-ACRE FARM. 3 MILES FROM RAIL road and good town: 200 acres In cultiva tion, 20 acres hops, balance pasture; abund ance of water,, good buildings. This Is a first-class farm, and a special bargain $22.50 per acre; easy term. I 'also have a long list of large and small farms in Oregon ana Washington. W. O. WADDEL. 205ft Morrison st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to MacMastcr & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1500 ACRES FINE SOUTHERN Oregon timber land; 35,000,000 good fir tim ber guaranteed. G 31, Oregonlan. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Any one wishing Rock Springs. Roslyn or any other coal In market will kindly call up Main 1018 or 263. All orders filled promptly. West ern Feed and Fuel Co., 154 Fifth st. north. FOR SALE THE MACHINERY OF A WELL equipped flour and cereal mill; write to us for specifications and prices. Caldwell Bros., Tacoma,' Wash. - AN ELEGANT LOT OF SINGER, NEW Home and White machines, used a short time, at a great bargain. J. S. Crane, 350 Morrison. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. New TYPEWRITERS, an makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies. Coast Agency Co., 200 Stark st. . FOR SALE GOOD GUERNSEY' COW; ON account of owner leaving city. Address M 30, care Oregonlan. A HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT PIANO. IN Al condition, for $200; cost price, $.175. Address F 30, Oregonian. FOR SALE GOOD GUERNSEY: ON Ac count of owner leaving city. Address M 30, care Oregonian. Wolfsteln buys and selW all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. TWO TEAMS FOR SALE; WEIGHT, 1000; city broke and sound. Inquire 290 Burnslde. ALL SCHOOL BOOKS CAN BE HAD AT TUB Old Book Store, 229 Yamhill st. YOUNG. FRESH COWS FOR SALE. IN qulre at 381 East Pine st. FOR SALE A RESTAURANT. ADDRESS M 20. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. R. R. laborers, Idaho, $2; Gray's Harbor, $2.25, pass; rear city. $2: 2 head fallers, $3 up; buckers, $2 25 up; barkers, $2.25; swampers, $1.75; laborers, camp, $2; powder man, $2.50, men and teams, R. R., $4; post cutters, 15c; woodchopners, 85c to $1.10; farmhands and milkers, $20 to $25; plenty or work for all. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, loggers' headquarters. FIRST-CLASS, EXPERIENCED ACCOUNT ant for head bookkeeper; must write a good hand and be careful and accurate and capa ble of taking full charge of books; give age, experience and references; also state salary expected. N 80, care Oregonlan. WANTED MILL HANDS AND LABORERS to buy one of those beautiful acre tracts at EL Johns; email cash payment, balance monthly, steady work furnished to. capable hands. Hartman, Thompson ic Powers, 3 Chamber of Commerce. AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN. OF MORE THAN average business ability, who can qualify as a stockholder, to act as secretary and take the active management of men and business, for an Oregon corporation. Address N 20, care Oregonian. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; 8 weeks completes; tools furnished, also opportunity to earn board; positions guaranteed. Write for particulars, Moler Barber College, Denver. Colo. WANTED MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME Ex perience In quartz mill; must be able and willing to do hard work and not over 35 years of age; state references. N 32. Orego nian. Men to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re quired. Positions guaranteed. Tools donated. Wages earned while learning. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, San Francisco. WANTED A COMPETENT TRAIN MAN TO work on narrow gauge road In mining camp; must have good clearances. Y 29, care Ore gonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE barber trade; must have $50; wages after second month. E 30, care oregonlan. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING 'OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the Account ant. 318 Chamber of Commerce. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. WAITERS and bartenders. California Wine Depot, 148 Fourth. P.ter Loratl. proprietor. FIRST-CLASS MINER. HAVING HAD Ex perience with air drills; must be number one man. G 32, Oregonlan. BRIGHT, WELL-APPEARING YOUNG MAN to work for scholarship In business college. J 32, Oregonlan. People's Emp. Office: help furnished: many openings. Room 3. 149 First. Tel. Clay 325. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN; BIG wages; city and country. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED SOME ONE TO CLEAR 6 ACRES of land. Inquire of G. Dugaw. Goble, Or. GOBBLER AND TAILOR WANTED AT 62 North Third. STEADY JO UVEN FOP LqJlN $60. J sT, Oregonlan. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral houeework; good wages; references re quired. Northeast corner East 12th and Weldler. Tel. Union 775. Take Irvlngton or Union-ave. car. GOOD GIRL TO WORK FOR ROOM AND board and attend school; good home and ex cellent location; two In family, and only one block from school house. 010 East Burnslde. COOKS. CITY AND COUNTRY; WAIT resses, hotels and B.-H.; second girls; cham bermaids and 150 housework. $12 to $25. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison. WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work In family of four, for board and room and Small wages.; good home. Address 431 Alder, between 11th and 12th. CAREFUL AND ACCURATE BOOKKEEPER, with some experience; give age, experience and references; also state salary expected. V 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and general housewdrk; good wages. Apply In morning. 332 10th St., cor. Market. WANTED A YOUNC LADY TO TAKE CARE of office. Call today, between hours of 2 and 6. C. Emerson Hope. 189 Seventh st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. Apply mornings, 615 East Pine, cor. 10th. GIRL WANTED TO DO HOUSEWORK; three In the family. Inquire 175 23d, cor. Johnson. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO CARE FOR TWO children; one willing to do second work. 234 10th. Singers and dancers wanted, professionals or amateurs. Theatrical Agency, 7th and Alder. Those desiring a position call at Girls Club, room IS. Huasel blclg.. 4th and Morrison. Acme Employment Bureau. 245 Morrison Help free to employers. Both phones. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housekeeping. Call 280 Seventh. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework, at 128 North IStlt. SITUATIONS WASTED-JIALE. Bookkeeper nnd Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, IN grocery story; four years' experience as clerk and two as manager In Spokane. R 28, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN WISHES chance to make expenses while attending night school: experience in store and office work; not afraid of work; references. C 30, care Oregonlan. h WANTED POSITION, BY FIRST - CLASS stationary engineer; capable of potting up new plant. Address S. K. H., box 343, Ore gon City. SITUATION WANTED ON FARM. BY UP-to-datc mnrrled furmer and stockman, on shares or salary. 1' 30, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WIDOW, WITH CHILD 2 YEARS old, wants to run rooming-house or keep house for respectable gentleman with small family, or work in some family. 508 Tenlno ave., Sellwocd, Or. GOOD COOK. GOOD HOUSE-WORKER, good laundry hand; Japanese, with long ex perience, wants a position In respectable fam ily; must receive good wages. Address Q 30, Oregonlan. WINDOW WASHING AT VERY REASON ablc prices; private houses a specialty. Phone Clay 232. 3 cooks; waitress, country; 3 general girls. Working Girls' Home. 201 Third. Hood 499. XV ANTED AGENTS. PROFITABLE WORK OFFERED AGENTS in every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. We want agents who will work thoroughly and with business system to cover each section with our Illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter, and to look sharply after renewals from old subscribers. The pay is flraf-rate, and at the end of the season $20,000 will be given the best workers as extra rrlzes for good work. How well some, of cur agents have succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to send ou portraits of some of our best agents, with the- story of how they made it pay. The Curtis Publishing Co., Philadel phia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOK OUR NEW HOLI day books. Outfits now ready. Best books; best terms. Otufit sent by mall on receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. Circulars free on application. S. C. Miller & Co., 411 Good nough building. Portland. Or. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL OUR HIGH class publications; permanent, pleasant und profitable employment. Union Sub. Book Co., 10 Lewis building, Morrison and Park sts., Portland. LIFE OF McKINLEY WE CAN FILL OR dcrs for either Marshall Everett's or Murat Halstead's books, best editions published. S. C. Miller & Co.. 411 Goodnough bldg. A GENTLEMAN OF ENERGY AND PUSH In every district. Call on Mr. Burry, 002 Im perial Hotel, between 2 and 5 o'clock P. M. Agents to Introduce LUUe Webb's soaps; fine profits. 303 Alisky bldg.. Miss Gibson. WANTED TO RENT. BY YOUNG WOMAN, ABSENT DURING day, room and board, use parlor, In private tamlly; walking distance Chamber Com merce. H 31, Oregonlan. WANTED BY FAMILY OP TWO, FOUR OR five-room furnished cottage or flat. Address A 28, care Oregonlan. "WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $5000 OF SECOND-HAND FURNITURE wanted by Zimmerman, 2i4 First st. Highest price paid. Phono .North 1046. WANTED A SMALL SAFE, FOR CASH; must be cheap. Address P. O. box 007, city. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. K. COR. PARK AND Aider, su., under the management of tne owner, -Heien b apalulng ihe uhjHi complete apaitmeni-house :n the Northwest; cuoica rooms, tor gentlemen or geiuieiuin and vU; turnlsnea housekeeping buites u specialty. THE CALUMET, SEVENTH AND ALDER The most elegant rooming-house m the north west, ateam heat, electilc lights; water lit eery loom, porceialn oaths, &uut! with pri vate baths; every modern convenience; an Ideal Mopping place for the traveling public. Rates $1 per day and upward. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewlng-ioom, u of library; Woman's Exchange, lnuubtnul School. Address Mrs. C. E. Ucorgfc, buper intendent. 510 Flanders at. THE PLEAS ANTON. 238 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping, sunlight In all rooms; bath mciuued. Moat reasonable terms. Transient solicited. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE house; porcelain bath, every convenience; Ave minutes from P. O. 312 Clay, between Fifth and Sixth. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts Rooms, furnished or unfur Aisbed; all modem conveniences; references. 403 SECOND FRONT PARLOR AND BED. room, en suite, elegantly lurnished; private family; all modern conveniences; references. The La Porte, 170 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms, $1.25 per week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH ALL MOD- eui cuMvi-iiiciiiiD, iui b-uiicuieii um imh st.. nenr Slark. 89 FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, $5 and $7 a month. 281 Fourth st., cor. Jefferson. TWO DESIRABLE FURNISHED FRONT rooms; rent reasonable; very central. 260 Alder. MANHATTAN COURT: NEW BRICK BUILD ing, steam heat, new furniture. 311 Stark. Furnished roomy, $1 week and up; also bouse keeping raw. Tremont House. 7th and Everett Cosmos, 208 Morrison $1 per day; rates rea sonable by month; also housekeeping suit". FINE FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO LIGHT housekeeping; steam, heat and gas. 05 11th. FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.25 A WEEK AND upward. At 208 Alder st. Phone Clay 067. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, AT REA sonablo price. 352 Taylor, cor. Seventh. LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO; PRI vate family. 318 Main su FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. BEST ROOMS AND .BOARD IN CITY AT reasonable rates; only first-class people; good cooking and excellent service; everything up to date. The Vendome. 13th and Alder. WOULD LIKE FOUR GENTLEMEN BOARD ers; nleo location, East Side; bath and sitting-room; homelike; stable it desired. Q 28. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; GOOD board; private family; bath and phone. Take "U" car. 204 Qulncy at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, suitable for two; gas. bath and phone. 170 12th st. THE BROWN, Grand and Hawthorne Pleas ant rooms, good board; every convenience. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD. 215 12th. Home cooking, and English family. NICELY FURNISHEf ROOMS, WITH board. 141 West Park. cor. Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, 225 Eleventh. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, COMPLETELY . furnished, 'or housekeeping; gas range and running water; references required. Apply 133 First St.. room 4. THREE NICELY FURNI8HED ROOMS. FOR housekeep'ng; large kitchen -and clothes clos et; good location. 586 Pettygrove. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEP lng; suites or single; In fine, sightly brick block. 230 Russell st. 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms. In private family. 471 Everett, between 12tb and 13th. 68 SEVENTH, NEAR OAK FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; with gas range, phone and bath; n.o children. TWO SUITES OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, on ground floor; bath, phone; no small chil dren. 00 Seventh. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVILEGE OF COOK lng breakfast; private family. Address K 21. Oregonlan. 253 SIXTH. CORNER OF MADISON FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best location. 02 17TH, CORNER FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; prlvato family; no children. 489 JEFFERSON ST.-SUITES WELL-FUR-nlshcd housekeeping rooms. Come and sec them. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; DESIRABLE Lo cation; bath and phone; no children. 3J0 Fifth. FOR RENT TWO SUITES OF ROOMS, furnished, for light housekeeping. 372 East Oak. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, .FURNISHED, for housekeeping. 240 Fifth St., cor. Main. FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT; ELECTRIC lights, bath; -close In. Inquire 273 Seventh. PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with bath. 335 14th st. Houses, HOUSE, BARN, ORCHARD; THREE MILES weet Portland, Cornell road. Inquire John Klostcrman, room 322, Falling building, 3d and Washington streets. FOR RENT-NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. WITH all modern Improvements. 742 Kearney at.; rent $30. Inquire 250 Stark st. S - ROOM COTTAGE, NEWLY PAPERED, painted; 435 Ross st., two blocks from car. Telephone Pink 1635. 5-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE YARD; 340 SAN Rafael St., two blocks Vancouver car. 303 Commercial block. DESIRABLE 0-R6OM COTTAGE; BATH, AT tlc, basement, nice yard. 60 East Ninth St., cor. Davis. HOUSE, SEVEN ROOMS, ATTIC AND BASE ment; all modern improvements. Apply 05 11th st. 8-ROOM HOUSE. 694 EVERETT ST.; ALL modern Improvements. Inquire 6S5 Kearney. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN; cheap rent. Room 15 Washington building. Furnished Bouses. FOR RENT IN HOLLADAY'S ADDITION; modern 7-room cottage, 373 East Third st. north; neatly furnished, cement basement, fruit and flowers; adults only; $25; refer ences required. Apply at premises. r- $16 PER MONTH, WITH WATER? 8-ROOM house, furnished for housekeeping, for two families. Inquire at 184 Sherman st. Phono Front 140. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent; good location. Inquire 330 Washington street. FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT; ELECTRIC lights, batb; close In. Inquire 273 Seventh. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE, choicest location. Address T 30, Oregonlan. Oiuccs. FOR RENT DESKROOM . NOVEMBER 1; desk and everything furnished. Call 240 Stark st. E. S. Jackson & Co. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; easy payments; strictly confidential. New Era Luaa & Trust Co., room Mrt. Abington bldg. omco hours, 10 to 4. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary be curlty, at low rates C. W. Pallett, 21J Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 850. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. -hone Hood ilo. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co., 602 Commercial bile LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500; ON ALL clasbes of security. R. 1. Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay i3. ,5 AND UP. IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room lv, Uasnington blag. Phone Hood 41.$. LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, pianos and oilier securities. 120 Third St., C. H. Thompson's Cut-Kate Ticket UtUce. MONEY. TO LOAN, 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and Improved Valley farm. W. A. Snaw & Co., 24d Stark st, $2V)O,00O TO LOAN AT 5, 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property tor sale and rent. Wm, G. Beck. 421 Morrison st. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other good securitU. W. H Nunn, .552 Sherlock blag. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITT OR FARM property at 6 and 7 per cent. C. F. Plympton, Alisky building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS "OF 8E curlty. Win. Holl, room 0 Washington bldg. MoNEY TO LOAN, O per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 8 Ch. of Commerce. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agL for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Com. ' Leans on chattels, salaries, mining stocks, etc See us first Mann & Co., 604 Dekum bldg. 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOANS; NOMINAL charge for papers. Ward, 323 Alisky bldg. PERSONAL. COMPLEXION, HAIR AND SCALP 6PE riallsts; all facial blemishes removed no scars. Latest American and Parisian meth ods used. Dermatology, massage, electrolysis and beauty culture taught, plastio surgery done; results guaranteed. City references. Pure cosmetics. Trial treatment free. Orien tal Beauty Parlors. 3(2 Wash., rooms 8-12. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERINO FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, jeucorrhoea (whites) and all disease! of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 23u Yam hill su, Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or wrtu. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC., RB moed with electric needle; permanent cure; electric massage for wrlnkleb; 7 years' uxy. by lady operator; physicians' reference. Parlors 15-16 Lewis oldg( Phone Brown 657. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliterles. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. DR. G. S. MOORE' 8 SCIENTIFIC HAIR RE storer; positive cure for falling hair, bald ness and eczema; guaranteed or money re funded; send for circular. 332 O'Farrell st,. San Francisco. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB crts' Nerve Globules One month's treat ment. $2; 3 month. $5. Sent securely scaled by mall. Araots, Woodard Clarke, Port land, Or. PERSONAL. "Decameron." "A Modern Eden," "She Was Doomed," "The Adventuress." "Scarlet Sin, ' "Traps for Men," "Women of Firo," "Tempt ation," "Sappho," 50c ea. SchmaJc, 220 1st st. DON'T PAY FANCX PRICES FOR REMOV lng birthmarks moles, warts and corns. Our wonderful destroyer will do It in 20 minutes. Price 50c. Paris Hair Store, 308 Wash. st. DARLING SANITARIUM. MT. TABOR. PRI vate; women's diseases, confinement; country cases solicited, terms moderate. Address Dr. Darling. Mngr., Cambridge bldg.. Portland. WINONA MILLS FINE SEAMLESS Ho siery sold from samples direct to the con sumer at mill prices; largo sizes a specialty. Office 43 Hamilton building, 131 3d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style, 25c: 250 business cards, SI. Brown & Sehmale. 229 First, Portland, Or. O. H. Rleger. man'fg jeweler; full line Jewel ry, silverware and cut glass; line watch re pairing. 201 Morrison, upstairs. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE- Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN TO GIVE baths and massage. Call after noon, 131 Fourth st. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. AH druggists. PORTLAND VETERINARY HOSPITAL. DR. Power. 0th ord Davis sts. Phone South 2121. SUITS MADE TO ORDEr.. cleaning and re pairing. Zellg, 364 Morrison. Phone Clay 282. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage paper, 10c. P. O. box 000. Portland. Or. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE instantly. 10 und 25 cents. All druggists. Thermolume and electric light baths: ladles and gentlemen. 502 Morrison St., near 10th. LILLIE WEBB'S OLIVE OIL SOAP. SURE cure for poison oak. 303 Alisky building. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOBAL3 FOR QUARTERMASTER'S Supplies Depot Quartermaster's Office, 3U New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal., November 18, 10vl. Sealed proposals. In du plicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., Tuesday. December 3, 1001, Pacific standard time, and then opened, for furnishing packing boxes, lumber, burlap, ex celsior, and hoop iron. Quantities to be sub ject to 20 per cent increase it decided upon by this department. Bidders must state in their proposals tho rate and time of deliv ery should contract be awarded to them. Preference will be given to articles of domes tic production and manufacture, conditions of price and quality being equal (including In the price of foreign production and manu facture the duty thereon), and such prefer ence will be given to articles of American production and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast, to the extent of tho consump tion required by the public service there. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any oi all proposals or any part there of. Information and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals will be Indorsed "Proposals No. 10167," and addressed to MAJOR C P. MILLER. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. SEALED PROPOBALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Quartermaster-General of the State of Oregon, room 723 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or., and opened at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, December 2, 1901, for the pur chase of twenty Whitman saddles and bridles, in lots of ten each, which have been ordered sold as unsuitable for use of state cavalry. The property may be seen at the Quarter master - General's storeroom, Multnomah County Armory, Saturday, Novewber 30, 1901, from 9 to 12 A. M. All bids must ba for cosh and accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent thereof. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked "Proposal for Quartermaster stores," and addressed to the undersigned. C. U. GANTENUEIN, Quarterma3ter-General. November 27, 1001. Master's Notice. NORWEGIAN STEAMSHIP TIQER, CAPT. Alntzen, from Nagasaki Neither the captain nor the undersigned agents of the above named steamer will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, Young & Co., Agents. Portland, Or., Nov. 25, 1001. GERMAN SHIP EM1LIE, CAPTAIN DAHN, from Valparaiso, Chile Neither the master nor undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Portland Grain Company, Consignees. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN THOR oughly established and profitable business en terprises in this city; reliable Information furnished parties seeking locations. Ames Mercantile Agency, 205 Abington building. LAUNDRY FOR SALE A AVELL-EQUIPPED steam laundry for sale in a live town; great opportunity to right person; reason for sell ing, "it Is not our trade." Sumpter Lumber Co., per J. B. Stoddard. Sumpter, Or. COUNTRY STORE; NEW TWO - STORY building; fine stock, nice trade; P. O. and railway station In building; near Portland, $1850; half down, balance time. Ed. N. Hall, 102 First et. A MANUFACTURING CONCERN, HAVING an established trade all over the Northwest, would like to interest a silent partner with about $10,000 capital. Addre&i O 30, care Oregonlan. INTERESTED IN GOATS? LEARN ABOUT them as money-makers. Read the American Goat Breeder. Room R, 147 Fifth ave., Cnl- eago. fubiisnea montniy. zu cents a copy. -A FOR SALE GROCERY STORE. WITH A good stock of confectionery; good location and trade; living rooms; cheap rent; a bar gain, If sold at once. 404 GUsan. PARTY WITH $5000 CAN SECURE ONE thlrd interest in established and profitable manufacturing business. Address S 20, care Oregonlan. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO BUY DRY GOODS and clothing more In good Valley town, pop ulation 120o; sales $lo,uOl) year. D 2J, Ore. gonlan. FOR SALE IF. YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN a rooming-noube, come and see me this week. N. K. Rankin, room 0. 245 Morri son st. WANTED TO PURCHASE STOCK OF THE Helena Consolidated Mining Co. I. H. Bing ham, 110 Sherlock building. Phone South 636. WANT TO BUY BUTCHER SHOP, OR AVILL buy half Interest; good references. Call or address 315 North Sixth, cor. Flanders. General merchandising stock for sale; best opening In N. W. to make money. Write or Inquire of J. Kasper, Kendrlck. Idaho. TWO MEN TO INVEST $500; SAFE Busi ness; Bteady work; good wages. 612 Com mercial building. Employment Agency for sale; make offer; will explain reasons. R. G. Drake. 152 First LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-ONE BOSS FILLED GOLD WATCH, about six mites from Portland, on Beaverton road. Owner can have by calling at 05 North 16th at. and proving property. LOST WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 20. school society pin. diamond shape, pearl set tings, gold lettering. Please notlty F. H. Haradon, O. R. & N. Co. LOST NOV. 18, TWO VALISES. BETWEEN Vancouver and end P., V. & Y. tracks. No tify Western Construction Co., Vancouver. LOST SMALL ACCOUNT BOOK; NAME IN book, "Chan John." Return to On King & Co., 66 Second. Reward of $1. LOST WATCH CHARM. COUGAR'S CLAW, mounted. Liberal reward. Return to 5S8 Delay st., E. R. Burrl. LOST BLACK TERRIER DOG, BOBTAILED. answers to name "Fritz." Return 700 East Burnslde. Reward. LOST BUNCH KEY8 ON PARK ST.. BE tween Morrison and Salmon. Pleaso leave at Oregonlan office. LOST BROWN COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY; license 1217. Liberal reward. 135 14 th st. BUSINESS DIRECTOR!'. Accountant unci, Auditor. George T. Murton, 318 Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 456. Bookkeeping, exporting, teaching. Architects. OTTO KLEEMANN. SO GRAND AVENUE north. Columbia phone 5181. Art Goods. E. H. MOOREHOUSE & CO.. artists' material, wall paper, picture moulding. 307 Wash. Asbestos. COMPLETE STOCK OF ASBESTOS PIPE and boiler covering, paper, engineers' sup plies. Charles Gauld, 44-46 First et. Air-cell asbestos boiler and pipe covering. Tatum & Bowen, Portland. Seattle, Saa Fr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assurers nnd Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYEK AND chemist, teaches assaying in all its" branches and ore testing. Course for misers and pros pectors. Instruction Individual; enter any time. Open evenings. 2044 Washington st. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALTST; gold dust bought. 223 Stark st. Attorncys-at-Lnw. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION crs. Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. tlnruboo Fnrnlturc. TOYOKUNI CO.. WHOLESALE AND RS tall. 254 Morrison. Factory. 287 Third st. Astrology. SCIENTIFIC LIFE READINGS BY AN Ex pert member astrological society. Adams, 03 Paik. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam mid blacksmith caaU. Also foundry cok. Front tt.. near Gllsan. Ore. tel. IUd 17IS. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tail booksellers and stationers. 1.13-33 3d st. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder, 507 Stark t.: office and store fixtures OJ'lt ind remodeled, altering and repairing houses; grin work. Phone Muln 747. Gorge W. Gordon, counters, office fixtures, fly screens. Third nnd Salmon. Tel. Cla ."SS. Chiropodists and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chlropodUts, parlors r01 Alisky building. Thlitl and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you arc lookirg for. Mrs. Davidron treats bunions, ingrown nulls, removes corns without pain. SOS Dekum. Cortl. OREGON FUEL CO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds coal and wood. 341 Morrison. Clairvoyants. Mine. Dr. Hersog. from Berlin, scientific re vealer; tells entlro life, pa3t, present and fu ture; consultation on all affairs: nothing ex cepted; names given, good advice; sure help; mistake Impossible; Imports genuine gypsy love powder. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 3W1 Aldr. GERTRUDE MYREN RESTORES LOST AF fectlon, unites the separated, causes speedy marriages, communicates with distant or de parted friends; gives reliable advice on all affairs of life; utmost tutlsfactlon guaranteed or no pay accepted. 208 Morrison st. Commission Hcrchnnts. HERMANN METZGEK. PURCHASER OK hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front St., near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchant. Front & D sts., Portland Or. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IKON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second st. Costnmes, Accordion Plaiting. FEATHERS RENOVATED, gloves cleaned. Chicago Costume House. 383 Morrison st. Dancing. MISS HELEN W. COPELAND. BURKHARD Hall, dancing academy; private or class les sons; beginners' class Monday evenings. Tele phone Union S2i. Drcssinnkins;. CORSET-MAKING; CORSETS MADE AND repaired. Phone Russ 1796. Orders called for. Dyelnjr and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional oer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tol. Red 131. Educittloual. Vander Nalllen Engineering School, 113 Fulton st., San Fran. Ask for catalogue. Kstb. 1M14. Fence nnd "Wire "Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works, A. Carlson, 28'J East Morrison st. Furniture and Fixtures. FURNITURE AND STORE FITTINGS, COL umns, nowels, balustera and all kinds of mill work. Specialty Mfg. Co., 311-13 Front st. Furriers. Furs remodeled at half price. Q. Konlgsbcrg. cor. First and Taylor. Old furs bought. Hnlr Dressing nnd Manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 303 WASH. ST.. UP-to-date hair dressers, wics and toupees for ladles and gents; switches from $1 up. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 10 5TH. SWITCHES a specialty; hair dressing, manicuring. Hnlr Goods, Turkish Baths, Costumes IMPERIAL HAIR STORE, 329 MORRISON st.; hair goods and hair dressing; gen's' toupees a specialty, masquerade costumes for rent; Turkish baths, ladies only. Harness and Snddles. THE BBEVMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE tale saddle- and harness mfrs., saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 7J Front ttt, THE GEOB'JE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and aaddlery haidware. 12 Front at. Hotels. HAVE YOUR MAIL AND BAGGAGE SENT to Hotel Touraln", Oakland, Cal. Strictly first class, modern and new In all depart ments. Irain eer 15 minutes to San Fran cisco. Check baggage 16th Station, Oakland. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 103 First st.; Boyd & Arnold, General Agents. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co., pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottled. Iron, rags, hided, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 001. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. Reld, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full r.tock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Laundries. Dainty laundry work, unsurpassed unywhure. Novelty Laundry Co., 40 N. Ninth. Phone 410. Dlnrblc and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 203 1st. Manufacturers of Ladles' Goods. Our complete lines of silks, wraps, dressing gowns, waists, etc. We are lenders in ladles wear. Sing Chong & Co.. 333 Morrison st. Manufacturing Hatters. Phoenix Hat Factory; latest stjles made to or der. Hats cleaned, died, retrlmmed. Coun try orders promptly attended to. 268 Stark. Machinery. Wood and iron-working, taw-mill and mining machinery, engines and boilers, Worthington pumps. Wlltley concentrators, Mundy logging and hoisting engines. Hoc chisel tooth mum, Frlctlonlcss metal, Albanj grease, Shults belt and lace leather. Tatum & Bowen, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco. TRENKMAN & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF machinery; hydraulic pipes, vaults and sheet Iron work; all machinery repairs. Fourth and Flanders sts. Massage. Graduate of Miller's Massage School, N. Y.. treats rheumatism, nervousness, etc.. success fully; steam, alcohol baths. 351 Morrison. YOUNG LADY. JUST ARRIVED, GIVES massage treatment. 303 Washington St., cor. Fifth, room 28. 131 FOURTH ST.: THfl SNOWDEN BATH rooms; tub and vapor batho, with massage. Columbia phone 5. Select manage; lady from S. F.; bath, mag netic treatment. Raleigh bldg.. room 26. Medical. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE ciallst, has opened up his office at 347 Front, and will sell his medicine as usual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Mediums. HOMER DE MORRISON'S OFFICE WILL BE closed for six weks while he is away on a a visit to The Dalles. Walla Walla, Dayton and Salem. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NavnlJWrchltcct & Conx- Mnc Engr. FRED A. BALLIN, 43 2d St. Tel. Oak 70. Ves sels and machinery of nil kinds designed, su perintended. contracted for or surveyed. Oregon VInvI Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON 8T3. Send for Health Book. Consultation free. Osteopathy. DR. R. B. NORTHRUr-. SUITE 416 DEKUM tldg. Oyster Dealers. Teke Point Oyster Co.. wholesale dealers io oysters, 221 Ankeny st. Phone Main 003. Palmistry. Mb Linn Wardel, palmist, astrologer; medU umlsttc subjects developed; jour tate in jour hand. Th Calumet. Stventh and Alder. Pusturage. LAUD'S JEFFEKSON-ST. CANVON FARM IS oten to rcclw stoc'' F. A. Miller. Supt. Patents. U&ISLER. PATENTS CO.. C1LVM. OF COM. Vie seouri dnd market patents for Invention. Pcrnlu Shorthand. MRS. HOWEN. 0 EAST 15TH, TEACHER OF Pernln shorthand, private or class leasons, day or venmg, urms reasonable. Physicians nnd surgeons. DIC COi'.A C. TALUOT. SPECIALIST; 15 j ears experience in uueate4 of tumeu; 1st st lmpiuttKi inuthod in tne treaimtiUt of all female trojolec, paueuu treated aucoesiifuu by iuhII. OiiKe io IS hir.it st. rR. JAMES DICKSON. SPEClAt-lbT I?. KIa ney and iitn Uiaea'cs. oad tuiluvvs Tenvlo. Dr. Flora A. Htown: dlecued of women and children a yroaity. cilice 217 The lsekum. Itcatnurnuts. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 'JHi DAVIS. OUK .jbu piiocu day 2siZ. ueuulne chl.ih.tn tamates. Safe. safes, jails, hurglar-proof safes, botn new una secouu-nuiiu. Lockouts upuud and general iciaira. j. E. Liavtd, 06 'ibird. 3 h v . e and Store 1'Uturcs. It. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESaOHS To DiXON. Burgeson it Co.. Sixth and Huyt sts. Specialist. Bertha A. Trulllnger, specialist, complexion, scalp tteatniciiU', nianl ,u.l..f. Parlora u utul LcwIh bund. nu, ruriv and Morriouu. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAillVoV ant and peyclilo iltc leader, con.uit iter uii business altuir1, love truuoiua. absent friend, good advice- on mines, readings djliy, out: und up. lli r Irst t., jtnee 7 Lonsull the b":. SEEING IS BELIEVING. DE ADMANDUS. Euiopean clairvoyant and natural heulrr of u ytars' expeilence. can bo consulted daily c.i business and all troublesome attain. 3dt Washington, cor. Park. JUST ARRIVED FROM CHICAGO MME. Fry, clairvoyant and curd reader; upeciauy, love attults, marriages tnd uivorces. Uui Morrisun, room 11. L.irsen, the palmist, gives lire readings for 5oc; Iiuh and luture, lust month, going to Sau Fran., Dec. 1. Utllcc 210 Aluky building. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morri son; clrclis every Friduy eve. Sltttugs daily. Morugc. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance tates low; storuge rates reasonable Careful attention given to country comngn menta. Tel. ur. Main 777; Columbia 076. STORAGE AT LOW RATE3 CAN BE HAD at Fred Bicker- storehouse. 31 North Front. Stornge nnd Transfer. C. O. PICK, office 83 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phono 5U6. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse; fcront and Clay sts. Storage and "Warehouse. HOLMAN TrtANSFER CO.; LARGEST FIRE proot warehouse In cltj. Office and otoragu warehouse, 8, 10. 12 Front, cor. Ankeny. Phoned Oregon Main 157, Columbia 500. Taxidermists. F. J. BREVSEE. 303 THIRD; SPECIMENS of all kinds mounted to order, first class. Trunk Factory, PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 50 THIRD ST.. wholesale and retail, send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish bath; house. Ladies. 0 to 3. gentlemen, 3.30 to 0. Finest Turkish baths In the city. $1. genta only. 525 Chamber of Com.. J. F. King. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davlw sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEnCE Wlth which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF UiUTlSH COLUMBIA Capital paid up Reserve $3,000,000 ZO00.UO0 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sunu of $iu aad upwards, and lnttrest allowed on minimum montniy bal ance. Rates on application. 24 1 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. Wi'LD, Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and b laanclal Agent ol the United States President IL V. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS CJAbiar G. E. AWTHfNO'lc.'. Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWK1RK Second Aslstant Cashier W. C. ALVOKU Litters of ciedlt Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern Sta.s. Sight Exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Cnlcatro. St. Louis, St. Paul. Omaha. San Franciaco asl the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frinkfort-ou-the-Main. Hong Kong, okonama, Copennagen. Christlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, atoi cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact u General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections maue at all pulntb on favorable terms. Letters of credit lsuued available In Euiopu and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer! sold on New York. Wasnlngton. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omuna. Sun Francisco and vari ous points in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... $S,250.000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San KTantrsco.j R. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold and Letters of Credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President. R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashlei TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposit. Drafts and letters of credit Issued avallabU In all parts of the world. ColIe"tlons a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office, 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a cenersl banking busi ness, makes loum. discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashlet TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits, SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED Sf ATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vlcp-Presldent JACOB KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLEa . it . W-' . 'WMii-rftiiflJlfrMT iiVT; t.i . lifrdu..i, i ., JSAs&mili I'furirfrtT' -,-- u&t -r- 2. --.i-3i. .- ., , .-j Jfc. a.-Ofc.nrl .. ,5. J"K.... f JE2f .-i. Lujlli