THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1901. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES ntcoms.' "Boom anS "Board," Housekeep ing Booms." "Situations Wanted." 15 word or lea. 15 cent; 16 to 20 words. 20 cent: 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No discount lor addl Lonal Insertions. UNDER ALL, OTHER HEADS except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents. tc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents .per U for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orcgonlan and left at this of fice, should always be Inclosed In sealed envel opes. No ttamp is required on .such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for cr iers In advertisements taken through the telephone AMUSEMENTS. CORDRAYS THEATER- ONE WEEK. COMMENCING SUNDAT. NOV. 17. AND SATURDAY MATINEE. "THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER," "THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER," "THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER," "THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER," "THE CONVICTS DAUGHTER," THE MOST POWERFUL MELODRAMA OF THE DAY. STARTLING SCENIC EFFECTS. A WONDBRFUL PLAY- METROPOLITAN THEATER Geo. L. Baker, Manager. Phone North 107C. TONIGHT! TONIGHT! Positively your last chance to see this season's greatest success and the talk of the city. "KING OF THE OPIUM RING." Be in time and avoid the rush. Hundreds turned away again last night. Evening prices, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c , ( FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL- SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS DE CAPRIO'S ORCHESTRA. THE RAPHAELS, Ventriloquist Wonders. LOUIS HARVEY, late of Hi Henry's Min strels. Song and Dance Artists. LEWIS AND LAKE. The Charming Serio-Comlc, LA FA VOR. ANNIE GOLDIE. Hebrew Imperson ator and Negro Delineator. The Gladiatorial Acrobats, BROS. LEONDOR. LILLIAN HOWE. Illustrated Songs. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE WEST SIDE BUYS $600 and up Lots in Dosoher's Second Ad dition, running from 22d to 21th, and X to Reed fits. $1700 Full lot, south front, Marshall St., near 24th. 9180050x100, Irving, between 23d and 24th. $1350 Lot on Columbia st.; easy terms. $2000100x100 and two bouses, Caruthers St., near Front. $ 1600 50x100 and two-houses, Caruthers St., near Front. 12700 Corner and two cottages, 11th and Kearney. Pays 7 per cent net on $2S00. $110075x106 and 5-room house. Front st, near Arthur. $1)000100x100, beautiful home, Nob Hill. 512.000 Half block, adjoining .terminal grounds; choicest warehouse property in Port land. $8100 Fractional lot and modern 6-room cottage, 13th st., near Market. $3800 Corner and two cottages. 15th and Kearney. Pays 7 per cent net. $1400-60x130 on Mill st.. near 10th. 50x100 and cottage, 830 North 10th. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE 66x100. beautiful corner. East 10th and Oak; good house. A bargain. $2400 Two sightly lots and desirable cot tage. Page st. and Gantenbeln ave, $8000 Two lots, East Ash, between Sixth and Seventh. Sell separately. S-room house and line lot. East 15tb, near Tillamook: a pood bargain. $1800 Two lots and 7-room house. East I inn ana jiin sis. $2650 Beautiful quarter block. East Third and Weldler. Sewer and street improvements. $1850 Fine quarter block, Holladay'a Ad dition; sewer and street Improvements. $4000 One of the most desirable half blocks in Holladay's Addition. $1500 Corner and modern 6-room cottage, Eart 23d and Ivon sts. $2250 Corner lot, modern 0-room house; streets Unproved; Sunnyside; great bargain. $830 Fine quarter block. Fargo and Kerby $200-Full lot. Smith's Addition. A snap. $2000 Corner. 50x100 East First and Wash ington sts.; choice warehouse property. $1050 Fine quarter block. East 10th and Caruthers. $1000 Desirable half block. East 13th and Division. $1250 Full block. Patton's Addition. Favorable terms on any of the above. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN, 240 Stark. - FOR SALE 80x50 on N. E. cor. Fifth and Flanders eta., rent $20 per month, $2750, 100x100 on N. W. cor. Third and Mont gomery; a fine site for flats; $7000. Three quarter blocks between E. Sixth and T. Seventh. Oregon and Irving sts.. $2500 apiece; property lies high, and streets all Improved. 50x100 and double house on Water, near Gibbs. rent $28 per month. $3300. , RUSSELL &. BLYTH. ' 82 Third st., cor. Oak. $850.00-VERY NEAT, NEW 5-ROOM COT tage at Richmond, near car. $1100.00 Fine 5-room cottage, modehi; big bargain; West Side. Sllot'.rtO Good 6-room house; lots of fruit; Taylor st., Sunnyside. $150.00 Two fine lots, Montavllla; close to school house. $226'.(0 buys property In Alblna. bringing $30.0 rent per month; a bargain. CHARLESON 3t STAUB, 245 Morrison, Room 12. 40 ACRES. ON CAR LINE. FOR PLATTING. 2 acrt, running water, good for chickens, $460. 8 acres, cutlvated, small house, all kinds fruit. $1000. 3 acres, in fruit, $750. 10 acres, partly Improved, $1250. All near care. 5-cents to any part cits'. GEO. P. LENT, 2W Morrison. $S500-SPECIAL BARGAIN 100x100 AND A large modern house, that cost $0000, situated at East 17th and Division streets, on block from car line, and only 15 minutes from center of city. This is a snap, and If you want it yes will have to come quick. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN, 240 Stark st. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 ACRES FINE Improved beaver-dam onion and asparagus land, with large barn; Beaverton, Ot. 5 acres on Canyon road, near Mount Zlon, platted In lots. Apply '2&1 Morrison st. INVESTIGATE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING site, 13th. near Tillamook, $500. Choice lot Boutli front on Tillamook, $080; city Improve ments. 020 Marquam blk. Phone Grant 021. FINEST RANCH IN WESTERN WASHING? ton; 400 acres; over 200 In cultivation: soil the finest; stock and Implements In: $25 per acre. O. C. McLeod & Co., 220 Falling bldg HOOD RIVER PROPERTY FOR SALE; AP ple and berry lands, city lots; send for list. Prather Investment Co., Hood River. Or. FOR SALE LOT. WITH GOOD C-ROOM COT tage. close In. West Side. $1100. Address R 58. Oregonlan. Give phone number. A NEW IDEA HOME SECURED BY PAY lng $1 per week for short time; absolutely safe. Investigate. G 20, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. OR TRADE FOR INSIDE PROP erty Good-paying suburban grocery. Inquire 14 East Seventh, cor. Ash. NEW. MODERN HOUSE, WEST SIDE. Al location, at a bargain. Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock building. $050 FOR FOUR NICE LOTS IN CENTRAL Alblna; streets Improved. Miller, 327 Cham ber, of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT AND STOCK FOR SALE; 255 acres; 55 acres In cultivation, mostly bwale and beaver-dam, 17 cows, 0 calves, team, wagon, all farming Implements. A splendid opportunity for a good man. No old. run-down farm. Room 210 Ablngton building. FOR RENT 100-ACRE FARM. SUITABLE for dairying or general farming, 22 miles from Portland. F 19. Oregonlan. FOR RENT GOOD FARM, f TAKEN AT once. J 21. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH US WE want some desirable cottage homes close In, East or West Side, on easy payments or cash; also some desirable West Side residence prop erty for spot cash; at reasonable prices; you can insure quick sales. H. H. DUNN, 140 First st. TO EXCHANGE. FOR VALLEY FARM IMPROVED AND VA cant city lots, with 40 acres adjacent, one 00 and one 30-horse water power, within city limits. Also 680 acres timber land, accessible to market. Address H. S. Montgomery. Falls City. Or. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR RENT WILL LEASE FOR A TERM OF years 6 acres of land, with & 6-room house. in good condition, near car line. C, F. Plymp ton, Allsky building. FOB SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FARM OF 160 ACRES IN MULT nomah County, about 15 miles from Portland, convenient to river and railroad; about 20 acres In cultivation; balance flrst-clasj tim ber; good range for stock; small bearing orchard; good seven-room house, barn, cabins, workshop and outbuildings, all of the best; never-falling well, with force pump; ready sale for wood on the.plaoe. Boyd & Arnold, 102 First St.. near Stark. A 317-ACRE FARM, 3 MILES FROM RAIL road and good town; 200 acres in cultiva tion. 20 acres bops, balance pasture; abund ance of water, good buildings. This Is a first-class farm, and a special bargain $22.50 per acre; easy terms. I also have a long list ot large and small farms In Oregon and Washington. W. O. WAPPEL. 205 Morrison st. FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT HOMESTEAD, 100 acres, 18 acres meadow and house and barn, fine for stock: and a house and lot In towrf direct on car line to exchange for out side property; also a good, all-around work horse, harness and buggy; will sell all to gether or separately. Address J. M. Botsford, Kenllworth, E. 20th st., or phone Scott 1553. FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE Willamette Valley, ranging in size from 10 acres to 040, and in price from $10 to $40. We make a specialty of fruit, dairy and grain farms, and have the largest list of any firm in the city.. Purchasers before buying will do well to examine our property. W. A. SHAW & CO., 243 Stork st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and AYashlngton; payments made to suit purchasers. For full- particulars as to various properties apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 10,000 SHARES OF STOCK IN STOCKTON Copper Mining Co., of Butte, Mont., for sale, 25c per share; If Interested call and eee speci mens of ore: call 7 to 8 evening. A. J. Mahan. the Southern, cor. West Park and Yamhill. Any one wishing Rock Springs, Roslyn or any other coal in market will kindly call up Main 1018 or 2C3. All orders filled promptly. West em Feed and Fuel Co., 151 Fifth st. north. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS' (BILLIES, nannies rfnd wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies. Coast Agency Co., 200 Stark st. FOR SALE A FEW SHARES OF VERY rich placer mines. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. CLOSING OUT STOCK OF BURNT-LEATH-er cushions; former price ?8, now $5. Korber, 351 Morrison. MUST SELL: SILVER TEA SET, QUADRU- pie 351 le plate, jour plceces; cost $30, take ?u. 51 Morrison. ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT TO CLOSE OUT stock of framed pictures below cost. 351 Morrison. Wolfsteln buys and slb all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. Upright piano, $165; cost $300 3 months ago. Fisher, $73; organ, $20. Upstairs, 104 1st. ALL SCHOOL BOOKS CAN BE HAD AT THE Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill st. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED COCKER spaniel pups. Phone Pink 1045. YOUNG, FRESH COWS FOR SALE. IN qulre at 381 East. Pine st. HELP WANTED MALE. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Male and female help furnished the employ er free by the Red Cross Employment Offices, 12S First st. Oregon phone Grant 811; Co lumbia phone 487. P. . box 003. R. R. laborers, Idaho, $2; Gray's Harbor, $2.25, pass; near .city. $2; 2. bead fallcrs, $3 up; buckers, $2 25 up; barkers, $2.25; swampers, $1.75; laborers, camp, $2; powder man, $2.50; men and teams, R. R., $4: post cutters, lc; woodchoppers, S5c to $1.10; farmhands and milkers, $20 to $25; plenty ot work for all. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, loggers headquarters. WANTED FOR U. S. ARM1 ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35; cit izens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and -write English. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Third and Stark sts., Port- - land, Or. WANTED A GOOD. BRIGHT MAN OR woman to sell small policies costing aa low as'$l per month for a big New York old-Una llfo Insurance company; no previous experi ence necessary; large Income - guaranteed. Call at 605 Oregonlan building, M, T. Kady, superintendent. WANTED MILL HANDS AND LABORERS to buy one of those beautiful acre tracts at St. Johns; email cash payment, balance monthly; steady work furnished to capable hands. Hartman, Thompson & Powers, 3 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; 8 weeks completes; tools furnished, also opportunity to earn board; positions guaranteed. Write for particulars, Moler Barber College, penver, Colo. WANTED CITY SALESMAN FOR OLD, Es tablished Portland House, on salary and commlssfop; permanent position to right man; state experience and give references. B 20, Oregonlan. WANTED PROFESSOR WHO CAN TEACH advanced algebra, spherical geometry and trigonometry two evenings each week. Ad dress with terms, E 18, care Oregonlan. Men to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re quired. Positions guaranteed. Tools donated. Wages earned while learning. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, San Francisco. A BRIGHT STOUNG MAN TO SELL SEWING machines; blg money it you hustle; salary and commission; city or country. Q 20, Ore gonlan. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS. WAITERS and bartenders. California Wlne-Depot, 148 Fourth. Poter Lorati, proprietor. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton, the Account ant, 318 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO READ ONE hour dally for part tuition. Behnke's Com mercial College. WANTED GOOD. EXPERIENCED MACHIN lsts to work In San Franoisco. Address D 21, Oregonlan. WANTED-ONE FIRST-CLASS SASH AND door; mill man. Address lock-box 222, Boise, Idaho. People's Emp. Office; help furnished; many openings. Room 3. 140 First. Tel. Clay 323. WANTED A STOUT BOY FOR GROCERY store. 05 N. 7th-st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: good wages; references re quired. Northeast corner East 12th and Weldler. Tel. Union 773. Take Irvington or Unlon-ave. car. .COOKS. CITY AND COUNTRY; WAIT resses, hotels and B.-H.; second girls; cham bermaids and 130 housework, $12 to $23. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. WANTED TWO COOKS FOR THE UNI verslty of Idaho dormitory. For particulars address Mrs. W. H. Rldenbaugh. Chr. Dormi tory Com., Boise, Idaho. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family: good wages to com petent cook, references. Apply 22 Kearney. WANTED TODAY COOKS, SECOND GIRLS, housekeepers, general housework girls. St. Louis, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2bSl. WANTED A YOUNG LADY TO TAKE CARE of office. Calftoday, between hours of 2 and 6. C Emerson Hope, 180 Seventh st. GOOD GIRL TO WORK FOR ROOM AND board and attend school; good home and ex cellent location. 510 East Burnslde. WANTED-rA COMPETENT GIRL FOR C0OK ing and general housework; good wages. Ap ply mornings at 341 11th st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO .SECOND WORK and plain, sewing. Apply In the morning at 474 Market st. WANTED A READER TO TRAVEL WITH A first-class concert company. Y 21, care Ore gonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family; good wages. 227 Whltta ker st. Singers nnd dancers wanted, professionals or amateurs. Theatrical Agency, 7th and Alder. Those desiring a position call at Girls Club, room 18. Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 143 North 10th ot. Acme Employment Bureau, 2i5 Morrison Help free to employers, goto phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT COOK. 060 HAN cock st., Irvington. Apply mornings. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; FAMILY of two; in cottage. 703 Everett. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK WISHES position in .family. Address Japanese Mis sion, 398 Flanders st. Phone Clay 745. JAPANESE BOY WANTS FOSITION TO DO cooking or housework In family. S 20, care Oregonlan. WANTED EDITORIAL POSITION, DAILT or weekly. Address P 20, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. Domestic. WANTED PLACE AS COOK OR GENERAL housework. Apply 85 Fourth St., near Stark. BY GIRL OF 14, PLACE TO WORK FOR board and go to school. K 20, Oregonlan. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED BY REFINED, COM petent young woman, as housekeeper. Call 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. Miscellaneous. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY to do washing. Ironing or cleaning. Inquire at 42S Pettygrove st., between 19th and 20th. r- POSITION AS SECOND COOK IN HOTEL or restaurant; night service preferred. Call 230 Yamhill ot. Phone Black 2581. 3 cooks; restaurant waitress, country: 3 general girls. Working Girls' Home, 201 Third. Tel. Hood 400. WANTED AGENTS. AGENT3 WANTED FOK OUR NEW HOLI day books. Outfits now ready. Best books; best terms. Otuflt sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. Circulars free on application. S. C. Miller & Co., 411 Good nough building, Portland, Or. AGENTS WANTED BEST LIFE OF Mc Klnley and Christmas books. 75 per cent dis count. Outfit free. Freight paid. Credit giv en. Valuable premium. Our agents get $200 In gold for Christmas. Henry Nell, 323 Dear born St.. Chicago, 111. WANTED BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC agents to sell our attractive holiday Books. Bet Inducements. Outfit free. Union Sub scription Book Co., 10 Lewis Bldg., Morrison and Park sts., Portland. life of Mckinley we ca fill or- ders for either Marshall Everett's or Murat ,Halstead's books, best editions published. S. C. Miller & Co.. 411 Goodnough bldg. MALE AND FEMALE CANVASSERS. CITY and country, $3 to $5 a day. 442 Washington Mreet. Agents to introduce Llllio Webb's soaps; fine profits. 303 Allsky bldg.. Miss Gibson. WANTED TO RENT. 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED; MUST be desirable location, with all modern con veniences and nicely furnished. Address 401 Rodhey ave., or phone Pink 1090. WANTED BY RELIABLE PARTY. 3 OR 0 room cottage; must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price. F. W care Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ZIMMERMAN. 214 FIRST, COR. SALMON, pays more for second-hand furniture than any other city dealer. Telephone North 1040. WE CAN PLACE $300 AND $1500 AT 10 PER cent, good security. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 205 Ablngton building. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds second-hand goods. Send postal. 80 N. Third. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE; Carpet laying. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 984. Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc. Kutner & Co., 32 N. .Third. Oregon phone Clay 080. $50 FOR THE USE OF $330 FOR THREE months; good security. G 21, Oregonlan. FOR nENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under tho management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding Tho moat complete apartment-house in the Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE CALUMET, SEVENTH AND ALDER The most elegant rooming-house in the North west; steam heat, electric lights; water In every room; porcelain baths, suites with pri vate bat h3; every modern convenience; an Ideal stopping place for the traveling public. Rates $1 per day and upward. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. 13. Ueorge, Super intendent, 510 Flanders st. THE PLEASANTON, 2SS THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight in all rooms; bath Included. Most reasonable terms. Transient solicited. Tho Lockwood. 351 Morrison, cor. Park Un der new' management; elegant rooms, single, en suite; reasonable; gentlemen only; tran sient solicited. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. The La Porte, 170 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms. $1.25 per week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. 403 SECOND BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, ELE gantly and newly furnished; all modern con veniences; private family; references. 387 11TH ST. FURNISHED DOUBLE PAR lars; gas, bath: man and wife or gentleman; no children; references. THREE DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS; electric light, bath and telephone; very cen tral. 200 Alder. FOR RENT ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY; rent very reasonable; phone, bath. 283 4th st,, cor. Jefferson. PLEASANT BAY-WINDOW ROOM. GAS, bath, phone; private family; terms reason able. 255 11th. FURNISHED ROOMS, A FEW MINUTES' walk from postofllce, from ?0 up. M 21, Ore gonlan. N.ICELY FURNISHED GROUND - FLOOR suite, with piano; also single room. 130 11th street. MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUILD lng, steam heat, new furniture. 311 Stark. Furnished rooms. $1 week and up; also houie keeping rnw. Trcmont House. 7th and Everett Cosmos, 208 Morrison $1 per day; rates rea sonable by month; also housekeeping suit. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; ALSO other room. 260 Columbia, bet. 3d and 4th. ALL LOWER FLOOR OF -COTTAGE. FIVE rooms; bath, telephone, gas. 331 12th. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, IN NEW brick; bath, phone. 30C First. FURNISHED ROOMS AT REASONABLE rates. 281 Fourth st. A NICE, PLEASANT ROOM, AVITH BOARD. 211 12th. Call. Rooms With Hoard. BEST ROOMS AND BOARD IN CIT AT reasonable rates; only Urn-class people: good cooking and excellent service; everything up to date. The V-ndome. 13th and Alder. 261 13TH ST. DESIRABLE ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite, with -good board; pleasant, mod ern house, delightful location: a few table lwarders desired. Telephone Oak 31. THE BROWN HOTEL. GRAND AND HAW thorne aves. Pleasant rooms; hot and cold water; good board; both car lines. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM AND BOARD IN private family for two. Address R. B., Sta tion C. Portland. ROOMS. WITH GOOD TABLE BOARD; home cooking. 215 12th st.. cor. Salmon. HESPERIAN Two large front rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water. 533 Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, 223 Eleventh. Hounekcepliis Rooms. 4S9 JEFFEERSON ST. ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed suites housekeeping rooms in modern house; use of whone, bath, gas and furnace heat; no children. FURNISHED FLAT, VERY DESIRABLE; bath, telephone; every convenience;, reason able. 295 Montgomery st., corner Fifth. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board; modern conveniences. 350 Madison at-, comer Park. FOR REST. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVILEGE OF COOK-ing- breakfast; private family. Address. K 21, Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVILEGE OF COOK lng breakfast; private family. Address K 21, Oregonlan. 02 17TH, CORNER FLANDERS TWO FUR nished housekeeping rooms; private family; no children. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. CS0 Gllsan; references. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PARTLY FUR nlshed, for j.wp ladies or man and wife. 300 Fifth st. 400 MORRISON FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; all -conveniences; best location. Hoaici, FOR RENT NICE 7-ROOM WELL-BUILT house at Piedmont; ' has bath, patent closet and furnace; owner will rent for one yeat'a time at $15; only two blocks from car line. Apply 273 Stark st. CHOICE. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE; 10 minutes' walk from business portion of city; $20. W. Reldt, Washington bldg. Phone White 025. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 22S PORTER ST.; FIRST class condition; .hot and cold water; bath; nice yard. Apply 225 11th st. FOR RENT NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, WITH all modern Improvements, 742 Kearney st.; rent $30. Inquire 230 Stark st. FOR RENT AT $0 PER MONTH, A SIX roomed house on 27th and Tillamook sts. M 20. care Oregonlan. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, 1D5 N. 15TH st. Inqulro 434 Market ot. Furnished Bouses. FOR RENT-IN HOLLADAY'S ADDITION, modern 7-room cottage. 373 East Third st. North: neatly furnished, cement base ment, fruit and flowers; adults only; $25; references required. Apply at premises. COMPLETELY FURNISHED EIGHT-ROOM house, with furnace, hath and electricity. Apply 455 East Fourteenth north. Telephone Rus 321. $10 PER MONTH; 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FUR nished, for housekeeping. Inquire at 184 Sherman st. Phone Front 149. 300 E. 7TH, NEAR CLAY, COMPLETELY furnished. 4-room cottage; piano; .no chil dren; $17.50, with water. OfflCCM. FOR RENT DESKROOM NOVEMBER 1; desk and everything furnished. Cull 246 Stark st. E. S. Jackson & Co. PERSONAL. COMPLEXION, HAIR AND SCALP SPE clalists; all facial blemishes removed no scars. Latest American and Parisian meth ods used. Dermatology, massage, electrolysis and beauty culture taught, plastic surgery done; results guaranteed. City references. Pure cosmetics. Trial treatment free. Orien tal Beauty Parlors. 342 Wash., rooms 8-12. 77 WOMEN W ANTED SUFFERING .FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam hill st., Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Incloso 10 2-cent stamps. CO-OPERATION DOES IT; $1 OR $2 PER week; Join in purchasing beautiful tract of land, to be divided amongst purchasers, thus obtaining choice building lots at acreage prices; nearly all taken; write at once. K 10, Orcgonlan, WE HAVE A PLAN ENTIRELY NEW IN Portland, which will enable you to own your own homo by paying $1 per week for short time. If you desire to get ahead, Investigate this. Arleta Land Co., 240 Stark, 0;30 A. M. to 1 P. M. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewedLon and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. DECAMERON." "A MODERN EDEN,' "She Was Doomed." "The Adventuress," "Maria Monk," "Traps for Men," "Woman of Fire, "Temptation," "Sappho," 60c ea. Schmale, 229 1st st. DR. G. 8. MOORE'S SCIENTIFIC HAIR RE storer; positive cure for falling hair, bald ness and eczema; guaranteed or money re funded; send for circular. 332 O'Farrell St., San Francisco. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. Ono month's treat ment. $2; S months, $5. Sent securely soalod by mall. Agents. Woodard & Clarke, Port- tana, or. 1 DARLING SANITARIUM. MT. TABOR. PRI vate; women's diseases, confinement; country cases solicited, terms moderate. Address Dr. Darling, Mngr., Cambridge bldg., Portland. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD HU8 band or wife, and woufd like an opportunity to become acquainted, address H 21, Orcgo nlan. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. Wo print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style, 23c: 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 First, Portland, Or. GENTLEMAN NURSE; TWO YEARS' training, 10 years' experience; private mas sage treatments. Carey. Phone Pink 633. WEE WHITE MOUSE, Write to your own old Mud. Will be for warded from where you wrote last. O, H. Rieger, man'f'g Jeweler: full line Jnwel ry, silverware and cut glass; fine watch re pairing. 201 Morrison, upstairs. MASSAGE, LINIMENT RUBS AND ELEC trlc baths, for aches and pains. 392 Morri son st. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. Tho best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists. PORTLAND VETERINARY HOSPITAL. DR. Power, 6th and Davl3 sts. Phone South 2121. SUITS MADE TO ORDEtt. cleaning and re pairing. Zellg, 304 Morrison. Phone Clay 2S2. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR riage paper, 10c. P. O. box 6C0, Portland, Or. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURB Instantly. 10 und 25 cents. All druggists. LILLIE WEBB'S OLIVE OIL SOAP. SURE cure for poison oak. 303 Allsky building. MRS. DR. McCOY, Roes House, 211 1st, cor. Salmon; electric treatment. Rooms 4-5. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER AND RE palred. Phone 1700. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCANTILE business in a good railroad town In Eastern Oregon: this l In a very thrifty community; stock will Invoice $14,000; sales average about $25,000.per annum, mostly cash; proilts average about 33 1-3 per cet; owners have made a competency, now wish to retire: rare chance for right parties. For further partic ulars write to Hudson Jfc Brownhlll, The Dalles, Or., or 550 Sherlock building, .Port land, Or. BUSINESS CHANCE WANTED. INTER vlew with party having $4000 to Invest in manufacturing business; entire control ot Western branch given. Eastern branch re quiring all my attention. Money secured In business; safe. Urge profits. Address G 19, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS. ELEGANTLY furnished ladles' beauty, manicuring and hair dressing parlor; good business; low rent; ex cellent location; reasons for selling, 111 health; party must seek another clime. Y 18, Ore gonlan. OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN THOR oughly established and profitable business en terprises in this city; reliable information furnished parties seeking locations. Ames Mercantile Agency, 2u5 Ablngton bldg. THOROUGH BUSINESS MAN, WITH $10,000 capital, for one of the safest and best estab lished businesses in Portland; none but up-to-date man need apply. S 18, Oregonlan. $200 CIGAR, TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY, store; doing good business; housekeeping rooms attached; must fell immediately; par ties going away. 288 Grand ave. PLUMBER FOR SALE ONE-HALF INTER est In a plumbing and tin shop, with stock and tools; pipe machines to 6-lnch; good lo cality. C 21, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN WITH SMALL capital to purchase half Interest in good, pay ing business; will stand Investigation. Par ticulars 285 Washington. WANTED TO PURCHASE. STOCK OF THE Helena Consolidated Mining Co. I. H. Bing ham, 110 Sherlock building. Phone South 030. General merchandising stock, for sale; best opening in N. W. to make money. Write or inquire of J. Kaspcr, Kendrlck, Idaho. DRUG STORE. STOCK AND RESIDENCE for pale: practice, to purchaser, gratis; Inves tigate. Dr. Roberts, Myrtle Point, Or. I1USIXESB CHANCES. WANTED-ONE OR TWO PARTIES WITH $15,000 to $25,000 to invest in wholesale and retail business In Portland and territory tributary; profits will be satisfactory and business capable of being largely Increased; money amply secured. D 10, Orcgonlan. $500 WANTED LADY OR GENT TO TAKE Interest In fine established business. Address S 21, care Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN A RESTAURANT: llttlo money required, or -will sell cheap. 20S Washington st. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING HOTED: WELL furnished; at Kelso, Wash. Judge D. Kelly, Kelso. Wasn. FOR .RENT BUTCHER SHOP, TOOLS; centrally located. P. A. Cochran, Woodburn, Or. FOR SALE AN OLD-ESTABLISHED RES taurant. Address O 15, care Oregonlan. Employment Agency fcr sale; make offer; wilt explain reasons. R. G. Drake, 152 First SPECIAL , NOTICES. Proposals invited. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE ot United States Surveyor-General, Portland, Or., November 9, 1001. Sealed proposals will bts received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, on December 9, 1901, for running, measuring and marking, in accordance with official existing regulations and such special Instructions as may be Usued by the Sur- - veyor-General, the following described sur veys, viz.: Townships 3 S., R. 0 E.. 00 miles subdivisions; 10 S.. R. 11 E., 10 miles subdivisions; 2 N., R. 50 E., 8 miles meanders, 12. miles exteriors, 25 miles sub divisions; 3 N R. 50 E 0 miles meanders, 12 miles exteriors, 50 miles subdivisions; 3 N.. R. 40 E., 0 miles exteriors, 00 miles " subdivisions; 7 S.. R. 8 W.. 22 miles sub divisions; 10 S., R. 0 W., 0 miles subdivi sions; 19 S.. R. 11 W., 12 miles subdivisions; 20 S., R. 12 W., 4 miles subdivisions; 21 S., R. 11 W 1 mile subdivision; 33 S.. R. 15 W., 7 miles subdivisions; 34 S., R. 5 W., 18 miles subdivisions; 38 S.. R, 7 W., 8 miles sub divisions, 2 miles exteriors; 30 S., R. 13 W.. 40 miles subdivisions; 32 S., R. 16 E.. 18 miles subdivisions; 33 S., R 17 E 25 miles subdivisions. Legal rates ot mileage are $9, $7. $5; and $25, $23 and $20, for standard and meander, township and section and connect ing lines, respectively; the latter rates t$25, $23 and $20) to be allowed only where the lands are mountainous, heavily timbered or covered with dense undergrowth. Bond with approved securities for the faithful perform ance of the contract will be required of the successful bidders. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, to waive technical defects, ane to accept any part of any bid. or reject the other part. If the Interests of the Government require it. Proposals must be submitted in duplicate to the undersigned, and Indorsed on the envelope: "Proposals for Executing Public Surveys." The proposals received will be opened at the time and place above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at such opening. Further informa tlpn In regard to the work will be furnished upon application to the undersigned. HENRY MELDRUM, U. S. Surveyor-General for Ore gon. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., NOVEMBER 13, 1901. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will he received here, and at office of Quartermaster, until 11 o'clock A, M., Friday, December 13, 1901, and then opened, for furnishing, during the last six months ot fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, forage and straw for San Diego Barracks, Cal.; also at same time, at this of fice only, for forage and straw for Alcatras Island. Fort Baker, Behlcla Barrack3, Fort Mason. Fort McDowell. Presidio of. San Fran cisco, San Francisco, and San Francisco. Cal., for shipment to Honolulu, H. T.; and fuel for Benlcla Barracks, Cal. Government reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids In whole or In part. Preference given to articles of American, production, conditions ot price and quality Including In the price of foreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles Of American production produced on the Pa cific Coast, to extent of consumption required by the public service there. All information furnished on application to Quartermaster at San Diego Barracks or to undersigned. En velopes containing bids to be indorsed "Pro posals for fuel, forage and straw," and ad dressed to said Quartermaster, or to D. D. WHEELER, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Office of Purchasing Commissary, San Fran cisco, Cal.. October 30, IDOL Sealed propo sals, for furnishing and delivering ot such quantities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or such warehouses in San Francisco, Cal., as. per circular, to be seen at this office, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, November 10, 1001, and opened immediately thereafter in pres ence of bidders. Specifications, general In struction to bidders and blank form of pro posal will be furnished to established dealers on application to W. H. BALDWIN, Major and C. S., U. S. Army, Purchasing Com missary. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; easy payments; strictly confidential. New Era Loan & Trust Co., room 200 Ablngton bldg. Office hours, 10 to 4, LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 830. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL Es tate, West Side; low rate of Interest. Ger man Savings & Loan Society, 200 Ablngton Bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 410. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 602 Commercial blk. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500; ON ALL classes of security. K. I. Eckerson & Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Clay SSX 5 AND UP, IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room lu, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, pianos and other securities. 128 Third st., C, H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office. MONEY TO LOAN, 0 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and improved Valley farms. W. A. Snaw & Co., 24J Stark st. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 6. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G, Beck. 321 Morrison at. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other good securities. W. U. Nunn, 552 Sherlock blag. LOAN ON CHATTELS. SALARIES, MINING stocks, etc.; sec us first. Munn & Co., 604 Dokum building. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITI OR FARM property at 6 and 7 per cent. C. F. Plympton, Allsky building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 0 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc, low rates. See us first. Mann & Co., 004 Dekum bldg. State funds loaned, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Com. $200 TO $5000. LOW RATES, NO COM'S. See Ward. 323 Allsky building. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A BLACK DERBY HAT. WITH INI tlals, H. T. H. Please return Schiller's Cigar Store, TTourth and Washington: reward. LOST A PAIR OF EYEGLASSES ON U streot-car. Please return to Bradstreet's, Worcester building; reward. LOST BUNCH KEYS ON PARK ST., BE twecn Morrison and Salmon. Please leave at Oregonlan office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant and Auditor. George T. Murton. 318 Cham, ot Com. Phone Brown 450. Bookkeeping, expertlng, teaching. Architects. OTTO KLEEMANN, 30 GRAND AVENUE north. Columola phone 5181. Asbestos. Air-cell asbestos boiler and pipe covering. Tatum & Bowen, Portland, Seattle, San Fr. Assurers and Analysts. J. H. FISK, MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist, teaches aszaylng In all its branches and ore testing. Course for miners and pros pectors. Instruction Individual; enter any time. Open evenings. 204 Washington st. THE MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS, with Its assay office and chemical labora tory, have moved from U2 to 100 First st., cor. Stark. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Astrology. SCIENTIFIC LIFE READINGS BY AN Ex pert member astrological society. Adams. 68 Paik. Attorneys-at-Luvr. NIXON & DOLPH, GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public, 502 Commercial bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bamboo Furniture. TOYOKUNI CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall. 254 Morrison. Factory. 2S7 Third sU Boole Stores. J. K. GILL Si CO., WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers. 133-35 3d it. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark st.; office and htore fixtures oj'lt ind remodeled, altering and repairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. George W. Gordon, counters, office fixtures, fly screens. Third and Salmon. Tel. Clay 363. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st.. near Gllsan. Ore. tel. Red 1766. Chiropodists und Maniearluf?. WM. DEVENY ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This is the long-hatred gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Mrs. Davidson treats hunlons, ingrown nails, removes corns without pain. SOS Dekum. Coal. OREGON FUEL CO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds coal and wood. 344 Morrison. Clairvoyants. GERTRUDE MYREN, NEW YORK'S MOST celebrated clairvoyant, now located at 20b Morrison st.; none can explain her marvelous power: without asking a question she tells your hopes, fears, cares and has turned the rays of light into unhappy homes. Through psychic vibration she restores lost affection, unites the separated, causes bpeedy mar riages, communicates with distant or de parted friends; gives reliable advice on all affairs of life; utmost satisfaction guaran teed or no pay accepted. Charges reasonable. Call today. Hours, 10 to 8. lime. Dr. Herzog, from Berlin, scientific re vealer; tells entire life, past, present and fu ture; consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given; good advice; sure help; mistake Impossible: Import genuine gypsy love powder. Fee, $1; letter. $2, 303 Alder. Commission Merchants. HERMANN MET7.GER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front St., near Main, Port land. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHT3. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Bayer, 265 Second st. Costumes, Accordion Plaiting. FEATHERS RENOVATED, gloves cleaned. Chicago Costume House, 388 Morrison st. Dancing. MISS HELEN W. COPELAND. BURKHARD Hall, dancing academy; private or class les sons; beginners' class Monday evenings. Tele phone Union 824. MRS. NINA LAROWE, ACADEMY OF DANC ing and eloxution. Telephone Black 20X0. Dyeing nnd Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional oyer and clean er, 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Educational. MRS. NINA LAROWE. TEACHER OF NAT ural and graceful elocution, for parlor, stage or platform. Hall. 23d and Kearney. Vander Nalllen Engineering School, 113 Fulton st., San Fran. Ask for catalogue. Estb. 1864. Electroplating. GOLD." SILVER, COPPER, NICKEL. ETC. Peninsular Plating Works. 302 Washington. Fence and Wire "Works. OLD BAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works, A. Carlson, 289 Eust Morrison st. Furniture and Fixtures. FURNITURE AND STORE FITTINGS. COL umns, ncwols, balusters and all kinds of mill work. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 311-13 Front st. Furriers. Furs remodeled at half price. G. Kgnlgsberg, cor. First nnd Taylor. Old furs bought. Hair Goods, Turkish Baths, Cnitiiinci IMPERIAL HAIR STORE. 329 MORRISON St.; hair goods and hair dressing; grnts' toupees a specialty; masquerade coetumt for rent; Turkish baths, ladles'only. Hair Dressing and Manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 303 WASH. ST.. UP-to-date hair dressere. wigs and toupees for ladles and gents; switches from $1 up. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 100 5TH. SWITCHES a specialty; hair dressing, manicuring. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery bard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. HAVE YOUR MAIL AND BAGGAGE SENT to Hotel Touralne, Oakland, Cal. Strictly first class, modern and new In all depart ments. Train every 15 minutes to San Fran cisco. Check baggage 10th Station. Oakland. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., 102 First t.; Boyd & Arnold, General Agents. Laundries. Dainty laundry work, unsurpassed anywhere. Novelty Laundry Co., 40 N. Ninth. Phone 410. Leather nnd Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot und shoe uppers, findings, uhoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. Reld. mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Machinery. Wood and Iron-working, saw-mill and mining machinery, engines and boilers, Worthlngton pumps, Wllfley concentrators, Mundy logging nnd hoisting engines. Hoe chisel tooth saws. Frictlonless metal? Albany grease. Shultz belt nnd lace leather. Tatum &. Bowen, Portland, Seattle. San Francisco. TRENKMAN & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF machinery; hydraulic pipes, vaults and sheet Iron work: all machinery repairs. Fourth and Flander3 sts. Junk, Hides nnd Pelts. L. Shank & Co., pay highest prices for old rubber, metals, bottles, Iron, rags, hide, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 091. Manufacturers ot Ladles' Goods. Our complete lines of silks, wraps, dressing gowns, waists, etc. We are leaders In ladlea' wear. Sing Chong & Co., 333 Morrison st. Massage. Graduate of Miller's Massage School, N. Y treats rheumatism, nervousness, etc., success fully; steam, alcohol baths. 351 Morrison. YOUNG LADY. JUST ARRIVED. GIVES massage treatment. 303 Washington St.. cor. Fifth, room 28. 131 FOURTH StH TUB AND VAPOR baths, with massage; everything first cluss. Phone Columbia 6. Select massage; lady from S. F.; bath, mag netic treatment. Raleigh bldg., room 26. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu, 268 1st. Medlcul. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. COLORED SPE ciallst, now offers medicine from $2.50-$10 per week, for a short time only. This old doctor has medicine for every disease of the body. Come and get examined, if only to hear what alls you. He tells you all about yourself, not you him. Private diseases of men and women cured. Also sexual powers restored. Does not except any who have not been operated on. Also all chronic sickness cured. 347 Front st. Mediums. CONSULT HOMER DE MORRISON, world's greatest psychic, clairvoyant and me dium, on all business, mining, financial, do mestic and love, affairs ; locates mines, min erals, etc. Office 323 Washington St., Ral eigh building, parlors 23-rf0. Take elevator. Monuments. White bronze monuments. Send postal; will call C. R. Doanell. Agent, 264 Stark st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mustcai. MRS. MAUDE COY-FLAVIN. VOCAL IN structlon. . Lampertl method; voices tried Tuesday 3 to 6 P. M.; concert and recital engagements solicited. Residence-studio, 2t 7th st. Vocal lesions by Marion Peters, pupil of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer. 29 20th. Phone Brown 662. LOUIS H. BOLL. TEACHER OF PIANO. studio third floor Auditorium. Naval Architect 4tConsnltiic Engr, FRED A. BALLIN, 43 2d st. Tel. Oak 76. Ves sels and machinery ot all kinds designed, su perintended, contracted for or surveyed. Oyster Dealers. Toke Point Oyster Co., wholesale dealers In oysters. 224 Ankeny st. Phone Main 093. Oregon Vlnvl Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON STS. Send for Health Book. Consultation free. Osteopathy. DR. R. B. NORTHRCr bldg. SUITE 416 DEKUM Pasturage. LADD'S JEFFERSON-ST. CANYON FARM 13 open to receive stock. F. A. Miller, Supt. Patents. GEISLER PATENTS CO., CHAM. OF COM. Wt secure and market patents for Inventions. Physicians and burgeons. DR. CORA C. TALBOT, SPECIALIST; 15 years' experience in diseases ot women; lat est Improved method in the treatment of all female trouoIet; patients treated successfully by mail. Office ial First st. PR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KiD ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. DR. EMMA GUEHTIN, diseases of women. Obstetrics. 181 First. 1'iiona Green 381. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT. 206 DAVIS. ORE gon pnone Clay M2. Uenuine chicken tamales. Sates. SAFES. JAILS, BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, both new and second-hand. Lockouts opened and general repairs. J. E. Davis, ud Third. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Sueclalls ts. EEKTHA A. TBULLINGER. SPECIALIST, complexion, scalp treatments, nianlourina. Parlors 400, Abmgton bldg. Tel. Clay 644. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOV ant and uttyohlc Ufa raauer; commit Her on business analr, love trouolea, aosent friends: good advice on mines; reaotngs dally, 5Uo and up. 107 First ;t., office 7. Consult the iraat. SEEING IS BELIEVING. DE ADMANDUS. European clairvoyant und natural heuier of 4 year" experience, can be consulted daily on business and all troublesome affairs. 3Ui Washington, ccr. Park. Jorgen Knudwsn, sptrlt medium, gives sittings daily from J to 6. $1. Circles every evening at 8 o'clock, 25e. 7S Park St.. near Evrerett. Lurseu, the palmist, gives life readings tor 50c; vu.c and tutur; last month, guiug to ban Fran., Dec. 1. Ufflee 216 Allbky building. Mrs. C, Cornelius, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morri son; clrcliii every Friday eve. Sittings dally. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual business and life read er, 221 Mornsou, room 18. Tel. Front Xi'i. Sturnge. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; uioruge rates reasonable. Caretul attention given lo country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia 676. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE 1LX at Fred Btckd'n ktorehuuse, 31 North Front. Storugc nnd Transfer. O. O. PICK, office 83 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 516. Pianos and furniture moved and pueked for shipping; commodious nra pioot brick wuruhoutc; fciont and Clay sts. Taxidermists. F. J. BRAZEE. 303 THIRD; SPECIMEN! of all kinds mounted to order, first class. Trunk Factory, PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail, sond for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish hatha; houbt. Ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen. 3.30 to 0. Finest Turkish baths in the city. $1. gents only. 523 Chamber of Com., J. F. King. WhoIenle Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. car. N. Fn-nt anil Davis sts.. Portland. Or. 11.1MCS, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEKCE- Wlth which is amalgamated THE BANK OF UtUTla'll COLUMBIA. Capital paid up $8,000.00 ReServo 2.0VW.UOO Transacts a General liunklng Business. SAVINGS BANK. DEPARTMENT Aceounu opened for sum ut iu auu upward J, and iuuri allowed om minimum i.iuntmy bal ance. Hatea ia application. 214 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WtfLu. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and t inanclal Agent ot the United states. President H. W. CORBETT Vlce-Preuldent A. L. MILLS CaiUlcr G. K. VITMilNUru. Assistant Cabhler J. W. NEWK1RK beeond Adjutant Cashier W. C ALVOUD Letters of crtUt issued, uvaiiublu in Europe and the Eastern Sttf. Sight Exchange and turgraphlc transfers sola on New ork. iioston, Chicago. St. Louis, St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco avid the principal points In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sum to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-vn-the llaln. Hong Kong. ioKonama, Cupenhastn. Christians. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. Interust allowed on tlmu deposits. Collections made ut all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued available la Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ' Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, SU Louis. Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. ..$8,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San Francisco.; R. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold and Letters of Credit ls3ued. available In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President. R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued available in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office, 71 Lombard street, London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of tho world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Accounts of country banks received. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President .....TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMI! Cashier ., ..,,,,., ,,,,,,.., F. C. MILLER,