Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1901, PART TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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McCarthy. Mary A. Undivided of
W. hi of E. hi of the following:
Beginning SO feet N. and SO feet
W. of NW, corner block 1, "Wood
lawn; thence N. 13.49 chains;
thence S. 67 deg. E. 7.38 chains;
thence S. 10.28 chains; then.ce W.
6.5 chains to beginning; Sec 14,
Tp. 1N..R.1 E.. 1 acre 3 37
"Whltehouse. Ben. G. Beginning at
NE. corner of SE. of NE. 14 of
Sec. 16; thence W. 330 feet: thence
8. 528 feet: thence E. 330 feet:
thence N. 628 feet to beginning,
Sec 16, Tp. 1 N R. 1 E., 4 acres..
Sternfels, Morris Beginning 53 rods
W. of NE. corner of SE. 4, Sec
16; thence westerly 20 rods; thence
southerly 80 rods; thence easterly
20 rods; thence northerly SO rods to
beginning, except 1 acre in NE.
corner, owned by Northwest Loan
& Trust Co., Sec 16. Tp. 1N..B.1
E., 9 acres
Hurgren R. E. Beginning SO rods
N. of SE. corner of Sec 1G; thence
northerly 40 rods; thence W. 53
rods; thence S. 40 rods; thence E.
to beginning. Sec 16. T. 1 N.. R. 1
E., 13.25 acres
Portland Guaranty Co. Beginning
16 S3
40 44
at intersection oi ifi. line or Ports
mouth avenue and Willamette Riv
er; thence northerly along said E.
line to S. line Willamptte boule
vard: thenco easterly along said S.
line to center line of road leading
to Mock's wharf; thence south
westerly along said road to Wil
lamette River; thence southwest
erly to SE. corner George Ham
tract, described in Book 222, page
172; thence northeasterly to AV. line
of lot 25, "Melvin": thence N. to
point CO feet N. of NE. corner of
said lot 25. to point on N. line of
Ballantyne avenue; thenco west
erly and northwesterly along N.
lino to a point on northerly exten
sion of W. nne of lot 16. "Melvin";
60 feet northerly from NW. corner
of lot iu: thence southwesterly
alone W. "ine of lot 16 to Willam
ette River; thence northwesterly to
beginning. Sec. 18, Tp. 1 N., R. 1
E., 67.92 acres 552 68
DeLashmutt. E. Undivided hi of
the following: E. of NW. 14 and
lots 1. 2, in Sec 21. and lot 1 In
Sec 20, except the following: Be
ginning at a post in center of Sec
21; thence W. 22.25 chains to bank
of Willamette River; thence N. 23
degrees W., 3.26 chains; thence E.
23.52 chains to section line run
ning N. and S. through Sec 21;
thence S. 3 chains to beginning.
Sec 21, Tp. 1 N., R. 1 E., 11.41 acres 25 58
Safety Nitre Powder Co. Beginning
at stake 132.6 feet N. and 72.8 feet
"W. of post set for center of Sec
21. Tp. 1 N., R. 1 E.; thence N. 70
deg. E. 50 feet; thence N. 20 deg.
W. ,64 feet; thence S. 70 deg. W.
54 54 feet to NE. corner of Vulcan
Powder Co.'s lot; thence . 29 deg.
E. 29 feet to beginning, containing
1497 square feet and right of way,
extending in one direction to coun
ty road, and in the other to W. end
of Joseph Delay's wharf, Sec 21,
Tp. 1 N R. 1 E.. 1 acre 6 22
Vigorite Powder Co. All that piece
of land situated between the coun
ty road running from Alblna and
the private road of Jospnh rplnv.
leading from county road to whart,
Sec 21. Tp. IN. R.lE.,1 acre....
Oatman, H. B., Heirs Unuivided 14
or tne rollowing: Lot 3, lying E.
of center line of county road lead
ing from Alblna to SL Johns, Sec
2L Tp. 1 N., R. 1 E.. .3S acres 1 69
Greene, Charlotte N. hi of SW.
of NE. 14 of NW 14. Sec 23, Tp. 1
N.. HIE, 5 acres 2191
Proudflt, John Beginning at SW.
corner of E. hi of SW. 14 Sec 25;
thence E. 12 rods; thence N. 30
rods; ther.ce W. 12 rods: thence S.
to beginning, except 50x100 feet,
deeded to L. B. Stoeser, book 236,
page 6S. and except 14 acres deed
to Andrew Stoeser, book 235,
page to., except i. acres, aec 20.
T. 1 N.. R 1 E.. 13 acres
Wodtly, Mary S. N. 4214 feet of
N. hi of the following: Beginning
at a point on S. line of Versteeg
tract, 45.6 feet E. of SE. corner lot
6, block 1, Versteeg's Addition;
thence E. along S. line Versteeg
tract 15.6 feet to SE. corner there
of; thence N. on Versteeg tract
300 feet; thence W. on S. line of
Nicolal street, produced 16 feet,
feet, more or less, to a point 60
feet E. of NE. corner block 1,
Versteeg Addition; thence S. to
beginning: Sec 28. Tp. 1 N., R. 1
E, 0.03 acres
"Versteeg, Garret N. S. hi of above.
Sic 28. Tp. 1 N., R. 1 E., 0.1
Watson. A. J.. Heirs Beginning
at center of 18th street on Couch
line, running W. 1140 feet: thence
N. to S. line of Murhard tract;
thence easterly along line of Mur
hard and Ross to NW. corner
Mock 27, Watson's Addition;
thence S. l beginning, except lots
3, 4, Sec 28, Tp. 1 N., R. 1 E., 4
Macleod. Donald Undivided hi of
following: Beginning on division
line between Peter Guild D. L. C.
and Elizabeth Guild D. L. C, at
the SE. corner of tract, containing
36.26 acres heretofore conveyed to
B. C. Guild by Elizabeth Guild;
thence N. 27 deg. E. 2S.9 chains
to NE. line of Guild D. L. C:
thence S. 57 deg. 30 mln. E. 5.78
chains; thence S. 27 deg. W. 25.4
chains: thence W. 6.43 chains to
beginning; Sec 29. Tp. 1 N., R. 1
E.. 1.E9 acres
Neff. Margaret Beginning on N. E.
1 IS
49 71
line of M. Neff D. L. C, 4.92
chains from NE. corner thereof:
thence S. 44 deg. 30 mln. W. 8.59
chains to county road: thence N.
32 deg. W. along county road 1.84
chains; thence N. 44 deg. 30 mln.
W, to NE. claim line; thence
southerly to beginning: Sec 29,
Tp. I N.. R. 1 E., 1.75 acres 5 23
Wilcox, John D.. Lombard, BenJ.
M. Beginning 32.03 chains N. 0
deg. 45' mln. E. from SE. corner
M Nff D. L. C: thence N. 0 deg.
45 mln. E. 3.22 chains; thence W.
S.68 chains: thence S. 1.26 chains;
thence S. 1 deg. W 1.95 chains;
thence E. 3.71 chains to begin
ning: Sec 29. Tp. 1 N.. R. 1 E..
1.18 acres
Hessenbruch, Herman Undivided
1-6 of lots 1. 2, Sec 31. Tp. 1 N.,
R. 1 B., 5.5 acres 3 29
Jiennedy, cnas.-L.ot 4, sec 30, Tp.
1 N.. R. 1 E., 9 acres
Mirkle, Geo. B.. Jr. N. hi of lot 5.
Sec 30, Tp. 1 N.. R. 1 E., 3
Kennedy. Chas. Beginning at NE.
corner lot 6, Sec 30: thence S. 220
feet: thence W. ISO feet: thence N.
220 feet: thence E. ISO feet, to be
ginning; Sec. 30, Tp. 1 N., R. 1
E, 1 acre
Vase. Carl F. E. Beginning 220 feet
5 61
3 74
s. of XE. corner lot 6, sec. 30:
thence S. 220 feet; thence W. ISO
feet: thence N. 220 feet; thence E.
380 feet to beginning, Sec. 30, T. 1
N.. H.3E..1 acre 1 31
Robinson. W. M. Beginning 5.64
chains E. of S. W. corner of Mar
garet J. Neff 17 3-acre tract; thenco
northerly 1.77 1-3 chains; thence E.
5.64 chains: thence S. 1.77 1-3
chains; thence W. 5.C4 chains to
place of beginning; Sec 30, Tp. 1
N.. R. 1 E.. 1 acre 1 31
Irving, Robt. SE. H of SW. hi of
SW. 14. Sec 32. Tp. 1 N.. R. 1 E..
10 acres. Also lots 4, 5, Sec 32, Tp.
1 N.. R. 1 E., 45.92 acres 19S S3
Dooley, Richard M, Trustee Begin
ning 1683 feet N. and 715 feet E. of
SW. corner of A. N. King D. L.
C; thence N. SI deg. E. 86 feet:
thence N. 68 deg. 15 mln. E. 500.7
feet; thence S. 267 feet; thence S.,
67 deg. 30 mln. W.. 595.3 feet; thence
N. 295 feet to beginning. Sec 32,
Tp. 1N..R.1 E., 3.44 acres 13 S2
Cook, Vincent Lot 5, Sec 4, Tp. 1
N., B, 2 E., 29.69 acres 2 24
Altman. C. W. Beginning at inter
section of W. line of Mrs. Douthlt's
land and the center line of Mud
Slough, said line being 1418 feet E.
of W. lino of Sec 5; thence N.
along Mrs. Douthlt's W. line 24.4
chains to Columbia River; thence
down said river N. 63 dec. 15 min.
W. 33.75 chains: thence N. 73 deg.
W. 10.15 chains; thence S. 48.56
chains to center of Mud Slough;
thence along center of Mud Slough
to a point 3.15 chains W. of place of
beginning; tnence 3. 3.lo cnalns to
beginning. Sec 5, Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E.,
SO acres
Taylor, Mrs. N. J. Lot 4 and E. 3.44
acres of lot S, Sec 7, Tp. 1 N.. R.
2 E., 11.83 acres
Cook, Vincent Lots 2, 3, Sec 9. Tp.
1 N., R. 2 E.. 63.42 acres
Cook, Vincent Lot 8. Sec 10, Tp. 1
N R. 2 E., 16.66 acres
Cole, Geo. E. S. 10.6 acres of N. 26.41
acres of W. hi of NW. 14. Sec 19.
Tp. l is., it. z ;., io.b acres.
3 74
Oppenheimer, Solomon Undivided hi
of undivided hi of S. 3L77 acres of
SW. 14 of NW. 14. Sec 19. Tp. 1 N.,
R. 2 E 15.89 acres ..
Durham. Nelson W. Commencing
982.08 feet N and 34L3S feet W. of
hi Sec corner en S. side line of
Sec 19, W. 341,88 feet, N. 356.43
feet. E. 34L38 feet. S. 356.43 feet to
beginning. Sec 19, Tp. 1 N., R. 2
E., 2.79 acres
Moore, Albert Undivided 1-6 NW. 14
of NE. U and W. hi of NE. of
NE. hi. Sec 29, Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E.,
60 acrer 219
Tubbs, Hllde A. Beginning 137.5 feet
N. of center of Sec 20; thence N.
137.5 feet, thence E. 316 feet;
thence S. 137.5 feet; thence W. 316
feet to beginning, Sec 20. Tp. 1 N..
R. 2 E., 1 acre 23
Mount Tabor Loage A. P. & A. M.,
No 42 Beginning 12.75 chains W.
and 18 chainr S. of NE. corner
Sec. 21: thence S. 5.95 chains;
thence W. 5.5 chains: thence N.
3.0o chains; thence N. 67 deg 30
min. E. to beginning. Sec. 21, Tp.
1 N.. R. 2 E.. 2 5 acres 5 49
Flanders, Maria L. SW. 14 of SW.
hi. Sec 25, Tp. 1 N.. R. 2 E., 40
acres 7 4S
Fay. Sarah L. E. hi of NE. 14. ex
cept 3 acres in O. R. & N. Co.'s
right of way, Sec. 27, Tp. 1 N.,
R. 2 E., 77 acres 2194
Lewis. L. H. E. of NW. 14 and
W. hi of NE. 14. except 9.77 acres
now owned by the O. R. & N. Co.,
Sec. 27. Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E., 150.33
acres 4140
Wiberg, Chas. M. Heirs Begin
ning at center of Sec 28; thence
S. 6.18 chains; thence S. 80 deg.
19 min., E. 15.9 chains; thence S.
14.39 chains; thence E. 13.61 chains
to O. R. & N. Co.'s right of way;
thence northerly along said right
of way to SB. corner of A. B.
Nunn 10-acre tract; thence W. to
E. line of SW. hi of NE. 14, Sec
28; thence S. to SE. corner of SW.
hi of NE. ; thence W. 1354 feet to
beginning, Sec. 28. Tp. 1 N., R. 2
E., 60 acres A. 19 87
Brown. C. A. Beginning 8.295 chains
N. of li post in S. line Sec. 28;
thence E. 12.06 chains; thence N.
8.295 chains; thence W. 12.06
chains; thence S. 8 295 chains to
beginning. Sec. 28, Tp. 1 N., R. 2
E., 10 acre; 2 79
Smith. R. C Commencing at SE.
corner Sec 28, N. on E. line Sec
2S 29.36 chains, W. 9.64 chains, S.
and parallel with E. line Sec. 28
29.36 chains. E. 9.64 chains to be
ginning, excert part in O. R. &
N. Co.'s right of way. Sec. 2S,
Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E., 28.8 acres 6 93
Mowbray, Annie V. Beginning 20.625
chains E. and 7.5G chains N. of
SW. corner Sec 30; thence W. 4.C5
chairs; thence N. 7.5 chains;
thence E. 4.65 chains; thence S.
7.5 chains to beginning, Sec. 30,
Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E., 3.4S acres 7 20
Wiberg, Pauline Beginning 20.625
chains E. of SW. corner of ' Sec.
31; thence N. 11.45 chains: thence
E. 4.505 chains; thence S. 11.45
chains: thence W. 4.505 chains to
beginning. Sec. 31, Tp. 1 N., R. 2
E., 5.15 acres 48 06
Guaranty Land Co. N. 2 acres of
the following: Beginning 19.66
chains N. and 20.625 chains E. of
SW. cornet Sec 31, N. 5.133 chains,
E. 8.875 chains, S. 5.135 chains, AV.
8.S75 chains to beginning. Sec 31,
Tp. 1 N.. R 2 E.. 2.5 acres 12 02
Royal. Lizzie A. -Beginning 70 rods
N. of SL. co.ner of Elijah B. Da
vidson's D. L. C; thence N. 10.
rods; thence W. 40 rods; thence S.
10 rods; thence E 40 rods to begin
ning. Sec 31. Tp. 1 N., R. 2 E.. 2.5
acres 10 6S
Royal, L. A. Beginning at SW. cor
ner of block 18, North Mount Ta
bor; thence S. 4S.62 feet; thence E.
96.1 feet to the W. line of Liberty
street; thence northwesterly along
the W. side of Liberty street to
S. line of block 18, N. Mount Ta
bor; thence W. H) feet to place of
beginning. Sec 32, Tp. 1 N., R. 2
E., 0.11 acres 13
Frazler. John S. Beginning 2930 feet
E. and 1617.7 feet N. of SW. cor
ner of section 34; thence N. 25 feet:
thence W. 100 feet; thence S. 23
feet; thence E. 100 feet to begin
ning; section 34, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E..
.06 acre 09
Brainard, William E. Beginning 19S0
feet E. and 1442.7 feet N. of SW.
corner of section 34; thence E. 250
feet: thence N. 317 feet; thence W.
2S0 feet; thence S. 317 feet to be
ginning; section 34. T. 1 N., R. 2
E.. 2 acres 2 24
Brandes, Henry C Undivided hi of
W. hi of W. hi of SE 14 of SE.
14. section 34. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E., 10
acres 1 59
May. Emanuel Beginning NE. cor
ner of town of Troutdale; thence N.
S9 deg. 30 m!n..W. 30 feet; thence N.
30 min.. E. 79.4 feet; thence S. 77
deg. 49 mln.; W. 4 feet; thence N.
12 deg. 11 min.. W. 150 feet: thence
N. 77 deg. 49 min.. E. 366 feet;
thence S. 6 deg. 15 mln., E. 300
reet; tnence n. 83 aeg. m mm., w.
161.5 feet; thence S. 30 mln.. W.
223.1 feet: thence S. 27 deg. 57 mln..
E. 253l feet; thence S. 39 deg. 42
min., E. 592.7 feet; thence S. 50
deg., 4 min., W. 50 feet; thence N.
39 deg. 42 min., W. 597.7 feet:
thence N. 27 deg. 57 min., W. 271.4
feet; thence N. 30 mln., E. 235.9
feet; thence N. 89 deg. 30 mln.. W.
112.1 feet to beginning; section 25,
T. 1 N., R. 3 E., 3.15 acres 2 31
Harlow, Celeste C. Beginning at
SW. corner of a 60-foot right of
way deeded to Gorham B. Goodell;
thence S. 39 deg. 42 mln., E. 60 feet;
thence N. 50 deg. 4 min., E. 716
feet to Sandy River; thence N. 59
deg. 20 min., W. along low-water
mark in Sandy River to a point
of intersection of W. bank of N.
line of Columbia street extended
easterly in Troutdale; thence N. 89
deg. 30 mln. W. along easterly ex
tension 161.5 feet to E. side of
aforesaid right of way; a:ong E.
side of right of way as follows:
S. 30 min.. W. 223.1 feet; S. 27
deg. 57 mln., E. 253.5 feet; S. 39
deg. 42 mln., E. 592.7 feet, to SE.
corner of said right of way; S. 50
deg. 4 min. W. along S. lino of
right of way to beginning; section
25. T. 1 N., R. 3 E., 9.3 acres 192
May. Emanuel Beginning at a point
from which the SW. corner of a
50-foot right of way heretofore de
scribed bears N. 39 deg. 42 mln.,
W. 60 feet, distant; thence S. 50
deg. 4 min.. W. 4S1.6 feet; thence
S. 47 deg. 8 min.. E. 312.5 feet:
thence N. 53 deg. 49 min.. E. 137L5
feet; thence N. 5S deg. 52 mln.. W.
4ia.9 feet: thence S. 50 deg. 4 min.,
W. 716 feet to beginning, except
2.99 acres, section 25. T. 1 N., R.
3 E.. 8.81 acres 2 53
Heslin. J. T. Beginning 110 feet S.
and 370 feet E. of NW. corner A.
C. Dunbar D. L. C; thence E. 100
feet; thence S. 100 feet; thence W.
100 feet; thence N. 100 feet to be
ginning; section 27, T. 1 N.. R. 3
E., .25 acre 19
Fullerton. Wm. Lot 1, Sec. 29. Tp. 1
N., R. 3 E., 4.03 acres 1 86
Wood. AVm. Oscar Beclnning 637.2
feet W. and 609 feet N. of SW. cor
ner G. B. Pullen D. L. C; thenco
S. 369 feet; thence AV. 209 feet;
thence N. 641 feet to O. R. & N.
Co.'s right of way; thence easterly
along right of way to beginning,
Sec 30, Tp. 1 N., R. 3 E., 3 acres. S5
Pullen. Geo. W. Beginning 1794.2
feet W. and 420.5 feet N. of SW.
corner of Geo. B. Pullen D. L. C:
thence N. 316.7 feet; thence N. 83
deg. 56 mln. AV. 49S foet; thence S.
207.9 feet: thence S. 76 deg. 17 mln.
E. 512.2 feet to beginning. Sec. 30,
Tp. 1 N., R. 3 E.. 3 acres 1 12
Williams, James Beginning 15.4
chains N. and L14 chains E. of N.
Sec meander corner, on S. bank of
Columbia River, on line between
Sees. 2S and 29; thence N. 16 deg.
34 mln. E. 48.72 chains; thence S. 52
deg. 40 min. E. 6.9 chains; thence
S. 63 deg. IS min. E. 45.7 chains:
thence S. 44 deg. 19 mln. E. 19.8
chains; thence S. 64 deg. W. 23
chains; thence S. 81 deg. 14 mln. W.
30.3 chains; thence N. 73 deg. 30
min. W. 24.4 chains to beginning
Sec. 2S, Tp. 1 N., R. 4 E.. 225 acres 15 15
Hicklin, Felix G.. Heirs Lois 2, 3,
4, Sec. 30, Tp. 1 N Hi E.. 70.32
acres 9 52
Hicklin. Felix G., Heirs Lots 6, 7.
Sec SO, Tp. 1 N., R. 4 E, 50 acres.. 8 17
Hicks, Willis G. NE. hi of NAV. ,
Sec 36, Tp. 1 N., R. 4 E., 40 acres. S 55
Patton. F. P. N. of SW. hi of SW.
hi Sec. 36. Tp. 1 N., R. 4 E., 20
acres 78
Felc. Paul S. hi of S. hi of SW. U.
Sec 36, Tp. 1 N., R. 4 E., 40 acres.. 1 55
Neppach. S A., and Nicholas, Hor
ace B. Beginning In center of Bri
dal Veil Creek, 50 feet from center
of O. R. & N. Co.'s track, 3 deg. 3
min. W. of second bent of bridge
across said creek, going from E. to
Ay.: thence S. 32 deg. 30 mln. E. to
middle of said creek; thence N. 6
deg. 30 min. E. (says N. 57 deg. 30
min E. in book 69, page 42), at
right angles to first named line;
200 feet; thence N. 32 deg. 30 min.
AV. 50 feet; thence southerly paral
lel to railroad track 200 feet to be
ginning. Also, beginning on cen
ter line of Sec. 22. 50 feet distant
from center of railroad track;
thence southwesterly parallel with
railroad track 200 feet; thence S. 200
feet: thence NE. 200 feet; thence N.
to beginning. Sec. 22. Tp. 1 N., R.
5 E., L5 acres 3122
Neppach Estate Co., Sanford, Israel
C, and Nicholas, Horace B. Lot 3;
also tract of land in Sec 22, bound
ed by line beginning at a tree
marked as corner tree on bank of
Columbia River where E. line of
above lot strikes Mid. ilscai thenca
along E. line of said lot S. to cen
ter of railroad track; thence south
easterly to SW. corner of Paper
mill tract; thence N. 57 deg. 30
mln. E. and 50 feet distant, and
below base of Bridal Veil Fall at
center of creek, 200 feet to SE. cor
ner of said tract; thence N. 32 deg.
30 min. AV. to center of said rail
road track; thence northwesterly
to beginning, except a portion laid
out as Bridal Veil Heights, Sec 22,
Tp. 1 N.. R. 5 E. 17.5 acres 1 46
Neppach, S. A.: Nicholas, Horace
B. Part of NAV. hi of SAV. hi lying
S. of plat of land of Bridal Veil
Heights and E. of line running
S. from SAV. corner of said tract;
also all land lying E. of said plat
and AV. of land of Bridal Veil
Falls Lumbering Co., Sec. 22, Tp.
1 N., R. 5 E., 5.4 acres 60
Luscher, Frederick NW. hi of SW.
hi. except 2 acres, book 141, page
239; also except 13 acres platted
as Bridal Veil Heights, Sec 22, Tp.
1 N.. R. 5 E., 25 acres 120
Flegel. Austin F. Lot 3, Sec. 30,
Tp. 1 N., R. 5 E., 11.25 acres 1 S9
Zeek. Chas. SE. hi of NW. hi and
NE. hi SW. , Sec 32, Tp. 1 N.,
R. 5 E.. 80 acres , - 3 00
Copas. Albert AV. hi of E. hi Sec
34. Tp. 1 N., R. 5 E., 160 acres.... 2 32
Columbia Land Co. Lot 1, Sec 4,
Tp. 1 N., R. 6 E., 25.16 acres 1 20
Oakley, S. C; Nicholas. Horace B.;
Sanford, Israel C Undivided of
SE. of SE. hi and lot 2. Sec.
4. Tr- 1 N., R. 6 E., 38.33 acres.... 2 01
Buchtel. Joseph Lot 4, Sec. 7, Tp.
1 N., R. 6 E., 53.1 acres 2 32
Townsend. Caroline S. S. hi SE. hi
and NW of SE. tf. Sec 8. Tp.
1 N., R. 6 E., 120 acres 2 06
Rosenbaum, M. SAV. U of SAV. 14.
Sec. 8, Tp. 1 N.. R. 6 E, 40 acres.. 1 20
Watson, Chas N. AV. of SE. hi.
Sec. 9, Tp. 1 N . R. 6 E., 80 acres.. 2 32
Hazen. Geo. AV.. Receiver N. hi and
SE. !4 Sec. 12, Tp. 1 N., R. 6 E.,
4S0 acres 13 76
Hazen. Geo. W., Receiver NAV. Va.
Sec 13. Tp. 1 N., R. 6 E.. 160 acres. 4 01
Mumford, L W. NE. 14 Sec 15, Tp.
1 N., R. 6 E., 160 acres 4 64
Hazen, Geo. W.. Receiver NE. 14 of
NE. 14, Sec. 16, Tp. 1 N. R. 6 E., 40
acres 120
Watson. Chas H. NW. hi of NE.
li. Sec. 16, Tp 1 N., R. 6 E., 40
acres 120
Towr.send, Caroline S. W. hi of
NAV. 14 and NAV. 14 of SAV. li. Sec.
16, Tp. 3.N.. R. 6 E.. 120 acres 3 44
Moore. Albert NE. 14 Sec 21, Tp.
1 N.. R. b E.. 160 acres 4 64
Hazen, Geo. A, Receiver NE. 14
of SE. 14 and SE. of NE. .
Sec. 24. Tp. 1 N.. R. 6 E., SO acres.. 2 32
Ough, Fred.lck W. E. hi of AV. li
Sec. 29, Tp. 1 N.. R. 6 E., 160 acres. 4 61
Palmer. L. L. SE. 14 of NAV. 14.
Sec. 34. Tp. 1 N., R. 6 E., 40 acres 1 20
Curl, Frank S. NAV. 14 Sec. 33,
Tp. 1 N., R. 6 E., 160 acres 4 64
Shaw, Benjamin F. Lots 5. 6, 7, ex
cept strip lying S. of a line 30 feet
N. of and parallel with a line of
ordinary' high water on the S.
bank of the Island, Sec. 19, Tp. 2
N., R. 1 E.. 74 acres 3 41
Shaw. BenJ. F SAV. 14 of SW. 14
and lot 5. Sec. 28, Tp. 2 N.. R. 1
E., 66 acres; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7.
8, on island. Sec. 29, Tp. 2 N., R. 1
E.. 265 acres 13 05
Macrum, I. A. Undivided 14 of
swamp land described in book 169,
page 65, Sec. 31, Tp. 2 N., R. 1 E.,
120 acres 146
Shaw. Benjamin F. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4,
5, 6 and NE. hi of NW. 14. Sec.
33. Tp. 2 N., R. 1 E., 255.25 acres;
also lots 2. 3, 4, Sec. 34, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 1 E., 143 acres 18 06
Angel!. AVm. Thos. S. hi of SE. 14.
Sec. 36, Tp. 2 N., R. 6 E., SO acres. 52
Maxwell, Albert L. Beginning at
SE. corner of the D. S. South
mayd D. L. C, Sec 6, Tp. 1 N.,
R 1 E.. N. 71 deg., AV. S44.32 feet
to a point in center line of City
& Suburban Railway track; thence
N. 19 deg., E. 15 feet to an iron
pipe in N. line of right of way of
railway to beginning point; thence
N. 19 deg., E. along AV. line of
12-acre tract conveyed to A. C.
Fairchlld, book 241, page 60; 1C07.32
feet to northexsterly corner of
Fairchlld tract; thence N. 19 deg.,
E. S9.78 feet to the NE. corner of
.tract; thence N 71 deg., AV. 1040
feet; thence S. 19 deg.. AV. 1047.1
feet; thence S. 71 deg.. E. 1010 feet
to beginning. Sec 1, Tp. 1 N., R.
1 AV., 12.5 acre? 6 88
Thompson, R. N. hi or NAV. 14 and
lnta 12 3 spottnn 3 T 1 TM. ft.
1 W.. 129.26 acres 13 09
Associated Banking ic Trust Co.,
The S. hi of SE. 14. section 14, T.
1 N.. R. 1 W., SO acres 13 09
Saltzman, Nicholas. Frank and Peter
N. 15 acres of NE. 14 of NW. 14.
section 22. T. 1 N., R. 1 W-. 15 acres 2 52
Hall, Camelius E. 11-25 acres of S.
hi of SW. li or SAV. hi, section
22, T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.. 11.25 acres.... 2 06
Church. Mary N. Heirs Undivided
6-7 AV. hi of SE. hi of SE. h and
E. hi of SW. 14 of SE. li and NW.
14 of SW. 14 of SE. 14, section 25,
T. 1 N.. R. I.W.. 42.84 acres 13 61
Bennett, Lincoln All of the William
Bybee D. L. C. except 7.9 acres de
scribed in book 41, page 187 and 3
acrc.c described In book 84, page
164. sections 24. T. 2 N., R. 1 W.,
309.25 acres 19 78
Holman, John AV., Heirs Undivided
hi of lots 4. 5, section 26, T. 2 N.,
R. 1 AV., 27.8 acres 1 45
Leonard, Joseph, Heirs E. hi of NE.
li, except 25 acres described in book
126, page 335, and 15 acres described
in book 105. page 439, section 32,
T. 2 N.. R. 1 AV.. 40 acres 3 44
Smith, Seneca. Trustee AV. of
SAV. 14, Sec 1, Tp. 2 N., R. 2 AV.,
SO acres 4 64
Forbes, AV. AV., and Davis, C. R.
Av . hz of NAV. 14 and SE. 14 of NAV.
li and NE. 14 of SAV. hi. Sec. 1. Tp.
2 N., R. 2 W., 161 acres 9 46
Davis. C. R.. and Forbes, AV. A
NE. li. Sec 2, Tp. 2 N R. 2 AV.,
1C2.81 acres 5 85
Davis. C. R., and Forbes, W. W. E.
of SW. li. Sec. 2, Tp. 2 N., R.
2 AV., W) acres 2 75
Smith, Seneca, Trustee SE. 14 of SE.
14. Sec 2, Tp. 2 N., R. 2 AV., 40
acres 2 41
Dickson, John N. hi of NW. 14, Sec.
10. Tp. 2 N., R. 2 AV., 80 acres 3 78
Dlttman. Geo., and Flelschner, C.
AV. N. 14 of SE. 14, Sec. 11, Tp. 2
N., R. 2 AA'., 40 acres 1 89
Smith, Seneca, Trustee NAV. li and
AV. hi of NE. li, and lot 1. Sec. 12.
Tn. 2 N.. R. 2 W.. 271.94 acres 2S 23
Pool, James SW. !. except 40 acres
described in Book 164, page 422, Sec.
14. Tp. 2 N., R. 2 V., 120 acres 8 2S
Dickson. John W. hi of SE. li and
ke. or am. hi, aec. 14, tp. 2 n..
R. 2 AV.. 120 acres 8 23
Cook. Virginia L. E. 30 acres of NE.
li of NE. 14. Sec. 23. Tp. 2 N., R. 2
AV., 20 acres 2 72
Hood, Thos. B. Undivided one-third
of AV. hi of NE. 14 and AV. 20 rods
of NE. 14 of NE. 14. Sec 23, Tp. 2
N., R. 2 W., 30 acres 2 72
Blossfleld. Emil SB. 14 of NE. .
Sec. 25. Tp. 2 N., R. 2 W., 40 acres 2 41
Frohman, E. J. SAV. U of SE. 14,
Sec 26, Tp. 2 N., R. 2 AV., 40 acres 3 81
Holman, John AV.. Heirs Lot 9, Sec.
21, Tp. 3 N.. R. 1 AV.. and lots 3, 4,
Sec. 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 1 AV.. 74.45 acres 3 44
Dow, F. AV. H. Lot 6. Sec. 33. Tp. 3
N., R. 1 "V., 34.6 acres 4 13
Hofller. Fred NAV li of NAAr. li, Sec
25, Tp. 3 N., R. 2 AV., 40 acres 2 41
Printer, Geo. Undivided two-thirds
of SW. 14 of NAV. 14 and AAr. hi of
SAV. 14 and SE. li of SAV. 14, Sec
25. Tp. 3 N.t R. 2 AAr 106.66 acres.. 5 18
Simon, Nathan D. Undivided 14- of
SW. li. Sec. 34, Tp. 3 N.. R. 2 AV.,
SO acres 2 75
Baker. Perry G. Commencing at
NE. corner S. Murray D. L. C;
thence S. SO rods; thence AV. 40
rode: thence N. SO rods: thence E.
40 rods to place of beginning, ex
cept 1.3 acres in Base Line road
and Belmont street. Sec. 1, T. 1 S..
R. 1 E., 18.7 acres 220 23
Hughes Fred B. Commencing at
the NE. corner of lot 6, Hodson
Place; thence E. 30 feet; thence S.
100 feet: thence AV. 30 feet; thence
N. 100 feet to beginning, Sec 1,
Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.07 acre 4 04
Lamber, Albert AV. Commencing 30
feet AV. of SAV. corner of block 4.
Dolai.'s Addition; thence AV. 55
feet; thence S. 76 feet; thence E. 55
feet; thence N. 76 feet to begin
ning. Sec 1, "Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.09
acres 152
Orleans Trust Co. Beginning at cen
ter of Murray claim; thence E. 23.48
rods; thence N. 20 rods; thence AV.
23.48 rods; thence S. 20 rods to be
ginning. Sec 1, Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E 3
acres 4128
.Arnold, F. M. Beginning 1336.5 feet
B. and 35 feet S. of the center of
Murray claim; thence S. 185 feet;
thence E. 148 feet: thence N. 185
feet; thence W. 148 feet to begin
ning. Sec L Tp. 1 S R. 1 E
0.63 acre 18 87
Overholtzer, J. N. Beginning in E.
line of E. Eighteenth street. 74
feet S. of S. line of E. Morrison
street: thence S. 43 feet; thence
W. 26 feet; thence N. 43 feet;
thenceE. 26 feet to beginning. Sec
2. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E., 0.03 acre 3 03
Schmeer, Wm. and Viola Beginning
230 feet E. of the NB. corner of
Bolmont and E. 16th street: thence
1 2. 142 feet; thenco N. to S. lino
block 21, Bellevlew Addition;
thence W. 142 feet; thence S. to be
ginning, Sec 2, Tp. 1 S.. R. 1 E..
0.4 acres 54 93
Schmeer, Wm. Commencing 100 feet
E. of the SAV. corner of Bellevlew
Addition; thence E. 130 feet, S.
62 feet; thence W. 130 feet; thence
N. 62.5 feet to beginning, Sec. 2,
Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.19 acre 13 65
Schmeer, Wm. Beginning 62.5 feet
S. of SW corner Bellevlew Addi
tion; thence E. 100 feet; thence S.
59.5 feet: thence W. 100 feet; thenco
N. 59.5 feet to beginning, Sec 2,
Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.14 acre 14 15
Boechen, Mis. B. Commencing at
Intersection of center line of 17th
street extended and the S. line of
Belmont street; thence S. 100 feet;
thence W. 30 feet; then S. 91.8 feet:
thence E. 36 feet; tnence N. 19L8
feet; thence W. 6 feet to begin
ning, Sec 2, Tp 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.09
acre, excepts. 91.8 feet BOS
Robertson, Mary Commencing 422.8
feet S. of SE. corner of Belmont
and E. 16th street; thence E. 355.5
feet; thence S. 181.5 feet to N. lino
Brown's Addition; thence W. along
N. line Brown's Addition, 355.5 feet
to E. line of 16th street;" thence
N. along the E. line of 16th street,
184 feet to beginning, except 60x
355.6 feet, taken for East Taylor
street, Sec 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 1 E., 1
acre 25 95
Pennoyer, Sylvester Beginning in
the easterly side line of Hood
street, 3 feet' southerly from a
point where the N. side line of
Grant street, if extended, would
intersect said easterly side line of
Hood street; thence southerly
along the easterly side line of
Hood street 6S feet: thence E. at
right angles to- said easterly line
of Hood street 100 feet; thence
northerly and parallel with east
erly line of Hood street 65 feet;
thence westerly at right angles to
easterly lln of Hood street 100 .
feet to beginning, containing 6600
square feet. Sec. 3, Tp. 1 S., R.
1 E., 0.15 acres 3 37
Newell, AV. H. Commencing 60 feet
E. of E. corner of block A, Ca
ruthers Addition; thence E. 100
feet; thence N. 50 feet; thence AV.
100 feet; thence S. 50 feet to place
of beginning. Sec. 3, Tp. 1 S., R. 1
E., 0.12 acre 4 3S
Simon. S Commencing 5.4 chains
E. of the SW. corner of Sec. 4;
thence N. 2.04 chains; thence S.
86 deg. 30 mln., E. 2.07 chains;
thence N. 5 deg. 30 mln., E. 2.12
chains; thence N. 21 deg.. E. 2.37
chains; thence N. 60 deg., E. 2.01
chains; thence S. 60 deg.. E. 3.23
chains; thence S. 74 deg., E. 2.4
chains; thence S. 5.02 chains;
thence N. 89 deg. 45 min., W.
10.08 chains to beginning, except
14 acre described In book IIS, page
175. of deeds, Sec. 4, Tp. 1 S.. R.
1 E., 4.93 acres 23 59
Poppleton, I. Beginning at pipe
marked z at SE. corner of Catlln
tract; thence N 52 deg. 11 mln., E.
270.14 feet; thence S. 59 deg. 30
mln, E. 38.44 feet; thence S. 47
deg. 30 mln., W. 192.74 feet; thence
S. 24 deg. 30 mln.. AV. 37 feet;
thence W. along N. line of Sisters'
Tract 354.22 feet; thence N. 40
deg., E. 25.0S feet; thence N. 47
deg. 30 min.. B 38.57 feet; thence
S. 83 deg., E. 222.63 feet to begin
ning. Sec 4, Tp 1 S.. R. 1 B., 0.32
acre 3 54
Poppleton I. Also commencing
C07.56 feet N., 0 deg. 17 mln. E.
and 44.84 feet N., 41 deg. 15 mln.
E. from the Intersection of the N.
line of the Donner claim with the
E. line of the Robinson claim;
thence N. 41 deg. 15 min.. E. 7.2
feet; thence N. 63 deg., E.'231 feet;
thence N. 26 deg 25 mln.. E. 127.44
feet; thence S. 29 deg. 43 min., E.
96.5 feet; thence S. 33 deg. 30 mln.,
E. 145 feet more or less to N. line
of Seventh-Street Terraces; thence
AV. 409 feet morn or less along the
N. line of Seventh-Street Terraces
to. beginning: subject to a right
of way 15 feet wide along the N.
line of Seventh-Street Terrace,
Sec. 4, Tp. 1 S R. 1 E., 0.7 acre.. 7 C8
Aldrich, Stephen AV. Beginning at
a point 93.65 feet N., 0 deg. 18 min.
E. and 50 feet north, 89 deg. 42
min. AV. from the SAV. corner of
the City Park; thence S. 0 deg.
18 mln., AV. 100 feet; thence N. 89
deg. 42 min., AV. 100 feet; thence
N. 0 deg. 18 min., E. 100 feet;
thence S. S9 deg. 42 min.. E. 100
feet to beginning, Sec 5, Tp. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 0.25 acre 169
Klosterman, John Commencing
3776.37 feet N. of li post in S. line
section 5; thence N. 1014.79 feet to
N. line of Kyle claim; thence east
erly along N. line of said claim
to NE. corner thereof: thence S.
along the E. line of said claim to a
point 3442.36 feet N. of the S. line
of section 5; thence AV. to begin
ning; section 5, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
15.44 acres 34 71
Davis. George E. Commencing
3442.36 feet N. and 390.72 feet E. of
the li post on the S. line of sec
tion 5; thence N. 334.21 feet; thence
E. 260.48 feet; thence S. 334.21 feet;
thence W. 260.48 feet to beginning;
section 5, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 2 acres.. 4 55
General Electric Co. Beginning 215
feet E. and 42.4 feet S. of NW. cor
ner of section 5: thence S. 2 deg.
57 min.. W. 50 feet; thence S. t7
deg. 3 min.. E. 100 feet; thence N.
2.57 feet. E. 50 feet; thence N. 87
deg. 3 min., AV. 100 feet to begin
ning; sections 5, 6, T. 1 S., R. 1
E.l acre 1 48
MoDonald. M. A. Commencing at
SAV. corner of lot 7, Glenview;
thence N. 255.45 feet: thence W.
302 feet; thence S. to Barnes road;
thence easterly to beginning; sec
tion 6, T. 1 S.. R. 1 B., 2 acres.... 5 30
Sattler, Katie, Corllen, Lena, and
Shipman, Eliza Beginning 80 links
Ar. and 5.88 chains S. of SW. cor
ner of James Quinlan's 6-acre tract;
thence S. 1.51 chains; thence W. 6.59
chains; thence N. 1.51 chains;
thence B. 6.59 chains; section 6,
T. 1 S., R. 1 E 1 acre 1 27
Luecke, Emil Commencing 44.45
chains N. and 7.92 chains AV. of 14
post on S. side of section 6; thence
AV. 435.6 feet: thence N. 100 feet:
thence E. 435.6 feet; thence S. 100
feet to beginning, except 40 feet
roadway on E. side above tract;
section 6, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 1 acre.... 2 01
Druebe, Mts. C. Commencing at
NW. corner Second avenue and f
Jones avenue; thence AV. 200 feet;f
thence N. 200 feet; thence E. 200
feet; thence S. 200 feet to begin
ning; section 6. T. 1 S., R. 1 E..
1 acre 148
Haas, Julius L. Undivided of the
following: Commencing 20.7o chains
S. from Intersection of AVillamette
meridian and base line; thence E.
4.5 chains; thence S. 19.25 chains;
thence AV. 4.5 chains; thence N.
19.25 chains to beginning; soction 6,
T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 4.5 acres 3 18
Lucke. Emil Commencing at NW.
corner of lot 2 In the Third Addi
tion to Zion; thence S. 72 deg. 21
mln., W. tracing N. line of lot 1
in said addition to the center of
Jones road, or road connecting
Barnes and Canyon roads; thence
northerly and northwesterly along
center of Jones road to the S. line
of Barnes road;, thence northeast
erly along S. lino of Barnes road
to a point w. 44 deg. 30 min..
W. 103 feet distant from the
NW. corner of lot 3 In said
Third Addition to Zion; thence S.
10 deg. 46 mln.. W. 94.4 feet; thence
S. 67 deg. 4 mln.. W. 210.9 feet;
thence S. 50 deg. 35 mln., W. 207.5
feet to place of beginning; sec
tion 6, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 1.7 acres.. ISO
Humphrey, AVolcott Commencing 40
rods S. and 29 rods AV. of NE. cor
ner of section 7; thence AV. 11 rods;
thence S. 26 rods; thence E. 11 rods;
thenco N. 26 rods to beginning; sec
tion 7, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. L75 acres.. 2 16
Diker, Augustus Lewis Commenc
ing 15 chains N. of SW. corner of
SE. 14, Sec 7; thence E. 10 chains;
thenco N. 5 chains; thence AV. 10
chains; thence 5 chains to begin
ning. Sec. 7. T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 5 acres 8 13
Kraemer, Otto J. Und. or the fol
lowing: Commencing 160 rods AV.
of NE. corner Sec 8; thence S. SO
rods; thence E. 20 rods thence N.
80 rode; thence W. 20 rods to begin
ning. Sec 8. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 6 acres 7 93
Idleman, Cicero M. Commencing
456.7 feet N. and 25 feet E. of SAV.
corner of Caruthers claim; thence
AV. along road 85.5 feet; thence S.
171.3 feet to road; thence E. along
road to point S. of beginning;
thence N. to beginning. Sec. 9, T.
1 S R. 1 E 0.5 acres 2 S6
Marcovich, Christian and Mathlas
Commencing 456.7 feet N. and 60.5
feet AV. of SW. corner of Caru
thers claim; thence W. 110 feet;
thence S. 139.8 feet; thence S. 74
deg. E. 114.5 feet; thence N. 171.3
feet to beginning, Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R.
1 E.. 0.39 acre S 09
"Dorrance, Samuel H. and James G.
Commencing 193 feet S. of the in
tersection .of Macadam road and N.
line of Terwilllser claim; thence
S. 89 deg. B. 321 feet; thence N. 27
feet: thence S. S9 deg. E. to Wil
lamette River; thence northeaster
ly along river 178 feet; thence N.
89 deg. W 642 feet; thence S. 2
deg. 15 min. AV. 92.4 feet; thence
9 deg. AV. 321 feet; thenco S. 100.6
feet to beginning, Sec. 10, T. 1 S..
R. 1 E.. 2.3 acres 32 02
Multnomah Trunk Co. Beginning at
a point equidistant from the SW.
corner of land conveyed to Joseph
E. Sedlak, book 30. page 194. and
the NW. corner of land now owned
by Multnomah Trunk Co.. book
257. page 56, said point being the
NW. corner of the land hereby de
scribed; thence easterly to the Wil
lamette River; thence southerly
along river to the NE. corner of
the Multnomah Trunk Co. tract:
thence westerly along1 N. line of
. Multnomah Trunk Co. tract to tho
Macadam Road; thence northerly
along the Macadam Road to the
Elace of beginning. Sec. 10. T. 1
.. R. 1 E., 1.S acres 20 22
Multnomah Trunk Co. Beginning at
NW, corner of J. Oberle's 3-acre
tract; thence S. 89 deg. E. 10.32
chains; thenco N. 28 deg. E. 2.1
chains; thence N. S9 deg. W. 11.32
chains; thence S. 1.86 chains to be
ginning, Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E..
2 acres 77 17
Mackenzie. AAMIllam Russell, Trustee
Commencing on the N. line of
Sec. 11, due S. of SW. corner of
block 71. Stephens' Addition;
thence S. 768 feet; thence E. 15
chains; thence S. 12 feet; thence
W. 15 chains; thence S. 242 feet:
thence W. 29 feet: thence N. 1010
feet: thence E. 34 feet to begin
ning, Sec U, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 1
acre 16 85
Kelly, Penumbra Beginning 151.1
feet S. and 160 feet E. of the Inter
section of the N. line of Howarth
street and the E. line of East
Sixth street, said point being In
the E. line of East Seventh street
extended: thence S. to a point 1460
feet S. of the center line of Di
vision street: thence E. 200 feet to
a point in AV. line of East Eighth
street: thence N. to a point 2C0
feet E. of place of beginning;
thence AAr. to beginning. Sec. 11.
T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 0.12 acre 2 36
Idleman. Cicero and Silas Com
mencing 19.57 chains N. and 5.54
chains N. 67 deg. 5 mln. W. of SE.
corner of Tibbett's claim; thence
N. 67 deg. b mln. AV. 11.19 chains;
thence N. 16 deg. 30 mln. W. 1.03
chains, thence N. 36 deg. E. 1.07
chains; thence N. 1.94 chains;
thence S. 57 deg. 5 min. E. 10.86
chains: thence S. 3.92 chains to be
ginning, Sec. 11. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E., 4
acres 40.44
Alliance Trust Co.. Ltd.. of Dundee.
Scotland. The Beginning 19.37
chains N. of SE. corner of Tlb
betts' claim; thence N. 67 deg. 5
mln. W. 5.54 chains; thence N. 3.92
chains to N. boundary line of Idle
man tract: thence S. 07 dec. 5 mln.
E. 5.54 chains; thence S. 3.92 chains
to beginning. Sec. 11. T. 1 S.. R. 1
E.. 2 acres 18 S7
Mitchell, Henry AV. Commencing on
a line dividing the land pf Martha
Long and Margaret E. Long. 16
rods AV. of the E. boundary line of .
the E. E. Long D. L. C: thence
V . S rods; thence S. 25 rods;
thence E. SO rods; thence N. 25
rods to beginning. Sec. 13. T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E.. 12.5 acres 42 13
Strelblg, Frank J. Commencing 7.64
chains E. .and 540.32 chains S. of
SW. corner of Clinton Kelly D.
L. C; thence N. S9 deg. 40
mln. W. 1266.75 feet to a point
SO feet E. of the center of
the O. & C. R. R.; thence S. 9
deg. 30 mln. E., parallel with and
30 feet from center said railroad,
252.4 feet: thence S. S9 deg. 40 mln.
E. 1325.5 feet; thence N. 250 feet to
beginning, Sec. 13. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E..
7.5 acres 35 39
Hyland'. Edward J. Commencing
at NAV. corner of Catherine How
ard's 3-acre tract In Sec. 14; thence
E. 1050.72 feet; thence N. 19.59 feet;
thence westerly 1050.92 feet; thence
southerly 2.58 feet to beginning,
Sec 14, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 0.267 acre. 1 35
Malone, Thos. Lots 7, 8. Sec. 15, T.
1 S., R. 1 E.. 1 acre 118
Fagan, Catherine Commencing at
NW. corner of Goodnough & Clark
4-acre tract; thence N. 25 deg. E.
3.07 chains; thence S. 88 deg. 35
m!n.xE. 7.26 chains; thence up Wil
lamette River 3.0S chains; thence
N. 88 deg. 35 mln. AV. 7.14 chains
to beginning. Sec. 15. T. 1 S., R. 1
E., 2 acres 34 37
Bingham. E. A'. Commencing at a
point In E. line of Macadam road
where the same is Intersected by
the N. boundary or an extension
thereof of a 1-acre tract conveyed
bv James Terwilllger to Keller &
Wyman; thence N. 21 deg. 30 mln.
W. 41.38 feet; thence E. 625.82 feet
to (Willamette River; thence S.
along AVillamette River 51.82 feet;
tnence N. 88 deg. 45 min. W. 610.65
feet to beginning. Sec. 15, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E.. 0.64 acre 5 90
Bingham, E. AV. Commencing at a
point in the line dividing the E. 14
from the W. hi of the James and
Phlllnda Terwilllger Donation Land
Claim, which is 1283.35 feet N. of
the S. line of Terwilllger claim;
thence N. 131.46 feet; thence S. SS
deg. 32 mln. E. 2053.93 feet more or
less to the W. boundary of Macad
am road; thence S. 21 deg. 30 mln.
E. 143.S2 feet to a point in the W.
line of Macadam road: thence N.
88 deg. 32 min. AV. 2105.SS feet to
beginning. Sec. 15, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.,
6.28 acres 5190
Spauldlng, AArm. W., Trustee. Com
mencing 761.64 feet W. of SE. cor
ner of J. A. Slavln claim; thence
N. 8S8 feet: thence AV. 441.4 feet:
thence S. S88 feet; thence B. 441.4
feet to beginning. Sec. 16, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 9 acres 12 60
Byers. Albert A. Beginning at NW.
corner of Thos. L. Stephens Dona
tion Land Claim; thence S. 5u feet:
thence AV. 87.43 feet to E. line of
right of way of City & West Port
land Park Motor R. R.; thenco
northerly and easterly along said
motor line 53.3 feet; thence E. 67
feet to beginning. Sec. 16, T. 1 S..
R. 1 E., 0.12 acre 34
DeLashmutt. Inez S. 20 acres of W.
of AV. hi of NW. hi. AlsoS. 30
ncres of E. hjs of AV. i of NW. li.
Sec. 17, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 50 acres.... 23 38
Plummer. Martha E. P. W. of
SE. 14 of NW. li, Sec. 17, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 20 acres 9 33
DeWitt. Otelia N. of SW. 14. ex
cept S. 1A of SW. 14 of NAV. 14 of
SAV. 14. Sec. 17. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.,
75 acres 3S 16
Kutzschan. A. H. Commencing 742.5
feet N. 89 deg. 35 mln. W. of SE.
corner of NE. 4 of SE. li of Sec.
19; thence N. 875.2 feet: thence N.
S9 deg. 35 mln. AV. 247.5 feet; thence
S. S7a.2 feet; thence S. 89 deg. 33
mln. E.' 247.5 feet to beginning, Sec.
19. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 5 acres 2 22
Lyman. Horace S S. of SE. li of
SAV. li of SE. li. Sec. 19, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E.. 5 acres 2 22
Wass, Clifton A. AV. of SW. 14 of
SAV. li of NE. . Sec. 20. T. 1 S.,
R 1 E. 5 acres 2 86
Osfl'eld, Sarah Eliza Commencing
396 feet E. of SW. corner of SE.
hi of NE. hi of Sec. 20: thence E.
132 feet; thence N 315 feet; thence
AV.132 feet: thence S. 315 feet to be
ginning. Sec. 20, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 1
acre 4 33
Wood. Chas. E. S., Trustee W.
of W. of NE. 14 of SW. 14. Sec.
20 T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 10 acres 3 77
Miller, Henry Commencing at SW.
corner of E. of SE. li of SW. 14
of SW. 14: thence N. 260 feet:
thence E. 155 feet: thence N. 260
feet; thence W. 155 feet to begin
ning. Sec. 20. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
1 acre 44
Hognn, Ellen A.: Sandborn, Mildred
E. hi of NE. of SW. of SW.
14, Sec. 20. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 5 acres. 2 22
Multnomah Box Co. E. I5 of SAV.
14 of SE. K of SW. 14. Sec 20. T.
1 S.. R. 1 E., 5 acres 1 89
Pomeroy, John H. NE. 14 of NW.
li W. of O. & C. R. R., Sec. 21, T.
1 S., R. 1 E., 15 acres 10 60
Bingham. Edward W. Commencing
6 chains B. and 16 chains S. of NAV.
corner of NE. 14 Sec. 22; thence E.
6 chains;- thence S. 6 deg. AV. 2.7
chains; thenco W. 4.3 chains;
thence northerly along the E. line
Macadam road 2.6 chains to be
ginning, Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
2.25 acres ". 12 64
Bingham. E. W. Commencing at in
tersection of N. line of tract de
scribed in book A. page 5SC and E.
of Old Taylor road; thence north
erly along said road 200 feet;
thence AV. 60 feet to E. line of
Macadam road; thence S. 200 feet;
thence E. 60 feet to beginning
Sec 22. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E., 0.33 acre... 1 S5
Irving, Robt. Commencing at 3-mllo
post in Macadam road; thence E.
to AVillamette River: thence N. to
a cottonwood tree: thence W. to a
cedar stump; thence S. to begin
ning. Sec. 22. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 2
acres 9 10
Tannler. Melcholr Brcinnlng N. 5
deg. 30 min., W. 321.1 feet, from
the NE. cor of block 1, Fulton;
thence N. 5 deg. 30 mln., AV. 44
feet; thence W. 214.5 feet; thence
S. 5 deg. 30 mln., E. 44 feet; thence
E. 214.5 feet to beginning. Sec. 22,
T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.2 acre 1 13
Bingham, E. AV. Commencing 10
chains W. of the NE. corner of
block 1, Fulton: thence N. 7 deg.,
AV. 3.92 chains, to the place of be
ginning of the tract to be de
scribed, from said beginning point;
thence E. 3.5 cnalns; thence N. 6
deg, W. 2 chains 10 links; thenco
W. along the S. line of Nevada
street to a point N. 7 dee., AV. 2.1
chains of the place of beginning:
thence S. 7 deg., E. 2.1 chains, to
beginning. Sec 22, T. 1 B., R. 1
E.. 0.72 acre ...77. 4 04
Hogue. Leonora Commencing 30
feet due AV. from NAV. cor
ner block S. City View Park
Addition; thence N. 580 feet;
thence AV. 180 fet thence south
erly, following the boundary on
AV. side of Lambert's Tract. 600
feet, more or less thence E. 70
feet, to beginning. Sec 23, T. 1 S.,
H. IB., 2 acres 5 73
Powell. AV. Frank Beginning S. 89
deg. 45 mln., E. 61.51 chains, from
the SAV. corner of Jacob Wills'
D. L. C; thence N. 0 deg. 45 mln.,
AV. 14.34 chains; thence W. 13.59
chains; thence S. 3.15 chains, to
center line of Johnson's Creek;
thence' along center line of John
son's Creek, as follows: N 85
deg., E. 0.45 chains; thence S. 73
deg., AV. 3.2 chains: thence S.
1.8 chains; thence 36 deg. 45 mln.,
E. 2.30 chains; thence S. 76 deg.,
E. 4 chains: thence S. 40 deg. 30
min., E. 5.29 chains; thence S.
53 deg. 60 min., E. 1.5 chains;
thence S. 20 deg., E. 0.75 chains,
to beginning. Sec 24, T. 1 S., R.
1 E., 10.94 acres 1114
Wills, Wm. E. Commencing 2697.7
leet E. of SAV. corner of Jacob
Wills' Claim; thence N. 3 deg.. E.
310 feet, thence S. 75 deg., AV. 157
feet; thence S. 63 deg., W. S9.3
icei, Lueuct a. o ueg. 0 mm., tv.
203 feet; thence S. 85 deg. 12 min.,
E. 227 feet, to beginning. Sec 24,
T. 1 S., R. 1 E . L7 acres 3 32
Wills, Wm. B. Also commencing at
NW. corner Edwin Cole's Tract;
thence S. 8.75 chains to county
line; thence AV. 12.24 chains;
thence N, 8 75 chains; thence E.
12.24 chains, to beginning, except
hi acre, described in book 122, page
390. Sec 24. T. 1 b . R. 1 E.. 10.71
acres 26 07
Williams, John P. N. hi of S. hi of
NAV. 14 of NE. 14, Sec. 29, T. 1 S..
R. 1 E., 10 acres .".. 5 99
Marshall, John P. Commencing at
the intersection of the E. line of
county road, on V. side of SE.
14 of NE. li, with S. line of Thos.
Tice D. L. C.; thence S. to N. line
of Taylor'3 Ferry Road; thence
northeasterly along N. line of
said road to an intersection with
S. line of Thos. Tice D. L. C;
thence AV. along said S. line to be
ginning, Sec. 29. T. 1 S R. 1 E..
0.5 acre 44
Scott. Sarah J. S. hi of NE. 14 of
NAV. li of SE. li, Sec. 29, T. 1 S..
R. 1 E., 5 acres 2 22
Macintosh, AVm., Trustee S. of
SAV. 14 of NW. of SE. 14, Sec
29, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 5 acres 2 66
Thomas, Geo. H. N. hi of SE. li of
NE. hi of SE. li. Sec 29. T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 5 acres 2 23
Nye. Annette E. of E. hi of SAV.
li of SAV. 14. Sec 30. T. 1 S.. R. 1
B 10 acres 4 44
Wolf, Edwin N. Commencing at
the SE. corner of Sec. 30; thence
N. 72.3 feet: thence AV. 150 feet;
thence S. 72.3 feet; thenco E. ISO
feet, to beginning, Sec. 30, T. 1 S.
R. 1 E.. 0.25 acre 22
Irving, Robt. Also AV. hi of SE. i.
and aw. or su;. or am. .
Sec. 32, T. 1 S.. R. 1 B.. 90 acres.. 36 84
Buckley, John Commencing 24
rods S. of the quarter-section cor
ner on AV. side of Sec. 2; thence
S. 20 rods; thence E. 40 rods;
thence N. 20 rods: thence AV. to
beginning. Sec. 2, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.,
5 acres 159
Elliott. Geo. AV. Beginning 23.55
chains N. of SAV. corner of Elliott
D. L. C; thence N. 16.45 chains;
thence E. 9.04 rods; thence S. 30.96
rods; thence E. 30.96 rods; thence
S. 34.84 rods; thence AV. 10 chains,
to beginning. Sec. 2, T. 1 S., R. 2
E., 10.45 acres 2 24
Thayer, AA'ni. AV. Beginning 40
chains N. and 10 chains E. of SAV.
corner of Elliott D. L. C; thence
AV. 30.96 rods; thence S. 30.96 rods;
thence E. 30.96 rods; thence N. 36.98
rods, to beginning. Sec. 2, T. 1 S.,
R. 2 E., 6 acres 131
Harvey. Eliza M., Heirs of AV. hi of
the following: Beginning 21.96
chains E. of NW. corner of Hlm
mon's D. L. C: thence S. 27.33
chains; thence E. 7.29 chains;
thence N. 27.3 chains; ihence AV.
7.2914 chains to beginning. Sec. 3,
T. 1 S., R. 2 E., 10 acres 4 39
Howard. Mary Lota 3, 4. Sec. 3, T.
1 S., R. 2 E.. 20.3 acres 14 96
Mount Tabor AVater Works Co.
Commencing 20 feet W. of SB.
corner of tract conveyed by deed
recorded in book 67. page 5S; thence
AV. 126.8 feet: thence N. 343.63 feet;
thence E. 126.8 feet; thence S. 343.53
feet to beginning. Sec. 5, T. 1-S.,
R. 2 E.. 1 acre 5 03
Dickson. JohnCommencing 176 feet
S. and 154 feet E. of a point 20
chains AV. and 30 chains N. of an
iron stake of SE. cor. of D. D.
Prettvman D. L. C: thence N.
92 feet: thence E. 64 feet;
thence S. 92 feet; thence W. 54 feet
to beginning. Sec. 5, T. 1 S., R. 2
E. 0.11 acre 32
Glrvin, Colin C. Beginning 38.9
chains N. from SE. corner Perry
Prettyman D. L. C; thence S. S9
deg. 5 mln. W. 3.12 chains; thence
S. 1 deg. 15 mln. E. 1.47 chains;
thence N. 89 deg. 5 mln. E. 3.12
chains; thence N. 1 deg. 50 mln.
AV. to beginning. Sec. 6. T. 1 S..
R. 2 E.. 0.46 acres 2 00
Falling, AA'm. A. Beginning at NE.
corner of tract owned by Price:
thence S. 29 rods; thence W. 20
feet; thence N. to center of coun
ty road; tl.ence E. 20 feet to be
ginning. Also beginning at NB.
corner of Mallory 20-acre tract,
described in book 72, page 261:
thence S. 644 feet; thence B
1377.1 feet; thence N. 3 deg. 15
min.. AV. 637 feet; thence AV. to
. beginning, except W. hi of N. hi.
paid on by Rufus Mallory. Sec 6,
T. 1 S., R. 2 E., 15.63 acres 107 46
Breyman, Mary E. Beginning
16.83 2-3 chains AV. of SE. corner D.
Prettyman D. L. C; thence N. 30
rods: thence E. 16 rods; thence
S 30 rods; thence W. 16 rods to
beginning, Sec. 6, T. 1 S.. R. 2
E.. 3 acres 2124
Cardwell, J. R. Beginning 30.5 rods
E. of where the hi section line of
Sec. 7 intersects the W. line of H.
Kelly D. L. C; thence E. 30.5
rods; thence S. 52.5 rods: thence
W. 30.5 rods: thence N. 52.5 rods to
beginning, Sec 7, T. 1 S R. 2
E 10 acres . 14 84
Ferrler, Wm. Commencing 5.33 feet
N. of a point 22 chains AV. and 21.75
chains N. of li section corner of
Sees. 8, 9: thence S. 29 2-3 feet;
thence W. 14.72 rods; thence N.
29 2-3 feet; thence E. 14.72 rods
to beginning, Sec 8, T. 1 S., R. 2
E., 0.17 acre 32
Graham, Ellen Jane Beginning at
NW. corner of Alonzo Gates JJ. L.
C; thence S. 18.86 chains; thence
N. 77 deg. 40 mln., E. 11.63 chains;;
thence N. 16.36 chains; thence AV.
11.36 chains to beginning. Sec 11,
T. 1 S., R, 2 E., 20 acres 6 61
Morgan, David Beginning at SE.
corner of a 20-acre tract sold by
Fury and wife to Nelson; thence S.
on E. line of Hugh Fury claim far
enough to include 10 acres in a rec
tangular form. Sec 14, T. 1 S., R.
2 E., 10 acres 131
Pike, AV. L.. Jr., and Estella Com
mencing 55.84 chains N. of the SAW
corner of the Ezra Johnson D. L.
C; thence N. 167.C6" feet; thence
E. 1639.6 feet; thence S. 167.56 feet;
thence W. 1638.6 feet to beginning,
Sec 14. T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 6.2S acres.. 94
Freeman, Geo. H., Heirs Begin
ning at SE. corner of the AVm.
Cason D. L. C; thence AV. 2.S0
chains; thence N. to center of
Foster road: thence E. to the E.
line of the Cason D. L. C; thence
S. to the beginning, Sec 15, T. 1
S.. R. 2 E. 1.26 acres l 60
Mathleson. Amanda Beginning 20
rods N. and 30 feet AV. of li post
between Sees. 16 and 21; thence W.
230 feet; thence S. 50 feet; thence
E 230 feet: thence N. 50 feet to be
ginning, Sec 16, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.,
0.26 acre 3 37
Glddings. Rosetta A. Commencing
at NE. corner of SW. 14 of SE. 14
of Sec. 16; thence AV. to Foster
road; thence southeasterly along
Foster road to the E. line of SW.
14 of SE. li; thence N. to begin
ning. Sec. 16. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. 2
acres 122
De France, Lillian A. SW. h. of SE.
14 of SE. 14 of NAV. 14 Sec. 17. T. 1
S., R. 2 E., 2.5 acres 1 31
De France. J. Aleck NW. 14 of SE.
H of SE. 14 of NW. 14 Sec. 17. T.
1 S., R. 2 E. 2.5 acres 140
Oxer. Henry and Reglna J. Begin
ning at NE. corner of land deeded
by Anderson to De Lashmutt &
Oatman; thence W. SO rods; thence
S. 40 rods; thence E. SO rods; thence
N. 40 rods to beginning. Sec. 18. T.
1. S., R. 2 E.. 20 acres 29 89
Thayer. Wm. W. Beginning 21 rods
E. of NW. corner of elbow of an
80-acre tract on W. side of Abra
ham D. L. C; thence E. 60 rods;
thence S. 40 rods: thence W. 60
rod3; thence N. 40 rods to begin
ning, except 1 acre conveyed to
LInderman. Sec 18. T. 1 S., R. 2
E.. 14 acres 34 7T
Groveland Investn. Co. Beginning
60.09 rods W. of SE. corner of SW.
14 of Sec 7; thence W. 2 rods;
thence S. 40 rods; thence E. 2 rods:
thence N. 40 rods to beginning; also
beginning 21 rods E. and 40 rode
S. of NAY. corner of elbow of Abra
ham D. L. C; thence S. 40 rods:
thence E. 60 rods; thence N. 40
rods; thence W. 60 rods to begin;
nlng. Sec 18. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E.. lo.a
acres w
Reed. Chas. J., and Lalse. Frank
A. Commencing 76.2 rods E. of
NW. corner of Kelly claim: thence
E. 19.05 rod3: thence S. 42 rods:
thence W. 19.05 rods; thence N. 42
rods to beginning. Sec. is. 1. J. 0..
R. 2 E.. 5 acres
Luders, Rota Paxton T M of 0
acres In a square in NE. corner of
Sec 20, T. 1 S, R. 2 E.. 15 acres...
Cavanaugh. Andrew. Heirs E. hi of
E. hi of NE. li of NAV. 14 Sec. 22. T.
1 S.. R. 2 E.. 10 acres
Cavanaugh, Andrew, Heirs L. hi or
NAV. 14 of NA 14. Sec. 22. T. 1 S.,
R. 2 E.. 20 acres
Johnson, Jasper. Jr. S. 15 acres or
E. hi of NAV. li of SAV. 14. Sec 22.
T. 1S..R.2 E.. 15 acres
Powell. AVm. H. Beginning 56 rods
S. of intersection of AV. line of
John Rogers D. L. C. and N. line
of Sec 3; thence E. 28.58 chains;
thence S. to N. line of John H.
Hall's 99-acre tract; thence AV. to
AV. line of John Rogers D. L. C:
thence N. to beginning. Sec. 23, T.
6 36
5 61
6 36
1 s., it. 3 is., 2.-JH acres
Rawles, James A. Beginning at
NE. corner Sec 5; thence S. 132
feet; thence AV. 30 feet; thence N.
132 feet; thence E. 50 feet to begin
ning. Sec 5, T. 1 S., R. 3 E 0.15
Portland Savings Bank, Richard
Nixon, Receiver E. hi of NE. 14
of SE. 14 of the N. Hamlin D. L.
C, except all that portion of the
above-described tract lying N. of
the Powell's A'alley road, and E.
of the county road running N. and
S., Sec 7, T. 1 S.. R. 3 E., 12.4
Regner, Juita 0.1 acre of the follow
ing: Commencing In center of
Powell Vall3y road. 120 feet north
easterly parallel with said road
from a point 12 rods N. of SAV.
corner James Powell's D. L. C:
thence S. parallel with the W.
line of said claim to center of
Johnson Creek: thence E. tracing
bed of creek 103 feet; thence N. to
center of Powell's Valley road;
thence W., tracing center of Pow
ell's A'alley road 105 feet to be
ginning. Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 3 E.,
0.1 acre
Regner, Julia Commencing S chains
W. of SW corner of James Pow
ell D. L. C: thence N. 5 chains;
thence W. 231 feet; thence S. to
center of Powell'3 Vallei mad;
thence northeasterly to beginning.
Sec. 10. T 1 S., R. 3 E.. 1.82 acres..
Turner. Thos. Beginning 74 rods N.
of SW. corner of AV. B. Jones
D. L. C: thence E. to foot of Bea
ver Creek Hill; thence NW to
section line between Sees. 1 and 2;
thence AV. to said Jones' W. line:
thence S. 13.5 chains to place of
beginning. Sec. 12. T. 1 S., R. 3 E.,
8.5 acres 1 o5
Palmqulst. John A. W hi of NE.
14 of SAV. li and W. i of SE. li
of NW. li. Sec. 14. T. 1 S. R. 3
E., 40 acres
Palmqulst, J. A. Beginning at NW.
corner of Culberson's D. L. C:
thence E. 10S rods; thence S. 30
rods: thence W. 108 rods; thence
N. 30 rods to beginning. Sec 14, T.
1 S.. R. 3 F., 20.25 acres
Schultz, Adam E. 2u acres of S. hi
10 97
2 62
or wm. u. cntney u. l.. c. Sec.
16. T. 1 S., R. 3 E.. 20 acres 2 60
Ginty. M. J. N. 12 acres W. of SE.
li of SE. 14 and E. 4.S acres of the
S. 8 acres of the W. of the
SE. 14 of SE. 14 of N. Hamlin D.
L. C. Sec. IS, T. 1 S.. R. 3 E., 16.8
Holmes. Gertrude Commencing S42.7
reet i. o aeg. 10 mm. k. of sw.
corner of Ernest Glese D. L. C:
thence N. 89 deg. 45 mln. E. 1232.7
feet; thence N. 0 deg. 15 mln. E. to
S. E. corner David Fleming's 15
acre tract; thence S. 89 deg. 45
mln. AV. 1232.3 feet; thonce 0 deg.
15 min. to beginning. Sec. 18, T. 1
S.. R. 3 E. 30 acres 2 5S
Fitch. Hugh Lot 12 and N. 13.025
acres of SE. 14 of NE. 14 Sec. 20.
T. 1 S., R. 3 E.. 39.575 acres 3 35
Jenne, AVm. G. Lot 1. Sec. 20. T. 1
S., R. 3 E., 0.73 acre 17
Buzbee. Freeman Lots 9. 10. Sec 20.
T. 1 S.. R. 3 E.. 36.18 acres 2 06
Jack, John Henry 1 acre in a square
form In NE. corner or NE. bee.
22, T. 1 S.. R. 3 E.. 1 acre
Davis, Geo. E Commencing 11.64
chains S. of common corner to
Sees. 14, 15. 22. 23; thenco E. 15.427
chains; thence S. 8.91 chains;
thence W. 15.427 chains; thence N.
8.91 chains to beginning; Sec. 23,
T. IS.. R.3E. 13.75 acres
Landon James N. E. hi of NAV. 14
of SW. li Sec. 1. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E..
20 acres
RIchet. Mary W. hi of SAV. 14 Sec
2. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. SO acres 8 42
Morgan, David Dudley S. hi of SAV.
14 Sec 5. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. 80 acres..
Hanson, F. W. NE. 14 of NE. 14
Sec. T T. 1 S., R. 4 E., 40 acres....
Cone. Geo. W. and H. P. N. hi of
SAV. 14 and AA'. hi of SW. 14 of NW.
14 Sec. 9. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. 100 acres
Wlhlon. A. C S. hi of SW. 14 Sec
9. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E., SO acres
Cosmus, Geo. Fred N. of NAV. 14
and AV. li of NE. 14 Sec 10. T. 1
S.. R. 4 E.. 160 acres
Hurlburt. John A. S. hi of SE. 14
Sec. 14. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. SO acres....
Adams. Chas. F. NE. li of SE. 14
Sec. 14, T. 1 S.. R. 4 E.. 40 acres...
Miller. Lewis E. V. of NAV. V Sec.
3 44
5 76
2 33
1 20
16. T. 1 S.. R. 4 E7. SO acres 6 53
unase. Artnur v. st;. or aw. y.
Sec. 18, T. 1 S., R. 4 E., 40 acres..
Barnes. AV. St. M., Trustee SE. hi
of NE. li and all of the E. hi
of SE. 14 lying N. of Powell's Val
ley road, except 2 acres sold to
school district No. 6, Sec 19. T. 1
8., R. 4 E., 45 acres
Chase, Arthur F. NE. of NW. 14,
Sec. 19, T. IS. R. 4 E., 40 acres....
Harris. Henry C N hi of SE. 14 of
SW. U of NE. 14, Sec 20. T. 1 S.,
R. 4 E., 5 acre
Oregon & California R. R. Co. All
Sec. 1, T 1 S.. R. 5 E., 640 acros..
Oregon & California R. R Co. E.
Sec 3. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E., 311.23
Carlson. John; Olson. Peter That
part of E. hi of W. li lying S. of
Brower Mill. Sec. 4. T. 1 S., R.
5 E., 70 acres
Adams, Chas. F. S 1- of SE. H,
Sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 5 E.. SO acros..
Flelschner. Louis, Heirs NW. li of
NAV. li, Sec. 9. T. 1 S R. 5 E.. 40
3 44
7 48
6 97
24 S6
2 44
1 33
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
SE. 14 Sec 9. T. 1 S., R. 5 E..
160 acres 3 99
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
a. hi or w. ft, aec. a, x. 1 a.. t. t
E.. 160 acres
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
NE. li of NE. li, Sec 9, T. 1 S..
R. 6 E., 40 acros
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
All Sec. 11. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.. 640
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
5 99
18 93
All aec 13, x. 1 a.. 11. 5 &., tno
.. IS 93
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
N. of SE. and NE. li Sec.
15. T 1 S., R. 5 E., 240 acres 7 10
Oregon & California R. R. Co.
NW. 14 Sec 15. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.,
160 acres 4 66
Swope. Joseph W. hi of NE. ,
Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 5 E., 80 acres..
White. John-SE. 14 Sec. 16. T. 1
S., R. 5 E., 160 acres
Swigert, C. F. N. hi of NE. 14 and
NB. 14 of NAV. 14, Sec 18, T. 1 S..
R. 5 E., 159.29 acres, and lot 1
Adams. Chas. F. N. of NAV. 14
and NW. 14 of NE. 14. Sec 20. T.
1 S., R. 5 E.. 120 acres
Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. SE. 14. Sec.
21. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.. 1G0 acres
Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. NE. 14 of
NE. 14 and NAV. li of SE. 14. Sec
3 70
3 70
2 75
3 73
23, T. 1 S., R. 5 E., SO acres 1 89
Oreeon & Cal. R. R. Co. S. li of
NE. H and N. hi of SAV. 14 and
NAV. li. Sec 23. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.
320 acres
Sower. Gideon SAV. hi. of NW. 14.
Sec. 24. T. 1 S., R. 5 E.. 40 acres....
Foresyth, Milla C N. Y- of SE. 14
of NW. 14. Sec 24, T. 1 S.. R. 5 E..
20 acres
McKinney and Moffett, Trustees
All Sec 7. T. 1 S.. R. 6 E.. 631.93
Smith. Seneca S. 13.78 acres of lot 3
and S. 16.2 acres of SAV. vt 0f SE.
14. and S. 16.2 acres of SE. v. of
SW. 14. Sec. 1, T. 2 N., R. 2 AV.,
46.18 acres
7 14
24 47
2 7j
And on Tuesday, the 26th day of No
vember, 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day. at the front door of the
courthouse, In said county and state, I
will sell the above-described real estate at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for
cash, subject to redemption, to satisfy
said warrants, costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Multnomah Countv.
1 October 23. 1901.