Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Diplomatic Xegotlatlona Be tire en
tho Ttto Countries Resumed
Austria Also Gains a Point.
PARIS, Nov. 10. The French Foreign
Office has announced that the Sultan has
signed an irade for the execution of his
engagements with the French Government
and that the Franco-Turkish dispute Is
now at an end. Tcwflk Pasha, Ottoman
Minister of Foreign Affairs,' wrote, a let
ter to 1L Bapst, councillor of the French
Embassy in Constantinople, notifying him
of the signing of the irade, which, while
settling the original French demands, ac
cepts the French demands as set forth
In a dispatch to the Temps from Con
stantinople Friday and cabled to the As
sociated Press, together with an addi
tional olauae, by which the Sultan pledges
himself to consider as authorized in full
right the foundations, extensions, con
structions and repairs of the schools and
religious and hospital establishments
which France may dosire to carry out.
If the Porte la advised of her intentions
and makes no objections within five
France thus far has received full satis
faction, and II. Delcasse, on the re
ceipt of M. Bapst's dispatch this morn
ing, telegraphed him to inform Tewflk
Pasha that diplomatic relations had been
resumed and that M. Bapst should con
sider himself as regularly charged with
the affairs of the embassy. Instructions
were also sent to Admiral Caillard at
Mitylenc to re-embark the marines and
to return to Greek waters, which Is un
derstood to mean tho vicinage of the
Island of Syra. Admiral Caillard will re
main in the Levant some time longer.
M. Const&ns, the French Ambassador,
will return to Constantinople -ery shortly.
The additional clause was conceded at
the request of France In order to prevent
future difficulties such as the Turkish
provincial authorities have often raised
either on their own initiative or in con
sequence of instigation by the Porte.
The Temps, which describes the result
as "a brilliant victory for French diplo
macy," eays:
"The great merit of the government was
In being able to restrict Its action. Very
serious difficulties might have arisen had
France kept from her reserve. The fav
orable disposition shown to our repre
sentations abroad has been due to the
fact that the civilized world has had an
opportunity during the last seven years
to observe the progress of the anti
European movement In the Sultan's coun
cils. Frenchmen, Americans, Austrians,
Italians and Britons have all beon victim
ized by the Sultan and his councillors.
After the Armenian massacres and the
successful war with Greece, they thought
everything was permitted to them.
"We hope the Sultan will now under
stand his duties toward the civilized pow
ers and toward his own subjects, unto
whom he has taken solemn engagements
which he has always disregarded. Other
wise, Europe, which, thanks to the ener
getic action of France, is now able to re
assume at Constantinople the authority
.she lost seven years ago, will applaud
the Initiative whioh the signatory powers
of the Berlin treaty are reported to be
about to take to extort from the Sultan
the exeoution of clauses too long fallen
into disuse,"
Comments of the Paris Dailies.
PARIS, Nov. 11. Tho morning paper..,
in their comments upon the termination
of the Franco-Turkish incident, follow
party lines strictly. The supporters of the
government hail the outcome as a great
diplomatic, moral and material success.
Other journals either affect scepticism
with reference to the final outcome or as
sume that It Is reall a check disguised
under the more or less Illusory conces
sions promised by the Sultan. Some pa
pers even hint that France has actually
backed down, owing to the coolness with
hlch the powers have received her ex
planations rogardlng the objects and scope
of the naval demonstration.
"We hope the demonstration Awlll be
sufficient to restore forever theprestlge
of France In the East," says the Figaro.
"Doubtless the very near future will show
If so great a result has been obtained so
The Gaulois, while admitting that a suc
cess has been achieved, romarks;. "The
instability of the government ana the
.contradictions of its diplomacy are such
that even the Sultan thought there was
no risk In treating the French like mere
Armenians. The Mitylcne expedition Is
said to have disabused him, but must we
always mobilize a fleet In order to force
a foreign nation to respect us?"
The Soleil remarks: "We have another
promise added, to so many. Wc are some
what in a hurry in announcing the end
of the Franco-Turkish conflict,"
The Petit Parlsen, which voices the
view of the government, says: "It is for
France a considerable diplomatic success.
The rapidity and precision of the move
ment of the squadron was a military suc
cess which Europe has noticed."
Austria Also Gains a Point.
de Calice, tho Austro-Hungarlan Ambas
sador, has secured from the Porte a sat
isfactory settlement of several questions
that were pending between Turkey and
The Yield of All Grains Is Below
the Average.
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 27. The Min
istry of Agriculture today presented Us
annual Autumnal crop report for Euro
pean Russia. All crops were below aver
age. It is said, and in some parts of t the
East and South "they were bad, in places
very bad." The staple grain, rye, was
particularly deficient. Winter wheat was
"bad" In the Don Province, Yekaterinos
laff Poland and the Baltic provinces, and
good only in the Southwest. AH Summer
grains were below average, and ranged
from "bad to very bad" in the East and
Southeast, Summer wheat and oats being
notably deficient. Barley and millet
turned out somewhat better, peas and
buckwheat, flax and hemp "bad." Po
tatoes were nearer the average, but suf
fered with other breadstuff's. The unfa
vorable season was aided by field mice
and by othe.r jjests. The total estimated
yield of various grains in European Rus
sia, including Cls-Caucasla and Poland, in
poods (36 pounds), was as follows:
Rye 1,100,895,003
Wheat C5L474.O0O
Oats 5315,574,000
Barley 304,849,000
Millet 92,557,000
The deficient harvests of ISOO caused a
shrinkage of 1.000,000 rubles In the in
come from the payment of -peasants for
their lands, and the Minister of Finance
Is resohed materially to diminish the
estimated receipts for this source In the
next budget.
The government appears fully conscious
of the added responsibility that It has as
sumed by virtually excluding private per
sons and associations from participation
in relief measures. Every effort Is being
made to discover and mitigate suffering,
and It is stated the Governor of Saratoff
has organized In the district of Khav
llnsk a special relief commission. The
Red Cross will open free casting-houses
and direct the medical relief.
The Russian leader writers have put
President Roosevelt and the United States
on the list of their regular themes. Scarce
ly a day passes without some newspaper
devoting a serious editorial to the de
velopment of the political and economic
power of the United States. This, in
itself. Is gratifying, but what is more so
is that nearly ail tne papers are sympa.
thetlc and many display accurate Insight
into American affairs. The Bourse Ga
zette had the following a day or two ago:
"The statesman who has unexpectedly
assumed the reins at Washington is the
perfect type of the American of today,
and before him lies a wider horizon than
any of his predecessors enjoyed. Between
the United States of our day and the Re
public of which the history of the last
century told us, there Is little In com
mon. The classic land pf freedom, the
country which has dovcloped Its prosper
ity to wonderful dimensions and which
has realized the boldest Utopia and the
most daring theories qf political and social
liberty, the great trans-Atlantic Republic
terrifies the Imagination of Europeans,. It
Is a new giant, a state which the latest
events have made a world power, a state
which has transformed Itself to the point
of recognlzabillty and is bent upon trans
forming tho whole world, proclaiming
through its new Chief Magistrate that the
word of the United States shall have due
weight everywhere where economic and
political questions are decided."
"Was Aiding- Partacracsc to Avoid
Military Service.
LONDON, Nov. 10. The Exchange Tele
graph o,mpany has received a dispatch
from Lisbon announcing that a Portuguese
gunboat has seized the American schoon
er Nettle and Lottie at Horta, Island of
Fayal, in the Azores, for clandestinely
conveying 26 emigrants who were trying
to avoid military service.
Plan for a Vigorous Campaign.
LONDON, Nov. 11. According to the
Dally News, Major-General Ian Hamilton,
who sailed Saturday for South Africa to
act as Lord Kitchener's chief of staff,
takes a plan prepared In London for a
more vigorous campaign with a viow of
ending the war before tho coronation fes
tivities begin.
"General Hamilton's appointment," says
the Dally News, "Is part of a plan ar
ranged after the King's return from the
Continent about six weoks ago. Unless
Lord Kitchener should decline to be com
plaisant, the new scheme Is likely to de
velop about the beginning of the year."
Capo Colony "Will Contribute.
LONDON, Nov. 10 In a letter dated
October 23, the Capo Town correspondent
of tho Dally Mall says:
"Lord Kitchener and Sir John Gordon
Sprlgg (the Cape Premier) have arranged
a scheme for the expulsion of the invad
ers of Cape Colony. A joint commission
of Imperial and colonial, military chiefs
has been sitting here for some days past
to draft a scheme. It Is understood that
this provide s for the colony taking a large
share in the future campaign and contrib
uting largely towards its cost. Apparent
ly a levy of Loyalists en masse is the
Idea Involved."
Election Disturbances at Barcelona.
BARCELONA, Nov. 10. The municipal
elections here today were attended by
bloodshed and excitement. Revolver shots
were exchanged. Ono person was killed
and 40 others were wounded,
MADRID, Nov. 10. Tho Barcelona cor
respondent of El Liberal says that the
theaters there were closed tonight on ac
count of the election disturbances. The
municipal elections throughout Spain have
resulted in a large majority for the sup
porters of the government. Disorder is
expected at Bilbao.
Forgot to Close tJie Breech.
ATHENS, Nov. 10. A terrible gun acci
dent occurred Saturday on the British
battle-ship Royal Sovereign, outside of
the Ostoko harbor. An artilleryman for
got to close the breech before the gun
was flrod. Ono officer and six artillery
men woro killed outright, the bodies being
terribly mutilated, and tho Captain and
13 sailors wore seriously Injured.
French Miners Become Threatening.
PARIS, Nov. 10; Tho attitude of the
minors in the Department Pas de Calais
Is becoming threatening, and precaution
ary measures are being taken. Numbers
struck work at Dourges yesterday, while
crowds paraded at Lens, cheering for the
miners. Agitators are busy among the
American Honored In Rnssia.
ST. PETERSBURG Nov. 1L Professor
Henry M. Howe, of the School of Mines,
of Columbia University, has been elected
an honorary, member of the Russian Tech
nical Society.
Earthquake in Erzroom.
vere earthquake ocourred Friday at Erz
room. Many houses were destroyed and
the Inhabitants sought safety in the open.
(Continued from First Page)
the city taken up by the diminutive barks
Werra and Harry Morse, and the French
bark Bourbakl. In the lower harbor,
lined up ready for sea, were the British
ship Nelson, German ship Rickmer Rick-
mers, iJHtlsn snip La.ay lsaociia, ana
French bark MareChal Davout, which
have been lying there for periods varying
from a few hours to over two weeks. Not
one of these vessels suffered any deten
tion in the river, and the lighterage of the
entire flcot did not make half a load for one
of the towboats whioh took the ship down.
The Leyland Brothers dropped anchor be
low Smith's Point shortly after noon Fri
day, and three hours lajer the few tons
of lighterage which the R. R. Thompson
had brought down for her was on board
and she was ready for sea. "With six ships
ahoad of her, and trouble brewing in tho
offing, there Is not much chance for her
to get to sea before the middle of the
River Delays Unimportant.
The trifling delays between Portland and
Astoria do not bother the shipmasters
visiting Portland, but they are making
uncomplimentary remarks about tho bar
at the mouth of tho river. The Columb.a.
has broken from the restraint placed orr
It when the jetty was completed, and the
old south channel is washing out again,
until there 13 almost as much water to ea
by that channel as there Is by the main
channel now In use. This -water can be
confined and forced back into the main
channel by the extension of the Jetty, and"
when this is done the channel will bo
scoured out to as great a depth as 19
needed. Sixty miles farther up the river
the water is forced In between rock wall9
or hard clay banks, and it has scoured out
a channel from 50 to 150 feet deep In
places. The same results can be securett
at the mouth of the river is the stream
is kept in the proper bounds. A jetty
can be made long enough and strong
enough to give a depth of 50 to GO feet of
water on the Dar, and this depth will be
'needed as quickly as it is possible to se
cure It.
m ii ...
Tippecanoe Anniversary.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 10. Tho anniversary
of the battle of Tippecanoe a.a celebrat
ed today with a very large attendance at
the tomb erected by the late Benjamin
Harrison to General William Henry Har
rison, at North Bend, O., near this city.
Men prominent in state affairs In Ohio
made addresses. None of the Harrison
family was present.
To the Public.
Allow me to say a few words In praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. X can
recommend it with the utmost confidence.
It has done good work for me, and will do
the same for others I had a very severe
cough and cold, ant!" feared I -would get
pneumonia, but after taking the second
dos of this medicine, 1 felt better, three
bottles of It cured my cold and the pains
In my chest disappeared entirely. I am.
most rcspectiuny yours, lor neaiin. liaipn
S. Meyers. 64 Tnlrty-aeventh street.
vheol'.ng, W. Va. For a&le by all drug
J glsu
Wide Variation In tne Cost and Sell
ing Price During: the Past
Eleven Years.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. The Industrial
Commission today Issued a special report
on an Investigation conducted by the com
mission regarding the cost and selling
price of iron and steel products from 1890
to IDOL The statement shows that in 1SW
the cost of steel rails ranged from 525 93
to $34 52; in 18S1, from ?24 15 to J25 68; in
1892, from 522 65 to $24 S2; in 1893. from
519 20 to 522 62: In 1634. from 517 70 to $21 29;
in 1895, from 516 68 to 525 47; in 1896, from
$17,72 to 520 69; In 1897, from 515 91 to 517 62;
in 189S, from 516 67 to 51T 81; in 1899, from
518 11 In January, to 535 62 in December;
In 1900, from 536 12 In February, to ?21 83
In October; In 1901, from 521 54 to 525 98.
According to the showing made, there
was a margin .In the selling price over
the cost price fbr every year from 1890 up
to July of 189S. The highest margin was
in 1896, and averaged from 57 31 to 510 2G
a ton. In July, 1898. a loss of 5 cents per
ton Is noted, the cost price being 517 B
as against a selling price of 517. Again,
In June. 1899, when the cost price was
$27 62, there was a loss of 37 cents. In
July of that year the loss was 51 15 on a
cost price of 529 76; 51 15 on a cost price
of 532 15, and In September 51 48 on a cost
price of 533 96. A loss of about 51 per
ton is also reported for the months of
January, February, March, Aprl' and
May, of 1900. when the cost price ranged
over 536 per ton. Losses also are claimed
on steel billets for most of the year 1900,
and for the first four months of 1901. A
loss Is recorded for the year 1900, arftt
for tho first four months of 1S01. A loss
i3 recorded for every month In 1898 on
billets. Looses are recorded for the first
three months of 1900 on pig-iron. The low
est cost of production for pig-iron was
recorded In 1894, when it was 58 5 per
ton. In 1900 the cost of pjg-lrqn was
515 SS. Commenting In a general way, the
commission says:
"Beyond question there have been steady
Improvements in the methods of manu
facture tending to reduce the cost of labor
and incidentals per unit of product. On
the other hand, the advancp of wages
from 1S99 to 1801, especially as compared
with the years Immediately preceding, no
regard to which has been given in making
up the figures, may In part have offset the
reduction through such improvements. In
any case the comparison as to cqsts will
not bu greatly vitiated by inaccuracy In
the Items of labor and incidentals, since
these represent a comparatively small
proportion of the cost of transforming tho
respective raw materials into finished
The variation in prices is commented on
as follows;
"Probably the most conspicuous fact
shown in the diagrams Ib tho very rapid
and wido variations in the prices of all
three of the products compared, and most
of all in tho prices of pig-iron. Even in
the earlier years, not covered by the dia
grams, the price statistics show
similar sharp fluctuations. The dia
grams herewith presented bring out the
great and sudden decline in the prices of
all these products during tho year 1890.
This was followed by a long and gradual
fall, which brought the price of pig-lrpn
down from $16 at the beginning of 1S91 to
510 at the end of 1S24. A sudden sharp
rls,c in the prices of all three products Is
seen In 1895, but this was followed by an
almost equally rapid decline, and during
1897 and 1898 tho prices stood practically
at a bottom figure. The most noticeable
movement shown In the diagram Is that
during 1899, when the price of pig-iron
rose from 510 to $25, and the price of rails
from $17 to $33. Almost equally sudden and
very great, however, was the decline In
the prices of these products, especially
billets and pig-iron, during the latter part
of 1900. Since that time there has been
a recovery which leaves the prices of all
the three products considerably higher
than for the years 1S9Q and 1898,
''These often sudden and violent fluc
tuations show, among other indications,
the great changes in the demandMor iron
and steel products from time to time, and
the marked sensitiveness of prices to such
changes In demand. No very large stock
of iron and steel is usually held In ad
vance, and when a period of prosperity
causes a great extension of the uso of
these products, the mills are often them
selves temporarily unable to keep pace
with the- demand, while buyers under
certain conditions are willing to pay al
most any price.
"A noteworthy feature of the diagram
regarding steel rails is the fact that the
selling prices for considerable periods of
lime throughout the decade covered by
the flguros have been held uniform. This
uniformity in prices is doubtless due to
the existence of pools from time to time
among the manufacturers, and the sudden
changes following the periods of uniform
ity are probably explicable, not so muoh
by great changes in demand at the precise
date of the change In prices, as by either
the breaking of pools or the determina
tion on the jmrt of their managers tnat
the previously fixed prices were too high
or too low."
Governor Murphy, of Arizona, Makes
Some Recommendations.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Governor
Murphy, of Arizona, in his annual report,
advocates the sale and settlement of the
large Indian reserves within the terri
tory, with the possible exception of the
Navajo reservation, In Northeastern Ari
zona, and tlo Government construction of
reservoirs for the storage of water for
irrigation in suitable location, with canals
leading to the lands allotted to the In
dians. The Governor eays the latter ac
tion, in which Indian labor could be large
ly utilized, would help to make farmers
of the Indians, and that further main
tenance of the tribal relations, as now
conducted, and the retention of reserva
tion agencies, around Which the Indians
cluster and live in idlenoss on Govern
ment rations, seriously retards the civ
ilization of the Indians.
A number of localities in the territory
are dissatisfied with the census, and the
people say that Injustice was done to
Phoenix In fixing its population at 5544 only.
Its registration for the city election last
May, he claims, Indicates a population this
year of at least 10,000. He attributes the
discrepancy of the figures to enumeration
in the Summer, when the people were at
Summer resorts, and to carelets work of
enumerators. He says from the school
census and other reliable sources the
population of the territory is now at least
135,000, against the census returns of 122,
012. In the last decade 545 miles of canal
have been coretructed, at a cost of
$1,508,400, and Irrigated land "has Increased
119,575 acre3.
Collector Dillon Removed.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Moses Dillon
has been removed from the olflce of
Collector .of Customs at El Paso, Tex.,
on account of charges of violation of the
civil service- law. These charges were
filed last Spring by the Civil Service
League and have since been under in
vestigation. They were endorsed by the
Civil Service Commission. The specific
charges were that Mr. Dillon was Instru
mental in having questions in civil ser
vice examination supplied in advance to
candidates Tor appointments to places un
der him, and also that he received con
tributions for campaign purposes.
Will Urge Legislation.
SANTA FE, N. M., Nov. 10. L. B.
I Prince, chairman of the committee ap-
pointed by the Trans-Misslaaippi Congress
at its meeting in Cripple Creek last July,
to urge certain legislation by Congress,
announced today that the headquarters
of the committee would1 he established at
"Washington. Among the matters that the
committee will endeavor to have Congress
take favorable action upon are rlvor and
harbor improvements, Irrigation, forest
reservations, establishment of a depart
ment of mining and the building of the
Nicaragua Canal.
Fall of Consols Partly Attributable
to HlckS'Bcach'a Speech.
LONDON, Nov. 10. The fall In consols,
which is partially attributable to the
speech of the Chancellor of tne Ex
chequer, Sir Michael Hlqks-Bcach, fore
shadowing Increased war taxes, caused
everything to be dull 4urlng tho early part
or last weep; put, owing to tne DrisK re
vival In American railway securities, all
the markets clceed better. It seems to
most observera that It would take but lit
tle to start a, good upward movement.
With the exception of Americans, there
has been little Increase In business, but
the quickness with which the prices ral
lied has encouraged a belief that better
markets are in prospect. The Northern
Pacific settlement Is the oubject of much
discussion, especially as to whether It Is
the beginning of a new boom. If so, tlm
impression is that this would not receive
much assistance on the European side of
the Atlantic, as neither tho industrial,
monetary nor political oondltlon of Eu
rope would justify a confident attitude on
the part of the Old World operators. Con
tinental exchange has improved in the
London point of view, and, therefore,
there is no Immediate prospect of gold
shipments from London. The demand for
gold in the open market has also dimin
ished. The price of bar gold shows a
slight decline. The shipment of gold to
8outh Africa, whjch began with the with
drawal of 118,000 week before last, seems
likely to be larger than usual. It is recog
nised here that the French demand for
gold has not been entirely satisfied by
New York shipments, and that it will be
necessary to keep up rates In order to
prevent the return of French capital.
The Berlin Bonrse.
BERLIN, Nov. 10. The Bourse has
grown more stagnant, although values
have only been maintained. Some coal and
lrqn shares Improved several points on
the week, but others fell off. All other
Industrials were weaker. Ocean transpor
tation shares experienced a new fall,
Hamburg-American having declined 3.50
and North German Lloyd 4. The latter
went below" par for the first time in flvi
years, The Frankfurter Zeltung explains
the declines by pointing to "the growing
nTi!rHriT !- h Vinrl Inrtniitrinl sHlutN
tion of Europe must eventually affect tho
lines unfavorably."
The Cologne Gazette argues that the
competition of American anthraclto with
German anthracite Is not t6 be feared.
Inasmuch as the price of coal delivered
to Rhine boats at Rotterdam is 29 marks
for the American product, whereas the
German mines offer the same quality at
23 marks. To this the Berliner Tageblatt
replies that the continued. Imports of
American anthraclto demonstrate tho abil
ity of the Americans to compete, und it
expresses a hope tliat the American com
petition will compel the German produc
ers to reduce prices to a point where Im
ports can easily be stopped.
The Frankfurter Zeltung reports that
American speculators are Inquiring
Whether this Is a favorable time to invest
In German coal shares at the present re
duoed prices, and that the answer is gen
erally in the negative. "For this reason,"
says this journal, "the export of shares
to the United States has nearly ceased,
and thero Is only a very slight prospect
of early resumption."
American railway securities were quiet
and interest wa3 confined chiefly to
Northern Pacific, in which, however, real-
izatlons ocourred toward the end of the
week. The Vossische Zeltung admits that
European bourses now more than ever
need an impulse from Wall street, since
thq United States is experiencing the al
most universal depression to the least ex
tent. The money market throughout the week
was very easy, the tendency being more
and more -favorable. Call loans were of
fered at 2 to ZA per cent.
Bid of MoGivney and Roclccby,
Jersey City, Accepted.
HAVANA, Nov. 10. The Municipal
Council of Havana has decided by a vote
of 10 to 8 to accept the bid of S. P. Mc
Givney and R. T. Rockeby, of Jersey City,
which is ?10,S93,015, for the Havana sew
ering and paving contract. Considerable
feeling was manifested during the session
over the circulation of a pamphlet Insin
uating that the McGivney-Rockeby bid
was really the bid of the engineers' de
partment. The papers assert that Senor Tamayo,
Secretary of State and Government, has
been challenged to fight a duel by a mem
ber of the Union Club whom, It le said,
Senor Tamayo and a friend assaulted at
the close of the recent banquet given
by the Cuban Society to the visiting Chil
eans. Senor Tamayo wns detained by the
polico but ultimately released by the Civil
The Democratic party has adopted Gen
eral Bartqlome Maso a its candidate for
tho Presidency of Cuba.
The Ex-Priest Had to Content Him
self With a Back Scat.
CHICAGO, Nov. lOFather Jeremiah J.
Crowley, the Roman Catholic priest who
was recently excommunicated for criti
cising the church officials and whose pres
ence In Holy Name Cathedral was the
cause of a dramatic Bcene there last Sun
day, appeared at tho cathedral again to
day at the hour of solemn high mass.
Father Crowley was finally admitted and
permitted to occupy a rear seat through
out the service. When the priest ap
peared at the central entrance he found
gathered there a number of ushers, who
quickly barred the passage with tables.
Father Crowley was directed to a side
entrance and there he was admitted.
When he started up the- aisle, however,
his way was blocked by another company
of ushers, who declined to permit him to
proceed, and he was forced to .accept a
pew, the fourth from the rear. There he
sat undisturbed.
First Monument to McKlnley.
TOWrER, Minn., Nov. 10. The first
monument to be erected in honor of Will
iam McKlnley waa unveiled here today
before thousands of people who came
from all over the Northwest. Governor
Van Sant was among the speakers. All
the bands that could be mustered wer
on hand and united in playing "Nearer,
My God, to Thee,'' the crowd singing the
Gasoline in a Kitchen Stove.
MINONK, 111., Nov. 10. In a fire that
destroyed the home of Joseph Tomash
iski, a Polish miner, today, his 13-year-old
daughter and 11-year-old son burned
to death. The father and an another son,
aged 7 years, were seriously, but not
fatally, burned. .The man's daughter at
tempted to start a blaze in the kitchen
stove with gasoline.
Kicnracna Saluted the British Finer.
MANAGUA. Nicaragua. Nov. 10. The
NIcaraguan Government raised and for
mally saluted the British flag yesterday
in compliment to the birthday of King
Edward VII.
President Zelaya has purchased from
Germany the special vessel Armlnus,
which will be used as a cruiser.
WebfootHard Wheat Flour
Will give perfect satlsfactfon-
Corpse Received From Indiana la
Not the Body of a Man Whose
Life Jt Had Insured.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. 10, The
corpse sent here from JeffersanYllle, In.?.,
as that of Newell C. Rathbun, of this
city, United States recruiting officer here,
who was reported to have died in a Jef
fersonville Hotel a few days ago, Is not
the body of Rathbun, according to the as
sertion mada today by Samuel M. Powell,
state manager of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, In his statement,
Manager Powell is supported by Dr. C.
clan; B. P. Slsk, who placed one-half of I J
tiie me insurance on ivuwiuun, .uis. j. v..
Watkins, -with whom Ra'thbun boarded up
to the time of his marriage a. short time
ago, and others. Mr. Powell requested the
undertaker to postpone the funeral set for
today until he can place the Information
of his alleged discovery In the possession
Of a detective.
Mr. Powell today said that Rathbun had
voluntarily asked for 52COO insurance, say
ing that he was the United States Army
recruiting officer of this city, and was
soon to be married.
"A few days later he called again at
my office,'1 said Mr. Powell, "but I was
absent and my office man, B. P. Slsk,
wrote him $2000 additional. When I read
In the press the notice of his sudden
death I was astonished. He was too
healthy, according to my mind, to drop
in that way and I thought it might be
a case of suicide and determined to have
an autopsy."
"Where tho Man Died.
JEFFERSONVII.LE, Ind., Nov. 10. Two
men who registered as William Ten Eyck,
of Watertown, N. Y and Newell C Rath
bun put up at tho Falls City Hotel here
last Wednesday. Thursday, the man who
registered aa Rathbun was found dead
In his bed. The Coroner says tho post
mortem examination showed laudanum
enough In the dead man's stomach to have
killed two men. The verdict of the Cor
oner's jury, it was said today, will be
that death wa3 caused by morphine poi
soning. The man who registered as Wil
liam Ten Eyck had left the hotel when,
the dead body was found. A letter was
received Saturday by Deputy Coroner
Coots from Ten Eyck, dated Louisville,
and in Jt he stated that he met Rathbun
in Little Rock and was befriended by
him. Meeting him in Louisville, and
noticing that Rathbun was in distress, he
took him to Jeffcrsonvllle, gave him
clothes, paid his hotel bill and Wednes
day night accompanied him to Louisville
and the two "had a time.'" The supposed
Rathbun was helplessly intoxicated, it is
said, when he returned to the hotel
Wednesday night. Deputy Coots has been
unable to And Ten Eyck.
Pickpocket Stole $4600 From His
Satchel In Florldn.
PENSACOLA, Fla-, Nov. 10. Paymaster
Stevens, of the United States Army, ar
rived from Atlanta Saturday, and before
leaving that city placed In a hand satchel
5200 in silver and 51800 In paper money for
the purpose of paying the several hundred
artillerymen at Fort Barnacas their sal
aries for tho past month. When he
reached the fort he found that all the
paper money had been abstracted. The
police were instructed to watch out for
the treasure. Paymaster Stevens thinks
some professional pickpocket followed him
and relieved him during the trip. He
cannot recall a single incident of the
trip that would lead to anything on. the
robbery, but has an idea the money was
taken before he left Atlanta.
Negro Charged "jVlth the Theft.
ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 10. The Police
Department of this city has placed under
arrest J, H. Alexander, a negro In the
employ of; the United States Government,
charging him with haying stolen 54SCO from
tho valise Qf Major P, C. Stevens, a United
States Paymaster, Friday evening. Major
Stevana states that the money was left In
a valise in the negro's care, to be taken
to the Unlpn depot. In this city, prior to
his departure for Pensacola.
Bold Robbery Within the Limits of
a North Dakota Town.
VALLEY CITY, N. D Nov. 10. While
an omnibus waa on its way to North Val
ley City tonight, it was held up by masked
men. Half of the 17 passengers aboard
were robbed, losing money and other val
uables to. the amount of -about 5100. Law
yer Combs, who was riding with the
driver, jumped from his seat in the dark
ness, ran back to the nearest house and
telephoned for the police. By the time
the officers arrived, however, tho robbers
had escaped with their booty. There is
no clew to their idently. The hold-up
took place within the city limits, and was
a bold piece of work.
May Be Longbangrh's Accomplice.
I st LOUIS, Nov. 10. J. H. 8chumacher,
superintendent of the PInkerton Detectiva
Agency, of Chicago, will leave tomorrow
for Hot Springs, Ark., to Identify the man
giving the name of K. C. daddox, who
Is under arrest In that city and thought
to be an accomplice of Harry Longbaugh,
ths supposed tralnrobber, at the Four
Courts. Chief Desmond today received a
telegram from the Mayor of Hot Springs
apprising him of the arrest of Maddox.
Held Up a Lodctngr-Housc.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. Two masked men
entered a lodging-house at 383 South Clark
street at 9 o'clock this evening, and with
revolvers Intimidated the hotel clerk and
15 guests seated about the ofllce. They
proceeded to empty the cash drawer of
Its contents, about ?10, and then, without
hindrance, made good their escape, leav
ing no clew to their Identity.
Burned an Aged Conplc.
WARSAW, Wis., Nov. 10. The Jury in
the Schwantes murder case today brought
In a verdict of guilty. The convicted man,
a young farmer, was charged with having
set fire to the house of an aged couple
named Klokow, causing their death.
Another Steamer May Be Pnt on Be
tween Astoria and Portland.
ASTORIA, Nov. 10. A movement is un
der way here to organize a company com
posed wholly of Astoria business men to
operate a freight steamer between this
city and Portland. The reason given for
the movement is the excessive freight
rates charged by the transportation lines.
About live months ago an advance In
rates was made and the merchants are
now paying nearly $600 per day on frelsht
from Portland, whereas previous to that
time it cost them but $200 on the same
amount of goods. The promoters of the
enterprie assert that $15,G00 per month is
too great an amount to be paid as freight
on the shipments from Portland to As
toria, and as they can lease and operate
a suitable steamer for not to exceed
$2000 per month, they feel certain that
every shipper of importance will become
a member of the company.
Down From the "West Coast.
VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 10. The steamer
Queen Cly returned front the West Coast
this .morning after a rough trip. She
reports the closing down, of the Thistle
mine. The force of 123 miners has been
-.- r- -- -
: . I
: :
1 ffobdlark Belli Cabinets I
S run irus WfcfcK.
I JzM1''
Our Bath Cabinets are health niaUern. They have
made thousands of nervous, sleepless, bilious, rheu
matic people well and Ktrooff. Yon can break up the
worst cold In six hours with one of them. Thpy will
redncc welsrht from 5 to 20 pounds a month easily and
comfortably. BLV OXE NOW.
l8008000 08eee9800OOD0090eOOOO99099e
paid off and the mine, road and wharf
closed- The machinery and equipment will
be sold.
The sealing schooner 'C. D, Rand, the
last of the fleet, has- reached Ahousett
after a rough trip down from Quatblno,
where she arrived two weeks ago. A
gale carried away her main rigging.
A Boisterous VoyaKe.
TACOMA. Nov. 10. The United btaies
revenue cutter Mannlnpr arrived yesterday
direct from Dutch Harbor. She brought
down the bodies of "Con" and Florence
Sulllvanr who wore murdered June J, The
rnmnlna wU ho shinned tO BUtte. ine
Manning had a hard voyage 'down. She
left Dutch Harbor a week ago last Thurs
day, and encountered one continual round
of boisterous weather, tempestuous seas
and furious gale3. Four gales of unusual
severity were encountered one after an
other, first from the northeast, then the
southwest, southeast and east.
Schooner Launched at Aberdeen.
A-RKRTVEKN Wash.. Nov. 10. The
schooner E. B. Jackson, the last of four
vessels built at LIndstrom's yards this
year. was launched last evening. Shevnn
be loaded for Australia, one cost on.vw.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Nov. 10. Arrived, 10 A. M.
Bark Arago, from San Francisco; at
11:30 A. M., French bark Grand Duchease
Olga, from St. Nazalre; at 3 P. M., Brit
ish ship Travamore, from Penco. Ar
rived down at H:20 Norwegian ship Al
bania. Left up at 7:30 A. M. British
steamer Langbank; at 3 P. M., French
bark Francois Coppee. Sailed at 1 P. M.
Barkentlne Tarn o' Shanter, for San Fran
cisco. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.,
moderate; wind, west; weather, squally.
Tacoma, Nov. 10. Arrived Steamship
Victoria, from China and Japan.
San Francisco, Nov. 10. Sailed Steamer
Maria, for Nanalmo; steamer Horda, for
Manila, via Seattle and Portland; schoon
er Sailor Boy, for Gray's Harbor. Ar
rivedSteamer Queen, from Soattle;
steamer Victoria, from Ladysmlth.
Hoqulam Sailed Nov. 9. Schooner Maid
of Orleans, from Aberdeen, for San Fran
cisco; steamer Coronado, from Aberdeen,
for San Francisco.
St. Johns, N. F., Nov. 10. Arrived
Grecian, from Liverpool, for Halifax,
N. S,
Qucenstown, Nov. 10. Sailed Etrurla,
from Liverpool, for New York.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. Arrived Rhyn
land, from Liverpool; Corean, from Glas
gow and Liverpool.
League Envoya Spoke to a
Audlcneo at Boston.
BOSTON, Nov. 10. Ireland's hopes and
alms were told in dramatic laanguage
to S00O men and women In Mechanics'
Hall today by the Irish envoys, Hon. Jonn
Redmond, Hon. P. A. McHugh and Hon.
Thomas O'Donnell. The gathering was
directed by the United Irish League and
the presiding officer was William Lloyd
Garrison. His addrees was well in keep
ing with the sentiment of the evening. He
said In part:
"The element of justice, nerving the
outraged champions of liberty to heroic
deods, is an ally more potent than ships
and regiments in khaki. The uprisings in
South Africa and the Philippines, both
now extending into years, have baffled
shortsighted statesmen who looked for
their subsidence in a few weeks. Ireland
and South Africa, common victims of
English wrongs, are separated by wide
seas and the barrier of language. Hap
pily, tho sturdy burghers of the Trans
vaal and the Orange Free State are able
to speak with Irish lips In the House of
Commons with uncompromising effect
iveness. It 1s to the honor and glory of
Ireland that in this crisis her representa
tive sons havo stood a9 a bulwark for
Mr. Garrison expressed the hope that the
anti-English demonstrations In this coun
try will be intelligently directed against
the real enemy, the ultocratic and pluto-
You can't expect a half
starved child to prosper.
Neither will half-starved hair
prosper, either. Growth de
mands food. Then feed your
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Hair Vigor, the only genuine
"My hair was felling out rapidly, and
my head va3 nearly bald. I then be
gan the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
less than two bottles stopped my hair
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rapidly. It has done wonders for me."
Ruth Lawson, Detroit, Mich.
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Thin Hair
rts. Special
"WocdkirR" Cabinets, steel
frame; complete with
lamp : ..t... $5 $3,95
Best wood frame, finely fin
ished, complete with
lamp $8 $6.85
"Woodlark" wood frame,
double wal's, absolutely
the best cabinet ever
made $10 $8.65
cratlc, now holding power in England,
and that general recognition will be raade
of that better England, termed pro-Boer
and traitors, typliied by John Morley,
Frederick Harrison, John Burns, Miss
Emily Hobhouse and Dr. Spence Wateon.
Mr. Redmond said he und his eolleagucs
had come to America to proclaim three
things: First, the enmity of the Irish
race; second, to explain the policy of the
United Irish League; third, to ask for
moral and material support from the Irish
race in America, from their descendants
and the American people themsalYoa.
Mr. O'Donnell, In the course of his re-
marg wid fc -fc Ireland today is an IrJsll
I , .'. .. .. , .
Ireland, whose sons respect her past, re
spect and value her products and bar ev
erything that comes from England.
"We are not cowardly enough," said Mr.
O'Donnell, "to make any statement in
this free Republic thnt we would nqt
make in Ireland or In the House of Com
mons. We would be unworthy of free
dom did we counsel the submission to In
tolerable wrongs. We have pot come to
preach any such doctrines. I appeal to
Irish parents in America to do their duty
to cultivate an Irish national sentiment
' and to instruct their children In the his-
tory or our dciovpu country.
Mr. McIIugh spoke on the bright out
look for the Irish people and said they
must follow tha policy of Parnell.
Rev. Arthur J. Teellng. of Lynn, Intro
duced a series of resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted, endorsing the plan
of the United Irish League as outlined by
Mr. Redmond, and promising moral and
financial support to the movement.
Tho guests were escorted to the hall
from the Bellevue Hotel by seven com
panies of the Ninth Regiment, M. N. G.
Not In the Steel-Plate Trust.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 10. Concerning the
report that the firm of Jones & Laughlln
would be a member of the projected nw
35O.Q00.C0O steel combine. B. F. Jones, Jr.,
makes public the announcement that so
far as his concern is concerned there is
absolutely no truth in the report. Mr.
Jones eays his firm had been solicited to
enter the combine, but had not complied,
and would not.
Hood's Sarsaparllla has proved a sure
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The Non-Irritating
Easy to take, easy to operate
Hood's Pills
good digestion; sound sleep; a
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A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head
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Tutt's Liver Pills
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Regulates the menstrual flow, cures leu-
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Safe Deposit butldtn;. Seattle. Wash.