vP If THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1901, I Point View Land Co. Lots 29. S2, block 11, Point View 20 Killlngsworth, William M. Lots 27, 28, block 15, Point View 34 Point View Land Co. Lots 27. 28, block 1G. Point View 32 Point View Land Co. Lots 17, IS, M; block 17. Point View SS Parker. Geo. L. Lots 1 to 4, block 19. Point View 49 Ray. C. D. Lots 1, 2, block 22. Point View 27 Wolf, Fred Lot 7. block 29. Port land 252 75 Kelly. Jas. K. Und. block S3, Portland 119 81 Lewis. Leon H. N. lot 3, block 51. Portland 122 67 Saylor. "Win. S. S. lot 2. block 77, Portland 144 91 Collins. Odlle F. Lot 3, block 84, Portland 138 84 Crowell. C. F.. Helm Lot 4, block 84. Portland 1S3 67 McGinn. Henry E. N. 20 feet of W. 80 feet lot 7, and W. SO feet of lot 8. block 121. Portland 4213 Mlsh, Sarah, Heirs Lot 1, block 122. Portland 44.15 MorriH, Joseph Lots 17 to 24, block 6; lots 14 to 16. block 7: lots 1 to 32, block 11; lots 1 to 16, block 12; lots 1 to 16. block 13; lots 1 to 9, block 16; lots 15 to 2S, block 17; lots 8 to 14. block 23. Portland Park Addi tion to Portland 10 26 Women's Missionary Association of United Brethren Lot 4, block 133, Portland 53 92 Sealey. Amelia C Lots 5, 6, block 148, Portland 100 43 Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Diocese of Oregon W. 75 feet lot 8. block 156. Portland 32 35 Oregon Mfg. Co., Ltd., The E. 40 feet lot 8, block 159. Portland 8 76 Jones, Elizabeth E. W. 55 feet lot 6, S. of W. SSYt feet lot 7. block 165, Portland 42 80 Barnes, E. G. and Seeley. Sumar B. Lots 7. R. block 168, Portland.. 147 61 Wait. Aaron E. Lots 4, 5, block 187, Portland .. ... 99 OS Walt, A. E. Lots 1, 2, block 1S8, Portland 73 13 Waite. A, E. Lots 7. 8. block 188, Portland 78 19 Dwyer, W. P., Heirs Lot 1, block 191. Portland 89 10 Dwyer, W. P.. Heirs Lots 7. 8, block 191, Portland 84 25 Master, Wm Heirs Lots 3, 4, block 193, Portland 8S 97 Rosenthal, Wolf Lot 8. block 197, Portland 44 15 Prosp & Kramer S. 17 feet of E. 6S4 feet lot 3, N. 16 2-3 feet of E. 68 feet lot 2, block 199, Portland. 24 94 Baker, Dorsey S., Heirs Lot 3, block 201, Portland 32 02 Lewis. Leon H. Lot 8, block 211, Portland 670 63 Comstock, Mrs. Martha Lots 5, 6, block 213, Portland 360 26 Turner. Ellen. C Lot 1, block 233, Portland 35 04 Catlin, John Lot 1, except S. 41 feet; lot 2, block 248. Portland.... SO SS Cady. Emma E. E. 90 feet lot 4, block 249, Portland 73 12 Hahn. Gertrude Lot 2, block 254, Portland 84 25 Smith. Henerretta L. Lot 3, block 261, Portland 63 01 Smith, Henerretta L. E. lots 5. 6, block 26L Portland 79 53 Guarantee Land Co. E, 40 feet of W. Vs. lot 7, E. of W. Vz lot 8, block 272. Portland 17 52 Johnson, C. Heirs of S. SO feet lot 4, block 293, Portland 37 07 Hill. Sarah V. Lots 3, 2, block 299. Portland 17 86 Dooly, Richard M., Trustee Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, block 299, Portland 3S 42 Hill, Sarah V. Lots 7, 8, block 299, Portland 20 56 Whltehouse, Benj. G. Lots 3, 4, block 310, Portland . 122 67 White, Emma G. Lots 1, 2, block S20. Portland 82 57 Rlchet. Mary W. lots 5. 6, block 326. Portland 39 43 Go.dsmlth, Bcrthold Block S30, Port land li so Rybke, Rebecca W. lots 5 6, NE. M block X, Portland 39 43 Hulman, Honora W. lots 1. 2. NW. Yt block Y, Portland 17 S6 Trams, H. N. W. lot 5, and S. 30 feet of W. 50 feet lot 6, NW. block Y 18 87 Allen. Alice N. E. lots 7, 8, NW. block Y, Portland 35 72 Cotter, Annetta Park block lot 1, block 6, Portland 196 47 Kaster, Ben LotB 3, 2, block 1, Port land Oity Homestead lis Marquam, Emma Lots 1, 2, block 2, Portland City Homestead lis. Lewis, Leander Lot 4, block 3, Port land City Homestead 67 Marquam, Emma Lot 5, block 4, Portland City Homestead 68 Marsh. Ruth Elizabeth Lot 3. block 6, Portland City Homestead 34 Marsh. Hope Grace Lot 4, block 6, Portland City Homestead 34 Matthews, S. H. Lots 3, 4. block 9, Portland City Homestead 1 18 Unknown Owner Lots 1 to 8, block 10. Portland City Homestead 2 23 Hoover, Jacob Lots 3. 4. block 22. Portland City Homestead 44 Dodd. Chas. H. Lots 3, 4, block 23, Portland City Homestead 20 O'Donnell. Wm. Lots 7. 8, block 24, Portland City Homestead 101 Hodgkin. Frank E. Lots 7, 8. block 26. Portland City Homestead 67 Lynch, Mellnda A. Lots 1, 2, block 27, Portland City Homestead 67 Courtney, J. H. Lot 4, block 27, Portland City Homestead 51 Gee, D. L. Lot 7, block 35, Portland City Homestead 67 Woodward, Tyler Lots 5, 6, block 38, Portland City Homestead 152 Sanford. Metilda Marshall Lots 7, 8. block 42. Portland City Home stead 20 Wills, W. E. Lot 4, block 45. Port land City Homestead 67 Idleman. Cicero M. Lots 6 to 8, block 45, Portland City Homestead 2 02 Woodward, Tyler Lot 7, block 49, Portland City Homestead 1 52 Cunningham. A. G. Lot 1. block 59, Portland City Homes tead 84 Cantwell, M. P. Lot 5, block 60. Portland City Homestead 67 Hall, R. L. Lots 1. 2. block 68. Port land City Homestead 4 04 Aten, Maihias C Lot 2, block 71, Portland City Homestead 24 Bell. F. W. Lot 4. block 78, Port land City Homestead 67 Wicke. W. Lots 7. 8, block S2, Port land City Homestead S 37 Cencl. p. E. lot 1, block 100, Portland City Homestead 1 93 Sheffield. Wm. Lot 4, block 71, Port land City Homestead 85 Pearce. Chas, L. Lots 11, 12, block 5. Portland Highlands 55 United States Fidelity Guarantee Co., The N. 115 feet lot 1. block 1, Portland Homestead 8 20 Mark, Gertrude and Julia E. N. 104 feet of S. 154 feet lot 1. block 3, Portland Homestead 17 36 Schmidt. J. Lot 3, block 3, Portland Homestead: subdivision block, 3, Goodsell's Subdivision; lot 4, block 3. Goodrell's Subdivision 3 71 Everest, M E. 20 feet of W. SO feet subdivision 1 lot H. block 4. Port land Homestead; W. 20 feet of sub division 1 lot G, block 4. Brown's Subdivision 135 Sears. Alfred F., Jr. N. 5 feet of subdivision 3 lot B-2, C. D block 4. Portland Homestead. Living stone & Howe's Subdivision 12 64 Sears, Alfred F., Jr. Subdivision 3 lots O and P, block 4, Livingstone & Howe's Subdivision 3 03 Seigel, Louis E. Subdivision 1 lot E. block 5, Portland Homestead, Sellwood's Subdivision 18 03 Meyer. F. A. W. of R. R.. subdivis ion 3 lots E. F. G. block 5. Portland Homestead, Prince's Subdivision.. 5 39 Gibbs, H. A. Subdivision 4 lots A, B, block 5. Portland Homestead, Cardw ell's Subdivision 9 10 Cardwell, JJ R. Subdivision 4 lots C and fa. W of R. R. lot E. block 5. Portland Homestead, Cardwell's Subdivision 10 2S Wynkoop, Ella L. Subdivision 2 lots A. B. block T Portland Homestead. ? Cardwell's Subdivision 3129 Wynkoop. L. W. N. 70 feet of S. ICO feet of E. 10 feet lot G; N. 70 feet let H. block 7. Portland Home stead. Cardwell's Subdiyision 2 53 .aiainey, aivis j. 0. zz xeei 01 r SSVj feet of N. 57 feet of N. lot 3. block 9. Portland Homes stead.... 135 Phoenix Ins. Co. S. of R. R. lot 4. lock 10, Portland Homestead Seal. C. F. N. 60 feet of 'lot 2. W. 101 60x170 feet lot 2, block 13. Portland Homestead. Sellwood s Subdivision 10 45 Porter, Jeannie Lot 3. block 14, Portland Homestead 20 73 Marlay, J. K.-S. S. of R. R. lot 2, block 15, Portland Homestead.. Mills, A. Subdivision 2 lot 4, block 16. Portland Homestead, Kerri gan's Subdivision Luscomb. Philip. : Sims. May O. 2 86 67 Wallace. Subdivision 2 lot C. block 17. Portland Homestead, Howe's Subdivision 2 20 Myers. Eliza S., and Malarkey. El lenLot 1. block 18. Portland Homestead '. 22 58 Veasey T. H. Lot 2. block 19. Port land Homestead 33 99 Portland University Lots 1 to 15. block t Portsmouth 13 63 Bryant, Herbert Lots 16, 17. block 1. Portsmouth 1 69 Portland University Lots 18 to 20, block 3, Portsmouth 2 86 Portland University Lots 1 to 33, 15 to 20. block 2. Portsmouth 17 36 Fairchild. Martha A. Lot 7. block 3, Portsmouth 84 Portland University Lots 1 to 3, block 5, Portsmouth 2 85 Portland University Lots 8 to 13. 16 to 20. block 5. Portsmouth 10 23 Portland University Lots 1 to 20, block fi. Portsmouth 18 20 Cavanaugh. Andrew, Heirs of Lots 11 to 13, block 7. Portsmouth 2 86 Rhorer, Edwd. Lot 4. block 10, Portsmouth 85 Zoller. C Lot 6. block 13, Ports mouth 83 Noble. Henry R Lot 7, block 17, Portsmouth 84 Bryant. E. S. Lots 4, 5, block 19, Portsmouth 1 69 Rlchet. Mary Lot 14, block 19, Portsmouth 84 Kane. M. A. Lot 18. block 19, Ports mouth 84 Wells, Alice L. Lot 14. block 24, Portsmouth 85 McFarland. E. B. Lot 15. block 24, Portsmouth 85 Stevens, Martha L. Lots 4 to 7, block 32, Portsmouth 3 37 Kenyon, Alunda Lots 17. 18, block 33. Portsmouth 168 Noble. Henry E. E. lot 2. lot 3, block 34, Portsmouth : 118 Sherman, T. C Lots 15, 16, 17, block 36, Portsmouth 162 Alexander, James Lots 1 to 7, block 7, Portsmouth Park 3 71 Alexander, James Lot 4, block 38, Portsmouth Park 34 Portland Guarantee Co. Lots 5 to 30, block 18. Portsmouth Park 2 20 Marley, P. H. Lot 32. block A. Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Winslow. W. J. Lot 33. block A, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Bremen. H. P., et cl. Lot 44. block C Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Gulling. Lizzie A. and J. C Lots 6 to 8, block D. Portsmouth Villa Extended 2 02 Avery, D. W. Lot 14, block D, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Freeman. D. K. Lot 15, block D, Portsmouth Villa Extended 1 01 Lundberg. Aug. Lot 2, block F, Portsmouth Villa Extended .-. 135 Eckerson, Rufus I. Lots 9, 10. block G. Portsmouth Villa Extended .... 8 09 Follett. Calvin Lot 11, block G. Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Follett. Albert H. Lots 51 to 53, block G, Portsmouth Villa Ex tended 2 35 McPherson. John E. SW. U lot 27, block H, Portsmouth Villa Ex tended 34 McPherson, John E. NE. lot 28. block H, Portsmouth Villa Ex tended 34 Follett, M. L. Lot 3, block I, Ports mouth Villa Extended 118 Follett. Calvin Lot 4. block I, Ports mouth Villa Extended 118 Hatch James Lot 4, block K, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Johnson, A. E. Lot 5, block K, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Regan, Katie Lot 20, block K, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Chalmers, Jane Lot 4, block N, Portsmouth Villa Extended 152 Larsen. O. S. Lot 2, block O, Ports mouth Villa Extended 83 Cooper, A. F. Lot 12. block O, Portsmouth Villa Extended 1 69 Halstead, H. Lot 16, block O, Ports mouth Villa Extended 67 Hole. Peter A. Lot 17. block O, Portsmouth Villa Extended 34 McGregor, Murdock Lot 3. block 1, Portsmouth Villa Extended 34 Stratton, C. F. Lot 4, block 1, Portsmouth Villa Extended 34 Warner. T. M. Lots 13 to 16. block 1, Portsmouth Villa Extended 135 Cole, W. G. Lots 9 to 32. block 3, Portsmouth Villa Extended 1 35 McClure. Thos. Lots 13. 14. block 3, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Burns, O. and S. Lots 31, 32, block 3, Portsmouth Villa Extended 85 Foster, J. F. Lots 123. 24. block 4, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Galley. Calvin M. Lots 25 to 28, block 4, Portsmouth Villa Extend ed 135 Campbell. Malcolm. Heirs of Lots 14. 15, 16. block 6, Portsmouth Villa Extended 118 Miller, Chas. Lots 26, 27. block 6. Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Dutcher. Mary A. Lots 5, 6. block 7. Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Dale. Jas. S. Lots 9. 10, block 7, Portsmouth Villa Extended 67 Rathbun, John H. Lots 27. 28. block 7, Portsmouth Villa Extended 85 Johnson, J. P. Lots 39. 20, block 10, Portsmouth. Villa Extended 67 John?on, Anna M. S. 10 feet lot 15, block 32, Portsmouth Villa Ex tended 17 Mead. Eva S. Lot 30. block 32, Portsmouth Villa Extended 34 Dickinson. John H. Lota 1 to 4, block 2, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 1 , 2 19 Larsen. Coren J. Lot 17, block 9, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 3 3 71 Pedersen, Ole Lot 20, block 10, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 3.... 67 Bushong, Emanuel and Clara Lot 5, block 17, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 5 - 51 Childers, Guy A. Lot 6, block 17, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 5 61 Powell, A. E. Lot 6, block 21. Ports mouth Villa Annex No. 5 51 Conway, Wm. P. Lots 6, 7, block 1. Powers' Addition to Portland 19 Frey & Koessell Lots 6 to 9, block 2, Powers' Addition to Portland 37 Powers, Melissa Lots 10 to 14, block 2, Powers' Addition to Portland.... 47 Gilmore & Konkle Lot 16, block 2, Powers' Addition to Portland 10 Pcrclval. M. F. Lots 21 to 23, block 2, Powers' Addition to Portland 36 Andrews, B. F. Lot 24. block 2, Powers' Addition to Portland 19 Fluke. Lola Lot 1, block 4, Pow ers' Addition to Portland 14 Madison. Will Lot 2. block 4, Pow ers' Addition to Portland 10 Ferguson, W. S. Lot 3. block 4, .rowers' Addition to rortiand 10 Lancaster, James Lots 4, 5, block 4, .rowers Addition to Portland Simon, Samuel Lots 6. 7, 8, block 4, Powers' Addition to Portland 28 Estes, Louisa I, Lots 9, 10, 13, block 4, Powers' Addition to Portland... 32 Butler, Otis B. Lot 34, block 4, Pow ers' Addition to Portland . 10 Orden, Harry Van N. S. 40 feet lot 2. lot 3, block 1. Proebstel's Subdi vision 17 86 Logus, Chas., & Lots 5, 6, S. 95.16 feet of W. 2S& feet of lot 7, block 5, Procbstei's Subdivision 7 75 Peacher, W E. W. & lots 5, 6, block 8, Proebstel's Subdivision.... 107 50 Golden, John Lots 7, 8, block 14, Proebtsel s Subdivision 23 59 Cleighorn. Olive M. Lots 9 to 11, block 14, Proebstel's Subdivision.. 18 20 Clelghom, Olive M. Lot 16, block 14, Proebstel's Subdivision 5 05 Curtin, Honora Lot 15. block 16, Proebstel's Subdivision 10 78 Potter. Minnie M. Lot 1, block 3, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 28 Boydston, Jas. Lots 17, IS, block 1, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 37 Furness, N. L. Lots 17, IS, 19, block 2, Prunedale Addition to Portland 28 Hembree. Mrs. L. A. Lot 23. block 2, Prunedale Addition to Portland. 10 Blair, Sarah A. Lot 20. block 3. Prunedale Addition to Portland. 10 Wright J. H. Lots 1, 2. 23 ,24, bftck 4, Prunedale Addition to Portland. 37 Humphrey, H. Lot 4, block 5, Prune dale Aaditlon to Portland 10 Jones, Lillian Durham Lots 9 to 12, block 5, Prunedale Addition to Portland 42 Phelphs, Kate Lots 33 to 36, block 6, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 42 Powell, Thos. H. Lot 19, block 5, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 10 Hohenshilt, T. Lot 2, block 8. Prunedale Addition to Portland... 10 Begon, John Lots 15, 16, block 8, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 19 Niles. Anna M. Lots 19, 20, block S, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 19 Niles, Amanda Lots 21, 22. block 8, Prunedale Addition to Portland... 19 Kilns. Anna M Lots 23. 24. block 8. rrunedaie Addition to .roruanu... sra Materson, John W. Lots 9, 10, biock 9, Prunedale Addition to Portland "19 Van Alstine, Mrs. E. E. Lot 11, block 15. Prunedale Addition to Portland 10 Billlngsly, John T. Lots 19, 20. block 10. Prunedale Addition to Portland 19 Ross, J. Thorburn Lot 5, block 1, Queen Ann Addition , 53 Bly. Ole Lot 1, block 4, Queen Ann Addition 94 Rigney. Josephine Lots 11, 32, block 4 Queen Ann Addition 4 94 Erickson. A. B. Lot 2, block 5, Queen Ann Addition 53 Hein, Emma Lot 3, block 6. Queen Ann Addition 53 Anderson, James Lot 3, fractional lot 4, block 3, Raffety's Addition to East Portland 5 05 The Home Blocks 7, 8, Ravens View 25 27 Normlle. Aggie, Trustee Lota 6 to 9, block 1, Ravenswood 13 32 Hablghorst, Ed H.. Trustee Lot 1, block 2, Ravenswood 2 87 Hawkins, L. L., and Charleston. W. S. Lots A, B, C, block 4, Ravens wood 4 04 Tabor. Richard M. Heirs of Lot 13, block 3, Richmond Addition to East Portland 80 Anson. F. R. Lot 14. block 6. Rich mond Addition to East Portland.. 2 02 Anson, Franklin R. Lot 16, block 6, Richmond Addition to East Port land 2 53 Frazrr. Dora E. W. lot 13. block 8. Richmond Addition to East Portland 2 05 Riqe. I. L. Blocks J. K, L. Rich mond Addition to East Portland.. 13 31 Unknown Owner All that portion of the Riverside and Riverdale tract lying between the Macadam ized road (known also as White House road) and the Willamette , River, and N. of the line between tracts or blocks 2 and 3, except R. R. right of way. Riverdale: 131 Byrne. Michael Lot 29, block 6, Riv erdale ... 19 Fowler, Thos. Lots 24, 25, block 7, Riverdale 3 37 Durham, Richard L. Lots 6, 7, block 8, Riverdale 75 Nilson, Maria M. Lots 1, 2, block 9, Riverdale 37 Smith. W. M. Lots 15, 18. block 9, Riverdale "..... 37 Thompson, Geo. C.-Lots 1, 2, 3, block 1, Rlveralde Addition 3 88 Holbrook, E. C Lots 5, 6, block 2, Riverside Addition 2 36 Johnson, Annie Lot 22, block 5, Riv erside Addition 13S Epplnger. E. R. Lot 35, block 6, Riverside Addition .. 118 Brigham, M. P., et al. Lot 1. block 7. Riverside Addition 152 Holbroflk. E. C Lots 3, 4, block 10, Riverside Addition 2 36 Holbrook, E. C Lots 13 to 18. 23, 24, block 10, Riverside Addition 3146 Holbrook. E. C Lots 6 to 8, 18 to 22. block 13. Riverside Addition.... 9 44 Maher, Frank H. Lots 23. 24, block 13. Riverside Addition 2 70 Maher, Frank H. Lots 6, 7," block 15. Riverside Addition 2 35 Maher, E. A. Lota 8, 9, block 15, Riverside Addition 2 35 Maher. E A. Lots 16, 17, block 35, Riverside Addition 2 36 Maher. Frank H. Lots 18, 19, block 15, Riverside Addition 2 36 Maher. E. A. Lot S, block 16, Riv erside Addition IIS Mitchell, Frank W. and Henry W. Lots 10 to 12, block 16, Riverside Addition 4 72 Mayer. E. A. Lot 17. block 16, Riv erside Addition IIS Fischer. C. H. Lot IS. block 16, Riv erside Addition IIS Alblna Real Estate Assn. Lots 20. 23, block 36. Riverside Addition.... 2 36 Splcer. Wm. E Lot 10, block 13. Rlverview Subdivision 13 48 Rice, Geo. H. Lots 20. 2J, 22. block 1, Rose Wood 45 Kerr, Jas. A. Lots 19, 20, 21. block 2, Rose Wood 40 Hecht, R. Lot 22, block 2, Rose Wood 19 Martin, Mrs. M. A. Lots 16. 17. block 3, Rose Wood 27 Sllverberg, Irving J. Lot IS, block 3 Rose Wood ...i. 14 Wfng. Lewis E. Lot 14, block 8, Rose Wood 10 Wing, Rebecca Lot 15, block 8, Rose Wood 10 Wing, Benjamin Lot 16, block 8, Rose Wood 10 Wing, Slma Lot 17, block 8, Rose Wood 10 Wing, Rose Lot 18. block 8, Rose Wood 06 Stelnmetz, Wm. R. Lot 8, block 1. Rosedale t 133 Washington Bldg., Loan & Invest ment Assn. Lot 11, block 1, Rose dale 3180 Nelson. John Lot 5, block 2, Rose dale 5 57 Blsch, Phllllpa, Heirs of Lots 11, 12. block 3, Rosedale 2 03 Townohend, Mary Lot 13, block 3, Rosedale 101 Blsch, Phllllpa, Heirs of Lot 4, blocks, Rosedale 101 Blsch, Phllllpa. Heirs of Lot 1, block 6. Rosedale 67 Birch. Phllllpa. Heirs of Lot 1, block 6. Rosedale Annex 67 Daniels, Harry, and Chambers, E. A. Lot 9. block 7. Rosedale Annex I 01 Birch, Phllllpa. Heirs of Lot 3, block 8. Rosedale Annex 101 Dillon, Chas. I. Lots S, 9, block 8, Rosedale Annex 2 20 Blsch. Phllllpa, Heirs of Lots 10, 13, 14L block 8, Rosedale Annex 3 21 Cockrell, H. E. Lots 3, 4, block 9, Rosedale Annex 2 02 Goode, Etta Lots 6, 7, block 9, Rose dale Annex 2 20 Marlay. P. H. Lot 5, block 11, Rosedale Annex 101 Caldwell, W. F. Lots 6, 7, block 11, Rosedale Annex 2 20 Sorenoen. Geo. Lot 9. block 1. Rose mont Addition to East Portland... 41 Mt. Tabor Water Co. Lot 3. block 3, Rumsey's Addition to Tabor Heights 63 Detmerlng, A. F. Lots 4 to 7, block 1. Russellville Addition to East Portland 27 Barker, John Lots 8 to 11, block 1,. RusseUville Addition to East Port land 42 Rogers. John Lot 19. block 1. Rus sellville Addition to East Portland 10 Van Duyn. Frank Lot 5, block 3, Russellville Addition to .East Port land 10 McDonald, Fredericka A. Lots 32, 33, block 3, Russellville Addition to East Portland 23 Slaven, Frank M. and G. J. Lots 1, 2, block 6, Russellville Addition toN East Portland 23 Baker, A. A. Lots 21, 22 block 5, Russellville Addition to East Port land 23 Dawlen, E. J. Lots 1. 2, block 1. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 36 Dawlen, E. J. Lota 13, 14, block 3, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East . Portland 29 Currier, Susie Lots 17. 38, block 3, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 80 Thomas, Alex Lots 19 to 22, block 1, Santa Roaa Park Addition to East Portland , 58 Powell, T. C Lots 25, 26. block 1, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 1 29 Johnson, Wm. H., Jr.. Trustee Lots 27. 28. block 1, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 29 Parrish, Annie S. Lots 1, 2, 3, block 2. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 56 Dawlen. E. J. Lots 4 to 7. 14. 15, block 2, Santa Rosa Park Addition to Ea,st Portland 67 Adams, E. R. Lots 16, 17, block 2, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 21 Wagner, K. Lots 18 to 21, block 2, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 46 Caswell, Anna E. Lots 1 to 32, block 3. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 3 40 Carle, Chas. Lots 1 to 8, block 4, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 129 Zeek. Sanford Lots A, B. C, block 4. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 63 Thomas, Alex Lots 14. 15, block 5, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 21 Barnett, George Lots 8, 9, block 6, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland , 21 Green, Adam Lots 10. 11. block 6, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland , 21 Haynes, Kate A. Lot 12, block 6, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Port'and 11 Cody. M. J. Lot 15. block 6, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Port land 31 Thomas, Alex Lots 21 to 24, block 6, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland '. 42 Steiner, John Lots 81, 32, block 6, oama nosa. rare Aauiuon 10 i!asc ,i Portland 25 Carle, Chas. P. Lots 1 to 5. block 7. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 79 Bequette, Chas. M. Lot 6. "block 7, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 15 Dowleh. Walter E. Lot D, block 7, Santa Rosa Park Addition tb East Portland 31 Bernhardt, John A. Lots 1 to 6. 11 to 16. block 9. Santa Rosa Park Ad dition to East Portland 129 Barrett, Joseph M. Lot 17. block 9, santa Kosa rarK Addition to liast Portland 15 Similar. Isaac Lot 20. block 9, San ta Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 11 Bunnell. A. M. and Isaac Lot 24. block P. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland - 31 Wampler. W. D. Lot 25, block 9, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 11 Thomas. Alex Lpts 2 to 5, block 10, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 68 Bowman. J. L. Lot 9. block 10, San ta Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 32 Donnenbaum Selena Lot 10. block 1 10. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 15 Thomas, Alex. Lots 9, 10, block 11, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland ,... 21 Slchel & Mayer Lots 16. 16. block 11, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 23 Buick. Kate Lots 30, 31; 32, block 11, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 36 Newell. Bridget Lots 1 to 32, block 12, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 340 Crawford. E. G. Lot 9. block 13, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 15 Hogan. H. Lot H. block 13, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Port land 42 Newell. Bridget Lots 3 to 14. block 14. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 125 Sweet Alex Lots 15, 16, block, 14. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland .. 23 Durnett, Clem Ldt3 23, 24, block 14. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 21 Thomas, Alex Lots 25 to 30, block 14, Santa Rosa Park Addition to " East Portland 63 Halleck, W. C Lots 31. 32, block 14. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 25 Brady, Geo. Lots 1. 2, block 15, Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 21 Hosley, Esalas and Wm. H. Lot 13. block 15. Santa Rosa Park Ad dition to East Portland 11 Kelly, M. A. Lots 19, 20. block 15. Santa Rosa Park Addition to East Portland 21 Dunne, Nellie T. Lots 3, 4. block 1, Saratoga 118 Mbtschman, Emll Lots 8, 9, block 1, Saratoga 118 Gordon, Henry G. C Lots 6. 7, 8, block 2, Saratoga 2 03 Northrup. Frank O. Lot 5, block 3, Saratoga. 85 Yerxa. R. I. Lots 2 to 5, block 6, Saratoga 2 70 Schmeer. William Lot 2, block 2, Schmeer's Addition to Portland.... 2 87 Schmeer, William Lot 3. block 3, Schmeer's Addition to Portland 2 87 Schmeer. William Lot 3, block 5, Schmeer's Addition to Portland.... 3 37 Schmeer. William Lot 6. block 5, aenmeers Addition to Portland 287 SS Fitzgerald J. T. Lot 8, block 4, Scof- nn's Addition Warner. Chas. E. Lot 12, block 3, Second Electric Addition to East Portland 143 Warner, F. Lot 7 (except 32 feet off W. side for alley), block 2, Second Electric Addition to Portland 1 75 Warner, Chas. E. Lots 13 to IS (ex cept 32 feet off W. side for alley), block 2, Second Electric Addition to East Portland 8 23 Warner, F. Lot 21 (except 32 feet off W. side for alley), block 2, Sec ond Electric Addition to Portland.. 1 27 Haydeo. Florence Lot 6, block 6, Sellwood 14 Plttock, Henry L. Lots 7, 8, block 14. Sellwood 2 06 Goodin, F. C Lot 1. block 24, Sell wood 112 Bowlby, J. Q. A. Lot 8. block 25, Sellwood 94 Allen, A. W. Lot 5, block 26, Sell wood 94 Davles, Alfred and H. G. Lot 1, block 30. Sellwood 129 Acock. Bishop Lot 5, block 33, Sell wood 131 Acock, Mrs. Anna Lot 6, block 33, Sellwood Ill Acock, Mrs. Anna Lot 17, block 33, Sellwood 17 Acock, Bishop Lot 18, block 33, Sell wood 17 Sepherd, Jane, Heirs Lots 3, 4, block 35, Sellwood 2 56 Hussey, Chas. Lot 8, block 35, Sell wood 129 Koepeke, Louis and Emma Lot 9, block 36, Sellwood 4 48 Marlay, P. H. Lot 12, block 36, Sell wood 129 Bernstein, Anna W. lot 16, block 36, Sellwood 67 Gill, John Lot 10. block 39, Sellwood 1 29 Wood, Harvey Lot 6, block 42, Sell wood 1, 94 Martin. Solomon Lot 10. block 42. Sellwood 2 86 Martin, Edna S. Lot 31, block 42, Sellwood Ill Herbers, Susan Lots 10, 11, block 48, Sellwood 14 62 Leamon, R. Lot 9, block 50, Sell wood 3 64 Hawthorne. Rachel L. Lot 2, block 60, Sellwood Ill Perrot. John Lot 33, block 62, Sell wood 131 Sellwood, Joseph A. Lot 16, block 64, Sellwood ,... 94 Schultze, Paul Lot 9, block 65, Sell wood 131 Johnson, Hanna Andcrberg Lot 4, block 67, Sellwood 129 Morltz, Jacob Lots 16, 17, block 65, Sellwood 2 22 Hughes, C. F. Lot 7, block 75, Sell wood 131 Claggett. Thos W. Lots 30, 31. block 78, Sellwood 2 39 Ane, Thos. E. lots 12, 13, block 78, Sellwood 4 31 Stratton, Howard C. Trustee Lot 10. block 80, Sellwood 1 31 Hutchlngs. Mrs. Minnie Lot 4. block 87, Sellwood 131 Sorensen, C E. lots 3. 4. block 88, Sellwood 129 LeVlnson, Hugo A. Lot 10, block 91. Sellwood 129 Watson, J. Frank, Trustee Lot 16, block 9L Sellwocd. 67 Plttock, H. L. Lots 1, 2. block 95, ueuwood 11 The Co-operative Investment Co. Lots 6, 7, block 98, Sellwood 129 Wilson, Annie Lot 8, block 98, Sell wood s. 4 72 Associated Banking & Trust Co., The Lot 18, block 98, Sellwood 78 Kunes, Mary Lot 2, block 99, Bell wood 61 McCully. J. A. Lot 7, block 102, Sellwood 61 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 103. Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 103, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 103, Sellwood 24 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 103, Sellwood 24 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 104. Sellwood 13 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 104, Sellwood IS Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 104, Sellwood 13 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 104, Sellwood 18 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 105, Sellwood 11 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 105, Sellwood 11 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 105, Sellwood 11 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 103. Sellwood 14 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 106, Sellwood 13 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2. block 106, Sellwood 13 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 106, Sellwood 10 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 106, Sellwood 30 Plttock. Henrv L. Fractional lots 3. 2, 3, 4. block 107, Sellwood 67 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 308, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 108, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 108, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 108. Sellwood 21 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 109, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 109. Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 109, Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 109, Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 110. Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block 110, Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 110, Sellwood 07 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 310. Sellwood 20 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 1, block 111, Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 2, block HI, Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 3, block 111, Sellwood 17 Unknown Owner Fractional lot 4, block 313. Sellwood 20 Plttock. Henry L. Fractional lot 2. block 312, Sellwood Plttock, Henry L. Fractional lot 3, block 332, Sellwood Plttock, Henry L. Fractional lot 4, block 112, Sellwood r 33 Barrett, James Lot 2, block 2. Seventh Street Terraces 10 78 Franseen, Amelia M. Lot 6, block 2 Seventh Street Terraces 185 The Alliance Trust Co., Ltd.. of Dundee, Scotland Lot 8, block 4, Seventh Street Terraces 13 48 Laldlaw. W. A. Lot 8, block 5, Seventh Street Terraces 51 Geiger, Alice E. Lot 9, block 7, Seventh Street Terraces 3 03 Unknown Owner Lot 2, block 8, Seventh Street Terraces 2 53 Rlggen, Sylvester B. Lots 6, 7, block 9 Seventh Street Terraces 6 07 Goldsmith, Louis J. Lots 11, 12, fractional lots 13, 14, block 10, Seventh Street Terraces 13 48 Carver, Eva Louise Sherlock's Ad dition to Portland. All that por tion of lots 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, de scribed as follows: Commence at a point on the west side line of Nineteenth street 31.52 feet N. of the end side line of Wilson street: thence N. on the west side line of Nineteenth street 82.45 feet to the S. line of Sherlock avenue; thence northwesterly on S. line on Sher lock avenue 78.14 feet to the N. line of what was known as the Doscher property; thence south westerly on the Doscher line to a point on the E. side line of Wat son street 110.06 feet N. of the N. side line of Wilson street; thence on E. side line of Watson street 71.36 feet to the division line of Blacklstone claim; thence easter ly on side division line 200 feet to place of beginning. Also,. 30 feet of Watson street W. of and adjoin ing the above 30 50 Carver, Eva Louise All that por tion of lots 1. 2, 4. described as fol lows: Commence at a point f W. line of Watson street 41 feet N. -of N. line of Wilson street; thence W. on the division line of the Blacklstone claim 104 feet to a. point; thence northeasterly on the N. line of the Doscher property to a point on the W. line of Watson street 86.11 feet N of the N. line of Wilson street; thence S. on the W. line of Watson street 45.11. feet to place of beginning. Also. SO feet of Watson street E, of and adjoining the above 18 87 Ladd. Wm. M. Lots 2, 3. block p, Sherlock's Addition to Portland, S. of division line of Blacklstone claim 8 43 Sechtem, Louis, Heirs of Und. ; Logus, Chas., und. Fractional block 31, Sherlock's Addition to Portland 39 77 Sechtem, Louis, Heirs of Und. l Logus, Ohas., und. 4 Lots 34 to 33. block 37, Sherlock's Addition to Portland .' 72 62 Wright. A. W. Lot 19. biock A, Smith's Addition to Portland, sub division of lots 2. 6. 7. 9. block D.. 51 Bohlander. Wm. W. lot 5, block 7, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 4 21 Marlay, P. H. Lot 10, block 7, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 2 53 Murphy, Wm. Lot 1, block 12, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to -East Portland 2 53 Kelly, J. B. Lot 4, block 13, Smith's Subdivision and Addition to East Portland 2 63 Burwell. D. N. Lot 14. block 2, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland 51 Whiting, R. A. Lot 15, block 2, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland .- 51 Flurey, Joseph Lot 26, block 2. Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland 61 Herverk. Jno. Lot 36, block 2, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland 51 Tucker, G. D Lots 13. 16. block 3, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to Est Portland 3 03 Baker-Boyer National Bank. und. t Smith, S. W.. und. -Lots 26. 27. block 3. Smtthson Land Co.'s Ad dition to East Portland 101 Nelson, Maria M. Lots 26. 27, block 5, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland 135 Evans, F. A. Lots 41, 42. 43, block 5, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Portland 183 Hambothem. Wm. and Mary J. Lots "46. 47. 4S. block 5, Smlthson Land Co.'s Addition to East Port land 5 90 Watson, J. Frank Und. 1-3 lot 4, block 1. Southern Portland 03 Wittenberg, Herman-Und, 1-3 of N. 2-3 lot 8, all lots 10. 12. il. 16, 18, block'4, Southern Portland 4 89 Wittenberg. Herman Und. 1-3 lots 8, 10, 12. 14. 16, block 5, Southern Portland 4 21 Real & Personal Estate Co. Except 26 feet right of way, und. 1-3 of lots 1, 3, block 6, Southern Port land 67 Wittenberg. Herman Und. 1-3 lot 4, block 6 Southern Portland S4 Miller. Fred S.-Lot 1, block 14. Southern Portland 2 86 Newcastle, J. H. Lot 5, block 14, Southern Portland 2 53 WTatson, W. E. E. 34 feet lot 9, block 14, Southern Portland 2 02 Wittenberg, Herman Undivided 1-3 lot 15, block 15, Southern Portland.. M Curry, Kate Lot 19. block 15, South ern Portland 2 S6 Marlay. P H. Lot 20, block 16, Southern Portland 2 86 Wittenberg. Herman Undivided 1-3 lots 11, 13, 15, 17, 27, 28, block 17, Southern Portland 169 Johnstone, Jas. 8. Lots 14, 16, 13, block 18, Southern Portland 2 85 Northern Counties Investment Trust Ltd., The Lots 20, 22, 24, block 18. Southern Portland 7 41 Wittenberg, Herman Undivided 1-3 lots 21, 23, 25, 26, block IS. South ern Portland 3 37 Northern Counties Investment Trust Co., Ltd., The Lots 27. 28, block IS. Southern Portland B 29 Wittenberg, Herman Undivided 1-3 lots 20, 22, block 19. Southern Port land 152 Beldlng, Lizzie and Cora N. Lot 24, block 19, Southern Portland.... 2 53 Miller, Fred S. Lots 31, 13, block 22, Southern Portland 12 64 Mackay, Margaret Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 25, Southern Portland 2123 Sloper, Caroline E. Lots 3, 4, block 26 B, Southern Portland 169 Russell, C. M., Trustee Subdivision of lot 4, undivided lots 1 to 6. block 27 A, Southern Portland 3 90 Duffy M. J. Subdivision of lot 4, lot 1, block 27 B, Southern Portland.. 2 02 Russell, C. M., Trustee Subdivision of lot 2, undivided lot 6, block 27 B, Southern Portland 1 26 Jenkins & Stevens Subdivision of S. of lots 1. 2, block SO; lot 7, block 0 A, Southern Portland 34 Pllklngton, Jno. B., & Wright, A. W. Subdivision of lot 1, N. block 33; lot 8, block 33, Southern Portland 34 Burt, J. M. Lots 9. 10, block 33, Southern Portland 34 Pllklngton, Jno. B. & Wright, A. W. Lots 32, 13, block 33, Southern Portland . 61 Bronaugh, Earl C Lots 1 to 23, block 34 G, Southern Portland .... 3 S3 Russell, C. M.. Trustee Subdivision of lot 2, undivided lot 6, block 35 A, Southern Portland 3S Logan, W. W Subdivision of lot 2, lot 9, block 35 A, Southern Port land 34 Russell, C. M., Trustee Subdivision of lot 2, lots 32, 33, 14, block 35 A, Southern Portland 1 35 Hays.. v G. M. and M. A. Subdl vision S. lot 1. lot 1. block 35 B. Southern Portland Russell, C. M., Trustee Subdivision S. undivided lot 1, lots 3, 6, block 35 B, Southern Portland Hurdt. Henry Lot 5. block 5. South 34 24 west Sunnyslde 9 10 Oregon Barrel Co. Lots 1 to 8, block 1, St. Johns 2 22 Oregon Barrel Co. Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 2, St. Johns 4 66 Oregon Barrel Co. River lots 1 to 8. St. Johns 14 21 Johnson, Chas. Lot 7, block 1, Stan ley 09 Unknown Owner Lot 11, block 1, Stanley 09 Brewer. Charlotte Lot 46. block 1, Stanley 09 Broskp. Tn.iirfl Jnt 49. hlnnlr 1 Stanley 09 unknown Owner Lot IS, block 2, Stanley 10 Telfer-Stearns R. E. Co. Lot 24, block 2, Stanley 10 Unknown Owner Lot 33, block 2. Stanley 09 Kerr. Jao. R. Lot 19. block 3 Stan ley 09 Dennis. Benj. F. Lot 33, block 4, Stanley No. 2 09 Schuck, F. Lot 38, block 4, Stanley No. 2 03 Smith. Jno. H. Lots 33, 12, block 5, Stanley No. 2 39 Higglns Lot 1, block 6. Stanley No. 2 14 Haseltlne Lot 2, block 6, Stanley No. 2 1 03 Higglns Lots 37, 38, block 6, Stan ley No. 2 33 Rondema, T. Lots 2. 3, block i Stanley No 2 19 Paquet. Louis Lot 5 and S. 5 feet lot 6, block 46, Stephens' Addition to East Portland 5 35 Oxer, Reglna J. Lots 3, 4. block 55, Stephens' Addition to East Port land 3100 Tlhbetts, Horace R. S. of RR. lot 7. block 6S, Stephens Addition to East Portland 1 01 Rlchet, Mary Lot 7, block 83, Stephens' Addition to East Port 'Iand 6 74 Stafford, Nathan D. Lot 7, block 78, Stephens' Addition 2157 Portland Lumber & Mfg. Co. S. of RR. lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. block 91. Stephens' Addition to Eist Port land 1146 Anderson. Carl Lots 9, 10 block 110, Stephens ' Addition to East Port land 1146 Rosenthal, Caroline Lot 1. block 127, Stephens' Addition to East Port land 3163 Stemmer. Solomon Lots 3, 4 block 12S. Stenhens Addition to East Portland 12 47 Connor. L. Lot 2, block 4. Stewart Park 42 Bush. Daniel B. Lots 1 to 8. block 5. Story's Addition to East Port land 55 94 Delano Hnrvey H. Lots 1, 2, block A. Strawberry Dale 2 29 Delano. Harvev H. Lots 1, 2, block B. Strawberry Dale 2 29 Delano, Hnrvey H.; Dedman. Geo. R. Lots 3 to 11, block 1. Straw berry Dale 10 28 Delano, Harvey H.: Dpdman Geo. R. Lots 2 to 8, block 2. Straw berry Dale 7 99 Delano, Harvey H. Lots 9 to 12, block 2, Strawberry Dale 4 80 Delano. Harvey H.. and Dedman, Geo. R. Lot 10, block 9, Straw berry Dale , 114 Delano Harvey H. and Dedman, Geo. R. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 8, 9. 10, block 10. Strawberry Dale 31 65 Burden, J. A. Lots 7. 8. block 33, Sullivan's Addition to East Port land , 6 40 Anstey. J. B. Lots 6. 7. block 1, Summit Annex 75 Ross C. O. Lot 4. block 3. Summit Annex 29 Happersett. Geo. R., Heirs of Lot 7, block 3. Satnmlt Annex 29 Lyons. E. Lots 3, 4, block 4, Sum mit Annex 75 Johnson. C, and Stanton, R. Lot 5, b'.cck 4. Summit Annex 37 Costell, A. S. Lots 9, 10, block 4, Summit Annex 84 Penderson, A. Lots 1. 2, block 6, Summit Annex. 32 Hughes, Joseph A. P.. Heirs of Lots 5, 6. 7, block 2, Sunnyslde 7 OS Allen. Edgar N. 50 feet of S. 100 feet of E. 100 feet, block 6. Sunnyslde.. 2 20 Main. Chas. Lots 13 to IS. block 31. Sunnyslde 15 84 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co. N. 100 feet of W. 100 feet, block 12. Sunnyslde 8 43 Sunnyslde Land &. Improvement Co. Lots 8. 9, block.15, Sunnyslde.... 4 04 Sigei, S. S. Lot 36. block 35. Sunny side 2 20 RunnvsliTp Tvinrt Xr. Tmnrnvprnnnt CV Lots 33. 14, block 21. Sunnyslde.. 4 05 Hanna, Jas. E. W. .1-3 lots 17. 18, block 21, Sunnyslde 1 69 Thompson, Jay Lot 3, block 23, Sun nyslde 2 53 Allen, Edgar Lot 31. block 23, Sun nyslde 2 86 Snyder, Chas. S. N. lot 17. all 18. block 23, Sunnyslde 21 40 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co. Lots 2 to 4, block 4, Sunnyslde.. 7 69 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co. E. lots 4. 5. 6, all 7, 10. 11. block 25. Sunnyslde 9 60 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co. S. i lots 2. 3, block 26, Sunnyslde 2 53 Ashley. M. A. M. Lot 13. block 2S. Sunnyslde 2 86 Cornet:. F. C, und. . Emery, Lillle May. und. fc N. 25 feet lot 15, block 29 Sunnyslde 2 02 Mcrary, Lawrence A. N. 11 feet of lot 17, all 18. block 29. Sunnyslde.. 3 37 Sunnyslde Land & Imp. Co. Lot 15, block 39, Sunnyslde 2 53 Allen. Ella M. N. 100 feet lot 2, block 45, Sunnyslde 7 92 Whitlock. Wm. N. 100 feet lot 4, llnrlr 45 Riinnvs!Hf 2 02 Carson. Mnnletta A. Lots 16. 17. 18, block 52. Sunnyslde 5 90 Waerner, C. E. Lots 1, 2, block 5, Sunnyslde Addition 4 21 Dundee. Christopner Lot 8, block 14, Sunnyslde Addition 2 08 Bratton, W. P.; 'Boiling, Randolph, Heirs of Lot 1, block 16. Sunny slde Addition 2 53 Cummins. Anna Lot 4. block IS. Sunnyslde Addition 3 34" juatnews. Edmond Lots l, z, a, , block 3, Sunrise Park, Mount Ta bor S4 Marlay. P. H. Lots 5 to 8, block 3, Sunrise Pa'rk, Mount Tabor 75 Macnusson. Andrew Lots 9 to 12. block 3, Sunrise Park. Mount Ta bor 2 06 Fallows. Alfred Lots 22. 23, block 3. Sunrise Prk, Mount Tabor 37 Fallows, Joseph Lots 24 to 28. block 3, Sunrise Park, Mount Tabor 94 Marlay, P. H. Lots 9. 10 and 24, block 4. Sunrise Park, Mount Ta bor , 56 Wagner. Peter, and Crone, N. B. Lot 25, block 4, Sunrise Park, Mount Tabor 19 Marlay, P. H. Lot 26, block 4, Sun rise Park. Mount Tabor 19 Montelth, A. and Clara D. Lot 1, block 2. Sunset Park 80 Iken Ella Lots 5, 6, block 2, Sunset Park 1S7 Clinton, Richard Lots 7, 8, 9. 10, block 6, Sunset Park Addition No. 2 to East Portland 174 Portland Land. Irrigation, Lumber & Fuel Co (The) Und. lots 11, 12. block 6. Sunset Park Addition No. 2 to East Portland 45 Burford, T. J. Lots 5. 6. block 8, Sunset Park Addition No. 2 to East Portland 107 May Cenora E. Lots 1, 2, 19, 20, block 10. Sunset Park Addition No. 2 to Ea3t Portland 187 Keeney, E. J. Lot 1, block 1, Sus sex. Addition fca East Portland 67 Rodney, Lydla, . arid Clementina, Vz Lots 1 to 3, block 3. Susc-ex Ad- dition to East Portl-.nd 2 67 Rodney, Lydla, . and Clementina, Lot 1. block 5. Sussex Addition to East Portland 67 Carter. W. J. Lot 32, block 3. Sus sex Addition to East Portland.... 14 Johnson, C. W. Lots 13, 14, block 3, Syndicate Addition to East Port land 32 Johnson, C. W Lots 1 to 14. block 4, Syndicate Addition to East Port land 194 Johnson. C. W. Lots 1 to 8, block 5, Syndicate Addition to East Port land 110 Carter, W. J. Lots 7 to 10. block 10. Syndicate Addition to East Port land 37 Clinton, Richard Lots 9, 10, block 1. Tobasco Addition to East Port land 5 24 Klleber, Henry Lot 13, block 1, To basco Addition to East Portland. 4S Clinton. Richard Lot 20. block 1, Tobasco Addition to Est Portland 48 Arata, S. A. Lots 34, 35. block 2, Tobasco Addition to East Port land 7 29 Clinton. Richard Lots 1. 2, block 3, Tobasco Addition to East Portland 1 11 Martin, Jerry Lot 16. block 3, To basco Addition to East Portland.. 2 07 Flnley, J. P., and Fogel, Anna and Isaac Lots 31 to 36, block 3, To basco Addition to East Portland... 3 01 Clinton Richard Lots 5, 8. IS, 19, 20, 21, black 4. Tobasco Addition to East Portland 3 17 Blalock, N. G. Lots 26, 27, block 4. Tobasco Addition to East Portland 95 Clinton. Richard Lots 28, 23, 30. block 4, Tobasco Addition to East Portland 143 Sohler. Anton Lot 36, block 4, To basco Addition to East Portland.. 63 Clinton, Richard Lots 7, 9. 10, block 6, Tobasco Addition to East Port land 143 Star Brewing Co. Lot 11, block 5, Tobasco Addition to East Port land 43 Gerllnger, Louis Lot 12, block 5, Tobasco Addition to East Portland 48 Clinton. Richard Lots 13 to 18, block 5, Tobasco Addition to East Port land 3 01 Edler, Catherine Lots 25. 26, block 6, Tobasco Addition to East Port land 95 Clinton, Richard Lots 29, 30. 31. block 5, Tobasco Addition to East Portland 143 Clinton, Richard Lots 1 to 5. 15 to 18, block 6. Tobasco Addition to East Portland 213 Wentworth, Femella A. E. lot 10, block N, Tabor Heights 7 21 Lamberson, B. Und. & lot 2 B, block T, Tabor Heights 1 92 Lamberson, B. Und. fi lot 1, block U. Tabor Heights 67 Lamberson, B. Und. lot 5, block V. Tabor Heights 160 Limberson, B. Und. of E. 159.29 feet S. of Broughton avenue, block Y. Tabor Heights 41 Lamberson. B. Und. of E. fc S. of Broughton avenue, and all W. block Z 2 94 Armstrong. Kate A. Lots 11 to 16, block 2. Tabor View 1 53 Armstrong. Kate A. Lots 6 to 9, block 3, Tabor View , 89 Cain. Thos. E. Lot 4. block 4. Ta- borslde 67 Clinton. Richard Lot 3. block 6, Ta- boreide 67 Hart. Mary G. Lots 13r 16, block 6, Taborslde 2 51 Bowman, B. H.. Trustee Lots 1 to 5, block 7, Taborslde 4 80 McCoy E. A. Lots 1 to 10, block 8, Taborslde 6 66 Telfer & Stearns R. E. Co. Lots 1, 2. block 10. Taborslde 2 06 McCoy. E. A. Lots 10 to 13. block 10. Taborslde 2 54 Gansmeder. Jacob Lot 14, block 10, Taborslde 79 McCoy, E. A. Lots 1 to 7. A, block 11 Taborslde 7 55 McCoy. E. A Lot 1, block 12, Ta borslde 91 Monroe & Bowman Lots 2, 3, block 12, Taborslde ,. 1 S3 McCoy. E. A. Lots 4 to 10. block 12. Taborslde 6 40 Monroe & Bowman Lot 11, W. 30 feet lot 12. block 12. Taborslde 1 CO McCoy. E. A -Lots 5 to 32. block 14. Taborslde 5 24 Elwell. P. M. Lot 21. block 14. Ta borslde. 63 Bowman. B. H. Lots 1. 2, block 15, Taborslde 143 Monroe, Ira Lot 3, block 16, Tabor- " side 63 Turner, J. L. Lot 10, block 16. Ta borslae 63 Lawyer. Eliza J Lots 11. 12. block 16. Taborslde 127 McCoy. E. A. Lots 15 to 24, block 17. Taborslde 6 CO MrCoy. E. A. Lots 13 to 21. block 18. Taborslde 7 77 Bowman B. H. Lots 3. 4, block 19. Tiborside 1 S3 Bowman. B. H.. Trustee Lots 9. 10. block 19. TnborIde 183 Bowman. B. H . Trustee Lots 13 to 22, block 19, Taborslde 6 31 Pershln, Geo. S. Lots 33 to 24, block 3, Terminus Addition 14 S3 Thompson, Geo. C Lot 1, block 6, Terminus Addition 152 Dixon, J. H. Lot 10, block 0, Ter minus Addition 1 IS Thompson, Geo. C Lot 13, block 6. Terminus Addition 152 Emrich, A. K. Lots 5, 6, block 7, Terminus Addition 2 35 Leonard, Catherine Lot 12, block 7, Terminus Addition 152 Rosenthal Bros. Lot 3, block 2, Third Electric Addition 56 Hunt, Robt. L. E 12S feet cf lot 1, block 3; E. 32S feet, W. 9Stf feotfof S. 60 feet, lot 2, block 3, Third Electric Addditlon Johnstone, Loyalla W. lots 4, 5, block 3. Third Electric Addition .. Morse. Amelia E. E. lots 4. 5, block 3. Third Electric Addition .. Pearson. W R. Lot 2. block 4. Third Electric Addition Horning, W.' G. Lot 3. block 4, Third Electric Addition Sllpp, Jas. L. Lots 1. 2. block 1. Tibbetts' Addition to East Port land Smith. M. J. Lot 1. block 37, Tib betts' Addition to East Portland .. Heenan. Mrs. L. Lot 2. block 49, Tibbotts' Addition to East Port land Bain, C. H. Lofs 1. 2. block 53, Tib betts' Addition to East Portland.. Forbes, F. C N. 50 feet of E block W, Tibbetts' Addition to East Portland Harris, Edwin F. Lot 23. block C. Tibbetts Addition to East Port land Williams, L. J. Lot 1. block 13 (fractional). Tolman Tract Walker, J. S. Lots 1. 2. block 14, Tolman Trac Simpson, Grover B. Lots 3, 6, 7, block 15, Tolman Tract a Kccht. N. I. Lot 24, block 4. Town send's Addition to South Portland Union Savings & Loan Assn. Lots 11. 12. block 37. Tremont Long. Daniel Lot 8. block 3S, Tre mont Thompson. Joseph H. Lotr5. block 3fl Trtmnnt 84 65 65 56 66 8 76 742 9 10 7 41 4 01 3 03 34 34 2 20 21 435 21 21 21 53 53 41 42 21 53 53 95 21 42 53 30 30 106 42 21 21 63 21 42 21 53 36 36 85 21 21 42 21 64 21 21 42 21 21 33 21 32 S5 21 21 21 21 42 21 32 21 21 95 S3 53 42 73 74 42 127 42 21 32 53 32 21 42 21 21 39. Tremont Melllen, Wri. mont -Lot 16, block 40, Tre- Kern. Albert E. Lotsf29, 30, block 40. Tremont ... Hammer, Anna C. Lots 1, 2. block 41, Tremont Mackenzie, James Lots 17 IS. block 41. Tremont Hunt. T. J. Lots 22. 23. block 40. Tremont Coleman. H. P. Lot 12. block 5. Tremont Park Helser. Anna Lots 16. 17. block 5. Tremont Park .: Philbaum. Edward M. Lots- 16, 17, block 6, Tremont Park Fletcher. M. V. Lots 1 to 4, block 7, Tremont Park ... Finch, B. Lot lo. block 7, Tremont Park Cllne. Edward D. Lots 27, 28, block 7. Tremont Park Sherman. Chas. C Lots 29. 30, block 7, Tremont Rark Smith. Mary E. Lots 5, 6. block 19. Tremont Park Robens, Geo. H. Lots 7. 8. block 19, TremontiPark Potter, Etta H. Lot's 20 to 24. b'ock 2i. xremont. rarK Bond. Emma Lots C, 7, block 3, Tre mont Place Bushnell, G. C Lot 8, block 3, Tremoni Place Francis, C Lot 13, block 3. Tre mont Place Building, Loan & Savings Bank Lots 1, 2. block 4. Tremont Place.. Christy. C. L. Lot 21. block 4. Tre mont Place Bond, Emma Lots 23. 24. block 4, Tremont Place Laurltsel. C Lot 19, block 6, Tre mont Place Pfelffer, Catherine L. Lots 14, 15, block 7, Tremont Place Olds. W. H. Lots ,12. 13. block 8, Tremont Place '. Wells, R. L. Lots 14, 15, block 8. Tremont Place Wills. Frank A. an'd M. Grace Lots 21 to 24, block 9, Trempnt Place .. Williams, Thos. Lot 9, block 31, Tremont Place Maxwell. W. W. Lot 21. block 33, Tremont Place Wills. Frank A. and M. Grace Lots 22, 23, block 33. Tremont Place .... Meeds, Mrs. D. G. Lot 3, block 14, Tremont Place v Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lots 10. 11, 12, block N, Tremont Place.. Harned, Wm. M. Lot 2, block 15, Tremont Place Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot 4. block 25. Tremont Place Nilson, Nick Lots 32. 33, block 16, iremoni .riace Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot 24, block 16. Tremopt Place Shortle, Abraham G. Lot 26, block 16, Tremont Place Johnson, Nels A. Lots 1, 2, block 17, Tremont Place Buelow, Gustave Lot 3, block 17, Tremont Place .. Kugel; W. C Lot 10. block 17, Tre mont Place Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lots 14 to 17, block 17, Tremont Place .. Bartel, Wm. Lot 7, block 21, Tre mont Place Biggs. Edw'd D. Lot 8. block 21. Tremont Place Allen. David-Lot 11. blfick 21. Tre mont Place He.dln. Chas. Lot 3; block 22, Tre mont Place .v" ... Nesbltt. Joseph Lots 12, 13, block 23, Tremont Place Boyd, Henry C Lot 23. block 23. Tremont Plaee Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot 30, block 23, Tremont Place Drlscoll, T. 3. Lot 4, block 24. Tre mont Place Gould. Frank B. Lot 9. block 24, Tremont Place Matheson, Amanda Lots 25. 26, 29. 30, block 24, Tremont Place Frafzler, Chas. A. Lots 21 to 24. block 26, Tremont Place Schempp. F. X. Lots 1, 2, block 27, Tremont Place Isham. Geo. M. Lots 4. 5, block 27, Tremont Place : Easton. F. S. Lots 14 to 17, block 27, Tremont Place Artrlght, Hannah Lots 3, 2, 3, block 28, Tremont Place ...,.v.... Flllzer, A. L. Lots 4, 5. block 28, Tremont Place Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lots 4 to 9, block 29, Tremont Place.... Boyd, Henry C Lots 27. 2S, block 30, Tremont Place Cobb, Lyma-n, Jr. Lot 29, block 30, Tremont Place .... Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot 30. block 30 Tremont Place T... Schempp, F. X. Lots 14. 15, block 31. Tremont Place Cobb, Cornelius S: Lot 16, block 31, Tremont Place w King, William Lot 21, block 31. Tre mont Place Matthew, Minnie Lots 9. 10, block 33, Tremont Place JefferaI. M. Lot 20, block 33. Tre mont Place Lipscomb, Harry N. Lot 10. block 34. Tremont Place Cohoes. SV. J. Lots 23 to 25; block 34, Tremont Place Troutdale M. E. Church Lot 1, block 11, Troutdale Slmeral, Mary E. Lots 2. 4, block 15, Troutdale Allard. R. R Lot 1. block 19. Trout dale First Addition , Allard. Marvina Lot 2, block 19. Troutdale First Addition Woodward. A. S. Lots 3, 4, block 19, Troutdale First Addition Portland University and Portland Guaranty Co Lots 1 to 3, 8 to 19. block 39; lots 2. 3. 9. 11 to 19. block 40; lots 1 to 19. block 41; lots 1 to 4." 10 to 19. block 42; fots 1 to 19. block 43; lots 14 to 17. block 44; lots 1 to 19. block 45; lots 1 to 19. block 46; lots 1 to 3. 11 to 18. block 47; lots 3 to 17, block 48; lots 1 to 20, block 49; lots 4 to 17, block 50; lots 1 to 20, block 51; Tots 1 to 6. 11 to 20. block 52; lots 1 to 20. block 53; lots 1 to 20,. block 54; lots 1 to 20. block 65; lots. 1 to 10. 14 to 20, block 56; lots 1 to 20. block 57: lots 11 to 3.4, 36, 18, 19, 20, block 58: lots 1 to 20. block 59; lots 1 to 3, 6 to 10. 16, 17, block 60; lots 1 to 3. 6 to 20. block 61; lots 1 to 10. 14 to 20. block 62; lots 1 to 20. block 63; lots 5 to 13, block 64; lots 1 to 17. block 65: lots 1 to 6, and fractional 12. block fifi; lots 19 to 24, 26, 27. 28. block 6S. loTs 22 to 28, block 66; lots 1 to 2S, black 67: lots 1 to 21. block 113; lots 1 io IK 14. block 114: lots 1 to 23. block 315; lots 1 to 17. block 116; lots 1 to IS. block 117; lots 1 to 1. block 118; lots 1 to 36, block 119; lots 1 to 32. block 120: lots 1 to 30. block 121; lots 1 to 3. 6 to 11. 14 to 40, block 122; lots 1 to 40. block 123: lots 11 to 16, block 124; lets 18 to 20. 26 27. block 324: lots 32. 33. 34. block 124; lots 38. 39. 44. 49. 50. 51. 52. block 124; lots 1 to 30. block 125; lots 18 to 20. 23. 30. 34. 35. block 125; lots 1 to 42. block 127; lots 3. 4. 11 to 29. block 123; lots 1 to 8, 9 to 11. 14 to 30. block 131; lots 1 to 16, 19. 20. block 32; lots 34 to 42. block 132; lots 3 to 15, 16 to 40. block 333; lots 3 to 16. 21 to 28. 32 t' 40, block 134; lots 1 to 42. block 133; lots 1 to 4. 9 to 11. 16 to 20. block 136, and lots 25. 28, 23, 30. block 13S; lot3 1 to 30, block 137; lots 5 to 9. 14 to 25. 34 to 42. block 138: lots 1 to 40, block 139: lots 1 to 12. 27 to 32 36 to 40. block 140: lots 1 to 43. block 141; lots 1 to 6. 12, 13, 20 to 28, 31 to 35. block 142; lots 1 to 40. block 143; lots 1 to 24, 29 to 40. block 144; lots 1 to 40, block 145; lots 1 to 46. block 146; lots 1 to 26. block 147; lots 1 to 40. block 14S; lots 1 to 40. block 149; lots 7 to 15. 25. 26. block 150; lots 20 to 10, block 150; lots 1 to 39. block 151. lots 1 to 21, 36 to 43. blockA152; lots 1 to 40. block 153; lots 1 toM. 6 to 32. 37 to 40. block 154- lots 1 to 43, block 363; lots 3 to 4. 7. 11. 12. 16, 17. IS. block 155; lots 1 to 40. block 157, lots 1 to 3. 9 to 12. 15. 16, 21 to 40, block 15S; lots 1 to 40. block 159; lots 5. 6. 11 to 26, block 160; lots 1 to 63, block 161; lots 1 to 40. block 162; 64 41 63 103 29 54