Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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A Soon as the Spltan Issnes HIi
Iradc Caillard'a Squadron. "SVlli
Leave Mitylene.
PA'RIS, Nop 8. France has scored a
complete triumph In the Turkish dispute.
An official note was Issued at 1 . 1L to
day to the effect that the Porte had de
cided to yield to all the demands ot
France, and that as soon as the Sultan
has Issued an trade ratifying the decision,
the French squadron will leave Mitylene.
Thla may be done within the next -4
hours, or it Is expected at the latest In two
or thre days.
President Loubet presided today at the
Cabinet council. The Foreign Minister,
. M. Dolcasse, announced that the Porte
had JUst advised him that it had decidca
to give satisfaction to the French de
mands, to which M. Delcatse replied that
so soon as thp Sultan's order
the Porte's decision was communicated to
him Admiral Caillard's squadron would
leave tue Ialand of Mitylene.
The Temps prints a dispatch from Con
stantinople today which says that the
Sultan, In accepting the French fiemands,
firstly authorized the working of the
French Schools hitherto unrecog
nized; secondly. recognizes omci
ally the existence of the religious and
hospitable institutions already founded
and accords them customs Immunity and
exemption from certain taxes, and thirdly
he authorizes the reconstruction of the
schools and hospitable institutions de
stroyed at the time of the Armenian trou
bles, of which a detailed list is attached
to the French note.
Tewfik, the Turkish foreign minister,
has announced that the recognition of the
Chaldean patriarch, demanded by France,
already has been accorded.
United States Supports France.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The answer of
the 'United States Government to the
French overture respecting France's
movement in Turkish waters Is understood
to have l)ean conveyed already by Secre
tary nay to M. Margarie, the French
Charge here, and to have consisted of a
statement that the United States Govern
ment Is not concerned directly In the re
public's doings, In view of the French
statement that It is not proposed to affect
our trade unfavorably. It Is surmised also
that our Government Is not dissatisfied
with the establishment by France of a
precedent for the collection of indemnities
from Turkey.
Tcirfik Inform the Ministers.
VTBNi, Nov. 8. The Neue Frie Prcsse
publlshtts the contents of a circular note
from Minister Tewfik Pasha to the repre
sentatives of Turkey abroad, announcing
that thp Porte has satisfied all the French
demands and expressing a hope that
France will appreciate thp conciliatory
spirit thus displayed and resume, the re
lations so unfortunately Interrupted.
Duke ot Cornwall and York Succeeds
to HIx Father's Former Title.
LONDON, Nov. 8. The Duke of Corn
wall and York has been created Prince of
Vales and Earl of Chester.
Among the honors bestowed on the oc
casion of Edward's birthday will be a
Baronetcy upon the retiring Lord Mayor
of London. Frank Green, and Knight
hoods for Chief Justices Little of New
foundland and Gray of Bermuda; G. A.
Crltchett, oculist to the King, and George
Hussey. of Southampton. Clinton Daw
kins, formerly financial member of the
Council of the Governor-General of India,
and now a member of the firm of J. S.
Morgan & Co., is made a Knight of the
Grand Cross of the Bath. A. L. Jones,
president of the Liverpool Chamber of
Commerce, who Is head of the concern of
Eider, Dempster & Co., Is made a Knight
Commander of St. Michael and St. George.
What the London Weekly Papers
Say of the Election.
LONDON, Nov. 8. The weekly papers
tomorrow will have a good deal to say
about the defeat of Tammany Hall. The
Spectator thinks that Mr. Roosevelt's
succession to the Presidency, giving all
reformers hope and confidence, weighed
heavily In the contest, adding that It
may be expected that his Influence will
be felt In other great American cities
like Philadelphia and Chicago, which, the
paper says, are hardly In better condition
than New York, though they are less
closely watched by Europeans. Continu
ing, the Spectator says;
"If this Is the case. President Roose
velt's term of office will benefit the whole
world, for the condition of American cities
is at present an opprobrium to liberalism
everywhere. The people there are really
free, and, say all the reactionaries, look
at the men they elect and the crimes they
sanction and condone. The best-governed
city In America, by universal consent. Is
Washington, directed by a nominated and
paid commission."
The Saturday Review, with Its usual
distrust of all things American, says that
Tammany is "the product of thatv falsa
sense of equality prevailing in America,
according to which settlement of all sortp
of minor offices Is put Into the hands of
electors who care nothing about them."
Wirepullers, logrollers and bosses, types
all as ugly as their names, will flourish
in the future as In the past, says the
paper. Decent people will be sufficiently
shocked at the prevailing extravagance
and corruption to demand Immediate ref
ormation, but the organization of the fu
slonlsts,.as well as Tammany, is sure to
reappear -In a generation.
Did Not Pay an Extravagant Price
for Paintings.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The statement
that Charles T. Yerkes paid 16.000 ($50,000)
for two Turners, has evoked emphatic
denial from that gentleman, according to
the Herald's London representative. Tfte
pictures In question, which hung In Mr.
Yerkes private office at the Hamilton
Building, are both early works of the
famous English artist, one of them, "In
Sunny Italy," being hardly recognizable
as a Turner at all.
"The price has been greatly exagger
ated," aid Mr. Yerkes in answer to an
inquiry. "I would not pay any such price.
Pictures which sell at these absurd fig
ures are, as a general rule, not worth any.
thing like the amount, and such reports
I regard as mischievous to art Itself.
Foreigners do not pay any such money
for works of art. It Is left for Ameri
cans to do the ridiculous In this respect."
"WlTat about the duty on pictures
shipped to America?" was asked.
"The duty In the past, as compared with
the present, is remarkable, to say the
least," replied Mr. Yerkes. "Before the
present tariff went Into operation all pic
tures painted before 1700 were admitted
"American artists have always claimed
they did not require or desire protection.
The old masters surely cannot be ac
cused of being In competition with Ameri
can artists. It is to be hoped that the
United States will not be left as the only
nation in the world which compels duty
to be paid on works of art."
Text of the Manchurian Treaty.
LONDON, Nov. 9. The Hankow corre
spondent of the Times supplies what he
alleges is a correct translation of the au
thentic text of the Manchurian convention
proposed by Russia. The convention stip
ulates for the gradual withdrawal of the
Russian forces within three years, "pro
vided no other rebellion occurs and the
powors do not interfere." The number
and stations of the Chinese garrisons j
must be settled in concert with the Rus-
slan military authorities, and Russian
assent must be obtained ,for any railway
construction in Southern Manchuria. "
"No mention is made in the text sent
by the grand council to the Southern
Viceroys of mining, commercial or other
exclusive privileges, ' says the correspond
ent, "and the Viceroys believe the -convention
contains other clauses which the
grand council is not willing to disclose."
. f
The Cretan Settlement.
NEW YORK. Nov. S. The Vienna cor
respondent of the London Times and the
New York Times, commenting upon the
meeting of the King of the Hellenes and
Emperor Francis Joseph, says that since
the Gratco-Roumanlm rapprochement
under the auspices of Austrla-Hungar
the Balkan Peninsula has been less at
the mercy of the unscrupulous agencies
who would bring about a European
war in order to satisfy their own selfish
ambitions. Austrian and Greek interests
lie very much in the same direction and
though there are no grounds to suppose
that special arrangements have been
made between thfi- two countries, a break
down of the status quo would undoubted
ly find them prepared.
In regard to Crete, says the correspond
ent, the present settlement Is not meant
to last forever. Means will be found to
make the conditions tolerable for the
High Commissioner and the Cretans un
til a union with Greece will be possible
with less risk of occasioning disturb
ances than Is the case at the present
Russian Alliance With Japan.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The Toklo cor
respondent "of the London Times and the
New York Times says the leading Japan
ese journals have been earnestly discuss
ing the overtures in Russian newspapers
looking toward a Russian alliance with
Japan The proposed basis of the ar
rangement is that the Toklo Government
refrain from all measures Impeding Rus
sia in Manchuria. Russia, In return, would
pledge herself to leave a free hand to
Japan In Corea, but Russia should bo al
lowed to appropriate a convenient naval
station in Southern Corea.
None of ihe Japanese Journals approve
the idea, the papers objecting that two
powers cannot divide supremacy in the
far East. They also oppose the proposal
as pointing to the permanent absorption
of Manchuria by Russia.
The Times correspondent says Japan
wants Corea to remain Corcan, but also
wants the world to recognize that Japan's
interests there are too vital to allow her
to remain an, active spectator of Corea's
absorption by another power.
Fog in France.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Acordlng to the
Paris correspondent of the Herald, on ac
count of the fog ft requires no stretch of
Imagination on the part of the Parisians
nowadays to mistake the French capital
for London, and the whole of France Is
practically in the same pdsltlon. From
all parts of the provinces comes news of
the fog and Ita Inevitable drawbacks.
Railway traffic, suburban and provincial,
is very seriously disorganized. No steam
boats dare to venture forth on the Seine.
The tramways and omnibus lines maintain
their service with the utmost difficulty.
The ordinary routine of Paris 'offices and
workshops is completely upset, as thou
sands of business men, clerks and em
ployes are unable to report themselves
for duty until long after the appointed
Crovrd at Jackson Trial.
LONDON, Nov. 8. The hearing of the
charges against Theodore and Laura
Jackson (Ann Odella Diss de Bar) at the
Marylebone Police Court here, continues
to attract crowds. Prominent stage peo
ple. Including H. J. Irving and Clement
Scott, and leaders of the bench, bar,
church and Parliament were among to
day's audience. The testimony today was
a reiteration of previous evidence. The
proceedings were enlivened, by several
brisk passages between the presiding mag
istrate and the woman prisoner, the lat
ter Informing the court that she was tired
of his evident partiality for the witnesses.
Italy's New Battle-Ship.
NEW YORK. Nov. 8. The battle-shlp
Bfrennetto Bren has been successfully
launched at Castlemare, in the presence
of the King and Queen, says the Naples
correspondent of the Herald. On the ar
rival of the Queen she was presented
with a magnificent bouquet. Her Ma
jesty performed the christening ceremony,
and as the battle-shlp gilded Into the
watery the ships of the Mediterranean
squadron fired a royal salute. The
Brennetto Bren is one of the larg
est ships of the Italian Navy, having a
displacement of 13,000 tons. Her launching
weight was 7000 tons.
"Work of the Jessup Expedition.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 8. The Jes
sup expedition has finished its work. The
leaders Norman C. Buxton, an American,
and Jackselson haye arrived at Moscow,
after having traveled 5000 versts In Kam
chatka and other semi-Polar districts.
They have brought with them 100 boxes of
collections for the American Museum of
Natural History of New York City. Dupli
cates will be given to the St. .Petersburg
Academy of Sciences. The explorers have
thoroughly investigated many tribes dur
ing the past four months.
To Celebrate Hugo'i Birthday.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The government
has decided to celebrate the 100th anni
versary of Victor Hugo's birth by a
national commemoration, says the Paris
correspondent of the Tribune. There will
be imposing ceremonies, In which all
French writers, painters, sculptors, dra
matic and lyric artist arc to participate.
Dickinson Has Difficulty In Dealing
With' Miss Stone' Captors.
SOFIA, Nov. 8. The government last
night caused the arrest of a man who was
visiting United States Consul General
Dickinson and searched him, presumably
thinking that he was an emissary of the
brigands, and expecting to seize a com
munication from or to Miss Stone, the
American missionary. The man was sub
sequently released. This action of the
authorities was seemingly a deliberate at
tempt to frighten delegates who might
visit Mr. Dickinson, and thus prevent ne
gotiations from taking place In Bulgarian
territory. The attitude of the authorities
hampers Mr. Dickinson, as the brigands
refuse to treat in Turkey.
Mr. Dickinson, in his reply to Miss
Stone's letter, urged the brigands still
further to reduce their demands and ac
cept the amount subscribed, in view of the
determination of the Government not to
contribute toward the ransom and the Im
possibility of collecting further subscrip
tions. It Is believed the brigands will
agree to this.
A messenger last night brought a letter
from Miss Stone, written In English. All
the previous communications from Miss
Stone have been In Bulgarian. The let
ter says she Is still well, and gives valu
able information about her captors and
other circumstances which Miss Stone
was debarred from sending In Bulgarian.
Little Known at Washington.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. All that can
be gathered hore touching Miss Stone's
case Is that the reports from the Levant
are to the effect that some kind of com
munication is being maintained, though
very Indirectly, between Miss Stone's
captors and the people who are trying to
secure her release. It is believed that up
to this point the missionaries themselves
have been the only persons to keep oponlj
the line of communication.
Stops the Cough
and Works off The. Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure &
25 cents.
com in one cay. wo (jure, o .ray. Price,
Government in Desperate Straits to
Raise Funds to Carry on the War
Tvro Na-val Reports.
WASHINGTON, Now 8. The Navy De
partment has received mall advices "frona
both sides of the Isthmus of Panama
touching the revolutionary condition.
From the west side Captain Perry, of the
Iowa, reports from Panama, and on the
Gulf side. Commander McCrea, on the
Machlas, submits a report from Colon.
These reports are important as throwing
light on the political conditions there
rather than as conveying news, of war
like conditions.. They are ns follows:
"United States Steamship Iowa, Pana
ma. Colombia, Oct. 28, lC01.,-SIr: I havo
the honor to report that all Is quiet and
peaceful in and about Panama. The ac
tivities reported in my letter last week
on the part of the Insurgents and gov
ernment forces quickly subsided and
nothing whatever came of It. There are
no Insurgent troops In the neighborhood
of Panama City. The report that they
had left Chorrera Is not believed now.
In a word, the condition of affairs In
Panama Is normal. Tumaco, near the
Ecuadorian border, has fallen Into the
hands of the insurgents. During the
week the Chilean cruiser MInlstro Zon
teno ai rived In Panama road with an
envoy entraordinary on board, accredited
to Ecuador and the Central American
Republic. They remained two days and
then sailed for Costa Rica. The French
cruiser Protet remains the only man-of-war
In the harbor besides the Iowa. The
British gunboat Icarus is at Taboga.
Very respectfully, THOMAS PERRY,
"Captain United States Navy, Com
manding United States Steamship Iowa."
"United States Steamship Machlas,
Colon, Republic of Colombia, Oct. 29,
1001. Sir: I have to report the usual
quiet conditions prevailing In Colon and
along the north coast of the Isthmus.
The Colombian gunboat Plnzon made a
round trip to Bocas del Toro during the
week, touching at intermediate ports,
and she reports all quiet to the west. I
enclose papers showing to what miser
able straits the local authorities have
been reduced to raise funds, and am
surprised that the steamship companies
cannot agree to protest. If this path
is once opened to collect the sinews of
war and no protests are made, there Is
no limit to the annoyance which will fol
low and traffic over the railroad would
be seriously Interfered with. This reso
lution doubles the harbor duties, which
are lumped together and called 'the com
mercial contribution'; If meekly acqui
esced In. steamship lines might be di
verted "from running here, which would,
of course. Injure the traffic on the rail
road. The department has been informed
as to the various ways by which the
local authorities have raised funds, such
as hypothecating all the duties from the
Panama Railroad Company for six
months to come, adding 20 per cent, and
then doubling the customs duties on all
articles and levying 'war faxes' or as?
sessments on all solvent Colombians.
These measures, if taken by the Republic
of Colombia, and enforced throughout,
would perhaps be justifiable as war
measures. But when associated with the
discontent almost amounting to revolt
amongst the soldiers because of no pay,
It looks as though the funds being raised
are for some other purpose than sup
pressing the revolution.
"Lieutenant-Commander, United States
Navy, Commanding."
The enclosures to which Commander
McCrea refers are as follows:
"Panama Railroad Company, Colon,
Oct. 26, 190L Captain Henry McCrea,
Commanding United States Steamship
Machlas, Colon. Dear Sir: In compli
ance with your request of even date, I
enclose you herewith a copy and Eng
lish translation of a letter to steamship
agents here from the provincial treasur
er here in connection with the decree of
the civil and military chief of the De
parment of Panama, relating to the com
mercial contributions of steamship com
panies. This decree affects all lines of
steamers calling at this port (and at
the Port of Panama.) As most of them
have agencies (for passenger and freight)
at Panama it means doubling the contri
bution of each Atlantic lino to both ter
minals. The terms heretofore have been
5100 sliver per month for each terminal
for every steamship line having more than
two arrivals at Colon per month. It goes
without saying that all steamship agents
will .unite In protesting against this In
crease, although they" will have to pay
it for the present so as to get their
clearance papers and, of course, our
company will join in the protest,
"Assistant Superintendent."
(Translation). "Office of Provincial
Treasurer of Colon, Department of' Pana
ma, Republic of Columbia.
"Circular No. 1.
"Colon, Oct. 21. 1901. To the agents of
the P. R. R. p. S. Line: By resolution
(decision) of the civil and military chief
of department No. 258, dated 23d Inst,
there has been increased to double the
amount the commercial contributions to
which the steamship companies are sub
jected on account of the arrival of same
at the ports of the department. Which
fact I beg to communicate to you for
your information and other purposes.
The State Department Is In receipt of
a dispatch dated October 23 from the
United States Consul-General at Panama,
reporting that in the capture of Tumaco,
south of Panama, about 500 miles, the
Liberals took about 500 prisoners and
captured five or six cannon, many rifles,
a quantity of ammunition and one small
ship, the Galntan.
The State Department received a mes
sage from President Scrlmsen, of the
cable company, which, connects at Colon,
denying the reported capture of Panama
and saying that his information from that
place represents no change in the situa
tion. There aro about 1000 insurgents
within 15 miles of Panama. The State De
partment, In view of the continued re
ports of Insurgent movements near Pan
ama, through Its Consul on the Isthmus
ha3 taken steps to warn the public that
under no condition shall there be Inter
ference with traffic across the isthmus.
Too Much Explosive.
DELAVAN. Wis., Nov. 8. A bold at.
tempt was made early today to rob the
Farmers' State Bank, at Darien, Wis.
The robbers, three In number, were foiled
because of an overcharge of nltro-glycer-lne,
which made a tremendous noise in ex
ploding, awakening the people of the vil
lage. Snstalncd the Arbitrators,
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, via Galveston,
Nov. 8. The Appellate Division of the Su
premo Court sustains the arbitrators In
declaring that the English company which
had obtained the concession has forfeited
the right to exclusive steam navigation of
the San Juan River and Lake Nicaragua.
Rnssian Newspaper Comment.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 8. The news
papers here devote much space to the
death of LI Hung Chang. The comments
are Invariably favorable, though the, writ
ers declare he was not such a friend of
Russia as, has been, asserted abroad.
Slayer of Sam Strong Acquitted.
CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., Nov. 8. The
Jury in the case of Grant Crumley, who
was tried for killing Sam Strong, the mil
lionaire mine owner, here recently, hes re
turned a verdict of acquittal. It was out
four hours.
. 1
' Would Not Enjoin 'Strikers.
CHICAGO, Nov 8. Judge Ghetlain to
day refused to grant a temporary re
straining order against the International
Association of Machinists as prayed for
by Robert Tarrant, a machinery manu
facturer. The court said that Mr. Tar
rant would have to show that the pickets
were using force against nonunion men
before he could enjoin the strikers.
Measurement ot That of the Leading
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. An accurate
measurement of the commerce of the prin
cipal countries of the world at the pres
ent time Is afforded by some figures, pub
lished by the Treasury Bureau of Statis
tics in the September number of the
Monthly Summary of Commerce and Fi
nance. The statement 1b in the form of a
table showing the commerce of 30 leading
countries of the world during such part
of the fiscal year of each of the countries
as is available from their latest official re
ports. Owing to the fact that hte fiscal
years of the countries differ In their dates
of termination, the statement Is in some
cases for a six months' period, In other
cases for eight, and In other cases for
U or 12 months. In order to- furnish a
basis for comparison, of the volume of the
commerce of the various countries the
Bureau of Statistics gives the average
monthly import and export during the
part of the fiscal year covered in the
statement for each of the 30 countries In
This statement of the average monthly
value of the imports and exports of the
30 countries furnishes a fair basis of com
parison of the commerce of the countries
one with another, and an. opportunity to
compare the imports with the exports,
and thus determine whether the excess, or
"balance of trade," Is on the import or ex
port side.
An examination of the full list of coun
tries shows that in two-thirds of the num
ber the Imports exceed the exports, and
that In one-third of the number the ex
ports are greater than the Imports. The
countries which show an excess of ex
ports over Imports are: Argentina, Austria-Hungary.
Brazil, Chile, British In
dia, Mexico, Roumanla, European Russia,
the United States and Uraguay. The
countries showing an excess of Imports
over exports are: Belgium, Canada, Cape
of Good ,Hope, China, Cuba, Denmark,
Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy,
Japan, Netherlands, Norway, the Philip
pine Islands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
The table which follows shows the av
erage monthly Imports and exports of the
10 countries In which the exports exceed
the imports In that part of the current
fiscal year for which v figures are now
Countries Imports. Exports.
United biates 5 71,830.923 $113,b61,852
India, Brltfsh 21,598,811 31.565,17a
Austria-Hungary 28,098,202 00,311.MiK)
Russia, European 22,818,000 27.37d.000
Argentina 9,105,347 15,725,7b3
Brazil 5.038,791 15.051.841
Mexico 5,336,301 6.239,474
Chile 3,909,702 5,100.104
Roumanla 3.4S9.S56 -4,503,340
Uruguay 1 2,260,573 3,328,445
The following table shows the aver
age monthly Imports and exports of the
20 countries in which the Imports exceed
the exports In that part of the current
fiscal year for which figures are now
Countries Imports. Exports.
United Kingdom $207,8S6,450 Jll3j205,0!s5
Gormany 111,593,666 87,831,833
France 77,535,000 66.225,000
Netherlands 65,922,642 56,790,923
Belgium 34,355,000 28,021,000
Italy 29,671,765 21,797,747
Switzerland 16,744,325 13,127,100
Canada ..v 15.011,265 12,759,063
Spain 13,470,853 - 10,025,803
Japan 11,254,785 9,597,743
China 13,446,163 9,553,055
Turkey 7,832,000 6,665,000
Egypt 5,735,378 5,701,0.5
Denmark 8,203,031 5,326,500
Cuba 5,451,713 5,254,530
Cape of Good Hope.. 7,491,103 4,075,565
Norway 5,931,944 3.549.7J5
Portugal 6.715,463 2,425,954
Philippine Islands 2,516,639 1,903,417
Greece 4.... 2,017,292 1,070,712
Asiatics Must Be Kept Out, Sayn a
CORVALLIS, Or.TNov. s! (To the Edi
tor.) As there Is so much being said pro
and con concerning the re-enactment of
the Geary law, known as the "Chinese
exclusion act," I wish to add my strong
approval of your editorial favoring Its re
enactment. There are probably hundreds
of reasons why this law should be ex
tended while there can, In reality, not be
a single good cause shown why It should
not be.
The principle causes which gnvo rise
to the necessity for- this law originated
In California, and Inclaentally In Oregon
and Washington, I believe, when
these people were simply flooding the
state to tho great detriment of the labor
ing ;people as well as to society. The
same causes exlat today as existed ten
years ago. The conditions arc the tame,
If not worse. There aro possibly many
thousands more Chinese on this Coast
now than there were ten years ago, and
thousands of Japanese and other Asiatics
are coming thick and fast, until they are
sapping the life-blood of white labor.
Everyone at all familiar with the condi
tions in California (I use that state as
a basis because I formerly lived there and
know the sad conditions existing there),
will agree with me that It Is almost Im
possible for a poor white man or woman
or American to obtain a day's work or
Job of any kind where th'ere Is a China
man or Jap to be had. And they are al
ways In sight If an honest white laborer
Is employed at all he must place himself
upon a level with the low grade of for
eigners, and work for the same price, us
ually about 50 cents per day, and board
himself. It is estimated that there are
100,000 unemployed white people In Cali
fornia. All the large fruit ranches, farms and
vineyards; most all hotels and restaurants,
sugar plantations and sources of employ
ment are being run" with Chinese and
Japanese laborers in place of Americans.
It Is the wealthy ranchers and corpor
ations, and not the great body of people,
who are clamoring for the suspension of
the "exclusion act," or for the open door
policy for the Introduction of more for
eigners to the detriment of our own Amer
ican laborers.
Let the people of Oregon and Washing
ton unite and heartily co-operate with
the masses of California in demanding the
re-enactment of the "exclusion act," and
let It be broad enough and deep enough
to Include all kinds of Asiatic paupers,
and make It more stringent, If possible,
than the present law. It should be made
a heavy penalty for any corporation or
steamship company transporting or smug
gling Into, or landing on American soli, or
In any port, any Chinaman or Japanese,
or other foreign pauper laborer In viola
tion of law, and may the watchword be
"American labor for American laborers."
Japanese and Their Shirt Collars.
Chambers' Journal.
The increase of stature among the Jap
anese Is very perceptible; and the substi
tution of tepid and even cold water Tor
the hot baths among many of the people
Is responsible for an Increasing floridlty of
the complexion. Before tho advent of mil
itary discipline on European models the
Japanese were notable as the Emaliest
necked race in the world, a firm of London
collar-makers with a large trade to Japan
asserting that 13 Inches was the normal
circumference of a full-grown Japanese s
throat. In a little over 20 years, owing
to more athletic development, the average
has risen an Inch and a half. To athletic
development should also be added greater
avoirdupois, inasmuch as a more generous
diet and abstentation from parboiling :f
bringing Its reward In an accumulation ot
muscle and tlcsue.
Some of tho wooden churches of Norway arc
fully 700 years old, and are still in an excel
lent state of preservation. Their timbers have
successfully resisted the frosty and almost
Arctic Winters because they have been repeat
edly coated with tar.
He May Be Prosecuted There on
Charge of Forffery or Passing
Forged Bank Notes.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. John Rose, sus
pected of the robbery of an express car
on the Great Northern Railway near
Wagner, Mont, July 3 last, and who was
arrested In this city by detectives Tues
day, was today Identified as Harry Long
baugh, a celebrated Western desperado.
The Identification was made by a St. Lous
man, who desires his name, withheld from
publication. He was prosecuting attor
ney for Cook County, Wyoming, In 1887,
and prosecuted Longbaugh In that year
on a charge of horsestealing. Longbaugh
was convicted and sentenced to IS months
in Jail. The ex-prosecutlng attorney de
scribed to Chief Desmond the distinguish
ing marks of the Longbaugh of 1SS7 and
as these are all found on the, prisoner,
he is satisfied, that he has the bandit
properly identified. Chief Desmond said
tonight that he would, If necessary, send
for one of the officers of Wagner, Mont.,
at the department's expense, to come here
and Identify Longbaugh.
"We can prosecute him here. If neces
sary," said the Chief, "either In the Fed
eral Court on a cha'rge of forgery or In
tho state courts onv a charge of uttering
a fraudulent Instrument In this way we
are bure to be able to hold him here until
we can thoroughly Investigate his rec
Snrety Companies Will Make Up the
Shortage of the Maccabce Official.
PORT HURON, Mich., Nov. 8. It now
transpires that the Fidelity & Deposit
Company, of Maryland, which carried the
bond of Charles D. Thompson, the self
confessed defaulting supreme finance
keeper of the tent of the Knights of the
Maccabees', although being released last
July, Is still liable for any loss which
the order may have sustained by the de..
falcatlon. Representatives of the com
pany. It Is eald, have Informed Maccabee
officials that the loss will bo pald. There
fore, It is now probable that Tiompson
will be arrested tomorrow. This was Indi
cated tonight from a talk with officials
of tho order, and the arrest will come
as a result of a conference between the
trustees of the order and representatives
of the bonding company. The heaviest
loss, It Is said, falls upon the Maryland
Fidelity Company, as Thompson's defal
cations since August, when the National
Surety Company assumed the risk, were
comparatively small. It was announced
today that Thompson's shortage was
160,000, instead of $57,000. All data con
cerning the embezzlement are In the hands
of the bond companies, and orders are
being awaited from headquarters. The
most important matter for consideration
before the trustees was the selection of a
successor for Thompson, but no successor
was announced.
Held Up a Gambllngr-House.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 8.-One bandit
killed and one wounded was the result
of an. attempt by three masked rob
bers to hold up the gambling-house of
Deel & Co., last night at Maco, a small
but tough Arizona border town. The
dead bandit has been identified as Will
Cravens, of Dog Springs, N. M. He
was a cow puncher, with a fair record,
and a member of a wealthy and re
spectable New Mexico family. Cravens
approached the roulette table and pro
ceeded to fill a bag with the bank roll,
amounting to several thousand dollars.
'E. P Ellis whipped out a revolver, be
fore the movement was detected by the
robbers, and Cravens fell dead when
he shot. The other bandits were de
moralized and fled in disorder. One of
them was wounded by another bullet
from Ellis' revolver. They reached their
horses and fled to the mountains.
Charged With Swindling.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Alexander Sea
man Is In prison here, charged with a
series of alleged sylndllng stock opera
tions under the name of M. F. Phillips.
The police say Seaman advertised him
self as a member of the stock exchange
and secured a number of out-of-town
accounts. No return was ever made.
Philip Schmltt and John J. Hefner are
under arrest, chirged with swindling
Thomas E. Greacen, a wholesale shoe
dealer of New York, out of goods valued
at upwards of $10,000. Hefner Is a trav
eling salesman employed by Greacen,
nnd according to the police he trans
ferred large amouhts of goods to Schmltt
under fraudulent sales.
James Callahan Acquitted.
OMAHA, Nov. 8. The jury in the case
of James Callahan, after being out 36
hours, brought in a verdict at 10 o'clock
tonight, finding the defendant not guilty
and the prisoner was discharged. This Is
the last echo of the Cudahy kidnaping
case, and Callahan Is acquitted of the kid
naping charge. It was said tonight that
thero Is little to prevent Pat Crowe from
coming to Omaha. The evidence on which
Callahan has been tried would probably
prevail In case of Crowe being tried on
the same charges, and County Attorney
Shields tonight gave It as his opinion that
Crowe would now return.
Gave Himself Up.
SEVIERVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 8. Thomas
Cattlett has gfven himself up to the Sher
iff of Sevier County to answer the charge
of being on accomplice In the murder of
William WThaley and wife in 1897. Pies
Wynn and Cattlett Tipton were hanged in
July, 1899, as the principals In the crime,
and it was charged that Thomas Cattlett
had paid them a sum of money to get
Whalen and his wife out of the way.
Cattlett Is one of the wealthiest men in
Sevier County.
McGnlre Waived a Hearing:.
Gulro, of Camden, N. J., ex-secretary-treasurer
of the Brotherhood of Carpen
ters, who Is -charged with being short
$10,000 In his accounts, and for whom a
warrant was Issued yesterday, appeared
before a Philadelphia Judge and waived
a hearing. He was released on $5000 ball.
Public Hnnslnff in Florida.
MADISON, Fla., Ndv. 8. Will Jones, n
negro desperado, who recently killed three
men in one dav. two blacks and one white.
Consult your doctor. If fa
says, "Take Ayer's Cherr
Pectoral for your cough,'
then do as he says. If he
tells you not to take it, then
don't take it. He knows
Leave it with him. We are
willing. Physicians have been
our friends for 60 years.
" For five ycnr3 I suffered with bron
chitis. A few weeks ago I began to
take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and only
two bottles entirely cured me."
Daniel B. Lipps, Alta, W. Va.
25c, f 8c $1.00. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mm
and shot several other members of the
Sheriff's posse, was publicly hanged here
today, .
Jane Toppnn in Court.
BARNSTABLE, Mass., Nov. 8. Mlso
Jane Toppan, charged with the murder of
Miss Mary B. Glbbs, at Cataumet, August
9 last, and suspected of three similar
crimes, was arraigned for further hearing
today In tho First Barnstable District
Court. The accused woman very
weak and nervous In court,
BUZZARD'S BAY, Mass., Nov. 8. Tho
inquest Into the deaths of Miss Mary B.
Glbbs, of Cataumet, and of Annie "E. Gor
don, of Chicago, alleged to have died of
poison administered by Jane Toppan, was
begun today before Judge Swift, ot the
First District Court of Barnstable County.
Tho inquest was conducted behind closed
Stabbed Hit Wife anal Cut Kli Throat
NORTH PLATTE) Neb., Nov. S. As
the result of a family quarrel, John
Groat last night stabbed and fatally
wounded his wife and then cut his own
throat and cannot recover. They are an
aged coapic and had resided in this
city 20 years.
South Dakota Bank Robbed.
OMAHA, Nov. 8. A dispatch from
Yankton says the Bank of Scotland,
S. D., was robbed last night of $5000.
The safe was blown open and the en
tire contents carried away. The robbers
were pursued, but have not been cap
tured. Our Old Friend Again.
PORTLAND, NOv. 8. (To the Editor.)
In your editorial of this morning, headed
"Theft- Awful Punishment," and referring
to the great Democratic loss of repre
sentation In the United States Senate,
you say that "every one of these men
has been sacrificed on the silver Baal,
either because he would not swear to a
He or else becauso silver drove his party
from power." Are you noi laboring under
a very grave goldbug hallucination? If
devotion to the use of sliver as standard
money provokes defeat, where would the
Republican party Itself be, which In Its
National platform of 18S3 declared that
"the Republican party Is In favor of the
use of both gold and sliver as money, and
condemns the policy of the Democratic
Administration In Its efforts to demon
etize sliver"? Here, perhaps, with this
question for you to answer, I might stop,
but I would like to call attention to some
very Important facts presented by United
States Treasurer Roberts in his report of
October 31, in which he gives during the
of gold , $88,000,000
Increase of sliver 37,000,000
Increase of notes and certificates
(nearly) .. 16.000,000
Shipment from Treasury of stand
ard silver dollars 3S,38S,o;9
In tho report he also mentions the very
remarkable fact that during the year there
was also shipped from the Treasury In
even exchange for gold, the sliver being
preferred In order to move crops, stand
ard silver dollars
To New Orleans $2,250,000
To New York 2,215,000
The people of the whole Nation should
give credit to the Republican party for
recognizing silver as standard moneyt and
for coining the Treasury silver bullion Into
standard sliver dollars. The wisdom of
that policy has been vindicated by the
increase in National prosperity resulting
from an Increase In the volume of sound
gold and sliver standard money. X.
The Republican party was weak on sil
ver, as welj as the Democratic, the differ
ence being apparently that It could aban
don an error, while the Democrats could
not. The correspondent's Impression tht
recent legislation Is In the direction v..
the silver standard Is diverting, perhaps,
but not of great significance.
Old A'nmoi tor Guns.
Gentleman's Magar ne.
As the use of artillery uecame -more
common and the advantages of portability
and a greater rapidity of fire wore rec
ognized, guns, except among the Orient
als, became smaller, but of better work
manship and construction. Inventors be
gan to try their hands at all sorts of Im
provements or attempts at Improvement,
and In the course of a hundred years or
so the number of different pieces of CRn
non, large and small, muzzle or breech
loading, was simply legion. -Thero were
cannon, cannon royal, and demi-cannon,
three or four classes of culverlns, bom
bards, mortars, perrlers, serpentines, cart
nouns, curtails, passevolants or zebra
tanas, basilisks, orgues, sakcrs, minions,
mojanes, falcons and falconets, roblnets,
fowlers, bases, slings, port-pieces, mur
derers, drakes, aspics, double dogs, and
lagtors, to say nothing of ribadoqulns,
lying dragons and partridge mortars.
Wclifoot Hard Wheat Flour,
The best for bread making.
And eating is simply perfunc
tory done because it must bo.
This is tho common complaint of
the dyspeptic.
If eating sparingly would cure
dyspepsia, few would suffer from
it long.
The only way to cure dyspepsia,
which is difficult digestion, is to
give vigor and tone to the stomach
and the whole digestive system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla cured the niece of
Frank Fay, 106 N. St. South Boston, Mass.,
who writes that she had been a great sufferer
from dyspepsia for six years; had been with
out appetite and had been troubled with sour
stomach and headache, ohe had tried many
other medicines in vain. Two bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla made her well.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. Don't wait till you are
worse, but buy a bottle today.
Tastes Good
Positively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspep
sia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating.
A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea.
Drowsiness, Bad Taate in the Mouth,
Coated Tongue, Pain in the Bide, TOR
PID LIVER. They Regulate the Bow
els. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. Small Dose.
Small Price
do million Samples
Of theGreatestKidney Medicine
Ever Discovered, War
ner's. Safe Cure.
Post-paid, to sufferers from kidney, liver,
bladder and blood trobulos who will write
the Warner's Safe Cure Co., of Rochester,
N, Y.r and mention having seen this lib
eral offer In this paper.
Thousands of people have kidney dis
ease and do not know It. Our doctors
have met with many cases In their ex
perience where kidneys had become so Im
pregnated with the disease that they
would be called incurable by most aoc
tors, yet the patient was not aware that
his kidneys were diseased. Test for your
self; it ccts nothing, and may be the
means of saving your life.
In the morning put some urine in a
glass or bottle, let it stand for 24 hours;
If there Is a roddlsh sediment in -the bot
tom of the glass, or If the urine Is cloudy
or milky, or If you see particles or germs
floating about In It, your kidneys are dla
eased and you should lose no time, but
get a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, as It
Is dangerous to neglect your kidneys for
even ono day
A free trial bottle has bcon known to
cure many cases that were discovered by
the test mentioned above.
Judge T. A. McMahon, of 7SS Farragut
av., Chicago, III., says that for ten years
he had kidney and liver trouble which
seriously Interfered at times with hl9 o'ffl-
clal duties and he suffered so from pain
that he walked with great difficulty. After
all other remedies failed he tr'ed War
ner's Safe Cure, and says eight bottles
cleaned him from head to foot, and
has permanently cured him. This Is
a sample of the thousands of unsolicited
letters received from prominent people
who have been cured by Warner's Safe
The medical department of Warner's
Safe Cure Co. Is In charge of the most
learned specialists of kidney diseases the
world has ever known. These doctors
give their advice free and send a medical
booklet containing symptoms und treat
ment of each form of the disease and
samples of thousands of testimonials re
ceived from patients who have been cured
of all forms at kidney disease.
All letters aiiBrrcnnl by regular practic
ing "physicians and trea-(id sirlciiy conll
dentin!. Please bear In mind this liberal otter to
send a free trial bottle of Warner's Sate
Cure to anyone who will write the War
ner Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., stat
ing that they saw thia liberal offer In
this paper.
The publishers of this paper guarantee
tho genuineness of this offer.
Bright's disease, gravel, liver complaint,
pains In the back, rheumatism, rheumatic
gout, bladder trouble, dropsy, eczema,
blood diseases, too frequent desire to
urinate and painful passing of urine are
all caused by diseased kidneys and can be
speedily cured by Warner's Safe Cure,
which has been prescribed by leading
doctors for 25 years. It Is purely vege
table and contains no harmful drugs.
You can get Warner's Safe Cure at any
drug store. Regular size, J1.C0 a bottle.
If your druggist does not have It, write
Warner's Safe Cure Company, Rochester,
N. Y. Ask for Warner's Safe Cure. Take
no other. 4 i4 ii y$' ' frA m?& "
Sterling Quality
Purest Type
Richest Flavor
Its pronounced purity,
lis incomparable merit has
secured for the Whiskey the
confidence of the public
Portland, Ore.
In all its stages there
liodd be clctuincss.
Ely' Cream Balm
eldases, soothes sad testis
thr Abcasod mctabiase.
1 1 cares catarrh and drives
away a cold in iho head
JW Sjf 8IKi
Kt.-n.iwx yj&jBjF
Cream !Bnlm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
orcr tho membrane and Is absorbed. Relltf Is In
aedlatasnd ft core follows. It la not drying doa
sot produce sneezing. Largo SIza, CO cents i3ni2
gUtsorbysaaU; Trial Bhw, 10 cents by ziaU.
3U.Y BI1OTHEBS, 6fl Warren Btwat 2K Xgfo