THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1901. , LARGEST OF THEM ALL BARK THEKLA CHARTERED FOR MARCH LOADING. Sound port with a cargo of lumber, struck on the bar off here during: a heavy northwest gale today and was to tally wrecked. The crew was saved. She "Will Be the BI?sct Sailing Veiacl That Has Ever Been. In Thin Fort The German bark Thekla will load wheat at Portland In. March. She Is a carrier of 2330 net tons, and Is larger than any sailing vessel that has entered this port. The bark Henrlette, 2S82 net tons, of the same nationality, now In the river. Is the largest sailing vessel that has ever been here. The charter rate of the Thekla Is 31s 3d, a figure which is regarded as a good one for so big a vessel and for such distant loading. Steamships of greater capacity have been here, but not sailers. It Is prob able that the Thekla will break the rec ord of the Henrlette, which two years ago, under the name of the Royal Forth, took from here a cargo of 178,000 bushels of wheat. This is the greatest amount of grain that has gone from here in one sailing vessel. The Thekla sailed from Port Tampa July 6 for Yokahama. She is a new four-masted vessel, with a depth of hold of 24 feet BETRAYED' HIS TRUST HEAD TREASURER OP THE MACCA BEES IS A DEFAULTER. ' AIBAKIA HAS CliEARED. G. H. W&ppaus and Crown of India Have Finished Loading;. The Norwegian ship Albania cleared for Queenstown yesterday with wjfeat. She was loaded by A. Berg and her cargo con sists of 29.9S6 sacks, or 67,340 bushels, val ued at 540,000. The rate of her charter was 41s 3d, a figure which is in strong contrast with the present condition of freights. The ship will probably not etart for the sea until tomorrow, a3 the three towboata that are now working are" kept busy. The German bark G. H. Wappausandthe British bark Crown of India finished loading yesterday. The former was load ed by the Portland Flouring Mills with 30,275 sacks, or 67,517 bushels of wheat. The value of the cargo Is $39,500 The vessel draws 20 feet 2 Inches of water. She was chartered several months ago for 41s 3d. The Crown of India will carry a cargo of wheat to Europe for Kerr, Glfford & Co. The vessel is loaded with 4S.622 sacks, or 107.9S0 bushels, valued at J63.16S. Her draft at present Is 21 feet 8 Inches. Both the Crown of India and the G. H. Wagoaus will probably clear today. These three vessels have been loaded in good time. They arrived October 18, and chances are good for their getting away to sea after three weeks at this port. The German ship Nesala sailed into the Columbia River on the same date as the other three named, and will be ready for Eca in a few days. Yesterday the Wappaus left Elevator dock and anchored in the stream, and the Europe took the vacated place. The Europe will discharge the rest of her bal last there .and meanwhile receive cargo. The Crown of India has also gone Into the stream. Her place at the Montgomery dock No. 2 will be taken today by the "Barflllan, which will load grain for Kerr, Glfford & Co., and which is now idle at Greenwich dock. The Schwarzenbek has moved from the 6tream to Sand dock to unload ballast. Yesterday the steamer Harvest Queen started from Astoria towing the Dugues clin and the Amlral Cornuller. The Leyland Brothers, In tow of the Thompson, and the Lady Isabella, In tow of the Ocklamaha, will reach Astoria to day In the seaward journey. The Marechal Davout arrived at Astoria yesterday morning from Portland. "Whaler's Catch. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. The whaling steamer Belvedere has arrived from the Arctic by way of Fox Island, bringing 4000 pounds of bone, 700 barrels of oil and CO fox sklns. The receipts of bone thus far this Fall amount to 52.SS0 pounds, and of oil 6095 barrels, besides 798 pounds of ivory. Overdue Vessel In Port. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. The steamer Hong Kong Maru brings advices that the American ship Benjamin F. Packard ar rived at Honolulu from Norfolk, Va., October 30. The vessel was on the over due list, and 15 per cent reinsurance was offered here on her. Captain Has Resigned. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. Captain Crimm hes resigned as master of the tug Geo. T VnsViiirj.- an in hAen succeeded by Captain Chris Ahnes. The Vosburg will i nis cieiaicauon was oiscoverea. rvz js now leav for NPhaiPm as soon as the weather at his home awaiting the action of the Charles D. Thompson Appropriated to His 'Own Use 57,000 Surety Companies to Bear Loss. PORT HURON, Mich., Nov. 7. By his own written confession. Charles D. from the bottom of Lake Superior, Is re sponsible for the defalcation. Thompson said this evening that he used the funds of the order In this enterprise, which proved very unprofitable, as the expense of raising and refitting the craft was so great that she had to be sold at a loss It Is said, of $75,000, Instead of a profit. It is expected an effort will be made by Thompson's friends to effect a settlement with the bonding companlss. P. X McGnire Short in His Accounts. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7. The North American tomorrow will say: "It Is officially announced that P. J. McGulre, temporarily suspended from the secfetary-treasuryshlp of the Brother hood of Carpenters, Is short In his ac- - I FREE-ANEW $975 "L0C0M0BILF---FJEE j 9 Will bevglven away at Cordray's Theater, MACH 3, 1902, by the wclNknbwn business houses wrhbxe names appear below. Thomson, supreme finance .teepcr of the i COunts $10,704. A warrant has been Issued bupreme Tent, Knights of the Macpaoaes, for arrest 0f McGulre. The general and a prominent vessel and tug man of this city, is a defaulter In the sum of $57,000. Mr. Thompson, hdwever, was heavily bonded, in the National Surety Company, of New York, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company, of Baltimore, and the order, therefore, Is protected from loss. Thompson made no effort to escape After permits, and from there tow a barge of lumber to San Francisco. Marine Notes. The steamship Adato has finished about one-third of her lumber cargo. The steamer Fannie Is on the ways at South Portland, undergoing repairs. Preliminary work on construction of four Government barges has begun at Supples boat yard. The British ship St. MIrven, bound for Portland, sailed -from Valparaiso No vember 2. The dock gralnhandlers are working steadily. Their petition for higher wages will be acted upon Monday. The steamers plying the Upper "Wil lamette are having a busy season. A heavy traffic Is going on. The shipments consist mostly of merchandise, hops, wheat and hay. It has been rumored for several days that the Bailey Gatzert will resume her old run between Portland and Astoria. The owners of the steamer Tefuse either to deny or affirm the report. The lighthouse tender Columbine has returned to port, after delivering supplies to Puget Sound light stations. She also visited the Umatilla reef lightship on her return, and after starting for Astoria ran Into a storm. Captain Richardson put back to.Tatoqsh and remained there until Monday', when he proceeded to port. Schooner Seven Sisters arrived at Puget Sound Wednesday, 17& days from Nome. The little vessel left Nome on the morning of October 19 and went through the same terrible gales that caught the schooner Thomas F. Bayard a few miles below Unlmak Pass. On the night of October 23 the vessel's position was serious and several times the sailors thought that the boat would go under. Men were thrown from their bunks and the seas breaking over the side flooded the after part of the vessel. CARGO OF THE RIVERSIDE. Consists Largely of Firebricks, Chemicals and Liquors. The British ship Riverside is at Mersey dock, discharging a varied cargo, brought from Europe. The cargo consists of 2442 tons, made up chiefly of firebricks, chem icals and liquors. The work of unloading proceeds slowly, and it will probably be two weeks before she is turned over to her charterers, Balfour, Guthrie & Co., for wheat-loading. v The itemized cargo of the vessel Is as follows: 272 casks soda ash, 238,519 firebricks, 730 bales gunny, 150 tons plgiron, 238 tons coke, 1 case crockery, 550 cases stout, 40 sacks sawdust, 481 cases whisky, 150 cases gin, 25 barrels of gin, 1 hogshead of whisky, 20 rolls linoleum, 5S3 packages stores, 6 package&.prlvate ef fects, 2 casks glue, 60 drums hypo-soda, " 52 casks alum, 25 casks saltpeter, 54 bags hempseed, 195 bags canary seed, 20 bags coriander seed, 2S bags grass seed, 400 boxes bath bricks, 650 barrels coal tar, 35 barrels ginger ale, 75 cases ale, 5 pack ages furniture, 30 bags hemp, 100 barrels Venetian red, 50 kegs hypo-soda, 50 bar rels copperas, S66 casks fire clay, 121 bar rels fire clay, 17.G37 socks (50 pounds) salt, 1120 sacks (100 pounds) salt, 840 sacks (200 pounds) salt. FRENCH BnJlK IN PORT. Francois Coppe Has Arrived From lions Kong. Another French vessel, the bark Fran cols Coppe, put into the Columbia River yesterday. She is consigned to Taylor, Young & Co. and will load wheat for A. Berg. Ten French vessels are now In port. The Francois Coppe Is a new bark of 172S net tons, and comes from Hong Kong. Vessels which are expected to arrive soon are the Langbank, Grand Duchess Olga, Ernest Reyer, Irby, Torrldon and SIrene. The "William Mitchell is now out 109 days from Table Bay. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 7. Arrived at 1 x M. French bark Francois Coppee. from Hong Kong. Left up at 10 A. M. British ship Flfeshtre. Left up at 2:30 P. M. French bark Duguesclln and French bark Amiral de Cornuller. Arrived down at 10 A. M. French bark Marechal Davout. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M., rough; weather squally: wind west. Valparaiso Sailed Nov. 2.--Brltlsh ship St. MIrren. Taccnna, Nov. 7. Arrived Steamer "Walla "Walla, from San Francisco; schoon er Irene, from Honolulu. Sailed Barken tine Quickstep, for KahuluL Seattle, Nov. 7. Sailed United States transport Egbert, for Nagasaki; steamer Queen, for San Francisco. Arrived Steamer Tamplco, from Honolulu, and schooner Nellie G. Thurston, from Nome. SailedSteamer South Portland, for San Francisco; British bark Norma, for Unit ed Kingdom. Arrived Steamer Meteor1, from Honolulu; steamer Edith, from San Francisco; ship C. F: Sargent, from San Francisco. San Francisco, Nov. 7. Arrived Steam er Mandalay, from Coquille River. Sailed Steamer Jeannle, for Kodiak; steamer Umatilla, for Victoria; schooner Advent, for "Willapa Harbor; schooner Lilly, for Umpqua; steamer Areata, for Coos Bay. New York, Nov. 7. Sailed Augufite Vic toria, for Hamburg, via Plymouth; La Gascogne, for Havre. Glasgow, Nov. 7. Sailed Senator, for Seattle; Siberian, for Philadelphia. Cape Verde, C. V., Nov. 7. Arrived bonding companies. His embezzlement Is confessed In the following letter .to bu preme Commander D. P. Markey:- "Dear Sir: It Is with a feeling of dis tress and shame that I tender herewith my resignation as supreme finance keeper of the order of which you are the head. And this step is taken with a bitter real ization that I am no longer worthy the companionship and association of my fel low officers. I have xheld the position since the order was founded; have, dur ing most of that time, been officially asso ciated with the present supreme officers and never until now did I in any way betray my trust, I was engaged In a legitimate business venture In which I had made large Investments and found myself In a position where further money was neces sary to save myself from bankruptcy and ruin. There was apparently no chance for loss. I then betrayed my trust and used the funds of the order, at the time believing there was no question of my ability to replace them within a short time. The amount I used was $57,000. 1 have no hope of being able to repay this amount. "I know the order Is protected from loss by the surety bond of nearly twice the amount in a perfectly responsible com pany, but this does not lessen my mental suffering, nor relieve me from the dis grace of having betrayed the confidence reposed in me. Nothing that may occur can Increase the tortures which I have suffered and am still suffering. I can only await such action as may be taken and abide the consequences. No punishment can be greater and no suffering so Intense as that resulting from the loss of the re spect and esteem of the membership of the order and the suffering necessarily caused to my family. "CHARLES D. THOMPSON." The first Intimation of the shortage came last Tuesday afternoon, when Su preme Commander Markey and Supreme Record Keeper George J. Siegle were checking over the finance keeper's books. An error was found and they called Thompson's attention to It. He said he would take the books and papers home with him that night and look It up. "Wednesday morning he came to Supreme Commander Markey'a office and confessed that his accounts were short $57,000. He then and there signed a written confes sion of the embezzlement. An examination of the books followed and the shortage was disclosed. Supreme Commander Mar key this afternoon gave out the following in regard to it: "Charles D. Thompson has been su preme finance keeper of the Supreme Tent since it was organized in September, 1S83, and has handled and disbursed more than $15,000,000 during that time and until this defalcation no thought had ever been en tertained against his integrity, and this betrayal on his part will be keenly felt by the membership. The Supreme Tent keeps on deposit large amounts of money in leading banks in several commercial centers on which warrants are drawn for the payment of death claims, but all col lections are made through the Commer cial Bank of Port Huron, and It Is part of the duties of the supreme finance keep er to transfer from time to time from the Commercial Bank to these other deposi tories money for the purpose of keeping the account good at such banks, and the money that was used In this case by Mr. Thompson was on a draft trans ferring from the Commercial Bank to the First National Bank of New York. Mr. Thompson's shortage is $57,000, but no loss will be Incurred by the Supreme Tent, as every flnancl&T official of the organization, in- executive board of the Brotherhood of Carpenters has also preferred specific charges of breach of trust against its old secrotary-treasurer. A vote by the 1003 local unions of the brotherhood has been ordered returned on or before December 1, making McGulre's suspension perma nent. The suspended official was one of the founders of the American Federation of Labor, as well, as the Brotherhood of Carpenters." LAURA BULLION CONFESSED. Her Companion, Longbnngh, "Was One of the Wagner Robbers. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 7. Laura Bullion, the woman who was arrested yesterday with forged notes' of the National Bank of Helena In her possession, was identified In the office of Chief Desmond by George Poetel, a merchant of Mascoutah, 111., who formerly knew the woman when she lived In Texas. Following this, Laura Bullion said to Chief Desmond: "I have known the prisoner whom you call Longbaugh since the latter part of last April. It was in Fort Worth, Tex., that I first met him. Since that time we have lived In various cities and have gone under different names in every city that we visited." Before that she lived with Bill Carver, a trainrobber, whq, she said, was killed In Sonora, Mexico. April 2 last. Laura Bullion went to Fort "Worth from her home In Douglas, Ariz., to meet Long baugh, who was introduced to her by Bill Cheney, a member of the gang. She added: "He had plenty of money, and I never asked him any questions as to where he got It. He gave me the money that was in my possession when I was arrested." At 4 o'clock this afternoon Laura Bul lion began to make admissions to Chief Desmond, which he says amount to a con fession that her male companion is the bandit Henry Longbaugh, who Is known to have been one of the Great Northern tralnrobbors. The woman said that in Fort "Worth, shortly after her first meet ing with her companion, who then called himself Cunningham, she discovered in "his pocket a dictionary, on the fly leaf of which was written, "Harry Longbaugh, Wagner, Mont." She further told Chief Desmond that 'when Cunningham gave her $7000 in unsigned Helena National Bank notes, she was convinced that he was Longbaugh, the trainrobber." She said that she never mentioned her sus picions to Cunningham because "she was too wise." She confessed to the Chief that she had forged the name of J. W. Smith, cashier of the National Bank of Helena, to the notes found so signed in her pos session. On information of District Attorney Rosier, United States Commissioner Gray this afternoon Issued a warrant for Long baugh, charging him with having forged signatures to notes on the National Bank of Helena. The Federal grand jury, which is now in session, will at once take up the case, and If an indictment is handed down, the trial, it is stated, will begin Immediately before Judge Adams. The maximum penalty for the offense charged Is 15 years' imprisonment. Since death Is the penalty for trainrob bery In Montana, the Federal Government Is willing to let" Longbaugh, the man ar rested here, be fried there. No proceed ings, therefore, will be begun here, unless the Montana authorities fall to act This elegant up-to date "Loco mobile" will be exhibited at the Im perial Cigar Store, 323 Washington Street, for one week, beginning Mon day, November 4. After that date by the Snell Yale Cycle Co., agents for the "Locomobile 126 Firs,t St. One ticket is now given FREE with 50-cent cash purchases at these stores. The "Locomobile" will be aiven away from the stage of Cordray's Theater, after the evening performance, Monday, March 3, 1902. The ticket-holders present on that-date will decide the manner of award. For further information read tickets. 3nHERE TO CET THE , , BICYCLES AN'D LOCOMOBILES. Sncll-Tale Cycle Co., 126 First street. CLOTHING. A. Welch, The American Clothier, First and Morrison. Salem. Woolen Mills Store, 85 Third street. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Herman Bach, Fifth and Morrison streets. Imperial Cigar Store, 323 Washington street. DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS. Shanahan'a, 144-140 TMrd street. W. L. Dlnsmoor, JW9-301 East Burnslde street. COAL AND WOOD. The Pacific Coast Co., 240 Washington street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. H. E. Edwards, 101 First street. GROCERS. F. Dresser & Co., Seventh and Washing ton streets. Shofner &. Wright, 355 Yamhill street. Stehnken & Julien. 314 Burnslde street. R. Schmeer & Co.. 337 East Burnskle street. HARDWARE. Avery & Co., 82 Third street. JEWELERS. A. N. Wright, The Iowa Jeweler, 288 Mer- rison. The L. C. Henrlchaen Co., 284 Washington. DRUGS. Aldrlch Pharmacy, Sixth and Washington streets.. . , . A. W. Allen. Sixteenth and Marshall streets. Model Prug Store, 05 Grand avenue. TICKETS MEN'S FURNISHERS AND HATTERS,. Buffum &. Pendleton. 04 Thiol strt. Robinson & Co.. 2SO Washington atrwet. MERCHANT TAILORS. The J. M. Achen Co., Firth and Alder. ( MUSICAL GOODS. H. H. Wright, S10 Washington street. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Alten & Gilbert Co., 200-211 First strt. SHOE STORES. oeaceeeteio9eto9sooofoteeostit Eggert-Young Co., 120 Third street. E: C. Goddard & Co., Stxta and WuMbe ten. THEATERS. Cordray's, Washington rtrt. UMBRELLAS. o John Allesina, 300 Morrison street. SCENE OF THE MURDER. Chicago Police Clean Up the Xntali Mystery. CHICAGO, Nov. 7. With the discovery oC a blood-bespattered basement room at 182 North Union avenue and the arrest of its late occupant today, Felipo RInl, an Italian fruit peddler, the mystery sur rounding the death of Antonio Natall, whose body was found hidden in a barrel erage Arm of Seymour, Johnson & Co. The charge against Ammon, according to Assistant Attorney Byrnes, was receiving stolen money, knowing it to have been stolen. The money, It is alleged, was re ceived from the Franklin Institution, the "520 per cent per annum concern," of which W. H. Miller was treasurer. Am mon was Miller's counsel, and It la as serted that part of the money obtained from the patrons of the syndicate, and said to be $140,C00, was npplied to the purchase of an interest in the business of Seymour, Johnson & Co. Colonel Am mon was arraigned, and Is held In the cus. tody of his counsel. HELENA, Mont, Nov. 7. Five years ago Robert A. Ammon was superintend ent of a mill at Gilt Edge, Fergus Coun ty, and Is alleged to have taken with him a large bar of gold, not belonging to him. He was pursued by the Sheriff and a large body of enraged miners, but eluded the pursuit and has not since been in the state. Fourth Bank Robbery by One Gaiip. DES MOINES, Nov. T. The safe of the bank at Hlnton, la., was blown up by ex pert cracksmen this morning and $1500 secured. This Is the fourth bank robbery in Iowa In two weeks, attributed to the same gang. Smuggled Chinamen in a IXaclc. BUFFALO, Nov. 7. Grant Householder, a hackman, was arrested today, charged with smuggling Chinamen from Canada. Householder had four Chinamen In his hack when arrested. KATE GREENWAY DEAD. POWERFUL NEW DREDGE. TOTAL CATCH OF SEALS. Number of Skins Secured in North. This Season Is 24,127. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. Not Includ ing the comparatively few sealskins which were brought directly to this port, the total catch In the north this season was 24,127. The Bohring Sea catch was 10,314, the Copper Island catch 3S58, the coast catch S9S5, and the approximate Indian catch 1000 5klns. The world's catch for this season is approximately 51,000 skins. Made a Poor Catch. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. The steam whaler Beluga arrived from the Arctic today. The Beluga brings 20,000 pounds of "whalebone and 423 barrels of oil. Captain Bodflsh reports that on October 25 last year A. W. Look, the first mate, died of the grip, and on November 20 last year C. Jacobs, a sailor, died of liing trouble. The Beluga sailed from here April 6, 1900, and, considering the length of time ab sent, brings back a poor catch. She has on board a live musk ox, the first ever brought to the port. Transport's Cargo of Forage. The transport Crusader, under charter to the Government, has completed load ing 4180 tons of hay and oats for the Philippines. It is probable that remain ing under-deck area will be filled with forage supplies, now that the Rosecrans Is to convey troops to the Philippines. Loading of the Crusader has stopped, pending Instructions from Washington. Steamer St. Paul Sold. EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 7. Captain Robert McFarland, of this city, formerly master of the transports Arab and Gar Tonne has purchased the steamer St. Paul, 2500 tons, for the Pacific Packing & Navi gation Company. When the ship arrives from Manila it will enter the salmon trade here. It Is reported that the company win buy other steamers. Artist "Whose Pictures of Children Are Famous the "World Over. LONDON, Nov. 7. Miss Kate Green way, the artist, is dead. Miss Greenway won her fame as an ar tist through her sketches and paintings of children. These were drawn with such a whimsical grace, and her children de picted in such a dainty fashion, in such a novel garb, that "Greenway " children became the fad. Her art produced a revolution in the dress of children, lead ing to the adoption of sensible as well as pretty styles. She contributed to many magazines and illustrated many chil dren's books. General James Ilngan. MOBILE, Ala., Nov. 7. General James Hagan died here today, aged 80 years. He was a Mexican War veteran, Joining Colonel Hays Texas Rangers and taking part In the storming of Monterey. Later he was commissioned a Captain In the Third Dragoons and served under Gen eral Taylor. At the beginning of the Civil War he was commissioned a Cap tain, and shortly after became a Major in General Wirt Adams regiment. After the battle of Shlloh he was made Colonel of the Third Alabama Cavalry. The last two years of the war he was a brigade commander under General Wheeler. He was wounded three times, and before the close of the war was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. General Ha gan waa born In Ireland. Captain Robert H. Anderson. WASHINGTON, Nov. C A cablegram received at the War Department from General Chaffee at Manila announces the death from pneumonia of Captain Rob ert H. Anderson of the Ninth Infantry. Captain Anderson was appointed to tho Army in 1884 from civil life, being cred ited to Georgia. loaded, though light some of them can navigate water but two feet deep. The Lower Yukon boats use both wood and coar for fuel coal from St. Michael to the flats, and wood from the flats to Dawson. The coal Is procured at St. Michael, and the wood from the timber growing along the Yukon, the supply of timber for such purposes being almost in exhaustible. a Washington Notes. Work has been begun on the new Com mercial Clubrooms at Hoquiam. Walla Walla has granted the request ot wheelmen that they be allowed to ride the sidewalks on Sunday. Salteee, the SO-year-old chief of the Coeur d'Alene Indians, has been stricken blind and taken to Spdkane for treat ment. Five hundred acres of land have just been put in shape for alfalfa sowing on Blalock's Island In the Columbia River, below Walla Walla. Yakima County has purchased the old wooden frame of the Northern Pacltic bridge across the Yakima River at Selah. The bridge will be repaired by the county and used as a wagon bridge. The City Marshal of Walla Walla has requested the City Council to require the Chinese to establish living quarters out side of the city limits. He represents that the present Chinatown is not only an eyesore, but a menace to the public health. The Cascade Miner Is preparing to put In a printing .plant at Cle-Elum and is sue a newspaper. That little mining town is growing rapidly and a number of business houses are being built. There Is somo talk of the Northern Pacific making that a division station Instead of Ellens burg. J. M. Haggerty, who was tarred and feathered last week by a mob at Loomis for his remarks concerning the Palmer Mountain Tunnel Company, Intends to Vrosecute the ringleaders. He rofuses to retract his words, and charges John Boyd, manager of the company, with Inciting the mob. James A. Izette, a heavy logger of Island County, Is authority for the statement that there will be no decrease in the price of cedar logs. He states that, al though the rise In railroad rates may compel many of the cedar mills to close down for a while, the shortage in the Summer's output, tho scarcity of logs In some districts and the larga number of forest fires in the last few months will cause the prices to remain stationary. Tho drinking fountain presented by General H. W. Livingstone to the women of Colfax, who inaugurated the rest room, wherein farmers wives and daugh ters "may rest and remove the stains of travel, and which' the women presented to the City of Colfax, arrived from Chi cago Tuesday. The fountain Is of bronze, stands six feet high and has two faucets, each supplied with a drinking cup, and at the foot on either side Is a cup from which dog3 may drink. The fountain will be placed on . -s corner of Wall and Mill streets, near the rest room. Unless all signs fall the city authorities will submit a proposition to the voters ot the City of Seattle at the coming munici pal election for the construction of a city electric lighting plant, says the Times. The plans which were formed over a year ago for tho use of the sur plus water of the Cedar River from Lln- coln Park reservoir for the generation of electric power have been abandoned, and the scheme now is to establish a. plant on Cedar River, three miles below the falls and the use of the water of that river for the generation ot power. The plant which it Is proposd to build will cost approximately 5360,Wi. Idaho Notes. The Kendriek Milling Company has just Installed a new bolting machine for tho manufacture ot buckwheat and grahum Hours. The mill has started on Its Winter run, with a large quantity of gram on hand. Arrangements for the poultry show to be held In Boise January 6-9 are progress ing. The committee is in correspondence with a poultry judge of National reputa tion with the idea of having him attenl tho meeting. The City Council of Moscow has passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to sell, give or In any way furnish In toxicating liquors to any person under the Influence of liquor or drunk, and pro viding for a fine of from J3 to $10 upon conviction of such an offense, with a fur ther proviso that the Mayor of the city mav revoke the license of any offender. The Alcatraz Paving Company, which has tho contract for paving the streets of Lewlston, has filed a petition with tho City Council asking that further time bo allewed to complete Its contract, the diffi culty experienced in getting out suitable rock and the rainy weather being given as reasons why the work has not been completed In time. The petition has been referred to the committee on public improvements and will probably bo granted. Favored Pacific Cable. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Hon. John Charl ton, member ot the Canadian House of Commons, addressed the Chamber of Commerce on the trade relations between the United States and the Dominion. Mr. Charlton made a strong plea for broader and better trade relations between the two countries. The chamber adopted resolutions favor ing the granting by the Government of permission to lay a cable from tho Pa cific Coast to the Phlllpplne and Hawaii, and the creation of another portfolio, that of commerce and Industry, In the Cabinet. No Free Text-Books. CHICAGO, Nov." 7. Judge Neely, in the District Court, today, denied the petition of the Board of Education of the City pf Chicago, asking that the injunction bo dissolved which restrained that body from furnishing free text-books to children of the firfe-t four grades of the Chicago pub lic schools. The court held that special legislation on the subjK-t was necessary before the Board of Education could le gally expend public funds for such a pur pose. The Injunction was granted some time ago at the instance of local Cath olic educators. American Wyn the Pnrse. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 7. At the Liverpool Gymnastic Club tonight, in a boxing mater, for a prize of 400. Jack O'Brien, of Philadelphia, beat Jack Scales, of London, In tha first round. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. F. M. Hamshow. of Seattle, registered at the Waldorf Astoria today. BUILT FOR, NORTH PACIFIC LU3IBER COMPANY. British. Schooner Wrecked. " ORLEANS, Mass., -Nov. 1. -The large British ''schooner John'- S. Pafiter, of St. John. N. B., bound from that city for a Imogene, from San Francisco, via Monte video, for Lelfh. Montevideo Sailed Nov. 6. Glenloch, for Ban Francisco, via St, "Vincent. Southampton, Nov. 7. Sailed Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse,' for Bremen, from New York. Queqnstown, Nov. 7. Sailed Western land, for Philadelphia; Teutonic, for New York. Liverpool. Nov. 7. Arrived Cambroma, from Portland; Michigan, from Boston; Waeslund, from Philadelphia; Buenos Ayres, from Montreal. Glasgow, Nov. 7. Arrived Anchorla, from New York. Hoquiam, Wash. Arrived Nov. 6. Steamer Coronado, from San Francisco, for Aberdeen. Sailed Brlgantlne Lur llne, from Cosmopolls, for La Paz; schoon er General Banning, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; schooner San Buenaven tura, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; schooner Jennie Wand, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; schooner Jennie Thelln, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco. Klnsale, Nov. 7. Sailed Queenmore, for Liverpool. , . Rotterdam, Nov. 7. Sailed Statendam, for New York- eluding Mr. Thompson, is bonded in sure ty companies and the bond held by the order as security for Mr. Thompson's In tegrity Is very .much greater than the shortage. But the fact that no pecuniary loss is sustained does not relieve from re gret tho membership of the order, who have been able to say that no officer has appropriated a single dollar entrusted to his care. The bond companies have been notified, and the Supreme Tent will look to them to make good the amount. Pend ing adjustment with the bond companies there will be no delay in the payment of death claims, as the order had on deposit on the first day of this month In Its various depositories throughout the United States a little more than $500,000, besides having bonds amounting to more than $1,120,000." The companies on Mr. Thompson's bond were notified of the shortage today and representatives of each are now on their way to Port Huron. Thompson is not under arrest, but says he expects to ar rested and prosecuted and la prepared to pay the penalty of his breach of trust. The heavy loss sustained by the Thomp son Towing & Wrecking Company, of this city,. of which Thompson la a member, oh the steamer Harlem, which they raised out on the prairie near Western avenue and Rio street, is believed to have been cleared. , Natall, It Is believed, was lured Into the basement and murdered for his money by several men. In the pocket of RinI was found $200, mostly In bills, supposed to be a part of the proceeds of the rob bery, some of the bills being covered with what appeared to be blood stains. Two bloody hatchets were found In the house, and a trail of red stains leads to the street Where Natall's body is supposed to have been loaded Into a wagon and hauled away. A necktie, identified aa one belonging to Natall, was found in the basement. In the yard were several fruit barrels, similar to that In which the mur dered Italian's body was found. A wagon in which the body is believed to have been hauled away was found in Rlnl's yard. There are stains In the bottom of fha i wagon believed to be blood stains. The police have four other men under arrest. They are: Michael Loni, Dominica Duche, Dominica Vermonl and Giovanni Scarafal. Received Stolen Money. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Robert E. Am mon1 was arrested today at the hearing t inquire into the assets of the failed' brok- Henry Hart. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Henry Hart, ex-president of the Third-Avenue Railway, died yesterday. Mr. Hart con trolled the Third-avenue system from the days of horse cars up to two years ago, when he became Involved through , his in ability to raise money to change the sys tem from cable to electric. Hart re tained a fair portion of his large fortune. On the Yukon. Captam I. N. HIbbard, spuerlntendent of the Northern Navigation Company, which operates eight river steamers and many barges On the Lower Yukon, has returned from the North, says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Thirty-eight steamers ply between St. Michael and Dawson. They tow barges, and sometimes one, two and three such crafts trail after a steam boat. Captain HIbbard estimates that the com pany handled 25,000 tons of ' freight at St, Michael, shipping practically all of It to points up the Yukon from its mouth to Dawson. Some of the vessels mado as many as three round trips during the sea son, carrying passengers and freight. Probably 2000 people were carried down the river, and In the neighborhood of 1500 were given up-river transportation. An up-river voyage between St, Michael and Dawson requires from 20 to 25 days. The down-stream run Is made In from 7 to 10, several of the fleet having under particu larly favorable conditions done the dis tance In five days. Sixteen and seventeen days Is the best time ever made up the Yukon between the points named. There are many hindrances to Yukon navigation, the greatest annoyance, however, being low water. Along a 500-mile stretch of water between Fort Hamlin and Eagle City, known as the Yukon Flats, the water Is distressingly shallow, and there Is probably not a steamer on the Lower Yukon that has not grounded or hung up on one or more of the Innumerable and annoying sandbars. The draft of the av erage Lower Yukon boat is 4 feet 6 Inches sosoeoieet(o(ie(se0e99Oi9acetootatieet mm o o e o 0 o 0 e o o o o e e 0 o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o e 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 o 00000000090 Dr. Talcott & CO. SPECIALISTS For Every Form of Weak ness and Diseases of EN OINLY Many Men Treated for a Weakness Which Never Existed. In the largest proportion of cases of lost vitality, prematureness and the train of symptoms known as "weakness," certain morbid conditions of the uretha and prostate gland, damaged by early dissipation, too often repeated and too long-continued excitement so react on the organs that a condition of diminished vitality and function Is Induced. Our knowledge ot the morbid changes in the organs themselves is quite clear and full, but how these changes operate on the nerves and spinal cord center are mys teries to the medical profession. Whatever th morbid change may be, how ever, the effects are apparent in the embarrassed sufferer; these troubles being symptomatic of the above-mentioned and well-defined morbid con ditions, it seems that even the unprofessional patient must understand that stomach drugging will not cure, but efforts directed toward repairing the damaged tract will restore. In practice such Is the cate, as the treat ment on these lines never fails to accomplish the desired result. Colored chart of the organs sent on application. Contracted Disorders. Under the treatment pursued before irrigations were established, six "weeks' was deemed the duration of an acute contracted disorder. If It pro ceeds beyond six weeks, it was considered to have gone Into chronic con dition. From statistics compiled from our practice in the post five years, covering over 6500 cases, we can sshow that DO per cent of our patients have recovered in fourteen days or Jess. It Is, therefore, equally proper to nold that a case not entirely cured within two weeks must be considered a chronic one. and some complication has arisen, for which the patient should see a specialist. We invite free consultat.on on this subject, and offer an ex perience of over twenty years; In fact, we can positively assert that we have never failed to cure in a single instance. PORTLAND OFFICE: , 250 h Alder St., Corner Third Snn Francisco Ofuce, 0I7 Market. OOO900OO00O00O0000